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Bridge - 2001 - Characterization of Fluvial Hydrocarbon Reservoirs and Aquifers Problems and Solutions

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AAS Revista (2001), vol. 8 n 2: 87-114.

ISSN 0328 1159

Asociacin Argentina de Sedimentologa

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon

reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions


Department of Geological Sciences, Binghamton University, P.O. Box 6000, Binghamton, NY

13902-6000, USA. Email: jbridge@binghamton.edu

Abstract. Fluvial deposits are important hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers in many parts of the world. In
order to assess, develop and manage these resources, it is necessary to determine the three-dimensional
geometry, orientation, spatial distribution and total volume of the reservoirs/aquifers. Such characterization
of reservoirs/aquifers normally involves (1) analysis of well logs, cuttings, cores and seismic data (2) correlation
of strata between wells, and (3) modeling of the three-dimensional volume between wells. These procedures
require a great deal of geological knowledge. Unfortunately, current approaches to reservoir/aquifer
characterization are problematical in many cases.
Specific fluvial depositional forms (e.g., channel bars, crevasse splays, lacustrine deltas) are commonly
interpreted from well logs and cores, because it is thought that deposits associated with particular depositional
forms will have particular geometries and reservoir quality. However, it is very difficult to unambiguously
interpret fluvial depositional forms from such one-dimensional data, and it is questionable that a particular
depositional form will have a distinctive stratal geometry. In particular, it is not possible to distinguish
braided river deposits from meandering river deposits based on their vertical facies sequences. Also, it is a
common myth that there is a relationship between channel-belt width/thickness, channel pattern, grain size
of sediment load, and bank stability. However, with very careful analysis, the lateral extent of subsurface
channel-belt deposits and overbank deposits can be estimated from their facies, thickness, and proportion
observed in well logs and cores.
Correlation of fluvial lithostratigraphic units (e.g., channel-belt sandstone bodies) between wells is commonly
based on untenable assumptions. The result is normally that stratigraphic units appear much more laterally
continuous than they really are. Before attempting correlation, it is desirable to estimate the likely lateral
extent and thickness variation of stratigraphic units, based on the interpretation of available well logs and
cores mentioned above. Then, it is wise to set up multiple working hypotheses for the correlation. Estimation
of the geometry of stratigraphic units is aided by use of modern analogs, ancient analogs, and depositional
models. Modern analogs are superior aids because it is possible to describe fluvial morphology and deposits
directly and unambiguously. Ancient analogs are less reliable, because their origin must be interpreted, and
because outcrops are commonly not large enough to allow definition of the facies geometry (e.g., channel-belt
width). Depositional models can be used to help estimate the lateral extent of stratigraphic units (e.g., zones
of high or low net-to-gross). However, such models may be only two-dimensional, not quantitative, or do not
represent depositional processes and products correctly. Sequence stratigraphic models are particularly
problematical in these regards.
In order to characterize the three-dimensional volume between wells, it is common to make use of ancient
analogs in combination with object-based stochastic models. The geometry and proportion of stratigraphic
objects such as channel-belt sandstone bodies are determined statistically from well data and ancient analogs,
and these objects are located in space using their known positions in wells and using quasi-random placement
between wells. Although this method honors well data, the shapes and locations of objects can be very
unrealistic. Process-based (forward) models are capable of producing much more realistic stratigraphy, and
have much greater predictive value, but it is very difficult to fit such models to well data exactly. For this
reason, process-based models are not routinely used for reservoir/aquifer modeling. However, it has been
shown recently that hybrid process-based and stochastic models can potentially be fitted exactly to well data
using a trial-and-error approach with new optimization procedures (genetic algorithms).


Keywords: Fluvial reservoirs and aquifers, well logs and cores, stratigraphic correlation, 3-D alluvial
architecture models.

Palabras claves: Reservorios y acuferos fluviales, perfiles de pozo y testigos corona, correlacin estratigrfica,
modelos de arquitectura aluvial 3-D.

RESUMEN EXPANDIDO los obtenidos de anlogos modernos porque en ellos es posi-

ble describir sin ambigedades la morfologa y los depsitos
Caracterizacin de reservorios de hidrocarburos y acuferos fluviales. Los anlogos antiguos son menos confiables debi-
fluviales: Problemas y Soluciones. Los depsitos fluviales do a que su origen debe ser interpretado y porque los aflora-
son importantes reservorios de hidrocarburos y acuferos en mientos no son lo suficientemente extensos como para per-
muchas regiones del mundo. A fin de valorar, desarrollar y mitir la definicin de las geometras de las facies (por
utilizar estos recursos es necesario determinar la geometra ejemplo: ancho de la faja de canales). Los modelos
tridimensional, la orientacin, la distribucin espacial y el depositacionales pueden ser utilizados para ayudar a esti-
volumen total de los reservorios y acuferos. Generalmente, mar la extensin lateral de las unidades estratigrficas (por
este tipo de caracterizacin de reservorios y acuferos ejemplo: zonas de alta o baja relacin porcentual entre espe-
involucra, (1) el anlisis de perfiles de pozos, cuttings, testi- sor til y espesor total del reservorio, net-to-gross). Sin em-
gos corona y datos ssmicos, (2) la correlacin de estratos bargo, tales modelos pueden ser anlogos inapropiados, ya
entre pozos, y (3) el modelado tridimensional de los depsi- que son solamente 2-D, no cuantitativos, o no representan
tos entre los pozos. Estos procedimientos requieren una ela- correctamente los procesos y productos depositacionales. En
boracin del conocimiento geolgico. Desafortunadamente, estos anlisis, los modelos de secuencia estratigrfica son
en muchos casos las propuestas actuales para la caracteriza- particularmente problemticos.
cin de los reservorios y acuferos son problemticas. A fin de caracterizar el volumen de los depsitos entre los
Las formas fluviales de depositacin (ejemplos: barras de pozos, es comn utilizar los anlogos antiguos en combina-
canal, crevasse splays, deltas lacustres) son interpretadas cin con objetos basados en modelos estocsticos. La geome-
comnmente a partir de perfiles de pozo y testigos corona, tra y la proporcin de los objetos estratigrficos, tales como
ya que se piensa que los depsitos asociados con formas cuerpos de areniscas de faja de canal, son determinados
depositacionales determinadas tendrn geometras particu- estadsticamente a partir de datos de pozo y anlogos anti-
lares y una calidad de reservorio determinada. Sin embargo, guos, estos objetos son ubicados en el espacio utilizando sus
es muy difcil interpretar inequvocamente las formas posiciones conocidas en los pozos y un emplazamiento cuasi
depositacionales fluviales a partir de estos datos aleatorio entre los pozos. Aunque este mtodo seala la im-
unidimensionales y es cuestionable suponer que una forma portancia de los datos de pozos, las formas y ubicaciones de
depositacional particular tendr una geometra estratal dis- los objetos son muy poco realistas. Los modelos basados en
tintiva. En especial, no es posible distinguir depsitos de procesos (ver ms adelante) son capaces de producir
ros enlazados de depsitos de ros meandrantes en base a estratigrafas mucho ms realistas y tienen un mayor valor
sus secuencias verticales de facies. Adems, es un mito po- predictivo pero es muy difcil adecuar exactamente estos
pular que hay una relacin entre ancho/profundidad de la modelos a los datos de pozos. Por esta razn, los modelos
faja de canales, diseo del canal, tamao de grano de la car- basados en procesos no son usados rutinariamente en el
ga de lecho y estabilidad de los mrgenes. Sin embargo, modelado de reservorios y acuferos. Sin embargo, reciente-
mediante un anlisis muy detallado de las facies, el espesor mente ha sido demostrado que potencialmente los modelos
y la proporcin observados en los perfiles de pozo y testigos hbridos, entre estocsticos y basados en procesos, pueden
corona puede ser estimada la extensin en subsuelo de los ser ajustados con exactitud a los datos de pozos utilizando
depsitos de las fajas de canales y de los depsitos de una aproximacin por prueba y error con nuevos procedi-
albardn. mientos de optimizacin (algoritmos genticos).
La correlacin de unidades litoestratigrficas fluviales (por Los depsitos fluviales son importantes reservorios de hi-
ejemplo: cuerpos de areniscas de faja de canales) entre po- drocarburos y acuferos en muchas regiones del mundo. A
zos est basada comnmente en suposiciones insostenibles. fin de valorar, desarrollar y utilizar estos recursos es necesa-
Normalmente, el resultado de estas correlaciones es que las rio determinar la geometra tridimensional, la orientacin,
unidades estratigrficas parecen mucho ms continuas late- la distribucin espacial y el volumen total de los reservorios
ralmente de lo que son en realidad. Antes de intentar la y acuferos. Generalmente, este tipo de caracterizacin de
correlacin, es conveniente estimar la probable extensin reservorios y acuferos involucra, (1) el anlisis de perfiles
lateral y las variaciones de espesor de las unidades de pozos, cuttings, testigos corona y datos ssmicos, (2) la
estratigrficas, basndose en el anlisis de los perfiles de correlacin de estratos entre pozos, y (3) el modelado
pozo y testigos corona mencionados anteriormente. A partir tridimensional de los depsitos entre los pozos. Estos proce-
de estas estimaciones es necesario establecer mltiples hi- dimientos requieren una elaboracin del conocimiento
ptesis de trabajo para realizar la correlacin. La estimacin geolgico. Desafortunadamente, en muchos casos las pro-
de la geometra de las unidades estratigrficas es factible puestas actuales para la caracterizacin de los reservorios y
mediante el uso de anlogos actuales, anlogos antiguos y acuferos son problemticas.
modelos depositacionales. Los estimadores ms tiles son Las formas fluviales de depositacin (ejemplos: barras de

