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Implementation of Finite Element Method For Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around Undergroud Structure

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Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.


Implementation of Finite Element Method for Prediction of

Soil Liquefaction Around Undergroud Structure

Dr. Mohammed Y. Fatah

Building and Construction Engineering Department, University of Technology/Baghdad
Dr. Mohammed A. Al-Neami
Building and Construction Engineering Department, University of Technology/Baghdad
Nora Hameed Jajjawi
Building and Construction Engineering Department, University of Technology/Baghdad

Received on: 10/1/2012 & Accepted on: 4/10/2012

Liquefaction is the rapid loss of shear strength in cohesionless soils
subjected to dynamic loading, that it is a state of saturated cohesionless soil
when its entire shear strength is reduced to zero due to pore water pressure
caused by vibration. Liquefaction depends on the nature, magnitude and type of
dynamic loading. An entire stratum may be liquefied at the same time under
shock loading, or liquefaction may start at the top and proceed downward with
steady-state vibrations.
In this paper, finite element method is used in an attempted to study
liquefaction of soil based on the case solved previously by transient infinite
element for 2D soil - structure interaction analysis considering infinite
boundaries but without generation of pore water pressure. The properties of
fully saturated sandy soil and concrete are fed to geotechnical finite element
software called QUAKE/W program.
The results showed that liquefaction occurs faster at shallow depths due to
low overburden pressure. Also, liquefaction zones and deformation occur faster
with the increase of dynamic loading amplitude. The analysis marked that
increasing the amplitude pressure accelerates the occurrence of initial
liquefaction and increases the pore water pressure.

Keywords: liquefaction, QUAKE/W program, sand deformation, underground




Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

.( transient)





L iquefaction is a physical process that takes place during some

earthquakes. Liquefaction may lead to ground failure. As a consequence
of liquefaction, water-saturated, well sorted, fine grained sands and silts
behave as viscous fluids. This behaviour is very different than solids behaviour.
Liquefaction takes place when seismic shear waves pass through a saturated
granular soil layer. These shear waves distort the soils granular structure, and
cause some of its pore spaces to collapse. The collapse of the granular structure
increases pore space water pressure. Furthermore, it also decreases the soils
shear strength. If pore space water pressure increases to the point where the
soils shear strength can no longer support the weight of the overlying soil,
buildings, roads, houses, etc., then the soil will flow like a liquid. Consequently,
extensive surface damage results.


Extensive research had been performed in which laboratory specimens of
saturated sand under zero driving shear stresses are subjected to either
controlled cyclic stresses or strains. Many variables have been investigated
including density of the sand, confining pressure, frequency of loading, shape of
load cycle, method of sample preparation and cyclic loading history. Excess
pore water pressure may build up under cyclic loading conditions that cause the
effective stress to decrease. When soil is under an is tropically consolidated
condition, the effective stress may reduce to zero when the excess pore water
pressure continuously builds up. Seed and Lee (1966) defined initial liquefaction
as a point at which the increase of excess pore water pressure is equal to the
initial confining stress.
A number of approaches and a large amount of laboratory tests have been
conducted on the liquefaction potential and prediction of the excess pore water
pressure under earthquake loading conditions. One important and commonly
accepted approach is the cyclic stress method developed by Seed et al., (1976). In
this method, the earthquake loading, expressed in terms of equivalent cyclic
shear stress, is compared with the liquefaction resistance of the soil, also
expressed in terms of cyclic shear stress. When the earthquake loading exceeds
the resistance, liquefaction or maximum excess pore water pressure is expected
to occur. The level of excess pore water pressure development can also be
predicted based on the cyclic stress approach in which the excess pore water

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

pressure is directly related to the amplitude of cyclic stress and the number of
the stress cycles. Figure (1) illustrates a typical normalized relationship between
the cyclic ratio and the pore pressure ratio. The cyclic ratio is the ratio of the
number of cycles applied N divided by the number of cycles required for
liquefaction NL; that is, N/NL.


