Home & Design Trends - New
Home & Design Trends - New
Home & Design Trends - New
bathroom special
R.N.I. MAHENG/2013/50949
8 Design in context
A showcase of an eclectic mix of bathroom spaces and accessories from around the globe
8 An artist whose work architects and designers like to most incorporate in their projects
Ashiesh Shah discusses his approach to finding beauty in that, which is imperfect and incomplete
Architect Akshat Bhatt writes about architecture that engages the human senses
26 Portfolio
Iwan Baans 52 weeks, 52 Cities visually implies the bond humans share with architecture
36 Interview
Light designer Abhay Wadhwa tells us how light for him is a tool for storytelling
26 This months choice is The Nightmare by Henry Fuseli
Puttin on the Ritz
This master suite epitomises the glamorous era with its use of ornate furnishings 42
68 Monochrome magic
This remodelled master bathroom juxtaposes glass against steel and black against white 64
Cover This master suite built by Oswald Homes draws references
to the glamorous era with its ornate furnishings and
Lap of luxury
antique-style cast-iron bathtub
(see page 42) This remodelled bathroom recalls a boutique hotel suite with its jewel-like interior 68
In full bloom
This bathroom is designed in a monochromatic colour palette that sets it apart 76
Watery embrace
An emphasis on curves and layers gives this powder room a surreal presence 78
An understated style
This show home reinterprets local southern architectural elements in a contemporary manner 92
Looking through
Keeping the focus on the outdoors, Space Dynamix designs this duplex in a minimalist style 98 82
Maximising options
This residence boasts of open spaces that allow abundant natural light to flow in 106
Tropical disposition
The Cairns Institute connects with the rainforest around, thereby creating a natural santuary 112
Sound wave patterns are intelligently weaved into the design of this Mumbai auditorium 122
Making an impact 112
This corporate showroom-cum-office is an oasis of green amidst a dusty, industrial setting 128
Fresh perspective
Raising the bar for office design, this office has a spacious feel despite a small footprint 134
Feast for the eyes
The interiors of this restaurant reference the bygone Latin American culture 138
154 Showcase
Mrigank Sharma (India Sutra)
From the15th of last month, we officially opened to receive your entries for
the TRENDS Excellence Awards for Architecture & Design 2014.
www.trendsawards.in, our online gateway to your submissions has an all-
new look; the awards details are all there along with in-depth information
on last years winners and the awards night. Do see.
for trends
we felt like playing around with it some more.
And said to ourselves, why not. So as we speak,
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jury 2014
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jury 2014
Arjun Malik
Malik Architecture, Mumbai
An artist whose name comes to mind is Manish
Naik. His works are conceptually pure and process
driven; yet he is able to cleverly create differentiation
within a homogenous materiality. I have always
described his work as having an ineffable quality of
brutal delicacy, being visually arresting at first glance,
while simultaneously luring you into a labyrinth of
crevices and details.
Monica Chawla
Essentia Environments,
supraja rao, lona logan, kohelika kohli x2, 123rf.com
Arjun malik x2, Monica chawla x2, puran kumar x2,
Supraja Rao
Design House, Hyderabad
Sumanto Choudhury is an artist whose work I like. His work has
a lot of colour and many a times it also adds a three dimensional
aspect. This is especially clear in our monochromatic schemes or
dark colour schemes where his work adds a sudden burst of colour.
JR+A, Gurgaon
The ceramic artist, sculptor and potter P Daroz is synonymous in our large-scale
architectural ceramic installations. His work is subliminally beautiful, innovative and always
delightful. Whether hes creating miniature ruins of lost cities, exquisite seabed sculptures or
magnificent wall murals, columns and gateways, his work never ceases to amaze.
- Compiled by Dushyant Shekhawat
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jury 2014
How has stumbling upon the Japanese Wabi Sabi philosophy changed or influenced the
way you approach design?
My practice has evolved over the years and with it my philosophy and aesthetics. What has
remained constant however, is my belief in the aesthetic philosophy of Wabi Sabi, a concept
derived from Buddhist teachings. It is the aesthetic of a beauty that is imperfect and incomplete. Asym-
metry and asperity play a major role in my practice. I appreciate spaces that incorporate natural objects and
processes and I try to maintain this principle in my own practice. Nothing is permanent, nothing is finished
and nothing is perfect. The idea of balance also plays an important role in my design practice. A well-
designed space is a balance between materials, textures, surfaces and colours.
is a hybrid
discipline where
interacts with
design and
engineering to
create adaptive
The mechanism creates geometric motifs and is projects, including set design of U2s POPmart
an active climate control device, like a traditional tour, in which two projects stood out for me.
screen. It animates the interior, the exterior and The first was the Window & the Pavement at
references the cultural heritage of the client. This Selfridges on Oxford Street. The store is located
is intelligent design - its dynamic, tells a story, at a quiet intersection and to activate the building
and leaves a lasting impression. This wasnt the at the street level an intervention was planned
first time that an architect experimented with using the shop window to actively engage the
traditional motifs. J A Stein was well-known passersby with a multilayered and entertaining
for using jaalis in his buildings, but they were image projection for the store. Flickering film
artistic interpretations; staid, they were true to and projecting light lured viewers in, while mirror
the material and the fundamental static dialogue films reflected their image back. The installation
remained. Jean Nouvel pushed the traditional brought together video, consumer products,
motif into the 21st century with a building that unexpected materials and special lighting to
demonstrated that the future could clearly create intriguing and multilayered piece of
reference tradition. temporary architecture. This installation appealed
Around this time, a lot of people were to the technologically handicapped person in
experimenting with architecture that could create me. It covered 31 shop windows, used CCTV
immersive environments or interactive non-static cameras, TV monitors and played videos of shop-
interpretations of conventional typologies. life using slowed down security camera footage
Another example is the Tower of Winds (Toyo with themes such as playing, parking, eating and
Ito, Yokohama, Japan, 1986). The intervention dressing. It was an uncomplicated, voyeuristic,
shows that a simple form can be used to an animated presentation of real happenings.
Blinkenlights, Berlin
create dynamic architecture that is a 12-storey This was created by d-squared, a well respected,
tower made of steel, glass, air and light. This research-based collaborative design practice
elegant, but primitive form changes appearance that existed from 1994-2009. The emotional
in response to wind speed and is a simple platforms at which this intervention conversed
light sculpture. The response to climate and with the viewer, and at the various levels
environment lends a dynamic character to the that technology was woven into the idea of
built form where some aspects of it are temporary dialogue with the viewer, created an interaction
but not arbitrary. through design.
When I first saw Architectural Design The second was Jump Cuts (Diller Scofidio
(January - February 1998) titled Consuming & Renfro 1996, San Jose, USA), staged during
Architecture in the library of the School of Habitat 1995 by an interdisciplinary practice that
Studies, it featured a few immersive media combines architecture with fine and performing
Akshat Bhatt graduated with a B. Arch from TVB School of Habitat Studies in 2002. He worked in
London with Penoyre & Prasad before founding his own studio, Architecture Discipline, in New Delhi in
2007. This multi-disciplinary design studio advocates the advancement of regional forms of expression
through contextually charged and contemporary typologies.
R.N.I. MAHENG/2013/50949
1. New York
As quoted on Dezeen, Baan explains, Most people know my photography from the
commissioned architecture work but there are also a lot of other places that fascinate me, that
show how people are building informally. My work is about looking at all the different aspects
of building and the built environment, from the very well-planned cities to what people build
themselves out of necessity.
R.N.I. MAHENG/2013/50949
Light designer
Abhay Wadhwa
tells us how a
light fixture is
not merely a form
of illumination
but a tool of
You were initially pursuing architecture. who is still a great friend, told me something very
What mad you suddenly venture into light special once I finished the programme. He said,
design? When you came in, you were all over the place and
As a young boy, I loved to create and had a we straightened you out. Frankly, I dont disagree
knack for making things and that was the prime with that. I was all over the place. They channelised
reason why I enrolled for architecture at the me. From being a crazy kid who was doing eve-
JJ School of Architecture in 1987. While I was rything, they straightened me out and I have no
in college, I was not a very focused student problem in accepting that because he was and still
and was involved in organising college shows is one of the best vision scientists in the world. He
and fests. once said, If you are a good scientist then you need
There was this one particular students to design and if you are a good designer you need
conference of architecture that I was organis- to know how the technical stuff works.
ing, which had musicians coming and playing. You see that realisation, left side, right side of
Just before we were about to begin the man the brain, thats rubbish. I think both sides of the
who was in-charge for the light and music brain have to work with what I do. In architecture
needed some help and I volunteered to help also its not about one side of the brain, the left side
him out to set the stage. So I climbed up on of the brain. If youre really creating architecture,
the catwalk and was setting up the lights and you cant really do it without knowing the techni-
the moment I finished and the lights went on, cal side. So in that its kind of bauhausian, like the
I knew I wanted to venture into light design. Bauhaus School, that you need to know your craft.
