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Unit Plan

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Unit Plan

Experience (E):
o E.1. Weather
o E.2. Weather conditions
o E.3. Climate
Communication (Co):
o Co.1. Listening comprehension- understand, in guided
situations, by identifying key words or expressions previously
taught, the main idea(s) or isolated details about a variety of
concrete topics contained in authentic or adapted oral texts
identify the general weather conditions for the day, or the
morning and evening temperatures mentioned in a radio
o Co.3. Oral Production- name, list, describe, ask and answer
questions, give simple directions, indicate basic needs or
preferences orally, with limited spontaneity, in a defined, highly
structured and modelled fashion, resulting in a prepared
message, expressed in the present, that is comprehensible and
describe the seasonal weather for a French-speaking area
of the world
o Co.4. Written Production- label, list, describe, ask and answer
questions, give simple directions, indicate basic needs or
preferences, in written form, in a defined, highly structured and
modelled fashion, resulting in a prepared message, expressed in
the present, that is comprehensible and accurate
Language (L):
o General Outcome: Students will use, with accuracy, knowledge of
linguistic elements of the French language to fulfill their
communicative intents.
o Specific Outcomes: Given the following fields of experience and
the subfields within each field, and other areas of interest,
students will engage in various language activities, based on the
context, the communicative task and the different information
and communication technologies available, in order to:
L.1. Knowledge of Language Concepts- Continue to
develop knowledge of the following concepts:
L.1.1. Nouns, L.1.2. Gender, L.1.3. Number, L.1.4.
Articles (definite and indefinite)
L.1.5. Adjectives, L.1.6. Adjectival agreements
L.1.7. Personal subject pronouns
L.1.8. Verbs, L.1.9. Conjugation, L.1.12. Regular and
irregular verbs
L.1.10. The present tense, L.1.11. Conjugation
pattern of er verbs in the present tense
L.1.13. Pronunciation
L.1.15. Construction of simple phrases

Application of Vocabulary and Language Concepts (A)

