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Habib Umar B. Hafiz

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What to Recite for the Effects of Black Magic (sihr)

Habib Umar b. Hafiz

What can be recited for the effects of black magic (sihr)?

Recite Ayat al-Kursi, Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat al-Falaq and Surat al-Nas,
(a minimum of 11 times along with these verses, also 11 times each).

(Yunus, 10:81)

(Al-Araf, 7:118)

(al-Qalam, 68:51)
How Do I Seek Protection from Evil and Harm?

What can be recited to completely undo magic that has been done...

I pray this finds you in the best of health and spirits.

The general treatment is four matters:

(1) Renew commitment to perform the five daily prayers on time,

with renewed commitment to turn to Allah in them. This is the
greatest protection of light, from Allah.

(2) Renew your commitment to leave sinsparticularly major sins

such as wronging others, nor fulfilling their rights, breaking
closing relations, or other wrongdoing. This is the source of
greatest darkness in life, and repentance from such sins removes
the darkenesses that lead to spiritual and other harms.

(3) Recite the three Quls (Surat al-Ikhlas, Surat al-Falaq, Surat al-
NasSuras 112-114 of the Quran), regularly. At least, commit to
reciting them upon waking and when going to sleep. Ideally, also
recite them after every obligatory prayerbringing to mind their
meanings, each time, as one recites them. Surat al-Ikhlas tells us
about the Absolute Uniqueness and Perfection of Allah (al-Ahad,
the Unique One); that Allah is the Absolutely Independent (al-
Samad), whom all depend upon; and that He is Absolutely Self-
Reliant, and Absolutely Distinct from everything, in every way
for everything besides Him is created by Him and dependent upon
Him. Surat al-Falaq and Surat al-Nas teach us to seek shelter in the
protection, care, and mercy of Allah from every type of harm
recognizing that we our hope and fear, reliance and trust are only
upon Him.

(4) Recite Ayat al-Kursi, similarlymorning and night, and ideally

after every prayer. Recite it with reflection on its meanings. Ayat
al-Kursi tells us about Allahs Unique Oneness: that He alone is
the Absolutely Living (al-Hayy), whom all life depends upon for
its very existence; and that He is the Absolutely Sustaining (al-
Qayyum), who needs none to sustain Him, and who sustains all
things in every way, at every momentand the rest of the verse
tells us about the Absolute Knowledge, Will, and Power of our
Mighty and Merciful Lord.

If you wish further assistance, three recommended practices are:

(1) Perform the prayer of need (salat al-haja):

Perform wudu, and pray two rakats of prayer, after which you
should make heart-felt dua, asking Allah for your needs. It is good
to recite the specifically-recommended sunna supplication (dua)
of need.
(2) Recite this brief Prophetic supplication, regularly:

O Alive and everlasting One,
I beseech You by Your mercy.

(3) Many scholars recommend this practice:

After Isha, recite: hasbunal Llahu wa nimal wakeel (Allah is our

sufficiency and is the best of guardians) 450 times, sitting alone in a
quiet room, facing the qibla, in state of wudu, with reflection on its

This is taken from the Quranic praise of true believers, in Surah Al-i

Those whose faith only increased when people said, Fear your
enemy: they have amassed a great army against you, and who replied,
God is enough for us: He is the best protector, returned with grace
and bounty from God; no harm befell them. They pursued Gods
good pleasure. Gods favour is great indeed. [3:173-175]

And Allah is the giver of success and facilitation.

If there remain harms beyond this, then consult a rel iable, learned
scholar about the specifics.
Is Someone Using Black Magic to Destroy My

There is no exact way of finding out for sure what is going on. There
is a chance that it could be related to something on the unseen realm,
such as jinn or magic, and there is also the chance that it could be a
mental health issue or emotional issue that he is dealing with.

What I would suggest is that you cover all the bases in trying to treat
what is going on. Continue to do what you are doing in terms of
Quran recitation and dhikr.

You should also increase the amount of whatever you are doing as
long as it is within your capacity, as moderation is also prescribed. You
should encourage your husband to increase his acts of worship and to
be in the company of good people and shuyukh, as that has a healing

Also remember that there is a lot of good found in seeking knowledge

and a special protection granted to seekers of knowledge, so you and
your husband should make a serious effort to seek knowledge. His
emotions may be coming from ignorance of the deen and the cure for
this is to study.

