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English Discoveries

Explore Texts
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Table of Contents

Basic 1 ...................................................................................................................................1
Unit 1 Meet A Rock Star ....................................................................................................1
Unit 2 Against The Law .....................................................................................................3
Unit 3 At The Restaurant ..................................................................................................5
Unit 4 On A Business Trip..................................................................................................7
Unit 5 Going Out ...............................................................................................................9
Unit 6 About People ........................................................................................................11
Unit 7 For Sale .................................................................................................................13
Unit 8 On The Move ........................................................................................................15
Unit 9 Health And Fitness ...............................................................................................17
Unit 10 Occupations........................................................................................................21
Basic 2 .................................................................................................................................25
Unit 1 Buying And Selling ................................................................................................25
Unit 2 Healthy Eating ......................................................................................................27
Unit 3 Getting Help .........................................................................................................29
Unit 4 Sports ...................................................................................................................31
Unit 5 Enjoy Your Meal! ..................................................................................................33
Unit 6 interesting People ................................................................................................35
Unit 7 Family Life ............................................................................................................37
Unit 8 A Bad Day .............................................................................................................39
Unit 9 Housing.................................................................................................................41
Unit 10 Hobbies ..............................................................................................................45
Basic 3 .................................................................................................................................50
Unit 1 Getting A Job ........................................................................................................50
Unit 2 Business Matters ..................................................................................................52
Unit 3 Planning A Vacation .............................................................................................54
Unit 4 Eating Out.............................................................................................................56
Unit 5 Traveling Abroad ..................................................................................................58
Unit 6 Emotions ..............................................................................................................60
Unit 7 Making Excuses ....................................................................................................62
Unit 8 Tickets, Please! .....................................................................................................64
Unit 9 Saving Energy .......................................................................................................66
Unit 10 Knowing A Second Language .............................................................................70

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Explore Texts: Basic 1

Basic 1
Unit 1 Meet A Rock Star


Announcer: This is Bill Winter talking to you from radio station WNYC in New York City. Tonight is
Rock and Roll Night at the Apollo Theater. Our reporter Linda Chavez is at the theater.
Can you hear me, Linda?
Linda: Yes, I can, Bill.
Announcer: Who can you see, Linda?
Linda: Bill! I see the rock star, Maxi! She's with her friend Rocky! Maxi! Can I ask you some
Maxi: Not now, Linda. I'm busy.
Linda: Maxi is walking into the theater now. Back to you, Bill

Meet Me!

I'm a rock and roll singer.

I'm twenty-eight years old.
I like travel, healthy food, and good movies.
I don't like classical music.
I'm looking for a new girlfriend.
Write P.O. Box 123,
New York, NY.

Maxi’s Room

- Is this the right hotel?

- Yeah. Maxi is staying here.
- She is? How do you know?
- There's a story about her in the newspaper today.
- Well, what room is she in?
- I don't know. That isn't in the newspaper story.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

actor, n. a person who performs in a The actors in this movie are

play, movie, or on television very good.
classical music, n. music written from around My favorite classical music is by
1750-1800 by composers such Beethoven.
as Mozart and Beethoven
concert, n. a musical show The music is great at this
movie, n. moving picture you can watch Let's see a movie tonight.
in a theater or on television

newspaper, n. printed papers with news, I read the newspaper every

articles, and ads that are day.
usually printed every day
radio, n. a system of broadcasting I listen to the news on the
information and programs that radio in the morning.
people can listen to

rock music, n. music with a heavy regular The boy is listening to rock
beat, singing, and electric music in his room.

rock star, n. famous singer who sings rock There are a lot of rock stars at
music this concert.

television, n. machine with a screen for I'm watching a great program

watching programs on television.

theater, n. building where people watch Let's go to a concert at the new

plays, concerts, and other theater!

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Unit 2 Against The Law

The Diamond Necklace

Victor: Susan Bailey?

Susan: Yes?
Victor: I'm Victor Petrov. And this...is the diamond necklace.
Susan: Very nice. Mr. Petrov.
Victor: Susan, this is the United States, please call me Victor.
Susan: Victor, this is Mike Valacci. Mike, this is Mr. Victor Petrov.
Victor: How do you do, Mike?
Mike: Nice to meet you. Please.
Victor: Ah, yes.
Waiter: Victor Petrov?
Victor: Yes...
Waiter: Mike Valacci?
Mike: Yes...
Waiter: I have some questions for you.
Mike: Why? Who are you?
Waiter: I'm a police officer.

Follow That Man!

Sam and Becky are touring New York City. Suddenly, a man in a blue suit is pushing Becky!
“Are you all right, Becky?” asks Sam.
“No! No, no! My handbag is open and my wallet is gone! That man is a thief!” shouts Becky. They look
for the man all afternoon.
“There he is!” shouts Becky, “He is eating in that nice restaurant.”
Sam sees a police officer. “Officer! Officer! That man's a thief!”
“That's Nate the Napkin,” answers the police officer. “He robs people and then eats lunch in a nice
“OK, Nate,” says the police officer. “What are you doing here?”
“Just a minute, Officer. I'm just finishing my coffee.”

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No Parking

- Oh, no. What are you doing?

- I'm giving you a ticket.
- A ticket? How much is it?
- It's twenty dollars.
- Twenty dollars! But I'm a student. I don't have any money!


Word Definition Example Sentence

arrest, v. the police take you because The police officers are arresting
you are doing something wrong the man.
court, n. a place where we decide about The woman is telling her story
legal problems in court today.
fine, n. money you must pay because I have a fine for parking in front
you did something wrong of a "No Parking" sign.
judge, n. a person who makes decisions The judge is sending the thief
in a court to prison.
parking ticket, n. a document that says you This parking ticket says I must
broke a rule about where you pay $20.
put your car and must pay a
police officer, n. a person whose job is to make The police officer is looking for
sure we don't break the law the little boy.
and to help people in trouble
prison, n. a place where people stay for The man is going to prison for
punishment when they break many years.
the law
rob, v. take money or property from The man is taking my purse -
someone he is robbing me!
steal, v. take something that is not These men steal cars and sell
yours them.

thief, n. person who takes something That man is taking her wallet -
that is not his/hers he's a thief!

