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Hypermesh Student Guide 211-233 PDF

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VIII Element Quality and Checks

This chapter includes material from the book Practical Finite Element Analysis. It also has been
reviewed and has additional material added by Gareth Lee.

8.1 Compatibility and Mechanisms

Modeling with a variety of element types provides many opportunities to introduce numerical
incompatibilities and mechanisms in your structural model. Incompatibilities arise when the
element degrees of freedom do not match at a common node, or element faces of solids are
mismatched. Mechanisms occur due to some forms of incompatibility or incomplete connectivity.
Rigid elements which can model and/or cause a number of interesting problems will be discussed in
another section.

Spring Elements
Spring elements are not really elements. The spring is a method of directly coupling two degrees of
freedom with a stiffness value or to connect a single DOF to ground through a stiffness. If the DOFs
connected are not aligned in the global coordinate system, a mechanism will occur. This mechanism
will not cause a singularity but will cause the introduction of a mysterious torque from nowhere.
The following figure depicts aligned and misaligned springs.

Spring Element Alignment

Shells to Solids
The connection of shells to solids is useful in the transition from a compact solid structure to a more
shell-like structure. Unfortunately, solids do not support moments applied to nodes and thus more
innovative methods are required to connect shells to solids. Running the model with irregular
geometry will cause the mesh to lock up and the hinges to be hidden, resulting in answers which
appear to be reasonable

One accurate method of connecting shells to solids is depicted below. This method requires
refinement in the solid mesh near the connection to the shell. Also note that local coordinate frames
would be required if the normal direction does not line up with the basic coordinate frame.

Shells to Solids

Beams to Solids
Beam to solid connections can be handled in a similar manner as shell-to-solid connections. The
moments will need to be coupled in at least two directions rather than in only the out-of-plane
bending as in the shell-to-solid case.

Beams Normal to Shells
Beams connect well to shells except in the drilling direction. This connection can be made by the
addition of crank arms to the end of the beam as show below.

Beam to Shells

Beam to Shell Edge

An incompatibility exists when connecting beams to shells in the plane of the shell as shown below.

Beam to Shell Edge

8.2 General Element Quality Checks
Element quality is a subject often talked about and never fully understood. The reason for
this is complex but is related to the fact that quality is relative and the solution, by definition, is
approximate. In the formulation of finite elements a local parametric coordinate system is assumed
for each element type and how well the physical coordinate systems, both element and global,
match the parametric dictates element quality. Below you see some graphics representing element
quality and you should attempt to follow them, however, there will be a point of diminishing return
if you try too hard to get every element within the acceptance criteria. Your judgment is your only
guide in those cases. Always perform quality checks on the meshes you create. Check with local
experts regarding the appropriate values for each element type required by your element checking
computer programs. Be aware that, in these situations, correct answers can vary a great deal as
illustrated in the following table where the range between OK and very poor is quiet wide.

Solid elements use the determinant of the Jacobian Matrix and compare to the ideal value.

Some common element quality measures are detailed below:

Skew in trias is calculated by finding the minimum angle between the vector from each node to the
opposing mid-side and the vector between the two adjacent mid-sides at each node of the element.
Ninety degrees minus the minimum angle found is reported.

Triangle skew = 90 - a

Skew in quads is calculated by finding the minimum angle between two lines joining opposite mid-
sides of the element. Ninety degrees minus the minimum angle found is reported.

Square skew = 90 - a

The skew check is performed in the same fashion on all faces of three-dimensional elements.

Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio in two-dimensional elements is calculated by dividing the maximum length side of an
element by the minimum length side of the element. The aspect ratio check is performed in the
same fashion on all faces of three-dimensional elements.

Warpage in two-dimensional elements is calculated by splitting a quad into two trias and finding
the angle between the two planes which the trias form. The quad is then split again, this time using
the opposite corners and forming the second set of trias. The angle between the two planes which
the trias form is then found. The maximum angle found between the planes is the warpage of the

Warpage in three-dimensional elements is performed in the same fashion on all faces of the

The Jacobian ratio is a measure of the deviation of a given element from an ideally shaped element.
The Jacobian value ranges from -1.0 to 1.0, where 1.0 represents a perfectly shaped element. The
ideal shape for an element depends on the element type. The check is performed by mapping an
ideal element in parametric coordinates onto the actual element defined in global coordinates. For
example, the coordinates of the corners of an ideal quad element in parametric coordinates are (-1,-
1), (1,-1), (1,1), and (-1,1).

