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Differential Pharmacology and Clinical Utility of Sonidegib in Advanced Basal Cell Carcinoma

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Differential pharmacology and clinical utility of

sonidegib in advanced basal cell carcinoma
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OncoTargets and Therapy
24 January 2017
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Mohd Wahid Abstract: Patients suffering from advanced basal cell carcinoma (BCC) have very limited
Arshad Jawed treatment options. Sonidegib selectively inhibits the growth of Hedgehog pathway-dependent
Sajad Ahmad Dar tumors and can treat locally advanced BCC patients who are not candidates for surgery
Raju K Mandal or radiation therapy. The BOLT clinical trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy/
Shafiul Haque potency of sonidegib in the treatment of advanced BCC or metastatic BCC. The patients
were randomized in 1:2 ratios to receive 200 or 800 mg oral sonidegib daily, stratified
Research and Scientific Studies Unit,
College of Nursing and Allied Health by disease, histological subtype and geographical region. The primary efficacy analyses
Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan, showed that 18 patients in the 200mg group and 35 patients in the 800mg group show an
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia objective response (Central Review Committee) that corresponds to 43% (95% confidence
interval [CI]: 2859) and 38% (95% CI: 2848) in their respective categories. Disease
control was found in 93% (39 patients) and 80% (74 patients) of the patients administered
200 and 800mg sonidegib, respectively. The adverse events were assessed by the Cen-
tral Review Committee as well as the investigator review team as per the guidelines of
National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.03.
The most frequently found adverse events reported in BOLT trials were muscle spasms,
alopecia, dysgeusia (taste disturbance), nausea, elevated blood creatine kinase and fatigue.
Comparatively, the patients administered 200mg sonidegib showed fewer adverse events
than those in the 800mg sonidegib category. Thus, the benefit of using the 200mg dose of
sonidegib outweighs the associated risks and it can be inferred that it would be judicious
to choose doses of lesser strength.
Keywords: locally advanced basal cell carcinoma, metastatic basal cell carcinoma, central
review, investigator review, BOLT clinical trials, objective response, complete response, partial
response, disease control, event-free probability

The history of oncology treatment has been associated with pessimism. The outcome
of treatment becomes more uncertain for advanced basal cell carcinomas (BCCs).
A majority of the BCCs are simple, but they pose a colossal challenge on reach-
ing an advanced/metastatic stage.1 It is the most common malignancy responsible
for human skin cancer, accounting for almost 80% cases.2,3 Sonidegib (Odomzo,
Novartis International AG, Basel, Switzerland) appeared as a ray of hope for
advanced BCC-affected patients because of a satisfactory benefitrisk profile and the
Correspondence: Shafiul Haque shortage of treatments available for this disease.4 Sonidegib is an oral Smoothened
Research and Scientific Studies Unit,
College of Nursing and Allied Health
(SMO) antagonist, which acts as a Hedgehog pathway inhibitor. It is indicated for
Sciences, Jazan University, Jazan 45142, the treatment of adults with locally advanced BCC (laBCC) not suitable for surgery
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel/fax +966 17 317 4383
or radiation therapy or adults with recurrent laBCC following surgery or radiation
Email shafiul.haque@hotmail.com therapy.4

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Treatment management of Vismodegib is affected by both primary and second-

