Clinical Blood Gases Assessment Intervention
Clinical Blood Gases Assessment Intervention
Clinical Blood Gases Assessment Intervention
Assessment and
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Assessment and
Second Edition
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To my mom,
For her understanding and love.
To my wife, Margie,
For her infinite endurance and love.
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Program Director, Respiratory Care Clinical Research Coordinator, Pulmonary
St. Lukes College and Critical Care
Sioux City, Iowa Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
SUSAN BLONSHINE, BS, RRT, RPFT, AARC Diagnostic Specialty Section Chair
Director, TechEd Consultants LAVERNE YOUSEY, RRT, MSTE
Mason, Michigan Chair, Allied Health Department
Technical Director, Pediatric Pulmonary Program Director, R.C. Program
Function Laboratory Professor of Respiratory Care
Michigan State University University of Akron
East Lansing, Michigan Akron, Ohio
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More than a decade has passed since the first relocated to Chapter 2 (Chapter 7 in the first
edition of Clinical Blood Gases, yet the need edition) because the skill needed to be able to
for clinicians with a comprehensive under- categorize blood gases must be mastered in the
standing of blood gas analysis and interpreta- early phase of clinical practice. In an effort to
tion persists. Overall, I suspect we do fewer be more consistent with common clinical prac-
blood gases today than we did then primarily tice and exams, I have also abandoned the use
as a result of cost-containment initiatives and of the terms acidemia and alkalemia in classi-
the ubiquitous availability of pulse oximetry. fications. Since one must have an acidosis to
Nevertheless, even today, arterial blood gases cause an acidemia, I have simply used the term
remain the undisputable gold standard in the acidosis in blood gas classification. Also, the
critical assessment of oxygenation, acid-base chapter on technical accuracy (Chapter 8 in the
balance, and ventilation. first edition) has been relocated to Chapter 5
It could be argued that because of the so that all technical issues are covered in Unit 2.
decreased incidence of blood gas sampling, In addition to overall updates regarding
blood gas analysis has become of lesser technology and clinical application, probably
importance. Indeed, the opposite is the case. the most significant enhancement to the text as
Acquisition of arterial blood gases seems to be a teaching tool is the addition of two On-Call
reserved for more critical situations, specifi- Cases within each chapter. These cases
cally in those patients where vital life functions involve critical thinking and application and
are in question. In many cases, electrolytes or deal specifically with important content con-
other analytes are measured concurrently with tained within each chapter. On-Call Cases are
blood gases to provide a more comprehensive germane to the particular content of a specific
glimpse into disease or emergent needs. chapter which differentiates them from the more
It has been my observation that with fewer comprehensive cases in Chapter 16. Detailed
blood gases being drawn, many clinicians fail discussion regarding the On-Call Cases is pro-
to maintain interpretative competence or, vided in the Answers section near the end of
worse yet, never achieve it. Thus, when a the book. Case questions are designed in a
patient crisis exists and a definitive analysis of consistent manner to encourage analytical
oxygenation, acid-base, and/or ventilation is problem-solving skills and specific action.
essential, no one may be available or suffi- Another new feature, NBRC Challenge,
ciently experienced to respond. Therefore now, offers five multiple-choice questions at the end
as perhaps never before, clinicians who are of each chapter. These questions were cross-
expert in the nuances of this assessment are referenced to the National Board for
vital. This text is written to ensure that blood Respiratory Care (NBRC) examination matrices
gas experts are never extinct. This second edition in effect at the time of development of the book.
is also designed for the critical thinker and life- Various questions may be based on any of the
long student of oxygenation, acid-base bal- various exams used for Certified or Registered
ance, ventilation, and related pathophysiology. Respiratory Therapist credentialing. Although
Because of the widespread acceptance of the NBRC matrix is continuously evolving
the first edition, the book is organized in much and specific references to the matrices may
the same manner with a few key exceptions. change, the goal of these multiple-choice ques-
Classification, or naming, of blood gases tions is critical thinking with particular reference
(referred to as interpretation by some) has been to actual job functions, experiences, and
x Preface
responsibilities. The slight change in the subti- Clinical Blood Gases remains unique in its
tle to Clinical Blood Gases: Assessment and role as a medical textbook. It is not only a ref-
Intervention highlights the clinical decision- erence book but also a clearly organized, com-
making focus of the text. prehensive, interactive educational vehicle. It is
Like the first edition, the second edition of my hope that, like the first edition, it will be
Clinical Blood Gases remains the most com- enthusiastically received by respiratory thera-
prehensive, current, and easy-to-read reference pists, physicians, nurses, and other health-
for clinical issues pertaining to acid-base balance, related professionals. Most importantly, I hope
oxygenation, blood gases, and noninvasive it will be a rich source of information and
blood gas measurements. Furthermore, it again understanding that will, in turn, ultimately
provides a lavish supply of clear illustrations enhance patient care.
and tables to organize thinking and visualize
concepts. William J. Malley, MS, RRT, CPFT
Please feel free to forward any unusual cases, questions, or correspondence to William Malley at
Very few textbooks of this magnitude are writ- I am also a recipient of the tremendous
ten by a single author. I believe the value and resources and commitment to excellence from
advantage of a single author is a continuity of Elsevier. Elsevier is relentless in their pursuit of
writing style, organization, focus, and approach. accuracy and quality. Melissa Boyle, Senior
The potential disadvantage of the single- Developmental Editor, and Mindy Hutchinson,
author approach is the critical need for peer Managing Editor, have provided me with a
review and multiple viewpoints. I have been rich source of expert reviewers and feedback in
fortunate to be surrounded by outstanding col- times of uncertainty. They have also gently
leagues and a rich source of reviewers through provided me with the needed encouragement
Elsevier. and support to complete this project in the
My first source of review includes the out- midst of our harried careers, families, and
standing faculty at the Indiana University of lives. They were patient but helped me stay the
Pennsylvania/The Western Pennsylvania Hospital course. Joy Moore, Production Project
baccalaureate respiratory therapy program. Manager, and Janine White, Production Editor,
The extensive clinical and professional knowl- were also a pleasure to work with.
edge of Kathy Kinderman, Jeff Heck, Jack Albert, The advantage and resources of a first-class
Catherine Myers, and Jackie Heisler is always publisher is clearly evident to me. Without the
readily accessible. Whenever I feel uncertainty, resourceful and cordial negotiations of
I look to their remarkable clinical expertise Andrew Allen, Publishing Director, I suspect
and guidance. this second edition would never have reached
Another valuable reference for me is fruition. He provided creativity, open commu-
Bud Jozwiak, director of the excellent labora- nication, patience, and support throughout.
tories at The Western Pennsylvania Hospital. Bud Most importantly, friends, family, and co-
is an invaluable resource for accurate labora- workers who I see every day need a special
tory and technical information. Hes always thanks. My secretary, Georgeann Meyers,
readily available to provide direction, informa- Clinical Director Kathy Kinderman, and faculty
tion, and counsel. Robin Nitkulinec, Manager are always there to provide help, support, and
of Respiratory Services, Charlie Morgan, understanding in my daily work environment.
Supervisor of Pulmonary Diagnostics, and Paul Finally, my wife, Margie, who has endured the
Fiehler, MD, Medical Director, are likewise most, has provided the ultimate positive sup-
always available to provide valuable expertise. port to complete a project of this magnitude.
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Unit I Introduction to 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality
Blood Gases, 1 Assurance, 82
1 Arterial Blood Gases, 3 Blood Gas Electrodes, 82
Introduction, 3 Total Quality Management, 90
Normal Blood Gas Values, 4 Quality Assurance, 91
Arterial versus Venous Blood, 7 Quality Control, 92
Technique, 8 Continuous Monitoring of Blood
Arterial Cannulation, 25 Gases, 103
Arterial Line/Blood Gas Point-of-Care Testing, 106
Controversy, 28 Regulations and Laboratory
Capillary Sampling, 29 Accreditation, 107
AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines, 30 Exercises, 107
Exercises, 31 5 Accuracy Check and Metabolic
2 Blood Gas Classification, 35 Acid-Base Indices, 114
Introduction, 35 Accuracy Check, 114
Systematic Approach, 36 Metabolic Acid-Base Indices, 120
Acid-Base Status, 36 Exercises, 126
Basic (Primary) Acid-Base
Disturbance(s), 38 Unit III Basic Physiology, 133
Compensation Assessment, 42 6 Oxygenation and External
Acid-Base Classification versus Respiration, 135
Interpretation, 46 Introduction, 135
Oxygenation Status, 46 External Respiration, 138
Complete Blood Gas Classification, 48 Exercises, 159
Alternative Terminology, 48
Exercises, 50
7 Oxygen Transport and Internal
Respiration, 165
Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Introduction, 165
Gas Analysis, 59 Blood Oxygen Compartments, 165
Quantitative Oxygen Transport, 179
3 Blood Gas Sampling Errors, 61
Hemoglobin Abnormalities, 181
Introduction, 61
Internal Respiration, 186
Basic Physics of Gases, 61
Exercises, 190
Potential Sampling Errors, 66
Measurement of Blood Gases 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis, 196
and Electrolytes from a Single Hydrogen Ions and pH, 196
Sample, 75 The Lungs and Regulation of Volatile
Exercises, 76 Acid, 198
xiv Contents
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Arterial Blood Gases
Blood gas and pH analysis has more immediacy and potential impact on patient care than any other
laboratory determination.
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards690
There is no substitute for PO2, PCO2, and pH when you are really in the dark about oxygenation status,
acid-base, or ventilatory status.
Woody Kagler, M.D.105
Introduction, 3 Puncture Technique, 16
Normal Blood Gas Values, 4 Explanation, 16
Indices, 4 Selection of Site, 16
Oxygenation, 4 Radial Puncture, 22
Ventilation, 4 Sample Handling, 24
Acid-Base Balance, 4 Arterial Cannulation, 25
Normal Ranges, 5 Complications, 25
Units of Measurement, 6 Catheter Insertion, 27
Arterial Versus Venous Blood, 7 Arterial Line Sampling, 27
Technique, 8 Blood-Conserving Arterial Line Systems, 28
Preparation and Pre-analytical Considerations, 9 Arterial Line/Blood Gas Controversy, 28
Status of Patients and Control of Infection, 9 Capillary Sampling, 29
Steady State, 10 Theory, 29
Spontaneous Variability of PaO2, 11 Technique, 29
Documenting Current Status, 11 AARC Clinical Practice Guidelines, 30
Materials, 12 Exercises, 31
and increasingly, rely on pulse oximetry as a
The arterial blood gas report is the cornerstone complete substitute for arterial blood gas data.
in the diagnosis and management of clinical Although pulse oximetry is extremely valuable
oxygenation and acid-base disturbances. An and provides us with real-time information, it
abnormal blood gas report may be the first clue provides only one small piece in oxygenation
to an acid-base or oxygenation problem: It may assessment. Furthermore, it has been shown
indicate the onset or culmination of cardiopul- that many junior physicians and nurses do not
monary crisis and may serve as a gauge with fully understand this technology and make
regard to the appropriateness or effectiveness of serious errors in its interpretation.167
therapy. Thus, the arterial blood gas report More importantly, pulse oximetry provides
plays a pivotal role in the overall care of car- absolutely no information regarding ventilation
diopulmonary disease. Using the arterial blood and acid-base balance. In one study, more than
gas report as a reference point, this text explores 50% of surgical patients who had arterial blood
the diagnosis, assessment, and intervention of gases drawn manifested alkalemia at some point
clinical acid-base and oxygenation problems. during their hospital stay.106 With only pulse
Over the past decade, the incidence of arterial oximetry, these acid-base abnormalities may
blood gas sampling has decreased primarily for easily go unnoticed and untreated. In contrast
cost-containment reasons. Clinicians, casually to pulse oximetry, there are myriad reasons for
4 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
arterial blood gas analysis. According to Clinical in the blood in two forms, dissolved O2 and
Guidelines published by the American Associa- combined O2. The PaO2 is the partial pressure
tion for Respiratory Care (AARC), indications of O2 dissolved in arterial blood, whereas the
also include assessment of the adequacy of SaO2 is the oxygen saturation of arterial hemo-
ventilation, acid-base evaluation, diagnostic globin (an indicator of combined O2).
evaluation, quantification of response to ther- Technically, the partial pressure of oxygen
apy, and monitoring of severity and progression (denoted PO2) is defined as the pressure of O2
of disease.15 in both a gas phase and a solution in equilib-
Several studies have shown that by avoiding rium.6 In contrast, oxygen saturation is the
the use of blood gases, we may be delaying or amount of oxyhemoglobin in a solution
preventing detection of serious oxygenation and expressed as a fraction (%) of the total amount
acid-base disturbances.108111 The real incre- of hemoglobin able to bind oxygen.6 It is note-
mental cost of an arterial blood gas report is worthy that abnormal (inactive) forms of
minuscule. The neglected and unquantifiable hemoglobin (dyshemoglobins) are not consid-
cost of overlooked clues in the diagnosis of life- ered in this calculation.241
threatening disturbances (i.e., acid-base, ventila- The PaO2 is directly measured and is the
tion, and oxygenation) is immeasurable. Arterial most sensitive indicator of oxygenation directly
blood gases remain the gold standard in com- measured. The PaO2 should be a focal point of
prehensive emergency and critical care assess- every blood gas interpretation. The SaO2 is a
ment. Their value must be weighed against the calculated value and a less sensitive indicator.
potential for real, substantial cost savings and There are times when a calculated SaO2 may
patient harm. be misleading (e.g., burn patients) so it is
sometimes not included with the routine blood
NORMAL BLOOD GAS VALUES gas report. Calculated SaO2 should not be used
for further clinical calculations such as shunt
Indices fraction because it may introduce significant
Table 1-1 shows the various indices that are error.241 SaO2 can actually be measured directly
typically reported when an arterial blood gas is with co-oximetry (as opposed to calculated) in
acquired. Collectively, these indices give us cases when this value is essential. Clinical and
valuable information about the important technical issues related to co-oximetry are dis-
triad of patient oxygenation, ventilation, and cussed in Chapters 11 and 15.
acid-base balance.
Oxygenation The single best way to evaluate the adequacy
Arterial blood gases remain the indisputable gold of ventilation is via the PaCO2 of an arterial
standard for evaluation of arterial oxygenation. blood gas. One cannot make a definitive eval-
Dean Hess, Ph.D., RRT., FAARC168 uation of whether an individual is hypoventi-
lating or hyperventilating by observation alone.
There are two indices shown in Table 1-1 (i.e., Ventilatory status is best assessed via arterial
PaO2 and SaO2) that basically reflect the amount blood gases.
of O2 present in the blood. Oxygen is carried
Acid-Base Balance
The arterial pH is the single best indicator of
Table 1-1. NORMAL ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS global and blood acid-base status. In addition
VALUES to providing definitive information about ven-
pH 7.357.45 tilation, the PaCO2 also allows us to evaluate
PaCO2 3545 mm Hg the respiratory component of acid-base balance.
[BE] 0 2 mEq/L Thus, we can determine if a given acid-base
PaO2 80100 mm Hg problem is of respiratory system origin.
[HCO3] 24 2 mEq/L
The remaining indices shown in Table 1-1
SaO2 97%98%
([HCO3] and [BE]) are non-respiratory
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 5
from the mean because these values represent and sea level (760 mm Hg) are presumed
the vast majority of the population. The distri- unless otherwise noted.
bution pattern underlying the establishment The normal PaO2 in the supine position for
of normal values is important to understand an adult 40 to 75 years old can be calculated
because 5% of the normal population has val- specifically by the formula PaO2 = 109 (0.43
ues that fall outside the normal range. age).242 A PaO2 within 8 mm Hg of the
Nevertheless, it is highly unlikely that an predicted value is considered to be normal.
abnormal value reported in this population Because the minimum normal PaO2 at 40 years
will deviate greatly from the normal range. of age in the supine position is 80 mm Hg, most
Interestingly, there are data that suggest that tables show the normal PaO2 range as being
the mean normal pH is closer to 7.38 than approximately 80 to 100 mm Hg. Technically,
7.40.3 Nevertheless, there is little support or however, a PaO2 of 80 mm Hg in a 20-year-old
reason to change the accepted normal range individual is not normal.
because the difference is minimal and the range Arterial PO2 is approximately 5 mm Hg
of 7.35 to 7.45 is well ingrained. higher in the sitting position than in the supine
Regarding the normal blood gas values position and the mean normal value at a given
shown in Table 1-1, one study showed signifi- age can be calculated more precisely by the
cantly lower values for arterial carbon dioxide formula PaO2 = 109 (0.27 age).11 In gen-
tension (PaCO2) in young women compared to eral, the difference in PaO2 associated with
values in young men.7 Mean arterial PCO2 in positional change is minimal in young adults
the female group was 33 mm Hg. Lower arte- but magnified in the elderly.
rial PCO2 in women compared with men is also In clinical practice, it is not usually practical
consistent with some earlier findings.8 Indeed, or expedient to calculate PaO2 based on these
values of 30 to 46 mm Hg may more accu- formulas. An approximate rule of thumb is
rately characterize the normal range for the sometimes useful to estimate the minimum nor-
entire population, which is calculated from mal PaO2 in adults of different ages. Minimum
seven published studies.9 While keeping these normal PaO2 should exceed 90 mm Hg if the
issues in mind, the accepted normal range of patient is younger than 45 years old. Above
35 to 45 mm Hg is used in this text for stan- the age of 45, PaO2 generally decreases with
dardization and to avoid confusion. age; however, low minimum normal PaO2
Normal values for [BE] and [HCO3] may should exceed 75 mm Hg regardless of age.242
likewise be slightly (i.e., 1 to 2 mEq/L) lower in Interestingly, PaO2 seems to progressively
women than in men.7 Nevertheless, here again, decrease between the ages of 45 to 75, then
a single accepted normal range of 24 2 mEq/L actually increases slightly and levels off beyond
for [HCO3] and 0 2 mEq/L for [BE] is used age 75.242 This is contrary to earlier beliefs.
because the difference is slight and has little
clinical significance. Units of Measurement
The mean partial pressure of oxygen dis- It is essential to have a clear understanding of
solved in arterial blood (PaO2) in a normal the particular units in which any laboratory
young male is 97 mm Hg at sea level.10 Normal value is being measured. The pH value is
oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin dimension-less, and SaO2 is measured as a per-
(SaO2) is 97.5%. Both PaO2 and SaO2 values centage. The [HCO3] and [BE] are usually
tend to decrease with aging. reported in milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L).
Oxygenation values may also differ slightly Nevertheless, because mEq/L is equal to mil-
with body position; they are typically higher in limoles per liter (mM/L) in ions with a univalent
the sitting position than in the supine (lying on charge (e.g., HCO3 , Na+), mM/L may also be
the back) position particularly in the obese used as the units for these values.
or elderly. Finally, altitude and the percentage The PaO2 and PaCO2 are measured in mil-
of O2 inspired also affect PaO2. The effects of limeters of mercury (mm Hg), a unit of pressure.
these variables on PaO2 are discussed in The unit torr is synonymous with (mm Hg)
Chapter 3. In this text, room air (21% oxygen) and either may be substituted interchangeably.
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 7
The International System of Units (SI) has human cells. To assess delivery, one must ana-
attempted to standardize the reporting of all sci- lyze arterial blood en route to the cells. The
entific data and has made recommendations PO2 of peripheral venous blood, on its journey
with regard to the most appropriate units that back to the heart from the cells, provides little
should be used. information concerning O2 delivery.
The recommended SI unit for pressure is the Arterial blood also provides direct informa-
pascal (Pa). Because this unit is too small for clin- tion with regard to lung function and the ade-
ical use, the kilopascal (kPa) has been recom- quacy of CO2 excretion. When PaCO2 levels
mended for use in blood gases (1 kPa = 1000 Pa). are excessive, the ventilatory system has failed
The conversion factor from mm Hg to kPa is to perform one of its primary functions
0.133. Thus, the normal range of PaO2 (i.e., 80 namely, CO2 regulation in the blood. The
to 100 mm Hg) becomes 10.6 to 13.3 kPa, and venous PCO2 level, on the other hand, is pri-
the normal PaCO2 (i.e., 35 to 45 mm Hg) marily a result of local metabolic rate and per-
becomes 4.6 to 6.0 kPa. The clinician may see fusion. Either an increase in local metabolism
PaO2 and PaCO2 reported in SI units in some or a decrease in local perfusion elevates venous
foreign literature, but the awkwardness of the PCO2. Thus, venous PCO2 varies in different
decimal units has hampered general acceptance areas of the body and provides little useful
and there has been a general retreat from SI information regarding the adequacy of pul-
units in American journals and laboratories.13 monary ventilation.
Likewise, clinicians continue to use mm Hg or Finally, arterial blood is superior to periph-
torr when they report pressure measurements eral venous blood in both acid-base and oxy-
in blood gas analysis. A chart of pressure con- genation assessment because it reflects overall
version factors between mm Hg, kPa, and cm blood or body conditions. Arterial blood gases
H2O is shown in Table 1-2. are uniform regardless of the specific artery
from which the sample was drawn. This is true
because arterial blood, after being well mixed
in the heart, does not change appreciably in O2
or CO2 composition until it reaches the sys-
Blood vessels that carry blood away from the temic capillaries. The systemic capillaries are
heart are classified anatomically as arteries, the small vessels between arteries and veins
whereas vessels that return blood to the heart within which gas exchange takes place
are called veins. Arterial blood in the systemic between blood and body tissues. In general,
circulation (Fig. 1-2) provides more information samples of blood gases taken from any artery
than systemic venous blood with regard to ven- should have identical blood gas values.
tilation and oxygenation assessment. Arterial Peripheral venous blood, on the other hand,
blood is a uniform substance presented to all reflects only localized conditions. The O2 and
organs for their metabolic needs. CO2 levels in a given peripheral vein depend on
An important concern in oxygenation the metabolic rate and perfusion of the tissue
assessment is the adequacy of O2 delivery to all traversed earlier. Because local metabolism
may vary widely, venous blood gas samples
acquired simultaneously from different periph-
eral veins likewise vary substantially. The dif-
Table 1-2. PRESSURE UNIT CONVERSION ferent PvO2 levels in various peripheral veins
FACTORS are discussed later in Chapter 7 and are shown
cm H2O mm Hg kPa in Table 7-1.
Although less accurate than arterial samples,
1.0 0.736 0.098 venous samples from a well-perfused patient
1.359 1.0 0.133 may provide a gross indication of acid-base
10.197 7.501 1.0 balance,5 electrolyte levels, or abnormal hemo-
From Burke, J.F.: Surgical Physiology. Philadelphia, globins.241 Likewise venous blood pH appears
W.B. Saunders, 1984. to correlate well with arterial blood in patients
8 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Systemic CO2 O2
Circulation to
tissues of head
and upper body
Lung Lung
Pulmonary circulation
CO2 O2
Circulation to
tissues of
lower body
Systemic circulation
Figure 1-2. Pulmonary and systemic circulation. Blood from the pulmonary circulation flows back to the left
heart after gas exchange in the lungs. Oxygenated blood flows from the left heart to the systemic circulation.
with uremic acidosis and diabetic ketoaci- Compared with the acquisition of venous
dosis.112 One should also realize that any dif- blood, arterial sampling is technically more
ference between arterial and venous blood will difficult and has greater potential for serious
be exaggerated when the general or local cir- complication. The higher arterial pressure can
culation is impaired.107 Thus, measurement of make bleeding complications more profuse.
arterial blood gases is the gold standard in the Furthermore, large clot formation or prolonged
diagnosis and clinical management of oxygena- spasm in an artery could cut off vital supply of
tion and acid-base disturbances. O2 to the tissue. Arterial blood gas samples are
also very vulnerable to improper handling
technique because of their high gas content.
Arterial blood is one of the most sensitive spec-
The collection of arterial blood is not only techni- imens sent for clinical laboratory analysis.107
cally difficult but can be painful and hazardous to Despite these drawbacks, after appropriate
the patient. Therefore, it is essential that individuals training, arterial blood sampling may be
performing arterial puncture be familiar with the accomplished simply, safely, accurately, and
proper techniques, with the dangers of the proce- expediently by respiratory therapists, labora-
dure, and with necessary precautions. tory technologists, nurses, or physicians. The
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory following section involves pre-analytical con-
Standards107 siderations when preparing to draw an arterial
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 9
hepatitis, syphilis, Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease, after use or use of some other device to assure
and septicemia. Viral hepatitis is a generalized that inadvertent puncture cannot occur is
inflammation of the liver caused by hepatitis essential. After use, needles should be placed in
virus A, B, or C. Hepatitis vaccination, which puncture-resistant containers that are located
prevents hepatitis B on a long-term basis, is as close as is practical to the area where they are
available and healthcare workers who rou- being used.
tinely perform arterial puncture should receive
it. There is also an injection available to pre- Patient Identification and Assessment
vent hepatitis A in the short term; however, no Identification of the correct patient is extremely
protection is available for hepatitis C. Syphilis important. NCCLS document H3Procedure
is a chronic infectious venereal disease that for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood
may also be transmitted through the blood. Specimens by Venipuncturedescribes this in
Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease is a rare, fatal neu- more detail.691
rologic disorder that is transmitted by a virus. Likewise, the patient and the clinical indica-
Septicemia is a systemic infection in which tion for the sample should be assessed before
pathogens are present in the blood. acquisition. Knowledge of current vital signs
In the past, samples obtained from individ- and a general awareness of the patients back-
uals with any of the above disorders were ground and psychological status may also con-
marked as precaution samples, and special pro- tribute to acquisition of the sample smoothly
cedures were implemented to minimize the risk and efficiently. The more information the clini-
of infection to the healthcare worker. Today, cian has with regard to a particular patient, the
however, all blood samples should be handled more prepared he or she is to care for that
as if they are infected, because most individuals patient most effectively. Notwithstanding, the
who have HIV are not diagnosed and are review of the chart is most often brief in clini-
asymptomatic. cal practice due to time constraints and the
Standard precautions require diligent hand- need for efficiency.
washing and use of gloves when the hands are
likely to come into contact with body secretions Steady State
(e.g., during arterial blood gas sampling14). The When oxygen therapy or mechanical ventila-
Centers for Disease Control also recommends tion is used, a period of time is required before
the use of masks and protective eyewear (to the complete effect of the therapy is reflected in
avoid contact with mucous membranes) if a the arterial blood specimen. Similarly, the same
procedure is likely to generate droplets of blood principle is true when therapy is changed or
and aprons or gowns if blood is likely to be discontinued and following exercise. Because
splashed during a procedure.19 blood gases are often the major criteria on which
Handwashing is critical between examina- major therapeutic decisions are made regarding
tions of patients and immediately after any oxygenation and acid-base disturbances, it is
direct contact with blood. Gloves should always crucial that the blood gas results provide us
be worn when acquiring an arterial blood sam- with an accurate and current reflection of the
ple, and the gloves should be changed before patients status.
contact with each new patient. Remember, During this period of adjustment to a change
however, that gloves are an adjunct to, but not in therapy, blood gas values are in a dynamic,
a substitute for, handwashing. changing state. In time, the entire cardiopul-
Furthermore, needles must be handled care- monary system reaches a new equilibrium or
fully to prevent accidental puncture. Needle steady state. Blood gas values remain relatively
sticks are the most frequent source of transmis- constant from this point on, and the complete
sion of bloodborne diseases in healthcare work- impact of the therapy is reflected in the arterial
ers.19,20 Needles should not be purposely bent blood.
or broken by hand, removed from syringes, or Arterial blood samples must always be
manipulated by hand in any way. Specimen drawn only when the patient is in a steady state.
sampling devices in which the needle retracts The actual time required for the attainment of
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 11
a steady state differs slightly with the patients Spontaneous Variability of PaO2
pulmonary status. In patients free of overt pul- The clinician should also appreciate that some
monary disease, a steady state is likely achieved studies have shown considerable spontaneous
in as few as 1 to 3 minutes1,21 and almost cer- variability in PaO2 in apparently stable
tainly within 10 minutes.22,23 patients.169 This variability may be as much as
In patients with chronic airway obstruction, 10% and may be due to patient or machine
up to 24 minutes after a change in therapy may issues.168 The important point here is that
be necessary.24 In clinical practice, a 20- to changes in PaO2 of as much as 8 mm Hg should
30-minute waiting period is usually recom- be viewed with skepticism because they are
mended before sampling arterial blood after a commonly a result of spontaneous variability.
change in oxygen therapy or ventilation.1,15,25
As described previously, however, only 3 to Documenting Current Status
10 minutes is necessary to achieve steady-state Many times, the individual who interprets and
conditions in the absence of pulmonary disease. acts upon the blood gas report is not the same
Ideally, a patient who is breathing spon- individual who drew the sample. Therefore, it
taneously should also be at rest for at least is important that sufficient information
5 minutes before sample acquisition.14 Like- regarding the patients status at the time of the
wise, temporary fluctuations in therapy also sample be documented. Sound decisions can be
compromise steady-state conditions, which may made only in the proper context of circum-
occur if the patient removes his or her oxygen stances at the time of sampling.
mask or must be suctioned for excessive pul- Specific information regarding identifica-
monary secretions. The clinician drawing tion of the sample and the date and time of
the sample is responsible for ensuring that the acquisition is essential on the requisition slip.
patient is in a steady state before arterial This information must include the patients full
puncture. When a sample is thought to represent name and hospital or emergency room num-
nonsteady-state conditions, a repeat puncture ber. The blood vessel source should also be
with related pain, risks, and cost is probably noted (i.e., arterial, venous, or mixed venous).
necessary. Worse yet, if the nonsteady state Potential technical issues that may impact the
goes unnoticed, incorrect or inappropriate ther- quality of the sample should be noted as well.
apy may be prescribed. Thus, before arterial These might include issues such as improper
puncture, the patient must be carefully assessed storage of the sample or transportation delays.
to ensure steady-state conditions. Other desirable information includes the loca-
Samples drawn to assess response to exer- tion of the patient, working diagnosis, clini-
cise require special considerations. They are cal indication, name of the physician request-
best drawn at peak exercise, however, samples ing the sample, the initials of the individual
drawn within 15 seconds of termination of who obtained the sample, and the sample
exercise are acceptable.15 Outside this time site.14
range, samples may yield false-negative results The patients temperature and respiratory
for hypoxemia.15 rate should likewise be recorded. The position
Mild to moderate pain may accompany of the patient (e.g., supine, sitting) at the time
arterial puncture.26 The clinician should be of sampling and the activity of the patient
aware that pain and anxiety associated with (e.g., comatose, convulsing) may also provide
arterial sampling may in itself cause changes in valuable information when the data are inter-
ventilation that, in turn, alter blood gas results. preted. Hemoglobin concentration may be
Thus, the patient should be approached calmly useful in assessing oxygenation status or calcu-
with a quiet voice and reassurance to promote lating [BE]. Notations of fluid infusions and
physical and mental comfort14; and the sample location may likewise be useful in some cases.
should be obtained as quickly as possible. The type and flow rate of O2 therapy should
Some suggest the use of numbing agents before be checked and recorded. When positive air-
the actual puncture26 and this issue is discussed way pressure (e.g., Continuous Positive
later in this chapter. Airway Pressure [CPAP] or Biphasic Positive
12 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Airway Pressure [BIPAP]) is being applied, the being used to evaluate the P(A-a)O2 gradient,
inspiratory and expiratory pressures being a glass syringe and an iced transport container
delivered should be observed and recorded. are also necessary. Many institutions now use
In the case of the patient receiving mechan- commercially available arterial blood gas kits
ical ventilation, a host of other variables that eliminate the need to gather all of these
should be documented. The type of ventilator materials.
and mode of ventilation should be recorded.
The respiratory rate setting on the machine as Syringe
well as the actual respiratory rate of the The basic components of a hypodermic needle
patient should be determined and included and syringe are shown in Figure 1-3. The typical
on the report. When applicable, the positive syringe is a 1-, 3-, or 5-mL self-filling, dispos-
end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level or BIPAP able, plastic syringe that comes pre-filled with
levels should be observed on the pressure dry heparin anticoagulant. A 20- to 25-gauge,
manometer of the machine and recorded. short-beveled needle with a clear hub is usually
Finally, the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) recommended for arterial sampling in the
and exhaled tidal volume (VT) should be meas- adult.14,16 Smaller (i.e., higher gauge) needles
ured and recorded. All of this information may may not be desirable in adults because they
be important for interpreting blood gas results. may obscure the visual pulsation of blood
In plotting the future course of treatment, it is characteristic of entering an artery. The vol-
essential to know clearly what has transpired. ume of the syringe should be equal to the
volume of blood to be sampled. The length
Materials of the needles range from 5/8 to 11/2 in.; the
Equipment needed for an arterial puncture longest needles are used for brachial or
includes a plastic syringe, anticoagulant, alco- femoral artery sampling.14
hol swabs, tape, and sterile gauze pads. A local In children or neonates, a 25-gauge syringe
anesthetic and sterile towel are optional. If the is preferable to minimize vessel trauma and
sample will not be run within 30 minutes or is bleeding.16 Similarly, a small (high-gauge) syringe
Barrel Plunger
may be best for arterial puncture in the patient In addition, newer syringes are often designed
receiving anticoagulant therapy to minimize more safely to prevent accidental needle punc-
actual vessel damage and bleeding, despite the tures in healthcare professionals (e.g., needle
disadvantage of masked pulsation.16 guides and retractable needles; Fig. 1-4). Some
Either glass or plastic syringes are accept- interesting points are noted in the Box 1-1.
able for specimen collection, however, there
may be substantial diffusion of room air Anticoagulant
through plastic syringes particularly when they Blood is activated to form clots after leaving the
are iced.34 PaO2 is most affected by diffusion body. If allowed to proceed, this clot formation
in plastic syringes when the PaO2 is high or (coagulation) within the specimen would inter-
when hemoglobin in the sample is low.1 When fere with the acquisition or analysis of blood
it is important to get a precise PaO2 from a samples. Even microscopic clotting can adversely
specimen (e.g., P(A-a)O2, very high leukocyte affect a blood gas analyzer. Most new blood gas
or platelet count), a glass syringe should be syringes are pre-filled with a dry anticoagulant.
used34,65,116 and the sample analyzed quickly Occasionally, however, in emergency situations,
(i.e., within 5 to 10 minutes).1,65,107 a liquid anticoagulant must be added to a
Currently, quality plastic syringes with or standard syringe before drawing a blood gas
without pre-filled heparin are available that fill sample. When adding liquid anticoagulant, it is
spontaneously upon entry into the artery and in important that the volume or type of anticoag-
most cases provide acceptable results.14 Other ulant does not alter the acid-base and oxygena-
syringe designs allow blood to fill the syringe tion values being measured.
under its own pressure and allow filling to
a predetermined volume. For example, some Type of Anticoagulant
new syringe designs allow for filling to a pre- Lithium heparin is the anticoagulant of choice
determined volume while the blood pushes air in arterial blood gas sampling.1 Lyophilized (dry)
out a vent that closes when the syringe is filled.1 heparin is usually included in prepackaged
14 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Syringe barrel
Thumb guide
Needle guide
Figure 1-4. Safe syringe designs. The
Peachtree syringe design by Marquest
Medical products (A) and the syringe
designed by Retractable Technologies
(B) are examples of syringes designed to
prevent accidental needle punctures in
healthcare workers. (Note: The Peachtree
Syringe by Marquest Medical is no longer
VanishPoint Retractable Needle Syringe: being produced or manufactured.)
When the plunger handle is fully depressed, a spring
mechanism automatically retracts the needle directly from
the patient into the barrel of the syringe. This virtually
eliminates any risk of accidental contaminated
needle stick injury to the healthcare worker.
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 15
blood gas syringes. When liquid heparin must be come prepackaged with dry lyophilized heparin
added, it should be sodium heparin (1000 IU/ and thus obviate syringe preparation with liquid
mL). Also, when samples will be drawn to meas- heparin.
ure electrolytes as well as blood gases, balanced
heparin should be used. Balanced heparin is Transport
physiologically balanced for the electrolytes Because blood is living tissue, O2 is consumed
being measured (e.g., Ca2+, K+, Cl, Na+) and and CO2 is produced as the blood sample sets
therefore should minimize any distortion of elec- in the syringe. The speed and significance of
trolyte concentrations in the sample. these changes depend on the metabolic rate.
All heparin salts have some potential Plastic syringes containing blood for blood
to cause the formation of small fibrils in the gas and/or electrolyte analysis should be main-
sample which, in turn, may interfere with tained at room temperature and analyzed
some equipment. Lithium heparin, because within 30 minutes.34,107,116 The reader should
of the quantity of lithium used, is least likely note that this is in contrast to previous practice
to cause these problems.27 As a rule, heparin when all samples were iced (see discussion
salts (lithium, sodium) in 1000 IU/mL are below). When an elevated leukocyte or platelet
the only acceptable anticoagulants for blood count is present, however, blood samples
gas analysis. Higher concentrations of heparin should be placed in ice and analyzed immedi-
(e.g., 10,000 U/mL) may alter pH and ionized ately or within 5 minutes.107,116
calcium of the sample. It was earlier practice to place all samples
immediately in an ice water bath to minimize
Volume of Anticoagulant metabolism. More recently, however, it has been
Only 0.05 mL of 1000 U/mL liquid heparin is shown that icing samples in plastic syringes is
required to anticoagulate 1 mL of blood. unnecessary unless blood is being used for spe-
Because the deadspace volume of a standard cial studies (e.g., P(A-a)O2 analysis) or more
5-mL syringe with a 1-inch, 22-gauge needle than a 30-minute delay is anticipated before
is 0.2 mL, filling the syringe deadspace with analysis.34,107
heparin provides sufficient volume to anti- When icing is necessary, the ice container
coagulate a 4-mL blood sample.1 should be large enough to allow for immersion
When liquid heparin is used, the syringe is of the syringe barrel. A mixture of ice and
heparinized by drawing a small amount into the water in the container may facilitate more uni-
syringe then distributing it throughout by work- form cooling and an immediate decrease in
ing the plunger in and out several times. Because metabolic function. The ice or ice/water should
the objective is only to coat the inner walls of be capable of maintaining the blood sample at
the syringe, the plunger is completely, albeit a temperature of 1 to 5 C.14
gently, pushed in, and any excess of heparin is
expelled.28 This procedure leaves heparin only Alcohol, Gauze and Tape
in the syringe deadspace (needle and hub). The Asepsis is the absence of disease-producing
use of minimal liquid heparin is important microorganisms. The aseptic technique is the use
because an excess of heparin is known to alter of methods that minimize the risk of infection
blood gas values.1 Most new blood gas syringes to the patient. Most importantly, the clinician
16 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
should always wear aseptic gloves for the pro- Puncture Technique
tection of both practitioner and patient. An A general procedure for performing an arterial
alcohol swab or a similar antiseptic agent is puncture is described later in this chapter. Local
used to clean and disinfect the skin before preferences and conditions determine the
puncture. A 2 2 in. sterile gauze pad should actual technique used by a specific individual
be available so that manual pressure can be or laboratory.
applied aseptically to the puncture site after
the needle is withdrawn. Pressure dressings are Explanation
not an acceptable substitute.14 Nosocomial The patient should always fully understand the
(i.e., hospital-acquired) infection is a poten- reason for a particular diagnostic test as well as
tially serious complication of arterial puncture the procedure that will be followed. The indi-
that can be avoided mainly through the use of vidual should realize that arterial blood is useful
proper handwashing and aseptic technique. for evaluating his or her breathing, blood oxy-
genation, and acid-base status. The individual
Local Anesthetic should be seated or lying in bed comfortably for
Administration of a local anesthetic to the at least 5 minutes before the procedure.107 Also
sample site to alleviate anxiety and pain is keep in mind that longer than 5 minutes may be
sometimes recommended.26 Administration of necessary for outpatients to achieve a steady
a local anesthetic may relieve discomfort and state.107 The patient should be encouraged to
minimize the risk of vasoconstriction.1 It is relax and should understand that some discom-
theoretically plausible that the pain or anxiety fort may be felt. All individuals drawing blood
associated with arterial puncture may cause gases should work hard to develop communi-
hyperventilation and alteration of blood gas val- cation skills that promote a calm, reassuring
ues, although this has not been clearly demon- environment.
strated.29 Many clinicians do not advocate the
use of local anesthesia and think that the addi- Selection of Site
tional cost, time, discomfort, and potential for Because blood gas values are identical in all
complications are not justified.1,30,31 arteries, the specific artery chosen for the acqui-
This controversy persists, however, and one sition of the sample is based on accessibility,
recent study reported that the injection of safety, departmental policy, and the patients
local anesthetic before puncture significantly comfort. Box 1-2 lists the primary physiologic
decreased the amount of pain felt and did not criteria that determine site selection. The three
make the procedure either more difficult or more vessels most commonly punctured for blood
time-consuming.26 This study concluded that gases in the adult are the radial, brachial, and
local anesthesia is indeed indicated with routine femoral arteries (Fig. 1-5). Other arteries that
arterial puncture.26 Notwithstanding, the may be used include the axillary, ulnar, dor-
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory salis pedis, and superficial temporal arteries.32
Standards (NCCLS) states that local anesthetic The carotid artery should be avoided because
with arterial puncture is optional.1 of the potential for cerebral air embolism or
If a local anesthetic is to be used, a 25-gauge damage to neighboring vital structures. Arterial
or 26-gauge hypodermic needle and a local puncture should also be avoided through skin
anesthetic (e.g., 1.0% lidocaine without epi-
nephrine) is also needed. A few drops of anes-
thetic is injected just under the skin and in the
Box 1-2 Physiologic Criteria for
tissues surrounding the vessel. The patient can
ABG Site Selection
then be calmed by showing him or her that a
needle prick cannot be felt in this area. It 1. Collateral blood flow
should be noted, however, that lidocaine with- 2. Accessibility and size of artery
3. Proximity of nerves, veins, supporting
out epinephrine may cause prolonged bleeding
in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy.1
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 17
Superficial temporal
Common carotid
Femoral Figure 1-6. Puncture of superficial temporal
artery. The superficial temporal artery may be
punctured in the newborn by using a 25-gauge
butterfly scalp vein needle.
20 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Femoral nerve
Femoral vein
artery and this must be done for at least 5 min- The radial artery is usually the vessel of
utes. Finally, when puncture of the femoral choice for arterial cannulation.14,47 Neverthe-
artery is necessary, the angle of puncture less, larger arteries may be preferred when the
should be more perpendicular to the skin risk of thrombosis is high or when the
surface.107 expected duration of cannulation is greater
than 7 days.48,49 Big arteries offer the addi-
tional advantages of easier palpation and more
accurate blood pressure readings.49 The large
During an acute hypotensive (fall in blood arteries of choice are the femoral and axillary
pressure) crisis, two important avenues of vessels, which have been associated with a low
patient monitoring may be inaccessible or incidence of minor complication and almost
inaccurate: arterial blood samples may be no tissue ischemia.49 Most intensive care units
almost impossible to obtain, and indirect currently attempt to remove arterial cannulas
measurement of arterial blood pressure may be within 72 hours.
The insertion of an indwelling arterial Complications
catheter will ensure the availability of accurate Any invasive procedure such as arterial cannu-
monitoring information. In addition, an lation may be associated with complications.
indwelling catheter allows for continuous The potential benefits of invasive monitoring
monitoring, which is preferable to periodic, must always be weighed carefully against con-
intermittent measurements. The insertion of a comitant risks.
catheter into an artery for blood gas and pres- Major complications include hemorrhage and
sure monitoring is called arterial cannulation. severe vascular occlusion secondary to intra-
Although the insertion of an arterial line has luminal clot formation. On rare occasions, gan-
traditionally been done only by physicians, grene has necessitated the amputation of a finger
recent literature suggests that it can be done or a hand.50 When coolness of the extremity
safely and effectively by respiratory thera- is observed immediately after insertion of the
pists.45,70 It is important to provide special catheter, the catheter should be removed
training and protocols for insertion. With quickly because tissue damage requiring ampu-
these caveats, it appears that arterial lines can tation may occur in less than 2 hours.48 Careful
be inserted around the clock in a cost-effective attention to technique should avoid serious
manner by non-physician healthcare profes- problems. Major complications occur in less
sionals without increased complications.45,70 than 1% of cases.47 In fact, severe damage due
26 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Catheter Insertion Sample port
The extremity to be cannulated should be Figure 1-17. Normal resting position of three-way
placed securely on a board. The use of local stopcock. In the normal resting position, the sample
anesthesia is optional but recommended for port is closed. The passage between the heparin
arterial line insertion.107 Several techniques can solution and the patient remains patent.
be used for catheter insertion depending on the
equipment available and local preferences. The
catheter may be inserted (1) over the needle, that leads to a pressurized bag of heparin
(2) through the needle, or (3) through a plastic solution. The lever on the top of the stopcock
catheter.14 can be rotated 360 degrees around in a circle.
When inserting the catheter over a needle, When the lever is not aligned directly with any
the catheter should be advanced slowly. The of the respective ports (see Fig. 1-16), flow
catheter should never be pulled back over the through all of the ports will be obstructed.
needle after it has been advanced, nor should When the lever is aligned directly with one
the needle be advanced again after it has been of the ports, only flow through that port will
withdrawn.14 If resistance is encountered, the be obstructed. Fluid can flow readily through
needle and catheter should be removed. the remaining two lines. Figure 1-17 shows the
If problems are encountered while inserting normal resting stopcock position of an arterial
the catheter through a needle, the needle and line. The pressurized heparin solution is being
catheter should always be removed simultane- forced slowly and continuously through the
ously to avoid damage to the catheter. While system. This small amount of heparin will keep
adhering to aseptic technique throughout, the the lines free and open while not impairing the
catheter should be secured after it has been bodys ability to form clots.
inserted the desired distance. When a sample is to be drawn, an empty
syringe is attached to the sample port. The stop-
Arterial Line Sampling cock is positioned such that flow to the bag is
Integral to traditional arterial line systems is obstructed while the patient and sample ports
a three-way stopcock, which is shown in remain open (Fig. 1-18). Fluid from within the
Figure 1-16. Three ports stem from the stop- arterial line is then aspirated into a syringe
cock: the patient port, a sample port, and a port (i.e., clearance syringe). The volume of fluid
withdrawn will vary with the system used but removal) as various diagnostic tests are per-
must be sufficient to ensure blood has reached formed. Critical care patients are also more
the syringe. Then, an additional small amount vulnerable than other patient populations to
should be withdrawn to prevent any blood the adverse affects of blood loss because of fre-
dilution.14 Typically, a volume of flush-blood quent coexisting anemia. The mean volume of
six times the volume of the catheter and con- blood loss per day is often 40 to 50 mL of
nections is withdrawn.107 This will ensure that blood57,58 in critical care patients; and may
unheparinized arterial blood is present imme- be as high as 377 mL/day in patients in some
diately on the patient side of the stopcock. cardiothoracic surgical intensive care units.59
The stopcock is then repositioned so that all This problem is especially important in
ports are obstructed (see Fig. 1-16). The preterm infants who have small total blood
syringe used to clear the sampling line is dis- volume.117
carded, and a new heparinized sample syringe In addition, patients with arterial lines have
is attached to the sample port. The stopcock is been shown to commonly have twofold to
again turned off to the bag, and the patients threefold increased blood loss related to phle-
blood sample is withdrawn into the syringe. botomy than other critical care patients.57,60 It
The stopcock is then returned to the is certainly plausible that the ease of blood-
obstructed position and the syringe is removed drawing from an arterial line makes blood
and prepared for transportation. sampling more casual and frequent.
To cleanse the lines, the stopcock is again Furthermore, as much as 24% to 30% of
turned off to the sample port and heparin is daily total blood drawn from traditional arte-
flushed manually through the system. This rial lines is for the purpose of clearing the
action forces the blood in the line back to the line and is then discarded.57,59 Newer blood-
patient. The stopcock is also turned off briefly conserving arterial line systems have been
to the patient, and heparin is allowed to flow developed that provide a simple and effective
out of the sample port, thus removing any method for reducing blood loss secondary to
blood residue (Fig. 1-19). A good arterial wave- line clearing.61
form should be present when the flushing pro-
cedure has been completed. Finally, the patient
is left with the stopcock in the resting position.
Either a cap or a syringe should be placed over
the sample port to avoid contamination. In the current era of cost containment in
healthcare and particularly critical care units,
Blood-Conserving Arterial the value and number of laboratory tests being
Line Systems performed have come under great scrutiny.
Patients in critical care settings often lose large Much of this attention is appropriate because
quantities of blood via phlebotomy (blood laboratory costs comprise approximately 25%
of total hospital costs62,63 and critical care
units alone account for as much as 28% of
total hospital costs.64
Flush solution Patient Notwithstanding, although it is relatively
easy to quantitate costs of these tests, it is
much more difficult to measure the value of
laboratory tests performed on critically ill indi-
viduals. A routine test in a critically ill individ-
ual may help us confirm that they are not in a
Sample port
crisis or provide a small first clue to a poten-
Figure 1-19. Flush position of three-way stop- tially fatal event or condition (e.g., arrhythmia,
cock. If the heparinized bag to the sample port is electrolyte disturbance). Appropriate use of
opened briefly, solution can flow out of the sample these tests will remain a matter of controversy,
port and rinse away all blood. science, and art. We must do all we can to save
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 29
money but we must not forget that healthcare Box 1-4 Contraindications to
is the business of saving lives. Capillary Blood Sampling
1. Posterior curvature of heel because device
CAPILLARY SAMPLING may puncture the bone
2. Callus heel of patient who has begun
Sampling of arterialized capillary blood may walking
be used as an alternative to arterial blood gas 3. Finger samples in neonates to avoid nerve
sampling in infants. Arterialized capillary sam- damage
ples may provide useful information regarding 4. Inflamed, swollen, or edematous tissue
PaCO2 and pH; however, they are of little 5. Cyanotic or poorly perfused tissue
value in estimating arterial oxygenation.66 A 6. Localized infection
brief review of the theory and principles of this 7. Previous puncture sites
technique is warranted. Reference: Capillary blood gas sampling for neonatal and
pediatric patients. AARC Clinical Practice Guideline,
Theory Respir. Care, 39:11801183, 1994.
Capillary blood can be arterialized by warm-
ing the skin and thereby increasing and accel- more than 2.0 mm deep should then be made
erating the flow of blood through the capillary. on the lateral aspects of the plantar surface
Thus, theoretically, blood gas values in the (Fig. 1-20).107 The first drop of blood should be
capillary approach arterial values. When wiped away, and the sample should freely flow
peripheral perfusion in the patient is normal, into a 75- to 100-L, heparinized capillary
arterialized capillary pH and PCO2 will corre- tube. Squeezing the blood into the capillary
late well with PaCO2 and arterial pH.6769 tube is unacceptable and may alter the values
Indeed, even arterialized capillary PO2 will obtained.66 An alcohol sponge or suitable sub-
correlate well with PaO2 provided PaO2 is less stitute should be pressed gently against the
than 60 mm Hg and peripheral perfusion is sample site to stop the flow of blood.
good. Higher PaO2 values do not correlate
well with arterialized capillary PO2 values
even with good perfusion.68,69 Typically, PO2
values of capillary samples will be consider-
ably lower.
In infants, the capillary bed most often used for
sampling is the heel. Nevertheless, the earlobe or
the tip of a finger (or toe) may also be used.
Punctures should not be performed over the
central area of the foot, the posterior curvature
of the heel, or through a previous puncture
site.107 Box 1-4 lists potential contraindications
to performance of this procedure.
The site should be heated carefully to a tem-
perature no higher than 42 C.65,107 This tem-
perature can increase blood flow sevenfold.107
Warming can be accomplished with warm com-
presses, a waterbath, a heat lamp, or commer-
cially available hot-packs. Inadequate warming
of the site will result in a poor correlation Figure 1-20. Site for arterialized capillary heel
between arterial and capillary values.66,107 sample. Heel puncture for arterialized capillary
The skin should be cleaned with an antisep- sample should be done on the lateral aspects of
tic solution such as alcohol. A puncture no the plantar surface.
30 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Sampling for Arterial Blood In-vitro pH and Blood Gas Capillary Blood Gas Sampling for
Gas Analysis Analysis and Hemoximetry Neonatal and Pediatric Patients
References: Sampling for arterial blood gas analysis. AARC Clinical Practice Guideline, Respir. Care, 37:913917, 1992;
Blood gas analysis and hemoximetry: 2001 Revision and Update. AARC Clinical Practice Guideline, Respir. Care,
45:498501, 2001; Capillary blood gas sampling for neonatal and pediatric patients. AARC Clinical Practice Guideline,
Respir. Care, 39:11801183, 1994.
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 31
1. State the normal adult ranges and appropriate units for the following blood gas
2. State the two blood gas indices that quantitate the oxygen available in the arterial blood.
3. State the two metabolic indices commonly reported with arterial blood gases.
4. Both [HCO3] and [BE] are necessary to interpret arterial blood gas results (True/False).
5. What percentage of the total population will have blood gas values that fall within the
normal range?
6. Women tend to have (lower/identical/higher) PaCO2 than men.
7. Calculate the specific normal PaO2 in the supine position in patients of the following ages:
58 years
72 years
8. Normal SaO2 in a young patient in his or her twenties is approximately ______ %.
9. Normal PaO2 in the sitting position is approximately ______ mm Hg higher than in the
supine position in middle-age adults.
10. If the patient is younger than 45 years of age, minimum normal PaO2 should exceed _____
mm Hg. If older than 45 years of age, PaO2 decreases with age; however, it should never
be less than _____ mm Hg.
11. The International System of Units recommends (mm Hg/kPa) units for blood gas
12. One hundred mm Hg = ______ kPa.
13. The normal range is usually considered to be within (1/2/3) standard deviations from the
mean of the population.
14. One kPa = ______ mm Hg.
15. A PaO2 of 60 mm Hg = ______ kPa.
16. PaO2 tends to (decrease/level off) after age 75.
32 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
1. List at least three examples of specific drugs that may interfere with normal coagulation.
2. A genetic disease seen in men that is characterized by an increased clotting time is ______.
3. Establishment of equilibrium throughout the cardiopulmonary system following application
of oxygen therapy may be called establishment of a ______.
4. In clinical practice, blood samples are not usually drawn for approximately ______ minutes
after a change in ventilator setting or oxygen therapy.
5. When blood samples are drawn during mechanical ventilation, the tidal volume and FIO2
(should/should not) be measured at the time of sampling.
6. A ______-gauge needle is usually used for arterial puncture in the normal adult.
7. A ______-gauge needle may be most appropriate in children or neonates to minimize ves-
sel trauma during arterial puncture.
8. When a sample is iced, the PaO2 will be altered due to diffusion in (glass/plastic) syringes.
9. State the recommended anticoagulant to be used for arterial puncture.
10. Sodium or lithium heparin in a concentration of (1000/10,000) U/mL is the anticoagulant of
11. The amount of sodium heparin (1000 U/mL) needed to anticoagulate 1 mL of blood is
______ mL.
12. Metabolism within a blood sample withdrawn from the body will (cease/continue).
13. The use of methods to minimize the risk of infection to the patient is called ______
14. A hospital-acquired infection is called a ______ infection.
15. Use of a local anesthetic for arterial puncture is (required/optional).
Chapter 1 Arterial Blood Gases 33
1. List the three recommended vessels for arterial puncture in order of preference.
2. State two alternative arteries that may be punctured in unusual situations.
3. List four potential complications of arterial puncture.
4. Precordial distress, anxiety, nausea, and a feeling of impending doom are part of a clinical
picture known as a ______ response.
5. Testing for the adequacy of collateral circulation via the ulnar artery is performed via the
______ test.
6. In performing the modified Allen test, the patients hand should flush within ______ seconds
after release of digital pressure on the ulnar artery.
7. The course of the ______ nerve closely parallels the course of the brachial artery.
8. The most serious complications of arterial puncture have been associated with the
______ artery.
9. The wrist should be extended about ______ degrees for radial puncture.
10. During puncture of the radial artery, the angle of insertion should be ______ degrees or less.
11. State the two signs that indicate acquisition of an arterial sample.
12. Normally, digital pressure should be applied to the puncture site for a minimum of ______
minutes after the syringe has been withdrawn.
13. List the two primary indications for arterial cannulation.
14. When the lever of a three-way stopcock is aligned with one of the ports, that port will be
15. Some advocate selection of the ____________ hand or arm for arterial blood sampling.
16. When doing a heel stick, blood (should/should not) be squeezed into the capillary tube.
NBRC Challenge 1
Please select the best answer for the following multiple choice questions.
1. The modified Allen test: A) P(A-a)O2 evaluation
I. is used to evaluate the presence B) C(a-v)O 2 evaluation
of collateral circulation. C) pulmonary function study
II. is useful in evaluating the radial D) arterial blood gas
artery site for arterial puncture. E) flow-volume loop measurement
III. should be done preceding all (CRT EXAM NBRC MATRIX I,A,1,d)
4. What clinical recommendation would be
A) I only
made for a 70-year-old man breathing
B) II only
room air with a PaO2 of 70 mm Hg?
C) I, II only
A) Pulmonary function studies
D) I, III only
B) Chest radiography
E) I, II, and III
C) Sleep studies
D) Cardiac enzyme studies
2. A bluish-colored sample with low PaO2 E) No action necessary
and high PaCO2 and of venous origin (CRT EXAM NBRC MATRIX I,B,9,c)
would be most likely when doing an
5. What is the most likely explanation of the
arterial puncture at the _________ site.
following ABG in a young female?
A) radial
PaO2 95 mm Hg
B) brachial
PaCO2 33 mm Hg
C) femoral
pH 7.43
D) dorsalis pedis
[HCO3] 25 mEq/L
E) temporal
B) Acute pneumonia
3. When there are concerns regarding the
C) Neuromuscular disorder
adequacy of ventilation, acid-base
D) Severe anxiety response
balance, and oxygenation, a(n)
E) Normal
______________ would provide the most
comprehensive information.
Blood Gas Classification
Of all the concepts employed in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disorders, few are more important
or less well understood than those of blood gas interpretation.
Robert R. Demers170
In interpreting blood gas data, the creative therapist considers not only the present values but attempts to
understand what came before and predict what might come afterwards.
Stephen M. Ayres171
Introduction, 35 Acid-Base Classification versus
Systematic Approach, 36 Interpretation, 46
Acid-Base Status, 36 Oxygenation Status, 46
pH Assessment, 37 PaO2 Classification, 46
Clinical Significance, 37 Normoxemia, 46
Clinical Manifestations of Abnormal pH, 37 Hyperoxemia, 46
Classification of pH, 37 Hypoxemia, 46
Basic (Primary) Acid-Base Disturbance(s), 38 Hypoxic Potential, 47
Respiratory Acid-Base Status, 38 Mild Hypoxemia, 47
PaCO2 Classification, 38 Moderate Hypoxemia, 47
Inverse Relationship (PaCO2pH), 39 Severe Hypoxemia, 47
Metabolic Acid-Base Status, 39 Efficiency of Oxygen Uptake, 48
[HCO3] Classification, 39 Normal FIO2PaO2 Relationship, 48
Direct Relationship ([HCO3]pH), 40 PaO2/%FIO2 (Oxygenation Ratio), 48
Identification of Primary Acid-Base Complete Blood Gas Classification, 48
Disturbances, 40 Alternative Terminology, 48
Base Excess [BE] Assessment, 42 Ventilatory Failure, 48
Compensation Assessment, 42 Temporal Adjectives, 49
Uncompensated Acid-Base Problems, 42 Usefulness, 49
Partially Compensated Acid-Base Problems, 43 Caveats, 50
Completely Compensated Acid-Base Exercises, 50
Problems, 44
for example, Partially Compensated Metabolic
The techniques used in the acquisition of arterial Acidosis with Mild Hypoxemia.
blood have been discussed. In this chapter, the Sometimes this naming of the blood gas is
first step in the clinical application of arterial referred to as blood gas interpretation. Notwith-
blood gases, arterial blood gas classification, is standing, simply stating that a patient has a
explored. metabolic acidosis without understanding the
As described previously, the arterial blood nature of the acid-base disturbance is taking
gas report is the basis and cornerstone in the a very narrow view of interpretation and
assessment and management of clinical oxygena- does not facilitate optimal patient treatment.
tion, ventilation, and acid-base disturbances. The Therefore, in this text, interpretation is con-
initial objective in clinical management of these sidered in a much broader context to include
areas is to classify the blood gas information detailed analysis and evaluation of the blood
into one of several possible general categories, gas in conjunction with other patient clinical
36 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
and laboratory information. This requires Box 2-1 ABCs of Blood Gas
critical (diagnostic and therapeutic) thinking Classification
and is, indeed, our goal in the clinical man-
Acid-base status
agement of acid-base balance, ventilation, and
Basic primary problem(s)
oxygenation. Compensation assessment
To accomplish these important tasks, the first
important step in interpretation is blood gas
classification. Even the novice clinician dealing
with critical care patients must learn immedi- characterized as either respiratory, metabolic,
ately how to classify an ABG correctly and or both. In this step, we attempt to identify the
expeditiously. Likewise, even the novice must be primary general abnormality that is (are) tend-
able to quickly identify critical values and life- ing to pull the pH away from normal.
threatening situations. These objectives are the Next, Compensation is assessed. The bodys
aim of this chapter. normal response to a single, primary, acid-
base disturbance is to alter the acid-base com-
ponent not primarily affected (respiratory
[PaCO2] or metabolic ([HCO3]) in the oppo-
The vital nature of blood gas information site direction of the primary problem. This
requires a careful, thoughtful approach. The secondary acid-base change is referred to as
variety of data that may be reported (e.g., compensation. Because this is an expected
[HCO3], SaO2, PaO2, [BE]) is a potential source occurrence in normal individuals, each blood
of confusion for the novice. Therefore, it is gas should be evaluated and classified accord-
important to process the data on a blood gas ing to the presence and extent of acid-base
report in an orderly, systematic, and thorough compensation.
manner. A step-by-step approach ensures repro- Regarding the sequence of specific indices
ducible results and helps to avoid confusion and to be analyzed on a blood gas report, it is rec-
omissions. ommended that the pH be evaluated first as an
Although acid-base balance, ventilation, index of overall Acid-base balance (Box 2-2).
and oxygenation status can often present The PaCO2 (respiratory status) is evaluated next
interrelated problems and issues, individual followed by [HCO3] (metabolic) evaluation.
and separate evaluations of these areas some- Assessment of both of these indices is necessary
times help to focus and clarify thinking. to complete both step 2 (Basic primary prob-
Although the sequence is somewhat arbitrary, lem determination) and step 3 (Compensation
in the classification system presented here, assessment).
acid-base classification (which also includes As we will see later in this chapter, the clini-
ventilation evaluation) is presented first and cian should then analyze the PaO2 (oxygenation
is followed by classification of blood oxygen classification) and consider it in respect to the
levels. FIO2 (i.e., the concentration of oxygen being
inspired) and lung oxygen exchange efficiency.
Again, Box 2-2 summarizes the sequence of
indices to be evaluated.
There are three steps in this simple ABC
approach to acid-base classification; these steps
are shown in Box 2-1. First, Acid-base status
Box 2-2 Sequence of ABG
(overall body conditions) is assessed by classi-
fying the arterial pH. The arterial pH is the
single best index of composite acid-base status pH
in the body. PaCO2
Second, the Basic primary problem(s) (gen-
eral type of acid-base disturbance) present is
Chapter 2 Blood Gas Classification 37
Regarding acid-base status, a low PaCO2 level In some cases, the adjective metabolic
indicates a depletion in blood carbonic acid may actually be misleading because many
levels. Therefore, a PaCO2 level less than 35 mm non-respiratory acid-base disturbances (e.g.,
Hg may be termed a respiratory alkalosis. vomiting) do not involve changes in meta-
bolism. In fact, some authors have suggested
Inverse Relationship (PaCO2pH) that the adjective metabolic should be replaced
To classify arterial blood gases correctly, it is with the adjective non-respiratory.174 Never-
crucial to understand that the relationship theless, the term metabolic is well ingrained
between PaCO2 and pH is inverse. In other in clinical medicine and is used throughout
words, when PaCO2 is high (i.e., respiratory this text.
acidosis), pH will tend to decrease due to the The PaCO2 is a specific, reliable, accurate,
accumulation of carbonic acid. Conversely, and simple indicator of respiratory acid-base
when PaCO2 is low (i.e., respiratory alkalosis), disturbance. No single metabolic acid-base
pH will tend to increase due to the depletion of index perfectly fits this description. In some
carbonic acid stores in the blood. cases, metabolic indices will deviate artifac-
A very common classification error for the tually from their normal ranges owing to rea-
novice is to see an abnormal pH and PaCO2 sons unrelated to primary acid-base disorders.
and assume the pH has changed because of the Nevertheless, a change in the numerical value of
PaCO2, despite the fact that the change in pH a metabolic index is most commonly due to a
and PaCO2 is not inverse. metabolic acid-base disturbance and the novice
For example, if pH is 7.20 (acidosis) and should assume this to be the case. In later chap-
PaCO2 is 20 mm Hg (respiratory alkalosis), ters, exceptions to this rule will be discussed.
both of these values are abnormal; however,
the change in pH cannot be due to the respira- [HCO 3 ] Classification
tory condition (i.e., this is not a primary respi- Although various different metabolic indices
ratory acid-base problem) but must be due to have been advocated through the years, the
some non-respiratory condition (i.e., metabolic plasma bicarbonate concentration [HCO3]
acidosis). (sometimes referred to as the actual bicarbon-
If indeed the abnormal PaCO2 had caused ate) is probably the most widely used index
an abnormal pH, the pH would be high (alka- and is seen on many clinical, professional, cre-
losis) because the relationship must be inverse dentialling examinations. Initial blood gas
to assume cause and effect. Therefore, in this classification examples in this text will include
example, it is clear that the change in pH only the [HCO3] as a metabolic index to avoid
must be due to some other (non-respiratory) confusion. Also, as mentioned previously, there
cause. To reiterate this important principle; if are some uncommon situations when bicar-
the change in pH is due to a respiratory condi- bonate values may be misleading (discussed in
tion, the relationship between pH and PaCO2 Chapter 5). It is best for the novice to assume
must be inverse. the bicarbonate is always a clear and concise
indicator of metabolic status. Logically, one
Metabolic Acid-Base Status should first learn the general rules of classifica-
All the numerous conditions that may poten- tion and later address unusual exceptions.
tially alter pH have been grouped into two major
categories to facilitate differential diagnosis. Normal Metabolic Status
Blood gas acid-base evaluation involves classi- Bicarbonate represents the most important
fication of the data based on these two com- base in the blood plasma. The normal value
ponents. Respiratory disturbances include all for plasma bicarbonate in the arterial blood is
those conditions that alter PaCO2 levels in the 24 2 mEq/L, which is shown in Table 2-3.
blood. Metabolic disturbances, on the other
hand, are defined by exclusion. Any acid-base Metabolic Acidosis
disturbance that is not respiratory in origin is The numeric value of bicarbonate decreases in
called a metabolic disturbance. response to either an accumulation of blood
40 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Example 2-1
fixed acids or to a loss of blood base. This Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems
occurs due to blood acid-base buffering, which pH 7.38 (normal):
is discussed in a later chapter. Therefore, a PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH
decreased bicarbonate concentration indicates 38 mm Hg 23 mEq/L
a non-respiratory condition that tends to cause
acidemia (i.e., metabolic acidosis). Quantita- When pH is outside the normal range, one
tively, as shown in Table 2-3, a metabolic must determine the basic (primary) acid-base
acidosis can be defined as a [HCO3] less than disturbance. The key to successful classifica-
22 mEq/L. tion is to identify whether the primary problem
is respiratory (PaCO2 is abnormal and inverse
Metabolic Alkalosis direction to pH change) or metabolic ([HCO3]
Conversely, the numeric value of bicarbonate is abnormal and change is in the same direc-
increases in response to increased blood base tion as pH).
or to a fall in fixed acid levels. Thus, bicar- Table 2-4 highlights these key relationships,
bonate values higher than normal indicate which must be memorized to identify the pri-
metabolic alkalosis. Numerically, as shown in mary acid-base problem. Figure 2-2 illustrates
Table 2-3, metabolic alkalosis can be defined the paths by which one can identify primary
as a [HCO3] greater than 26 mEq/L. acid-base disturbances in patients with acido-
sis or alkalosis. In some less common cases,
Direct Relationship ([HCO3]pH) both respiratory and metabolic components
Unlike the inverse relationship between PaCO2 may be pulling pH in the same direction. When
and pH, the relationship between [HCO3] and there are two primary acid-base problems both
pH is direct. In other words, a low [HCO3] pulling pH in the same direction, the problem
(e.g., 18 mEq/L termed a metabolic acidosis) is said to be Mixed or Combined.
tends to cause a low pH. Likewise, an increased In Example 2-2, the primary problem is
[HCO3] (e.g., 30 mEq/L termed a metabolic clearly metabolic because [HCO3] is decreased
alkalosis) tends to increase pH. (normal 24 2 mEq/L) along with a decreased
Here again, if one is to assume cause and
effect (i.e., a primary acid-base problem), the
relationship between the metabolic index and
pH must make sense. For example, if pH is Table 2-4. EFFECT OF PaCO2 AND [HCO3]
7.60 and the [HCO3] is 18 mEq/L, this cannot CHANGE ON pH
be a metabolic acid-base problem because there Index Effect on pH
is not a direct relationship (i.e., pH is above
normal whereas [HCO3] is below normal). PaCO2 pH
Understanding the effect of PaCO2 and [HCO3] PaCO2 pH
[HCO3] pH
change on pH are critical to correct blood gas
[HCO3] pH
Chapter 2 Blood Gas Classification 41
Example 2-6
COMPENSATION ASSESSMENT Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems
Compensation is defined as return of an pH 7.20:
abnormal pH toward normal by the compo- PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH
nent (i.e., respiratory or metabolic) that was 68 mm Hg 25 mEq/L
Chapter 2 Blood Gas Classification 43
Example 2-7 would similarly represent an The clinician should understand that what
uncompensated metabolic alkalosis. After appears to be simple compensation actually
Compensation assessment for Example 2-2 could reflect a more complex, dual (i.e., mixed)
shown previously, acid-base classification would acid-base problem. Patients may have two pri-
be uncompensated metabolic acidosis rather mary, abnormal acid-base conditions that each
than simply metabolic acidosis. Example 2-3 pull the pH in a different direction and the
would likewise be termed uncompensated respi- blood gas would appear, at first glance, to be
ratory alkalosis. In all of these examples, the consistent with compensation. This is actually
acid-base component not primarily affected has not a particularly rare phenomenon and a
remained within the normal range and therefore more detailed discussion of how to recognize
no compensation is evident. mixed disturbances is described in Chapter 14.
Notwithstanding, on initial inspection and
Example 2-7 classification, whenever the respiratory and
Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems metabolic conditions are in opposite directions
pH 7.51: (e.g., respiratory alkalosis and metabolic aci-
PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH dosis), compensation should be assumed. A
42 mm Hg 32 mEq/L typical blood gas picture in compensation is
shown in Example 2-9. Compensation is pre-
Example 2-8 shows the presence of multiple sumed because the patient has both a respira-
(combined) acid-base disturbances, specifically tory acidosis (i.e., PaCO2 = 68 mm Hg) and
a mixed respiratory and metabolic alkalosis. a metabolic alkalosis [HCO3] = 32 mEq/L).
Example 2-8 should not be classified as Because the pH is still clearly below the nor-
uncompensated mixed respiratory and meta- mal range (acidosis), it would make sense to
bolic alkalosis. In the presence of a mixed assume that the primary problem is a respi-
(combined) acid-base disturbance, it is not nec- ratory acidosis and that the metabolic alka-
essary to classify this blood gas as being losis is a secondary disturbance as a result of
uncompensated because this would be compensation.
redundant. By definition, it is impossible to When compensation is evident but the pH
have compensation for a mixed or combined remains outside the normal range, the primary
acid-base disturbance; therefore, no mention of acid-base disturbance is said to be partially
compensation should be in the classification. compensated. Hence, Example 2-9 is clas-
sified as a partially compensated respiratory
Example 2-8 acidosis. Example 2-10 would be partially com-
Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems pensated respiratory alkalosis. Example 2-11
pH 7.62: would be a partially compensated metabolic
PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH alkalosis. Again, one of the most commonly
30 mm Hg 30 mEq/L seen (and misclassified) acid-base conditions is
the partially compensated metabolic acidosis
Partially Compensated Acid-Base shown earlier in Example 2-5.
It is typical to see some compensation in Example 2-9
individuals with primary acid-base distur- Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems
bances. In fact, whenever the respiratory and pH 7.30:
metabolic components are in opposite direc- PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH
tions (e.g., acidosis and alkalosis), we routinely 68 mm Hg 32 mEq/L
assume that compensation is present.
Examples 2-9 through 2-11 and, previously, Example 2-10
Example 2-5, all show respiratory and meta- Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems
bolic components pulling pH in opposite direc- pH 7.58:
tions (note arrows indicating opposite effects PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH
on pH) and suggesting compensation. 17 mm Hg 16 mEq/L
44 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
50 mm Hg 37 mEq/L
Completely Compensated Acid-Base en
Problems Co
Determination of the primary problem is obvi-
ous when the pH is outside the normal range Figure 2-3. Compensation for a primary acidosis.
because compensation has not yet achieved A, A normal pH of 7.4 is shown. B, The individual
complete pH correction of the primary prob- develops an acidosis that could be either respira-
lem. Notwithstanding, when the respiratory tory or metabolic. C, After complete compensa-
and metabolic components are in opposite tion, the pH rests on the lower portion of the
normal range.
directions and the pH is in the normal range, the
answer to this question is less clear. This point is
shown in Example 2-12. Is the metabolic alka- normal pH range strongly suggests that the ini-
losis compensating for a primary respiratory tial disturbance had pulled the pH down (i.e.,
acidosis or is the respiratory acidosis compen- it was an acidosis).
sating for a primary metabolic alkalosis?
Example 2-13
Example 2-12 Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems
Classification of Primary Blood Gas Problems pH 7.42:
pH 7.37: PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH
PaCO2 Effect on pH [HCO3] Effect on pH 50 mm Hg 30 mEq/L
50 mm Hg 28 mEq/L
Conversely, the blood gas shown in Example
The answer is that this blood gas most likely 2-13 suggests that the primary acid-base
represents an individual with a compensated problem is a metabolic alkalosis and that the
respiratory acidosis. Sometimes these blood hypercarbia observed is compensatory. In
gases are also called completely compen- other words, it would be classified as a com-
sated because the pH is in the normal range pensated metabolic alkalosis. Figure 2-4 shows
but this is somewhat redundant and therefore the likely sequence of events in this case.
not used in this text.
Primary respiratory acidosis is the most B
likely acid-base situation in Example 2-12
acid-base disturbance. In other words, when
acidosis and metabolic alkalosis, which implies Table 2-7. CLASSIFICATION OF PaO2 IN THE
that either condition may be primary or sec- ADULT
ondary disturbances. Again, the accuracy of Classification PaO2 (mm Hg)
this assumption requires further investigation
as discussed in subsequent chapters. Hyperoxemia >100
Normoxemia 80100
Mild Hypoxemia 6079
ACID-BASE CLASSIFICATION Moderate Hypoxemia 4559
By integrating the information acquired in the
preceding steps, a complete acid-base classifica-
tion can now be formulated for any blood gas.
The term classification is used here to mean shown in Table 2-7. A PaO2 value within the
stating the overall acid-base status along with normal range is called normoxemia. In clinical
carefully selected general descriptive adjectives. practice, many clinicians do not use the term
The clinician should also realize that an acid- normoxemia but state simply that (blood gas)
base classification based on only an arterial oxygenation is normal or PaO2 is normal.
blood gas is not a definitive acid-base diagnosis.
Similarly, a term such as metabolic acidosis Hyperoxemia
is not definitive. Rather, it serves as a general A PaO2 level exceeding normal limits (i.e.,
categorical classification that may help to direct >100 mm Hg) may be called hyperoxemia.
the clinician to a more definitive acid-base diag- Hyperoxemia can occur as a result of hyper-
nosis (e.g., hypoxia and lactic acidosis). ventilation or administration of oxygen ther-
Notwithstanding, acid-base classification based apy (Fig. 2-6). PaO2s are generally less than
on the arterial blood gas is a good diagnostic 130 mm Hg when the cause is hyperventilation
starting point. but may be much higher (e.g., 400 mm Hg)
with the administration of high oxygen con-
centrations. In most clinical situations, signifi-
cant hyperoxemia is undesirable and may lead
After acid-base classification, the patients oxy- to untoward consequences. Although there are
genation status should be evaluated. The rou- exceptions, as a general rule, one should try to
tine classification of oxygenation via the arterial avoid hyperoxemia.
blood gas report is essentially an evaluation
of the PaO2 and its relationship to FIO2. The Hypoxemia
SaO2 may provide valuable information about A PaO2 level less than 80 mm Hg is called
oxygenation in many clinical circumstances; hypoxemia.10,175 Hypoxemia is very common in
however, it is not directly measured with blood hospitalized patients and may be a cause for
gases or routinely classified. The clinical role
of SaO2 and other factors in oxygenation are
discussed in subsequent chapters.
PaO2 Classification
As shown in Table 2-7, there are three possible
general outcomes in adult PaO2 classification: Hyperventilation Excessive O2 therapy
normoxemia, hyperoxemia, or hypoxemia. PaCO2 <35 FIO2 > 0.21
Newborns generally have a lower PaO2 as Figure 2-6. Causes of hyperoxemia. There are
described in Chapter 1. only two potential causes of hyperoxemia.
Hyperventilation while breathing room air may
Normoxemia cause mild hyperoxemia up to about 130 mm Hg.
The normal range for adult PaO2 on room air Most often, hyperoxemia is due to oxygen therapy
at sea level is 80 to 100 mm Hg, which is and increased inspired oxygen concentration.
Chapter 2 Blood Gas Classification 47
A 27-year-old woman arrives in the emergency depart- Explanation: List possible diseases, pathology, or other
ment comatose, with a very slow respiratory rate. situations which may have lead to this patients
ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES Evaluation: Suggest additional data which would be
SaO2 89% useful in helping understand the situation or in making a
pH 7.24 diagnosis.
PaCO2 69 mm Hg
[HCO3] 26 mEq/L Importance: Prioritize concern(s) of treatment in order
of urgency and/or seriousness as you see the overall
ASSESSMENT situation.
Abnormalities: List abnormal data and other noteworthy
information. Classify ABG.
The term ventilatory failure is based on the use of temporal related adjectives to classify
concept that ventilation has failed to excrete blood gases. It is well known that maximal
CO2 at the same rate that it is being produced; renal compensation for primary respiratory dis-
thus, the process of alveolar ventilation has turbances may take up to or beyond 72 hours.
failed. The advantage of this terminology is Knowledge of this fact often allows us to deter-
that it draws attention to the fact that PaCO2 mine whether a particular respiratory acid-base
is essentially a product of CO2 production problem is of recent origin.
and alveolar ventilation. Thus, the presence of
ventilatory failure suggests the potential need Usefulness
for ventilation (compared with oxygenation) In particular, an acute respiratory problem can
therapy. often be recognized by the conspicuous
The process of ventilation, however, is not absence of renal compensation. Similarly, a
an end in itself. Rather, its importance is based chronic respiratory problem is likely to mani-
on the impact that ventilation has on the fest substantial or complete compensation.
broader concerns of acid-base balance and This information may be very important in
oxygenation. For this reason and because of trying to evaluate if an individual in the emer-
the continued widespread use of acid-base gency room has chronic pulmonary disease and
focused terminology, this alternative terminol- may hypoventilate or become apneic following
ogy is not routinely used for basic blood gas oxygen therapy.
classification in this text. Table 2-9 shows the temporal adjectives
Nevertheless, the overall concept of ventila- that correlate with absent or complete com-
tory failure is useful, and the reader should be pensation. Again, remember that complete
aware of it. The clinician should understand
that ventilatory failure is synonymous with
respiratory acidosis. Table 2-9. TEMPORAL ADJECTIVES FOR
Temporal Adjectives PROBLEMS
The term temporal means of or pertaining to Temporal Adjective Degree of Compensation
time. The fact that the renal compensatory
Acute Uncompensated
response to respiratory acid-base disturbances
Chronic Completely compensated
is a time-dependent process has prompted the
50 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
A 68-year-old man is admitted with a history of heavy Explanation: List possible diseases, pathology, or other
smoking, a barrel chest, shortness of breath, and exces- situations which may have led to this patients
sive sputum production. condition.
Evaluation: Suggest additional data which would be use-
ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES ful in helping understand the situation or in making a
SaO2 78% diagnosis.
pH 7.32
PaO2 48 mm Hg Importance: Prioritize concern(s) of treatment in order
[HCO3] 32 mEq/L of urgency and/or seriousness as you see the overall
Abnormalities: List abnormal data and other noteworthy
information. Classify ABG.
1. The single best indicator of acid-base status in the body is the (PaCO2, [HCO3], [BE], pH).
2. The pH of arterial blood is measured in (intracellular/extracellular) fluid.
3. The pH in the arterial blood reflects (overall/local) acid-base conditions in the body.
4. The pH range generally considered compatible with life is ______ to ______.
5. A low arterial pH tends to have an overall (depressive/stimulatory) effect on the nervous
6. Convulsions may be seen with severe (acidemia/alkalemia).
Chapter 2 Blood Gas Classification 51
7. A normal pH (does/does not) ensure that all acid-base components are completely normal.
8. Technically, (acidosis/acidemia) is a below-normal pH in the blood.
9. Because all patients with acidemia must have a causative acidosis, it is common clinical
practice to refer to a low blood pH as simply ____________.
10. State the three steps (ABCs) in classification of acid-base status from a blood gas report.
11. List the four blood gas values to be assessed and the appropriate sequence of assessment.
12. Classify the following arterial blood pH measurements:
a. 7.34 d. 7.45 g. 7.62
b. 7.20 e. 7.32 h. 7.45
c. 7.60 f. 7.48 i. 7.46
1. Regarding acid homeostasis, the specific role of the lungs is to excrete ______ acid at
exactly the same rate at which it is being produced by the tissues.
2. There is a direct, linear relationship between arterial carbonic acid levels and ______.
3. An increased PaCO2 level in the blood is called (hypercarbia /hypocarbia).
4. Classify the following PaCO2 values as either a respiratory acidosis, normal PaCO2, or
respiratory alkalosis.
a. 30 b. 42 c. 35 d. 20 e. 55
5. State whether the presence of the following PaCO2 values will tend to increase or
decrease pH.
a. 80 b. 58 c. 32 d. 75 e. 15
1. Any acid-base disturbance that is not respiratory in origin is called a ______ disturbance.
2. Some authors have suggested that the term metabolic should be replaced with ______.
3. The plasma bicarbonate is also sometimes referred to as the ______ bicarbonate.
4. The normal value for plasma bicarbonate in the arterial blood is ______ mEq/L.
5. Classify the metabolic acid-base status as metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, or
normal [HCO3] given the following values for plasma bicarbonate.
a. 25 mEq/L b. 30 mEq/L c. 18 mEq/L
6. Determine which way the following [HCO3] values tend to move pH (increase or decrease).
a. 20 mEq/L b. 28 mEq/L c. 15 mEq/L
52 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
7. The two most commonly used metabolic indices in the basic classification of blood gases
are the ______ and the ______.
8. The normal value for base excess is ______ mEq/L.
9. A base excess in the negative range is sometimes called a _______ _______.
10. Given the following values for base excess, classify metabolic status.
a. 5 mEq/L d. 20 mEq/L
b. +5 mEq/L e. 1 mEq/L
c. +12 mEq/L f. +20 mEq/L
1. Return of an abnormal pH toward normal by the component that is not primarily affected is
called ______________.
2. The organ system responsible for compensation for metabolic acid-base problems is the
________ system.
3. The organ system responsible for compensation for respiratory acid-base problems is the
______ system.
4. The body responds to metabolic acidosis with (hypercarbia/hypocarbia).
5. Uncompensated respiratory acid-base problems usually indicate that the problem is
6. Most clinical blood gases with severe primary problems manifest (partial/complete)
7. To determine whether or not a blood gas is completely compensated, one must evaluate
the (pH/PaCO2).
8. A pH of 7.30, with a PaCO2 value of 30 mm Hg and a [HCO3] of 14 mEq/L, is classified as
a (completely/partially) compensated metabolic acidosis.
9. In the patient with a long-standing hypercapnia, one would expect to see a(n)
(increased/decreased) bicarbonate.
10. Determine the probable primary problem given the following (completely compensated)
acid-base data:
pH PaCO2 [HCO3]
a. 7.36 50 28
b. 7.38 48 28
c. 7.44 30 20
d. 7.42 51 30
e. 7.36 30 18
Chapter 2 Blood Gas Classification 53
Set A Set B
1. 7.28 60 26 1. 7.38 54 31
2. 7.50 40 30 2. 7.25 80 33
3. 7.62 28 28 3. 7.52 23 18
4. 7.22 50 20 4. 7.44 37 24
5. 7.52 28 23 5. 7.32 32 16
6. 7.52 42 33 6. 7.32 36 17
7. 7.60 30 29 7. 7.51 15 12
8. 7.10 40 12 8. 7.49 44 34
9. 7.20 36 13 9. 7.48 64 49
10. 7.34 50 25 10. 7.25 48 20
1. 160
2. 31
3. 56
4. 43
5. 59
6. 415
7. 75
8. 260
9. 92
10. 80
Chapter 2 Blood Gas Classification 55
1. 7.58 20 19 63
2. 7.44 52 33 28
3. 7.21 66 25 47
4. 7.44 31 20 111
5. 7.60 28 27 59
6. 7.50 50 37 75
7. 7.41 42 24 229
8. 7.52 41 33 45
9. 7.46 44 30 87
10. 7.44 35 23 97
Classify both the complete acid-base status and the oxygen status of the following adult blood
1. 7.32 30 10 58
2. 7.52 34 +4 32
3. 7.32 38 6 145
4. 7.40 30 5 90
5. 7.20 50 9 60
6. 7.20 80 +2 90
7. 7.55 25 +1 72
8. 7.34 30 9 41
9. 7.37 56 +5 57
10. 7.40 38 2 350
56 Unit I Introduction to Blood Gases
Classify both the complete acid-base status and the oxygen status of the following adult
blood gases:
Set A Set B
1. 7.10 60 18 53 1. 7.53 27 22 83
2. 7.60 26 25 42 2. 7.32 69 34 28
3. 7.40 36 22 183 3. 7.18 56 20 53
4. 7.30 30 14 90 4. 7.46 33 23 151
5. 7.20 72 26 63 5. 7.20 28 11 59
6. 7.32 70 35 82 6. 7.14 60 20 75
7. 7.59 30 28 32 7. 7.41 42 25 229
8. 7.37 30 18 41 8. 7.52 41 34 45
9. 7.41 56 34 87 9. 7.64 32 34 87
10. 7.39 58 33 350 10. 7.33 54 28 97
NBRC Challenge 2
Please select the best answer for the following multiple choice questions.
1. Given: pH 7.16 B) primary metabolic acidosis.
PaCO2 68 mm Hg C) primary metabolic alkalosis.
[HCO3] 23 mEq/L D) pulmonary embolus.
PaO2 62 mm Hg E) COPD.
Which of the following would be the most
likely treatment for a patient presenting 4. A patient presents to the emergency room
with this blood gas? with the following blood gas:
A) Mechanical ventilation pH 7.50
B) Continuous Positive Airway PaCO2 29 mm Hg
Pressure (CPAP) [HCO3] 22 mEq/L
C) Oxygen via nasal cannula PaO2 42 mm Hg
D) Oxygen via mask
The patient should be treated
E) Leave patient as is
immediately with:
A) mechanical ventilation.
2. A patient in the emergency room appears B) low flow oxygen.
short of breath. The following blood gas C) oxygen via mask.
is obtained: D) sedatives.
pH 7.15 E) respiratory stimulants.
[HCO3] 5 mEq/L
5. A blood gas is drawn from a patient on
PaO2 110 mm Hg
a general floor.
pH 7.16
What is the likely explanation for the PaCO2 55 mm Hg
shortness of breath? [HCO3] 18 mEq/L
A) Hypoxemia PaO2 42 mm Hg
C) Compensation for severe meta- Based on the results, the patient appears
bolic acidosis to have:
D) Primary hyperventilation I. primary respiratory acidosis.
E) Paradoxical oxygen response II. primary metabolic acidosis.
