H R M, C P E W: B W HRM: Uman Esource Anagement Orporate Erformance and Mployee Ellbeing Uilding THE Orker Into
H R M, C P E W: B W HRM: Uman Esource Anagement Orporate Erformance and Mployee Ellbeing Uilding THE Orker Into
H R M, C P E W: B W HRM: Uman Esource Anagement Orporate Erformance and Mployee Ellbeing Uilding THE Orker Into
336 THE JOURNAL OF I N D U S T R I A L R E L AT I O N S September 2002
by most of these writers, most notably by Appelbaum and Batt, that workers
themselves may have different priorities, reected in the case for a mutual gains
model, the primary focus of HR policy is on creating the conditions where the
social system will support the technical system. Worker concerns are not a top
priority and the starting point is the technical rather than the social system.
& Stewart 1992). While these criticisms have some force, there are still questions
about whether or not working under these conditions is preferable to more
traditional alternatives. There is no doubt that it is very much a management-
controlled system within which the apparent emphasis on the human side of
enterprise serves the interests of the organisation rst and foremost. This raises
questions about where the balance of advantage lies in any debate about the mutual
gains to be derived from this system (Guest & Peccei 2001).
Strategic t model
The third approach to HRM and performance is primarily concerned with
strategic t. Its roots lie in the strategic contingencies literature and to some
extent, in the work of institutional economists. Part of the analysis, drawing on
Barney (1991; 1995) and others, is that effective utilisation of human resources
provides perhaps the major source of sustainable competitive advantage. The key
to this is to manage the t between the business strategy and the human resource
strategy (Miles & Snow 1984); the empirical challenge is then to demonstrate
that those who achieve this strategic t will also gain superior performance. The
research of Huselid (1995), Delery and Doty (1996) and others ts within this
perspective. Given the focus on external t, the role of workers is largely neglected
(though Becker et al. 1997, have speculated about applying the expectancy model)
and the precise HR practices are not clearly specied. This is overcome by
setting out core areas of practice, typically selection, development, appraisal and
reward. An alternative is to draw on the work of institutional economists such
as Lazear (1995) who focus on a relatively narrow set of traditional core issues
such as training and incentives. Because of this uncertainty about the nature of
HRM, practices identied by Huselid and Delery and Doty are the product of
factor analysis and display a relative lack of coherence. Ironically, their research
shows a stronger association between performance and a universalistic internal
t model than with external or strategic t. Not surprisingly, there have been
attempts, reected for example in the work of Wright and Snell (1998), to give
this general perspective more conceptual coherence. Despite this, the role of the
worker in the HRM-performance model remains unclear and the approach is
almost silent about the concerns of workers.
This brief review of different approaches to HRM and performance highlights
that there is little interest in outcomes of concern to workers. Indeed workers
are either largely ignored or it is recognised that steps need to be taken to
use them as efcient human resources or to win their discretionary effort and/or
their hearts and minds. At best, they are a means to an end. Good HRM then
becomes aligned with the business strategy or efcient use of human resources
or effective management of culture to win workers commitment. This is,
perhaps, an honest acknowledgement of the role of business and its essentially
capitalist characteristics and provides the basis for the critique of HRM. It
may be less easy to sustain in public sector organisations. It leaves unexplored
the question of how the human resource practices affect employee attitudes
and behaviour. It also raises the questions of what might constitute good
HRM from a workers perspective. This issue has been largely ignored, even
340 THE JOURNAL OF I N D U S T R I A L R E L AT I O N S September 2002
by critics of HRM. To begin to answer it, we need to build the worker back
into HRM.
model. Both in practice adopt some variant on expectancy theory (Vroom 1964;
Lawler 1971). The high performance work system model, with its manufacturing-
oriented production focus, emphasises the importance of discretionary effort
and, therefore, proposes that HRM will be linked to performance via the
positive exercise of discretionary effort by motivated and well-trained workers.
Scope for autonomy together with an appropriate incentive scheme should lead
to intrinsic and extrinsic rewards for workers. On the other hand, as critics have
noted, it might also lead to intensication of work and higher levels of stress.
The commitment model emphasises the importance of developing a sense of
identity through involvement in a shared activity and shared organisational goals.