In those few seconds I knew this is what I I have always been fascinated by the German and
wanted to do. It was almost like an instant realisa- Japanese system of being apprentices in order to
tion. Now when I look back, I still get goose learn your craft.
bumps because I did not realise I was going to stick
with it for this long but even back then I knew that What parameters do you take into considera-
I loved it. tion while executing your light design?
When I look at a space one of the first few things
What would you call as the turning point in one would take into consideration would be of how
your career? one would approach it, where the poetry lies, where
The turning point would have to be my time at the is the emotional connect and where is the science.
Lighting Research Center at RPI in upstate New Functionality is another important aspect. Also there
York. I moved to it after my time at University of needs to be a connect with the architecture and
Southern California. I had one year at USC and that how to augment the light with it. So after the initial
was fun but this was real, a serious boot camp and I analysis, we start looking at is the focal points of
was working as a research assistant for my stipend a project. Light is not merely an illumination. It is a
Fram Petit, dlf
and I was doing an unfunded thesis that was pub- storytellling and an illustrative medium.
lished in technical papers.
This is what I wanted to do, I wanted to learn How do you help your client in choosing the
light design right down to the last bit, so that I could right light?
really craft it. Mark Rea, the director of my centre It depends on who they are and which part of the
world they are from. But in general we love to work What are the current trends in lights?
with clients who are involved in projects. Some The whole planet seems to be engulfed in the LED
designers might term that as interference but I trend. Fortunately, unlike other trends in the past,
love that. Light is a facilitated medium and not a fiber optic lighting being one of them, this develop-
dictatorial medium. Frankly, when I dont have feed-
back from clients, thats when I get really worried
ing trend has promise. It is predicted that 70% of
the world wide lighting market will belong to LEDs
There is poetry,
because that means that project will not get to its and its cousins. This trend has been building for but when
maximum utility. There is poetry but when poetry is the past 20 years, since Shuji Nakamura invented
left uninterpreted then its lost. the white LED. As designers, we must see this as a poetry is left
How would you define the current state of light
harbinger of a shift in paradigms, and not just a new
technology to replace the current lamp technol-
design in India? ogy. It bothers me when LEDs are described as then its lost
I think its a vendor product driven culture. Many a replacement technology - it is much more than
people do presentations on light fixtures but no that, and really prompts us to rethink how we see
one is really initiating a dialogue on space and architectural spaces and the role of the light bulb.
light. There is limited analysis and enquiry into how In New York, I teach a class on What will 2020
it should be. I have so far not been excited by any Bring? and the biggest point that I make is that we
work done by an Indian light designer and I dont are really selling ourselves short if we see the LED
feel very happy to acknowledge it. technology as just the new bulb technology.
Bushwick Gallery
The Golden Temple, Amritsar
You have also designed solar-powered LED What projects are you currently working on?
homes and street lamps as part of an NGO At a recent leadership conference for 40under40
project. How did this come about? (I am an alumni from the 40u40 club from 2009), I
We did this even before LEDs and solar were heard many attendees referring to the size of their
considered cool and in fashion. This was in 2002 projects. Though size is important for our work, it
and I had just started my practice in New York. is really about how we were able to innovate and
I had friends in Africa and India and through them create experiences. My current favourite project is a
I started developing a system of lanterns, street sculptural installation in the UN plaza in New York,
lights, bus shelters, which we called the tree of on the abolition of slavery. Working on this project
light and other related products. Some of the ideas gives me goose bumps. Besides this, we are
were realistic and the others, not as much. It was a working in 22 countries and counting- I see myself
great project, as I was working on these products as the lighting nomad. We are also are working
to be developed and built locally by the communi- on master planning projects in Egypt, hotels in
ties- imparting knowledge of sustainable systems Nigeria, youth center in Oman, a city for 100,000
and LEDs. residents in Dhahran, and a 14 million sq ft mall and
two hotels in Central Asia. Size is important, but it
Blue Frog is one of your most popular projects is really how you make lifes better with light that
in Mumbai. How did it come about? drives us.
The lighting for Blue Frog needed an analysis of the
- In conversation with Kamna Malik
AWA, daniel schwartz
Headquartered in New York City, AWA is an international architectural lighting design firm founded by
Abhay Wadhwa. His work involves designing and implementing lighting solutions for infrastructural,
hospitality, commercial and residential projects. His endevour is to light spaces in manner in which
they evoke the senses rather than being a empty areas. Some of his well-known projects are Brigade
Gateway Complex (Bangalore), India Bulls Centre (Mumbai), Peak Tower (Hong Kong), etc. With clients
in over 22 countries, he has also associated with some of the best architectural firms like HOK, Perkins
Eastman, SOM, etc.
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jury 2014
Swiss born artist Henry Fuseli
painted one of the iconic
paintings of the Romantic
Movement, The Nightmare in
1781. When displayed at the
Royal Academy exhibition in
London in 1782, it shocked
visitors with its explicit portrayal
of a dream-state. What you see is
a woman lying on her bed with
her arms stretched out and an
incubus resting on her chest,
which is the mare of nightmare. It
comes from the old English word
mara (evil spirit that tortures
humans as they sleep) and this is
giving her nightmares, which is
represented by the horses head
peeping out from the curtains
with empty eye sockets and
flared nostrils. Through his use of
composition and chiaroscuro, he
paints a picture of vulnerability
and suggests that the woman is
simply dreaming, but the
representations of her dream (the
When you enter a suite in a five-star A tiled floor with a black-and-white Preceding pages: Although this bathroom features
hotel, you close the door on the world chequerboard pattern laid on the diagonal a limited palette of materials, it has plenty of
outside and walk into a private sanctuary. serves to lead the eye directly to the tub, glamour, thanks to the dramatic positioning of an
antique-style clawfoot bathtub on a marble plinth.
That is precisely the feeling created by which is also dramatic in black and white.
this master suite in a new display home The look is not severe, however the
Facing page: All the walls, including the shower
built by Oswald Homes. white marble tiles have grey veining that niche, are lined with Bianco Carrara marble tiles,
At 800 m2, the house itself is grand, helps to soften the look. which provide textural character.
and the master bedroom has similarly With character all important, the
grand proportions it is large enough design team chose to line all the walls with Above: The colours in the master bedroom black,
to boast a seating area. But the pice de Bianco Carrara marble tiles the same gold and silver set the tone for the bathroom
rsistance is the view through wide doors marble that features on the plinth. This beyond. Regency-style wallpaper, a dramatic
to the bathroom featuring a large antique- provides a strong visual continuity and area rug and a wide opening to the bathroom are
style clawfoot tub on a raised plinth. conveys an old-world aesthetic. distinctive features of the suite.
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jury 2014
A peninsula in the marshlands of the board and batten exterior, and the rustic Vaughan says the starting point for
South Carolina Low Country, with water ambience continues on the interior. the design was a glass-fronted armoire by
on three sides, is an enviable location for a The master suite, for example, has Four Hands, found at the Highpoint Inter-
vacation home. painted butt boards on outside walls, and national Furniture market. Made from
Because the setting is so compelling has been designed with the hunting lodge, reclaimed wood, the armoire has a white
and has a long history, the property fishing camp style in mind. Even the posi- interior, which appealed to Kathy.
owners Rick and Kathy Fairman, wanted tion of the suite in a wing of its own off She also loves the armoires hardware
their vacation home to reflect the local one end of the house is designed to look mechanism, where the bolts open with the
architectural heritage rather than the as though the rooms could have evolved pull of a long rod.