88 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

canal, crevasse splays, deltas lacustres) son interpretadas Los anlogos antiguos son menos confiables debido a que su
comnmente a partir de perfiles de pozo y testigos corona, ya origen debe ser interpretado y porque los afloramientos no
que se piensa que los depsitos asociados con formas son lo suficientemente extensos como para permitir la defi-
depositacionales determinadas tendrn geometras particu- nicin de las geometras de las facies (por ejemplo: ancho
lares y una calidad de reservorio determinada. Sin embargo, de la faja de canales). Los modelos depositacionales pueden
es muy difcil interpretar inequvocamente las formas ser utilizados para ayudar a estimar la extensin lateral de
depositacionales fluviales a partir de estos datos las unidades estratigrficas (por ejemplo: zonas de alta o
unidimensionales y es cuestionable suponer que una forma baja relacin porcentual entre espesor til y espesor total
depositacional particular tendr una geometra estratal dis- del reservorio, net-to-gross). Sin embargo, tales modelos
tintiva. En especial, no es posible distinguir depsitos de ros pueden ser anlogos inapropiados, ya que son solamente 2-
enlazados de depsitos de ros meandrantes en base a sus D, no cuantitativos, o no representan correctamente los pro-
secuencias verticales de facies. Adems, es un mito popular cesos y productos depositacionales. En estos anlisis, los
que hay una relacin entre ancho/profundidad de la faja de modelos de secuencia estratigrfica son particularmente pro-
canales, diseo del canal, tamao de grano de la carga de blemticos.
lecho y estabilidad de los mrgenes. Sin embargo, mediante A fin de caracterizar el volumen de los depsitos entre los
un anlisis muy detallado de las facies, el espesor y la pro- pozos, es comn utilizar los anlogos antiguos en combina-
porcin observados en los perfiles de pozo y testigos corona cin con objetos basados en modelos estocsticos. La geome-
puede ser estimada la extensin en subsuelo de los depsitos tra y la proporcin de los objetos estratigrficos, tales como
de las fajas de canales y de los depsitos de albardn. cuerpos de areniscas de faja de canal, son determinados
La correlacin de unidades litoestratigrficas fluviales (por estadsticamente a partir de datos de pozo y anlogos anti-
ejemplo: cuerpos de areniscas de faja de canales) entre pozos guos, estos objetos son ubicados en el espacio utilizando sus
est basada comnmente en suposiciones insostenibles. Nor- posiciones conocidas en los pozos y un emplazamiento cua-
malmente, el resultado de estas correlaciones es que las uni- si aleatorio entre los pozos. Aunque este mtodo seala la
dades estratigrficas parecen mucho ms continuas lateral- importancia de los datos de pozos, las formas y ubicaciones
mente de lo que son en realidad. Antes de intentar la corre- de los objetos son muy poco realistas. Los modelos basados
lacin, es conveniente estimar la probable extensin lateral en procesos (ver ms adelante) son capaces de producir
y las variaciones de espesor de las unidades estratigrficas, estratigrafas mucho ms realistas y tienen un mayor valor
basndose en el anlisis de los perfiles de pozo y testigos predictivo pero es muy difcil adecuar exactamente estos
corona mencionados anteriormente. A partir de estas esti- modelos a los datos de pozos. Por esta razn, los modelos
maciones es necesario establecer mltiples hiptesis de tra- basados en procesos no son usados rutinariamente en el
bajo para realizar la correlacin. La estimacin de la geome- modelado de reservorios y acuferos. Sin embargo, reciente-
tra de las unidades estratigrficas es factible mediante el mente ha sido demostrado que potencialmente los modelos
uso de anlogos actuales, anlogos antiguos y modelos hbridos, entre estocsticos y basados en procesos, pueden
depositacionales. Los estimadores ms tiles son los obteni- ser ajustados con exactitud a los datos de pozos utilizando
dos de anlogos modernos porque en ellos es posible descri- una aproximacin por prueba y error con nuevos procedi-
bir sin ambigedades la morfologa y los depsitos fluviales. mientos de optimizacin (algoritmos genticos).

INTRODUCTION entails the following steps: (1) analysis of well logs,

cuttings and cores in order to describe and interpret
Fluvial deposits are important hydrocarbon the nature and origin of the rocks; (2) stratigraphic
reservoirs in many parts of the world (e.g., Alaska, correlation of well logs and cores in order to assess
Argentina, southern USA and Gulf of Mexico, North the continuity of distinctive rock types (facies)
Sea, China, Venezuela). Also, fluvial deposits are between wells; (3) use of seismic data to assess the
commonly important aquifers. In order to assess, orientation and structural continuity of relatively
develop, and manage these resources, it is necessary thick (> 100 m thick) sequences of strata, and to
to determine: (1) the total volume of reservoir or recognize distinctive seismic patterns that can be
aquifer in a particular volume of the sedimentary related to distinctive sedimentary facies; (4)
basin (the net-to-gross), and; (2) the three-dimen- modeling of the geometry and distribution of
sional geometry, orientation and spatial distribution lithofacies in the three-dimensional space between
of the sedimentary rocks that form the reservoirs or wells, and; (5) distribution of rock properties such
aquifers. In fluvial deposits, reservoir or aquifer as porosity and permeability as a function of
rocks are mainly channel-belt sandstones and lithofacies or using stochastic models. Successful
gravelstones (conglomerates), with subordinate completion of these steps involves a great deal of
sandstones attributable to crevasse splays and geological knowledge, the use of a range of
levees. Determination of the stratigraphic properties stratigraphic models, and many assumptions that
(characterization) of a reservoir or aquifer generally are difficult to test. Some methods of fluvial