advanced BCC ary resistances. The reason for primary resistance includes
The incidence of BCCs is increasing by leaps and bounds the mutation in SMO at position 497 (GW) in patients,
across nations, particularly in the United States. Thus, scientists whereby tumors started to grow after 2months of randomiza-
working all over the world have focused their attention on find- tion with vismodegib. The second type of resistance devel-
ing a successful treatment for advanced BCCs.5 The aim of the oping in the case of vismodegib use was due to a nonsense
BCC treatment is to remove the tumor without much alteration mutation in PTCH1 after following 11months continuous
in the function or physical appearance of the patients affected treatment. The mutation in SMO was found to be at position
area. The features that make advanced BCCs difficult to treat 473 (DY).
are large tumor size, location, extent and invasiveness of the The mutation that affects the treatment of advanced
disease.6 Different treatment options for advanced BCCs, such BCC by sonidegib is located at position 477 in SMO. This
as electrodesiccation, curettage, cryosurgery, photodynamic mutation at position 477 results in a change in amino acid
therapy or topical agents, did not get the expected success. If from aspartic acid to glycine (DG). This change leads
there exists the possibility of surgery without deformity or loss to reduced sensitivity to Hedgehog pathway inhibitors
of function to the patient for the treatment of advanced BCC, and affects drugtarget binding. The mentioned change
it is considered one of the best options.7 is an acquired resistance that annuls the susceptibility
Radiation therapy has also been used for a long time to of the advanced BCC patients to sonidegib treatment.12
treat advanced BCCs and various other tumors. It utilizes It is a potential hurdle to durable response in the clinics.
high-energy rays, eg, X-rays, and particles, such as photons, Alternate approaches of combining the different Hedge-
electrons or protons, to kill tumor cells. This treatment is hog pathway inhibitors together to overcome 1 or more
particularly useful when the tumor size is very large or on resistance can provide extra strength to treatment regimens
areas where surgical removal is difficult. It is also useful for for advanced BCC.
patients who cannot withstand surgery due to other health
reasons such as diabetes, old age, etc.8 Vismodegib
The new category of drugs surfacing currently comprises Vismodegib inhibits the Hedgehog pathway by attach-
oral agents that act as Hedgehog pathway inhibitors and ing itself to SMO (a transmembrane protein involved in
that are very beneficial for the treatment of advanced BCC. Hedgehog pathway signal transduction). It is a first-in-class
The first-in-class drug in this category was vismodegib SMO inhibitor approved by the US FDA in January 2012.
(Erivedge; Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, CA, It was filed under priority review for the treatment of meta-
USA), made by Genentech, which received US Food and static or advanced BCC, which appears again after surgery
Drug Administra(FDA) approval and European marketing or is incurable with surgery or radiation due to significant
authorization the year 2012 and 2013, respectively.9 A new deformity or loss of function.13
drug making waves these days, named sonidegib, has also
been added in this category. Pharmacokinetics
Vismodegib is a very permeable compound with absolute
Challenges faced by Hedgehog bioavailability of 31.8%. The absorption rate of vismo-
pathway inhibitors degib reaches a saturable point after a single dose of 270
The failure of cancer drugs to treat diseases after show- or 540mg.13
ing their credentials is becoming common nowadays. The The distribution of vismodegib varies from 16.4 to 26.6L.
drugs are not losing their strength because of any altera- The plasma protein binding of vismodegib is more than 99%
tion in their structure or way of functioning. The reason is and it binds to both human serum albumin and alpha-1-acid
mainly the drug resistance that develops due to change in glycoprotein (saturable limit).
the drug target.10 Drug resistance influences the treatment Vismodegib as a whole and its metabolites, are elimi-
of various cancers such as blood cancer and solid tumors nated mainly by the hepatic route. Thus, 82% of the total
that include non-Hodgkin lymphoma, breast cancer, lung administered dose is recovered in the feces, whereas 4.4%
cancer and BCCs. The drugs such as vismodegib and is recovered in urine. The t (half-life) of vismodegib as
sonidegib are also not left untouched by the problem of calculated was 4 days after continuous administration of
drug resistance.11 once-daily dose and 12days after a single dose.

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Efficacy of vismodegib Efficacy of sonidegib

