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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015

A Review on - Optimal Path Selection In Sleep

Awake Cycling In Wireless Sensor Network
Sarvjeet kaur, Er. Jasmeet Singh
depends on energy for its activities, this has become a major
Abstract A wireless sensor network is a distributed network issue in wireless sensor networks. The failure of one node can
system consisting of distributed nodes called sensors. Sensor interrupt the entire system or application. Every sensing node
nodes are disposed to to have errors. It is thus needed to sense can be in active (for receiving and transmission activities),
and locate defective sensor nodes to ensure the quality of service idle and sleep modes. In active mode nodes consume energy
of sensor networks. We propose an asynchronous based wakeup
when receiving or transmitting data. In idle mode, the nodes
scheduling scheme, which optimizes energy saving ratio and
achieves bounded neighbour discovery latency, without
consume almost the same amount of energy as in active mode,
requiring time synchronization. Heterogeneous duty-cycling while in sleep mode, the nodes shutdown the radio to save the
causes transmission latencies to be time-varying. Hence, the energy
routing problem becomes more complex when the time domain In WSNs the only source of life for the nodes is the battery.
must be considered for data delivery in duty-cycled WSNs. We Communicating with other nodes or sensing activities
formulate the routing problem as time-dependent Bellman-Ford consumes a lot of energy in processing the data and
problem. In this, it presents a multipath routing protocol for transmitting the collected data to the sink. In many cases (e.g.
data transmission. The main issue is the energy wastage of surveillance applications), it is undesirable to replace the
unused nodes. So, to overcome this, it proposes an on demand
batteries that are depleted or drained of energy. Many
asynchronous sleep awake protocol for reducing energy
consumption. In this, optimal path selection is based on shortest researchers are therefore trying to find power-aware protocols
distance between nodes which is to be calculated. The projected for wireless sensor networks in order to overcome such
mechanism is implemented with MATLAB. energy efficiency problems.

Index Terms Duty Cycle, Optimal Path Selection, Wireless

Sensor Network, Sleep Cycle etc.

Wireless sensor networks have been tremendous
advantage and utilization in past two decades. The past two
decades have witnessed the proliferation of Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs) an enabling technology for various
applications that involve long-term and low-cost monitoring,
such as battlefield reconnaissance building inspections, Figure 1: Wireless Sensor Network Schematic [1]
security surveillance, and other. In most WSNs, the battery is One reason behind the growing popularity of wireless sensors
the sole source of energy for the sensor node. Sensor node is is that they can work in remote areas without manual
expected to work on batteries for several months to few years intervention. All user needs to do is to fold the data sent by
without being replenished [4]. sensors, and with certain examination extract meaningful
Sensor nodes are the elementary components of any information from them. Usually sensor applications involve
WSN and provide the following basic functionalities[6] 1) many sensors organized together. These sensors form a
signal conditioning and data acquisition for different network and collaborate with each other to gather data and
sensors;2)temporary storage of the acquired data; 3)data send it to the base station. The base station acts as the control
processing; 4)analysis of the processed data for diagnosis and, centre where the data from the sensors are gathered for further
potentially, alert generation; 5)self- monitoring (e.g., supply analysis and treating. In a husk, a wireless sensor network is a
voltage ); 6)scheduling and execution of the management system consisting of spatially dispersed nodes which use
task; 7)management of the sensor node configuration; sensors to monitor physical or environmental circumstances.
8)reception transmission of forwarding data packets; These nodes combine with routers and gateways to generate a
9)coordination and management of communication and WSN system [4].
networking. The development of sensor networks requires technologies
The use of wireless sensor networks is increasing day by from three different research zones: sensing, communication,
day and at the same time it faces the problem of energy and computing (as well as hardware, software, and
constraints in terms of limited battery lifetime. As each node procedures). Thus, combined and separate progressions in
each of these areas have driven investigation in sensor
Sarvjeet kaur, Research Scholar, Electronics & Communication Engg. networks. Examples of early sensor networks comprise the
Department JCDM Collage of Engg. Sirsa, Haryana radar networks used in air traffic regulator. The national
Er. Jasmeet Singh, Assistant professor, Electronics & Communication
Engg. Department, JCDM Collage of Engg. Sirsa, Haryana
power grid, with its numerous sensors, can be viewed as one
large sensor system. These systems were recognized with

