Mohanty IEEE CEM 2016 Apr WSN Simulation
Mohanty IEEE CEM 2016 Apr WSN Simulation
Mohanty IEEE CEM 2016 Apr WSN Simulation
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A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a distributed set of capacity of the structure and can also be used to generate
sensors deployed to work together for collective sensing and alert warnings during natural calamities. In order to obtain
possible data processing. A WSN can be used to monitor
environmental behavior and structural integrity in a variety of complete and accurate information, a large number of
application fields, thus becoming an integral part of consumer sensor nodes must be deployed in the areas of interest.
electronics of smart buildings in smart cities. Due to ever During the process of sensing and transmitting data, issues
increasing population growth with limited natural resources
such as power management, data collection, time
smart cities are expected to be the wave of the future. For
instance, wireless sensor networks are widely used in industrial synchronization, communication protocols used and
settings with machine monitoring and play an important role congestion need to be addressed. Various algorithms are
for monitoring the structural integrity of large buildings and proposed by researchers to overcome these issues. These
bridges. This review paper focuses on existing WSN simulation
frameworks that could be integrated with real-time hardware algorithms can be verified with a simulation modeling
prototypes. Various such simulation frameworks are analyzed framework or an experimental setup.
and compared, and a suitable simulation environment that
supports specific software packages is determined.
wireless sensor frameworks. Section IV and Section V
provide analysis and comparison of these simulation
frameworks. Finally, Section VI concludes with final
division multiple access (TDMA) technique for scheduling. III. WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKSSIMULATION: SELECTED
The activities of subsets of the sensors are divided into FRAMEWORKS
different groups, and successive time slots are scheduled.
The entire network is divided into different groups, as The behavior of a system can be analyzed analytically,
shown in Figure 4. In the network, each group consists of a experimentally with a simulation mode, or a combination of
parent and children nodes. The children nodes will send these approaches. Analytical methods, however, cannot
data to the parent, and the parent will send information to provide complete details on the impact of power
the sink later within the allotted time slot. The model was consumption and other issues. On the other hand,
simulated in NS2.34 to verify the performance. experimental analysis can provide more accurate
information but this is achieved at a higher cost. Simulation
models serve as the best alternative to understand the
behavior of a system at low cost and in short time. A
simulation model can be designed based on different
algorithms. It is important to determine an algorithm that
best fits the requirements of the WSN.
A wide variety of simulation platforms are available, but
only a few simulators might be applicable for certain
operations. Various software tools are available such as NS-
2, OMNeT++, PAWiS, GloMoSim/QualNet, OPNET,
SENSE, J-Sim, Ptolemy II, Cell-DEVS, NesCT, GTnets,
System C, Prowler, NCTUns2.0, Jist/SWANS, SSFNet,
FIGURE 4. Illustration of a network model. TOSSIM, Atarraya, Avrora, ATEMU, EmStar, SENS,
Shawn, PiccSIM, TrueTime 2.0 in MATLAB®/Simulink®
and native MATLAB®/Simulink® [11, 12]. Each one of
D. Time Synchronization them could be used for different kinds of applications.
FIGURE 5. The Gradient Time Synchronization Protocol Network Simulator (NS-2) is a discrete event, object
(GTSP). oriented, and general purpose network simulator based on
C++ language that can be used to simulate local and wide
area networks [11, 12, 13]. It was primarily developed to INET framework and NesCT. NesCT can be used for
operate in Linux-based Operating Systema such as Ubuntu. simulating TinyOS sensor based networks. PAWiS is also
However, it can also be installed in Windows® OS with an OMNeT++ based simulator that captures a wide array of
Cygwin support. For analysis purposes, NS-2 was installed modules, and provides support for mobility and
in Ubuntu. There are three commands that need to be typed environmental dynamics [9]. OMNeT++ is a commercial
in the terminal to install the latest version: (1) sudo apt- software that can be used for educational and research
get install ns2; (2) sudo apt-get install purposes. The modules are written in the Network
nam; and (3) sudo apt-get install xgraph. Description (NED) programming language. Co-simulation
When installation is complete, “ns” can be typed in the of MATLAB® and OMNeT++ can be achieved by
terminal, and a percentage symbol is returned, which converting C/C++ code into objects and compiling these
confirms successful installation of NS-2. A network objects in OMNeT++. However, it does not support
animator (NAM) editor window, as shown in Figure 6, can communication during real time simulation.
