Glenoak High School IS: Community Hub
Glenoak High School IS: Community Hub
Glenoak High School IS: Community Hub
Plain Local
opens arts
culture to
By Alison Matas
Repository staff writer
By Kelli Young
popular rock band, Repository staff writer
a country music
star and a Motown lain Local School
group all have District encom-
appeared onstage at Gle- passes one of the
nOak High School. most diverse cross-
The Plain Local Com- sections of Stark County.
munity Center for the Its boundaries stretch
Performing Arts brings from the wealthy fami-
national performances at lies in Hills & Dales on
affordable prices to com- its western border to the
munity residents and established working-class
provides opportunities for neighborhoods near Skyline
the districts students to Pines Golf Club on the east
work with professional art- side, and from the farms
ists. The outreach is part of near State Street NE in Lake
a district mindset that the Township to the north,
arts are an important com- to lower-income housing
ponent to learning and the allotments near Harmont
high school campus should Park to the south.
serve as a center for the Superintendent Brent
community. May said a key to bring-
Superintendent Brent ing together such a diverse
May said the idea behind district 28 square miles
the center was to showcase and roughly 50,000 people
the districts facilities and (in Plain Township and
students and to give back to other municipalities) --
the community. has been making GlenOak
The reaction from people High School more than
who come to the perfor- just a campus for its 1,900
mances, including some high-schoolers. COURTESY PLAIN LOCAL SCHOOLS
who travel from out of state, Its (Plains) down- n GlenOak High Schools campus has become a community gathering point for the massive school district.
has been, Wow, we didnt town, May said. It is
know a public school could not just for grades 9-12,
do this, he said. we have so many partners 20,000-square-foot the Stark County Park the library, get a checkup the districts is in constant
there. community branch at the District added the Middle at Mercy, go for a walk conversations with poten-
Performing arts center Since the day the high complex in 2006. Last year, Branch Trail, which loops on a Stark Parks trail, tial partners.
The districts recent Just school opened at 1801 the branch served more around the campus. said May, who has been We feel that would kind
Plain Dance competition Schneider St. NE in 2006, than 108,000 visitors. The district also has meeting monthly with of complete (the campus)
featured faculty mem- the district has continued Mercy Medical Center been inviting residents to community organizations from Veterans Park all the
bers performing routines to expand its reach into the opened a 3,200-square- campus through such com- for the past two school way to Easton, you could
choreographed by students, community by finding new foot immediate care center munity-minded events as years to share ideas. It really go there for every-
sold more than 900 tick- ways to bring more resi- at the school complex in its Plain Family Fun Day really is a hub. We are thing, he said.
ets and raised $14,000. dents, including those who 2008. The center provides and diversity celebration really open seven days a As the district looks
The money will go toward dont have a child in the urgent care, X-rays, draws programs. Increasingly week. Thats what it was to write a new five-year
bringing future perfor- classroom, to the campus. blood for tests and other more residents are coming built for. strategic plan and gain
mances to the districts lab services as well as to the campus to watch feedback from residents,
910-seat Abbey Foltz Stage. Beyond GlenOak sports medicine services performances in Plain Future expansion? May said talk about the
So far, the Plain Local The first community six days a week. Local Community Center May hopes to add more campus future continues
Community Center for the agency to establish a Stark State College also for the Performing Arts, community services to to evolve. He expects to
Performing Arts has hosted presence on the GlenOak uses space on campus to which now also offers the northern end of the present his recommenda-
the Gin Blossoms, Kellie campus was the Stark offer college-level classes national acts. campus in the future. He tions for the strategic plan
Pickler and The Tempta- County District Library, for GlenOak students and When you come to envisions a health and to school board mem-
tions. Rock guitarist Eddie which opened its nearly evening and weekend the high school, you can wellness facility tied with bers at the boards March
Money is scheduled to per- classes for adults. In 2012, see a performance, go to higher education and says meeting.
form there April 2.