(CRT EXAM NBRC MATRIX I,B,10,c) III. primary metabolic alkalosis.
IV. tissue hypoxia.
3. An elderly patient presents to the emer-
gency room with the following blood gas. A) I and II only
pH 7.36 B) I and III only
PaCO2 58 mm Hg C) I, II, and IV
[HCO3] 31 mEq/L D) II, III, and IV
PaO2 62 mm Hg E) I, II, III, and IV
A likely diagnosis for this patient is:
A) drug overdose.
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This page intentionally left blank
Blood Gas Sampling Errors
In blood gas and pH analysis, an incorrect result can often be worse for the patient than no result at all.
National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards1
Introduction, 61 Precautions, 68
Basic Physics of Gases, 61 Recognition of Venous Error, 68
Molecular Behavior, 61 Anticoagulant Effects, 69
Fractional Concentration, 62 Nature of Anticoagulant, 69
Partial Pressure, 62 Dilution Error, 70
Symbols, 63 Metabolism, 71
Composition of Atmospheric and Qualitative Effects of Metabolism, 71
Alveolar Air, 63 Quantitative Effects of Metabolism, 71
Humidification, 64 Plastic versus Glass Syringes and Icing, 71
External Respiration, 64 Clinical Guidelines. 72
Body Temperature and Pressure Leukocyte Larceny, 72
Saturated, 65 Alterations in Temperature, 73
Temperature, Pressure, and Volume, 65 Quantitative Effects of Alterations in
Gases in Liquids, 65 Temperature, 73
Change in Altitude, 66 Correction of Temperature of
Potential Sampling Errors, 66 Blood Gases, 74
Air in the Blood Sample, 66 Machine Temperature Error, 74
Effects of Air Contamination, 66 Summary of Sampling Errors, 75
Clinical Guidelines, 67 Measurement of Blood Gases and Electrolytes
Summary, 67 from a Single Sample, 75
Venous Sampling or Admixture, 67 Anticoagulant Errors, 75
Venous Samples, 67 Transporting/Icing Samples, 76
Venous Admixture, 68 Exercises, 76
62 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
Compound Partial Pressure (mm Hg) Percent Partial Pressure (mm Hg) Percent
From Ziment, I.: Respiratory Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1978.
64 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
760 mm Hg present at sea level. For simplicity, Table 3-2. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON
Table 3-1 shows no water vapor pressure in WATER VAPOR PRESSURE
the atmospheric air. In reality, the air that we (100% RELATIVE HUMIDITY)
breathe contains some water vapor pressure, Vapor Vapor
and the normal partial pressure of inspired Temperature Pressure Temperature Pressure
oxygen in humidified air is only approximately (C) (mm Hg) (C) (mm Hg)
148 mm Hg.
0 4.6 39 52.0
The partial pressures and percentages of
5 6.5 40 54.9
these gases in alveolar air are also shown in 10 9.1 41 57.9
Table 3-1. Two major processes are responsi- 14 11.9 42 61.0
ble for changing the quality of the air in the 16 13.5 43 64.3
alveoli compared with inspired air: humidifica- 18 15.3 44 67.8
tion and external respiration. 20 17.4 46 75.1
22 19.6 48 83.2
Humidification 24 22.2 50 92.0
The water vapor pressure actually present in 26 25.0 55 117.5
air at any particular time is a function of the 28 28.1 60 148.9
30 31.5 65 187.1
temperature and relative humidity. The
31 33.4 70 233.3
warmer the air, the more humidity it is capable
32 35.3 75 288.8
of holding. The relative humidity (RH) is a 33 37.4 80 354.9
ratio of humidity actually present in the air 34 39.5 85 433.2
(absolute humidity) compared with the 35 41.8 90 525.5
maximum amount of humidity that air at 36 44.2 95 633.7
that temperature could hold (i.e., potential 37 46.6 100 760.0
humidity). Relative humidity is expressed as 38 49.3
a percentage.
From Guyton, A. C.: Textbook of Medical Physiology,
A relative humidity of 100% means that 9th ed. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1996.
the air is holding the maximum amount of
molecular water possible at that temperature
(i.e., actual humidity = potential humidity).
Air with a relative humidity of 100% is satu- Thus, the partial pressures of other gases must
rated. Table 3-2 shows the water vapor pres- decrease as a result of the increased PH2O.
sures that would be present in air that is
saturated at various temperatures. The fact External Respiration
that warm air can hold more moisture than External respiration is the exchange of O2 and
cold air is readily apparent. CO2 between the alveoli and the blood.
Air that is completely saturated at body tem- Oxygen, of course, diffuses from the alveoli
perature (i.e., 37 C) has a PH2O of 47 mm Hg. into the blood, whereas CO2 is diffusing from
Fully saturated room air (i.e., 20 C), on the the blood into the alveoli. Therefore, it is not
other hand, has a PH2O of only 17 mm Hg. surprising that alveolar PO2 is lower than
Obviously, if gas is not fully saturated at a par- atmospheric PO2 because of the loss of O2
ticular temperature, water vapor pressure is from the alveolus to the blood. Likewise, one
less than that shown in Table 3-2. Air is heated would expect that alveolar PCO2 would be
to body temperature (37 C) and is completely higher than atmospheric PCO2 owing to the
humidified (100% RH) as it travels through influx of CO2 into the alveolus. Table 3-1 simply
the upper airway on its way to the lungs. confirms this exchange.
Therefore, it is safe to assume that PH2O in the Finally, it should be noted that alveolar PN2
alveoli is approximately 47 mm Hg. Thus, and the partial pressure of trace gases are
alveolar air has a higher water vapor pressure lower in the alveoli. These changes, however,
than atmospheric air. The total pressure in the are passive results owing to external respira-
alveolus is the same as atmospheric pressure. tion and humidification.
Chapter 3 Blood Gas Sampling Errors 65
Figure 3-4. Equilibration of partial pressures POTENTIAL SAMPLING ERRORS
between liquid and gas phases. Solution of oxygen
in water. A, When the oxygen first comes into con- Five common types of arterial blood sampling
tact with pure water. B, After the dissolved oxygen error are discussed: air in the blood sample,
is half way to equilibrium with the gaseous oxygen. inadvertent venous sampling or admixture,
C, After equilibrium has been established. anticoagulant effects, changes due to metabo-
lism, and alterations in temperature (Box 3-1).
The significance of each type of error and also
between the gaseous and the liquid phases is the mechanism of these changes are explored.
shown in Figure 3-4. Proper labeling of the sample is also para-
mount. If the specimen is to be submerged in
Change in Altitude water or ice, the label must remain legible.
The barometric pressure is lower as altitude Incorrect matching of laboratory results with
increases. Air at a high altitude still has a 21% the patient is unacceptable.
O2 concentration; however, the partial pres-
sure of O2 is much lower. The effect of high Air in the Blood Sample
altitude on barometric pressure and PO2 is Effects of Air Contamination
shown in Table 3-3. Clinical studies have shown that the major effect
At the summit of Mount Everest, which of an air bubble in a blood gas sample is a
has the highest altitude on earth, the PO2 is change in PaO2.7679 According to Henrys law,
approximately 42 mm Hg.75 Again, the FIO2 when a blood specimen with a PaO2 of less than
remains at 0.21 but the PO2 decreases tremen- 158 mm Hg is interfaced with an air bubble, the
dously. Thus, the normal PaO2 at a high altitude PaO2 of the blood sample spuriously increases.
(e.g., Denver) is obviously much lower than This action occurs because the partial pressure
the normal PaO2 at sea level. of O2 in the air at sea level is approximately 158
mm Hg. The magnitude of the increase depends
partly on the duration of exposure, whereas the
volume of the air bubble, although important,
BAROMETRIC PRESSURE PO2 seems to make less difference.77 Other factors
that may determine the ultimate effect of air
Barometric Pressure PO2 in Air
Altitude (ft) (mm Hg) (mm Hg)
contamination include the temperature of the
sample and the degree of agitation (Fig. 3-5).
0 760 159 Furthermore, the change is greatest when
10,000 523 110 the patients actual PaO2 exceeds 100 mm Hg.79
20,000 349 73 This change can be explained by the chemical
30,000 226 47 relationship between O2 and hemoglobin that
40,000 141 29 is discussed in Chapter 7 under the oxyhemo-
50,000 87 18 globin dissociation curve.
From Guyton, A. C.: Basic Human Physiology, In certain clinical situations (e.g., in the
Normal Function and Mechanisms of Disease, 2nd ed. operating room where high concentrations of
Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1977. inspired O2 are often used), the initial PaO2 of
Chapter 3 Blood Gas Sampling Errors 67
observe the characteristics of an arterial sam- The use of short-beveled needles minimizes the
ple (i.e., a flash of blood on entry into the ves- surface area available for aspiration and thus
sel, pulsations during syringe filling, and decreases the potential for venous admixture.
auto-filling of the syringe) should arouse sus- The puncture technique of overshooting the
picion of this type of error. Peripheral venous blood vessel and then withdrawing the syringe
blood has little value in oxygenation assess- should be avoided whenever possible. Most
ment. Furthermore, therapeutic decisions important, the femoral artery, where venous
based on venous blood that is assumed to be contamination or sampling is particularly
arterial may be grossly inappropriate. likely to occur, should be punctured only when
absolutely necessary.
Venous Admixture
A less recognized, albeit important, technical Recognition of Venous Error
error is contamination of the arterial sample Venous contamination error should be sus-
with a small amount of venous or capillary pected whenever the patients clinical status and
blood during an attempt at arterial puncture. picture is remarkably better than the blood gas
Entry into a vein may occur easily during an data suggest. The patient with serious acid-base
attempt to puncture the femoral artery because or oxygenation impairment is rarely asympto-
the large femoral vein lies close and posterior matic. When the laboratory data are not con-
to the artery. Overshooting any artery with gruent with the patients appearance, it is most
subsequent withdrawal may result in the likely that the laboratory data are incorrect.
entry of some venous blood into the syringe. Occasionally, there is some question with
Moreover, femoral venous anomalies, in which regard to whether a particular blood sample is
the vein may lie anterior to the artery, are fairly arterial or venous in origin. Although hypox-
common and predispose to this type of error. emia (low PO2) and hypercarbia (high blood
The addition of one-tenth part of venous PCO2) suggest that the sample is venous, one
blood to an arterial sample could produce as cannot be certain of this on the basis of blood
much as a 25% decrease in measured PaO2.80 gas numbers alone. It is not uncommon to find
For example, mixture of 0.5 mL of venous arterial hypoxemia and hypercarbia in critically
blood having a PO2 of 31 mm Hg (not unusual ill patients.
for a skeletal muscle vein81) with 4.5 mL of The technology of pulse oximetry is dis-
arterial blood having a PO2 of 86 mm Hg cussed in Chapter 15. Pulse oximetry is a
would lead to a mixture having a PO2 of noninvasive technology used to monitor O2
56 mm Hg (Table 3-4).80 Certainly, the clinical saturation of arterial blood. When pulse
treatment of a patient with a PaO2 of 56 mm Hg oximetry is being used, it may serve as a cross-
is considerably different from that of a patient check of saturation measured via arterial
with a PaO2 of 86 mm Hg. blood gases. For example, a saturation of 90%
via pulse oximetry and a blood gas saturation
Precautions of 78% strongly suggest that the blood gas
Some precautions could decrease the likeli- sample may not be arterial. This crosscheck
hood of venous sampling or contamination. may be useful when the origin of blood gases
(i.e., arterial versus venous) is in doubt.
Parameters Values Thinking
pH 7.38 You are the only person available to care for this
PvCO2 48 mm Hg patient. You must assess the patient/situation
PvO2 40 mm Hg and act accordingly.
SvO2 75% A 52-year-old man is treated in the emergency
department for suspected pneumonia. An arterial
blood gas sample is drawn on room air. The sample
appears a little frothy and is bright red.
healthcare personnel presume that all venous
blood has these same valuesthis assumption
is incorrect. pH 7.50
Peripheral venous blood from different PaCO2 29 mm Hg
organs and tissues has different PvO2 values PaO2 153 mm Hg
depending on various factors, including local [HCO3] 22 mEq/L
metabolism, perfusion, and tissue function.
For example, the PO2 of venous blood exiting
skeletal muscles may be near 34 mm Hg, Abnormalities: List abnormal data and other
whereas the PO2 of blood leaving the skin is noteworthy information.
approximately 60 mm Hg.81 Because venous
blood inadvertently sampled while attempting
an arterial puncture is peripheral venous
blood, it is impossible to predict exactly how anticoagulant must be carefully controlled.
the blood gas values will change. Lower PO2 Most new blood gas kits come with syringes
values and higher PCO2 values should be that have been pre-filled with the appropriate
expected. However, a sample cannot be judged type and amount of anticoagulant.
to be venous solely because the values nearly
approximate normal mixed venous values. Nature of Anticoagulant
Lithium heparin is the current recommended
Verification anticoagulant for blood gas and/or electrolyte
One method that has been suggested to deter- sampling.1 Sodium heparin (1000 U/mL) is still
mine whether a sample is arterial or venous is sometimes used, although it has a slightly higher
to repeat the sample while simultaneously potential to cause the formation of very small
drawing a known venous sample from the same fibrils in the sample and will likely increase [Na]
anatomic area for comparison. The discomfort, by approximately 3 mEq/L if Na is also being
expense, and potential for complication appear measured.82,241 Heparin, however, is expensive,
to make this a poor option. Alternatively, and the supply fluctuates in some parts of
a carefully acquired new sample taken by an the world. Therefore, the use of alternative anti-
experienced therapist or clinician usually pro- coagulants has been explored.72 Most other
vides a satisfactory answer to the question of anticoagulants are unsuitable for blood gas
sample accuracy. If repeated samples become samples; however, Heller-Paul oxalate and cit-
necessary, perhaps an arterial line is indicated rate have been identified as being potential sub-
to ensure that all samples are arterial. stitutes that may be cheaper and acceptable.72
Further studies are necessary before these agents
Anticoagulant Effects can be recommended for routine use.
Anticoagulation of the blood gas sample is The concentration of sodium heparin recom-
essential to prevent clotting of the specimen. mended is 1000 U/mL. The pH of this solution
Nevertheless, introduction of an anticoagulant closely approximates the normal pH of arterial
to the sample may in itself cause a technical blood. Stronger concentrations of heparin and
error. The type, concentration, and volume of other anticoagulants have pH values that differ
70 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
significantly from arterial blood and are more
likely to contaminate blood pH (Table 3-6) Figure 3-6. Effect of liquid heparin dilution on
and electrolyte readings. blood gases and electrolytes. Diluting the blood
sample (to point A) may significantly decrease
Dilution Error electrolyte values (1) and pCO2 values (2). There is
The normal technique for manually hepariniz- almost no change in pH values (3).
ing a syringe has been described previously.
The clinician must be careful not to add unnec-
essary heparin volume because it may substan- extreme, the pH, bicarbonate, and base excess
tially alter blood gas results. Inexperienced concentrations may fall more appreciably.84
clinicians sometimes add extra heparin in The PaO2 is usually relatively unchanged in
stress situations to ensure anticoagulation.72 response to heparin dilution. If the initial PaO2
This error can be avoided through proper is very high, however, heparin dilution may
education and training. result in a notable decrease.85
should always exceed 2 mL.16 For additional Table 3-7. EFFECTS OF METABOLISM ON
accuracy, correction factors are available for BLOOD GASES AT 37 C
PCO2 and bicarbonate level.5 As a general Measurement Direction Magnitude/Hr
rule, each 1% dilution results in a 1% decline
in PCO2. The primary concern in the clinical pH Decrease 0.05
setting is the use of a standard technique that PaCO2 Increase 5 mm Hg
allows for an accurate comparison of serial PaO2 Decrease 150 mm Hg
measurements.83 20 mm Hg
Initial PaO2 >250 mm Hg.
Neonatal Considerations
Initial PaO2 <150 mm Hg.
Neonatal blood gas samples are often drawn
into 1-mL tuberculin syringes. Thus, they are
particularly vulnerable to the dilution effects
of heparin because of the small sample volume. approximately 0.05 units.10,88 The magnitude
Whereas an adults sample may be diluted only of the drop in arterial PO2 would depend
6%, a neonatal sample may be diluted up to mainly on the initial PO2 level.
40%.72 Although the blood gas machine may Very high initial PO2 values (e.g., PaO2 >
be capable of providing results with a mere 300 mm Hg) tend to decrease precipitously,
0.2-mL neonatal sample,83 this volume may perhaps by as much as 150 mm Hg per hour.
not be sufficiently large to preclude significant Conversely, lower initial PaO2 values (e.g., 100
heparin dilution. mm Hg) tend to decrease only approximately
Error in arterial PCO2 may be 14% to 15% 20 mm Hg per hour. Furthermore, PaO2 values
if a 0.2-mL blood sample is introduced into a less than 60 mm Hg fall much less than this.
1-mL tuberculin syringe with deadspace The large discrepancy between initial high
heparin.83 Therefore, neonatal sample volumes and low PaO2 groups can be explained by
should exceed 0.6 mL to minimize dilution the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and O2
effects. Notwithstanding, larger samples should transport (see Chapter 7).
be avoided in neonates because blood volume At room temperature (20 to 24 C), metab-
depletion and anemia may occur with repeated olism is slowed to approximately 50% of levels
sampling.87 at 37 C.88 Thus, the changes quantified in
Table 3-7 may take 2 hours instead of 1 hour to
Metabolism occur. Placing the sample in iced water (almost
Qualitative Effects of Metabolism at 4 C) slows metabolism to approximately
Metabolism continues within blood cells in 10% of levels at 37 C.88 Thus, in iced samples,
the syringe after the blood has been drawn the quantitative changes indicated in Table 3-7
from the patient. These metabolic processes may take up to 10 hours. Placing blood gas
consume O2, produce CO2, and thus tend to samples in refrigerators is not an adequate
alter blood gas values. Likewise, the accumu- substitute for placing samples in ice, and this
lation of CO2 in the sample lowers pH. The practice should be avoided.77
speed and magnitude of these changes depend,
in large part, on the temperature of the sample. Plastic versus Glass Syringes and Icing
Generally, the extent of blood gas alterations It has long been known that blood gases (i.e.,
due to metabolism is proportional directly to oxygen, carbon dioxide) could diffuse more
the temperature of the sample. readily (thereby tending to equilibrate with
ambient gases) through plastic syringes than
Quantitative Effects of Metabolism glass syringes. Notwithstanding, however, this
Table 3-7 shows the magnitude of blood gas increased permeability through plastic syringes
changes that would occur if a sample were main- has been thought to be clinically insignificant.
tained at 37 C (body temperature). In 1 hour, Therefore, with the advent of plastic syringes
arterial PCO2 would increase by approxi- that filled freely without friction, and with
mately 5 mm Hg and pH would decrease increased attention to cost containment, it is
72 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
Alterations in Temperature 1.1 PO cor
O 2
As stated previously, blood gas values should 1.0 PC
be measured under standardized BTPS condi- 0.9
tions because they are affected by temperature 0.8
changes. To ensure that blood gas values are
actually measured at 37 C, blood samples 0.7
are warmed through a water bath or similar
mechanism that is integral to the analyzer. 31 33 35 37 39 41 43
Obviously, failure to heat the sample to precisely Body temperature (C)
37 C leads to incorrect results.
Figure 3-7. Blood gas temperature correction
Quantitative Effects of Alterations in Temperature nomogram. Nomogram for correction of PO2 and
PCO2 from temperature of blood gas analyzer
The direct physical relationship between (37 C) to patients body temperature. Read PO2
temperature and pressure results in higher or PCO2 correction factor at patients body tempera-
arterial PO2 and PCO2 readings at higher ture and multiply by measured PO2 or PCO2.
temperatures (Fig. 3-7). Although normal adult (Correction for PO2 from Severinghaus; for PCO2
arterial PO2 is approximately 100 mm Hg from Kelam and Nunn.)
74 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
Air in syringe or icing plastic syringes PaO2 * expel air bubbles immediately
PaCO2 * do not agitate syringe
pH * discard samples with froth
Venous sample or contamination PaO2 * avoid femoral artery
PaCO2 * use short-beveled needle
pH * watch for flash and auto-filling
Anticoagulant type or concentration PaO2 * use 1/1000 U/mL
PaCO2 * lithium heparin best
pH * minimize amount liquid heparin
Metabolic effects PaO2 * ice samples not run in 30 min
PaCO2 * use glass syringe if concerned
pH * run samples as soon as possible
1. Mixture of a small amount of venous blood with an arterial sample (will/will not) significantly
alter the blood gas values obtained.
2. Blood gas samples thought to contain some venous blood should be (discarded/run quickly).
3. (Short/Long) beveled needles minimize the risk of venous contamination of an arterial blood
4. A blood sample showing a PaO2 of 40 mm Hg and PaCO2 of 48 mm Hg (means/does not
necessarily mean) that the sample is venous.
5. The PO2 in all veins (is/is not) identical.
6. Mixed venous blood can be obtained only from a (peripheral vein/pulmonary artery).
7. List the normal blood gas values for mixed venous blood.
PvO2 PvCO2 SvO2
8. Inadvertent venous sampling is particularly likely when attempting to puncture the
(brachial/femoral) artery.
1. The recommended anticoagulant for blood gas sampling is ______, although ______ heparin
is sometimes still used.
2. The concentration of sodium heparin used for blood gas anticoagulation is ______ U/mL.
3. The major blood gas change associated with excessive volume of heparin is ______.
4. The pH of arterial blood (is/is not) usually significantly altered by the use of excessive
5. The major effect of heparin on blood gas values is usually via a (chemical/dilution) effect.
6. Hematocrit and hemoglobin measured from a heparinized arterial sample may be falsely
7. Blood gas sample volumes in adults should usually exceed ______ mL.
8. As a general rule, a 1% heparin dilution lowers PaCO2 by ______%.
9. What two innovations in blood gas sampling have almost eliminated errors owing to
heparin dilution?
Chapter 3 Blood Gas Sampling Errors 79
1. Metabolism (does/does not) continue in blood after it has left the body.
2. Indicate the effects of metabolism on the following parameters:
3. Normally, in 1 hour at body temperature, PCO2 increases approximately ______ mm Hg
and pH decreases ______.
4. (High/low) initial PaO2 values tend to drop rapidly owing to metabolism.
5. At room temperature, blood gas changes owing to metabolism occur approximately
______ as fast as they occur at body temperature.
6. Placing a blood gas sample in ice will slow metabolism to approximately ______% of the
metabolic rate at body temperature.
7. Non-iced blood gas samples should be run within ______ minutes to avoid significant error.
8. The PO2 change in an iced blood gas sample may be significant in ______ minutes when
the initial PaO2 exceeds 150 mm Hg.
9. Refrigerating blood gas samples (is/is not) an adequate substitute for placing the
sample in ice.
10. The three types of cells primarily responsible for aerobic metabolic activity in blood gas
samples are ______, ______ and ______.
11. The rapid fall in PaO2 that may occur because of leukocytosis is called ______.
12. Iced samples remain stable for ______ hours or more if the initial PaO2 is less than
150 mm Hg.
13. An elevated leukocyte count is called ______.
14. Immature leukocytes consume (more/less) O2 than mature leukocytes.
1. Measurement of blood gases at 39 C would lead to falsely (high/low) PaO2 and PaCO2
values in blood sampled from an afebrile patient.
2. Arterial PCO2 increases approximately ______% per degree Celsius temperature increase.
3. The pH generally decreases approximately ______ units/2 C increase in temperature.
4. An increase in body temperature of 1 C increases O2 requirements by ______%.
5. Although controversial, most clinicians believe blood gas data should (be/not be) corrected
to the actual patients temperature conditions.
80 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
1. Liquid anticoagulants used for blood gas sampling (will/will not) affect electrolyte results.
2. Heparin with electrolytes added to normal physiologic levels is called _________heparin.
3. The key consideration when using lyophilized heparin is appropriate (mixing/icing) of the
4. The selective prothrombin inhibitor __________ has been advocated as an ideal anticoagu-
lant for blood gas/electrolyte specimens.
5. Placing blood specimens in ice may (lower, elevate) potassium measurements.
NBRC Challenge 3
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
1. One must be especially cautious in inter- IV. Brownish coloration of blood
preting ________ in a patient with A) I, II only
leukemia. B) II, III only
A) PaO2 C) II, IV only
B) pH D) I, II, and III only
C) PaCO2 E) I, III, and IV only
E) [BE]
4. Temperature correction of blood
2. The effects of excessive liquid sodium I. clearly provides the optimal way
heparin on a blood gas sample are: to guide clinical decision-making.
I. related to the partial pressures of II. is only indicated when patient
the gases in the liquid. temperature exceeds 40 C.
II. related to the pH of the liquid III. is easily accomplished with most
heparin. blood gas machines.
III. related to the buffer systems in A) I only
the heparin. B) II only
A) I only C) III only
B) II only D) I, III, only
C) III only E) I, II, and III only
E) I, II, and III only
5. Placing a blood sample in an ice-water
solution will interfere with analysis of
3. Which of the following suggest a blood blood:
gas sample may be venous? A) pH.
I. Observation of a flash of blood as B) hematocrit.
the syringe begins filling C) hemoglobin.
II. Bluish coloration of the blood D) electrolytes.
sample E) [HCO3].
III. Failure of syringe to auto-fill (RRT EXAM NBRC MATRIX 1,C,2,e)
Blood Gas Electrodes and
Quality Assurance
. . . we have identified a need to restate principles and knowledge which used to be better known to the
clinician before the elements of the apparatus disappeared from view in the interests of sophistication,
automation, and design.
Alistair A. Spence119
Blood Gas Electrodes, 82 Statistics, 93
Basic Electrical Principles, 82 Mean, 93
Voltage, 83 Standard Deviation, 93
Current, 83 Coefficient of Variation, 93
Ohms Law, 83 Principles and Materials, 94
Terminology, 83 Controls, 94
Electrochemical Cell Systems, 83 Control Limits, 94
Half-Cells, 83 Levey-Jennings Control Charts, 94
Structure and Function, 84 Westgard Rules, 96
PO2 Electrode, 84 Electrode Drift, 96
pH Electrode, 86 Types of Controls, 96
PCO2 Electrode, 88 Continuous Monitoring of Blood Gases, 103
Accuracy of Electrodes, 89 Introduction, 103
Total Quality Management, 90 Transcutaneous Techniques, 104
Quality Assurance, 91 Continuous Intra-Arterial Blood Gases, 104
Nonanalytical Error, 91 Miniature Electrode Systems, 104
Preanalytical Error, 91 Optode Technology, 104
Postanalytical Error, 91 Technical Issues in Continuous Intra-Arterial
Analytical Error, 91 Blood Gases, 105
Preventive Maintenance, 92 Ex vivo (On-Demand) Systems, 106
Calibration, 92 Summary, 106
Quality Control, 92 Point-of-Care Testing, 106
Internal Quality Control, 92 Regulations and Laboratory Accreditation, 107
External Quality Control, 92 Exercises, 107
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 83
the power for this electrical flow. The energy It follows that a 220-volt force will deliver
source may be thought of as an electron a higher current through a particular wire than
pump that has two connections or poles. One a 110-volt force. A fuse or circuit breaker is
pole has an excess of stored electrons and is designed to prevent the danger of fire and to
therefore negatively charged. This negative protect electronic circuitry from excessive elec-
pole is called the cathode. Conversely, the tron flow that may destroy it.
remaining pole has a relative shortage of elec- Consumption of electric power is measured
trons and has a net positive charge. The pole usually in watts. One thousand watts is equal
that is positively charged is called the anode. to 1 kilowatt (kW). Actual consumption of
To accomplish work, the electrons flow power is calculated by the formula
away from the negative pole, through a con- Watts = volt amp
ductor, and toward the positive pole. As the
electrons flow through the conductor, they can Terminology
accomplish work such as creating light or pro- As mentioned in the introduction, most blood
ducing heat. Electrons always flow from the gas values that are measured directly are ana-
negative pole to the positive pole. lyzed through electrodes. Thus, specific indi-
vidual electrodes measure PO2, pH, and PCO2.
The force responsible for pumping these Electrochemical Cell Systems
electrons is called the electromotive force or In chemistry, an electrode is defined technically
potential.120 The greater the difference in elec- as an electric conductor or terminal through
tron concentration between the two poles, the which electricity enters or leaves a medium
greater is the electromotive force. The unit of such as an electrolyte solution.122 By using
measurement for electromotive force is the this terminology, an electrochemical cell is
volt. Voltage refers to electromotive potential, an apparatus that consists of two electrodes
and actual electron flow does not occur unless placed in an electrolyte solution.121,122 Similarly,
a conductor bridges the positive and negative an electrochemical cell system is an apparatus
poles. A potentiometer is an instrument that that incorporates one or more electrochemical
measures an unknown voltage by comparing it cells to measure a specific chemical species.
with a known reference voltage.122 Thus, from a chemical standpoint, all the tra-
ditional analytical devices used in blood gas
Current analysis should be referred to as electrochemical
The actual flow of electrons through a conduc- cell systems. Similarly, within each measuring
tor is called electrical current, and the term for device there would be at least two electrodes.
the unit of measurement is the ampere or amp. Nevertheless, clinically, these entire electro-
Different types of conductors conduct current chemical cell systems are referred to almost
to various degrees. Good conductors have low invariably as simply blood gas electrodes.123
electrical resistance, whereas poor conductors Therefore, this clinical terminology is used in
have high resistance. Long, thin wires are the text in an effort to promote consistency and
examples of conductors with relatively high avoid confusion in a commonly misunderstood
resistance. The unit of electrical resistance is subject. The entire measurement device is
the ohm. referred to as an electrode (e.g., PO2 electrode,
pH electrode, PCO2 electrode), and the term
Ohms Law electrode is reserved solely for this use.
Ohms law states that the electromotive force
is equal to the current times the resistance. Half-Cells
Within all blood gas electrodes are electrode
Electromotive force = current resistance
terminals (sites that chemists would refer to
In measurable terms as electrodes). An electrode terminal is a solid
site where electrons enter or leave a liquid
Voltage = amp ohm medium. Electrode terminals may consist of
84 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
+ device
metal or glass. A single electrode terminal in cathode in the electrical system, whereas the sil-
contact with an electrolyte solution may also ver is positively charged and serves as the anode.
be called a half-cell. All electrodes require at If blood is then placed directly in contact
least two half-cells to function. with the two electrode terminals, the PO2 of
There are two types of half-cells: working the blood sample can be measured as described
half-cells and reference half-cells. The working in the following section.
or measuring half-cell is placed at the site
where the actual chemical analysis, work, or Electrochemical Reaction
electrochemical change takes place.121,123 The To initiate the flow of electrical current and the
reference half-cell is the standard against measurement of oxygen, the battery supplies
which the electrochemical change is compared the platinum cathode with a voltage of approx-
and measured (Fig. 4-1). imately 700 millivolts (mV).124 This voltage
A reference half-cell typically consists of a attracts oxygen molecules to the cathode where
solid metal and a solution of its salt (e.g., silver they react with water. The ensuing chemical
and silver chloride, mercury and mercurous reaction consumes four electrons and produces
chloride) attached to an electronic circuit. some hydroxyl ions (see Fig. 4-2). The con-
When the metal is in contact with its salt solu- sumed electrons, in turn, are replaced rapidly in
tion, a constant electrical potential or voltage the electrolyte solution as silver and chloride
is produced.121 react at the anode.
The net result of these reactions is a flow
Structure and Function of electrical current throughout the entire cir-
The structure and function of the three primary cuit, which is shown in Figure 4-2. The current
blood gas electrodes (PO2, pH, and PCO2) will generated will be in direct proportion to the
be explained. amount of dissolved oxygen (PO2) present
at the cathode (Fig. 4-3). An ammeter is a
PO2 Electrode device used to measure the flow of electrical
Basic Components current.
The PO2 electrode incorporates a battery and an
ammeter as the electrical components of the Polarography
electrode (Fig. 4-2).123 Wall electricity may be The direct relationship between PO2 and elec-
used in place of a battery. The electrode terminal trical current is true only when a specific voltage
in the working half-cell is usually made of plat- is applied initially to the cathode.123 The proper
inum. The electrode terminal in the reference voltage to use is determined by analyzing a
half-cell is made of silver/silver chloride. The polarogram, which is a graph that shows the
platinum is negatively charged and serves as a relationship between voltage and current at
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 85
Silver Platinum
anode cathode
CI e + O2 + H2O
O2 + 2 H2O + 4 e 4 OH
Figure 4-2. Basic electrochemistry of PO2 electrode. Oxygen is attracted to the platinum working
half-cell and reacts chemically with water. This reaction consumes electrons that are replaced in solution
by the reaction at the silver anode. The entire process results in the generation of electrical current in
proportion to the amount of oxygen present in the fluid.
Current (amps)
(platinum wire)
Glass rod
Plastic holster
Electrode housing
Anode (Ag/AgCI)
Phosphate buffer
Figure 4-5. Schematic illustration of a Clark electrode. A polypropylene membrane separates the platinum
cathode from the blood.
half-cell half-cell
H+ H+
even more misleading because the measuring would not be at body temperature and would
electrode contains the reference solution. be exposed to air.
Furthermore, the silver or silver chloride per se The modern, compact, pH electrode (Sanz
is not a working half-cell. electrode) facilitates pH measurement at 37 C
The reference half-cell shown in Figure 4-7 with a small blood sample and is accomplished
includes an electrode terminal made of mer- by drawing the blood sample into a pH-sensitive
cury coated with mercurous chloride. The term glass capillary tube. A membrane at the end of
calomel is often used for this type of electrode the capillary tube then connects the blood sam-
terminal. The calomel electrode terminal inter- ple to a large reservoir liquid junction and the
faces with a platinum wire that transmits the calomel half-cell.
change in voltage to the voltmeter.
The calomel electrode terminal is slightly PCO2 Electrode
sensitive and would be damaged if it were in Electrode Function
direct contact with blood. Therefore, it is sep- The PCO2 electrode (shown in Figure 4-8) is a
arated from blood samples by creating a salt or modified version of the pH. In the PCO2 elec-
contact bridge. The salt bridge is typically a trode, however, blood does not come in direct
potassium chloride (KCl) solution that is sepa- contact with the pH-sensitive glass. Rather,
rated from the blood by a thin membrane. The blood comes in contact with a CO2 permeable
calomel electrode terminal is used because it membrane. The membrane may be made of sil-
functions best with KCl. The salt bridge may icone rubber, Teflon, or a similar substance
also be called the liquid junction. that is readily permeable to CO2.
On the other side of the membrane is a
Sanz Electrode bicarbonate solution that is in direct contact
Although blood could be sampled in a pH elec- with the pH-sensitive glass. The bicarbonate
trode similar to the one shown in Figure 4-7, solution is also in contact with a silver/silver
this particular configuration presents several chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrode terminal. Thus,
problems. This system would require a large the PCO2 electrode actually has two Ag/AgCl
blood sample volume. Furthermore, the blood electrode terminals within it. No salt bridge is
half-cell half-cell
Figure 4-8. PCO2 electrode. The CO2 from the blood diffuses through the silicone membrane into the
bicarbonate solution. The hydrolysis reaction occurs in the bicarbonate solution and results in the produc-
tion of hydrogen ions in proportion to the amount of dissolved CO2 present. The difference in voltage is
then converted to PCO2 units and is indicated on the voltmeter. Note also that both metallic half-cells in
the PCO2 electrode are Ag/AgCl.
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 89
Glass electrode
terminal shaft
Plastic holster
Electrode housing
Older PO2 electrodes were the least accu- Depending on the particular test, we may be
rate with reports of as high as 20% inaccuracy, very concerned with accuracy, turn-around
especially at high PO2 values.10,131 Variation time, cost, simplicity, sample size, etc. All these
in PO2 had been reported to be in the range of various attributes of a particular test are
3 to 20 mm Hg at normal PO2.126129 These referred to as performance characteristics.362
inaccuracies in the PO2 electrode were due at Performance characteristics, in turn, can be
least in part to the production of hydrogen subdivided into practicability characteristics
peroxide at the cathode site. Furthermore, (e.g., sample size, speed of analysis) and relia-
gases such as carbon dioxide, halothane, and bility characteristics (e.g., precision, bias).
nitrous oxide may cause small changes in cur- Ideally, quality specifications would be avail-
rent in the system.123 able for every performance characteristic.362
Newer designs in PO2 electrodes, however, Quality specifications are the heart of a quality
continue to make this electrode more accurate. management system as shown in Figure 4-10.
Currently, PaO2 results should be expected to Note that in Figure 4-10, quality manage-
be accurate to nearly 3 mm Hg at 80 mm Hg.10 ment encompasses quality assurance, quality
improvement, and quality control. A detailed
discussion of laboratory quality management
is beyond the scope of this text. Excellent
Current quality management in the laboratory resources are available from the National
is much more sophisticated and clinically ori-
ented than in the past. Quality methods and
techniques are focused on insuring that the qual- Quality Management
ity of tests performed in the laboratory allow
our clinicians to practice good medicine.362 We Quality Quality
are becoming increasingly concerned with improvement control
exactly how the laboratory results impact clini-
cal decision-making. Are they being used for Quality
diagnosis, monitoring, or identifying critical specifications
levels? This is a much broader concept and
goal than simply ensuring that test numbers
fall within specific predefined limits. Quality Quality laboratory
assurance practice
Thus, many issues and concerns that were
previously ignored in laboratory quality manage- Figure 4-10. The central role of quality specifica-
ment are now becoming increasingly important. tions in quality management.
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 91
Committee of Clinical Laboratory Standards ill individuals. These individuals cannot afford
[NCCLS], the American Association for the potential consequences of incorrect infor-
Respiratory Care, and books362 related to this mation. The incidence of this type of error may
topic. Nevertheless, some of the routine com- be reduced if the individuals who receive these
ponents in quality management within the data are knowledgeable of normal clinical
blood gas laboratory will be briefly discussed. ranges for blood gases.132 It is also very impor-
tant that the individuals receiving the data read
it back to confirm accuracy. Finally, knowl-
edge of potentially life-threatening values for
Quality assurance is a systematic process used these parameters also helps to prevent a seri-
to monitor, document, and regulate the accu- ous error being made. Ideally, results are
racy and reliability of a procedure or labora- directly printed out from the machine at a
tory measurement. Errors in blood gases may remote location, and the potential for human
occur before, during, or after actual analysis of error is eliminated.
the sample. An error that occurs before or after In summary, blood gas results must be inter-
actual analysis (e.g., an error due to improper preted in light of the potential for both preana-
sample or data handling) is called a non- lytical or postanalytical error. Unexpected blood
analytical error. On the other hand, an error that gas results should arouse suspicion. Blood gases
occurs during the actual analysis of the sample should be repeated immediately, preferably on
(e.g., error due to performance of electrode or another instrument if: (1) they are inconsistent
technician) is called an analytical error.10,123 with the patient picture, (2) they are internally
inconsistent (see Chapter 5), (3) they are at the
Nonanalytical Error extremes of the expected range.241
Preanalytical Error A comprehensive quality assurance pro-
As described in Chapter 3, an error may be gram must address the total spectrum of blood
easily introduced into blood gas data during gas analysis to include preanalytical and post-
arterial puncture or sample handling. The sam- analytical error.
ple may be inappropriately drawn or trans-
ported. Blood gas results could be attributed Analytical Error
inadvertently to the wrong patient. A patients Analytical error includes any error that occurs
status or therapy may be incorrectly assessed during the actual analysis of the blood gases.
or recorded. Preanalytical error is likely to be Most often, analytical error is related to the
the greatest source of incorrect blood gas data. apparatus rather than to the individual and to
If left unnoticed, this error may have serious the equipment rather than to the technique.
consequences on the treatment of the patient. An example of human analytical error,
A comprehensive quality assurance program however, is failure on the part of the technician
must include clearly defined departmental pro- to properly mix the sample before it is intro-
cedures and protocols for sample acquisition duced into the electrode. Failure to mix an iced
and handling. In addition, monitoring of the sample may increase the pH of the sample by
program must ensure and document that as much as 0.11 units.123
department protocol and procedures are being Also, the technician should not record
followed. blood gas values immediately after injecting
the sample into the electrode. An adequate
Postanalytical Error exposure time is necessary to achieve sample
Recording of results after analysis may be stabilization at body temperature, ambient
associated with an error in transcription. In pressure, saturated, and to ensure complete
particular, the use of telephone reports may electrode response. Most samples achieve equi-
easily lead to serious reporting error due to a librium within 1 to 3 minutes. Two or three
breakdown in verbal communication.132 times longer may be necessary, however, if
Telephone reporting is done typically in the PCO2 is extremely low or if PO2 is extremely
critical care setting and in regard to critically high in the sample.125,133
92 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
Another source of error is inherent biologic An additional problem with the PO2 elec-
variation.362 The difference between individu- trode is that the PO2 reading is lower if a gas
als is called between-subject or inter-individual is introduced into the electrode than if a liquid
biologic variation. There are two general types is introduced into the electrode. This discrep-
of biologic variation. The difference in a given ancy has been referred to as the fluid-gas
individual is called within-subject or intra- difference,123 the blood-gas factor,10,123 or the
individual variation. Intra-individual variation stirring effect.125 A rough correction factor for
may occur during daily, monthly, or yearly the fluid-gas difference is 1.04 PO2 of the gas
cycles or during the aging process. sample.123
Nevertheless, as stated earlier, most analyti-
cal error is due to the equipment itself. Various
methods must be used by the laboratory tech-
nicians to ensure that the electrodes function Quality control, concerning blood gas elec-
appropriately. These methods include preven- trodes, refers to the periodic checking of an
tive maintenance and frequent calibration. instruments performance to ensure calibration,
Quality control will be discussed in the follow- stability, and reliability. Statistical methods are
ing section. used to evaluate the accuracy and precision of
blood gas measurements. Quality control is
Preventive Maintenance probably the most controllable aspect of qual-
Proper maintenance and cleaning of blood gas ity assurance. The two major types of quality
electrodes is essential. The systems must be control systems are internal quality control and
kept free of contaminants, and the membranes external quality control.
must be carefully maintained. Most impor-
tantly, the technician must be aware of and Internal Quality Control
comply with individual manufacturer specifi- Internal quality control programs are designed
cations and recommendations for each specific to ensure that the instruments (i.e., electrodes)
instrument. within a laboratory perform with precision.
They involve routine procedures and protocols
Calibration designed to detect inconsistencies in perform-
Calibration is a procedure done on blood gas ance. Internal quality control is required by
electrodes before analyzing blood samples to most external regulatory or accreditation
establish the accuracy of readings in the antici- agencies (e.g., Joint Commission for the
pated range. Standards are gases or buffer solu- Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
tions with precise, specific blood gas values [JCAHO], College of American Pathologists
that are used to set the machine to read linearly [CAP], Clinical Laboratories Improvement
over the physiologic range. Gases used for Amendments [CLIA]).
calibration should be extremely accurate and
should be traceable to National Institute of External Quality Control
Standards and Technology (NIST) certification. External quality control, also known as pro-
Due to the many different protocols, designs, ficiency testing, is a system by which laborato-
and recommendations of various manufactur- ries can compare the accuracy of their results
ers, no specific guidelines can be provided for with the results obtained from other labo-
routine calibration. Operators must adhere to ratories. External quality control involves the
specific manufacturers recommendations.241 distribution of identical samples from a central
The PO2 electrode is the least accurate of distribution site to participating laboratories.
the three blood gas electrodes. The wide clini- The central distribution site is a noncom-
cal range of PO2 (0 to 600 mm Hg) makes it mercial, independent agency or professional
difficult for the electrode to have a linear association.
response throughout. When high PO2 is antici- Each laboratory then runs the sample and
pated (i.e., >200 mm Hg), the system should be reports the results to the distribution center.
calibrated to 100% O2. Results reported from one laboratory are then
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 93
compared with results obtained from other The normal range is shown well by the
laboratories. Based on these data, individual bell-shaped curve described in Chapter 1 (see
discrepancies can be identified and evaluated. Fig. 1-1). The degree of dispersion (i.e., scat-
A few countries, such as the United States, tering of values from the average) in a group of
have identified performance standards that numbers can be quantitated by calculating the
laboratories must meet to maintain accredita- SD. The SD is therefore a measure of variance
tion. The US CLIA 88 report documents total around the mean. The formula for calculation
error allowable for analysis of certain analytes. of the SD is shown in Equation 4-2.
This form of regulation is known as an exter-
Equation 4-2
nal quality assessment scheme.
Finally, laboratories may perform bias stud- (x x)2
ies within their laboratory if they utilize mul-
SD = n 1
tiple machines. With this technique, the same x = mean
sample is run on different machines as an addi- x = each measurement
tional indicator of control and variability. It is = sum of
recommended that these types of studies be rou- n = number of measurements
tinely performed and recorded to detect poten-
tial quality concerns within the department. For each measurement in a series of meas-
urements, the deviation from the mean is cal-
Statistics culated (x x). Each numeric deviation is then
Some fundamental statistics must be under- squared (x x)2. Next, the mean of the squared
stood to evaluate the accuracy and precision of deviations is calculated. Finally, the square root
electrodes and thus monitor quality control. of this value is taken (see Equation 4-2). Note
There are three pertinent statistical indices: the that n 1 in Equation 4-2 is used in the
mean (x), standard deviation (SD), and coeffi- denominator in place of n and is related to
cient of variation (CV). the role that these measures play in statistical
Mean It can be seen how the SD is a measure of
The mean is a fundamental statistic that is cal- the homogeneity or dispersion of the values. A
culated by dividing the sum of all the numbers low SD (i.e., minimal dispersion) indicates that
in a group by the number of numeric entries. the values are generally homogeneous. The SD
In lay terms, the mean is known as the average. of PaCO2 in the normal population is approx-
Mathematical calculation of the mean is shown imately 2.5 mm Hg, whereas the SD of PaO2
in Equation 4-1. is close to 5 mm Hg. Thus, the normal range
(2 SD) of PaCO2 (35 to 45 mm Hg) is more
Equation 4-1
narrow (homogeneous) than the normal range
(X 1 + X 2 + X3 + L + X n )
x= n
for PaO2 (80 to 100 mm Hg).
Principles and Materials
Controls Control limit
To perform internal quality control, samples
with known blood gas values must be run peri-
odically to ensure that the machine is operat-
ing correctly. These samples in which the true
blood gas values are known are referred to as
control samples or controls. Like any group or Control limit
population, controls have their own range of
normal limits based on 2 SDs from the mean.
Thus, control limits (control normals) can be Time
established based on this information.
Figure 4-11. Quality control limits. Quality con-
The mean and SD are typically given by
trol limits are based on the normal distribution
the manufacturer for commercial controls. curve. They are set at 2 or 3 SDs from the mean.
Nevertheless, a local mean and SD may also be Values falling outside the upper and lower limits
determined by running more than 20 control indicate that the machine is not in control.
samples through a machine over time. This
procedure provides a better local standard but
may introduce error if the machines are not This type of quality control chart was intro-
well calibrated initially. duced into clinical chemistry in the 1950s by
Controls are available with high, low, and Levey and Jennings and is still referred to as a
normal values. It has been recommended that Levey-Jennings chart.
at least two levels of controls be run within A performance record is a less sophisticated
every 8-hour shift.10 Furthermore, all three lev- form of documentation that shows the date
els of controls should be run in every 24-hour and time when controls were run and desig-
day. Because very high PaO2s may be seen in nates whether results were in acceptable limits.
some blood gases (e.g., operating room, recov-
ery room), it is often recommended that a
fourth high level PaO2 be run periodically. 115
Mean + 3s
Figure 4-14. Accuracy versus precision. Analytical accuracy and precision are illustrated by the ability
to hit a known target. A, Very good accuracy and precision. B, Poor accuracy but good precision.
C, Occasional accuracy but poor precision.
96 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
1. Drift or incorrect calibration. Recalibrate.
2. Calibration buffers are contaminated. Use fresh solution and recalibrate instrument.
Sample Handling
1. Improper handling of controls. Introduce a new control sample.
a. Ensure that sample has been at room
temperature for 24 hours before use.
b. Shake 10 seconds to equilibrate the gas/liquid
c. Break open control sample and use within 1 minute.
2. Insufficient aspiration of sample. Introduce a new sample.
a. Check for proper suction if automatic aspiration
is used.
b. Replace pump tubing, if necessary.
c. Check seals around sample chamber.
3. Air bubble entrapment in pH measuring Introduce new sample, avoiding bubble.
electrode capillary.
4. Contamination or carry-over from a Flush system thoroughly, as manufacturer directs,
previous sample. followed by a rinse.
1. Protein buildup on pH glass electrode. a. Clean electrode as recommended by
b. If necessary, soak electrode overnight as
manufacturer directs.
2. Concentration of KCl in salt bridge is a. Add some crystals of KCl to reference electrode
incorrect (reference electrode). if saturation is required by manufacturer.
b. If 4 molar concentration is required, replace
4 molar solution on a daily basis.
c. If KCl tablet is used, replace once a month as
manufacturer directs.
d. If 20% KCl is used, replace as manufacturer directs.
3. Dehydrated glass membrane. See manufacturers instructions for rehydration of
4. Air bubble entrapped in salt bridge of Tilt repeatedly to dislodge and remove air bubble.
reference electrode.
5. KClinsufficient amount, old or caking. Replace with fresh KCl solution according to
manufacturers directions.
6. Electrode temperature not at 37 C. a. Check level of water bath.
b. Check thermometer for break in mercury
column; replace if necessary.
c. Set instrument temperature to 37 C.
d. Allow sufficient time for instrument to fully
equilibrate to 37 C before use.
e. Check water lines leading to pH bath for
crimping or air blockage.
f. Check circulation of water by pump.
7. Defective glass electrode due to aging or Replace glass electrode.
defect (hairline crack or scratches).
8. Defective pH membrane. Replace pH membrane.
1. Electrical leaks, loose connectors in pH meter. Contact manufacturer for service.
2. Open circuit. Check all lines to ensure proper connection.
Test with jumper strap as manufacturer
3. Poor grounding. Check to ensure that the instrument is properly
4. Faulty cables, loose connectors or fittings. Check for a good fit. If any cables, connectors, or
fittings are loose or broken, contact manufacturer
for service.
5. Faulty pH meter causing a shift in calibration or Contact manufacturer for service.
nonlinear curve.
1. Drift or incorrect calibration. Recalibrate.
2. Improperly certified gas tank. Use new gas tank with maximum tolerance
of 0.05%.
3. Cooling of electrode due to rapid gas flow rate Reduce gas flow rate as manufacturer directs.
(excessive bubble/sec).
4. Idle gas lines not adequately flushed or diffusion Allow sufficient time for adequate flushing,
of room air into gas tubing lines. 5 minutes at a fast flow rate, before reducing to
proper flow rate.
5. Large adjustments in current required Clean cathode and change membrane.
during calibration.
Sample Handling
1. Improper handling of controls. Introduce a new control sample.
a. Be sure sample has been at room temperature
for 24 hours before use.
b. Shake 10 seconds to equilibrate the gas/liquid
c. Break open control sample and use within
1 minute.
2. Insufficient aspiration of sample. Introduce a new sample.
a. If automatic aspiration is used, check for proper
b. Replace pump tubing, if necessary.
c. Check seals around sample chamber.
3. Entrapped air bubble in measuring chamber. Remove bubble by suction, flush, and introduce
a new sample.
4. Improper or insufficient cleaning of PCO2 Clean as manufacturer directs.
5. Contamination or carry-over from a previous Flush system thoroughly as manufacturer directs,
sample. followed by a rinse.
6. Room air contamination. a. Check proper syringe techniques or use
b. Clean aspiration tip; check for pinholes in
c. Check for poor connections or pinholes in
internal tubing.
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 99
1. Protein buildup on membrane. Clean as manufacturer directs, or replace
2. Stretched or folded membrane, or improperly Replace membrane.
installed membrane.
3. Ripped, torn, or hole in PCO2 membrane. Clean electrode tip as recommended by
manufacturer and replace membrane.
4. Protein contamination of tip of PCO2 Clean electrode tip as recommended by
electrode. manufacturer and replace membrane.
5. Improperly positioned spacer or spacer not Remove electrode, remove membrane, reposition
completely wetted. and wet spacer, and replace membrane.
6. Improper electrolyte, insufficient amount, or Remove electrode assembly, replace with fresh
old electrolyte solution. electrolyte solution to the proper level.
7. Electrode temperature not at 37 C. a. Check water level in water bath.
b. Check thermometer for break in mercury column;
replace if necessary.
c. Set instrument temperature to 37 C.
d. Allow sufficient time for instrument to fully
equilibrate to 37 C before use.
e. Check circulation of water by pump.
f. Reduce gas flow rate as manufacturer directs.
8. Improperly seated electrode causing flush a. Remove and reposition electrodes.
solution or sample to remain in chamber. b. Dry with cotton swab and introduce new sample.
c. If leakage continues, call manufacturer.
9. Air bubbles entrapped beneath membrane. Remove bubbles or replace membrane.
10. Bubbles in newly refilled PCO2 electrolyte Remove electrode and gently tilt to dislodge bubbles
solution. adhering to membrane or electrode walls.
11. Dehydrated electrode due to aging or See manufacturers instruction for rehydration of
improperly hydrated electrode. electrode.
12. Defective electrode due to aging or hairline Replace electrode.
crack or scratches on electrode.
13. Room air contamination from leakage around Replace O rings and seals. If leakage persists, call
electrode. manufacturer.
1. Poor grounding on instrument. Check to ensure that the instrument is properly
2. Open circuit. Check all lines to ensure proper connection.
Test with jumper strap as manufacturer directs.
3. Faulty cables, loose connectors. Check for a good fit. If any cables, connectors, or
fittings are loose or broken, contact manufacturer
for service.
4. Faulty meter causing a shift in calibration or Contact manufacturer for service.
a nonlinear response.
1. Drift or incorrect calibration. Recalibrate.
2. Improperly certified gas tank. Use new gas tank with maximum tolerance
of 0.05%.
3. Cooling of electrode due to rapid gas flow Reduce gas flow rate as manufacturer directs.
rate (excessive bubble/sec).
100 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
4. Idle gas lines not adequately flushed or diffusion a. Allow sufficient for adequate flushing,
of room air into gas tubing lines. 5 minutes at a fast flow rate, before reducing to
proper flow rate.
b. Keep gas tanks as close to the analyzer as
possible, thus reducing the length of tubing
c. Tubing specified by manufacturer must
be used.
5. Insufficient time allowed for zero setting. Allow sufficient time for zero setting as
manufacturer directs.
Sample Handling
1. Improper handling of controls. Introduce a new control sample.
a. Be sure sample has been at room temperature
24 hours before use.
b. Shake 10 seconds to equilibrate the gas/liquid
c. Break open control sample and use within
1 minute.
2. Insufficient aspiration of sample. Introduce new sample.
a. If automatic aspiration is used, check for proper
b. Replace pump tubing, if necessary.
c. Check seals around sample chamber.
3. Entrapped air bubble in measuring chamber. Remove bubble by suction, thoroughly flush and
introduce a new sample.
4. Contamination or carry-over from a previous Flush system thoroughly as manufacturer directs,
sample. followed by a rinse.
5. Microbial contamination; insufficient cleaning of Flush with cleaner as manufacturer directs,
PO2 system. followed by a rinse.
6. Room air contamination. a. Check proper syringe technique or use
b. Clean aspiration tip; check for pinholes in this
c. Check for poor connections or pinholes in
internal tubing.
1. Protein buildup on membrane. Clean as manufacturer directs or replace
2. Stretched, folded, or improperly positioned Replace membrane.
membrane on PO2 electrode.
3. Bubbles entrapped under PO2 membrane. Remove membrane. Clean or buff top of electrode
as manufacturer directs; rinse well, and replace
4. Improper electrolyte, insufficient amount of old Remove electrode assembly; replace with fresh
electrolyte solution. electrolyte solution to the proper level.
5. Bubbles in newly refilled PO2 electrolyte Remove electrode and gently tilt to dislodge
solution. bubbles adhering to walls of electrode.
6. Contamination of the platinum tip of the PO2 Clean electrode tip as recommended by
electrode. manufacturer and replace membrane.
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 101
1 () 2 SD Closely monitor
1 () 3 SD Correct sensor
2 consecutive () 2 SD Correct sensor
4 consecutive () 1 SD Correct sensor
10 consecutive (all same side mean) Correct sensor
+2 SD +2 SD
_ _
2 SD 2 SD
+3 SD
+2 SD
_ _
2 SD
3 SD
E. Systematic error
B. Substantial random error
+2 SD +2 SD
_ _
2 SD 2 SD
A 38-year-old woman is admitted to the emergency Explanation: List possible diseases, pathology, or other
department with severe pneumonia and a temperature situations that may have lead to this patients condition
of 41 C. or these laboratory values.
Evaluation: Suggest additional data that would be
ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES useful in helping understand the situation or in making
SaO2 85% a diagnosis.
pH 7.30
PaO2 62 mm Hg Importance: Prioritize concern(s) of treatment in order
[HCO3] 25 mEq/L of urgency and/or seriousness as you see the overall
(data have been temperature-corrected to 41 C) situation.
Objective: Specifically state the measurable or
ASSESSMENT observable outcomes you would like treatment to
Abnormalities: List abnormal data and other noteworthy accomplish.
information. Action: Describe your specific plan of action.
are being explored, however, that allow for One concern regarding the electrochemical
continuous, real-time monitoring of blood oxygen probe is that the membrane is suscep-
gases. tible to protein deposits or platelet adhesions.
In general, these miniature electrodes are sus-
Transcutaneous Techniques ceptible to a variety of technical problems
The skin PO2 can be monitored continuously (e.g., electrode drift, current leakage, corro-
and on a real-time basis via a transcutaneous sion); greater success has been achieved with
PO2 monitor. Skin PO2, however, is often very the use of optode technology.
different than blood PO2. Furthermore, these
monitors may be associated with complica- Optode Technology
tions (e.g., skin burns). Measurement Principles
In contrast to an electrode, an optode is a sen-
Continuous Intra-Arterial Blood Gases sor that operates via optical detection of altered
Research has continued, however, in search of light.
monitoring instruments that can continuously The primary blood gas parameters (PO2,
measure blood gases in vivo (i.e., within the pH, PCO2) alter photochemical reactions that,
body). Several types of in vivo blood gas moni- in turn, affect light transmission through fiber-
tors have been described for this application.139 optic optical fibers. Fundamentally, the change
In general, these instruments use miniature elec- in light detection is proportional to the blood
trode systems or, more commonly, optodes. gas value being measured. Most optodes oper-
ate either on the basis of light absorption or
Miniature Electrode Systems fluorescence.152
The electrochemical oxygen probe consists of a Absorbance optodes, sometimes called trans-
device that could be used to continuously mon- mission optodes, transmit light through an indi-
itor in vivo PO2.140 This probe contains a cator solution and measure the light exiting the
miniature version of the Clark electrode, and solution. The exiting light will be decreased due
the entire probe is small enough that it can be to the absorption of some of the light by the
placed within a radial artery catheter. analyte being measured. The pH or PCO2 may
These miniature electrodes, however, must be measured with this technique. A schematic
be temperature-compensated because both representation of a CO2 absorbance or trans-
PO2 and electrode current are temperature- mission based optode is shown in Figure 4-17.
sensitive variables. Corrections in temperature Fluorescence optodes, on the other hand,
may be made manually by entering the measure changes in fluorescence secondary to
patients temperature into the instrument. the analyte being measured. Fluorescence is
Alternatively, corrections in temperature may light emitted from a dye at a lower frequency
be accomplished automatically via a special (i.e., longer wavelength) immediately follow-
temperature probe attachment. ing cessation of previous light exposure.
Known CO2 Light
light measurement
Light on
Light source
and measurement
Light off dye
Diminished fluorescence in
presence of oxygen
O2 O2
Light on
O2 2
Light source O2 Fluorescent
and measurement dye with
optode O2
Light off O2 oxygen
O2 O2
Figure 4-18. O2 Fluorescence Optode.
periods of severe blood pressure or gas monitoring techniques, such as the risk of
changes.143,144 In addition, mixed venous thrombosis or infection and also the cost.
gases can be readily monitored with these Nevertheless, these new techniques may be
devices. Continuous monitoring of mixed lifesaving in certain situations and particularly
venous PCO2 may provide useful information in neonates. The future remains uncertain for
about changes in cardiac output.144 Because a continuous in vivo blood gas analysis systems.
poor cardiac output would lead to stagnant
systemic blood and an increase in PCO2, an
abrupt increase in mixed venous PCO2 may be
the first clue to cardiovascular dysfunction. A great deal has been written in the last decade
Unfortunately, however, CIABG continues regarding point-of-care (POC) laboratory test-
to be plagued with a variety of technical prob- ing. Clearly, there is clinical value in being able
lems and a relatively high technical failure to ascertain laboratory values immediately and
rate.143,145 The accuracy of PaO2 has been accurately at the bedside (i.e., the point of
especially in question after large multicenter care). In most cases, the availability of this
trials.142 The accuracy of intravascular PO2 instant information will expedite clinical deci-
optodes may be compromised by thrombosis, sion-making.148 At times it can bring about
the wall effect (reading tissue wall PO2), or more rapid changes in treatment where timing
reduced blood flow in the area of the sensor.146 is of the essence.148
Ex vivo, on-demand monitors (described sub- Furthermore, with more and more health-
sequently) that locate optodes outside the body care being delivered in alternative sites and
in an arterial line may avoid these problems. homes, portable, POC blood gas systems that
There is also a decline in sensor performance provide accurate, immediate results would be
over time and they should probably not be very beneficial. POC systems are also designed
used for more than 6 days.147 to be very customer-friendly and relatively
At present, CIABG appears to be of value in error-proof for the end user because this per-
carefully selected patient populations. son may have a limited understanding of the
Nevertheless, its invasive nature and high inci- procedure and potential mistakes. The demand
dence of technical failure are worrisome. In for POC blood gas systems has spawned the
addition, it will ultimately have to withstand a development of a variety of accurate and reli-
rigorous cost-benefit analysis. able systems.149 Many of these systems also
offer the availability of concurrent electrolyte
Ex vivo (On-Demand) Systems measurements as well.149,150 The central blood
Ex vivo (on-demand) blood gas systems are also gas laboratory should carefully monitor the
available that provide reliable, accurate, samples implementation and continued use of POC sys-
within 90 seconds and avoid some of the pitfalls tems to ensure continued quality control and
of CIABG monitors. These systems differ from performance.
CIABG in that the measurement devices (e.g., The ultimate test for POC systems will be
optodes) are located outside of the patient and their ability to provide this information accu-
samples are drawn into the measurement rately and expediently at a reasonable cost.
devices on demand typically from the radial Many clinicians continue to be skeptical of the
artery. Obviously, these are not true continuous cost-benefit ratio of these devices because they
monitoring devices but they do facilitate safe, are often somewhat more expensive to run
accurate, and expedient sample acquisition on a than traditional blood gas systems. The ques-
frequent basis (i.e., as often as every 3 minutes). tion will need to be answered: Is the difference
in turnaround time clinically significant in
Summary measurable outcomes and does it justify the
The technology now exists to measure blood incremental cost?
gases quickly (e.g., ex vivo) or monitor blood Many hybrid versions of POC blood gases
gases continuously (e.g., CIABG) in clinical have also been developed for these very reasons.
practice. Care must be taken, however, because Certainly, satellite laboratories or the use of
important issues remain regarding invasive pneumatic tubes have also become increasingly
Chapter 4 Blood Gas Electrodes and Quality Assurance 107
popular. In one study, a satellite laboratory in blood gas laboratories is included in site visits
the emergency department was displaced with and inspections performed by the JCAHO.
a computerized pneumatic tube delivery system In addition, there are federal guidelines for
that proved to be cost-effective.151 Not surpris- blood gas laboratories and personnel that fall
ingly, it appears that no single solution fits under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
every organization, department, or laboratory. Amendments (CLIA) of 1967 and 1988.
A careful detailed analysis of the procedures Many laboratories are also accredited under
and systems that work best in your institution the very detailed regulations provided by the
must be carried out. The NCCLS document CAP. Administration of a blood gas lab
on POC should be reviewed if POC testing is requires careful adherence to governmental
performed at your institution. regulations and the various accreditation bod-
ies and issues. A detailed discussion of these
regulations is beyond the scope of this book.
The reader is referred to the Internet sites in
the Exercises at the end of this chapter.
Blood gas laboratories are subject to consider-
able oversight and regulation. Evaluation of
1. In the PCO2 electrode, blood (does/does not) come in direct contact with the pH-sensitive
2. The CO2 permeable membrane of a CO2 electrode is often made of ______.
3. (Bicarbonate/phosphate) solution is in direct contact with the glass electrode and the silver
chloride electrode terminal in the PCO2 electrode.
4. The PCO2 electrode has (one/two) AgCl electrode terminals within it.
5. A salt bridge (is/is not) necessary in the PCO2 electrode.
6. The chemical reaction that takes place in the PCO2 electrode is known as the
(carbolysis/hydrolysis) reaction.
7. The clinical PCO2 electrode is also known as the ______ electrode.
8. The PCO2 electrode actually measures (voltage/current) change.
9. PCO2 electrodes are accurate to within ______ mm Hg.
10. The least accurate of the blood gas electrodes is the (pH/PO2/PCO2) electrode.
110 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
1. Samples with known blood gas values that are periodically run to ensure that the machine
is operating correctly are called ______.
2. It has been recommended that at least ______ levels of controls be run every ______
hour shift.
3. State the two general types of quality control records.
4. Quality control charts are usually referred to as ______ charts or plots.
5. Recurrent measurable deviation away from the mean is called ______ error.
6. Systematic error in which progressive controls steadily increase or decrease is called
7. Systematic error characterized by an abrupt change in the measured value followed by
clustering or plateauing in the new area is called ______.
8. A single control measurement outside the normal range is called ______.
9. A pattern of frequent random error is referred to as ______.
10. A result falling right on the control line of a Levey-Jennings chart is said to be ______.
1. ______ is a measure of how closely measured results reflect the true or actual value.
2. ______ is an index of dispersion of repeated measurements.
3. Dispersion on a Levey-Jennings chart indicates a problem with (accuracy/precision).
4. Shifting on a Levey-Jennings chart indicates a problem with (accuracy/precision).
5. List two potential causes of trending.
6. Drift of the pH electrode, when buffer is left in it, should not exceed ______ units per hour.
7. Buffers remaining in the pH electrode cause (alkaline/acid) drift.
8. Electrode drift should not exceed ______% within 5 minutes.
9. (Results/time) is on the y-axis of a Levey-Jennings chart.
10. (Three/two) levels of controls should be run at least once per shift.
112 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
1. Gases (do/do not) affect electrodes in the same way that liquids affect them.
2. Aqueous buffers (do/do not) contain protein.
3. A ______ is a device that typically allows for the bubbling of a gas with a known pressure
through a liquid until equilibrium is reached.
4. The major disadvantage of tonometry is (time/expense).
5. Whole blood is less than optimal as a control because it is (inaccurate/an infectious risk).
6. ______ are substances in which two immiscible liquids are together in solution, one of the
liquids being dispersed in the other in the form of small droplets.
7. (Aqueous fluids/Emulsions) behave similarly to blood.
8. The most widely used types of controls are prepared (commercially/by tonometry).
9. The precision of aqueous commercial controls is not generally good regarding
10. Probably the best commercially prepared controls are ______-based emulsions.
NBRC Challenge 4
Please select the best answer for the following multiple choice questions.
1. When large adjustments in current are 3. An aging electrode or protein contamina-
required during calibration of the Clark tion of the electrode will lead to a Levey-
electrode or when the system behaves Jennings pattern of:
erratically: A) shifting.
A) the cathode should be cleaned and B) trending.
the membrane should be changed. C) dispersion.
B) the anode should be de-proteinized. D) random error.
C) the water bath temperature should be E) stagnatation.
re-adjusted. (RRT EXAM-NBRC MATRIX II,B,1,h,4)
D) the current should be increased
4. When there is an increase in dispersion
gradually until readings become
of values and the standard deviation
from the mean increases, there is a
E) the potentiometer should be zeroed
problem with measurement __________.
and the measurement repeated.
A) trending
(RRT EXAM-NBRC Matrix II,B,2,h,4)
B) shifting
2. Running standardized samples from a C) accuracy
laboratory outside your institution to see D) precision
how your lab compares with others is an E) proficiency
example of: (RRT EXAM-NBRC MATRIX II,B,3,a)
I) internal quality control.
5. A blood gas PaO2 error due to the wall
II) external quality control.
effect could occur with measurements
III) monitoring equipment for precision.
made via:
IV) proficiency testing.
A) transcutaneous techniques.
A) I and III only
B) ex vivo methods.
B) II and IV only
C) I, III, and IV
D) on-demand methods.
D) II,III, and IV
E) POC systems.
E) I, II, III, and IV
Accuracy Check and Metabolic
Acid-Base Indices
Of the three variables in the H-H (Henderson-Hasselbalch) equation, any one obviously can be calculated if
the other two are known.
Charles B. Spearman591
The problem in acid-base balance has been quantitation of the metabolic, or nonrespiratory, component, as
HCO3 ion concentration is strongly dependent on the PCO2.
John W. Severinghaus588
Accuracy Check, 114 Metabolic Acid-Base Indices, 120
Internal Consistency, 115 Introduction, 120
Techniques for Evaluating Internal Shortcomings, 121
Consistency, 115 Various Indices, 121
External Congruity, 118 Pre-Blood Gas Indices, 121
Laboratory to Laboratory Congruity, 119 Blood Gas Indices, 122
Patient-Laboratory Congruity, 120 Summary, 126
FIO2PaO2 Incongruity, 120 Exercises, 126
SaO2SpO2 Incongruity, 120
In most state-of-the-art blood gas laboratories,
The novice in blood gas application must mas- blood gas results are directly printed to a
ter Chapter 2 before addressing the content in report from the blood gas measurement device.
this chapter. Indeed, Chapter 5 deals with the These direct printouts preclude the possibility
less frequent and more subtle technical of human errors in transcription or oral
nuances of blood gas classification and analy- reporting. The data on direct printouts can
sis and may lead to confusion if routine blood generally be assumed to be accurate assuming
gas classification is not fully understood. This controls and safeguards discussed in previous
chapter is intended for use when the clinician chapters are adhered to. Notwithstanding,
is faced with some real or perceived inconsis- occasional errors still may occur and result in
tency in the reported information. inappropriate diagnosis or treatment if they
From an educational perspective, some are not recognized.
instructors or clinicians may prefer to skip this The present chapter is included in this text
chapter until a solid foundation of clinical for completeness, comprehensiveness, and criti-
blood gas interpretation is assured. Again, this cal analysis. Literal life-and-death decisions are
chapter addresses primarily the recognition of made based on blood gas data. Errors in the
exceptions to normal blood gas classification diagnosis or management of acid-base or oxy-
and interpretation and may be more suitable as genation status may have dire consequences.
supplementary reading, reference, or advanced Therefore, individuals who are responsible for
study. these decisions must have a thorough under-
Fortunately, the types of technical errors dis- standing of each index and the normal inter-
cussed herein are less common than in the past. relationships between them. One must be able
Chapter 5 Accuracy Check and Metabolic Acid-Base Indices 115
to detect inaccurate data, or explain and inter- make sense but something doesnt seem exactly
pret seemingly inconsistent information. right. Example 5-1 may serve as an example.
Thus, at some point during the assessment
of blood gas data, the clinician should briefly Example 5-1
pause and consider the plausibility, consistency, pH 7.60
and harmony of the various recorded data. PaCO2 30 mm Hg
Assessment of the consistency of the reported [HCO3] 23 mEq/L
measurements is recommended in comprehen-
sive and systematic acid-base assessment by Example 5-1 is not internally consistent.
most experts.176 To ensure accuracy, blood gas The pH is too high given a PaCO2 of 30 mm Hg
values should be evaluated for internal consis- and essentially normal metabolic status.
tency and external congruity. Actually, the pH must be approximately 7.50.
Failure to detect this inconsistency could
Internal Consistency have undesirable diagnostic or therapeutic
Techniques for Evaluating Internal Consistency consequences. A pH of 7.60 indicates severe
Most often, gross inspection of blood gases alkalemia and should be cause for serious
facilitates the detection of internal inconsisten- concern. A pH of 7.50 is common in the inten-
cies. Conceptually, acidemia (i.e., pH < 7.35) sive care unit and most often requires no
cannot be present in the absence of a causative intervention.
acidosis (i.e., PaCO2 > 45 mm Hg and/or The following discussion explores four
[HCO3] < 22 mEq/L). Likewise, alkalemia can- methods that can be used to assess internal
not occur without alkalosis. Another type of consistency when errors may be more subtle.
gross inconsistency might be the presence of a These methods are indirect metabolic assess-
normal pH with concurrent respiratory and ment, the rule of eights, the modified
metabolic acidosis. Here again, this combina- Henderson equation, and an acid-base map.
tion of circumstances is impossible. Once the All of these methods make use of the principle
basic relationship between acidosis and acidemia that the three acid-base components (i.e.,
is understood, most gross errors in blood gas pH, PaCO2, and [HCO3] or alternatively [BE])
data are easily and readily recognized. are interrelated such that if two components
Occasionally, technical error is less obvious. are known, the third component can be
In these cases, the blood gas values generally deduced.
116 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
On the other hand, it is likewise true that if 30 mm Hg is 7.50. Therefore, in a patient with
the actual pH is not equal to the expected pH, this PaCO2 level and normal metabolic status,
the metabolic status cannot be normal. This is one would expect to find an actual pH within
intuitively correct because any alteration in pH 0.03 of 7.50.
that is not of respiratory origin must be meta- The patients actual pH in Example 5-1 is
bolic. The clinician should understand that 7.60, which is much higher than expected.
indirect metabolic assessment is only an Therefore, the patient must also have a con-
approximation (albeit a very good one) and comitant metabolic alkalosis based on the
that very small differences between actual and acute PaCO2pH relationship. The finding of
expected pH (e.g., 0.02) can be attributed to a normal metabolic index (i.e., [HCO3] 23
slight measurement error. Blood gas electrode mEq/L) is not consistent with the indirect find-
error alone may result in discrepancies of at ing. The problem in this case could have been
least 0.01. a transcription error. The patients actual pH
For this reason, a 0.03 comparison factor should have been 7.50. A pH of 7.50 would
is recommended. Indirect metabolic assess- make these data internally consistent.
ment using this factor correlates very well with In summary, metabolic status may be accu-
metabolic assessment using the base excess of rately assessed indirectly without ever seeing
extracellular fluid [BE]ecf that is described a metabolic index. In fact, using indirect
later in this chapter. metabolic assessment, a complete blood gas
The possible outcomes of indirect metabolic acid-base classification can also be made based
assessment based on comparison of actual and on the PaCO2 and pH alone in the event that a
expected pH are defined in Table 5-3. When the metabolic index is, for some reason, unavail-
actual pH is equal to the expected pH 0.03, able. This technique is likewise a useful tool in
the metabolic status must be normal. When the attempting to validate or invalidate the inter-
actual pH is significantly more acidic than nal consistency of a questionable blood gas
expected (i.e., more than 0.03 pH units lower), a report.
metabolic acidosis must be present. Conversely, A lack of internal consistency does not indicate
when actual pH is significantly more alkaline where an error has occurred. Nevertheless, it is
(more than 0.03 pH units) than expected, a clear evidence that an error is present, and the
metabolic alkalosis (nonrespiratory condition clinician or laboratory diagnostician should be
tending to cause alkalemia) must be present. alerted with regard to the need for further
These conclusions closely parallel metabolic investigation and clarification.
diagnosis that is made directly with the [BE]ecf
to be discussed later in this chapter. Rule of Eights
The values in Example 5-1 presented earlier A similar tool for detecting technical error may
are used to show the application of indirect be referred to as the rule of eights, which provides
metabolic assessment to evaluate internal a mechanism for predicting the plasma bicar-
consistency. Based on the acute PaCO2pH bonate when the pH and PaCO2 are known. If
relationship, the expected pH for a PaCO2 of the reported bicarbonate differs significantly
from the bicarbonate calculated via the rule of
eights (e.g., >4 mEq/L difference), a technical
Table 5-3. INDIRECT METABOLIC ASSESSMENT error is likely present. To calculate the predicted
Actual pHExpected pH Indirect Metabolic plasma bicarbonate, the PaCO2 is multiplied
Relationship Status by a factor that varies with the pH. The factor
to be used with a given pH can be found in
Actual pH = expected Normal metabolic Table 5-4.
pH 0.03 status
Actual pH > expected Metabolic alkalosis Modified Henderson Equation
pH + 0.03 The Henderson equation to be described later
Actual pH < expected Metabolic acidosis
in Chapter 8 can be modified to relate [H+] in
pH 0.03
nanequivalents per liter (instead of pH) to
118 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
regarding incorrect and/or misleading labora- presumed to be equal to the sum of CO2 dis-
tory measurements. solved in the plasma and plasma bicarbonate,
which is shown in Equation 5-2. PaCO2 may be
Laboratory to Laboratory Congruity multiplied by the conversion factor (0.03
Calculated Bicarbonate mEq/L/mm Hg) to determine the dissolved CO2
The plasma bicarbonate can be used to evalu- concentration in mEq/L.
ate external congruency because it is most often
Equation 5-2
reported by two different, unrelated laborato- [Total CO2] = [dissolved CO2] + [bicarbonate]
ries. Plasma bicarbonate is reported routinely [Total CO2] = (PaCO2 0.03) + 24
on the arterial blood gas report. However, the 25.2 = 1.2 + 24 (mEq/L)
bicarbonate reported on the blood gas report is
not directly measured. Rather, it is a calculated
value based on the Henderson-Hasselbalch Bicarbonate Calculation from Total CO2
equation. To calculate the specific [HCO3], dissolved
CO2 in mEq/L is subtracted from the reported
Total CO2 total CO2 (see Equation 5-3). The difference
The plasma bicarbonate is also usually reported represents plasma bicarbonate in mEq/L.
from the chemistry laboratory with standard Because the concentration of dissolved CO2 in
electrolytes as total CO2 ([total CO2]). Because mEq/L is so small (typically 1 to 2 mEq/L) and
plasma [HCO3] comprises approximately 95% bicarbonate represents 95% of the total CO2
of total CO2, these two measurement may essen- value, gross inspection of the total CO2 pro-
tially be viewed as being interchangeable.176,177 vides a reliable estimation of plasma bicarbonate
One caveat is that total CO2 is measured in the even without this calculation.
chemistry laboratory using venous blood, which
Equation 5-3
is typically 2 to 3 mEq/L higher in bicarbonate. [Total CO2] [dissolved CO2] = [bicarbonate]
Nevertheless, total CO2 is, for all practical 25.2 (PaCO2 0.03) = [bicarbonate]
purposes, an index of plasma bicarbonate. 25.2 1.2 = 24 (mEq/L)
Therefore, the electrolyte report may be used
as a crosscheck regarding the accuracy of the Keeping in mind the difference between
[HCO3] reported on the blood gas report. arterial and venous blood bicarbonate, gross
Historically, total CO2 was introduced as a differences (e.g., >5 mEq/L) should arouse sus-
clinical metabolic acid-base index before the picion of erroneous measurements from one of
routine availability of blood gases. Today, total the laboratories. One should also be aware
CO2 is considered to have only minimal value as that the measurement of total CO2 is fraught
an isolated index because it must be interpreted with difficulty and the potential for the intro-
in the context of pH and PaCO2. Nevertheless, duction of error. Blood for total CO2 meas-
the [HCO3] can easily be approximated from the urement should be collected anaerobically
total CO2, and this value can be compared with and serum promptly separated from whole
the blood gas bicarbonate as a gross index of blood (to avoid effects of metabolism) and
external congruity. As previously stated, total stored at 4 C until analyzed. Just as in arterial
CO2 should be expected to be slightly higher samples, excessive heparin can dilute the sam-
than bicarbonate from the blood gas report ple and contaminate results. Air contami-
because it is measured from venous blood. nation is probably one of the most common
Total CO2 Components Despite the fact that total CO2 is directly
As discussed in Chapter 8, CO2 is transported measured and bicarbonate from a blood gas
in the blood as bicarbonate, dissolved CO2, and report is a derived calculation, the blood gas
carbamino-compounds. Bicarbonate and dis- is less prone to methodologic errors and is
solved CO2 are responsible for almost all of the probably more reliable.176 Notwithstanding,
CO2 present in the blood plasma. Therefore, there should normally be a good correlation
total CO2, usually reported in mEq/L, is between these two measurements.
120 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
The clinician must also remember that For example, if a PaO2 of 300 mm Hg is
blood gases and electrolytes are very dynamic reported in a patient who is being mechanically
measurements that may change hourly and ventilated with an FIO2 of 0.4, something
even from one minute to another. Therefore, if is wrong. Either the PaO2 is incorrect or the
this crosscheck mechanism is to be used, the FIO2 is really higher than 0.4. In any event, the
blood gases and electrolytes to be compared finding of a PaO2 more than five times higher
must have been drawn in relative temporal than the percentage of inspired oxygen is
proximity. incongruent, and the source of the error must
be sought.
Patient-Laboratory Congruity
The experienced clinician is well aware of the SaO2SpO2 Incongruity
hazards of relying too heavily on laboratory The SpO2 represents the oxygen saturation read-
measurements. Any technical measurement is ing displayed by a pulse oximeter. When oxygen
subject to error. The general appearance of the saturation of arterial blood (SaO2) is also meas-
patient is a very important aspect of evaluating ured with an oximeter or a co-oximeter, these
external congruence. For example, a pH of 7.10 two values can be compared for congruency.
in an otherwise normal, active, patient should More commonly, calculated oxygen saturation
arouse suspicion. from a standard blood gas report may be com-
This concept is especially important with pared with the SpO2.
regard to oxygenation assessment and hypox- A basic understanding of the oxyhemoglo-
emia. A PaO2 of 40 mm Hg typically elicits bin dissociation curve (discussed in Chapter 7)
tachycardia, cyanosis, and respiratory distress. is also a key to evaluating external congruity.
When the patient looks remarkably different As a rule, saturation (SpO2 or SaO2) should be
than the data would suggest, the data must be approximately 90% when PaO2 is 60 mm Hg.
questioned. When one of these values is higher or lower, the
other should follow suit in the same direction.
FIO2PaO2 Incongruity For example, a PaO2 of 50 mm Hg concurrent
Most of the information in this chapter deals with an SpO2 of 95% should arouse suspicion.
with acid-base errors rather than oxygenation There are situations (described in Chapter 7)
errors for several reasons. First, more acid-base when these relationships will be slightly
data are reported with blood gases (e.g., pH, altered (i.e., shifts of the oxyhemoglobin curve),
[BE], [HCO3]) than oxygenation data (e.g., but as a rule they should remain generally
PaO2, SaO2). In addition, clinical acid-base intact.
relationships are generally more complex and less Sometimes, a discrepancy between two dif-
well understood by many clinicians. Finally, ferent techniques of saturation measurement is
the constant mathematical relationship between expected (e.g., increased COHb or metHb may
pH, [HCO3], and PCO2 facilitates the evalua- lead to falsely elevated SpO2 as compared to
tion of internal consistency. No such precise saturation measured via co-oximetry). These
mathematical relationship exists for oxygena- situations are described in more detail in other
tion indices. chapters. Notwithstanding, a discrepancy
All this does not mean that the assurance of between two measures of oxygen saturation
accurate oxygenation data is any less important. may be the first clue to erroneous values from
Indeed, a strong argument can be made that one of the sources.
these data are in fact more important. Thus,
the clinician must also be alert to the potential METABOLIC ACID-BASE INDICES
for errors in oxygenation indices. In particular,
the PaO2 on room air should not exceed Introduction
130 mm Hg even with hyperventilation. Also, In Chapter 2, a simple, straightforward method
a PaO2 that is more than five times higher than of blood gas classification was presented.
the percentage of oxygen being inspired should Although the step-by-step sequence described
also arouse suspicion. in Chapter 2 most often leads to a correct
Chapter 5 Accuracy Check and Metabolic Acid-Base Indices 121
classification, incorrect or misleading results unravel some of the mystique and confusion
may occur if PaCO2 is significantly abnormal. associated with these indices.
Example 5-2 may serve as an example.
Various Indices
Example 5-2 All metabolic indices have been introduced
pH 7.16 into clinical medicine as tools to provide infor-
PaCO2 80 mm Hg mation about the nonrespiratory component of
[BE] 4 mEq/L acid-base balance. The PaCO2 is a clear, concise
[HCO3] 28 mEq/L marker of the respiratory acid-base component.
Standard [HCO3] 20 mEq/L An increase in PaCO2 always indicates increased
[BE]ecf 0 mEq/L carbonic acid and, conversely, a decrease in
T40 standard [HCO3] 24 mEq/L PaCO2 always reflects a decrease in carbonic
acid levels in the arterial blood. The search for
It should be noted that three new metabolic a comparable metabolic index has been fraught
indices have been introduced in this example: with confusion and controversy that persists
standard [HCO3], T40 standard [HCO3], and even presently.
[BE]ecf. The value and significance of these
indices as well as those presented earlier are PreBlood Gas Indices
explored in the following sections. Even before the routine availability of arterial
Based on the previous discussion of internal blood gases, clinicians were well aware of the
consistency, it would appear that the blood gas usefulness of plasma bicarbonate concentration
in Example 5-2 is not internally consistent. The in assessing the metabolic acid-base component.
base excess and standard bicarbonate both indi- They understood that the [HCO3] would tend
cate a laboratory metabolic acidosis, whereas to increase in metabolic alkalosis and decrease
the plasma bicarbonate indicates a laboratory in metabolic acidosis through the buffering
metabolic alkalosis. To further confuse the mechanism. Furthermore, the more severe the
issue, the [BE]ecf and the T40 standard [HCO3] metabolic acidemia, the lower the [HCO3]
suggest normal metabolic acid-base status. It would be.
turns out, however, that all the values reported
on this blood gas are correct. CO2 Combining Power
The CO2 capacity, often referred to as the CO2
Shortcomings combining power, was described in 1917 by
The reason that some metabolic indices point Van Slyke.178 Venous blood was equilibrated
in opposite directions is related to flaws or with 5.5% CO2 after removing the red blood
artifacts in the indices themselves. Many meta- cells. Then, the total CO2 content of the sepa-
bolic indices manifest distortions in the presence rated plasma was measured. Because most of the
of notable hypercapnia or hypocapnia. CO2 in plasma was in the form of bicarbonate,
In Example 5-2, the [HCO3] is falsely high this index was really an indirect measure of
as a metabolic acid-base indicator, whereas plasma bicarbonate. This outmoded index is
the standard [HCO3] and [BE]blood are falsely no longer used today.
low. The only metabolic indices that reflect
the true normal metabolic status in this Total CO2
example are the [BE]ecf and the standard Four years later in 1921, Van Slyke also
[HCO3] T40. described the total CO2.179 With this technique,
The remainder of this chapter describes the the CO2 content of true plasma or serum was
various metabolic indices that may be reported determined while taking precautions to prevent
with arterial blood gases and their individual the loss of CO2. As described earlier in this
peculiarities. Metabolic acid-base indices are chapter, this index is also a reflection of plasma
probably the most poorly understood area of bicarbonate. Total CO2 generally replaced the
clinical acid-base and blood gas application. CO2 combining power as a clinical index because
It is hoped that this discussion may help to it was much simpler to measure. Total CO2
122 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
remains a standard value reported with most Box 5-2 Effects of PCO2 Change on
routine serum electrolytes. [HCO3]
the extravascular (outside the blood vessels) fluid fluid is slightly higher (approximately 3 mEq/L)
with changes in PCO2 must be understood. than in the plasma (intravascular fluid).
Figure 5-1,A shows approximate normal Nevertheless, to show the in vivoin vitro
values for PaCO2, plasma [HCO3], and discrepancy, both intravascular and extravas-
[HCO3] of the extravascular fluid. Actually, cular [HCO3] are shown as being equal in
the [HCO3] in the interstitial (extravascular) Figure 5-1.
Intravascular PCO2 - 40 mm Hg
fluid [HCO3] - 24 mEq/L
[HCO3] - 24 mEq/L
Standard bicarbonate
sample of PCO2 - 40 Intravascular PCO2 - 85
intravascular [HCO3] - 21 fluid [HCO3] - 28
In vitro analysis
B [HCO3] - 28
Intravascular PCO2 - 40
fluid [HCO3] - 24
[HCO3] - 24
D In vivo effects
Figure 5-1. In vivoin vitro discrepancy in the measurement of standard bicarbonate. A, Approximate
normal values for PaCO2, intravascular plasma [HCO3], and extravascular-interstitial fluid [HCO3].
