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Ciena 6500

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The key takeaways are that the 6500 platform converges three networking layers into a single platform to provide customizable service delivery. It offers industry-leading 10G, 40G, and 100G coherent and control plane capabilities for scale and service differentiation.

The different chassis form factors available for the 6500 platform are the 6500-2, 6500-7, 6500-14, and 6500-32.

The 6500 platform supports passive photonics, WSS-based ROADMs, and a full suite of passive filters, 50GHz, 100GHz, flexible grid ROADMs, EDFAs, smart Raman, and Channel Mux/Demux options.


Transforming Networks into Intelligent Programmable Platforms

Cienas 6500 Packet-Optical Platform

converges three comprehensive networking
Features and Benefits
layers into a single platform to provide
>  rovides industry-leading 10G, 40G,
customizable service delivery from the
and 100G coherent and control plane
capabilities for scale and service
access edge, along the backbone core,
and across ocean floors.
>  tilizes unconstrained OTN and
packet switching technologies
for the most efficient use of
6500 systems support directionless and colorless ROADM functionality, which
network resources combine with Optical Transport Network (OTN)/packet switching and intelligent
control plane to maximize the bandwidth efficiency and flexibility of the overall
>  ffers embedded and discrete
software tools to increase network. Complementing its many capabilities, the system also features full
programmability, visibility, and instrumentation and embedded intelligence across all layers, with an emphasis
control of the optical network on automating and simplifying operations.
>  dapts to a wide variety of
requirements with a minimal One Platform, Full Flexibility
set of equipment, reducing
standardization and operational The flexibility of the 6500 platform starts with the variety of services it can support.
costs A handful of interfaces support the full mix of Ethernet, OTN, SDH/SONET,
>  aximizes operational efficiencies
Fibre Channel, video, and transparent DWDM
with the ability to tailor customer servicesfrom DS1/E1 to 100 GbE/OTU4
solutions via various chassis, power, from metro to submarine applications.
and configuration options
Standards-based service interfaces ensure
seamless multi-vendor interoperability.

The network element can be customized to

support 2.5G to 100G switched or DWDM
applications as bandwidth and connectivity
demands dictate. Various line and equipment
protection options are available to help
providers support a tiered Service Level
Agreement (SLA) and differentiated service
offerings that will enable expansion of the
current customer base.
Figure 1. 6500-14 100G ROADM

D Datasheet
Four chassis form factors6500-2, 6500-7, 6500-14, and For more meshed and complex configurations, the WSS-
6500-32are available, with the smaller variants offering both based Reconfigurable Add-Drop Multiplexer (ROADM)
AC and DC power options. This flexibility results in cost- architecture offers full reconfiguration flexibility and simpler
optimized configurations to best match specific site capacity, operations. Advanced software capabilities applied to
space, and power requirements. One software load, one ROADMs create the fully agile, end-to-end transport network.
management system, and re-usable cards across the various A full range of WSS cards and filters provides optimized
shelves reduce standardization cycles and sparing expenses performance and cost for varying degree branching sites,
and simplify network operations. Along with the ability to with software features focused on simplifying operations
tailor the customer offering, the 6500 comes with proven of a mesh network.
five-9s (99.999%) reliability, ensuring the ability to meet the
A unique benefit of Cienas WaveLogic Photonics is the
strictest customer requirements.
support of PinPoint Advanced Fiber Analytics leveraging
integrated Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)
capabilities directly into next-generation Raman and EDFA
amplifiers. Operators can use this powerful tool to identify
and localize high connector losses or reflections and ensure
Figure 2. 6500-2 amplifier configuration their fiber plant is conditioned for optimal performance.
In particular, integrated OTDR eliminates the pain points
of previous Raman deployments by providing simplified,
Programmable Optical Layer
controlled turn-up and fast, precise pinpoint of faults.
WaveLogic Photonics is Cienas fully instrumented, intelligent
photonic system composed of WaveLogic coherent optics Finally, contrary to other boxed-in vendor solutions, 6500s
and flexible line elements that combine with embedded and advanced monitoring and software control features allow
discrete software tools to offer better automation, control, for an elegant expansion of the network. Operators are able
and visibility to the optical network. to expand connectivity to additional sites with in-service
ROADM additions and channel add/deletions as needed.
An important factor influencing business success is the ability Ensuring investment protection, the 6500 network can evolve
to photonically interconnect sites quickly and economically, to support directionless, colorless, and gridless architectures
simplify network operations, and reduce costs, power, and when appropriate economics are met for these new
latency associated with regenerators. The 6500 offers the full configurations.
range of photonic architectures in one platform, from passive
filters for simple metro service extensions to directionless, Smarter, High-capacity Coherent Technology
colorless, and flexible grid ROADMs for the power to send
An important benefit of the 6500 is that the same platform
any service anywhere in the network, dynamically.
can be tailored to cost-effectively address applications from
2.5G to 100G DWDM and beyond. It also provides an elegant
evolution path from 2.5G to 400 Gb/s, leveraging existing
infrastructure investments.

