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The Repository | CantonRep.

com | Sunday, March 27, 2016H1

By Todd Porter
Repository special projects editor

o one entity or
person can guar-
antee the success
of a community.
A group of people? Now
thats something different.
For all that has been done
and developed in Jackson
Township, the success of the
area still comes back to one
thing: The people.
If it wasnt for this com-
munity and the people here,
I wouldnt be where I am
today, said John Pizzino,
vice president of the township
trustees and a business owner.
It sounds like something you
just throw out there, but the
people here are great. Theyre
caring and kind. I cant say
enough about the people here.
Of course, through the
years, those people have made
a few things happen that
have been important to the
survival and eventual thriv-
ing of Jackson Township. In
1815, a dozen years after Ohio
became a state, the township
was carved out of land from
Plain and Green townships.
Jackson Township, common
at the time, was named after
war hero Andrew Jackson for
his valor in the Battle of New
Orleans during the War of 1812. REPOSITORY RAY STEWART
Andrew Jackson would later n Balloons make their way over the Belden Village area in Jackson Township.
become the seventh president
of the United States.
Throughout the history of
The canal and railroad helped. to build a large store some-
Jackson Township, it would be
the construction of two trans- Most settlers in early Jackson Throughout the history of Jackson where in the Akron-Canton
portation lines that would be
important to the areas devel-
were of German heritage. Most
probably walked here from
Township, it would be the construction area. Go find us a spot.
Day drove up and down I-77
opment. When Ohio achieved Pennsylvania and New York. ...
A lot of the early settlers used
of two transportation lines that would between Cleveland and New
Philadelphia. The Pro Foot-
statehood, 50,000 people
were spread across the state the Indian trails to make their be important to the areas development. ball Hall of Fame was beyond
with no economical means to way here from Cleveland. its infancy and was becoming
transport goods. Even before a landmark in the state. Day
1803, George Washington and
Good times ahead coal mine in Stark County near Interstate 77 through Stark would get off every exit on the
Thomas Jefferson talked about By the early 1900s, plenty Jane Street NW. County, and the major high- stretch of I-77 between Cleve-
linking Lake Erie to the Ohio of taverns opened along the There wasnt an organized way cut through Jackson land and New Philadelphia.
River. canal. Farming was the town- effort to build a town, Aaby Township with two exits off When he jumped off the
However, the War of 1812 ships main industry. Over said. It was mostly a result of the highway into the township. Whipple Avenue exit, he said
made it impossible for federal time, grist mills were added, need. There were a lot of farms Construction of the highway he thought he was in West
funds to be used. By 1825, Ohio and coal mining as well as sand and corn needed ground, so started in the mid-1960s and Virginia, Aaby said. There
decided to fund the project and gravel mining. The canal someone built a mill. the last leg of it was completed was nothing there. He called
by borrowing $400,000, and was used to transport goods By the mid-1900s, Jackson and opened in 1969. his bosses at Higbee and said
on July 4, 1825, near Newark, out of Jackson. Ohio-Erie Township started to transition Right about the same time, if you want something with a
ground was broken to dig the Canal historians indicate the from a farming community the vice president of the lot of land, theres a lot of land
canal. In 1828, the canal linking first load of coal shipped to to a suburban township. In Higbee Company was James available right here in Stark
Massillon to Akron opened and Cleveland came from Jackson 1945, the Lake Cable Shopping Day, the former mayor of County, so they came up with
a year later, the link from Mas- Township. Center was built, the first of Parma. the idea of building a mall. It
sillon to Dover opened. Thomas Kirkpatrick and its kind in the township. Six He had been so helpful was all based on the Higbee
Generally, Jackson Town- his wife Francis, both from years later, the other half of to Higbees when they were Co.s vision.
ship is like most of Ohio. Our England, located in Jackson the center was finished and looking for a site in the Parma The mall opened in 1970
population increased after and in 1833 he discovered coal Jackson was starting to form area, that when he retired from with anchor tenants Higbees,
the canal was built, town- deposits on his land. Later that its identity around retail. politics, they hired him, Aaby
ship historian Mary Aaby said. same year, he opened the first Local leaders helped bring said. They told him we want SEE JACKSON, H2

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