B, The effects of acute hypercarbia on [HCO3] in vivo in both intravascular and extravascular fluid spaces.
C, The results of measuring standard bicarbonate on a blood sample taken at point B. The sample is equil-
ibrated to a PCO2 of 40 mm Hg in vitro by using a tonometer, and standard bicarbonate reads below nor-
mal. The bicarbonate that was lost to the extravascular fluid is unavailable to return to the
sample. D, When PCO2 returns to normal in vivo, bicarbonate returns from the interstitial fluid and results
in a normal [HCO3].
124 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
As PaCO2 increases acutely, plasma [HCO3] purported advantage of showing the effects of
increases via the hydrolysis reaction. A portion all buffering, not just buffering done by the
of this increased bicarbonate diffuses from bicarbonate buffer system.
within the vascular fluid (i.e., within the blood Hemoglobin Dependency. Because hemo-
vessel) to the interstitial fluid. Thus, an increase globin is one of the blood buffer bases, its con-
in both plasma [HCO3] and interstitial fluid centration affects the [BB]. At normal [Hb],
[HCO3] accompanies hypercarbia and is shown [BB] is approximately 48 mEq/L.183 At a [Hb]
in Figure 5-1,B. of 8 g%, the [BB] is approximately 45 mEq/L.
When PaCO2 then quickly returns back to In contrast, at a [Hb] of 20 g%, [BB] is
normal in this individual (i.e., 40 mm Hg 50 mEq/L.183 Thus, [BB] depends on [Hb], and
in vivo), the excess bicarbonate in the extravas- normal values for [BB] are [Hb]-dependent.
cular fluid returns to the plasma and the patient Because different individuals have different
manifests a normal [HCO3] (see Fig. 5-1,D). baselines for [BB], it is not a particularly useful
If blood is drawn from the patient at the metabolic index.
point shown in Figure 5-1,B, plasma [HCO3]
is 28 mEq/L. If standard bicarbonate is to be Base Excess of Blood
measured on this same sample, it is then placed Description. A more useful way to look at
in a tonometer and is equilibrated to a PCO2 [BB] is to compare the normal [BB] for a given
of 40 mm Hg as shown in Figure 5-1,C. [Hb] with the observed [BB]. The difference
However, under these laboratory (in vitro) con- between these two values is called the base
ditions, the bicarbonate that was lost to the inter- excess of blood [BE] (Equation 5-4). Actually,
stitial fluid cannot be recaptured in the plasma. if the observed [BB] is less than the normal
Therefore, when PCO2 is returned to 40 mm Hg [BB], the [BE] is a negative value and is techni-
in vitro, a false low [HCO3] is observed. cally a base deficit. Nevertheless, it is custom-
Thus, in the presence of hypercarbia, and in ary to refer to this index as the base excess,
direct contrast to the actual bicarbonate, the regardless of the actual numeric value.
standard bicarbonate indicates a false low result.
Equation 5-4
Observed [BB] normal [BB] = [BE]
T40 Standard Bicarbonate
The T40 standard bicarbonate is an index that In VivoIn Vitro Discrepancy. Technically,
uses a nomogram to correct the standard base excess of the blood was determined orig-
bicarbonate for the in vivoin vitro discrep- inally by chemical titration. In other words,
ancy.181,182 The T40 standard bicarbonate is the milliequivalents of base or acid that had to
probably the most accurate of the bicarbonate be added or extracted from 1 L of whole blood
metabolic indices; however, it has not gained to restore a normal [BB] was measured. In clin-
widespread popularity, which is probably due ical blood gas analysis, however, the base
at least in part to the technical difficulty in meas- excess of the blood is a value acquired from a
uring or calculating standard bicarbonate T40. Siggard Anderson nomogram based on in vitro
chemical titration studies. The nomograms can
Buffer Base also correct for different [Hb].
Description. The bicarbonate buffer system These nomograms, however, were con-
is only one of the buffer systems in the blood. structed based on in vitro blood conditions.
The whole blood buffer base [BB], on the other Therefore, the [BE] is subject to the same
hand, is the sum of all the buffer bases in 1 L shortcoming as the standard bicarbonate.
of blood. Buffer base has the potential to be Some of the buffer base that diffused into the
used as a metabolic index in exactly the same extravascular fluid compartment is not recap-
way that [HCO3] is used. In other words, in tured in these in vitro titration curves.
response to buffering, [BB] decreases in the Consequently, [BE] of blood manifests false
presence of increased fixed acids (metabolic low results in the presence of hypercarbia similar
acidosis) and increases with nonrespiratory to the standard bicarbonate value. The base
(metabolic) alkalosis. Buffer base also has the excess of blood [BE] is also sometimes called
Chapter 5 Accuracy Check and Metabolic Acid-Base Indices 125
the in vitro base excess ([BE] in vitro); however excess of blood and base excess of extracellular
the term [BE] of blood or [BE]blood is recom- fluid) may be reported with the same symbol.
mended by the National Committee for The National Committee for Clinical
Clinical Laboratory Standards.6 In the presence Laboratory Standards, in their Standards for
of hypercarbia, the base excess of the blood Definitions of Quantities and Conventions
decreases roughly 1 mEq/L for every 10 mm Related to Blood pH and Gas Analysis,6 has
Hg increase in PCO2.177 suggested that this index should be called the
Unless otherwise specified, [BE] should be base excess of extracellular fluid, symbolized
assumed to be [BE]blood. The base excess of the by [BE]ecf. This practice is followed through-
blood was the metabolic index used in the clas- out the remainder of this text.
sification examples and exercises in Chapter 2. It has been found that the base excess that
would occur under in vivo conditions (e.g.,
Base Excess of Extracellular Fluid [BE]ecf) is approximately equal to the [BE] value
A better index of the change in buffer base in determined by using the base excess of the
the body would correct for shifts of bases that blood nomogram assuming an [Hb] of 5 g%.
occur under in vivo conditions between the Because the buffer line associated with an [Hb]
plasma and the interstitial fluid. In other words, of 5 g% is always used to determine [BE]ecf,
this index would reflect all of the extracellular there is really no need to know the actual [Hb]
fluid and not just the blood plasma. There is, of the patient to determine [BE]ecf.
in fact, such an index, and it is called the base pH[BE]ecf Relationship. Methods for
excess of the extracellular fluid, [BE]ecf, com- checking the internal consistency of blood gas
pared with the base excess of the blood. data were presented earlier. Hendersons equa-
Other symbols and terms that have been tion and the rule of eights were described as
used for this index include in vivo base excess techniques for ensuring accuracy when the
([BE]in vivo), standard base excess ([SBE]), plasma bicarbonate was used as the metabolic
[BE]3, and [BE]e.177 The trend in some places index. Indirect metabolic assessment was also
is to report the [BE]ecf as simply [BE].177 described and may be useful regardless of the
Unfortunately, many laboratories do not fol- metabolic index being used.
low this practice, which leads to additional One final relationship that may be useful,
confusion in that two different values (i.e., base especially for those clinicians who prefer the
A 25-year-old woman arrives in the emergency department Explanation: List possible disease, pathology, or other
in a coma. situations which may have led to this patients condition.
Evaluation: Suggest additional data which would be
ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES useful in helping understand the situation or in making
SaO2 85% a diagnosis.
pH 7.16
PaO2 52 mm Hg Importance: Prioritize concern(s) of treatment in order
[BE] blood 4 mEq/L of urgency and/or seriousness as you see the overall
[HCO3] 28 mEq/L situation.
Abnormalities: List abnormal data and other noteworthy
information. Classify ABG.
126 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
Table 5-6. pH[BE]ECF RELATIONSHIP acid-base status when PaCO2 is normal. When
(ASSUMING A CONSTANT PaCO2 PaCO2 is altered significantly, however, many
OF 40 mm Hg)
of these indices demonstrate artifacts. In
pH [BE]ecf (mEq/L) hypercarbia, plasma bicarbonate rises in
response to the hydrolysis reaction and the law
7.00 20 of mass action. The standard bicarbonate cor-
7.11 15 rects for PaCO2 changes in vitro but suffers
7.22 10
from in vivoin vitro discrepancies. The base
7.33 5
excess of the blood has similar drawbacks.
7.40 0
7.48 +5 Both of these indices are artificially low in the
7.55 +10 presence of hypercarbia.
7.60 +15 Standard bicarbonate T40 and base excess
7.66 +20 of the extracellular fluid correct for both
changes in PaCO2 and in vivoin vitro dis-
crepancies. Therefore, they are the most pure
[BE]ecf to the [HCO3] as a metabolic index, is metabolic indices. Overall, these indices are
the [BE]ecfpH relationship when PaCO2 is preferred when they are available.
held constant at 40 mm Hg. Table 5-6 shows Nevertheless, despite the formidable work
that for every change in [BE]ecf of 5 mEq/L, the done to find the ideal metabolic index, plasma
pH changes approximately 0.1 units. Knowledge bicarbonate and base excess of the blood are
of this relationship may also prove to be useful still probably the most common indices
in an evaluation of internal consistency. reported with arterial blood gases. The clini-
cian should understand the disadvantages of
Summary these indices in blood gas classification and
All of the metabolic acid-base indices that have interpretation. In the end, however, any of the
been used through the years share the character- indices will suffice if the clinician understands
istic that they are good indicators of metabolic their particular nuances and shortcomings.
PaCO2 pH
1. 50
2. 60
3. 25
4. 65
5. 20
6. 30
7. 70
8. 55
9. 22
10. 45
128 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
pH PaCO2
1. 7.34 50
2. 7.30 60
3. 7.52 25
4. 7.15 65
5. 7.62 20
6. 7.56 30
7. 7.38 70
8. 7.20 55
9. 7.48 22
10. 7.34 45
pH PaCO2 [HCO3]
1. 7.34 50 24
2. 7.30 60 31
3. 7.52 25 18
4. 7.15 65 26
5. 7.62 20 25
6. 7.56 30 30
7. 7.38 70 22
8. 7.20 55 16
9. 7.48 22 24
10. 7.34 45 29
Chapter 5 Accuracy Check and Metabolic Acid-Base Indices 129
pH PCO2 [HCO3]
1. 7.28 60 28
2. 7.48 56 40
3. 7.50 30 29
4. 7.20 30 20
5. 7.12 60 25
6. 7.60 40 39
7. 7.30 20 9
8. 7.58 50 30
9. 7.42 30 19
10. 7.08 70 10
[H+] (nEq/L) pH
1. 45
2. 56
3. 32
4. 30
5. 48
6. 80
7. 60
8. 39
9. 28
10. 51
130 Unit II Technical Issues in Blood Gas Analysis
1. 60 30
2. 55 36
3. 45 33
4. 7.20 50
5. 40 24
6. 7.30 24
7. 20 16
8. 60 18
9. 40 30
10. 7.28 40
1. 38 60
2. 26 40
3. 18 50
4. 20 25
5. 21 35
Chapter 5 Accuracy Check and Metabolic Acid-Base Indices 131
1. List the two metabolic indices most often used before the routine availability of blood
2. The [HCO3] (does/does not) change in respiratory acid-base disturbances due to buffering.
3. The [HCO3] (does/does not) change in respiratory acid-base disturbances due to the
hydrolysis reaction.
4. As a rough guide, [HCO3] increases 1 mEq/L for every ______ mm Hg increase in PaCO2.
5. When PCO2 decreases ______ mm Hg, [HCO3] decreases approximately 1 mEq/L.
6. The ______ is defined technically as the plasma bicarbonate concentration obtained from
blood that has been equilibrated at 37 C with PCO2 of 40 mm Hg and a PO2 sufficient to
produce full oxygen saturation.
7. In the presence of hypercarbia, the standard bicarbonate indicates a false (high/low) value.
8. The ______ is an index that uses a nomogram to correct the standard bicarbonate for the
in vivoin vitro discrepancy.
9. The ______ is the sum of all the buffer bases in 1 L of blood.
10. The formula: (observed [BB] normal [BB] = ) is used to calculate ______.
11. [BE] of blood manifests false (low/high) values in the presence of hypercarbia.
12. The base excess of the blood is also known as (in vivo/in vitro) base excess.
13. The most accurate form of base excess is ([BE]blood/[BE]ecf).
14. The buffer line associated with an [Hb] of ______ g% is used to determine [BE]ecf.
15. For every change in [BE]ecf of 5 mEq/L, the pH changes approximately ______ units.
NBRC Challenge 5
Please select the best answer for the following multiple choice questions.
1. The following arterial blood gas is run on The PaO2 reported is 86 mm Hg. The
an emergency department patient. clinician should conclude:
pH 7.52 A) the blood gas and pulse oximeter
PaCO2 60 mm Hg readings are perfectly consistent.
[HCO3] 20 mEq/L B) the patient is normal.
PaO2 88 mm Hg C) the patient is hypoventilating.
D) the blood gas and pulse oximeter
You should conclude:
readings are incongruent.
A) the patient needs mechanical
E) the pulse oximeter can be
B) the patient needs low flow oxygen
C) the blood gas should be checked 4. A patient with otherwise normal lungs
and/or run again. is inadvertently given a respiratory
D) the primary alkalosis is respiratory stimulant. A blood gas is drawn and
and a sedative is indicated. the PaCO2 is 25 mm Hg. Before looking
E) the primary alkalosis is metabolic at the pH, one would expect it to be
and probably due to diuretic approximately:
therapy. A) 7.25
C) 7.45
2. A patient who appears to have acute
D) 7.55
hypoventilation and is on an oxygen
E) 7.65
mask has a blood gas drawn in the emer-
gency department.
pH 7.16 5. Which of the following can be concluded
PaCO2 80 mm Hg from the following arterial blood gas?
[HCO3] 28 mEq/L pH 7.16
PaO2 88 mm Hg PaCO2 80 mm Hg
[HCO3] 28 mEq/L
The blood gas indicates:
[BE] 4 mEq/L
A) complete acid-base compensation.
PaO2 72 mm Hg
B) significant acid-base compensa-
A) The [HCO3] cannot be correct.
tion by the kidney.
B) The [BE] cannot be correct.
C) a mixed acid-base disturbance.
C) The change in [BE] and [HCO3] is
D) technical error.
due to renal compensation.
E) increased plasma bicarbonate due
D) The change in [BE] and [HCO3] is
to hydrolysis.
due to hypercapnia.
E) The change in [BE] and [HCO3] is
3. A patient has a pulse oximeter saturation due to chronic hyperventilation.
reading of 86 and a blood gas is ordered. (RRT EXAM-NBRC MATRIX I,B,10,c)
Basic Physiology
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Oxygenation and External Respiration
These two systems cooperate (respiratory and cardiovascular) to supply the needs of the tissues. One system
supplies air; the other supplies blood. Their ultimate purpose is the transfer of gases between air and all tissue
Julius H. Comroe, Jr.81
Introduction, 135 Abnormal Distribution of Pulmonary
Cardiopulmonary System, 135 Perfusion, 143
Steps in Tissue Oxygenation, 136 Abnormal Distribution of Ventilation, 145
Cardiopulmonary Interaction, 136 Ventilation-Perfusion Match, 147
Hypoxemia versus Hypoxia, 138 Deadspace and Shunting, 149
External Respiration, 138 Deadspace, 149
Ventilation, 139 Shunting, 152
Ventilation-Perfusion Matching, 139 Diffusion, 156
Normal Distribution of Pulmonary Equilibration, 156
Perfusion, 139 Surface Area, 159
Normal Distribution of Ventilation, 141 Exercises, 159
depth and speed to meet all cellular demands;
The moment-to-moment sustenance of human consequently, the human body has evolved
life depends on a single external substance. a remarkably effective O2 delivery system that
This substance is so important that its absence facilitates the transport of atmospheric oxygen
in the environment causes irreversible damage to all cells in the body. In addition, this system
to the human condition in approximately can vary O2 delivery to match changing cellular
6 minutes. That substance is, of course, oxygen requirements.
(O2), which is essential to each of the billions It would be only partially correct to state that
of cells comprising the human body. O2 is a the respiratory system is the human physiologic
colorless, odorless gas that plays a critical role system responsible for cellular oxygenation.
in the efficient production of cellular energy. Likewise, it would be false to state that the
In its absence, production of cellular energy is cardiovascular system assumes full responsibil-
grossly inadequate, and the death of the organ- ity for cellular oxygenation in the body. Neither
ism ultimately ensues. of these systems alone can accomplish this
life-sustaining function. Rather, it is the com-
Cardiopulmonary System bined, cooperative effort of these two systems
O2 cannot directly enter all cells in the body that is required. Thus, it is valid, both concep-
from its atmospheric origin. Simply stated, O2 tually and clinically, to view these two systems
cannot penetrate into the body with sufficient as a single, integrated cardiopulmonary system
136 Unit III Basic Physiology
that works to accomplish the ultimate goal of volume of O2 being delivered to the tissues?).
tissue oxygenation and carbon dioxide (CO2) This step is depicted in Figure 6-2,B.
excretion (Fig. 6-1). The final link in the O2 delivery chain is the
diffusion of O2 from small systemic capillaries
Steps in Tissue Oxygenation in response to cellular metabolic needs. This
Traditionally, the complete physiologic process step, called internal respiration, involves both
of cellular oxygenation and the work of the the diffusion of O2 to the cells and its meta-
cardiopulmonary system have been divided bolic utilization by the cells (see Fig. 6-2,C).
into three steps or phases (Fig. 6-2). In step Internal respiration is defined technically as
one, ambient O2 molecules are moved from the exchange of O2 and CO2 between the sys-
their atmospheric origin to the blood supply temic capillaries and the cells or tissues. In this
within the lungs. O2 actually enters the circu- text, however, the actual metabolism that
latory system via the small blood vessels in the occurs in the cells is also considered to be part
lungs (pulmonary capillaries). O2 molecules of the process of internal respiration.
diffuse into the blood from the tiny air sacs in The common link throughout this O2 delivery
the lung known as alveoli. The exchange of O2 system is the blood and specifically the hemo-
and CO2 between the alveoli and pulmonary globin within the blood. The blood plays a pivo-
capillaries is called external respiration and is tal role in all three phases. By using the blood or
the essence of step one (see Fig. 6-2,A). hemoglobin as a focal point, the three steps in
Step two involves the quantitative transport the delivery of O2 can be thought of as simply:
of a sufficient volume of O2 from the pul- O2 loading (see Fig. 6-2,A), O2 transport (see
monary capillaries to its cellular destination. Fig. 6-2,B), and O2 unloading (see Fig. 6-2,C).
This process, which is commonly referred to as
O2 transport, requires a normal hemoglobin Cardiopulmonary Interaction
concentration as well as an adequate cardiac It is interesting and informative to observe the
output. Cardiac output may be defined as the cooperative effort exerted by the various com-
volume of blood ejected each minute from the ponents in the cardiopulmonary system. In
heart. The assessment of the adequacy of step particular, the heart and lungs often comple-
two is generally quantitative (i.e., Is a sufficient ment each other in trying to attain the goal of
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 137
Figure 6-2. Steps in oxygen delivery. The three steps or phases in oxygen delivery to the tissues include:
oxygen loading into the blood or external respiration (A), oxygen transport or delivery to the tissues (B),
and oxygen unloading from the blood and utilization by the tissues or internal respiration (C).
tissue oxygenation. For example, when breath- Although not really compensatory in nat-
ing is hampered and PaO2 is decreased due to ure, rapid or deep ventilation is also common
lung disease, hormones are released through in primary circulatory disturbances. Generally,
the adrenergic system that increase heart rate the heart is effective in compensating for respi-
(tachycardia) and increase blood pressure ratory oxygenation problems. Conversely, the
(hypertension). This response attempts to lungs can accomplish little when the initial
ensure that sufficient O2 reaches the cells. insult is cardiac in origin. Nevertheless, the cir-
Thus, the heart may be thought of as com- culatory and ventilatory pumps are in intimate
pensating for a respiratory deficiency. The collaboration with the common objective of
novice clinician should be aware that tachy- cellular O2 delivery.
cardia and mild hypertension may be second- Similarly, each of the three steps in cellular
ary to poor oxygenation of the blood via the oxygenation work in a cooperative manner to
lungs. ensure tissue oxygenation. For example, when
A clinical example of this concept is seen in external respiration is impaired due to chronic
the monitoring of the discontinuation of a pulmonary disease or some other condition,
mechanical ventilator from a patient. Here, mechanisms are triggered in the other two
cardiovascular parameters (e.g., pulse, electro- steps to bolster O2 delivery. O2 transport may be
cardiogram, blood pressure) are monitored to improved through the production of more red
assess if spontaneous breathing is adequate. blood cells and hemoglobin, and the cardiac
The clinician is alerted to inadequate breathing output may be increased as described above.
by cardiovascular compensatory changes that Increased red blood cells and hemoglobin due
accompany it. to a decreased arterial PO2 is a common clinical
138 Unit III Basic Physiology
finding in chronic pulmonary disease and is potential for irreversible organ damage. The
called secondary polycythemia. simple term hypoxia that is used in this text
In addition, the body may respond to this refers to diffuse tissue hypoxia, unless other-
problem by increasing chemical 2,3-diphos- wise stated. The foremost goal in the manage-
phoglycerate (DPG) levels. The increased DPG ment of oxygenation status is the prevention of
tends to facilitate the release of O2 from the tissue hypoxia.
blood to the cells and thus enhances cellular Severe hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 < 45 mm Hg)
O2 delivery. Thus, here again, the concept of is highly suggestive of concurrent hypoxia. In
cooperative function is evident. lesser degrees of hypoxemia, however, hypoxia
may not be present. For example, in moderate
Hypoxemia versus Hypoxia hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 45 to 59 mm Hg),
Hypoxemia has been defined earlier as a hypoxia often does not occur because the car-
below-normal arterial PO2. Hypoxemia is a diac output is increased and tissue O2 needs
blood condition. The term hypoxemia as used are being met. Thus, the presence of hypox-
in this text does not consider hemoglobin con- emia does not necessarily indicate the presence
centration or saturation; nor does it take into of hypoxia.
account the red blood cell count. The critical In other cases, hypoxia may be present in
question in oxygenation delivery and assess- the absence of hypoxemia. In conditions such
ment pertains not to the blood but rather to the as severe anemia or shock, the PaO2 may be
cellular O2 status. Inadequate O2 supply to the quite high; however, the tissue demands for
body tissues is called tissue hypoxia or simply O2 are not being met. Thus, hypoxia may be
hypoxia. present in the absence of hypoxemia. Although
Tissue hypoxia may be localized or general- hypoxemia and hypoxia are closely interre-
ized. Local tissue hypoxia may be seen in mus- lated, one must be careful to avoid equating
cle cells during exercise or in a specific body these distinct entities.
region that accompanies a local vascular dis-
order. Examples of local vascular hypoxia and
tissue hypoxia include myocardial infarction
(i.e., heart attack) and a cerebrovascular accident The remainder of this chapter will address the
(i.e., stroke). first step in oxygenation, external respiration
Diffuse or generalized tissue hypoxia is an or oxygen loading (see Fig. 6-2,A). The normal
overall deficit of O2 throughout the body tis- function and possible pathologic changes that
sue (e.g., severe hypoxemia, low cardiac out- can occur to disrupt external respiration will
put such as in the patient with congestive heart be explored.
failure). It is of primary concern in critical care Three criteria must be met to ensure adequate
medicine to prevent diffuse hypoxia with its O2 loading via external respiration (Fig. 6-3).
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 139
First, an ample supply of O2 must reach the the ventilation-perfusion match. O2 loading
alveoli, which depends mainly on the ade- and CO2 excretion (i.e., external respiration)
quacy of ventilation. Ventilation is the gross can occur only in the pulmonary areas where
movement of air into and out of the lungs. a blood-air interface exists.
Second, the fresh O2 in the alveoli must be To understand the normal ventilation-
exposed to pulmonary capillary blood. This perfusion match and all the changes that can
process is often referred to as the ventilation- occur, one must understand the mechanisms
perfusion match. Finally, the ventilation- that regulate the distribution of ventilation and
perfusion interface must exist for a sufficient perfusion in the lungs. The normal distribution
time to allow for complete diffusion and of ventilation and perfusion is reviewed first
equilibration of O2. and is followed by a study of the factors
that can disrupt the normal pattern of ventila-
Ventilation tion or perfusion. Finally, the specifics of the
The total volume of oxygen that enters the ventilation-perfusion match throughout the
alveoli each minute while breathing room air lungs in health and disease are explored.
depends on the volume of alveolar ventilation.
The minute-to-minute regulation of alveolar Normal Distribution of Pulmonary Perfusion
ventilation, in turn, is controlled by the PaCO2. Gravity Dependence
Under normal circumstances, the body will The volume of blood flow is not uniform
assume sufficient ventilation to keep the PaCO2 throughout all lung segments. Rather, perfusion
in the normal range of 35 to 45 mm Hg. A is preferentially distributed to gravity-dependent
problem with ventilation is immediately recog- lung regions. Thus, in a man or woman placed
nizable because the PaCO2 will be elevated. in an upright position, the lung bases receive
the largest proportion of the cardiac output,
Ventilation-Perfusion Matching whereas the lung apices receive the least propor-
Consider for a moment a situation where the tion. When lying supine (on the back), most
volume of lung ventilation is normal, but the blood goes to the posterior lung surface while
entire volume enters the left lung. Combine this the anterior (front) surface is minimally perfused
finding with a normal volume of pulmonary (Fig. 6-4).
perfusion, but it all goes to the right lung.
Obviously, despite a normal volume of venti- Wests Zone Model
lation and perfusion, there would be no O2 West has described a three-zone conceptual
loading. model of pulmonary perfusion in which the
Although this situation is unrealistic clini- general regulation and characteristics of per-
cally, it serves to emphasize the importance of fusion are different in each zone155 (Fig. 6-5).
Zone 1
PA > Pa > Pv
Zone 3
Pa > Pv > PA
Blood flow
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 141
volume Inspiratory
(IRV) capacity
Vital (IC)
Tidal Increasing
Total volume tidal
lung (TV) volume
capacity Resting expiratory level
(TLC) Expiratory
volume Functional
(ERV) residual
capacity (FRC)
Residual Residual volume level
Figure 6-8. Lung volumes and capacities. The maximum volume of gas the lung can hold is called the
total lung capacity (TLC). The gas normally resident in the lungs between breaths is called the functional
residual capacity (FRC). The FRC consists of the residual volume (RV) and the expiratory reserve volume
(ERV). The RV cannot be exhaled even with maximal exhalation. The inspiratory capacity (IC) consists of
the inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) and the tidal volume (TV). The vital capacity (VC) is the maximum
volume that can be exhaled after a maximal inhalation.
the distending force. Conversely, a negative Figure 6-10 shows the transpulmonary
transpulmonary pressure is a net compressive pressure across the alveoli in the lung apex
force and may lead to alveolar or small airway compared with the transpulmonary pressure
collapse. The net effect of any transpulmonary across the alveoli in the lung base at normal
force depends on the actual numeric value and resting lung volume.
the forces opposing it (e.g., elastic recoil, airway
structural support). Normal Distribution of Tidal Volume
As additional air is added to the lung beyond
FRC (i.e., tidal volume [VT]), it will preferen-
tially ventilate the lung bases. At normal FRC,
compliance of basilar alveoli is greater than
compliance of apical alveoli, which are more
distended. Thus, most of the gas inhaled dur-
ing normal breathing actually ventilates the
bases (see Fig. 6-9,B). In addition, the lower
intercostal muscles and the diaphragm are dis-
placed more than the upper part of the chest
during normal inspiration, which may further
facilitate basilar expansion.156
The actual distribution of tidal ventilation
in the upright lung is shown in Figure 6-11.
A. At FRC B. Normal distribution Clearly, ventilation is greatest in the lung
of tidal volume bases. On the other hand, if one inhales more
Figure 6-9. Normal distribution of ventilation. deeply than usual (large VT), and particu-
A, The volume of gas resident in the lungs at FRC larly when inspiratory hold is used, VT is dis-
is greatest in the apices. B, Most of the tidal volume tributed more evenly throughout the entire
at FRC is distributed to the bases in healthy people. lungs.156
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 143
Transpulmonary Intrapleural
pressure pressure Alveolar pressure PL = PAlv Ppl
+10 10 PL = 0 (10)
PL = +10
+5 5 PL = 0 (5)
PL = +5
PL = 0 (2)
+2 2
PL = +2
Figure 6-10. Variable transpulmonary pressure in the lung. Transpulmonary pressure is higher in the least
gravity-dependent portions of the lung because intrapleural pressure is lower. Thus, at resting lung volume,
alveoli are progressively larger as one moves up the lung.
Most normal VT ventilation is distributed to
100 the gravity-dependent areas of the lungs, and
the distribution decreases linearly as one
80 moves up the lung. When VT is very large or
Ventilation / unit volume
Zone 2
Zone 1 Zone 1
Zone Zone
2 2
changes in pulmonary perfusion. Compensatory the entire lung (see Fig. 6-12,B). The volume of
disturbances are changes in the pattern of pul- blood present in the lungs may be increased
monary perfusion in response to a change in because a greater amount is pumped to the
pulmonary ventilation. Compensatory changes lungs from the right side of the heart (e.g.,
attempt to improve or to restore ventilation- increased cardiac output). Alternatively, pul-
perfusion matching. monary blood volume may be increased due
to backpressure from poor left-sided heart
Primary Disturbances function (e.g., mitral stenosis, left-sided heart
Primary disturbances of perfusion may be local- failure) and pooling of blood in the lungs.
ized or generalized. Serious local primary dis-
turbances may be caused by pulmonary emboli Generalized Decrease in Pulmonary Perfusion
or vascular tumors that affect the pattern of per- Conversely, a generalized decrease in pul-
fusion. Drugs such as isoproterenol, nitroglyc- monary perfusion results if the cardiac output
erin, or propranolol may also alter the pattern decreases due to inadequate blood volume or
of perfusion and may affect the PaO2.157,158 heart (pump) failure. A decrease in the quan-
Most commonly, however, primary distur- tity of pulmonary perfusion causes the upper
bances are the result of a generalized increase or margins of the lung zones to move downward
decrease in pulmonary perfusion. (see Fig. 6-12,C), which, in turn, may precipi-
tate the development of a zone 1 area where
Generalized Increase in Pulmonary Perfusion ventilation is present without perfusion. It is
A generalized increase in pulmonary perfusion noteworthy that the application of positive
tends to move the borders of the perfusion pressure ventilation may be associated with a
zones upward and has an overall tendency to similar shifting of the pulmonary perfusion
distribute perfusion more equally throughout zones downward.
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 145
Bronchospasm/ Atelectasis in
secretions in bases and
the lower airway decreased FRC
Mechanical Airway
ventilation closure
anatomic location of these regions varies with under anesthesia,164 pain, obesity, smoking,
body position. and prolonged bedrest.165 Simple assumption
As exhalation continues beyond the point of of the supine position may in itself decrease
airway closure, gas is expired only from non- FRC (300 to 800 mL).165 Thus, in individuals
dependent lung regions. Presumably, this is prone to airway closure or in those with
because small airways in dependent lung diminished FRC, the clinician should strongly
regions are collapsed. Furthermore, the distri- suspect this gas exchange problem. In healthy
bution of ventilation of the following breath is individuals older than 65 years of age, airway
abnormal because gas is unable to enter col- closure during tidal ventilation is likely to
lapsed regions or regions that are unable to occur.165 Furthermore, the decrease in FRC
empty normally. associated with the supine position would
The mechanism for this airway closure is allow this to happen at 44 years of age in
related to the positive intrapleural pressure healthy people.165
generated during forced expiration. Positive Compensatory Disturbances. Compensatory
intrapleural pressure tends to decrease trans- disturbances in the distribution of ventilation
pulmonary pressure and creates a compressive are in response to some primary change in the
effect on the airway. Airways that are not well distribution of perfusion. In general, the body
supported with cartilage, and diseased small attempts to match ventilation to perfusion in
airways in particular, eventually collapse. given lung segments.
Collapse occurs first in dependent lung zones The compensatory change in the distribution
because this region is subjected to the lowest of ventilation is mediated primarily through
transpulmonary pressure. local changes in airway resistance. In the
Regional airway collapse during forced absence of perfusion to a particular lung seg-
expiration was the basis for the closing volume ment, local airway resistance increases and ven-
study, a pulmonary diagnostic test that gained tilation to that region is reduced. The decrease
popularity in the 1970s for its purported in the alveolar CO2 partial pressure (PACO2)
ability to detect lung disease at a very early that accompanies a decrease in perfusion
stage.161 It was speculated that individual appears to be the chemical mechanism responsi-
knowledge of the presence of early lung disease ble for constriction of muscle in the airways
(i.e., premature airway closure) would serve as (see Fig. 6-13,B).155 In addition, decreased sur-
a deterrent to smoking. However, no data are factant production secondary to poor pulmonary
available to substantiate this claim. perfusion may also contribute to decreased
In healthy young individuals, airway clo- regional ventilation.
sure does not occur until very near residual
volume (RV) and in some is not seen at all. RV Ventilation-Perfusion Match
is, of course, the volume of gas remaining in The volume of blood ejected by the heart each
the lungs after maximal expiration. In certain minute is called the cardiac minute output (Q ).
individuals (e.g., the elderly, children, obese, With very minor exceptions, all of this blood
and smokers) and particularly in the presence passes through the pulmonary capillaries
of certain predisposing factors (e.g., reduced and has the opportunity to participate in gas
bronchial muscle tone, small airway disease, exchange via external respiration. On the ven-
pulmonary edema, decreased elastic recoil in tilation side, the volume of fresh gas reaching
lungs, forced expiration), airway closure occurs the alveoli each minute is called the alveolar
at much higher lung volume.161163 In fact, minute ventilation (V A).
basal airway closure above FRC is common in The volume of blood perfusing the lungs
patients with pulmonary emphysema.155 each minute (4 to 5 L) is approximately equiva-
Of clinical concern, airway closure may lent to the amount of fresh gas reaching the
occur in susceptible individuals during normal alveoli each minute (4 to 5 L). In a gas exchange
tidal ventilation, particularly when the FRC is system that perfectly matched ventilation with
reduced. The FRC, in turn, has been reported perfusion, one would expect the volume of
as decreased in the following: supine position, blood perfusing a given alveolar-capillary (AC)
148 Unit III Basic Physiology
. .
V/Q PO2 PCO2 ventilation-perfusion relationship is likewise
3.3 132 28 An ideal ventilation-perfusion unit and the
two utmost extremes are shown in Figure 6-18.
Alveolar ventilation in the absence of perfusion
(ventilation-perfusion ratio = infinity) is true
1.0 108 39
alveolar deadspace. Conversely, perfusion in the
absence of ventilation (ventilation-perfusion
ratio = 0) is called true capillary shunting. The
0.63 89 42 concepts of pulmonary deadspace and shunting
are explored in the following section. All the var-
Figure 6-17. Regional gas exchange in the ious components that comprise total deadspace
normal lung. and total shunting are shown in Figure 6-19.
10 0 Absolute deadspace
10 1 10 Relative deadspace
3 1 3 Relative deadspace
1 1 1 Ideal unit
0.5 1 0.5 Relative shunt
0.1 1 0.1 Relative shunt
0 10 0 Absolute shunt
0 0 0 Silent unit
150 Unit III Basic Physiology
Ideal match
V/Q = 1
V/Q = O V/Q =
True capillary shunting True alveolar deadspace
O2 does not enter blood Wasted ventilation
Figure 6-18. The extremes of V/Q mismatch. In true capillary shunting (V/Q
= 0), blood does not pick
up O2 as it passes through the lungs and therefore remains at the mixed venous PO2 level. In true alveolar
deadspace (V/Q = infinity), ventilation is wasted.
Anatomic Capillary Relative Ideal Relative Alveolar Anatomic
shunt shunt shunt deadspace deadspace deadspace
Clinical Assessment. In many clinical situa- Table 6-2. COMMON CAUSES OF INCREASED
tions, measurement of the VD/VT is not practi- DEADSPACE
cal. The fact that an increase in total ventilation Anatomic: Rapid, shallow breathing
is required to maintain adequate alveolar venti- Alveolar
lation in the presence of increased physiologic True: Pulmonary emboli
deadspace, however, may provide useful diag- Decreased cardiac output
nostic information. When ventilation is exces- Relative: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
sive while the PaCO2 remains remarkably high Positive-pressure ventilation
or normal, increased physiologic deadspace
should be suspected.
In normal humans, a total expired venti-
lation (VE) of approximately 5 L/min results Table 6-2 lists the common causes of increased
in a PaCO2 of approximately 40 mm Hg. deadspace.
Doubling the minute ventilation to approxi-
mately 10 L/minute lowers PaCO2 to approxi- Shunting
mately 30 mm Hg. Quadrupling ventilation In the cardiopulmonary system, pulmonary
(i.e., 20 L/minute) lowers PaCO2 to almost shunting is the phrase used to describe blood
20 mm Hg. that passes through the lungs without parti-
If a patients measured VE was 10 L/minute cipating in external respiration. Shunted blood
and measured PaCO2 was 45 mm Hg, increased enters and leaves the lungs with identical blood
deadspace may be present. With this volume of gases because it does not have the opportu-
ventilation, PaCO2 should be approximately nity for gas exchange. This blood behaves as
30 mm Hg. The high PaCO2 may be evidence though it was diverted (shunted) around the
of greater than normal wasted ventilation (i.e., lungs rather than passed through the lungs.
increased deadspace component). Alternatively, There are two general mechanisms by
this situation could reflect an increased CO2 which shunting may occur. First, it occurs if
production. blood on its way to the lungs bypasses the
When available, another good index of pulmonary capillaries and returns to the
physiologic deadspace is the difference heart through some other vessel (anatomic
between the PaCO2 and the end-tidal partial shunting). Alternatively, shunting occurs when
pressure of CO2. The end-tidal partial pressure blood passes through an AC lung unit that
of CO2 (PetCO2) may be measured via cap- does not contain fresh alveolar ventilation
nometry, which is described later. The arterial (capillary shunting). Perhaps the alveolus in
end-tidal PCO2 difference [P(a et)CO2] is nor- this unit is collapsed or filled with fluid and
mally only 2 to 3 mm Hg. A high P(a et)CO2 is, therefore, not functional. Capillary shunt-
is evidence of increased physiologic deadspace. ing may be further subdivided into true and
relative capillary shunting.
Deadspace Disorders
An increase in deadspace (wasted ventilation) True Capillary Shunting
results in an increased work of breathing and As described previously, a true or absolute
the clinical cause should be identified. As capillary shunt is an AC unit in which there is
described previously, anatomic deadspace no alveolar ventilation (see Fig. 6-19,B). The
becomes a significant factor in rapid, shallow V/Q
of a true capillary shunt unit is 0. True
breathing. capillary shunting is virtually absent in the
True alveolar deadspace is typically the normal human.
result of a pulmonary embolus or decreased Pulmonary edema (e.g., left heart failure
pulmonary perfusion (e.g., decreased cardiac [Fig. 6-20] or acute respiratory distress syn-
output). Finally, relative alveolar deadspace is drome) may result in true capillary shunting by
increased when the distribution of ventilation is causing alveoli to fill with fluid. Pneumonia
abnormal such as in chronic obstructive pul- may cause a similar phenomenon with infec-
monary disease or positive-pressure ventilation. tious liquid filling alveoli. The collapse of alveoli
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 153
Alveolus Air
CO2 O2 Normal
Fluid Capillary
Pulmonary capillary
hydrostatic pressure
Driving Pressure. The speed of diffusion of equilibration because the speed of equi-
also varies directly with the driving pressure of libration varies directly with this value.
a gas across the AC membrane. The driving Administration of supplemental O2 increases
pressure across the AC membrane for a given the driving pressure and the speed of diffusion.
gas is equal to the difference between its par-
tial pressure in the alveolus and its partial pres- Complete Equilibration
sure in the mixed venous blood entering the From a clinical standpoint, the complete equi-
capillary. As shown in Figure 6-23, the driving libration of CO2 between the alveoli and blood
pressure for O2 is approximately 63 mm Hg is never a problem because of the high solubil-
(PAO2 Pv O2) whereas the driving pressure ity coefficient of CO2. Similarly, complete
for CO2 is only 6 mm Hg (Pv CO2 PACO2). equilibration of O2 should not be a problem
The calculation of driving pressure in this under ordinary circumstances. In healthy peo-
example represents the ideal driving pressure ple, O2 equilibration across the AC unit takes
as blood enters the AC unit. Actually, the driv- approximately 0.25 seconds.155,166 Thus, O2
ing pressure must decrease progressively as equilibration occurs during the first one third of
blood travels through the capillary until theo- pulmonary capillary transit time (0.75 seconds),
retically it is equal to zero. Nevertheless, as shown in Figure 6-23. This provides for
calculation of the initial driving pressure is a large amount of reserve time for equilibra-
a reasonable method to evaluate the speed tion in normal resting humans.
Artery Capillary Vein
80 Blood
mm Hg
.00 .25 .50 .75
Transit time in capillary Figure 6-23. O2 diffusion
across the AC membrane. The
PO2 in the capillary normally
equilibrates with the alveolar
PO2 within one third of
pulmonary capillary transit time
at rest.
PO2 = 40 Alveolar
PO2 = 103 PO2 = 100
PCO2 = 46 mm Hg PCO2 = 40 PCO2 = 40
Artery Vein
O2 CO2
158 Unit III Basic Physiology
Clinical Considerations
Diminished pulmonary capillary transit time
leading to incomplete equilibration is largely
responsible for the hypoxemia and shortness
of breath seen on exertion in patients with
Capillary pulmonary fibrosis. When hypoxemia is present
in these patients at rest, the mechanism is most
likely increased physiologic shunting rather than
incomplete equilibration.155
Figure 6-24. O2 diffusion barriers in external The presence of a thickened AC mem-
respiration. The barriers to AC diffusion as seen brane is sometimes referred to as an AC block
via electron microscopy in the rat lung. or a diffusion defect; however, use of these
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 159
1. The system responsible for cellular oxygenation in the human is the (respiratory/
cardiovascular/cardiopulmonary) system.
2. Define external respiration.
3. Define O2 transport.
4. Define internal respiration.
5. The assessment of O2 transport is (qualitative/quantitative) in nature.
6. List the three phases in oxygenation using blood as the reference point.
7. The heart is (less/more) effective in compensating for respiratory oxygenation problems
than the lungs in compensating for cardiovascular oxygenation problems.
8. The body increases the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood in
response to diminished O2 loading. The result of this response is called ______.
9. Hypoxemia is a (blood/tissue) condition.
10. The utmost goal in the management of oxygenation status is the prevention of
11. Hypoxemia (may be/is never) present in the absence of hypoxia.
12. Hypoxia (may be/is never) present in the absence of hypoxemia.
160 Unit III Basic Physiology
1. State the three criteria that must be met to ensure adequate O2 loading.
2. The minute-to-minute control of ventilation in normal humans is mediated via the
3. Normal ventilation ensures an adequate supply of O2 to the alveoli unless the FIO2 or the
______ of the inspired gas is low.
4. A significant direct stimulation of ventilation in response to hypoxemia occurs only when
PaO2 is less than approximately ______ mm Hg.
5. Most pulmonary perfusion is normally distributed to the (most/least) gravity-dependent
lung regions.
6. Pulmonary perfusion in zone 1 of Wests model is (vast/minimal/absent).
7. A pulmonary perfusion zone 1 (is/is not) present in normal healthy humans.
8. The upper lung zones in healthy upright people function as a pulmonary perfusion zone
9. Most pulmonary perfusion occurs in zone ______.
10. Hypotension may lead to the development of a pulmonary perfusion zone ______.
1. The distribution of ventilation in the lung depends on regional differences in ______ and
2. At residual volume, most gas entering the lung would go to the (apices/bases).
3. The intrapleural pressure in the apices is (more/less) negative than it is in the bases of an
upright individual.
4. Calculate the transpulmonary pressure given an intrapulmonary pressure of 2 cm H2O and
an intrapleural pressure of 8 cm H2O.
5. At resting FRC, the apical alveoli are (larger/smaller) than the basal alveoli.
6. A negative PL is a net (compressive/distending) force on the lungs.
7. Transpulmonary pressure is (higher/lower) in the lung apices of an upright individual than in
the bases.
8. Most gas inhaled during normal breathing from normal FRC enters the (apices/bases).
9. The amount of air moved in and out of the lungs during normal breathing is called the
10. Large tidal volumes tend to make the distribution of ventilation (more/less) even
throughout the lungs.
Chapter 6 Oxygenation and External Respiration 161
1. The volume of blood ejected by the heart each minute is called the ______.
2. The volume of fresh gas reaching the alveoli each minute is called the ______.
3. The ventilation-perfusion ratio of an ideal AC unit is approximately ______.
4. Although perfusion and ventilation are both greatest in the lung bases, perfusion is
relatively (less/more) than ventilation in this region.
5. The average ventilation-perfusion ratio in the lung is approximately (0.8/0.4).
6. The ventilation-perfusion ratios in the apex of the normal erect lung are about (10/3).
7. The V/Q in the base of the normal erect lung are approximately (0.6/0.2).
8. The PaO2 of blood leaving the lung apices is approximately (100/130) mm Hg.
9. A V/Q of zero is associated with a unit called a ______.
10. A V/Q of infinity is associated with a unit called a ______ unit.
14. A minute ventilation of 10 L/min in healthy people should result in a PaCO2 of approximately
(20/30) mm Hg.
15. A minute ventilation of 15 L/min and a PaCO2 of 40 mm Hg suggests (normal
deadspace/increased physiologic deadspace).
16. A PaCO2 of 25 mm Hg and a minute ventilation of 15 L/minute suggests (normal
deadspace/increased physiologic deadspace).
17. The difference in partial pressures between end-tidal and arterial (O2/CO2) is a good index
of physiologic deadspace.
1. State the two major concerns regarding the adequacy of diffusion in the lung.
2. The time that it takes blood to pass the alveolus during which the AC interface is maintained
is called the ______ time.
3. Pulmonary capillary transit time in a normal resting human is ______ seconds.
4. Normal O2 equilibration time with a normal AC membrane is ______ seconds.
5. In a gaseous phase, (larger/smaller) molecules diffuse faster.
6. CO2 diffuses 20 times (faster/slower) than O2 across the liquid AC membrane.
7. What law states that diffusion of a gas through a liquid is directly proportional to its
solubility coefficient and inversely proportional to the square root of its density?
8. Normal AC membrane thickness is approximately ______ m.
9. A decreased O2 driving pressure or a thickened AC membrane may result in hypoxemia if
pulmonary capillary transit time were (increased/decreased) as occurs during exercise.
10. The normal alveolar surface area is approximately ______ m2.
164 Unit III Basic Physiology
NBRC Challenge 6
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
Oxygen transport
a proper type and quality of hemoglobin are also necessary for optimal loading and unloading of O2, and
the heart and vessels are necessary to deliver the proper amount of oxygenated blood to all tissues in
proportion to their need.
Julius H. Comroe81
Introduction, 165 Quantitative Oxygen Transport, 179
Blood Oxygen Compartments, 165 Dissolved Oxygen Transport, 179
Dissolved Oxygen, 165 Combined Oxygen Transport, 180
Solubility Coefficients, 165 Total Oxygen Transport, 180
Linear PO2Dissolved Oxygen Hemoglobin Abnormalities, 181
Relationship, 167 Carboxyhemoglobin, 181
Significance of the PaO2, 167 Hemoglobin Variants, 182
Combined Oxygen, 167 Fetal Hemoglobin, 183
Hemoglobin, 167 Methemoglobin, 183
Saturation, 170 Hemoglobin S, 184
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Internal Respiration, 186
Curve, 170 Cellular Oxygen Supply, 186
Oxygen Content, 176 Distance from Capillary, 187
Arterial Oxygen Content, 176 Arteriolar Constriction/Dilation, 187
Mixed Venous Oxygen Content, 176 Cellular Oxygen Utilization, 188
Arteriovenous Oxygen Content Variable Oxygen Extraction, 188
Difference, 178 Biochemical Respiration, 188
Cyanosis, 178 Exercises, 190
166 Unit III Basic Physiology
Figure 7-1. Steps in oxygen delivery. The three steps or phases in oxygen delivery to the tissues include:
oxygen loading into the blood or external respiration (A), oxygen transport or delivery to the tissues (B),
and oxygen unloading from the blood and utilization by the tissues or internal respiration (C).
partial pressure. The unit vol% is usually used a liquid and the partial pressure of a gas dis-
instead of the more cumbersome milliliters solved in a liquid. The volume is the critical
of gas per 100 mL of blood. Thus, 2 vol% of component regarding quantitative oxygen
oxygen in the blood is equivalent to 2 mL delivery to the cells. Nevertheless, partial pres-
of oxygen in 100 mL of blood. sure is not without important physiologic sig-
The solubility coefficient of a gas in a par- nificance in its own right. The partial pressure
ticular fluid also depends on temperature. As a of oxygen controls the driving pressure for dif-
rule, gases become less soluble as temperature fusion of oxygen throughout the body and to
increases, which is the reason why small bub- the cells and for the combination of oxygen
bles can be observed escaping water as it is with hemoglobin.
being heated but before it comes to a boil.
Solubility coefficients expressed for clinical Combined Oxygen
practice are generally expressed at body tem- Hemoglobin
perature, ambient pressure, saturated (BTPS). The volume of dissolved oxygen is clearly inad-
equate to meet the bodys metabolic needs. We
Linear PO2Dissolved Oxygen Relationship are fortunate, however, because we have a sub-
There is a linear relationship between arterial stance present in our blood that loosely binds
PO2 and the volume of oxygen dissolved in with oxygen in sufficient quantities to meet the
arterial blood. If 0.003 vol% is present when the bodys needs while at the same time it easily
PO2 is 1 mm Hg, 0.006 vol% is present when releases this oxygen to the tissues. This unique
the PO2 is 2 mm Hg (0.003 vol% 2). It follows substance is called hemoglobin (Hb). Even more
then that 0.3 vol% of oxygen is present when remarkable, this same miracle molecule can
PO2 is 100 mm Hg. The direct, linear relation- also carry carbon dioxide and protect the pH
ship between PO2 and the volume of oxygen dis- through buffering. Oxygen present in the blood
solved in the blood persists as PO2 increases still in combination with hemoglobin is called
further to very high levels (Fig. 7-3). combined oxygen or oxyhemoglobin.
Chemically, normal adult hemoglobin
Significance of the PaO2 (HbA) is made up of a heme group and a pro-
The previous discussion described the relation- tein group (globin). The Hb molecule is very
ship between the volume of gas dissolved in large and has a molecular weight of 64,500.
Dissolved O2 content in mL/100 mL bood
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
PO2 (mm Hg)
Figure 7-3. PO2dissolved oxygen content. There is a direct, linear relationship between PO2 and the vol-
ume of oxygen dissolved in the blood.
168 Unit III Basic Physiology
Globin alone consists of four chains of amino the site of this iron. Oxygen and iron form a
acids: two alpha chains, each made up of 141 loose bond in this reversible reaction because
amino acids; and two beta chains, each com- iron remains in the ferrous (Fe2+) state. Because
prised of 146 amino acids. These long rows of there are four iron sites, each Hb
amino acids are called polypeptide chains. The molecule can carry four oxygen molecules (see
four independent polypeptide chains are Fig. 7-4,C and D). A further simplified schematic
shown schematically in Figure 7-4,B, and also of normal HbA is shown in Figure 7-5.
their integration into globin (see Fig. 7-4,A). Hb resides in red blood cells (erythrocytes)
A heme group is combined with each one of where it accounts for approximately one third
these amino acid chains. Each heme group, in of the intracellular space. This pigment (i.e., Hb)
turn, is made up of a porphyrin and iron (Fe). is also responsible for giving blood its charac-
Oxygen actually combines with hemoglobin at teristic red color. It is in tremendous supply in
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
Globin Hemoglobin
2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1
Figure 7-4. Schematic drawings of globin and hemoglobin. A and B, Globin is made up of four
polypeptide chains (two alpha chains and two beta chains). C and D, Each of the four polypeptide chains
is combined with a heme group. Oxygen combines with hemoglobin at the Fe site of each heme group.
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 169
Pulmonary artery-
from heart
Heme CO2
group Alveolus
O2 O2
Figure 7-5. Schematic of normal human
hemoglobin A.
To heart
the body, and one erythrocyte contains as many vein
as 280 million molecules.10 The normal con- Venous capillary
centration of hemoglobin [Hb] is 15 g/100 mL Figure 7-6. Erythrocytes passing through
blood in men and 13 to 14 g/100 mL blood in capillaries single-file.
The erythrocytes are biconcave discs
approximately 7 m in diameter. Technically,
they are corpuscles rather than cells because In the adult, erythrocytes are produced pri-
they extrude their nuclei just before they marily in the bone marrow under the control
mature. Remarkably, the size and flexibility of of the hormone erythropoietin. Erythropoietin
erythrocytes allow them to pass through the is secreted primarily in the kidney; however,
pulmonary capillaries in single file. Figure 7-6 small quantities are also produced in the
shows erythrocytes passing through a capillary liver.222 The secretion of erythropoietin may
single file. Due to their flexibility, as they pass increase 100-fold or more in the presence of
through, they actually assume a parachute-like anemia.223
shape (Fig. 7-7). Molecular biologists have been able to syn-
Approximately 2 to 10 million erythrocytes thesize erythropoietin; recombinant human
are produced each second, and the life span of erythropoietin (Epoetin) became available in
an erythrocyte is nearly 120 days. The normal 1985.223 Recombinant human erythropoietin
count is approximately 5.4 million cells/mm3 has been shown to be effective in the treatment
in men and 4.7 million cells/mm3 of blood in of anemia secondary to renal (kidney) failure.222
women. A decrease in either the erythrocyte Moreover, synthetic erythropoietin has also
count or the [Hb] is called anemia. shown promise in the treatment of sickle cell
disease, anemia of prematurity, and even as a oxygen (PO2) in the blood. There is a direct, but
substitute for transfusion.224226 Its effectiveness not linear, relationship between PaO2 and SaO2.
has even caused concern related to its potential If one were to expose 100 molecules of hemo-
abuse to enhance athletic performance.227 globin in blood to progressive increases in PO2
and to plot the SO2 at each PO2, a curve similar
Saturation to that shown in Figure 7-9 would result. This
As stated earlier, each hemoglobin molecule is S-shaped curve has tremendous physiologic
capable of combining with four oxygen mole- significance and is known as the oxyhemoglobin
cules. The affinity of hemoglobin for additional dissociation curve.
oxygen molecules is increased after combina- At low PO2 values (i.e., <60 mm Hg), small
tion with each single oxygen molecule.81 Thus, increases in PO2 would result in relatively large
hemoglobin tends to combine with either four increases in SO2. For example, 50% of the
oxygen molecules or none (i.e., it is either hemoglobin molecules would be oxygenated at
carrying oxygen or it is not). Thus, we can a PO2 of only 26 mm Hg (Fig. 7-10). As PO2 is
think of hemoglobin as being either saturated elevated to 40 mm Hg, saturation increases sub-
(oxygenated) or desaturated (unoxygenated). stantially to approximately 75%. Furthermore,
Oxygenated hemoglobin is called oxyhemoglo- this general trend continues as PO2 increases to
bin. Unoxygenated hemoglobin is called deoxy- 60 mm Hg where the corresponding saturation
hemoglobin or reduced hemoglobin, although is 90%. Beyond a PO2 of 60 mm Hg, however,
the latter term is chemically incorrect.10,81 saturation increases very slowly
The percentage of hemoglobin that is carry- and does not reach 100% until approximately
ing oxygen in arterial blood is called oxygen 250 mm Hg.81
saturation of arterial blood (SaO2) or simply sat- The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve closely
uration (Fig. 7-8). Saturation is a measure of approximates two straight lines (Fig. 7-11); a
oxygen in the combined state. One must remem- rather steep line from PO2, 0 to 60 mm Hg,
ber, however, that this is only a percentage of and a straight flat line above 60 mm Hg. The
available hemoglobin and is in no way a meas- critical difference between the two portions is
ure of the actual quantity of hemoglobin present. that on the steep lower portion of the curve, a
small change in PO2 is associated with a large
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve change in oxygen saturation. Conversely, on
The percentage of hemoglobin that actually the flat upper portion, a large change in PO2 is
carries oxygen depends on several factors, but associated with only a small change in SO2.
most importantly on the partial pressure of The effect of PO2 on saturation may be more
Comparative saturations
100% Oxygen saturation
Sites filled
Saturation =
Total sites available
Figure 7-8. Comparative saturations. Saturation is equal to the percentage of hemoglobin that is carrying
oxygen. Hemoglobin can be carrying either four molecules of oxygen (oxygenated) or none (deoxygenated).
SO2 (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PO2 (mm Hg)
80 B
SO2 (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PO2 (mm Hg)
Figure 7-10. Key landmarks on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. A, In the normal oxyhemoglobin
curve, the hemoglobin is 50% saturated at a PO2 of approximately 26 mm Hg. The PO2 necessary to obtain
50% saturation is called the P50. B, The normal PO2 of mixed venous blood is 40 mm Hg. Therefore, the
normal saturation of mixed venous blood is 75%. C, A critical point to remember in clinical practice is that
at a PO2 of 60 mm Hg, saturation is still 90%. Saturation falls quickly when PO2 falls below 60 mm Hg.
90 Figure 7-11. The oxyhemoglobin
80 curve as two straight lines. The oxy-
70 hemoglobin curve has two distinct
60 portions: a steep lower portion and a
SO2 (%)
SO2 (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PO2 (mm Hg)
Figure 7-12. Oxyhemoglobin curve as a bar graph. The bar graph shows the large changes in saturation
that accompany PO2 changes on the steep lower portion of the curve. On the upper flat portion of the curve,
large changes in PO2 only slightly change saturation because it is almost 100%.
readily visualized when saturation is plotted as approximately 35% to 90% (total of 55%).
a bar graph, as shown in Figure 7-12. Thus, on the steep lower portion of the curve
This concept can be further illustrated if we there is a large change (55%) in saturation for
compare the effect on saturation of an identical a relatively small change (40 mm Hg) in PO2.
PO2 change on the two portions of the curve Conversely, when PO2 increases 40 mm Hg
(Fig. 7-13). When PO2 increases 40 mm Hg from 60 to 100 mm Hg, saturation increases
from 20 to 60 mm Hg, saturation increases from from 90% to 97% (total 7%). Thus, on the flat
SO2 (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PO2 (mm Hg)
Figure 7-13. Significance of PO2 changes on different portions of the curve. Saturation increases 55%
as PO2 increases by 40 mm Hg on the steep portion of the curve, whereas saturation increases by only
7% when PO2 increases by 40 mm Hg on the flat portion of the curve.
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 173
upper portion of the curve there is a small portion of the curve. The amount of oxygen in
change (7%) in saturation for a relatively large the combined state remains relatively constant.
change (40 mm Hg) in PO2. Obviously, this A diagnostic advantage of the association por-
same principle holds true when PO2 decreases tion of the curve is that early pulmonary disease
on the respective portions of the curve. can be detected by a decrease in PaO2, and
Comprehending this critical difference is the this can be accomplished before SaO2 decreases
essence of understanding the physiologic appreciably.
implications of this curve. Dissociation Portion. The end of oxygen
unloading from the blood to the tissues occurs
Association/Dissociation Portions on the dissociation (steep) portion of the curve.
The association (i.e., combination) of oxygen Because, on this portion, a small change in PO2
with hemoglobin occurs in the lungs as the PO2 greatly affects saturation, a large amount of
increases from 40 mm Hg in mixed venous additional oxygen can be supplied to the tissues
blood to approximately 100 mm Hg. Because by allowing venous PO2 to fall to levels just
the end of oxygen loading into the blood occurs slightly below normal. For example, a large
on the flat, upper portion of the curve, it is amount of oxygen would move from the blood
sometimes referred to as the association por- to the tissues as venous PO2 decreased from 40
tion of the curve. Conversely, the steep lower to 30 mm Hg. Thus, a mechanism exists to eas-
portion of the curve is sometimes referred to as ily deliver additional oxygen to the cells if
the dissociation portion of the curve because the metabolism increases or if supply of oxygen
end of oxygen unloading occurs on this portion is compromised, such as during a decline in
as PaO2 decreases from 100 to 40 mm Hg in the cardiac output.
systemic capillaries (see Fig. 7-11). The associa- Comprehension of this portion of the oxy-
tion part of the curve is important in the lungs, hemoglobin dissociation curve is also essential
whereas the dissociation part of the curve is for understanding the value and goal of low per-
important in the tissues. centages of oxygen therapy in chronic obstruc-
Association Portion. Normal adult PaO2 is tive pulmonary disease (COPD). Because most
approximately 100 mm Hg. Normal SaO2 is patients with COPD and acute pulmonary prob-
approximately 97% to 98%. At normal PaO2 lems have PaO2 values on the steep portion of
while breathing room air, hemoglobin is almost the curve, any small increase in PaO2 greatly
100% saturated. This is generally considered to increases SaO2 values. Thus, the volume of oxy-
be a physiologic advantage because the ability gen combined with hemoglobin can be increased
of the hemoglobin to carry oxygen is maximized substantially with only a small increase in PaO2.
under ordinary conditions. Conversely, however, This is important in COPD patients to avoid the
the association portion of the curve could be adverse effects of PaO2 greater than 60 mm Hg
viewed as a physiologic disadvantage if the body on ventilation that may occur.
was trying to add additional amounts of oxygen
to the blood. Increasing the PO2 above normal Oxyhemoglobin Affinity/P50
does relatively little to add more oxygen to the P50. The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
blood because the hemoglobin is already maxi- is a graphic representation of how PO2 normally
mally saturated. affects the combination of oxygen with hemo-
It is likewise interesting that PO2 can decrease globin. The specific affinity of oxygen for
by 40 mm Hg below normal down to a PaO2 of hemoglobin can be quantitated by evaluating
60 mm Hg while SaO2 remains at 90%. This what partial pressure of oxygen is necessary
serves as an excellent defense mechanism in to achieve 50% saturation. This standardized
that the PaO2 may decrease substantially while index of Hb-O2 affinity that is measured at
the combination of oxygen with hemoglobin 37 C, PCO2 of 40 mm Hg, and a pH of 7.40
will be only slightly decreased. Thus, the is called the P50.184 Normal P50 is about
decrease in PaO2 observed at high altitude, or 26 mm Hg, approximately 27 mm Hg in women
during the aging process, does not significantly and 25 mm Hg in men.185 In other words,
decrease the SaO2 when one remains on the flat 26 mm Hg of oxygen pressure is normally
174 Unit III Basic Physiology
20 100
16 80
8 40
4 20
Tissue Arterial
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
PO2 (mm Hg)
Figure 7-15. Effects of shifts of curve on tissue oxygen delivery. A, The normal Hb-O2 curve and the
amount of oxygen released to the tissues from hemoglobin. B, A left shift tends to decrease tissue oxygen
release. C, A shift to the right tends to increase oxygen release to the tissues.
the release of oxygen to the tissues is enhanced. would increase P50 by 10 mm Hg (e.g., P50 = 36
This benefit may be negated, however, when mm Hg). DPG increases in various situations
PaO2 is less than 60 mm Hg. When hypoxemia and appears generally to be an adaptive mech-
is present, shifts of the curve to the right may anism in hypoxic insults. Several conditions
substantially decrease oxygen loading into that have been associated with high DPG lev-
the blood, and this factor may outweigh any els are shown in Box 7-3.
benefits in terms of oxygen unloading.186 DPG increases relatively quickly as a com-
pensatory mechanism. Measurable increases in
2,3-Diphosphoglycerate DPG may be seen within 60 minutes after stren-
Organic phosphates represent a chemical group uous exercise.189 The increase in DPG enhances
normally present in erythrocytes. These organic oxygen unloading and helps to offset deficien-
phosphates tend to bind with hemoglobin cies in the transport or loading of oxygen.
and thus reduce affinity of hemoglobin for oxy- Decreased 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate. Con-
gen.187,188 A decrease in Hb-O2 affinity will, versely, DPG concentrations may be less than
of course, shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation normal in several conditions such as those
curve to the right. Therefore, the large amounts shown in Box 7-4. Septic shock is a cardiovas-
of organic phosphates present within the ery- cular problem associated with bacterial infection
throcytes are generally considered to be bene- of the blood. Acidemia is a below-normal pH
ficial. The most important inorganic phosphate
is DPG, primarily because it is the most
Furthermore, changes in DPG tend to have Box 7-3 Conditions Associated
a sustained effect on Hb-O2 affinity whereas the with Increased DPG
shift of the curve to the right that accompanies Anemia
an increased hydrogen ion concentration, for Hyperthyroidism
example, lasts for only a few hours.185 Hypoxemia associated with COPD
Increased 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate. A twofold Congenital heart disease
increase in DPG, which could occur clini- Ascent to high altitude
Low output heart failure
cally, would greatly enhance oxygen unloading
Healthy subjects after strenuous exercise
to the tissues. A twofold increase in DPG
176 Unit III Basic Physiology
19.7 vol%
O2 O2 O2 O2
Hb O2 Hb
O2 O2
O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2
O2 O2 O2
O2 O2 O2
O2 O2
Hb O2 O2 O2 Hb
O2 O2 Hb Hb
O2 O2 O2 O2
.3 vol%
Volume of Volume of
dissolved combined
O2 (2%) O2 (98%)
Dissolved oxygen
Volume (mL) oxygen/100 mL blood
Combined oxygen
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
PO2 (mm Hg)
Figure 7-17. Oxygen content by compartment. The total oxygen content of the blood is primarily a result
of the degree of saturation of hemoglobin. Thus, this bar graph of oxygen content closely resembles the
oxyhemoglobin curve. There is, however, a small linear increase in dissolved oxygen content with increased
PO2. At normal PO2 of 100 mm Hg, 98% of oxygen is in the combined form.
178 Unit III Basic Physiology
As discussed in Chapter 3, peripheral venous reflected an increased cardiac output. For exam-
blood varies in its oxygen volume depending ple, a C(a v)O2 of 10 vol% suggests a low car-
on the specific tissue it is returning from. diac output, whereas a C(a v)O2 of 2.5 vol%
Mixed venous blood, however (available only suggests an increased cardiac output.
from a pulmonary artery catheter), is an aver- More recently, however, it has been shown
age of all venous blood and normally has a that oxygen consumption is not constant in
PvO2 of approximately 40 mm Hg and an SvO2 critically ill patients, even over short periods.
of 75% (see Fig. 7-10). The oxygen content of Therefore, the C(a v)O2 should not be consid-
mixed venous blood can thus be calculated by ered to be a reliable indicator of cardiac output.
adding dissolved oxygen and combined oxy- The C(a v )O2 divided by CaO2 is called the
gen, which is shown in Box 7-9. oxygen extraction ratio or the oxygen utiliza-
tion coefficient. The normal oxygen extraction
Arteriovenous Oxygen Content Difference ratio is 25% (5 vol% divided by 20 vol%). This
The difference in oxygen content between arterial index may be useful for monitoring and pre-
and mixed venous blood C(a v)O2 is approx- dicting outcome in critically ill patients.228
imately 5 vol% and is shown in Box 7-10.
Thus, for every 100 mL of blood that perfuses Cyanosis
the tissues, approximately 5 mL of oxygen is Cyanosis is a clinical condition in which a
normally released to the cells. The Fick equation patients skin, mucous membranes, or nailbeds
(Box 7-11) shows the . relationship between appear blue or gray. Blue discoloration of the
cardiac minute output (Q), arteriovenous oxy- skin is sometimes referred to as peripheral
gen content difference
. C(a v)O2, and oxygen cyanosis, whereas discoloration of the mucous
consumption (VO2). Given a normal cardiac membranes may be called central cyanosis.
output of approximately 5 L/min and an arte- Peripheral cyanosis is difficult to detect in
riovenous oxygen content difference of 5 vol%, dark-skinned individuals. Cyanosis has long
the total amount of oxygen delivered and been a clinical sign known to be frequently
consumed by the tissues is approximately associated with inadequate oxygenation status
250 mL/min. and hypoxia.
In some clinical situations, oxygen consump- The color observed is a result of the increased
tion is constant over short periods; thus mak- quantity of desaturated hemoglobin present in
ing cardiac output and the C(a v)O2 inversely many types of oxygenation disturbances. The
proportional. Indeed, C(a v )O2 was often percentage of desaturated hemoglobin is the dif-
used in the past as an indicator of cardiac out- ference between total hemoglobin (100%) and
put; high gradients indicated a decrease in car- oxygenated hemoglobin (SO2). For example,
diac output, whereas low gradients supposedly if SO2 is 90%, then the percentage of desatu-
rated hemoglobin (Hb %desat) is the remainder
or 10%.
Box 7-10 Normal C(a v- )O2 Cyanosis can usually be observed when the
average quantity of desaturated hemoglobin
CaO2 Cv-O2 = C(a v-)O2
in the capillaries is approximately 5 g/100 mL
20 vol% 15.2 vol% = 4.8 vol%
of blood. The unit usually used in place of
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 179
oxygen content, which depends on the PaO2 and tissues each minute regardless of the method
the solubility coefficient for oxygen in blood. in which it is carried. The formula for oxygen
An increase in either of these factors would transport is shown in Box 7-16. The phrase
directly enhance oxygen transport. Because PO2 oxygen delivery is synonymous with oxygen
and oxygen content are directly related, tissue transport.
oxygen demands could be met if PO2 was suf-
ficiently high. Unfortunately, PO2 would need
to be approximately 2000 mm Hg to meet
basal metabolic needs. Although a PaO2 in this
range could be achieved through the adminis-
tration of FIO2 1.0 at 3 atm in a hyperbaric 100
chamber, these devices are often not available
and high FIO2 values may lead to oxygen
Oxygen transport % normal
Finally, certain blood substitutes with very
high solubility coefficients may be adminis-
tered, although their use has been limited.
Combined Oxygen Transport
The volume of combined oxygen transport can
be calculated as shown in Box 7-15. Using the
normal volume of combined oxygen in the
arterial blood, which was calculated in Box 7-7,
combined oxygen transport is approximately
985 mL O2/minute. This amount is almost four 20
times that of oxygen required under basal con-
ditions (i.e., 250 mL O2/minute). Furthermore,
during heavy exercise, oxygen consumption 0
may increase 10-fold.239 Thus, the tremendous 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
value of hemoglobin in oxygen transport can be Hematocrit
appreciated. Figure 7-18. Oxygen transport vs. hematocrit
level. Slight elevations in hematocrit increase oxygen
Total Oxygen Transport transport above normal due to increased oxygen
Total oxygen transport, or simply oxygen carrying capacity. Large increases in hematocrit
transport, is a quantitative measure of all diminish oxygen transport secondary to increased
the oxygen that is transported out to the blood viscosity and decreased cardiac output.
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 181
One can see through these calculations that as HbCO levels are expressed usually as a per-
[Hb] increases there will be a corresponding centage of total hemoglobin. Levels as high as
increase in oxygen transport as long as cardiac 10% may be observed in heavy cigarette
output remains constant. Notwithstanding, how- smokers. Crack smoking has also been associ-
ever, as [Hb] increases, there will be a correspon- ated with increased HbCO levels, which could
ding increase in blood viscosity, which, in turn, further aggravate cocaine-induced cardiac
may decrease cardiac output. Figure 7-18 illus- problems.195
trates how oxygen transport tends to increase up Carbon monoxide is produced by the incom-
to a hematocrit of approximately 33% but plete combustion of carbonaceous substances.
beyond this level, oxygen transport actually tends Thus, critically high HbCO levels generally only
to decline because of a decreased cardiac output occur after inhalation of gasoline engine
secondary to increased blood viscosity. exhaust, or in conjunction with injuries caused
by smoke inhalation (e.g., fires, etc.). Indeed,
HEMOGLOBIN ABNORMALITIES 60% to 80% of early smoke inhalation deaths
are due to HbCO rather than cutaneous
Carboxyhemoglobin burns.196 Typically HbCO toxicity occurs when
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odor- exposed to high levels of CO in a closed or
less, tasteless toxic gas that competes with oxy- poorly ventilated environment. Occasionally,
gen for the same molecular site on the however, high levels and even fatalities have
hemoglobin molecule. CO has almost 245 been reported outdoors following prolonged
times more affinity for hemoglobin than does use of gasoline- or oil-burning equipment.203
oxygen.230 Given 100 available molecules of Traditionally, HbCO has been considered to
hemoglobin in 21% oxygen and 0.01% CO, be harmful to cellular oxygenation in two
half of the molecules would combine with oxy- ways. First, hemoglobin combined with CO is
gen and half would combine with CO despite incapable of carrying oxygen at that molecular
the much lower concentration of CO. site. Second, HbCO shifts the oxyhemoglobin
Hemoglobin combined with CO forms the curve to the left and makes oxygen unloading
substance carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO). to the tissues more difficult. The leftward shift
10% CO
Hemoglobin saturation (%)
30% CO
50% CO
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 600
PO2 (mm Hg)
Figure 7-20. Additive effect of left shift and increased HbCO% on oxyhemoglobin curve.
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 183
acids in the hemoglobin molecule results in a syndrome, it is lower still at nearly 16 mm Hg.232
different form of hemoglobin that may have Thus, through HbF, the fetus can attract oxy-
very different chemical properties. Originally, as gen from maternal HbA because of its greater
new forms of Hb were recognized, they were affinity. Furthermore, oxygen transport is fur-
named according to the letters of the alphabet ther enhanced in the infant because of a higher
(e.g., HbS, HbM, etc.). It soon became appar- hemoglobin concentration ([Hb] 18 g% in a
ent, however, that there would be more than term infant).
26 types of hemoglobin; therefore, new forms Ninety-five percent of hemoglobin present
of hemoglobin were named according to the in the fetus at 10 weeks gestation is HbF.231 At
geographic region where they were first dis- approximately 30 weeks gestation, the concen-
covered (e.g., Hb Kansas, Hb Beth Israel). tration of HbF begins to decline; and at term
Several hemoglobin variants have an altered the concentration of HbF is roughly 80%. HbF
affinity for oxygen. For example, Hb Kansas should continue to decline after birth, falling
has a P50 of 70 mm Hg, whereas Hb Rainier to 50% at 1 to 2 months and 5% at 6 months.
has a P50 of 12 mm Hg (Fig. 7-21). HbH has Often, HbF may even fall to normal adult
12 times more affinity for oxygen than HbA levels (<2%) after the first 6 months of life.233
and cannot release oxygen to the tissues. The Failure of HbF to decline has been observed
three hemoglobin variants of common clinical in certain pathologic conditions, such as beta
significance are HbF, HbM, and HbS. These thalassemia.231 More recently, elevated levels
species of hemoglobin are discussed in the of HbF have been shown in sudden infant
following sections. death syndrome and may help to shed some
light on this disorder, although the significance
Fetal Hemoglobin of this finding remains unclear.234
Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) is found in the fetus and
has a greater affinity for oxygen than HbA, Methemoglobin
presumably because it is less affected by DPG.81 A small portion of hemoglobin in the red blood
The P50 of normal HbF is about 20 mm Hg.231 cell normally undergoes a slight chemical change
In premature infants, P50 is approximately and forms methemoglobin (metHb). This change
18 mm Hg and in infant respiratory distress occurs when the ferrous ion loses an electron
and is thus transformed to the ferric state. In
this event, hemoglobin is oxidized (i.e., loss of
an electron) rather than oxygenated.
100 Methemoglobin is useless in the transport of
Hb Rainier oxygen. Normal metHb concentration is
80 approximately 1%.
Hb A Methemoglobinemia is defined usually as a
O2 saturation (%)
% Saturation
binemia, especially when exposed to well water
that contains nitrates.235 Nitrates may be con- 60
verted to nitrites by bacteria in the intestines,
thus leading to methemoglobinemia.204 Likewise,
infants exposed to topical anesthetics used as SaO2
teething gels for the relief of pain have also
developed severe methemoglobinemia.207,208 FIO2 = 1.0
Hemoglobin M is a congenital hemoglobin
variant that is functionally the same as 20
0 20 40 60 80
metHb in that it too is oxidized when exposed
% Met Hb
to oxygen.
Abrupt onset of severe cyanosis, especially Figure 7-22. Comparison of pulse oximetry read-
following administration of topical anesthetics, ings at various levels of metHb%. With increasing
should alert one to the possibility of methemo- concentrations of metHb, the pulse oximeter
globinemia. Cyanosis typically appears with readings tend to plateau around 85%.
metHb levels of approximately 15%.211 Other
researchers have described the clinical presen-
tation as cyanosis with a normal or high Sulfhemoglobin is present if oxyhemoglobin
PaO2206,211 or, in the case of inherited methe- combines with hydrogen sulfide. The blood may
moglobinemias, as being more blue than sick.236 also appear chocolate and measurements via
Another clue to the onset of methemoglo- co-oximetry may indicate high levels of methe-
binemia may be a modest decrease in SpO2 via moglobin because the absorption characteristics
pulse oximetry (e.g., 98% falling to 94%).212 are similar. Even low doses of sulfhemoglobin
Interestingly, however, with increasing levels of may cause severe cyanosis. Sulfhemoglobin
methemoglobin, the pulse oximeter tends to appears to be less toxic than methemoglobin
migrate towards an SpO2 reading of 85% probably because it shifts the oxyhemoglo-
(Fig. 7-22).213 Blood with elevated metHb will bin curve to the right. Sulfhemoglobin should
typically appear brown, rusty, or even black be suspected when the patient with presumed
and this too may be a useful clue to diagnosis. methemoglobinemia does not respond to
Ultimately, laboratory analysis via spectropho- methylene blue.214
tometry confirms the diagnosis.
Methylene blue accelerates the reduction of Hemoglobin S
metHb and may be useful in the treatment of Hemoglobin S is identical to HbA with the
some forms of this disorder. Methylene blue is exception that one of the 146 amino acids in the
usually administered intravenously at a rate of beta chains of globin is different. HbS results
1 to 2 mg/kg in adults and 2 mg/kg in infants; when glutamate is substituted for valine on
it should be administered slowly over 5 min- position 6 of the beta chain.215 This seemingly
utes and repeated if cyanosis persists for minute difference, however, is responsible for
1 hour.204 Often, relatively high levels of metHb the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease.
(i.e., >35%) are fairly well tolerated, and treat- Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disorder
ment may not be necessary. observed in patients who are homozygous
Although less common, another type of (i.e., inherited from both parents) for HbS. Sickle
abnormal hemoglobin, sulfhemoglobinemia, cell anemia is present in nearly 1% of African
may be mistaken for methemoglobinemia. Americans.215 The frequent painful episodes
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 185
Red cell
Endothelial cell
Figure 7-23. Pathophysiologic progression in sickle cell disease. A, Normal circulation. B, Red cell adher-
ence to vessel wall. C, Sickling of bound cell. D, Sickled red cells obstruct flow. E, Narrowing of vessel.
with sickle cell anemia is referred to in some Once the sickling phenomenon begins, addi-
African countries as the state of suffering,216 tional cells begin to sickle and obstruct blood
and the typical life span for these individuals is flow (see Fig. 7-23,D). Vaso-occlusion leads to
often less than 50 years.217 An individual expe- severe pain, destruction of endothelium, and ulti-
riencing one of the recurrent painful episodes mately narrowing of the vessel (see Fig. 7-23,E).
that affect almost every part of the body is said Vaso-occlusion often leads to cerebrovascular
to be in sickle cell crisis. accident, which is one of the most devastating
A purported sequence of vascular patho- consequences of the disease.220 Another very
physiology associated with sickle cell anemia is frequent occurrence in those with sickle cell
shown in Figure 7-23.216 Figure 7-23,A shows disease is acute chest syndrome. Acute chest
a normal vessel with circulating red blood
cells. Figure 7-23,B illustrates initial attach-
ment and lingering of a red blood cell to the
vascular internal (endothelial) wall.
This is followed by sickling of the red blood
cell as shown in Figure 7-23,C. Sickling occurs
because HbS has unique chemical properties
and is less soluble than HbA in the absence
of oxygen and tends to crystallize in the cells.
Figure 7-24 illustrates the characteristic
sickle shape of red blood cells observed under
microscope. Specifically, HbS is 50 times less
soluble than HbA in the deoxygenated
form.216 Low oxygen pressure, acidosis, and
hypothermia all tend to increase the sickling Figure 7-24. Sickle cell anemia. Note the presence
phenomenon.216 Interestingly, the presence of of abnormal sickle-shaped erythrocytes. These
increased HbF tends to diminish sickling and sickle cells are less pliable and are easily subject
enhance prognosis.218,219 to rupture (hemolysis).
186 Unit III Basic Physiology
syndrome is a term coined in 1979 to describe may be associated with an increased incidence
episodes of chest pain, fever, and leukocytosis of sudden unexplained death.223
(increased white blood cell counts).221 In addi-
tion, left heart enlargement is frequently seen
at a very young age in many individuals.216
The drug hydroxyurea is often used in the The final link in the transport of oxygen from
treatment of sickle cell disease. Hydroxyurea the atmosphere to the cells is referred to as inter-
increases the production of HbF which, in nal respiration (Fig. 7-25). Although internal
turn, appears to decrease sickling and vaso- respiration has been defined specifically as the
occlusion. Because the life span of these blood exchange of gases between the systemic capil-
cells is only approximately 10% as long as that laries and the cells, both cellular oxygen supply
for normal red blood cells, anemia is also a and cellular oxygen utilization are considered
common finding and transfusions may be a in this section.
mainstay of treatment. Although there is no cure
for sickle cell anemia, most individuals can Cellular Oxygen Supply
lead relatively normal lives. Although all arteries in the body carry virtually
When an individual is heterozygous (i.e., identical concentrations of oxygen, not all cells
inherited from only one parent), he or she pos- in the body are supplied with equal amounts of
sesses sickle cell trait. Nearly 10% of African oxygen, which is because not all cells in the
Americans possess sickle cell trait. Sickle cell body are exposed to the same amount of blood.
trait is not associated with anemia and is gen- Several factors determine the availability of
erally considered to be a benign condition. oxygen to a given cell (Fig. 7-26). Obviously,
Notwithstanding, the sickling phenomenon some cells are simply closer to capillaries than
may occur in these individuals in the presence others. Because movement of oxygen depends
of prolonged hypoxia. In addition, it has been on pressure gradients, the cells furthest away
suggested that the presence of sickle cell trait are most vulnerable to hypoxia.
Distance From Capillary
As previously described, the distance of a given
cell from a capillary is not constant. Many cap-
illaries are normally closed and open only when
gross perfusion to that particular region
increases. For example, actively contracting
muscle may have as many as 10 times more
open capillaries than resting muscle.81 The gate-
keeper of blood supply to a capillary network
is the local arteriole.
Arteriolar Constriction/Dilation
Arterioles may dilate or constrict in response to
the various factors that regulate them. Arterioles
are subject to both local and central influences.
Locally, arterioles dilate in response to decreased
oxygen supply, increased CO2, increased tem-
perature, and decreased pH. All these changes
are typically the result of increased metabolism
Figure 7-26. Cellular supply of oxygen. Schema
that necessitates increased oxygen supply.
showing intercapillary distances. Oxygen from blood The release of epinephrine is a central mech-
flowing through tissue capillaries must diffuse over anism that attempts to preferentially distribute
a longer path to reach cells A and C. Oxygen has a blood to the vital organs when oxygen is in short
short path to cell A when its capillary is open and supply in the body. When the body is confronted
a much longer one when it is closed. with an overall deficit in oxygen, both central
188 Unit III Basic Physiology
and local mechanisms are stimulated. In the the production of 36 adenosine triphosphate
short term, central effects tend to predominate. (ATP) molecules. ATP molecules, in turn, con-
If the oxygen shortage persists, however, local tain the high energy bonds that are so essential
effects ultimately override and generalized for life itself. The availability of oxygen is cru-
vascular dilation is seen. cial in the production of ATP from adenosine
diphosphate (ADP) in the Krebs cycle. The
Cellular Oxygen Utilization actual process of ATP formation is called
Variable Oxygen Extraction oxidative phosphorylation, because phosphate
Earlier in this chapter the normal C(a v)O2 was is added to ADP by using the energy from oxi-
calculated at about 5 vol%, which means that, dation.
on the average, about 5 mL O2 is taken up and
used by the tissues for every 100 mL of perfu- Anaerobic Glycolysis
sion. It should be noted, however, that the arte- In the absence of oxygen, metabolism is less
riovenous difference observed in specific organs efficient and only two molecules of ATP are
and tissues may vary considerably (Table 7-1). generated in the metabolism of glucose without
For example, the arteriovenous oxygen differ- oxygen (anaerobic glycolysis). Furthermore,
ence in the heart is about 11 vol% whereas anaerobic metabolism results in the produc-
the arteriovenous difference in the skin and tion of lactic acid, which may in turn lead to
kidneys is approximately 1 vol%. Apparently, metabolic acidemia.
tissues with high blood flow and low oxygen
requirements use the additional blood flow for Hypoxia
nonoxygenation processes, such as glomerular Tissue hypoxia exists when the cellular needs
filtration or temperature regulation. for oxygen are not met. Although isolated
To further complicate matters, some tissues mitochondria maintain oxidative phosphoryla-
are capable of increasing oxygen extraction tion with PO2 values less than 1 mm Hg,237
when additional oxygen is needed. Skeletal this probably does not occur in the intact
muscle can extract almost all of the blood oxy- organism. In humans, hypoxia probably occurs
gen during maximal exercise; however, heart when mitochondrial PO2 is less than approxi-
muscle is unable to increase oxygen extraction mately 7 mm Hg.238 Conversely, excessive tis-
despite its normally high extraction ratio.81 sue PO2 is also destructive to the cells. Thus,
one must carefully titrate oxygen to achieve
Biochemical Respiration optimal levels.
In biochemistry, respiration refers to the Cyanide or amobarbital may interfere with
oxidation of pyruvic acid in the Krebs cycle biochemical respiration and the normal use of
(Fig. 7-27). This series of reactions takes place oxygen in the cell. This form of hypoxia, com-
in the mitochondria of the cells and results in monly referred to as histotoxic hypoxia, is
Site Blood Flow (%) O2 Used (%) C(a v) O2 (vol%)
Pv O2 (mm Hg)
Heart 4 11 11 23
Skeletal muscle 21 30 8 34
Brain 13 20 6 33
Liver 24 25 4 43
Kidneys 19 7 1 56
Skin 9 2 1 60
Other 10 5 5 40
Total 100 100 5 40
Modified 2005 with permission from Finch, C.A., and Lenfant, C.: O2 transport in man. N. Engl. J. Med., 286:407,
1972. Copyright Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 189
glycolysis 2 ATP
Lactic acid
(No O2)
hypoxia O2
Cyanide Aerobic
(Histotoxic hypoxia) oxidative
phosphorylation 36 ATP
6 CO2 + 6 H2O
Biochemical (Krebs cycle)
Figure 7-27. Aerobic metabolism via oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria produces 19 times
more energy (ATP) than anaerobic glycolysis. Normal aerobic metabolism decreases in the presence of
tissue hypoxia or cyanide poison. When aerobic metabolism cannot proceed, anaerobic metabolism
increases with the subsequent buildup of lactic acid.
unique because the primary defect occurs at Indeed, an RQ greater than 1.0 suggests
the site of internal respiration. lipogenesis secondary to excessive carbohy-
Another factor that may alter oxygen drate intake and conversion of carbohydrates
requirements is the patients temperature. into fat.240 Finally, the combined RQ of the
Oxygen consumption increases approximately body that reflects a composite of all types of
10% for each degree increase celsius.10 metabolism is normally approximately 0.8.
CO2 excretion via the lungs and oxygen
Respiratory Quotient uptake through the lungs may be measured as a
The respiratory quotient (RQ) quantitates the reflection of the RQ. The ratio of CO2 excretion
relationship between production of CO2 and to oxygen uptake is sometimes referred to as the
the consumption of oxygen. Specifically, it is the respiratory exchange ratio. During steady-state
ratio of CO2. produced
each minute to oxygen conditions, the respiratory exchange ratio is
consumed (VCO2/VO2). In pure carbohydrate equal to the respiratory quotient.
metabolism, the RQ is 1.0 because six molecules In critically ill patients in whom the work
of CO2 are produced for every six molecules of of breathing is a matter of concern, the RQ is
oxygen consumed (Equation 7-1). sometimes monitored by a device called an indi-
rect calorimeter or metabolic cart. The goal is to
Equation 7-1
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + energy
try to keep the RQ low via a low carbohydrate
diet, which, in turn, minimizes CO2 production
Fat metabolism, on the other hand, produces and diminishes the work required for CO2
less CO2 and the RQ is approximately 0.7. The excretion via ventilation. This technique may be
RQ of protein metabolism is near 0.8. The RQ useful when an attempt is made to decrease the
of alcohol is approximately 0.7 and the RQ work of breathing in patients who are being
during lipogenesis may be as high as 1.0 to 1.3. gradually weaned off mechanical ventilators.
