FPOA Implementation For WSN Energy Efficient Routing
FPOA Implementation For WSN Energy Efficient Routing
FPOA Implementation For WSN Energy Efficient Routing
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 22 - 26
FPOA Implementation for WSN Energy Efficient Routing
AbstractIn this paper, a soft computing technique Flower Pollination optimization Algorithm(FPOA) for WSN is proposed. The Sensor
Network is heterogeneous in nature. Proposed algorithm is designed and implemented in MATLAB. In this technique some nodes send data
directly to base station as local pollination and some by Multihop routing as global pollination. A routing scheme is process which helps in
minimizing the energy consumption. The performance of FPOA is compared with techniques that are already developed.(Low Energy adaptive
clustering hierarchy (LEACH), Stable Election Protocol (SEP) and Zonal-Stable Election Protocol (Z-SEP) Simulation results show that FPOA
enhance first node dead time, throughput and overall energy efficiency than existing protocols like LEACH, SEP and Z-SEP.
Keywords- Flower Pollination optimization Algorithm (FPOA); Wireless sensor network(WSN); energy efficiency; Multihop routing; sensor
IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 22 - 26
application, mobile ferries can be used for collecting data in utilization of any preexisting infrastructure. In this paper, we
a WSN especially those at a large-scale with delay tolerant propose an optimal routing protocol for WSN inspired by
applications. A ferry based approach eliminates or the foraging behavior of ants. The ants try to find existing
minimizes the need for multi-hop forwarding of data, and as paths between the source and base station.
a result energy consumption at the nodes will be
significantly reduced especially nodes that are near the base III. FLOWER POLLINATION ALGORITHM
station as they are used by other nodes to forward data to the FPA was developed by Xin-She Yang in 2012 [8],
base station. inspired by the flow pollination process of flowering plants.
Muruganathan et al. [4] presented wireless sensor For simplicity, the following four rules are used:
networks consist of small battery powered devices with 1. Biotic and cross-pollination can be considered
limited energy resources. Once deployed, the small sensor processe of global pollination, and pollen-carrying
nodes are usually inaccessible to the user, and thus pollinators move in a way that obeys Lvy flights
replacement of the energy source is not feasible. Hence, (Rule 1).
energy efficiency is a key design issue that needs to be 2. For local pollination, abiotic pollination and self-
enhanced in order to improve the life span of the network. pollination are used (Rule 2).
Shang and Lei [5] described a network of energy 3. Pollinators such as insects can develop flower
constrained sensors deployed over a region. Each sensor constancy, which is equivalent to a reproduction
node in such a network is systematically gathering and probability that is proportional to the similarity of
transmitting sensed data to a base station (via cluster- two flowers involved (Rule3).
heads). Firstly, we pro-posed an Energy-balanced Clustering 4. The interaction or switching of local pollination
Routing Algorithm called LEACH-L, which is suitable for a and global pollination can be controlled by a switch
large scope wireless sensor network. Secondly, optimum probability p [0,1], slightly biased toward local
hop-counts are deduced. Lastly, optimum position of pollination (Rule 4).
transmitting node is estimated. Simulation results show that
our modified scheme can extend the network lifetime by up For global pollination, pollinators such as insects are
to 80% before first node dies in the network. intend to travel long distances to achieve the global
Yue et al. [6] defined data aggregation is an effectual optimization of reproduction based on flower consistency,
approach for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to save this can mathematically achieve by:
energy and prolong network lifetime. Cluster-based data
aggregation algorithms are most popular because they have xit+1 = xit + (xit g ) (1)
the advantages of high flexibility and reliability. But the
problem of unbalanced energy dissipation is the inherent Where
disadvantage in cluster based WSNs. xit : is the pollen i or solution vector at iteration t.
Amine et al.[7] discussed main concern of clustering g : is the current best solution found all solutions at the
approaches for mobile wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is current generation/iteration.
to prolong the battery life of the individual sensors and the L : is the strength of the pollination, which essentially is a
network lifetime. For a successful clustering approach the step size. In using Levy`s flight model to mimic the
need of a powerful mechanism to safely elect a cluster-head characteristic of the flying insects efficiently. That is, L >
remains a challenging task in many research works that take from a Levy`s distribution.
into account the mobility of the network.