Vismodegib has shown good results in an international, The potential of any drug is measured by assessing the
2-cohort phase 2 trial in patients suffering from metastatic maximum response achievable and capacity for sufficient
BCC or laBCC, conducted in the year 2012. These trials were therapeutic effect that benefits the patient/ultimate user. The
conducted to test the efficacy of the drug.1 The number of therapeutic competence of any drug is proved first in clinical
patients suffering from laBCC was 71 out of 104 enrolled for trials, followed by its launch in the market.
the study. Eight patients were dropped from the study as they The evaluation of sonidegibs efficacy was done in a
did not fulfill the criteria, such as histologically confirmed clinical trial named BOLT.19 It was a multicenter, random-
laBCC, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) per- ized, double-blind phase 2 study conducted in 58 centers
formance status of 02, a skin lesion of not less than 10mm across 12 countries.
(for locally advanced patients) and nonfeasibility of surgical
or radiotherapeutic treatment. The remaining 63 patients Patient selection method
suffering from laBCC were assessed by independent inves- Almost 269 patients were screened for inclusion in the clini-
tigators. Objective response was shown by 27 patients, cal trials. The eligible patients had to fulfill the conditions
which corresponds to almost 43% (95% confidence interval such as age of the patients (18years or more), histologically
[CI]: 3156; P,0.001), with 21% patients (ie, 13 patients) confirmed laBCC (disease not manageable by radiotherapy
showing complete response. Thus, vismodegib shows good or curative surgery), or metastatic BCC for which the avail-
efficacy in the treatment of laBCC. able treatments were not working. The patients had WHO
status from 0 to 2.20 All the patients had given their written
Sonidegib consent before their enrollment in the clinical trials. The
Sonidegib, with the trade name Odomzo, is a Hedgehog number of patients not enrolled in the study was 39. Out
pathway inhibitor approved by the US FDA in the year of these 39 patients, 30 did not qualify in the eligibility
2015 for the treatment of patients suffering from laBCC criteria, whereas 6 patients retracted by themselves and 3
that has recurred following surgery or radiation therapy patients were excluded by the physician. The remaining
or for those on whom surgery/radiation therapy cannot be 230 patients were randomized and administered 2 doses
performed. It binds Smo (a transmembrane protein), which of sonidegib daily in separate groups of 200 and 800mg,
results in the inhibition of Hedgehog signal transduc- until they had disease progression, incidence of intolerable
tion. It helps in reducing the growth of cancer cells. The toxicity, start of another anticancer treatment or withdrawal
recommended dose of sonidegib is 200mg taken orally of consent. The number of patients assigned for 200 and
once a day on an empty stomach.14 A majority of cancer 800mg doses were 79 and 151, respectively. The patients
treatments produce mild-to-moderate adverse events that included in the primary efficacy analysis were 55 for the
can be managed with dosage modification, concomitant 200 mg dosage group, whereas for the 800 mg dosage
medications, adequate hydration, etc. group, the number was 116. Both 200 and 800mg dosage
groups included the patients for the safety analysis as well.
Pharmacokinetics All the patients in the 200 mg intent-to-treat population
Less than 10% is absorbed in the patients body from the (ie, 79) were used for the safety analysis, whereas for the
total administered dose. After the administration of a single 800mg category, the patients used for the safety analysis
oral dose (from 100 to 3,000mg) of sonidegib under fasting were 150 out of 151.
conditions to patients suffering from cancer, it attains the The primary efficacy analysis of sonidegib for the treat-
median time to peak concentration (Tmax) in approximately ment of laBCC was divided into 2 categories, namely, admin-
24hours, whereas after repeated dosing, Tmax is reached after istration of 200 and 800mg sonidegib (Table 1). The first
213hours.15,16 Sonidegib is mainly metabolized by the liver category of 42 patients was administered 200mg of sonidegib
through the action of cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A).1315,17 daily, whereas the second category of 93 patients was infused
The estimated t of sonidegib as calculated using population with 800mg of sonidegib once daily. The various end points
pharmacokinetics (PKs) is approximately 28days and it is analyzed were objective response, disease control, duration
mainly excreted out through the hepatic route. From the total of tumor response, progression-free survival, etc. The study
absorbed dose of sonidegib, 70% is removed in the feces, was assumed to be successful if 30% or more of the patients
whereas 30% is eliminated along with urine.16,18 achieved objective response. The Central Review Committee,

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Table 1 Comparison of response rates of patients administered 200 and 800mg sonidegib to evaluate its activity against laBCC in the
primary efficacy and intent-to-treat populations
Activity of sonidegib for the treatment of locally advanced basal cell carcinoma in the primary efficacy and intent-to-treat
Parameter studied Primary efficacy population Intent-to-treat population (laBCC)
Sonidegib Sonidegib Sonidegib Sonidegib
(200mg); n=42 (800mg); n=93 (200mg); n=66 (800mg); n=128
Central review
Proportion of patients (objective response) 18 (43%) 35 (38%) 31 (47%) 45 (35%)
[95% CI] [2859] [2848] [3560] [2744]
Complete response 2 (5%) 0 2 (3%) 0
Partial response 16 (38%) 35 (38%) 29 (44%) 45 (35%)
Disease control 39 (93%) 74 (80%) 60 (91%) 100 (78%)
Time to tumor response, months (95% CI) 3.9 (2.14.0) 3.7 (2.03.8) 3.9 (3.64.2) 3.7 (2.63.8)
Duration of tumor response
Number of events 3 1 4 3
Event-free probability (after 9months of randomization) 82% [4495] 92% [5699] 83% [5494] 83% [5494]
[95% CI]
Progression-free survival
Number of events 5 8 7 10
Duration (months) NR NR NR NR
Event-free probability (after 12months of randomization) 84% [5994] 83% [6791] 84% [6593] 86% [7393]
[95% CI]
Investigator review
Proportion of patients (objective response) 28 (67%) 54 (58%) 43 (65%) 73 (57%)
[95% CI] [5080] [4868] [5276] [4866]
Complete response 3 (7%) 12 (13%) 5 (8%) 15 (12%)
Partial response 25 (60%) 42 (45%) 38 (58%) 58 (45%)
Disease control 39 (93%) 82 (88%) 59 (89%) 110 (86%)
Time to tumor response, months (95% CI) 1.9 (1.23.7) 1.8 (1.12.0) 1.9 (1.83.7) 1.9 (1.22.0)
Duration of tumor response
Number of events 5 6 10 10
Event-free probability (after 9months of randomization) 84% [5895] 81% [5892] 74% [5287] 77% [5988]
[95% CI]
Progression-free survival
Number of events 9 13 15 17
Duration (months) 22 NR 17 NR
Event-free probability (after 12months of randomization) 74% [5087] 70% [5282] 69% [5181] 71% [57882]
[95% CI]
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; laBCC, locally advanced basal cell carcinoma; NR, not recorded.