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 89


reservoir/aquifer characterization that are in thin parts of isolated channel-belt sandstone bodies
common use are ill-conceived and unjustifiable. In (e.g., parts of channel fills, or shallow parts of the
this review, I will explain and justify this criticism, channel) from the thicker overbank sandstone
and attempt to offer constructive alternatives to bodies; (2) floodbasin muds from muddy channel
reservoir/aquifer characterization. The comments in fills, and; (3) the different types of overbank
this review also have general implications for sandstone bodies (Fig.1).
describing and interpreting fluvial deposits.
The folly of trying to interpret paleochannel
pattern from well logs and cores
Sandstone bodies interpreted from well logs
Description and interpretation of distinctive are commonly classified as fining upward,
rock types (facies) coarsening upward, or blocky. Fining-upward
sandstone bodies might be interpreted as point-bar
Well logs and cores are used to describe or deposits or channel-fill deposits of a meandering
interpret the spatial distribution of sedimentary rock river, whereas blocky sandstone bodies (no clear
composition, texture, sedimentary structures, vertical trends in grain size) are commonly assigned
porosity and permeability, the nature of the fluids to braided river bars (e.g., Galloway and Hobday,
in the void spaces, and the thickness of the different 1983, 1996; Flores et al., 1985). Coarsening-upward
rock types (e.g., sandstone, shale, coal). It is sandstone bodies might be interpreted as deposits
common practice to interpret the specific fluvial of distributary-mouth bars, lacustrine deltas or
depositional environment (e.g., channel bar, progradational crevasse splays/levees. The reality
crevasse splay, levee, floodbasin) of the various is that all of these vertical sequence patterns can
lithofacies or petrofacies using vertical trends in form in all of these depositional environments. Fi-
grain size or some other sedimentary or gures 2 and 3 show how the vertical variation of
petrophysical property. The objective is to use this grain size, sedimentary structure, and thickness of
interpretation to help estimate the three-dimensio- single channel-belt deposits varies depending on the
nal geometry and connectivity of the reservoir rocks topographic features of the bars and channels, the
and permeability barriers. The assumptions in this position within a channel bar or channel fill, and
practice are: (1) it is possible to interpret specific the nature of channel migration (determining what
fluvial depositional environments from vertical logs, parts of channel bars are preserved). Fining-upward,
and; (2) there is an unambiguous relationship coarsening-upward, and blocky sequences can
between the geometry and sedimentary processes occur in any type of channel deposit. Therefore, it
of a specific depositional environment and the three- is not possible to distinguish the deposits of the
dimensional geometry of the deposits formed in that different river patterns (braided, meandering) from
environment. Both of these assumptions are single vertical logs.
suspect, as explained below. Why is it so important to interpret ancient
channel patterns such as braided, meandering, and
Difficulties interpreting fluvial depositional anastomosing anyway? This preoccupation with
environments from well logs and cores determining ancient channel pattern is based on the
misguided notion that different channel patterns are
A simple view of fluvial deposits, as seen in associated with distinctive sedimentary facies and
well logs and cores, is that the thickest (say, meters geometry (e.g., Allen, 1965; Collinson, 1996;
thick) sandstone-gravelstone bodies are deposits of Galloway and Hobday, 1996; Miall, 1996; Selley,
channel belts, and very thick bodies (say, tens of 1996). For example, meandering river deposits are
meters thick) may be superimposed (amalgamated) commonly thought of as relatively fine-grained
channel belts. Thinner sandstones bodies (dm to m sandstones with ribbon-like geometries (low width/
thick) interbedded with shales might be taken as thickness) set in voluminous muddy floodplain
overbank deposits such as crevasse splays, levees, deposits. In contrast, braided river deposits are
lacustrine deltas, or fills of floodplain-drainage commonly thought of as relatively coarse-grained
channels. Thick sequences of shale with minor sandstones and/or gravelstones with sheet-like
sandstones would be floodbasin deposits (Fig. 1). geometry (large width/thickness) with very little
However, it is difficult to distinguish: (1) relatively associated floodplain deposits. Anastomosing river

90 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

Figure 1. Example of interpreted gamma ray logs from the Travis Peak Formation, East Texas Basin (from Tye, 1991). Interpretations of
depositional environment were aided by cores from well S.F.E. No.2. The sandstone bodies vary in thickness, and the thicker ones are
in most cases interpreted as channel-belts. The thinner, overbank sandstones were interpreted by Tye (1991) as either crevasse splays or
lacustrine deltas. The sandstone bodies may fine upward, coarsen upward or appear blocky, irrespective of their thickness and
interpretation. It is possible that some of the overbank sandstones are channel-belt sandstones, and vice versa. Also, it is possible that
some of the mudstone could be deposited in channel fills or as upper-bar deposits within channel belts (Bridge and Tye, 2000). Notice
also that, in correlating the stratigraphic units between wells, the tops and bases of sandstone bodies were not assumed to be horizontal.

Figura 1. Ejemplo de perfiles de rayos gama interpretados para la Formacin Travis Peak, Cuenca East Texas (de Tye, 1991). Las
interpretaciones del ambiente depositacional fueron apoyadas por testigos corona del pozo S.F.E. N2. Los cuerpos de areniscas varian de
espesor y en la mayora de los casos los ms espesos se interpretaron como fajas de canales. Los cuerpos ms delgados, las areniscas de
albardn fueron interpretadas por Tye (1991) como crevasse splays o deltas lacustres. Los cuerpos de arenisca pueden ser granodecreciente,
granocreciente o no presentar cambios (blocky) independientemente de su espesor e interpretacin. Es posible que algunas de las
areniscas de albardn sean areniscas de faja de canal y viceversa. Es posible adems que algunos de los estratos de pelitas podran estar
depositados en los rellenos de canal o como depsitos de tope de barra dentro de las fajas de canales (Bridge and Tye, 2000). Note que
tambin, en las correlaciones de las unidades estratigrficas entre pozos, las bases y techos de los cuerpos de areniscas no fueron tomados
como horizontales.

deposits have been thought of as a connected pended load tend to have relatively low sinuosity
network of channel sandstone bodies with low and high degree of braiding. Such bed-load streams
width/thickness set in a matrix of floodplain mud. have been associated with relatively easily eroded
There are some very serious misconceptions in all banks of sand and gravel, large channel slope and
of this. large stream power, such that they are laterally
unstable. In contrast, rivers with relatively large
Attempts to distinguish meandering and suspended loads were postulated to be cha-
braided river deposits based on their grain racteristic of undivided rivers of higher sinuosity.
size and geometry Such suspended-load streams were associated with
cohesive muddy banks, low stream gradient and
This practice owes its origin to Schumms power, and lateral stability. Schumm defined sus-
(1963, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1985) classification pended-load channels as those carrying more than
of channel patterns. Schumm (followed by many 97% suspended-sediment load (presumably at flood
sedimentologists such as Galloway and Hobday, stage), whereas bed-load channels are defined as
1983, 1996; Miall, 1996) postulated that rivers that those carrying less than 89% suspended sediment.
transport large amounts of bed load relative to sus- Such a definition of bed-load channels is misleading

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 91


Figure 2. Typical channel deposits, with gamma ray logs, from different parts of sandy channel bars and channel fills (from Bridge and
Tye, 2000).

Figura 2. Depsitos tpicos de canal, con perfiles de rayos gama, de distintos sectores de las barras arenosas y de los rellenos de canal
(tomado de Bridge and Tye, 2000).

to say the least! The correlation between channel is braided or meandering are the amounts of water
pattern, type of sediment load and bank stability is and sediment supplied during seasonal floods (Fig.
not generally supported by data. This mythical 4).
correlation probably arose because early studies of To appreciate the fact that channel pattern may
braided rivers were in mountainous areas of sandy- not have a major influence on the geometry of a
gravelly outwash and those of single-channel single channel-belt sandstone body, consider the
sinuous streams were from temperate lowlands (e.g., Mississippi and Brahmaputra Rivers, classic
the U.S. Great Plains). In fact, many braided rivers examples of meandering and braided rivers,
are sandy and silty (e.g., Brahmaputra in Bangladesh, respectively. Both of these rivers flow through
Yellow in China, Platte in Nebraska), and many sin- extensive floodplains. The width of the Mississippi
gle-channel, sinuous rivers are sandy and gravelly River meander belt in the lower Mississippi Valley
(Madison in Montana, South Esk in Scotland, Yukon (Yazoo Basin) is 15 to 25 km, and the maximum
in Alaska) (Rust, 1978; Jackson, 1978; Bridge, thickness of the channel-belt deposits ranges from
1985). The key controls on whether or not a river 20 to 40 m, giving an average channel-belt width/