McMansion-style houses popping up over many years. The bathroom, with its The other furniture, including two
elsewhere in the neighborhood. furniture pieces, could have once been a recessed medicine chests copied from old
Interior designer Gregory Vaughan of bedroom, with plumbing brought inside photographs, was custom manufactured
Kelley Designs Inc says the house has a to provide facilities. by John Zoot of Wood Creations.
trendsideas.com 57
Cherry Rosso
Pine reco
than life
The new Nitco Magnified
range of large format GVT
& PGVT tiles promises to
highlight your spaces
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jury 2014
Interior designers are often asked to create bedroom, Handman says. Consequently, the Facing page: The shower occupies
a contemporary interior, but invariably this is existing walls were replaced with very sleek the full width of the bathroom at
with a soft edge. For this bathroom renovation, Mondrian-style glass and steel partitions that one end. This features backpainted
glass walls. The grey veining in the
however, there was no softening required the pay homage to the subtle Deco styling that can
Calacatta Gold vanity top is echoed
owner wanted a slick, sharp, edited look. be seen in the baseboards and mouldings.
by the colour of the paint and tiles.
Designer Shelly Handman says the new We played with different glass opacities
bathroom replaces a Japanese-styled room with within the space the glass beside the hallway Above: This remodeled master
a huge soaking tub that took up most of the is sandblasted to allow plenty of diffuse light bathroom features sandblasted
space. The bathroom was also very enclosed to pass through. To provide more privacy in glass walls that bring light into a
and compartmentalised. the toilet room, these glass walls are laminated, long, formerly dark hallway. The
The new owner wanted a much more open, while the shower walls are clear glass. crisp, pared-back design presents a
flowing space, and it was important to bring Sharp contrast is created between the modern take on the Mondrian style,
light into the long, dark hallway leading to the powdercoated black steel and the crisp, white says designer Shelly Handman.
Search 43092 at
Above right: Another glass door freestanding oval tub and the vanity cabinetry,
opens to the separate toilet room. which appears to float above the floor.
The ribbon of floating cabinetry To provide an airy look and the illusion
extends through into this room.
of more space I didnt want anything reaching
down to the ground, says Handman. The
Right: The bathroom occupies
a central position beside the
vanity extends like a ribbon right through the
main hallway.
glass wall and into the toilet room.
The designer says the owners preference for
Calacatta marble on the vanity top determined
the grey tile colour the shade matches the vein-
ing in the marble. In the shower and toilet, the
walls feature gray backpainted glass that makes
a glossy contrast to the honed marble floor tiles.
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jury 2014
The tub deck was replaced I wanted the vanities to Before Facing page: Cantilevered vanities
with a freestanding Eago bath be displayed as artwork, says like works of art appear to float off
its rounded form echoing the Henry. The effect is height- the wall in this remodeled bathroom,
curves of the circular motif. ened by the LED back lighting, designed by Angelica Henry ASID.
The Moooi chandelier has a mirrored
The bath sits beneath another and integrated lighting within
shade, with the mirror becoming
large installation designed the mirror. To keep it simple
invisible when the light is on.
by Henry, which features a and clean-lined, I did not opt
collection of bowls finished in for vanity light fixtures. Above and left: Before the remodel,
gold leaf and mounted in dark The designer also added the bathroom featured old-style
wood frames. painted wall panels with a glass blocks and a tiled tub deck. The
The vanities are also wall custom routed circular pattern, wall, which is in front of a double
mounted on shimmering and warm gold tiles that wrap shower, was filled in and tiled, and a
textural gold linen. the vanity walls and floor. freestanding tub introduced.
Search 42834 at
70 trendsideas.com
textures & colours
Byzantine mood
A glittering swathe of mosaic tiles over ceiling and walls creates
an ethereal atmosphere in this spacious master bathroom
Sometimes the impact of a particular design reflected from the thousands of glass mosaics Facing page: A glass shower stall
element can be more dramatic in real life than it further enhances the drama of the bathroom. helps ensure nothing detracts from
appears on the plans. With this scenario, you Designer Steven Gamper says the room the sparkling mosaic surfaces in
this bathroom by designer Steven
may be tempted to throw caution to the winds incorporates other luxurious touches.
Gamper and owner Cedric Brown.
and turn this asset into a central feature. These include a refined, elongated ebony
When owner Cedric Brown set eyes on the vanity with stepped-out elements, signaling the Above: The oversized wall mirrors
barrel ceiling in his master suite he took such position of the freestanding countertop bowls. match the generous scale of the
positive action. Brown says the arch was higher The ebony is repeated on the large wall bathroom and bounce light across
and more arresting than hed expected. mirror frames this makes a connection to simi- the space. The long vanity has a
To optimise its presence I decided to face lar treatments in the adjacent master bedroom, floating aesthetic, in keeping with
the ceiling in bronze mosaic tiles and run these says Gamper. A circle motif also features, in the owners request for a spa-like air.
down the walls as well, making the space seem the window at one end, an antique mirror at the
even more lofty than it actually is. And the light other and on the custom doors.
Search 42832 at
74 trendsideas.com
In full bloom
A monochromatic colour palette with a difference this bathroom is finished
entirely in shades of black, grey and white, but its the way
these tones are used that sets the suite apart
Above: With its highly decorative All it takes to make a bold with light Calacatta marble tiles Interior designer: Brian Z Allen,
Sicis mosaic tile murals, this new design statement is one key on the floor, shower surround Brian Z Allen Design (San Francisco)
bathroom has a lively, yet classic idea. For this bathroom, its the and tub deck. Tub: Kohler Air Bath
look. A glittering chandelier and Sicis mosaic tiles that lift it out To help the space seem Vanity cabinet: SieMatic
large mirror above the floating vanity Vanity top: Calacatta marble
of the ordinary. larger, the SieMatic vanity
enhance the sense of glamour. Faucets and shower fittings: Kohler
The bathroom, designed by is cantilevered, and the wall
Mosaic tiles: Sicis from DaVinci Marble
Facing page: The spa bath also
Brian Z Allen, features a classic above the vanity is mirrored. Flooring: Calacatta Michelangelo
features a Sicis mosaic mural the
monochromatic color palette This also helps to keep the marble from DaVinci marble
black mosaics are a bold contrast to enlivened by a custom floral bathroom light filled. Paints: Benjamin Moore
the Calacatta marble floor tiles. Sicis mosaic tile pattern on the The centerpiece, however,
shower wall, and another on is the spa bath in front of a
Story by Colleen Hawkes the front of the tub surround. shuttered bay window, which Search 42831 at
Photography by Tim Maloney Dark grey walls contrast reinforces the visual drama. trendsideas.com
Above: This bathroom by Elina There are no straight lines in nature so why We replaced the existing tub with a large
Katsioula-Beall of DeWitt Designer design a room thats dedicated to pampering steam shower with an S-shaped enclosure, door
Kitchens accentuates soft lines and the curvaceous human form in a linear style? and soffit, and a concave bench, custom shaped
layering. Next to the curved vanity, a This other-worldly bathroom was created by to Newtons body, says Katsioula-Beall.
storage tower is tucked into the wall,
designer Elina Katsioula-Beall for owner Chris The softened lines continue throughout, and
saving space. Niches are cut into the
Newton, who requested a design celebrating can be seen on the S-shaped vanity which trans-
wall planes, including one for towels
and another to house the wall mirror.
curved lines, with a generous use of bamboo. forms into one of two curved half-walls that
The original bathroom had a galley-style enclose the toilet area. In addition, the vanity
Facing page: Seen here in reflection, layout and was modest in size. To gain valuable mirror meets the marble wall in an organic line,
the niche for the towel warmer has a space, the side walls were pushed back by six top and bottom. This extends into the shower
rippled surface. The rear wall is flat inches, and all shower services, the toilet cistern enclosure. Even the lighting track follows a
only the mirrors shape curves. and a retractable storage tower were set into an snaking line.
adjacent room, says Katsioula-Beall. The designer says that while the generous
These pages: One half-wall morphs use of curves might seem indulgent in a limited effects in Hollywood, and knew how to bring
into the curve of the steam shower space, here everything is set out to maximise the design together in an exciting way, says
enclosure. Vertical strips of mosaic use. For example, the half-wall that arcs around Katsioula-Beall. For example, the glass sink
green glass call to mind bamboo
the toilet makes extra room available on the is lit through the drain with a green LED light,
shoots. The concave shower seat
vanity countertop. and the shower bench has chromatherapy fiber
was custom-made for the owner.
