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Registration of DRRs and portal images for verification of stereotactic body radiotherapy: a
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Image guidance has become a pre-requisite for hypofractionated radiotherapy
where the applied dose per fraction is increased. Particularly in stereotactic
body radiotherapy (SBRT) for lung tumours, one has to account for set-up
errors and intrafraction tumour motion. In our feasibility study, we compared
digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) of lung lesions with MV portal
images (PIs) to obtain the displacement of the tumour before irradiation. The
verification of the tumour position was performed by rigid intensity based
registration and three different merit functions such as the sum of squared
pixel intensity differences, normalized cross correlation and normalized mutual
information. The registration process then provided a translation vector that
defines the displacement of the target in order to align the tumour with the
isocentre. To evaluate the registration algorithms, 163 test images were created
and subsequently, a lung phantom containing an 8 cm3 tumour was built. In
a further step, the registration process was applied on patient data, containing
38 tumours in 113 fractions. To potentially improve registration outcome, two
filter types (histogram equalization and display equalization) were applied and
their impact on the registration process was evaluated. Generated test images
showed an increase in successful registrations when applying a histogram
equalization filter whereas the lung phantom study proved the accuracy of
the selected algorithms, i.e. deviations of the calculated translation vector for
all test algorithms were below 1 mm. For clinical patient data, successful
registrations occurred in about 59% of anterior-posterior (AP) and 46% of
lateral projections, respectively. When patients with a clinical target volume
smaller than 10 cm3 were excluded, successful registrations go up to 90% in AP
and 50% in lateral projection. In addition, a reliable identification of the tumour
position was found to be difficult for clinical target volumes at the periphery of
1. Introduction
The various forms of image guidance (IG) have become important verification tools for
hypofractionated radiotherapy to account for set-up errors or to monitor intra- and interfraction
tumour motion. Verification of the patient’s position can be achieved with traditional methods
such as an electronic portal imaging device (EPID), or through external reflecting markers
or a surface scanner (Verellen et al 2003, Weiss et al 2003, Bert et al 2005, Gierga et al
2005). Internal radio-opaque markers in or near the tumour are as well used for tumour
monitoring. Another option to visualize the tumour directly is ultrasound (Scarbrough et al
2006). However, current developments such as cone beam CT (CBCT) with keV and MeV
beams provide a new generation of image guidance (Pouliot et al 2005, Jaffray et al 2002,
Groh et al 2002, Ford et al 2002, Munbodh et al 2006). With these devices it is possible to
generate traditional fluoroscopic images but their particularly volumetric information offers
new possibilities for image guided and adaptive radiotherapy.
It is well known that the contrast for megavoltage (MV) portal images is low compared
to kilovoltage (kV) images. In the latter energy range the photoelectric effect dominates with
its superior dependence on atomic number compared to the Compton effect which in turn
dominates in the MV range. Nevertheless, for set-up verification a MV portal image provides
good visibility and useful contrast for bony structures. Already Gilhuijs et al (1996) registered
2D portal images to CT data ten years ago, and their automatic 3D analysis of patient set-up
was accurate and robust in about 1 mm and 1◦ for translation and rotation, respectively. In the
meantime a variety of algorithms have been tested for the registration of bony structures (Kim
et al 2001, 2005, Dekker et al 2003, Clippe et al 2003, Sharp et al 2005, Matsopoulos et al
2004, Jans et al 2006).
For lung cancer patients where the tumour is influenced by respiration motion, an extra
monitoring of the target volume movement should be the basis for precise beam delivery.
Especially in stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung lesions with fractional doses around
20 Gy, precise patient set-up and set-up verification accuracy are essential. Currently, in
many departments set-up verification for SBRT is performed with a CT prior treatment. As
long as new IG tools are not available in all clinics there is still the need for improved tumour
verification based on existing and traditionally used equipment, i.e. conventional EPID devices.
However, set-up verification for lung targets based on the bony anatomy is not useful because
the tumour can move with respect to the surroundings and it is a challenge to focus radiation
on the tumour. On the other hand, the difference in density for lung tissue (around 0.2 g cm−3)
and target volume (around 1 g cm−3) leads to an acceptable contrast for image comparison even
in the MV energy range. Focusing on the contrast of moving targets such as lung tumours, the
influence of image noise upon various registration algorithms has already been investigated
(Meyer et al 2006).
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether portal images and digitally
reconstructed radiographs can provide the basis for set-up verification for SBRT patients.