Kannan and Raja[11] defined wireless sensor ( )sin ( 2 ) 1
network (WSN) provides a significant contribution in the L (s>>s0>0) (2)
S 1+
emerging fields such as ambient intelligence and ubiquitous Where
computing. In WSN, optimization and load balancing of (): is the standard gamma function.This
network resources are critical concern to provide the distribution is valid for large steps s > 0.
intelligence for long duration. Since clustering the sensor For the local pollination, that achieved by abiotic and self-
nodes can significantly enhance overall system scalability pollination based on flower constancy, the mathematical
and energy efficiency this paper presents a distributed representation is as follows:
cluster head scheduling (DCHS) algorithm to achieve the xit+1 = xit + (xjt xkt ) (3)
network longevity in WSN. Where
Eshaftri et al.[12] presented in wireless sensor xjt and xkt are the pollens from the different f lowers of the
Networks (WSNs), clustering techniques are usually used as same plant species.
a key effective solution to prolong the network lifetime by : is local random walk drawn from the uniform [0,1].
reducing energy consumption among the sensor nodes. For the fourth rule, the switch probability p [0,1]
Despite many works on clustering in WSNs this issue is still is used to control the exchange of the pollination process
outstanding. However, the most existing solutions suffer from local to global and vice versa.
from long and iterative clustering cycles.
Amiri et al.[13] focused wireless sensor network IV. PROPOSED MODEL AND METHODOLGY
(WSN) is a collection of sensor nodes that dynamically self- A . Network Architecture
organize themselves into a wireless network without the Network model to be considered in proposed work
IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 22 - 26
is based on the model developed by S. Faisal et al. in c) If probability function p [0, 1] is greater than
[9].Network field is divided in three partitions. Partition 0, minimum energy of nodes then global pollination is
Partition 1 and Partition 2, on the basis of energy levels and used otherwise local pollination occurs.
Y co-ordinate of network field. Here it is assumed that a
fraction of the total nodes are equipped with more energy. C. Energy Model
Let m be fraction of the total nodes n, which are equipped
with time more energy than the other nodes. These nodes In [10] the proposed technique Energy Aware Sleep
refer as advance nodes, (1-m) n are normal nodes. Scheduling Clustering based Routing scheme (EASSCR) for
= Partition 0 normal nodes Wireless Sensor Network is used. First order radio model is
= Partition 1 advance nodes adopted here for measuring energy consumption by sensor
= Partition 2 advance nodes nodes while communicating. Equation 4 represents the
= Base station amount of energy consumed for transmitting l bit of data to
Partition 0: Blue Normal nodes are deployed randomly, d distance. Equation 5 represents the amount of energy
lying between 20<Y<=80. consumed for receiving l bit of data subject to circuit loss.
Partition 1: Half of green advance nodes are deployed ETX (l, d) = l Eelec + l fs d2, if d d0
randomly in this zone, lying between 0<Y<=20. = l Eelec + l mp d4, if d d0 (4)
Partition 2: Half of red advance nodes are deployed ERX (l, d) = l Eelec (5)
randomly in Partition 2, lying between 80<Y<=100. Where d refers the transmission distance i.e. distance
is in the middle is a base station. between a member-node and its cluster-head or between
The reason behind this type of deployment is that cluster-head and base station (BS); d0 is threshold distance ;
advance nodes have high energy than normal nodes. As Eelec the energy consumption per bit in the transmitter and
corners are most distant places in the field, so if a node is at receiver circuitry by a node when d < d0 and d d0, where
corner then it requires more energy to communicate with
base station so high energy nodes (advance nodes) deployed d0= . and mp are the energy consumption
mp fs
in Partition 1 and Partition 2.
coefficient of the amplifier.
Parameter Value
Minimum energy 0.0001J Figure 4. Alive nodes in LEACH, SEP, Z-SEP and FPOA
Transmitter electronics(Eelec) 50nJ/bit Fig.4 shows the number of alive nodes against rounds. It
clearly shows that proposed technique performs better than
Receiver electronics(Eelec) 50nJ/bit SEP, Z-SEP and LEACH.
Data aggregation energyEDA 5nJ/bit/signal
IJRITCC | August 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 8 22 - 26
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