The determinant of the Jacobian relates the local stretching of the parametric space required to fit
it onto global coordinate space. HyperMesh evaluates the determinant of the Jacobian matrix at
each of the elements integration points (also called Gauss points), and reports the ratio between the
smallest and the largest.

Different solver codes use different patterns of integration points, and the same solver may use
different patterns for different formulations of the same element configuration. One method is as
quad4 (2x2 points)
tria3 (1 point)
tetra4 (1 point)
quad8 (2x2 points)
tria6 (4 point)
tetra10 (4 point)
penta6 (3x2 points)
hexa8 (2x2x2 points)
penta15 (3x2 points)
hexa20 (2x2x2 points)

If the local stretching is the same at all of its Gauss points, then the Jacobian value equals 1.0. As the
element becomes more distorted, the Jacobian value approaches zero. A Jacobian value of less than
zero represents a concave element, which most analysis codes do not allow.

Both first and second order solid and plate elements are included in this check; however, first order
tria and tetra elements always have a Jacobian value of 1.0.

8.3 2-D Quality Checks

Ideal shape for quad elements Square

Ideal shape for triangular elements Equilateral triangle

Different quality parameters like skew, aspect ratio, included angles, jacobian, stretch, etc. are the
measures of how far a given element deviates from the ideal shape. A square means that all of the
angles are 900 with equal sides, while an equilateral triangle has all angles at 600 with equal sides.
Some of the quality checks are based on angles (like skew and included angles), while others on side
ratios and area (like aspect and stretch).

To reduce the solution time, elements are mapped to a local coordinate system (individual for every

element at the centroid), instead of using a single coordinate system (global). The effectiveness of
this transformation is checked by the jacobian and distortion. Ideally all the nodes of a quad element
should lie in the same plane, but because of curvatures and complicated geometry profiles, that is not
possible. The measure of the out of plane angle is the warp angle.

The following are the general definitions of various quality checks. Though the names sound the
same, the exact definitions may differ from software to software.

Warp angle: warp angle is the out of plane angle

Ideal value = 00 (Acceptable < 100).

Warp angle is not applicable for triangular elements.

It is defined as the angle between the normals to two planes formed by splitting the quad element
along the diagonals. The maximum angle of the two possible angles is reported as the warp angle.

Aspect = maximum element edge length / minimum element edge length

Ideal value = 1 (Acceptable < 5).



Skew :
Ideal value = 0 (Acceptable < 450)

Skew for quadrilateral element = 900 minus the minimum angle between the two lines joining the
opposite mid-sides of the element ().

Skew for triangular element = 900 minus the minimum angle between the lines from each node to the
opposing mid-side and between the two adjacent mid-sides at each node of the element

Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.6 )

In simple terms, the jacobian is a scale factor arising because of the transformation of the coordinate
system. Elements are tansformed from the global coordinates to local coordinates (defined at the
centroid of every element), for faster analysis times.

Distortion :
Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.6)
Distortion is defined as - | Jacobian | * AreaLCS / AreaGCS
LCS Local Coordinate system
GCS Global Coordinate system

Ideal value: 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.2)
For quadrilateral elements stretch = Lmin * 2 / dmax


Stretch for triangular element = R * 12 / Lmax

Included angles :

Skew is based on the overall shape of the element and it does not take into account the individual
angles of a quadrilateral or triangular element. Included or interior angle check is applied for individual
Quad Ideal value = 900. (Acceptable = 450 < <1350)
Tria: Ideal value = 600 (Acceptable = 200 < < 1200)


Ideal value = 0 (Acceptable < 0.5)

A3 A2

Taper = | (Ai Aavg ) / Aavg |

Aavg =(A1 + A2 + A3 + A4) / 4

Minimum element length :

This is a very important check for crash analysis (time step calculations). It is also applied in general to
check for the minimum feature length captured and the presence of any zero length element.

Chord deviation :

This helps in determining how well curvatures have been modeled. It is defined as the distance
between the mid node of an element edge to the curved surface. It is only applicable for linear

How to improve the quality of poor elements?

1) Manual adjustment: This is done by translating the nodes manually or remeshing in the poor mesh
region. This method consumes lot of time and was the only technique available for years.

2) Drag node: The user has to drag the nodes of the failing elements. It works faster and the advantage
is that it instantaneously shows tje effect of dragging the node on all the attached elements.

3) Auto quality improvement programs: This is the latest option for quality improvement. The user
has to submit the mesh for quality improvement and a software program runs in the background to
improve the elements quality automatically.