after analyzing the BOLT trials, found that 43% patients patients in the 800mg group, showed complete response. The
in the 200 mg category and 38% in the 800 mg category partial responses were 60% and 45%, respectively, in the
showed objective response. Complete response was shown mentioned categories. The disease control was also excellent,
by 5% patients administered 200 mg sonidegib, whereas as analyzed by the investigator review committee, shown by
no patients administered 800 mg drug showed complete around 93% and 88% patients in the 200 and 800mg catego-
response. Partial response was shown by approximately 38% ries, respectively. The results shown by both the analytical
in both the categories of patients, while disease control was groups (ie, central review and investigator review) in the
shown by 93% and 80% patients in their respective groups intent-to-treat population were also comparable with those
(ie, 200 and 800 mg). The investigator review committee of the primary efficacy patient population.
had also analyzed the results of the BOLT clinical trials.
Objective response was found to be 67% and 58% in the Safety
patients in 200 and 800mg groups, respectively. Patients in The adverse events were assessed by the central review as
both the groups, ie, 7% patients in the 200mg group and 13% well as by the investigator review teams.19 All the Z events

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experienced by the patients following the administration of dysgeusia (taste disturbance), nausea, elevated blood creatine
200 and 800mg doses of sonidegib were reviewed as per kinase and fatigue, which sometimes have led many patients
the guidelines of the National Cancer Institute Common to discontinue their treatment. These adverse reactions
Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.03.21 The were more common in the patients administered 800 mg
adverse events were evaluated from Day 1, when the first sonidegib. Drugs such as tizanidine (muscle relaxant) can
dose of sonidegib was administered, until the last dose, which be recommended to increase the tolerability of patients who
was administered on Day 30. Generally, the most common show muscle toxicity after the administration of sonidegib.
adverse events reported in BOLT trials were muscle spasms, Furthermore, it was found in the study that muscle toxicity
alopecia, dysgeusia (taste disturbance), nausea, elevated and dysgeusia were prominent between the first and third
blood creatine kinase and fatigue. 19 The patient group weeks. Hence, drug scheduling and reduced drug strength
administered 800mg sonidegib showed adverse events more are recommended.23
frequently compared with the patients infused with 200mg of The emergence or rebound of resistance in the case of
sonidegib. The most frequently reported grade 34 adverse vismodegib has already terrified other Hedgehog inhibitors
events, such as elevated kinase levels, were shown by many as well.24 Patients who were resistant to vismodegib for the
patients, followed by increased lipase levels. If we consider treatment of advanced BCCs have continued the legacy for
both 200 and 800mg sonidegib doses that were administered sonidegib.25 So, alternate approaches of combining the drugs
to both types of patients, those suffering from laBCC and after assessing the mechanism of resistance developed in
metastatic BCC, the most common adverse event that led the laBCC patients are recommended, which would bypass
to the discontinuation of the treatment by the patients was the hindrance posed in the way of treating this category of
muscle spasm (3/79 patients in the 200mg sonidegib group patients. The combination of B-cell lymphoma-2 (BCL-2)
and 13/150 patients in the 800mg sonidegib group). inhibitors and chemotherapy has already shown promising
results in overcoming acquired resistance.26,27 The combi-
Opinion nation of BCL-2 inhibitors and chemotherapy sensitizes
The Hedgehog inhibitors have proved themselves as promis- the resistant patients for cancer treatment. These BCL-2
ing alternatives for patients with advanced BCC who are not inhibitors, if combined with sonidegib, may show better
amenable to radiotherapy or surgery.22 The current review results and avoid advanced BCC recurrence due to acquired
is based mainly on BOLT clinical trials conducted across resistance.
12 countries all over the world in around 58 centers. It was
a double-blind, randomized, phase 2 study to test the effi- Acknowledgment
cacy of sonidegib in 2 tolerable doses (ie, 200 and 800mg) Authors are grateful to Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi
for the treatment of laBCC as well as metastatic BCC. The Arabia, for providing the necessary facilities for this study.
focus here is on laBCC, which affects many patients across
the globe. The patients were analyzed and were assigned Disclosure
to laBCC and metastatic BCC groups as required. The The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
laBCC patients (42 in number) were administered 200mg
sonidegib daily, whereas 93 patients were administered
800 mg sonidegib daily. The percentage of patients who
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