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Monitoring Tumor Motion by Real Time 2D-3D Registration During Radiotherapy

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Radiotherapy and Oncology 102 (2012) 274280

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Organ motion

Monitoring tumor motion by real time 2D/3D registration during radiotherapy

Christelle Gendrin a, Hugo Furtado a, Christoph Weber a, Christoph Bloch a, Michael Figl a,
Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro a, Helmar Bergmann a, Markus Stock b, Gabor Fichtinger a,c, Dietmar Georg b,
Wolfgang Birkfellner a,
a b
Center of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering; and Department of Radiotherapy, Medical University of Vienna, Austria; c Department of Computer Science, Queens
University, Ontario, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and purpose: In this paper, we investigate the possibility to use X-ray based real time 2D/3D
Received 15 February 2011 registration for non-invasive tumor motion monitoring during radiotherapy.
Received in revised form 29 July 2011 Materials and methods: The 2D/3D registration scheme is implemented using general purpose computa-
Accepted 29 July 2011
tion on graphics hardware (GPGPU) programming techniques and several algorithmic renements in the
Available online 30 August 2011
registration process. Validation is conducted off-line using a phantom and ve clinical patient data sets.
The registration is performed on a region of interest (ROI) centered around the planned target volume
2D/3D registration
Results: The phantom motion is measured with an rms error of 2.56 mm. For the patient data sets, a sinu-
Organ motion soidal movement that clearly correlates to the breathing cycle is shown. Videos show a good match
between X-ray and digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRR) displacement. Mean registration time is
0.5 s.
Conclusions: We have demonstrated that real-time organ motion monitoring using image based marker-
less registration is feasible.
2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 102 (2012) 274280

Inter- and intrafractional organ motion in conformal radiation may suffer from drift problems, an insufcient correlation of organ
therapy is a major source of uncertainties in dose application. To movement patterns and external surrogate markers, and aperiodic
eliminate interfractional motion, well developed methods for pa- motion. For this reason, the possibility to utilize 2D/3D registration
tient setup, including robotic patient tables and setup control using [14], a well-known method for static patient setup, of intrinsic fea-
stereoscopic X-ray imaging [1] and cone-beam computed tomogra- tures on X-ray images to articially generated digitally rendered
phy (CBCT) [2,3] are used. Therefore, a number of methods for radiographs (DRR) was proposed for motion compensation
maintaining the registration of the target volume and the treat- [15,16]. Such a procedure, providing an estimate for all six de-
ment beam were proposed [4]. While precise patient setup is an grees-of-freedom in rigid body motion, can be used to derive a mo-
inevitable procedure to ensure treatment success, residual periodic tion model [11], or it may replace tracking methods based on
and aperiodic intrafractional motion remain a problem. Several markers. In [17,18], such setups are presented. The challenge, how-
promising solutions were presented; these include (a) the use of ever, lies in an implementation of a 2D/3D registration routine that
X-ray imaging and implanted ducial markers [5,6], (b) the track- provides reliable robust position estimates at a sufcient update
ing of passive electromagnetic transponders implanted close to the rate. In [11], an update rate of tens of seconds is reported, while
tumor tissue [7], (c) the correlation of surface landmarks with the motion between those updates is predicted using a motion
internal motion [8,9], and (d) the correlation of surface motion model. The authors in [15] report a registration speed in the range
with lung motion models [1012]. While these efforts document of 510 s.
the need to compensate for intrafractional organ motion, most of Given the possibility of hypofractionated radiotherapy and the
these approaches are stricken with challenges such as the implan- availability of modern linear accelerators with additional X-ray
tation of markers or transponders, which pose an additional bur- imaging systems, real-time 2D/3D registration with update rates
den in clinical routine and may hamper follow-up magnetic up to 5 Hz may provide a possibility for non-invasive motion mon-
resonance imaging [13]. Respiratory models, on the other hand, itoring. In this paper, we present a proof of concept study which
achieves registration update rates in the range of 2 Hz using stan-
dard equipment. The feasibility of the method is presented in a
Corresponding author. Address: Waehringer Guertel 18-20/4L, A-1090 Vienna, phantom study and on the retrospective evaluation of ve clinical
Austria. cases.
E-mail address: wolfgang.birkfellner@meduniwien.ac.at (W. Birkfellner).