Amini and Duan (2002) described a numerical model which is used to
study the soil liquefaction resistance at high confining pressures. A two-
dimensional numerical model was set up. Base accelerations with different
magnitudes and frequencies were applied to the model. The pore water
pressure and effective stress at different depths in the model were monitored
during shaking. It was found that, soil liquefaction resistance increases with the
increasing of confining pressure at large depths. At a large acceleration
magnitude, liquefaction can occur at virtually any depth. It was concluded that
at a lower frequency, liquefaction occurred faster at large depths.
Ashford et al. (2004) described a pilot test program that was carried out to
determine the appropriate charge weight, delay, and pattern required to induce
liquefaction for full-scale testing of deep foundations. The results of this
investigation confirmed that controlled blasting techniques could successfully
be used to induce liquefaction in a well-defined, limited area for field-testing
purposes. The tests also confirmed that liquefaction could be induced at least
two times at the same site with nearly identical results. Excess pore pressure
ratios greater than 0.8 were typically maintained for at least 4 minutes after
blasting. The test results indicated that excess pore pressure ratios produced by
blasting could be predicted with reasonable accuracy when single blast charges
were used.
Sitharam et al. (2004) studied methods of determining the dynamic properties
as well as potential for liquefaction of soils. Parameters affecting the dynamic
properties and liquefaction have been brought out. A simple procedure of
obtaining the dynamic properties of layered ground has been highlighted.
Results of a series of cyclic triaxial tests on liquefiable sands collected from the
sites close to the Sabarmati river belt have been presented. Simple method was
used to obtain the equivalent modulus of layered system. Cyclic strain-
controlled triaxial tests to evaluate the dynamic properties and liquefaction
potential of sands have been carried out. It has been brought out that the
material immediately beneath the foundation plays a dominant role in
controlling the dynamic response.
It can be concluded from previous studies on liquefaction that most of them
concentrated on earthquake induced liquefaction and that little studies dealt
with liquefaction caused by mechanical factors. Some equipment or heavy
machines used during construction particularly on saturated sandy soil might
cause some vibration and consequently, a loose soil will be ready for

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure


A half-space with an open rectangular mine shown in Figure (2) is
considered. This case was solved by Yerli et al. (1998) using transient infinite
elements (TIE) and Dawood (2006) using mapped infinite elements without
considering development of pore water pressure. It is assumed that, a 15.24 cm
thick concrete lining is added on the surface of the open-mined space so that,
the inside dimensions of the opening remain the same as in the unsupported
case. The material properties of the half-space are shown in Table (1).
Under the effect of the loading condition shown in Figure (2), the plane
strain problem is solved by the finite element method. The finite element mesh
is shown in Figure (3). This problem is analyzed for time period equals (0.075
sec) with (t = 0.0002 sec) which means (375) time steps.

The program QUAKE/W, (2004) is a geotechnical finite element software
product used for the dynamic analysis of earth structures subjected to
earthquake shaking and other sudden impact loading. QUAKE/W is part of
GeoStudio and is, consequently, the integration of QUAKE/W and other
products within GeoStudio greatly expands the type and range of problems
that can be analyzed beyond what can be done with other geotechnical dynamic
analysis software. It is formulated for two- dimensional plane strain problems.
QUAKE/W program can be used as a stand alone product, but one of its main
attractions is the integration with the other GeoStudio products, (Manual of
Dynamic Modeling of QUAKE/W, 2009).


The pore-pressures generated during earthquake shaking are a function of
the equivalent number of uniform cycles, N, for a particular earthquake and
the number of cycles, NL, which will cause liquefaction for a particular soil
under a particular set of stress conditions. The ratio of N/NL is then related to a
pore-pressure parameter ru as shown in Figure (4).
In the program QUAKE/W, NL is obtained from the cyclic number function,
and therefore, a cyclic number function must be attached to the pore pressure
function. QUAKE/W computes the pore-pressure from the equation:

ue = ru .(1)

where :
ue = Excess pore water pressure,
ru = Pore water pressure ratio, and
/3 (static) = Effective minor principle stress.

