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Practical No. 1: System Requirement Study (SRS) For A Project

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Practical No.

1 :



India's blood banking system has serious shortcomings. The gap between demand
and supply of blood is continuously widening. India has an annual requirement of
approximately, 5.0 million units of blood. The actual collection is only approximately
3.50 million units. A study conducted by the National AIDS Control Organization
(NACO), regarding blood banking services in India has revealed many shortcomings,
including the decentralized nature of blood services, a shortage of human,
technological and financial resources and a deficit in the availability of blood,
especially from voluntary donors. Paradoxically, very few blood banks are operating
to their full capacity. Inappropriate use of blood and wastage is not an uncommon
occurrence. Even during an emergency, the onus is on the patient's relatives to
arrange for replacement of blood.

Blood Bank Management System, the portal bridges the gap between the demand
and supply of blood. This portal aims to bring blood donors and recipients under a
common on-line platform. Donors can register themselves on the system after going
through the basic requirements for donating blood. This portal also has useful
information regarding blood donation.

Understanding the problem in the existing system & finding requested solution
is the most important activity while planning the project. Hence the developing a
new system we must get through problem associated with the current system.

Donors do not have any record of their donations or information related to

their blood diseases.
For the number of Donors, recipients it should be difficult to maintain
the data in no. of registers and handling the process of blood donation
and sales manually.
Also the calculations part that is for selling and buying the Blood is also
handled manually in previous system.

The manpower required for this kind of transaction and maintenance of data is
higher than the actual requirement.



a) Strong Data Validation:

There is possibility that user might enter wrong data and wrong data may

cause inconsistency to the database and hence to the system. To avoid this,

data should be validated whenever entered.

b) Automatic updating of the database:

After any transaction is performed, it is necessary that the updating should

be reflected in the database without any inconsistency.

c) Provide efficiency querying based on user requests:

The major purpose is to generate efficient reports on any user request. This

will be done by our query processing system, which should be able to process

any combination of queries will be done dynamically at run time depending

on the user


a) User friendly interface:

The interface should be developed in such a manner that it is very user

friendly, this not only improve interaction but also saves data entry time.
b) Making well designed forms for capturing data:

The forms for capturing the data should be well-designed using pop-down

menus and drag & drop facilities, which reduce the data entry effort on the

part of the user.


a) Security:

All users are not allowed to access the database. Hence there is a need to

check authority of every user. Username and Password validation helps to

deny unauthorized access to the system.

There are 2 main types of users who will be using the software

They are:-

1) Admin

2) User

Each user is given the specific rights to access the data in Read only, Read

Write, Delete.


In the development of software we have used Waterfall Model, the linear

sequential mode. This model encompasses the following activities:

a) Analysis Phase:

System Analysis:-

This refers to the gathering of system requirements, with the goal of determining

how these requirements will be accommodated in the system.

b) System Design Phase:

This is actually a multistep process. In this we tried to focus on some distinct

attributes of a program like data structure, software architecture, interface

representations and algorithmic detail. In this we tried to translate requirements

into representation of the software which can be assessed for quality before coding

begins. In the verifications, I have tried to ensure that the design is satisfying the

requirements and is of good quality. I have tried to find out if there is any

misinterpretation of specified any requirements.

c) Code Generation Phase:

In this phase, we translated design of a system into code which can be compiled

and executed. In this phase we have done actual coding for all forms. In this we

tried to produce simple program which are clear to understanding and modify.
We have used dynamic method to verify the code. We have executed program on

some test data and output of the program examined to determine if there are any

error present. I have read the code carefully to detect any discrepancies between

the design specification and the actual implementation.

d) Testing:

Testing plays a critical role in quality assurance for software. Due to limitations of

the verification methods for the previous phase, design and requirement faults also

appear in the code. Testing is used to detect these errors, in addition to the errors

introduced during the coding phase.



PLATFORM: Windows XP Professional

FRONT END: Visual Studio 2008.

BACK END: SQL Server 2005


Intel Pentium III 733 MHz or Higher.

256 MB RAM or Higher.

Practical No. 2 :

Aim:Waterfall Model as the conventional process model to prepare the flow

Gantt Chart.
To be done as per Software Engineering approach for any project preferably
the students project
using waterfall model as the process model and to prepare the scheduling
chart using Gantt chart.