190 Unit III Basic Physiology
1. The most important physiologic variable that determines SaO2 is the ______.
2. The relationship between PaO2 and SaO2 is direct and (linear/nonlinear).
3. What PaO2 values are normally associated with the following SaO2 values:
SaO2 (%) PaO2 (mm Hg)
4. At low PaO2 values, small changes in PaO2 are associated with (small/large) changes in SaO2.
5. On the flat upper portion of the curve, large changes in PaO2 values are associated with
(large/small) changes in SaO2 values.
6. The flat upper portion of the curve is known as the (association/dissociation) portion of
the curve.
7. The dissociation portion of the curve is so-named because the (beginning/end) of oxygen
unloading occurs on this portion of the curve.
8. Normal SaO2 is approximately ______%.
9. If PaO2 were to decrease from 100 to 60 mm Hg, SaO2 would decrease from 97%
to ______%.
10. The end of oxygen loading occurs on the (upper/lower) portion of the curve and the end
of oxygen unloading occurs on the (upper/lower) portion of the curve.
Chapter 7 Oxygen Transport and Internal Respiration 191
1. The symbol for the total volume of oxygen present in arterial blood is ______.
2. Calculate the volume of oxygen in the dissolved state (vol%) in the blood given the
following PaO2 values:
100 mm Hg
60 mm Hg
400 mm Hg
3. Calculate the volume of oxygen in the combined state (vol%) given the following:
[Hb] (g%) SaO2 (%)
15 95
12 90
10 80
4. Calculate CaO2 given:
[Hb] (g%) SaO2 (%) PaO2 (mm Hg)
10 94 70
14 98 65
7 97 80
5. The normal CaO2 is approximately ______ vol%.
6. Normal mixed venous PO2 is approximately ______ mm Hg, and normal mixed venous
oxygen saturation is approximately ______%.
7. Normal C(a v )O2 is approximately ______ vol%.
8. The relationship between the cardiac output, the oxygen consumption, and the difference
in arteriovenous oxygen content is expressed in the ______ equation.
9. When cardiac output decreases, C(a v )O2 (increases/decreases).
10. Normal oxygen consumption under basal metabolic conditions in a 70 Kg
young man is ______ mL/min.
NBRC Challenge 7
Please select the best answer for the following multiple choice questions.
1. A patient is treated with 20% benzocaine III. acidemia.
spray as a topical anesthetic prior to IV. abnormal Hb.
bronchoscopy. The patient becomes A) I and II only
suddenly very cyanotic. What laboratory B) I and IV only
test should be performed? C) II and III only
A) P50 D) II and IV only
B) Arterial blood gases E) II, III, and IV only
C) Serum electrolytes (RRT EXAMNBRC MATRIX I,C,2,b)
D) CO-oximetry
4. A (Ca v )O2 of 10 vol% suggests:
E) H&H
A) a high cardiac stroke volume.
B) a low cardiac output.
C) polycythemia.
2. The treatment of choice for D) methemoglobinemia.
methemoglobinemia is: E) sickle cell crisis.
A) Mechanical ventilation (RRT EXAMNBRC MATRIX
B) Methylene blue I.V. I,C,2,c)
C) Potassium I.V.
5. An RQ measurement of 1.2
D) Hyperbaric oxygenation
E) Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure
A) technical error using indirect
B) alcohol intoxication.
3. A patient with a pulse oximetry reading of C) excessive fat metabolism.
82% and a PaO2 of 60 mm Hg may have: D) diabetes mellitus.
I. hypothermia. E) lipogenesis.
II. hypercapnia. (RRT EXAMNBRC MATRIX I,C,2,g)
Acid-Base Homeostasis
The bodys defenses against blood pH changes operate at different time rates. Chemical buffering is almost
instantaneous; pulmonary responses occur in minutes; renal responses in hours to days.
Giles F. Filley2
Acid-base physiology is inherently a slightly confusing subject, but clinical acid-base terminology makes it
very confusing.
Giles F. Filley2
Hydrogen Ions and pH, 196 Bicarbonate, 203
Free Hydrogen Ions, 196 Carbamino Compounds, 204
Clinical Significance, 196 Summary, 205
Description, 196 The Kidneys and Acid-Base Balance, 205
pH, 197 Regulation of Fixed Acids in the
Definition, 197 Blood, 205
Relationship Between pH and [H +], 197 Origin of Fixed Acids, 205
Acid-Base Balance, 197 Excretion of Fixed Acids, 206
Acids, 197 Regulation of Bicarbonate Concentration in the
Bases, 197 Blood, 206
pH Homeostasis, 197 Buffer Systems, 206
Acid Homeostasis, 197 Basic Chemistry, 207
Base Homeostasis, 198 Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs, 207
The Lungs and Regulation of Volatile Acid, 198 Degree of Dissociation, 207
Underlying Chemistry, 198 Buffer Solutions, 208
Chemical Equilibrium, 198 Chemical Components, 208
Law of Mass Action, 198 Buffering Reactions, 208
Hydrolysis Reaction, 199 Blood Buffers, 209
Direct Relationship between [CO2] and Buffer Effectiveness, 209
[H2CO3], 199 Buffer Interactions, 210
CO2 Homeostasis, 200 Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation, 210
CO2 Production, 200 Hendersons Equation, 211
CO2 Excretion, 201 Hasselbalchs Modification, 211
CO2 Transport, 203 Numeric Calculation, 211
Dissolved CO2, 203 Clinical Application, 212
Carbonic Acid, 203 Exercises, 218
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 197
pH pH Homeostasis
Definition Human cells and organs function best under
The actual [H+] in the blood is very low, approx- constant internal conditions including normal
imately 0.00000004 equivalents per liter (Eq/L). pH. Maintenance of a constant internal envi-
Obviously, monitoring clinical changes using ronment is called homeostasis. Both acids and
these units would be a very difficult and cum- bases must be regulated closely to ensure sta-
bersome process. Therefore, it has become cus- ble levels and a normal pH. Maintenance of a
tomary to express [H+] as pH. The definition of constant pH may be called pH homeostasis.
pH is the negative log of the free [H +]. Although The dynamic regulation of blood pH is
this definition appears to be complex, pH is a accomplished through the interaction of the
less cumbersome method of assessing the amount lungs, the kidneys, and the blood buffers. The
of H+ present in a given fluid. The normal range lungs and kidneys precisely maintain levels
for pH in arterial blood is 7.35 to 7.45. of acids and bases present in the blood. The
blood buffers serve primarily a protective role,
Relationship Between pH and [H+] preventing large changes in pH when abnor-
It is important to understand the relationship mal conditions expose the blood to acid-base
between [H+] and pH, however, because it is abnormalities.
not a simple direct one. Because the pH is the
negative log of the free hydrogen ion concen- Acid Homeostasis
tration, the relationship between pH and [H+] Normal body metabolism tends to result in
is inverse. An increase in pH reflects a decrease an accumulation of excess acid. Thus, it is
in [H+], whereas a decrease in pH is associated important that the body excrete acid at a rate
with a increase of hydrogen ions. equivalent to its production to maintain pH
Also, because the relationship is logarithmic, homeostasis.
a relatively large change in hydrogen ion con-
centration only slightly alters the numeric value Acid Excretion
of pH. For example, doubling of the normal Two major organ systems are responsible for the
[H+] only results in a 0.3 unit decrease in pH.2 excretion of acids: the kidneys and the lungs.
Although the kidneys are often the first organs
Acid-Base Balance thought of when considering acid excretion,
Acids the lungs are actually the major organs of acid
Free hydrogen ions enter the blood on their excretion.
release from other chemical substances. Any In normal humans, the lungs excrete
chemical substance capable of releasing a H+ approximately 13,000 mEq/day of carbonic
into solution is defined as an acid. Therefore, acid.363 However, the kidneys of an average
the greater the number and quantity of acids American adult excrete only 40 to 80 mEq/day
present in solution, the higher the [H+] (and of acid.363 Thus, the lungs are the single most
lower the pH) will be. A variety of acids are important organs involved in the moment-
normally present in the blood, and these acids to-moment regulation of acid-base status
serve as the source of free hydrogen ions. and pH.
198 Unit III Basic Physiology
would shift to the left to partially counteract CO2 and the concentration of carbonic acid
the alteration. The change in units shown in [H2CO3] in the blood. At 37 C, each H2CO3
Equation 8-2 shows the direction of changes molecule in solution is in equilibrium with
that would occur in response to the additional approximately 340 CO2 molecules, as shown
H2CO3 in the system. Conceptually, the in Equation 8-1.364 Earlier estimates reported
increase in mass on the right side of the equa- that the ratio was greater than 700 to 1; how-
tion pushes the reaction to the left side of the ever, improved methods suggest the ratio given
equation. here. When blood PCO2 levels increase, blood
levels of H2CO3 likewise increase. Thus, PCO2
Equation 8-2 can be used as a marker of blood volatile acid
H2O + CO2
H2CO3 (i.e., H2CO3) levels.
(343) + (343) (3)
Carbonic Acid Production
A similar phenomenon occurs if one of the Based on the law of mass action, the CO2 that
constituents is removed from the closed system. builds up at the tissues leads to a parallel
In this case, however, the change in equilibrium increase in carbonic acid and ultimately
is an attempt to restore the lost constituent. hydrogen ions (Fig. 8-1). Thus, there is an
If CO2 is removed from Equation 8-2, the increase in the amount of carbonic acid present
equilibrium would shift slightly to the left to in the blood as it passes the tissues and CO2
attempt to restore the lost CO2. The change in enters. Venous blood has more CO2 and car-
units in Equation 8-3 shows the general direc- bonic acid than arterial blood. In fact, that
tion of changes that would accompany the loss is why venous blood is slightly more acidic
of CO2. Note that the removal of CO2 from the (pH = 7.38) compared with arterial blood
system leads to a fall in H2CO3 concentration (pH = 7.40). Actually, the difference in pH
due to the law of mass action. would be more substantial were it not for the
many effective buffer systems in the blood.
Equation 8-3
H2O + CO2
Carbonic Acid Excretion
(344) + (340) (2) When the venous blood reaches the lungs, the
increased CO2 and carbonic acid that entered
Hydrolysis Reaction the blood at the tissues must be excreted. This
CO2 is produced continuously in the cells of is precisely the role of the lungs in acid-base
the body as an end product of aerobic metab- balance: to excrete CO2 and carbonic acid at the
olism. This CO2 then diffuses to the systemic
circulation where some of it reacts with water
to form carbonic acid. This reaction, shown
in Equation 8-4, is called the hydrolysis reac-
tion because water (hydro) is broken down Cell
(lysed) as it reacts with dissolved CO2 to form
carbonic acid. Because all acids are capable
of releasing hydrogen ions, the release of free
H+ from carbonic acid is also shown in
Equation 8-4. Blood
H2O + CO2 H2CO3 HCO3 + H+
Equation 8-4
H2O + CO2 H2CO3 HCO 3 + H
and VA determines the arterial PaCO2 at any
CO2 given instant, which is shown in Proportion 8-1.
blood or to provide the patient with some type in correct proportion to its production. To assess
of ventilatory support to aid in excretion of the the adequacy of ventilation one must get an
additional CO2 load. arterial blood gas and evaluate the PaCO2. The
PaCO2 is the best index available to assess the
CO2 Excretion adequacy of ventilation relative to CO2 produc-
In the clinical setting, increased CO2 production tion. If the lungs are maintaining CO2 home-
is usually balanced by increasing alveolar ven- ostasis, the PaCO2 is maintained within the
tilation. Furthermore, most clinical changes in normal range (i.e., PaCO2 35 to 45 mm Hg).
PaCO2 are a result of changes in alveolar ven-
tilation. Nevertheless, it is becoming increas- Alveolar Ventilation
ingly clear that changes in CO2 production can As shown in Proportion 8-2, PaCO2 is
also lead to PaCO2 alterations. inversely proportional to alveolar ventilation.
To show the inverse relationship between Alveolar ventilation differs from minute venti-
alveolar ventilation and PaCO2, Proportion 8-1 lation in that only the gas that reaches func-
is sometimes simplified to the form shown in tional (i.e., perfused) alveoli is considered
Proportion 8-2. In this proportion, VCO2 is alveolar ventilation; in other words, deadspace
considered to be a constant and the number volume (VD) (see Chapter 6) is subtracted
one is substituted in the numerator. The propor- from the tidal volume (VT) to determine alveo-
tion becomes simply an inverse relationship lar ventilation (VA). The formula for calcula-
between PaCO2 and alveolar ventilation. An tion of alveolar minute ventilation is shown in
increase in alveolar ventilation results in a Equation 8-6.
decreased PaCO2. Conversely, a decrease in
Equation 8-6
alveolar ventilation causes an increased PaCO2.
Proportion 8-2. SIMPLIFIED CO2 One can readily see that any increase in tidal
HOMEOSTASIS volume or RR (or a decrease in deadspace)
1 increases alveolar ventilation, assuming of
PaCO 2
VA course that all other variables remain constant.
An increase in alveolar ventilation, in turn,
Minute Ventilation lowers PaCO2. Conversely, a fall in RR or tidal
The amount of gas moving in and out of the volume (or an increase in deadspace) decreases
lungs with each breath is called the tidal volume alveolar ventilation and increases PaCO2.
(VT). The number of breaths taken each minute When a change in PaCO2 is seen clinically,
is often referred to as the frequency or respira- Equation 8-6 should be analyzed to determine
tory rate (RR). Exhaled minute ventilation (VE) what variable has resulted in the change in the
can be calculated as shown in Equation 8-5. patients ability to excrete CO2.
Equation 8-5
Minute Ventilation versus Alveolar Ventilation
Table 8-1 shows three sets of parameters where
Minute ventilation, however, is not a very the minute ventilation is the same (6000 mL/
reliable index of the adequacy of ventilation. min); however, alveolar ventilation and CO2
The drawback of minute ventilation is that it excretion are grossly different. Figure 8-3 sim-
does not tell us if the lungs are excreting CO2 ilarly illustrates how alveolar ventilation and
Minute ventilation
Minute alveolar
5000 ventilation
Minute deadspace
A. Normal B. Slow, deep C. Fast, shallow
Figure 8-3. Effect of breathing pattern on alveolar ventilation. A, Normal breathing pattern. B, Slow
deep breathing. C, Rapid shallow breathing.
deadspace ventilation would be impacted by breathing is very rapid and shallow, deadspace
the breathing patterns in Table 8-1. During nor- ventilation can actually exceed alveolar ventila-
mal breathing (see Fig. 8-3,A), most ventila- tion (see Fig. 8-3,C) despite a constant minute
tion is effective alveolar ventilation. If minute ventilation.
volume remains constant, alveolar ventilation Note likewise that the PaCO2 varies inversely
will increase with larger tidal volumes and a with the alveolar ventilation. The inadequacy of
slower respiratory rate (see Fig. 8-3,B). Finally, if minute ventilation as an index of the adequacy
HHb Hb
Red blood cell
HHb Hb
H2O + CO2 H2CO3 HCO3 + H+ Red blood cell
CO2 c.a.
H2O + CO2 H2CO3 HCO3 + H+
Plasma Cl
Figure 8-4. Chloride shift at the tissues. Chloride
enters the erythrocytes at the tissues in exchange
for the bicarbonate produced via the hydrolysis Figure 8-5. Chloride shift in the lungs. Chloride
reaction. The hydrolysis reaction is accelerated in returns to the plasma in exchange for bicarbonate.
the erythrocyte due to the presence of carbonic Bicarbonate is needed inside the cells to replenish
anhydrase. The hydrogen ion produced via the stores that are used up via the hydrolysis reaction
hydrolysis reaction is buffered by hemoglobin. as CO2 is excreted.
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 205
as the hemoglobin combination with O2. acids cannot be converted into gases and
Whereas O2 combines with hemoglobin at the excreted via the lungs. Therefore, the kidneys
heme site, CO2 combines with the amino groups are responsible for maintaining normal fixed
of proteins.81 It is indeed possible for the acid homeostasis.
hemoglobin molecule to carry O2 and CO2 at Furthermore, several conditions (e.g., dia-
the same time. Notwithstanding, however, the betes, hypoxia) can result in an abnormal
affinity of hemoglobin for CO2 is greater when increase in fixed acid production. In these situ-
it is not combined with O2. This result is the ations, the kidneys accelerate acid excretion
well-known Haldane effect. Conversely, when and attempt to maintain homeostasis.
hemoglobin is already carrying CO2, its affinity
for O2 decreases (i.e., Bohr effect). Origin of Fixed Acids
The percentage of CO2 transport in the form Metabolism
of carbamino-hemoglobin is approximately Fixed acids are a common product of metabo-
10%. Thus, the total amount of CO2 trans- lism. The specific fixed acid accumulating in
ported as carbamino compounds is 12%. the blood plasma at the tissues depends on the
type of substance being metabolized. The con-
Summary ditions surrounding metabolism (e.g., presence
A summary of quantitative CO2 transport is of O2) may also affect the products that result.
shown in Table 8-2.96 These percentages are The most common fixed acids that may accu-
based solely on CO2 added to the blood at the mulate in the blood are shown in Table 8-3.
tissue and transported to the lungs to be The type of substance that metabolizes into
excreted. The normal stores of CO2 continu- each specific acid is also shown.
ously present in the blood are not reflected in Protein metabolism results in the produc-
these numbers. Also, the percentage of CO2 tion of inorganic (not containing carbon)
transport in the chemical form of H2CO3 is so phosphoric and sulfuric acid. The incomplete
small that it is not included in Table 8-2. metabolism of lipids or carbohydrates results
in the accumulation of organic (containing car-
bon) acids. Specifically, lipid metabolism in the
absence of insulin produces a buildup of aceto-
acetic and beta-hydroxybutyric acid. These
The kidneys (renal system) are second only to two acids are often referred to collectively as the
the lungs in their role of controlling blood pH. ketoacids. On the other hand, in the absence
The kidneys serve two major functions in of O2, carbohydrate metabolism produces an
acid-base homeostasis: fixed acid excretion accumulation of lactic acid.
and normal regulation of the bicarbonate con- Normally, the amount of fixed acid produced
centration [HCO3] in the blood. Bicarbonate is each day is small, approximately 50 to 60 mEq.
an important blood base.
In the presence of disease (e.g., diabetic ketoaci- In any event, a large abnormal fixed acid load
dosis), however, fixed acid production may leads to an excess of hydrogen ions in the blood.
increase tremendously (e.g., 2000 mEq/day).366 This nonrespiratory (metabolic) acid-base dis-
turbance results in a decrease in blood pH.
Nonmetabolic Origin
Occasionally, an increase in fixed acids in the Regulation of Bicarbonate Concentration
blood may originate from a cause other than in the Blood
metabolism. This finding occurs typically when As is shown in the section on buffering, strong
a salt such as ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is bases can be converted into the base (HCO3 )
administered intravenously to a patient, such in the blood. The bicarbonate concentration, in
as in the treatment of severe metabolic alkalosis. turn, is precisely regulated by the kidneys. The
Ammonium chloride is metabolized by the liver kidneys can both excrete excess bicarbonate
and results in the production of hydrochloric and produce bicarbonate when needed. Clear
acid (HCl). comprehension of the renal regulation of
[HCO3 ] is crucial to understanding the role of
Excretion of Fixed Acids the kidneys in acid-base balance.
Because the amount of fixed acid the kidneys The specific mechanisms through which the
must normally excrete is small, there is usually kidneys control bicarbonate are complex. These
no problem in maintaining homeostasis. mechanisms are affected by certain blood elec-
Nevertheless, in the presence of renal disease, trolytes, hormones, and drugs. Due to the
retention of fixed acids may occur. complex nature of this regulation, this subject
When the fixed acid load is unusually high, is discussed in more detail in Chapter 12.
even the normal kidney is unable to excrete
them over the short term. This finding may
occur when large quantities of organic acids
are being produced due to incomplete metabo- Central features of the lungs and the kidneys
lism or when a chloride salt is administered. regarding acid-base homeostasis have been
A patient who has had cardiac surgery is being mechani- [HCO3] 22 mEq/L
cally ventilated in the assist/control mode following FIO2 0.4
surgery. Earlier blood gases had shown a significant
respiratory alkalosis (PaCO2 was 26 mm Hg / pH 7.54). ASSESSMENT
The physician overseeing the patient was concerned Abnormalities: List abnormal data and other noteworthy
about the respiratory alkalemia because the electrocar- information. Classify ABG.
diograph was very unstable. Therefore, the physician Explanation: List possible diseases, pathology, or other
added increased mechanical deadspace to try to situations that may have led to this patients condition.
increase the PaCO2. You go up to see the patient just Evaluation: Suggest additional data that would be useful in
as blood gases are reported after the mechanical helping understand the situation or in making a diagnosis.
deadspace had been applied.
ARTERIAL BLOOD GASES Importance: Prioritize concern(s) of treatment in order of
SaO2 98% urgency and/or seriousness as you see the overall situation.
pH 7.61 Objective: Specifically state the measurable or observable
PaCO2 20 mm Hg outcomes you would like treatment to accomplish.
PaO2 94 mm Hg Action: Describe your specific plan of action.
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 207
Hydrochloric acid
(strong acid)
H+ Cl H+ HCl
HCl Cl Cl H+ Cl
H+ +
Cl H
Figure 8-6. Comparison of strong and weak H
H+ Cl H+
acids. Although both containers are filled with 10
acid molecules, the HCl solution has many more
free hydrogen ions due to its degree of dissociation. Carbonic acid
Therefore, HCl is a much stronger acid. (weak acid)
H+ H2CO3 H2CO3
208 Unit III Basic Physiology
Table 8-4. ACIDS IN DECREASING STRENGTH Therefore, buffer solutions do not prevent pH
Strength Acid change. Rather, buffer solutions minimize pH
change. Buffer solutions accomplish this by
Strongest HCl H+ + Cl converting strong acids into weaker acids or by
HHbO2 H+ + HbO2 converting strong bases into weaker bases.
HHb H + Hb
4 H+ + NH3 Chemical Components
Weakest H2O H + OH
Chemically, a buffer solution consists of two
substances in a common solution: a weak acid,
and a salt of its conjugate base. For example,
carbonic acid is a weak acid. The conjugate
Equation 8-8, denoting a high degree of disso- base of carbonic acid is bicarbonate (HCO3).
ciation and a strong acid. A salt of bicarbonate is sodium bicarbonate
Table 8-4 contains a list of some common (NaHCO3). Salts are completely dissociated
acids arranged in order of decreasing strength. into two charged ions (e.g., Na+ and HCO3).
The conjugate bases are shown in ascending Thus, a buffer solution could be prepared by
order of strength. In other words, the conju- placing carbonic acid in solution with NaHCO3,
gate base OH has the strongest affinity for the which is shown in Proportion 8-3.
H+, and the conjugate base Cl has the least
affinity for the hydrogen ion. Weak acids are Proportion 8-3. BICARBONATE BUFFER
associated with strong bases, whereas strong SYSTEM
acids are associated with weak bases. H2CO3
It may also be noted that hemoglobin may NaHCO3
function as an acid or a base in the blood. A
Buffering Reactions
substance that can act as either an acid or as
a base is sometimes referred to as an ampho- When a strong acid is introduced into the buffer
teric substance or an ampholyte.81 Also, both solution, it reacts with the conjugate base (salt)
oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin are portion of the buffer pair. Equation 8-9 shows
included on the list. It can be seen, however, how the strong acid HCl would react with the
that the conjugate base of deoxygenated hemo- NaHCO3 in this buffer system. The result of
globin (Hb) is a stronger base than the conju- this reaction is that one molecule of the strong,
gate base of oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2 ). highly dissociated acid HCl is converted to one
Thus, deoxygenated hemoglobin more readily molecule of the weak, poorly dissociated acid
picks up hydrogen ions than oxygenated H2CO3. In addition, one molecule of the salt
hemoglobin. NaCl is produced.
This characteristic of hemoglobin serves as an
Equation 8-9
advantage at the body tissues. After releasing
O2, hemoglobin more readily accepts the excess NaCl + H2CO3
HCl + NaHCO3
of hydrogen ions generated by the increased
CO2 levels and the hydrolysis reaction.
When a strong base such as sodium hydrox-
Buffer Solutions ide (NaOH) is added to a buffer solution, it
A buffer solution is a solution in which the pH reacts with the weak acid portion of the buffer
tends to be stable. The pH of a buffer solution pair as shown in Equation 8-10. In this reaction,
is less affected by the addition of acid or base the strong OH base is converted to the weaker
than a nonbuffer solution. If large quantities base bicarbonate (HCO3). Another product of
of acid are added to a nonbuffer solution, the this reaction is water (H2O).
pH decreases sharply. If the same amount of
acid is added to the same solution containing Equation 8-10
buffers, the pH does not fall to the same H2CO3
NaHCO3 + H2O
extent. Nevertheless, it would still decrease. NaOH + NaHCO3
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 209
Buffer Effectiveness
The effectiveness of a given buffer system
depends on three factors: the quantity of buffer
available, the pK of the buffer system, and
whether the buffer functions in an open or
Oxyhemoglobin closed system.
Inorganic phosphates
Hemoglobin Organic phosphates
Obviously, the larger the quantity of a given
buffer that is available, the more acid or base
Inorganic it can buffer. Hemoglobin is the most impor-
Bicarbonate phosphates Protein
tant intracellular fluid buffer because of its
tremendous concentration.
pK of the Buffer System
Figure 8-7. Blood buffer compartments. The
A buffer functions best when the pH of the
various intracellular and extracellular buffers are
shown in their respective fluid compartments. solution is equal to the pK of the weak acid of
the buffer system. The pK of a weak acid is the
pH at which 50% of the acid is dissociated and
50% is undissociated. Figure 8-8 shows the pK
Blood Buffers of carbonic acid, which is approximately 6.1 in
The blood consists of many buffer systems the blood. Because strong acids are buffered by
including the bicarbonate buffer system. These the dissociated portion of the buffer pair (e.g.,
buffer systems constitute the first line of defense NaHCO3) and strong bases are buffered by the
against abrupt changes in blood pH. The blood undissociated portion (e.g., H2CO3), it follows
buffers work quickly and effectively to minimize that both bases and acids could be buffered
alterations in pH. equally well when the buffer system is at its pK.
The various blood buffers may be divided Buffers are generally considered to function
based on their physical location. Blood buffer well within 1 pH unit of their pK. Because the
systems exist both within cells (intracellular pK of the bicarbonate buffer system in blood is
fluid) and within the plasma (extracellular fluid). 6.1, this buffer functions best in the pH range
Figure 8-7 and Box 8-1 show the various buffers of 5.1 to 7.1. The blood, however, has a pH of
located in these two fluid compartments. Each 7.4. Thus, considering only the pK, the bicar-
buffer contains a weak acid and a salt of its bonate buffer is not particularly effective in the
conjugate base. blood. For reasons described in the following
section, however, the bicarbonate buffer is still
a very important blood buffer.
Box 8-1 Buffers in the Blood
Open versus Closed Buffer Systems
EXTRACELLULAR FLUID BUFFERS In a closed chemical system, a buffer becomes
Plasma bicarbonate less and less effective as the products of buffer-
Plasma proteins (e.g., albumin, globulin) ing accumulate, which is indeed the case for
Inorganic phosphates most of the blood buffers. Buffering effective-
ness is compared in an open versus a closed
system in Figure 8-9. The hemoglobin buffer
functions in a closed system. As hydrogen ions
are buffered by hemoglobin, acid hemoglobin
Inorganic phoshates (HHb) accumulates. The buildup of HHb in
Organic phosphates turn slows the buffering reaction due to the
law of mass action.
210 Unit III Basic Physiology
operating point
in the body
4 5 6 7 8
0 100
25 75
associated form
dissociated form
Figure 8-8. The pK of carbonic acid. The pK is
% of acid in
% of acid in
the pH at which an acid is 50% dissociated. The
50 50 pK of carbonic acid in blood is 6.1.
75 25
100 0
4 5 6 7 8
This is not the case, however, for the bicar- that functions in an open system. For this
bonate buffer system. Due to the hydrolysis reason, the bicarbonate buffer system is the
reaction and the law of mass action, the bicar- most important extracellular fluid buffer.
bonate buffer system has the unique ability to
excrete carbonic acid via the lungs as it accu- Buffer Interactions
mulates through buffering. CO2 does not accu- Quantitatively, the extracellular and intracellu-
mulate in the blood; rather, any excess of CO2 lar fluids share the buffering of an acute acid
is excreted to maintain CO2 homeostasis. Thus, load almost equally, although the extracellular
the bicarbonate buffer is the only blood buffer buffering occurs more quickly. The bicarbonate
buffer system alone is responsible for more
than 50% of total buffering.367
Lungs The various blood buffers do not really
function independently in the blood. They are,
in fact, all chemically interdependent because
the hydrogen ion is common to all buffer
CO2 reactions. This principle of inter-relationship is
H2O sometimes referred to as the isohydric principle.
Guyton stated that the buffer systems actually
Open Closed buffer each other.173
+ system
HCO3 + + system H
H +H+ Hb
cells A discussion of acid-base homeostasis would be
incomplete without some mention of the famous
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation. This chemical
Figure 8-9. Open versus closed system buffering.
equation provides the basis for determining
The bicarbonate buffer system is the most effective
many common blood gas measurements (e.g.,
extracellular buffer because it functions as an open
system. CO2, the product of acid buffering, does PCO2, [HCO3]). This equation describes the
not accumulate in the blood and slow the buffering fixed inter-relationships between PCO2, pH,
process. Also, CO2 that is used up when carbonic and [HCO3]. A brief historical perspective of
acid is consumed in buffering bases is replenished the development of this equation is presented,
easily through metabolism. followed by a mathematical calculation of
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 211
pH, and finally the clinical application of this in Equation 8-13. By using the negative log,
equation. the normal value for the free hydrogen ion
concentration (pH) in the arterial blood
Hendersons Equation becomes simply 7.35 to 7.45.
Chemists have known for a long time that
there was a constant mathematical relation- Equation 8-13
ship between the various substances present in [HCO 3 ]
pH = pKc + log
the dissociation reaction of an acid. If the con- [H 2 CO 3 ]
centration of the products of dissociation (right pKc = negative log of the dissociation
side of the dissociation reaction) is divided by constant of carbonic acid
the concentration of the undissociated acid
(left side of the equation), a constant number In practice, it is very difficult to measure
would always result for a given acid. This con- the [H2CO3] because it is so minute. An alter-
stant number is called the dissociation constant native, however, is to substitute the dissolved
of that particular acid, and each acid has its CO2 concentration in place of [H2CO3]
own distinctive constant. Calculation of the because the two are related directly and
dissociation constant for carbonic acid is linearly. The modified form of the Henderson-
shown in Equation 8-11. Hasselbalch equation that results is shown in
Equation 8-14.
Equation 8-11
[H + ] [HCO 3 ] Equation 8-14
Kc =
[H 2 CO 3 ] [HCO 3 ]
pH = pKc + log
[diss CO 2 ]
Kc = dissociation constant for carbonic acid
[diss CO2] = dissolved CO2 concentration
Henderson simply took this equation (see in mEq/L
Equation 8-11) and solved it for the [H+]
(Equation 8-12). The dissociation constant for Numeric Calculation
H2CO3 is a known value that can be substituted The normal blood pH can be calculated by
into the equation. If the [HCO3] and substituting the normal values for the factors
the [H2CO3] could then be measured, the equa- given in the modified Henderson-Hasselbalch
tion could be solved for the [H+]. Unfortunately, equation. Normal pKc within the blood is a
the normal hydrogen ion concentration in constant value of 6.1. The normal [HCO3 ] in
the blood is a very small and awkward num- the plasma is approximately 24 mEq/L.
ber (0.00000004 Eq/L). Therefore, a different The dissolved CO2 concentration in mEq/L
method of reporting this measurement was can be calculated by multiplying PaCO2
sought. (mm Hg) by the conversion factor (0.03 mEq/L/
mm Hg). Because the normal PaCO2 is
Equation 8-12 approximately 40 mm Hg, this value becomes
[H + ] =
Kc [H 2 CO 3 ] (40 mm Hg 0.03 mEq/L/mm Hg) 1.2 mEq/L
[HCO 3 ] of dissolved CO2. The result of substitution
of these values into Equation 8-14 is shown in
Hasselbalchs Modification Equation 8-15.
Hasselbalch addressed this problem by tak- One can see that the normal ratio of bicar-
ing the negative log of both sides of the bonate to dissolved CO2 in units of mEq/L is
Henderson equation. The symbol for the nega- approximately 20:1. Preservation of this ratio is
tive log of a substance is p. Thus, the negative essential to maintain a normal pH. Figure 8-10
log of the free hydrogen ion concentra- shows the effect that alterations in this ratio
tion becomes simply pH. The equation that have on the pH. Extreme alterations have a
results after this manipulation is called the substantial effect on pH and can ultimately
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and is shown result in death.
212 Unit III Basic Physiology
pH 7.35 7.45
20/1 25/1
12.5/116/1 32/1
10/1 40/1
8/1 7.4 7.5 50/1
7.2 7.3 7.6
6.3/1 7.1 7.7 60/1
7.0 7.8
Ratio 5/1 6.9 7.9 70/1 Ratio
6.8 8.0
Figure 8-10. Normal 20:1 ratio of bicarbonate to dissolved CO2 in milliequivalents per liter. The normal
ratio of [HCO3] to dissolved CO2 in mEq/L is 20:1. Alteration of this ratio changes the pH and may lead
to death in severe cases.
Finally, Equation 8-15 shows that the log quantities are left in their normally recorded
of 20 is 1.3. Therefore, adding 1.3 to the nor- units. Using the normally reported units, the
mal pKc of 6.1 results in the normal arterial ratio is simply 24/40 ([HCO3] in mEq/L and
pH of 7.4. PaCO2 in mm Hg).
Equation 8-15 Proportion 8-4. [HCO3]/PaCO2 RATIO
24 mEq /L [HCO 3 ] kidneys
pH = (6.1) + log pH
1.2 mEq/ L PaCO 2 lungs
pH = (6.1) + log 20
pH = (6.1) + 1.3 The denominator in Proportion 8-4 (i.e.,
pH = 7.4 PaCO2) is, of course, primarily a product of res-
piratory lung function. The numerator, on the
Clinical Application other hand, [HCO3], is affected by buffering
and other nonrespiratory acid-base changes.
[HCO3]/PaCO2 Ratio
The organs with primary responsibility for
If all of the constants are eliminated from the [HCO3] regulation are the kidneys.
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, it is reduced to
the simple relationship shown in Proportion 8-4. Metabolic Disturbances
The unit that [HCO3] is usually reported in Based on Proportion 8-4, an increase in the
is mEq/L. The unit that PaCO2 is typically numerator, [HCO3], tends to increase blood pH.
reported in is mm Hg. Technically, from a When analyzing blood gas data, a specific, meas-
mathematical standpoint, different units in ured acid-base condition that tends to increase
the numerator and denominator should not be blood pH may be called a laboratory alkalosis.
used. Rather, both should be converted to When the term alkalosis is used to infer a
mEq/L, which was described earlier. Neverthe- patients diagnosis, however, it should be used
less, the gross effect of a change in PaCO2 or only to indicate an abnormal, primary acid-base
[HCO3] on pH can still be appreciated if these condition and not compensatory responses.
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 213
Thus, a distinction should be made between a response to a change in the numerator within
laboratory alkalosis (e.g., increased [HCO3]), minutes. Nevertheless, the maximal respiratory
and an actual patients diagnosis of alkalosis response may take up to 24 hours.368,369
(e.g., vomiting that resulted in an increased In comparison, the compensatory response of
[HCO3]). the kidneys is slow. The kidneys require 48 to
On the other hand, a decrease in the numer- 72 hours to achieve maximal compensation.
ator tends to decrease blood pH. A specific, The initial, abnormal acid-base disturbance
measured acid-base condition that tends to that occurs in a particular patient is sometimes
lower blood pH may be called a laboratory referred to as the primary disturbance or
acidosis. Here again, the distinction should be problem. The acid-base change that occurs dur-
made between a laboratory acidosis (e.g., ing compensation for the primary problem is
decreased [HCO3]) and an actual patients sometimes referred to as a secondary or com-
diagnosis of acidosis (e.g., renal failure leading pensatory acid-base condition.
to a decreased [HCO3]). A more detailed dis-
cussion of this acid-base terminology appears Respiratory Disturbances
at the end of this chapter. Figure 8-11,A shows the normal [HCO3]/
The terms acidosis or alkalosis can be fur- PaCO2 ratio of 24/40. In ordinary circum-
ther clarified based on their origin. A condition stances this reflects a normal balance of acids
originating from the respiratory system is called and bases within the body and a normal pH.
a respiratory acid-base condition (acidosis/ Figure 8-11,B shows a primary respiratory
alkalosis). A nonrespiratory condition is called acidosis. This condition is associated with a rise
a metabolic acid-base condition. in PaCO2 and carbonic acid. A narcotic drug
overdose could lead to poor ventilation and to
Respiratory Disturbances this condition. Acute (abrupt onset) respira-
A change in the denominator of the [HCO3]/ tory acidosis increases the denominator of the
PaCO2 also tends to change blood pH. An ratio and decreases pH.
increase in the denominator (i.e., PaCO2) tends The kidneys, however, respond to this situa-
to decrease blood pH. In comparison, a decrease tion by increasing blood [HCO3] and thus
in PaCO2 tends to increase pH. increasing the numerator of the ratio. This result
The proportion points out that it is the ratio represents the secondary acid-base change.
of bicarbonate to PaCO2 that determines Figures 8-11,C and D show progressive com-
blood pH, not the absolute value of either of pensation. Ultimately, in Figure 8-11,D, com-
the factors. For example, if both [HCO3] and pensation is complete and the ratio is restored.
PaCO2 increase proportionately, the ratio and In patients, complete compensation to a pH
therefore blood pH will be normal. of 7.40 is probably never achieved. Complete
compensation is shown here, however, to show
Acid-Base Compensation the concept of progressive compensation. Also
When acid-base disturbances occur, the human remember that renal (kidney) compensation is
organism takes advantage of this ratio (i.e., not complete for 2 to 3 days. Figures 8-12,A to
[HCO3]/PaCO2) in an attempt to normalize D show the same chain of events that occur
pH. In other words, when the denominator in the development and compensation for a
increases, the body responds by increasing the primary respiratory alkalosis.
numerator, which has the effect of normalizing
the [HCO3]/PaCO2 ratio and pH. This process Metabolic Disturbances
of altering the unaffected component in the Figures 8-13,A to D show the onset and pro-
ratio in an attempt to normalize the overall gressive compensation of nonrespiratory
ratio is called acid-base compensation. (metabolic) acidosis. In this particular case,
The organs involved in acid-base compensa- metabolic acidosis is shown to have resulted
tion are the lungs and the kidneys. The lungs from a loss of blood base (i.e., HCO3). Meta-
regulate PaCO2, the denominator of the ratio. bolic acidosis may also develop due to an accu-
The kidneys regulate [HCO3], the numerator mulation of fixed acid in the blood. In either
of the ratio. The lungs can modify PaCO2 in event, however, bicarbonate (the numerator)
214 Unit III Basic Physiology
pH pH
HCO 3 24 HCO 3 24
= = =
PaCO2 40 PaCO2 80
A pH = 7.40 B pH = 7.10
pH pH
HCO 3 36 HCO 3 48
= = = =
PaCO2 80 PaCO2 80
C pH = 7.30 D pH = 7.40
Figure 8-11. Compensation for respiratory acidosis. A, The normal [HCO3]/PaCO2 is associated with a
normal pH and acid-base balance. B, Increased PaCO2 is associated with an increase in volatile acid
[H2CO3] and a decreased pH. C, Renal compensation increases the blood [HCO3] and tends to normalize
the ratio. D, A normal pH would result if the ratio were restored to normal.
concentration decreases. In the case of increased acid-base problems is accomplished quickly via
fixed acids, bicarbonate is used up in the buffer- the lungs. Nevertheless, like the kidneys, the
ing reaction of the bicarbonate buffer system. lungs rarely achieve complete compensation
Finally, Figures 8-14,A to D show the onset back to a pH of 7.40.
and compensation for metabolic alkalosis. In clinical situations, what appears to be
Metabolic alkalosis is shown to result from the acid-base compensation may actually represent
accumulation of blood base, although theoreti- two distinct acid-base problems. These mixed
cally it could also result from the excessive loss acid-base disturbances are discussed in greater
of fixed acids. Compensation for metabolic detail in Chapter 14.
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 215
pH pH
HCO 3 HCO 3 24
= = =
PaCO2 40 PaCO2 20
A pH = 7.40 B pH = 7.70
pH pH
HCO3 18 HCO3 12
= = = =
PaCO2 20 PaCO2 20
C pH = 7.55 D pH = 7.40
Figure 8-12. Compensation for respiratory alkalosis. A, The normal [HCO3]/PaCO2 is associated with a
normal pH and acid-base balance. B, Decreased PaCO2 is associated with a decrease in volatile acid
[H2CO3] and an increased pH. C, Renal compensation decreases the blood [HCO3] and tends to normalize
the ratio. D, A normal pH would result if the ratio were restored to normal.
216 Unit III Basic Physiology
pH pH
HCO 3 HCO 3 12
= = =
PaCO2 40 PaCO2 40
A pH = 7.40 B pH = 7.10
pH pH
HCO3 12 HCO3 12
= = = =
PaCO2 30 PaCO2 20
C pH = 7.20 D pH = 7.40
Figure 8-13. Compensation for metabolic acidosis. A, The normal [HCO3]/PaCO2 is associated with a
normal pH and acid-base balance. B, Decreased [HCO3] is associated with a decrease in blood base and a
decreased pH. C, Respiratory compensation decreases the blood volatile acid through hyperventilation and
tends to normalize the ratio. D, A normal pH would result if the ratio were restored to normal.
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 217
pH pH
HCO 3 HCO 3 48
= = =
PaCO2 40 PaCO2 40
A pH = 7.40 B pH = 7.70
pH pH
HCO3 48 HCO3 48
= = = =
PaCO2 60 PaCO2 80
C pH = 7.50 D pH = 7.40
Figure 8-14. Compensation for metabolic alkalosis. A, The normal [HCO3]/PaCO2 is associated with a
normal pH and acid-base balance. B, Increased [HCO3] is associated with an increase in blood base and
an increased pH. C, Respiratory compensation increases the blood volatile acid through hypoventilation
and tends to normalize the ratio. D, A normal pH would result if the ratio were restored to normal.
primary, abnormal acid-base processes, which is gas classification.371 The terms hyperbasemia
consistent with the usual use of the suffix osis and hypobasemia have been used by several
which means pathologic condition.372 Thus, authors,373375 but this terminology is cumber-
according to their recommendations, a compen- some and is not standard in the literature or in
satory increase in [HCO3] in a particular patient my clinic.
should not technically be called a metabolic alka- Therefore, in this text, I have chosen to use
losis because it is not a primary acid-base distur- the terms acidosis and alkalosis to indicate
bance. In the past (and in many circles in the measured laboratory changes in [HCO3] and
present), it was common to refer to a secondary PaCO2. I believe that naming abnormal labo-
increase in bicarbonate as a compensatory meta- ratory values in this manner greatly aids the
bolic alkalosis, which, of course, is inconsistent novice in blood gas classification.
with recommendations of the International When referring to the patient (compared
Conference on Acid-Base Terminology. with the blood gas), however, the terms acido-
Unfortunately, however, the committee did sis and alkalosis should be used only to indi-
not recommend an alternative terminology for cate primary, abnormal acid-base processes. In
what is sometimes referred to as a compen- comparison, a laboratory metabolic acidosis
satory or secondary acidosis/alkalosis, which, (e.g., decreased [HCO3]), may represent either
I might add, are often very useful terms in blood a primary or a secondary acid-base condition.
1. Hydrogen in chemical combination with other elements (is/is not) part of the pH measurement.
2. The definition of pH is the ______.
3. The normal range for pH in arterial blood is ______.
4. The relationship between pH and [H+] is (direct/inverse) and (linear/logarithmic).
5. Doubling of the normal [H+] results in a (0.03/0.3) unit decrease in pH.
6. Any chemical substance capable of releasing a H+ into solution is defined as a/an ______.
7. Any substance capable of combining with or accepting a hydrogen ion in solution is
called a ______.
8. Maintenance of a constant internal environment is called ______.
9. State the two organs primarily responsible for acid-base balance.
10. Normal body metabolism tends to result in an accumulation of excess (acid/base).
11. The (kidneys/lungs) are the major organs of acid excretion.
12. The lungs excrete (volatile/fixed) acid.
13. Normally, ______ is the only volatile acid excreted by the lungs under ordinary conditions.
14. The organs responsible for the regulation of blood bases is the (lungs/kidneys).
15. The major blood base of clinical significance in blood gas interpretation is ______.
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 219
1. The amount of CO2 entering the blood depends primarily on the ______.
2. The volume of CO2 produced per minute is designated as the ______.
3. ______ is the amount of fresh gas that reaches functional alveoli.
4. The symbol for alveolar ventilation per minute is ______.
5. State two conditions in which a large increase in metabolism and CO2 production may
result in increased PaCO2.
6. An increase in blood PaCO2 can occur after intravenous administration of the drug ______
to a patient unable to increase his or her alveolar ventilation.
7. An increase in alveolar ventilation results in a /an (increased/decreased) PaCO2.
8. The amount of gas moving in and out of the lungs with each breath is called the ______.
9. Write the formula for minute ventilation.
10. Minute ventilation (is/is not) a reliable index of the adequacy of ventilation.
220 Unit III Basic Physiology
11. The ______ is the best index available to assess the adequacy of ventilation.
12. Write the formula for alveolar minute ventilation.
13. Alveolar ventilation is (directly/inversely) proportional to PaCO2.
14. An increase in physiologic deadspace may (increase/decrease) PaCO2.
15. A decrease in respiratory rate or tidal volume (increases/decreases) alveolar ventilation.
1. State the four mechanisms through which CO2 is carried in the blood.
2. In blood, the solubility coefficient of CO2 is (higher/lower) than the solubility
coefficient of O2.
3. The solubility coefficient of CO2 in blood is ______ mEq/L/mm Hg.
4. A PaCO2 of 80 mm Hg is equal to ______ mEq/L of CO2.
5. The volume of CO2 being transported in the form of H2CO3 (is/is not) negligible.
6. The hydrolysis reaction occurs at a very (slow/fast) rate in the plasma.
7. Of the CO2 transport from tissues to the lungs, 80% is in the form of (dissolved CO2/
carbonic acid/bicarbonate).
8. Inside the erythrocyte, the hydrolysis reaction occurs at a much (faster/slower) rate than in
the plasma.
9. The enzyme that speeds up the hydrolysis reaction is called ______.
10. Hydrogen ions generated by the hydrolysis reaction within erythrocytes are buffered by
11. Bicarbonate ions are transported through the cell membrane in exchange for (Cl/PO4 /K+).
12. The chloride shift is sometimes referred to as the ______ phenomenon.
13. Most of the HCO3 transporting CO2 from the tissues to the lungs originates in the
14. Protein in combination with CO2 is called a /an ______.
15. The combined form of hemoglobin and CO2 is called ______.
16. Hemoglobin combination with CO2 (does/does not) occur at the same chemical site as
hemoglobin combination with O2.
17. The affinity of hemoglobin for CO2 is (greater/less) when it is combined with O2.
18. The decreased affinity of hemoglobin for CO2 when it is already carrying O2 is known as
the ______ effect.
19. The percentage of CO2 transport in the form of carbamino-hemoglobin is
approximately ______%.
20. Carbamino compounds in the plasma account for only approximately ______% of CO2
Chapter 8 Acid-Base Homeostasis 221
1. Every acid must have a related ______ that is present on dissociation of the hydrogen ion.
2. An acid in conjunction with its associated base is sometimes referred to as a ______.
3. The conjugate base of H2CO3 is ______, and the conjugate base of HHb is ______.
4. All acids have (different/similar) degrees of dissociation.
5. Strong acids have a (high/low) degree of dissociation.
6. A longer arrow in one direction of a dissociation reaction indicates that the concentrations
of substances on that side of the equation are (greater/lower) at equilibrium.
7. In general, the stronger the acid, the (stronger/weaker) is its conjugate base.
8. (Deoxygenated/oxygenated) hemoglobin most readily picks up hydrogen ions.
9. The reaction: HCl H+ + Cl shows a (strong/weak) acid.
10. Hemoglobin may function as an (acid/base/acid or a base) in the blood and is sometimes
referred to as a /an ______ substance.
222 Unit III Basic Physiology
1. The primary organ system responsible for the [HCO3] is the (renal/respiratory) system.
2. A measured acid-base condition that tends to increase blood pH is termed a /an
3. A measured acid-base condition that tends to lower blood pH is termed a /an __________.
4. A nonrespiratory acid-base condition is called a /an ______ acid-base disturbance.
5. The kidneys require approximately ______ hours to achieve maximal compensation.
6. In actual patients, complete compensation to a pH of 7.4 is (usually/rarely) achieved.
7. Classify the laboratory acid-base status associated with the following [HCO3]/PaCO2 ratios
as (metabolic acidosis/metabolic alkalosis/respiratory acidosis/respiratory alkalosis):
a. 14/40
b. 24/80
c. 24/20
d. 36/40
8. According to the International Conference on Acid-Base Terminology, the term acidosis
should be reserved for (primary/compensatory) disturbances.
9. In this text, a compensatory increase in bicarbonate is called a /an ______ metabolic
10. A term used by some authors to indicate decreased blood bicarbonate is ______.
NBRC Challenge 8
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
1. A 63-year-old man presents to the [HCO3] 48 mEq/L
emergency department with the following PaO2 71 mm Hg
arterial blood gases: You can conclude:
pH 7.35 A) the patient has COPD.
PaCO2 59 mm Hg B) the patient has mild hypoxemia
[HCO3] 30 mEq/L secondary to pneumonia.
PaO2 61 mm Hg C) the patient needs mechanical
The patient appears to have: ventilation.
I. chronic renal acid-base D) the hypoxemia indicates a
compensation. pulmonary problem.
II. COPD. E) the pulmonary changes suggest
III. acute respiratory acidosis. compensation for a metabolic
A) I only alkalosis.
C) I and II only MATRIX I,B,10,c)
D) II and III only
4. A burn patient is being mechanically
E) I, II, and III
ventilated with a minute ventilation
of 15 LPM and his PaCO2 is
52 mm Hg. A probable
2. In reviewing the patients chart you note explanation is:
that measured venous bicarbonate on the A) increased CO2 production.
electrolyte report is 28 mEq/L whereas B) decreased CO2 production.
the bicarbonate on the blood gas report C) the Haldane Effect.
is 25 mEq/L. You should conclude: D) the Bohr Effect.
A) there is a technical error on the E) excessive fat metabolism.
electrolyte report. (RRT EXAMINATION NBRC
B) there is a technical error on the MATRIX I,C,2,b)
blood gas report.
5. A patient is inadvertently given a
C) the lab tests must have been done
small amount of a strong acid
at different points in time.
intravenously. Blood gases are
D) the patient must have COPD.
immediately drawn and pH is 7.31.
E) these results are consistent and
A large swing in pH was most likely
prevented because of:
A) renal compensation.
B) hypoventilation.
3. A 40-year-old man presents to the emer- C) blood buffers.
gency department with the following arte- D) the hydrolysis reaction.
rial blood gases: E) carbamino compounds.
PaCO2 52 mm Hg MATRIX I,B,10,c)
Clinical Oxygenation
This page intentionally left blank
Assessment and Treatment of Hypoxemia
and Shunting
...cardiac output, oxygen consumption, hemoglobin content, alveolar ventilation or lung disease can each
change, sometimes simultaneously and in opposite directions, so as to complexly alter the PaO2.
Peter D. Wagner243
Overview, 227 The PaO2/PAO2, 234
Assessment of Hypoxemia, 228 The PaO2/FIO2, 235
Effects of Cardiac Output on PaO2, 228 Summary, 236
Arterial Blood as a Mixture, 229 Differential Diagnosis of Hypoxemia, 236
Changes in Cardiac Output or Shunting, 229 Hypoventilation, 236
Decreased Cardiac Output with a Normal Evaluation, 236
Shunt, 229 Hypoventilation with Increased Shunting, 236
Increased Shunting with Normal Hypoventilation Secondary to Hemodialysis, 237
Cardiac Output, 229 Absolute Shunting, 237
Decreased Cardiac Output with an Capillary Shunting, 237
Increased Shunt, 230 Anatomic Shunting, 237
Increased Cardiac Output with an The 100% O2 Test, 237
Increased Shunt, 230 Relative Shunting, 238
Clinical Implications, 231 Diffusion Defects, 238
Other Mechanisms of Decreased PvO2, 231 Effects of Altitude and Air Travel in
Assessment of Physiologic Shunting, 232 Hypoxemia, 238
Introduction, 232 Summary, 239
Indices of Physiologic Shunting, 232 Clinical Appearance of the Patient with
Classic Shunt Equation, 232 Hypoxemia/Hypercapnia, 239
Estimated Shunt Equations, 232 Hyperoxemia, 239
The P(A a)O2, 233 Exercises, 240
words, Is the PaO2 appropriate for the given
The ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen from FIO2? Thus, the second part of oxygen transfer
the atmosphere to the pulmonary capillary blood evaluation is essentially an assessment of pul-
(i.e., external respiration) is the first critical step monary shunting.
in the overall process of oxygenation. The clin- The first section of this chapter briefly
ical assessment of oxygen transfer in the lungs describes the classification and assessment of
is a two-part evaluation. hypoxemia. Special reference is also made to
First, the adequacy of oxygen transfer must the effects of cardiac output and mixed venous
be evaluated. Assessment of the adequacy of blood on PaO2. The next portion of this chapter
oxygen transfer in the lungs is essentially hypo- addresses the evaluation and quantification of
xemic (i.e., PaO2) evaluation. An adequate PaO2 pulmonary shunting. The various clinical indices
is one that is sufficiently high so as not to suggest that have been used to estimate and quantify
the likelihood of tissue hypoxia. pulmonary shunting are surveyed. The use of
Second, the efficiency of oxygen transfer some of these indices in the differential diagnosis
through the lungs should be considered. In other of clinical hypoxemia is also discussed.
228 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
and no mention of cardiac output is made in oxygen content of mixed venous blood (CvO2)
Box 9-1 regarding the causes of hypoxemia. more accurately reflects the amount of oxygen
Notwithstanding, it is not correct to presume present in this blood and, therefore, how much
that the cardiac output has no effect on PaO2. it affects the arterial PO2. Nevertheless, PvO2 is
The relative influence of cardiac output on used here to illustrate this concept in the most
PaO2 in various clinical situations is explored. straightforward manner.
O 2
mm Hg mm Hg
O 2
Normally Normally
Normal anatomic
Normal anatomic
shunt 5%
shunt 5%
Figure 9-2. Arterial blood is a mixture of Figure 9-3. Effects of decreased cardiac output on
oxygenated and shunted blood. PaO2 in humans with normal physiologic shunting.
230 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
with Figure 9-4, despite identical shunt frac-
O 2
tions of 25%. Note also that a decrease in car-
Anatomic and
Normally diac output has a greater impact on PaO2 in the
oxygenated O
individual with increased physiologic shunting
105 105 Fluid
Fluid mm Hg
mm Hg
O 2
O 2
PaO2 PaO2
Arterial blood 65 Arterial blood
mm Hg mm Hg
Figure 9-5. Effects of decreased cardiac output Figure 9-6. Effects of increased cardiac output
on PaO2 in the patient with increased physiologic on PaO2 in the patient with increased physiologic
shunting. shunting.
Chapter 9 Assessment and Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 231
which is shown in Figure 9-6. This result is the observed in the critically ill patient with appar-
opposite effect to that shown in Figure 9-5 ently stable pulmonary status. Cardiac output
where cardiac output is decreased. can be measured directly in the patient with
a pulmonary artery catheter in place. In the
Clinical Implications absence of a pulmonary catheter, the patient
In clinical practice, the PaO2 is often used as a should be monitored for signs of low cardiac
crude index of pulmonary shunting. When the output, such as those described in Chapter 10.
fractional concentration of inspired oxygen
(FIO2) is held constant, an increase in PaO2 is Other Mechanisms of Decreased PvO2
usually attributed to an improvement in lung The clinician should understand that the preced-
function and the pulmonary shunt. Conversely, ing discussion about how cardiac output affects
a decline in PaO2 suggests further deteriora- PaO2 is really an oversimplification. First, as
tion in pulmonary gas exchange and worsen- stated previously, the actual PaO2 that results
ing of the pulmonary shunt. from the mixture of oxygenated and shunted
The logic of these assumptions is sound, and blood depends more on the oxygen content of
most often these assumptions prove to be cor- the two components than on their respective
rect. Sometimes, howeverparticularly in the oxygen tensions.
critically ill patient with substantial pulmonary Second, it should be understood that the
dysfunctiona change in PaO2 may be prima- mixed venous oxygen content or tension does
rily due to a nonpulmonary change.246 As has not depend solely on cardiac output. Anemia,
been shown, cardiac output has a notable increased metabolism, and abnormal distribu-
effect on PaO2 in patients with increased phys- tion of systemic perfusion are only some of the
iologic shunts. Furthermore, the influence of other factors that can significantly affect mixed
cardiac output on PaO2 is related directly to venous oxygen levels and, consequently, the
the size of the shunt. PaO2. It has been shown, however, that cardiac
It is wise to suspect a change in cardiac out- output is probably a primary factor in many
put when abrupt, unexplained hypoxemia is clinical situations.
increased physiologic shunting. Some authors may result in profound improvement in arte-
consider 10 to 15 mm Hg to be a normal range rial oxygenation. Substantial anatomic shunt-
for P(A a)O2 while breathing room air.286 ing often requires surgical intervention.
A normal gradient of up to 20 mm Hg is used
here because this includes approximately The 100% O2 Test
2 standard deviations from the mean of the adult The 100% O2 test, which compares the
population.287 P(A a)O2 of an individual breathing room
air with the P(A a)O2 on FIO2 of 1.0, is use-
Hypoventilation Secondary to Hemodialysis ful in differentiating true capillary shunting
Somewhat surprisingly, hemodialysis has been from relative capillary shunting.262 Both
associated with the development of hypoventi- absolute and relative capillary shunting will
lation and hypoxemia. Apparently, the dialysis show an increased P(A a)O2 on room air;
acts like a second set of lungs in that carbon however, when FIO2 1.0 is administered for
dioxide is excreted. The pseudo-hypoventilation approximately 20 minutes, the P(A a)O2
that ensues reduces ventilation to the actual remains abnormal only if absolute shunting is
lungs with resultant hypoxemia although present.
actual PaCO2 remains normal.290 Hypoxemia due to relative capillary shunt-
ing is caused by an inadequate oxygen supply . .
Absolute Shunting in the poorly ventilated alveoli (i.e., low V/Q).
Blood passing from the right side to the left Administration of FIO2 of 1.0 provides suffi-
side of the heart without being exposed to cient oxygen to all alveoli regardless of the actual
alveolar oxygen constitutes an absolute shunt. volume of ventilation. Thus, FIO2 of 1.0 totally
Absolute, or true, shunts may be anatomic or corrects hypoxemia due to relative capillary
capillary in nature (see Chapter 6). Absolute shunting.
shunting responds poorly to administration of The normal P(A a)O2 at FIO2 of 1.0 is less
supplemental oxygen, because the oxygen does than 50 mm Hg. Therefore, at FIO2 of 1.0, a
not come in contact with the shunted blood. P(A a)O2 greater than 50 mm Hg indicates the
presence of absolute shunting; conversely, when
Capillary Shunting it is less than 50 mm Hg, there is no abnormal
Absolute capillary shunting results from alveolar absolute shunt component. In this case, shunting
consolidation (filling with fluid) or collapse. observed on room air must be due to the
Alveolar consolidation appears as a white-out relative shunt effect.
on the chest radiograph. Conditions known to Actual performance of the 100% O2 test is
be associated with absolute capillary shunting presently rarely done because it has been shown
should alert the clinician to its likelihood. These that breathing FIO2 of 1.0 leads in itself to
include acute respiratory distress syndrome, absorption atelectasis and to increased true cap-
left-sided heart failure, pneumonia, and atelec- illary shunting.288 The absolute shunt measured
tasis. Pulmonary edema, whether cardiogenic in normal individuals may even exceed 10%
(left-sided heart failure) or noncardiogenic, is after breathing FIO2 of 1.0. This shunt induc-
probably the single greatest cause of severe, ing effect is undesirable, particularly in patients
absolute capillary shunting in critical care units. already compromised by increased physiologic
Anatomic Shunting Nevertheless, the basic theory underlying
Congenital cardiovascular anomalies are often the 100% O2 test may be clinically useful.
accompanied by increased anatomic shunting. That is, the general degree of PaO2 responsive-
Similarly, newborn infants with persistent ness to oxygen therapy may help to differentiate
fetal circulation also have anatomic shunts. true from relative shunting.286 A substantial
Generally, pulmonary intervention is ineffec- increase in PaO2 after elevation of FIO2 sug-
tive in the treatment of these problems. In the gests relative shunting, whereas a poor response
case of persistent fetal circulation, however, to oxygen therapy is typical of absolute
decreasing the pulmonary vascular resistance shunting.
238 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
with end-stage lung disease manifested an is to enhance our understanding of the patho-
increase in PaO2, increased exercise capability, logic mechanisms that predominate in a given
and felt better subjectively after descent to patient, which, in turn, should assist us in the
a barometric pressure of 798 mm Hg at the development of a sound therapeutic plan.
Dead Sea, the lowest altitude on earth.293
Because air travel occurs at a high altitude,
airplane cabins are pressurized to equate to an
altitude of approximately 5000 ft. In some cases,
cabin pressures may equate to even higher alti-
tudes but the Federal Aviation Administration The clinical appearance of the patient may be
requires equilibration to no higher than 8000-ft the first clue with regard to the onset or wors-
altitude.695 At 8000 ft, even healthy people will ening of hypoxemia or hypercapnia. Some of
likely have PaO2s less than 60 mm Hg and the most important signs and symptoms com-
SaO2s less than 90%. Roughly, one can expect monly associated with hypoxemia or hyper-
a PaO2 decrease of approximately 4 mm Hg per capnia are shown in Box 9-3. The body will
1000-ft increase in elevation.695 typically respond to hypoxemia with increased
The decrease in PaO2 associated with air cardiac output in a dose-response manner,301
travel is of particular concern to the individual but cardiac output may sometimes decrease
with chronic lung disease, decreased ventilatory with severe hypoxemia.
reserve, and chronic hypoxemia. Therefore, Sometimes the hypoxemic patient is relatively
oxygen supplementation should be adminis- asymptomatic, and hypoxemia can only be
tered in these individuals especially if the PaO2 determined by blood gas analysis or pulse
is expected to fall below 50 mm Hg.295,296 oximetry. In the acute emergency, the patients
airway, respiratory, and circulatory status must
Summary be quickly evaluated and, if necessary, corrective
Methods for differentiation of the four mech- action should be undertaken.
anisms of hypoxemia have been discussed.
Application of P(A a)O2 in making the differ-
ential diagnosis has also been presented. The
role of P(A a)O2 in the differential diagnosis Not only hypoxemia but also hyperoxemia
of hypoxemia is summarized in Table 9-1. (an excessive amount of oxygen in the blood)
Limitations of the P(A a)O2 have also been dis- is undesirable. When the PaO2 exceeds 100
cussed. The purpose of the differential diagnosis mm Hg, very little benefit is accrued in terms
Box 9-3 Signs and Symptoms of additional blood oxygen content, whereas
of Hypoxemia and the risk of complications increases.
Hypercapnia Excluding mild elevations of PaO2 (up to a
maximum of about 130 mm Hg),81 hyperox-
emia is always the result of excessive FIO2.
Muscular incoordination
Occasionally unexpectedly high PaO2 levels
Loss of judgment may provide the first clue of erroneous labora-
Extreme restlessness, combative behavior tory data or technical error.
Tachycardia In certain cases in which the patient is believed
Mild hypertension to be hypoxic from nonpulmonary factors,
Peripheral vasoconstriction hyperoxemia may be used therapeutically. For
Cyanosis example, tissue oxygenation may improve
Bradycardia* slightly when there is severe anemia or cardio-
Bradyarrhythmias* vascular failure. Hyperoxemia is particularly
Hypotension* valuable in the treatment of carboxyhemoglo-
binemia (carbon monoxide poisoning) because
Progressive somnolence
it accelerates the destruction of the pathologic
Mucosal, scleral, conjunctival hyperemia carboxyhemoglobin.
Diaphoresis In general, the clinician should realize that
Tachycardia the gain in blood oxygen content with hyper-
Hypertension oxemia is only modest and that this measure is
only a stopgap to mitigate the impact of severe
*Associated with severe hypoxemia.
From Glauser F. L., Polatty R.C., and Sessler C.N.:
hypoxia in the short term. Ultimately, therapy
Worsening oxygenation in the mechanically ventilated must address the actual cause of the hypoxia.
patient. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis., 138:458465, 1988.
1. The PaO2/PAO2 is (more/less) stable than the P(A a)O2 at varying FIO2 levels.
2. The lower limit of normal for PaO2/PAO2 in adults is a value of ______.
3. The PaO2/PAO2 is most stable in critically ill patients when FIO2 is in the range
of ______ to ______.
242 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
4. The PaO2/PAO2 is most stable in critically ill patients when the PaO2
is less than ______ mm Hg.
5. The normal PaO2/FIO2 is a value greater than ______.
6. The PaO2/%FIO2 is called the ______ ratio.
7. A PaO2/FIO2 of 200 is equivalent to an oxygenation ratio of ______.
8. The PaO2/FIO2 (does/does not) account for changes in PaCO2.
9. The (PaO2/PAO2 or P[A a]O2) may be useful to the clinician as a guide for selecting
appropriate oxygen therapy.
10. Changes in PaCO2 (do/do not) influence cardiac output and PaO2.
1. The classic shunt equation (corrects/does not correct) for any nonpulmonary (e.g., Pv O2)
mediated effects on arterial oxygenation.
. .
2. Calculation of Qsp/QT via the (classic/estimated) shunt equation is the only
accurate measurement of physiologic shunting when cardiac output is
3. The most notable deterrent to routine measurement of the physiologic shunt is the
requirement for (arterial oxygen content/mixed venous blood).
. .
4. The Qsp/QT, as calculated through the classic shunt equation, is the
measurement of choice whenever a /an (arterial catheter/pulmonary artery catheter)
is in place.
5. Estimated shunt equations assume a given ______ in their calculations.
6. The
standard in evaluation of shunting is the measurement of the
(Qsp/QT or P[A a]O2).
7. The best index to use to differentiate simple hypoventilation from hypoventilation
with increased physiologic shunting is the ______ with the patient breathing
room air.
8. The oxygenation index used in the 100% O2 test is the ______ with FIO2 of 1.0.
9. The simplest oxygenation index to use that does not require calculation of the alveolar PO2
is the ______.
10. A PaO2/FIO2 of less than 200 almost always indicates a shunt greater
than ______%.
Chapter 9 Assessment and Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 243
1. In most clinical situations, (a single mechanism is/multiple mechanisms are) responsible for
a given decrease in PaO2.
2. The first mechanism to rule out in the presence of hypoxemia is
(absolute shunting/hypoventilation).
3. Absolute shunting is characterized by a (poor/good) response to oxygen
4. Absolute shunting is characterized by a (white-out/darkening) of the chest
5. Pulmonary (embolus/edema) is probably the single most common cause of severe
absolute shunting in critical care units.
6. It is wise to suspect (diffusion defect/decreased cardiac output) when there is abrupt onset
of hypoxemia in a critically ill patient with apparently stable lungs.
7. State the two potential causes of hyperoxemia.
. .
8. The (relative/absolute) shunt phenomenon is commonly referred to as V/Q
9. The maximum PaO2 attainable on room air is approximately (130/150) mm Hg.
10. Name two general groups of drugs that have been associated with the onset of relative
shunting after their administration.
11. A form of pseudo-hypoventilation may occur in the patient with
(hemodialysis/nitrate therapy).
12. Hypoxemia is often seen in conjunction with chronic (renal /liver) failure.
13. PaO2 will tend to (increase/decrease) at the Dead Sea.
14. Airplane cabins tend to be pressurized equivalent to approximately
(5000/12,000) feet.
15. PaO2 will typically decrease approximately _____ mm Hg per 1000-ft. elevation.
244 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
NBRC Challenge 9
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
1. A 45-year-old patient has a P(Aa)O2 of D) PaO2.
35 on room air. This value is consistent E) tidal volume.
with a diagnosis of: (RRT EXAMINATION NBRC
A) deadspace disease. MATRIX I,C,2,c)
B) pneumonia.
4. A patient with a normal physiologic shunt
C) low cardiac output.
has a sudden decrease in cardiac output.
D) high cardiac output.
One would expect PaO2 to:
E) acute renal failure.
A) increase sharply.
B) increase slightly.
MATRIX I,B,10,c)
C) increase substantially over the
2. A patient has an increased PaCO2, next few hours.
a normal P(A a)O2, and hypoxemia. D) decrease sharply.
The hypoxemia is due to: E) decrease very slightly or
A) hypoventilation.
. .
not at all.
C) absolute shunting. MATRIX I,B,9,c)
D) diffusion defect.
5. If the PaO2/PAO2 decreased, P(A a)O2
E) high altitude exposure. . .
would ________ and Qsp/QT would
A) increase, increase
3. A patient with a pulmonary shunt fraction B) increase, decrease
of 30% has a sudden decrease in Pv O2. C) decrease, increase
This will result in a decrease in: D) decrease, decrease
A) physiologic deadspace. E) decrease, not change
B) physiologic shunting. (RRT EXAMINATION NBRC
C) potassium. MATRIX III,A,1,m,1)
Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting
I believe the frequent forceful encouragement to cough and raise sputum supplemented by a degree of
bullying and buffeting is often more relevant than all the paraphernalia of O2 masks, intubation, ventilators,
and blood gas measurements put together.
E. J. Campbell297
Treatment, 246 Equipment Systems, 259
Acute Hypoxemia, 247 Indications, 260
Oxygen Therapy, 247 Mechanism of Effectiveness, 260
Mechanism of Effectiveness, 247 Complications, 260
Relative Shunting, 247 Decreased Cardiac Output, 260
Diffusion Defects, 248 Pulmonary Barotrauma, 262
Hypoventilation, 248 Deterioration of Ventilation-Perfusion
Absolute Shunting, 248 Ratio, 262
Oxygen Administration Devices, 248 Miscellaneous Complications, 262
High-Flow Systems, 248 Clinical Approach, 263
Low-Flow Systems, 249 AutoPositive End-Expiratory Pressure, 263
Oxygen Therapy in the Spontaneously Predisposing Factors, 263
Breathing Patient, 250 Effects, 263
Goals in Oxygen Therapy, 250 Detection, 263
Clinical Approach to Oxygen Therapy, 250 Management, 264
Excessive Oxygen Therapy, 254 Positive End-Expiratory Pressure on
High FIO2 Levels, 255 AutoPositive End-Expiratory Pressure, 264
High PaO2 Levels, 255 Body Positioning, 264
Mechanical Ventilation, 256 Factors in Gas Exchange, 264
Introduction, 256 Cardiac Output, 265
Acute Lung Injury/Acute Respiratory Distress Airway Closure, 265
Syndrome, 256 Gravity, 266
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome/Net, 257 Clinical Application, 266
Open Lung Approach, 257 Diffuse Lung Disease, 266
Permissive Hypercapnia, 257 Unilateral Lung Disease, 266
PaO2 Targets and Permissive Hypoxemia, 258 Summary, 266
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure, 258 Nitric Oxide, 266
Overview, 258 Long-Term Oxygen Therapy, 267
Definition and Waveforms, 258 Exercises, 267
Chapter 10 Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 247
Acute Hypoxemia
Box 10-1 Options for Treatment of
The management and control of acute hypo- Hypoxemia
xemia and chronic hypoxemia are different.
Oxygen therapy
Obviously, the goals and objectives of oxygen
Mechanical ventilation
therapy in the chronic patient are less urgent PEEP/CPAP
and focused more on the long term. The man- Alveolar recruitment maneuvers
agement of acute hypoxemia certainly has a Body positioning
more emergent focus and will be discussed first. Nitric oxide
As stated previously, the prevention of tissue
hypoxia is foremost. A precise PaO2 that will
result in hypoxia in all individuals cannot be Finally, with substantial absolute capillary
identified, because various factors (e.g., hemo- shunting, therapy with positive end-expiratory
globin concentration, oxyhemoglobin affinity, pressure or continuous positive airway pressure
cardiac output) interrelate in a complex manner (PEEP/CPAP) and/or alveolar recruitment
to deliver oxygen to the tissues. Nevertheless, maneuvers will probably be necessary.
it is prudent to make a few clinical assumptions Frequently, a combination of these therapies is
based solely on the PaO2. administered to a given patient. This is simply
Tissue hypoxia is likely in the presence of because most cases of hypoxemia will have
severe hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 < 45 mm Hg). more than one mechanism. The optimal sup-
Therefore, severe hypoxemia must be corrected portive plan for each patient must be individu-
immediately. Moderate hypoxemia (PaO2 45 to alized, based on the pulmonary pathology
59 mm Hg) may be associated with hypoxia if present and a thorough understanding of the
the cardiovascular system is unable to compen- value and role of each supportive modality.
sate. Thus, the likelihood of hypoxia in con-
junction with moderate hypoxemia depends OXYGEN THERAPY
primarily on the integrity of the cardiovascular
system. Mechanism of Effectiveness
In clinical practice, moderate hypoxemia is Relative Shunting
usually corrected, which minimizes the com- The effectiveness of oxygen therapy in relieving
pensatory stress placed on the cardiovascular hypoxemia depends primarily on the nature of
system and ensures that hypoxia does not the mechanism responsible for the hypoxemia
occur. Although mild hypoxemia (PaO2 60 to in the first place. For example, oxygen therapy
79 mm Hg) is generally not associated with is very effective in reversing the hypoxemia
hypoxia, oxygen therapy may be used to min- caused by relative shunting. As illustrated in
imize the strain on the cardiopulmonary system Figure 10-1, relative shunts are alveolar-capillary
and to make the patient more comfortable. units that have low but finite ventilation-
Notwithstanding, liberal use of oxygen ther- perfusion ratios. The gas exchange problem in
apy has recently been challenged.696 It has these units is that the quantity of oxygen avail-
been purported that oxygen administration able is insufficient (i.e., decreased partial pressure
may delay application of appropriate respira- of alveolar oxygen [PAO2]) to oxygenate com-
tory care.696 pletely the volume of blood perfusing them.
The types of palliative therapy commonly The effectiveness of oxygen therapy is related
used for acute PaO2 support are shown in to its effects on alveolar-capillary units with low
Box 10-1. The most appropriate measures for a V/Q ratios. Administration of oxygen increases
particular patient depend on the specific nature the alveolar oxygen supply and partial pressure
of the oxygen-loading problem. For example, in these units (see Fig. 10-1). It should be under-
when hypoxemia results from severe hypoven- stood that the administration of oxygen does
tilation, mechanical ventilation will likely be not change the ventilation-perfusion ratio or
necessary. On the other hand, when the hypox- improve lung function. Nevertheless, despite
emic mechanism is predominantly relative shunt- low ventilation with respect to perfusion, alveo-
ing, oxygen therapy may be all that is needed. lar oxygen delivery and PaO2 are increased.
248 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
Exhalation port
PcO 2
PaO2 PaO2
Room air
Figure 10-1. Response of relative shunting to
O2 therapy. O2 therapy increases the
. . PAO2 of the
alveolar-capillary units with low V/Q and thus cor-
rects this form of hypoxemia.
Diffusion Defects ()
Room Room
Oxygen therapy is also effective in the presence air
(+) air (+)
of diffusion defects. The increased PAO2 associ-
ated with oxygen therapy increases the driving
Venturi mask
pressure of oxygen across the alveolar-capillary principle Oxygen
membrane and thereby speeds up equilibration.
Pulmonary diffusion is discussed in detail in Figure 10-2. Air-entrainment mask. The air-
Chapter 6. entrainment mask is a high-flow oxygen adminis-
tration system that makes use of the Venturi
Hypoventilation principle.
Oxygen therapy corrects the hypoxemia asso-
ciated with hypoventilation by replenishing
the alveolar oxygen supply. Oxygen therapy Oxygen Administration Devices
alone in the treatment of hypoventilation, how- There are two general types of oxygen adminis-
ever, is inadequate, because it does not correct tration devices: low-flow systems and high-flow
the hypercarbia and acidemia that are also systems.
High-Flow Systems
Absolute Shunting High-flow systems, sometimes referred to
Oxygen therapy is generally ineffective in reliev- as fixed performance systems, are defined as
ing hypoxemia resulting from true capillary oxygen administration devices that provide gas
shunting. This finding should not be surprising, flow rates that are high enough to completely
because the increased partial pressure of inhaled satisfy the patients inspiratory demand.298
oxygen (PIO2) associated with oxygen therapy Ventilators and low fraction of inspired oxygen
never reaches blood that is perfusing consoli- (FIO2) air-entrainment masks (Fig. 10-2)
dated or collapsed alveoli. Despite its relative are examples of high-flow systems. High-flow
ineffectiveness, however, oxygen therapy is systems offer the advantage of delivering accu-
administered to all patients with hypoxemia, rate, controlled levels of FIO2. Furthermore,
because there is probably some relative shunt they often provide control of temperature and
component in all hypoxemia and oxygen ther- humidity of the inspired gas. A disadvantage of
apy is likely too add some additional volume of high-flow systems is that they are often noisy,
oxygen to the blood. bulky, and uncomfortable.
Chapter 10 Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 249
Inhalation port
Exhalation ports
oxygen source
Inhalation port
(one-way valve)
Exhalation ports
(one-way valve)
Figure 10-3. Nasal cannula. The nasal cannula is bag
a low-flow system for delivering oxygen.
Low-Flow Systems
Low-flow systems, sometimes referred to as
variable performance systems, supply oxygen
Head From
at flow rates that are less than the patients strap oxygen source
inspiratory flow demand. The specific level of
FIO2 delivered may be high or low. Examples Figure 10-4. Types of oxygen masks.
include the nasal cannula (Fig. 10-3), the A, A simple oxygen mask delivers an FIO2 of
simple mask (Fig. 10-4,A), and partial and approximately 0.5. B, Partial and rebreathing
non-rebreathing masks. A non-rebreathing masks tend to provide an FIO2 of approximately
0.40 to 0.70.
mask is shown in Figure 10-4,B. Advantages of
low-flow systems include simplicity and
patient tolerance. A disadvantage is that con-
trol of FIO2 levels with low-flow systems is less normal, the actual FIO2 level delivered is less
precise, because levels may vary with changes than that shown in Table 10-1. Conversely, with
in ventilatory pattern. slow, shallow ventilation, FIO2 levels may be
Low-flow systems that use reservoir bags much higher than those shown in Table 10-1.
(e.g., partial rebreathing masks and non- Non-rebreathing masks that incorporate
rebreathing masks) allow for some rebreathing one-way valves to prevent inspiration of room
of the first portion of exhaled gas and delivery air have been traditionally thought to provide
of higher rates of FIO2. With the partial a higher FIO2 (i.e., 0.6 to 0.8) than partial
rebreathing mask, the first one-third of rebreathing masks (i.e., 0.4 to 0.7).302 There is
exhaled gas is captured in the reservoir bag some evidence to suggest only very minimal FIO2
during expiration and is re-inhaled on the fol- differences between these two types of masks
lowing breath. Because this gas is rich in oxy- under normal clinical circumstances.303,698,699
gen, FIO2 levels increase. It is interesting to note that, as a variable
The approximate levels of FIO2 that are system, FIO2 delivered via a nasal cannula
delivered with a specific apparatus set on a could theoretically increase from 0.44 at a tidal
given flow rate are shown in Table 10-1. One volume of 500 mL, to 0.68 if tidal volume fell
must remember, however, that these approxima- to 250 mL.10 Therefore, it must not be assumed
tions apply only to individuals with a normal that low flow rates of oxygen from devices such
breathing pattern (e.g., tidal volume 500 mL, as nasal cannulas always deliver low FIO2
respiratory rate 12 breaths per minute). When levels. One must always keep in mind the effects
a patient breathes more rapidly or deeper than of breathing pattern on FIO2 when using
250 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
Table 10-1. APPROXIMATE FIO2 LEVELS WITH factors to consider when applying oxygen ther-
LOW-FLOW DEVICES apy in preterms and neonates.302,304
Device Flow (L/min) FIO2
Goals in Oxygen Therapy
Nasal Cannula 1 0.24 The traditional goals of oxygen therapy are to
2 0.28 maintain an adequate PaO2, to minimize car-
3 0.32 diopulmonary work, and to prevent or allevi-
4 0.36 ate hypoxia. Although PaO2 has historically
5 0.40
been the single most important parameter used
6 0.44
to gauge the appropriateness of oxygen ther-
Simple mask 6 0.40
7 0.50 apy, it should not be the sole criterion. Vital
8 0.60 organ function, general clinical appearance of
Partial rebreathing mask 610 0.60 the patient, and indices of cardiovascular stress
such as heart rate and arterial blood pres-
Adapted from Ziment, I.: Respiratory Pharmacology and sure must also be incorporated into decision
Therapeutics. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1978.
For example, oxygen therapy may be deemed
beneficial if it is accompanied by an improving
low-flow oxygen administration systems. To blood pressure or heart rate even if the PaO2
further complicate matters, there is evidence failed to increase significantly. As stated by
to suggest that oxygen concentration may be Campbell, Oxygen therapy is too serious to be
higher during nasal breathing versus mouth left to electrodes alone.297 Evaluation of the
breathing when using nasal cannulas,315 need for oxygen must include an assessment of
although this finding is controversial.302 the entire cardiopulmonary system as well as
Despite the fact that high-flow systems are complete hypoxic assessment as discussed in
more accurate and that their use is advocated by Chapter 11.
some clinicians,300 low-flow systems have more It is noteworthy that analysis of arterial blood
widespread use because of their simplicity and gases is not always indicated simply because
comfort. oxygen is being briefly administered. The cost of
arterial blood analysis may outweigh its benefit,
Oxygen Therapy in the Spontaneously particularly in short-term therapy.298 The price
Breathing Patient of one blood gas analysis may exceed the cost of
Since the early nineteenth century, when 24 to 48 hours of oxygen therapy. In many cases,
Thomas Beddoes opened the Pneumatic pulse oximetry can serve as a cost-effective alter-
Institute of Bristol, oxygen therapy has played native to arterial blood gas analysis for moni-
a vital role in healthcare. Without exception, toring oxygen therapy.
oxygen therapy is the first-line clinical treat-
ment for acute hypoxemia regardless of the Clinical Approach to Oxygen Therapy
mechanism or underlying cause. Immediate The first step before the actual administra-
application of oxygen therapy is essential in tion of oxygen is to classify each patient into
the treatment of severe hypoxemia or when one of two groups: oxygen-sensitive or non
there is a high probability of tissue hypoxia. oxygen-sensitive. This is important because the
Recommendations by the American Associ- approach to therapy in each group is markedly
ation for Respiratory Care302 as well as the different. Verification of the presence or
American College of Chest Physicians and the absence of oxygen sensitivity can usually be
National Heart and Blood Institute state that accomplished through a physical examination
oxygen therapy should be used when PaO2 is and review of the patients medical record.
less than 60 mm Hg or SaO2 is less than
90%.298 A summary of key recommendations NonOxygen-Sensitive Patients
for oxygen therapy in the acute care hospital In the absence of chronic obstructive pulmonary
are shown in Box 10-2. Box 10-3 outlines key disease (COPD), chronic CO2 retention, or acute
Chapter 10 Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 251
Box 10-2 AARC Clinical Practice GuidelineOxygen Therapy in the Acute Care
Hospital: Nuts & Bolts
SpO2 <90%
Acute Potential for Hypoxia
Severe Trauma
Postoperative Status
OBJECTIVE: PaO2 >60 mm Hg
SpO2 >90%
COMPLICATIONS: Acute Hypercapina in COPD
PaO2 > or = 60 mm Hg may cause
Absorption altectasis
Leukocyte/ciliary depression
Oxygen toxicity
More vulnerable with
Paraquat poisoning or Bleomycin Rx
FIO2 > or = 0.50 may cause
EQUIPMENT: Nasal Cannula
Flows up to 6 LPM
Humidification unnecessary <4 LPM
Simple Oxygen Mask
Flows 510 LPM
Always >5 LPM to prevent rebreathing
Partial Rebreathing Mask
Flows 610 LPM
Always >5 LPM to prevent rebreathing
Non-Rebreathing Mask
Flows 1015 LPM
Accurate FIO2 at recommended flows
May not meet flow needs with >35% settings
FIO2 >0.40 <8 hrs
FIO2 <0.40 <12 hrs
Check system daily
Acute M.I. <72 hrs
Reference: Oxygen therapy for adults in the acute care facility2002 revision and update. AARC Clinical Practice
Guideline. Respir. Care 47:717720, 2002.
252 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
Reference: Selection of an Oxygen Delivery Device for Neonatal and Pediatric Patients2002 Revision and Update.
AARC Clinical Practice Guideline. Respir. Care, 47:707716, 2002.
Chapter 10 Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 253
severe asthma,700 oxygen therapy may be guards against hypoxia and is unlikely to cause
administered without concern for inducing substantial hypercapnia and acidosis.
hypoventilation. It has been said that the brain
softens before the lung hardens, in reference to FIO2 Selection
the reluctance of clinicians to administer oxy- A useful guideline for FIO2 selection in acute
gen for fear of oxygen toxicity. Oxygen therapy exacerbation of COPD is the fact that PaO2
must not be withheld in the case of a patient increases approximately 3 mm Hg for each 0.01
who may be hypoxic. increase in FIO2.300,309 Thus, if a patient with
When PaO2 falls below 55 mm Hg acutely, COPD is seen in the emergency department dur-
short-term memory is altered and euphoria ing an acute exacerbation with a PaO2 of 39
or impaired judgment may be observed.298 mm Hg on FIO2 of 0.21, the FIO2 level indicated
Therefore, in most clinical situations the PaO2 to achieve a PaO2 of 60 mm Hg is 0.28. In other
should be targeted to 60 to 80 mm Hg. words, an FIO2 increase of 0.07 should increase
PaO2 approximately 21 mm Hg (7 3 mm Hg).
Oxygen-Sensitive Patients The formula shown in Equation 10-1 may be
The approach to oxygen therapy in the patient used to determine the appropriate percentage
with COPD, acute severe asthma,700 or chronic of oxygen to be applied in acute exacerbation of
hypercapnia is completely different. In these COPD, assuming a target PaO2 of 60 mm Hg.
individuals, caution is the byword. Excessive Of course, this is just a guideline, and individual
oxygen therapy administered to these oxygen- cases may vary considerably. It must also be
sensitive patients could potentially have fatal remembered that this guideline applies only to
consequences. Nevertheless, even in these the patient with COPD in acute exacerbation.
patients, when hypoxia is suspected, oxygen It should also be noted that when in doubt it is
therapy should never be withheld simply probably wise to administer more oxygen rather
because the patient may be sensitive to oxygen. than less.
Correction of hypoxia is always the first priority.