be opened by typing “nam” in the terminal. In order to
design a model, a program can be written in the “Tool C. Prowler
Command Language” (TCL) and visualized through the
NAM editor. The performance is reliable for node sizes up Prowler is an event driven wireless sensor network
to 100 nodes and degrades with increased node size. The simulator designed to run on MATLAB® [11]. Simulation
disadvantages of NS-2 are the interdependency between the codes that implement routing protocols and other
modules and that co-simulation with MATLAB® requires applications can be written in the MATLAB® language. This
special framework definitions [14]. Also, in order to framework can be used for optimizing communication
implement the ZigBee® communication protocol, separate protocols [16]. Prowler can be installed in MATLAB® by
patch files must be installed. Even though this network simply adding the directory to the MATLAB® startup path.
simulation can be used for verifying different algorithms, The editor window can be opened by typing “prowler” in
NS-2 cannot be used easily for hardware-software co- the MATLAB® command window. A window, as shown in
simulation in MATLAB® as it requires separate framework Figure 7, appears where the data transferred between the
definitions. nodes can be visualized. Some routing protocols such as
flood 1D, flood 2D, span tree and collision demo can be
verified through Prowler. However, it cannot be used for
developing a customized WSN framework. There is no clear
documentation provided for developing user defined
models, and no new versions have been released recently.
Also, Prowler does not support the ZigBee® protocol.
B. OMNeT++
Atarraya is an event driven simulator that can be used for Figure 9. The simulator is no longer supported by the
teaching and researching control topology algorithms and developer and the error in the patch could not be rectified.
wireless sensor protocols [17]. It is designed to operate in
the Windows® OS. The simulator can be installed by adding
the directory path to the environmental variable. After
installation, the Atarraya simulation panel, as shown in
Figure 8, can be opened by double clicking the FIGURE 9. PiccSIM- NS-2.34 patch error.
“Atarraya.jar” file. Atarraya is written in Java. The latest
Oracle Java version must be installed for using Atarraya.
The simulation panel consists of a deployment panel, a F. Truetime
protocol selection panel, a visualization panel, a node stats
and a report panel. In the deployment panel, the number of TrueTime is a real-time control system based framework
nodes, location, and size can be selected. The that operates in MATLAB®/Simulink®, as shown in Figure
communication protocol can be selected from the protocol 10 [19]. TrueTime is written in the C++ and MEX
selection panel, and the nodes can be visualized in the languages. TrueTime can be installed in MATLAB® by
visualization panel. The advantages of Atarraya are: it adding its path to the PATH environmental variable and the
supports different topology construction and maintenance; it MATLAB® startup path. In order to compile programs in
allows simulation of initial agent topology with available Truetime, Microsoft Visual Studio must be installed. The
algorithm. In addition, Atarraya supports simple and walk- Truetime package comprises of network blocks such as
based mobility and energy models. On the other hand, the Ethernet, controller area network (CAN), time division
simulator does not support the ZigBee® protocol and cannot multiple access (TDMA) and frequency division multiple
be integrated with MATLAB®/Simulink®. access (FDMA), Round Robin, Switched Ethernet, FlexRay
and PROFINET. It also consists of wireless network blocks
such as WLAN 802.11b and 802.15.4 ZigBee® technology,
as shown in Figure 10. Truetime supports battery power
sources and can act as a stand-alone network interface
block. It allows co-simulation of controller task execution in
real-time, network transmission, and continuous plant
dynamics. The disadvantage with true time is that clear
documentation for programming the kernel blocks is not
available, which made it difficult to use this framework.
E. PiccSIM
variety of toolkits such as digital signal processing toolkit, feature, which promotes integration of real time processors
communication toolkit, control system, and embedded with the simulation model. With Simulink®, customized
controller toolkit. As a result, it enables users to make node communication through the ZigBee protocol can be
customized designs with MATLAB®/Simulink® seamlessly. developed. With the code generation capabilities of
The key advantage of MATLAB®/Simulink® is that all these MATLAB®, the simulation model can be integrated with
toolkits are documented with examples. Another benefit of hardware models easily. As a result, MATLAB®/Simulink®
MATLAB®/Simulink® is the automatic code generation attractive for WSN framework simulations [1, 2].