It argues that the goal of HRM is to ensure committed and competent workers.
The commitment comes through the processes of investment in workers reected
in HR practices such as training and development and information sharing as
well as through a careful management of organisational culture. Committed
workers can then be trusted to exercise responsible autonomy and to be moti-
vated towards organisational goals thereby contributing to corporate performance.
Again, there may be costs in terms of work pressures and possibly competing
One of the very few major American studies to incorporate an employee
perspective has been reported by Appelbaum et al. (2000). Their study compared
the effects of high performance work systems in three manufacturing sectors,
steel, clothing and medical products, collecting data from almost 4000 workers.
They found consistent evidence of a positive association between greater use
of various practices and positive employee outcomes. The practices they
focused on included autonomy over task-level decision-making, membership
of self-directed production and off-line teams, communication with people
outside the work group, training and development for skill enhancement and
nancial incentives for motivation. The employee outcomes were measures
of trust, intrinsic satisfaction, commitment, general job satisfaction and stress.
In particular, they found a consistent positive association between their core
opportunity to participate measure, which they see as central to the notion
of a high performance work system, and each of the four positive worker-
related outcomes. In addition, they nd a modest negative association
between opportunity to participate and job stress. They conclude by way of
Our results . . . suggest that HPWSs do affect worker attitudes, and that these effects
are generally positive ones. We nd little, if any, support for the view that these
systems have a dark side, at least as far as negative worker attitudes are concerned
(p. 202).
tested nor claimed. However, what is claimed on the basis of these ndings is
that a high performance work system is good for both the organisation and its
Research that tests more explicitly for the role of worker attitudes and
behaviour in the HRM-performance relationship has been reported in the UK.
In particular, there has been analysis of the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations
Survey which, for the rst time, and following the Australian model, incorpor-
ated an employee survey. Ramsay et al. (2000) have reported a thorough test of
various competing explanations of the relationship between HR practices,
employee attitudes and corporate performance. They distinguish three HR
systems, derived from factor analysis of the large number of practices and pro-
cedures covered in the survey. System 1 covers mainly traditional employment
relations including representation, consultation committees, equal opportunities
and family-friendly practices; System 2 covers items such as grievance procedures,
formal teams, training and downward communication; System 3, labelled High
Performance Work Practices since in their view it appears to come closest to this,
includes prot-related pay, employee consultation, team autonomy, job control,
total quality management, upward communication and job security.
Their analysis shows some support for an association between High
Performance Work Practices and management ratings of workplace performance
and some association between these same practices and worker reports of higher
job discretion, commitment, pay satisfaction, good workermanagement relations
and perceived job security but also higher reported job strain. There was little
support for any link between Systems 1 and 2 and performance. A regression
analysis including the High Performance Work Practices and employee responses
showed that both the practices and commitment were associated with higher
labour productivity, nancial performance, product/service quality and lower
labour turnover. Positive employeemanagement relations were associated with
labour productivity. This implies some support for the model, despite the absence
of a signicant association between job discretion and outcomes. However, the
authors are cautious about accepting this as support for a mediation model since
the size effects of commitment are small. They extend their analysis to explore
a labour process model. The only evidence that might support it was the associ-
ation between a High Performance Work System and job strain. In contrast,
System 1, which contains the more formal elements of an employment relations
system, was the most likely to be associated with negative employee outcomes.
The same data have also been analysed by Guest et al. (2000a; 2000b; see also,
Guest 2001). They separate their analysis of the public and private sectors and
unlike Ramsay and his colleagues, analyse the results at the establishment rather
than the individual level. One consequence is that the responses of workers in
each establishment are averaged to provide a composite score that corresponds,
in terms of level of analysis, to the managers establishment level information
on HR practices and performance. They do not nd coherent factors in their
analysis of the human resource practices and therefore use a set of representative
practices and adopt the method of counting the number reported by
management to be in place. They also combine the items on job satisfaction
and commitment since they emerge together in the factor analysis and are highly
Guest and Conway (1999), based on a survey of 1000 UK workers, were able
to show that the presence of more from a list of conventional HRM practices,
as reported by workers, was associated with higher levels of satisfaction. This
study also explored alternatives such as a more traditional union-oriented indus-
trial relations environment or contexts where personnel practices were either very
limited or of a more traditional human relations/paternalistic type. The evidence
clearly showed that workers were more satised where more HRM practices were
in place. In some cases, workers reported both a large number of HR practices
and a strong union presence. The presence of the HR practices rather than the
union had the major positive inuence on levels of job satisfaction. This ts with
the nding of Ramsay et al. (2000) that high performance work systems were
more likely than their System 1 bureaucratic practices, including union
recognition, to be associated with positive worker outcomes. The fact that the
WERS study reaches this conclusion based on general management accounts of
HR practices while Guest and Conway base it on workers accounts of HR
practices suggests that the nding is quite robust.