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A Review on - Optimal Path Selection In Sleep Awake Cycling In Wireless Sensor Network

specialized computers and communication capabilities, and Author proposed a new sleep scheduling algorithm,
before the term sensor networks came into vogue [5]. named EC-CKN (Energy Consumed uniformly-connected
The paper is ordered as follows. In section II, we discuss K-Neighborhood) algorithm, to prolong the network lifetime.
correlated work with wireless sensor networks. In Section III, The algorithm EC-CKN, which takes the nodes residual
It defines Sleep scheduling techniques. In Section IV, it energy information as the parameter to decide whether a node
describes proposed work of system. Finally, conclusion is to be active or sleep, not only can achieve the k connected
explained in Section V. neighbor nodes have more residual energy than other
neighbor nodes at the current epoch.[8] In this research work
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Author made the following major contributions for supporting
the realistic WSNs applications: 1)A new sleep scheduling
Some proposed that multipath routing protocols algorithm named EC-KCN, is proposed to balance the energy
improve the load balancing and quality of service in WSN and consumption and prolongs the network lifetime. 2) Solid
also provided reliable communication. This paper simulation work is conducted, which proved the energy
investigated various multi-path routing protocols of the WSN consumption in EC-CKN based WSN is well balanced.
in the literature and illustrates its assistances. The main Author presented geographic multicast
elements of these systems and their classifications based on routing(GMR), a new multicast routing protocol for wireless
their attributes had been also discussed. A comparison of sensor networks. It is a fully localized algorithm that
these protocols which were of great help to understand the efficiently delivers multicast. Data messages to multiple
properties and limitations of existing solutions had been done destinations. Simulation results show the GMR outperforms
in the following study [7]. position based multicast in term of cost of the trees and
Some proposed that Wireless Sensor Networks Computation time over a variety of networking scenarios
(WSN) is an interconnection of a large number of nodes [12].
deployed for monitoring the system by means of measurement
of its parameters. Recent investigation in wireless sensor III. SLEEP SCHEDULING IN WSN
networks had led to various new protocols which are
particularly designed for sensor networks. To project these Generally, operation of wireless sensor network
networks, the factors desired to be considered are the involves communication between sensor node and base
handling area, mobility, power consumption, communication station. In WSNs the only source of life for the node is battery.
capabilities etc. In this, a survey was given regarding the Communicating with other nodes or sensing activities
architecture design issues, classification of protocols. The consume a lot of energy in processing the data and
paper explored with research issues for the realization of transmitting the collected data to the sink. In many cases (e.g.
networks [9]. in surveillance applications), it is undesirable to replace the
Some author proposed a fault node recovery batteries that are depleted or drained of energy. Many
algorithm to enhance the lifetime of a wireless sensor network researcher are therefore trying to find power aware protocol
when some of sensor node shut down, The proposed for WSNs in order to overcome such energy efficiency
algorithm increased the number of active node up to 8.7 times, problem. All the protocols that are designed and implemented
reduce the rate of data loss by approximately 98.8%, and in WSNs should provide some real-time support as they are
reduce the rate of energy consumption by approximately applied in areas where data is sensed, processed and
31.1%[1] transmitted based on an event thats lead to an immediate
Some reviewed current asynchronous WSN MAC action. A protocol is said to be real-time support if and only if
protocols from the delay efficiency perspective, and to it is fast and reliable in its reactions to the changes prevailing
investigate on their latency. The asynchronous protocol are in the network. It provide redundant data to the base station
divided into six categories: static wake-up preamble, and or sink using the data that is collocated among all the
collaborative schedule setting, collisions resolution, sensing nodes in the network.
receiver-initiated, and anticipation-based [3] review indicated The network lifetime is usually defined as the time until
that some of these protocol can ensure end to end delay the first node fails because of energy depletion. So sleep
decrease, but none of them can provide delay guarantee for awake scheduling is effective mechanism to increase network
time-constrained applications. Consequently, a huge effort is lifetime. We propose asynchronized sleep-awake scheduling
needed in order to enable successful deployment of WSNs for protocols to increase the network lifetime. In these protocols,
delay-sensitive application using asynchronous MAC. sensor nodes periodically or aperiodically exchange
Authors proposed an adaptive and cross-layer synchronization information with neighbouring nodes.
framework for reliable and energy efficient data collection in However, such synchronization procedure could incur
WSNs on the IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee standards. Specifically, additional communication overhead and consume a
proposed a low complexity distributed algorithm, called considerable energy. On demand sleep-awake scheduling
Adaptive Access Parameters Tuning (ADAPT), that can protocol is one scheduling protocol where nodes turn off
effectively meet the application-specific reliability under most off the circuitry and always turn on a secondary low
wide range of operating conditions, for both single-hop and powered receiver to listen to wake-up calls from
multi-hop networking scenarios[9]The proposed framework neighbouring nodes when to relay the packet. In this we have
supports multi-hop wireless sensor network based on the proposed a asynchronous sleep-awake scheduling in which
ZigBee specifications, and is flexible enough to implement each node wakes independently of neighbouring node for
diverse adaptation policies. energy saving. However, this independence of the wake-up
process additional delays at each node along the path to the

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015
sink because each node needs to wait for its next hop node to which requires all the neighbouring nodes exchange the
wake up before it can transmission of the packet. This delay synchronization information so that their clocks are
could be unacceptable for delay sensitive applications which synchronized.
require the event reporting delay to be very small. So for
minimizing this event reporting delay, use of multiple radios
is required.