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Unit 3 At The Restaurant


Are you looking for a good restaurant? Are you looking for a restaurant with a lot of different food? The
International Cafe is the restaurant for you! They make delicious Italian food. They have Chinese food.
They also have Mexican food. The American food is good, too: hamburgers, hot dogs, and French fries.
They're open Monday through Sunday for lunch and dinner. The address is 234 Henry Street.

New Mexican Restaurant

by Carlos Saurez

There are a lot of Mexican restaurants in New York City, but not all of them are good. Taco City is a good
Mexican restaurant at 845 Spring Street in Soho. Taco City has wonderful Mexican food at low prices.
Today, Taco City is selling two big tacos with beans, chicken or beef, cheese, lettuce, and salsa for only
$4.25. A complete dinner, with soup, a main dish, a salad, and dessert is only $10.95. Mexican beer is $2
a bottle. This week they are giving a free drink with each dinner.
Visit Taco City soon and enjoy some great Mexican food.

Delicious Salads

- Is the food good here?

- Yes, it’s delicious.
- What’s good?
- The hamburgers are excellent.
- What about the salads, are they good, too?
- Yes, the tuna and chicken salads are very good.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

appetizer, n. food or drink usually served I'm going to have an appetizer

before the meal before my main dish.
delicious, adj. very tasty (food or drink) The food in this restaurant is
dessert, n. a sweet dish at the end of the Let's have ice cream for
meal dessert!
drink, n. a liquid you swallow Would you like a drink with
your meal?
main dish, n. the biggest part of the meal Would you like chicken for your
main dish?
menu, n. list of food you can get in a Let's look at the menu and see
restaurant what we want to eat.

napkin, n. cloth or paper to keep your You use a napkin to clean your
clothes clean or to clean your hands.
mouth when eating
order a meal, exp. tell the waiter what you want Would you like to order a meal
to eat now?
side dish, n. extra food to go with the main I'd like a hamburger and a
dish salad as a side dish.
waiter, n. person in a restaurant who Let's ask the waiter for the
takes the order for the meal menu.
and brings it to the table

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Unit 4 On A Business Trip


Betty, this is Mr. Black. It is now 9:00 a.m. You are meeting with Mr. Harold Stone for lunch at 12:30 at
the Chinese restaurant on Main Street. Mr. Stone is very interested in our electronics products. Be on

More Women Traveling

by Virginia Vegan

“More and more women are traveling on business,” says Linda Holms, manager of the Dorchester Hotel.
“More businesswomen are staying at our hotel. So we are offering them more services.”
“We now have more guards in the hotel,” says Ms. Holms. “There are two guards 24 hours a day. From
11 p.m. to 7 a.m., there are two more guards.
“Businesswomen are asking for more fresh fruit and vegetables,” Ms. Holms says. “So we are now
serving more of these foods in our restaurant. We are doing many things to help our women guests.”

Coffee, Please

- Hello. How are you today?

- Fine, thanks. How're you doing?
- Good. Here's a menu.
- Thanks.
- Would you like something to drink first?
- Yes. A cup of coffee, please.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

guest, n. a person staying in a hotel There are 500 guests at this

hotel room, n. bedroom in a hotel My hotel room is very

manager, n. a person in charge of a hotel Can I speak to the manager of

the hotel?
offer a service, exp. to do something special for I'd like breakfast in my room.
your customers Does the hotel offer this
on business, exp. for work He's in London on business.

pool, n. a place where you swim Let's go swimming in the pool!

reservation, n. when you make a reservation I have a reservation at the

(for things like a hotel room or Carlton Hotel for the weekend.
seat on a plane) you save a
place for yourself

security guard, n. a person whose job is to keep a A security guard stands outside
place or people safe the hotel 24 hours a day.
stay, v. to be a guest at a hotel I'm staying at a nice hotel.

trip, n. a journey My trip to London is for five


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Unit 5 Going Out

In the Library

Katie: He's looking over here, isn't he?

Amy: Who? What are you talking about?
Katie: Mark, of course. What's he doing? Is he looking over here?
Amy: No. He's studying and listening to music.
Katie: Oh. Ask him what he's listening to.
Amy: No! You ask him.
Katie: Then ask him what he's reading. Yes, ask him that.
Amy: He's not studying any more. He's going! Katie, go over there and say hi.
Katie: No way!

Richard's Romance

Richard is a student at New York University. He's studying Spanish. Right now he's in class.
“Hi. I'm Penny,” says a young woman to Richard. She is sitting next to him. The teacher is talking.
Richard isn't listening. He's writing a note to Penny.
I'm Richard. Meet me at Le Cafe Restaurant after class at 2:30.
It's three o'clock now. Richard and Penny are at the restaurant. They are eating salads. They are looking
at each other. Penny is smiling.
“What is she thinking?” Richard asks himself. Penny is thinking, “What a salad!”

Let’s Go

- Are you ready?

- Yes, let's go.
- Are we walking or taking a taxi?
- Let's walk. The weather is beautiful.
- That's a great idea.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

ask, v. to speak to someone to get I'm asking you a question.

listen, v. to try to hear something You aren't listening to what I'm
look over, v. to move your eyes in a certain Why is that man looking over
direction to see something or here?
meet, v. to arrange to see someone at a Let's meet at the cafe at 7
certain time and a certain place o'clock.
say, v. to express something in words He's speaking, but I can't hear
what he's saying!
study, v. to learn about something I'm studying Spanish.

talk about, v. to say something about He's talking about the business
someone or something trip.
think, v. to believe or consider I think that's a good idea.
turn around, v. to change the position of your Turn around and look over
body there.
write, v. to use a pen or pencil to make Please write your name on this
words form.