There is a word of caution for the use of auto mesh improvement programs. For warpage improvement
of 2-D meshing and Jacobian/distortion improvement of 10 noded tetra meshes, sometimes the
software moves the nodes off of the geometry by a considerable amount. This could cause visible
kinks and distortion of the geometry.

Apart from the above standard checks, the mesh model should also be subjected to following the
additional checks.

8.4 Other Checks for 2-D Meshing

1) Element free edges :

What is a free edge ?

Any single quad element has 4 free edges.

Two elements

In the case above, the middle edge is shared and is no longer a free edge. For a real life FE model, free
edges should match with the geometry outer edges / free edges. Any additional free edges are an
indication of unconnected nodes.

White line indicates free

edge and unconnected

2) Duplicate element :

Mistakes during operations like reflect or translate can result in duplicate elements. These duplicate
elements do not cause any error during the analysis but increase the stiffness of the model and
results in smaller displacements and stresses. For example. consider a simple plate (thickness = 2
mm) subjected to a tensile load. Assume that due to some meshing operation all the elements are
duplicated. If the analysis is carried out then it will show half the stress and displacement.

3) Duplicate node :

Operations like copy, translate, orient, or reflect can result in duplicate nodes at acommon edge.

In the above image there are duplicate nodes at the interface where the mesh was reflected. The
duplicate nodes are highlighted in yellow.

4) Shell Normal :

Consider the following example.

After deformation, the top surface of the cantilever beam is under tension and the bottom is under



For 2-D meshing, a mid surface is extracted and an analysis is carried out on the mid surface mesh.
Now the question is, whether the result plot (as shown below) corresponds to the mid surface, the top
surface, or the bottom surface?

The shell element normal helps us in viewing the top or bottom side stresses. Every element has
an elemental (or local) coordinate system. The shell normal is the direction of the element normal
(common practice is to represent the normal using the Z axis, assuming the element is oriented in
the xy plane). For viewing stress, commercial post processors provide options known as top / bottom
or Z1/Z2 indicating the positive and negative direction of the shell normal. The top or bottom is
not decided by how the FE model is oriented on the screen but as per the + Z axis orientation of the
elements. The Z axis could be displayed on the screen by turning the element triad switch or shell
normal vector display option on.

Top side (or Z1) = + Z axis (along the direction of arrow as shown in figure below)
Bottom side (or Z2) = - Z axis

What would happen if the shell normals are not aligned properly ?
From an analysis process point of view, there is no error. All of the calculations will be carried out
properly. But at the time of post processing when viewing the results for 2-D elements, the software
does not understand tension or compression. What it recognizes is the shell normal orientation. It
can show either the stresses along the + Z axis or Z axis. Suppose in the above figure, one of the
elements shell normal is in the opposite direction. While viewing the results on the bottom side
(Z2) all the elements (except the reverse shell normal orientation) show tensile (+) stresses and the
odd element shows compressive () stresses, as shown in the following figure. The beginner would
interpret from the following result that something is wrong with the boundary conditions, but an
experienced engineer knows that this is due to an inconsistent shell normal.

How do you correct the shell normals alignment? The FEA software provides special commands for
consistent shell normals (all shell normals aligned in one direction).

5) Geometry deviation :

After the completion of meshing the geometry, the mesh and the gometry should be viewed together
(mesh line option off ). The mesh should not deviate from the geometry.

6) Delete free / temporary nodes :

Free nodes, if not deleted, result in rigid body motion. When the auto singularity option is turned
on, the software uses a spring element with a very small stiffness to connect the free nodes with the
parent structure. This results in a warning message during the analysis.

7) Renumber nodes, elements, properties etc. before export operation :

Frequent import /export operations could lead to a very large number for the nodes and element IDs.
Some software refuse to read the file if the node/element IDs are greater than a specific limit. This
could be avoided by renumbering the nodes, elements etc.

8) Observe type, family and number of elements (element summary for complete model) :

The mesh should be checked carefully prior to the export operation, as well as after importing it in
the external solver for element type, family, numbers, etc. Sometimes due to a translator problem,
if properties are not defined properly, or for non supportive elements, either the elements are not
exported at all or the family is changed (like membrane elements converted to thin shell, etc.). Plot,
trace lines, element free edges, and free faces, if any, should be deleted.

9) Check Mass ( Actual mass Vs FE model mass ) :

When a prototype or physical model of the component is available, the FE model mass should be
compared with the actual mass. A difference means that there are missing or additional components,
or improper material or physical properties.