0167-8140/ 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
C. Gendrin et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 102 (2012) 274280 275

Materials and methods Perkin Elmer XRD amorphous silicon detector with an active sur-
face of 410  410 mm2 and 1024  1024 pixels resolution. The
Our approach for real-time tumor motion monitoring using 2D/ detector panel for the CBCT and kV X-ray imaging is located
3D registration works as follows: for each data set, uoroscopic 536 mm from the axis of rotation. The source is located at a dis-
intrafractional X-ray images acquired at a frame rate of 5.4 Hz tance of 1536 mm from the imaging panel. In the case of CBCT
were available. The computed tomography (CT) or CBCT volumes imaging, the images were captured at a xed frame rate of
were aligned to the rst X-ray image and the translational and 2.7 Hz. During the 360 rotation the system acquired approxi-
rotational parameters were recorded. These parameters were sub- mately 650 planar images which were used to make a full 3D im-
sequently used as a starting point for the registration of the next X- age. The uoroscopic X-ray images were captured during regular
ray image in an iterative manner. The registrations were performed treatment with a frame rate of 5.4 Hz always in the AP direction;
using a region of interest (ROI) focused on the planned target vol- for each data set more than 100 X-ray images were available.
ume (PTV) as provided from the planning data stored in DICOM-RT The images are available on hard-disk for registration immediately
format. The translational and rotational parameters were recorded after acquisition. The CT images were obtained by a Siemens Som-
after each registration. From the rotational and translational atom Plus 4 Volume Zoom (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) at
parameters, the virtual displacement along cranialcaudal (CC), 120 kVp and 156 mAs with intraslice resolution of
leftright (LR) and anteriorposterior (AP) directions of the cen- 0.97  0.97 mm2 and 4 mm slice thickness.
troid of the phantom or tumor is reconstructed.
Phantom data sets
The respiratory gating system AZ-733V (ANZAI Medical, Tokyo,
2D/3D registration
Japan) was used in the initial part of the experiments. This phan-
Intensity DRR-based methods were the rst and the most intu- tom constitutes three spheres of same diameter and different
itive solution proposed to solve the 2D/3D registration problem materials embedded in a circular cylinder. The cylinder is xed
[19]. In the rst step, a simulated X-ray image the DRR is de- to an axle and translates in one direction. The translation move-
rived from a CT volume by simulating the attenuation of virtual ment mimics the respiratory signal. The phantom was positioned
X-rays. The DRR image is then compared to the X-ray image by on the couch so that the isocenter of the gantry system was located
means of a merit function. Rigid body motion of the tumor is then in the center of the cylinder. The axis of translation was positioned
estimated by an iterative optimization which yields the transfor- along the axis of rotation of the LINAC system. The phantom was
mation of the volume T. set to the respiration mode at 15 cycles/min for acquisition of the
The generation of DRRs is typically the most time consuming X-ray images. The movement of the phantom was stopped to ac-
step. In this evaluation, a dedicated ray-casting algorithm imple- quire the CBCT image. The phantom motion was also recorded in
mented on the graphical processing unit (GPU) was used [20]. six degrees-of-freedom by means of a tracking system (Polaris,
The bounding structures of the objects in the volume were rened Northern Digital Inc., Waterloo, Canada) for validation purposes.
using the cuberille algorithm [21]. The experiment protocol is essentially identical to the one used
Another important choice for the registration is the merit func- for the patients described in the next section.
tion. We used the Normalized Mutual Information metric, where a
statistical dependence between the distributions of intensities is Patient data sets
used to achieve registration [22]. This approach proved successful The ve patients suffering from non-small cell lung tumor or
and robust in our registration problem in comparison with other lung metastases were treated in a routine procedure at the depart-
metrics [23,24]. ment of radiotherapy. In this study, the planning CT, CBCT and
In our case, the z direction coincided with the imaging beam intrafractional anteriorposterior X-ray images of each patient
axis. Our registration scheme uses 2D projection geometry with were used off-line.
one projection, therefore the movement along the z-axis cannot CBCT images were acquired during the treatment of the patient
be resolved [25]. The translation along the z direction has been prior to irradiation. The alignment of the CBCT to the X-rays is usu-
xed and the registration scheme was performed using ve de- ally easy since these are generated with the same device and with
grees of freedom (translations along x and y directions and the same patient position. On the other hand, the planning CT of-
rotations). fers better image quality compared to the CBCT images, and it con-
tains also the important structures from the treatment planning.
For these reasons we used the planning CT volume for the registra-
Image data
tion with the patient X-ray data. In order to map the CT coordinate
Experiments were carried out with a phantom and with ve system into the coordinate system of the CBCT (thus having easy
clinical patient data sets. The data sets consist of X-ray images ac- alignment between CT and X-rays) we used the CBCTs performing
quired during tumor irradiation for visual monitoring purposes, a 3D/3D registration using the normalized mutual information
CBCT volume data acquired prior to each fraction and CT images ta- metric as implemented in AnalyzeAVW 10.0 (Biomedical Imaging
ken for the purpose of treatment planning. No motion monitoring Resource, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN). The initial matrix transfor-
was performed during patient data acquisition. All planning CT and mation Tinit that matched the DRR to the rst X-ray was subse-
CBCT volumes were interpolated to an isotropic voxel size of quently generated using the projection geometry of the LINAC
1.0 mm3; X-ray images were also interpolated to a pixel size of system.
1.0 mm2. Regions of interest (ROI) were dened on the X-ray We decided to use the available structures from the CT planning
images for two reasons: (a) to reduce the computation time needed in order to dene the X-ray and DRR ROI. The PTV appears to be a
to generate the DRR since only pixels of the ROI were actually ren- reasonable ROI choice since it denes the area actually irradiated
dered and (b) to focus the registration process on the PTV so that and is focused on the tumor position. Fig. 1 shows how the ROI
rigid motion is a valid assumption. was extracted from the contours. Fig. 2 shows one representative
The kV X-ray as well as the CBCT images were obtained with an CT planning slice for each patient with the lung, CTV and PTV con-
Elekta Synergy linear accelerator (LINAC) equipped with an elec- tours. Below each CT slice, the simplied projection of the contours
tronic portal imaging device (EPID) allowing uoroscopic X-ray to the X-ray image is shown. The coordinate system used during
acquisition and a CBCT system (XVI). The CBCT X-ray unit uses a the registration is also shown in Fig. 2.
276 Monitoring tumor motion in radiotherapy