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Unit 6 About People

Outgoing Message

Hello, this is 232-2663, home of the Dixon family.

We aren't at home right now.
Please leave your name and phone number after the beep.

From: Jenny Stone
To: Shirley Smith
Subject: Fun in Monaco!

Dear Shirley,
We're having a great time in Monaco! I'm sitting by the pool and drinking a cool, pink drink. Susie is
swimming. The children are playing and fighting. John is fine. He's reading in the hotel room. Tomorrow
we're going to Barcelona.
Hope you're feeling fine!
Much love,
Jenny, John, and the kids


- So, Jeff, are you a student?

- Yes. I am. I'm going to school at night.
- What are you studying?
- I'm studying business.
- Are you enjoying your classes?
- Yes, I am. Very much.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

beautiful, adj. looking very nice She's wearing a beautiful dress.

busy, adj. having a lot of things to do I don't have time to talk to you!
I'm busy.
clean, adj. not dirty Please bring me a clean cup.

cool, adj. cold Would you like a cool drink?

excellent, adj. very good She gets excellent grades in

fast, adj. moving quickly He likes fast cars.

fine, adj. feeling good I'm sitting by the pool and I feel

great, adj. very good We're having a great time in

interested in, adj. wanting to know more about I'm interested in your new
something or someone product.
new, adj. recent, not old Come and meet my new

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Unit 7 For Sale


Hi, I'm Fred. And this is Fred's Furniture Store. Fred's Furniture Store is having a big sale!
We're selling all our furniture. Everything is fifty percent off the regular price. A new sofa is fifty percent
off the regular price. A new bed is fifty percent off the regular price.
We're open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 o'clock midnight.
I'm waiting for you at Fred's Furniture Store, 55 Park Avenue in New York City.
This sale is for one week only. So come to Fred's Furniture Store, 55 Park Avenue in New York City.

Car for Sale

Corvette sports car for sale. Red and white with a radio and CD player. Needs new paint.
78,000 miles. Very clean and fast. A beautiful car.
Price is $20,000.
Phone Dave 980-6321.

Phone Call

- Hello?
- Hello, may I speak with Mr. Dickson?
- This is Mr. Dickson. How may I help you?
- I’m interested in your company’s new products.
- I’d be happy to tell you about them. Would you like to make an appointment?
- Yes, I would.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

fifty percent off, exp. half the regular price These shoes are fifty percent
for sale, exp. you can buy it Everything in the store is for
free, adj. you don't have to pay any You get a free drink with your
money for it meal.
furniture store, n. a place you can buy tables, I'm going to the furniture store
chairs, sofas, etc. to buy a new sofa.
low prices, exp. not expensive Our supermarket has low prices

open, adj. when a store is ready for This store is open every day.
price, n. how much something costs The price of this sofa is $200.

product, n. something that is made to sell Our company is selling a new

regular price, exp. how much something usually The regular price is $50.
sale, n. selling products for less money The store is having a sale this

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Unit 8 On The Move

The Bus to Trenton Street

Stefan: Excuse me, how do I get to the city center?

Jordan: Where are you going?
Stefan: Trenton Street.
Jordan: You can take the bus.
Stefan: How much is the bus?
Jordan: It's about $2.00.
Stefan: Where's the bus stop?
Jordan: It's over there. But it looks like you just missed the bus. Sorry.

Susan’s Train Ride

Susan Kim is a sales manager. She is working on a big computer project in New York City. But today she
has an important meeting in Washington D.C. at 3:00 p.m.
It is now 9:30 a.m. She is on the train. She's sitting next to a man.
“How are you this morning?” the man asks. Susan starts to answer, but the man is talking again: on and
on. After an hour, the man is still talking, but now Susan is sleeping. Suddenly, the train conductor is
shouting, “The next stop is Richmond, Virginia!”
“What? Richmond, Virginia? But that's after Washington D.C. and I'm going to Washington D.C. for a
three o'clock meeting!” Susan shouts.
“Sorry, ma'am,” says the conductor. “The next train to Washington D.C. is at three o'clock. You're going
to be very late.”

Bus Stop

- What time is it?

- It's seven-thirty.
- My bus is late. This is your bus, isn't it?
- Yes, it is. Well, see you later, Frank.
- Goodbye, Jane. Have a good day.
- You, too.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

bus, n. a large road vehicle that people I'm waiting for the bus to town.
pay to travel on
bus fare, n. the money you pay to go on the How much is the bus fare to the
bus city?
bus stop, n. the place where people get on The bus stop is across the
and off the bus street.
car, n. a road vehicle for a driver and I go to work by car.
conductor, n. a person on a train who checks Please give your ticket to the
passengers' tickets and collects conductor.
late, adj. not arriving on time Jenny is angry because they are
late for the party.
take a taxi, exp. go in a car with a driver you pay Let's take a taxi. We don't have
time for the bus.
train, n. railroad cars that move on The train leaves in ten minutes.
tracks and which people pay to
travel on
wait for, v. to stay in one place because Please wait for me by the cafe.
you expect something to
walk, v. to move by putting one foot in The weather is beautiful. Let's
front of the other walk to the store.

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Unit 9 Health And Fitness


Exercise doesn't have to be scary or boring. Find an exercise you like and do it every day. Try hiking. It's
a fun activity, and it's great exercise. Try dance. Zumba, for example, is very exciting and popular. Find a
Zumba class near you.
Get a fitness tracker. A fitness tracker measures how many steps you take. Try to take 10,000 steps each
day. This is equal to about eight kilometers. You don't have to walk all eight kilometers at once. You can
take your 10,000 steps throughout the day. Walk your dog in the morning. Walk to work. Do you have a
car? Park a little far from where you're going. And leave the car at home when you can. Use your feet

Jolt Gym

Come and register with us today!

