Estimating Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Displacements Using The Standard Penetration Test or Cone Penetration Test
Estimating Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Displacements Using The Standard Penetration Test or Cone Penetration Test
Estimating Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Displacements Using The Standard Penetration Test or Cone Penetration Test
Abstract: A semiempirical approach to estimate liquefaction-induced lateral displacements using standard penetration test 共SPT兲 or cone
penetration test 共CPT兲 data is presented. The approach combines available SPT- and CPT-based methods to evaluate liquefaction potential
with laboratory test results for clean sands to estimate the potential maximum cyclic shear strains for saturated sandy soils under seismic
loading. A lateral displacement index is then introduced, which is obtained by integrating the maximum cyclic shear strains with depth.
Empirical correlations from case history data are proposed between actual lateral displacement, the lateral displacement index, and
geometric parameters characterizing ground geometry for gently sloping ground without a free face, level ground with a free face, and
gently sloping ground with a free face. The proposed approach can be applied to obtain preliminary estimates of the magnitude of lateral
displacements associated with a liquefaction-induced lateral spread.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2004兲130:8共861兲
CE Database subject headings: Liquefaction; Lateral displacement; Earthquakes; Sand; In situ tests.
LDI⫽ 冕 0
Z max
␥ maxdz (3)
Case Histories
sured values at a given case site were collected for most of the Correlation between Actual Lateral Displacement,
case histories. These points corresponded to either different local Lateral Displacement Index, and Geometric
ground geometric parameters or soil profile/properties. The mini- Parameters
mum spacing of any two points collected for this study was about
20 m or more. Measurements of lateral displacement that were
deemed to be too close to the boundaries of a lateral spread were Gently Sloping Ground without a Free Face
not included in the database.
In situ test results from 150 SPTs and 41 CPTs associated with Cases with Standard Penetration Test Data
the studied case histories were collected. Of the 13 case histories, A total of five case histories with SPT data were studied for the
SPT data were available for nine of the cases and CPT data were case of gently sloping ground without a free face, as listed in
available only for five of the cases. The case history data were Table 2. The corresponding measured lateral displacement values
collected from the available publications as listed in Table 1. Par- or ranges are also listed and are labeled LD. For each case, the
tial data, especially for the 1964 Niigata earthquake, were ob- NCEER SPT-based method was applied to evaluate liquefaction
tained from the database compiled by Bartlett 共1991兲. potential using SPT data. The lateral displacement index 共LDI兲
In most cases the magnitude of lateral displacement were ob- was then calculated based on the results of the liquefaction po-
tained from aerial photos that were taken before and after the tential analysis, the relationship in Fig. 1, and using Eq. 共3兲. An
earthquake or from reports of dislocated or offset buildings, average of the calculated values of LDI was used as a represen-
bridge components, fences, canals, etc. The estimated values of tative LDI value if more than one SPT profile was conducted
accuracy 共or potential error兲 associated with the measured dis- close to where LD was measured. A total of 132 data sets were
placements are also given in Tables 2– 4. obtained from the five case histories with SPT data.
Fig. 3共a兲 is a plot of LD/LDI versus ground slope S for the five
case histories. The ground slope is defined as the average gradient
over relatively long 共20 m or more兲 ground with a similar general
gradient. A general trend of increasing LD/LDI with increasing
ground slope can be seen from Fig. 3共a兲 that can be expressed as
⫽S⫹0.2 共 for 0.2%⬍S⬍3.5% 兲 (4)
where S⫽ground slope as a percentage.
A dominant portion 共95%兲 of the data in Fig. 3共a兲 was col-
lected from two Japanese case histories 共Niigata and Noshiro兲.
The liquefied soils at these sites were generally clean sands. Be-
cause the ground slopes at all the sites for the Niigata case history
were between 0.2 and 0.9% and with an average of about 0.5%,
the data for this case history dominates the trend line in Fig. 3共a兲 Fig. 3. Ratio of measured lateral displacement lateral displacement
for a ground slope less than 1%. The data for the Noshiro case 共LD兲 to lateral displacement index lateral displacement index 共LDI兲
versus ground slope S for case histories with gently sloping ground
history dominates the relationship in Fig. 3共a兲 for a ground slope
without a free face: 共a兲 standard penetration test-based data and 共b兲
greater than 1%, especially for a ground slope greater than 3.5%.
cone penetration test-based data
The data from the other three case histories generally fits well
with the relationship in Fig. 3共a兲 for ground slopes ranging from
about 0.5 to 3.5%. Given the exclusive reliance on the Noshiro Cases with Cone Penetration Test Data
case history for ground slopes greater than 4%, the recommended San Francisco and Juvenile Hall are two cases with CPT data and
range of ground slope for Eq. 共4兲 is between 0.2 and 3.5%. gently sloping ground without a free face. Eight data points were
obtained for the San Francisco case history. Only one set of data
was obtained for the Juvenile Hall case history because of a uni-
Table 4. Cases with Gently Sloping Ground and a Free Face form measured lateral displacement of 1.68 m and a ground slope
Heber of 1.2% at the main part of the lateral spreading section where
Hokkaido Wildlife Road Niigata most of the penetration tests were conducted. Fig. 3共b兲 is a plot of
Case history 1993 1987 1979 1964 LD/LDI versus ground slope S for the 9 CPT-based data sets as
well as the trend line that was developed above based on SPT-
Number of sites 1 1 1 1
Number of LD data 6 3 17 32
based data.