Equation 10-1
Specifically, the first line of supportive treat- 60 mm Hg room air PaO2/3 = required % FIO2
ment in acute exacerbation of COPD is low increase
FIO2 therapy. Typically, the patient with COPD
in acute respiratory failure has blood gases Following the initial application of oxygen
approximating those shown in Example 10-1.300 therapy and after allowing 30 minutes to
obtain a steady state, therapy should be titrated
Example 10-1 to achieve an SpO2 of 90%. It is noteworthy
Typical Blood Gases during Acute that arterial oxygen saturation also increases
Respiratory Failure in Patients with Chronic on average 3% to 4% per 0.01 increase in FIO2
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in acute COPD.300 This substantial increase
pH 7.237.39 shows the tremendous value of oxygen therapy
PaCO2 6080 mm Hg in acute COPD. Because these patients are
PaO2 40 mm Hg often on the steep portion of the oxyhemoglo-
bin curve, the amount of oxygen actually pres-
Despite PaCO2 levels in excess of 60 to ent in the blood rises sharply with only a small
65 mm Hg, many patients with COPD can be increase in PaO2.
treated without mechanical ventilation.306
In general, mechanical ventilation should not Progressive Hypercapnia
be initiated unless pH falls below 7.20297,306 and One must always keep in mind that increases
after all else fails.297,307 The decision to insti- in PaO2 in patients with COPD may also
tute mechanical ventilation in COPD is always be accompanied by increases in PaCO2.
difficult and requires consideration of a host of Although a slight increase in PaCO2 is incon-
variables. sequential, a large increase with a concomitant
A reasonable target PaO2 in acute exacerba- acidosis must be avoided. There is increasing
tion of COPD is 60 mm Hg.308 This level evidence, however, that it is not the hypercapnia
254 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
per se that results in deleterious effects316 but PaCO2 levels in some patients with COPD seem
rather the progressive acidemia, muscle weak- to decrease during acute exacerbation of the dis-
ness, and exhaustion, which must be carefully ease (see Chapter 14).10 Thus, when blood gases
monitored. are first sampled in the hospital, PaCO2 levels
The patient is more likely to have an increase could appear lower than their normal baseline.
in PaCO2 in response to O2 administration when In other words, chronic CO2 retention may
initial PaCO2 is greater than 70 mm Hg,309,700 go unrecognized during acute exacerbation
or when the initial PaO2 is very low.310 Also, because PaCO2 is within the normal range.
the clinician should be aware that worsening In any event, it appears prudent to approach
hypercarbia may be observed several hours oxygen therapy cautiously in all patients with
after the onset of oxygen therapy.306 COPD, regardless of PaCO2 levels.
The increase in PaCO2 also tends to be pro- Recently, it has been shown that patients with
portional to the level of FIO2 delivered. In one acute, severe asthma often develop acute hyper-
study, PaCO2 increased on average 5 mm Hg capnia when 100% oxygen is administered.700
with administration of FIO2 0.24 and 8 mm Hg In addition, they also respond with a decreased
on FIO2 0.28.307 In another study, modest FIO2 peak expiratory flow rate. This is in marked con-
levels of 0.35 to 0.40 substantially aggravated trast to the response when 0.28 FIO2 is adminis-
hypercapnia.311 When excessive oxygen ther- tered. These patients typically responded with
apy appears to be responsible for progressive a decreased PaCO2.700
hypercapnia, FIO2 should be reduced gradually, The device selected for the administration
because abrupt cessation of oxygen may result of oxygen is somewhat a matter of personal
in further deterioration of the patient. preference. High-flow systems such as air-
The buildup of CO2 to high levels in the entrainment masks with low FIO2 levels have
blood gives rise to the syndrome known as the advantage of accurate FIO2 rates regardless
CO2 narcosis. This syndrome, which may be a of breathing pattern and are advocated by
misnomer,316 is characterized by increasing some as the safest, most effective method
PaCO2 levels, acidemia, stupor, and coma.310 to deliver oxygen.308 However, the patients
Additional clinical signs suggestive of mild-to- comfort and compliance with these devices are
moderate hypercarbia include decreased cerebral not good. In addition, these masks are often
function, headache, drowsiness, lethargy, and unsightly, awkward, and noisy.
asterixis.312 See Box 9-3 for a more complete list Low-flow systems (e.g., nasal cannula) are
of the signs and symptoms associated with more often used. They are less obtrusive, quieter,
hypercapnia, although it is difficult to differen- and better tolerated. For more precise FIO2 con-
tiate some of these symptoms from acidemia. trol, however, flowmeters marked in flow incre-
Sometimes, severely hypercapnic patients ments less than 1 L/minute may be required.314
(i.e., PaCO2 150 mm Hg) may be relatively Furthermore, one must always remember that a
asymptomatic. Nevertheless, the clinician must nasal cannula is a low-flow system and, as such,
be continuously on guard for any signs or symp- may allow considerable FIO2 variation with
toms of hypercapnia and progressive acidosis changes in ventilatory pattern.
while administering oxygen to the patient with
COPD. Excessive Oxygen Therapy
Some authors suggest that high doses of Few clinicians feel the fear of oxygen toxicity is
oxygen therapy may be safely administered greater than the concern for tissue hypoxia.
to patients with COPD if hypercapnia is not D.R. Hess, R.B. Kacmarek305
present initially.298,313 In my experience, I have
observed increasing PaCO2 levels after oxygen Excessive oxygen therapy may produce conse-
therapy in COPD despite the absence of preex- quences similar to the symptoms of hypoxia
isting hypercarbia. and is also dangerous.317 The net potential for
The phenomenon of normal PaCO2 levels in harm depends on the net interaction of three
a patient who actually has chronic hypercap- critical variables: FIO2, PaO2, and duration of
nia could be explained by the observation that exposure.
Chapter 10 Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 255
ARDS but caused by excessive pressure and/or Alveolar recruitment maneuvers and higher
stress in lung units. The injury is sometimes levels of PEEP are used to maximize alveolar
referred to as volume-induced lung injury recruitment.
(VILI) and is likely to occur when plateau pres- Presently, the ARDS/Net approach seems to
sures measured in the lungs exceed 30 cm be gaining increasing popularity. However, the
H2O.305 VILI leads to inflammation, repair, modes and methods of mechanical ventilation
and remodeling of the lung. continue to evolve, and the specific characteris-
It has also been known for years that many tics of future approaches are certain to change.
patients with ARDS do not die because of pul- The myriad details of mechanical ventilation
monary dysfunction but rather due to the and application of PEEP and positive pressure
onset of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome is beyond the scope of this text.
(MODS). This syndrome is characterized by tis-
sue injury secondary to inflammatory mediators/ Permissive Hypercapnia
cells, bacteremia, and/or tissue hypoxia. Many Application of the open lung approach or the
clinicians currently believe that VILI may facil- ARDS/Net technique for mechanical ventilation
itate the release of inflammatory mediators and often results in the development or worsening of
contribute to MODS. The ARDS/Net study hypercapnia. It is a common belief, however,
discussed in the following section supports this that hypercapnia may be acceptable as long as
hypothesis. pH can be maintained within an acceptable
range. Arterial pH is typically maintained above
Acute Respiratory Distress 7.20 through the use of increased respiratory
Syndrome/Net rates or bicarbonate infusion if necessary.305
Traditional application of mechanical ventila- Notwithstanding, even small increases in
tion in ARDS involved the use of tidal volumes PaCO2 will increase cerebral perfusion; there-
of 10 to 15 mL/kg of body weight. In the ARDS/ fore, permissive hypercapnia should be avoided
Net study, it was hypothesized that these high when intracranial pressure is increased.
volumes could induce VILI, exacerbate MODS, Hypercapnia also stimulates ventilation; how-
and contribute to mortality. Therefore, patients ever, patients are often heavily sedated or
in the experimental group were mechanically paralyzed for controlled ventilation. Also,
ventilated with a tidal volume target of 6 mL/kg hypercapnia usually results in an increased car-
of ideal body weight with plateau pressures of diac output and pulmonary hypertension,
30 cm H20 or less.323 The intent was to reduce although results may be variable.
injurious lung stretch and the release of inflam- Most often, the primary limiting factor in per-
matory mediators. PEEP was applied in the missive hypercapnia is pH. Gradual pH change
range of 10 to 20 cm H2O to maintain alveolar is better tolerated than abrupt pH change and
recruitment. younger patients seem to tolerate pH change
The results were striking and, in fact, better than the elderly. Administration of buffers
the ARDS/Net study was prematurely termi- (e.g., sodium bicarbonate) to protect pH is con-
nated based on the clear superiority of the troversial. Sodium bicarbonate is also known
low tidal volume technique.323 Application of to cause intracellular acidosis, which may have
the ARDS/Net technique resulted in significant adverse effects.
decreased mortality (22%) and fewer patient The open lung approach and the ARDS/Net
days on the ventilator.323 These results occurred technique represent a radical departure in
despite higher FIO2s and PEEP levels used in priorities and focus as compared to traditional
the low tidal volume group. mechanical ventilation. Whereas, maintenance
of a normal PaCO2 was traditionally consid-
Open Lung Approach ered prerequisite to alveolar pressure, it is con-
The open lung approach to mechanical venti- sidered secondary to alveolar pressure with the
lation is an alternative to the ARDS/Net newer ventilation strategies. Thus, hypercapnia,
approach. In the open lung approach, the although undesirable, represents a trade-off
focus is on maintaining a low plateau pressure for minimizing alveolar pressure and lung stress
while using pressure controlled ventilation. exposure.
258 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
throughout the breathing cycle.327 Although it is
a spontaneously breathing modality, many ven-
tilators are also capable of providing CPAP.
When the pressure in a PEEP system is
allowed to fall below ambient pressure during
spontaneous inspiration, the breathing system/ 0
A Time
mode does not meet the criteria for CPAP.
A system that would allow this to occur is some-
times referred to simply as PEEP with sponta-
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
neous breathing or expiratory positive airway
pressure (EPAP). It has been shown that EPAP is
associated with a greater work of breathing than
Equipment Systems
Figure 10-6 shows one of the earliest systems
generally are better than flow resistors for the decreased venous return associated with PEEP
application of PEEP because they have a lower (described in the section on complications)
potential for cardiovascular side effects. may actually enhance cardiac performance.
It is certainly reasonable to attempt a trial of
Indications PEEP therapy in most patients with a substantial
The primary indication for PEEP therapy is the true capillary shunt. Of course, the potential
presence of substantial absolute shunting. The complications of PEEP must also be considered
classic indication for PEEP is a diagnosis of in this decision. In the patient with absolute
idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome shunting who does not require ventilatory sup-
(IRDS) in newborns or ALI/ARDS in adults. port, the CPAP mode should be used.
These diseases are associated with progressive,
often severe, true capillary shunting that is Mechanism of Effectiveness
potentially fatal if left untreated. The use of The effectiveness of PEEP is related to its ability
10 to 20 cm H2O of PEEP is used in ARDS to to increase the FRC, recruit alveoli, and improve
prevent alveolar collapse. the ventilation-perfusion match. Figure 10-7
PEEP has been used in many conditions that shows how PEEP applied via an endotracheal
are not related to increased capillary shunting tube helps to reverse low ventilation-perfusion
(e.g., obstructive sleep apnea, neonatal apnea, ratios and capillary shunting.
chest trauma, control of mediastinal bleeding PEEP may also have a desirable effect
after open heart surgery).332 Most of these other through the redistribution of lung water. Several
applications are controversial; however, CPAP studies suggest that PEEP shifts water from
therapy is widely accepted in the treatment of alveoli to the perivascular space, where it does
obstructive sleep apnea. not impair gas exchange.333,334
It is also known that the insertion of an arti-
ficial airway decreases the functional residual Complications
capacity (FRC). Therefore, in intubated infants The two most widely recognized complications
and adults, 3 to 5 cm H2O of PEEP or CPAP is of PEEP therapy are decreased cardiac output
typically applied. and pulmonary barotrauma.
PEEP has also been applied to various other
capillary shunt disorders besides ARDS. CPAP Decreased Cardiac Output
has been applied intermittently and continuously Decreased cardiac output is probably the most
to reverse or minimize the incidence of post- commonly cited complication of PEEP or CPAP
operative atelectasis.331 The major drawback therapy.335 This side effect is dose-related, and
to this application appears to be its questionable hypovolemic patients are especially susceptible
cost-effectiveness.331 to this problem.336
PEEP is often effective in the treatment of Two mechanisms that have been postulated
cardiogenic pulmonary edema.331 PEEP would to explain the PEEP-induced decrease in cardiac
seem to help these patients in two ways: (1) it output are shown in Figure 10-8. Decreased
tends to reverse the capillary shunt, and (2) the venous return (see Fig. 10-8,A) secondary to
Chapter 10 Treatment of Hypoxemia and Shunting 261
Bilateral disease
Two lung
. . PEEP
Figure 10-7. Mechanism of PEEP effectiveness. Application of PEEP to both lungs through a single-lumen
tube in patients with bilateral lung disease usually results in a reversal
. . of low ventilation-to-perfusion
relationships and atelectasis in both lungs. (ATEL, atelectasis; V/Q low ventilation-perfusion ratio.)
compression of the great veins that results in a through which some of these factors may
decreased venous return gradient is probably decrease the cardiac output are explored.
the most important mechanism.335 In addition,
increased pulmonary vascular resistance may Compliance
cause right ventricular dysfunction due to disten- Presumably, when lung compliance is low, such
tion and decreased contractility (see Fig. 10-8,B). as in ARDS, pressure in the lungs is poorly
Surprisingly, many patients who receive transmitted to the intrapleural space, and there-
PEEP therapy do not have a decrease in car- fore, cardiac effects are diminished. On the
diac output. The cardiac effects resulting from other hand, in an individual with healthy lungs,
a given dose of PEEP depend on the interaction alveolar pressure is more readily transmitted to
of many different variables, including lung the pleural space, and cardiac output is more
compliance, functional residual capacity (FRC), likely to decrease. Thus, cardiac output is more
mean airway pressure, blood volume, and likely to decrease with application of PEEP
pulmonary wedge pressure. The mechanisms in the patient with healthy lungs. One study
+ + PEEP
+ +
+ + PVR
+ +
ea re
se s su
d p l e ral pre
+ u +
D ec t
re ased di e n
venous return gra
Figure 10-8. Mechanisms of PEEP-induced decreased cardiac output. Two of the mechanisms responsible
for the decrease in cardiac output associated with PEEP are shown. A, Intrathoracic pressure increases as
the lung expands. The positive intrathoracic pressure compresses the great veins and decreases the venous
return gradient. B, PEEP also compresses the pulmonary vasculature which, in turn, distends the right
ventricle and decreases contractility.
262 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
confirmed that pressure transmission is related PEEP. It seems probable that the higher the level
to compliance; however, it failed to support the of PEEP, the greater is the tendency for baro-
presumption that this in turn leads to hemody- trauma. Also, as stated previously, barotrauma
namic consequences.337 is more likely when FRC is above normal.
Predisposing Factors
Figure 10-10. Differential lung PEEP. By using a It appears that the prolonged expiratory time
double-lumen endotube, different levels of PEEP required by patients with COPD predisposes
are applied independently to each lung in propor- them to the auto-PEEP effect. Nevertheless,
tion to their needs. this phenomenon is not exclusive to patients
with COPD. It has also been observed in
newborns and patients who are on controlled
increase intracranial pressure and reduce cere- ventilation with high minute volumes.344,345
bral perfusion pressure.341 This change may be
a serious complication in the patient with Effects
neurologic disease. Auto-PEEP may have deleterious conse-
PEEP may impair renal function due to quences. It may substantially diminish venous
decreased perfusion or by increasing antidiuretic return and decrease cardiac output and blood
hormone. Also, an increase in the amount of pressure. It can hamper monitoring because it
fluid present in the lungs with PEEP application distorts static compliance measured at the
has also been reported.342 As described previ- bedside. Also, in the presence of auto-PEEP,
ously, however, PEEP probably improves the spontaneous inspiration requires greater effort
distribution of lung water from the alveoli to the to decrease alveolar pressure below atmos-
perivascular space, which actually enhances gas pheric pressure, which is associated with a
exchange.333,334 substantial increase in the work of breathing.
Finally, it may increase peak airway pressure
Clinical Approach and lead to barotrauma.
There is no question that PEEP is beneficial in On the other hand, because auto-PEEP is
the patient with profound ARDS. PEEP should indeed true PEEP, it may be responsible for
be applied at the minimum level necessary for improved PaO2 levels. In this case, a reduction
adequate gas exchange and to prevent alveolar in auto-PEEP may improve the cardiac output
collapse. This is typically approximately 10 to but, at the same time, may lead to worsening
20 cm H2O. PEEP should always be adjusted hypoxemia.
in small increments and decrements.
During withdrawal, FIO2 should first be Detection
reduced to 0.50, then PEEP should be reduced Because normal passive monitoring of airway
very gradually to 5 cm H2O. If SpO2 decreases pressure does not reflect auto-PEEP, the clini-
when PEEP is decreased, the previous level of cian must actively detect this phenomenon. The
PEEP should be re-established. After PEEP is following procedure may be used to evaluate
reduced to 5 cm H2O, FIO2 can be reduced a patient for auto-PEEP. At the end of exhala-
to 0.40. If the patient is stable at 5 cm H2O tion (immediately before the next ventilator
and FIO2 0.40, mechanical ventilation can be inspiratory phase), the expiratory valve is
discontinued. manually occluded. The pressure manometer
264 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
breathing by assumption of the supine posi- a decrease in cardiac output and development or
tion.351 Third, gravity alters the distribution of worsening of pulmonary edema. Here, assump-
ventilation and perfusion. The net interaction of tion of the sitting position, with the concomitant
these effects as well as the effect of body posi- decrease in venous return and enhanced cardiac
tion on the work of breathing determines the performance, may be life-saving. In the presence
optimal position for each patient. of cardiovascular disease, the primary goal of
positioning the patient is to optimize cardiac
Cardiac Output function and the patients comfort.
One should first consider the effect that a
change in body position has on cardiac output Airway Closure
because cardiac output is a critical factor in tis- In patients likely to have high closing volumes,
sue oxygen delivery. Healthy individuals tend to as described in Chapter 6, (e.g., the elderly,
have an increase in cardiac output in the supine obese patients, smokers), PaO2 is usually higher
position compared with the sitting position. in the sitting versus the supine position.351 The
Venous return is enhanced in the supine posi- increase in FRC associated with the sitting posi-
tion because blood does not have to be pumped tion is probably the major reason why PaO2 is
uphill back to the heart. improved. This may help to explain why PaO2
In the presence of disease, one must carefully levels observed in patients with cystic fibrosis
consider whether the patient would benefit from are slightly higher in the sitting position com-
more or less venous return. In hypovolemic pared with the supine position.354
shock, in which venous return is diminished, An additional consideration in patients
the patient will likely have an improved cardiac with COPD or obese patients is the work of
output when supine. The improvement in car- breathing associated with body position. In
diac status in the supine position may also be these individuals, the work of breathing may
accompanied by an increase in PaO2.352 be considerably higher in the supine position
Congestive heart failure, on the other hand, due to the difficulty in displacing the abdomi-
may be aggravated by assumption of the supine nal contents with the diaphragm. Thus, when
position. In this case, the failing heart is unable airway closure or chronic obstructive pul-
to pump the increase in venous return. The monary disease is suspected, the patient should
supine position may predispose the patient to most often be placed in the sitting position.
266 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
1. When PaO2 falls below ___ mm Hg acutely, short-term memory is altered and euphoria or
impaired judgment may be observed.
2. In general, mechanical ventilation should not be initiated in COPD unless pH falls below
______ and all else fails.
3. A reasonable target PaO2 in acute exacerbation of COPD is ____ mm Hg.
4. State the three critical variables that determine the potential for physiologic harm when
administering oxygen therapy.
5. A PaO2 of greater than ______ mm Hg may lead to arrhythmias in patients with coronary
6. In most cases, _________ __________ can serve as a cost-effective alternative to blood
gases for monitoring oxygen therapy.
7. The first priority in clinical oxygenation is always (minimizing FIO2 /correction of hypoxia).
8. Oxygen therapy must be administered with extreme caution in the presence of
(COPD/heart failure).
9. PaO2 usually increases approximately ______ mm Hg for every 0.01 increase in FIO2 in
acute exacerbation of COPD.
10. The syndrome that may be a misnomer characterized by increasing PaCO2, acidemia,
stupor, and coma is known as ______.
1. PEEP has often been referred to as the cornerstone in the treatment of the pulmonary
disorder called ______.
2. (PEEP/CPAP) is the therapy best suited for the spontaneously breathing patient.
3. (Oxygen/PEEP) therapy is the most effective treatment for absolute shunting.
4. When PEEP applied to a spontaneously breathing patient falls below ambient pressure
during inspiration, the system is referred to as (CPAP/EPAP).
5. A (flow/threshold) resistor applies a relatively constant force against expiratory flow and
abruptly closes when flow stops.
6. (Continuous/Noncontinuous) flow CPAP systems are associated with the least work of
7. The use of ______ cm H2O of PEEP is used in ARDS to prevent alveolar collapse.
8. The use of PEEP (is/is not) effective in the treatment of sleep apnea.
9. PEEP usually (improves/worsens) ventilation-perfusion matching.
10. PEEP most likely has a (beneficial/detrimental) effect on the distribution of lung water.
270 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
1. List the two most commonly cited complications associated with PEEP therapy.
2. (Hypervolemic/Hypovolemic) patients are especially susceptible to a decreased cardiac
output after the initiation of PEEP.
3. PEEP therapy is most likely to decrease cardiac output when pulmonary compliance is
4. PEEP therapy tends to have adverse effects on cardiac output when FRC is (above/below)
5. The tendency of PEEP to decrease cardiac output is directly proportional to the
(peak/mean) airway pressure.
6. PEEP therapy may be associated with a fall in arterial PO2 when administered to an indi-
vidual with (diffuse/unilateral) lung disease.
7. PEEP devices that create only (flow/threshold) resistance are associated with lower mean
airway pressures.
8. The major mechanism responsible for the decrease in cardiac output associated with PEEP
is (decreased venous return/right ventricular dysfunction).
9. PEEP may (decrease/increase) intracranial pressure.
10. A specialized form of PEEP used in unilateral lung disorders is ______ lung PEEP.
NBRC Challenge 10
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
1. A known COPD patient arrives in the A) PEEP
emergency department in acute exacer- B) Nitric oxide
bation. Blood gases are drawn and the C) Prone position
PaO2 is 51 mm Hg. Which of the follow- D) Trendelenburg position
ing oxygen set-ups would be most likely E) Increased fluids intravenously
to result in a PaO2 of 60 mm Hg for him? (CRT EXAMINATION NBRC
A) Simple oxygen mask at 6 LPM MATRIX III,C,2,a)
B) Partial rebreathing oxygen mask at
4. What clinical recommendations could be
. . for an ARDS patient to improve
C) Vent-mask at FIO2 0.30
V/Q matching?
D) Nasal cannula 1 LPM
I. Decrease alveolar ventilation
E) Nasal cannula 3 LPM
II. Prone positioning
III. Nitric oxide
MATRIX II,A,1.a.1)
A) I only
2. In attempting to ventilate an ARDS B) II only
patient using the ARDS/Net approach, C) I and II only
which of the following guidelines would D) II and III only
be adhered to? E) I, II, and III
I. Tidal volume 6 mL/kg ideal body (RRT EXAMINATION NBRC
weight MATRIX III,B,4,c)
II. Maximum alveolar pressure of
5. A patient with ALI is being ventilated at
30 cm H2O
an FIO2 of 0.50 and 10 cm H2O of PEEP.
III. PEEP of 5 cm H2O
If oxygenation is quite good, the next
A) I only
move would be to:
B) II only
A) discontinue mechanical
C) I and II only
D) I and III only
B) decrease FIO2 to 0.35.
E) II and III only
C) decrease PEEP to 5 cm H2O.
D) extubate the patient.
E) change to intermittent mechanical
3. Which of the following therapies may be ventilation mode.
beneficial in the patient on a ventilator (RRT EXAMINATION NBRC
with cardiogenic pulmonary edema? MATRIX III,B,4,a)
Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention
Clearly, the process of tissue oxygen delivery is a complex one and unlikely to be easily defined by the
measurement of simple parameters.
David R. Dantzker377
Overview, 272 Sensitivity, 290
Oxygen Supply Variables, 273 Specificity and the Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio, 291
Arterial Oxygenation, 273 Creatine Kinase Reaction, 291
PaO2, 273 Cyanide in Smoke Inhalation, 291
SaO2, 274 Summary, 291
Blood Hemoglobin Concentration, 276 Mixed Venous Oxygenation Indices, 291
Anemia, 276 Measurement, 291
Laboratory Diagnosis of Anemia, 276 Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation, 292
Types of Anemia, 278 Mixed Venous Oxygen Partial Pressure, 292
Anemia and Hypoxia, 280 Clinical Oxygenation Disturbances and PvO2, 293
Blood Transfusions, 280 Clinical Application, 294
Circulatory Status, 281 Oxygen Uptake and Utilization, 294
Cardiac Output, 281 Normal Oxygen Uptake, 294
Shock, 281 Normal Supply-Independent Oxygen
Hemodynamic Monitoring, 285 Uptake, 295
Treatment, 289 Covert Hypoxia, 295
Key Indicators of Hypoxia, 290 Gastric Tonometry, 297
Lactate, 290 Vital Organ Function, 297
Mortality, 290 Exercises, 298
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 273
Box 11-1 Tissue Oxygen Supply Hypoxia is unlikely in mild hypoxemia, possi-
Assessment ble in moderate hypoxemia, and likely in
severe hypoxemia. In moderate hypoxemia,
Arterial oxygenation assessment
development of hypoxia depends mainly on
the integrity of the cardiovascular system.
Blood hemoglobin concentration These guidelines represent clinical rules of
Circulatory status (cardiac output) thumb. There are, of course, exceptions to
B/P every rule. It has been shown that under cer-
Heart rate tain conditions, hypoxia does not occur despite
Arrhythmias the presence of severe hypoxemia.378380 For
Blood volume example, mountain climbers at the summit of
Vascular tone Mt. Everest had PaO2 levels below 30 mm Hg
without apparent adverse consequences.378
Similarly, patients with congenital heart dis-
measurement, indices of mixed venous oxy- ease had PaO2 levels averaging 37 mm Hg
genation, oxygen uptake and utilization, and without notable physiologic impairment.380
gastric mucosal acidosis. Furthermore, these patients were capable of
some exercise, during which PaO2 levels
decreased further to 28 mm Hg.380
Finally, despite the fact that a PaO2 of less
Each of the oxygen supply variables as shown than 20 mm Hg is generally considered to be
in Box 11-1 will be described in detail. incompatible with life, 13 of 22 patients in one
study recovered without permanent physiologic
Arterial Oxygenation impairment despite PaO2 levels of less than
There are two primary indicators of arterial 21 mm Hg.379 Thus, PaO2 alone, even when
oxygen supply: PaO2 and SaO2. An approxi- extremely low, is inadequate as an index of
mate gauge of SaO2 is often reflected by pulse tissue hypoxia.
oximetry and in this case may be referred to as Also, one must not rely too heavily on PaO2
SpO2. The student should understand that true alone because measurements in stable critically
SaO2 can only be measured by CO-oximetry as ill patients in one study varied as much as 13%
described later in this chapter and Chapter 15. from one reading to another.381 This consti-
Nevertheless, SpO2 provides a crude index of tutes an average variance of about 16 mm Hg
SaO2 in the absence of abnormal Hb species. in PaO2 measurements without a noticeable
change in patient condition.
PaO2 as an Index of Hypoxia Prevention of Hypoxemic Hypoxia
When available, the partial pressure of oxy- The guidelines presented previously, notwith-
gen in the arterial blood (PaO2) is a logical standing the exceptions, represent a prudent
starting point in tissue oxygenation assess- approach to the classification of hypoxemia and
ment. As described in previous chapters, the the prevention of hypoxia. One must remember
degree of hypoxemia in a given individual is a that in normal persons, when PaO2 decreases
simple indicator of the likelihood of hypoxia. to about 55 mm Hg, judgment and short-term
memory may be impaired, presumably due to
hypoxia.382 Therefore, in all but unusual circum-
stances, it is unacceptable to allow moderate or
Box 11-2 Markers of Tissue
severe hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 < 60 mm Hg)
to persist.382 This is true even in patients
Lactate accumulation with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Decreased mixed venous oxygen (COPD), because a PaO2 of 60 mm Hg is not
Oxygen uptake and utilization
associated with a great risk of increasing
Gastric mucosal acidosis
274 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
As described in Chapter 10, there are some wavelengths are used, abnormal forms of
circumstances (e.g., paraquat poisoning, Hb such as HbCO and MetHb cannot be
ARDS) when moderate degrees of hypoxemia detected.383 Second, SaO2 measured in this
may be considered acceptable or permissive. way is the percentage of HbO2 compared with
Indeed, a rebuttal of the traditional approach to the sum of HbO2 and desaturated Hb only.
treatment of hypoxemia has been presented.696 Because this measurement does not include
Nevertheless, treatment of moderate hypoxemia abnormal forms of Hb, it is sometimes referred
seems prudent until clear evidence suggests to as functional SaO2.383 Functional SaO2 is
otherwise. the percentage of HbO2 compared with the
Methods available to treat hypoxemia have quantity of Hb capable of carrying O2. MetHb
been discussed in detail in Chapter 10. Although and HbCO are not capable of carrying O2;
the PaO2 is a useful starting point in clinical therefore, they are not specifically considered
hypoxic assessment, it is foolhardy to equate in this measurement.
a normal PaO2 with normal tissue oxygenation. Pulse oximetry, as described subsequently,
The myriad other factors that may influence is used routinely to evaluate oxygen satura-
O2 transport and internal respiration must also tion. Since pulse oximeters use only two wave-
be evaluated. lengths, they may likewise provide incorrect
information when substantial MetHb or HbCO
SaO2 is present. It is imperative that we always
SaO2 Determination keep these important issues in mind and do not
The SaO2 is the percentage of hemoglobin that routinely assume a normal pulse oximeter
is carrying oxygen in the arterial blood. It reading always indicates adequate oxygen
should be remembered that 98% of oxygen is saturation.
carried in arterial blood combined with Hb. CO-oximetry. Functional SaO2, as described
Regarding saturation, it is important for the previously, is in contrast with SaO2 measure-
clinician to note the technique that is being ment using a CO-oximeter. As the name implies,
used to determine SaO2, because the values this instrument can measure HbCO% in addi-
obtained by different techniques may vary. tion to the SaO2. Also, methemoglobin levels
Saturation may be calculated via a nomogram may be measured as a percentage of total Hb
or measured by oximetry, CO-oximetry, or with this unit.384
pulse oximetry. In CO-oximeter measurements, all forms of
Calculated SaO2 Using a Nomogram. Some Hb are included in the calculation of the total
laboratories use a nomogram to predict the Hb concentration. Thus, with this instrument,
SaO2, based on the PaO2 and pH.383 This cal- SaO2 is the percentage of HbO2 compared with
culated SaO2 does not account for factors all forms of Hb (including abnormal forms of
other than the pH that may alter HbO2 affin- Hb). SaO2 measured in this way is sometimes
ity. Furthermore, this methodology assumes referred to as fractional SaO2, which may be
that no abnormal forms of Hb are present, substantially different from functional SaO2 in
such as HbCO or MetHb. Obviously, calcu- certain situations.
lated SaO2 provides little more information In review, the percentage of HbO2 com-
than PaO2 and may sometimes lead to a false pared with the sum of Hb and HbO2 is called
sense of security. Some laboratories label cal- functional SaO2; the percentage of HbO2 com-
culated saturation as SO2. pared with all forms of Hb is called fractional
Oximetry. SaO2 may be measured more SaO2.
accurately via oximetry. Oximeters are two- Pulse Oximetry. The saturation as measured
wavelength spectrophotometers. The specific by pulse oximetry (SpO2) is a functional SaO2
technique underlying two-wavelength oxime- measurement as described earlier. As a two-
try is discussed in Chapter 15. wavelength device, the pulse oximeter cannot
It is important to understand two essential distinguish between HbO2 and HbCO; there-
points when SaO2 is measured with the two- fore, SpO2 is equal to the sum of HbO2 and
wavelength method. First, when only two HbCO percentages.385
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 275
Other factors that have been thought to alter in the blood, it is inferior to PaO2 as a sensitive
pulse oximetry readings include hypothermia, index of pulmonary deterioration, mild hypox-
dark fingernail polish, vasoconstriction asso- emia, and/or hyperoxemia. Because the normal
ciated with shock, and infusion of dyes.386 individual has an SaO2 on the flat portion of
Interestingly, SpO2 readings may be slightly the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, rela-
higher if the finger being used for the test is tively large changes in PaO2 result in minimal
elevated, presumably because of changes in or no change in SaO2.
venous congestion.387 Newer pulse oximeter
technology tends to eliminate many potential SpO2 and Abnormal Hb Species
measurement errors (see Chapter 15). As described earlier, SpO2 measures functional
saturation, not fractional saturation. Thus,
SaO2 as an Index of Hypoxia abnormal Hb species (e.g., HbCO, MetHb) are
SaO2 is a better indicator of arterial oxygen not reflected. HbCO is recorded as HbO2
content than is the PaO2. Approximately 98% because only two wavelengths of light are being
of blood oxygen is carried in the combined state measured. This could lead to a false sense of
(e.g., HbO2); therefore, SaO2 more accurately security regarding the patient with significant
reflects the quantity of oxygen in the blood levels of abnormal Hb species. If, for example,
than the PaO2. Clinically, as long as SaO2 an individual has an HbCO level of 20% and
exceeds 90%, most clinicians are confident that a fractional HbO2 level of 70%, SpO2 will read
the patient is not hypoxic. Usually a red flag is approximately 90%.
raised, however, when SaO2 falls below 90%. Thus, pulse oximetry may be misleading in
Furthermore, with the advent of routine the patient with recent exposure to carbon
SpO2, understanding of the oxyhemoglobin monoxide. With increased methemoglobine-
curve assumes greater clinical importance. mia, SpO2 readings tend to migrate toward
Important relationships between PO2 and SO2 85%. As always, one cannot depend too heav-
must be committed to memory (i.e., PO2 of ily on any single technology as a replacement
60 mm Hg = SO2 of 90%; PO2 of 40 mm Hg = for thorough clinical evaluation.
SO2 of 75%). The clinician must be able to Although pulse oximetry has some short-
mentally equate and interchange these two comings as a true measure of oxygen satura-
important parameters of oxygenation. tion, it is useful particularly as a monitor of
The PO2SO2 relationships described earlier desaturation. In other words, when there is a
hold true given normal oxyhemoglobin affin- fall in oxygen saturation from previous levels,
ity. A change in this relationship (e.g., PO2 = it will usually be reflected. For this reason, pulse
60 mm Hg; SO2 = 80%) is indicative of a change oximetry is an excellent method to monitor
in HbO2 affinity (i.e., shift in oxyhemoglobin oxygen status on a real-time basis.
curve) that may be clinically important to rec-
ognize. For example, in the presence of alka- Maintenance of an Adequate SaO2
lemia and hypocarbia, SpO2 may remain above In summary, SaO2 values may vary substan-
90% even when PaO2 is much lower than tially depending on the technique of measure-
60 mm Hg. ment. The clinician must understand the method
There is sometimes concern that a left-shifted being used and its implications regarding patient
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve may cause management. When abnormal forms of Hb are
tissue hypoxia because the hemoglobin will not suspected, SaO2 should always be measured by
release oxygen to the tissues. This phenomenon using CO-oximetry.
alone, especially in chronic conditions, is prob- When fractional SaO2 is low, as determined
ably unlikely to cause tissue hypoxia as a patient by CO-oximetry, therapy is focused on decreas-
with a P50 of 11 mm Hg did not appear to ing the amount of any abnormal Hb species
show any evidence of hypoxia.436 present in the blood and increasing blood oxy-
Finally, the relative insensitivity of SaO2 gen content to satisfactory levels.
must also be recognized. Although SaO2 is a High levels of HbCO are treated with frac-
superior index of quantitative oxygen content tion of inspired oxygen (FIO2) of 1.0 and, when
276 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
Table 11-1 compares MCV and MCHC.
Table 11-2 summarizes many of the terms used
in describing RBCs when diagnosing anemia.
Common types of anemia associated with each
laboratory finding are also shown in Box 11-3.
Types of Anemia
Some of the more common types of anemia are
briefly discussed here to acquaint the reader
with the variety of potential anemic mecha-
nisms (see Table 11-2). The presence of anemia
means either (1) that there is a decrease in the
production of RBCs or hemoglobin or (2) that
RBCs or Hb is being lost or destroyed at an
Figure 11-5. Reticulocyte(s), peripheral blood
(1000, new methylene blue stain). accelerated rate.
Decreased production may be due to a prob-
lem at the production site (i.e., bone marrow)
or to a deficiency in one of the necessary con-
Reticulocytosis leads to rapid oxygen con- stituents for RBC/Hb production. On the other
sumption in acquired blood samples and may hand, accelerated loss or destruction may be
lower blood PaO2 if not measured promptly. due to excessive rupture (hemolysis) of RBCs
Another type of immature RBC, the normoblast, or to excessive blood loss.
is not normally found in the blood but may be
observed in anemia secondary to acute blood Bone Marrow Failure
loss. A normoblast is a nucleated RBC similar Abnormal development (aplasia) of the bone
in size to a normal RBC. marrow may occur without apparent cause, but
more commonly this condition follows exposure
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration to some chemical or physical agent. Chemical
The percentage of the RBC volume occupied agents known to be associated with aplastic
by Hb is another useful diagnostic aid in anemia include the drug chloramphenicol, insec-
anemia. Normally, approximately one-third ticides such as DDT, and arsenic. Physical causes
of the RBC consists of Hb. The clinical labo- include excessive exposure to radiation.
ratory test used to evaluate RBC [Hb] is the
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration Inadequate Hemoglobin Synthesis
(MCHC). Normal MCHC is 34 2%388 and The most common problem in Hb synthesis
is called normochromia. Hyperchromia (MCHC is iron deficiency. Iron supply is normally not
>36%) is rare; however, hypochromia (MCHC a problem, because iron is recycled following
the destruction of old RBCs. However, when Thus, we must continue to be vigilant in its
iron is lost from the body, as in hemorrhage, or identification and prevention.
when additional iron is required, such as in Production of Hb may be abnormal in a
pregnancy, it may be in short supply for Hb genetic disorder called thalassemia. Thalassemia,
production. also known as Cooleys anemia or Mediter-
Probably the most common cause of iron ranean disease, may manifest itself in one of two
deficiency anemia is chronic blood loss. It may forms: thalassemia major is a severe form of
also be seen in infants or in mothers during the disease that may be associated with severe
pregnancy. An interesting diagnostic character- anemia; thalassemia minor is a milder form.
istic observed in some individuals with iron Inadequate production of Hb is associated
deficiency is pagophagia.438 Pagophagia is a with hypochromia and the presence of small
type of pica or craving for unusual sub- RBCs (microcytosis).
stances. Pagophagia is a strong craving for ice
and is the most common type of pica seen in Inadequate Red Blood Cell Formation
iron deficiency anemia. Pica occurs in up to Production of RBCs depends on an adequate
58% of patients with iron deficiency.438 supply of folic acid, vitamin B12, and the hor-
In recent years, severe iron deficiency has mone erythropoietin. Folic acid is plentiful
become relatively uncommon. Nevertheless, in green leafy vegetables. Alcohol, however,
mild iron deficiency is still far too common and interferes with the metabolism of folic acid.
can have damaging long-term consequences.439 Therefore, poor diet or alcoholism may lead to
folic acid deficiency.
Vitamin B12, sometimes referred to as extrin-
sic factor, is normally absorbed in the stomach.
Box 11-3 Common Types of Anemia This absorption is facilitated through a sub-
Small Red Blood Cells (Microcytic) stance that has been labeled intrinsic factor.
Iron deficiency (chronic hemorrhage) Individuals lacking in this intrinsic factor may
Thalassemia develop anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency.
Large Red Blood Cells (Macrocytic) Anemia that develops by this mechanism is
Folic acid deficiency known as pernicious anemia.
Vitamin B12 deficiency (pernicious anemia) Anemia is also common in chronic renal
Normal-sized Red Blood Cells (Normocytic) failure and is due at least in part to decreased
Hemolytic erythropoietin. Some loss of RBCs into the
urine may also occur due to increased perme-
Acute hemorrhagic
ability of the diseased glomerulus.
280 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
Anemia due to folic acid or vitamin B12 defi- The presence of normoblasts in the blood is
ciency leads to a high number of large RBCs abnormal and a sign of accelerated RBC pro-
(i.e., macrocytosis). In addition, megaloblasts duction. Anemia secondary to the loss of RBCs
may be observed in the blood of these individ- is typically normocytic in laboratory analysis.
Anemia and Hypoxia
Red Blood Cell Loss/Hemolysis Surprisingly, mild anemia (i.e., [Hb] 10 g%)
Immediately after acute blood loss, [RBC] may usually will not result in hypoxia. The large
be normal. Soon after, however, fluid enters the reserve of O2 normally present in the blood and
blood from the interstitial space and thus leads the bodys compensatory mechanisms both
to anemia. tend to ensure adequate tissue oxygenation. As
Hemolysis is usually the result of the pres- discussed previously, usually only about 25%
ence of toxins in the blood. Toxins may origi- of the oxygen in arterial blood is extracted by
nate from infectious processes or may directly the tissues; therefore, mild anemia does not
enter the blood, such as in poisonous snake- substantially affect tissue O2 supply.
bites. Many chemical agents may be associated Furthermore, the body responds to anemia
with hemolysis. Finally, chronic hemolysis with by increasing cardiac output and increasing
acute exacerbation may occur in disorders 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) levels. In healthy
such as sickle-cell disease (see Chapter 7) or individuals, mild, acute normovolemic anemia
thalassemia. is compensated for by increases in cardiac
The pain rate (episodes per year) is a useful output up to 50%.391 Within 2 weeks the car-
measure of the severity of sickle cell disease.440 diac output returns to preanemic levels, with
Treatment, which has been discussed briefly an increase in DPG accounting for the com-
in Chapter 7, may include bone marrow trans- pensation. Thus, the major compensatory
plant, or more commonly, administration of mechanism in acute anemia is an increased
pharmacological agents (e.g., hydroxyurea) cardiac output, whereas in chronic conditions,
aimed at increasing the amount of fetal Hb increases in DPG prevail.
(HbF).441 Increases in HbF have an ameliorat- In moderate to severe anemia (i.e., [Hb] = 6
ing effect on the disease and symptoms. Many to 9 g%) hypoxia may occur, depending on
of these chemotherapeutic agents, however, the cardiac reserve and the acuteness of onset.
may cause adverse effects and drugs with less Anemic hypoxia in all likelihood will be seen
potential of side effects (e.g., butyrate) continue when [Hb] falls below 6 g% and the capa-
to be explored.441 bilities of compensatory mechanisms are
Reticulocyte levels typically are increased in exceeded.392
conditions associated with hemolysis or blood
loss. In most long-term hemolytic anemias, Blood Transfusions
reticulocytes exceed 5%.390 When evaluating Blood transfusion is the treatment of choice for
the reticulocyte levels, however, one must keep severe anemia; however, this therapy may be
in mind that reticulocytes are usually expressed associated with substantial risk. Some adverse
as a percentage of total RBCs. effect to blood transfusion may occur in as many
It is probably better to think in terms of the as 20% of recipients.442 Immune side effects are
actual count of reticulocytes rather than the seen in approximately 3% of all transfusions.393
percentage. The normal actual count of retic- Typically these are mild allergic reactions,
ulocytes is about 50,000 cells/mm3 or 1% of although potentially fatal hemolytic reactions
[RBC]. If [RBC] decreases from 5 million to are observed in approximately one of 6000
2.5 million/mm3, and the reticulocyte count transfusions.393
remains constant (i.e., 50,000 cells), the per- In addition, anaphylactic reactions may
centage of reticulocytes would be 2%. If the occur, and not infrequently patients contract
actual reticulocyte count is not considered, this post-transfusion hepatitis.393 Finally, blood is a
could be wrongly interpreted as an increase in complex substance and may carry with it addi-
RBC production. tional risk factors not yet clearly identified. The
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 281
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome has intensive care unit who require precise moni-
been a painful lesson in this regard. toring of fluid balance and function of the left
The ideal hematocrit and [Hb] in critically side of the heart.
ill patients are also a matter of some contro- In recent years, noninvasive cardiac output
versy. Certainly, Hct need not be within the monitors have become available that facilitate
normal range in order to ensure adequate measurement of cardiac output in the absence
oxygenation. Optimal levels are probably of a Swan-Ganz catheter.445 These devices,
somewhere between 30% and 45% depending which make use of the Fick equation, have
on the individuals particular pathology.394,437 been shown to be reasonably accurate in clini-
There is some evidence to suggest that the cal situations.
optimal hematocrit in critically ill patients is
about 33% (see Fig. 11-1), because further Clinical Assessment
increases do not result in increased cellular O2 Notwithstanding, in many clinical situations,
availability.395 Obviously, low Hct levels are cardiac output must be assessed indirectly.
associated with decreased ability of the blood This assessment is accomplished through eval-
to carry oxygen. In contrast, high Hct levels uation of a host of clinical signs and symptoms.
increase blood viscosity and thereby dampen Urine output, neurologic status, blood pressure,
cardiac output. pulse, capillary refill (i.e., the speed at which
A [Hb] blood transfusion trigger of less color returns to the skin after it is depressed),
than 7.0 g/dL has been recommended and is cyanosis, and warmth of extremities all pro-
probably a useful guideline.444 Nevertheless, at vide clues about the adequacy of circulation.
high altitude, or for patients with brain injury, a Although all these indicators provide useful
much higher trigger (e.g., 10 g/dL) is probably information, they cannot replace actual meas-
appropriate.443 urement of cardiac output when it is in serious
Circulatory Status Even when cardiac output is measured,
Cardiac Output however, complete cardiovascular assessment
The cardiovascular system is the core of the must include sequential evaluation of the three
human oxygenation system.
. The cardiac minute basic components of the cardiovascular system:
output (abbreviated Q or sometimes CO) is the (1) the pump (heart), (2) the fluid (blood), and
volume of blood ejected from the left side of the (3) the tubules (blood vessels). The interaction
heart each minute. Cardiac output is a crucial of these three components determines the
index concerning tissue oxygenation. Cardiac important cardiovascular parameters of cardiac
output is approximately 5 L /min in normal output and arterial blood pressure. Further-
individuals. The cardiac index (CI) relates car- more, this chronologic assessment aids in deter-
diac output to body size and expresses cardiac mining the root cause of any cardiovascular
output as liters per minute per body surface area disturbance.
in square meters (m2). Thus, the cardiac index
should be the same in all individuals regardless Shock
of size or weight. The normal cardiac index is Shock is a state of collapse of the cardiovascu-
3.5 0.7 L/min/m2. lar system usually associated with a loss of
arterial blood pressure. The signs and symp-
Measurement toms of shock are a result of inadequate perfu-
The cardiac output can be measured easily by sion to a particular organ or may be due to the
thermodilution technique or can be calculated compensatory response of the central nervous
using the Fick equation if a pulmonary artery system to the shock state. The sympathetic
(Swan-Ganz) catheter is in place. Placement of portion of the autonomic nervous system is
a pulmonary artery catheter is an invasive pro- typically stimulated in shock, resulting in the
cedure with potentially serious complications. release of epinephrine and norepinephrine.
Therefore, insertion of these catheters is usu- These substances, in turn, lead to an increased
ally restricted to critically ill patients in the heart rate and constriction of peripheral blood
282 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
vessels, which represents an attempt of the body Conversely, high cardiac rates tend to
to preserve cardiac output and arterial blood increase cardiac output. When the heart rate
pressure. increases to approximately 2 to 21/2 times nor-
mal, however, cardiac output tends to drop.
Clinical Symptoms This occurs because the rapid heart rate does
Restlessness, anxiety, or alteration in con- not allow for appropriate filling of the heart
sciousness may be early signs of shock caused between beats. Therefore, cardiac output actu-
by decreased cerebral perfusion. Cyanosis, ally decreases in severe tachycardia due to the
decreased urine output, and lactic acidosis may simultaneous fall in stroke volume.
likewise suggest poor perfusion status. Rapid Congestive Heart Failure. Pump effectiveness
breathing and respiratory alkalosis are often may be diminished acutely when heart muscle is
observed with shock, presumably as a secondary not adequately perfused or oxygenated, as in
response to hypoperfusion mediated through myocardial infarction (heart attack). A similar
the peripheral
. . chemoreceptors or as a result of situation may occur in chronic hypertension
high V/Q in the lungs. where the heart is faced with relentless pumping
Vasoconstriction secondary to the release of against substantial resistance. When the heart is
norepinephrine and, to a lesser extent, epineph- unable to pump the blood within it, congestion
rine may also lead to cold, pale extremities. of blood occurs in the heart; thus, the name
Sympathetic stimulation of the sweat glands in congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF may be
conjunction with the peripheral vasoconstric- the result of a faulty heart valve, inadequate
tion tends to make the skin appear cold and oxygenation of heart muscle (e.g., in myocar-
clammy. dial infarction), fluid overload of the heart, or
prolonged stress on the heart from pump-
Etiology ing against high resistance (e.g., in chronic
Shock may occur due to failure of the heart as hypertension).
a pump; failure to maintain an adequate blood When CHF originates from the left side of the
volume, as in hemorrhage; or failure of the heart, congestion also accumulates in the lungs
blood vessels to maintain adequate muscular (i.e., pulmonary edema). Symptoms of acute
tone, as in vasodilation with subsequent loss left-sided heart failure include edema, jugular
of pressure. Systematic evaluation of the car- vein distention, hypoxemia, shortness of breath,
diovascular system in shock should proceed abnormal heart sounds, and fine crackles in the
by individually assessing each of these three lung fields. The diagnosis is confirmed when
components. the chest radiograph shows increased hilar
markings and lung fluid. Also, hemodynamic
Pump Effectiveness measurements typically display high pressures
Cardiac output is the product of heart rate and in the heart.
stroke volume. Thus, pump effectiveness Optimal management of severe left-sided
depends on the frequency of beats (heart rate) heart failure often includes insertion of a
and the volume of blood ejected with each beat Swan-Ganz catheter in the pulmonary artery.
(stroke volume). Presence of this catheter allows for monitoring
Heart Rate and Stroke Volume. Normal of the pulmonary wedge pressure, as described
heart rate is approximately 70 beats per minute. later. Pulmonary wedge pressure is an excellent
Slower rates tend to reduce cardiac output unless index of the function of the left side of the
they are accompanied by a concurrent increase heart and congestive heart failure. Further-
in stroke volume. Well-trained athletes often more, it is a very useful index to follow in fluid
manifest bradycardia (decreased heart rate) but management and the treatment of left-sided
maintain a normal cardiac output. In this case, heart failure.
cardiac output remains normal because of the Cardiogenic Shock. Cardiovascular collapse
enhanced stroke volume performance of the due to failure of the heart as a pump is called
conditioned heart muscle. cardiogenic shock, because its origin is the
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 283
Art blood lactate
A-VO2 Hct normal
difference Art: PO2
Art: pH
Art: PCO2
P Figure 11-6. Cardiogenic shock. The
principal hemodynamic and metabolic
abnormalities seen in cardiogenic shock.
Urine flow
heart itself. Figure 11-6 shows some of the hypovolemia and maintain an adequate car-
principal hemodynamic and metabolic changes diac output.
that are associated with cardiogenic shock. When a central venous pressure line is in
place, low central venous pressure readings
Blood Volume are a good indication of hypovolemia. In the
The output of the heart as a pump can never absence of invasive monitoring, however, the
exceed its input; thus, cardiac output volume patient should be evaluated for clinical signs
cannot exceed venous return volume. Venous of hypovolemia. These include dried mucous
return is the amount of blood returning to the membranes, tachycardia, postural hypotension
right side of the heart. Inadequate venous return, (falling arterial pressure upon assumption of
regardless of cause, results in a decreased cardiac the standing position), high specific gravity of
output. The loss of 20% of total blood volume the urine, and poor skin turgor.
may reduce arterial pressure by 15% and cardiac Hypovolemic Shock. Cardiovascular col-
output by 41%.446 lapse secondary to inadequate blood volume is
Hypovolemia. A decrease in blood volume termed hypovolemic shock. When the shock
is called hypovolemia. Hypovolemia may be is due to actual internal or external bleeding,
absolute, such as in the case of hemorrhage it may also be termed hemorrhagic shock.
with the actual loss of blood; alternatively, Hemorrhagic shock is commonly observed fol-
hypovolemia may be relative, as in the case of lowing trauma or surgery. Figure 11-7 shows
systemic vasodilation and pooling of blood some of the principal hemodynamic and meta-
in the extremities. Relative hypovolemia also bolic changes seen in hypovolemic or hemor-
may result from loss of intravascular fluid to rhagic shock.
the interstitial space, which can occur in burn The long-term intensive care unit (ICU)
injuries. Regardless of whether hypovolemia population often requires transfusion due to
is relative or absolute, fluids must be admin- the excessive loss of blood used for laboratory
istered in sufficient quantities to reverse the diagnosis. In one example, 85% of all patients
284 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
Art blood lactate
A-VO2 Hct
difference Art: PO2
Art: pH
Figure 11-7. Hypovolemic shock. The Art: PCO2
principal hemodynamic and metabolic
abnormalities seen in hypovolemic or
traumatic shock.
Urine flow
who were in ICU for more than 7 days Psychogenic shock (fainting) is a similar albeit
required blood transfusions.453 Therefore, less serious phenomenon in which transient
decreasing phlebotomy blood loss is an impor- vasodilation results from an emotional stimulus
tant goal in ICU patient management. or because of extreme heat or exhaustion.
Septic Shock. Profound vasodilation may
Vascular Tone also result from a chemical origin. This may be
Maintenance of arterial blood pressure and secondary to the presence of some toxin in the
cardiovascular integrity requires the presence blood, as in septic shock, or to administration of
of some muscle tone (vasoconstriction) in the a foreign substance into the body, with a subse-
peripheral circulation. If all peripheral arterioles quent severe allergic reaction. Septic shock is a
were to dilate simultaneously, arterial pressure condition caused by infection or an inflamma-
would fall to dangerous levels.396 Vascular tone tory reaction in the blood. In septic shock, car-
throughout the body is an important factor diac output is usually quite high. Nevertheless,
that affects blood pressure, heart work, and blood pressure may still be low and tissue per-
the allocation of perfusion. The muscular tone fusion may not be adequate because of the
of peripheral vessels must be carefully controlled profound vasodilation. The principal hemody-
to minimize cardiac stress while providing namic and metabolic changes seen in septic
optimal cardiac output, blood pressure, and shock are shown in Figure 11-8. It is becoming
cellular perfusion. increasingly clear that increases in cardiac out-
Neurogenic Shock. There are several types put are not always distributed ideally through-
of shock in which there is a loss of vascular tone out the body and that the distribution of blood
with a subsequent decrease in blood pressure. may be a critical, yet often neglected variable.
In neurogenic shock, nervous system control of Anaphylactic Shock. When severe vasodi-
vascular tone is lost and may result in profound lation is secondary to an allergic reaction,
vasodilation. This may occur after an injury the condition is termed anaphylactic shock.
such as a fractured spine or after cardiac arrest. Anaphylactic shock is mediated by the release
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 285
Art blood lactate
A-VO2 Hct normal
difference Art: PO2
Art: pH
Art: PCO2
P Figure 11-8. Septic shock. The principal
hemodynamic and metabolic abnormalities
seen in hyperdynamic septic shock.
Urine flow
of histamine, which is a potent vasodilator. congestive heart failure. Therefore, the clinician
Anaphylaxis may be responsible for as many should be familiar with some of the basic
as 500 deaths each year.447 terminology, techniques, and values used in
Even when anaphylaxis is anticipated and hemodynamic evaluation. Just as the term
rapidly treated by experienced personnel, severe implies, hemodynamic refers to blood move-
reactions may not respond. The treatment of ment and to the various pressures generated
choice in anaphylactic shock is the administra- throughout the cardiovascular system because
tion of epinephrine (a sympathomimetic drug) of this movement.
to maintain cardiac output and increase vas-
cular tone. It is also probably best to hospital- Arterial Blood Pressure
ize all patients with serious anaphylaxis for Historically, arterial blood pressure has been
24 hours because relapses may occur.447 the clinicians primary hemodynamic measure-
ment. In the past, priority was placed on the
Summary maintenance of arterial blood pressure. Drugs
It is evident that the presence of shock or a were liberally administered to ensure that arte-
decrease in cardiac output may originate from rial blood pressure remained at a satisfactory
the heart, the blood, or the tone of the periph- level. Unfortunately, cardiac output was some-
eral blood vessels. Clinical evaluation of the times adversely affected by efforts that were
cardiovascular system requires that each of focused solely on the blood pressure. It is now
these three components be considered as a pos- recognized that the maintenance of cardiac
sible source of cardiovascular disturbance. output is of greater importance than the main-
tenance of the blood pressure per se.
Hemodynamic Monitoring Arterial blood pressure is usually measured
As alluded to previously, it is common to per- indirectly using a blood pressure cuff and pres-
form hemodynamic monitoring in the critical sure gauge (sphygmomanometer). When con-
care setting, particularly in the management of tinuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure
286 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
While the balloon is deflated, the pressure Starlings curve shows that normally the
measured through the catheter is the pulmonary heart muscle increases its force of contraction in
artery pressure (PAP) (see Fig. 11-10,C). Normal response to an increase in preload. Therefore,
PAP is 25 mm Hg systolic and 10 mm Hg dias- as preload increases, myocardial performance
tolic. Increases in pulmonary vascular resist- and cardiac output likewise increase. When
ance (PVR), such as may occur with pulmonary pulmonary wedge pressure exceeds 18 to
emboli or severe hypoxemia or acidemia, are 20 mm Hg, however, the left ventricle is unable
reflected by an increase in PAP. Pulmonary to handle the increased filling pressure, and
vascular resistance may also increase with left-sided heart failure ensues.399
positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) ther- At this point, therapeutic measures must
apy. Left-sided heart failure also increases be undertaken to reduce the pressure. Therapy in
the PAP. CHF typically includes digitalis to improve the
force of ventricular contraction and furosemide
Pulmonary Wedge Pressure (Lasix) to reduce the filling pressure of the heart.
Technique. Insertion of a Swan-Ganz catheter These measures allow the heart to function more
also allows for measurement of the pulmonary effectively and thereby reduce the buildup of
wedge pressure (PWP). PWP is the pressure pulmonary edema.
obtained when the balloon on the catheter is Thus, PWP serves as an excellent means to
inflated and forward blood flow cannot pro- monitor left-sided heart function or failure. It
ceed past the catheter tip. Therefore, the pres- has been shown that PWP is a more accurate
sure being measured is actually a measure of indicator of left-sided heart failure than is
backpressure from the left side of the heart. In CVP.399
most clinical situations, PWP closely parallels
the left ventricular end-diastolic filling pressure Pulmonary Artery Catheter and
(LVEDP), which is very informative regarding Differential Diagnosis
function of the left side of the heart. Normal When the Swan-Ganz catheter is properly
PWP is approximately 5 to 12 mm Hg.397,398 positioned, both CVP readings and PWP read-
Increased Pulmonary Wedge Pressure. The ings can be obtained through different ports in
concept of preload refers to the filling volume the catheter. The availability of both measure-
within the ventricles of the heart before con- ments allows for further clarification of the car-
traction. Clinically, the pressure within the diovascular status. For example, cardiogenic
ventricles (rather than the volume) before con- shock can be differentiated from hypovolemic
traction is used as an indicator of preload. shock. Shock of cardiac origin is associated
Pressure is used because it is easier to measure with an increased PWP, whereas hypovolemic
than volume and because normally there is a shock shows a relatively normal PWP and a
good relationship between preload pressure low CVP.
and volume. The CVP is an indicator of right Various different hemodynamic values either
ventricular preload, whereas the PWP is an can be directly measured or can be calculated
index of left ventricular preload. with a pulmonary artery catheter in place.
In contrast to preload, the concept of after- Table 11-3 gives normal ranges for various
load refers to the resistance or impedance that hemodynamic measurements and calculations.
the heart must pump against. Diastolic blood Table 11-4 lists typical hemodynamic and
pressure and vascular resistance contribute to metabolic findings observed in various types
the afterload. High pulmonary vascular resist- of shock.
ance contributes to a high afterload for the The PWP is especially useful in differentiating
right side of the heart. Similarly, arterial hyper- cardiogenic from noncardiogenic pulmonary
tension suggests increased afterload for the left edema. Cardiogenic pulmonary edema is asso-
side of the heart. High afterload contributes to ciated with an increased PWP. Figure 11-11
increased heart work. (The pulmonary artery illustrates the various hemodynamic changes
catheter, however, is used primarily to evaluate associated with cardiogenic shock and
preload.) CHF. Conversely, if the pulmonary edema is
288 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
Table 11-3. NORMAL RANGES OF why PWP readings cannot be obtained (e.g.,
HEMODYNAMIC VALUES cannot get catheter to wedge), diastolic pul-
Pressures Normal Range monary artery pressure readings could be sub-
Central venous pressure 210 mm Hg stituted in the patient with normal pulmonary
(CVP) status. On the other hand, the presence of
Right ventricle increased pulmonary vascular resistance is
Systolic 1530 mm Hg characterized by an increased PAP with no
Diastolic 05 mm Hg increase in PWP. This could be the result of a
Pulmonary artery
pulmonary embolus or of pulmonary vasocon-
Systolic 1530 mm Hg
striction secondary to severe hypoxemia or
Diastolic 512 mm Hg
Mean 1118 mm Hg acidemia.
Pulmonary wedge 512 mm Hg
Cardiac Output/Pv O2
Cardiac output 4.48.9 L /min Catheters equipped with thermistors (tempera-
Cardiac index 3.5 0.7 L /min/m3 ture sensors) near their tips permit easy determi-
Stroke volume 60129 mL /beat nation of cardiac output via the thermodilution
Stroke volume index 46 3/beat/m3 technique. Furthermore, mixed venous blood
Pulmonary vascular 70 20 dyn/sec/cm-5 gas samples can be acquired through these
resistance catheters. Mixed venous gases can provide still
Arteriovenous O2 4.0 0.6 mL /100 mL more information regarding the status of tissue
difference oxygenation.
Modified from Cherniak, R.M., and Cherniak, L.: Some pulmonary artery catheters can also
Respiration in Health and Disease, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, measure mixed venous oxygen saturation con-
W. B. Saunders, 1983, p. 59. tinuously; others are equipped with cardiac
pacemakers. The use of pulmonary artery
catheters in the critical care setting remains
noncardiogenic (e.g., acute respiratory distress somewhat controversial due to the lack of data
syndrome [ARDS]), then the PWP is relatively on mortality and complications. Nevertheless,
normal. Characteristics of these two entities most believe the development of pulmonary
are compared in Table 11-5. artery catheters has been a valuable break-
through in critical care medicine.
Pulmonary Artery Diastolic Pressure
It is noteworthy that the pulmonary artery Left Atrial Pressure
diastolic pressure is close to the PWP in the In some institutions, a catheter may be placed
absence of pulmonary disease (i.e., normal directly into the left atrium to monitor left ven-
PVR). Thus, if there is some technical reason tricular function. Normal values for left atrial
Cardiogenic or
= decreased.
= increased.
From Sabiston, D.C., Jr.: Davis-Christopher Textbook of Surgery, 11th ed. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1977, p. 73.
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 289
Figure 11-11. Hemodynamic changes associated with congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema.
CVP, central venous pressure; RAP, right atrial pressure; PAP, pulmonary artery pressure; PWP, pulmonary
artery wedge pressure; CO, cardiac output.
pressure are essentially the same as for PWP. Optimization of Venous Return
Obviously, this is a more direct measurement Venous return is most readily manipulated via
and may be more accurate; however, it is unclear intravenous infusions or alteration of body
whether this degree of precision is really neces- position. Venous return should be enhanced in
sary. Certainly Swan-Ganz catheters are more noncardiogenic shock by elevating the feet and
widely used and accepted. increasing the volume of intravenous therapy.
A fluid challenge of 50 to 200 mL until
Treatment PWP increases by at least 3 mm Hg may be
A detailed discussion of treatment of cardio- a useful approach to the treatment of relative
vascular disorders is beyond the scope of this hypovolemia.10
text. Nevertheless, a brief description of some Conversely, venous return should be
of the fundamentals of treatment of cardio- decreased in the treatment of cardiogenic shock
vascular disorders is appropriate. Two major and heart failure. This can be accomplished by
aspects of treatment are considered: (1) opti- having the patient assume a sitting position
mization of venous return, and (2) drug inter- and by positive pressure breathing, adminis-
vention. tration of diuretics, and/or fluid restriction.
to those in arterial blood.402 In clinical prac- important to recognize that the presence of
tice, a reasonable expectation is that [HCO3] hydrogen cyanide is also a major concern
should decrease approximately 1 mEq/L for in many cases of smoke inhalation.460,461
every 1 mEq/L of lactate accumulation.436 Residential fires may produce cyanide toxicity,
One mEq/L is equal to one mM/L in univalent which leads to problems with cellular use of
ions. oxygen.
In addition, cyanide toxicity is difficult to
Specificity and the Lactate/Pyruvate Ratio recognize because cyanide disappears relatively
Another major drawback of blood lactate as an quickly from the blood. Diagnosis is further
indicator of hypoxia is its lack of specificity.405 complicated because laboratory measurement
An increase in lactate levels may occur in two of cyanide may take up to 5 hours.460
ways. First, increased lactate is associated with Increased lactate in victims of smoke inhala-
any rise in blood pyruvate (e.g., infusion of pyru- tion and in the absence of high HbCO levels
vate, glucose, or bicarbonate). Second, blood may suggest cyanide toxicity. Indeed, lactate
lactate levels may increase independent of pyru- has been shown to correlate better with cyanide
vate, as in hypoxia, liver disease, or during levels than HbCO levels in some cases. Early
exercise. recognition of cyanide toxicity is important
The lactate/pyruvate (L/P) ratio is useful for because the patient can be treated with mechan-
differentiating lactate elevations that are due to ical ventilation, FIO2 1.0, and nitrites. Nitrites
primary hyperlactatemia (e.g., hypoxia) from facilitate the formation of methemoglobin,
elevations that are simply due to increased which, in turn, rapidly absorbs cyanide.461
metabolism of pyruvate (secondary hyperlac-
tatemia). When the L/P ratio is normal (i.e., Summary
10:1), the elevation in lactate level is due to Based on the complex interrelationships in
secondary hyperlactatemia. anaerobic metabolism, it is not surprising that
An L/P ratio in excess of 10:1 is called clinical studies have often failed to show a good
primary hyperlactatemia or excess lactate. correlation between decreased oxygen trans-
Primary hyperlactatemia is most commonly port or low mixed venous oxygen levels and
the result of hypoxia; however, other causes the onset of increased blood lactate levels.411
have been identified, including liver disease, On new frontiers, magnetic resonance spec-
leukemia, beta-adrenergic drugs,408 and con- troscopy (MRS) is a technique that holds great
genital defects.409 promise for measuring intracellular metabolic
activity and variables such as phosphocreatine
Creatine Kinase Reaction levels and pH.412
In some organs (e.g., heart, brain, muscle), the Although measurement of blood lactate
creatine kinase reaction provides an anaerobic provides us with valuable information regard-
alternative to glycolysis.410 In this reaction, ing hypoxia and prognosis, it is not a suffi-
stored phosphocreatine transfers a high-energy ciently sensitive or specific index of hypoxia
phosphate bond to adenosine diphosphate when used alone.
(ADP), converting it to adenosine triphosphate
(ATP). This anaerobic pathway actually con- Mixed Venous Oxygenation Indices
sumes hydrogen ions, in direct contrast to Measurement
glycolysis, which produces lactic acid. This Mixed venous blood must be distinguished from
metabolic pathway is limited, however, by the peripheral venous blood. Blood gases from
supply of phosphocreatine. peripheral venous blood provide us with limited
information because they reflect only local con-
Cyanide in Smoke Inhalation ditions. Conversely, mixed venous gases provide
The importance of recognition of HbCO in us with a more global picture of oxygena-
smoke inhalation victims has been described tion because mixed venous blood is an average
earlier. In evaluating internal respiration, it is of all venous blood returning to the heart.
292 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
PaO2 55 mm Hg PvO2 40 mm Hg
PaO2 95 mm Hg PvO2 30 mm Hg
Systemic capillary
Systemic capillary
Figure 11-14. Moderate hypoxemia with an
increased cardiac output. Figure 11-16. Circulatory shock.
294 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
ill patients.419,420 In a normal 70-kg individual, O2 transport increases even beyond normal
this would correspond to an O2 transport of levels. The presumed reason for this deviation
approximately 550 to 700 mL O2/min. When O2 from the norm is that there is some form of O2
transport falls below this level, tissue hypoxia debt present in these individuals428 and that
should be assumed. It has been shown that when even with normal O2 transport, they may be
oxygen transport falls below 8 mL/kg/min, hypoxic. This covert (or occult) hypoxia pre-
blood lactate greatly increases and survival is sumably is due to a derangement in internal
poor.420 Oxygen transport may indeed be one respiration. The term covert hypoxia should be
of the most sensitive indicators of hypoxia at used with great caution, however, because the
our disposal, although further study of this reason for this increased O2 consumption is
notion is necessary. unclearit could be due simply to an aberra-
Thus, maintenance of O2 transport in excess tion in metabolism. Nevertheless, it could also
of the critical delivery point is crucial in the represent a need for life-sustaining O2.
management of critically ill patients. This is Figure 11-18 depicts graphically the normal
particularly true when PEEP is being used relationship between O2 transport and uptake
because PEEP may be associated with a fall in (see Fig. 11-18, solid line). The normal critical
O2 transport despite improvement in PaO2. O2 delivery point (see Fig. 11-18, solid circle) is
The clinician should also be aware of those approximately 8 mL/kg/min. Note that, nor-
conditions that may increase O2 consumption mally, higher levels of O2 transport have no
and elevate the critical oxygen delivery point. effect on O2 uptake. In so-called covert hypoxia,
These conditions include shivering, convulsions, there continues to be increased O2 uptake with
sepsis, and fever. A higher minimum level of progressive increases in O2 transport.
O2 delivery is indicated in these circumstances. The exact mechanism responsible for covert
hypoxia is not known. It has been postulated
Normal Supply-Independent Oxygen Uptake that the hypoxia and lactic acidosis associated
As described in the previous section, attain- with septic shock are due to some derangement
ment of O2 transport levels markedly higher of O2 use in the cell.429 Some studies, however,
than the critical delivery point is probably not
necessary because this does not lead to greater
oxygen use. Thus, maintenance of normal O2
transport is probably not an appropriate or
necessary clinical goal.
Another way of describing the relationship
O2 uptake
suggest that a decline in nutrient blood flow have shown that the phenomenon is due to
rather than cellular dysfunction is the predomi- some artifact. The apparent increase in oxygen
nant mechanism.421,429 Microemboli and release consumption may be due to a drug effect (i.e.,
of various vasoactive substances have been prostacyclin), temperature variances,450 or, as
shown in supply-dependent oxygen uptake and many believe, it is simply a mathematical error
could explain the mechanism responsible for due to the method of calculation.451,452
the circulatory disturbance and the so-called
covert hypoxia. Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
The same pathologic entities that manifest sup-
Vasodilator Effects ply-dependent O2 uptake (septic shock, ARDS,
Prostacyclin is a potent vasodilator that also COPD) are often associated with the disorder
tends to increase O2 transport and prevent known as multiple organ dysfunction syn-
formation of microemboli in the systemic drome (MODS). This phenomenon is often
capillaries.428 Administration of prostacyclin observed in critically ill patients in whom sev-
to critically ill patients may help to identify eral organ systems fail (e.g., respiratory, renal,
individuals with covert hypoxia, because these hepatic, circulatory, central nervous system).
patients show an increase in O2 uptake after Multiple organ failure is the most common
the administration of this drug.428 Administra- cause of death in patients with ARDS.
tion of dobutamine has been associated with It is unclear whether multiple organ dys-
similar effects.430 function syndrome is caused by hypoxia or by
some other mechanism. Although earlier the
Prognosis presence of hypoxia was considered to be
Patients whose O2 uptake increases in response unlikely, the discovery of covert hypoxia sug-
to increased O2 transport and tissue perfusion gests that hypoxia may indeed be present in
are more likely to die.428 Use of prostacyclin or these individuals and may be responsible to a
a similar drug may therefore help the clinician great extent for the deterioration often
to recognize the presence of covert hypoxia and observed.431 In particular, death from septic
to provide a prognostic indicator. Perhaps in shock seems to be related more to persistent
the future this drug or a similar vasodilator will peripheral vascular changes than to cardiac
prove to be beneficial in the management of output problems.432
covert hypoxia.
Recognition of supply-dependent O2 uptake Summary
may be important in the approach to manage- Studies have shown a poor correlation between
ment of the critically ill. First, the notion that PvO2 and other measures of hypoxia such as
tissue oxygenation is always acceptable when lactic acid and oxygen consumption.433
O2 transport is in the acceptable range must be Despite its theoretical attractiveness, PvO2 has
re-evaluated. Some patients may benefit from not proved to be the perfect index of hypoxia.
further increases in O2 transport beyond nor- As stated previously, there is no perfect index
mal. In addition, understanding that the con- of hypoxia.
dition of an individual with covert hypoxia is Notwithstanding, PvO2 and lactate are use-
probably in a downward spiral suggests that ful variables to follow in the critically ill
aggressive attempts to maintain oxygenation patient with potential hypoxia. Changes in
may be warranted. PvO2 provide valuable information regarding
changes in the patients cardiovascular status
Pathological Supply Dependency and are particularly useful in understanding
Controversy concurrent changes in PaO2.410 From a practi-
This concept of pathological supply depend- cal standpoint, venous oxygenation values are
ency is very controversial. Some studies have relatively sensitive indicators of the oxygenation
demonstrated very beneficial positive out- disturbances that accompany routine bedside
comes by increasing oxygen transport in these procedures such as endotracheal suctioning434
patients,448,449 whereas other investigators451,452 and positioning of the patient.435
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 297
1. State the three main components (ABCs) to be evaluated in oxygen supply assessment.
2. The ultimate goal in the management of oxygenation is the prevention of
(hypoxemia /hypoxia).
3. There (is/is not) a simple, single index of hypoxia.
4. The best place to begin in hypoxic assessment is ____________ ___________.
5. PaO2 less than 45 mm Hg is (usually/always) associated with hypoxia.
6. PaO2 (is/is not) a highly stable measurement in critically ill patients.
7. In general, PaO2 should be maintained above ______ mm Hg in most clinical situations.
8. Normal PaO2 (ensures/does not ensure) adequate tissue oxygenation.
9. Judgment and short-term memory are usually impaired in normal individuals when PaO2
falls below ______ mm Hg.
10. In moderate hypoxemia, the development of hypoxia depends mainly on the integrity
of the ______.
1. Calculated SaO2 (is /is not) an accurate, reliable way to measure SaO2.
2. Oximeters that use two wavelengths to measure SaO2 (do/do not) measure the quantity of
MetHb present.
3. SaO2 determined by two-wavelength oximetry measures (fractional/functional) saturation.
4. The concentration of HbCO (is/is not) directly measured with functional saturation.
5. The CO-oximeter measures (functional/fractional) SaO2.
6. All forms of Hb are included in the calculation of total Hb in the measurement of
(fractional/functional) SaO2.
7. Pulse oximeters measure (functional/fractional) SaO2.
8. Pulse oximeters are most useful for (trending of/accurate measure of ) SaO2.
9. SaO2 measurements by two-wavelength oximetry and by CO-oximetry (are/are not) always
10. Pulse oximeters use (two-/four-) wavelength oximetry.
Chapter 11 Hypoxia: Assessment and Intervention 299
1. Inability of the bone marrow to produce RBCs secondary to exposure to some chemical or
physical agent is called ______ anemia.
2. Chronic blood loss may lead to a form of anemia associated with microcytosis and
hypochromia that is called ______ anemia.
3. A genetic disorder that may hamper Hb production and lead to anemia is called ______.
4. State the three substances besides Fe needed for normal RBC production.
5. Individuals unable to absorb vitamin B12 owing to the absence of intrinsic factor may have
______ anemia.
6. The presence of megaloblasts and macrocytosis is common in (Cooleys anemia /folic acid
7. The major compensatory mechanism in acute anemia is ______, whereas the major
compensatory mechanism in chronic anemia is ______.
8. The optimal Hct may be anywhere from _____% to ____%.
9. Snake venoms may lead to ______ anemia.
10. Mediterranean disease is another name for ______.
300 Unit IV Clinical Oxygenation
1. The volume of blood ejected from the left side of the heart each minute is called
the ______.
2. The symbol for cardiac minute output is ______.
3. When cardiac output is adjusted for body size by dividing it by body surface area, the
resultant value is called the ______.
4. State two methods that can be used to measure cardiac output invasively.
5. There (is/is not) a technique to measure cardiac output noninvasively.
6. List at least five ways in which cardiac output can be assessed indirectly.
7. List the three basic components of the cardiovascular system.
8. Collapse of the cardiovascular system associated with a decrease in blood pressure is
called ______.
9. In shock, stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system leads to (vasodilation/
10. List at least five signs and symptoms that are associated with shock.
1. In the presence of left-sided heart failure and acute pulmonary edema, the patient usually
benefits from assumption of the (feet-up/sitting) position.
2. In the presence of blood loss and shock, the patient usually benefits by assumption of the
(feet-up/sitting) position.
3. Positive pressure breathing is usually (beneficial/detrimental) in hypovolemic shock; it is
usually (beneficial/detrimental) in cardiogenic shock.
4. A drug that increases heart rate is said to have a positive (chronotropic/inotropic) effect.
8. Covert hypoxia may be responsible for a common cause of death in ARDS due to ______.
9. A potent vasodilator that may be useful in demonstrating covert hypoxia is ______.
10. In normal persons, O2 uptake is (increased/unchanged) with an increase in O2 transport
beyond normal; in individuals with septic shock, O2 uptake (may be increased/
is unchanged) with an increase in O2 transport beyond normal.
11. The apparent (physiologic/pathologic) oxygen supply dependency may simply be due to
a mathematical error.
NBRC Challenge 11
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
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Regulation of Acids, Bases, and Electrolytes
Overview, 307 Sodium Regulation in the Kidney, 317
Regulation of Ventilation, 308 Chemical Mechanisms, 317
Chemoreceptors, 308 NaCl Mechanism, 317
Central Chemoreceptors, 308 NaHCO3 Mechanism, 318
Peripheral Chemoreceptors, 309 Renin-Angiotensin System, 319
Chemoreceptor Interactions, 310 Total Sodium Reabsorption, 320
Reflexes, 312 Regulation of [HCO3], 321
Hering-Breuer Reflex, 312 Diuretics, 321
J Receptors, 312 Interference with NaCl Reabsorption, 321
Renal Function, 313 Interference with NaHCO3 Reabsorption, 321
Macroscopic Anatomy and Hyperaldosteronism, 321
Physiology, 313 Secondary Hyperaldosteronism, 321
Microscopic Anatomy and Physiology, 313 Primary Hyperaldosteronism, 322
Urine Formation, 314 Urinary Buffers and H+ Excretion, 322
Glomerular Filtration, 314 Ammonia, 322
Tubular Reabsorption, 314 Phosphate, 323
Tubular Secretion, 314 Plasma pH and [K+], 323
Body Fluids and Electrolytes, 314 Law of Electroneutrality, 324
Fluid Compartments, 314 Principle of Electroneutrality, 324
Electrolytes, 315 Hypochloremic Metabolic Alkalosis, 324
Electrolyte Distribution, 315 Anion Gap, 324
Plasma Electrolytes, 316 Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis, 325
Major Plasma Cations, 316 High Anion Gap Acidosis, 325
Sodium, 316 Summary, 325
Potassium, 316 Hypoalbuminemia and the Anion Gap, 326
Calcium, 317 Stewarts Strong Ion Difference, 326
Magnesium, 317 Exercises, 327
regulate ventilation in health and disease are
The prominent roles of the lungs and the reviewed.
kidneys in acid-base homeostasis were des- This is followed by a review of kidney
cribed in Chapter 8. In this chapter, we take a (renal) function. Processes used by the kidneys
more in-depth look at precisely how the lungs to excrete wastes and to maintain fluid and
and the kidneys perform these functions. electrolyte balance are examined. In particular,
Regarding the regulation of volatile acid, sodium regulation and its effect on blood bicar-
some of the major factors that control and bonate are explored.
308 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
The effects of certain therapeutic interven- Reflexes and chemoreceptors serve to meas-
tions, such as diuretics and steroids, are also ure the output of the system and provide feed-
considered. In addition, the value of the serum back loops back to the medulla. As such,
electrolyte profile in evaluating acid-base distur- reflexes and chemoreceptors play a vital role in
bances is discussed. the regulation of ventilation. Although a detailed
analysis of all the factors that mediate ventila-
tion is beyond the scope of this text, a basic
review of the chemoreceptors and a few promi-
As described earlier, the volume of carbon nent reflexes is important to understand arterial
dioxide (and, therefore, volatile acid) excretion blood gas application.
varies directly with the quantity of alveolar ven-
tilation. The amount of alveolar ventilation, in Chemoreceptors
turn, depends on the mechanisms responsible for The chemoreceptors are probably the single
the control and regulation of ventilation. Thus, most important mechanism by which ventilation
a brief review of the major factors that regulate is regulated. Two basic groups of chemo-
ventilation in health and disease is in order. receptors influence ventilation: (1) the central
The control of ventilation is a complex chemoreceptors, located within the central nerv-
physiologic process. The major factors that ous system; and (2) the peripheral chemorecep-
play a role in the regulation of ventilation are tors, located within the cardiovascular system.
shown in Figure 12-1. The primary respiratory
center (generator) is located in the medulla of Central Chemoreceptors
the brain (medullary center). Output of the Location and Response
medullary center is influenced by several other The central chemoreceptors are chemosensitive
centers in the brain that affect respiration. The areas located on the medulla of the brain. These
apneustic and pneumotaxic centers in the pons chemoreceptors in the medulla should not be
tend to modify the ventilatory pattern, and the confused with the medullary respiratory center,
cerebral cortex may participate in voluntary because they are distinctly separate entities. The
input into the system. chemoreceptors are bathed in cerebrospinal fluid
Respiratory generator
Receptor reflexes
(pulmonary, chest Inspiratory muscles
wall, airway)
Gas exchange
Figure 12-1. Regulation of ventilation. Organization of the respiratory control system. The dashed lines
show feedback loops affecting the respiratory generator.
Chapter 12 Regulation of Acids, Bases, and Electrolytes 309
(CSF) and respond directly to the pH of the the time when the alveolar PCO2 changes until
cerebrospinal fluid. When the hydrogen ion this change is reflected in the CSF. This time
concentration of the CSF increases (i.e., pH delay explains why the ventilatory response
decreases), an increase in ventilation is triggered. to increased or decreased alveolar PCO2,
Conversely, when the pH of the CSF increases, although highly sensitive, is not instantaneous.
the ventilatory drive and the volume of ventila- Furthermore, if circulation is impaired, such as
tion are diminished. The central chemoreceptors in congestive heart failure, this delay may be
do not respond to oxygen levels in the blood. exaggerated because it takes longer for blood
from the lungs to reach the medulla. In theory,
Blood-Brain Barrier this circulatory delay may explain the Cheyne-
The CSF is separated from the blood by the Stokes breathing that is sometimes observed in
blood-brain barrier, which is readily permeable congestive heart failure.
to gases but relatively impermeable to ions. Cheyne-Stokes breathing is a recurrent pat-
Gases equilibrate quickly across the blood-brain tern of ventilation characterized by a progressive
barrier. Some ions, such as bicarbonate, may rise and fall of tidal volume (Fig. 12-2). A period
tend to equilibrate across the barrier, but the of apnea may sometimes occur between cycles.
exchange process is active transport rather than The related alveolar and central chemoreceptor
simple diffusion. The active transport of ions PCO2 levels at different points in the breathing
across the blood-brain barrier may take a con- cycle are also shown in Figure 12-2.
siderable time (i.e., hours to days)81 compared
with the immediate diffusion of gases. Peripheral Chemoreceptors
Thus, when the PaCO2 increases, PCO2 in Location
the CSF immediately follows suit. This, in turn, The second group of chemosensitive cells
lowers the pH of the CSF, and the ventilatory (chemoreceptors) that affects ventilation is
drive is augmented within minutes. In meta- located adjacent to the walls of certain arterial
bolic acidosis, however, the bicarbonate ion is blood vessels. These peripheral chemorecep-
transported slowly out of the CSF. Therefore, tors are located in two distinct anatomic areas:
it takes longer for the pH of the CSF to decrease, the carotid and aortic bodies.
and consequently the ventilatory response is The carotid bodies are a group of cells located
delayed. near the bifurcation of the common carotid
artery into the internal and external carotid arter-
Cheyne-Stokes Ventilation ies. They appear as small, pink nodules, approx-
It is noteworthy that even with respiratory (i.e., imately 3 to 5 mm in diameter.81 The aortic
PCO2) gas changes, there is some delay from bodies are located within the arch of the aorta.
Alveolar PCO2
PCO2 at
Figure 12-2. Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Cheyne-Stokes breathing, showing a cyclic pattern of ventilation.
In patients with a prolonged circulation time, the delay between the signal to the central chemoreceptor
(PCO2 at the chemoreceptor) and ventilatory output (reflected by alveolar PCO2) is shown.
310 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
The two sets of cells, which are referred to The number of peripheral chemoreceptor
collectively as the peripheral chemoreceptors, impulses sent to the brain to stimulate ventila-
serve to chemically monitor the blood passing by tion in hypoxemia may increase greatly. Initially,
them. To perform this function, the peripheral ventilatory impulses increase only slightly as
chemoreceptors receive a relatively large blood PaO2 falls slightly below the normal range.
flow in proportion to their size. When PaO2 falls below 60 mm Hg, however,
there is a dramatic increase in impulse produc-
Responsiveness tion and ventilation.
Unlike the central chemoreceptors, the periph- Not only do the peripheral chemoreceptors
eral chemoreceptors respond to several differ- greatly stimulate ventilation when PaO2 falls
ent blood gas stimuli: the PaO2, arterial pH, below this critical point; they also stimulate
and PaCO2. In addition, when blood flow past the cardiovascular system. Clinically, this is
the peripheral chemoreceptors is diminished manifested by a rise in heart rate and arterial
(e.g., in shock), an increase in ventilation is blood pressure. Restoration of PaO2 to normal,
also stimulated. The peripheral chemoreceptors however, allows ventilation, heart rate, and
generally do not respond to anemia (e.g., methe- blood pressure to return to normal levels.
moglobinemia, HbCO poisoning), although
there is some response when anemia is severe. Chemoreceptor Interactions
Interestingly, the peripheral chemoreceptors The breathing pattern observed at any given
stimulate severe hyperpnea (increased tidal time is the net result of the integration of vari-
volume) in cyanide poisoning.81 ous different inputs. As stated earlier, messages
may originate from brain centers, chemorecep-
PaCO2 /pH tors, reflexes, or even voluntary commands.
Although both the peripheral and central Notwithstanding, the chemoreceptors are often
chemoreceptors respond to increased PaCO2 the most dominant forces that control ventila-
and decreased pH, they are not equally sensitive tion. In some situations, the peripheral and
to these stimuli. Specifically, a relatively large central chemoreceptors work together for a
increase in PaCO2 or a decrease in pH potentiated response. In other circumstances,
(e.g., PaCO2 increase = 10 mm Hg; pH they tend to antagonize each other and blunt
decrease = 0.1)81 is necessary before a notable individual responses. A few examples of
increase in ventilation will be triggered via the chemoreceptor interactions follow.
peripheral chemoreceptors. Conversely, the
central chemoreceptors respond to very slight Normal Ventilation
changes in PaCO2. In a normal young man, The regulation of ventilation in normal indi-
minute ventilation increases approximately 2.5 L viduals is primarily under the control of the
with only a 1-mm Hg increase in PaCO2.81 central chemoreceptors; however, as previously
mentioned, the peripheral chemoreceptors
PaO2 send weak messages to the brain to ventilate
The response of the peripheral chemoreceptors and have some, albeit small, influence on the
to a low PaO2 sets them apart from the central ventilatory pattern. Thus, the ventilatory pat-
chemoreceptors and is their most important tern is the net result of the integration of the
mechanism clinically. Even in normal humans, two sets of chemoreceptors.
some, albeit few, impulses are sent to the brain
from the peripheral chemoreceptors stimulating Acute Hypoxemia
ventilation. PaCO2 and the central chemo- In the presence of disease, the peripheral
receptors are the primary mechanisms of venti- chemoreceptors may take the dominant role in
latory control during normal ventilation. the regulation of ventilation. For example, in
Regulation of ventilation in pulmonary dis- acute, severe hypoxemia, the peripheral
ease is often in marked contrast. Here, the chemoreceptors send a powerful message to
peripheral chemoreceptors often play the domi- the brain to increase ventilation and generally
nant role in determining the ventilatory pattern. will override the central chemoreceptors.
