Assessing Cultural Anthropology
Assessing Cultural Anthropology
Assessing Cultural Anthropology
Robert Borofsky
H. Russell Bernard is Professor of Anthro- Jesus Salinas Pedraza, 1989); Technology and
pology at the University of Florida. He has Social Change (edited with Pertti Pelto, 2nd
done field research in Greece, Mexico, and edition, 1987); and a series of articles on social
the United States and on ships at sea. Bernard network analysis (with Peter Killworth and
was editor of Human Organization (1976-1981) others).
and of the American Anthropologist (1981-
1989). Recently Bernard has been working
In the summer of 1959, as a junior at Queens Col-
with Jesus Salinas and other Indian colleagues
lege, I went to Mexico to study Spanish and came
in Oaxaca, Mexico, to establish a center back knowing that I wanted to be an anthropolo-
where native peoples can publish books in gist. As an undergraduate, I studied with Ernestine
their own languages. Bernard's best-known Friedl, Hortense Powdermaker, and Mariam Slater.
contributions are Research Methods in Cultural Late in my senior year, Powdermaker told me
Anthropology (1988); Native Ethnography (with about a new Ph.D. program just opening at the
University of Illinois. Perhaps I could get in there, perience how important it is for students to be-
she said. come involved in research projects early and often.
Illinois in 1961 was an intense, intellectual envi- During my Ph.D. studies, Julian Steward,
ronment. I studied with Kenneth Hale and Duane Dimitri Shimkin, Joe Casagrande, and Kris Leh-
Metzger for my M.A. in anthropological linguis- man encouraged me to pursue my interests in
tics, and then with Edward Bruner, Oscar Lewis, quantitative data analysis. In Casagrande's seminar
Julian Steward, Dimitri Shimkin, and Joseph on cross-cultural research, I first learned to use the
Casagrande for the Ph.D. Human Relations Area Files and to test hypotheses
Metzger was part of the (then) new ethnoscience using cultures as units of analysis.
camp. The goal was to write the grammar of a cul- I don't recall anyone labeling all this "positivism"
ture--to learn what a native speaker of a language in those days, or worrying about whether my in-
knows about, say, ordering a drink and to lay that terest in scientific, quantitative research was un-
knowledge out clearly. healthy. I read works by Tylor, Boas, Kroeber,
Making cultural grammars turned out to be Driver, Wissler, Murdock, and Roberts and
harder than anyone imagined. Metzger offered a noticed that all of them did quantitative work and
hands-on seminar. With a few other students, I published reams of ethnographic work as well. I
spent a semester working with one Japanese house- found this mix of qualitative and quantitative
wife, learning and mapping the implicit rules she methods to be very sensible.
used for deciding how to cut and arrange vegeta- My major doctoral professor was Ed Bruner. Ed
bles on a plate. became identified with symbolic anthropology and
It was an enormous effort just to keep track of I went in a different direction. But Ed taught me
the data. One of the other students got the com- to write, and to understand that seeking knowledge
puter to sort and print the whole corpus every time was only half the battle. You have to be able to tell
we learned a new rule. The people over at the others what you have learned, to engage their
computer center thought this was pretty quaint, attention, and to keep them from closing the book
but this systematic approach to data gathering and before you have finished your argument. This may
the idea of using computers to make light work of be one of the few things that positivists and inter-
complex data-management tasks have stayed with pretivists fully agree on; but for my money, it's the
me ever smce. most important thing of all.
Ken Hale was Carl Voegelin's student. Like Carl In 1972, I spent a year at the Scripps Institution
(and like ~oas and his early students before him), of Oceanography, where I met Peter Killworth, an
Ken worked closely and collaboratively with ocean physicist. We decided to study problems
Indian colleagues. The model was to help Indian together that (1) neither of us could tackle alone,
colleagues produce their own texts, in their own (2) both of use agreed were sheer fun, and (3) were
languages, and then to use the texts for linguistic not in the mainstream of research in either of our
analysis and for cultural exegesis. Ken's example, disciplines. We also agreed that we would not let
and the tradition it represented, led to my lifelong our joint projects get in the way of our separate
collaboration with Jesus Salinas, a Nahiiu Indian research careers. (He is in ocean modeling.)
from the Mezquital Valley in Mexico. We did, in fact, have a great time doing a series
Jesus was my informant in 1962 when I did the of papers on informant accuracy, and we are hav-
research for my M.A. thesis on the tone patterns of ing just as much fun now testing a network model
Otom! (called Nahiiu in those days). In 1971, I for estimating the size of populations that you can-
became Jesus's informant, teaching him to write in not count (like the number of rape victims in a
Nahiiu and, in the 1980s, to use a Nahiiu word city). Peter has taught me a lot about data analysis.
processor. I'm still working with Jesus, who now I have also benefited greatly from my association
heads the Native Literacy Center in Oaxaca, where with Pertti Pelto. We began the National Science
Indians from around Latin America train in using Foundation Summer Institute on Research Meth-
computers to write and print books in their own ods in Cultural Anthropology in 1987. Stephen
languages. Borgatti joined the teaching team of the summer
Much of my career, then, was shaped by my institute in 1988, and I have learned a lot from him
work at the M.A. level. I learned from that ex- about new analytic methods.
My intellectual biography is still being written. I of contemporaries, of junior colleagues, and of stu-
can look back and see the influences of my profes- dents. This is what makes anthropology so exciting
sors clearly. But just as clearly, I see the influence for me. The learning never has to slow down.