You should also seek outside help from both clinicians/therapists as

well as people trained in spiritual matters. See if there are any therapists
that can help you and your husband understand the possibilities of
what might be going on. In terms of people versed in spiritual matters,
you should only go to people who are knowledgeable of the Quran
and Sunna and are know for following the tenets of the faith.

Beware of charlatans, people who are not qualified and those who
seeking money for this type of work. Having a knowledgeable teacher
locally or by phone will also be a help for you and your husband to
work through issues that you are having as a couple or spiritual issues.
They may also be able to identify signs of what might possibly be the
cause of what your husband is experiencing.

And Allah knows best.

Why Is the Prophets Character Described as Being

In the Quran, the Prophet is addressed directly, Truly, you are of

tremendous character. [Quran, 68.4]

This Quranic verse intrigued Muslim scholars, early and late, especially
the Quranic exegetes and the masters of the spiritual path, especially
as the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace)
himself emphasized that, I was only sent to perfect noble character,
[Ahmad] and said, The believers most perfect in faith are those best
in character. [Tirmidhi]

What is good character?

Good character, Ghazzali explains in his Ihya, is an inward disposition

that causes one to incline towards praiseworthy inward traits and
praiseworthy outward actions.

How is good character manifest?

Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali and others relate that the sum of Prophetic
teachings is that good character is manifest in five matters:

(1) Fulfilling the rights of others

(2) Avoiding hurting or harming others

(3) Being cheerful and positive in ones dealing with others

(4) Recognizing the good of others and reciprocating

(5) Responding to the wrong of others with nothing but the good.

These five manifestations of good character dont only summarize the

Prophetic teachings on good character, but they also summarize the
Prophet Muhammads own character and conduct.

First. As for fulfilling the rights of others, the Prophet (Allah bless him
and give him peace) emphasized that, Give everyone who has a right
their due right, [Bukhari] and he warned against non-fulfillment of
others rights, Injustice shall become manifold darkness on the Day
of Judgment. [Bukhari]

Second. Avoiding hurting or harming others is a corollary of fulfilling

the rights of others. However, sometimes one can fulfill others rights
in ways that hurt them; or we follow the fulfillment of rights with
hurtful reminders; or strive to fulfill rights, without considering how
others feel or may consider our efforts.

Third. Being cheerful and positive in ones dealings with others. The
Prophet is described as always having been full of concern, yet he was
always cheerful.

Fourth. Recognizing the good of others entails not only thanking and
reciprocating those who do obvious acts of good to one, but to reflect,
consider, and appreciate the less-obvious (but significant) good that
countless people do for oneboth directly and indirectly. We owe our
very lives to our parents. When did we last thank them? Our teachers,
whether at school or university, have taught us so much. When did we
last thank them? The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace)
cautioned that, Whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to
God. [Ahmad, Tirmidhi, and Abu Dawud]

Fifth. The greatest test of character is responding to the wrong of others

with nothing but the good. This tests ones character because ones
personal urge would customarily be to reciprocate; and ones negative
urge would be to affirm oneself. However, the way of Prophets is to
respond with nothing but the good.
How to Counteract the Effects of Black Magic

What you have advised them is the best thing that you could tell
them, which is to keep reading the Book of Allah (ie the Quran) and
to have faith in it. One thing that I would say is that you could also
educate them on the point of who it is reading the Quran.

During the time of Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be well pleased
with him), he used to recite something in the ears of insane people
and they would be freed of the jinn inside them. One man, who
was not insane, wanted to know what Umar was reciting and so he
pretended to be insane and then went to Umar. Umar then recited
the (Sura) Fatiha in his ear.

The man then went on to others and began claiming that he could
cure the insane. An insane person came to him and sat for the reading.
When the man recited Fatiha into the ear of the man, he heard the
voice of the jinn inside the man saying, Yes, this is the Fatiha, but
where is Umar?

So, although you might have two people reading the Quran, their level
of spirituality and connection to Allah and the Quran are different.
The state of the person will also have an effect on whether it works or
not. You may advise the family to find someone pious to recite.

You should also remind them though, that there are people that are
charlatans and can take money from people and claim to be able to
help. They should look to a person with knowledge of the deen (fiqh)
and piety (wara) to ask about reading in their house. They may also
ask that person to write them a ruqya (tawiz) but it should only be
something with Quran, Hadith or the Names of Allah.

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