Assistant Superintendent
and the musical Next to lain Township is
Normal have been per- poised for develop-
formed in the high schools mental growth.
smaller black box theater. The townships
The school day ends in the borders overlap with the
afternoon, May said, but the juggernaut Hall of Fame
facilities dont have to shut Village. And Plain is eyeing
down, too. opportunities elsewhere as
And the districts Sat- well.
urday Enrichment classes Its leaders said theyre
have been offered for at working to encour-
least 20 years. Students and age development, while
adults can get instruction in keeping its residents best
dance, drama, art, tum- interests in mind.
bling, tae kwon do or yoga. Growth is inevitable, REPOSITORY FILE
Opening up the building township Trustee John n A look at construction of Tom Benson Hall of Fame stadium in Canton. Part of the Hall of Fame Village development will be in Plain Township.
is a way to make people who Sabo said. Its our respon-
live in the community but
dont have children more
sibility, as the board, to in the areas closest to the Plain residents approved is, Sabo added. Housing
figure out how we can development, Trustee Scott a fire levy increase that Moving the station isnt Housing growth also will
comfortable with coming to manage that growth. Haws said. grew squad sizes and easy; it would require fund- be a big part of the town-
the schools, district spokes- Here is a look at some key One of the biggest quickened response time. ing and available land in a
woman Mary Beddell said. ships future, Haws said.
areas of development in the concerns is with safety Its vital the station is strategic location, he said. New housing develop-
The hope is it might make township. services and infrastructure. serving Plain Township
people think twice before Plains potential ments have popped up
Increased traffic to the area residents, as well as offer- throughout the Township,
driving to Cleveland or Hall of Fame Village will mean more strain on ing mutual aid, Leno said. The Village also will bring he said, citing growth at
Akron to see a performance. Initial Hall of Fame Vil- township roads and other Plain officials have opportunities. places such as Lexing-
Student opportunity lage plans call for acquiring infrastructure, something discussed some solutions, Its a great thing for our ton Farms and Saratoga
90 more properties in Plain township leaders will have including locating a Canton community. Its going to Hills, as well as ongoing
When a national artists Township, according to to address, Haws said. medic squad at the station make the whole area prob- development at the former
tour bus rolls up to Gle- past Repository reports. Plains Fire Station 3, on or striking up a cooperative ably the best that its going Edgewood Golf Course.
nOak High School, students The Hall also has identi- 25th Street NW, would sit agreement in which Plain to ever, ever be. ... Its
spring into action. The Townships aging
fied at least 104 additional on the border of the pro- and Canton share the sta- going to make big things population also creates
In prepping for the parcels in the township it posed Village. tion and its expenses. happen in our community, the need for more senior
shows, students assist with might need for develop- The township has But it might make more Leno said.
the technical aspects of the and mixed-use housing,
ment beyond 2018. mutual-aid agreements sense to relocate the sta- The Village will draw new he said.
performance, they handle The Hall plans to annex with other Stark commu- tion, said Sabo, who is also businesses to the township,
the marketing, and they New residents are also
those properties into nities, including Canton. the townships former fire especially in the areas clos- attracted to the township,
work with the districts Canton. In December, If something happens at chief. est to the Hall, Haws said.
catering service to set up partly because its quiet
Hall officials talked with the Village that requires Station 3 is strategically It will also increase prop- and peaceful, while also
the performers VIP room. trustees about a proposed emergency assistance, located where it easily can erty values, he said.
One contract rider being interconnected with
tax-increment financing Plain Townships squad cover a densely populated But even with increased the rest of the county, he
stipulated there could be deal involving 225 parcels likely would be first on the part of the township, he traffic to the area, current
only one color of M&Ms, said.
of Plain Township land, scene. And if the Village is said. Ohio law will make it dif- Were literally in the
so students had to root including four commercial as popular as predicted, it But with those homes and ficult for Plain Township to heart of it all, Haws said.
through the bags and sort properties and numerous could mean Plain making businesses being bought benefit as much as it could
the candies by hand a But the township also
residential ones. a lot of calls there, Haws by the Hall and annexed from the Village, Sabo said. needs to draw more busi-
job, Beddell said, that The commercial tax base said. into Canton, the township Right now, Plain Town-
might have taught the stu- ness development, Haws
of that property, excluding The Village could box population there will drop. ship cannot collect income said.
dents event planning isnt the school district, is about in the fire station, making The station might not be tax on businesses in the
always glamorous. Right now, the township
$72,000 annually, Hall it harder for squads to responding to enough calls township, only property is predominately a bed-
During the school day, officials said. respond to emergencies, within the township to taxes, he said.
hundreds of students from room community about
Trustee Al Leno said. justify keeping the station The township is also lim- 78 percent of development
the intermediate through Safety services That station wasnt put there, he said. ited on its ability to issue
high school grades partici- is residential, he said. A
The Village will have a there for the city of Canton; it You dont take a fire liquor licenses, which could 70 / 30 housing and other
pate in choir, band, strings significant impact on Plain was put there for the west end station and put it close to deter some new places from development split is more
and art, drama and dance Township, and not just of Plain Township, he said. where your boundary line opening.
classes. ideal, he added.