As the pioneer of coherent optical technology, Ciena offers

a comprehensive 40G/100G portfolio with hardware tailored
to address metro, regional, long-haul, and submarine

In addition to enabling new high-speed services, improving

Figure 3. 6500-7 E-Suite ROADM configuration spectral efficiency and delaying new build-outs, Cienas
coherent 40G and 100G solutions operate seamlessly
For smaller, simpler network configurations, passive photonics alongside 10G wavelengths, maximizing the traffic-carrying
can be used for lowest capital expenditures. This architecture capacity of the network. The strong performance of
supports point-to-point, hubbed ring, multi-degree branching, WaveLogic solutions translates to increased reach, with
and channel stitching. 6500 passive photonics support inventory fewer regenerators in long-haul applications, as well as
and equipment management for full network visibility. increased tolerance to cascaded ROADMs, which are
prevalent in metro networks.

Field-proven DSP algorithms provide electronic dispersion
compensation to eliminate fixed compensators and their
associated amplifiers in the network. As a result, Cienas
coherent solutions provide a more flexible and simpler
network design with the ability to operate over mixed
as well as challenged (high-PMD) fiber environments,
even at 100 Gb/s and higher rates.

WaveLogic 3, the latest generation of Cienas family of

coherent optical processors, is the industrys first software-
programmable coherent technology that scales from 100G
to 400G. Through the use of innovative technologies such as
soft-decision Forward Error Correction (FEC) and transmitter
DSP-based programmable modulation, WaveLogic 3 provides
the following additional benefits:

>  nables broader, more economical deployment of 100G

across long-haul terrestrial and submarine global networks
with fewer regenerators

>  oubles traffic-carrying capacity to 200 Gb/s per

50GHz channel Figure 4. 6500-32 Packet/OTN switched configuration

> Can be optimized for low-latency applications From a packet-switching perspective, 6500 supports several
Beyond reducing transport costs, WaveLogic 3-based E-Suite modules, a set of product offerings specializing in packet
transceivers can be programmed to quickly respond switching across Cienas solutions portfolio. All E-Suite modules
and adapt to changing requirements for capacity, reach, leverage Cienas Service Aware OS (SAOS), which is available
and latency. This programmability makes the optical layer across the companys Packet Networking portfolio and deployed
more intelligent and responsive to application needs, on more than 400,000 platforms worldwide. This common
an increasingly critical requirement in todays dynamic, technology implementation, shared across different devices,
cloud-centric networks. allows for rich functionality implementation and maximum
operational efficiencies through equipment interoperability.
Packet and OTN Efficiencies
Cienas 6500 supports both muxponder- and central fabric-
The 6500 offers integrated OTN and packet switching, for the based packet and OTN switching solutions; the configuration
most efficient utilization of network resources with the ability can be cost-optimized for specific service connectivity
to scale to the highest-speed service. requirements. Muxponder-based solutions are best suited for
predictable point-to-point connectivity or when the DWDM
A handful of 6500 OTN interfaces support a wide range of
line system is being used for simple interconnection of switch
protocols, allowing for rapid response to service requests and
or router devices. Central fabric-based switching is best
faster time to revenue, even in an unpredictable environment.
suited for architectures requiring any-to-any connectivity
Sub-wavelength grooming ensures the most efficient
flexibility. Ciena offers network planning and modeling
bandwidth utilization and scaling of the network.
services to help operators determine the optimal
OTN switching on the 6500 allows for transparent transport configurations for different network scenarios.
of all native services, along with end-to-end management
Advantages of Cienas packet/OTN switched solutions
of these services, all over a single converged network.
6500 also provides Tandem Connection Monitoring (TCM)
for improved service assurance, giving service providers a >  ustomized configurations based on connectivity
better service fault correlation and troubleshooting capability requirements
when handling third-party traffic.
>  nrestricted hybrid packet/OTN central switching, with
the ability to tune for packet and/or OTN in any ratio