Registration of DRRs and PIs for verification of stereotactic body radiotherapy 2159
Treatment planning systems provide DRRs from CT data sets and are generated either by
a conventional raycasting method (Levoy 1990) or alternative techniques, such as lightfield
rendering (LaRose 2001), shear-warp rendering (Lacroute and Levoy 1994), or splat rendering
(Birkfellner et al 2005). Three types of algorithms for image registration, which are well
documented in the literature (Clippe et al 2003, Dekker et al 2003, Penney et al 1998),
were tested for 2D/3D registration. Because of the limited contrast in MV portal images,
segmentation of the region of interest (edge detection) often fails and cannot be used to identify
the position of the target. Our analysis of intensity based registration was performed with
and without filter and the 2D/3D registration software was validated on test images, phantom
studies and finally on patient data.
i.e. the SSD algorithm weights the intensity difference quadratic. The larger the deviation of
pixel values, the higher the penalty for intensity comparison. This similarity measure does
not depend on the absolute pixel value, it responds equally to the same grey value difference
in dark and bright regions (Hill et al 2001).
Normalized mutual information (NMI). Using the definition of joint entropy H
H (f, g) = − pf,g (i, j ) · log[pf,g (i, j )] (2)
2160 T Künzler et al
(e) (f)
Figure 1. Various bounding boxes of DRRs of Focal SIM all tissue ((a) and (b)), soft tissue ((c)
and (d)) and of Helax TMS ((e) and (f)).
where p is the probability of intensity which describes the frequency of an intensity pair in the
joint histogram (Maes et al 1997). The mutual information for a portal image f and a DRR
image g is then defined as
NMI(f, g) = H (f ) + H (g) − H (f, g). (3)
Maximizing the mutual information means minimizing H (f, g), being the joint entropy of
both images.
Normalized cross correlation (NCC).
i,j [f (i, j ) − f ][g(i, j ) − g]
NCC = (4)
2 0.5
i,j [f (i, j ) − f ] i,j [g(i, j ) − g]
(e) (f)
Figure 2. Portal images of the same lung tumour patients displayed in figure 1.
for the virtual software we took default settings all tissue and soft tissue. These settings were
different in terms of windowing, as well as different in contrast and brightness adjustments.
All portal images were acquired with a standard amorphous silicon EPID device (iView
GT, Elekta, Crawley, UK); see some examples in figure 2. With patients the portal image
was created just before irradiation, using a 6 MV beam with the field size of 10 × 10 cm2
and delivering 5 monitor units. The native EPID file format was 16 bit greyscale and was
downgraded to 8 bit to have the same greyscale depth as the 8 bit DRR.
Unfiltered original images were taken for registration in a first step. Subsequently, various
image filters were applied to both, DRRs and portal images, to verify whether the robustness of
image comparison could be improved. First, histogram equalization (HE) was applied which
tries to change the greyscale-frequency histogram in a way to adjust a constant frequency to all
pixel intensities. This method is mostly used when different imaging modalities are compared
(Dekker et al 2003, Kim et al 2005). Subsequently, the portal imaging software also offers
a built-in display equalization (DE) which is a modified HE filter (iViewGT, User’s Manual,
Elekta, Crawley, UK). It identifies any part of the image that is not in the radiation field, and
discards the latter. The rest of the image is then enhanced to increase its useful dynamic range,
i.e. the greyscale values are stretched. The DE filter can be applied to all images that are
exported from the EPID software. Portal images were tested with and without DE.
the regions of interest were already available: the CTV and PTV contour of the TPS. For the
registration process, these contours were converted into a circumscribing rectangle and we
call this rectangle a bounding box (BB), for example PTV-BB; see figure 1. In addition to
these two contours we took a manually defined ROI to exclude high intensity regions which
often occur in lateral projections of the thorax when the backbone overlaps the target.
For 2D/3D registrations, the DRR was truncated with the previously defined bounding
boxes and the target itself was entirely within the ROI, centred around the beam axis. To
determine the new position of the tumour before irradiation, the truncated DRR was compared
to the portal image where the tumour could be located at any position in the field of view. For
that purpose, one of the three registration algorithms was applied on native or filtered images,
respectively. To minimize the time for registration, we also truncated the portal images. We
added a 20 mm margin to the ROI rectangle in all directions, so the restricted portal image
was 40 mm larger in height and width than the truncated DRR. Thus we were limited to
detect a tumour displacement of maximum 20 mm which was a reasonable compromise in
this feasibility study.