92 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

thickness of about 650 (Bridge, 1999). In the scale trough cross strata formed by the dunes that
Atchafalaya Basin and delta plain, the Mississippi migrate over the unit bars during high flow stages.
channel-belt width is 10 to 15 km and the maximum Planar cross strata associated with migration of a
thickness is about 50m, giving a maximum width/ unit bar with an avalanche face apparently only
thickness of about 300. The Brahmaputra channel occurs at the margins of unit bars. However, this is
belt is about 10 km wide, and 40 m in maximum a moot point when dealing with well logs or cores,
thickness, giving a minimum width/thickness of because it is not possible to distinguish planar cross
about 250 (Bristow, 1987). It appears that the width/ strata from trough cross strata when the sets are
thickness ratio of the meandering Mississippi dm to m thick (i.e., medium-scale cross strata).
channel belt is greater than that of the braided
Brahmaputra, or at least comparable. The reason Relationship between discharge variability,
for the similar width/thickness ratios is not hard to channel pattern and deposits
understand. A braided river occupies several
channels across the width of its channel belt Another common myth (perpetuated by Miall,
simultaneously. A meandering river may only 1977,1996, and many others) is that discharge
occupy one channel at a time, but the channel still variability is greater for braided rivers than for
wanders through a channel belt that may be com- meandering rivers. This myth probably originated
parable in width to a braided channel belt of the from the early studies of pro-glacial braided rivers
same thickness. in mountainous regions of North America, where
discharge varied tremendously during snowmelt. In
The significance of planar cross strata contrast, many single-channel rivers were studied
in temperate lowland regions where discharge
It is commonly stated in the literature (e.g., variations were moderated by groundwater supply.
Collinson, 1996; Miall, 1977, 1996) that planar cross In fact, discharge variability does not have a major
strata produced by transverse unit bars is charac- influence on the existence of the different channel
teristic of braided rivers, but not meandering rivers. patterns, because all patterns can be formed in labo-
This is quite wrong (review in Bridge, 2002; Fig. 3). ratory channels at constant discharge. Moreover,
Transverse unit bars occur in all alluvial river types. many rivers with a given discharge regime show
Furthermore, it appears from recent studies that the along-stream variations in channel pattern.
deposits of most unit bars are composed of medium- However, variability of water and sediment supply

Figure 3. Topographic features of braided and meandering rivers: curved channels, unit bars, compound bars, cross-bar channels
(modified from Bridge, 1993a).

Figura 3. Rasgos topogrficos de ros enlazados y meandrantes: canales curvados, barras unidad, barras compuestas, canales transversales
en el tope de las barras (modificado de Bridge, 1993a).

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 93


(anastomosing or anabranching) (Lane, 1957; Brice,

1964, 1984; Chitale, 1970; Smith, 1976; Schumm,
1977, 1985; Knighton and Nanson, 1993; Nanson
and Knighton, 1996; Makaske, 2001). The
characteristic and definitive features of anas-
tomosing (anabranching) channel segments are that
they are longer than a curved channel segment
around a single braid or point bar, and the patterns
of flow and sediment transport in adjacent
anastomosing segments are essentially independent
of each other. This means that each anastomosing
segment contains bars appropriate to the imposed
discharge and sediment load, enabling assignment
Figure 4. Qualitative variation of equilibrium channel patterns
with channel-forming water discharge, valley slope, and sediment of its own channel pattern, based on degree of
size. Valley slope can be thought of as a measure of sediment channel splitting around bars and sinuosity. This
transport rate, because sediment transport rate increases with means also that the terms anastomosing and
increasing slope and water discharge and with decreasing sediment braiding are not mutually exclusive, as implied in
size. the channel-pattern classifications of Rust (1978)
Figura 4. Variacin cualitativa de los diseos de equilibrio de los
and Miall (1992, 1996). In fact, many rivers are
canales con respecto al caudal de agua del canal formador, la pen- braided and/or meandering as well as anastomosing
diente del valle y el tamao de sedimento. La pendiente del valle (Fig. 5). The term anastomosing belongs in
puede ser analizada como una medida de la tasa de transporte de classifications that describe how channel belts split
sedimento debido a que la tasa de transporte de sedimento se and join on floodplains, such as distributive and
incrementa con el incremento de la pendiente, el caudal de agua y
con el decrecimiento del tamao del sedimento.
tributive. The number of coexisting anastomosing
or distributive channels is controlled by the nature
of channel-belt deposition and avulsion rather than
the water and sediment discharge in channels (which
during floods does have an influence on the nature controls whether channels are meandering or
of flood sedimentation units, and these units might braided). The nature of channel-belt deposition and
be recognizable in well logs and cores (Fig. 2). avulsion has a major control on the superposition
Related to this issue of discharge variability is of channel belts, the preservation of overbank
the claim that extremes of discharge will have a deposits, and the overall net-to-gross, as discussed
strong influence on the nature of the river deposits. below. Whether or not the ancient channel belt was
Specifically, the deposits of ephemeral rivers are braided or meandering is largely irrelevant when
considered to have certain distinctive features, such analyzing net-to-gross in the subsurface.
as a predominance of planar laminated and low-
angle cross-stratified sandstone, and either a lack Superimposed channel bars and channel belts
of well-defined channels or channels with high
width/depth ratios (e.g., North and Taylor, 1996). Channel bars and channel fills can be
These features are not restricted to ephemeral rivers. superimposed within a single channel belt and by
The key features that distinguish deposits of ephe- superposition of different channel belts (Fig. 6).
meral rivers from those of perennial rivers are those Recognition of such superposition is not a simple
that indicate that the channel flow ceased (i.e., plant task. Within a single channel belt, simple and
roots and desiccation cracks in the bottom of chan- compound bars can be superimposed in complicated
nels). In reality, the main characteristics of channel ways that cannot be interpreted easily from well
deposits are controlled by flood conditions, and logs. It is very important to recognize superimposed
floods occur in ephemeral and perennial rivers alike. channel belts in well logs and cores, because
superimposed channel belts generally produce
Are anastomosing river deposits distinctive? sandstone-gravelstone bodies with much larger
width/thickness than single channel belts. It is not
A distinction has been made between rivers possible to rationally correlate channel-belt
where channels split around bars (braided) and sandstone bodies between wells without assessing
those where channels split around floodplain areas their degree of superposition, as discussed below.

94 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

Spatial variations in proportion of channel-

belt deposits (net-to-gross)

The proportion and grain size of channel-belt

deposits commonly vary vertically in wells, and
vary between wells at a given stratigraphic level.
For example, an increase in channel-deposit
proportion may be associated with a zone of
superimposed channel bars or channel belts.
Variations in net-to-gross can occur over different
spatial scales. For example, vertical variations in
channel-deposit proportion over scales of tens of
meters, hundreds of meters and kilometers have
been documented (e.g., Willis, 1993a,b; Khan et al.,
1997; Zaleha, 1997a,b). Spatial variations in alluvial
architecture have been explained by a variety of
different kinds of stratigraphic models (e.g., Leeder,
1978; Allen, 1978; Bridge and Leeder, 1979; Paola
et al, 1992; Bridge and Mackey, 1993a; Shanley and
McCabe, 1993, 1994; Wright and Marriott, 1993;
Mackey and Bridge, 1995). There may be many
different explanations for a given alluvial
architecture, and great care must be taken to keep
an open mind about the possible explanatory
hypotheses. This is an important point, because
choice of any particular interpretation of alluvial
architecture has far-reaching implications for late-
ral correlation of stratigraphic units.

Proposed procedure for interpreting channel

deposits in well logs, image logs, and cores

When interpreting channel deposits in vertical

logs, it is important to estimate maximum and mean
bankfull-channel depth with some confidence,
because these parameters are commonly used to
estimate the width of subsurface channels and
channel belts (Bridge and Tye, 2000). Quantitative
estimation of channel depth from subsurface data
requires three preliminary steps. First, major
channel-belt sandstones and gravelstones must be Figure 5. Brahmaputra River immediately north of its confluence
distinguished from floodplain sandstones. This is with the Ganges River, showing braided channels and undivided
sinuous channels that are also anastomosed. Scale bar is 20 km.
not always an easy task, because of the gradation
Photo courtesy of C.S.Bristow, also published in Bridge (1993a).
in thickness and facies between these types of
sediment bodies. Second, it is essential to try to Figura 5. Ro Brahmaputra inmediatamente al norte de su con-
recognize the different scales of channel deposits: fluencia con el ro Ganges, se observan canales enlazados y
cross sets, flood sedimentation units, unit-bar monocanales sinuosos que tambin son anastomosados. La barra
deposits, compound-bar deposits, individual de escala es 20 km. La fotografa es cortesa de C.S. Bristow, tam-
bin publicada en Bridge (1993a).
channel belts, and compound channel belts. This
must be done by inspection of spatial variations in
grain size, sedimentary structures, paleocurrents and
degree of disruption. It is very difficult to do this to confuse flood-sedimentation units with bar
using data from one well. As shown above, it is easy deposits, and to confuse individual channel belts