Jolt Gym Makes Fitness Fun!
We have:
• Exercise machines

• Weight machines and free weights

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Try our popular exercise classes:

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We welcome people of all ages and fitness levels.

Visit our Web site at JoltGym.com to see our opening hours and schedule for exercise classes.
Or visit us in person: 7743 N. Broadway - Los Angeles, CA

What our members are saying about Jolt Gym:

"I love working out at Jolt!"
"The fitness trainers are very friendly and helpful."
For more information, call: 344-555-9089 or e-mail: info@joltgym.com

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Let's Register!

Jess: Over here we have our exercise machines... Over there we have the weight training area.
Ava: I don't know how to use weight machines.
Jess: It's OK. Our trainers can show you what to do.
Judy: Do you have exercise classes?
Jess: We have lots of exercise classes. We have aerobics, yoga, spinning... And our dance classes
are very popular...
Ava: Where's the swimming pool?
Jess: The pool entrance is over there, next to the juice bar.
Ava: What do you think?
Judy: This is great! Let's register.

Looking for Sports Equipment

Salesclerk: Good morning! How can I help you?

Customer: I'm looking for some sports equipment for my kids.
Salesclerk: Do you want indoor or outdoor equipment?
Customer: Indoor - so they can use it all year round.
Salesclerk: How about table tennis?
Customer: That's a good idea!
Salesclerk: Great. Follow

Jump Your Way to Health!

Trampolines aren't just for children. Today, many adults also use trampolines for exercise. Trampolines
can help you stay healthy. Jumping on a trampoline helps concentration, balance, and coordination. It
also burns a lot of calories - more than running! Jumping on a trampoline is also good for your heart and
it's fun. Here is an easy exercise:
1. Stand on the trampoline.
2. Get ready to jump - bend your arms and legs.
3. Jump up and down.
4. Repeat 30 times.

Many exercise gyms now have trampolines. Some gyms even have trampoline classes. They teach you
different exercises for the trampoline. The classes are very popular.
Trampolines come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. There are also indoor and outdoor trampolines.
You can buy a trampoline from a Web site or any good sports store.

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Fitness Now

Narrator: Listen to part of a podcast on health and fitness.

Charles: Welcome to Fitness Now. I'm your host Charles York. Today's topic is: Health at the office. And
our guest is Ray Harold. He's a fitness trainer and the author of the book Stay Fit at Work.
Welcome to the show, Ray.
Ray: Thanks, Charles! I'm happy to be here.
Charles: Ray, tell us how we can stay healthy when we work in an office.
Ray: There are many ways you can stay healthy at the office. The first thing you can do is to stand
up when you work. It's very unhealthy to sit all day at a desk.
Charles: I don't think I can stand all day.
Ray: You don't need to stand all day. Get up at least every hour and walk around. You can set an
alarm clock to remind you to get up.
Charles: Good idea. What other tips do you have for us?
Ray: Walk as much as you can while you're at work. Don't take the elevator. Take the stairs! Go for
a walk during your lunch break. If you want to talk to people in the next office, don't send
them an e-mail or call them. Walk over to them.
Charles: Well, my office building doesn't have an elevator. So, I always take the stairs at work! Are
there any exercises we can do when we're sitting at our desks?
Ray: Sure. Move your feet in circles. Lift your legs up and down. Stretch your arms.
Charles: That's not hard to do at all.
Ray: Yes, they're very easy exercises.
Charles: These are all great tips. Thanks Ray, I can't wait to try them out.

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Health And Fitness

Word Definition Example Sentence

exercise, n. act of training the body to Exercise is good for my body.

become stronger and healthier
exercise machine, n. machine you use to make your You can take classes at the gym
body stronger and healthier or use the exercise machines.
fit, a. healthy and strong He's very fit because he runs
every day.

fitness trainer, n. someone who helps people Ray Harold is a fitness trainer
exercise and stay healthy who helps people of all ages
gym, n. place where you go to exercise I go to the gym three times a
or play sports week to exercise.

healthy, a. strong; not ill He is always healthy and never

goes to the doctor.

in shape, exp. healthy and strong (means the Now I know how to dance and
same as fit) I'm in shape!

swim, v. move through the water by I love being in the water, so I

moving your arms and legs also love to swim.

table tennis, n. game in which players stand at I like to play table tennis with
either ends of a table to hit a my brother because I always
small ball to each other across a win.
weight, n. a heavy object that people lift to Melissa likes to exercise with the
exercise three-kilogram weights.

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Unit 10 Occupations

Doorstep Deliveries

I wake up at 5:00 A.M. and get ready for work. Why do I get up so early? I don't have a choice! I need to
be at the Doorstep Deliveries office very early. I leave home at 5:30. First, I go to the gas station and fill
the delivery truck with gas. Then, I drive to the Doorstep Deliveries offices. I arrive at the office at 6:00
A.M. I scan the packages and load the truck. Then I make my deliveries. I don't stop until I finish all my
deliveries. What do I like about my job? I make people smile when I give them their packages.

A Job Fair

Springfield Community Job Fair

Find Your Next Job!
Thursday, October 4th
10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.

Springfield College
(Business Building)
847 Chester Road

• Open to the public

• Free entrance

• Over 90 employers

• Full-time and part-time positions

• Free parking

Dress for success!

Bring many copies of your résumé!

For more information:

E-mail: jobfair@SCJ.com or call 555-3631

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Ella's Job

Ron: Hi Ella! Do you work here?

Ella: Oh, hi Ron. Yeah. I work here part-time.
Ron: What do you do?
Ella: Well, I cut and arrange flowers. I make bouquets and help customers choose what flowers to
buy. Flora's Flowers, how can I help you? Good morning, Mrs. Johnson. Yes, your bouquet is
ready. I answer the telephone and take orders.
Ron: Do you know a lot about flowers?
Ella: I do now!
Ron: Do you enjoy your job?
Ella: I really do. I love making bouquets. I like meeting new people. And I love the smell of fresh

What Do You Do?