Waterfall model: This model is called as the waterfall model,

because in this model the more emphasizes is on the complete
phase development before proceeding with the next phase of the
development. With the combination with some kinds phase
completions, establishment of the baseline is done which freezes
the development products at such point. If the current
requirement is identified in order to change these products, then
the process of formal change is followed in order make the
change. Such kind of phases graphic representation during the
software development resembling the waterfall model downward

As we discussed the basic working this model in above section, in this section we will take the
overview of basic steps of the model in the software development:

Following figure shows the different phase in the development of the software. The
documentation included the documentation from each phase. The phases below the detailed
design phase include software as part of their output. Transition from phase to phase is
accomplished by holding a formal review that is attended by the contractor and appropriate
government agencies. These reviews provide the government insight into the contractor's
progress. At critical points on the waterfall model, baselines are established, the last of which is
the product baseline.

As showing in above figure 1, as the name indicating waterfall model is made up of sequentially
of phases one after the next phase. In comparison with the other software development models,
following are some of the salient attributes of this model:

This is the formal method.

This is like top down development approach.

This is consisting of phases which are independent and needs to be completed sequentially.

This model is used in different ways:

Phases are combined,

The starting as well as ending points are different.

Grantt chart:

Practical No. 3 : Cost Estimation of the project Using Function Point Analysis

Function Point Analysis (FPA)

It is designed to estimate and measure the time, and thereby the cost, of
new software applications and maintaining existing software applications.

It is also useful in comparing and highlighting opportunities for productivity

improvements in software development.

It was developed by A.J. Albrecht of the IBM Corporation in the early 1980s.

The main other approach used for measuring the size, and therefore the
time required,
of software project is lines of code (LOC) which has a number of inherent

Working from the project design specifications, the following system

functions are measured


Donor details
Receptionist detail
Update product
Blood bag sales
Product sales

Donor details1
Receptionist detail1
Product 1
Update product 1
Blood bag sales 1
Product sales 1




Connecton class


Blood bank management system


Simple Average
Inputs 2 4

Outputs 3 5

Files 5 10

Inquires 2 4

Interfaces 4 7

A simple example:


4 simple X 2 = 8
5 average X 4 = 20
2 complex X 6 = 12


2 simple X 3=6
3 average X 5 = 15
2 complex X 7 = 14


12 simple X 5=60
17 average X 10=170
5 complex X 15 = 75

1 simple X 2=1
2 average X 4 = 8
1 complex X6=6


4 average X 7 = 28

Unadjusted function points =423

There are 14 more Degree of Influences ( 0 to 5 scale) :


data communications 3

distributed data processing 4

performance criteria 4

heavy hardware utilization 2

high transaction rate 5

online data entry 0

end user efficiency 4

on-line update 0

complex computation 3

reusability 4

ease of installation 4

ease of operation 5

portability 4

maintainability 4


Define Technical Complexity Factor (TCF):

TCF = .65 + [(.01) x (14 DIs )]

TCF = .65 + [(.01) x (46)]

TCF = .65 + 0.46

TCF = 1.11

where DI = ( influence factor value)

Function Point = Initial FP X TCF.

Function Point = 60 X 1.11

Function Point = 66.6

Function Point = 67


the programmers in our organization average 21 function points per month

the Function Point is 67

67 FP divided by 21 = 3.19 man-months.

=3 man months

the average programmer is paid $3,000 per month (including benefits),

then the [labor]
cost of the project will be . . .

3 man-months X $3,000=$9,000
The total cost for far estimated is $9,000
Practical No. 4 :
Cost Estimation of the project Using COCOMO Model.

Software cost estimation is important for making good management

decisions. It is also
connected to determining how much effort and time a software project
requires. The COnstructive COst MOdel ( COCOMO) is an example of
regression models used for estimatingsoftware cost and effort. These
methods use a basic formula with parameters that aredetermined via a
historical database and current project characteristics.
The Basic COCOMO Model:
The Basic Model makes its estimates of required effort ( measured in Staff-
Months SM ) based
primarily on your estimate of the software project's size ( as measured in
thousands of Delivered
Source Instructions KDSI ):
SM = a * ( KDSI )b
The Basic model also presents an equation for estimating the development
schedule ( Time of
Develop TDEV ) of the project in months:
TDEV= c * ( SM )d