This analysis was developed further in a paper by Guest (1999) which addressed
some of the critics of HRM by again showing, on the basis of data from surveys
of random samples of UK workers, that whether or not HRM might be con-
strued as manipulative, it was consistently preferred by workers to circumstances
in which few HR practices were present.
There is a large body of indirect evidence about employee attitudes to aspects
of HRM. For example, there have been a number of studies suggesting that
workers respond negatively and may become more dissatised when they
experience performance-related pay and where other aspects of performance
management are introduced (see for example, Marsden & Richardson 1994).
There are numerous case studies of poorly introduced initiatives dealing with
specic HR practices which provide evidence for those who are critical of
HRM (see for example, Mabey et al. 1998). However, most of these cases focus
on a specic practice rather than an attempt to introduce a coherent set of HR
practices. One of the features common to all approaches to HRM is that it should
be built around a coherent approach and some notion of strategic integration.
In other words, these poorly received, narrowly based initiatives cannot reason-
ably be described as human resource management.
What the few reported studies emphasise are worker outcomes within the con-
text of work. This is understandable and to some extent inevitable but one of
the issues that needs to be considered, especially where levels of organisational
commitment are so high that they may encourage workers to spend long hours
at work, is how the experience of work relates to life outside work. In other words,
we need evidence about both job satisfaction and life satisfaction. These wider
worker-centred outcomes were explored in the study described in the next
the second successive year, this survey was extended to cover 2000 workers
including sub-samples from central government, local government and the health
service, resulting in 500 workers from each of these sectors as well as a further
500 from the private sector (Guest & Conway 2001). The data are collected
through telephone interviews. Care is taken to ensure that a representative
sample is obtained from each of the sectors.
The survey requested information from each worker about human resource
practices they might either have experienced themselves in the past year (e.g.
training and development or participation in employee involvement activities)
or knew currently applied in their workplace (e.g. an explicit promise of no com-
pulsory redundancy or procedures to ensure equal opportunities and deal with
harassment). Since these are all presented as dichotomous variables, they are not
appropriate for factor analysis and the normal procedure has been to count the
number reported by each worker. This provides one basis for analysis. However,
if we are interested in identifying which practices or which approach to HRM is
associated with particular worker outcomes, then it makes sense to treat each
practice as a separate variable. Each was therefore turned into a dummy variable
for the purposes of analysis. The full set of practices and the extent to which they
were experienced or reported as being in place is shown in Table 1.
Table 1 shows the results for each sub-sector and the total sample. One sur-
prise is the consistently high indication of the presence of some of the practices
and policies. Several of these are what might be described as conventional human
resource or employment relations practices of the sort often promoted and
endorsed by trade unions rather than those associated with a distinctive high
performance or high commitment system. There is some consistency in the
presence of these practices across sectors and only near the bottom of the list
do marked variations begin to emerge. When the combined set of practices is
considered, after controlling for other factors the results show that signicantly
more are reported to be in place in central government than elsewhere, while
the private sector reports signicantly more than health and local government
(Guest & Conway 2001).