Fig. 1. Illustration of the method used to dene the ROI for the clinical patient data sets. The contours of the planning CT from DICOM-RT data (a) were used to derive a 3D
surface model of the organs, PTV and CTV (b, only the 3D model of the right lung is shown); the points that dene the vertices of the 3D surface model were projected into the
2D X-ray imaging plane using the rst transformation matrix Tinit (c). The convex hull that enclosed all points of the organs is shown in (d). The convex hull of the PTV was
used as the ROI for the 2D/3D registration.

Fig. 2. The patient data sets used for off-line validation of the method. One representative slice of the CT planning data for each patient with the contours of the right lung
(green), left lung (magenta), CTV (cyan) and PTV (red) is shown in the rst row. The second row shows the initial X-rays with the contours projected by the help of the initial
transformation matrix Tinit, the projected PTV is the ROI used for the registration of the X-ray to the CT planning.
C. Gendrin et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 102 (2012) 274280 277

Fig. 3. Recorded displacements of the phantom extracted by 2D/3D registration with 5 dofs. The rst row (a) depicts the translations and rotations parameters obtained after
each X-ray registration. (b) The reconstructed motion of the centroid of the cylinder along CC (blue line), LR (green line), AP (red line) directions. The black dotted line
represents the movement of the phantom recorded by a tracking system. (c) A screenshot of video1.mpg (available online) showing checkerboard images of X-ray and
corresponding registered DRR images acquired during phantom motion. Please note that the frame rate of the reconstructed videos is 5 Hz (about the acquisition rate of the
X-ray imager), and not the actual speed of the registration (which is about 2 Hz).