requirement is the co-simulation capability with the real- [2] M. L. Rajaram, “Comparative Analysis and Implementation
of High Data Rate Wireless Sensor Network Simulation
time processors and the support for the ZigBee network Frameworks”, Master’s Thesis, Department of Engineering
protocol. So, the simulators that did not meet these Technology, University of North Texas, Fall 2015.
specifications were eliminated. Finally, it was found that [3] G. Zhang, G. Liu, W. Chen and C. Yang, “Quantitative
MATLAB®/Simulink® met the most important design Analysis of Cluster-Head Selection for Wireless Sensor
specifications such as customized node design, ZigBee, and Networks,” in Proceedings of the World Automation
Congress (WAC), 2012, pp. 277-281.
co-simulation with hardware. Hence, MATLAB®/Simulink®
[4] T. Rault, A. Bouabdallah, and Y. Challal, “WSN lifetime
can be effectively used for the framework design and optimization through Controlled Sink Mobility and Packet
simulation. Buffering,” in Proceedings of the Global Information
Infrastructure Symposium, 201, pp. 1-6.
About the Authors [5] Y. Lei, “Research and Implementation of WSN-based Data
Acquisition and Analysis System Using Agent
Collaboration,” in Proceedings of the 2nd International
M. L. Rajaram ( Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent
obtained her Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering Transportation System, 2009, pp. 235-237.
Technology from the University of North Texas, USA [6] V. Michopoulos, L. Guan, and I. Phillips, “A New
Congestion Control Mechanism for WSNs,” in Proceedings
in Dec. 2015. of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and
Information Technology, 2010, pp. 709-714.
Elias Kougianos ( is currently an [7] J. Ma, W. Lou, and X.-Y. Li, “Contiguous Link Scheduling
for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE
associate professor in Electrical Engineering Transactions On Parallel And Distributed Systems, Vol. 25,
Technology at the University of North Texas. He No. 7, July 2014, pp. 1691-1701.
obtained his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from [8] N. Fatima and S. Gambhir, “Op-Leach: An Optimized
LEACH Method for busty Traffic in WSNs,” in Proceedings
Louisiana State University in 1997. He is author or co- of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing
author of over 100 peer-reviewed journal and & Communication Technologies, 2014, pp. 222-229.
conference publications. He is a Senior Member of [9] P. Shrivastava and S. B. Pokle, “An Energy Efficient
Scheduling Strategy for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor
IEEE. Networks,” in Proceedings of the International Conference
on Electronic System, signal Processing and Computing
Tchnologies, 2014, pp. 170-173.
Saraju P. Mohanty ( is a
[10] P. Sommer and R. Wattenhofer, “Gradient Clock
Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in
Engineering, University of North Texas, and the Proceedings of the International Conference on Information
director of the NanoSystem Design Laboratory. He Processing in Sensor Networks, 2009, pp. 37-48.
[11] S. A. Madani, J. Kazmi, S. Mahlknecht, “Wireless sensor
obtained his Ph.D. in computer science and networks: modeling and simulation,” InTechopen,
engineering from the University of South Florida in, Last visited
2003, his master’s degree in systems science and on 14 December 2015.
[12] Q. I. Ali, “Simulation Framework of Wireless Sensor
automation from the Indian Institute of Science, Networks (WSN) using MATLAB®/Simulink® Software”,
Bangalore, India, in 1999. He is the author of 200, Last visited
peer-reviewed journal and conference publications and on 14 December 2015.
3 books. He is an inventor of 4 US patents. He is a a [13] The Network Simulator - ns-2,,
Last visited on 14 December 2015.
Senior Member of IEEE and ACM. More about him [14] O. Heimlich, R. Sailer, and L. Budzisz, “NMlab:
can be available from the following url: Cosimulation Framework for MATLAB® and NS-2,” in Proceedings Second International Conference on Advances in
System Simulation (SIMUL), 2010, pp. 152-157.
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Uma Choppali ( is currently December 2015.
an adjunct faculty at the Department of Engineering [16] G. Simon, P. Volgyesi, M. Marioti, and A. Ledeczi,
Technology at the University of North Texas, Denton. “Simulation-based Optimization of Communication Protocols
for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proceedings
She obtained a Ph.D. in Material Science and of the Aerospace Conference, 2003, pp. 1339-1346.
Engineering from the University of North Texas in [17] Attaraya,, Last
2006. She holds a master’s degree from the Indian visited on 14 December 2015.
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14 December 2015.
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