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 95


with superimposed channel belts. Third, the generally increases with formative flow depth, d. It
thickness of as many untruncated channel bars or appears that, for all types of river dunes (including
fills (from the tops of channel belts) as possible must those not in equilibrium with the flow), d/H m
be measured to get an idea of the range of maximum averages between 6 and 10. Although estimation
channel depths. of flow depth from dune height is imprecise, such
Maximum bankfull-channel depth is commonly an estimate is still a useful complement to flow
estimated from the (decompacted) thickness of depth calculated from channel-bar thickness.
untruncated channel-bar and channel-fill deposits.
It is not always easy to correctly identify untrunca- Re-interpretation of the geometry and spatial
ted channel-bar and channel-fill deposits in logs or distribution of subsurface fluvial sandstone
cores. Furthermore, the thickness of such channel bodies
sandstones is generally less than the bank-full
channel depth (Bridge and Mackey, 1993b). The There are many examples in the literature of
presence of sandy-muddy upper-bar deposits, and interpretation of river-channel deposits using data
the uncertainty in distinguishing these from proximal from cores and well logs (e.g., various papers in the
overbank deposits makes it difficult to identify volumes edited by Barwis et al., 1990; Ethridge and
paleo-bankfull level. Thick channel-fill mudstones Flores, 1981; Ethridge et al., 1987; Galloway and
above thin channel-bar sandstones can look very Hobday, 1996; Lomando and Harris, 1988; Miall
similar to overbank deposits. Furthermore, and Tyler, 1991; Selley, 1996). In most examples, a
maximum channel depth and bar thickness vary in range of possible interpretations of well logs is not
space quite markedly (by at least a factor of two) considered, and the cores are not described in
in channel belts, such that limited data from a sin- sufficient detail to allow use of the methods
gle well may not be representative. An independent proposed here. In particular, the thickness of
means of estimating bankfull flow depth would be medium-scale cross sets is rarely presented.
beneficial. This is possible using an understanding However, Bridge and Tye (2000) demonstrated how
of the relationship between dune height and application of the new techniques discussed here
thickness of associated cross sets, and of the known had an impact upon previous interpretations of
relationship between dune height and water depth. paleochannel depths, channel-belt widths, and flu-
The method for calculating the distribution of vial sandstone-body dimensions and connectedness.
dune height from the distribution of cross-set
thickness is described by Bridge (1997), Leclair et
al. (1997) and Leclair and Bridge (2001). The STRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION OF WELL
method is based on the justifiable assumption that LOGS AND CORES: USE OF SEISMIC DATA
the distribution of cross-set thickness is due
primarily to variability in dune height, and that Method of correlation
variation in deposition rate plays a minor role. This
method is also limited to homogeneous cosets of Correlation of lithofacies between wells is
cross strata, meaning that there are no obvious normally accomplished within a framework of re-
spatial changes in the type of strata or mean grain gional stratigraphic markers established using
size. The assumption is, therefore, that such cross seismic sections, well logs and cores. In order to
sets were formed by migration of dunes whose mean facilitate correlation, it is common practice to plot
geometry did not vary appreciably in time and the stratigraphic markers as horizontal surfaces.
space. To use this method, the thickness, s, of as Lithostratigraphic correlation must entail certain
many cross sets as possible should be measured, assumptions about, or models of, the geometry and
such that the mean set thickness, s m, can be lateral continuity of lithofacies such as channel-belt
calculated. Mean dune height, Hm , is approximately sandstone bodies or floodplain shales (Fig. 1, 7 and
equal to 3 sm . To avoid confusing cross strata of 8). For example, must the tops and bases of
dune origin with solitary sets formed by unit bars, correlated sandstone bodies be horizontal and
abnormally thick, isolated cross sets should be parallel? If they are not horizontal and parallel, how
avoided. As dune height is expected to vary with inclined can the boundaries be relative to the datum,
position on channel bars, cross-set thickness and how variable can the thickness of a sandstone
measured in different positions in the vertical profile body be? What is a reasonable lateral extent in any
should be grouped into subsets. Mean dune height given direction? These are very difficult questions

96 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

Figure 6. Vertical sequences of lithofacies and gamma-ray logs for superimposed channels bars and channel belts (from Bridge and Tye,

Figura 6. Secuencias verticales de litofacies y perfiles de rayos gama correspondientes a barras de canal superpuestas y fajas de canales
(tomado de Bridge and Tye, 2000).

to answer. In many cases, the assumptions made in lateral extent of reservoirs or aquifers
correlation are either not stated explicitly, or are
based on various kinds of stratigraphic models. If It is ironic, but not surprising, that the most
correlating stratigraphic sequences that are less than common method for estimating channel-belt widths
the order of 100 m thick, seismic data will be of and orientations is by correlating specific channel-
limited use in resolving the lateral continuity of belt sandstone bodies between well logs (e.g., Nanz,
strata and the presence of small faults. Stratigraphic 1954; Berg, 1968; Cornish, 1984; Tye, 1991). With
resolution using seismic data improves as interval this technique, there is generally no attempt to
thickness and impedance contrast increase. predict reasonable geometries and lateral extents
Therefore, an infinite number of correlations is of different lithofacies from analysis of well logs.
possible, but only one will be used in practice. The minimum possible width of sediment bodies
that can be resolved by this method is the well
Using well-to-well correlation to estimate spacing. This approach to estimating lateral extent

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 97


through channel deposits indicate the paleochannel

pattern and hence the geometry of channel-belt
sandstone bodies.
Concerning assumption (1), the depositional
models discussed above clearly show that the basal
erosion surfaces and tops of channel belts are not
generally flat. Concerning assumption (2), sand-
stone bodies at the same stratigraphic level in
adjacent wells are not necessarily connected, and
some assessment of the probability of connection
is required, perhaps using empirical data on channel-
belt width/maximum channel depth. However, if
two sandstone bodies are indeed continuous
between wells, they are not necessarily from a sin-
gle channel belt. This is of particular concern if
sandstone-body proportion exceeds 0.4 (Bridge and
Mackey, 1993b). Assumptions (3) and (4) were
shown to be wrong above.
In order to rationalize the correlation process
as much as possible, it is desirable to use
interpretations of depositional environments and
stratigraphic models to constrain the correlation
assumptions. In the case of isolated channel belts,
it is unlikely that the tops and bases will be hori-
zontal and parallel. Data from modern and ancient
analogs can be used to assess these characteristics.
Models and real-world examples of channel belts
indicate that their thickness may vary laterally by
a factor of at least two, and that there are systematic
lateral variations in thickness. A range of likely
channel-belt widths can be obtained from the
thickness of single channel belts, as indicated
below. It may turn out that sandstone bodies at the
same stratigraphic level should not be correlated
over the distance between two wells if this distance
greatly exceeds the expected lateral extent of a
channel belt. There needs to be much more work
Figure 7. Different ways of correlating rock units between two done on the geometry of different lithofacies in
wells, depending on assumptions about the physical continuity
modern fluvial environments, if modern analogs are
and orientation of unit boundaries.
to be used to predict the geometry of subsurface
Figura 7. Diferentes formas de correlacionar unidades de roca fluvial sediment bodies.
entre dos pozos, dependiendo de las suposiciones de la continui-
dad fsica y de la orientacin de los lmites de la unidad. Geometry of modern channel-belt deposits

Several attempts have been made to predict

of lithofacies is commonly compromised by channel-belt width in the subsurface using empirical
simplistic or erroneous assumptions, such as: (1) equations derived from modern rivers that relate
basal erosion surfaces and tops of channel-belt maximum channel depth, channel width, and
sandstone bodies are flat; (2) sandstone bodies channel-belt width (Collinson, 1978; Lorenz et al.,
positioned at the same stratigraphic level must be 1985, 1991; Fielding and Crane, 1987; Davies et
connected between adjacent wells; (3) sandstone al., 1993; discussed by Bridge and Mackey, 1993b).
body width/thickness ratios are closely related to This approach requires reliable estimates of
paleochannel pattern, and; (4) vertical sequences maximum bankfull-channel depth from one-dimen-