Soft- and hardware phantom signal but with latency in the steepest part of the phan-
tom signal leading to a root mean square error of 2.7 mm. The
The program used for intensity-based 2D/3D registration was
amplitude of the displacement of 20 mm was well reproduced.
developed in C++ using gcc 4.3 under Ubuntu 9.10. The minimizer
There were residual displacements along the y axis with an rms
chosen for the optimization was the NEUWOA software proposed
of 0.1 mm. Rotational movements with a rms of 0.5, 0.3 and
recently by Powell [26]. The GPU parts were programmed through
0.2 for the rotation around x axis, y axis and z axis, respectively,
OpenGL interface and Cg language. The program was run on a stan-
were also recorded. The inuence of the rotations is enhanced in
dard personal computer equipped with an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU of
the reconstructed centroid motion (Fig. 3b) where the recon-
3 GHz each and an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS series graphics card
structed movement along CC direction showed more discrepancy
with 640 MB RAM.
to the phantom signal than the only translational parameter along
x axis. The root mean square error between the true phantom dis-
Results placement and the reconstructed displacement by registration was
2.6 mm. The motion along the LR and AP directions was quite low
Phantom results with root mean square values of 0.6 and 0.4 mm, respectively. The
Fig. 3 shows the rotational and translational parameters ex- mean registration time for one X-ray image was 0.74 s.
tracted from the registration of the successive X-ray images The video available on-line shows reconstructed checkerboard
(Fig. 3a) and the reconstructed CC, LR and AP displacement of the images of the X-ray and corresponding registered DRR images
centroid of the phantom cylinder (Fig. 3b). From Fig. 3a, it is clear and reveals the good match between the two image pairs all along
that the pure translation along x axis followed the tracked the phantom motion.
278 Monitoring tumor motion in radiotherapy

Patient results Table 1

rms and maximum amplitude of the tumor motion along CC, LR and AP directions for
Fig. 4 presents the reconstructed motion of the tumor centroid all the patients. If the extracted displacement did not feature a sinusoidal like signal,
along CC (blue line), LR (green line) and AP (red line) directions of the statistics are not relevant and N.A. (non-applicable) is written in the table.
patients 1, 2, 3 and 5. The diaphragm motion extracted via X-ray RMS Amplitude (minmax) Mean reg.
image by the help of edge detection algorithm was added to each time (s)
plot (black dotted line). Table 1 gives the rms and maximum (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
amplitude of the displacements. For the patient 4, the tumor was
Patient 1 2.1 0.7 0.4 9.2 3.2 1.8 0.4
situated in the apex of the lung (see Fig. 2), where the motion is Patient 2 1 0.5 0.3 4.0 2.2 1.1 0.6
low, moreover the ROI depicted a low contrast. Therefore, the de- Patient 3 0.4 0.7 0.2 1.9 2.8 1.0 0.5
tected displacements by registration were below 1 mm in any Patient 5 7.6 N.A. N.A. 33.5 N.A. N.A. 0.4
direction and therefore, the tumor motion for this patient is not
shown in Fig. 4 and Table 1.
From Fig. 4 it is clear that the reconstructed CC displacements registration time for the registration of one X-ray was between
were in phase with the diaphragm motion revealing a consistent 0.39 and 0.55 s and depends on the ROI size (Table 1, last column).
extraction of the lung tumor movement by 2D/3D image registra-
tion. Except for patient 3 for which CC and LR movements were of Discussion
the same amplitude (1.9 and 2.8 mm, respectively, Table 1), the
motion was generally larger in the CC directions than LR or AP Radiation therapy is a common and cost-effective technology
directions. The large CC displacements of patient 1 (9.2 mm) and for the treatment of malignant tumors in lung, either as a palliative
patient 5 (33.5 mm) are linked to the position of the tumors being or curative approach. The level of sophistication in dose escalation
located near the diaphragm. The CC displacement of patient 1 and planning is already considerable [2730], and it is expected that
patient 5 exhibits secondary peaks with higher frequency. A Fou- the broad introduction of multimodal imaging and deformable reg-
rier analysis revealed a frequency of 1.35 Hz for patient 1 and istration techniques [31,32] will push the frontier of dose planning
1 Hz for patient 5 which corresponds to the frequency of the beat- further. Still, all efforts are in vain if one cannot monitor the motion
ing heart. For these patients, the ROI encompassed the heart wall of the target volume.
(Fig. 2), whose movement was therefore detected during the regis- In this paper we propose a methodology for image-based track-
tration. A drift in the displacements along LR and AP direction is ing of internal organs in IGRT, and we prove that the concept is fea-
visible for the patient 5 for the rst 40 X-ray images. This is not sible and exhibits limitations. Our rst experiment deals with a
likely a real displacement but rather a misregistration. simple unidirectional movement produced by a respiratory phan-
Finally, the DRR and X-ray images were having a good match as tom. The results show that using an adequate ROI our 2D/3D reg-
shown in the video of the patient 1 PTV available on-line. The mean istration scheme is able to follow the motion of the phantom