Stan: What do you do?

Lily: I'm a sales clerk.
Stan: Where do you work?
Lily: In a sports store. We sell sports equipment.
Stan: Really? What kind of sports equipment do you sell?
Lily: We have all the latest football gear.
Stan: I love football!

Summer Jobs

Many students have summer jobs. Summer jobs are a good way to make money. You can have
interesting experiences. A summer job can also be a lot of fun. We interviewed three students about
their summer jobs.

Nancy drives an ice cream truck. The truck is small. It has a freezer inside. Inside the freezer is ice cream.
Nancy drives around the neighborhood and sells the ice cream. She works from 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.,
Wednesday through Sunday. "I love selling ice cream," says Nancy. "I put smiles on people's faces!"

Jack is a gardener. He works for the town council. He works in the park and mows the grass. He also
plants flowers and trees. He works from 6:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. "It's hard
work," says Jack. "But I like my job. I love working outside."

Tara is a dog walker. She takes dogs for walks when their owners are at work or on vacation. Tara walks
three to four dogs at once. She walks a group of dogs for an hour. Then she takes a different group. Tara
works from 11 A.M. to 4 P.M., Monday through Friday. Sometimes, she works on weekends. "It's the
perfect job for me," says Tara. "I love dogs, and I get lots of exercise!"

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The Right Job for You

Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture on finding the right job.

Lecturer: Today’s talk is about finding the right job for you. First, you need to decide what type of
person you are, and what your interests are. For many jobs, you need the proper training
or education. But there are also many jobs that offer on-the-job training. Ask yourself:
What do I like? Do I need training? Let’s think about some possible occupations: Do you
enjoy being outside most of the year? Do you like plants and flowers? Then maybe you
want to be a gardener. Are you in good shape? Do you like helping people? Do you like
working out? Perhaps you want to be a fitness trainer in a gym. Do you like working with
children and young people? Are you good at explaining things? Then a job in teaching can
be good for you. You can be a science teacher or maybe teach languages. Are you friendly
and confident? Are you good at math? Then you can be a good salesclerk in a store.
Remember: Try to match your experience, and what you like to do with the occupation
that’s right for you. And don’t be afraid to try new things!

Word Definition Sentence

dog walker, n. person who people pay to walk My dog walker takes my dog for
their dogs walks when I am at work.

florist, n. person whose job it is to I buy fresh flowers from my

arrange and sell flowers and florist every week.
full time, a. working the full number of I have a full-time job and
hours that people usually work; usually work 40 hours a week.
working a full day
gardener, n. person whose job it is to take In the spring, the gardener
care of the grass and plants in plants all new flowers in front
gardens of the house.
job fair, n. event where people who are If you're looking for work, come
looking for work can meet with to the job fair tomorrow.
companies that have jobs

occupation, n. work someone does to make I want to have an occupation

money; job where I can work outside.
part -time, adj. working less than the number For my part-time job, I work
of hours that people usually from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
work; not working a full day

résumé, n. list of where you went to school I need to write my résumé

and the different kinds of work before I start to look for a new
you did in the past job.
salesclerk, n. person who sells items in a Please ask the salesclerk how
store much this costs.

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truck driver, n. person whose job it is to drive a He is a truck driver who delivers
truck from one place to another packages all over New York

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Basic 2
Unit 1 Buying And Selling

Phone Sales

Hi, there! This is Chuck Wood calling from Working People Magazine.
We have something good for you today: our biggest sale of the year!
The price of our magazine was $2.50 each.
Now it's only $10 for ten magazines. That's $1 each.
Call now! The number is 555-9663.
Don't forget! That number was 555-9663.
Remember: Working People Magazine works for you!

Wrong Color

Today Ms. Green was very late for work. She waited for the delivery of her new chair. But the delivery
man brought the wrong chair. Ms. Green called the store manager.
“I ordered a brown chair,” she said, “not green!”
“Don't be angry,” said the manager. “We all make mistakes, don't we?”
“Some people make bigger mistakes than others!” Ms. Green answered. The manager found her order.
“Ha,” he laughed. Another customer, Mr. Brown, ordered a green chair and got your chair instead. Isn't
that funny?”
“No, it isn't. I want my chair. I paid enough money for it,” said Ms. Green.
“Come to the store now and get a different chair,” he said.
But Ms. Green went to work instead. After work, she went to the store, but it was already closed. A
handsome young man was also there. “I'm late,” he said. “Now I have to wait until tomorrow for my
green chair.”
“Are you Mr. Brown?” she asked.
“Yes, but . . .”
“I can help you with your chair,” said Ms. Green. And she smiled for the first time that day.

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Dress from Paris

- Mmm. What a lovely dress.
- Really? Do you like it?
- Of course. It's beautiful. Is it new?
- Yes. I bought it in Paris last week.
- Well, it's really nice.
- Thank you.

Shopping 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

buy, v. to pay money and get I buy food in the supermarket.

closed, adj. not doing business I went to the store but it was
delivery, n. bringing products to a place Delivery is in 10 days.

department store, n. shop divided into different We can buy clothes and
sections, each selling different furniture in the department
products store.
gift shop, n. store selling things that people I bought her a present at the
like to give and get as presents gift shop.
good business, n. business that makes a lot of That dress store is a good
money business - there are always
customers in there.
order, v. to ask for a product to be made You can order a new dress
for you or delivered to you from the store.
(also a noun)
pay, v. to give money and get I paid $500 for those shoes.
save money, v. to keep money and not use it Buy your clothes on sale and
save money.
store manager, n. person in charge of a shop I want to speak to the store
manager about the TV I

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Unit 2 Healthy Eating


Announcer: Welcome to “Sheila's Kitchen.” Today's program is about salads. Good morning, Sheila.
Sheila: Hello, Mike. And good morning to all our listeners. When I was young, we ate green
salads- lettuce or cucumbers- with some salt and a little lemon juice. My
mother served the salad with meat, chicken, and fish. But today, salads can be your
meal. Salads are healthy summer foods. And for dessert, some people like a fresh fruit
salad. And now, a few words about Durelle plates and dishes. You can cook in them,
bake in them, and freeze food in them, too. Buy Durelle products and enjoy them in
the kitchen and on your table. They are strong enough for cooking. They are pretty
enough for guests. Now let's return to our salads.