o A.1. Use, with a higher level of accuracy, in oral and written form,
linguistic elements defined in grades 46, needed to
communicate a message
o A.2. Use, with some consistency, the following linguistic elements
needed to communicate a message in oral and written form:
A.2.1. Vocabulary associated with the fields of experience
and their subfields
A.2.4. present tense of avoir, tre, faire, aller with all
personal subject pronouns, A.2.6. expressions with faire
(e.g., Il fait beau. Il fait du ski.)
A.2.5. present tense of regular er verbs with all personal
subject pronouns (e.g., aimer, tudier, dessiner, fter,
regarder, travailler)
A.2.7. prepositions of place and prepositional phrases
A.2.9. correct pronunciation of known words, A.2.10.
approximate pronunciation of unknown words
A.2.12. correct word order in simple sentences (e.g., Mon
nom est Marc.).
Culture (Cu): Given the following fields of experience and the
subfields within each field, and other areas of interest, students will
engage in various language activities, based on the context, the
communicative task and the different information and communication
technologies available, in order to:
o Cu.1. identify geographical areas where French is spoken in
Canada and other parts of the world
o Cu.2. seek out information about Francophone cultures from
authentic sources (e.g., school timetables, weather reports)
o Cu.3. cite copyrighted French language sources when using
information from digital technologies
Language Learning Strategies (S): All used and addressed
through in class activities and participations. Will be
encouraged as metacognitive assessment.
o General Outcome: Students will use their knowledge of
strategies to enhance learning and to communicate in French.
o Specific Outcomes: Given the following fields of experience
and the subfields within each field, and other areas of interest,
students will engage in various language activities, based on the
context, the communicative task and the different information
and communication technologies available, in order to:
S.1 Comprehension Strategies- develop and use
comprehension strategies to facilitate the understanding of
an oral or written message:
o S.1.1.a. guess the meaning of an unknown
word or expression
o S.1.1.b. use words around the unknown word to
guess meaning
o S.1.1.c. associate a gesture, a symbol or an
illustration with a message
o S.1.1.e. anticipate information from the
o S.1.1.f. activate prior knowledge and
o S.1.1.g. activate first language listening and
reading skills
o S.1.1.h. use contextual clues relating to who,
what, where, when and why
o S.1.1.i. use visual clues (e.g., pictures,
gestures, illustrations) and auditory clues (e.g.,
street noises, intonation, sighs)
o S.1.1.j. use highlighting or underlining to
identify known words or expressions
o S.1.1.k. represent meaning by using mental
images, illustrations or graphic representations
o S.1.1.l. categorize concrete information
o S.1.1.m. use repetition (e.g., listen to again or
read again a part of a text that was causing
o S.1.1.n. use a bilingual dictionary to verify word
meaning or find unknown words
o S.1.1.o. focus attention on the required
o S.1.1.p. use strategies defined in grades 46
S.1.2. Socio-affective:
o S.1.2.a. take the risk to listen to or read a new
text in French
o S.1.2.b. take the risk to listen to authentic texts
of varying lengths made available through
different information and communication
o S.1.2.b. take the risk to read authentic
documents of varying lengths made available
through different information and
communication technologies
o S.1.2.c. ask questions, in the first language, to
clarify or verify that a message has been
o S.1.2.d. tolerate ambiguityaccept that it is
not necessary to understand every word in
order to glean meaning
o S.1.2.e. collaborate with others to build
confidence and exchange information
o S.1.2.d. use strategies defined in grades 46
S.1.3. Metacognitive
o S.1.3.a. identify a strategy that can be or was
used to facilitate comprehension of a text
o S.1.3.b. focus attention on the task
o S.1.3.c. focus attention on what is known and
ignore what is unknown
o S.1.3.d. use self-talk to build confidence in
listening and reading skills
o S.1.3.e. evaluate own ability to understand the
o S.1.3.d. use strategies defined in grades 46
S.2. Production Strategies- develop and use production
strategies to facilitate the communication of an oral or
written message:
o S.2.1.a. identify patterns or language features,
such as verb endings or gender
o S.2.1.b. repeat a word, an expression, a
pattern, a presentation, etc.
o S.2.1.c. combine new learning with previous
learning (e.g., knowledge of the conjugation of
the verb avoir and adding avoir
expressions to the language repertoire)
o S.2.1.d. practice a word, an expression, a
pattern, a presentation, etc.
o S.2.1.e. apply knowledge of multimedia
presentations to facilitate the communication
of a message
S.2.2. Socio-affective:
o S.2.2.a. take the risk to say or write something
in French
o S.2.2.b. ask questions to clarify understanding
o S.2.2.c. ask the speaker to repeat the message
o S.2.2.d. ask the speaker to explain what was
o S.2.2.e. ask the speaker to speak more slowly
o S.2.2.f.ask the speaker to spell out or draw the
unknown word
o S.2.2.g. indicate to the speaker that the
message was not understood
o S.2.2.h. use facial expressions or mime to get
the message across
o S.2.2.i. seek assistance from the teacher or a
peer to clarify instructions, word meaning, etc.
o S.2.2.j. collaborate with others to brainstorm,
resolve problems, rehearse and communicate
o S.2.2.k. accept errors as a natural part of
o S.2.2.l. use self-talk to build confidence in oral
and written production skills
o S.2.2.m. use strategies defined in grades 46
S.2.3. metacognitive:
o S.2.3.a. prepare for the task (e.g., organize
materials, go over the instructions, read
through the checklist)
o S.2.3.b. use checklists, written mainly in
English, to verify the work
o S.2.3.c. reflect on and articulate what they
have learned and can demonstrate in French
o S.2.3.d. use a learning log to monitor and
evaluate their own learning
o S.2.3.e. reflect on the use of different
information and communication technologies
to produce a message in French
o S.2.3.f. reflect on the use and choice of
technology as a means of improving the
communication of a message
o S.2.3.g. use strategies defined in grades 46
S.3. Memory Strategies- develop and use memory
strategies to learn, recall or retain vocabulary or
grammatical structures
S.3.1. use rehearsal techniques (e.g., write or repeat
the word over and over; teach the word to a partner;
review words frequently)
S.3.2. use organizational techniques (e.g., classify
words by themes; use word webs, T-charts or
vocabulary cards)
S.3.3. use elaboration techniques (e.g., associate a
new word or a concept with a familiar concept or with
other personally meaningful information; reuse
vocabulary and expressions in new contexts or
situations; use visualization)
S.3.4. use strategies defined in grades 46.



During this lesson their will be a brief review of important concepts regarding
location pronouns. After the review the teacher will introduce the event exploration
assignment. Through this assignment the students will research an event that took
place in a French speaking country within the last 50 years. The students will then
report their findings in a variety of ways such as newspaper article, PowerPoint, etc.
Guidelines for the assignment will include a summary of the event in at least 10
sentences using their findings in their own words, using the various pronouns at
least 5 times, and finally creating the presentation for the assignment. The students
will then present their findings in class 7. The students will be provided an
assignment sheet with the expectations for the presentation. The remainder of the
period will be provided for the students to draft their ideas and begin working on the
assignment. It is important to note that the students can complete this presentation
in either groups of 2 or individually.

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