Chapter 12 Regulation of Acids, Bases, and Electrolytes 311
Blood gases
PaO2 100 mm Hg 65 mm Hg 55 mm Hg 50 mm Hg
PaCO2 40 mm Hg 40 mm Hg 34 mm Hg 50 mm Hg
Central chemoreceptors ++++ ++++ ++ +
Peripheral chemoreceptors + ++ +++ ++++
Control C C P P
C = central chemoreceptors.
P = peripheral chemoreceptors.
312 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
stimulation is seen, and the peripheral chemo- ventilation-perfusion alterations than a result of
receptors assume primary control of ventilation. a decrease in ventilatory drive.463 Furthermore,
The strong peripheral chemoreceptor drive usu- the Haldane effect (release of CO2 from Hb into
ally results in an increase in alveolar ventilation the blood in the presence of increased oxygen)
and a fall in the PaCO2 (see Table 12-1). may be responsible for some of the ensuing
It is important to note that, during this phase, hypercarbia.464 The precise mechanism responsi-
the cardiovascular system is also required to ble for this hypoventilation remains a controver-
increase the heart rate and to elevate the blood sial issue and multiple factors may be influencing
pressure. From a teleologic perspective, because ventilation simultaneously. Regardless of the
O2 levels are falling to a critical point on the exact mechanism, worsening hypercarbia must
oxyhemoglobin curve, the cardiovascular system be recognized as a possible consequence of oxy-
appears to be trying to ensure sufficient tissue gen therapy in chronic lung disease.
O2 delivery.
Severe Disease At least six different reflexes have been described
If external respiration continues to deteriorate, in relation to the regulation of ventilation.81
CO2 excretion is ultimately impaired and The precise role of many of these reflexes must
PaCO2 levels begin to increase. Furthermore, still be defined. Nevertheless, two reflexes may
PaO2 levels continue to fall (see Table 12-1). be useful in helping the clinician to understand
Indeed, the classic definition of acute respira- the origin of respiratory alkalosis in certain
tory failure is a PaCO2 greater than 50 mm Hg pulmonary conditions.
and/or a PaO2 less than 50 mm Hg.
The same pattern of progressive pulmonary Hering-Breuer Reflex
deterioration can also occur over a short time The Hering-Breuer reflex, or stretch reflex, is
(days or hours) in acute pulmonary disease. This probably the most widely known of the
pattern may be observed in pneumonia, postop- reflexes involved in the regulation of ventila-
erative respiratory failure, or acute asthma. It tion. This reflex appears to regulate tidal volume
is always important to identify patients with and respiratory rate to minimize the muscular
moderate impairment (i.e., moderate disease as work of breathing.
described in Table 12-1), because further deteri- The Hering-Breuer reflex is not usually active
oration leads to hypercarbia. The classic exam- during normal breathing. Rather, it is activated
ple of this is the patient in status asthmaticus when the lung is overinflated or underinflated.
(sustained unresponsive asthma) whose condi- The Hering-Breuer reflex is often described as
tion deteriorates progressively over a period of two separate reflexes: an inflation reflex, which
days, leading ultimately to exhaustion and to the inhibits inspiration, and a deflation reflex,
abrupt onset of respiratory acidemia. which stimulates inspiration when the lung
In patients with severe chronic lung disease, volume is low.
administration of oxygen may lead to progres- The deflation reflex may be responsible, at
sive hypercapnia and occasionally even to least in part, for the hyperventilation observed
apnea. For years, it was believed that this in restrictive lung diseases. The ventilatory pat-
occurred because these patients were breathing tern commonly observed in these patients is
exclusively in response to the so-called hypoxic characterized by a rapid respiratory rate and a
drive of the peripheral chemoreceptors. It was low tidal volume. This pattern, although benefi-
assumed that the central chemoreceptors had cial in terms of the work of breathing, may lead
become dulled because of the chronic hyper- to respiratory alkalosis.
carbia; it followed, then, that oxygen therapy
increased the PaO2 and knocked out the drive J Receptors
to breathe. The juxtapulmonary capillary receptors (J recep-
Other studies have shown that the worsen- tors) are located in the interstitial tissue of the
ing hypercarbia associated with oxygen ther- alveolar-capillary membrane. It is believed that
apy in these patients is more likely a result of these receptors are stimulated by an increased
Chapter 12 Regulation of Acids, Bases, and Electrolytes 313
Cortex Glomerulus
Renal vein Medulla Bowmans capsule
Renal Afferent
arteriole Proximal tubule
arteriole Distal
Pelvis tubule
Right kidney Left kidney Peritubular
(cut surface) capillaries
Venules Loop of
Arcuate Thin
vein segment
Vasa recta
Urinary bladder
Direction of Pelvis
urine flow
Figure 12-3. Gross anatomy of the renal system. Figure 12-4. The functional nephron.
314 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
2/3 of
Body weight =
1/3 =
Extracellular fluid
2/3 = Intracellular fluid
3/4 =
1/4 =
HCO3 Prot
Mg++ Prot Na+ Na+
Cl Cl
K+ Phos
Figure 12-6. Composition of body fluid compartments. Percentage of total body water and approximate
electrolyte composition of various compartments is shown.
phosphate level is near 2 mEq/L. Clearly, the tends to follow Na+. Therefore, excessive loss
concentration of an electrolyte in one compart- of Na+ into the urine is associated with polyuria
ment does not always mirror the concentration and potentially with hypovolemia. Most diuret-
of that electrolyte in other compartments. The ics inhibit Na+ reabsorption in the nephron, thus
values for intracellular electrolytes shown in causing diuresis by allowing Na+ to be excreted
Figure 12-7 are only approximate; actual intra- in the urine.
cellular electrolyte concentrations may vary High concentrations of sodium seen in the
substantially from one type of cell to another. plasma (e.g., Na > 158 mEq/L) generally indi-
cate a water or volume deficit. This is sometimes
Plasma Electrolytes referred to as an extracellular volume contrac-
Clinical measurements of electrolyte concen- tion that may lead to metabolic alkalosis as
trations are most often made from intravascu- the kidneys attempt to retain sodium bicar-
lar fluid samplesspecifically, the plasma or bonate. Conversely, low sodium concentrations
serum. The plasma closely reflects the elec- (Na < 120 mEq/L) indicate water excess and
trolyte composition of the entire extracellular may cause what is referred to as a dilution aci-
fluid compartment; however, it does not reflect dosis. Severe hyponatremia may also be caused
the intracellular fluid composition. by the administration of diuretics, especially
thiazides.469 Insuring a normal sodium concen-
Major Plasma Cations tration is critical to maintenance of fluid and
As shown in Table 12-2, there are essentially acid-base balance.
four important cations in the plasma: sodium
(Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), and Potassium
magnesium (Mg2+). In general, the kidney In contrast to Na+, the normal plasma concen-
more precisely regulates the concentrations of tration of K+ is within the range of 3.5 to
cations than anions, because even small abnor- 5 mEq/L. Potassium must be precisely main-
malities in the concentrations of most cations tained within this narrow range in the extra-
have adverse effects on the patient. In contrast, cellular fluid or serious adverse consequences
small abnormalities in the concentrations of may occur. In particular, K+ is closely related to
most anions are usually inconsequential. neuromuscular activity.
Both plasma hypokalemia (i.e., low [K+]) or
Sodium plasma hyperkalemia (i.e., increased [K+]) may
As shown in Table 12-2, sodium (Na+) is the lead to abnormalities in muscle contractility
most abundant extracellular cation, with a and life-threatening arrhythmias. Because the
concentration of 142 mEq/L. As such, Na+ reg- normal plasma concentration of this cation is
ulation is related intimately to osmosis and so low, there is very little margin for deviation
fluid balance. Generally speaking, body water without untoward effects.
Potassium imbalances are also associated
with abnormal ECG tracings. The characteristic
ECG changes associated with both hypokalemia
Cation Anion and hyperkalemia are shown in Figure 12-8;
Charges (mEq/L) Charges (mEq/L) however, ECG changes may not be seen in mild
imbalances. Knowledge and recognition of these
Na+ 142 Cl 103
abnormal tracings may be useful in helping to
K+ 4 HCO3 27
Ca2+ 5 HPO42 2 identify serious potassium disturbances.
Mg2+ 2 SO42 1 Serious hyperkalemia is most often due to
Others (trace 1 Organic acids 5 renal failure or metabolic acidosis. In contrast,
Elements) Protein 16 hypokalemia, which is probably the most com-
mon electrolyte disturbance, may be caused by
154 154 diuretics, steroids, or beta agonist drugs.478
From Tietz, N.W.: Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, Hypokalemia may also be associated with mus-
3rd ed. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1987. cle weakness or cramps. Severe hypokalemia
Chapter 12 Regulation of Acids, Bases, and Electrolytes 317
The magnesium cation is predominantly an
U wave shallow intracellular cation. It is involved in many
Normal PR if present enzyme reactions within the body and plays a
role in neuromuscular functions. It is also
important in normal central nervous system
Normal P wave Rounded normal-
sized T wave
Sodium regulation by the kidney is intimately
ST depressed related to acid-base balance. A complex inter-
Slightly prolonged and prolonged
PR interval
relationship is involved in the renal regulation
of blood [Na+], [HCO3], [K+], and [H+]. For
this reason, the specific chemical mechanisms
Slightly U wave
related to Na+ reabsorption from the glomerular
peaked P wave filtrate are reviewed here. These same mecha-
Depressed T wave
(may be inverted) nisms also help to explain renal regulation of
the other important acid-base electrolytes.
HYPERKALEMIA Narrow, Chemical Mechanisms
Decreased R
T wave Most of the Na+ that enters the glomerular fil-
wave amplitude
trate is recaptured by the renal tubular cells by
two different chemical mechanisms: the NaCl
mechanism and the NaHCO3 mechanism.
Wide flat Depressed
P wave ST segment NaCl Mechanism
PR interval
Widened QRS Ions that move across cell membranes may do so
by diffusion or by active transport. Diffusion is
Figure 12-8. ECG changes seen in potassium a passive process by which molecules move
imbalances. from a high concentration to a low concentra-
tion. In contrast, active transport requires the
expenditure of cellular energy to move a sub-
(K < 3.0) has been implicated as a potential stance across a membrane, often against a con-
cause of ventricular arrhythmias and cardiac centration gradient. Much of the electrolyte
arrest.478,479 reabsorption and secretion that occurs in the
nephron is through active transport.
Calcium The NaCl mechanism of Na+ reabsorption is
Calcium is important to the body for several shown in Figure 12-9. The Na+ cation is actively
reasons. It is important in the initiation of transported from the glomerular filtrate into the
muscular contraction and in maintaining nor- renal tubular cell. To maintain electroneutrality,
mal neuromuscular irritability. Calcium is also the Cl anion passively accompanies Na+. Both
essential for normal blood coagulation and for Na+ and Cl are then transported from the renal
maintaining normal structural integrity of tubular cell to the extracellular fluid immedi-
bones and teeth. ately outside the renal tubular cells and ulti-
Calcium is normally present in approximately mately to the plasma.
equal amounts as ionized Ca2+ and un-ionized Thus, each time this complete reaction takes
Ca. Alkalemia decreases the concentration of place, both a Na+ cation and a Cl anion are
ionized Ca2+, which results in increased neuro- recaptured from the glomerular filtrate back
muscular irritability and possible tetany. into the extracellular fluid (blood). All through
318 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
Na+ + Cl
the renal tubule (i.e., proximal tubule, loop of Carbonic anhydrase, the enzyme that acceler-
Henle, distal tubule) Na reabsorption occurs ates the hydrolysis reaction, is available within
via this mechanism. the renal cells.
After the Na+ enters the renal cell from the fil-
NaHCO3 Mechanism trate, it is then actively transported to the extra-
The other reaction by which Na+ is recaptured cellular fluid. In the NaCl mechanism described
from the filtrate is slightly more complex. In this earlier, Cl was available inside the renal cell to
reaction, an H+ ion is secreted from the renal accompany the Na+ into the extracellular fluid.
tubular cell by active transport into the filtrate In this reaction, the anion HCO3, which was
in exchange for Na+ cation, which enters the generated via the hydrolysis reaction, accompa-
renal cell as shown in Figure 12-10. Hydrogen nies the Na+ into the extracellular fluid.
ions are made available within the renal tubu- As shown in Figure 12-10, the H+ secreted
lar cells through the hydrolysis reaction. into the filtrate fuels the hydrolysis reaction
Figure 12-11. Sodium reabsorption via
K+ secretion and the NaHCO3 reaction.
Active transport
Na+ +
Na Na
+ Potassium ions are secreted into the fil-
+ Active transport trate in exchange for sodium. The sodium
HCO3 HCO3 + H+ K +
K+ is then transported from the renal cell
H2CO3 to the extracellular fluid and ultimately
to the plasma. Bicarbonate accompanies
H2O (Carbonic
+ anhydrase) sodium into the extracellular fluid to
CO2 CO2 CO2 maintain electroneutrality.
and leads to increased dissolved CO2. The reaction is used to reabsorb Na+, an HCO3
increased dissolved CO2, in turn, diffuses from anion enters the extracellular fluid. It follows
the filtrate into the renal cell to fuel the hydroly- that any condition that increases this reaction
sis reaction in the intracellular space. It has been may cause metabolic alkalosis (i.e., increased
postulated that carbonic anhydrase is also avail- blood [HCO3]). Conversely, any condition that
able along the border of the renal cell to acceler- decreases this reaction tends to cause metabolic
ate the hydrolysis reaction within the filtrate. acidosis (i.e., decreased blood [HCO3]).
There is another important variation of the
NaHCO3 reaction. In some cases, a K+ cation Renin-Angiotensin System
rather than an H+ ion is secreted into the filtrate One of the primary ways that the body regu-
in exchange for the Na+ cation (Fig. 12-11). lates sodium reabsorption and ensures an ade-
In fact, because most K+ that enters the filtrate in quate blood volume and renal perfusion is
the glomerulus is totally reabsorbed in the prox- through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sys-
imal tubule, it is only through this NaHCO3 tem. An integral part of this system is a group
reaction in the distal tubule that excess K+ can of cells in the walls of the afferent arterioles
be excreted. immediately adjacent to the glomerulus, which
The renal cells can selectively secrete K+ or have the ability to detect decreased renal per-
H+ into the glomerular filtrate, depending on fusion. These cells, because they lie close to the
the bodys needs. For example, in the presence of glomeruli, are called the juxtaglomerular cells.
alkalemia, H+ ions are retained because of their When blood flow through the renal arterioles
relative shortage. This, in turn, leads to selective is decreased, the juxtaglomerular cells secrete
K+ loss and, potentially, to hypokalemia. Thus, renin into the bloodstream.
alkalemia tends to cause hypokalemia. Immediately after renin enters the blood-
Abnormalities in potassium concentration stream, it reacts with angiotensinogen in the
have a similar effect. Intracellular hypokalemia plasma and forms the substance angiotensin I
(low [K+]) results in increased H+ secretion. (Fig. 12-12). Within minutes, angiotensin I is
This condition is often difficult to recognize converted to angiotensin II by an enzyme pres-
because measurements of serum potassium may ent in the lungs. Angiotensin II has effects that
be normal even when intracellular potassium is tend to elevate blood pressure and increase
depleted. renal perfusion.
Regardless of whether an H+ ion or a K+ Angiotensin II causes systemic vasoconstric-
cation is secreted, each time the NaHCO3 tion, which in turn increases the blood pressure.
320 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
% Total
Angiotensin II Vasoconstriction
as NaCl 47 25 8 80
% Total
Aldosterone reabsorption
as NaHCO3 18 2 20
% Total
Na+, HCO3 Blood pressure reabsorption 65 25 10 100
Figure 12-12. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone Modified from Frazier, H.S., and Yager, H.: The clinical
mechanism. use of diuretics (Pt. I). N. Engl. J. Med., 288: 246, 1973;
Frazier, H.S., and Yager, H.: The clinical use of diuretics
(Pt. II). N. Engl. J. Med., 288: 455, 1973.
form of NaCl; only 20% normally is reab- metabolic alkalosis and hypokalemia. However,
sorbed as NaHCO3. it is not the diuretic itself that causes these
effects. Rather, these effects are mediated
Regulation of [HCO3] through the renin-angiotensin system because
The NaHCO3 reaction is also the mechanism of the loss of Na+ and decreased renal perfu-
by which tubular reabsorption of the HCO3 sion. It is, in fact, the compensatory response
anion is accomplished. Technically speaking, to the loss of fluid imposed by the diuretic that
HCO3 is not reabsorbed; rather, it is leads to high aldosterone levels and excessive
reclaimed, because it must be transformed into NaHCO3 reabsorption. The magnitude of the
dissolved CO2 before it can cross from the fil- aldosterone response is related directly to the
trate into the renal tubular cells. Table 12-3 strength of the diuretic and to the degree of
shows that 90% of HCO3 reabsorption occurs concomitant renal hypoperfusion.
in the proximal tubule.466 The final 10% is
reabsorbed in the distal tubule. Interference with NaHCO3 Reabsorption
Because HCO3 is actually generated in this A few types of diuretics interfere directly with
reaction, any increase in this reaction will ele- NaHCO3 reabsorption. These diuretics include
vate blood [HCO3]. At least three factors carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, such as acetazo-
are known to stimulate HCO3 production468: lamide (Diamox), and drugs that compete with
(1) increased blood PCO2 stimulates increased aldosterone for distal tubule chemical sites such
bicarbonate reabsorption as an acid-base com- as spironolactone (Aldactone). In contrast to
pensatory mechanism; (2) low serum potassium NaCl-inhibiting diuretics, these diuretics tend
stimulates bicarbonate reabsorption and tends to cause metabolic acidosis because they inhibit
to cause metabolic alkalosis; and (3) decreased NaHCO3 reabsorption. Aldactone also tends
blood volume stimulates bicarbonate reabsorp- to cause hyperkalemia, because the NaHCO3
tion through the renin-angiotensin mechanism. absorption mechanism per se is blocked.
Diamox, on the other hand, may actually
Diuretics increase potassium excretion because it only
Diuretics (drugs which can increase the urine inhibits the formation and availability of H+
output) commonly have important effects on ions via the hydrolysis reaction.
acid-base balance. The specific effect of a given Diuretics that interfere with NaHCO3 reab-
diuretic depends on its mechanism of action. sorption are the diuretics of choice in the patient
From an acid-base perspective, diuretics that with metabolic alkalosis. However, these diuret-
interfere with Na reabsorption can be classi- ics generally are not very potent and, when
fied as (1) those that interfere with NaCl reab- given alone, are often inadequate to obtain
sorption and (2) those that interfere with satisfactory levels of diuresis.
NaHCO3 reabsorption.
Interference with NaCl Reabsorption Normally, some aldosterone circulates in the
Most of the commonly used diuretics act by bloodstream; however, when aldosterone
this mechanism. These include thiazide (e.g., levels are excessive (i.e., hyperaldosteronism),
Diuril, Hydrodiuril) and loop diuretics such NaHCO3 reabsorption (and H+ excretion) is
as furosemide (Lasix) and ethacrynic acid also excessive, and metabolic alkalosis results.
(Edecrin). Thiazide diuretics interfere with Na+ Hyperaldosteronism likewise tends to cause
reabsorption in the distal tubule. Because the hypokalemia. The administration of diuretics
amount of Na+ reabsorption in the distal that interfere with NaCl reabsorption may cause
tubule is not large (see Table 12-3), thiazides the triad of hyperaldosteronism, hypokalemia,
are not particularly potent. Loop diuretics, as and metabolic alkalosis.
their name implies, act in the loop of Henle
and are much stronger diuretics. Secondary Hyperaldosteronism
Both types of diuretics (i.e., thiazides, loop Hyperaldosteronism that occurs as a result of
diuretics) may lead to the development of the renin-angiotensin system (e.g., diuretic- or
322 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
Na+ + Cl
Na + Na+ + HPO4
Na+ + H2PO4
324 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
Figure 12-17. The anion gap and metabolic High Anion Gap Acidosis
acidosis. A, The normal anion gap. B, Normal Metabolic acidosis (i.e., decreased [HCO3]) is
anion gap in metabolic acidosis due to loss of more commonly due to the abnormal accumu-
base, so-called hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. lation of fixed acids (e.g., lactic acid, keto
C, Increased anion gap in metabolic acidosis acids). Referring back to Table 12-2, it can be
due to increased fixed acid. seen that the unmeasured anions that make up
the anion gap include anions from fixed acids
and bicarbonate, which are the two most (e.g., lactate, sulfate, phosphate). Therefore,
abundant (major) anions. The mathematical when there is excessive accumulation of these
difference between sodium (Na+) and the sum acids, the anion gap increases.
of chloride and bicarbonate (HCO3 and Cl) In the presence of increased fixed acids in
represents the anion gap (A), or unmeasured the blood, the bicarbonate concentration
anions. decreases due to buffering. Thus, in the pres-
Because total CO2 rather than bicarbonate ence of increased fixed acids, plasma bicar-
is often reported with serum electrolytes, it is bonate decreases but chloride does not
acceptable to substitute total CO2 for bicar- increase. Rather, the increase in anions neces-
bonate in the anion gap formula, as shown in sary for electroneutrality occurs in the unmea-
Equation 12-1. The normal anion gap, which sured anions. Figure 12-17,C shows the
is calculated in Equation 12-1, is approxi- electrolyte pattern that is seen with metabolic
mately 12 mEq/L (see Fig. 12-17,A). The nor- acidosis secondary to increased accumulation
mal anion gap range is 12 to 14 mEq/L. An of fixed acids.
increased anion gap usually represents an
increase in blood fixed acids. A low anion gap Summary
is uncommon, although it may be observed as The anion gap is a useful index for differenti-
a result of hypoalbuminemia. ating the general causes of metabolic acidosis.
When metabolic acidosis is caused by a loss of
Equation 12-1
[Na+] ([Cl ] + [TCO2]) = A
base (so-called hyperchloremic metabolic acido-
142 (103 + 27) = 12 sis), the anion gap is normal. Conversely, when
increased fixed acids are present in the blood,
the anion gap increases.
Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis Notwithstanding, the anion gap is not a par-
Metabolic acidosis (i.e., decreased [HCO3]) ticularly sensitive index, and mild A elevations
may be caused by a loss of base such as (e.g., to 1416 mEq/L) may be seen in some
326 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
conditions other than metabolic acidosis. In Table 12-4. ANION GAP ADJUSTED FOR
particular, alkalosis and hyperalbuminemia HYPOALBUMINEMIA
tend to increase the anion gap. Nevertheless, Albumin (g/dL) Maximum A (mEq/L)
an anion gap above 16 mEq/L strongly sug-
gests increased fixed acids in the blood. 4.4 16
Furthermore, the higher the anion gap, the 4.0 15
greater is the likelihood of increased fixed 3.6 14
acids and metabolic acidemia. Therefore, the 3.2 13
2.8 12
anion gap is a useful diagnostic index in the
assessment and the differential diagnosis of Reference: Figge, J. et al: Anion gap and hypoalbumine-
metabolic acidosis. mia. Crit. Care Med. 26:18071810, 1998.
Hypoalbuminemia and the Anion Gap of metabolic acidosis and should be afforded a
As mentioned previously, the protein concen- high index of suspicion.
tration has a significant impact on the anion
gap. The most abundant protein is albumin,
therefore the clinician should realize that
changes in albumin will substantially change
the anion gap. Normal albumin is approxi- In 1981, Peter Stewart advocated a new
mately 4.4 g/dL in the blood. approach to acid-base diagnosis475 that contin-
For every 0.4 g/dL drop in albumin, the ues to be espoused by some clinicians.477
anion gap will decrease 1 mEq/L.481 Because Through a series of complex mathematical cal-
hypoalbuminemia is quite common in the crit- culations, Stewart concluded that there are only
ical care setting, the normals for anion gap three independent variables that determine pH.
should be adjusted for each patient accordingly The three independent variables are PCO2, the
as shown in Table 12-4. Using Table 12-4 will strong ion difference (SID), and total concen-
help identify those patients with increased tration of the nonvolatile weak acids [ATOT].
fixed acids that may go unrecognized. Again, The strong ion difference can be calculated as
increased fixed acid is the most common cause SID = ([Na] + [K] + Ca2+ + Mg2+ + [other strong
anions]).477 Stewart advocates disregarding [Na], [Cl], and [protein] is of great value in
[HCO3] because it is a dependent variable and understanding how changes in these values
not one of the three key independent variables. impact acid-base and fluid balance. In particu-
Despite the precision of this approach, its lar, careful analysis of electrolytes and protein
cumbersome and technical nature make it dif- can assist in understanding the nature of extra-
ficult to understand and apply in clinical prac- cellular fluid contraction alkalosis, dilution
tice.476 Notwithstanding, I believe its focus on acidosis, and protein disturbances.
1. The primary respiratory center (generator) located in the central nervous system
is in the ______.
2. The central chemoreceptors respond directly to the pH of the (blood/CSF).
3. The blood-brain barrier is readily permeable to (ions/gases) but is relatively impermeable
to (ions/gases).
4. The circulatory delay has been suggested to explain the breathing pattern sometimes
observed in congestive heart failure called ______ respiration.
5. The peripheral chemoreceptors are located in two distinct anatomic areas:
the ______ and ______ bodies.
6. Designate which of the following may stimulate the peripheral chemoreceptors:
a. Mild anemia
b. Hypoxemia
c. Cyanide poisoning
d. Hypercarbia (PaCO2 70 mm Hg)
e. Cardiogenic shock
f. pH 7.32
7. The (central/peripheral) chemoreceptors respond to low oxygen levels in the blood.
8. When PaO2 falls below ______ mm Hg, there is a dramatic increase in impulse production
and ventilation.
9. The regulation of ventilation in healthy individuals is primarily under the control of the
(central/peripheral) chemoreceptors.
10. In acute hypoxemia, the central chemoreceptors are (stimulated/depressed).
11. The ventilatory response to chronic hypoxemia is (less/greater) than the ventilatory
response to acute hypoxemia.
12. The initial blood gas abnormality associated with mild pulmonary disease is mild
13. In severe pulmonary disease, blood gases typically show (hypocarbia/hypercarbia).
14. Administration of oxygen to individuals with chronic pulmonary disease may result in
progressive (hypercarbia/hypocarbia).
15. The (J receptor/Hering-Breuer) reflex is located in the interstitial tissue of the
alveolar-capillary membrane.
328 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
1. Each of the two kidneys consists of an outer ______ and an inner ______.
2. Urine gathers in the renal pelvis and then flows through the ______ down to the urinary
bladder, where it is stored.
3. The functional unit of the kidney is the ______.
4. The capillary network within Bowmans capsule is called the ______.
5. Blood enters the nephron through the (afferent/efferent) arteriole.
6. The tubule that the glomerular filtrate passes through immediately after leaving Bowmans
capsule is called the ______ ______ ______.
7. Cells and proteins (can/cannot) normally pass through the glomerulus into the filtrate.
8. Decreased urine output is called ______.
9. The process of exchanging one electrolyte for another in the filtrate is called tubular
10. The fluid that accumulates within Bowmans capsule is called the ______.
1. State the two different chemical mechanisms by which Na+ is reabsorbed from the
glomerular filtrate.
2. To maintain electroneutrality, the anion ______ passively accompanies Na+ from the filtrate
to the renal tubular cell in the NaCl mechanism.
3. State the two possible cations that can be secreted into the filtrate in exchange for a Na+
in the NaHCO3 reaction.
4. Carbonic anhydrase (is/is not) present in the renal tubular cells.
5. Hydrogen ions available to be secreted in the NaHCO3 reaction are produced as a result of
the (NaCl/hydrolysis) reaction.
6. In the presence of alkalemia, (H+/K+) is selectively secreted in the NaHCO3 reaction and
(H+/K+) is retained.
7. The group of cells that are located in the walls of the afferent arterioles of the nephrons
immediately adjacent to the glomerulus and that have the ability to detect decreased renal
perfusion are called the ______ cells.
8. The juxtaglomerular cells secrete (angiotensin/renin) into the bloodstream.
9. Angiotensin II stimulates the production of ______ from the adrenal cortex.
10. Aldosterone stimulates (NaCl/NaHCO3) reabsorption.
Na+ Cl TCO2
7. 140 98 14
8. 142 105 15
9. 135 115 10
10. 134 102 17
Chapter 12 Regulation of Acids, Bases, and Electrolytes 331
NBRC Challenge 12
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
it should be emphasized that a given set of acid-base values is never diagnostic of a particular acid-base
disorder, but rather consistent with a wide range of acid-base abnormalities.
J.A. Kraut and N.E. Madias540
For each class of disorders (i.e., metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, etc.), a wide range of possibilities
exists When the diagnosis is not immediately apparent from the history or clinical setting, however,
laboratory data can be extremely helpful.
Jordan J. Cohen and
Jerome P. Kassirer483
As with all acid-base disorders, analysis of arterial blood gas samples and serum electrolytes provide the
quantitative basis for diagnosis and treatment.
Erik Swenson484
The value of establishing a diagnosis is to provide a logical basis for treatment and prognosis.
Clayton L. Thomas482
Introduction, 333 Overall Appearance, 341
Complete Picture, 333 Common Causes of Respiratory Alkalosis, 341
Classification versus Diagnosis, 333 Hypoxemia, 341
Support Information, 333 Overzealous Mechanical Ventilation, 342
Definitive Acid-Base Diagnosis, 333 Restrictive Lung Disease, 342
General versus Definitive Diagnosis, 333 Neurologic Disorders, 342
Common Causes of General Disturbances, 334 Shock/Decreased Cardiac Output, 343
Respiratory Acidosis, 334 Metabolic Acidosis, 343
Physiologic Response to Respiratory Acidosis Physiologic Response to Metabolic Acidosis, 343
(Hypercapnia), 334 Common Causes of Metabolic Acidosis, 343
Common Causes of Respiratory Acidosis, 334 High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis, 344
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 335 Normal Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis, 348
Oxygen Excess in Chronic Obstructive Metabolic Alkalosis, 350
Pulmonary Disease, 336 Physiologic Response to Metabolic Alkalosis, 351
Drugs, 336 Common Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis, 351
Extreme Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch, 336 Hypokalemia, 352
Exhaustion, 337 Ingestion of Large Amounts of Alkali or
Neuromuscular Disorders, 337 Licorice, 352
Iatrogenic Respiratory Acidosis, 338 Gastric Fluid Loss, 353
Neurologic Disorders, 339 Hyperaldosteronism Secondary to Nonadrenal
Excessive CO2 Production, 339 Factors, 353
Respiratory Alkalosis, 340 Bicarbonate Administration, 354
Physiologic Response to Respiratory Alkalosis Adrenocortical Hypersecretion, 354
(Hypocapnia), 340 Steroids, 355
Neurologic Response, 340 Eucapnic Ventilation Posthypercapnia, 355
Cardiovascular Response, 340 Exercises, 356
Chapter 13 Differential Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances 333
Common Causes of General Disturbances hypercapnia, cerebral blood flow may more
In this chapter, some of the more common causes than double while, conversely, it will decrease
of respiratory and metabolic acid-base distur- by more than 50% when PaCO2 falls by about
bances are briefly discussed. The novice clinician 10 mm Hg.496 This may be especially impor-
is encouraged to review this information before tant in the patient with CNS trauma or fol-
he or she attempts to make a definitive acid-base lowing CNS surgery where low intracranial
diagnosis at the bedside. A diligent attempt has pressure is a goal in patient treatment. In
been made to include all the common causes of chronic hypercapnia, cerebral blood flow is nor-
these general acid-base disorders and some mal and responsiveness to changes in PaCO2 is
causes that are less common. Obviously, it is reduced. It appears that interstitial acidosis is
impossible to list every possible cause. really the primary regulator of cerebral dilation
In general, the boxes have been constructed and perfusion.497
as functional groupings of acid-base disorders. Cardiovascular effects in mild to moderate
Problems with similar mechanisms (e.g., neuro- hypercapnia typically include an increased car-
muscular problems) have been clustered diac output and tachycardia mediated through
together rather than trying to list every specific an adrenergic response. On clinical examina-
disease that could cause a particular type of tion, the skin may be flushed and warm. The
acid-base disorder. patient may also be diaphoretic and demon-
It is noteworthy that often more than one strate a bounding pulse. In severe hypercapnia,
root problem is responsible for a general hypotension and/or arrhythmia may occur as a
acid-base diagnosis. A patient may have meta- direct effect of PaCO2 on the myocardium and
bolic alkalosis due to a combination of factors. vasculature.485
For example, it is not uncommon for a patient to Physiologic changes may be more related to
be receiving both diuretics and steroids and, in concurrent acidemia and hypoxia than hyper-
addition, to manifest hypokalemia. In this case, capnia. Certainly there is a less dramatic response
three different underlying factors could be con- when hypercapnia develops slowly. The some-
tributing to a metabolic alkalosis. Therefore, it is what innocuous nature of hypercapnia has
advisable to review and consider all possibilities, lead to the therapeutic approach of permissive
even if one mechanism is already evident. hypercapnia498 where hypercapnia is tolerated
in an effort to avoid excessive alveolar volume
and pressure (see Chapter 10). Many believe
that substantial hypercapnia is likely associated
Respiratory acidosis may result from a variety with very few adverse effects.498
of acute and chronic causes. It threatens
acid-base balance through the accumulation of Common Causes of Respiratory Acidosis
carbonic acid. Furthermore, it compromises As discussed previously, it is important to
oxygenation via decreased alveolar delivery identify the underlying cause of the acid-base
and hypoxemia. disorder to optimize management. Some com-
mon causes of respiratory acidosis are shown
Physiologic Response to Respiratory in Box 13-1.
Acidosis (Hypercapnia) Some may find it easier to think of the
The clinical manifestations of acute hypercapnia potential origins of the various fundamental
are predominantly neurologic.485 Symptoms acid-base disturbances. For example, as shown in
may vary from anxiety and irritability to Figure 13-1, eight common sources of primary
lethargy and somnolence. Pulmonary symptoms respiratory acidosis are: the lungs (e.g., chronic
may include dyspnea and distress. Stupor and obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD]), drugs
coma appear to be rare but may occur when (e.g., anesthetics/narcotics), mechanical ven-
PaCO2 exceeds 70 mm Hg.485 tilation (e.g., iatrogenic hypoventilation),
It is also important to remember that hyper- muscle fatigue (e.g., status asthmaticus),
capnia causes increased cerebral perfusion and central nervous system (CNS; e.g., central alveo-
intracranial pressure. Indeed, during acute lar hypoventilation), neuromuscular junction
Chapter 13 Differential Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances 335
Muscle fatigue
Drugs O2 excess
Lungs O2
Therefore, hypercapnia appears to be a useful FIO2, it is logical to assume that oxygen therapy
strategy for avoiding inspiratory muscle over- was excessive.
loading and failure.499 Notwithstanding, Interestingly, oxygen therapy may worsen
due to their limited ventilatory reserve, acute hypercapnia in other chronic disorders as well.
pneumonia can and frequently does lead to Although the mechanism is unclear, these
a superimposed acute ventilatory failure in these include patients with neuromuscular disease,
individuals.501 asthma, diaphragmatic dysfunction, or obesity
hypoventilation syndrome.485
Oxygen Excess in Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease Drugs
As described previously, chronic respiratory Depressant drugs such as morphine may dimin-
acidosis is common in end-stage COPD. In ish respiratory drive,492 with resultant hypercar-
addition, when high concentrations of oxygen bia and acidosis. The response of a given patient
are administered to patients with end-stage depends on the individual, the drug, and the
COPD (especially those with hypercarbia), dosage. Barbiturates, anesthetics, narcotics, and
they may manifest an acute rise in PaCO2 lev- sedatives may cause this effect. Narcotic over-
els above their chronically elevated baseline dose characteristically manifests itself in a slow
PaCO2. This acute respiratory acidosis is most respiratory rate in the spontaneously breathing
apt to occur when PaCO2 levels are very high patient.
and/or when PaO2 levels are very low at the Individuals with COPD are particularly
time when the oxygen is administered.486,487 vulnerable to the respiratory effects of seda-
Actually, baseline hypoxia and acidosis are tives and narcotics and may exhibit further
better predictors of those patients likely to CO2 retention even at normal dosages. Although
have worsening respiratory acidosis than base- the usual setting for drug-induced hypoventila-
line PaCO2.485 tion is the emergency room, respiratory acido-
Even slight elevations in FIO2 may cause sis secondary to drug effects may also be seen
this effect.488,489 The acute hypercarbia may be in the postoperative or critical care milieu.
progressive and may occasionally result in res- Neuromuscular blocking agents may also be
piratory arrest. The rise in PaCO2 may be used to control ventilation in the ICU. This is
caused by obliteration of the hypoxic drive of particularly true with many of the new ventila-
the peripheral chemoreceptors; however, some tory techniques such as inverse I:E ratios and
evidence suggests that it is due primarily to permissive hypercapnia, which may render
a worsening of ventilation-perfusion match- the patient uncomfortable or anxious. Barring
ing.490 In all likelihood, it is a multi-factorial the obvious problem of potential ventilator dis-
response. connect, one must be careful to avoid paralysis
Regardless of the potential for acute respira- without adequate sedation. The terror of con-
tory acidosis, when hypoxia is suspected, oxy- scious paralysis is unthinkable.
gen must be administered in doses sufficient to
relieve it. The target of oxygen therapy in COPD Extreme Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatch
is typically a PaO2 of approximately 60 mm Hg, As stated earlier, the mechanism that ultimately
although not higher.486,491 When acute respira- leads to respiratory acidosis in COPD is most
tory acidosis is observed in a patient with COPD likely deterioration in the ventilation-perfusion
who has a PaO2 level greater than 60 mm Hg, match. Regardless of the disease, whenever gas
the FIO2 may be excessive. The higher the PaO2 exchange capabilities of the lung become
and FIO2 level, the more likely that the respi- extremely compromised, the ability of the lungs
ratory acidosis is at least in part related to the to excrete CO2 may become impaired. This may
oxygen therapy. occur in severe lung cancer, pneumonia, or any
A trial of decreased FIO2 followed by arte- other severe pulmonary parenchymal disease.
rial blood gases should reveal whether excess In summary, any acute or chronic disease that
oxygen was in fact the cause of the acute respi- results in severe lung damage may ultimately
ratory acidosis. If PaCO2 improves at a lower lead to respiratory acidosis.
Chapter 13 Differential Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances 337
Sigh mechanism compromised Incentive spirometry and deep breathing
atelectasis and hypoxemia begin 20 to minimize ongoing atelectasis
Figure 13-3. Neuromuscular junction in myasthenia gravis. (Note the decreased acetylcholine receptors
and the widened synaptic space.)
Myasthenia gravis affects approximately in the apneic or paralyzed patient in whom the
25,000 people each year in the United States. rate and volume of ventilation is exclusively a
The basic abnormality in myasthenia gravis is a result of the ventilator settings. Thus, especially
decrease in the number of acetylcholine receptors in the patient on mechanical ventilation, there
in the neuromuscular junction.503 Figure 13-3 is always the possibility of therapy-induced
illustrates the decreased number of acetylcholine (iatrogenic) respiratory acidosis.
receptors and the widened synaptic space in Inappropriately low ventilator settings for
myasthenia gravis as compared to the normal tidal volume or respiratory rate results in an ele-
neuromuscular junction. The clinical result of vated PaCO2 and a blood gas classification of
this disease is neuromuscular weakness and respiratory acidosis. Thus, insufficient mechan-
fatigue. ical ventilation may induce respiratory acidosis,
particularly when drugs have been administered
Electrolyte Deficiencies to facilitate control of the patients ventilation.
Hypokalemia, a common electrolyte disorder in Subsequent manipulation of ventilatory set-
the critical care setting, is also associated with tings corrects only the iatrogenic respiratory
muscle weakness and even paralysis. The clini- acidosis. These ventilator changes cannot, of
cian must be particularly alert to this problem course, correct the underlying condition (e.g.,
when trying to wean patients from mechanical respiratory acidosis secondary to CNS depres-
ventilation. The presence of hypokalemia may sion) that was responsible for the initiation of
result in unsuccessful weaning attempts. Low mechanical ventilation in the first place.
phosphate levels, although less common, may
similarly impede normal neuromuscular control. Permissive Hypercapnia
In most applications of mechanical ventilation,
Iatrogenic Respiratory Acidosis the goal is to normalize PaCO2. Notwithstand-
During mechanical ventilation, some aspects of ing, in contrast to traditional mechanical ven-
the ventilatory pattern (e.g., tidal volume, res- tilation, it is now common in acute lung injury
piratory rate) may not be under the direct con- and acute respiratory distress syndrome (and
trol of the patient; rather, they are a product of some other disorders) to allow respiratory aci-
the machine settings. This is particularly true dosis to develop in an effort to avoid excessive
Chapter 13 Differential Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances 339
alveolar pressure or volume. This so-called production (RQ of 0.7) than carbohydrate
permissive hypercapnia is considered to be metabolism (RQ of 1.0).
potentially less harmful than using higher lung Total Parenteral Nutrition and the Respira-
inflation pressures to ensure a normal PaCO2. tory Quotient. Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
Nevertheless, severe hypercapnia should still is a nutritional support formula administered
be avoided, even in this population, and even intravenously to critically ill patients to avoid
mild hypercapnia may be harmful if there is the adverse effects of malnutrition.493 TPN
concern regarding excessive cerebral perfusion consists of a mixture of glucose and amino
or when there is substantial acidemia. acids. As such, TPN is high in carbohydrates
and increases the RQ and the production of
Neurologic Disorders CO2 after administration. In the patient unable
Neurologic disease or trauma (including spinal to meet the increased ventilatory requirement
cord injury) may also lead to hypoventilation necessary to excrete this additional CO2, respi-
and respiratory acidosis. The mechanism by ratory acidosis may ensue.
which this effect occurs is via depression or Specifically, acute respiratory acidosis has
malfunction of the respiratory centers or an been observed in patients with chronic lung
increased intracranial pressure. Similarly, CNS disease in response to the administration of
dysfunction is probably responsible for the TPN.494 This effect may occur both in nonintu-
respiratory acidosis that commonly follows bated patients and in patients on mechanical
cerebral hypoxia and cardiac arrest. ventilation.494,495 During mechanical ventilation,
The CNS is also responsible for the respira- the risk of TPN-induced respiratory acidosis is
tory acidosis that occurs during sleep in patients reduced if the minute volume of the ventilator
with central sleep apnea. In addition, central is increased just before TPN administration.495
mechanisms may play a role in the chronic res- In addition, the development of hypercapnia
piratory acidosis associated with obesity that is has been reported in two young patients without
known as the Pickwickian syndrome. Finally, COPD during weaning from mechanical ventila-
Ondines curse, a condition characterized by tion while receiving TPN.338 Furthermore, when
unexplained hypoventilation, most likely has the number of carbohydrate calories given to
a neurologic origin. these patients was decreased, CO2 production
likewise dropped, and the respiratory acidosis
Excessive CO2 Production was corrected.338 In summary, a high RQ may
As described in Chapter 8 in the section on CO2 contribute to the onset or maintenance of
homeostasis, the PaCO2 depends not only on respiratory acidosis.
the quantity of CO2 leaving the blood (i.e., VA),
but also on metabolism and CO2 production Quantity of Metabolism: Thermic Effect
(VCO2). The significance and effects of CO2 Just as a high RQ can increase CO2 production,
production on ventilation and acid-base status a general increase in the quantity of energy
in critically ill patients have only recently been metabolism (thermic effect), such as may occur
appreciated. Carbon dioxide production with fever, will also increase CO2 production
depends on both the type and the quantity of and may contribute to respiratory acidosis.
metabolism. Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is an inher-
ited condition in which some medications
Type of Metabolism (especially anesthetics) trigger sustained skeletal
The Respiratory Quotient and CO2 Production. muscle contraction and hypermetabolism.504
As described in Chapter 7, the respiratory Symptoms include rapid, acute severe respi-
quotient (RQ) relates CO2 production to oxy- ratory acidosis; hyperthermia; ventricular
gen consumption (VCO2/ VO2). The numeric dysrhythmias; hyperkalemia; and muscular
value of the RQ, in turn, depends on the rigidity.505 The clinical course of the disorder is
type of body fuel being metabolized. Fat short, usually 1 to 3 days. Untreated, MH may
metabolism for example, results in less CO2 have a 70% mortality.504 Treatment includes
340 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
termination of the triggering agent, and control tissue PCO2 and thus exacerbate the tissue
of pH, temperature, and potassium.505 acidosis. This issue is discussed in greater detail
Patients with severe burns also have an in Chapter 14 in the section on treatment of
increase in total body metabolism secondary to metabolic acidosis.
tissue destruction and the reparative process.
This response is greater than the hypermetab-
olism seen in sepsis or other forms of trauma.
The magnitude and duration of the metabolic Respiratory alkalosis, like respiratory acidosis,
response parallel burn severity with metabo- may result from a variety of acute and chronic
lism doubling in a 60% total body burn.506 causes. It disrupts acid-base balance by deplet-
Other causes of hypermetabolism include ing the normal blood stores of carbonic acid.
sepsis, fever, thyrotoxicosis, and trauma.485 In Respiratory alkalosis is a very common acid-
fever, CO2 production will increase approxi- base disorder.
mately 13% for each degree centigrade eleva-
tion in body temperature. TPN is associated not Physiologic Response to Respiratory
only with a high RQ; it also has a thermic effect Alkalosis (Hypocapnia)
secondary to the protein component of the solu- Patients with respiratory alkalosis often pres-
tion.550 Consequently, TPN tends to increase ent with dyspnea and chest pain or tight-
CO2 production through changes in both the ness.512 In addition to renal compensation (i.e.,
type and quantity of metabolism.550 decreased [HCO3]) for respiratory alkalosis,
Indeed the thermic effect appears to have an hypocapnia will decrease cerebral blood flow,
even stronger impact on CO2 production than alter some electrolyte concentrations, and
the type of substrate used for metabolism. The increase the production of lactic acid.
administration of excess calories will also lead Regarding potassium, there is an initial
to increased CO2 production through lipogen- abrupt onset of hyperkalemia. This is rapidly
esis, which has an RQ of nearly 8.0.507 followed by the development of hypokalemia.508
Thus, the number of calories, the percent- Typically, serum potassium will decrease
age of carbohydrate, and the nature of the 0.3 mEq/L for each 0.1 unit increase in pH.508
patients illness must all be considered regard- Occasionally, electrolyte disturbances will be
ing the CO2 production load. In contrast, CO2 associated with muscle spasm. In addition,
production may sometimes be reduced by respiratory alkalosis increases production and
decreased glucose intake, cooling, or paralyz- decreases the clearance of lactic acid; however,
ing the patient.498 the increase in lactic acid levels is only
Sodium Bicarbonate Administration
Administration of sodium bicarbonate Neurologic Response
(NaHCO3) intravenously also increases blood Hypocarbia has been associated with painful
CO2 levels via the hydrolysis reaction. In spon- tingling in the hands and feet and numbness
taneously breathing individuals who are capa- and sweating of the hands. Dizziness is also
ble of increasing alveolar ventilation, this excess sometimes observed. Typically, these symp-
CO2 is immediately excreted. However, in the toms require PaCO2 to decline approximately
patient unable to excrete the additional blood 20 mm Hg. As described previously, decreased
CO2 (e.g., because of neurologic disease or con- cerebral perfusion has also been associated
trolled mechanical ventilation), hypercarbia and with hypocarbia; however, this effect appears
acute respiratory acidosis develop.365 to be mediated by acidosis.
Severe hypercapnia and respiratory acidosis of
mixed venous blood has been shown to accom- Cardiovascular Response
pany resuscitation during cardiac arrest.567 Cardiovascular effects of hypocarbia include
It is presumed that these mixed venous gases peripheral vascular constriction, tachycardia,
reflect tissue conditions. The administration of and increased cardiac output. Hypocarbia
NaHCO3 in this setting may further elevate the may also decrease coronary blood flow and
Chapter 13 Differential Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances 341
Thoracic cage
Aspirin O.D.
whenever a PaO2 less than 60 mm Hg is seen in affect the alveolar-capillary membrane, including
conjunction with respiratory alkalosis, a cause- congestive heart failure, acute respiratory
and-effect relationship should be presumed. distress syndrome, fibrosis, pneumonia, and
Normalization of the PaO2 is often all that is pulmonary emboli.
necessary to restore a normal PaCO2. In some
patients, multiple mechanisms will be present. Neurologic Disorders
Therefore, when normalization of PaO2 fails to There are a variety of conditions that may cause
correct respiratory alkalosis, other underlying respiratory alkalosis via the central nervous
causes should be sought (see Box 13-2). system stimulation. These conditions include
chemical stimuli, acidosis of the cerebrospinal
Overzealous Mechanical Ventilation fluid, and physical and emotional stimuli.
The application of mechanical ventilation may
lead to iatrogenic respiratory alkalosis.509 Chemical Stimuli
Respiratory alkalosis may be the result of an Infection/Toxins. Although some neurologic
excessive tidal volume or respiratory rate setting. disturbances cause respiratory acidosis, many
At times, hyperventilation to a PaCO2 of 25 to neurologic problems may result in hyperven-
30 mm Hg is used therapeutically to decrease tilation. The respiratory alkalosis may be chem-
intracranial pressure in head trauma or CNS ically induced by an infectious condition such
disorders. as meningitis or septicemia. Presumably, the
infection produces a chemical that crosses the
Restrictive Lung Disease blood-brain barrier and stimulates the central
When expansion of the lungs, thoracic cage, or chemoreceptors. The accumulation of other
alveoli is restricted, certain reflexes are activated chemicals or toxins may similarly stimulate
(e.g., Hering-Breuer, J receptors) that stimulate hyperventilation. In hepatic (i.e., liver) encepha-
hyperventilation and respiratory alkalosis (see lopathy, for example, ammonia accumulates in
Chapter 12). The various disorders shown under the blood and stimulates ventilation via the CNS.
restrictive lung disease in Box 13-2 all have in
common some restriction of lung or alveolar Salicylates
expansion. Salicylates (e.g., aspirin) in large doses also
The Hering-Breuer reflex may play a role in stimulate the respiratory centers and cause
the hyperventilation of thoracic cage problems. hyperventilation. Therefore, a respiratory alka-
The hyperventilation of ascites (accumulation losis usually accompanies salicylate poisoning
of fluid in the peritoneal cavity), thoracic cage or overdose. For unknown reasons, adults seem
deformities, and the third trimester of preg- to display respiratory alkalosis as the dominat-
nancy could be, at least in part, a reflex reaction ing acid-base disturbance in salicylate intoxi-
to the mechanical restriction of inspiration. cation, whereas children more often have
It is known, however, that the respiratory metabolic acidosis due to the accumulation of
alkalosis of pregnancy is also related to the hor- salicylic acid as the dominant disturbance.
mone progesterone, which stimulates ventila-
tion.510 During pregnancy, especially the third Acidosis of the Cerebrospinal Fluid
trimester, PaCO2 is usually approximately 28 to Acidosis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leads
32 mm Hg.510 Furthermore, most women also to hyperventilation through stimulation of the
experience dyspnea even in the first two central chemoreceptors. The change in pH
trimesters of pregnancy.508 of the CSF most often parallels the change
The exact role of the J receptor reflex has not in pH of arterial blood. However, because of
been clarified. These receptors, situated within the relative impermeability to ions of the
the alveolar-capillary membrane, have been pos- blood-brain barrier, occasionally a change in
tulated to respond to thickening of or edema pH in the blood is not immediately reflected in
within the alveolar-capillary membrane. This is the CSF.
a feasible explanation for the hyperventilation CSF acidosis without blood acidemia is
commonly noted in various disorders that may likely to occur (1) after the correction of blood
Chapter 13 Differential Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances 343
acidemia with bicarbonate, (2) following descent respiratory alkalosis, however, it is likely that
from acclimatization to a high altitude, or (3) these individuals have high venous PCO2 levels
during weaning from mechanical ventilation and tissue respiratory acidosis. As described in
when a patient has had sustained hyperventila- detail in Chapter 14 in the section on the
tion while on the ventilator. Although these venous paradox, arterial blood gases may reflect
situations are not seen frequently, the clini- poorly the overall acid-base status in these
cian should always keep these possibilities in patients.
mind when hyperventilation cannot be easily
Physical/Emotional Stimuli Metabolic acidosis occurs in a variety of dis-
In addition to chemical stimuli, the respiratory eases and even during normal heavy exercise.
centers may be stimulated by physical changes
in the CNS. Physical changes may result from Physiologic Response to Metabolic
CNS trauma with resultant increased intracra- Acidosis
nial pressure, or from a disease process such as Probably the most serious consequences of
a CNS tumor. Fever is also known to be asso- metabolic acidosis are on the cardiovascular
ciated with hyperventilation. system. Metabolic acidosis directly suppresses
Emotional stimuli may likewise lead to sub- myocardial contractility and vascular smooth
stantial hyperventilation during extreme stress muscle. This, in turn, may lead to a decreased
or severe pain. It is not uncommon for patients cardiac output and blood pressure. Concurrent
to present with respiratory alkalosis in the sympathetic nervous system stimulation may
emergency room or physicians office due to somewhat counteract the direct effects of aci-
hysteria, panic, or anxiety. dosis on the cardiovascular system when meta-
The term hyperventilation syndrome was bolic acidosis is mild.
first used in 1938 to describe patients who pre- Metabolic acidosis may also result in hyper-
sented with hypocapnia and anxiety.511 kalemia as potassium migrates from the intra-
Hyperventilation syndrome is purported to cellular space to the plasma (see Chapter 12) in
affect nearly 10% of the population.508 It affects exchange for hydrogen ions. This effect is most
predominantly females and occurs most often in prominent in non-organic types of acidosis.
the third or fourth decade of life.508 One must Finally, as previously described, respiratory
be careful, however, to rule out a compensatory acid-base compensation will lead to hyperven-
response to other acid-base disturbances such tilation and often dyspnea. Similarly, when pos-
as ketoacidosis or myocardial infarction.512 sible, renal compensation will include increased
acid excretion and bicarbonate absorption.
Shock/Decreased Cardiac Output In metabolic acidosis of non-renal origin, the
Finally, shock and decreased perfusion may lead kidney can increase hydrogen ion excretion
to respiratory alkalosis. It is not uncommon to three- to fourfold.484
see patients in profound hypotension and low
cardiac output states manifesting substantial Common Causes of Metabolic Acidosis
arterial hyperventilation. The hyperventilation Respiratory acid-base disturbances always
is probably due in part to peripheral chemo- reflect a change in blood volatile acid concen-
receptor stimulation secondary to diminished tration, specifically carbonic acid. Clinical
perfusion. metabolic acidosis, on the other hand, may be
Perhaps more importantly, the low cardiac the result of either the accumulation of some
output contributes to arterial hyperventilation fixed acid in the blood or the loss of normal
by another mechanism. The fall in pulmonary blood base.
perfusion associated with this state may lead to After a general acid-base diagnosis of meta-
a relative hyperventilation of the lungs due to bolic acidosis (primary) has been established,
many high alveolar V/Q units and despite nor- the patients biochemical profile should be eval-
mal minute ventilation. In contrast to the arterial uated. Typically, the biochemical profile consists
344 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
of electrolyte concentrations (Na+, K+, Cl, and a normal anion gap. Again, it is sometimes
HCO3 or total CO2), blood glucose, and an useful to think of the various potential sources
index of renal function (BUN or creatinine). of general acid-base disturbances. Figure 13-5
Using the electrolytes from the biochemical illustrates common sources of high anion gap
profile, the first step in determining a specific metabolic acidosis. High anion gap acidosis
acid-base diagnosis is calculation of the anion may occur as a result of: toxins (e.g., methanol
gap [Na (TCO2 + Cl) = A]. The anion gap poisoning), the kidneys (e.g., azotemic renal
(A) is helpful particularly in the diagnosis of failure), metabolism (e.g., lactic acidosis/
metabolic acidosis because it allows us to dif- ketoacidosis), or, less commonly, the liver (e.g.,
ferentiate conditions associated with increased cirrhosis).
fixed acids in the blood from conditions asso-
ciated with the loss of blood base. High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis
As described in Chapter 12, when the anion Box 13-3 lists the most common causes of high
gap exceeds 16 mEq/L, an increase in blood anion gap metabolic acidosis and the specific
fixed acids is highly probable. Furthermore, the acids that tend to accumulate with each disor-
higher the anion gap, the greater is the confi- der. Other data reported on the biochemical
dence in this conclusion. Conversely, when the profile (e.g., BUN, glucose) and the oxygena-
anion gap is normal (i.e., 12 to 14 mEq/L), a tion indices on the blood gas report are useful
loss of blood base is more likely the cause of the in making a definitive acid-base diagnosis.
metabolic acidosis. Like all laboratory data, Probably the three most common types of
marginal findings indicate the need for a more metabolic acidosis are ketoacidosis, azotemic
comprehensive evaluation of the patient and renal failure, and lactic acidosis.
his or her overall status. In addition, we must
always be cognizant of the effect of albumin Toxins
concentrations on the anion gap (hypoalbu- Aspirin Overdose. Salicylate toxicity may fol-
minemia decreases the anion gap) especially in low aspirin overdose, ingestion of oil of win-
critical care. The anion gap may be corrected tergreen (methyl salicylate), or ingestion of
for albumin levels as described in Chapter 12. other salicylate products. It should be noted that
The potential causes of metabolic acidosis one teaspoon of oil of wintergreen is equivalent
can thus be separated into two groups: (1) to approximately 21 regular strength aspirin
those associated with the accumulation of fixed tablets.513 The high anion gap acidosis is a
acids and therefore with a high anion gap, and result of the accumulation of salicylic acid, lactic
(2) those associated with the loss of base and acid, and ketoacids. Salicylate toxicity is most
Liver acidosis Kidneys
High A
In blood gases performed 60 minutes later, not elevated. In alcoholic ketoacidosis, the pri-
however, the pH had returned to normal.524 mary acid disturbance is elevation of beta-
Other Causes. Causes of lactic acidosis not hydroxybutyric acid and this is not reflected
related to tissue hypoxia include excessive by the routine Acetest (measurement of aceto-
ethanol intake, methanol ingestion, leukemia, acetate). The Acetest is a qualitative Na nitro-
neoplasms, drugs,525 and congenital heart prusside reaction in which acetoacetate bodies
defects.526 Also, when pH falls below 7.10, manifest a purple color.519
regardless of the initial cause, lactic acid begins Dextrose and water is the treatment of choice
to accumulate.523 in alcoholic ketoacidosis.523,528 Dextrose con-
Any condition that elevates pyruvate (e.g., verts beta-hydroxybutyrate into acetoacetate
intravenous glucose administration) causes a and serves as a source of carbohydrate.
rise in blood lactate levels. These conditions Diabetes Mellitus. The Greek term diabetes,
are known collectively as secondary hyperlac- which means passing through, is used to describe
tatemia (see Chapter 11). those diseases characterized by excessive urina-
In the presence of oxygen, the liver rapidly tion. The term mellitus means sweet, which is in
converts lactate in the blood back to glucose contrast to the term insipidus, which means
or CO2 and, in the process, produces bicar- uninteresting or insipid. In acute diabetes mel-
bonate in the blood. Both acute and chronic litus, there is increased urination, and the urine
hepatic insufficiency can, therefore, lead to is sweet due to high levels of glucose (glycosuria).
lactic acidosis.527 Early physicians tasted the urine in order to
differentiate this disorder from diabetes
Ketoacidosis insipidus, a very different pathologic condition
When glucose is unavailable within the bodys in which urination is also excessive but the
cells, fat is metabolized at an accelerated rate. urine is not sweet.
Fat metabolism, in turn, leads to the accumu- Pathology. The common pathologic defect in
lation of acetoacetic and beta-hydroxybutyric patients with diabetes mellitus is insulin defi-
acid. These two acids are known collectively as ciency. Insulin is necessary to transport glucose
ketoacids; their increased production may lead from the extracellular fluid to the intracellular
to ketoacidosis with a high anion gap. fluid. When insulin is not available, glucose lev-
The anions associated with these acids are els rise in the plasma (hyperglycemia) and fat
acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. A small metabolism increases with resultant ketoacido-
portion of acetoacetate is converted to acetone. sis. Adult-onset (type II) diabetics produce
Acetone is responsible for the characteristic insulin but their cells are unable to use it fully.
fruity odor of the patients breath in ketoacido- The high levels of plasma glucose, in turn,
sis. Acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybu- lead to increased urine output (hyperosmolar
tyrate are known collectively as ketone bodies. diuresis) in an effort to maintain blood osmolar-
Their accumulation in the blood is referred to as ity. The loss of fluids may also lead to dehydra-
ketosis. Ketosis and ketoacidosis may be seen in tion. In addition, the compensatory response to
starvation, alcoholism, and diabetes mellitus. acidemia results in a characteristic deep, gasping
Starvation. Ketosis may occur if carbohy- type of ventilation called Kussmauls breathing.
drates are severely restricted in the diet. Laboratory Findings. The average plasma
Ketoacidosis generally is not severe unless glu- glucose level in diabetic ketoacidosis is approx-
cose stores are severely depleted, such as in imately 500 mg/dL.518 The severity of the hyper-
starvation. Fortunately, starvation is rare in the glycemia depends primarily on the degree of
United States, although it may be seen in con- volume depletion from the diuresis and vomiting
ditions such as anorexia nervosa. that is often present. There are increased levels
Alcoholic Ketoacidosis. Alcoholics may of blood ketones, which are shown by a positive
present in the emergency room with a normal or Acetest. Hyperkalemia secondary to acidemia
slightly elevated blood glucose (i.e., <250 mg/dL) is also common. The urine shows increased
and ketoacidosis. Interestingly, when acetoac- levels of glucose (glycosuria) and ketones
etate levels are measured in the blood, they are (ketonuria).
348 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
Fistulas can develop in the gastrointestinal sys- In patients with sustained hypocarbia (e.g., dur-
tem from the biliary tree or the pancreas directly ing mechanical ventilation or during prolonged
to the intestine and thus lead to the loss of pan- hyperventilation associated with asthma), the
creatic secretions or bile. The bicarbonate base bicarbonate is excreted by the kidneys as a
concentration of bile may be 60 mEq/L and as compensatory mechanism. If hypocarbia is
high as 100 mEq/L in pancreatic secretions.529 quickly corrected to eucapnic ventilation (nor-
Obviously, a large loss of these secretions may mal PaCO2), the blood gas may appear as a
lead to hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. This acid-
base condition has been commonly observed in
Acidifying Salts patients with severe, acute asthma.530
Acidifying salts (e.g., ammonium chloride, HCl, It may be argued that the resultant metabolic
arginine hydrochloride) that are sometimes acidosis is not a true acidosis at all, because it
used in the treatment of severe alkalemia have really originates from a compensatory mecha-
the potential to cause normal anion gap acidosis. nism. Nevertheless, at a given point in time,
Ammonium chloride intoxication has a similar the blood gas appears as a primary metabolic
effect. acidosis, and this must be recognized. The
issue is not whether this abnormality should be
Sulfur, Hydrogen Sulfide, Drugs called a metabolic acidosis; rather, it is impor-
Elemental sulfur and hydrogen sulfide have been tant that the chain of events that has caused
implicated as unusual causes of normal anion this problem is understood.
gap acidosis.529 Other uncommon causes of
metabolic acidosis include intravenous tetra-
cycline and carbenicillin; however, the mecha-
nism responsible for the acidosis is unclear.529 Metabolic alkalosis is very common in acute
illness.480 In a study of more than 13,000 hos-
Eucapnic Ventilation Posthypocapnia pitalized patients, metabolic alkalosis was the
Eucapnia is the presence of normal amounts of most frequent acid-base disturbance encoun-
CO2 (i.e., PaCO2 35 to 45 mm Hg) in the blood. tered and was present in more than half of all
Hypocarbia, is the presence of low levels of patients with abnormal acid-base status.531
CO2 in the blood (i.e., PaCO2 < 35 mm Hg). Furthermore, more than half of the surgical
Oral bases
Drugs NaHCO3
patients who have blood gas determinations of the patient with chronic respiratory acidosis
are likely to be alkalemic at some point during (e.g., posthypercapnic respiratory acidosis) may
their hospitalizations.532 also be causative. In addition, the excessive
fluid loss and hypokalemia from any cause will
Physiologic Response to Metabolic stimulate bicarbonate retention. Finally, exces-
Alkalosis sive secretion of the adrenal cortex (e.g., hyper-
Metabolic alkalosis may have serious conse- aldosteronism) will also result in renal retention
quences in the central nervous and cardiovas- of bicarbonate.
cular systems. Mild-to-moderate metabolic Unlike metabolic acidosis, the potential
alkalosis may cause lethargy and confusion, causes of metabolic alkalosis may be listed in a
whereas severe alkalemia may lead to seizures single box (Box 13-5).
and/or coma. Neuromuscular irritability may
cause spasm, twitching, or tetany. Depressed
myocardial contractility and arrhythmias may
Box 13-5 Causes of Metabolic
occur. Severe alkalemia has been associated
with increased mortality and should be avoided.
Common Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis Ingestion of large amounts of alkali or licorice
Gastric fluid loss
Metabolic alkalosis may be caused by an
abnormal loss of fixed acid from the body or
Nasogastric drainage
by the abnormal accumulation or production Hyperaldosteronism secondary to nonadrenal
of blood base. Most often, a loss of acid (e.g., factors
renal H+ excretion, loss of HCl from the stom- Bartters syndrome
ach) is accompanied by concurrent production Inadequate renal perfusion
of blood bicarbonate. Diuretics (inhibiting NaCl reabsorption)
The more common origins of metabolic Bicarbonate administration
alkalosis are shown in Figure 13-7. Drugs may Sodium bicarbonate overcorrection
be responsible (e.g., diuretics, steroids), or the Blood transfusions
administration of excessive sodium bicarbon- Adrenocortical hypersecretion (e.g., tumor)
ate or oral bases. Loss of gastric secretions (e.g.,
Eucapnic ventilation posthypercapnia
vomiting), or excessive mechanical ventilation
352 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
tobacco, is similar structurally and chemically The presence of carbonic anhydrase in the
to aldosterone.529 Therefore, when ingested in gastric cells facilitates the hydrolysis reaction.
large quantities (e.g., 20 to 40 g of licorice),523 it In turn, the hydrogen ion generated via the
has effects similar to those of hyperaldostero- hydrolysis reaction is secreted into the stomach
nism and may lead to metabolic alkalosis. along with chloride from the blood. In
Recently, it has been argued that glycyrrhizic exchange for the chloride anion that has left the
acid may not actually be the active ingredient blood, the bicarbonate anion, present in the
that causes metabolic alkalosis.542 Nevertheless, gastric cells from the hydrolysis reaction, enters
it still appears that licorice does indeed cause the blood. Thus, the regeneration of HCl tends
metabolic alkalosis. to cause metabolic alkalosis by increasing
blood bicarbonate.
Gastric Fluid Loss Loss of Fluid and Electrolytes. The loss of
The loss of large quantities of gastric secretions gastric secretions may lead to hypovolemia
is probably the most common cause of severe and stimulation of aldosterone. The effect of
metabolic alkalosis (i.e., plasma [HCO3] 50 to increased aldosterone is, as discussed earlier,
60 mEq/L).529 A large volume of gastric secre- stimulation of NaHCO3 reabsorption in renal
tions may be lost by severe and prolonged tubules accompanied by increased potassium
vomiting or in the presence of nasogastric secretion.
suctioning. Other electrolytes are also lost with the gas-
tric secretions. Sodium is often slightly depleted,
Mechanism of Alkalosis and potassium and chloride may be substantially
Loss of Acid. Gastric secretions are very depleted. The potassium concentration of gastric
acidic. They contain hydrochloric acid (HCl), secretions is approximately 20 mEq/L.529 The
and the pH may be close to 1.0 (i.e., [H+] of anion gap may be elevated owing to contraction
100 mEq/L). When the HCl in these secretions of the extracellular fluid space, which causes an
is lost, new HCl must be generated by the cells increased protein concentration.534
in the gastric mucosa. The chemical process by
which this occurs is shown in Figure 13-8. Chloride Replacement
Administration of chloride permits gradual cor-
rection of the alkalemia. The presence of chlo-
ride facilitates increased renal NaCl retention
and, therefore, a diminished need for renal
Blood Gastric cell Stomach
NaHCO3 retention and hydrogen ion secretion.
CO2 + H2O
Hyperaldosteronism Secondary to Nonadrenal Factors
Carbonic Secondary hyperaldosteronism is the condition
anhydrase of increased blood aldosterone levels secondary
H2CO3 to some stimuli outside the adrenal gland itself.
Typically, secondary hyperaldosteronism is due
to increased renin-angiotensin activity triggered
HCO3 HCO3 + H+ H+ by diminished renal perfusion (see Chapter 12).
Conditions and drugs that may lead to secondary
Cl Cl hyperaldosteronism include Bartters syndrome,
inadequate renal perfusion, and diuretics.
Figure 13-8. Production of HCl in gastric cells.
Hydrogen ions generated in the gastric cells via the Bartters Syndrome
hydrolysis reaction are secreted into the stomach Bartters syndrome is a relatively rare disorder
with chloride. The bicarbonate produced via the that can cause hyperaldosteronism second-
hydrolysis reaction enters the blood in exchange ary to high levels of renin. The hyperaldos-
for the chloride. teronism, in turn, leads to hypokalemia and
354 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
metabolic alkalosis. Arterial blood pressure it depends on the patients total extracellular
is typically normal or low. The unique com- fluid volume as well as on the rate and type of
ponent of this disease is hyperplasia (i.e., abnormal acid production. Second, there is an
excess proliferation of normal cells) of the elevation of bicarbonate produced within the
juxtaglomerular cells. body (endogenous production) during liver
Gitelman syndrome, which is even more metabolism of the conjugate bases in lactic and
rare, is a similar disorder that is typically seen ketoacidosis. Lactate can be broken down only
in late childhood or early adulthood.480 in the presence of a sufficient quantity of
Inadequate Renal Perfusion The breakdown of anions, such as lactate,
When perfusion to the kidney is diminished, citrate, and acetate, generates blood bicarbon-
the renin-angiotensin system is activated, and ate. In fact, lactate was used in the past for the
metabolic alkalosis may develop. Conditions treatment of metabolic acidosis due to its abil-
that decrease cardiac output, blood volume, or ity to generate blood bicarbonate.
selective renal perfusion may have this effect.
Cardiac output may be low in diseases such as Blood Transfusions
congestive heart failure. Low functional blood During storage of blood, the pH tends to
volume (hypovolemia) may accompany dehy- decrease.535,536 Indeed, administration of
dration or migration of fluid to the interstitial massive blood transfusions over a short
space. A selective decrease in renal perfusion period may cause a transient metabolic
may occur in renal artery stenosis or in renal acidosis that clears up rather quickly.535 More
disease secondary to hypertension. important, metabolism of citrate, the anticoag-
ulant most commonly used for storage of
Diuretics blood, leads to the gradual onset of metabolic
Most diuretics facilitate urinary excretion alkalosis after massive transfusions. Metabolic
of NaCl by impeding its reabsorption in the alkalosis tends to peak about 24 hours after
renal tubules. The transient blood volume transfusion.535
loss may lead to secondary hyperaldostero- A unit of whole blood contains approxi-
nism, hypokalemia, and metabolic alkalosis. mately 17 mEq of citrate, whereas a unit of
Generally, the more potent the diuretic, packed cells contains only 5 mEq.515 For each
the greater is its potential to cause metabolic mole of citrate metabolized, 3 moles of bicar-
alkalosis. bonate are produced.537 Thus, the potential
for citrated blood transfusions to cause meta-
Bicarbonate Administration bolic alkalosis is apparent. It is important to
Sodium Bicarbonate Overcorrection recognize metabolic alkalosis resulting from
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is sometimes massive blood transfusions in the critical care
used in the treatment of metabolic acidemia. setting, because this condition has been
Presently, the use of sodium bicarbonate in reported to complicate weaning from mechan-
some types of metabolic acidosis (e.g., lactic ical ventilation.538
acidosis during cardiac arrest) is controversial.
(This controversy is addressed in Chapter 14 Adrenocortical Hypersecretion
regarding treatment of acid-base disorders.) Excessive secretion of aldosterone directly by
Nevertheless, sodium bicarbonate continues the adrenal cortex leads to metabolic alkalosis
to be the treatment of choice for metabolic through renal potassium excretion and bicar-
acidosis, and the development of metabolic bonate retention. This mechanism is often
alkalosis secondary to overcorrection is not referred to as primary hyperaldosteronism or
uncommon. primary mineralocorticoid excess. It is most
Overcorrection of metabolic acidosis occurs often due to a tumor of the adrenal cortex
frequently for two reasons. First, the appropri- (aldosteronoma). In primary hyperaldos-
ate dose of sodium bicarbonate that should be teronism, aldosterone secretion cannot be
administered in a given situation is not clear-cut; suppressed by volume expansion.
Chapter 13 Differential Diagnosis of Acid-Base Disturbances 355
1. When the anion gap exceeds 16 mEq/L, (decrease in base/increase in fixed acids) in the
blood is highly probable.
2. The metabolic acidosis of _______________________ intoxication is usually accompanied
by a primary respiratory alkalosis.
3. Symptoms from ingestion of ___________________________ include engorged retinal
vessels and blurred vision.
4. The active ingredient in antifreeze is _____________________________.
5. The active ingredient in transmission fluid and paint thinner is _____________________.
6. Renal failure associated with a high anion gap and the inability to excrete fixed acids is
called (renal tubular acidosis/azotemic renal failure).
7. The specific blood values that are elevated in azotemia are the ___________________
and ________________________.
8. _________________________ azotemia is a condition in which azotemia is due to
inadequate renal perfusion.
9. The toxic clinical picture associated with azotemia and renal failure is called
10. The pH typically does not begin to decrease until azotemia is fairly substantial and
creatinine exceeds at least ____________ mg/dL.
Exercise 13-4 High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis: Lactic
Acidosis and Ketoacidosis
1. Lactic acidosis is probably the most (common/uncommon) cause of high anion gap
metabolic acidosis.
2. Both acute and chronic (hepatic/renal) insufficiency may lead to lactic acidosis.
3. Fat metabolism leads to the accumulation of which two ketoacids?
4. ________________________ is responsible for the characteristic fruity odor of the patients
breath in ketoacidosis.
5. Acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate are known as the _________________
6. State three conditions that may cause ketoacidosis.
7. The _______________________ is a qualitative Na nitroprusside reaction in which
acetoacetate bodies manifest a purple color.
8. Diabetes (insipidus/mellitus) is associated with (hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia).
9. __________________________ must be present to transport glucose from the extracellular
fluid to the intracellular fluid.
10. Diabetes mellitus is associated with (hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia).
11. (Edema/Dehydration) is common in diabetic ketoacidosis.
12. The average plasma glucose level in diabetic ketoacidosis is approximately
(200/500) mg/dL.
13. The compensatory response to ketoacidosis results in a characteristic deep, gasping type
of ventilation known as ______________________ breathing.
14. The increased glucose in the urine associated with diabetic acidosis is
called _____________________.
15. State the four major causes of high anion gap metabolic acidosis.
NBRC Challenge 13
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
One must develop a clear understanding of the pathophysiologic principles which underlie simple disorders
before a comfortable approach to diagnosis and therapy of mixed disorders can be developed.
Robert G. Narins, Michael Emmett 515
The principal reason that one seeks an accurate assessment of acid-base equilibrium is to obtain an
appropriate guide to therapy.
Jordan J. Cohen, Jerome P. Kassirer 483
Overview, 361 Respiratory Acidosis, 371
Factors That May Complicate Clinical Acid-Base Spontaneous Breathing, 371
Data, 362 Mechanical Ventilation, 372
Respiratory/Renal Pathology, 362 Respiratory Alkalosis, 373
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 362 Spontaneous Breathing, 373
Chronic Renal Failure, 364 Mechanical Ventilation, 373
Therapeutic Intervention, 364 Metabolic Acidosis, 374
Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances, 364 Sodium Bicarbonate Administration, 374
Definition, 364 Cardiac Arrest and Sodium Bicarbonate
Recognition of Mixed Disturbances, 365 Therapy, 374
Acid-Base Map, 365 Complications of Sodium Bicarbonate
Compensatory Patterns, 367 Therapy, 375
Alerts to Mixed Disturbances, 368 Alternatives to Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy, 376
Acid-Base Treatment, 369 Metabolic Alkalosis, 377
Overview, 369 Mild-to-Moderate Metabolic Alkalosis, 377
Supportive versus Corrective Treatment, 370 Severe Metabolic Alkalemia, 378
Focus of Supportive Treatment, 370 Exercises, 379
simple acid-base disturbances are described.
Three final aspects of clinical acid-base man- In addition, common settings and clues that
agement are explored in this chapter. First, may suggest a mixed acid-base disturbance are
some of the major diseases and factors that presented.
tend to complicate the interpretation of clinical The final portion of this chapter deals with
acid-base data are discussed. These factors the supportive treatment of the four general
include chronic lung disease, chronic renal dis- acid-base disorders: respiratory acidosis, respi-
ease, and therapeutic intervention. Blood gas ratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis, and meta-
and acid-base interpretation under these cir- bolic alkalosis. General guidelines are presented
cumstances often requires special attention regarding the management of these generic
and skill. disorders.
Second, methods that can be used to differ- In addition, venous paradox during
entiate simple (single) acid-base problems from cardiopulmonary resuscitation or severe
mixed (complicated, multiple) acid-base distur- shock is described under metabolic acidosis.
bances are reviewed. In particular, the acid-base This phenomenon has important implica-
map and rules of thumb for compensation of tions regarding blood gas interpretation as
362 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
well as the most appropriate use of NaHCO3 of COPD. Nevertheless, blood gases in this
therapy. group are often confusing and complex.
Furthermore, they may be misleading if they are
FACTORS THAT MAY COMPLICATE not clearly understood. Abnormal baseline val-
CLINICAL ACID-BASE DATA ues, unpredictable acute ventilatory changes,
and the potential coexistence of lactic acidosis
Respiratory/Renal Pathology may all interact in a complex manner. The result
The primary organ systems involved in the may be misleading data when a single blood gas
maintenance of acid-base balance are the respi- is considered in isolation. Some examples are
ratory and renal systems. Disease, and in par- given of how this result may occur.
ticular chronic disease, in either of these body
systems can directly impair acid-base conditions Relative Hyperventilation
or hamper the ability of the affected organ It is not uncommon for a patient with COPD
system to compensate for another acid-base to lower PaCO2 in response to acute hypo-
disturbance. Thus, blood gas and acid-base xemia arising from an acute lung infection.
interpretation in these chronic diseases Superimposing this acute change on the chronic
requires special attention and understanding. (normal hypercapnic baseline) values shown in
Example 14-1 results in blood gases approxi-
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease mating those shown in Example 14-2.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
is the classic example of a chronic respiratory Example 14-2
disease. The typical acid-base picture in COPD is Relative Hyperventilation in COPD
well known to most clinicians. Although respi- pH 7.52
ratory alkalosis may possibly be seen at an early PaCO2 40 mm Hg
stage of the disease and in acute asthma, the [BE] 5 mEq/L
characteristic picture in long-standing, severe, [HCO3] 31 mEq/L
pulmonary disease is hypercapnia (e.g., PaCO2 PaO2 52 mm Hg
> 50 mm Hg) with metabolic compensation
(increased [BE], [HCO3]). Example 14-1 shows Similar results could occur if a patient with
typical blood gases in long-standing COPD. COPD were placed on a mechanical ventilator
and ventilated to a PaCO2 of 40 mm Hg.
Example 14-1 Classification of this blood gas in isolation
Typical End-Stage COPD Blood Gases could result in the diagnosis of metabolic alka-
pH 7.38 losis. The underlying cause is, in fact, eucapnic
PaCO2 55 mm Hg (normal PaCO2) ventilation posthypercapnia.
[BE] 5 mEq/L Treatment for simple metabolic alkalemia
[HCO3] 31 mEq/L here, however, would be inappropriate; opti-
PaO2 55 mm Hg mal management requires an understanding of
the disease process and the likely chain of
The pH is often within the normal range events that have led to this point. It is probably
(i.e., completely compensated) and may even more desirable to return this patients PaCO2
be on the alkalotic side of the normal range.10 to their baseline level.
This finding is not consistent with rules that
apply to compensation (i.e., overcompensation Relative Hyperventilation with Lactic Acidosis
should not occur), however, and may be Another important consideration in the patient
related to a mild concurrent primary metabolic with COPD is the potential for hypoxia and
alkalosis. The administration of steroids and lactic acidosis. Individuals with COPD often
diuretics with concomitant hypochloremia or have increased heart rates and elevated arterial
hypokalemia is common in severe COPD. blood pressure under chronic normal conditions
Arterial blood gases are critical in the diag- to maintain adequate tissue oxygenation. In
nosis and management of acute exacerbations addition, right-sided heart failure is common
Chapter 14 Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances and Treatment 363
in COPD secondary to increased pulmonary This particular blood gas picture is a com-
vascular resistance. When the acute stress of mon finding in acute exacerbation of COPD in
pneumonia and increasing hypoxemia is super- the emergency department. The hallmark to
imposed on an already compromised cardio- recognition of this situation (acute exacerba-
vascular system, hypoxia may develop. tion of COPD) is the surprisingly normal pH
If lactic acidosis compounds the blood gas despite severe hypercapnia.
shown in Example 14-2, the result may appear Patients with COPD who present with blood
as shown in Example 14-3. The net effect of gas results such as those shown in Example 14-4
these interactions is a relatively normal blood can often be treated successfully with low
gas acid-base picture despite a severely com- concentrations of oxygen therapy, noninvasive
promised patient. Thus, serial blood gas meas- ventilation, and bronchial hygiene.543,544 Thus,
urements and other clinical findings are essential mechanical ventilation, with related discomfort
in understanding the significance of any isolated and the potential for complications, can often
blood gas report. be avoided. Furthermore, a blood gas such as
this may be the first clue that the patient has
Example 14-3 COPD. This finding, in turn, alerts the clinician
Relative Hyperventilation with Lactic to the potential for increasing hypercapnia with
Acidosis in COPD excessive oxygen therapy. Therefore, recogni-
pH 7.38 tion of this situation may have great clinical
PaCO2 40 mm Hg importance.
[BE] 1 mEq/L
[HCO3] 24 mEq/L Acute Hypercapnia with Lactic Acidosis
PaO2 44 mm Hg If lactic acidosis develops coincidentally with the
acute hypoventilation shown in Example 14-4
Acute Hypercapnia (not an unlikely situation), COPD blood gases
Many patients with severe COPD respond may appear as shown in Example 14-5.
paradoxically to acute hypoxemia or oxygen
therapy in that their PaCO2 increases instead Example 14-5
of decreases. Reasons for this are unclear Acute Hypercapnia with Lactic Acidosis
but are most likely related to worsening in COPD
ventilation-perfusion mismatch and exhaus- pH 7.20
tion secondary to the work of breathing. In PaCO2 75 mm Hg
addition, as described previously, excessive [BE] 2 mEq/L
oxygen therapy may similarly precipitate acute [HCO3] 28 mEq/L
hypercarbia. This affect has also recently been PaO2 44 mm Hg
shown to occur during acute asthma exacerba-
tions and the administration of FIO2 1.0.700 When considered in isolation, this blood gas
Excessive oxygen therapy may also be recog- appears to show an acute hypoventilation (res-
nized by the concurrent presence of a PaO2 in piratory acidosis). Actually, this individual has
excess of 60 mm Hg. When acute hypercapnia two primary acid-base problems: respiratory
is superimposed on typical COPD chronic acidosis and metabolic acidosis. Rather than
blood gases, the result may appear as shown in immediately starting mechanical ventilation,
Example 14-4. a short, carefully controlled (and monitored)
trial of oxygen therapy might mitigate gas
Example 14-4 exchange problems and obviate the need for
Acute Hypercapnia in COPD mechanical ventilation. If this is unsuccessful,
pH 7.30 noninvasive ventilation should be attempted
PaCO2 75 mm Hg prior to full-blown mechanical ventilation.
[BE] 8 mEq/L Again, interpretation and treatment must be
[HCO3] 33 mEq/L tailored to the specific case. These various
PaO2 48 mm Hg examples have been provided to emphasize the
364 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
complexity and the need for careful serial generated as a compensatory mechanism to the
analysis of blood gases in COPD. acidosis, in conjunction with the delivery of
large tidal volumes via mechanical ventilation,
Chronic Renal Failure has caused the apparent alkalosis. It would be
Just as COPD can distort blood gas values, inappropriate, however, to attempt to treat the
renal failure or disease may affect baseline respiratory alkalosis. The only true primary
data. These disorders impair the renal ability acid-base problem in this patient is metabolic
to manipulate and control bicarbonate concen- acidosis. Mechanical ventilation has created
tration and various electrolytes and body flu- the false impression of respiratory alkalosis.
ids. In severe stages of disease, metabolic If this same degree of metabolic acidosis
acidosis with acidemia may be present. The developed in this individual during spontaneous
presence of chronic renal disease must be con- breathing (i.e., not during mechanical ventila-
sidered when arterial blood gases and tion), the blood gas picture might more closely
acid-base status are evaluated. resemble Example 14-7. Thus, the potential
impact of respiratory assistance on the blood
Therapeutic Intervention gas findings can be appreciated. The clinician
Therapy given to a patient may sometimes dis- must be mindful of the mode of mechanical ven-
tort the blood gas findings and may complicate tilation and whether it may influence blood gas
the interpretation. The administration of patterns.
diuretics, steroids, electrolytes, oxygen, bicar-
bonate, or mechanical ventilation may cause Example 14-7
primary acid-base disturbances or may alter Metabolic Acidosis During Spontaneous
compensatory patterns. These factors must all Breathing
be considered carefully during acid-base diag- pH 7.32
nosis, particularly in the critical care setting. PaCO2 25 mm Hg
A specific area of application where blood [BE] 10 mEq/L
gases may be measured frequently is during [HCO3] 13 mEq/L
mechanical ventilation. The clinician must PaO2 64 mm Hg
realize, however, that mechanical ventilation, by
its very objective, controls at least a portion of The potential for mechanical ventilation to
ventilation in a set pattern. Therefore, compen- camouflage acid-base events has been described.
sation for metabolic acid-base disturbances can- Similarly, many of the other therapeutic meas-
not occur in exactly the same manner as it would ures mentioned earlier can lead to iatrogenic
in the patient who breathes spontaneously. acid-base disturbances. Arterial blood gases and
acid-base disturbances must always be inter-
Example 14-6 preted within the context of therapeutic measures
Metabolic Acidosis During Mechanical and long-standing pulmonary or renal disease.
PaCO2 18 mm Hg
[BE] 12 mEq/L Definition
[HCO3] 12 mEq/L The natural tendency of the body to compensate
PaO2 64 mm Hg for primary acid-base disturbances was dis-
cussed in Chapter 8. Because of this natural phe-
Example 14-6 shows blood gases that may nomenon, whenever opposing respiratory and
be seen during mechanical ventilation in a metabolic conditions were present, compensa-
patient with a metabolic acidosis. Note that tion was assumed. Although this initial assump-
this blood gas in isolation appears to be a com- tion is logical, it may be incorrect. It is not
pletely compensated respiratory alkalosis. uncommon to have two opposing primary acid-
Actually, this patient has only a metabolic aci- base disturbances that give the surface appear-
dosis. Nevertheless, the rapid respiratory rate ance of simple compensation. The coexistence
Chapter 14 Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances and Treatment 365
of two primary acid-base disturbances is called When a patients values fall outside these
a mixed acid-base disturbance. bands, it is very unlikely that the patient has
just one disturbance. On the other hand, when
Recognition of Mixed Disturbances a patients values fall within one of these bands
Acid-Base Map it does not ensure that the patient has a single
How can simple compensation be differenti- acid-base disturbance, it simply means that the
ated from a mixed acid-base disturbance? data are compatible with this conclusion.