Dieters Are Feeling Great!

Kim Fit, the famous woman basketball player, introduced her “Fit Feels Great” diet book three months
ago. Thousands of people are already losing weight. “They feel wonderful! This diet is healthy and safe.
You don't need to buy special foods. Anyone can use my diet!”
David Meals is a 42-year-old businessman. He's doing the “Fit Feels Great” diet. “Before, I only ate a
piece of cake for breakfast. Now I understand that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The
body needs energy after a long night without any food,” he explains. Mr. Meals now eats some bread
and some fat-free cottage cheese for breakfast.
Rock singer Maxi is doing Kim Fit's diet, too, and she feels terrific. Now, she never eats fried foods. She
eats a lot of turkey and chicken; they have less fat than ham and steak. Maxi also doesn't use much salt.
“I look ten years younger, don't I?” the superstar says.

Piece of Cake

- Would you like some cake?

- Ah, not right now, thanks.
- But it's really very good. Are you sure?
- Well, maybe just a small piece.
- Good. Here you are.
- Mmm. This is delicious.

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In the Kitchen

Word Definition Example Sentence

bake, v. to make bread, cakes, etc. I baked a chocolate cake in my

using an oven new oven.
cook, v. to prepare food and heat it so Cook the chicken until it is brown
it's ready to eat on the outside and white inside.
cookbook, n. a book that tells you how to She made some great meals
cook and bake from her new cookbook.
cup, n. a small round container with a Would you like a cup of coffee?
handle for drinks
dish, n. something you eat food from Please put the soup dishes on
the table.
freeze, v. to keep food longer by making You can freeze this food and eat
it extremely cold it next week.
fresh, adj. recently bought or made I have some fresh tomatoes from
my garden.
meal, n. breakfast, lunch, dinner I don't always eat three meals a
plate, n. something you eat food from The dinner plates are on the

serve, v. to provide food and drink for I always serve salads with meals.

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Unit 3 Getting Help

Directions to the Museum

Ivan: Excuse me. I'm trying to get to the art museum. Can you give me directions?
Andrew: Sure. This street is McKinley Street. You wanna walk up McKinley Street until you see a
men's store. The men's store is on the corner of Grant Street.
Ivan: And that's where the art museum is?
Andrew: No. Make a right on Grant, and take Grant to Jackson Street. Jackson Street is easy to find
because it has this large gift store on the corner. Make a left at the gift store.
Ivan: Oh OK. The art museum is next to the gift store.
Andrew: No. Make a left at the gift store, walk up Jackson Street until you see a movie theater. The
art museum is opposite the movie theater.
Ivan: So...after the gift store I look for a movie theater? Wait. I need to write this down. Do you
have a pen?
Andrew: No, I'm sorry. I don't have a pen.
Ivan: Oh, then can you start from the beginning?
Andrew: This street is McKinley Street.
Ivan: Yes.
Andrew: You wanna walk up McKinley Street until you see a men's store…

Clean-House Agency

Do you always have a lot of housework? Do you feel tired all the time?
Call the Clean House Agency. We go everywhere. We do everything! The Clean-House Agency can help
you. Call 555-1155 and ask for Mary. Don’t wait! Do it now!


- Excuse me. Isn't there a train station near here?

- Ah, I'm not sure, sir. I'm new here.
- Do you sell maps?
- I don't think so.
- Are you sure? Please look.
- Well, I don't see any.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

give directions, exp. to tell someone how to get Can you give me directions to
somewhere the hospital?
in front of, prep. further forward than The parking lot is in front of the
something else office.
left at, adv. toward or on the left Turn left at the supermarket.

map, n. a drawing that shows the Let's look at the map to see
places of countries, rivers, where to go.
cities, streets, etc.
near, prep. close to someone or Let's walk to the school. It's
something near here.

next to, prep. side by side The restaurant is next to a

department store
opposite, prep. on the other side of an area, The school is opposite the
person, or object supermarket.
right at, adv. toward or on the right Go right at Prince Street.

street, n. road in town or city with What street do you live on?
buildings on it
turn, v. move in a certain direction I turned right at the gift shop.

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Unit 4 Sports


Good evening. This is Jack Hill, and here are today’s sports!

First, baseball. Toronto is in first place. Sam Wilson says that his team is going to win the championship
this year. But, he says that every year.

In soccer, Bill Brown had the best game of his career. The Tour de France bicycle race started yesterday
in Paris at 3 o'clock. Last year, Jacques Chardin won for France. Can he do it again? I don't know...

In California, the Children's Olympics started yesterday. Good luck to all the 600 boys and girls.
And, finally, tennis.

Tonight is the big tennis match between rock star Maxi and the famous actor, Peter Anson. This is Jack
Hill, and that was the sports.

People Are Crazy About Sports

by Stan Bruer

Why do people love to watch sports? Professor Len Sanders of Georgetown University asks this question
in his study on, “People and Sports.” “We can understand why people like to play sports. It's good
exercise and a lot of fun,” says Professor Sanders. “But why do millions of people pay so much money to
watch other people play?”

Sports are good business. A winning team can make millions of dollars. A good athlete or player can
make a very large salary. For example, at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, the winner can make
more than $2.9 million.

Derrick Rose is a basketball player for the Chicago Bulls. He makes one of the highest salaries in
basketball. He earns about sixteen million dollars every year.

Sports fans, the people who watch sports, often pay a lot of money for tickets to a game. The MetLife
Stadium in New Jersey can hold 82,556 people.

Fans get very excited when their team wins. Professor Sanders now has the answer to his question:
“People love the excitement of a good game.”