A. Power Management Protocol

The power management protocol for WSNs is one

of the main energy conservation techniques available for a
WSN. The power management protocol can be classified into
two categories depending on the location of the power saving
within the network layering. Each category of these power
management protocols is best suited for a certain type of
network topology .The two power management protocols are
independent sleep-/wakeup protocols running at the network
or application layer and integrated with the MAC protocol Figure 2: The Sleep Scheduling for a Synchronous Protocol
itself. Based on the specific sleep scheduling, the MAC
protocol then optimizes the medium access functions which 3. The Asynchronous Protocol
are used for power management. Independent sleep/wakeup
protocols can be used in combination with any MAC protocol The last algorithm that can be used is the asynchronous
in order to reduce the energy consumption. Within these protocol. The basic idea is that each node is allowed to wake
kinds of sleep/wakeup protocols a classification can be made up independently of the others by guaranteeing that
into three main categories: on demand, scheduled rendezvous neighbouring sensor nodes always have overlapped active
and asynchronous protocols. periods of time within a specified number of cycles.
According to this only sensor node 1 and sensor node 3 can
1. The On-demand Protocol receive the transmitted packet. Since the active period of the
sensor nodes partially overlap with the active period of the
First of the power management protocol that is source node. One of the advantages of this protocol is that a
introduced is the on-demand protocol. This procedure is sensor node can wake up at anytime when it wants to
based on the plan that a sensor node should be in the sleep communicate with its neighbouring sensor nodes.
mode or off when there is no data packet to broadcast and/or
receive. As soon as there is a data packet that needs to be
transmitted and/or received the sensor node shall become
active. In this way sensor nodes alternate between active and
sleep periods depending on network activity. The
consequence is that the energy consumption is minimized
since sensor do not waste energy by unnecessary
transmissions and unnecessary sensing. But the main
disadvantage of this protocol is that it is difficult to inform the
sleeping sensor nodes if another sensor node wants to
communicate with them. In order to combat this disadvantage
the use of multiple radios is required. This requires two
channels to work corporately, namely a data channel and a Figure 3: The Sleep Scheduling for a Asynchronous Protocol
wakeup channel, the former one is used for normal data
communication and the other one is for awaking IV. METHODOLOGY
neighbouring sensor nodes when needed. In order to reduce the end-to-end latency with an energy
efficient data transmission proposed an Asynchronous
2. The Scheduled Rendezvous Protocol Wakeup Schedule (AWS) in WSNs. Each node was assigned
The second power management protocol is called a particular color. Data transmission is an important topic of
scheduled rendezvous protocol which belongs to the WSNs, as the distance between each sensor nodes is different;
synchronous protocols since it requires all neighbouring the energy consumed by each sensor node is different. When
sensor nodes to wake up at the same time. In this approach the distance between a sensor node and the base station is
sensor nodes wake up according to a wakeup schedule and large the data transmission from sensor node to base stations
remain active for a short time interval to communicate with consumes more energy than in the case when the distance is
their neighbours. After the transmission of the data the senor small. Hence the distance between sensor nodes among
nodes will go to sleep until the next rendezvous time. The another and the distance from sensor nodes to the base station
main advantage of this protocol is that it is guaranteed that if a impacts the lifetime of the WSNs. Data transmissions can be
sensor node is awake that all its neighbouring sensor nodes classified into two categories, namely direct transmissions
are awake as well. It is very convenient for data aggregation and indirect transmissions.
and allows sending broadcast messages to all neighbours. The
disadvantage is that this protocol is a synchronized protocol

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A Review on - Optimal Path Selection In Sleep Awake Cycling In Wireless Sensor Network

In a direct data transmission, each sensor node collects and V. CONCLUSION

transmits the data to the base station directly, there do not
exist any intermediate nodes for transmission, the path which In this work, it reviews the sleep scheduling of nodes in WSN.
from sensor node to the BS can also be called single-hop path. Different from previous works, we neither assume time
The advantage of direct transmissions is that the data rate is synchronization for sleep scheduling, which requires all
higher and the implementation is easier. Indirect transmission neighbouring nodes to wake up at the same time, nor assume
means that sensor nodes send their collected data to duty-cycled awareness, which makes it difficult to use in low
intermediate nodes also called relay nodes that are in the duty-cycled WSNs. In this, it proposes an on demand sleep awake
proximity of themselves. This relay node will then forward protocol for energy saving. In this, nodes are in ON state when there
is a demand for that node otherwise all nodes are in sleep. This
the aggregated data to the BS, the path from the sensor node to
protocol is a part of asynchronous sleep protocols. All these are
the BS is also called multi-hop path. The advantage of this useful for reducing the energy consumption and improve the
kind of transmission is that the high energy consumption accuracy. In this, optimal path selection is based on shortest distance
problem in long distance transmission has been solved. between nodes which is to be calculated.

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Figure 6: Proposed Steps of a System

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