The windows sport the only straight
Besides interwoven flowing forms, layers optics set beneath it.
lines in the design, because housing
add to the rooms sense of mystery. As well as Perhaps the most natural aspect of the space
restrictions meant they couldnt the suspended glass vanity top, there are niches is the use of bamboo, seen on the curved vanity
be altered. cut into the various wall planes, to accommo- front and the end of the pull-out storage tower.
date a floating full-length mirror, a warming
ladder, a towel rack, and toilet rolls.
The builder who created this room for Search 43091 at trendsideas.com
us, Michael McAlister, also works in special
Center Court, the 13,000 sq ft villa designed The building sits on a H-shaped plan. We Preceding pages and facing page:
by Sumit Arora of DADA & Partners is testa- achieved this by placing two volumes parallel The 13,000 sq ft villa in New Delhi
ment to clean design and its ability to elevate a to each other on the plot and then connecting by architect Sumit Arora of DADA &
project. Located in New Delhi on a 2.5 acre plot them with a third volume, perpendicular to the Partners reflects a clean, minimalist
design sensibility, creating an air of
of land, the house is a six bedroom residence rest and perched above them, Arora explains.
transparency with glazed glass.
and has an abundance of recreational space, This configuration gave rise to the creation
both indoors and outdoors. The contemporary of two courtyards, one to the north and one to Above: The glazed glass offers
influence is clearly visible in the design and the south. The house is named after the north- uniterrupted views of the courtyard
showcases a vocabulary, which is sculpted and ern courtyard, which is positioned at the and the reflective pool, as the view
uncluttered, with a strong visual continuity. confluence of the houses three volumes and of the southern courtyard from the
The clients inkling towards contemporary adjacent to the outdoor pool. eastern wing of the house shows.
aesthetics influenced the buildings design, This placement makes it a hub of activity in
adds Arora. the house. The southern courtyard features a
86 trendsideas.com
drive court for the owners vehicles. These out-
door landscapes exhibit use of granite slabs and
cobbles, reinforcing a minimalist aesthetic.
The eastern wing is a single-storey volume
with high ceilings. This is the more public of the
two wings of the house, containing the entry
foyer, formal living room and dining area with
an adjoining bar. A timber and steel bridge
spans the width of a reflective pool to connect
the outdoor drive court to the entry foyer.
Across the courtyard, the western wing is a
more private space. The bedrooms are situated
here and the upper floor of this wing boasts of
two master suites.
One of the master suites faces west, towards
the manicured lawns, while the other overlooks
the courtyard and pool. The second suite also
has a connecting lounge as well as an extended,
covered terrace. A small gymnasium with
an outdoor landscaped terrace is also part of
this wing.
The dining area and bar stand out for their
floor-to-ceiling glazed windows and sliding
doors, which connect the indoor and outdoor
areas while blurring the boundaries between
them. The expansive dining area has large win-
dows that offer views of both of the houses
courtyards. To the south it overlooks a special
granite stone feature wall rising from the reflec-
tive pool and to the north it has views of the
swimming pool and landscaped lawn. Across
the courtyard from the dining area, the ground
storey of the western volume features the enter-
tainment area. Once again, the use of Left: The floating stairway with the
floor-to-ceiling glazed windows for the enter- glass banister in the focus of the
tainment area creates a sense of transparency house. It offers views of both wings
throughout the house. The projection screen in and courtyards of the house. The
full-length glass windows serve to
the entertainment room can be viewed from the
increase the impact.
northern courtyard and formal dining area
as well.
The central volume serves mainly to link the
two opposite halves of the house. It features a
sculpted white stairway, with floating steps and
a glass railing.
Speaking about the liberal use of glass in
this project, Arora says, With full glazing on
Why did you become an architect? For you, which is the best city in terms of Name a structure that you think
Sumit Arora (SA): I couldnt have pursued architecture and why? challenges the boundaries of architecture
anything other than architecture. While I was SA: London for the quality of its buildings. and design
in school, I was asked to make a cardboard They have kept the city at the forefront of SA: The Dynamic tower, a rotating
model of a house and I think it was this world architecture, reinvigorating the urban skyscraper in Dubai wherein each floor
moment that acted like a catalyst, steering landscape in the last decade with buildings rotates independently creating a constantly
me towards my goal. like Norman Fosters Swiss-Re tower to changing shape. The tower boasts of
Renzo Pianos Shard of Glass. sustainable features by meeting its own
Which works of yours are you most power needs through solar panels and
proud of? One iconic architect/designer that inspire wind turbines. This astonishing piece of
SA: The Live-Work Studio in New Delhi you the most and why? building has definitely challenged the limits
has been one of our firms most significant SA: For me it is Norman Foster. I strongly think of architecture.
projects. Essentially modernist in spirit, that he is a designer in the truest sense and
the intrinsic idea was to create a house has mastered the art of merging architecture What according to you is good design?
that would effortlessly integrate the principles and engineering, which accentuates the SA: A well-designed structure should
of modernism with traditional responses to uniqueness in his designs. His structures integrate itself seamlessly into
this particular climate. surely are one of the best. its surroundings.
This image: South Court Villa This image and left: Out House
DADA & Partners x6
An understated style
There couldnt have been a
better site for a luxury multi-
housing development complex
than the one we were pre-
sented for The Blue Waters by
This show home reinterprets local southern architectural Heera, says architect Meghna
Shetty of Mumbai-based firm
elements, such as jaalis, sloping roofs and the extensive SM Studio. Located in
Thiruvananthapuram and
use of wood in a contemporary manner overlooking the Akkulam
Lake, the 2.5 acre contoured
plot on which this independ-
ent 3500 sq ft show home
trendsideas.com 99
Above: A feature wall is created at
the entrance foyer. It is carved out
of stone in a pattern where each
unit interlocks the next. Soft lighting
is emitted from random points
of intersection to further highlight
the wall.
100 trendsideas.com
Left: A feature wall clad in dull
oxidised metal-like tiles is the only
embellishment in the kitchen due to
its compact size.
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 101
Above: On the upper level, the Hathwar. They are a big joint family, thus the as an extension of the living.
study in one of the master suites is living, dining and deck are treated as one space. According to Hathwar, We created an
constructed out of Corian in a fluid We also tucked a separate three seating area in informal seating here with a wooden ledge that
form, which then connects to the
an alcove in the corner, which is highlighted by is coupled with a coffee table and chairs. And to
bed. Glass replaces concrete walls in
placing it on a travertine platform. add a natural element planters surround the
the master suites, adding volume to
The living is designed with a sense of trans- space. This seating is also put on a platform to
the space.
parency where there are pockets that allow one accentuate the look.
to look through the house to the outside. For The dining is kept functional, yet aesthetic
example, the elevator is clad in glass letting one with the table made out of a ply screen-like
have a clear view of the space as they use it. stand with cutouts. A glass sheet rests on this to
Even the stairs have gaps between each step as form the table. The overhead light follows a
well as on the landing allowing one a view of similar pattern thus, creating an interesting play
the entire house. The 40x10 ft deck is designed of light and shadow when used.
102 more projects at trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
On the upper level, the lobby is designed to Top and above: The master suite
be more like a family lounge. To add an aes- is designed in muted tones with
thetic element to the primarily white space, the a slight hint of colour. The basin
counter in the adjoining bathroom
architects custom-made a stone screen with an
is designed as a floating counter.
abstract fluid pattern, which is back-lit.
Apart from the childrens, the rest of the Left: The open shower in the third
bedrooms are treated as master suites with master suite is designed in the
attached open bathrooms, says Hathwar. centre of the room, while the toilet
Bathrooms are not often used spaces and usu- is strategically hidden behind the
ally get cordoned off. Thus, people often end up basin counter.
with smaller bedrooms than intended. We thus,
decided to replace the concrete walls between
the two areas with glass to open up the space.