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Let’s Go Swimming

- Let's go to the mall this afternoon.

- Ah... I don't think so.
- Why not?
- Well, I think John's going there today and I don't want to see him.
- Oh. Then why don't we go swimming?
- Oh, good idea. It's hot. Let's go.


Word Definition Example Sentence

athlete, n. a person who is good at sports He is a professional athlete.

basketball, n. a game with two teams of five Do you want to play basketball?
players who get points by
throwing a ball through a net
bicycle, n. a machine with two wheels that I ride my bicycle to work.
you move by pushing pedals
with your feet
championship, n. a competition to find the best The team is playing in the
player or team championship again this year.
exercise, n. physical activity to stay healthy Swimming is very good
(also a verb) exercise.
game, n. sports with teams or players Let's play a game of tennis.
competing against each other
player, n. person who plays a sports game He's a good tennis player.

race, n. a competition to find the She won the race.

fastest person to do something
(also a verb)
stadium, n. a large building where people The game is at the stadium in
watch sports the center of town.
win, v to get more points or be the Our team wins every game.
best at a game

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Unit 5 Enjoy Your Meal!

In the Restaurant

Waiter: Here's your coffee.

Sara: Thank you.
Waiter: And your water.
Sara: Do you have any sweetener?
Waiter: Sure. Here's some.
Rachel: How are the hamburgers here? Oh, they're not very good? Hmm.
Waiter: Our lasagna is excellent.
Rachel: OK, I'll try that.
Waiter: Thank you.
Sara: I'd like a salad, please.
Waiter: OK. Which one?
Sara: Are there tomatoes in the house salad?
Waiter: Yes, there are.
Sara: Let me see. No, bring me the Mexican salad.
Waiter: How about some chili with that?
Sara: No, only the salad.
Waiter: OK, great. One lasagna and one Mexican salad, no extra chili.
Sara: Thank you.

Sale at Shopright

Sale at Shopright Supermarket.

Make a fat-free dinner tonight!
3 cans of vegetables- 33 cents.
Delicious steak with onions from our chef-1/2 price.
Try our salt: free turkey only 99 cents a pound.
Buy a watermelon for $1.89.
Eat light! Save money!

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Good to See You

- Pam! It's good to see you.

- Great to see you too, Paul.
- Look, do you have time for lunch?
- Aww... sorry. I can't. I'm in a hurry right now.
- Then how about a quick cup of coffee? Just 15 minutes, okay?
- 15 minutes? Okay, sure. I'd love to.


Word Definition Example Sentence

diet, n. food you eat, often to lose She's on a diet because she
weight wants to lose 10 pounds.
eat light, exp. to eat foods which don't make Eat light and be healthy.
you fat
energy, n. physical power to do things I have a lot of energy in the
morning, but I am tired in the
fat-free, adj. food without fat in it Would you like some fat-free
healthy, adj. good for your body Fruits and vegetables are
healthy foods.
lose weight, exp. to become thinner She lost weight and now she
looks great!
low-fat, adj. without much fat in it This cheese is low-fat.

salad, n. a combination of raw Would you like a salad with

vegetables or fruit your steak?
salt-free, adj. food without salt in it This food is salt-free.

sweetener, n. an artificial sugar you can add He takes sweetener in his

to food or drinks to make it coffee.
taste sweet

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Unit 6 Interesting People


Sandra: Welcome to “Meet the People.” I'm Sandra Waters. My guest today is Larry Patel. Larry
is an inventor. His newest invention is the “whistling wallet.” Good evening, Larry.
Larry: Good evening, Sandra.
Sandra: Larry, what is a “whistling wallet”?
Larry: Well, it's a special wallet with a small battery inside. If you sing near it, the wallet
whistles. People often lose their wallets in their homes. Now they can easily find them.
Sandra: Do you need to sing a special song?
Larry: No. Any song is OK.
Sandra: Oh, great! It's easier to sing than to look all over the house. Where can I buy the wallet?
Larry: Well, I still have to work on it. I gave wallets to some of my friends. Now two of them
are angry with me. They went to a concert, and their wallets made noise all the time.
The people around them were very angry.

Do It!

I always remember my mother saying, “Wake up. Clean your room. Don't eat candy. Hurry up. Do your
homework. Be good. Don't run. Sit down. Stand up. Do this. Do that.” I always thought, “Hmm, I like that

Five years ago, I started the Clean- House Agency. I put an ad in the newspaper. I answered all the
telephone calls and letters, and started my business.I told all the new workers, “Be quick, and be clean.” I
showed them how to clean homes and offices. First, we all worked together. Now, they usually work
Last night I showed my daughter how to make a cake. “First, take four eggs from the refrigerator and
some sugar from the cupboard. Then, open the box...”
Suddenly I had a wonderful idea - cookbooks! I'm starting a new business! With my cookbooks, I can tell
hundreds of people what to do!

Movie Star

- Isn't that Robert Richman, the movie star?

- Yes, you're right. I think he's the greatest.
- The greatest? He's the worst actor I know.
- What? But he won an Oscar for best actor last year.

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- Yeah? Well, to me he's terrible.

- Well, I like him.

Adjectives 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

alone, adj. without anyone with you I did it alone because nobody
wanted to help me.
angry, adj. very annoyed Mom was angry because I came
home late.
best, adj. the most excellent The food here is very good; it's
the best restaurant in town.
easy, adj. not difficult This puzzle is easy; I did it in
two minutes.
pretty, adj. nice-looking What a pretty dress!
quick, adj. happening in a short time I have time for a quick cup of
special, adj. different from usual I made a special cake for your
strong, adj. not easily broken or damaged These plates are very strong.
wonderful, adj. extremely good I just went for a long walk on
the beach and I feel wonderful.
worst, adj. the most terrible This is the worst day of my life!

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Unit 7 Family Life

Good Morning!

Father: Good Morning!