98 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

sional subsurface data. As discussed previously,

correct estimation of maximum bankfull-channel
depth is not straightforward, because complete
channel-bar or channel-fill sequences may be
difficult to identify, and the thickness of the
sandstone-gravelstone parts of these coarse
members is not always as great as the bankfull-
channel depth. Furthermore, within a single channel
belt, maximum channel depth and bar thickness can
vary spatially by a factor of at least 2 (Bridge, 1993a;
Salter, 1993). Therefore, limited data from a single
well may not be representative.
Empirical regression equations relating
maximum channel depth, channel width, and
channel-belt width have large standard errors, and
are dependent on channel-pattern parameters such
as channel-bend wavelength and sinuosity (Bridge
and Mackey, 1993b). Most of the empirical Figure 8. Correlation of two wells within the Ness Formation of
equations used to date (Collinson, 1978; Lorenz et the Brent Field, UK North Sea (from Bryant and Flint, 1993). GR =
Gamma Ray; FDC = Density Log; CNL = Compensated Neutron
al., 1985, 1991; Fielding and Crane, 1987; Davies Log. Coals have been used as correlation markers. There has been
et al., 1993) do not include such dependencies. some imaginative definitions of the shapes and lateral extents of
Channel-bend wavelength and sinuosity are actually channel sands and crevasse splay sands.
very difficult to reconstruct from outcrops and are
impossible to determine from well data. Lorenz et Figura 8. Correlacin de dos pozos en la Formacin Ness del Distri-
to Brent, Mar del Norte-Inglaterra (de Bryant and Flint, 1993). GR
al. (1985) used empirical equations derived from
= Rayos Gama; FDC = Perfil de Densidad; CNL = Perfil Compensa-
rivers with sinuosity greater than 1.7, and assumed do de Neutrones. Las capas de carbn han sido utilizadas como
that sandstone bodies in both outcrops and niveles de correlacin. Algunas de las definiciones de las formas y
subsurface strata were deposited in highly sinuous extensiones laterales de las arenas de canal y de las arenas de crevasse
rivers. Equations presented in Bridge and Mackey splay han sido imaginativas.
(1993b: their Table 2) are based on larger data sets
than previous equations or on theoretical principles.
Channel-belt widths predicted by these equations difficult to make detailed interpretations of
agreed with those observed in outcrops by Bridge depositional environments using typical subsurface
et al. (2000). data. Because our understanding of modern
depositional environments is incomplete, most
Use of outcrop analogs to aid well-to-well depositional models are qualitative, lacking in
correlation detail, and not fully three-dimensional (Bridge,
1985, 1993b). The deficiency of most depositional
The geometry and lithofacies of channel and models severely limits their use in detailed
channel-belt deposits determined in outcrops are interpretation of ancient deposits. Rarely are
commonly used as analogs for subsurface strata outcrops extensive enough to allow unambiguous
(Collinson, 1978; Walderhaug and Mjos, 1991; determination of the three-dimensional geometry
Lowry and Raheim, 1991; Cuevas Gozalo and and orientation of channels and channel belts.
Martinius, 1993; Dreyer, 1993; Dreyer et al., 1993; Channel-belt width is particularly difficult to de-
Robinson and McCabe, 1997; Bridge et al., 2000). termine, even in large outcrops (Geehan and
Despite the popularity of this approach, it has many Underwood, 1993). Moreover, channel-belt width
pitfalls. First, it must be established that the and thickness are known to vary spatially within
depositional setting interpreted for the subsurface one channel belt and between different channel
strata is indeed analogous to that interpreted for belts. In general, limited data from a few large
the outcrops. This requires two interpretation steps, exposures are unlikely to be generally representative
the reliability of which depends on the quality of of fluvial-deltaic channel belts. This is why it is
the outcrops, of the subsurface data, and of the desirable to use analog data from Holocene
depositional models used for interpretation. It is depositional environments, where channel-belt

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 99


dimensions can be determined easily, and the bodies between wells, it is critical to be able to
relationship between the nature of the deposits and distinguish connected channel belts. Two connected
the geometry, flow and sedimentary processes of channel belts may be up to twice the width of a
the environment can be established unambiguously. single channel belt. Bridge and Mackey (1993b)
used their revised two-dimensional model of alluvial
Amplitude analysis of 3-D seismic horizon architecture (Bridge and Mackey, 1993a) to study
slices the width and thickness of sandstone (or
gravelstone) bodies comprising single or connected
Amplitude analysis of 3-D seismic horizon slices channel belts. The width and thickness of sandstone
(Weber, 1993; Hardage et al., 1994, 1996; Burnett, bodies depend critically on the proportion of
1996) is the only method capable of yielding channel-belt deposits in the stratigraphic interval,
directly the width of channel belts, and imaging the as this proportion controls the degree of
channel pattern (sinuosity, channel splitting) of connectedness of individual channel belts. For low
subsurface sandstone bodies (Fig. 9). This is also values of channel-deposit proportion (less than
the only method that can be used to predict the about 0.4), channel belts are unconnected,
spatial distribution of channel-belt thickness and sandstone-body width equals channel-belt width,
lithofacies. However, high quality 3-D seismic data and sandstone-body thickness equals aggraded
are rarely available, the most sandstone bodies of channel-belt thickness (Fig. 10). As channel-deposit
interest are too thin and buried too deeply to be proportion increases, some channel belts become
completely resolved using seismic data. connected, the mean and standard deviation of
sandstone-body width and thickness increase, and
Estimating width of superimposed channel their frequency distributions become polymodal
belts from subsurface data with the largest modes at the lowest values of width
and thickness. As channel-deposit proportion
When correlating channel-belt sandstone continues to increase, the distributions are still

Figure 9. Amplitude analysis of a 3-D seismic horizon slice showing the width of a channel belt and channel pattern of subsurface
channel sandstone bodies. The cross section shows correlated logs and the position of the horizon slice. Log 3 cuts through the variable-
width, straight channel belt trending north-south. Logs 4 to 6 cut through a point bar and channel fill of a slightly older channel belt.

Figura 9. Anlisis de amplitud de una seccin horizontal de ssmica 3-D mostrando el ancho de la faja de canales y el diseo de los canales
de los cuerpos de areniscas de canal en subsuelo. Las secciones transversales muestran los perfiles correlacionados y la posicin de la
seccin horizontal. El perfil 3 atraviesa longitudinalmente la faja de canal de ancho variable en direccin norte-sur. Los perfiles 4 y 6
atraviesan una barra de punta y el relleno de canal de una faja de canal un poco ms antigua.

100 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

Figure 10. Relationships between channel-belt deposit proportion and connectedness, and the width and thickness of channel-belt
sandstone bodies (based on Bridge and Mackey, 1993b).

Figura 10. Relaciones entre la proporcin de los depsitos de la faja de canales, la interconexin, el ancho y el espesor de los cuerpos de
areniscas de la faja de canales (basado en Bridge and Mackey, 1993b).

polymodal but the larger modes are at higher values The three-dimensional model of alluvial
of width and thickness (Fig. 10). If channel-deposit architecture of Mackey and Bridge (1995) gives
proportion exceeds about 0.75, all channel belts are results that are generally similar to those described
connected, and the single sandstone body has a above for two-dimensional models. However, the
width equal to floodplain width and a thickness three-dimensional model predicts that channel-
equivalent to the whole section. deposit proportion and connectedness, and the
Channel-deposit proportion, width and dimensions of channel sandstone bodies, vary with
thickness increase as bank-full channel depth and distance from points of channel-belt splitting (due
channel-belt width increase, and as floodplain to avulsion). Upstream of avulsion points,
width, aggradation rate and avulsion period sandstone bodies have lower than average width/
decrease. Channel-deposit proportion is also thickness because of aggradation in a fixed channel
influenced by depth of burial (degree of belt. Immediately down valley from avulsion points,
compaction) and tectonic tilting of the floodplain. channel belts are connected, resulting in sandstone
For example, channel-deposit proportion and bodies with higher than average width/thickness.
connectedness of channel belts increase on the Because of this, relationships between channel-
down-tilted sides of floodplains but are reduced on deposit proportion and connectedness and
the up-tilted sides. sandstone-body dimensions derived from 2-D

