Sap MM Standard Business Processes
Sap MM Standard Business Processes
Sap MM Standard Business Processes
Prepared By
Subhrajyoti Bhattacharjee
Perth, Australia.
6. CONSIGNMENT PURCHASE...................................................................................48
8. MISCELLANEOUS PURCHASING............................................................................59
9. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT..................................................................................63
1.Stock Purchase Non ERS Vendors
Material master with all relevant field details including MRP and
Purchasing data fields. Refer document PTP_Current State
Document_PTP Master Data_v0 for details on relevant fields in
material master.
Source assignment records should exist for the material for auto
PO creation from PR. This would include Outline agreement
(Contract)/Source List/Purchasing Info records.
Check in Gen. Data tab where Reservation No. for the item will be
Step 2. Create PR via MRP Run
Transaction code: MD01 (MRP Run for a Plant), MD03 (Single-item, Single-
Level), MDBT (Batch mode - Daily batch run, automated)
Stock A/c Dr
GR/IR A/c Cr
Note: As per print output setting and Printer assignment setting for output
condition type in configuration transaction OMJ3, at ABC, GR of stock
items against a Plant/Storage Location would generate a GR Note
being printed to the respective Printer mapped in OMJ3.
In case of PO being marked for GR-Based IV (PO -> Item details ->
Invoice tab), Invoice can be created against Goods receipt postings
only, whereas if it is marked as Invoice receipt, Invoice can be created
against the Purchase Order as a whole.
Tick on Calculate Tax option to calculate Tax if any. Enter the Net
amount in the Amount field, till the Balance is 0.00
Payment section:
Select Invoice and click on the Green Flag to release the Invoice, and
save to release.
On Invoice Posting, the following Accounting entries are posted:
GR/IR A/c Dr
Tax Account Dr (if taxes are applicable)
Vendor reconciliation A/c Cr
Under the Parameter tab, enter Company code, Payment method (as
relevant),Next payment date, Vendor Accounts (if specific vendors
are to be paid), Exchange rate type (in case of payment in Foreign
In Free selection section, Field Name (for example Invoice
Document No or a List of them) can be specifically selected or
On Save, parameters for Payment Program run for Payment Run date
is saved.
The Next steps are to Schedule the proposal and Execute the
Payment Run in the initial screen of the Transaction
The Next steps are to Schedule the proposal.
On entering Start Date/Time, etc. and clicking on Green Tick, it will
give a message Proposal has been released
In this scenario, post Goods receipt, Auto ERS Invoices are created,
which are then subject to Payment run. This scenario generally
applies for regular/periodic purchases from established vendors.
This Transaction is subject to the fact that the Material does not have
already have a source assigned to it, say through a Fixed vendor or
single Purchase Info record within the current validity period etc. In
such cases transaction ME59 as detailed in previous section can be
Ensure that ERS ,GR Based IVand Invoice Receipt indicators are
ticked in Purchase Order -> Item ->Invoice section. Inv. Receipt
should be unchecked. Also, under Delivery tab, Goods Receipt
indicator should be ticked.
Message Output set for Order can be checked by clicking on
Messages tab
Transaction: ME57
Service item details like Service No, Quantity, Unit, Gross price
should be correctly filled.
Account assignment details and other required details ,if any, should
be filled up. Check and save Purchase requisition.
Transaction: ML81N (In SAP)/ Service entries done through ICAPS not
in scope of this document. Separate documents may exist on the
same in ABC Portal.
In next screen select the service line and click on tab Services (Adopt
The system automatically adapts the service line into the Service
entry sheet under Accept Data tab
Users should now update the Actual Quantity of service that has
been performed, to be accepted for posting.
To accept and Post the service entry, click on Green Flag on Task bar
and save the Service entry sheet.
Transaction: ME21N
Transaction: VA01
Transaction: VL10
In the Sales Orders tab of the Transaction, enter the Sales Order No.
and execute. The Delivery date and CalcRuleDefltDlvCrDt fields for
selecting the Sales documents relevant for delivery should be
correctly chosen.
Select the relevant Delivery item line and click on Create in
Document Type: NL
Enter actual picked quantity, generate output docs (as relevant)
Confirm and save
Transaction: VL32N
Check under Item overview; enter Actual GR date, update Delivery
Quantityand Receiving plant and click on Post Goods Issue
Stock in Transit Cr
Unrestricted (UR) Stock at receiving plant Dr
Transaction: VF01/VF02
6.Consignment Purchase
Transaction: ME51N
Transaction: MIGO_GR
Transaction: MB11/MB1A/MIGO_GI
Transaction: MRKO
Transaction: ME21N
Choose Order type FO and enter other details at Header and Item
level of Purchase Order
Item details would include Account assignment key (K- Cost centre,
P-Projects etc.), Material ID/Short text, Quantity, Unit,Price per unit,
Material Group,Plant, etc.
Transaction: MRIS
In the Initial screen enter the details known such as Company code,
Plant, Vendor, Purchasing Document etc. Initially execute it in Test
run mode
8.Miscellaneous Purchasing
However, in the purchase order line item, the tax code should be
selected as P3.
The difference lies in Input tax not being recoverable from ATO.
In this scenario, multiple tax codes are used across service activities,
of which some may be liable to input tax and some may not be.
The Tax codes are then specifically set for each service activity line
of the Purchase order, in the Item details -> Invoice section.
During Invoice verification, the postings will differ for line item
subject to Tax and item not subject to Tax
9.Inventory Management
Goods issues has again been segregated into Normal hour goods
issues (using MIGO/MIGO_GR), After Hour Goods issues (using
Transactions: MIGO/MIGO_GI/MB11
Movement types: 201 (Goods issue to Cost Centre), 221 (Goods issue
to WBS elements), 261 (Goods issue to Maintenance Orders)
Stock A/c Cr
Consumption A/c Dr