For the presentation of results, the following definitions are introduced: the reference shift
of an observed target is obtained by two CT data sets: the planning CT and the verification
CT scan shortly before irradiation (3D/3D registration). Displacement refers to differences in
the target position when comparing a DRR to the portal image by various algorithms (2D/3D
registration). On the other hand, deviation refers to the difference between the displacement
and the previously defined reference shift.
In the presence of structures such as heart, liver or bone, the correct identification of the
tumour in the thorax becomes difficult for 2D/3D registration. To test the robustness of the
algorithms, 163 test images were created with three types of structures having different grey
values, thus mimicking a tumour, the lung and another extra tissue. They were all within a
grey value range of a clinical DRR and PI. The position of the structure tumour was set at six
different locations in reference to the extra tissue, as an example see one tumour position with
different grey values in figure 3. HE filtered and raw images were tested.
The accuracy of the investigated algorithms was then evaluated under more clinical
conditions with an in-house built lung phantom; see a 3D reconstruction in figure 4. It
consists of 6 cm Styrofoam covered with 1 cm solid water slabs on the top and the bottom
to realize a simple lung geometry with the surrounding thorax wall. Within the styrofoam a
polystyrene cube (8 cm3) is mimicking the tumour at the centre of the phantom. Portal images
in an anterior-posterior projection were taken of five different phantom offset positions up to
15 mm. We applied the algorithms and deviations in lateral and cranio-caudal directions were
recorded. The registration was rated successful if the deviation did not exceed a limit of
1 mm, as this millimetre accounts for set-up inaccuracies when positioning the lung phantom
on the treatment table.
Patient data were taken from regular patients with lung lesions, treated with SBRT at the
Medical University Vienna. All patients have been irradiated in a stereotactic body frame
(Elekta, Crawley, UK) combined with an abdominal compression if necessary (Wulf et al
Registration of DRRs and PIs for verification of stereotactic body radiotherapy 2163
Figure 3. A selection of test images, containing three structures: tumour, lung and another extra
tissue influencing the registration.
In a first step, a data set A which consisted of 13 targets treated in 35 fractions was used
to test our registration set-up and to address following questions: which type of filter is ideal
for registration, to which extent does the size of the ROI influence the test results, what type
of DRR is feasible for intensity comparison and finally, which type of algorithm delivers the
most accurate results. For all fractions and targets, DRRs and orthogonal portal images were
Next, the ideal combination of parameters (type of algorithm, DRR, ROI and filter
settings) was tested for a larger data set B (which included data set A) in order to determine the
2164 T Künzler et al
robustness and accuracy under clinical conditions. Data set B consisted of 38 targets treated
in 113 fractions. Again, DRRs and orthogonal portal images were available for all fractions
and targets. Finally, data set B was used to analyse whether the tumour position and size have
an influence on the accuracy of the registration. In total, more than 10 000 registrations were
performed for three algorithms, three types of DRR, three ROIs, two types of filter and an AP
and lateral view for each fraction.
2D/3D registration algorithms were evaluated under clinical conditions by comparing
the calculated translation vector to a manual CT registration performed with the BrainSCAN
system (BrainLAB, Heimstetten, Germany). For the manual registration of the tumour tissue,
the verification CT was registered to the planning CT data set and the reference shift of the
target was determined prior each SBRT fraction. This reference shift was used as a standard
for image registration.
However, to define the limit of a successful 2D/3D registration process, several factors
need to be considered. First, the manual CT registration can lead to inaccuracies up to
3 mm because of the inherent CT data resolution. Axial slice resolution of about 1 mm is
higher than resolution in the CC direction where we set a slice thickness of 4 mm. The pixel
resolution can be explained by the field of view of the axial CT slice around 50 cm and the
native DICOM resolution of 512 × 512 pixels. This observer target registration error takes
CT resolution limitations as well as intra-observer uncertainties into account. Additional
inaccuracies originate from the transportation of the patient from the CT to the linac and
associated set-up errors in stereotactic body frame positioning, which are around 3.5 mm
(Wulf et al 2000). Using image data of lung lesions it is obvious that another influence comes
from tumour movements due to breathing at the time of CT and EPID data acquisition. In
order to limit this influence, planning CT, verification CT and portal images were acquired
in shallow breathing. Breathing motion was considered by adding another uncertainty of
3 mm. This number is based on an ongoing study at our clinic where the tumour motion
range is determined in the CC or AP direction during shallow breathing. More specifically,
some of our test patients were undergoing several multislice CT scans at different moments
of the breathing cycle which provided us with information about the target position during
shallow breathing. Assuming that all these above-mentioned uncertainties can be considered
as independent and adding them in quadrature, a 5 mm limit was obtained to define a successful
2D/3D registration.