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 101


models are strictly applicable only to parts of the 1993; Gibling and Bird, 1994; Miall, 1996; Fig. 11).
floodplain located some distance down valley from This is ascribed to river incision arising from relative
avulsion points. fall in base level and exposure of a slope that is
steeper than the river slope upstream. Although
Correlation using sequence-stratigraphic incision may be associated with base-level fall near
models the coast, incision further inland may not be
associated with falling base level (Blum, 1994; Blum
Correlation of lithofacies associations between and Price, 1998: Blum and Tornqvist, 2000).
wells may be aided by other kinds of stratigraphic Therefore, the basal erosion surface of the sequence
models, such as sequence-stratigraphic models may not be coeval with, or coincident with, erosion
(Fig.11). Sequence-stratigraphic models (e.g., surfaces inland. The erosional base of the sequence
Jervey, 1988; Posamentier and Vail, 1988; in these models is overlain by amalgamated fluvial
Posamentier et al., 1988; Ross, 1990; Shanley and channel deposits (the so-called lowstand systems
McCabe, 1993, 1994; Wright and Marriott, 1993) tract: LST) that are ascribed to deposition under
predict the effects of relative sea-level change on conditions of low deposition rate and restricted
alluvial deposition rate and alluvial architecture, and floodplain width (due to valley incision). Many
are therefore potentially applicable to near-coastal workers assume that zones of high channel-deposit
fluvial successions. There are substantial differences proportion (high net-to-gross) in alluvial deposits
between these models, and all of them can be represent these basal parts of sequences, and that
criticized. Most of these models are severely limited the basal erosion surface of the lowest sandstone
because they are qualitative, essentially two-dimen- body represents an incised valley (e.g., Aitken and
sional, and do not account for all of the factors that Flint, 1995). In many cases, evidence for an incised
influence alluvial architecture. Actually, eustatic valley is lacking. Criteria for incised valleys include
sea-level change may not have the influence on (Dalrymple et al., 1994): (1) erosional relief that is
alluvial systems that has been assumed in the past. greater than the thickness of a single channel fill;
Factors such as climate, vegetation and tectonism (2) multiple, vertically stacked channel bars within
may also have an important influence on rivers and the valley; (3) evidence for extended periods of non
floodplains during eustatic sea-level change deposition (mature paleosols) on interfluves; (4)
(Schumm, 1993; Wescott, 1993; Blum, 1994; Koss alluvial channel deposits resting erosively upon
et al., 1994; Leeder and Stewart, 1996; Miall, 1996; shallow marine sands and muds. Commonly, a large
Blum and Price, 1998; Ethridge et al., 1998; Blum amount of erosional relief on the base of a single
and Tornqvist, 2000). Miall (1986, 1991, 1996) has channel deposit can be misinterpreted as an incised
criticized some of the earlier models (e.g., Jervey, valley margin (Salter, 1993; Best and Ashworth,
1988; Posamentier et al., 1988) for the effects of 1997).
sea-level change on near-coastal alluvial deposition. Falling sea level (marine regression) does not
His main point is that a relative fall in sea level is necessarily result in valley incision near the coast.
not normally associated with alluvial aggradation, The land exposed by marine regression may
except for the newly exposed part of the sea bed, experience erosion or deposition depending on the
and even then only under special circumstances. In slope of the exposed surfaces (Schumm, 1993;
fact, whether or not a river valley is incised or Wescott, 1993; Wood et al., 1993). Erosion will
aggraded during sea-level fall depends, among other occur on relatively steep slopes given enough time
things, on the slope of the exposed shelf relative to and flow competence. However, erosion of channels
that of the river valley (Pitman, 1986; Pitman and and floodplains is a long-term process, and the short-
Golovchenko, 1988; Schumm, 1993; Leeder and term response may be to increase sinuosity of rivers.
Stewart, 1996). In general, the effects of sea-level Also, upstream avulsion may cause channel
change are expected to decrease up-valley (Saucier, abandonment before incision is complete (Leeder
1981, 1994; Autin et al., 1991; Schumm, 1993; and Stewart, 1996). Incision of channels and
Shanley and McCabe, 1994). Only three-dimensio- floodplains is associated with terrace formation,
nal models can describe these effects (Bridge, 1999: reduction of valley width, and up-valley migration
Karssenberg et al, 2001b). of knick-points. Avulsion frequency is expected to
Most alluvial sequence-stratigraphic models be low in areas of erosion. Channel-deposit
have an erosional base to the sequence (Shanley proportion and connectedness may increase during
and McCabe, 1993, 1994; Wright and Marriott, sea-level lowstand because of reduced deposition

102 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

Figure 11. Examples of alluvial sequence-stratigraphic models (upper model from Shanley and McCabe, 1993; lower model from Wright
and Marriott, 1993).

Figura 11. Ejemplos de modelos de secuencia estratigrfica aluvial (modelo superior de Shanley and McCabe, 1993; modelo inferior de
Wright and Marriot, 1993).

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 103


rate (or erosion) and reduced floodplain width. width of floodplains decrease them. It is also
However, channel-deposit proportion may decrease necessary to know how channel-belt geometry
as a result of reduced avulsion frequency, or if the changes during sea-level change in order to
channel-belt width and thickness were reduced as adequately predict channel-deposit proportion. In
a result of a decrease in water discharge. Sequence the case of the Mississippi coastal plain, the channel-
stratigraphic models must account for changes in deposit proportion in the Holocene deposits is low
all of these factors that influence alluvial mainly because of high floodplain width relative to
architecture. channel-belt width. However, in the coeval deposits
Thick and laterally extensive amalgamated of the lower Mississippi Valley, the channel-deposit
channel deposits are commonly important oil and proportion is very high because of low floodplain
gas reservoirs. Therefore, it is important to interpret width relative to channel-belt width (Bridge, 1999).
such deposits accurately when predicting their The highstand systems tract (HST) is also
thickness, lateral extent, and bounding facies. If associated with relatively low channel-deposit
zones of high channel-deposit proportion are proportion according to Shanley and McCabe
incorrectly interpreted as incised valley fills, their (1993). However, Wright and Marriott (1993)
extent normal to the valley direction will be predict an increase in channel-deposit proportion
underestimated, and their extent parallel to the in the HST, and an increase in soil maturity, both
valley will be overestimated. There are many related to reduced deposition rate.
examples in the literature where zones of high Based on the comments above, it is unlikely
channel-deposit proportion are not associated with that extant alluvial sequence-stratigraphic models
filling of incised valleys. For example, they may be are generally applicable. Karssenberg et al (2001b)
associated with high deposition rates and high have attempted to improve upon this situation by
avulsion frequencies of large channels on megafans producing a 3-D model that takes account of most
(Willis, 1993a,b; Khan et al, 1997; Zaleha, 1997a,b). of the factors that control alluvial architecture
In this case, their lateral extent may be considera- during changing base level.
According to the sequence-stratigraphic
models, the deposits above the lowstand systems MODELING OF THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL
tract were deposited under conditions of relatively GEOMETRY AND DISTRIBUTION OF
high deposition rate on a broad alluvial plain, FACIES BETWEEN WELLS
associated with rising relative base level and
drowning of incised valleys (the so-called Information derived from seismic profiles,
transgressive systems tract: TST). The channel- cores, well logs, and well tests is rarely sufficient to
deposit proportion and connectedness are taken to provide comprehensive three-dimensional
be relatively low as a result. According to Gibling description and understanding of subsurface
and Bird (1994), coal is likely to occur at the top of reservoir rocks. As a result, recourse is commonly
the TST, immediately below the so-called maximum- made to outcrop analogs and quantitative
flooding surface. Paleosols are likely to reflect high depositional models. A common approach is to use
groundwater table. Deposits associated with the interpreted outcrop analogs (discussed above) to
maximum-flooding surface may contain evidence provide supplementary data on sedimentary
of marine influence. architecture, and to use stochastic, structure-
During relative sea-level rise, slopes of rivers imitating models conditioned by subsurface data
and floodplains are reduced near shore due to to distribute the sediment types in 3-D space
backwater effects, and the width and depth of (reviews by Bryant and Flint, 1993; Koltermann and
valleys increase due to drowning. These changes Gorelick, 1996; North, 1996; Anderson, 1997:
result in reduced grain size of transported sediment, Fig.12). Structure-imitating stochastic models do not
deposition, change in channel pattern, and increased simulate processes of deposition: they directly
frequency of avulsion. Tornqvist (1993, 1994) simulate the stratigraphy. Methods used are
associated high avulsion frequency and indicator geostatistics (e.g., Journel, 1983; Bierkens
anastomosing river patterns with periods of rapid and Weerts, 1994), simulated annealing (e.g.,
base-level rise and deposition. Increases in avulsion Deutsch and Cockerham, 1994), Markov chains
frequency increase channel-deposit proportion and (e.g., Doveton, 1994, Carle et al., 1998), and
connectedness, but increases in deposition rate and Boolean object models that use probabilistic rules

