Coal Selection
Coal Selection
Coal Selection
power plant. One element is none other than the coal, itself and the other is
2.1 Coal
Coal is the most abundant fuel in the United States and in many other
parts of the world. In the United States, the supply of coal resources is
estimated to be nearly 500 years. The benefit of its high availability, however, is
offset by the fact that it is the most complicated fuel to burn. Many problems
occur with the systems required to combust the fuel efficiently and effectively
as well as the systems that are required to handle the ash that remains after
combustion. Even with similar coals, designs vary from even one boiler
designers design philosophy and the experience gained with operating units.
located in the United States. This represents 90 percent of the total of U.S.
energy reserves, which include natural gas and oil. As noted previously, over 50
percent of the total electricity production in the United States is generated from
coal. Coal production in the United States has increased from 890 million tons
in 1980 to 1121 million tons in 2001. By the year 2020, coal production is
transformed successively into different types of coal. These types of coal differ
Sometimes also called hard coal, anthracite forms from bituminous coal
when great pressures developed in folded rock strata during the creation of
mountain ranges. This occurs only in limited geographic areas primarily the
of all coals and is used for making coke, a fuel used in steel foundry ovens.
Anthracite coal is a dense, hard rock with a jet-black color and metallic luster.
It contains between 86% and 98% carbon by weight, and it burns slowly, with
is the type most commonly used for electric power generation in the U.S. It has
a higher heating value than either lignite or sub-bituminous, but less than that
region. Bituminous coal (in Indiana), contains between 69% and 86% carbon
by weight.
bituminous coals. They contain less carbon (about 35-40%), more water and is Lignite
Lignite coal, or brown coal, is a very soft coal that contains up to 70%
least efficient source of heat. It contains only about 25-35% carbon and 30-
60% moisture. This coal emits more pollution than other coals.
Certain criterion were laid down by the designers for them to select the
type of coal to be used. This coal should meet the criterion that are set for the
proposed 600MW coal-fired power plant. Three different coals from Indonesia
were considered for the selection of the appropriate coal for the proposed plant.
As basis for selecting the appropriate coal, a point system will be used
depending on the properties considered. The highest point will be 3 and the
lowest will be 1. The coal with the highest total points will be the selected coal
The following are the criteria that were set by the designers in order to
select the appropriate coal for the proposed study. The criteria being
considered are based on the selected coal furnace, which is the Fluidized bed
One of the tests, the Hardgrove, uses a definite amount of grinding energy. The
weight of the ground product that will pass a 75micron sieve is employed to
The coal with the highest ash fusion temperature would be the most
desirable, for it would give a stable, solid ash particle in the presence of high
limitation upon the capacity at which the equipment can be operated. If a low
ash fusion coal is contemplated at the time of designing the plant, the proper
provisions can be made for successfully using it. This is often done on account
of the attractive price usually offered by the producers of low fusion coal.
However, a fluidized bed furnace has the ability to burn coals at low
(Woodruff, 2005).
the fuel bed; 3 to 6 represent moderately expanding coals in fuel bed; and 6
The mineral matter or resulting ash in the coal is inert, and it dilutes the
heating value. Consequently, with coals of higher ash content, more fuel is
required to meet the heat input that is required in the furnace for a particular
steam capacity. The ash absorbs heat and interferes with the heat transfer to
the coal particles, thus deterring the combustion process with high-ash coals.
The type of ash varies in coal, and this reflects the tendency for slagging which
moisture presents a burden to coal ignition because the water in the coal must
of this problem that coal drying is done in the pulverization process with the
use of reheated air. Not all the moisture in the coal is eliminated, however
(Woodruff, 2005).
TOTAL 17 12 15
alternative coals for this design, as well as the scores for their respective
characteristics. For grindability index, all three coals have equal score of 3
points because all their grindability indexes are within the range of 50-60
(range of grindability index for good bituminous coals). Similarly, all three coals
have the same score of 3 points for free swelling index, since they all have
indexes within the range of 6 to 9 (range of free swelling index for strongly
However, for ash fusion temperature, coal C has the highest score for
having the highest ash fusion temperature although fluidized bed furnaces can
handle coals with low fusion temperature. This is due to the reason that,
generally, having a high ash fusion temperature would mean a stable solid ash
particle. For ash content, coal A is given the highest score because it has the
lowest ash content which means that, among the three, it requires the least
amount of fuel to meet the heat input required in the furnace. For moisture
content, coal A has the highest score because it has the least burden for coal
ignition for having the least amount of moisture. Lastly, all three coals have
equal scores for heating value because they all have heating values above 2500
Btu/lb, which a fluidized bed considers for better combustion, though it can
Based on the data above, the most desirable coal to use is Coal A, which
is Premier coal, for having the highest total score of 17 points. This
swelling index of 8 that represents strongly swelling coal on fuel bed; ash
content of 1.1% which means that it required the least amount of coal in order
to meet the heat input required in the furnace; and moisture content 1.48%
which means that it gives the least burden for coal ignition for having that least
The coal consumption for the proposed plant is determined using certain
considerations such as the common thermal efficiency for power plants, which
is 33% and the heating value for the selected coal. The following shows the said
= 1818.18 MW
= 1818.18 x 106 W
= (13974 Btu/lb)(1.055kJ/Btu)(2.2lb/kg)(1000J/kJ)
= 32,433,654 J/kg
In one day:
= 4,843.41 tons/day
= (4,843.41 tons/day)(365days/yr)
= 1,767,859.25 tons/yr
= 1,591,073.325 tons/yr