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 103
Above: A splash of colour is However, privacy is still maintained by way of Architect & designer: Manjunath Hathwar, Ashutosh Wad;
introduced in the childrens how the fixtures and utilities are planned. In Space Dynamix
bedroom through the use of addition, when in use blinds can be pulled Cladding: Classic Marble Company
wallpaper, panelling and printed
down in each bathroom. Flooring: Classic Marble Company, Decoreta Plus,
graphic cabinets. Equilibrium
Colour is introduced in the childrens bed-
Wallcoverings: Shreeji Innova, Tapetex, Guy Masureel,
room through the use of wallpaper and
Lentex, Xorel
panelling. An aerial view of the map of Paris Paints: Asian Paints
forms the backdrop to the double bed, while the Lighting: Horm
single bed is framed by rectangular soft panel- Heating: Daikin
ling. Extensive use of mirrors adds volume to Furniture: Sources Unlimited, Minotti, Horm, Erba Italia, BD
the otherwise compact childrens bathroom, Barcelona Design, Poltrona Frau, i4 Mariani, Lange Furniture,
which is primarily clad in onyx. B&B Italia, MDF Italia, Christopher Guy
Windows: Bharat Furnishings
104 more projects at trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
Benchtops: Kalingastone Courtyard: Decoreta Plus, Equilibrium Above left: The childrens bathroom
Oven: Siemens Outdoor lighting: Marsden Lighting Co. Ltd. is clad in onyx called Armani Blue
Stove/Hob: Siemens Special features: Kraftech, Decoreta Plus, Hands Carpets & while mosaic tiles frame the wash
Ventilation: Faber, CATA Appliances Ltd. Rugs, Phoenix Carpets, SG Glass Studio basin counter.
Microwave: Siemens
Refrigerator: Siemens Story by Amanda Peters Above: The shower panel is made
Basin: Vitra, Plavis Design Photography by Ravindra Kanade using semi-precious stone, amethyst,
Taps: Bravat whereas the basin is in granite.
Hot water systems: Jaquar AO Smith
Tiles: Classic Marble Company, Decoreta Plus Search 46094 at trendsideas.com
Toilet: Vitra, Plavis Design
Other bedroom furniture/accessories: Design Artifacts
Haven, Tranceforme
Landscaping: ZTC International Landscape Solutions
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more homes at trendsideas.com 105
Maximising options
Building and creating a residence to
the homeowners exact brief is always a
challenge for the architects. Add in a
tricky plot size of 82 x 265 and that chal-
lenge turns up a few notches. This is
Located on a narrow plot, the challenge in designing what occurred when principal designer
Canna Patel of HCPIA took up the
this residence was to create open spaces with project of designing this sprawling
Ahmedabad residence spread over a built
abundant natural light and climatic views area of 6463 sq ft.
When the owners approached us,
they specifically wanted a residence that
was low on maintenance and non-clut-
106 more projects at trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
tered, says Patel. Whilst inspecting the These pages: This Ahmedabad residence designed
site, I realised that the plot on which the by HCPIA spread over 6463 sq ft gets the better
residence stood was narrow and the chal- of its narrow plot. The result is in form of a home
lenge lay in creating views and open that is open, spacious whilst awarding privacy to
its owners. The living room, located on the ground
spaces, she points out.
floor, with its floor-to-ceiling glass facade, offers
So we decided to go with a plan that
extensive views of the backyard and the pool.
blurred the lines between the indoor and
outdoor spaces thus creating an equilib-
rium of architecture volumes versus
interior spaces, effectively flipping the
external space into the interiors,
she explains.
The two-storey house is designed in
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 107
Above, above right and right: The dining room is such a way that one experiences different
connected to both the inner courtyard (right) views from all the spaces that are accentu-
and the backyard garden creating a lush and ated due to the play of light. Different
serene environment whilst dinning or entertaining.
courtyards, terraces and balconies ensure
The corridor in the first floor of the residence,
a different view the residence has to offer
which leads to the bedrooms doubles up as a
from different levels and at different times
bookcase gallery.
of the day.
The first step in the process was to
open up the plot size from the rear so that
the owners would have their privacy in all
their public and private spaces as the front
of the house faced the approach road to
their residence. The result is an expansive
108 more projects at trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
courtyard in the rear of the house that Above: The light coming in from the south
encompasses a small garden and a pool, brightens up the corridor and brings in a play
which hugs the small courtyard created of shadows.
for the residence.
Left: The childrens bedroom is a clean space and
The second was in creating spaces that
is functionally designed with a seating area to
incorporated natural light as the site entertain guests as well.
spanned from east to west. In a narrow
plot, the play of lights is essential in open-
ing up the spaces further, so designing
certain areas of the residence according to
the intensity of the light it receives
throughout the day adds an organic ele-
ment to the space.
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 109
Above and right: The terrace is located above the When you enter the house, you are
living room and offers a multitude of views of the greeted by a small courtyard, which is lit
house and the city depending on the location. by the light coming in from the south. The
Colourful mosaic pieces form the flooring and add
vestibule following this is painted in a
a bohemian ambience to the place and eclectic
playful shade of yellow and accessorised
furniture pieces complete the look.
with heirloom furniture, Patel adds.
The living room is spacious and ele-
gant in its decor and is connected to the
courtyard through its rear, which leads to
the pool. The dining overlooks the back-
yard garden and is also connected to the
inner courtyard. A long narrow corridor
on the ground floor leads to a staircase
110 more projects at trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
Principal interior designer: Canna Patel; HCPIA
Interior designers: Malaram Mistry, Upasana Vora
Associate architect: Mili Amin
Associate manager: Avdhesh Vishwakarma
Design manager: Mukesh Patel
Senior associate: Sonal Patel
Windows/doors: Bhavna Furniture Agency
Tiling: Nitco
Paints: Asian Paints
Lighting: Philips
Furniture: Bhavna Furniture Agency
Flooring: Nitco
Wallcoverings: Asian Paints
Cabinet and material manufacturer: Bhavna
Furniture Agency
Landscaping: Ashish Teli
through, which one access the first level of Left: In order to provide the homeowners with
the residence, where the four bedrooms privacy, the rear of the residence was opened up to
are located each accompanied with their make a garden and a pool. Seen here is the north
east facade of the house from the garden.
individual terraces. The master bedroom
is sublime in its accessories and decor
with complimentary peach tones on the
walls. The remaining three bedrooms
follow a similar thought to designing with
intimacy and warmth added through
warm colour tones.
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 111
commercial design
public spaces
Tropical disposition
An organic form designed to be covered with plants in time to come,
the Cairns Institute connects with the verdant rainforest around it
The Cairns Institute is a research facility the firm that undertook the design of the facility. Preceding pages and facing
attached to James Cook University in Queensland, Combining private teaching, research and work page:A giant, flowing trellis hugs
areas, the institute had to offer a dynamic, a skin of Corten steel on the
an academic body that aims to become one of the
Cairns Institute, part of James
worlds leading research centres on the tropics. contemporary working environment that would
Cook University in Queensland.
What better way to symbolise this goal than to attract specialists from around the world. The trellis offers the opportunity
create an eco-friendly building that embodies the The building is formed around four main to add plants in the future,
spirit of the host landscape. research groups and a management component. blending the building with the
Requirements included teaching spaces of varying nearby rainforest.
The brief for the Cairns Institute called for three
distinctly different, but related, components, says sizes, including a flexible 200-seat auditorium, as Below right:The framed foyer
bisects the buildings functions
Mark Damant, project architect for Woods Bagot, well as a caf and expansive central foyer.
and floods light into the interior.
114 more Projects at trendsideas.com home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014
Facing page and below:The The buildings architecture relates to both its relationship. The trellis as an armature allows for
pods are positioned on the side setting and its use. The principle public elements the ability for the building to have a direct,
of the institute near the campus. are two Corten steel-clad concrete pods one con- uncomplicated reference to the rainforest which
Research rooms are on the
taining the auditorium, the other for multifunctional surrounds the building on three sides. It is also
quieter side of the building. An
information wall and cantilevered teaching spaces. Offices and research spaces are intended to assist with sun control and in the future,
glass-walled research spaces separated from these pods by the foyer, which can camouflage the building within the landscape,
are two visual reminders of the be accessed from two sides of the building. once planted.
buildings stock in trade. However, it is the distinctive combination of a In this way, the trellis becomes a place for
Below right:The lecture theatre giant trellis over the Corten metal skin which gives experimentation on the building itself, creating a
is clad in the same rich Corten
the building its immediate wow factor. visual representation of its context.
steel as on the building exterior.
By super-sizing a trellis onto the building form The central foyer has been set up as a space
we were able to create a design that reflects the between functions, much like the interstitial spaces
combination of flora and building as a symbiotic found in living things.
home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014 more Projects at trendsideas.com 117
Below:Acoustic panels in the
lecture theatre continue a theme
of elements being stronger than
the sum of their individual parts.