>  he ability to double Ethernet or OTN switching capacity
T places Ciena well ahead of the competition for robust and
on muxponders via backplane connectivity and the simple reliable optical control plane software.
addition of a second module
Full Network, Multi-layer Visibility and Optimization
>  lexible protection options for all hardware options,
with OneControl and OnePlanner
enabling a tiered SLA offering
Cienas OneControl Unified Management System offers
Integrated Photonic and OTN Control Plane comprehensive network and service management for
Intelligence end-to-end Ciena networks. Through a unified GUI and
common management model, Network Operations Center
A distributed control plane can be an important component
(NOC) operators can rapidly deploy new service offerings that
of software-defined networks, enabling a programmable
cut across domains (access, metro, core, and subsea) and
network foundation that can support changing service
coordinate across network protocol layers (photonic,
requirements and the bandwidth-on-demand type of
transport, and packet) to ensure efficient use of critical
services becoming prevalent with cloud and software-defined
network assets and bandwidth optimization.
This efficiency provides comprehensive management and
Cienas OneConnect control plane allows the transport
control, from the access customer hand-off points through
network to automate and distribute many functions formerly
the metro, into the intelligent core, and across subsea networks.
performed through a combination of centralized
The OneControl GUI allows NOC personnel to create and
management systems and manual processes. In particular,
activate end-to-end services at the optical layer, including
OneConnect provides the following advantages:
OTN/SONET/SDH and Layer 2 services such as E-LAN/E-Line.
>  ses real-time network topology to provide accurate and
U Once enabled, OneControl provides complete visualization
automated inventory of equipment and bandwidth of the entire end-to-end service with multi-layer correlation,
resources facilitating proactive root-cause analysis and troubleshooting.

>  ses signaling to provide accelerated service provisioning

U Cienas OnePlanner Unified Design System is an advanced,
and faster turn-up multi-layer network design and optimization tool that
leverages Cienas extensive background in Layer 1 control
>  ffers tunable SLAs for revenue growth via flexible
O plane planning and simulation, photonic system design,
protection and restoration options advanced algorithm research, and GUI development into
Operators can leverage both Photonic and OTN OneConnect a comprehensive and easy-to-use platform. OnePlanner
control planes to increase network availability at lower cost correlates data from different network layers, allowing the
and guarantee strict customer SLAs with less deployed network planner to easily see the association between
equipment. SLAs can range from unprotected to 50ms services, facilities, and equipment.
protection against any number of failures, and everything in
between. For unprotected services, Photonic OneConnect Summary
ensures Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) guarantees can be met Deployed by more than 400 operators, the 6500 underpins
at little incremental cost. service provider, research and education, government, and
enterprise networks around the globe. Its popularity hinges
Another important benefit of OneConnect is it facilitates
on several key factors:
wavelength re-grooming, enabling operators to perform
proactive network maintenance in a condensed maintenance > It can be tailored for an economic fit into a variety
window, with fewer truck rolls. Wavelength re-grooming can of applications
also be used to reroute wavelengths onto shorter, more
> It very efficiently delivers a wide range of services
optimized paths to reduce regenerator ports and service
leveraging packet and/or OTN switching
latency and rebalance wavelengths to extend the life of the
existing network. > It practically scales to elegantly handle step increases
in capacity over existing infrastructure
Ciena was among the first to deploy control plane in DWDM
systems and optical cross-connects. The innovative control In short, with the 6500, operators are able to drive network
plane functionalityhardened with over 15 years of global transformation without restrictions or compromise, with
field experience and scaling to networks of 1,000 nodes room to grow.