Probably the most useful aid in this regard is the Figure 14-2 shows how the acid-base map
acid-base map that is shown in Figure 14-1. can be used by simply aligning the two adjacent
The labeled areas encompass with 95% confi- sides of a piece of paper with the patients
dence the range of pH, PaCO2, and bicarbonate respective PaCO2 (horizontal axis) and pH (ver-
that one would expect to find in patients who tical axis). The corner point of the paper repre-
have only one simple acid-base disturbance. sents where the values intersect on the map. The
Separate bands are also given for both acute data in Figure 14-2,A are consistent with chronic
and chronic acid-base problems. simple respiratory acidosis. Remember, this does
100 7.0
90 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
80 7.1
70 is 30
sp 33 7.2
60 e
Ac 36
tab is
H+ 50 cido
7.3 pH
re sp. a 42
nM/L ronic 45
40 N 51 7.4
Chronic .
resp. alk Metabolic
30 alk. alkalosis 69
p. 75
ut er 7.6
20 Ac
10 m HC 8.0
Eq O3
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PCO2 mm Hg
Figure 14-1. Acid-base map. N indicates the area of normal values. The numbered diagonal lines give the
bicarbonate concentrations in milliequivalents per liter. The confidence bands for the expected range of values
of the six common acid-base disturbances are illustrated. The map has several potential uses. First, it can
serve in place of a pocket calculator and allow the clinician to check, for example, if a patients reported
venous serum bicarbonate concentration is in accord with the measured values for the PCO2 and pH of his
or her arterial blood. Second, it may provide assistance in distinguishing between compensatory responses
and mixed disturbances. If the point corresponding to a patients values falls outside the 95% confidence
bands, it is likely that a mixed disturbance exists. The reverse is not necessarily true, however. A point falling
within a confidence band does not necessarily mean the presence of a single disorder, because there are
several ways to arrive at the same point. Finally, sequential plotting of a patients values for several hours
to days may greatly simplify the understanding and management of complex acid-base disturbances.
366 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
90 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 90 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
80 7.1 80 7.1
27 27
s is sis
70 ido
30 70 ido
c c
.a .a
sp 33 7.2 sp 33 7.2
re re
60 e 60 e
ut ut
tab sis
tab sis
36 36
Ac Ac
H+ 50 H+ 50
39 39
osis osis
. acid 42 7.3 pH . acid 42 7.3 pH
nic resp nic resp
nM/L Chro
45 nM/L Chro
48 48
51 51
40 N 7.4 40 N 7.4
57 57
Chronick. 63 Chronick. 63
resp. al . Metabolic
7.5 resp. al . Metabolic
30 . alk alkalosis 69 30 . alk alkalosis 69
sp 75 sp 75
re 7.6 re 7.6
te te
20 cu 20 cu
A 7.7 A 7.7
7.8 [H
10 m CO
Eq 3 ] 8.0 10 m CO
Eq 3 ] 8.0
/L /L
8.5 8.5
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PCO2 mm Hg PCO2 mm Hg
PaCO2 60 mm Hg PaCO2 30 mm Hg
pH 7.35 pH 7.60
The blood gas is consistent with simple chronic Because these values fall outside the bands
respiratory acidosis (e.g., COPD). for simple acid-base problems, a mixed (combined)
A B respiratory and metabolic alkalosis are present.
90 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 90 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
80 7.1 80 7.1
27 27
70 sis 70 sis
ido ido
30 30
c c
.a .a
sp 33 7.2 sp 33 7.2
re re
60 e 60 e
t t
cu cu
tab sis
tab sis
36 36
H+ 50 H+ 50
39 39
osis osis
. acid 42 7.3 pH . acid 42 7.3 pH
nic resp nic resp
nM/L Chro
45 nM/L Chro
48 48
51 51
40 N
7.4 40 N 7.4
57 57
Chronick. 63 Chronick. 63
resp. al lk . Metabolic
7.5 resp. al lk . Metabolic
30 .a alkalosis 69 30 .a alkalosis 69
sp 75 sp 75
re 7.6 re 7.6
te te
20 cu 20 cu
A 7.7 A 7.7
7.8 [H
10 m CO
Eq 3 ] 8.0 10 m CO
Eq 3 ] 8.0
/L /L
8.5 8.5
0 0
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
PCO2 mm Hg PCO2 mm Hg
PaCO2 70 PaCO2 30
pH 7.38 pH 7.35
Because these values fall outside the bands The blood gas is consistent with simple metabolic
for simple acid-base problems, a mixed respiratory acidosis.
acidosis and metabolic alkalosis are present.
Figure 14-2. Application of acid-base map.
not mean that the elevated bicarbonate cannot primary acid-base disturbances, although in this
be due to a primary problem, but only that the case they are in opposite directions (i.e., respira-
data are consistent with usual compensation tory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis). Without
for chronic respiratory acidosis. an acid-base map, one might assume that these
Figure 14-2,B does not fall within any band, blood gas results are due to complete compensa-
therefore the clinician can be relatively certain tion. Finally, Figure 14-2,D is consistent with
that there are two separate, primary, acid-base a simple metabolic acidosis.
disturbances (respiratory alkalosis and metabolic The acid-base map is a simple, useful tool for
alkalosis). Figure 14-2,C similarly represents two the evaluation of mixed acid-base disturbances.
Chapter 14 Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances and Treatment 367
Pocket versions of this map are available for discussed in Chapter 8 and it does not repre-
use at the bedside. sent renal compensation.
After maximal renal compensation (several
Compensatory Patterns days later), however, the pH returns approxi-
The degree of compensation observed in the four mately halfway back to normal (i.e., 7.31).
simple primary acid-base disturbances, although Thus, complete compensation (i.e., pH in nor-
quite similar, is not identical. For reasons that mal range) is not usually seen when respiratory
are unclear, some types of acid-base problems acidosis is quite severe. Complete compensation
(e.g., metabolic alkalosis) result in more com- for respiratory acidosis occurs only when the
plete compensation than others. Nevertheless, respiratory acidosis is not severe (i.e., PaCO2 <
in the absence of an acid-base map, it is useful 60 mm Hg). In addition, because the mechanism
to have some idea of the typical compensatory of renal compensation for respiratory acidosis is
patterns that should accompany the four simple bicarbonate retention, the chloride anion is
acid-base disturbances. This can help the clini- typically low to preserve electroneutrality.
cian to evaluate the appropriateness of the degree
of compensation observed in a given individual. Respiratory Alkalosis
Compensation for respiratory alkalosis is similar
Respiratory Acidosis in magnitude to compensation for respiratory
The pH falls approximately 0.06 unit for an acidosis. In general, the pH should return at least
acute 10-mm Hg increase in PaCO2. After max- halfway back toward normal. Again, an exam-
imal renal compensation, the change in pH ple is shown in Table 14-1. Surprisingly, how-
associated with an increase of 10 mm Hg in ever, when the respiratory alkalosis persists for
PaCO2 is approximately 0.03 unit. Thus, the pH weeks, the pH may actually return completely
returns approximately 50% of the way back to normal in some cases.515 Renal compensation
toward normal after maximal compensation. for respiratory alkalosis requires the excretion of
Table 14-1 shows the typical compensatory bicarbonate; therefore, hyperchloremia often
response to respiratory acidosis. This table shows develops to preserve electroneutrality.
that when the PaCO2 increases to 70 mm Hg
acutely, the pH drops immediately to approxi- Metabolic Acidosis
mately 7.22 (0.06 decrease/10 mm Hg PaCO2 The major portion of the ventilatory response
increase). The immediate increase in bicarbon- to metabolic acidosis usually begins quickly;
ate is a result of the hydrolysis effect that was however, the maximal compensatory response
Chronic Response
Primary Insult Initial Effects (Several Days)
*In comparing metabolic acidosis and alkalosis, note that to produce the same acute change in pH (0.2 unit),
a much larger change in [HCO3 ] is necessary in metabolic alkalosis (HCO3 = 16 mEq/L) than in metabolic acidosis
(HCO3 = 9 mEq/L).
Modified from Kokko, J.P., and Tennen, R.L.: Fluids and Electrolytes, Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders, 1986, p. 386.
368 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
may take up to 24 hours.545, 546 When metabolic Box 14-1 Alerts to Mixed Acid-Base
acidosis develops in the plasma, it takes some Disturbances
time for the pH to fall in the cerebrospinal
Absence of compensation
fluid owing to the limited permeability of ions
Long-standing pulmonary or renal disease
across the blood-brain barrier. Lactic acidosis, Excessive compensation
however, may actually develop within the Respiratory assistance
brain cells, and it is therefore associated with Temporal inconsistencies
a more rapid ventilatory response.515 Settings conducive to mixed disturbances
A very useful rule of thumb when an
acid-base map is not at hand is that after max-
imal compensation, the PaCO2 generally acid-base problems are camouflaged in mixed
approximates the last two digits of the pH.515 disturbances, they may easily be missed. In this
Thus, in simple chronic metabolic acidosis with setting, covert acid-base problems are untreated
a pH of 7.30, the PaCO2 is usually approxi- and are likely to lead to progressive deteriora-
mately 30 mm Hg (see Table 14-1). tion. Furthermore, even use of the acid-base
map does not identify those mixed disturbances
Metabolic Alkalosis that result in blood gas data that coincide
The respiratory compensatory response to with findings that normally accompany simple
metabolic alkalosis is hypoventilation with disturbances.
retention of carbonic acid. It has long been Therefore, the clinician must look for clues
assumed, however, that this response was lim- that suggest the presence of multiple (mixed)
ited by the onset of hypoxemia. Therefore, it is acid-base disorders. Box 14-1 suggests some
often stated that compensation for metabolic situations that should alert the clinician to the
alkalosis will not allow the PaCO2 to exceed likelihood of a mixed acid-base disturbance.
55 to 60 mm Hg.515
More recent reviews have shown that Absence of Compensation
hypoventilation is not limited by hypoxemia.547 Compensation is the normal response of the
Progressive, linear hypoventilation accompanies body to a primary acid-base problem. When
progressive, simple, metabolic alkalosis when it compensation is absent, given sufficient time for
is not associated with other acid-base prob- its development, suspicion should be aroused.
lems.547 As shown in Table 14-1, compensation This may, in fact, be the first clue that the organ
may sometimes also allow the pH to return system that should be compensating (i.e., lungs,
halfway back to normal; however, a lesser com- kidneys) is itself impaired.
pensatory response is more common. In one report, the absence of compensation
in ketoacidosis of diabetes mellitus served to
Summary alert the clinicians to the presence of a primary
In the absence of an acid-base map, it is useful respiratory problem.548 The patients who did
to know that maximal compensation for most not compensate (display hypocapnia) had occult
simple acid-base disturbances is approximately mucous plugging of major bronchi.548 After
50%. Compensation for respiratory alkalosis this problem was corrected, these individuals
is usually slightly greater than this, whereas responded appropriately.
compensation for metabolic alkalosis is usu-
ally slightly less. Knowledge of compensatory Long-Standing Pulmonary or Renal Disease
patterns can alert the clinician to the presence When chronic pulmonary or renal disease is
of a mixed disturbance even when an acid-base present, the body should not be expected to
map is not available. compensate normally for other primary distur-
bances. In addition, diseases of these systems
Alerts to Mixed Disturbances in and of themselves are often associated with
Mixed acid-base disturbances are far from chronically abnormal blood gases and simple
uncommon in the hospital setting. When primary acid-base disorders. Thus, the abnormal
Chapter 14 Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances and Treatment 369
complicated by many variables. One goal in (notable exception ARDS). Clinicians are occa-
this chapter is to provide the clinician with sionally distracted from this theme when base
basic guidelines that may improve the quality excess, bicarbonate, or PaCO2 are significantly
of these therapeutic decisions. abnormal. Erroneously, therapy may be directed
primarily toward normalization of these other
Supportive versus Corrective Treatment indices. Although these indices may provide
The general thrust of therapeutic endeavors guidelines for treatment, therapy should not be
may be in one of two possible directions. focused primarily on these lesser sub-indices of
Supportive or palliative treatment focuses acid-base status. Rather, the primary focus
on the preservation of an acceptable pH and of supportive acid-base treatment must be on
on the prevention of life-threatening changes the pH.
in pH. In Example 14-8, supportive treatment is not
Corrective treatment, on the other hand, indicated. Although the PaCO2 is significantly
aims to actively reverse the underlying acid-base elevated, the pH, which is more important
disorder and thus to preclude any further from an acid-base standpoint, is within accept-
acid-base deviation. In the case of drug-induced able limits. In this example, treatment should
hypoventilation, this would include flumazenil be focused on correction rather than on
for benzodiazepines and naloxone for narcotics. support. The clinician should attempt to iden-
Nevertheless, the broad and diverse nature of tify fully the underlying cause and to initiate
corrective treatment prohibits a detailed review corrective action when possible.
of this topic in this text. Rather, basic principles
in the application of supportive treatment are Example 14-8
explored. pH 7.35
PaCO2 60 mm Hg
Focus of Supportive Treatment [BE] 5 mEq/L
When considering supportive treatment, it is
wise to remember that normalization of the pH A similar distraction often occurs when the
is usually the primary objective of intervention [BE] is very low. Example 14-9 depicts a situation
Chapter 14 Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances and Treatment 371
Low-flow O2 may be effective despite high in determining minute ventilation and alveolar
initial PaCO2 (e.g., PaCO2 > 65 mm Hg). The ventilation. It therefore follows that respira-
patient must be monitored continuously with tory acidosis in this group may be, in a sense,
this therapy, however, and if hypercapnia iatrogenic, that is, caused by treatment (e.g.,
increases or acidemia is not relieved with this ventilator settings). Indeed, we have discussed
conservative management, noninvasive venti- earlier the use of permissive hypercapnia as a
lation or intubation and mechanical ventila- therapeutic strategy in ALI/ARDS.
tion may still be required. In the patient in whom we choose to correct
Noninvasive pressure support ventilation respiratory acidosis, the ventilator settings
has been shown to be a good alternative to may need to be adjusted. The PaCO2 level can
mechanical ventilation in some patient popula- be lowered by increasing alveolar ventilation.
tions.558 Noninvasive ventilation (Nasal mask Alveolar ventilation, in turn, may be increased
ventilation with Positive Pressure Ventilation) during mechanical ventilation by three possi-
has also been shown to be a very effective ble methods: increased tidal volume, increased
method to treat patients with chronic hypoven- respiratory rate, or decreased mechanical
tilation syndromes556 and COPD.557 deadspace. The specific changes to make will
In recent years, it has been suggested that, in depend on the ventilator mode as well as the
some patients, hypercapnia may actually be therapeutic objectives and priorities.
viewed as a desirable patient response. For
example, it may represent decreased ventilatory Decreasing VCO2
work (rather than exhaustion or fatigue) and a Finally, in some cases of respiratory acidosis, it
positive adaptation in COPD.499,500 Some have may be more desirable to attempt to decrease
even gone so far as to suggest that administra- CO2 production rather than to increase alveo-
tion of oxygen with subsequent worsening lar ventilation.494 The CO2 production can be
hypoxemia may actually enhance survival in retarded by altering nutrition (e.g., discontinue
COPD.555 total parenteral nutrition and reduce the respi-
Likewise, with the advent of permissive ratory quotient) or by decreasing the work of
hypercapnia, hypoventilation may be viewed breathing (e.g., paralysis).
as clearly more desirable than high lung infla-
tion pressures and volutrauma in acute lung Guidelines in Chronic CO2 Retention
injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome Normally, the goal of mechanical ventilation is
(ALI/ARDS) during mechanical ventilation. to restore normal eucapnic ventilation (i.e.,
The decision to intubate and initiate mechani- PaCO2 35 to 45 mm Hg) and normal pH.
cal ventilation in the patient with COPD is In patients with COPD and chronic hypercap-
never easy. All subjective and objective infor- nia, however, the goal is to carefully return the
mation should be incorporated into the analy- arterial PCO2 to the chronic normal level for
sis of the problem. that patient.
Large, abrupt decreases in arterial PCO2 in
Mechanical Ventilation the patient with chronic CO2 retention should
be avoided because this reduction may poten-
Teaching the fundamentals of ventilator care to tially lead to cerebral alkalosis, vasoconstric-
medical house staff is the most challenging aspect tion, and ischemia.560 In addition, generalized
that I acknowledge in their ICU curriculum. seizures, decreased cardiac output, or cardiac
R.D. Hubmayer562 arrhythmias may occur. Arterial PCO2 should
be lowered slowly and progressively in these
General Guidelines patients. In the past, some authors had sug-
The patient already receiving mechanical ven- gested rates as low as 10 mm Hg per hour,561
tilation constitutes a special diagnostic and although this would seem hard to achieve in
therapeutic situation. During the application the clinical setting.
of mechanical ventilation, the mode and set- Again, the target of arterial PCO2 reduction
tings on the mechanical ventilator play a role in the patient with chronic CO2 retention is the
Chapter 14 Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances and Treatment 373
and, paradoxically, ineffectively is certainly not excretion (e.g., salicylate or phenobarbital toxic-
optimal patient treatment. ity) or combat life-threatening hyperkalemia.484
Administration of sodium bicarbonate should
Metabolic Acidosis probably not be considered in metabolic aci-
The need for therapeutic intervention in meta- dosis unless pH is less than 7.10 and even then
bolic acidemia is gauged primarily by the it may not be beneficial.484 Indeed, in the most
severity of the acidemia. Mild-to-moderate severe cases of metabolic acidosis (e.g., lactic,
metabolic acidemia (pH > 7.10) is usually best ketoacidosis), alkalizing agents have shown the
left untreated with supportive measures.484 least efficacy.484
Currently, many would make an argument for Administration of oral bicarbonate may be
rarely using buffer treatments to support the useful in chronic metabolic acidosis. In cases of
pH in acute metabolic acidosis.484 chronic renal failure it may increase exercise tol-
A major problem with traditional therapy erance, prevent growth retardation, and reduce
for metabolic acidosis (i.e., intravenous sodium protein wasting and osteoporosis.484
bicarbonate) is that therapy simply corrects the
acidosis of the extracellular fluid and may, Dosage
in fact, acutely worsen the intracellular acidosis. Equation 14-1 shows the traditional method
It is becoming increasingly clear that many crit- for calculating the intravenous bicarbonate
ical organs (e.g., heart, brain, liver, respiratory dose in those rare cases where it may be neces-
muscles) have a remarkable intrinsic ability to sary. Nevertheless, all formulas are estimates
defend against intracellular acidosis. because dynamic physiologic acid-base changes
Therefore, treatment of the underlying dis- continue during the therapeutic period, and dif-
ease and renal physiologic replenishment of ferent types of metabolic acidosis (e.g., lactic aci-
depleted bicarbonate most often negate the dosis, poisonings) respond to varying degrees.
need for supportive treatment. Occasionally, After administration of the initial dose, blood
therapeutic intervention may be necessary to gases should be analyzed and any additional
treat moderate acidemia if the patient is in a bicarbonate therapy should be guided based
precarious clinical state with cardiovascular on these results.
instability or if compensatory work of breath-
ing is exhaustive.484 Equation 14-1
Historically, lactate was a drug used to coun- [BE] 0.3 weight in kg/2 = HCO3 dose
teract metabolic acidemia. After administration,
lactate is converted to bicarbonate through the Cardiac Arrest and Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy
process of oxidation. However, lactate is rela- Venous Paradox
tively ineffective in the absence of oxygen, and Sodium bicarbonate has generally not been
even in its presence, the full alkalizing effect may shown to improve survival in cardiac arrest,
take 1 or 2 hours to achieve. For these reasons, and it is not recommended for routine initial
lactate is a poor alkalizing agent and is almost cardiac arrest management by the American
never used presently. Citrate, which has a similar Heart Association (AHA).703 Sodium bicar-
alkalizing mode of action, is also poorly suited bonate appears to correct extracellular fluid
for the clinical treatment of acidemia. acidosis at the expense of intracellular acidosis.
It does not appear to reduce and may in fact
Sodium Bicarbonate Administration exacerbate intramyocardial acidosis.
Indications In addition, there is considerable evidence
In the past, intravenous sodium bicarbonate that hypertonic buffer solutions may compro-
has been the drug most often used for the treat- mise cardiac resuscitation by reducing coro-
ment of severe metabolic acidosis in critical nary perfusion pressure.566 The importance of
care and during cardiopulmonary resuscitation coronary perfusion pressure in successful
(CPR). Presently, there is strong evidence to resuscitation has been widely acknowledged.
avoid the use of sodium bicarbonate in acute Studies have shown that during cardiopul-
conditions unless there is a need to assist toxin monary resuscitation, central venous PCO2
Chapter 14 Mixed Acid-Base Disturbances and Treatment 375
may occur in the patient who is sensitive to in correcting acidosis in the cerebrospinal fluid
fluid. For example, this may be of considerable and intracellular compartment.573 It has been
concern in the patient with congestive heart later shown, however, that neither carbon diox-
failure. Even more important is the high risk ideproducing or carbon dioxideconsuming
of intra-cranial hemorrhage associated with buffers improved intracellular myocardial aci-
the administration of sodium bicarbonate dosis or resuscitatibility574; therefore, the use
in neonates. Special precautions should be of THAM is not recommended.
followed when sodium bicarbonate is used in It has also been argued that the effect of
neonates. introduction of carbon dioxide from buffer
therapy is relatively small and that the endoge-
Arterial Hypercapnia nous carbon dioxide production may be of
There is an immediate increase in plasma dis- much greater significance.574
solved CO2 after the administration of bicar- Furthermore, THAM is not without com-
bonate. In most cases, this additional CO2 is plications; it may cause spasm, phlebitis, or
excreted rapidly through increased VA; however, thrombosis at the site of administration
in the patient who is unable to increase VA because of its alkaline pH. Moreover, THAM
(e.g., neurologic disorder, controlled ventilation), is stored in a powder form and must be mixed
arterial PCO2 may increase appreciably.365 immediately before being administered to a
patient. This procedure may delay and compli-
Alternatives to Sodium Bicarbonate Therapy cate administration during cardiac arrests or
Tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane (THAM) other emergencies.
has been suggested as being a superior alkaliz- Carbicarb, a 1:1 mixture of disodium car-
ing agent to bicarbonate with less potential for bonate and sodium bicarbonate has also been
complications and increased therapeutic effec- purported to be more beneficial than sodium
tiveness. These claims are based on the follow- bicarbonate in hypoxic lactic acidosis.576
ing purported advantages: the intracellular Notwithstanding, Carbicarb has not been shown
buffering capability of THAM, the absence of to be more effective in follow-up studies.484
sodium, and the ability to buffer carbonic acid. The most disturbing aspect of the use of alka-
In early studies, THAM was shown to be a linizing agents for the treatment of metabolic
more effective buffer than sodium bicarbonate acidosis is the observation that re-oxygenation
of hypoxic cells is associated with increased cell onset of metabolic alkalosis in patients prone
death when the pH is normal or alkaline. to its development (e.g., receiving loop diuretics,
Indeed, this seems to indicate that acidosis may gastric fluid loss).
have a protective effect.484 Nevertheless, it is The drugs cimetidine or ranitidine may be
premature to assume that this is undoubtedly useful in patients at risk for metabolic alkalo-
true until further evidence is acquired. For sis secondary to stomach drainage because
now, we must continue to attempt to maintain they reduce gastric fluid secretion and acid
what we feel is a minimally acceptable pH, loss.529 Likewise, potassium-sparing diuretics
keeping in mind the clearly controversial role may be useful to avoid renal loss of potassium.
of buffer therapy.
The attempt to restore homeostasis in the presence Mechanism of Potassium Loss. Patients with
of an acid-base disturbance is not a precise science metabolic alkalosis often also present with
when it comes to the metabolic component. hypokalemia. The hypokalemia may be due to
J. Morfei477 the mechanism responsible for the alkalosis
(e.g., renal NaHCO3 reabsorption, loss of gas-
Metabolic Alkalosis tric contents) or it may develop as the kidney
Metabolic alkalosis is one of the most common attempts to compensate for alkalemia. In alka-
simple acid-base disturbances in the critical lemia, the renal tubular cells selectively secrete
care environment. In one report, more than potassium into the urine while retaining
half of surgical patients who had blood gas hydrogen ions.
determinations were reported to be alkalemic Failure to correct potassium deficits will
at some point during their hospitalization.577 perpetuate the alkalemia or increase its sever-
Several authors have suggested that metabolic ity. Furthermore, low body potassium may
alkalosis accounts for about one-third of all lead to other adverse effects, such as arrhyth-
acid-base disturbances.480 mias in the patient receiving digitalis.
Metabolic alkalosis may be associated with Potassium Deficit. In general, the severity of
CNS dysfunction and hypokalemia, which may the potassium deficit is proportional to the
lead to serious arrhythmia. Moreover, severe severity of the metabolic alkalosis.529 Moderate
alkalemia (pH > 7.55) has been associated with metabolic alkalosis (plasma bicarbonate 30 to
a steep increase in mortality.579 A mortality rate 40 mEq/L) is accompanied typically by potas-
of 41% has been reported for pH values in sium deficits of 200 to 500 mEq.529 In severe
excess of 7.55 and 80% mortality may be asso- metabolic alkalosis (i.e., plasma bicarbonate of
ciated with values greater than 7.64.578 Timely 40 to 60 mEq/L), the deficit may be as high as
management of metabolic alkalemia may mini- 1000 mEq.529 Replenishment of these deficits
mize the incidence and severity of these unto- can be in the range of 100 to 150 mEq/day for
ward effects. Furthermore, in patients with several days in moderate alkalosis and may
mixed respiratory acidosis and metabolic alka- increase to 200 to 300 mEq/day in the most
losis, correction of the alkalosis may reduce severe cases.529
hypercapnia.583 Potassium Objective. KCl is most often indi-
cated in metabolic alkalemia in doses sufficient
Mild-to-Moderate Metabolic Alkalosis to replace body potassium stores, while avoid-
There are three important elements in the suc- ing plasma hyperkalemia. A reasonable clinical
cessful management of mild-to-moderate target is a low normal serum potassium ([K+]
metabolic alkalemia: potassium replacement, 3.5 to 4.0 mEq/L). Maintenance of higher levels
chloride replacement, and fluid volume may result in dangerously high levels of serum
replacement. Indeed, diminished intravascular potassium after the pH returns to normal,
volume and hypokalemia have been purported because potassium moves from the intracellular
to be responsible for the maintenance of 95% fluid to the plasma as the pH is decreased.
of cases of metabolic alkalosis.581 Control of Serum Potassium. One must always keep
these three ingredients can likewise prevent the in mind that potassium is measured in the
378 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
1. State the two organ systems involved in the compensation of acid-base disturbances.
2. Indicate with an arrow whether the following blood gas parameters are typically above or
below normal in severe COPD.
PaCO2 _________
[HCO3] _________
[BE] _________
3. The finding of metabolic alkalosis and a normal PaCO2 on the blood gas report of a patient
with severe COPD is likely to be the result of (bicarbonate treatment/compensation for
previous hypercapnia).
4. It is not uncommon for (lactic acidosis/ketoacidosis) to complicate the blood gas finding in
acute exacerbation of COPD.
5. The hallmark of acute exacerbation of COPD is the presence of a surprisingly normal
(PaO2/pH) despite severe hypercarbia.
Questions 6-8: Given the following blood gas:
pH 7.30
PaCO2 75 mm Hg
[BE] 8 mEq/L
[HCO3] 35 mEq/L
PaO2 48 mm Hg
380 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
1. Primary metabolic acidosis with a pH of 7.23 generally (is/is not) treated with NaHCO3.
2. Lactate and citrate, after passing through the ______, produce bicarbonate.
3. The drug most commonly used in the treatment of severe primary metabolic acidosis
is ___________.
4. In general, sodium bicarbonate may be indicated when the pH falls below ______ due to
metabolic acidosis.
5. Bicarbonate administration may lead to plasma (hypokalemia/hyperkalemia).
6. A serious potential complication of bicarbonate therapy in neonates that is related to the
hypertonicity of sodium bicarbonate is ______ hemorrhage.
7. If bicarbonate is administered to a patient who cannot alter alveolar ventilation, ______
may result.
8. Administration of sodium bicarbonate (has/has not) been associated with coma and
decreased central nervous system function.
9. Two drugs purported to have advantages over sodium bicarbonate are ______ and ______.
10. Write the formula for estimating the dose of bicarbonate to be administered in metabolic
11. Sodium bicarbonate (is/is not) indicated in metabolic acidosis associated with
hyperkalemia or salicylate toxicity.
12. Sodium bicarbonate (is/is not) recommended for routine initial cardiac arrest management
by the AHA.
13. During cardiopulmonary resuscitation, central venous PCO2 may be (slightly/much) higher
than arterial PCO2.
14. The phenomenon of venous acidosis with arterial alkalosis has been called
the ____________.
15. The administration of NaHCO3 results initially in a (fall/rise) in intracellular and
cerebrospinal pH.
16. Calculate the dose of bicarbonate indicated for the treatment of metabolic acidemia when
the [BE] is 20 mEq/L and the patient weighs 80 kg.
382 Unit V Clinical Acid Base
1. State the three important elements in the treatment of mild-to-moderate metabolic alkalosis.
2. A drug that is useful in controlling the development of metabolic alkalosis secondary to
gastric drainage by decreasing gastric secretion is ______.
3. A reasonable target of potassium replacement in metabolic alkalosis is a serum value
above ______.
4. Potassium deficits must be replaced (slowly/quickly).
5. A useful diuretic that decreases blood bicarbonate level in metabolic alkalosis is ______.
6. Severe metabolic alkalemia is defined as a pH equal to or in excess of ______.
7. The treatment of choice in severe, sustained metabolic alkalemia is ________________.
8. Dilute HCl should be administered through a (peripheral/central) vein.
9. The concentration of dilute HCl should be ______ mEq/L.
10. Metabolic alkalosis is (common/uncommon) in the hospital setting.
NBRC Challenge 14
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
This page intentionally left blank
Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring
Pulse oximetry is arguably the most significant technological advance ever made in monitoring the well-being
and safety of patients during anesthesia, recovery, and critical care.
J.W. Severinghaus and P.B. Astrup588
Monitors, of themselves, never improve patient outcome because they do not do anything. They provide
information that must be interpreted. The decision to act (or not to act) must be made by a clinician.
Charles G. Durbin, Jr.618
Pulse oximetry and capnography are not replacements for arterial blood gas analysis, but rather serve as
adjunctive monitoring tools.
J. Prouix589
Introduction, 388 Limitations, 402
Oximetry, 388 Transcutaneous PO2 /PCO2 Monitoring, 403
Historical Development, 388 Introduction, 403
Spectrophotometry, 389 Anatomy of the Skin, 403
Qualitative Analysis, 389 Factors Determining PtcO2, 403
Quantitative Analysis, 390 PtcO2PaO2 Agreement, 404
Oximeters, 390 Placement, 404
Transmission Oximetry, 390 Calibration, 405
Hemolysis, 391 Response Time, 405
Backscatter Oximetry, 391 Perfusion and Drugs, 405
Functional Saturation, 392 Temperature, 405
CO-Oximetry, 392 Clinical Application, 405
Ear Oximetry, 392 Limitations, 405
Background, 392 Transcutaneous PO2 versus Pulse Oximetry, 405
Hewlett-Packard Ear Oximeter, 393 Capnometry, 406
Pulse Oximetry, 393 Introduction, 406
Overview, 393 Measurement Techniques, 407
Diagnosis versus Monitoring, 393 Infrared Absorption Capnometers, 407
Conventional Underlying Technologies, 394 Mainstream versus Sidestream Sampling, 408
Historical Development, 394 Colorimetric CO2 Analysis, 408
Photoelectric Plethysmography, 394 Capnograms, 408
Pulse/Circulation Dependency, 396 Normal Capnogram, 408
Two-Wavelength Methodology, 396 Abnormal Capnograms, 409
Technical Limitations, 397 Volumetric Capnograms, 410
Accuracy, 397 PetCO2 as an Indicator of PaCO2, 410
Technical Error, 398 P(aet)CO2, 412
Advances in Technology, 401 Usefulness of PetCO2, 413
Signal Extraction Technology, 401 Verification of Intubation, 413
Other New Methods, 401 PetCO2 during Cardiopulmonary
General Application, 401 Resuscitation, 413
Usefulness, 401 Summary, 414
SpO2 Targets, 402 Exercises, 415
388 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
delayed information about a single previous
The assessment of blood oxygenation, carbon point in time. Unfortunately, this is the case
dioxide levels, and pH is crucial in the man- with arterial blood gases.
agement of critically ill patients. Arterial blood Monitoring techniques such as pulse oxime-
gases remain the gold standard of evaluation try, on the other hand, are generally used con-
in these areas. Nevertheless, acquisition of an tinuously. Measurement techniques are used
arterial blood sample for analysis is an invasive primarily to evaluate the patient during a specific
procedure in which a foreign object (needle) point in time or during an acute cardio-
penetrates the protective barrier of the skin pulmonary crisis. Conversely, monitoring
and directly enters the bloodstream. techniques are used more often in an ongoing
The use of invasive procedures is associated fashion to indicate potentially harmful condi-
with an increased potential for complications, tions for the patient. Monitoring techniques
such as infection or trauma. In addition, invasive generally provide real-time information.
procedures generally cause increased discomfort In this chapter, the traditional tech-
and pain for the patient. Furthermore, invasive niques of oximetry and CO-oximetry are
procedures are usually costly. Changes in reviewed and compared with noninvasive pulse
governmental reimbursement policies have oximetry. A brief review of transcutaneous gas
exerted considerable pressure on hospitals to measurement techniques is also included.
use less expensive assessment techniques. Finally, capnometry and capnography are
Finally, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome discussed. Throughout these discussions, the
has vastly increased our awareness regarding clinician should always keep in mind the
the potential hazards to health care workers in quote by Charles Durbin at the beginning
handling blood or blood products. of this chapter. Monitors do not do anything,
Emphasis and attention in recent years has it is the clinician who must act and respond
been focused on the development of noninva- appropriately.
sive techniques and methods for patient moni-
toring, treatment, and evaluation. The pulse OXIMETRY
oximeter is an example of a device developed
for the noninvasive assessment of oxygenation. Historical Development
In view of the first quotation used at the begin- The technique of measuring the oxygen satu-
ning of this chapter, it is not surprising that ration of blood hemoglobin was described in
pulse oximetry has caused a virtual revolution 1932.590 Use of the term oximeter to describe
in the way that we approach the assessment of the particular measurement device, however,
oxygenation. was not introduced until 10 years later in
Another trend has been the movement away 1942.591 Millikan (1906 to 1947) coined the
from measurement devices and techniques term oximeter for the device that he invented
toward monitoring devices and techniques. to measure ear oxygen saturation.591 At that
Measurement techniques, such as arterial time, Millikan was working on the problem of
blood gases, provide us with static information aviators losing consciousness while at high
or data about a single, isolated point in time, a altitude during battle. He solved this problem
snapshot if you will. Often, these static meas- by inventing a servo-controlled oxygen supply
urements do not reflect the moment-to-moment system attached to an ear oximeter.
changes in oxygenation and trends that occur Earlier, however, in 1860, invention of
within the body. Oxygenation is in reality the spectroscope by Bunsen and Kirchhoff
a continuously changing, dynamic process. actually paved the way for the development of
Measurement techniques may be subdivided oximetry.591 The spectroscope was a device
further into those that provide immediate that was used initially to measure the exact
real-time information, such as a pulmonary wavelengths of light emitted after introducing
wedge pressure or an arterial blood pressure. elements into the flame generated by a Bunsen
Alternatively, measurements may provide us with burner.
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 389
15 HbCO
500 550 600 650 700
Figure 15-1. Absorption spectra of common forms of hemoglobin. Absorption spectra of oxyhemoglobin,
deoxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, carboxyhemoglobin, and sulfhemoglobin.
390 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
Transmission Oximetry
Because hemoglobin is a colored substance, it
absorbs some of the light that is passed through
a blood sample. Furthermore, according to the
A B C D E Lambert-Beer law, the amount of light absorbed
Figure 15-3. Components of a spectrophotometer. at a particular wavelength (i.e., optical density)
A simplified diagram of a spectrophotometer. depends on the concentration of hemoglobin
Components include (A) lamp, (B) filter, (C) cuvette, present.591 Similarly, the amount of light trans-
(D) photocell, and (E) meter. mitted through the blood sample at a given
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 391
Relative absorbance
Isobestic point
Figure 15-4. Light absorption spectra of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. At a wavelength of
805 nm, an isobestic point exists. At 650 nm, there is a large difference in absorption between oxyhemoglobin
and deoxyhemoglobin.
Photodetector Photodetector
the two techniques is simply the location of the species are included in the determination of
photodetector. In transmission oximetry, the total hemoglobin and therefore the calculation
photo detector is opposite the light source, of saturation.596
whereas in reflection oximetry it is on the same Thus, with this instrument, SaO2 is the per-
side as the light source. centage of HbO2 compared with all measured
forms of hemoglobin (including dyshemoglo-
Functional Saturation bin species) in the arterial blood. SaO2 measured
Regarding interpretation of data, it is important in this way is sometimes referred to as fractional
to understand two essential points when SaO2 is SaO2 and may, at times, differ substantially
measured using the two-wavelength method. from functional SaO2.
First, when only two wavelengths are used, con- The clinician should be aware that a poten-
centrations of abnormal forms of hemoglobin tial error may occur when CO-oximetry is used
(e.g., HbCO, metHb) cannot be detected.594 in neonatal/premature infant SaO2 assessment.
Second, the SaO2 value measured in this way is Erroneously high HbCO% and erroneously
the percentage of HbO2 compared with the sum low SaO2 levels may be reported if substantial
of HbO2 and desaturated Hb only (however, quantities of fetal hemoglobin are present. The
HbCO and generally metHb will be picked up error is introduced because the absorption
by the oximeter as HbO2). Because this meas- properties of fetal oxyhemoglobin are similar to
urement does not include abnormal forms of those of HbCO at the light wavelengths used.597
hemoglobin, it is sometimes referred to as func- In review, the percentage of HbO2 compared
tional SaO2.594 Functional SaO2 is the percent- with the sum of desaturated hemoglobin and
age of HbO2 compared with the quantity of HbO2 in arterial blood is called functional SaO2,
hemoglobin capable of carrying oxygen. whereas the percentage of HbO2 compared with
MetHb, HbCO, and sulfhemoglobin are all forms (including dyshemoglobin species) of
incapable of carrying oxygen and are some- hemoglobin in arterial blood is called fractional
times referred to as dyshemoglobin species. SaO2. The presence of substantial quantities of
Dyshemoglobin species are not directly consid- fetal hemoglobin may distort HbCO% and
ered in the measurement of functional saturation SaO2 readings obtained via CO-oximetry.
via oximetry. Notwithstanding, the presence of
significant dyshemoglobin species may lead to Ear Oximetry
erroneous functional saturation. Background
Unfortunately, conventional measurement of
CO-Oximetry saturation via oximetry or CO-oximetry
Functional SaO2 is in contrast with the SaO2 requires the acquisition of a blood sample. In
measurement resulting from use of a CO- other words, both of these measurements are
oximeter (i.e., cuvette oximeter).591 As the name invasive. Obviously, measurement of saturation
implies, this instrument can measure HbCO% noninvasively would be an attractive alternative.
in addition to SaO2. In addition, the percentage As early as 1935, Matthes showed how
of methemoglobin is usually measured as well. transmission oximetry could be applied to the
With this instrument, major dyshemoglobin external ear.598 Throughout the years, however,
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 393
the major problem with noninvasive oximetry being manufactured.603 Pulse oximeters are
has been the inability to differentiate light typically being used in its place.
absorption due to arterial blood from that due
to all other blood and tissues in the light path. PULSE OXIMETRY
Two techniques were developed in an attempt
to isolate arterial blood and to get a more Overview
accurate SaO2 reading. The phenomenal growth and acceptance of pulse
First, attempts were made to arterialize the oximetry since the mid-1980s has made it the
ear by enhancing local perfusion. Arterialization preeminent noninvasive monitor of oxygenation.
could be accomplished by one or more of the G.H. Hicks628
following: heating the ear, applying a chemical
vasodilator (e.g., nicotine cream),599 or briskly The simplicity and ready availability of pulse
rubbing the ear for about 15 seconds. oximetry has literally revolutionized clinical
Second, a sensor was developed that incor- oxygenation monitoring. Currently, blood
porated a bladder that could be used to com- oxygenation can easily be monitored continu-
press the earlobe and to render it bloodless. ously and noninvasively at the bedside or in
Thus, the optical properties of the bloodless ear the office or home. Application of this tech-
could be compared with the optical properties nology requires minimal technical skill and
of the perfused ear. This information could knowledge regarding the assembly, applica-
then be used to cancel out individual variations tion, and maintenance of equipment. Pulse
in skin pigmentation or ear characteristics. oximeters are typically calibrated at the fac-
tory and undergo a self-diagnostic check
Hewlett-Packard Ear Oximeter when powered up.628 Furthermore, arterial
In 1976, Hewlett-Packard incorporated these blood gases with related risks, complications,
principles into the development of the model and costs can often be avoided by using pulse
47201A ear oximeter. This device used the oximetry.289
aforementioned principles and measured Indeed, pulse oximetry is currently a stan-
light transmission at eight different equally dard of care in the operating room and is
spaced wavelengths from 650 to 1050 nm. probably soon to become a standard of care
Measurements at all eight wavelengths were in critical care and other healthcare settings. It
incorporated into a complex formula that has already been referred to as a standard of
corrected for light absorption due to skin pig- care for nearly all patients in neonatal and
mentation and provided a measure of func- pediatric intensive care.628 No other medical
tional saturation. This clinical instrument device has achieved such widespread accept-
was accurate over a saturation range of 65% ance and implementation.610
to 100%.600 A MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine)
The original Hewlett-Packard ear oximeter search of the term pulse oximetry in 2003
was used widely in pulmonary function labora- yielded more than 2300 citations,628 and the
tories, cardiac catheterization laboratories, and list is growing rapidly. Furthermore, pulse
physiologic research. Furthermore, the fact that oximetry has been demonstrated to be the sin-
ear oximetry could measure oxygen saturation gle most important identifier of critical mishap
under both stable and rapidly changing condi- events.611 Capnography is second, with ECG a
tions rendered it a very useful diagnostic tool.601 distant third. The value of pulse oximetry is
Simple ear oximetry has not, however, proved such that it has often been referred to as a fifth
accurate enough to be used for determining the vital sign.612,628
appropriate oxygen prescription for patients
requiring supplemental oxygen during exer- Diagnosis versus Monitoring
cise.602 Ear oximetry has never achieved promi- Historically, arterial blood gas assessment was
nence as a clinical bedside monitor because of commonly used for diagnostic purposes. On
its bulky nature and relatively high cost. The the other hand, arterial blood gases are limited
Hewlett-Packard ear oximeter is no longer in patient oxygenation monitoring because
394 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
they represent a single, past moment in time. of small light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and
In contrast, pulse oximetry is much better microprocessors have made the production of
suited for patient oxygenation monitoring than pulse oximeters both feasible and relatively
diagnosis. economical.
The term monitoring is derived from the
Latin word monere, which means to warn. Historical Development
Although the accuracy of pulse oximetry may Although photoelectric plethysmography (to be
make it suspect in certain diagnostic applica- described in the next section) and spectrophoto-
tions, its value in patient surveillance is unques- metry have been available for decades, not
tionable. Pulse oximetry may help us identify until 1972 did the Japanese biochemical engi-
potentially lethal oxygenation disturbances neer Takuo Aoyagi591 successfully combine
while we still have time to respond. these techniques in the development of the
It has been estimated that more than one- pulse oximeter. Also, the development of
third of patients are admitted to intensive care microprocessors and LEDs paved the way for
units primarily for the purpose of monitor- clinical pulse oximetry by providing lightweight,
ing.613,614 The essence of monitoring is contin- stable light sources and bedside computer-
uous trending with concurrent alarms and ization of complex mathematical formulas.
signals of critical situations. The Japanese firm Nihon Kohden developed
The true value of any alarm, however, relies Aoyagis instrument and received a Japanese
on the ability of the clinician to recognize its patent in 1974.615
significance and act upon it. He or she must be By 1988, the number of companies that sold
readily aware of clinical signs such as cyanosis pulse oximeters under their own brand names
or tachypnea, which are essential signs warn- increased to 29; 45 different oximeter models
ing of impending distress. Indeed, the clinician were available.607 This relatively new technol-
remains the ultimate and most important ogy had grown exponentially in just a few years.
patient monitor. Furthermore, based on the expanding applica-
tions of pulse oximetry, it appears that this
Conventional Underlying Technologies trend is likely to continue.
Three technologies have been cleverly blended
into the development of the pulse oximeter. Photoelectric Plethysmography
Photoelectric plethysmography is used to deter- A plethysmograph is a device for meas-
mine the patients pulse. Spectrophotometry is uring and recording changes in volume of a part
applied to determine the ratio of oxygenated to of the body or an organ. Photoelectric plethys-
reduced hemoglobin. Finally, the development mography, originally described in 1937,604
Figure 15-6. Thickness of the solution and light transmission. All other things being equal, a red light
appears dimmer as the thickness of the solution increases.
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 395
Variable absorption calculate baseline absorption. Changes in light
of arterial blood
absorption during systole can therefore be pre-
Absorption due
sumed to be due to the addition of pulsatile
to venous blood arterial blood in the light path (see Fig. 15-9).608
Pulse/Circulation Dependency
Absorption due In pulse oximetry, identification of the pulse
to tissue
facilitates comparison of the difference in light
absorption in the two phases and thus isolates
arterial blood from all other factors in the
Time light path. Consequently, a measurable pulse
is essential in the noninvasive assessment of
Figure 15-9. Plethysmogram. Pulse oximetry
oxygen saturation.
waveform illustrating static and dynamic
absorption components.
The mere functioning of a pulse oximeter,
however, should not be interpreted as evidence
of adequate perfusion or tissue oxygenation.606
due to pulsatile arterial blood. Photoelectric It is also wise to question pulse oximetry read-
plethysmography has been used to monitor the ings when the heart rate of the oximeter differs
hemodynamic status of patients after surgery. greatly from other indicators and measurements
In general, when blood pressure or local blood of heart rate. Newer pulse oximeter designs
flow is high, the pulse amplitude is high. (e.g., signal extraction technology [SET])
Conversely, in the presence of vasoconstriction actually calculate oxygen saturation as meas-
or hypotension, pulse amplitude decreases ured with pulse oximetry (SpO2) through com-
(Fig. 15-10). Changes in the plethysmogram plex algorithms without first referencing the
may indicate the onset of hemodynamic prob- pulse rate.629
lems and may suggest the need for prompt
intervention. More important, detection of the Two-Wavelength Methodology
pulse allows for the noninvasive determination The schematic illustration of two-wavelength
of oxygen saturation. transmission oximetry shown in Figure 15-5 is
In pulse oximetry, baseline absorption is the closely parallel to the structure and function of
amount of light that is absorbed during dias- most pulse oximeters. On one side of the fin-
tole in the measured pulse cycle. The availabil- ger are two LEDs that transmit light alternately
ity of the pulse allows light absorption due to through the tissue to the photodetector (light
tissue, bone, and venous blood to be canceled detector) on the other side. Both the LEDs and
out. In addition, any ambient light that reaches the photodetector are aligned directly opposite
the photo detector is likely canceled out. Thus, each other and are encased within the probe.
detection of the pulse and diastole allows us to One LED emits light at a wavelength of 660 nm
Pulse amplitude
Red wavelength
Pulse amplitude
Red wavelength
a b
100% Saturation
Pulse amplitude
Pulse amplitude
a b
Figure 15-12. Calculation of saturation is based on the ratio of pulse amplitudes. The ratio of pulse
amplitude is defined as a/b = R.
398 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
most often falsely high at true low readings but Methemoglobin may likewise alter pulse
some may actually be falsely lower.620,621 This oximetry readings. The clinician should be mind-
is not particularly surprising because different ful that nitrites, benzocaine (local anesthetic), or
instruments use different pulse detection and dapsone (antibiotic used in the treatment of
SaO2 calculation algorithms.621 Furthermore, malaria or Pneumocystis carinii infection) may
most of these algorithms were developed based cause serious methemoglobinemia. There is rea-
on saturations of normal volunteers and there- sonable evidence to suggest that the readings tend
fore correlate better with high or normal satu- to migrate toward 85% (see Chapter 7). Thus,
rations. One early study reported in 1991 found lower than expected pulse oximetry readings
that only 10% of pulse oximetry readings in would occur when true saturation exceeded 85%
patients with poor perfusion were actually whereas higher readings would occur in severe
accurate to within 4%,631 but newer models methemoglobinemia. Like carboxyhemoglo-
and technology have improved accuracy binemia, the clinician should always be alert to
substantially. the potential causes and possibility of methemo-
Some guidelines recommend comparing globinemia especially when cyanosis is observed
directly measured simultaneous saturations without substantial decreases in SpO2. Like car-
(i.e., CO-oximetry readings) with various pulse boxyhemoglobinemia, sampling of blood via
oximeter readings to get a baseline relation- CO-oximetry is necessary for confirmation.
ship.622 These same guidelines also recom- Surprisingly, fetal hemoglobin seems to
mend periodic comparisons as the patients behave very similar to adult hemoglobin despite
condition changes. These comparisons would its increased affinity for oxygen. Pulse oximetry
also help the clinician understand the standard seems to agree very well with directly measured
biases of the specific devices being used. arterial saturation in newborns despite high
Notwithstanding, this is generally not practical fetal hemoglobin levels (60% to 90%).
or cost-effective. Most importantly, the clini-
cian should understand that arterial blood Dyes and Pigments
gases are superior for diagnostic purposes Vascular dyes administered during cardiac
whereas pulse oximetry is most beneficial as catheterization (i.e., methylene blue, indocya-
a real-time monitoring device. nine green, and indigo carmine) may similarly
affect pulse oximetry readings. In particular,
Technical Error methylene blue, which is also used in the treat-
Hemoglobin Variants ment of methemoglobinemia, may lead to a
It is well known that high carboxyhemoglobin spurious severe decrease in SpO2.616
levels [HbCO] will falsely elevate SpO2 read- Others have reported that brown, blue, and
ings. This is extremely important to remember green nail polish may substantially affect read-
since a high saturation reading in a patient ings and suggest routine removal.616,619,632 If
with carboxyhemoglobinemia may lead to a this problem is suspected, the probe can be
false sense of security regarding oxygenation placed on the lateral aspects of the digit instead
in the unsuspecting clinician. In any patient of over the nail.630,670
who is suspect for elevated HbCO (e.g., smoke Skin pigmentation may also be a factor as
inhalation, etc.), saturation should always an SpO2 less than 85% was shown to be less
be measured via arterial blood samples with accurate in African Americans in some investi-
CO-oximetry. gations.619,627 Others have reported that skin
Interestingly, in one study of postoperative pigmentation does not affect accuracy628;
open-heart surgery patients, pulse oximetry therefore, this remains controversial.
seemed to cause slight elevations in readings as Finally, there has been some discussion
compared to saturations measured in the regarding the impact of hyperbilirubinemia on
blood.623 The authors suggested that perhaps pulse oximetry readings. AARC guidelines
slight elevations in HbCO secondary to hemo- state the hyperbilirubinemia does not affect the
lysis or infusion of stored blood may have been accuracy of pulse oximetry readings.622 This
responsible for the elevated readings. is most likely because the absorption peak of
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 399
bilirubin is below that used in pulse oximetry. on the same hand). Cross-talk error as well as
It is interesting to note, however, that the other forms of optical shunting can easily be
patients in some of these studies may also have eliminated by covering each sensor with
had slight (i.e., 5% to 6%) elevations in HbCO opaque material.
secondary to heme metabolism.618
Decreased Perfusion
Optical Interference For years, low perfusion states have been recog-
Although this remains controversial, bright nized as a source of pulse oximeter malfunction
external ambient lights may impact oxygen satu- or error.622 Indeed, decreased perfusion and
ration measured by pulse oximetry (SpO2).622 motion artifact (to be discussed in next section)
Typically, in the presence of optical interference have been cited as the two most common
(bright external lights), the pulse search alarm problems responsible for inaccurate SpO2
flashes and the digital display is blank. In one readings.628 A variety of factors may lead to
unusual anecdotal case that occurred in 1987 decreased perfusion including decreased cardiac
with an older model pulse oximeter, an ambient output, decreased arterial blood pressure, hypo-
light in the operating room caused the SpO2 thermia, hypovolemia, or vasoactive drugs.
display to remain at 100% even though the Under vasoconstrictive conditions, the ear lobe
patient had cyanosis and was in distress.624 This appears to be the site least altered by compro-
apparently occurred because the light had an mised perfusion.633
unusual pulsatile quality, and the photodetector When perfusion is insufficient, most monitors
was sensing this quality as a pulse. As always, display a message indicating inadequate pulse
one cannot depend too heavily on any single signal or provide only intermittent readings. As
technology as a replacement for a thorough stated earlier, most early pulse oximeters did not
clinical evaluation. provide a measurement within 4% of blood
The potential for various forms of ambient saturation measurements under conditions of
light to affect pulse oximetry readings has been decreased perfusion.631 Early pulse oximeters
studied in more detail recently.616 The findings amplified the pulse when it was weak. This,
of this study suggest that ambient light has no in turn, amplified the background noise which
significant effect on SpO2 and that exposure to resulted in decreased accuracy.628 Monitors are
ambient light is clinically unimportant. In all available that measure blood pressure and pulse
likelihood, any light without a pulsatile quality oximetry independently and simultaneously.
should be automatically factored into baseline
measurements and, therefore, should not affect Motion Artifact
readings. Historically, motion of the probe (e.g., shivering)
has likewise been a common source of error.
Optical Shunting Motion may cause decreased accuracy, loss of
Use of a sensor that is inappropriate for the signal, desaturation alarms, or missed hypox-
patient or for the clinical setting may lead to emic events. It was believed that erroneous
optical shunting. This phenomenon occurs when signals could be reduced by synchronizing
part of the light emitted from the LED reaches signals with electrocardiograph (ECG) signals.
the photo detector without passing through the Notwithstanding, oximeters using ECG syn-
finger. Optical shunting tends to bias the reading chronization did not display increased accu-
toward the 81% to 85% level.625 Selecting the racy.634 Probably the best way to identify
appropriate size of sensor and applying it cor- motion artifact is via pulse wave analysis
rectly generally eliminates this problem. In (i.e., false or erratic pulse display), but this is
particular, digit sensors should not be applied also difficult and tedious. One method to mini-
to fingers with long nails.626 mize motion artifact was to attach the probe to
Another potential type of optical interference an alternate site such as the ear or toe.619
is optical cross-talk. Optical cross-talk is a form It is not uncommon for hypoxemic patients
of interference that may occur when multiple to be agitated and move violently. Therefore,
sensors are placed in proximity (e.g., two sensors failure of the pulse oximeter to provide an
400 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
accurate signal during motion could mean fail- which, in turn, may cause additional errors of
ure of the monitoring device when the patient 1% to 4%.628
is at greatest risk of hypoxia. Furthermore, Furthermore, because different pulse oxime-
motion artifact is probably the most common ters use different algorithms and, in some
reason for abandoning the use of pulse oxi- cases, different technology, readings between
meter monitoring.636 Indeed, motion artifact different brands and models of pulse oximeters
may also cause both false-positive (false alarm) are likely to differ. When practical, it may be
and false-negative (missed hypoxemic event) useful to get a concurrent blood saturation to
alarms.637 serve as a baseline for future changes.
In critical care, another potential application that saturation is a much less sensitive indica-
for pulse oximetry is its use in conjunction with tor of blood oxygenation than PaO2, especially
continuous in vivo (within the body) measure- when saturation is near or above 90% on
ment of oxygen saturation in the pulmonary the flat upper portion of the oxyhemoglobin
artery by using a fiber-optic catheter. This dual curve.
oximetry can be used to monitor cardiac out- Finally, one must always remember that
put continuously via the Fick equation. pulse oximetry reveals absolutely nothing
Finally, when applied appropriately, pulse about ventilation, electrolyte changes, or acid-
oximetry may result in cost savings. For exam- base balance. An arterial blood gas, despite its
ple, the use of pulse oximetry instead of arterial drawbacks concerning time and its invasive
blood gases during mechanical ventilation or nature, provides the most complete picture of
oxygen therapy protocols can be cost-effective. oxygenation and acid-base status.
not provide sufficient accuracy. Similarly, a pulse Transcutaneous PO2 monitors are most
oximeter reading of 90% may be viewed as often used in neonatal intensive care units
satisfactory when, in fact, it may represent clini- owing to the thin skin layer in these patients
cally significant hypoxemia. and their special needs for oxygen monitoring.
Similarly, pulse oximetry should be used very Transcutaneous PO2 monitors are slightly
carefully in determining the need for chronic more sensitive than pulse oximeters; however,
oxygen therapy in the home. First, use of only they require a much greater degree of care and
pulse oximetry could disqualify a significant maintenance to ensure proper function.
number of patients truly in need of home Improvements have been made in terms of ease
oxygen therapy. Only 80% of patients with of application and comfort, but other technical
a resting PaO2 of less than 55 mm Hg had a issues still complicate routine use.669
concomitant SpO2 of less than 85%.656 Thus,
20% of these patients would have been inap- Anatomy of the Skin
propriately denied home oxygen therapy based The top three layers of the skin are important
on pulse oximetry assessments alone. In addi- in the function of transcutaneous PO2 moni-
tion, many patients could be deprived of neces- tors. The outermost layer (stratum corneum) is
sary oxygen therapy or reimbursement perhaps actually dead tissue, and it behaves function-
based on HbCO artifact. ally like a diffusion membrane (Fig. 15-14).
Another issue that has surfaced with the The next layer is known as the epidermis. The
routine use of continuous pulse oximetry has epidermis does not contain blood vessels but
been the identification of striking desaturation consumes oxygen at a very high rate. The next
(<80%) in otherwise healthy, elderly post- layer of skin is called the dermis. The dermis
operative patients.657 Indeed, episodic severe consumes little oxygen in itself, but its capil-
hypoxemia may be normal in some patients laries provide the blood supply and oxygen for
and not associated with any adverse conse- the epidermis as well.
quences. Please refer to the discussion on
permissive hypoxemia in Chapter 10. Factors Determining PtcO2
Arterial PO2 represents the pressure of oxygen
Ventilation and Acid-Base Balance as blood enters the various tissues throughout
Again, the clinician must always keep in mind the body. Obviously, the PO2 normally falls as
that pulse oximetry provides no information blood traverses the tissue capillaries because
regarding the status of ventilation and acid- some oxygen is released to the tissues. The PO2
base balance. The subtle clues to developing does not fall as much in skin capillaries as in
and progressive acid-base disturbances are other capillaries because perfusion to the skin
absent with pulse oximetry. Arterial blood is far in excess of metabolic requirements.
gases are necessary when there is any question Furthermore, if perfusion is further increased
regarding these issues. due to heating the skin, capillary PO2 begins to
approach PaO2. In fact, PtcO2 may even
TRANSCUTANEOUS PO2/PCO2 exceed PaO2 (measured at body temperature
MONITORING and pressure saturated [BTPS]) if it is meas-
ured at a higher temperature. If perfusion is
Introduction diminished (e.g., in shock), capillary PO2 is
A relationship between blood PO2 and skin much lower than PaO2 due to increased O2
PO2 was shown in 1951.658 In 1967, the PO2 extraction by the cells. Conversely, PtcCO2 will
was measured on the skin surface by using a increase with decreased perfusion.
Clark electrode, and this measurement was PO2 decreases still more as the tissue dis-
correlated with PaO2.659 The PO2 measured by tance increases from the capillary. The thicker
using a modified Clark electrode applied the skin, the greater is the difference between
directly to the skin is called transcutaneous capillary PO2 and skin surface PO2, which
PO2 (PtcO2). Most current transcutaneous explains why PtcO2 more nearly equals PaO2
monitors also measure PtcCO2 concurrently.619 in newborns than in adults. Furthermore, the
404 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
Cutaneous sensor
epidermis in preterms lacks a keratinized stra- adults, PtcO2 is generally about 20% less than
tum corneum that is the main barrier to diffu- PaO2.662 In infants, though, PtcO2 is actually
sion.660 Therefore, PtcO2 in the preterm will approximately 5% to 15% higher than PaO2
be higher than PtcO2 in the term infant despite because of the direct effects of the high tem-
the same PaO2 in both.660 perature at the measurement site.662
All these factors help to explain why PO2
tends to be lower on the skin surface compared PtcO2PaO2 Agreement
with intra-arterial readings. Another impor- Placement
tant physical law must also be remembered, Because function of the electrode depends greatly
however, in understanding PtcO2 as measured on the nature of the skin on which it is placed,
in the clinic. Gay-Lussacs law states that, given the selection of an appropriate site is important
a constant gas volume, as temperature increases to obtain PtcO2 values that are approximate to
so does pressure. Transcutaneous PO2 electrodes PaO2 values. Generally, one should choose
heat the skin to about 43.5 C. The direct phys- a site where capillary pressure is high and vaso-
ical effect of this heating is to increase PO2 constriction is usually minimal. The chest near
through stimulation of brownian movement of the clavicles, the head, or the lateral sides of the
the gas molecules. Increasing the temperature abdomen are sites often used. The buttocks or
from 37 to 44 C would have the direct physical inside upper thighs may also be used.
effect of increasing a PO2 of 100 to 140 Some locations may show a very low
mm Hg.661 Of course, any local increase in tem- PtcO2 that fails to increase promptly when the
perature also tends to increase local meta- microelectrode is applied. If this occurs, a dif-
bolism. Nevertheless, this effect is less than the ferent location should be tried. Placement of
direct physical effects on the skin. Unlike oxy- the electrode properly on the skin surface is
gen, PtcCO2 correlates well with PaCO2 at body also important. The electrode should be flat
temperature. against the skin but should not indent or
Thus, one can see that the value for PtcO2 compress the skin.
depends on various factors. Most of these The skin should be prepared by wetting it.
factors tend to make PtcO2 lower than PaO2, Wet skin is more permeable than dry skin. Gels
whereas the direct physical effect of an increase or glycerol are sometimes used and have the
in temperature actually tends to make PtcO2 advantage of adhering to the skin better than
higher. The actual PtcO2 that is observed in water in some locations. Nevertheless, oxygen
a given patient, however, depends on the net diffuses through the water more quickly than
interaction of all of these factors. In normal through gel.
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 405
From a practical standpoint, pulse oximetry of oxygenated blood is relatively constant when
offers several additional advantages when PaO2 is above 90 mm Hg, SpO2 is not a sensitive
compared with transcutaneous PO2 monitor- indicator of hyperoxemia. Thus, PtcO2 is the pre-
ing. Pulse oximetry requires no heating; there- ferred index in infants at risk of retinopathy of
fore, there is essentially no risk of complication prematurity secondary to excessive oxygenation.
from burns. Conversely, the potential for burns
is a major concern with PtcO2 monitoring.
Transcutaneous PO2 monitoring requires
skin preparation, calibration of the electrode, Perhaps the most important thing to realize about
technical warm-up time, and periodic rotation PetCO2 is that it is not PaCO2.
of the electrode site. Pulse oximetry, on the other D. Hess673
hand, requires no skin preparation, no calibra-
tion, no warm-up, and no periodic movement Introduction
of the probe. In the intensive monitoring of Capnometry is the measurement of carbon diox-
oxygenation in the adult, pulse oximetry is ide (CO2) in the exhaled gas. Capnography is
generally a superior technology. the technique of displaying CO2 measurements
The PtcO2 is, however, a better index of hyper- as waveforms (capnograms) throughout the
oxemia than SpO2.668 Because the saturation respiratory cycle. Capnography is a standard
Sample chamber
PetCO2. Although technology associated with
capnography continues to develop, clinical Infrared lamp Filter
understanding of the meaning and limitations
of this measurement lags behind.
Measurement Techniques M
Carbon dioxide analyzers may use infrared, or
Reference chamber
mass spectrometry, Raman spectra analysis, or
a photoacoustic spectra technology.674 The two Figure 15-15. Schematic representation of a
methods most commonly employed are mass double-beam infrared capnometer.
spectrometry and infrared analysis. Mass spec-
trometers are extremely precise instruments
that can perform various functions including 0.25 seconds. Carbon dioxide has an absorp-
simultaneous measurement of several or all of tion peak at 4250 nm. Nitrous oxide and water
the constituents of a gas mixture. They are have absorption peaks close to this area. Thus,
accurate to within two decimal points within there is potential for the introduction of error
0.1 second of the actual event. They are often with these substances; however, most analyzers
used to monitor a large number of mechanical have safeguards to minimize or prevent these
ventilators in the operating room. Nevertheless, technical errors. The units take advantage of
mass spectrometers are labor-intensive, cum- the fact that CO2 absorbs infrared radiation in
bersome, costly systems and are not practical in proportion to its concentration (spectropho-
most critical care situations. Interestingly, the tometry). The accuracy of most capnometers is
presence of Freon (used as a propellant in about 12% or 4 mm Hg.673
metered dose inhalers) may artificially increase Infrared analyzers may be double-beamed,
CO2 reading in mass spectrometers.674 positive-filter models (which include a reference
chamber) as shown in Figure 15-15. In contrast,
Infrared Absorption Capnometers they may be single-beam, negative-filtered as
Capnography is most often accomplished with shown in Figure 15-16. In both models, a spin-
free-standing infrared absorption capnometers. ning wheel (chopper), improves the accuracy
The infrared absorption technique is simpler of the sensor by periodically obstructing and
and less expensive than mass spectrometry. opening the light channel(s). Older models
Traditional response time is approximately required frequent calibration but some newer
light source
Figure 15-16. Single-beam infrared capnography. The basic components of a single-beam, negative-filter
infrared carbon dioxide detector used in some mainstream sampling systems.
408 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
Ventilator circuit
wye connectors
Figure 15-17. Mainstream vs. sidestream CO2 sampling. A, Mainstream CO2 sampling. B, Sidestream
CO2 sampling.
models perform self-calibration, have no gas, which will distort function and accuracy.
moving parts, and respond in approximately Special water traps and foam barriers and, in
100 milliseconds.656 some units, back-flushing systems have been
designed to deal with this problem. In addi-
Mainstream versus Sidestream Sampling tion, aspiration flowrate must be set carefully
There are two general sampling techniques (e.g., 150 mL/min) to avoid significant distor-
employed by the various capnometers: main- tions in the waveform. At times, the continu-
stream and sidestream analysis. ous aspiration of gases causes some dampening
or smoothing of CO2 waveforms. In addition,
Mainstream Analyzers if a leak is present in the system, PCO2 read-
Mainstream analyzers measure CO2 directly in ings decrease due to air dilution. Finally, side-
the airway (Fig. 15-17,A). Mainstream analyzers stream analyzers usually have slower response
provide a very rapid, crisp, and accurate times than do mainstream analyzers.625
response. Early mainstream analyzers were criti-
cized for their weight, fragile nature, or the addi- Colorimetric CO2 Analysis
tion of mechanical deadspace, however, newer Simple colorimetric techniques for evaluating the
designs have essentially eliminated these prob- presence of CO2 in exhaled gas have been avail-
lems. The issue of water or sputum in the system able for many years. In 1916, Marriott described
contaminating readings, however, still remains. the use of a material that changed color in the
Most mainstream analyzers use a heating device presence of CO2.675 More recently, an end-tidal
to eliminate moisture accumulation. Mainstream CO2 detector has been described which is pur-
designs are best suited for artificial airways. ple when CO2 is less than 0.5%, then turns
tan up to 2% CO2, and finally becomes yellow
Sidestream Analyzers when CO2 exceeds 2%. The detector is said to
Sidestream analyzers aspirate the gas sample be reliable and easy to use.676 These devices are
through a small bore tubing for analysis within reliable and inexpensive and especially useful
a chamber (see Fig. 15-17,B). Sidestream analy- for detection of successful intubation.
zers can be used in the nonintubated patient by
placement of the sampling tubing at the exter- Capnograms
nal nares or through a specially designed nasal Normal Capnogram
cannula.673 A normal single breath capnogram is shown
Unfortunately, mucus or moisture may be in Figure 15-18. The partial pressure of expired
aspirated into the tubing along with exhaled CO2 is plotted vertically against time on the
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 409
CO2 38 C
horizontal axis. At the very onset of expiration, The clinician should also be aware that the
no CO2 is observed because the first gas to graph paper may be run at a slow or fast
leave the lungs comes from the anatomic dead- speed. In the initial portion of the graphs in
space (see Fig. 15-18,A,B). The anatomic dead- Figure 15-19, the paper is being run at a fast
space is, of course, filled with fresh gas (PCO2 speed. Thus, fine details in the shape of the
0 mm Hg) from the previous inspiration. capnogram can be specifically analyzed. High-
As exhalation continues, some alveolar gas speed capnometry can often provide useful
begins to be exhaled along with the anatomic diagnostic information and fine detail of each
deadspace, and an upward movement of the breath.
capnogram is observed. As the gas becomes The final portion of the graphs is being
proportionally more alveolar and less anatomic run at slow speed. Slow-speed capnography
deadspace, there is a corresponding rise in the essentially provides a running monitor of the
exhaled PCO2 (see Fig. 15-18,B,C). Then, when end-tidal CO2 (PetCO2) level. Some monitors
essentially all of the gas being exhaled is coming display both slow and fast speed graphics.
from alveoli, an alveolar plateau (see Fig. 15-8, Slow-speed capnography is sometimes referred
C,D) is observed. to as a CO2 trend.
Finally, when expiration is complete and
inspiratory flow begins, CO2 decreases quickly Abnormal Capnograms
to zero (see Fig. 15-18,D,E). The PCO2 level The alveolar plateau will demonstrate an
attained immediately before descent in the curve increased slope in the presence of ventilation-
occurs is referred to as the end-tidal partial perfusion mismatch (e.g., COPD/ARDS).680
pressure of CO2 (PetCO2). This point is also Likewise, the alveolar plateau may flatten in a
shown in Figure 15-18,D. more normal manner following treatment of
Simultaneous capnograms produced by early reversible ventilation-perfusion mismatch.
model sidestream capnometer and a mainstream Figure 15-20 illustrates capnographic improve-
capnometer are shown in Figure 15-19. The ment in a 2-year-old boy with severe croup fol-
smoothing of the waveform due to the old side- lowing administration of racemic epinephrine.
stream analyzer compared with the mainstream The capnogram may also alert the clinician
analyzer is readily apparent. Smoothing of the to rebreathing if the baseline continues to esca-
waveform occurs when the aspiration flow rate late as shown in Figure 15-21. Finally, the onset
is too low. Newer sidestream analyzers eliminate of patient spontaneous inspiration can be iden-
this problem and demonstrate a waveform sim- tified when sharply decreasing CO2 is observed
ilar to that shown for the mainstream analyzer. during the alveolar plateau. This phenomenon
410 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
Figure 15-19. Comparative tracings from mainstream and sidestream analyzers. Simultaneous tracings
from a mainstream analyzer (A) and a sidestream analyzer (B). The first portion of each graph represents
fast-speed capnography, whereas the latter portion represents slow-speed capnography. Note the smooth-
ing of the waveform with sidestream analysis during fast speed.
has been termed the curare cleft (Fig. 15-22) to noninvasively measure cardiac output. A
when observed in patients recovering from modified form of the Fick equation is used for
neuromuscular blockade. this determination. This technique seems very
promising as a method to determine the valu-
Volumetric Capnograms able cardiac output measurement without the
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide can be need for invasive catheters.
plotted against volume instead of time utiliz-
ing some recent technology (Fig. 15-23). The PetCO2 as an Indicator of PaCO2
volumetric capnogram provides additional As described previously, the PetCO2 repre-
information regarding deadspace and CO2 sents the end-tidal pressure of carbon dioxide.
production heretofore not readily available In spontaneously breathing normal individu-
at the bedside. Specifically, anatomical dead- als, the PetCO2 varies in concert with the
space, alveolar deadspace, and CO2 production PaCO2. This fact, although true, is probably
per minute may be determined. This informa- the origin of an abundance of confusion sur-
tion can be particularly useful in evaluation of rounding capnography. Only in the healthy
PaCO2 changes during mechanical ventilation. spontaneously breathing individual does this
It is also valuable when rapid increases in CO2 fact hold true. Indeed, in sick individuals, the
production may indicate malignant hyper- PetCO2 and PaCO2 are distinctly different
thermia in the operating room. Given stable entities that may, in fact, change in opposite
metabolism and alveolar ventilation, flattening directions. Although PetCO2 is inviting as a
of phases II and III may indicate decreased pul- simple, noninvasive, reflection of PaCO2, it is
monary perfusion in volumetric capnography not. Time and time again, this has been shown.
as shown in Figure 15-24. Use of PetCO2 as a predictor of PaCO2 is
Technology has also become recently avail- deceiving and incorrect, and should be used
able that allows for the volumetric capno- with great caution for this purpose in mechan-
gram in conjunction with partial rebreathing ically ventilated patients.619 Indeed, 73% of
Chapter 15 Noninvasive Blood Gas Monitoring 411
PCO2 (torr)
30 Figure 15-21. Capnogram produced with
PCO2 (torr)
Arterial CO2
Figure 15-24. Volumetric capnogram with Decreased
decreased pulmonary perfusion. perfusion
Exhaled volume
the variability in PetCO2 has absolutely noth- Indeed, capnography has been identified as a
ing to do with changes in PaCO2.677 Thus, valuable indicator of patient mishaps, second
more than half of the time it can be misleading only to pulse oximetry, but more valuable than
if simply viewed, even as a trend monitor, in ECG tracings.611
this manner. Changes in PetCO2 may be the result of
There are two situations in which PetCO2 changes in carbon dioxide production, alveo-
may be considered to reflect PaCO2. First is the lar ventilation, or equipment malfunctions.
patient with normal lungs, such as a patient Potential causes of increased PetCO2 are shown
being hyperventilated secondary to head trauma. in Box 15-4. Causes of decreased PetCO2 are
Second, sudden substantial change in PetCO2 shown in Box 15-5.
has been shown to be of benefit in identifying
mishaps.678 This could be a ventilator disconnect P(aet)CO2
or some other potentially catastrophic event. If PaCO2 and PetCO2 are known, the gradient
can be calculated. Normally, the gradient is less
than 5 mm Hg; however, it can be increased with movement of the patients head. Assessment of
deadspace disease such as pulmonary embolism PetCO2 is the most reliable way to insure cor-
or decreased cardiac output.674 The presence of rect placement of an endotracheal tube.
increased deadspace may also have some signi- Occasionally PetCO2 may be high because of
ficance as a prognostic indicator in surgical other reasons. Esophageal gas may be quite high
patients, although further research is needed in CO2 following ingestion of carbonated bever-
to confirm this.681 Interestingly, P(aet)CO2 ages, or antacids. Nevertheless, the PCO2 will
measured after forced exhalation seems to decrease rapidly following 10 to 15 seconds of
be best for evaluation of acute pulmonary bag-resuscitator ventilation.
embolism,679 although this is not always prac- One must also keep in mind, however, that
tical in the clinic. in the absence of circulation, as during cardiac
Occasionally, PetCO2 may actually be arrest or very low perfusion states, PetCO2
higher than PaCO2. The reasons for this are may be very low or absent. Notwithstanding,
unclear but are most likely due to emptying of the American College of Emergency Physicians,
low V/Q units with long time constants at the as well as the International Guidelines for
end of expiration. Emergency Cardiovascular Care recommend
use of CO2 detection to verify endotracheal
Usefulness of PetCO2 tube placement.674 Furthermore, new American
Verification of Intubation Heart Association guidelines require secondary
As stated earlier, PetCO2 is useful as a general confirmation of proper tube placement in all
indicator of PaCO2 in the patient with normal patients by exhaled CO2 immediately after intu-
lungs and has some value as a gross indicator of bation and during transport.682 Colorimetric
patient mishaps. detectors are adequate for this purpose.674
Monitoring of PetCO2 via colorimetry is also
clearly a valuable adjunct to assessing success- PetCO2 during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
ful endotracheal intubation. Intubation of the PetCO2 appears to be useful in the evalua-
esophagus is a serious problem that may occur tion of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
during attempted intubation, during manip- First, the PetCO2 increases with restoration
ulation of the endotracheal tube, or during of artificial circulation and correlates with
1. The gold standard test in the evaluation of acid-base balance and oxygenation is ______.
2. (Monitoring/Measurement) techniques provide the clinician with static information about
a single point in time.
3. Measurement of the light spectrum of an unknown substance is a useful method of
(quantitative/qualitative) analysis.
4. The ability of light to release electrons from metals in proportion to the intensity of the light
is known as the ______.
5. Quantitative spectrophotometry is made possible through application of the______ law.
6. The ratio of light intensity at a given wavelength incident on a substance compared with
the intensity of light transmitted through the substance is called its______.
7. An instrument that measures the amount of light transmitted through (or reflected from)
a sample of blood at two or more specific wavelengths to assess O2 levels is called
an ______.
8. An oximeter is a dedicated ______ specifically designed to measure SaO2.
9. When two substances have identical light absorption properties at a given wavelength,
an ______ point is said to exist.
10. In reflection oximetry, the photo detector is on the (same/opposite) side of the blood
sample as the light source.
11. Transmission oximeters are more accurate if (hemolyzed/nonhemolyzed) blood is used.
12. When using two wavelength oximetry, abnormal forms of hemoglobin, such as
methemoglobin, (are/are not) identified.
13. State the four hemoglobin species that are usually measured by a CO-oximeter.
14. SaO2 measured via CO-oximetry is sometimes called (fractional/functional) saturation.
15. The ______ ear oximeter measured light at eight different wavelengths.
1. Blood oxygen saturation can be monitored continuously and noninvasively at the bedside
with the technology of ______.
2. A device for measuring and recording change in the volume of a part of the body or an
organ is called a ______.
3. Photoelectric plethysmography is used in pulse oximeters to measure the ___________.
4. In pulse oximetry, baseline absorption is the amount of light absorbed during
(systole/diastole) of the heart cycle.
5. Pulse oximeters are generally (accurate/inaccurate) when large amounts of fetal
hemoglobin are present.
6. Pulse oximeters use ______ wavelengths of light.
7. Pulse oximeters use light from what two light ranges?
8. When part of the light being emitted by a pulse oximeter reaches the photo detector by
passing around rather than passing through the finger, ____________ is said to exist.
9. Pulse oximetry (does/does not) measure carboxyhemoglobin levels.
10. Continuous simultaneous measurement of saturation through a fiber-optic pulmonary
artery catheter and a pulse oximeter is called ______.
1. The CO2 concentration of the gas exhaled at the beginning of expiration is (high/almost zero).
2. The flat upper portion of the single breath capnogram is called the (anatomic
deadspace/alveolar plateau).
3. Smoothing of the CO2 waveform may occur with the (sidestream/mainstream) analyzer.
4. (Fast/Slow) speed capnography is essentially just a running monitor of end-tidal CO2.
5. PetCO2 (is/is not) a reliable indicator of PaCO2 in most mechanically ventilated patients.
6. After ingestion of a carbonated beverage, PetCO2 may be falsely (low/elevated) when
evaluating the patient for correct placement of the endotracheal tube.
7. After a pulmonary embolus, one would expect PetCO2 to (rise/fall).
8. At the onset of cardiac arrest, PetCO2 (falls/rises).
9. An abrupt (rise/fall) in PetCO2 may be the first sign of the restoration of spontaneous
circulation after resuscitation for cardiac arrest.
418 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
10. A relatively large slope of the alveolar plateau is indicative of a /an (obstructive/restrictive)
lung problem.
11. Volumetric CO2 analysis is useful for evaluating (carbon dioxide production/PaCO2).
12. Volumetric CO2 analysis with a partial rebreathing technique may be useful for
noninvasively monitoring (RQ/cardiac output).
NBRC Challenge 15
Please select the best answer for the following multiple-choice questions.
Narcotic Overdose, 419 Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive
Unexplained Acidemia, 420 Pulmonary Disease, 425
Gastrointestinal Disturbance, 420 Mitral Valve Replacement, 426
Status Asthmaticus, 421 Patient with Burns, 427
Acute Respiratory Acidemia, 422 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Nasogastric Suction, 422 and Congestive Heart Failure, 429
Unexplained Alkalemia, 423 Pulmonary Edema, 430
Oxygenation Disturbance, 423 Answers to Arterial Blood Gas
Diabetic Patient, 424 Case Studies, 432
420 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
Bloodwork 3 Questions
Glucose 110 mg/dL 1. Classify the arterial blood gas.
Creatinine 11 mg/dL 2. The anion gap is (high/low/normal).
BUN 130 mg/dL 3. The plasma chloride is (high/low/normal).
Lactate 12 mg/dL 4. What is the cause of the metabolic
2 Questions 5. The plasma [K+] is (high/low/normal).
1. Classify the arterial blood gas. 6. What is the likely cause of the potassium
2. The anion gap is (high/low/normal). disturbance?
3. The patient (appears/does not appear) to 7. The diuretic (Lasix/acetazolamide) could
be hypoxic. cause an acid-base disturbance similar
4. The lactate is (normal/increased). to this, but the acidemia is usually less
5. The glucose is (normal/increased). severe.
6. The creatinine is (normal/increased). 8. (Azotemic renal failure/Renal tubular
7. The BUN is (normal/increased). acidosis) may cause a normal anion gap
8. The [K+] is (normal/increased). metabolic acidosis.
Chapter 16 Arterial Blood Gas Case Studies 421
Arterial Blood Gases 3. Do these blood gas values fall in the band
FIO2 0.28 for acute respiratory acidosis on the
pH 7.32 acid-base map?
PaCO2 40 mm Hg 4. Does the plasma bicarbonate concen-
[HCO3] 20 mEq/L tration of 29 mEq/L represent renal
PaO2 90 mm Hg compensation?
SaO2 96% 5. Is it possible for a blood gas to be correct
when the base excess of the blood is
Vital Signs decreased and the actual bicarbonate is
Pulse 90/min increased?
BP 120/80 6. How much will the plasma bicarbonate
Temperature 37 C increase acutely for every 10-mm Hg
RR 14/min increase in PaCO2 due to the hydrolysis
4D Questions 7. What supportive treatment is
1. Classify the arterial blood gas. indicated for this patients acid-base
2. What is the most likely cause of the status?
metabolic acidemia at this time?
A 34-year-old man involved in an automobile A nasogastric tube was placed in a 32-year-old
accident arrives in the emergency department woman with intestinal obstruction. For several
with severe head trauma. Arterial blood gases, days, large amounts of fluid were suctioned
vital signs, and pulse oximetry readings are as from the nasogastric tube. Arterial blood gases
follows: and electrolytes were as follows:
2. Do the values fall within the band on
the acid-base map for simple metabolic
alkalosis? A 4-month-old infant is admitted to the emer-
3. What is the cause of the metabolic gency department with cyanosis and mild
alkalosis? cardiopulmonary distress. The family was from
4. Metabolic alkalosis is usually associated a rural area, and the infant had been receiving
with (hyperchloremia/hypochloremia). formula prepared with water taken from a
5. Hypokalemia (is/is not) common with a well. Arterial blood gases, before the infant
loss of gastric fluid. was given oxygen, were drawn and the blood
6. Loss of body fluids (is/is not) an important specimen was noted to be dark. The blood gas
aspect of this type of metabolic alkalosis. results, pulse oximetry readings, and vital signs
7. What is the appropriate treatment for were as follows:
this type of metabolic alkalosis?
Arterial Blood Gases
FIO2 0.21
pH 7.30
A 28-year-old woman in her eighth month of PaCO2 28 mm Hg
pregnancy is admitted to the hospital after [BE] 12 mEq/L
having severe vomiting for several days. PaO2 105 mm Hg
Arterial blood gases, vital signs, and elec-
trolytes are as follows: Vital Signs
Pulse 140/min
Arterial Blood Gases BP 140/100
FIO2 0.21 Temperature 37 C
pH 7.58 RR 40/min
PaCO2 31 mm Hg
[HCO3] 28 mEq/L Pulse Oximetry
PaO2 65 mm Hg SpO2 94%
SaO2 96%
8A Questions
Vital Signs 1. Does the pulse oximeter reading and
Pulse 110/min PaO2 concur with the clinical picture of
BP 130/80 cyanosis and the appearance of a dark
Temperature 37 C blood sample?
RR 18/min 2. Should another blood gas sample be
Plasma Electrolytes
Na+ 130 mEq/L The child is then placed on oxygen and repeat
CO2 32 mEq/L arterial blood gases are drawn. Surprisingly,
Cl 86 mEq/L when a small amount of the sample acciden-
K+ 3.1 mEq/L tally escapes from the syringe, the blood
appears rusty brown or chocolate in color.
7 Questions Blood gas results and vital signs are as follows:
1. Classify the arterial blood gas.
2. What is the likely cause of the metabolic Arterial Blood Gases
alkalosis? FIO2 0.5
3. What is the likely cause of the pH 7.28
respiratory alkalosis? PaCO2 28 mm Hg
4. What mechanisms are responsible for [HCO3] 13 mEq/L
hyperventilation during late pregnancy? PaO2 240 mm Hg
424 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
11. Is the chloride normal in this patient? surgery, he becomes disoriented. Arterial blood
Explain. gases are drawn:
12. Are the values for [Hb] and Hct
normal? Explain. Arterial Blood Gases
13. Is the WBC count normal? Explain. FIO2 0.21
14. Is the temperature normal? pH 7.20
15. Are the pulse and blood pressure readings PaCO2 22 mm Hg
within normal limits? Explain. [BE] 18 mEq/L
PaO2 82 mm Hg
The patient was treated with low-flow oxy- SaO2 92%
gen therapy and aerosol bronchodilators.
Nevertheless, his condition did not improve. Vital Signs
He showed progressive hypercapnia, acidemia, Pulse 141/min
and a diminished level of consciousness. The BP 75/P*
patient was therefore intubated and was placed Temperature 37 C
on mechanical ventilation. Approximately RR 24/min
1 hour after the initiation of mechanical venti- (P* = diastolic BP cannot be measured.)
lation, the patient manifested seizures and
arrhythmias. Arterial blood gases were drawn: Bloodwork
Hct 44%
Arterial Blood Gases [WBC] 9000 mm3
FIO2 0.4
pH 7.68 Plasma Electrolytes
PaCO2 35 mm Hg Na+ 140 mEq/L
[HCO3] 40 mEq/L CO2 11 mEq/L
PaO2 120 mm Hg Cl 108 mEq/L
SaO2 99% K+ 5.1 mEq/L
3. Is the plasma [HCO3] consistent with the 5. Pulmonary artery diastolic pressure
total CO2 reported on the electrolyte is sometimes used as a substitute for
report? PWP. Is this practice acceptable in
4. Is the patient receiving any drugs that this patient if the wedge balloon
could cause metabolic alkalosis? If so, malfunctions?
name them.
5. Are there any electrolyte abnormalities
that could contribute to metabolic
alkalosis in this patient? Explain. This 50-year-old patient was recently transferred
6. Is it possible that congestive heart failure to the intensive care unit from the emergency
(disease itself) can cause metabolic department after progressive cardiopulmonary
alkalosis? Explain. distress that culminated in a cardiac arrest. The
7. What drugs that this patient is receiving patient is presently intubated and receiving
could lead to hypokalemia? mechanical ventilation. Current arterial blood
8. How should the metabolic alkalosis be gases, laboratory data, and vital signs are shown
treated in this patient? below:
9. Is oxygen therapy indicated? If so, what
is the target PaO2? Arterial Blood Gases
10. What FIO2 is indicated? FIO2 0.7
11. What could explain the weakness in this pH 7.20
patient? PaCO2 50 mm Hg
[BE] 9 mEq/L
Because of cardiac arrhythmias and this PaO2 64 mm Hg
patients marginal cardiovascular status, she SaO2 85%
was admitted to the hospital. A pulmonary
artery catheter was inserted to evaluate more Vital Signs
accurately her cardiac function and fluid sta- Pulse 100/min
tus. Hemodynamic findings and mixed venous BP 70/P
oxygenation values are shown below: Temperature 37 C
RR 20/min
Hemodynamic Profile and Mixed Venous
Oxygenation Bloodwork
CVP 15 mm Hg WBC 11,000 mm3
PAP 45/25 mm Hg BUN 25 mg/dL
PWP 9 mm Hg Glucose 120 mg/dL
Sv O2 74% Lactate 75 mg/dL
Pv O2 38 mm Hg
CO 5.4 L/min Plasma Electrolytes
Na+ 140 mEq/L
13B Questions CO2 15 mEq/L
1. Does the pulmonary wedge Cl 105 mEq/L
pressure indicate left-sided heart K+ 5.4 mEq/L
2. Is the CVP pressure normal? 14A Questions
3. The pulmonary vascular resistance 1. Classify the PaO2.
appears to be (normal/above normal/ 2. Is mild hypoxemia associated with
below normal) in this patient. hypoxia in normal individuals?