104 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

Figure 12. An example of use of a two-dimensional, object-based stochastic model (from Srivastava, 1994). The width and thickness of
channel-belt sandstone bodies are normally obtained from Monte Carlo sampling from empirical distributions derived from outcrop
analogs. Notice that the sand bodies have been given a channel-shaped form. Channel-belt sandstone bodies do not normally have this

Figura 12. Un ejemplo del uso de un modelo bidimensional estocstico basado en objetos (de Srivastava, 1994). El ancho y el espesor
de los cuerpos de areniscas de faja de canales son obtenidos del muestreo Monte Carlo a partir de las distribuciones empricas derivadas
de anlogos de afloramiento. Note que los cuerpos de arena han sido adjudicados a una forma de canal. Los cuerpos de areniscas de faja
de canales normalmente no tienen esta forma.

to define the geometry and location of stratigraphic imitating models) simulate the sedimentary
units (e.g., Budding et al., 1992; Deutsch and Wang, processes acting to produce a deposit (Koltermann
1996; Hirst et al., 1993; Holden et al., 1998). An and Gorelick, 1996; Anderson, 1997). Process-based
advantage of these models is that they match the models can be deterministic and/or stochastic, and
available data exactly. However, input parameters empirical and/or theoretical. Examples of such
are very difficult to obtain, and the alluvial models include random-walk sedimentation models
stratigraphy simulated is commonly very unrealistic of braided rivers (Webb, 1994), models based on
(e.g., Tyler at al., 1994; Deutsch and Wang 1996; the fundamental equations of fluid flow and
Holden et al., 1998). In the case of object-based sediment transport (e.g., Bridge, 1977, 1992; Tetzlaff
models, the lack of realism is associated with the and Harbaugh, 1989; Stam, 1996), and avulsion-
choices available for object shapes, and the based alluvial stratigraphy models (e.g., Bridge and
essentially random placement of objects where well Leeder, 1979; Mackey and Bridge, 1995; Heller and
data are not available. For example, channel belts Paola, 1996). Process-based models are forward
are modeled as one or more sinuous ribbons with models in the sense that they predict the nature of
channel-shaped bases (Fig. 13). deposits given a set of initial starting parameters. It
Unlike the structure-imitating models, process- is not known a priori what the deposits will look
based models (sometimes referred to as process- like. Advantages of process-based models are that

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 105


Figure 13. (A) Example from the MOHERES software of a single channel belt consisting of four channel beds (from Tyler et al., 1994).
In this software, internal elements such as channel bars and channel fills can be placed randomly within these channel beds. This is
not a realistic representation of the geometry of deposits in channel belts. Notice that the channel beds are not even in contact with
eachother in places. (B) Example of a channel belt from Patagonia showing a single active channel and many abandoned channel bars and
channel fills. The channel-bar deposits comprise most of the volume of this channel belt.

Figura 13. (A) Ejemplo del programa MOHERES consistente en una faja de canales simple con cuatro lechos de canales (de Tyler et al.,
1994). En este programa, los elementos internos tales como barras de canal y relleno de canales pueden estar ubicados al azar dentro de
los lechos de canales. Esta no es una representacin relista de la geometra de los depsitos en las fajas de canales. Note que los lechos
de canales no estn en contacto entre s en otros sectores (figura inferior). (B) Ejemplo de una faja de canales de Patagonia mostrando
un canal activo simple y muchas barras de canal abandonadas y rellenos de canal. Los depsitos de barras de canal conforman la mayor
parte del volumen de esta faja de canales.

106 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

they utilize fundamental physical principles to

generate stratigraphy. Therefore, process-based
models can help provide genetic interpretations of
deposits, and can predict more realistic stratigraphy
than structure-imitating (stochastic) models.
However, a perceived disadvantage of process-based
models is that it is difficult or impossible to make
the simulated deposits fit observational data in
sufficient detail (Clemetsen et al., 1990; North,
1996; Koltermann and Gorelick, 1996; Anderson,
1997). Therefore, process-based models have had
limited application in quantitative simulation of
reservoir stratigraphy.
Recent work shows, however, that fitting of
process-based models to well data is possible in
principle, using a trial-and-error approach with some
optimization (Karssenberg et al., 2001a).
Karssenburg et al. (2001a) fitted a simplified version
of the Mackey-Bridge (1995) three-dimensional
model of alluvial stratigraphy to five hypothetical
wells (Fig. 14). The approach is to run the model
many times, each time with different input defined Figure 14. (A) Hypothetical model area with location of five wells
using Monte Carlo simulation techniques. (B) Hypothetical well data used for model fitting (from Karssenberg
Successful runs are those where output fits well data et al., 2001a).
within certain tolerance limits. Figure 15 shows the
temporal evolution of the floodplain for one run of Figura 14. (A) rea hipottica del modelo con la ubicacin de
cinco pozos, (B) Datos hipotticos del pozo usados para ajustar el
the process-based model with the simulated modelo (de Karssenberg et al., 2001a).
deposits fitting the five wells. On the basis of all of
the realizations of the model that fit the wells, the
probability of occurrence of channel-belt deposits
within the area can be calculated (Fig. 16). expresses the difference between model output and
It was concluded that using this trial-and-error well data. The objective is to minimize the
approach in practice will require: (1) refinement of difference between the model output and well data,
the process-based model; (2) improved algorithms or to maximize the fitness function. Since the fit-
for efficiently fitting the model to the data, and; (3) ting procedure will put a high demand on
overcoming the anticipated large amounts of computational resources, the choice of the fitting
computing time. Recent progress on these three method and the software implementation of this
problems has facilitated the implementation of this method and the process-based model is critical in
inverse modeling approach and its application to order to minimize run times.
real-world data. Moreover, the effectiveness of
process-based models in simulating alluvial
stratigraphy can now be compared with stochastic, Acknowledgements. Sincere thanks to my friend and
structure-imitating models. The 3-D process-based colleague Bo Tye for many discussions of the issues
raised in this review. Bo also generously reviewed the
model can be fitted to well data exactly by inverse
manuscript. Sincere thanks also to another friend and
modeling (Cross and Lessenger, 1999; Bornholdt et colleague, Sergio Georgieff, who invited me to write
al, 1999; Karssenberg et al., 2001a). With inverse this paper, and who was responsible for the Spanish
modeling, fitting of the model to well data is translations.
achieved by repeatedly running the model,
comparing its output with well data, and adjusting REFERENCES
the model input parameters until the model output
fits the well data within specified tolerance limits. Aitken, J.F. and S. S. Flint, 1995. The application of high-
For each model run, a fitness function (called resolution sequence stratigraphy to fluvial systems: a case
objective function or goal function by others) study from the Upper Carboniferous Breathitt Group,

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 107


Figure 15. Model run that fits the well data. Each map shows position of the old and new channel belt, and the surface elevation (m) at
the time of an avulsion (from Karssenberg et al., 2001a).

Figura 15. Modelo simulado que se ajusta a los datos de los pozos. Cada mapa muestra la posicin de la faja de canales antigua y nueva,
y la elevacin de la superficie (m) en el momento de una avulsin (de Karssenberg et al., 2001a).

108 AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001

Characterization of fluvial hydrocarbon reservoirs and aquifers: problems and solutions

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transectas a travs del bloque 3-D, la escala de grises representa la probabilidad de ocurrencia de los depsitos de la faja de canales (de
Karssenberg et al., 2001a).

AAS Revista 8 (2), 2001 109


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