Definitions and Assumptions while estimating COCOMO model I

1. The primary cost driver is the number of delivered source instructions (
DSI ) developed
by the project. DSI is defined such that:
o Only source lines that are DELIVERED as part of the product are included.
Therefore test drivers and other support software are excluded.
o SOURCE codes, created by project staff and processed into machine code
by some
combination of pre-processors, compilers, and assemblers. Code created by
applications generators is excluded.
o INSTRUCTIONS are defined as lines of code or card images. Declarations
counted as instructions but Comments are excluded.
2. The COCOMO cost estimates only cover the period between beginning of
the design phase
and end of the integration and test phase. Costs and schedules of other
phases ( like
requirement phase) are estimated separately.
3. A COCOMO Staff-Month ( SM ) consists of 152 hours of working time. This
has to be
found to be consistent with practical experience with the average monthly
time due to
holidays, vacation and sick leaves. COCOMO avoids estimating labour costs
in dollars
because of the large variations between organizations in what is included in
labour costs
and because SM is a more stable unit than dollars. After estimating the effort
in SM we
convert it into dollar estimate by applying different average dollar per Staff-
Month figure
for each major phase, to account for inflation and the difference in salary
level of the people
required for each phase.For example, the senior staff (with high salary )are
involved in the requirement and early design phases while junior staff ( less
salary ) are
more involved in later phases ( detailed design, code and test phases)
Therefore the average
SM is higher for early phases.
4. COCOMO assumes that the requirement specification is not substantially
changed after the
plans and requirement phase.Any significant modification should be covered
by a revised
cost estimate.
5. The detailed COCOMO model assumes that the influence of the software
cost drivers is
phase dependent. Basic COCOMO and Intermediate COCOMO do not, except
distinguishing between development and maintenance.

The Development Mode:

There are several modes of software development .These different software
development modes
have cost-estimating relationships which are similar in form, but which yield
significantly different
cost estimates for software products of the same size.In the COCOMO Model,
one of the most
important factors contributing to a project's duration and cost is the
Development mode. Every
project is considered to be developed in one of three modes:
Organic Mode.
Semidetached Mode
Embedded Mode
To estimate the effort and development time, COCOMO use the same
equations but with different
coefficients ( a, b, c, d in the effort and schedule equations ) for each
development mode. Therefore
before using the COCOMO model we must be able to recognise the
development mode of our

1. Organic Mode:
In the organic mode the project is developed in a familiar, stable
environment and the
product is similar to previously developed products. The product is relatively
small, and
require little innovation. Most people connected with the project have
extensive experience
in working with related systems within the organization and therefore can
contribute to the project in its early stages, without generating a great deal
of project
communication overhead. An organic mode project is relatively relaxed about
the way the
software meets its requirements and interface specifications. If a situation
arises where an
exact correspondence of the software product to the original requirements
would cause an
extensive rework, the project team can generally negotiate a modification of
specifications that can be developed more easily.
The Basic COCOMO Effort and schedule equations for organic mode software
SM = 2.4 * ( KDSI )1.05
TDEV= 2.50 * ( SM )0.38
2. Semidetached Mode:
In this mode project's characteristics are intermediate between Organic and
"Intermediate" may mean either of two things:
1. An intermediate level of project characteristics.
2. A mixture of the organic and embedded mode characteristics.
Therefore in an Semidetached mode project, it is possible that:
o The team members all have an intermediate level of experience with
o The team has a wide mixture of experienced and inexperienced people.
o The team members have experience related to some aspects of the system
development, but not others.
The size of a Semidetached mode product generally extends up to 300 KDSI.
The Basic COCOMO Effort and schedule equations for organic mode software
SM = 3.0 * ( KDSI )1.12
TDEV= 2.50 * ( SM )0.35
Embedded Mode:
In this development mode Project is characterized by tight , inflexible
constraints and interface
requirements. The product must operate within a strongly coupled complex
of hardware, software,
regulations, and operational procedures. The embedded-mode project does
not generally have the
option of negotiating easier software changes and fixes by modifying the
requirements and
interface specifications.The project therefore need more effort to
accommodate changes and fixes.
The embedded mode project is generally charting its way through unknown
territory to a greater
extent than the organic mode project. This lead the project to use a much
smaller team of analyst
in the early stages, as a large number of people would get swamped in
communication overhead.
Once the embedded mode project has completed its product design, its best
strategy is to bring on
a very large team of programmers to perform detailed design, coding and
unit testing in parallel.
Otherwise the project would take much longer to complete. This strategy as
we will see leads to
the higher peaks in the personnel curves of embedded-mode projects, and to
the greater amount of
effort consumed compared to an organic mode project working to the same
total development
The Basic COCOMO Effort and schedule equations for organic mode software
projects are:
SM = 3.6 * ( KDSI )1.20
TDEV= 2.50 * ( SM )0.32
Problem : An initial study has determined that the size of the program will be
roughly 52,000
delivered source instructions for ABC Inventory.
This project is a good example of an organic-mode software project. Using
the Basic COCOMO
equations for this development mode we have:


Modes A B C

Organic 2.4 1.05 2.50 0.38

Semi-detached 3.0 1.12 2.50 0.35

Embedded 3.6 1.20 2.50 0.32

Effort :
SM = 2.4*(52)1.05 = 152 Staff-Months

52000DSI / 152 SM = 342 DSI / SM

Duration and Staffing:

Once an estimate is obtained for effort ( Staff-Month ), The project manager
must determine how
many persons to put on the job. This will ultimately determine the calendar
duration of the project.
It is very important to note that more staff does not mean proportionately
less calendar time. More
staff complicate communications and this complexity translates into a
project slowdown. The
second equation of the COCOMO model use the estimated effort of the
project ( SM ) to suggest
the optimum calendar duration of the project. For the example above with
estimated effort of 152
SM we have:


TDEM = 2.5 * ( 152 )0.38 = 16 months 8 days( 17 months)

After estimating the duration of the project the manager can easily
determine how many persons
in the average must be put on the project:

Average Staffing:
152 staff-months / 17 months = 9 FSP ( Full Time Equivalent Software
Personnel )

Phase Distribution of Effort and Schedule for Organic Mode:

After estimating the effort an schedule of a project we need to determine
how to distribute them
among different phases of the project.This distribution varies as a function of
the size of the
product.Larger software projects require relatively more time and effort to
perform integration and
test activities, and are able to compress the programming portion of the
program by having larger
number of peoples programming components in parallel. Smaller software
projects have a more
uniform, flat distribution of labour throughout the development cycle, and
have relatively more
resources devoted to the phases other than integration and test.Table 1 and
Table 2 present the
percentage distribution of the basic software effort and schedule within the
development phases of
an organic mode product:

Table 3 - Phase Distribution of Effort: Semidetached Mode

Phase Small ( 2 Intermediat Medium( 32 Large( 128


Plans & 6% 6% 6% 6%

Product 16 16 16 16
Detailed 26 25 24 23

Code & Unit 42 40 38 36


Integration 16 19 22 25

Total 100 100 100 100

Table 2 - Phase Distribution of Schedule: Oraganic Mode

Phase Small ( 2 Intermediat Medium( 32 Large( 128

Plans & 10% 11% 12% 13%


Product 19 19 19 19

Design &
Code & Unit 55
Test 63 59 51

Integration 18 22 26 30
Total 100 100 100 100

Using table 1 and table 2 we can calculate the number of staff needed for
programming ( Detailed
Design & Code and Unit Test ) phase of the previous example:
Programming Effort :

( 0.62 ) ( 152 SM )= 94 Staff-Months

Programming Schedule:
( 0.55 ) ( 17 )= 9 months
Average Staffing:
94 staff-months / 9 months = 10.4 FSP ( Full Time Equivalent Software
Personnel )
Phase Distribution of Effort and Schedule for Other Modes:
Table 3 and Table 4 present the percentage distribution of the basic software
effort and schedule
within the development phases of an semidetached mode product:

Table 3 - Phase Distribution of Effort: Semidetached Mode

Phase Small ( 2 Intermediat Medium( 32 Large( 128


Plans 7% 7% 7% 7%

Product 17 17 17 17
Detailed 27 26 25 24

Code & Unit 37 35 33 31


Integration 19 22 25 28

Total 100 100 100 100

Table 4 - Phase Distribution of Schedule: Semidetached Mode

Table 5 and Table 6 present the percentage distribution of the basic software
effort and schedule
within the development phases of an embedded mode product:

Table 3 - Phase Distribution of Effort: Embedded Mode

Table 4 - Phase Distribution of Schedule: Embedded Mode
By comparing tables 1 through 6 we can see some differences between the
effort and schedule
distribution of the products developed in different modes. The main
differences are:
The embedded-mode project consumes considerably more effort in the
integration and test phase.
This results from the need to follow and verify software requirements and
interface specifications
more carefully in the embedded and semidetached mode.
The embedded-mode project consumes proportionally less effort in the code
and unit test phase.
This results from the proportionally higher effort required for the other
development phases.
The embedded-mode project consumes considerably more schedule in both
the plans and
requirement phase and the product design phase. This is because of the
project's need for more
thorough, validated requirements and design specifications, and the greater
need to perform these
phases with a relatively small number of people.
The embedded-mode project consumes considerably less schedule in the
programming phase. This
results from the strategy of employing a great many people programming in
parallel, in order to
reduce the project's overall schedule.
Intermediate COCOMO Model:
The Intermediate COCOMO is an extension of the basic COCOMO model. Here
we use the same
basic equation for the model. But coefficients are slightly different for the
effort equation.Also in
addition to the size as the basic cost driver we use 15 more predictor
variables. these added cost
drivers help to estimate effort and cost with more accuracy.
An estimator looks closely at many factors of a project such as amount of
external storage required,
execution speed constraints, experience of the programmers on the team,
experience with the
implementation language, use of software tools, etc., for each characteristic,
the estimator decide
where on the scale of "very low" , " low", " Nominal", "High", "Very High" and
"High" the project
falls. Each characteristic gives an adjustment factor( from the table 7 ) and
all factors are multiplied
together to to give an Effort Adjustment Factor ( EAF).If a project is judged
normal in some
characteristic the adjustment factor will be 1 for that characteristic ( Nominal
column in Table 7 ),
which means that that factor has no effect on overall EAF. The effort equation
for the intermediate
model has the form of:
SM = EAF * a * ( KDSI )b
If we assume that the project is "Nominal" in every aspect then all
adjustment factors would be 1,
which results in EAF=1, and the effort equation would have the same form as
the Basic mode.
in addition to the EAF the model parameter "a" is slightly different in
Intermediate COCOMO, but
the "b" parameter is the same.The effort equation for different modes of
Intermediate COCOMO
is given in the following table:
Bohem in Software Engineering Economics defines each of the cost drivers,
and defines the Effort
Multiplier associated with each rating ( Table 7 ).
Table 7 - Project Characteristic Table
If your project is rated Very High for Complexity (Effort Multiplier
of 1.30), and Low for Tools
Use (Effort Multiplier of 1.10), and all of the other cost drivers are
rated to be Nominal, these
Effort Multipliers are used to calculate the Effort Adjustment
Factor, which is used in the effort
EAF = 1.30 * 1.10 = 1.43
Effort = EAF * 3.2 * 31.05 = 14.5 SM
TDEV = 2.5 * 14.50.38 = 6.9 Months
Average staffing:
14.5 / 6.9 = 2.1 people
There are two reasons why Intermediate model produces better
results than the Basic Model. First,
It considers the effect of more cost drivers. Second, in the
Intermediate mode the system can be
divided into "components". DSI value and Cost Drivers can be
chosen for individual components,
instead of for the system as a whole.COCOMO can estimate the
staffing, cost, and duration of
each of the components--allowing you to experiment with
different development strategies, to find
the plan that best suits your needs and resources.

Practical No. 5
Aim:Class diagram using StarUML.

A class diagram describes the types of objects in the system
and the various kinds of static relationships that exist among
them.i.e.,A graphical representation of a static view on
declarative static elements. A class is the description of a set of
objects having similar attributes, operations, relationships and
Practical No. 6 : Use Case diagram using StarUML

Aim: To Analyse the below text and then draw a use case diagram
using an UML modelling
tool such as StarUML.

3.2.1. Use case Diagram

Use Case diagrams show the various activities the users can
perform on the system. The System is something that performs a
function. They model the dynamic aspects of the system. It
provides a users perspective of the system.


An actor is a user of the system playing a particular role.

Use case:

Use case is a particular activity a user can do on the system.


Relationships are simply illustrated with a line connecting

actors to use cases.

In this use case diagram very first customer login to the page.
After that customer gets items lists with the select item or
purchase item option..Then admin login in to the page and add
items selected by the customer to the purchase list.The list is
visible to the user.
Practical No. 7 : Acitvity description for the project
Activity Diagram for the prepared Usecase Modelling

Aim : Derive an activity diagram from the narrative text by

following the steps outlined below.

Practical No. 8 : Work Breakdown Structure for the given Project

Aim : Create a Work Breakdown Structure

Step 1:

Launch WBS chart pro. Select the arrow shown below for inserting new task.
Step 2:
Double click on the task shown above and give the name for the task.

Step 3:

Continue to add the tasks. We can also add subtasks for a given task.

Critical view of above WBS.

Planning view of above WBS.

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