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Helping teachers get the best from their students

Cambridge English Teacher Development

We are a world leader in teacher development, offering globally accepted

teaching qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
resources for teachers.
The research we do, and the evidence we collect, means we have the
expertise, knowledge and insight to understand the needs of teachers,
whatever stage they are at in their development.
Our teacher development offer continues to respond to changing contexts
and the opportunities offered by new technologies.

You wouldnt believe the difference Im making to my classes now.

Students walking up saying their thank you after every lesson and
being remembered are the most satisfying rewards a teacher could
ever ask for.

Evonne Chan Sui Kern, English language teacher, Malaysia

2 Cambridge English Teacher Development

The Cambridge English Teaching Framework
The Cambridge English Teaching Framework describes professional competencies across four stages:

Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

and five categories of teacher knowledge and ability:

Learning and the Learner
Teaching, Learning and Assessment
Language Ability
Language Knowledge and Awareness
Professional Development and Values.

What is the framework for?

The framework can be used by teachers to understand their individual profile and plan their professional
development. It can also be used by organisations to develop appropriate professional development programmes
that target core teaching skills.

How was the framework developed?

We developed the framework by:

reviewing teaching frameworks already in use
reviewing current research on teaching frameworks
drawing on our extensive written records of teacher assessments globally
incorporating the core principles of our teaching qualification syllabuses.

We then finalised the framework, based on the results of research studies and feedback from teachers, head
teachers and teacher trainers around the world.

The Cambridge English Teaching Framework has been extremely useful in helping
us develop and align our online professional development courses for teachers.
It reflects the principles of professional development that underlie our own
approach to language teacher education.
Thom Kiddle, NILE Online Academic Director, Norwich Institute for Language
Education, UK

Cambridge English Teacher Development 3

A summary version of the framework is below. Read more about the framework, including the full competency
statements for each stage: www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-framework

Foundation Developing
Has a basic understanding of some Has a reasonable understanding of many
languagelearning concepts. languagelearning concepts.
Learning and the Demonstrates a little of this Demonstrates some of this
Learner understanding when planning and understanding when planning and
teaching. teaching.

Has a basic understanding of some key Has a reasonable understanding of many

principles of teaching, learning and key principles of teaching, learning and
assessment. assessment.
Teaching, Can plan and deliver simple lessons with Can plan and deliver lessons with some
a basic awareness of learners needs, awareness of learners needs, using a
Learning using core teaching techniques. number of different teaching techniques.
and Assessment
Can use available tests and basic Can design simple tests and use some
assessment procedures to support and assessment procedures to support and
promote learning. promote learning.

Provides accurate examples of language Provides accurate examples of language

points taught at A1 and A2 levels. points taught at A1, A2 and B1 levels.
Language Ability Uses basic classroom language which is Uses classroom language which is mostly
mostly accurate. accurate.

Is aware of some key terms for describing Has reasonable knowledge of many key
Language language. terms for describing language.
Knowledge Can answer simple learner questions with Can answer most learner questions with
and Awareness the help of reference materials. the help of reference materials.

Can reflect on a lesson with guidance Can reflect on a lesson without guidance
and learn from feedback. and respond positively to feedback.
Professional Requires guidance in self-assessing own Can self-assess own needs and identify
Development needs. some areas for improvement.
and Values

4 Cambridge English Teacher Development

Teacher Development Tracker
1. Find out where you or your teachers are on the framework.
2. Choose the best combination of development activities.

Proficient Expert
Has a good understanding of many languagelearning Has a sophisticated understanding of
concepts. languagelearning concepts.
Frequently demonstrates this understanding when Consistently demonstrates this understanding when
planning and teaching. planning and teaching.

Has a good understanding of key principles of Has a sophisticated understanding of key principles
teaching, learning and assessment. of teaching, learning and assessment.
Can plan and deliver detailed lessons with good Can plan and deliver detailed and sophisticated
awareness of learners needs, using a wide range of lessons with a thorough understanding of learners
teaching techniques. needs, using a comprehensive range of teaching
Can design effective tests and use a range of techniques.
assessment procedures to support and promote Can design a range of effective tests and use
learning. individualised assessment procedures consistently
to support and promote learning.