10) Free-Free run or dummy linear static analysis :

Before delivering the final mesh to the client, a freefree run should be performed. 6 rigid modes
indicate that all the parts in the assembly are properly connected to each other. In the case of a single
component meshing job, a linear static analysis with dummy boundary conditions should be carried

11) Request your colleague to check the model :

Due to continually working on the same project, our mind tends to take some of the things for granted
and there is a possibility of missing some of the points. It is a good practice to get it cross checked by
your colleague prior to final delivery.

8.5 Quality Checks for Tetra Meshing

The ideal shape for a tetrahedron element is an equilateral tetrahedron (all equilateral triangle faces).
Various quality parameters check how far a given element deviates from the ideal shape.

Tetra Collapse:
Ideal Value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.1)
Tetra collapse = h * 1.24 / A h

(Defined as the distance of a node from the

opposite face divided by the area of the face
multiplied by 1.24) A

Volumetric Skew :
Create a sphere passing through the corner nodes of
the tetra, fit an ideal (equilateral) tetra in it. Find the
volume of the ideal and actual tetra elements.

Ideal value = 0 (Acceptable < 0.7)

(Videal - Vactual)
Volumetric Skew =

Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.2) Lmax
Stretch = R * 24 / Lmax
R = Radius of largest possible sphere
inside given tetra element.

Distortion :
Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.5)
Distortion = | J | * VolmLCS / VolmGCS
LCS Local Coordinate System
GCS Global Coordinate System

Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.5)

In simple terms, the jacobian is a scale factor arising because of the transformation of the coordinate
system. Elements are transformed from global coordinates to local coordinates to reduce the solution

8.6 Other Checks for Tetra Meshing

1) Quality checks for 2-D tria elements: Before converting trias to tetras, all the quality checks as
discussed for shell elements should be applied.

2) Free edges: Conversion from tria to tetra is possible only when there are no free edges. No free
edges indicate the mesh is enclosing a volume.

3) T-connections: The mesh model should not contain any T-connection.

Geometry T-connection, not acceptable
Green elements should not be there in the model

No T-connection
correct mesh

4) Consistent Shell normals: Before converting trias to tetras, the shell normals should be corrected.
Some software do not allow shell to solid conversion unless the normals of all the elements are
properly aligned.

5) Geometry deviation: After the completion of meshing, the geometry as well as the mesh should
be viewed together (mesh line option off ). The mesh should not deviate from the geometry. In the
process of quality improvement (in particular for distortion/jacobian on curved surfaces or fillets),
sometimes nodes get translated too far away from the geometry and is not acceptable.

6) 2-D tria elements should be deleted before the final submission : Its a common mistake to
export 2-D shell elements along with tetra mesh in the final delivery.

How to improve quality of tetra mesh :

Software provides auto algorithms/localized remeshing options for improving the mesh quality.
These programs improve most of the elements but some might stay the same. For such elements, the
quality improvement is carried out using the manual translation of nodes. Unlike 2-D shell elements,
dragging the nodes is not an available option for 3-D elements.

Linear Vs. Parabolic Tetra Elements :

Linear tetra elements are not recommended for structural analysis. They are very stiff and inaccurate
compared to parabolic elements.

If linear tetra elements are not recommended for structural analysis, then why is this
an option provided within commercial FEA software?

1) For the structural analysis of very big assemblies, to reduce the overall dofs, components away
from critical areas are meshed with linear tetras.
2) For thermal analysis, a linear tetra is convenient as temperature only has 1 variable (1 dof unlike
3 for structural). The use of tetra 10 elements would unnecessarily increase dofs.
3) CFD calculations are mostly based on linear elements.
4) Mold flow analysis

8.7 Brick Mesh Quality Checks

The ideal shape for a brick element is a cube. Various quality criteria check how far a given element
deviates from the ideal shape.

Warp angle:
Ideal value = 0 (Acceptable <300)
Warp angle is calculated on faces (quadrilateral) of a hex element. It is the angle between the planes
that form by splitting the quad element.

Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.5)
In simple language, the jacobian is a scale factor arising because of the transformation of the coordinate
system. Elements are transformed from global to local coordinates to reduce the solution time.

Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.5)
Distortion = |J | * VolmLCS / VolmGCS
LCS Local Coordinate System
GCS Global Coordinate System

Ideal value = 1.0 (Acceptable > 0.20)
Stretch = min. edge length * 3 / max. diagonal length

Aspect ratio:
Ideal value =1.0 (Acceptable < 5)
Aspect ratio = max. edge length / minimum edge length.