4. Increased pulmonary vascular resistance 3. The PaO2 is a direct measure of
is common in chronic obstructive (combined/dissolved) oxygen.
pulmonary disease (COPD) because of 4. What percentage of arterial blood oxygen
(low alveolar PO2/alkalemia). is usually in the dissolved state?
Chapter 16 Arterial Blood Gas Case Studies 431
5. The PaO2 provides (no/some indirect) 27. State the two major categories of
information about the amount of pulmonary edema.
combined oxygen.
6. The relationship between PaO2 and Invasive Monitoring
SaO2 is expressed in the (shunt equation/ The patients chest radiograph showed diffuse
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve). lung infiltrates consistent with cardiogenic pul-
7. The normal SaO2 expected at a PaO2 of monary edema or ARDS. A pulmonary artery
approximately 60 mm Hg is ______ %. catheter was inserted, and the following read-
8. As seen in this patient, an SaO2 of only ings were obtained:
85% with a PaO2 of 64 mm Hg means
that oxyhemoglobin affinity is Hemodynamic Profile and Mixed Venous
(increased/decreased/normal). Oxygenation
9. In this patient, the oxyhemoglobin CVP 10 mm Hg
curve is shifted to the (left/right). PAP 50/20 mm Hg
10. What could explain the change in PWP 22 mm Hg
oxyhemoglobin affinity in this patient? Sv O2 40%
11. Does this patient appear to have Pv O2 28 mm Hg
adequate tissue oxygenation? CO 2.4 L/min
12. What vital sign information may suggest
that this patient has tissue hypoxia? 14B Questions
13. Classify this patients acid-base status 1. What is the most important
based on the blood gas report. hemodynamic index to differentiate
14. What underlying cause is probably cardiogenic pulmonary edema from
responsible for the respiratory acidosis? noncardiogenic pulmonary edema?
15. The first step in determining the cause 2. (Left-sided heart failure/ARDS) is
of a metabolic acidosis is to calculate responsible for the pulmonary edema in
the ______ . this patient at this time.
16. This patients anion gap is ______. 3. Is the CVP usually high in left-sided
17. This anion gap suggests (increased heart failure?
fixed acids/decreased bases) in the 4. Why is the CVP not excessively high in
blood. this patient?
18. State four general causes of increased 5. What type of supportive pulmonary
fixed acids. treatment is often effective in the
19. What is the most likely cause of treatment of absolute pulmonary
metabolic acidosis in this patient? shunting disorders?
20. Is the lactate level normal? 6. Is PEEP contraindicated in this patient
21. What is the most likely explanation for because of the low blood pressure?
why the potassium concentration has 7. Should this patients feet be elevated
increased? because his blood pressure is low?
22. What are the four general mechanisms 8. What type of drug can be given to
of hypoxemia in the acute care setting? this patient to decrease blood
23. What is the normal PaO2 when volume?
breathing FIO2 of 0.7? 9. What drug is usually indicated to
24. This patient (must/does not) have improve cardiac contractility and
increased shunting. function in congestive heart failure?
25. This patient has predominantly (absolute/ 10. The mixed venous oxygenation values
relative) shunting because the response are (low/high/normal) and suggest that
to oxygen therapy is (good/poor). the patient (is/is not) hypoxic.
26. State at least three common cardio-
pulmonary disorders that can cause The patient was managed aggressively with
increased absolute shunting. digitalis, diuretics, and fluid restriction. The next
432 Unit VI Noninvasive Techniques and Case Studies
12. No. They are both elevated. The finding 2. Cardiogenic shock is likely based on the
of secondary polycythemia is common patients cardiovascular history.
in COPD, especially in chronic 3. Anion gap increased (A = 23 mEq/L).
bronchitis. This is a compensatory (Normal 1214 mEq/L)
mechanism to increase oxygen transport 4. Hypoxia can be present without
in the presence of hypoxemia. hypoxemia.
13. No. The WBC count is elevated (normal 5. Partially compensated metabolic acidosis
< 10,000 cells/mm3). This finding and with normoxemia.
the finding of yellow sputum suggest a 6. Yes, the last two digits of the pH
bacterial infection/pneumonia. approximate the PaCO2, and the values
14. The temperature is elevated, which is fall within the band for simple metabolic
also consistent with infection or acidosis on the acid-base map.
15. The pulse and blood pressure are both CASE 11B
slightly elevated. Again, this is the 1. Completely compensated respiratory
normal response to hypoxemia. alkalosis with hyperoxemia.
2. The mixed venous oxygen values are less
CASE 10B than normal. Normal Pv O2 is greater
1. Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis with than 35 mm Hg and normal Sv O2 is
hyperoxemia; however, it is known that greater than 75%. This suggests
the patient has COPD and is being hypoxia.
mechanically ventilated. Therefore, these 3. Severe anemia ([Hb] 5 g%).
factors must be kept in mind. 4. Poorly oxygenated due to the severe
2. The metabolic alkalosis is most likely due anemia despite a normal PaO2 and
to eucapnic ventilation posthypercapnia. cardiac output.
In other words, the patient is being 5. Blood transfusion.
ventilated at a lower PaCO2 than is his 6. Overzealous mechanical ventilation
normal chronic value. Therefore, the (or perhaps the mechanical ventilator is
bicarbonate that was retained as exaggerating the respiratory compensatory
compensation for both the acute and response to a primary metabolic acidosis).
chronic respiratory acidosis now appears 7. Primary, based on the severe anemia and
as a primary metabolic alkalosis. probable lactic acidosis.
3. Severe metabolic alkalemia may cause 8. The FIO2 should probably be left as is
these effects. The CSF may be even more until the severe anemia is treated; it
alkalotic than the blood because the CSF should then be reduced because of the
has less buffering capacity. Furthermore, hyperoxemia.
seizures have been reported after the
rapid reversal of hypercapnia in CASE 11C
exacerbation of COPD. 1. Combined respiratory and metabolic
4. Slowly. alkalosis with normoxemia.
5. 50 mm Hg or higher because this is 2. The blood transfusions (citrate preserva-
probably near this patients normal tive) may be completely or partially respon-
chronic baseline. sible for the delayed metabolic alkalosis
6. Good response to oxygen therapy (see Chapter 13).
(i.e., PaO2 of 120 mm Hg on FIO2 of 0.4). 3. The curve would be shifted to the left
7. Relative shunting, which is typical in because of the decreased [H+] (alkalemia)
COPD and V/Q mismatch. and hypocapnia. Stored blood transfusions
may also shift the curve to the left because
CASE 11A of decreased DPG. However, DPG levels
1. Lactic acidosis is likely with a BP are usually back to normal 24 hours after
of 75/P. transfusion.
Chapter 16 Arterial Blood Gas Case Studies 437
25. The patient has predominantly absolute positioning for the patient. In hypo-
shunting because the response to oxygen volemic shock, the feet should be
therapy is poor. elevated. The sitting position is more
26. Pneumonia, atelectasis, pulmonary appropriate for cardiogenic shock.
edema, etc. 8. Diuretics (e.g., Lasix).
27. Cardiogenic (congestive heart failure) 9. Digitalis.
and noncardiogenic pulmonary edema 10. The mixed venous oxygenation indices
(ARDS). are low and suggest hypoxia.
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Assessment Explanation:
Abnormalities: The pain and decreased mobility of the right
Normal pH hand could be a result of injury to the median
PaCO2 (hypocapnia) nerve when attempting arterial puncture of the
PaO2 brachial artery (see Fig. 1-11). The course of the
[HCO3] median nerve closely parallels that of the brachial
artery. Cases have been described in which
Explanation: median nerve damage followed brachial artery
One must keep in mind that blood gas values puncture. Furthermore, selection of the brachial
are different in Denver than they would be at artery in the dominant hand as a first choice is
sea level (i.e., PaO2 will be lower due to high somewhat controversial and could lead to undue
altitude). See Chapter 2. harm and potential litigation (see Legal Issues in
One should also note that the patient is 70 the section on Common Sample Sites). The mild
years old. The lower normal limit of PaO2 in the hyperventilation may have been a result of pain,
elderly is approximately 75 mm Hg at sea level. which accompanied the arterial puncture.
One should also remember that it is com-
mon for normal females to have slightly lower
PaCO2 values than males. When PaCO2 is low EXERCISES
for a prolonged period, the bicarbonate will
tend to decrease as explained in Chapter 2. EXERCISE 1-1 Blood Gas Values
It appears that the blood gas is generally nor- 1. pH 7.357.45
mal for a female of 70 years old in Denver, CO. PaCO2 3545 mm Hg
[BE] 0 2 mEq/L
Evaluation: PaO2 80100 mm Hg
Additional useful information would be a [HCO3] 24 2 mEq/L
patient history and physical examination, SaO2 97%98%
including vital signs. 2. PaO2
ON-CALL CASE 1-2 ABGs and Critical 3. [HCO3]
Thinking [BE]
Assessment 4. False. Either of these metabolic indices
Abnormalities: alone is sufficient for interpretation provided
Normal blood gas oxygenation and acid-base that the metabolic index is completely
status understood.
Answers 461
Evaluation: Intervention
Patient history and physical might unveil the Importance:
events that led up to the condition. A drug First priority is to get oxygenation to an
screen would also be useful. acceptable level while always keeping in
mind that patients with COPD may hypo-
Intervention ventilate in response to oxygen therapy
Importance: (i.e., they are oxygen sensitive). Excessive
First priority is to get ventilation at an accept- oxygen therapy in these patients may be very
able level. dangerous and should be avoided unless
Because the patient is comatose, she is likely absolutely necessary. It is common practice
to have obtunded reflexes and is at risk for to try to get the PaO2 to approximately
aspiration. Thus, the patient should be intu- 60 mm Hg by using low-flow oxygen. Low-
bated and placed on mechanical ventilation to flow oxygen is really low oxygen concentra-
normalize PaCO2. tions as administered by nasal cannula (e.g.,
13 L/min) or Venti-masks. This is an impor-
ON-CALL CASE 2-2 ABGs and Critical tant group of patients that we must recognize
Thinking have chronic lung disease and in whom
Assessment oxygen should be administered sparingly.
Abnormalities: Notwithstanding, oxygen must be adminis-
pH tered in quantities sufficient to preclude
PaCO2 hypoxia.
Answers 463
Patient is known to have thrombocytosis. At BTPS, the PaO2 would actually be 48 mm Hg.
Pulse oximeter reading is inconsistent with Therefore, this patient is quite hypoxemic.
ABG saturation. Furthermore, the high temperature would lead
to increased metabolism and oxygen need.
Explanation: Thus, the patient is in dire need of oxygen.
The PaO2 on the blood gas report may be sur- This fact is somewhat obscured because blood
prisingly low due to the presence of thrombo- gases are temperature-corrected and provides
cytosis. Remember, very high white blood cell an example as to why temperature correction
counts, platelet counts, or reticulocyte counts, is not advocated and may be misleading.
could lead to excessive oxygen consumption
from within the blood gas sample due to the Intervention
high metabolism of these cells. This is the same Importance:
phenomenon that occurs with leukemia and Clearly, oxygen therapy is in dire need.
leukocyte larceny and could explain the low
PaO2 seen despite a very good pulse oximeter Objective:
reading. The saturation on the blood gas Get (BTPS) PaO2 to an acceptable level
report, which is a calculated value, is also low (e.g., 80100 mm Hg) as a first priority.
because it is calculated based on PaO2. Secondary issues include bronchial hygiene
needs, chest radiography, possibly sputum cul-
Evaluation: ture, and identification of the type of pneumonia
Additional useful information would be vital present.
signs to determine if there are any other phys-
iologic indications of hypoxemia. If an addi- Action:
tional blood gas is drawn, it should be Place the patient on an oxygen mask.
acquired in an iced, glass syringe and analyzed Interpret all future blood gases at BTPS. If
as quickly as possible after acquisition to min- blood gas values are reported at a temperature
imize error due to continued metabolism. other than BTPS, BTPS values should be
Analysis of saturation via CO-oximetry would recorded along with temperature-corrected
also be useful to determine precise saturation. values.
9. PO2 Explanation:
10. Fluorocarbon The acid-base data cannot be explained
because they are not internally consistent.
EXERCISE 4-11 Continuous Blood
Gas Monitoring Evaluation:
1. Measurement The clinician should call the lab to double-
2. Do not check the laboratory results.
3. In vivo
4. Clark Intervention
5. Must Importance:
6. Oxygen or carbon dioxide If internally consistent results are not avail-
7. Cardiac output able, a repeat sample is necessary. Therapeutic
8. Gas Stat system intervention should not occur until we are sure
9. Wall we have reliable data. The administration
10. Ex vivo (on demand) of bicarbonate (although commonplace years
ago during cardiac arrest) is inappropriate for
two reasons. First, and most important, one
NBRC Challenge 4
should never administer bicarbonate to a patient
1. A) The cathode should be cleaned and the with a pH of 7.52. The pH should be the
membrane should be changed. primary focus of acid-base treatment and not
2. B) II and IV only. This is proficiency simply the [BE], [HCO3], or PaCO2. Second,
testing for external quality control and helps one should never initiate treatment when acid-
evaluate accuracy not precision. base data are not internally consistent. Upon
3. B) Trending is a form of systematic error calling the laboratory, it was found that the
that may result from these conditions. [BE] was actually + 11 mEq/L and there was an
4. D) Precision error in the telephone report. Administration
5. C) CIABG. Measurement of tissue wall PO2 of bicarbonate to this patient was totally
may occur with these devices. inappropriate and could be life-threatening.
Recognition of lack of internal consistency
could have been life-saving.
ON-CALL CASE 5-2 ABGs and Critical
ON-CALL CASE 5-1 ABGs and Critical Thinking
Thinking Assessment
Assessment Abnormalities:
Abnormalities: SaO2
SaO2 pH
pH PaCO2
PaCO2 [HCO3]
[BE] [BE]
PaO2 PaO2
ABG classification: The blood gas cannot be ABG classification: Uncompensated respiratory
classified because it is not internally consistent. acidosis (acute ventilatory failure) with moder-
It is not possible to have a high pH (alkalemia) ate hypoxemia. (Note this blood gas would
when both a respiratory acidosis (increased have been classified as a partially compensated
PaCO2) and metabolic acidosis (decreased respiratory acidosis using the rules described in
[BE]) are present. There must be an error in the Chapter 2. See discussion, which follows under
data reported. It is noteworthy that this was a explanation.) Plasma bicarbonate is elevated
telephone report, which could have resulted in whereas the base excess of the blood (another
a miscommunication of data. metabolic index) is decreased.
Answers 471
Explanation: 7. Acidosis
The data are consistent with a drug overdose 8. Alkalosis
and acute respiratory acidosis. The hypoxemia 9. Normal
is likely a result of simple hypoventilation. The 10. Can
apparently conflicting messages regarding meta-
bolic status provided by the bicarbonate and EXERCISE 5-3 Calculation of
base excess simply represents flaws in these Expected pH
indices associated with hypercapnia. Again, the
bicarbonate level is elevated due to hydrolysis in In Hypocarbia: Expected pH = 7.40 + (40 mm
hypercapnia and the base excess of the blood is Hg PaCO2)0.01
decreased due to in vitroin vivo discrepancies. In Hypercarbia: Expected pH = 7.40 (PaCO2
These values are normal for acute respiratory aci- 40 mm Hg)0.006
dosis and do not represent renal compensation. 1. Expected pH = 7.40 (50 mm Hg
40 mm Hg)0.006
Evaluation: Expected pH = 7.40 0.06
A drug screen and history and physical exami- Expected pH = 7.34
nation are indicated. 2. Expected pH = 7.40 (60 mm Hg
40 mm Hg)0.006
Intervention Expected pH = 7.28
Importance: 3. Expected pH = 7.40 + (40 mm Hg
Immediate intervention might include a nar- PaCO2)0.01
cotic antagonist. If this was not effective, intu- Expected pH = 7.40 + (40 mm Hg
bation to ensure a patent and protected airway 25 mm Hg)0.01
and mechanical ventilation to restore normal Expected pH = 7.40 + 0.15
ventilation and acid-base balance would be Expected pH = 7.55
indicated. 4. Expected pH = 7.25
5. Expected pH = 7.60
6. Expected pH = 7.50
EXERCISES 7. Expected pH = 7.22
8. Expected pH = 7.31
EXERCISE 5-1 Gross Inconsistency 9. Expected pH = 7.58
1. I 10. Expected pH = 7.37
2. C
3. I EXERCISE 5-4 Indirect Metabolic
4. I Assessment
5. I Actual pH Expected pH Indirect Metabolic
6. C Relationship Status
7. C Actual pH = expected Normal metabolic
8. C pH 0.03 status
9. I Actual pH > expected Metabolic alkalosis
10. C pH + 0.03
Actual pH < expected Metabolic acidosis
EXERCISE 5-2 Principles of Indirect pH 0.03
Metabolic Assessment
Actual Expected Indirect
1. Can pH pH Metabolic
2. 0.10 Status
3. 0.06 1. 7.34 = 7.34 Normal metabolic
4. 7.60 status
5. 7.22 2. 7.30 = 7.28 + 0.02 Normal metabolic
6. Normal status
472 Answers
3. 26 mm Hg 4. 12.81 vol%
60 mm Hg 18.60 vol%
250 mm Hg 9.34 vol%
4. Large 5. 20 vol%
5. Small 6. 40 mm Hg
6. Association 75%
7. End 7. 5.0 vol%
8. 97%98% 8. Fick
9. 90% 9. Increases
10. Upper 10. 250 mL/min
EXERCISE 7-6 Cyanosis
EXERCISE 7-3 Oxyhemoglobin 1. Cyanosis
Affinity 2. Peripheral
1. P50 3. Mucous membranes
2. 26 mm Hg 4. 20% desaturated
3. PCO2 5. Average 5 g% desaturated Hb in
pH capillaries
Temperature 6. 2 g%
DPG 7. Anemia
4. Right 8. Polycythemia
Decreased 9. (100% 80% = 20% Hb desat in arterial
5. Bohr blood)
6. Detrimental (100% 60% = 40% Hb desat in venous
7. Unloading blood)
8. Decrease (20 g% 0.2) + (20 g% 0.4)/2
Increase (4 g%) + (8 g%)/2 = 6 g% Hb desat in
9. 7.40 capillaries
40 mm Hg Because the average amount of Hb desat
10. Men in the capillaries of this patient is more
than 5 g%, this patient appears cyanotic.
EXERCISE 7-4 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate 10. (100% 80% = 20% Hb desat in arterial
1. Decreases blood)
2. Abundant (100% 60% = 40% Hb desat in venous
3. Unloading blood)
4. Increase (10 g% 0.2) + (10 g% 0.4)/2
5. Infusion of stored blood (2 g%) + (4 g%)/2 = 3 g% Hb desat in
6. Possible capillaries
7. 24 hours Because the average amount of Hb desat
8. Decreased in the capillaries of this patient is less than
9. Sustained 5 g%, this patient does not appear cyanotic.
10. Acid-citrate dextrose
EXERCISE 7-7 O2 Transport/
EXERCISE 7-5 Oxygen Content HbCO/HbF
1. CaO2 1. 15 mL O2/min
2. 0.3 vol% 2. 1000 mL O2/min
0.18 vol% 3. 750.18 mL O2/min
1.2 vol% 499.95 mL O2/min
3. 19.095 vol% 418.02 mL O2/min
14.472 vol% 4. 245 times
10.72 vol% 5. Carboxyhemoglobin
478 Answers
6. HbCO is incapable of carrying O2. 4. B) A low cardiac output is the classic cause
HbCO shifts the oxyhemoglobin curve of an increased arteriovenous difference.
to the left. 5. E) Lipogenesis secondary to a high car-
7. 20 mm Hg bohydrate intake can result in an RQ as high
8. Greater as 1.3.
9. CO-oximeter
10. 80%
EXERCISE 7-8 Methemoglobinemia and
Sickle Cell Disease ON-CALL CASE 8-1 ABGs and Critical
1. Methemoglobin Thinking
2. Methemoglobinemia Assessment
3. Methemoglobinemia Abnormalities:
4. Methylene blue pH
5. Cyanosis PaCO2
6. HbF [HCO3]
7. Chest pain PaO2
Fever SaO2
Leukocytosis ABG classification: Mixed respiratory acido-
8. 85% sis and metabolic acidosis with moderate
9. metHb hypoxemia.
10. 10%
EXERCISE 7-9 Internal Respiration Regarding acid-base, the metabolic acidosis is
1. Decreased O2, decreased pH, increased likely due to the renal failure described. The
temperature, increased CO2 recent respiratory acidosis is most likely due to
2. 11 vol% in the heart the administration of bicarbonate to a patient
1 vol% in the skin with controlled ventilation. Bicarbonate will
3. Mitochondria produce CO2 via the hydrolysis reaction that is
4. 10% normally excreted; however, this patient can-
5. 0.8 not increase alveolar ventilation; therefore,
6. 1.0 PaCO2 rises. The worsening hypoxemia is
7. 10 probably secondary to the acute hypercapnia
8. Krebs cycle superimposed on the pulmonary shunting from
9. Lactic acid the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).
10. Central No additional data are needed to confirm
11. 1.3 the interpretation.
NBRC Challenge 7
1. D) CO-oximetry. It is likely the patient An increase in alveolar ventilation would nor-
has methemoglobinemia because it may malize the PaCO2. This would improve acid-
be observed following administration of base balance as well as oxygenation. This is
topical anesthetics and appears as abrupt probably best done by increasing the respira-
cyanosis. tory rate while avoiding dangerous lung pres-
2. B) Methylene blue I.V. sures in ARDS. If this could not be done
3. E) II, III, and IV only. Hypercapnia and without increasing lung pressures significantly,
acidemia could cause this due to a right shift an alternative would be permissive hypercap-
of the oxyhemoglobin curve. Alternatively, nia. However, in this case, FIO2 or positive
some forms of abnormal Hb species may end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) would have to
also have decreased affinity for oxygen. be used to increase oxygenation and more
Answers 479
Explanation: H+
Regarding acid-base balance, the mechanical 7. Direct, linear
deadspace did not increase PaCO2 as intended 8. PaCO2
but, in fact, PaCO2 decreased. Mechanical 9. Increase
deadspace is ineffective in the patient who sim- 10. Acidic
ply increases alveolar ventilation on their own
by either increasing rate or tidal volume. EXERCISE 8-3 CO2 Homeostasis
1. Metabolic
. rate
Intervention 2. VCO2
Importance: 3. Alveolar
. ventilation
The patient should have alveolar ventilation 4. VA
reduced. 5. Massive burns, sepsis
6. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
Objective: 7. Decreased
It would be desirable to get the pH below 7.50 8. Tidal volume.
and the PaCO2 above 30 mm Hg. 9. VT RR = V
10. Is not
Action: 11. PaCO
. 2
The patients tidal volume and/or rate should 12. VA = (VT VD) RR
be reduced in order to decrease alveolar venti- 13. Inversely
lation. Another alternative might be to sedate 14. Increase
the patient. 15. Decreases
ratio were greater than 2, the diagnosis would EXERCISE 10-2 Hazards and
be acute lung injury. Guidelines in Oxygen Therapy
1. 55
Evaluation: 2. 7.20
Additional data: Measurement of cardiac out- 3. 60
put and shunt fraction would reinforce the 4. FIO2
diagnosis because the patient apparently has a PaO2
Swan-Ganz catheter in place. Duration of exposure
5. 150 mm Hg
Intervention 6. Pulse oximetry
Importance: 7. Correction of hypoxia
The patient needs oxygen to prevent tissue 8. COPD
hypoxia, positive end-expiratory pressure to 9. 3
address the true shunting (1020 cm H2O), 10. CO2 narcosis
and, finally, the ventilatory failure would ide-
ally be corrected. EXERCISE 10-3 General Treatment
and Positioning in Oxygen-Loading
Objective: Problems
Ideally, we can restore this patient to a normal 1. Maintain an adequate PaO2
PaCO2 and ventilation. We can also ensure Minimize cardiopulmonary work
that oxygenation is adequate with a PaO2 of at Prevent or alleviate hypoxia
least 60 mm Hg, and SaO2 greater than 90%. 2. Oxygen therapy
It would also be desirable to normalize the Body positioning
pulmonary shunt, though we do not want to PEEP/CPAP
exacerbate VILI or MODS. Mechanical ventilation
Alveolar recruitment maneuvers
Action: Nitric oxide
The patient should be intubated and placed on 3. Cardiac output may change
mechanical ventilation using the ARDS/Net Effects of airway closure
approach. This would include using a tidal vol- Ventilation-perfusion relationships
ume goal of no more than 6 mL/kg ideal body 4. Supine
weight, a maximal alveolar pressure of 30 cm 5. Sitting
H2O, using permissive hypercapnia, if neces- 6. Sitting
sary, while maintaining a pH at least greater 7. Up
than 7.20. (Refer to the section in the chapter 8. Down
regarding ARDS/Net.) 9. Is not
10. Prone
Intervention EXERCISES
The most important priority is tissue oxygena- EXERCISE 11-1 Hypoxic Assessment
tion. 1. Arterial oxygenation
Blood Hemoglobin Concentration
Objective: Circulatory Status
The Pv-O2 must be returned to the normal 2. Hypoxia
range of 35 to 45 mm Hg. 3. Is not
4. Arterial oxygenation status
Action: 5. Usually
PEEP should be restored to the previous 6. Is not
level. 7. 60
8. Does not ensure
ON-CALL CASE 11-2 ABGs and Critical 9. 55
Thinking 10. Cardiovascular system
Abnormalities: EXERCISE 11-2 SaO2
pH 1. Is not
Normal PaCO2 2. Do not
[HCO3] 3. Functional
PaO2 4. Is not
SaO2 5. Fractional
Pv-O2 6. Fractional
Lactate 7. Functional
ABG classification: Uncompensated metabolic 8. Trending of
acidosis with mild hypoxemia. 9. Are not
10. 2
The patient appears to be hypoxic as indicated EXERCISE 11-3 Laboratory Diagnosis
by the lactic acidosis. Other indices of oxy- of Anemia
genation (PaO2, SaO2, Pv-O2) all look accept- 1. Normal [RBC] 5 million/mm3 ( 700,000)
able, but sepsis is often characterized by a in men
problem with internal respiration and systemic Normal [RBC] 4.5 million/mm3 ( 500,000)
arterial-venous shunting or failure of the cells in women
to accept oxygen. Normal [Hb] is 15 g% in men
Normal [Hb] is 13 to 14 g% in women
Intervention 2. Anemia
Importance: 3. Hematocrit
The immediate concern is to minimize the 4. Anisocytosis
apparent hypoxia and decrease the lactic 5. Macrocytosis
acidosis. 6. MCV
7. Poikilocytosis
Objective: 8. Reticulocytes
Because this patient may be suffering from 9. 34 2%
pathologic oxygen supply dependency (see 10. Hypochromia
section on Covert Hypoxia), it would prob-
ably be wise to increase oxygen transport EXERCISE 11-4 Types of Anemia and
to see if this would improve the patients Treatment
overall oxygenation status (i.e., decrease 1. Aplastic
lactate). 2. Iron deficiency
Answers 487
fluid and potassium replacement, dilute HCl EXERCISE 13-3 High Anion Gap
might be indicated for treatment of severe Metabolic Acidosis: Toxins and
alkalemia. Azotemic Renal Failure
1. Increase in fixed acids
2. Salicylate
EXERCISES 3. Methanol (wood alcohol)
4. Ethylene glycol
EXERCISE 13-1 Respiratory Acidosis 5. Toluene
1. Accumulation 6. Azotemic renal failure
2. COPD 7. BUN and creatinine
3. COPD 8. Prerenal
4. Should not 9. Uremia
5. Are 10. 4 mg/dL
6. Status asthmaticus
7. Vital capacity EXERCISE 13-4 High Anion Gap
8. Hypokalemia Metabolic Acidosis: Lactic Acidosis
9. Less and Ketoacidosis
10. Increases 1. Common
11. Quantity 2. Hepatic
12. An increased 3. Acetoacetic acid
13. Pickwickian Beta-hydroxybutyric acid
14. Ondines 4. Acetone
15. COPD 5. Ketone
O2 excess in COPD 6. Starvation
Drugs Alcoholic ketoacidosis
Extreme ventilation-perfusion mismatch Diabetes mellitus
Exhaustion 7. Acetest
Neuromuscular disorders 8. Mellitus, hyperglycemia
Iatrogenic respiratory acidosis 9. Insulin
Neurologic disorders 10. Hyperglycemia
Excessive CO2 production 11. Dehydration
(The acronym code nine may help when 12. 500 mg/dL
recalling these major causes.) 13. Kussmauls breathing
14. Glycosuria
EXERCISE 13-2 Respiratory Alkalosis 15. Toxins
1. Depleting Azotemic renal failure
2. Hypoxemia Lactic acidosis
3. Hering-Breuer Ketoacidosis
4. J-receptor (The acronym talk may help when recall-
5. Stimulate ing these major causes.)
6. Acidosis
7. Decreased EXERCISE 13-5 Normal Anion Gap
8. Respiratory alkalosis Metabolic Acidosis
9. Acidosis 1. Hyperchloremic
10. Hypoxemia (moderate to severe) 2. Kidneys
Overzealous mechanical ventilation Intestines
Restrictive lung disorders 3. Renal tubular acidosis (RTA)
Neurologic origin 4. High
Shock/Decreased cardiac output 5. Enteric
(The acronym horns may help when 6. Diarrhea
recalling these major causes.) 7. Acetazolamide
492 Answers
Intervention Intervention
Importance: Importance:
The foremost concern is to decrease the carbon The foremost concern is to restore arterial
dioxide to a safe level. PaCO2 to an acceptable level.
Objective: Objective:
Restore PaCO2 levels back to 25 to Restore PaCO2 levels back to 35 to 45 mm Hg.
30 mm Hg.
Action: Ensure ventilator circuit is intact and make
Ensure ventilator circuit is intact and necessary changes to restore ventilation.
make necessary changes to restore hyper-
ventilation. EXERCISES
ON-CALL CASE 15-2 ABGs and EXERCISE 15-1 Basic Principles of
Critical Thinking Oximetry
1. Arterial blood gas analysis
Abnormalities: 2. Measurement
PaO2 (mild hypoxemia) 3. Qualitative
Normal pH 4. Photoelectric effect
Normal PaCO2 5. Lambert-Beer
Normal [HCO3] 6. Optical density
PetCO2 7. Oximeter
ABG classification: Normal acid-base status 8. Spectrophotometer
with mild hypoxemia. 9. Isobestic
10. Same
Explanation: 11. Hemolyzed
The patient is being appropriately ventilated 12. Are not
via mechanical ventilation. The PaCO2 to 13. Oxyhemoglobin
PetCO2 gradient is slightly elevated (10 mm Hg). Desaturated hemoglobin
This could. be. due to a variety of reasons Carboxyhemoglobin
including V/Q mismatch or increased dead- Methemoglobin
space. The increase in arterial PaCO2 without 14. Fractional
a concurrent rise in PetCO2 is not uncommon 15. Hewlett-Packard
in mechanically ventilated patients. This could
reflect an increase in deadspace or a variety of EXERCISE 15-2 Pulse Oximetry
other things. Most importantly, the clinician 1. Pulse oximetry
must recognize that PetCO2, although stable 2. Plethysmograph
in this patient, does not adequately reflect 3. Pulse
PaCO2 in most mechanically ventilated 4. Diastole
patients and should not be relied on as an indi- 5. Accurate
cator of PaCO2. Assuming that PaCO2 was 6. 2
unchanged in this patient would have left 7. Red and infrared
the hypercarbic problem unidentified. When 8. Optical shunting
in doubt, an arterial blood gas measurement 9. Does not
should be obtained. 10. Dual oximetry
496 Answers
498 Illustration Credits
Figure 6-15, Modified from Lee, A. R., and Schumaker, Figure 7-19, From Hinshaw, H. C., and Murray, J. F.:
P. T.: Respiratory Physiology: Basics and Applications. Diseases of the Chest. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders,
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tion from Low, F. N.: Anat. Rec. 117:241, 1953,
Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Liss, Inc., a sub- Chapter 8
sidiary of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Figure 8-8, From Guyton, A. C.: Textbook of Medical
Physiology, 10th ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders,
Chapter 7 2000;
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Blood Oxygen Profiles in Critically Ill Patients, 16th Structure and Function in Man, 2nd ed. Philadelphia,
Annual Respiratory Care Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA, W.B. Saunders, 1970.
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Figure 7-4, From Henry, J. B.: Clinical Diagnosis and Chapter 10
Management by Laboratory Methods, 20th ed. Figure 10-6, Modified from Hinshaw, H. C., and
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Figure 12-7, From Guyton, A. C.: Textbook of Medical Limitations. New York, Plenum Press, 1986;
Physiology, 10th ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 2000; Figure 15-6, From Oxygen Transport Physiology
Figure 12-8, From McCance, K. L., and Heuther, S. E.: Slide Series. Hayward, CA, Nellcor Incorporated,
Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in 1987;
Adults and Children, 2nd ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1994; Figure 15-7, From Brown, M., and Vender, J. S.:
Figure 12-9, Modified from Guyton, A. C.: Basic Human Noninvasive oxygen monitoring. In Vender, J. S. (ed):
Physiology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1977; Critical Care Clinics: Intensive Care Monitoring, vol. 4.
Figure 12-10, Modified from Guyton, A. C.: Basic Human Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1988, p 495;
Physiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1977; Figure 15-8, From Ramage, J. E. Hemodynamic and gas
Figure 12-11, Modified from Guyton, A. C.: Basic Human exchange monitoring. In Hess, D. R., et al. (eds):
Physiology, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders. Respiratory Care: Principles and Practice. Philadelphia,
1977; W.B. Saunders, 2002;
500 Illustration Credits
Figure 15-9, Modified from materials courtesy Figure 15-17, From Scanlan, C. L.: Analysis and
Novametrix Medical Systems, Wallingford, CT; monitoring of gas exchange. In Scanlan, C. L., Wilkins,
Figure 15-10, From Oxygen Transport Physiology Slide R. L., and Stoller, J. K. (eds): Egans Fundamentals of
Series. Hayward, CA, Nellcor Incorporated, 1987; Respiratory Care, 7th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1999;
Figure 15-11, From Brown, M., and Vender, J. S.: Figure 15-18, From Capnography: A Quick Reference.
Noninvasive oxygen monitoring. In Vender, J. S. (ed): Hayward, CA, Nellcor Incorporated, 1988;
Critical Care Clinics: Intensive Care Monitoring, vol. 4. Figure 15-19, From Snyder, J. V., Elliot, J. L., and
Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1988; Grenvik, A.: Capnography. In Spence, A. A.: Clinics in
Figure 15-12, From Oxygen Transport Physiology Critical Care Medicine: Respiratory Monitoring in
Slide Series. Hayward, CA, Nellcor Incorporated, Intensive Care. Edinburgh, Churchill Livingstone, 1982;
1987; Figure 15-20, From Nuzzo, P. E., and Anton, W. R.:
Figure 15-13, From Masimo Corporation product litera- Practical applications of capnography. Respir. Ther.
ture, Irvine, CA; Nov/Dec:1217, 1986;
Figure 15-14, From, Brown, M., and Vender, J. S.: Figure 15-21, From Hess, D.: Capnometry and capnogra-
Noninvasive oxygen monitoring. In Vender, J. S. (ed): phy: Technical aspects, physiological aspects, and clin-
Intensive Care Monitoring, vol. 4. Philadelphia, W.B. ical applications. Respir. Care 35(6):563, June 1990;
Saunders. 1988; Figure 15-22, From Hess, D.: Capnometry and capnogra-
Figure 15-15, From Scanlon, C. L.: Analysis and monitor- phy: Technical aspects, physiological aspects, and clinical
ing of gas exchange. In Scanlan, C. L., Wilkins, R. L., applications. Respir. Care 35(6):564, June 1990;
and Stoller, J. K. (eds): Egans Fundamentals of Figure 15-23, From Ramage, J. E.: Hemodynamic and gas
Respiratory Care, 7th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 1999; exchange monitoring. In Hess, D. R., et al. (eds):
Figure 15-16, From Hicks, G. H.: Blood gas and acid-base Respiratory Care: Principles and Practice. Philadelphia,
measurement. In Dantzker, D. R., MacIntyre, N. R., W.B. Saunders, 2002;
and Bakow, E. D. (eds): Comprehensive Respiratory Figure 15-24, From Single Breath Carbon Dioxide (product
Care. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 1995; literature). Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc.
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; those followed by t indicate tables; and those followed by b indicate
boxed material.
502 Index
Bleeding disorders, arterial blood structure and function of, 8489, Blood pressure, arterial, 285286
collection with, 9 85f89f Blood transfusion(s)
Bleomycin terminology for, 8384, 84f for anemia, 280281
mechanical ventilation with, 258 Blood gas index(ices), 122126 metabolic alkalosis due to, 354
oxygen therapy with, 255 base excess of blood as, 124125 Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 346
Blood base excess of extracellular fluid Blood volume, 283284, 284f, 315
base excess of. See [BE]. as, 125126, 126t Blood-brain barrier, 309
oxygen loading into. buffer base as, 124 Blood-gas factor, 92, 101
See External respiration. plasma bicarbonate as, 122, 122b Body fluids, 314315, 314f, 315f
Blood buffers, 209210, 209b, 210f standard bicarbonate as, Body positioning, for hypoxemia
Blood conserving arterial line 122124, 123f and shunting, 264266
systems, 28 T40 standard bicarbonate as, 124 Body temperature and pressure
Blood gas classification, 3550 Blood gas interpretation, 3536 saturated (BTPS), blood gases
acid-base status in, 3646, Blood gas machine, sampling errors measured at, 65, 65f, 73, 74
37f, 37t due to temperature control Bohr effect, 174
metabolic, 3940, 40t in, 74 Bohr equation, Enghoff
respiratory, 3839, 38t Blood gas monitoring modification of, 151
alternative terminology for, 4850 continuous, 103106, 104f, 105f Bone marrow failure, anemia due
base excess [BE] assessment in, 42 vs. measurement techniques, to, 278
basic (primary) acid-base distur- 103106, 388 Bowmans capsule, 313, 313f
bance in, 3842, 38t, 40t, 41f noninvasive, 387415 Boyles law, 65
case studies on, 49b, 50b with capnometry, 406414, Brachial artery, blood collection
compensation assessment in, 407f412f, 412b, 415b from, 17f, 2122, 22f, 2425
4246, 44f, 45f, 45t invasive vs., 388 Bradycardia, 282
complete, 48 with oximetry, 388393, Breathing
efficiency of oxygen uptake 389f392f Cheyne-Stokes, 309, 309f
in, 48, 48t backscatter, 391392, 392f Kussmauls, 347
oxygenation status in, 4647, 46f, CO , 392 spontaneous
46t, 47f ear, 392393 respiratory acidosis with,
pH assessment in, 37, 37f, 37t pulse, 393403, 395f397f, 371372
systematic approach to, 36, 36b 400b, 401f respiratory alkalosis with, 373
temporal adjectives in, 4950, 49t transmission, 390391, 391f, Breathing pattern
ventilatory failure in, 4849 392f and alveolar ventilation, 202,
Blood gas electrodes, 8290 of transcutaneous PO2/PCO2, 202f
accuracy of, 8990, 89t 403406, 404f, 406b and deadspace, 151
basic principles of, 8283 Blood gas sampling errors, 6675, Bronchospasm, abnormal distribution
calibration of, 92 66b, 75t of ventilation due to, 146f
Clark, 8586, 86f due to air contamination, 6667, Brownian movement, 61
vs. continuous monitoring, 67f, 75t BTPS (body temperature and pressure
103106, 104f, 105f due to anticoagulant effects, saturated), blood gases
PCO2, 8889, 88f, 89f 6971, 70f, 70t, 75t measured at, 65, 65f,
pH, 8688, 87f due to dilution effects, 7071, 70f 73, 74
PO2, 8486, 85f, 86f due to icing, 7172 Buffer(s)
preventive maintenance for, 92 due to leukocyte larceny, 7273 blood, 209210, 209b, 210f
quality control for, 92103 due to metabolism effects, 7173, extracellular fluid, 209, 209b,
accuracy vs. precision in, 71t, 75t 210
9596, 95f, 96f due to plastic vs. glass syringes, interactions of, 210
control limits in, 94, 94f 7172 intracellular fluid, 209, 209b, 210
control materials in, 96103 due to temperature alterations, quantity of, 209
control samples in, 94 7374, 73f, 74t urinary, 322323, 322f, 323f
electrode drift in, 96 due to venous sampling or admix- Buffer base [BB], 124
error patterns in, 95, 95f ture, 6769, 68t, 69t, 75t Buffer solutions, 208
external, 9293 Blood gas values, target, 74 Buffer system(s), 206210
internal, 92 Blood loss, anemia due to, 280 effectiveness of, 209, 210f
Levey-Jennings control charts Blood oxygen compartment(s), open vs. closed, 209210, 210f
in, 9495, 94f, 96, 96f 165179 pK of, 209, 210f
statistics for, 93 combined oxygen as, 167176, Buffering reactions, 208
trouble-shooting in, 96, 97t101t 168f172f, 174b176b, 174f, BUN (blood urea nitrogen), 346
Westgard rules in, 96, 101t, 102f 176f Burns
Sanz, 88 dissolved oxygen as, 165167, case study on, 427429, 437
Severinghaus, 89, 89f 166f, 167f respiratory acidosis due to, 340
506 Index
Chemical equilibrium, 198 Cimetidine, for metabolic of oxygen therapy, 251b, 252b
Chemical reaction, reversible, 198 alkalosis, 377 of PEEP, 260263, 261f263f
Chemical stimuli, respiratory Circulatory shock, PaO2 and PvO2 of pulse oximetry, 400, 400b
alkalosis due to, 342 in, 293, 293f Compressive force, 142
Chemical system, closed, 198 Circulatory status, 281290 Conductor, 83
Chemoreceptors, in regulation of cardiac output in, 281 Congestive heart failure (CHF)
ventilation, 308312, 308f, hemodynamic monitoring of, body position effect on, 265
309f, 311t 285289, 286f, 288t, and COPD, case study on,
central, 308309, 309f 289f, 289t 429430, 438
interactions of, 310312, 311t shock in, 281285, 283f285f hemodynamic changes in, 287,
peripheral, 309310 Citrate, in blood gas sample, 69, 70t 289f
Cheyne-Stokes ventilation, 309, 309f Cl. See Chloride (Cl). pump effectiveness in, 282
CHF. See Congestive heart Clark electrode, structure and Congruity
failure (CHF). function of, 8586, 86f external, 118120
Children Clinical alveolar air equation, 233 laboratory to laboratory, 119120
arterial blood collection in, 12 Clinical Laboratory Improvement patient-laboratory, 120
capillary sampling in, 2930, 29b, Amendments (CLIA), 107 Conjugate acid-base pairs, 207
29f, 30t Closed chemical system, 198 Consistency, internal, 115118,
Chloride (Cl) Closing volume study, 147 116b, 116t118t
distribution of, 315f, 316t CO (carbon monoxide), 181182 Contact bridge, 88
in metabolic alkalosis, 378 CO (cardiac minute output), 147, 281 Continuous intra-arterial blood gases
Chloride replacement, 353 CO2. See Carbon dioxide (CO2). (CIABG), 104106, 104f, 105f
Chloride shift, in CO2 transport, Coagulation disorders, arterial Continuous monitoring, of blood
204, 204f blood collection with, 9 gases, 103106, 104f, 105f
Chronic airflow obstruction (CAO). Coefficient of variation (CV), 93 Continuous positive airway pressure
See Chronic obstructive COLD (chronic obstructive lung dis- (CPAP), 259, 259f, 260f
pulmonary disease (COPD). ease). See Chronic obstructive Control(s), 94
Chronic obstructive lung disease pulmonary disease (COPD). commercially prepared, 103
(COLD). See Chronic Collecting duct, 314 types of, 96103
obstructive pulmonary Collecting tubule, 313f Control charts, 9495, 94f, 96, 96f
disease (COPD). Colorimetric CO2 analysis, 408 Control limits, 94, 94f
Chronic obstructive pulmonary Colorimetry, 389 Control samples, 94
disease (COPD) Coma, due to sodium bicarbonate Controlled mechanical ventilation,
acid-base disturbance in, 362364 therapy, 375 259, 259f
acute exacerbation of, case study Combined acid-base disturbances. Conversion factors, for pressure
on, 425426, 435436 See Mixed acid-base units, 7, 7t
acute hypercapnia in, 363 disturbance(s). Cooleys anemia, 279
with lactic acidosis, 363364 Combined oxygen, 4, 167176 CO-oximetry, 4, 392
air travel with, 267 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in, for calculation of SaO2, 274
arterial blood collection with, 11 175176, 175b, 176b COPD. See Chronic obstructive
arterial blood gases in, 362 hemoglobin in, 167170, pulmonary disease (COPD).
body position and airway 168f, 169f Corrective treatment, 370
closure in, 265266 normal volume of, 176, 177b, 177f Coumadin (warfarin), arterial blood
and congestive heart failure, case oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve collection with, 9
study on, 429430, 438 for, 170175, 171f, 172f, Covert hypoxia, 295296, 295f
oxygen therapy for, 253254, 312 174b, 174f CPAP (continuous positive airway
long-term, 267 saturation of, 170, 170f pressure), 259, 259f, 260f
respiratory acidosis due to, 336 transport of, 180, 180b CPR. See Cardiopulmonary
oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve Compensation resuscitation (CPR).
in, 173 absence of, 368 Creatine kinase reaction, 291
relative hyperventilation in, 362 assessment of, 4246, 44f, 45f, 45t Creatinine, 346
with lactic acidosis, 362363 defined, 36, 42 Critical oxygen delivery point,
respiratory acidosis due to, excessive, 369 294295, 295f
335336 patterns of, 367368, 367t CSF. See Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
ventilation in, 311312, 311t terminology for, 217218 Curare cleft, 410, 411f
Chronic respiratory problem, therapeutic, 371 Current, 83
49, 49t Compliance, with PEEP, 261, 262 Cuvette oximeter, 392
CI (cardiac index), 281, 288t Complications CV (coefficient of variation), 93
CIABG (continuous intra-arterial of arterial cannulation, 2526 CvO2, 154, 292t
blood gases), 104106, 104f, of arterial puncture, 6, 1718, CVP (central venous pressure),
105f 24b, 25b, 30t 286, 287, 288t
508 Index
Equilibration (Continued) gravity dependence of, 139, 139f origin of, 205206
and diffusion, 156159, 157f, 158f normal distribution of, regulation of, 205
incomplete, 158 139141, 139f141f, 144f Fixed performance systems, for
Error(s) Wests zone model of, 139141, oxygen therapy, 248, 249f
analytical, 9192 140f, 141f Flashing pulsation, during arterial
nonanalytical, 91 with positive-pressure blood collection, 24
postanalytical, 91 ventilation, 146 Flow resistors, 259260
preanalytical, 91 shunting in, 150f, 152155, 153f, Fluid compartments, 314315,
random, 95, 102f 154f, 155t 314f, 315f
sampling. See Sampling errors. tidal volume in, 142, 143f Fluid overload, due to sodium
systematic, 95, 102f ventilation in, 138f, 139 bicarbonate therapy,
Error patterns, 95, 95f abnormal distribution of, 375376
ERV (expiratory reserve volume), 145147, 146f Fluid volume replacement, for
142f normal distribution of, metabolic alkalosis, 378
Erythrocytes. See Red blood cell(s) 141143, 142f, 143f Fluid-gas difference, 92
(RBCs). ventilation-perfusion matching in, Fluorescence optodes, 104105, 105f
Erythropoietin, 169170 138f, 139, 147149, Folic acid deficiency, 279280
Ethacrynic acid (Edecrin), 321 148f150f, 149t Formed elements, 276
Ethylene glycol, metabolic acidosis Extracellular fluid, 314f, 315, 315f Fraction of inspired oxygen.
due to, 345 base excess of, 125126, 126t See FIO2 .
Eucapnia, defined, 350 Extracellular fluid buffers, 209, Fractional concentration (F), 62, 62f
Eucapnic ventilation 209b, 210 Fractional SaO2, 274, 275, 392, 402
posthypercapnia, metabolic Extracellular volume contraction, 316 Froth, in blood gas sample, 67
alkalosis due to, 355 Extravascular fluid, 315 Functional residual capacity (FRC)
posthypocapnia, metabolic Extrinsic factor, 279 abnormal
acidosis due to, 350 abnormal distribution of
Ex vivo blood gas systems, 106 F ventilation due to, 146,
Exercise, arterial blood collection F (fractional concentration), 62, 62f 146f, 147
with, 11 Femoral artery, blood collection and airway closure, 147
Exhaled minute ventilation (VE), from, 17f, 22, 23f defined, 141, 142f
152, 201 Femoral nerve, 23f gas distribution at, 141142,
Exhaustion, respiratory acidosis Femoral vein, 23f 142f, 143f
due to, 337 Fetal hemoglobin (HbF, FHb), 183 with PEEP, 262
Expiratory positive airway pressure pulse oximetry with, 398 regional variation in, 141
(EPAP), 259 in sickle cell disease, 280 Functional saturation, 274, 392, 402
Expiratory reserve volume Fever, respiratory acidosis due to, 340
(ERV), 142f Fick equation, 178, 179b G
Expired ventilation (VE), 152, 201 FIO2, 63 Gas(es)
External congruity, 118120 for carbon monoxide altitude effect on, 66, 66t
External quality assessment poisoning, 182 basic physics of, 6166
scheme, 93 normal, 63 fractional concentration of, 62, 62f
External quality control, 9293 in oxygen therapy in liquids, 6566, 66f
External respiration, 138159, 166f for COPD, 253 molecular behavior of, 6162
with airway closure, 146147 high, 251b, 255 pressure of, 61
and alveolar and atmospheric PO2 in low-flow system, partial, 6263, 63f
and PCO2, 64 249250, 250t as quality control materials, 101
in cellular oxygenation, 136, 137f and PaO2 symbols for, 63
with compensatory incongruity of, 120 temperature, pressure, and
disturbances, 147 normal relationship of, 48, 48t volume of, 65, 65f
criteria for, 138139, 138f in shunting, 155, 234, 235 Gas distribution, at function
deadspace in, 149152, 150f, 152t and P(Aa)O2, 234 residual capacity, 141142,
defined, 136 in shunting, 155, 232, 234, 235 142f, 143f
diffusion in, 138f, 139, 156159, Fistula(s) Gas laws, 65, 65f
157f, 158f biliary or pancreatic, metabolic Gas Stat instrument, 105
functional residual capacity in acidosis due to, 349350 Gas transport, 136
abnormal, 146 defined, 349 Gastric fluid loss, metabolic
gas distribution at, 141142, Fixed acids alkalosis due to, 353, 353f
142f, 143f defined, 198 Gastric tonometry, 297
perfusion in excretion of, 206, 322323, 322f, Gastrointestinal disturbance, case
abnormal distribution of, 323f study on, 420, 433
143145, 144f, 145f metabolism of, 205206, 205t Gaussian distribution, 56, 5f
510 Index
Gauze, for arterial blood ratio to dissolved CO2 of, carbamino-, 204205
collection, 16 211, 212f carboxy- (HbCO), 181182, 182f
Gay-Lussacs law, 65, 65f regulation of, 206, 321 pulse oximetry with, 398, 402
Globin, 167, 168, 168f units of measurement for, 6 SaO2 and, 275276, 392
Glomerular filtrate, 313 HCO3 (bicarbonate) smoke inhalation and, 291
Glomerular filtration, 314 actual, 39, 122 desaturated, 170, 178179, 179b
Glomerulus, 313, 313f distribution of, 315f, 316t and erythrocytes, 168170, 169f
Glucocorticoids, metabolic alkalosis for metabolic acidosis, 374376 fetal (HbF, FHb), 183
due to, 322, 355 alternatives to, 376377 pulse oximetry with, 398
Glycolysis, 290 metabolic alkalosis due to, 354 in sickle cell disease, 280
anaerobic, 188 plasma concentration of. inadequate synthesis of, 278279
Glycosuria, 347 See [HCO3]. met- (metHb), 183184, 184f
Glycyrrhizic acid, metabolic alkalosis standard, 122124, 123f functional saturation with, 392
due to, 352353 T40, 124 maintenance of adequate SaO2
Grahams law, 156 HCO3 (bicarbonate) buffer system, with, 276
Gravity, and hypoxemia, 265266 210, 210f pulse oximetry with, 398, 402
Gravity dependence HCO3 (bicarbonate) overcorrection oxy- (Hb-O2).
of perfusion, 139, 139f alkalosis, 375 See Oxyhemoglobin.
of ventilation, 146147 Hct. See Hematocrit (Hct). oxygen carrying capacity of, 176
Guillain-Barr syndrome, respiratory Heart attack, pump effectiveness reduced, 170
acidosis due to, 337, 337f in, 282 saturated, 170, 170f
Heart failure, congestive. See structure of, 167168, 168f, 169f
H Congestive heart failure sulf-, 184, 392
[H+], 196197 (CHF). variant forms of, 182186, 183f
clinical significance of, 196 Heart rate pulse oximetry with, 398
description of, 196197 and cardiac output, 282 Hemoglobin A (HbA), 167, 182,
dissociation of, 207208, normal, 282 183f
207f, 208t Hematocrit (Hct) Hemoglobin buffer system, 209, 210f
and oxyhemoglobin affinity, 174, defined, 276 Hemoglobin H (HbH), 183
174b, 174f ideal, 281 Hemoglobin (Hb) Kansas, 183, 183f
pH and, 118, 118t, 197 normal, 276 Hemoglobin M (HbM), 184
H+ excretion, 322323, 322f, 323f and oxygen transport, 180f, 181, Hemoglobin (Hb) Rainier, 183, 183f
sodium reabsorption via, 276, 276f Hemoglobin S (HbS), 184186, 185f
318319, 318f Hematoma, due to arterial Hemoglobin (Hb) Seattle, 183f
Haldane effect, 174, 205, 312 puncture, 18 Hemolysis
Half-cells, 8384, 84f Hematuria, 314 anemia due to, 280
reference, 84, 84f Heme group, 167, 168, 168f, 169f in oximetry, 391
working (measuring), 84, 84f Hemodialysis, hypoventilation Hemolytic anemia, 280
Hamburger phenomenon, 204, 204f due to, 237 Hemophilia, arterial blood
Handwashing, 10 Hemodynamic monitoring, 285289 collection with, 9
Hb. See Hemoglobin (Hb). of arterial blood pressure, Hemorrhage, due to arterial
[Hb] (blood hemoglobin 285286 puncture, 18
concentration), 276281, of central venous pressure, 286 Hemorrhagic shock, 283284, 284f,
276f278f, 278t, 279b, 279t of pulmonary artery pressure, 287, 288t
Hb-O2. See Oxyhemoglobin. 286287, 286f Hemoximetry, AARC guidelines
HCl (hydrochloric acid) of pulmonary wedge pressure, 287 on, 30t
production of, 353, 353f using pulmonary artery catheter, Henderson equation, 211
for severe metabolic alkalemia, 287289, 288t, 289f, 289t modified, 117118, 118t, 211
378 Hemodynamics Henderson-Hasselbalch equation,
H2CO3. See Carbonic acid (H2CO3). defined, 285 210214
[HCO3] (plasma concentration of effects on pulse amplitude of, clinical applications of, 212214,
bicarbonate) 396, 396f 214f217f
as acid-base index, 45, 122 Hemoglobin (Hb), 167170 development of, 210211
calculated, 119 abnormalities of, 181186 numeric calculations with,
classification of, 3940, 40t SpO2 and, 275 211212, 212f
in CO2 transport, 203 absorption spectrum of, 389, Henrys law, 6566, 66f
normal values for, 4t, 6, 211 389f, 391, 391f Heparin
PCO2 and, 122124, 122b, 123f, acid (HHb), 209, 210f for arterial blood collection,
212 and [BB], 124 9, 1315
pH and, 40, 40t blood concentration of, 276281, with arterial cannulation, 26, 26f
prediction of, 117, 118t 276f278f, 278t, 279b, 279t dry balanced, 75
Index 511
Hypoxemia (Continued) hypoxemic, prevention of, 273274 Intracellular fluid, 314, 314f, 315f
in nonoxygen-sensitive local vs. diffuse, 138 Intracellular fluid buffers,
patients, 250253 in septic shock, 293294, 294f 209, 209b, 210
in oxygen-sensitive tissue, 138 Intracranial pressure (ICP),
patients, 253 Hypoxic potential, 47, 47f hyperventilation to
in preterms and lower, 373
neonates, 252b I Intra-individual variation, 92
with progressive IC (inspiratory capacity), 142f Intrapleural pressure (Ppl), 141, 143f
hypercapnia, 253254 Icing Intravascular fluid, 315
in spontaneously breathing of arterial blood sample, 15 Intrinsic factor, 279
patient, 250254 sampling error due to, 7172 Intubation, verification of, PetCO2
palliative, 246247, 247b effect on electrolyte for, 413
PEEP for, 258264 measurements of, 76 IRDS (idiopathic respiratory distress
auto, 263264, 264f ICP (intracranial pressure), hyper- syndrome), PEEP for, 260
clinical approach to, 263 ventilation to lower, 373 Iron deficiency anemia, 277f,
complications of, 260263, Ideal unit, 148, 149, 149t, 150f 278279
261f263f Idiopathic respiratory distress IRV (inspiratory reserve volume),
definition and waveforms of, syndrome (IRDS), PEEP for, 142f
258259, 259f 260 Isobestic point, 391, 391f
equipment systems for, in control, 94, 94f
259260, 260f Incongruity J
indications for, 260 FIO2-PaO2, 120 Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease,
mechanism of effectiveness SaO2-SpO2, 120 transmission via blood
of, 260, 261f Indirect calorimeter, 189 contact of, 10
overview of, 258 Indirect metabolic assessment, Juxtapulmonary capillary receptors
Hypoxemic hypoxia, prevention of, 116117, 116b, 116t, 117t (J receptors), 312313, 342
273274 Infants
Hypoxia arterial blood collection in, K
anemia and, 280 12, 17, 17f K+. See Potassium (K+).
assessment of, 272297 capillary sampling in, 2930, 29b, [K+], plasma, 323324, 324f
key indicator(s) in, 273, 273b, 29f, 30t KCl (potassium chloride), for
290297 methemoglobinemia in, 184 metabolic alkalosis, 377
gastric tonometry as, 297 Infection(s) Ketoacid(s), 205t, 347
lactate as, 290291, 346347 due to arterial blood collection, Ketoacidosis, 347
mixed venous oxygenation 910 alcoholic, 347
indices as, 291294, due to arterial cannulation, 26 diabetic, 347
292f294f, 292t respiratory alkalosis due to, 342 Ketone bodies, 347
oxygen uptake and utilization Inflation reflex, 312 Ketosis, 347
as, 294296, 295f Infrared absorption capnometers, Kidney(s)
vital organ function as, 297 407408, 407f acid excretion by, 197, 198
oxygen supply variable(s) in, Inspiratory capacity (IC), 142f in acid-base balance,
272, 273290, 273b Inspiratory reserve volume 205206, 205t
arterial oxygenation as, (IRV), 142f in acid-base compensation, 213
273276 Inspired oxygen, fraction of. sodium regulation in, 317322,
blood hemoglobin See FIO2. 318f320f, 320t
concentration as, 276281, Intercapillary distance, and cellular Kidney function, 313314, 313f
276f278f, 278t, 279b, oxygen supply, 187, 187f Kilopascal (kPa), 7, 7t
279t Inter-individual biologic variation, 92 Kilowatt (kW), 83
cardiac output as, 281 Internal consistency, 115118, 116b, Kinetic energy, of gas molecules, 61
circulatory status as, 281290 116t118t Kussmauls breathing, 347
hemodynamic monitoring Internal quality control, 92
as, 285289, 286f, 288t, Internal respiration, 136, 137f, L
289f, 289t 166f, 186189, 187f Laboratory accreditation, 107
PaO2 as, 273 International Conference on Laboratory acidosis, 213
SaO2 as, 274276 Acid-Base Terminology, Laboratory alkalosis, 212213
shock as, 281285, 83f285f 217218 Laboratory to laboratory congruity,
causes of, 188189 International System of Units (SI), 7 119120
covert (occult), 295296, 295f Interstitial fluid, 315, 315f Lactate, as indicator of hypoxia,
defined, 47, 138 Interstitial volume, 314f 290291, 346347
histotoxic, 188189 Intra-arterial blood gases, continuous, Lactate/pyruvate (L/P) ratio, 291
hypoxemia and, 47, 47t, 138 104106, 104f, 105f Lactic acid, 290
Index 513
Metabolic alkalosis (Continued) Methylene blue, for methemoglo- Multiple organ dysfunction
due to bicarbonate binemia, 184 syndrome (MODS), 257, 296
administration, 354 Mg+ (magnesium), 315f, 316t, 317 Myasthenia gravis, respiratory
due to blood transfusions, 354 MH (malignant hyperthermia), acidosis due to, 338, 338f
causes of, 351355, 351b, 351f respiratory acidosis due to, Myocardial infarction, pump
chloride for, 378 339340 effectiveness in, 282
cimetidine or ranitidine for, 377 Microcytes, 279t
compensation for, 214, 217f, 218, Microcytosis, 277, 277f N
367t, 368 Milk-alkali syndrome, 352 Na+. See Sodium (Na+).
complete, 4445, 44f, 45f Mineralocorticoid excess, 322 NaCl. See Sodium chloride (NaCl).
partial, 43, 44 Miniature electrode systems, 104 NaHCO3. See Sodium bicarbonate
defined, 40, 40t Minute ventilation, 201 (NaHCO3).
due to diuretics, 321, 354 alveolar vs., 201203, 201t, 202f Nail polish, pulse oximetry with, 398
due to eucapnic ventilation exhaled, 201 Narcotic(s), respiratory acidosis
posthypercapnia, 355 Mitral valve replacement, case study due to, 336
fluid volume replacement for, 378 on, 426427, 436 Narcotic overdose, case study on,
due to gastric fluid loss, 353, 353f Mixed acid-base disturbance(s), 419420, 432
due to glucocorticoids, 322 364369 Nasal cannulas, 249250, 249f,
hydrochloric acid for, 378 alerts to, 368369, 368b 250t, 251b, 252b
due to hyperaldosteronism, 321 common settings of, 369, 369b Nasogastric suction, case study on,
hypochloremic, 324 due to compensatory patterns, 422423, 434
due to hypokalemia, 352, 377 367368, 367t National Institute of Standards
identification of, 41f, 42 defined, 40, 364365 and Technology (NIST)
due to inadequate renal example of, 41 certification, 92
perfusion, 354 with excessive compensation, Needle(s)
due to licorice, 322, 352353 369 for arterial blood collection, 12,
with mechanical ventilation, 379 in long-standing pulmonary or 13f, 14f
mild-to-moderate, 377378 renal disease, 368369 safety with, 10, 13, 14f, 15b, 24
physiologic response to, 351 partially compensated, 43 Neon, in atmospheric and alveolar
potassium for, 377378 recognition of, 365369, air, 63t
due to secondary hyper- 365f, 366f Neonates
aldosteronism, 353354 with respiratory assistance, 369 arterial blood collection in,
severe, 378379 temporal inconsistencies in, 369 12, 17, 17f
due to steroids, 355 uncompensated, 43, 368 capillary sampling in, 2930, 29b,
treatment for, 377379 Mixed venous blood, 6869, 69t, 29f, 30t
uncompensated, 43 291292, 292t dilution effect of heparin in, 71
Metabolic alkalosishypokalemia Mixed venous carbon dioxide idiopathic respiratory distress
syndrome, 353 partial pressure (Pv CO2), 7, syndrome in, PEEP for, 260
Metabolic assessment, indirect, 292t oxygen therapy in, 252b
116117, 116b, 116t, 117t Mixed venous gases, continuous Nephron, 313314, 313f
Metabolic cart, 189 monitoring of, 106 Neurogenic shock, 284, 288t
Metabolic disturbance(s), 39 Mixed venous oxygen content, 154, Neurologic disorders
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 176178, 178b respiratory acidosis due to, 339
with, 212213, 216f, 217f Mixed venous oxygen partial respiratory alkalosis due to,
Metabolic indices, 45, 4t pressure. See PvO2. 342343
Metabolism Mixed venous oxygen saturation Neurologic response, to respiratory
blood gas sampling errors (Sv O2), 292, 292f, 292t alkalosis, 340
due to, 7173, 71t, 75t Mixed venous oxygenation indices, Neuromuscular blocking agents,
qualitative effects of, 71 291294, 292f294f, 292t respiratory acidosis due to,
quantitative effects of, 71, 71t mm Hg, 67, 7t 336
Methanol, metabolic acidosis due MODS (multiple organ dysfunction Neuromuscular disease, respiratory
to, 345 syndrome), 257, 296 acidosis due to, 337338,
Methemoglobin (metHb), 183184 Molar extinction coefficient, 390 337f, 338f
functional saturation with, 392 Molecular size, and speed of Neuromuscular junction, in
maintenance of adequate SaO2 diffusion, 156 myasthenia gravis, 338, 338f
with, 276 Monitoring, blood gas. See Blood Newborns. See Neonates.
pulse oximetry with, 184, 184f, gas monitoring. NIST (National Institute of
398, 402 Morphine, respiratory acidosis due Standards and Technology)
Methemoglobinemia, 183184, 398 to, 336 certification, 92
Methyl salicylate, metabolic acidosis Motion artifact, in pulse oximetry, Nitric oxide, for hypoxemia and
due to, 344 399400 shunting, 266
Index 515
Nitrogen, in atmospheric and alveolar Optical probe, low noise, 401, 401f two wavelength methodology
air, 63t Optical shunting, with pulse for, 396397, 397f
Nitroglycerin, methemoglobinemia oximetry, 399 usefulness of, 401402
due to, 183 Optodes, 104105, 104f, 105f and ventilation, 403
Nocturnal Oxygen Therapy Trial Oxalate, in blood gas sample, 69, 70t transmission, 390391, 391f, 392f
(NOTT), 267 Oxidative phosphorylation, aerobic Oxygen (O2)
Nomogram, for calculation of metabolism via, 188, 189f in atmospheric and alveolar air, 63t
SaO2 , 274 Oximeter(s), 388, 390 combined, 4, 167176
Nonanalytical error, 91 Oximetry, 388393, 389f392f 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in,
Non-electrolytes, 315 backscatter (reflection), 391392, 175176, 175b, 176b
Noninvasive blood gas monitoring, 392f hemoglobin in, 167170, 168f,
387415 for calculation of SaO2, 274275 169f
with capnometry, 406414, CO , 4, 392 normal volume of, 176, 177b,
407f412f, 412b, 415b for calculation of SaO2, 274 177f
invasive vs., 388 defined, 390 oxyhemoglobin dissociation
with oximetry, 388393, 389f392f ear, 392393 curve for, 170175, 171f,
backscatter, 391392, 392f historical development of, 388 172f, 174b, 174f
CO , 392 pulse, 393403 saturation of, 170, 170f
ear, 392393 accuracy of, 397398, 402403 transport of, 180, 180b
pulse, 393403, 395f397f, and acid-base balance, 403 complete equilibration of, 157
400b, 401f advances in technology for, dissolved, 4, 165167, 166f, 167f
transmission, 390391, 391f, 401, 401f normal volume of, 176, 176b,
392f advantages of, 393 177f
of transcutaneous PO2 /PCO2, ambient light with, 399 transport of, 179180, 180b
403406, 404f, 406b vs. arterial blood gas distribution in blood of, 176, 177f
Noninvasive pressure support sampling, 34 fraction of inspired. See FIO2.
ventilation, for respiratory for calculation of SaO2, hyperbaric, for carbon
acidosis, 372 274275 monoxide poisoning, 182
Non-rebreathing mask, 249, 249f, conventional underlying partial pressure of. See PO2.
251b technologies of, 394 in alveoli, 155, 234235
Non-respiratory indices, 45, 4t as cross-check of arterial vs. in arterial blood. See PaO2.
Normal distribution, 56, 5f venous sample, 68 inhaled. See PIO2.
Normal range, 93 with decreased perfusion, 399 in venous blood. See PvO2.
Normoblasts, 278, 279t, 280 with dyes and pigments, Oxygen administration devices,
Normochromia, 278 398399 248250, 248f, 249f, 250t
Normoxemia, 46, 46t false alarms in, 400 Oxygen carrying capacity, of
NOTT (Nocturnal Oxygen general application of, 401403 hemoglobin, 176
Therapy Trial), 267 hazards and complications of, Oxygen content, 176179
Nutrition, total parenteral, respira- 400, 400b of arterial blood, 154, 176, 176b,
tory acidosis due to, 339, with hemoglobin variants, 398 177b, 177f
340 historical development of, 394 of ideal capillary blood, 154
with hyperbilirubinemia, of mixed venous blood, 154,
O 398399 176178, 178b
O2 . See Oxygen (O2). indications for, 400b Oxygen content difference,
Obese patients, body position and with methemoglobinemia, 184, arteriovenous, 178, 178b,
airway closure in, 265 184f 179b
Ohm, 83 for monitoring, 393394 Oxygen delivery. See Oxygen
Ohms law, 83 motion artifact in, 399400 transport.
Oil of wintergreen, metabolic with nail polish, 398 Oxygen delivery point, critical,
acidosis due to, 344 optical interference with, 399 294295, 295f
Oliguria, 314 overview of, 393394 Oxygen extraction, variable, 188,
On-demand blood gas systems, 106 and oxygen saturation, 120, 188t
Ondines curse, respiratory acidosis 396, 397, 397f Oxygen free radicals, 255
due to, 339 photoelectric plethysmography Oxygen hoods, 252b
100% O2 test, 237 in, 394397, 394f397f Oxygen loading, into blood.
Open lung approach, 257 sites for, 395, 395f See External respiration.
Optical cross talk, with pulse technical limitations of, Oxygen masks, 249, 249f, 250t,
oximetry, 399 397400, 400b 251b, 252b
Optical density, 390 temperature effect on, 400 Oxygen saturation. See SaO2.
Optical interference, with pulse transcutaneous PO2 vs., Oxygen supply, cellular, 186188,
oximetry, 399 405406 187f
516 Index
Oxygen supply dependency hematocrit and, 180f, 181, 276, normal values for, 233
pathological, 295296 276f and physiologic shunt, 233234
physiologic, 294 oxyhemoglobin curve and, PaCO2
Oxygen tension. See PO2. 174175, 175f classification of, 3839, 38t
arterial. See PaO2. quantitative, 179181, 180b, 180f in COPD, 253254, 311312, 311t
venous. See PvO2. total, 180, 180b effect of increasing shunting on,
Oxygen therapy Oxygen unloading, 137f 154f, 155
AARC clinical practice guidelines Oxygen uptake effect of metabolism on, 71, 71t
for, 250, 251b, 252b in covert hypoxia, 295296, 295f and [HCO3], 123124, 123f, 212
administration devices for, efficiency of, 48, 48t heparin effect on, 70, 70f
248250, 248f, 249f, 250t, in multiple organ dysfunction in hypoxemia, 311
251b, 252b syndrome, 296 in iced samples, 72
arterial blood collection with, normal, 294295 normal values for, 4t, 6
1112 vasodilator effects on, 296 and oxygenation ratio, 235
clinical approach to, 250254, Oxygen utilization, cellular, PetCO2 as indicator of, 410412,
251b, 252b 188189, 188t, 189f 412b
complications of, 251b, 252b Oxygenation pH and, 39, 40t
for COPD, 253254, 312 arterial, indicators of, 4, 273276 acute relationship of, 116, 116t
FIO2 levels in, 253 cellular (tissue), 135 as pulmonary shunting index, 231
long-term, 267 cardiopulmonary interaction in, units of measurement for, 67
respiratory acidosis due to, 136138 and ventilation, 310, 311
336 steps in, 136, 137f total expired, 152
excessive, 254255 indicators of, 4 as ventilation index, 4, 203
FIO2 levels in normal values for, 4t, 6 in ventilatory failure, 4849
in COPD, 253 Oxygenation disturbance, case study P(aet)CO2, 152
high, 251b, 255 on, 423424, 434 Pagophagia, 279
in low-flow system, 249250, Oxygenation ratio, 48, 48t, 235 Pain, of arterial puncture, 11, 16
250t Oxygenation status, 4647, 46f, Palliative therapy
goals in, 250, 251b, 252b 46t, 47f for acid-base disturbances, 370371
high PaO2 levels in, 255 Oxyhemoglobin, 167, 170 for hypoxemia and shunting,
high-flow (fixed performance) Oxyhemoglobin affinity, 173174, 246247, 247b
systems for, 248, 248f 174b, 174f PAlv, 141, 143f
hyperoxemia due to, 46, 46f factors that alter, 174, 174b, 174f Pancreatic fistulas, metabolic
for hypoxemia and shunting, Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve, acidosis due to, 349350
247255 170175, 171f PAO2, 155, 234235
indications for, 251b, 252b association/dissociation PaO2
long-term, 267 portions of, 173 aging effect on, 6, 47
low-flow (variable performance) as bar graph, 170172, 172f air contamination effect on,
systems for, 249250, 249f, in chronic obstructive pulmonary 6667, 67f
250t disease, 173 altitude effect on, 6
for respiratory acidosis, 371372 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and, 174, body position effect on, 265
mechanisms of effectiveness of, 174b, 174f, 175 cardiac output and, 228231,
247248, 248f key landmarks on, 170, 171f 229f, 230f
monitoring of, 251b and SAO2SpO2 incongruity, 120 classification of, 4647, 46f, 46t
in nonoxygen-sensitive patients, shifts of, 174, 174b, 174f continuous monitoring of, 106
250253 with carboxyhemoglobin, in COPD, 253, 311312, 311t
in oxygen-sensitive patients, 253 181182, 182f FIO2 and
PaO2/PAO2 as guide to, 234 clinical effects of, 174175, 175f incongruity of, 120
in preterms and neonates, 252b significance of PO2 changes on, normal relationship of, 48, 48t
with progressive hypercapnia, 172173, 172f in shunting, 155, 234, 235
253254 as two straight lines, 170, 171f heparin effect on, 70
for respiratory acidosis, high, 255
371372 P in iced samples, 72
in spontaneously breathing P. See Partial pressure (P). as indicator of hypoxia, 273274
patient, 250254 P50, 171f, 173174 leukocyte count and, 7273
Oxygen toxicity, 255 Pa (pascal), 7 low, 253
Oxygen transfer, percentage of P(Aa)O2, 155 with mechanical ventilation, 258
successful, 234 with aging, 233 metabolism effect on, 71, 71t
Oxygen transport, 137f, 166f calculation of, 233 normal values for, 4t, 6
combined, 180, 180b FIO2 and, 234 with oxygen therapy, 250, 255
dissolved, 179180, 180b limitations of, 234 long-term, 267
Index 517
Septic shock, 284, 285f, 288t mechanisms of, 152 positive end-expiratory pressure
PaO2 and PvO2 in, 293294, 294f normal, with decreased cardiac for, 258264
Septicemia, transmission via blood output, 229, 229f auto, 263264, 264f
contact of, 10 PaO2 as index of, 231 clinical approach to, 263
Serum, 315 physiologic, 154155 complications of, 260263,
SET (signal extraction technology), assessment of, 155, 232236 261f263f
396, 401, 401f classic shunt equation for, definition and waveforms of,
Severinghaus electrode, 89, 89f 154, 232 258259, 259f
Shifting, 95, 95f clinical significance of, equipment systems for,
Shock, 281285 154155, 154f 259260, 260f
anaphylactic, 284285 components of, 150f indications for, 260
due to blood volume, defined, 154, 232 mechanism of effectiveness
283284, 284f estimated shunt equations for, of, 260, 261f
cardiogenic, 282283, 283f, 287, 232233 overview of, 258
288t indices of, 232236, 232b SI (International System of Units), 7
circulatory, PaO2 and PvO2 in, measurement of, 154 Sickle cell(s), 279t
293, 293f normal values for, 154 Sickle cell anemia, 184186,
clinical symptoms of, 282 relative, 149t, 150f 185f, 280
due to congestive heart failure, 282 hypoxemia due to, 238, 239t Sickle cell crisis, 185
defined, 281 oxygen therapy for, 247, 248f Sickle cell trait, 186
etiology of, 282285 treatment of, 246267 SID (strong ion difference), 326327
hypovolemic (hemorrhagic), for acute vs. chronic disease, 247 Sidestream analyzers, 408, 408f,
283284, 284f, 287, 288t body positioning for, 264266 409, 410f
neurogenic, 284, 288t mechanical ventilation for, Signal extraction technology (SET),
pathogenesis of, 281282 256258, 256b 396, 401, 401f
psychogenic, 284 nitric oxide for, 266 Silent unit, 149t, 153, 153f
due to pump effectiveness, objectives in, 246 Skin, anatomy of, 403, 404f
282283, 283f options for, 247, 247b Skin pigmentation, and pulse
respiratory alkalosis due to, 343 oxygen therapy for, 247255 oximetry, 398
septic (hyperdynamic), 284, AARC clinical practice guide- Sleep apnea, central, respiratory
285f, 288t lines for, 250, 251b, 252b acidosis due to, 339
PaO2 and PvO2 in, administration devices for, Smoke inhalation, cyanide in, 291
293294, 294f 248250, 248f, 249f, 250t SO2, PO2 and, 170173, 171f, 172f,
due to vascular tone, clinical approach to, 275
284285, 285f 250254, 251b, 252b SO4, 315f, 316t
Shunt equation(s) excessive, 254255 Sodium (Na+)
classic, 232, 232b FIO2 levels in extracellular vs. intracellular, 315f
estimated, 232233 in COPD, 253 plasma, 316, 316t
Shunting, 152156 high, 255 Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
absolute, hypoxemia due to, in low-flow system, 253 as buffer solution, 208
237, 239t goals in, 250 for metabolic acidosis, 374376
oxygen therapy for, 248 high PaO2 levels in, 255 alternatives to, 376377
anatomic, 150f, 154, 155, 155t high-flow (fixed performance) respiratory acidosis due to, 340
hypoxemia due to, 237 systems for, 248, 248f Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
capillary, 150f long-term, 267 mechanism, of sodium
hypoxemia due to, 237 low-flow (variable perform- reabsorption, 318319, 318f,
relative, 150f, 153, 155, 155t ance) systems for, 249250, 319f
true, 149, 150f, 152153, 153f, 249f, 250t diuretics that interfere with, 321
155, 155t mechanisms of effectiveness Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)
defined, 152 of, 247248, 248f overcorrection, metabolic
disorders of, 155, 155t in nonoxygen-sensitive alkalosis due to, 354
hypoxemia due to, 237238, 239t patients, 250253 Sodium chloride (NaCl), for
increased in oxygen-sensitive patients, metabolic alkalosis, 378
with decreased cardiac output, 253 Sodium chloride (NaCl) mechanism,
230, 230f in preterms and neonates, of sodium reabsorption,
hypoventilation with, 236237 252b 317318, 318f
with increased cardiac with progressive hypercapnia, diuretics that interfere with, 321
output, 230231, 230f 253254 Sodium heparin, sampling errors
with normal cardiac output, in spontaneously breathing due to
229230, 230f patient, 250254 blood gas, 6970
indices of, 232236, 232b palliative, 246247, 247b for electrolytes, 75
522 Index
Sodium reabsorption, 317322 Sulfate ion (SO4), 315f, 316t Tidal, defined, 63
NaCl mechanism of, 317318, Sulfhemoglobin, 184, 392 Tidal volume (TV, VT), 142f, 201
318f Sulfur, metabolic acidosis due to, 350 normal distribution of, 142, 143f
NaHCO3 mechanism of, Superficial temporal artery, blood physiologic deadspace as
318319, 318f, 319f collection from, 17f percentage of, 151
renin-angiotensin system in, Supportive treatment, 370371 Tissue(s), chloride shift at, 204, 204f
319320, 320f Surface area, and diffusion, 159 Tissue hypoxia, 138
total, 320321, 320t SvO2, 292, 292f, 292t Tissue oxygenation, 135
Sodium regulation, in kidney, Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery cardiopulmonary interaction in,
317322, 318f320f, 320t catheter, 286, 286f 136138
Solubility coefficient(s), 165167, and differential diagnosis, steps in, 136, 137f
166f 287288 Tissue plasminogen activator,
and speed of diffusion, 156 hemodynamic monitoring using, arterial blood collection with,
Spectrometry, mass, 407 287289, 288t, 289f, 289t 9
Spectrophotometer, 389, 390, insertion of, 286287, 286f TLC (total lung capacity), 142f
390f Symbols, 63 Toluene, metabolic acidosis due
Spectrophotometry, 389390, 389f, Syphilis, transmission via blood to, 345
390f contact of, 10 Tonometered liquids, as quality
Spectroscope, 388 Syringe(s) control materials, 102
Spinal cord injury, respiratory for arterial blood collection, Tonometry, 102
acidosis due to, 339 1213, 13f, 14f gastric, 297
Spironolactone (Aldactone), plastic vs. glass, 13, 7172 Topical anesthetics, methemo-
interference with NaHCO3 redirection of, 2324 globinemia due to, 183184
reabsorption by, 321 vents on, 67 Torr, 7, 62
SpO2, 120, 274275 Systematic error, 95, 102f Total body water, 315f
and abnormal Hb species, 275 Systemic circulation, 7, 8f Total CO2, 119, 121122
in COPD, 253 Total expired ventilation (VE),
incongruity of SaO2 and, 120 T 152, 201
relative insensitivity of, 275 T40 standard bicarbonate, 124 Total lung capacity (TLC), 142f
targets for, 402 Tachycardia, as compensatory Total parental nutrition (TPN),
Spontaneous breathing response, 137 respiratory acidosis due to,
respiratory acidosis with, 371372 Target blood gas values, 74 339, 340
respiratory alkalosis with, 373 Temperature Total quality management, 9091,
Standard(s), 92 and hypoxia, 189 90f
Standard deviation (SD), 56, 5f, 93 and oxyhemoglobin affinity, 174, Toxin(s)
Standard precautions, 10 174b, 174f metabolic acidosis due to,
Starling resistor, 141 sampling errors due to alterations 344345
Starlings curve, 287 in, 7374, 73t, 74t respiratory alkalosis due to,
Starvation, ketosis due to, 347 and water vapor pressure, 64, 64t 342
Statistics, for quality control, 93 Temperature effect Transcutaneous PO2/PCO2 monitor-
Status asthmaticus, case study on, on pulse oximetry, 400 ing, 403406, 404f, 406b
421422, 433434 on transcutaneous PO2, 405 Transcutaneous techniques, for
Steady state, arterial blood Temperature-corrected values, 74 blood gas monitoring, 104
collection in, 1011 Temporal adjectives, in blood gas Transfusion(s)
Steroids, metabolic alkalosis due to, classification, 4950, 49t for anemia, 280281
322, 355 Tension, of gas, 62 metabolic alkalosis due to, 354
Stewart, Peter, 326327 Thalassemia, 279 Transmission optodes, 104, 104f
Stewarts strong ion difference, THAM (tris-hydroxymethyl- Transmission oximetry, 390391,
326327 aminomethane), for meta- 391f, 392f
Stirring effect, 92 bolic acidosis, 376 Transport, of arterial blood
Stopcock, three-way, 2728, 27f, 28f Therapeutic compensation, 371 sample, 15
Stratum corneum, 403, 404f Thermic effect, respiratory acidosis effect on electrolytes of, 76
Streptokinase, arterial blood due to, 339340 Transpulmonary pressure (PL),
collection with, 9 Thiazide diuretics, 321 141142, 143f
Stretch reflex, 312, 342 Threshold resistors, 259260 Trending, 95, 95f
Stroke volume, 282, 288t Thrombolytics, arterial blood Tris-hydroxymethyl-aminomethane
Strong ion difference (SID), collection with, 9 (THAM), for metabolic aci-
326327 Thrombosis dosis, 376
Sulfamylon acetate cream (mafenide due to arterial cannulation, Trouble-shooting, 96, 97t101t
acetate), metabolic acidosis 26, 26f True alveolar deadspace unit, 149
due to, 349 due to arterial puncture, 1718 Tubular reabsorption, 314
Index 523
Tubular secretion, 314 Venous contamination error, 6769, deteriorating, with PEEP,
TV (tidal volume), 142f, 201 68t, 69t, 75t 262, 262f
normal distribution of, 142, 143f Venous oxygen tension. See PvO2. Ventilation-perfusion unit
physiologic deadspace as Venous paradox, 361362, 374375 ideal, 148, 149, 150f
percentage of, 151 Venous puncture, inadvertent, 22, silent, 149t
2324, 6769, 68t, 69t ventilation-perfusion ratio in,
U Venous return, 283 147148
Ulnar artery, blood collection optimization of, 289290 Ventilatory failure, 4849, 371
from, 17f Venous samples, inadvertent, 6769, Venti-masks, 251b
Ulnar collateral circulation, 68t, 69t VILI (volume-induced lung injury),
adequacy of, 2021, 21f Ventilation 257
Ulnar nerve, 20f abnormal distribution of, Vital capacity (VC), 142f
Umbilical artery, blood collection 145147, 146f Vital organ function, 297
from, 17 alveolar, 139, 201 Vitamin B12 deficiency, 279280
Unilateral lung disease, body breathing pattern and, 202, Volatile acid(s)
positioning for, 266 202f defined, 198
Uremia, 346 effective, 151 regulation of, 198205, 308313
Ureter(s), 313f minute vs., 201203, 201t, 202f Voltage, 83
Uretero-enterostomy, metabolic Cheyne-Stokes, 309, 309f Volume deficit, 316
acidosis due to, 349 compensatory disturbances in, Volume-induced lung injury
Uretero-ileostomy, metabolic acido- 145f, 147 (VILI), 257
sis due to, 349 in COPD, 311312, 311t Volumetric capnograms,
Uretero-sigmoidostomy, metabolic defined, 139 410, 411f, 412f
acidosis due to, 349 in external respiration, 138f, 139 Volutrauma, 256257
Urinary bladder, 313f indicators of, 4 V/Q (ventilation-perfusion ratio),
Urinary buffers, 322323, 322f, mechanical. See Mechanical 148149, 148f, 149f, 149t
323f ventilation. deteriorating, with PEEP, 262,
Urinary diversion, metabolic acido- minute, 201 262f
sis due to, 349 alveolar vs., 201203, 201t, 202f VT (tidal volume), 142f, 201
Urine exhaled, 201 normal distribution of, 142, 143f
formation of, 314 noninvasive pressure support, for physiologic deadspace as
pH of, 348 respiratory acidosis, 372 percentage of, 151
normal distribution of, 141143,
V 142f, 143f W
VA, 147, 200 in normal lung, 148, 148f Wall effect, 106
VanishPoint retractable needle PaCO2 and, 310, 311 Warfarin (Coumadin), arterial blood
syringe, 14f PaO2 and, 310 collection with, 9
Variable performance systems, for pH and, 310 Wasted ventilation, 149, 150f, 152
oxygen therapy, 249250, positive-pressure, abnormal Water, total body, 315f
249f, 250t distribution of ventilation Water deficit, 316
Vascular dyes, pulse oximetry with, due to, 146, 146f Water excess, 316
398 primary disturbances in, 145147, Water vapor, in alveolar air, 63t
Vascular tone, 284285, 285f 146f Water vapor pressure, 62
Vasodilator, effect on oxygen uptake pulse oximetry and, 403 of alveolar and atmospheric air, 64
of, 296 regulation of, 308313, 308f effect of temperature and humidity
Vasovagal reaction, due to arterial chemoreceptors in, 308312, on, 64, 64t
puncture, 18 308f, 309f, 311t Waterfall effect, 141
VC (vital capacity), 142f reflexes in, 308, 308f, Watts, 83
VCO2, decreasing, for respiratory 312313 Westgard rules, 96, 101t, 102f
acidosis, 372 total expired, 152 Wests zone model, of perfusion,
VD, 150f, 151152 wasted, 149, 150f, 152 139141, 140f, 141f
VD/VT, 151152 Ventilation-perfusion matching, Whole blood, as quality control