The same problem is solved here by the program QUAKE /W using

linear elastic model. Eight node quadrilateral isoparametric elements are used.
In order to study the pore water pressure changes under such loading
condition, the soil is assumed to be saturated; i.e. the water table is located at
the ground surface. The vertical displacement at points A, B, and C are
presented in Figure (5a). For comparison purposes, the results obtained by

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

Yerli et al. (1998) and Dawood (2006) are presented in Figure (5b) and Figure
(5c) respectively.
It is seen that, the vertical displacement of point (A) shows very good
agreement with the results of both Yerli et al. (1998) and Dawood (2006). For
point B, The displacement values agree more with those of Dawood (2006)
rather than those of Yerli et al. (1998). For the displacements at point C, good
agreement was obtained with Yerli et al. (1998) and Dawood (2006). The pore
water pressure time history at points D, E, and F (see Figure 3) located at
depths 2, 4 and 6 m respectively are presented in Figure (6). It can be noticed
that, the pore water pressure increases with time at the three points and that
initial liquefaction takes place at point D faster than other points. This means
that, liquefaction takes place first at shallow depths due to low overburden
pressure. Figure (7) shows the surface displacement at different times, while
Figure (8) shows the liquefaction zones at time (0.075 sec), and Figure (9) shows
the contour lines of pore water pressure. It can be noticed from Figure (7) that,
the maximum displacement is greater directly below the load and that the
displacement continues to increase despite that the load effect has been
vanished at time (t = 0.01 sec.) which clarifies the stage of free vibration of the
The same problem was extended to study the effect of amplitude pressure
on the dynamic response. The vertical displacement at points A, B, and C are
presented in Figure (10) under the effect of amplitude pressure of 766 kPa. The
pore water pressure time history at points D, E, and F is presented in Figure
(11). Figure (12) shows the vertical displacement at points A, B, and C for an
amplitude pressure of 1150 kPa. The pore water pressure time history at points
D, E, and F is presented in Figure (13) while Figures (14) and (15) show the
liquefaction zones at time (0.075 sec) around underground opening under Po =
766 kPa and 1150 kPa, respectively. Figure (16) shows the relationship between
the maximum pulse pressure and the predicted surface displacement while
Figure (17) presents the relation between the maximum pulse pressure and the
maximum pore water pressure generated around the underground opening.
From Figures (10) and (12), it can be noticed that increasing the amplitude
pressure from (383.1) kPa in Dawood study to (766) kPa and then to (1150) kPa
at point A leads to increase in the vertical displacement of about (100) % and
(150) %, respectively. The same increase in the amplitude pressure accelerates
the occurrence of initial liquefaction; for example, the time for initial
liquefaction at point E decreases from 0.06 sec. to about 0.008 sec. due to this
increase in amplitude pressure.
In addition, liquefaction zones extend to areas around the underground
opening when the amplitude pressure increased. Figure (17) reveals that, the
increase of pore water pressure due to increase of amplitude pressure reaches a
plateau above which there is no evident increase.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the study:
1. The comparison between results obtained from finite element method with
previous analyses showed clear superiority and accuracy of the program
QUAKE/W concerning the liquefaction zones in sandy soils; it can be used

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

successfully to examine the effect of several parameters on liquefaction and

the interrelationships between them.
2. Liquefaction occurs faster at shallow depths due to low overburden pressure.
Liquefaction mostly occurs within the top 10 m below the ground surface,
although, it can occur up to about 20 m deep.
3. Liquefaction and deformation occur faster with the increase of loading
amplitude increasing the amplitude pressure accelerates the occurrence of
initial liquefaction and increases the pore water pressure.
4. Liquefaction zones increase with the increase of load amplitude. Tracing the
propagation of liquefaction zones, one can notice that liquefaction occurs first
near the loading end and then develops faraway.