Ideal value = 00 (Acceptable < 450)
Skew is checked on all the facesof a hex element (quadrilateral). For the skew definition, please refer
to the shell element checks.

Quad face included angles: 450 < < 1350

Tria face (wedge / penta elements) included angles: 200 < < 1200
% of Pentas : Acceptable < 5 %

8.8 Other Checks for Brick Meshing
Free faces
A free face check is the most important check for brick meshing. A single brick element has 6 free faces.
Free faces of the mesh should match with the outer surfaces (skin) of the solid part. Any extra (inside)
faces indicate that either nodes are not connected properly or there are mismatching elements.

Brick mesh Free faces

Outer layer elements displayed in line mode

to check internal faces

Converting free faces to tetras

For complicated geometries, checking the internal free faces could consume lot of time. A quick
shortcut is to convert the free faces to a tetra mesh. Successful conversion indicates that the brick
mesh is ok and there are no internal faces.

Hidden line or dynamic viewing option

Line mode Hidden line mode

By displaying the brick mesh model in the hidden line or fast dynamic viewing mode, one can
immediately recognize node / element connectivity problems if there are any.

Apart from the above listed checks, other checks (like duplicate elements, duplicate nodes, deleting
temporary or free nodes) as discussed earlier, should also be applied.

8.9 Mesh Check Tools in HyperMesh

8.9 Mesh Check Tools in HyperMesh

HyperMesh supplies many tools for checking the quality of your elements. These tools are located
on the 2D page (for checking two dimensional elements), Tool page, and in the Utility Menu on the
QA/Model page.

Quality Index
Quality Index Panel

The quality index panel is located on the 2D page and can be accessed by selecting Mesh > Check
> Elements > Quality Index. This panel is used to calculate a single value to represent the quality
of the displayed two-dimensional (shell) elements. The criteria for the element quality is stored
and retrieved using a criteria file. The results from the quality index panel can also be saved to a
summary file.

To calculate the quality index, twelve different criteria are used, each with a user-defined weight
factor. The twelve different criteria are listed below with their corresponding ideal and worst values.

Feature Ideal Worst
min size Average element size 0.0
max length Average element size infinity
aspect ratio 1.0 infinity
warpage 0.0 90
skew 0 90
jacobian 1 -1
max angle quad 90 180
min angle quad 90 0
max angle tria 60 180
min angle tria 60 0
chordal deviation 0 infinity
% of trias user-defined user-defined

Each criterion has five rating levels. Each element is assigned a penalty value according to its rating
for individual criteria. Elements failing a criterion are assigned a penalty of 1.0 to 10.0 as a linear
function of how far the element is from satisfying the criterion. Elements passing a criterion have a
penalty value of 0.0 to 1.0 for that criterion. The quality index (Q.I.) is a function of individual criteria
penalty values. Below is a list of the five levels with a short description. Please refer to the online
help for a complete description.

t Ideal: This is the absolute best/ideal value that an element can achieve. Elements that fall
in this level are drawn in black by default (not highlighted). Ideal elements have no penalty
assigned to them.

t Good: This level is slightly worse than ideal, but is still considered good for the required
analysis. Elements that fall in this level (between good and warn) are drawn in black by
default (not highlighted).

t Warn: This is an intermediate level between good and fail. This level is used to highlight
the elements that have not failed the criteria, but are close to it. The elements that are in
this level (that is, falling between warn and fail) are drawn in cyan by default.

t Fail: This level determines the elements that are considered to be unacceptable for analysis,
thus failed. It is recommended that you fix these elements before performing the analysis.
The elements that have failed (between fail and worst) are drawn in yellow by default.

t Worst: This level allows you to highlight elements that failed the criteria by a large margin,
and which require immediate attention. The elements that fall in and beyond this worst
level are drawn in red.

Main panel controls

Below is a listing of the controls that are available on the quality index panel. These controls are
located on the right-hand side of the panel and include a set of buttons used to optimize the
elements for quality check purposes.

t display thresholds: This combination of a slider and buttons (one button for each quality
level) allows you to visually identify all of the elements at or below a certain quality level.
For example, setting the slider to warn causes HyperMesh to highlight all elements in the
model whose assessed quality level is warn or worsein other words, elements at the
warn, fail, and worse quality levels.

t place node: While this button is highlighted, click-and-drag a node to interactively

reposition it to improve the quality of its attached elements. The nodes only move on the
inferred surface and cannot be moved beyond its edges.

t swap edge: Change the element connectivity between adjoining elements to improve
their quality. When you pick on an element edge, the connectivity of the two elements that
share this edge is altered (see image below).

t node optimize: Click node optimize and select a node on the screen. HyperMesh
repositions the node on the inferred surface to obtain the best possible quality for all
elements attached to that node.

t element optimize: Click element optimize and select an element on the screen. The
locations of all its nodes move on the inferred surface to obtain the best possible quality for
that element and its neighbors.