3. Results
Each registration algorithm needs its specific time for calculation, depending on the
size of the DRR and the portal image. The duration of a single registration process
ranged from a few seconds for the NCC algorithm (an optimized algorithm provided by
Matlab) and some minutes for the SSD and NMI method in the present form of code
Table 1. Increase in successful registrations for 163 generated test images when the histogram
equalization filter was applied.
Successful registrations
Algorithm Without filter (%) With HE (%)
SSD 49 69
NMI 100 100
NCC 74 78
Table 2. Phantom displacements and phantom deviations for three algorithms: SSD, NMI and
Displacement (mm) Deviation SSD (mm) Deviation NMI (mm) Deviation NCC (mm)
Lung phantom registrations were successful for the SSD, NMI and NCC algorithms, i.e.
they were within the predefined 1 mm limit. Furthermore, average deviation for AP and lateral
directions were below 0.6 mm. Table 2 presents the detailed results of a static lung phantom
with a clearly visible target.
Deviation for the NCC algorithm, no filter Deviation for the NCC algorithm, HE
100% 100%
90% 23 90% 19
26 29
80% 80%
70% 21 70% 28
60% 31 and larger 60% and larger
50% < 8 mm 50% < 8 mm
40% < 5 mm 40% < 5 mm
30% 62 30% 59
49 44
20% 20%
10% 10%
0% 0%
ap lat ap lat
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Results of 2D/3D registration for the NCC algorithm, using DRRs from HELAX.
The PTV-BB was taken as the region of interest. The left figure shows results of the original
images whereas the right illustration presents the outcome of filtered images, using the histogram
equalization. The absolute number of deviations is within the bars.
Figure 6. Patients with three or more fractions were used to correlate average deviations of the
NCC algorithm and the CTV. In the CTV range up to 10 cm3, the deviation between 2D/3D
registration and the reference displacement is larger.
encouraging. For very small CTVs less than 3 cm3, the planning system cannot create a DRR
with a recognizable tumour and subsequently, the registration was not possible. For the cases
with a clinical target volume between 3 cm3 and 10 cm3, registration was only successful when
the target was localized in the middle of the lung and not too close to the heart, liver, spleen,
backbone or the ribs; see figure 7.
Large targets are more robust to registration algorithms than small ones and the volume
of 10 cm3 seems to be a threshold for a good registration. For larger targets, deviations
stabilize around 5 mm. Furthermore, incorrect registrations could be correlated to the position
of the clinical target volume. For the AP projection, bad results occurred when the CTV was
localized near the liver, spleen or diaphragm. In lateral projections incorrect registration took
place if the CTV was localized in the posterior region of the lung where the influence of the
backbone disables an identification of the tumour position.
4. Discussion
For a daily use of automated registration algorithms in clinical treatments, a fast and reliable
registration process is required to correct for interfraction target movements and set-up
uncertainties. The process should take place within seconds which is achievable for optimized
algorithms nowadays, e.g. the optimized NCC algorithm. Moreover, there are some additional
parameters influencing the reliability for a registration. Particularly, the chosen ROI is a
Registration of DRRs and PIs for verification of stereotactic body radiotherapy 2167
Figure 7. Successful registrations (green) and bad registrations (red with arrow) of lung CTVs for
patients with three or more fractions. The robustness of registration depends on the location of the
significant parameter that can strongly affect this process. When defining the region of interest
it is essential to include the complete target into the reference ROI. The contours of the treatment
planning system, being the basis for bounding boxes, do not necessarily cover a complete
structure. However, image completeness of target structures in DRRs was already discussed
(Lemieux et al 1994). He investigated the DRR for patient-to-computed-tomography image
registration and defined the physically realistic image, describing DRRs where rays passing
through the top and bottom slice of the CT are discarded. These non-physical rays should be
eliminated in order to prevent artefacts of truncated surfaces. Accordingly, the limitation to
the physically realistic image constrains the information content of target structures.
In our application-driven development for lung tumour detection, we tried to mitigate
bones in DRR computation. We attempted to focus on lung tumour tissue instead of bony
anatomy, applying the lung window in the TPS (Helax) and for the virtual simulation software
the setting soft tissue. We even tried to define a volume of interest (VOI) for the CT data set
where only the lesion itself was visible. This VOI was then tested as a basis for the DRR
generation in the virtual simulation. Unfortunately, VOI limited DRRs led to unsatisfying
results and the tested algorithms had severe difficulties. We assume that DRR imaging is
badly influenced when reducing the CT data to some slices.