Provides accurate examples of language points taught Provides accurate examples of language points
at A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels. taught at A1C2 levels.
Uses classroom language which is consistently Uses a wide range of classroom language which is
accurate throughout the lesson. consistently accurate throughout the lesson.

Has good knowledge of key terms for describing Has sophisticated knowledge of key terms for
language. describing language.
Can answer most learner questions with Can answer most learner questions in detail with
minimal use of reference materials. minimal use of reference materials.

Can reflect critically and actively seeks feedback. Consistently reflects critically, observes other
Can identify own strengths and weaknesses as a colleagues and is highly committed to professional
teacher, and can support other teachers. development.
Is highly aware of own strengths and weaknesses,
and actively supports the development of other

Cambridge English Teacher Development 5

Professional development at every stage
The diagram below shows which stages of the framework our courses and qualifications map to and the
Continuing Professional Development resources we provide at every stage:

Foundation Developing Proficient Expert

Language for Teaching


Courses and qualifications





EMI Skills

Train the Trainer

Cambridge English Teacher


Online teaching support

Face-to-face seminars

Professional Development titles from Cambridge University Press

6 Cambridge English Teacher Development

Teaching courses and qualifications
for different contexts
The teaching courses and qualifications we offer at each stage of development can be used for different
educational contexts:

Primary school track

These courses and qualifications are for English language teachers working in primary education
(612 year olds).
Language for Teaching (courses for A2, B1 and B2 levels of the CEFR*)
Certificate in English Language Teaching Primary CELT-P
Teaching Knowledge Test TKT
In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching ICELT
Train the Trainer.

Secondary school track

These courses and qualifications are for English language teachers working in secondary education
(1118 yearolds).
Language for Teaching (courses for A2, B1 and B2 levels of the CEFR*)
Certificate in English Language Teaching Secondary CELT-S
Teaching Knowledge Test TKT
In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching ICELT
Train the Trainer.

Language centre track

These courses and qualifications are suitable for teachers working in private language schools,
and language centres in colleges and universities.
Language for Teaching (courses for A2, B1 and B2 levels of the CEFR*)
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages CELTA
Teaching Knowledge Test TKT
In-Service Certificate in English Language Teaching ICELT
Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Delta.

Higher education track

Certificate in EMI Skills (English as a Medium of Instruction) EMI Skills.

* Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) the international standard
for describing language ability. Find out more: www.cambridgeenglish.org/cefr Cambridge English Teacher Development 7
Teaching courses and qualifications
an overview
Our range of teaching courses and qualifications cover all framework stages.

Framework Suitable for Outcomes Study mode/delivery options

stage Teachers will gain

English language teachers who More confidence in Combines online learning with
Language for

want to improve their general communicating effectively in optional face-to-face sessions.

and professional English, to reach English, both inside and outside

CEFR Levels A2, B1 or B2. the classroom.

New teachers, or those without a Essential teaching skills and Full time/part time.
formal qualification. knowledge. Face-to-face course with
A globally accepted teaching practice.
qualification. Online course with face-to-face
Access to teaching teaching practice.

opportunities all over the world.

New or experienced teachers Increased knowledge and Tests with a flexible, modular
working in language centres or in awareness of good practice. format.
compulsory education contexts. A globally accepted qualification.

New or experienced English Improved classroom Online, modular courses with

language teachers working in performance to help 612 optional face-to-face sessions.
primary schools. year old learners achieve their Assessed through tasks,
potential. teaching practice and a written

A Cambridge English test.


New or experienced English Improved classroom Online, modular courses with

language teachers working in performance to help 1118 optional face-to-face sessions.
secondary schools. year old learners achieve their Assessed through tasks,
potential. teaching practice and a written
A Cambridge English test.