Technical Information

Physical Dimensions Transponders/Muxponders 2-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing

6500-2: Coherent 100G line cards: metro, regional, 4-Fiber BLSR/MS-SPRing/HERS
2U 89 mm (H) x 443.2 mm (W) x 281 mm (D) long haul, ultra long haul, enhanced PMD, UPSR/SNCP
2U 3.5 in. (H) x 17.5 in. (W) x 11.1 in. (D) submarine, colorless ASNCP
6500-7: Coherent 100G client cards: 10x10GE, 10x10G Mesh restorable control plane connections at
6U 267 mm (H) x 440.5 mm (W) x 281 mm (D) multi-rate, 100GbE/OTU4 client L0 and L1
6U 10.5 in. (H) x 17.3 in. (W) x 11.1 in. (D) Coherent 40G line cards: metro, regional, RPR layer 2 protection
6500-14: long haul, ultra long haul, enhanced PMD, G.8032 ERP
13U 577.1 mm (H) x 440.5 mm (W) x 277.5 mm (D) submarine, colorless
13U 22.7 in. (H) x 17.3 in. (W) x 10.9 in. (D) Coherent 40G client cards: 4x10G multi-rate, Common Equipment
6500-32: 40G multi-rate Full common equipment redundancy
22U 977 mm (H) x 498.0 mm (W) x 277.5 mm (D) 10G: 4x10G multi-rate OTR Field-replaceable units
22U 38.5 in. (H) x 19.6 in. (W) x 277.5 mm (D) Ethernet: 200G eMOTR, 30G L2 MOTR -48Vdc input voltage range:
OTN modules: 8-port OTN Flex MOTR (10G), -40Vdc to -75Vdc
Capacity 1+8 port OTN Flex MOTR (20G) 24Vdc input voltage range: +20Vdc to +30Vdc
SONET/SDH: 640 Gb/s SONET/SDH 10G ADM-on-a-blade: SuperMux AC input voltage range: 90Vac to 264Vac
Packet/OTN: 3.2 Tb/s
System: 96 Tb/s Packet/OTN switched modules Environmental Characteristics
WDM: 2.5G/10G/40G/100G DWDM, 10x10G Packet/OTN Normal Operating Temperature: +5C to
2.5G CWDM 100G DWDM, OTU4 +40C (+41 F to +104 F)
Wavelength support: 96 wavelengths in 40G DWDM, OTU3 Short Term Operating Temperature: -5 C to
C-band, full band tunable optics 16x2.7G OTN +55 C (+23 F to +131 F) for 6500-2/7/14;
SONET/SDH XC: 20G to 80G low order, -5 C to +50 C (+23 F to +122 F) for
80G to 640G high order SONET/SDH switched modules 6500-32
Packet/OTN XC: 600G to 3.2T Ethernet: L2 service switch, PDH Gateway, EPL Normal operating humidity: 5% to 85% RH
Electrical: E1, DS1, DS3, EC-1, E3 Earthquake/seismic: Zone 4
Photonics Optical: OC-3/STM-1 through OC-192/STM-64
Full suite of passive filters, 50GHz, 100GHz,
Ciena may from time to time make changes to the products or
flexible grid ROADMs, EDFAs, smart Distributed Control Plane specifications contained herein without notice. Copyright 2014
Raman, and Channel Mux/Demux options Photonic, OTN, SONET/SDH Ciena Corporation. All rights reserved. DS254 3.2014

Services Configurations
Ethernet: 10M, 100M, GbE, 40GbE, 100GbE Unprotected
OTN: OTU0 to OTU4 1+1/MSP linear
FC100 to FC1200 1+1 OTN line-side
SONET/SDH: OC-3/STM-1 through 1+1 LAG
OC-768/STM-256 1+1 Enhanced Trunk Switch (ETS)
Electrical: DS1, E1, DS3, E3, STM-1e 1+1 Transponder Protection Tray
ESCON 1+1 Optical Protection switch (incl. fast
DVB-ASI coherent switching)

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