The NMI, the most effective algorithm for synthetic data, and the NCC cost function are
based upon different approaches. Whereas NMI sorts pixel intensities for a joint histogram, the
intensity value itself is lost and frequencies of intensity pairs are the basis for further evaluation.
This correlation of two possible random variables leads to the loss of image information. NMI
is frequently applied for intermodality registration, e.g. MRI and CT and it was successful in
comparing phantom or synthetic data. But it was likely to fail in real patient situations. In
contrast to mutual information, NCC describes a relation between linear dependent variables
and the full image content is taken into account for this value. This could be an advantage of
linear correlation coefficients over statistical approaches when applied on images of the same
modality. However, the robustness of the normalized correlation coefficient is sensitive to
2168 T Künzler et al
high intensity regions because the average image intensity is the central value for computation
of NCC. Khamene et al (2006) tested a variety of registration algorithms, applied on the
Rando phantom and its bony anatomy. The averaged target registration error (TRE) of the
correlation coefficient, an equivalent to our normalized cross correlation, was around 7 mm
whereas their best algorithm, the local normalized correlation (LNC), had an averaged TRE
below 1 mm. For LNC, the image is subdivided into blocks and the correlation coefficient is
computed for each block separately and then averaged to get a scalar value as a result. For
images with high intensity areas, a global correlation coefficient is strongly interfered by bright
regions. Thus, subdividing an image into small parts and applying the correlation algorithm
could improve results significantly. But for images with less intense pixel values, e.g. in lung
tumour registration, NCC still maintains its relevance as a robust registration algorithm.
To evaluate registration algorithms, a reliable golden standard is required. For lung
tumours, this reference standard is difficult to acquire because of cyclic movements of the
tumour. Lung lesion movements have been investigated (Seppenwoolde et al 2002) and a
hysteresis as tumour path was postulated because the tumour follows a different path during
inhalation and exhalation. For a more simple consideration of the movement, the end position
of inspiration and expiration during shallow breathing can be taken to evaluate a so-called
tumour motion range. For imaging in our investigation, the patients were asked to perform
shallow breathing. Hence, the moment of acquiring an image was arbitrary and therefore,
tumour motion range had a considerable impact on the registration process.
The above-mentioned limitations of our clinical feasibility study imply further
investigations. Focusing on the tumour position during imaging for CT or MV portal images,
the deep inspiration breath hold technique (DIBH) could provide a more reproducible tumour
position (Hanley et al 1999). Imaging combined with the DIBH method allows us to reduce
intrafraction tumour motion for a more reproducible positioning of the target (Stock et al
Recent developments of CBCT will offer new possibilities and have high potential for
future IGRT techniques. Nevertheless, 2D/3D intensity value registration can be used in
clinics without a CBCT option but being equipped with a standard EPID. For these clinical
sites, the use of flat panel devices could be an alternative to the cone beam technique, of course
with some limitations. Today, the amorphous silicon EPID offers portal images with good
contrast and low noise, useful for daily geometric verification even in the 6 MeV energy range.
Moreover, acquiring EPID images is fast compared to CBCT which takes time for a complete
rotation of the gantry and the reconstruction of the volume.
5. Conclusion
For radiotherapy departments where stereotactic RT is applied to lung tumours but no resources
are available for a 3D verification of the tumour position (as CT-linac, 3D IGRT), a 2D/3D
registration concept is an attractive alternative. Its advantages are simplicity and accessibility.
For patients it shortens the time to verify the position from 35 min to several minutes, as
there is no need to acquire a CT and fuse it to reference CT data. Our method of 2D/3D
registration offers a high probability (90%) of identifying and verifying the position of the
lung tumour with a clinical target volume larger than 10 cm3 for AP projections. However, for
lateral projections the probability of correct registrations is significantly lower (50%). Another
limitation for accurate results is the influence of several organs which are not avoidable in
projection images. Further research is needed to evaluate the impact of a deep inspiration
breath hold technique on the success rate of 2D/3D registrations.
Registration of DRRs and PIs for verification of stereotactic body radiotherapy 2169
Jozef Grezdo was financially supported by the Marie Curie Fellowship HPMT-GH-01-00318-
05 and Thomas Künzler received a grant from Elekta.
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