The survey contained a number of items covering aspects of work and life
satisfaction. Responses were provided on a ten-point scale from extremely
dissatised (1) to extremely satised (10). For the purposes of this study, they
were separated into two overlapping groups. Group 1 contains three items
concerned with broad aspects of work-related satisfaction, namely satisfaction
with work, with the employer and worklife balance. Group 2 contains six items
concerned with life satisfaction. Satisfaction with work and with worklife
balance have been retained because they are assumed to be relevant to life
satisfaction. To these are added items about satisfaction with health, nances,
friends and family and life in general. The Cronbach alpha tests of reliability of
the scales based on these two sets of items are .75 and .74 respectively. Scores
on each of the items for the total sample and sub-groups is shown in Table 2.
The results in Table 2 indicate moderate to high levels of satisfaction across
all issues. Indeed, for the total sample the levels of satisfaction, on a ten-point
scale, range between 6.61 and 8.70, or between moderate and high satisfaction.
There are some variations across the four groups with workers in private
Table 1 Experience of Human Resource practices
Does your organisation keep you well informed about business issues and
about how well it is doing? 92 80 85 81 85
During the past 12 months, has your organisation provided you with any
training and development, such as on-the-job training or some sort of course
or planned activity, to update your skills? 90 85 87 67 82
Does your organisation have a stated policy of deliberately avoiding
compulsory redundancies and lay-offs? 80 77 72 57 72
Have you received a formal performance appraisal during the past year? 95 62 58 56 68
Has your organisation provided any support that helps employees deal with
non-work responsibilities? These are sometimes termed family-friendly
policies, such as child-care facilities, counselling for non-work problems
and financial planning. 79 65 78 38 65
Is there any serious attempt in your organisation to make the jobs of people
like you as interesting and varied as possible? 63 58 68 68 64
When new positions come up in middle and senior levels of management,
does your organisation normally try to fill them with people from inside
(or outside) the organisation? 57 21 36 55 42
Some organisations are trying to get employees more involved in
workplace decision-making using things like self-directed work teams,
September 2002
total quality management, quality circles, or involvement programmes.
Have you been personally involved in any during the past 12 months? 36 40 40 35 38
Is your pay related to your personal performance in any way through some
sort of performance or merit-related pay? 84 20 7 39 38
industry slightly more satised with the work-related items. It is also interesting
to note that overall, there is a signicant positive correlation between the
number of HR practices reported and levels of satisfaction (0.24 with work satis-
faction and 0.15 with life satisfaction; P = <0.001 in both cases). However,
central government workers report the highest number of HR practices, with
particularly strong endorsement of performance-related pay and appraisals, and
also some of the lowest levels of satisfaction. This suggests that in central
government there is either a problem with the greater emphasis on aspects of
performance management or a problem of delivering the commitments
embedded in the practices. It also points to the need for some caution in
generalising about an association between HRM and employee satisfaction.
The core aim of this analysis is to determine the relationship between specic
HR practices and aspects of satisfaction at work and in life as a whole. Surveys
have generally ignored satisfaction in favour of commitment as a worker out-
come and almost all studies have neglected satisfaction beyond the boundaries
of work. To ensure that the results do not reect specic characteristics of
individuals or organisations above and beyond the HR practices, we introduced
a range of control variables. These are set out in Tables 3 and 4. They include
a number of individual background items of the sort normally used in work-related
surveys. In addition, we have added a number of items that might affect life
satisfaction such as marital status and dependent children. Organisational
characteristics are more limited, and refer mainly to size. Sector is built into the
analysis. However, we have also added two further items. One is a set of indi-
cators of organisational climate. Since the informal work context is an impor-
tant component of the commitment-based models of HRM, it seemed sensible
to incorporate this element. It is impractical to measure organisational culture
in a short survey, so we used a simple measure of climate based on a set of descrip-
tive characteristics. These were factor analysed and in both the 2000 and 2001
surveys revealed three descriptive factors that we have labelled friendly, dynamic
and bureaucratic dimensions of organisational climate. The friendly climate