118 more Projects at trendsideas.com home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014
home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014 more Projects at trendsideas.com 119
One of our central ideas was to create a building helps bring privacy to various elements. The caf is Below:The Institutes dramatic
that anyone passing through could engage with. also accessed off this foyer. facade comes to life at night,
when the contrast between its
We designed a knowledge wall that is an interface The interior finishes are based on the concept of
Corten skin and the oversized
between the workspaces and the foyer. the weaving together of strands where the whole aluminium trellis is accentuated
This wall is a steel-framed grid that can be is more than the sum of the individual parts. by dramatic ground lighting.
occupied and used in many different ways. It fea- Essentially, we wanted the interior volumes to
tures a series of cantilevered and suspended work relate to the research and to be identifiable places
spaces that project into the foyer, offering students rather than simply workspace, Damant says.
and visitors alike the ability to see research in
progress, and knowledge being created.
Search 45667 at trendsideas.com
As well as providing breathing space between
the various functions of the building, the foyer also
Project:The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Acoustic engineer:Ron Rumble Pty Ltd
Smithfield, Qld DDA consultant:Architecture and Access
Architect:Woods Bagot, with lead architect Mark Damant; Cladding:Teaching and lecture pods are site-cast tilt-up
in collaboration with RPA Architects structural concrete with bespoke Xlerplate steel screen
Interior designers:Woods Bagot, Bronwyn McColl Roofing:Trapezoidal profile Colorbond Steel in Surfmist
Construction, design manager and managing Facade:G James aluminium-framed glazed curtain walling
contractor:Hansen Yuncken in 650-500 series with Eclipse Advantage grey glass
Civil engineer:Flanagan Consulting Group Flooring:Natural finish honed concrete
Mechanical and electrical engineer, energy efficiency Custom joinery:Hoop pine and spotted gum crown-cut
rating consultant:Ashburner Francis veneer, by Woods Bagot
Hydraulic engineer:H2O Consultants Fans Big Ass Fans
Quantity surveyor:Beacon Consulting
Landscaping:Andrew Prowse Landscape Architect Story by Charles Moxham
AV Consultant:B&H Australia Photography by Christopher Frederick Jones
This auditorium designed by Planet 3 Studios intelligently weaves sound into its
design by replicating wave patterns on the ceilings and wall
The architecture of an enclosure design Taking into consideration that the venue is Below and facing page
should contribute to the acoustics without por- merely a container where sound takes centrestage, The entrance to the 300-seat
we first drew up plans for the acoustic side of the auditorium designed by Planet
tions getting distorted or missing. This becomes
3 Studios is located in Mumbai
extremely vital when one is designing a venue for architectural work for this project,says Mattoo.
and managed by the VSB Trust.
musical or theatre performances. We did all the acoustic work in-house as this was The auditorium is spread over
Principal architect Kalhan Mattoo of Planet 3 an interesting opportunity for us. 6000 sq ft. The sunken staircase
Studios built and designed this 300-seat auditorium Using a computer programme, wave patterns here offers a view of the multi-
were simulated within the given structural volume level ceiling, whose design
for VSB Trust in Mumbai. Adjoining the existing
has been influenced by sound
management school building on campus, this 6000 to understand its effect as it travelled through. With
wave patterns. The concept and
sq ft hall functions as a stand-alone venue for non- the use of parametric and computational design drawing plans for the venue.
university events complete with its own entry and tools, the firm ran multiple form finding experiments
exit points. and studied the effect of every iteration on the
122 more Projects at trendsideas.com home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014
sound carrying ability of the space. the seats in the auditorium that the sound from Above left Mattoo eschewed
The goal here was to ensure that the spatial the stage would reach even the last rows of seats the service of an acoustics
consultant and instead used a
form along with materiality achieves an even sound in the venue.
software programme to identify
quality in space while keeping the reverberation Honestly, we had gotten pretty much the angle architectural acoustics of the
factor low. This also allowed us to pick the right right in terms of the view angle of the stage; the space. The venue can be used for
materials in order to create and build the space audience would be able to see the performer from musical or theatre purpose along
according to the correct acoustics, he adds. any seat irrespective of the rows and that visual with formal presentations.
There is more to space than just sculpting it out connection is important to set up a engagement
to create the design you have. Creating an intimate with the performer, he continues.
engagement between the performer and audience He further adds, And in terms of basic acous-
is an important aspect of any enclosed venue. tics, you know reverberations, reverberations
Mattoo arranged the location of the stage and factors within test limits, minimising pockets of
124 more Projects at trendsideas.com home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014
Above The LED light pattern dead sound space, high and low end density etc., was on par with the Indian standards for ohmmeter
on the walls of the venue are we took care of those by using acoustic paneling and supermetric aspects of the venue in terms of
designed to mimic sound wave on the wall. They worked as absorption panels for acoustics and sound.
patterns. Using a software
us to sufficiently control the quality of sound. Aesthetically, Mattoo has included sound wave
technology, the intensity of
the lights get brighten and dim Wall cladding was selected using a pre-lam- patterns on the ceiling to echo the nature of the
depending on the cresencedo of inated acoustical board, which have a laminate venue in the form of multiple ceilings made from
the musical performance. finish in the front and ridges and grooves that travel wood. The design sentiment has also been followed
to end of the cavities in these boards. Behind this through in the lighting fixture design on the walls.
base is an acoustic kind of paper. This entire wall is LED lights have been incorporated into the walls
placed on a basic glass. and synced via a software programme to be lit
This entire material set up gave the space quality bright or somber depending on the crescendo of
control over refraction and retraction of sound that the music playing.
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Left Acoustically treated
wall cladding has been used
throughout the venue to cut down
on dead noise space and assure
that the sound from the stage
reaches the end of the auditorium
is clear and of high quality.
home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014 more Projects at trendsideas.com 127
Making an impact
This corporate showroom-cum-office by Chetan Vadesa is an oasis of green
amidst a dusty, industrial setting
Morbi, Gujarat is considered to be one of to Sonceras manufacturing unit, the use of Below A voluminous foyer and
Indias and the worlds busiest ceramic production greenery was also intended to offset the industrial lush greenery greet visitors to the
bleakness of the neighbouring cluster of buildings. 20,000 sq ft corporate house.
hubs. Designer Chetan Vadesa of Chetan Vadesa
Designs created a 20,000 sq ft corporate house for Speaking about this distinguishing feature, Vadesa Facing page The stairs from
the high ceilinged reception lead
the ceramic brand Soncera in this heavily industri- says, I wanted to give a lush, green skin to the
up to a wooden solarium, the
alised town. skeleton of this plan so that it balanced the dead waiting area for guests wishing
Faced with the challenge of making the project production facility land in the neighbouring manu- to access the showroom.
stand out, Vadesa ensured the project sported facturing unit.
plentiful greenery to distract from the dusty envi- The facade of the building consists of a 10 ft
rons of Morbi. As the plot for the office lies adjacent wide entry foyer and an ornamental concrete pillar,
128 more Projects at trendsideas.com home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014
Facing page The double-height achieving Vadesas desired vertical proportions. The first floor display area is accessed by a wide
reception connects to the staff From the foyer, the wide glass doors open into staircase that ascends to a wooden-decked solar-
areas on the ground floor and the the reception area. The reception is a voluminous, ium. This waiting area then leads to the display area
showroom on the first floor.
double-height box. The high ceiling, combined with where the companys wares are showcased. Large
Below Large windows let in
the porous glass boundary between the foyer and glass windows allow in ample amounts of natural
plenty of light into the offices,
creating a cheery atmosphere. reception creates a sense of openness along with a light, and also offer views of the lush, landscaped
welcoming ambience. lawns surrounding the project. Creating these green
The two-storey volume lies perpendicular to the spaces was difficult due to the industrial pollution
reception, and has strategically segregated the in Morbi, but also important to elevate the project
management and staff areas from the display space above the competitions offices.
on separate floors. The ground floor contains the The green landscape gives you a feeling that
offices of the chairman, the directors, the manag- you are in a tropical getaway rather than a manu-
ers and the general staff in addition to a fireproof facturing hub like Morbi, Vadesa adds.
storeroom for archival documents. The kitchen, Besides the green landscaping, the project
pantry, dining room and restrooms are also located showcases a simple, earthy material palette, with
on this floor. prominent use of raw wood, concrete and Kota
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These pages Lying adjacent to stone. This office is also the first in Morbi to The project is neatly contained within the square
the companys manufacturing use Kota stone, a natural material, in this hub volume of the structure. Cubics and proportions
facility, the showroom on the of artificial ceramics. The interior has been kept are what thrills me, says Chetan, speaking about
first floor functions as a place to
minimal, and readily available natural materials the offices interiors. The spaces are cleanly organ-
display the wares.
have been used. ised, with storage areas concealed behind sliding
It was this simple palette that converted the veneer panels. Clean, extended sightlines charac-
place to a spiritual, Zen-like working environment, terise the interiors of this office, and verdant green
says Vadesa. lawns its exterior.
