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Art Year Plan

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School Name: Dorothy Dalgliesh School Year: 2017

Teacher Name: Mr. Jordan Logan Subject(s) and Grade(s): Grade 1- Art
Significant Classroom Demographics: (number of students, split grades, assistants present, coded
students, English language learners, refugees, )

In the classroom:
There are 18 students.
There is a relatively even split amongst boys to girls.
All students have different abilities with their abilities to read any written text either in content or
instruction due to their low grade level.
All students speak English and no language considerations need to be made.
Necessary Accommodations: (brief description of accommodations used for students with IPPs.)

In the classroom:
One student has a visual reading exceptionality that requires any paper to be printed on colour paper to
assist their ability in organizing the words on the paper.
One student as a processing disorder, thus requiring additional time to complete tasks and teacher
assistance through any class work time.

Report Card Dates:

March 16th
Parent / Teacher Interview Dates:
Student led conferences on March 16th
Significant Contextual Variables: (brief description of any matters that may require some sensitivity. No

In the classroom:
There are some students in which the parents do not get a long and have requested that their children
do not sit near each other in the class. Special considerations will be made to ensure the classroom
environment remains friendly and collaborative, while maintaining awareness in any personal conflicts
that may take place.
Year Plan / School Year: 2017

Grade(s): 1 School Year: 2017 Teacher(s): Mr. Jordan Logan

Subject: Art

January February March April May June

Colour: Drawing Drawing my Pointillism: Picasso Artist Eric Carle Artist

Learning ActivitiesMajor Teaching and General Outcomes Unit(s)

Shade and concept community Butterfly study: Picasso Study and

tint buildings/ Flowers Jackson Pollock
Environment blueprinting
Environmental Environmental
Environmental Environmenta Artist Study
al Experience Experience Experience l Experience Experience
Experience Individual Individual
Individual Individual Individual
Individual Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience
Experience Learning Learning
Learning Learning Learning
Learning Experience Experience Experience Experience Experience
Experience Communicatio Communicatio
Visual Visual Visual
Students will n Experience
Students will n Experience
Students Experience
Students will Experience
Students will Experience
Students will
explore the use different draw use the methods use different explore the
different building representation of pointillism to methods of methods of
concepts of techniques s of their create images painting to Carle and
shading and from science community in that exemplify create Pollock while
tint. and counting different the concepts of images (i.e. implementing
Students will techniques fashions. symmetry. use of finger different
apply this to from math to The Students will use imprints). methods of
the science create concept community the concept of Students will artistic creation
curriculum drawings for drawings will land-marking to explore the into their work.
and identify buildings. connect with enhance their different Students will
Albertacross- Students
Alberta will the social
Alberta creationProgram
Alberta of concepts
Alberta of explore Program
Alberta their
Key Resources

Program of Program of Program of of Studies Program of of Studies

Studies Studies Studies Resources Studies Resources
Resources Resources Resources Provided by TM Resources Provided by TM
Provided by Provided by Provided by TM Provided by
Students Students ability Students Students
and EvaluationBroad Assessment
Students Students
ability to ability to ability to to identify the ability to ability to
define the apply the connect the essentials of inquire about inquire about
effects that concepts of concepts of pointillism and and explore and explore the
shading and blueprinting to community to how the artistic artistic styles
tinting have their drawing the different symmetrical style of of Carle and
on an image. creation. colour images are Picasso. Pollock.
Students Students concepts of created. Students Students ability
ability to ability to art. Students ability ability to to incorporate

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