[1]. Amini, F., Duan, Z., (2002), Centrifuge and Numerical Modeling of Soil
Liquefaction at Very Large Depths, 15th ASCE Engineering Mechanics
Conference, Columbia University New York, NY.
[2]. Ashford, S.A., Rollins, K.M. and Lane, J.D., (2004), Blast-Induced
Liquefaction for Full-Scale Foundation Testing, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geo-environmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 130, No.8, p.p. 798-806.
[3]. Dawood, S.H. (2006), Dynamic Analysis of Soil Structure Interaction
Problems Considering Infinite Boundaries, M.Sc. Thesis, University of
Technology, Iraq.
[4].Manual of Dynamic Modeling with QUAKE/W, (2009). An Engineering
Methdology, 4th Edition, Geo-Slope International, Ltd.
[5]. Seed, H.B. and Lee, K.L., (1966), Liquefaction of Saturated Sand during
Cyclic Loading, Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE,
Vol.92, SM6, p.p.105-134
[6].Seed, H.B., Martin, P.P. and Lysmer, J., (1976), Pore-Water Pressure
Changes during Soil Liquefaction, Journal of the Geo-technical Engineering
Division, ASCE, GT4, p.p.323-345.
[7]. Seed, H.B., and Booker, J.R., (1977), Stabilization of Potentially
Liquefiable Sand Deposits Using Gravel Drains, Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 103, No., GT7, p.p.757-768.
[8]. Sitharam, T.G., Govinda Raju, L. and Sridharan, A., (2004), Dynamic
Properties and Liquefaction Potential of Soils, Journal of Current Science,
Vol. 87, No. 10, 25, November.
[9].Yerli, H.R., Temel, B. and Kiral, E., (1998), Transient Infinite Elements for
2D Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis, Journal of Geotechnical and Geo-
environmental Engineering ASCE, Paper No. 13807, Vol. 124. No.10.

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

Table (1) Material properties of the soil and concrete for the problem
(from Yerli et al., 1998).

Material Properties Soil Concrete

Shear modulus, G (N/m2) 470.24 x 106 10622.0 x 106
Poissons ratio, 0.10 0.17
Unit weight, t (kN/m3 ) 20.48 22.63

Figure (1) Rate of pore water pressure build up in cyclic simple shear test
(Seed et al., 1976).

Figure (2) Underground opening and forcing function for the problem (from
Dawood, 2006).

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

18.12 m

30 m
3.05 m


28 m

Figure (3) Finite element mesh for the underground opening problem.

Pore Water Pressure Ratio ru





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Cyclic Number Ratio

Figure (4) - Cyclic number ratio N/NL versus pore pressure ratio ru (after Seed
and Booker, 1977).

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

Y-Dis placement (m)
0.00008 Max. = 0.0001092 m
0.00006 B

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

Time (sec.)

(a) QUAKE/W program.

(b) Dawood (2006) (c) Yerli et al., (1998)

Figure (5) - Displacement versus time at points A, B and C.

80 0

Pore Water Pressure (kPa)

Y- Displacement (m)



30 -0.00002
t = 0.07 sec.
20 F
-0.000025 t = 0.072 sec.
10 t = 0.075 sec.
D -0.00003
0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Distance (m)
Time (sec.)
Figure (6) -Pore water pressure time history at Figure (7) - Surface displacement at different
points D, E, and F. times.

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure













Figure (8) - Liquefaction zones at time (0.075 sec) Figure (9) - Contour lines of pore water
around underground opening. pressure at time (0.075 sec).

Y-Dis placement (m)

0.0002 A
C 50

0.00005 30
0 20
-0.00005 10
Max. = 0.00021827 m 0
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Time (sec.)
Time (sec.)

Figure (10) - Displacement time history of points Figure (11) - Pore water pressure time history
A, B and C under Po = 766 kPa. of points D, E, and F under Po = 766 kPa.

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

0.00035 80

Pore Water Pressure (kPa)

Y-Dis placement (m)

B 60
0.00015 50

0 30 F
Max. = 0.00032598 m 20
-0.0001 D
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 10
Time (sec.) 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
Time (sec.)
Figure (12) - Displacement time history at points Figure (13) - Pore water pressure time history
A, B and C under Po = 1150 kPa . of points D, E, and F under Po = 1150 kPa.

Figure (14) - Liquefaction zones at time (0.075 Figure (15) -Liquefaction zones at time (0.075
sec) around underground opening under Po = sec) around underground opening under Po =
766 kPa. 1150 kPa.

Eng.& Tech. Journal ,Vol.31, No.4,2013 Implementation of Finite Element Method for
Prediction of Soil Liquefaction Around
Undergroud Structure

Maximum Displacement (m)

Maximum Pore Water Pressure

0.00035 308

0.0003 306

0.00015 298
0.0001 296

0.00005 294
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Maximum Pulse Pressurer(kPa)
Maximum Pulse Pressurer(kPa)

Figure (16) -Maximum surface displacement vs. Figure (17) -Maximum pore water
applied stress at point A. pressure vs. applied stress.


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