Assignment Se
Assignment Se
Assignment Se
Part I:
a) The major phases in the waterfall model are: Requirements Analysis, Design, Implementation,
Testing, and Maintenance. The Design phase typically consumes the maximum effort for developing a
typical software product.
b) For a well-understood data processing application, the Waterfall model would be suitable.
For the graphical user interface part of a large software product, an Iterative model would be more
For an extremely large software for cellular communication using satellites, the Spiral model would
be the best choice due to the high risk and need for frequent reassessment.
Part II:
a) The Spiral model is considered a meta-model because it integrates different models and allows for
iterative development and risk management. It has four main phases: Planning, Risk Analysis,
Engineering, and Evaluation, which can be repeated in an iterative spiral.
Part III:
a) The Scrum Agile model is an iterative and incremental approach to software development. It
emphasizes close collaboration between cross-functional teams, iterative development cycles (called
Sprints), regular meetings, and continuous improvement. Key roles in Scrum include the Scrum
Master, Product Owner, and Development Team.
b) The Iterative Waterfall model is an enhanced version of the Waterfall model, where each phase is
divided into smaller iterations or cycles. It allows for feedback and refinement after each iteration.
The V-model, on the other hand, is a variation of the Waterfall model that emphasizes testing at each
phase, with corresponding test phases on the opposite side of the "V" shape.
Assignment 2 Solutions:
Part I:
a) Requirement analysis is the process of defining and documenting the requirements for a software
system. Activities carried out in requirement analysis include eliciting and gathering requirements,
analyzing and prioritizing requirements, documenting requirements, and validating requirements
with stakeholders.
b) SRS stands for Software Requirements Specification. Three characteristics of a good SRS are:
Completeness (includes all requirements), Consistency (no contradictory requirements), and
Traceability (each requirement can be traced to its origin and related requirements).
c) Functional requirements specify the functional behaviors or services that the software system
should provide, while non-functional requirements specify the constraints, qualities, or attributes
that the software system should possess, such as performance, security, usability, and reliability.
Part II:
- Print receipt
Part III:
Add New Member Create member record <br> Generate bill for annual fee
Renew Membership Update expiry date <br> Generate bill for annual fee
Cancel Membership Delete member record <br> Print cheque for balance amount
Assignment 3 Solutions:
Part I:
a) A context diagram is a high-level data flow diagram that shows the overall system as a single
process and its interactions with external entities. For a tic-tac-toe game between a computer and a
human, the context diagram could include:
- External entities: Human Player, Computer
- Data flows: Move (from Human Player to System), Move (from Computer to System), Game Result
(from System to Human Player and Computer)
b) During the design phase, the following items are designed and documented:
- Database design
The most desirable type of coupling is Loose/Low Coupling, as it promotes modular design and easier
Part II:
a) DFD (Data Flow Diagram) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through a system,
showing the processes, data stores, and external entities involved. Symbols used in DFDs include:
- External Entity (square): Represents a source or destination of data outside the system
Part III:
a) Structured analysis and design is a traditional approach to software development that focuses on
breaking down a system into smaller, more manageable components or modules, and representing
the system using structured techniques like data flow diagrams, entity-relationship diagrams, and
structure charts. Major activities include:
In this DFD:
- The Context Diagram (Level 0) shows the overall Library Management System and its interactions
with external entities: User and Librarian.
- The Level 1 DFD breaks down the system into three main processes: Membership Management,
Book Management, and Update Catalog.
- The Membership Management process handles new membership details from the User and
updates membership status.
- The Book Management process handles book requests/returns from Members and updates book
- The Update Catalog process updates the library catalog based on book availability and membership
status changes.
- Data stores are represented by the "Member" and "Librarian" entities, which store membership
details and book details, respectively.
Note: This is a simplified representation, and the actual DFD for a real-world library management
system may include additional processes, data stores, and data flows depending on the specific
requirements and features of the system.
Assignment 4 Solutions:
Part I:
a) For the program unit that computes the square root of an input integer in the range of 0 to 5000:
Equivalence classes:
c) Regression testing is the process of retesting previously tested software after modifications, to
ensure that existing functionality still works as expected. Its purpose is to uncover any unintended
side effects or regression faults introduced by the changes.
Part II:
a) The purpose of integration testing is to verify that different modules or components of a software
system work correctly when integrated together. Approaches to integration testing include:
Part III:
a) Mutation testing is a fault-based testing technique that involves introducing small syntactic faults
(mutations) into the program code to create mutants. Test cases are then designed and executed to
detect and kill these mutants. If a test case can distinguish the behavior of a mutant from the original
program, the mutant is considered "killed." The goal is to design a comprehensive test suite that can
kill as many mutants as possible, ensuring the thoroughness of the testing process.
b) Code review is a systematic process of examining source code to detect defects, identify potential
issues, and ensure compliance with coding standards and best practices. The code review process
typically involves the following steps:
3. Individual Review: Reviewers independently examine the code and document their findings.
4. Review Meeting: Reviewers discuss their findings with the author, who addresses the issues or
provides explanations.
5. Rework: The author makes necessary changes based on the review feedback.
Assignment 5 Solutions:
Part I:
a) Software maintenance is the process of modifying and updating software systems after they have
been deployed and put into operation. Different types of software maintenance include:
b) Cyclomatic complexity is a software metric that provides a quantitative measure of the logical
complexity of a program's control flow. It directly measures the number of linearly independent
paths through the program's source code, indicating the complexity of the program and the effort