Experienced teachers working in Improved/refreshed teaching Part time.

all teaching contexts. knowledge and practice. Face-to-face course with
Transferable skills when moving teaching practice and distance
into a new teaching context. learning support.
A globally accepted Assessed through assignments
qualification. and teaching practice.

8 Cambridge English Teacher Development

Framework Suitable for Outcomes Study mode/delivery options
stage Teachers will gain

Experienced teachers working in Improved teaching knowledge Flexible, modular format

language centres, who want to and practice for career combining coursework,
update their teaching knowledge development. teaching practice, an exam and
and improve their practice. A globally accepted a written assignment.
qualification. Online and distance learning

options available.

Academic faculty working in Improved English language Combines online learning with
Certificate in

higher education, whose first proficiency and awareness optional face-to-face sessions.
EMI Skills

language is not English, and who of different approaches to

deliver their courses in English. instruction in English.

Experienced teachers, who are Ability to plan and deliver Combines online and
intending to train teachers for the effective teacher training face-to-face learning.
Train the

CELT-P and CELT-S qualifications. courses and give supportive



Online study modes

Many of our courses and qualifications are delivered online, with extra face-to-face options
available. These include: the Language for Teaching courses, the CELT-P and CELT-S qualifications
and the Certificate in EMI Skills.
The additional benefits of online delivery are:
course reporting tool to track participants progress
personalised learning through interactive activities
self-assessment tasks to practise and reflect.

Find out more: www.cambridgeenglish.org/teachingqualifications

Cambridge English Teacher Development 9

Resources and support at every stage
Our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) resources are also mapped to the framework, so teachers are
supported at every stage. These resources help teachers to keep their teaching practice fresh, and continue to
inspire their learners.

Cambridge English Teacher


The online professional membership that supports

teaching excellence.

Thousands of teachers benefit from:

flexible, online access to unlimited materials
access to expert advice, live every week
inspiration from knowledge articles and videos
online courses
a way to connect with other teaching professionals worldwide.

Institutions use membership to:

support all their teachers and aid teaching excellence
enhance their reputation by association with the Cambridge English brand.

Face-to-face seminars and


Join our worldwide seminar programme and come to our presentations

at national and international teacher conferences.

10 Cambridge English Teacher Development

Free online teaching support

Our free online teaching resources include:

quick, practical help: lesson plans and ideas for classroom activities
Cambridge English exam handbooks
Cambridge English sample exam papers (both paper-based and computer-based)
sample Speaking test videos on Cambridge English TV
fun, free English language games and apps to use with learners.

Take part in our webinars:

free to join
presented by experts
watch online, from wherever you are, or view replays on Cambridge English TV.

Professional Development
titles from
Cambridge University Press

Choose from the comprehensive range of Cambridge University Press titles,

which focus on meeting the practical and theoretical needs of language
teachers, teacher trainers, academics and other English Language Teaching
professionals around the world.

Cambridge English Teacher Development 11

UCLES 2015 | CE/3010/5Y12

Discover more at

Transforming language education

Cambridge English provides a wide range of education reform and capacity-building

consultancy and services for governments, educational institutions and partner
organisations worldwide.

Language policy and strategy

Analysis and diagnostics
Curriculum reform
Materials and resource
Teacher development
Assessment and certification
Programme implementation and impact analysis

Visit www.cambridgeenglish.org/consultancy to find out more and read case studies

of our research and practice.

Contact us
Cambridge English
Language Assessment
1 Hills Road
United Kingdom

Cambridge English Language Assessment is part of the University of Cambridge. We develop and produce the most
valuable range of qualifications for learners and teachers of English in the world. Over 5 million people in 130 countries
take our exams every year. Around the world over 20,000 universities, employers, government ministries and other
organisations rely on our exams and qualifications as proof of English language ability. Cambridge English exams are
backed by the work of the largest dedicated research team of any English language test provider.

Cambridge English Language Assessment a not-for-profit organisation.

All details are correct at the time of going to print in December 2015.

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