LD 共cm兲 96 –286 11–18 30– 424 67– 617 The point from the Juvenile Hall case history associated with
Accuracy of LD 共⫾cm兲 22 2 10–50 72 the 1971 San Fernando earthquake is far removed from the trend
LDI 共cm兲 130–210 24 –35 82–192 78 – 402 line in Fig. 3共b兲. It is believed that the main reason for this in-
S (%) 0.7, 0.8 ⫺0.47 1.5 ⫺0.34 –0.48 consistency is because the NCEER CPT-based method generally
H (m) 1.9–2.5 2.4 1.6 3.4 –5.2 treats soils with a soil behavior type index I c greater than 2.6 as
L/H 17–36 6.9–10.2 7.6 –25 4.9–37.3 nonliquefiable. The soil behavior type index is calculated from
Mw 7.7 6.5 6.5 7.5 CPT data and provides an index of the soil grain characteristics
a max (g) 0.25 0.21 0.6 0.19 共Robertson and Wride 1998兲. An I c equal to 2.6 corresponds to a
Number of SPT and CPT 4 4 8 15 calculated fines content of about 50– 60% 共Zhang 2001兲. Since
共SPT兲 共CPT兲 共CPT兲 共SPT兲 Bennett 共1989兲 reported that the fines contents for the liquefied
Note: LD⫽lateral displacement; LDI⫽lateral displacement index; SPT soils at the Juvenile Hall case site ranged from 50 to 80% with an
⫽standard penetration test; and CPT⫽cone penetration test. average of 65%, this implies that the majority of the liquefied
Fig. 6. Comparison of measured and calculated lateral displacements for the available case histories for: 共a兲 gently sloping ground without a free
face; 共b兲 level ground with a free face; and 共c兲 gently sloping ground with a free face
6.4 and 9.2, peak surface acceleration between 0.19g and 0.6g, histories because of the relatively poor accuracy 共⫾0.72 m兲 of the
and free face heights less than 18 m. The case history data used measured displacements and relatively flat ground slopes 共0.2–
for developing the proposed approach, especially for gently slop- 0.9%兲, where local topography variations and/or the presence of
ing ground without a free face, were dominantly from two Japa- buildings may have more significant effects on lateral displace-
nese case histories associated with the 1964 Niigata and 1983 ments than those for steeper slopes.
Nihonkai-Chubu earthquakes, where the liquefied soils were Given the complexity of liquefaction-induced lateral spreads,
mainly clean sand only. The values for the geometric parameters considerable variations in magnitude and distribution of lateral
used in developing the proposed approach were within limited displacements at a given site are expected. Considering the ac-
ranges, as specified in Eqs. 共6兲 and 共7兲. It is recommended that the cepted ability of current calculations of ground settlements in
approach not be used when the values of the geometric param- sand for the simple case of static vertical loading, the accuracy of
eters go beyond the specified ranges. the proposed approach may be reasonable and acceptable at the
Caution should also be exercised when a substantial zone of current stage for low to medium risk projects.
soil with a very low value penetration resistance 关i.e., (N 1 ) 60cs
⬍10 or (q c1N ) cs⬍50] is encountered during liquefaction potential
analysis. For such cases, more extensive investigation should be Small Lateral Displacements
made and other approaches should be taken to evaluate the po-
tential for flow failure of the soil, especially when the static shear Often of practical interest is whether lateral displacements at a
stresses in the ground are relatively high. Deformations caused by site will be sufficiently small such that they will not have a det-
flow failures can be much larger than those by lateral spreads, and rimental effect on a structure. Fig. 7 is an enlarged portion of Fig.
their estimation is beyond the scope of this paper. 6 to better show the variability of the proposed approach when
measured lateral displacements are less than 1 m. In all cases it is
not possible to make definitive conclusions given the small num-
Discussion ber of measured displacements less than 1 m and there is no
information for gently sloping ground with measured displace-
Variability of the Proposed Approach ments less than 0.5 m. However, apart from nine observations
Measured lateral displacements from the available case histories associated with Niigata, the predicted lateral displacements are
are compared with the calculated lateral displacements using the generally within 50–200% of the measured values. Thus if the
proposed approach in Fig. 6. Generally, about 90% of the calcu- calculated lateral displacement using the proposed approach was
lated lateral displacements using the proposed approach showed 1 m, it would not be possible to conclude that the displacement
variations between 50 and 200% of measured values for the case would be 1 m, but rather may be expected to vary between 0.5
histories studied. The proposed approach could underestimate or and 2 m. Further, given the accuracy of the measured lateral dis-
overestimate liquefaction-induced lateral displacements by up to a placements for most case histories ranges from ⫾0.1 to ⫾1.92 m
factor of 2. The accuracy of the calculated displacements for the 共see Tables 2– 4兲, it is therefore unrealistic to expect the accuracy
Niigata case history is slightly lower than that for other case of calculated lateral displacements to be less than ⫾0.1 m.