The closeness to nature is also manifested The Soncera Corporate House is an impressive
through the sustainable measures adopted in this project that sets a trend for corporate headquarters
projects design. The exterior lights for the facade in Morbi and achieves a contemporary, minimalist
are solar powered and light sensitive. Additionally, design against a highly industrialised backdrop.
the rainwater-harvesting tank for this office is large
enough to meet the annual irrigation needs for the
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landscaped lawns.
home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014 more Projects at trendsideas.com 133
FRESH perspective
Despite a relatively small footprint, this real estate developers association office has a
spacious feel, thanks to a design that has also raised the bar for high-end office fit-outs
Space planning is a priority for any office downtown hub for our members, he says. Below and facing page below
design, but it takes on even greater significance All of these considerations needed to come Sleek Nero Marquina marble
when you are working with a tight space that has to together in an area of around 300 m2, Angevaare is paired with dark-stained wood
in the reception area of the office
meet a range of diverse requirements. says. Although the size of the office was doubled
of the Real Estate Developers
Multi-use adaptability helped determine the with this project, we needed to fit a lot in. Association of Singapore
design of the refurbished offices of the Real Estate Not surprisingly, creating a sense of space was (REDAS). The reflective sheen
Developers Association of Singapore (REDAS) essential, starting with the reception area. of the marble and the glass
by designphase dba. It wasnt the only factor, We provided long sightlines in a design that walls help to make the space
seem larger.
however. Design director Joris Angevaare says was inspired by Mies van der Rohes Barcelona
Facing page above The
the association also required an impressive office Pavilion, says Angevaare.
reception leads to a small
interior that would mix corporate aesthetics with an Glass walls are positioned so that guests meeting room and an exhibition
upmarket hospitality venue. arriving in reception can get glimpses of the rooms space that doubles as a seminar
Dr Steven Choo, CEO of REDAS says the beyond. This leads the eye through the office so it room. Concealed doors in the
brief to designphase dba was to create a is perceived as a much larger space. An illuminated front wall of this room open from
the reception area.
prestigious corporate office fit-out that would raised ceiling element in the reception area also
reflect the associations role as the leading profes- gives an impression of height and spaciousness.
sional and representative real estate industry body The reception area is further defined by a custom
in Singapore. mirror film on one long glass wall.
It also needed to serve as a multi-purpose The pattern of high-rise towers on the mirror
134 more Projects at trendsideas.com home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014
Left:The illuminated square film references the associations business, says the space seem larger, says Angevaare.
ceiling echoes the shape of Angevaare. The film layers give the glass a three- Because privacy may be required at times, the
the boardroom, which opens to dimensional effect and convey a sense of positivity small meeting room can be screened with blinds.
a rooftop garden. As with the
or reaching for the sky. There is also a large wood pocket door concealed
reception area, the mix of marble
and wood marries a corporate The design team also maximised a view of a roof within the wall behind reception. This can be pulled
look with the need for a warm garden to draw the eye out beyond the office. This to close off the entire area on the other side.
hospitality venue. REDAS CEO Dr can be seen from a small meeting room, exhibition There are also two large wood doors opening to
Steven Choo says the design has space, boardroom and circulation area and from the boardroom, says Angevaare. We wanted to
delivered on all counts.
the staff office beyond. The glazed walls of the provide a grand gesture for this space. For a similar
Below:White walls give the staff
exhibition space and meeting room also mean staff reason, the corridor leading to the boardroom is
office area a smooth, uncluttered
look. The all-white decor is benefit from daylight exposure. very wide it creates an impressive entry.
relieved by a colourful, flower- The designer says Nero Marquina marble gives To provide flexibility and accommodate social
patterned carpet. the office a high-end corporate look. functions, the tables in the boardroom can be
Legend to plans:1 entry, With many social functions held in the office, it moved and the room reconfigured. Similarly, the
2 exhibition and seminar room, was also important to provide an inviting interior. exhibition space can be reconfigured easily. Power
3 meeting room, 4 boardroom,
For this reason, the lighting is warm, rather than points are positioned in the floor so there is no
5 offices, 6 roof garden.
cold. And there is still a traditional feel to the office, need to run cables across the room.
thanks to the extensive use of dark-stained wood in In the staff work area, a bank of white cabinetry
reception and in the boardroom. forms a clean, uncluttered backdrop. A colourful
In another juxtaposition of the traditional with flower-patterned carpet adds a touch of informality,
the contemporary, a white wall with a textured dot but doesnt detract from the exhibition space on
pattern runs the length of the office, from a small the other side of the glass wall.
meeting room through to an exhibition space that
doubles as a seminar room. Extending this wall
Search 36662 at trendsideas.com
beyond the glass walls was another way to make
Location:Offices of the Real Estate Developers Association Acoustic wallcoverings:Woven Image EchoPanel
of Singapore (REDAS), Singapore Paints:Nippon Paint
Interior designer:designphase dba; design director Joris Lighting:Modular Lighting
Angevaare; senior designer Simin Lin Workstations:Vanguard
Civil engineer:RSP Architects Planners & Engineers Office chairs:Vanguard; Vitra
Mechanical and electrical engineer:Squire Mech Boardroom table:Wilkahn
Quantity surveyor:Davis Langdon and Seah Reception furniture:Bespoke
Fire consultant:Architects 61 Sanitary solutions:Geberit; Toto (W Atelier)
Fit-out company:Taishin Builders Air conditioning:Daikin; Mitsubishi Electric
Carpet:Contrac-Image Trading; Network Contracts Story by Colleen Hawkes
Lobby flooring:Nero Marquina marble Photography by Fearghal Hendron
home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014 more Projects at trendsideas.com 137
Feast for the eyes
In this restaurant, custom furniture, furnishings and artworks feature
abundant references to Latin American history and culture
From gauchos roaming the pampas to the the same can be said for the decor, says Mozer.
corn, beans and maize that were staple foods for The restaurant is designed to convey the surreal
3000 years, the symbols of Latin American history New World culture of hybrids, a non-linear architec-
and culture are many and diverse. One way to draw tural narrative, like a dream or a poem, that unfolds
these elements together under a single roof is with from the first glimpse of the pre-Columbian graffiti
a decor that evokes the regions most famous on the facade and meanders through every corner
literary style magical realism. of the interior, even into the smallest powder room.
Amricas River Oaks restaurant, created The fine-dining restaurant is on the upper level
by design architect Jordan Mozer and run by of a 1930s shopping centre in Houston. Interiors
Nicaraguan chef Michael Cordua, reflects this comprise a bar, terrace and lounge, together with a
imaginative approach. Both men are aficionados of raised, reconfigurable dining room. The furnishings
the work of the great South American writer Gabriel are loose and many partitions are operable to allow
Garca Mrquez and his favoured genre, magical flexibility and to increase density in the main dining
realism, led the design. room on quiet nights. And almost every element in
The surprising, hybrid decor is appropriate for Amricas River Oaks confounds expectation.
the avant-garde restaurateur. Cordua is noted for The doodles on the bronze-relief facade were
creating South American dishes made exclusively inspired by the Nazca geoglyphs of ancient Peru,
from foodstuffs indigenous to the Americas, but Incan gold figures and the modern-day graffiti of
using culinary techniques from Europe, resulting in Rio de Janeiro, says Mozer. At the bar, theres
radical, contemporary North American dishes. If the another contemporary cultural reference hoodie
menu sets up a dialogue of unexpected tastes, then bar stools with skinny jean legs.
home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014 more Projects at trendsideas.com 139
A raised private dining room overlooks the demarcate the lounge the leather is another nod These pages:The lounge and
bar and this can be separated by a moveable felt to gauchos and cowboys, says Mozer. For the dining areas feature sculptural
chairs and partitions by Jordan
partition the same material that is used to make dining room I designed feature hugging love seats
Mozer. The backs and legs of
cowboy hats, says Mozer. It also references the in the colour of chocolate or coffee, both signature the bar stools were inspired by
Incas use of llama wool and cotton fibres to create commodities in Latin America. modern streetwear hoodies and
textiles, weapons, boats and bridges. Advantages A boardroom and another private room overlook skinny jeans.
of using a wool material to create partitions include the dining room every space has myriad features
its sculptural and sound attenuating qualities. that help conjure the spirit of the Americas. Exotic
On the walls, sculptures of maize, beans and cast bronze pitcher plant lamps evoke their living,
popped corn are also made from felt. insect-devouring counterparts. Powder rooms are
Between the bar and the terrace dining area, fitted with sculptural illuminated Soul Window
four steel-framed, leather-covered sculptures mirrors and cast bronze vanity basins.