includes words such as trusting, supportive, fair-minded and public-spirited. A
dynamic climate includes words such as innovative, cutting-edge and forward-
looking. And a bureaucratic climate is described with words such as formal,
Central govt Local govt Health Industry Total
Ethnic minority 08+ 11**
Tenure 09+
Trade union member 05*
Organisation size 08+ 12** 06**
Establishment size 08+ 08+
Part of management 11* 06*
Hours worked 17* 11***
Full-time 09+
Human resource practices
Equal opportunity practices 08+ 09* 06**
Anti-harassment practices 11* 10* 05*
Workers kept informed 08+ 07+ 06**
Training and development 08+
No compulsory redundancies 08+
Performance appraisal
Family-friendly practices 08+ 11** 06**
September 2002
Challenging/interesting jobs 15** 21*** 11* 20*** 17***
Vacancies filled from within 08*
Employee involvement activities 07+
Performance-related pay
Table 3 Continued
Work experience and perceptions
Direct participation 12** 07**
Friendly climate 32*** 25*** 28*** 27*** 28***
Dynamic climate 07+ 16*** 11** 09***
Bureaucratic climate 08+
Job alternatives available 08+ 08+ 06**
n= 500 500 500 500 2000
Adj R2 .28 .33 .32 .32 .31
R2 .34 .38 .37 .38 .32
F 5.47*** 7.00*** 7.15*** 7.14*** 23.14***
+P < 0.10; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
Table 4 Factors associated with life satisfaction
Central govt Local govt Health Industry Total
Single 16** 08+ 09***
Divorced 09* 12** 08***
Dependent children 14** 10* 07**
Ethnic minority 08+
Tenure 10*
Hours worked 16* 08**
Full-time 13*
Fixed-term contract
Multiple job holder 07+
Part of management 13* 15** 08**
Human resource practices
Equal opportunity practices 08+
Anti-harassment practices 08+
Workers kept informed 07+ 05*
Training and development
No compulsory redundancies 07+ 09*
September 2002
Performance appraisal
Family-friendly practices
Challenging/interesting jobs 12** 17** 10***
Vacancies filled from within
Table 4 Continued
Employee involvement activities
Performance-related pay 08+ 19** 07+
Work experience and perceptions
Direct participation 07+ 11** 09+ 07**
Friendly climate 23*** 13* 18*** 17** 18***
Dynamic climate
Bureaucratic climate 08+ 10*
Job alternatives available 15** 08+ 13** 08+ 11***
n= 500 500 500 500 2000
Adj R2 .18 .20 .14 .16 .15
R2 .25 .27 .21 .23 .17
F 3.62*** 4.07*** 3.22*** 3.51*** 9.97***
+P < 0.10; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.
352 THE JOURNAL OF I N D U S T R I A L R E L AT I O N S September 2002
rule-bound and bureaucratic. The other variables cover direct participation, which
Appelbaum et al (2000) found to be associated with job satisfaction; and ease of
nding another job at least as good as the present one. This is an indication of
security in the labour market that extends job security beyond possible promises
of no compulsory redundancies.2
The HR practices and background variables were entered into a regression
analysis, rst, using the measure of work satisfaction and, second, the measure
of life satisfaction as the dependent variable. The results after all the items were
entered are shown in Tables 3 and 4. Given the rather idiosyncratic results for
the central government workers, we have included the analysis by sector as well
as for the sample as a whole. However, it should be noted that sector does not
appear as an independent variable in the analysis of the full sample because in
the regression analysis it was not signicantly associated with either outcome.
We can start by examining the results in relation to work satisfaction. These
show that one HR practice, the deliberate attempt to make jobs as interesting
and varied as possible, is strongly and consistently associated with higher work
satisfaction across all four sectors. For the sample as a whole, a set of practices
of the sort rarely identied in the literature on HRM and performance are also
signicantly associated with higher work satisfaction. These are keeping people
well informed about developments, equal opportunities, practices to limit
harassment at work and family-friendly practices. It is notable that performance
management items such as performance appraisals, performance-related pay and
even training and development do not feature as practices associated with work
satisfaction. This suggests that with the exception of the job design measure, the
practices associated with work satisfaction are those often emphasised by unions
and reluctantly acceded to by organisations, rather than those emphasised in any
models of the HRM-performance relationship.
One of the features of the analysis is the importance of the climate measures.
It appears that a friendly work climate is very strongly and consistently associ-
ated with work satisfaction. So too is working in a dynamic climate in all sectors
apart from health. The positive association between scope for direct participation
and work satisfaction reinforces the importance of job design. Together with the
signicant role of information provision, it lends further support to the impor-
tance of the high performance work system emphasised by Appelbaum et al (2000).