Fig. 4. Reconstructed motion of the centroid of the tumor along CC (blue line), LR (green line), AP (red line) directions for patients 1, 2, 3 and 5. The diaphragm motion of each
patient is also shown (except for patient 4) as a black dotted line. Note that the displacement scale is different for each plot.
C. Gendrin et al. / Radiotherapy and Oncology 102 (2012) 274280 279

with an rms error of 2.6 mm. Regarding the patient study, we rst should be undertaken. The ground truth necessary in such a valida-
propose an efcient way to select an appropriate ROI for organ mo- tion, could be recorded by following the movement of implanted
tion monitoring. The projection of the PTV seems to be an appro- markers and comparing it to the motion retrieved by 2D/3D
priate choice since it focuses on the area where the tumor is registrations.
present and which is actually irradiated. The PTV projection is re-
trieved from the contour of the CT planning provided that the Conclusions
appropriate projection matrix is available.
Without a known ground truth, it is difcult to assess the accu- In this paper, we presented a feasibility study for the monitor-
racy of the registration on the real patient data set, however tumor ing of real-time organ motion during radiotherapy based on image
motion that clearly correlates to the breathing of the patient is ex- content using 2D/3D registration. The motion of a respiratory
tracted. Moreover, our results are consistent with the results re- phantom and the tumor motion of patient were retrieved at a
ported by Seppenwoolde et al. [33] and Suh et al. [34]: most of speed rate of 2 Hz. Even if a more detailed clinical study is needed
the patients have a predominant movement in the cranio-caudal in order to further validate our approach, we believe this rst study
direction and the motion amplitude depends on the tumor site. lay the foundations for non-invasive real time organ motion
Virtually no motion is detected for a tumor in the apex of lung in tracking.
patient 4. Large motion is detected for tumors in the lower lobes
(patient 1 and patient 5). Conict of interest statement
Stereotactic body radiotherapy is done with 68 different gan-
try angles, however the registration will not perform uniformly Any actual or potential conict of interest does not exist.
in all directions as accuracy directly depends on soft tissue contrast
in the X-ray images of the lung. Therefore, in this study all uoro- Acknowledgments
scopic X-rays were acquired in a gross AP direction, during lateral
treatment beam placement, where best tissue differentiation was This work is supported by the Austrian Science Foundation FWF
achieved. Since the kV imaging system in our setup has always a under projects P19931 and L503. S.A. Pawiro holds a PhD-scholar-
xed 90 angle in relation to the treatment beam, this work is, ship from the ASEA-Uninet foundation. G. Fichtinger is supported
for the time being, valid only for this beam position. A lower tissue by the EC Marie Curie Research Action PIIF-GA-2009-252305
differentiation with imaging from other directions can be expected ROBOGYN.
but should nevertheless be sufcient for robust registration. In the
future we aim at evaluating the system in all treatment directions
Appendix A. Supplementary data
as well as in other non-optimal gantry angles.
One of the major limitations of our approach is the insufcient
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
information on PTV motion in the direction of the normal beam of
the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.radonc.2011.07.031.
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