Art Year Plan
Art Year Plan
Art Year Plan
Teacher Name: Mr. Jordan Logan Subject(s) and Grade(s): Grade 1- Art
Significant Classroom Demographics: (number of students, split grades, assistants present, coded
students, English language learners, refugees, )
In the classroom:
There are 18 students.
There is a relatively even split amongst boys to girls.
All students have different abilities with their abilities to read any written text either in content or
instruction due to their low grade level.
All students speak English and no language considerations need to be made.
Necessary Accommodations: (brief description of accommodations used for students with IPPs.)
In the classroom:
One student has a visual reading exceptionality that requires any paper to be printed on colour paper to
assist their ability in organizing the words on the paper.
One student as a processing disorder, thus requiring additional time to complete tasks and teacher
assistance through any class work time.
In the classroom:
There are some students in which the parents do not get a long and have requested that their children
do not sit near each other in the class. Special considerations will be made to ensure the classroom
environment remains friendly and collaborative, while maintaining awareness in any personal conflicts
that may take place.
Year Plan / School Year: 2017