The signicant result for perceived employment alternatives suggests that employ-
ment security and the notion of employability is important to some workers.
There are a number of associations between work satisfaction and background
factors. For example, long hours are associated with lower satisfaction; so too is
being part of management and having higher educational qualications. It is
important to bear in mind that this sample is biased towards the public sector
and contains a high proportion of well-educated professional workers in areas
such as teaching and nursing.3 In showing that it is those who are better educated,
part of management and work long hours that are less satised, the results
challenge some popular assumptions.
The results in Table 4 conrm that HR practices are less likely to be associ-
ated with the wider measure of life satisfaction. Nevertheless, the job design item,
mation provision are associated with both higher work satisfaction and higher
life satisfaction. Evidence from the data presented in this paper shows that in
addition to practices associated with high performance work systems, a set of
more bureaucratic worker-oriented practices are also associated with higher
work satisfaction. These include family-friendly, equal opportunity and anti-
harassment practices. By implication, organisations need to focus on both
to attract a positive worker response. Wood (1999) has argued that family-
friendly practices fall into a different cluster to the high performance work
practices and these ndings remind us that HRM concerns more than high
Equally interesting are the practices that are not associated with worker
satisfaction. HR practices associated with performance management are less
well received. Performance appraisal shows no association with satisfaction
in any group. Performance-related pay also shows no association with work
satisfaction. It has a more complicated association with life satisfaction. Among
central government workers, where 80 per cent report that they experience
performance-related pay, it is weakly associated with greater life dissatisfaction.
However, in local government, where only 20 per cent experience performance-
related pay, the picture is reversed. Closer analysis reveals that many of the
teachers, who make up a large proportion of this group, received a signicant
pay award, nominally presented as performance-related, and this was linked
to a more positive assessment of satisfaction with nances that formed a
component of life satisfaction.
Training and development, which can form an important element of a resource-
based model, shows little link to satisfaction. Similarly, employee involvement
activities, lling vacancies from within and a stated policy of avoiding compulsory
redundancies, all of which can be seen as part of a high commitment model, also
show little or no association with work or life satisfaction.
Looking beyond work satisfaction, we need much more evidence about worker
wellbeing. The ndings of Appelbaum et al. (2000) and Ramsay et al. (2000) on
the relationship between high performance work systems and employee stress
are somewhat contradictory. However, the evidence linking longer hours, as well
as managerial responsibilities to lower satisfaction both at work and in life as a
whole, is some indication that the demands of work and more work overload are
not conducive to general wellbeing. As we might expect, HR practices have a
rather more tenuous link to satisfaction outside work. Yet job design and direct
participation were positively associated with life satisfaction in the survey results
suggesting that these should form the core of a more worker-friendly model of
Taken as a whole, these ndings suggest that employee satisfaction and
wellbeing both inside and outside work may best be linked to HRM in the
context of a partnership or mutual gains system. This offers a greater chance of
focusing on job design, direct participation and information sharing as well as
ensuring the presence of the more bureaucratic policies and practices that trade
unions or some other form of representative system may be more likely to pro-
mote. Indeed, research on partnership and performance reported by Guest and
356 THE JOURNAL OF I N D U S T R I A L R E L AT I O N S September 2002
1. The analysis also found two factors providing acceptable measures of workers inuence over
the task and their perceptions of the extent to which they were consulted. We might expect
the measure of task inuence, which covered how the work was conducted, the pace at which
it was conducted and the range of tasks, to correspond in some respects to elements of a high
performance work system. In the event, it was not signicantly associated in the regression
analyses with the number of human resource practices in place in either the public or private
sectors. On the other hand, perceived consultation was strongly associated with a greater
number of HR practices in both sectors. It was also associated with lower ratings by
management of both comparative productivity and quality of goods and services.
2. There was a measure of job security in the survey. Responses were generally very positive in
2001 with over 80 per cent expressing moderate or high levels of job security. It is possible
that this has changed as recession appears more likely.
3. Although we do not report an analysis by occupation in this paper, it was notable that
teachers, located within the local government sector, stood out as the group most dissatised
with work (beta -.19*)
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