Elem Cleanup
Elem Cleanup Panel

The elem cleanup panel is also on the 2D page and can be accessed by selecting Mesh > Cleanup
Elements > Element Cleanup from the menu bar. It is used to perform automatic cleanup of two-
dimensional elements based on the element quality criteria that is set in the quality index panel.
You can also specify the element quality criteria by selecting a criteria file. Once the elements
have been selected there is an option to use surrounding elems. This option allows HyperMesh to
expand your selection to include additional elements, which provides HyperMesh more freedom to
reduce localized distortions. There are also many additional options in this panel for cleaning up the
elements. The various options as well as a short description are listed below:

t fix folded elems, angle >: Sometimes mesh can get folded in such a way that multiple
elements occupy nearly the same space. Use this option to combine such elements and
simplify the mesh, based on the angle between them. This option requires that an angle
be entered. 180 degrees indicates that two elements occupy the same space, so the angle
should be close to but less than 180. By default this value is set to 150.

t reduce tria elems: This option attempts to combine tria elements into quad elements
wherever possible.

t keep surf edges: This is an selection under the reduce tria elems option. This setting is
used to preserve clean, straight feature lines which were defined from model geometry.

t QI smooth elems with target =: When this option is active, HyperMesh attempts to
smooth the selected elements until they reach the composite Quality Index value that you
specify in this text box.

t fix elems failing QU check: This option limits other options by examining whether or not
the resulting elements would fail your QI criteria. For example, using tria reduction with this
option activated might result in fewer trias being removed, but better overall mesh quality.

t feature angle <: On feature lines with greater angles than this, element cleanup of nodes
on the feature lines will only move long the lines. Nodes on feature lines below this angle
threshold can be moved in any direction, which may cause jagged features.

Check Elems
Check Elems Panel

The Check Elems panel is located on the Tool page or by selecting Mesh > Check > Elements >
Check Elements from the menu bar. This panel is used to verify the basic quality of your elements.
There are subpanels for 1-D element, 2-D element and 3-D element checks with the appropriate
element quality checks on each subpanel. This panel allows for each element quality check to be
performed individually.

For example, on the 2-d subpanel, the check for the Jacobian can be performed. This is done by
entering the desired Jacobian value to be checked and then clicking on the green Jacobian button.
This then highlights all the elements displayed in the model which have a Jacobian value of less than
the value specified.

In addition to the element checks on the 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d subpanels, there are also the following

t connectivity: This option tests the connectivity of a group of elements

t duplicates: This function checks for duplicate elements

t settings: This opens the Check Element Settings window. This window allows the user
to determine which version of the element check to use. Each check can be set to use a
different solvers check method, or the user can set everything to the same method.

t save failed: This saves the elements which fail the element check and places them on the
user mark. These elements can then be retrieved in a different panel.

t standard, assign plot, histogram: This switch is used to determine which view mode
should be used.

standard assign histogram

In addition to the 1-d, 2-d, and 3-d subpanels, there are three additional subpanels available:

t time: The time subpanel calculates element time steps and checks for steps that fall below
a specified value. To use this function, you much have the template function, HM_CALC_
TIMESTEP defined in the current template.

t user: This subpanel allows you to specify a template file that checks for any type of user-
defined qualify

t group: Using this subpanel you can delete interface elements that are not attached to a
normal elemen

Utility Menu QA/Model page
Utility Menu - QA/Model Page

The QA Utility Menu contains many tools to help you quickly review and clean up the quality of a
pre-existing mesh. Under QA Tools, there are multiple macros to check the element quality of the
mode. The element quality criteria used by these tools comes directly from the values entered on
the check elements panel. There are eight tools to isolate elements that fail certain element check
criteria: Length, Jacob, Warp, Aspect, Max ang: Q, Min ang: Q, Max ang: T, and Min ang: T. Each of
these tools checks all the displayed elements for the selected criteria and highlights those elements
which fail.

Another tool available is the Quality Report macro. This macro launches a user interface that allows
the user to set the various quality values and check the quality of all the 2D elements in the model.
The results are shown as the number of elements and percentage of elements failing each criterion.


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