140 more Projects at trendsideas.com home & design trends vol 2 no 7 2014
As with Chef Corduas dishes, each component and produced near the site, or were recycled. This page:In the dining areas
of the restaurants design has been hand-made Nothing was imported or chosen from a catalogue. felt wall sculptures depict popped
corn while wall lamps imitate
from scratch and produced in America. The earthy palette includes regional mahogany,
South American pitcher plants.
Many couture studio furnishings and furniture American ebony and bronze, as well as Chicago The large red Rasta chandelier is
were created for the project, says Mozer. These glass, wool felt burlap, saddle leather and raw in felt and hand-blown glass.
were produced in Chicago and Houston by artists, cotton denim, to name only a few finishes. Facing page:Soul Window
craftspeople and factories in just 11 weeks, the Amricas River Oaks is more than the sum of mirrors and cast bronze vanity
entire process streamlined by rapid prototyping and its diverse custom-designed parts together, they basins await patrons in the
manufacturing techniques. evoke a cultural cornucopia for the diners pleasure. powder rooms.
Materials for the restaurant were chosen for
durability and sustainability to develop patinas,
not maintenance issues. Elements were sourced Search 43445 at trendsideas.com
Location:Amricas River Oaks restaurant, Houston, Texas by Jordan Mozer Studios (lounge), burlap (dining), mosaic
Design architect:Jordan Mozer, Jordan Mozer and glass tile by Architectural Systems (powder rooms)
Associates, design team: Jeffrey W Carloss, Scott Genke, Furniture:All designed by Jordan Mozer Associates with
Peter Ogbac, Manuel Hernandez fabrication by Wood Goods Industries or Delta Furniture,
Architect of record:Jeffrey W Carloss including cast resin bar stools and wing-back chairs, both
Construction company:JE Dunn Construction upholstered in leather
Graphics:Jordan Mozer and Associates Lighting:All custom designed by Jordan Mozer Associates,
Structural engineer:Haynes Whaley Associates including hand-blown glass pendants with hand-sculpted
Mechanical engineer:JEK Engineering wool felt light fixtures, hand-polished, cast bronze Swamp
Code consultant:All Texas Permits Flower table lamps, felt chandeliers, Rasta lamps
Flooring:Teka engineered wood flooring in White Oak Powder room:Bronze sink, resin mirror by Jordan Mozer
(entry), Daltile quarry tile in Sahara Sand (bar), Masland
Contract carpet in Surge 7224, Story by Charles Moxham
Columns:Finished in custom-stained leather Photography by Doug Snower
Wall treatments:Sherwin-Williams paint, leather partitions
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Properties on the block
` 1 ce:
144 trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
Pr 5
Maitreya Greens
Developer: Maitreya Realtors & Residential area: 900-5000 sq ft use of eco-friendly materials, rainwater
Constructions Pvt Ltd harvesting, sewage treatment plant, low
Architects and Landscaping: Origin
Location: Nashik Architect, Beijing flow fixtures and faucets, solar water
heating systems, efficient lighting fixtures
Status of the project: Under construction Construction: Skylark Construction and appliances, garbage shafts, vermin
Area of project: 10 acres Pvt Ltd, Thane compost pits, electrical charging points for
Residential Type: 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 BHK Special features: It is an IGBC Re-gold vehicle, low VOC materials and an eco-
apartments certified project with feature, such as friendly landscape design
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 145
The gallery: Frank Gehry First Major
Retrospective in Europe, Paris
October 8, 2014 January 26, 2015
Gehry Partners LLP X4, Philippe Migeat Centre Pompidou X2, grant mudford, Don F. Wong, Roland Halbe, Thomas Mayer, Iwan baan
The first
ever in-depth
exhibition of
Frank Gehrys
in Paris
Frederick R. Weisman Art and Teaching Museum
upcoming events
How Things Dont Work: The Saul Steinberg Drawings: The Mackintosh Architecture
Dreamspace of Victor Papanek Architecture Public Space Exhibition
New York, until Dec 15 New York, until Jan 3 Glasgow, until Jan 4
Unseen works of one of sustainable A showcase of the architectural drawings A retrospective reviewing the distinctive,
designs first advocates, architect and sketches of famed New Yorker characteristic British typology of architect
Victor Papanek cartoonist, Saul Steinberg Charles Mackintosh
146 more projects at trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
chiat\day agency
DZ Bank Building
Bilbao Guggenheim Museum Biomuseo
8 Spruce Street
Peter Shire: Public Work, Lines Lesser Known Architecture Architects as Artists
of Desire Lincolnshire, UK, until Mar 20 London, until Mar 29
Los Angeles, until Jan 31
An examination of the commissioned public Discover an unexplored side of An exhibition displaying the exquisite
projects executed by architect Peter Shire architectural and interior design and drawings of architects from the Renaissance
through his career monuments in the UK to the 20th Century
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 147
Review: Celebrating Habitat The Real, The Virtual
& The Imaginary, New Delhi
October 9-November 30, 2014
An immersive exhibition at
NGMA New Delhi celebrates
the works of B V Doshi
doshi's sketches on display at the exhibition
148 more projects at trendsideas.com Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014
sangath in Ahmedabad
by Gamfratesi
The Detour project, an initiative of the non-profit organisation lettera27 was in London
recently. This travelling exhibition was curated by Raffaela Guidobono and comprised
of a display of personal notebooks of some of the worlds leading designers like Karim
Rashid, Kiki van Eijk, Oki Sato, Rodrigo Almeida, Anothermountainman, BCXSY, Yves
Bhar, Tord Boontje, Fernando & Humberto Campana, GamFratesi, Lyndon Neri &
Rossana Hu, Antonio Marras, Joep van Lieshout and Alfred von Escher. Their musings,
scribblings and sketches fill the pages of the over 250 Moleskine notebooks on display.
In addition to the contents of their pages, the Moleskine notebooks also reflect aspects
of their owners personalities. Each of the books bears the marks of creative tinkering,
By Antonio Marras
moleskine detour x9
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more projects at trendsideas.com 151
Public Art
I am part of a
highly consumerist,
materialistic and greedy
generation. With the
excessive production
of things, especially
technological material,
there is a proportional
increase in the
production of garbage."
And I say "garbage" in
quotes because it is a
very abstract definition.
"One mans garbage
is another's treasure."
An owl is a symbol of
culture and education,
and I have placed it in
the historical center of
Covilh where there
are a lot of abandoned
buildings and ruins.
bordalo II, miguel chevalier x2, fill in the potholes x2, Jason decaires taylor
Magic Carpets
by Miguel Chevalier
Castel del Monte,
Italy; 2014
Magic Carpets is an
installation that unfolds
at nightfall in the
inner courtyard at the
Castel del Monte, the
medieval architectural
masterpiece, that
revisits through
digital art the tradition
of mosaics, which
prefigure the advent
of pixels. Set to music
by Jacopo Baboni
Schilingi this world of
moving colours and
shapes takes us, as in
a giant kaleidoscope,
on an imaginary and
poetic voyage..
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Fill in the Potholes
by Fill in the Potholes Project
Mumbai, India; 2014
Home & Design Trends Vol 2 No 7 2014 more homes at trendsideas.com 155
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