Daughter: Hi, Dad.
Father: How's this tie? Is it OK?
Daughter: I guess so. I don't know. You should ask Mum.
Father: Mum just left for work.
Daughter: Well, it's fine I guess. Dad, are you going to the office today?
Father: I usually go to the office on Tuesdays, but today I have a big meeting at
the factory. Why?
Daughter: Oh, I just wanted a lift to school.
Father: I can still take you to school. What time is it?
Daughter: I don't know. About seven, maybe.
Father: OK. Come on. We don't want to be late.
Daughter: Thanks, Dad.

The Family Picnic

It was a Sunday morning and I was very excited. My big sister was coming home for a visit. My mother
decided to have a family reunion. So she invited our relatives to a picnic in the park. I helped my father
get the food ready. I even helped him make his famous potato salad.

Just as my aunts, uncles, and cousins began to arrive, my sister phoned. "My car broke down," she told
my mother, sadly. "I can't come to the picnic."

But then my mother had an idea. We packed up the food and got into our cars. Two hours later, we
knocked on my sister's door.

"Surprise!" we yelled.

"A family reunion!" my sister shouted, hugging everyone. We found a nice place to sit outside.
We talked, ate, and had lots of fun. We even went swimming in the river.

"Mom, do we have to go home?" I asked, as everyone said goodbye.

"I'll see you again soon," my sister told me. "Thanks for the wonderful picnic!"

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Can I?

- Mom, can I go to see the trains?

- No, Tommy. I don't want you out there alone.
- Then is it OK if I play with that little boy?
- Well, all right. But stay near the door where I can see you.


Word Definition Example Sentence

aunt, n. sister of your mother and My mother has three sisters so I

father or the wife of your uncle have three aunts.
cousin, n. a child of your uncle or aunt My aunt's children are my
family picnic, exp. a meal you eat outside with We had a family picnic in the
people related to you park.
fight, n. a situation where people hit The children had a fight today.
each other (also a verb)
have fun, exp. to enjoy doing something The children are having fun in
the park.

phone home, exp. to call your family on the I phone home to speak to my
telephone mom every week.
relative, n. a person in your family All his relatives came to the
reunion, n. a meeting with people after a We are having a class reunion
long time after 10 years.
uncle, n. the brother of your mother and My uncle visits us once a
father or the husband of your month.
young and old, exp. children and adults The whole family is here, young
and old.

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Unit 8 A Bad Day

Lost Report

Adam: Hi Karen, what are you doing?

Karen: I'm looking for my report. This is impossible. I need the report for my meeting. It was on my
Adam: Maybe it's in Mark's office. Do you want me to ask him? I have to go talk to him anyway.
Karen: Yes. Please ask Mark. Maybe he has my report. Oh no! This is just not my day.
Adam: Let me help you. Hey what's that under your chair?
Karen: My report! It's all wet. I need a vacation.

Grumble's Department Store

From: Tammy Gomez
To: Susan Dunmar
Subject: Summer Job

Dear Susan,
Hi! I have a summer job at Grumble's Department Store. I work on the fifth floor, in the women's
clothing department. The store is always crowded with a lot of customers. I have to smile and say: “Can I
help you?” I really want to say: “Go home!” I usually have to stand all day, and I don't have any breaks.
I need a vacation!

Don’t Do That

- Peterson, what are you doing?

- Oh. Um. I'm writing a report.
- Well, don't put your feet on the desk.
- Yes, sir. Sorry.
- And tomorrow don't wear jeans. Put on a suit.
- A suit. Ah...sure.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

break, n. a short time when you stop I worked for eight hours
what you are doing and have a without a break.
desk, n. a table you sit at to write and He sits at his desk to do his
work homework.
factory, n. a building where workers and Three hundred people work in
machines make products the clothing factory.
high salary, exp. a lot of money you get for doing He works hard but he gets a
a job high salary.
meeting, n. when people get together to I have a meeting at 10 o'clock.
discuss things and make
office, n. a room with desks where Four people work in this office.
people work for a company
start a business, exp. to begin an organization that I started a business from home.
buys or sells products
suit, n. to dress in a matching jacket He wears a suit to work.
and pants/skirt
summer job, n. work during the summer She has a summer job in an ice-
vacation cream store.
write a report, exp. to type a document with a Please write a report of our
summary of a subject meeting today.

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Unit 9 Housing

Roommate Wanted!


Posted: 11 days ago Available: Now

I’m looking for a roommate to share a great two-bedroom apartment.

The apartment is fully furnished with a large living room and great view.
Kitchen has all major appliances, including a microwave and dishwasher.
Apartment also has air conditioning and a clean, modern bathroom.

Location: Very near college campus and city center. Short walk to restaurants and cafés!
Rent includes some utilities (gas and water)
Building Amenities:
• Elevator
• Laundry Room
• Fitness Center
• Street Parking
Address: 51 E. Lupine Lane, Columbus, Ohio
Posted: 10/23 Post ID: 388163854


Doug: So Maggie, where do you live?

Maggie: I live in an apartment near the college. I'm a student there. It's nice to live close to school.
Doug: How do you like it?
Maggie: Oh, I love it. It's a new two-bedroom apartment. We also have a great view of the park.
And my roommate is really nice. How about you? Where do you live?
Doug: I live with my wife, near my office. It's a great house with three bedrooms - one for us,
and one for each of my children. Best of all, it's next to my children's school!

Apartment for Rent

Agent: So this is the kitchen... very modern. And the dining area and the couch. And there’s a
great view.
Man: It is… nice. Does the rent include utilities?
Agent: No. You pay for gas, water, and electricity separately.

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Man: OK... When’s the apartment available?

Agent: You’re in luck. The tenant is moving out today. In fact, I think those are the movers now.
Man: Movers? What movers? Where are they taking the furniture?
Agent: The tenant is taking it. This is an unfurnished apartment.
Man: It is? Right.
Agent: So are you interested?

Student Housing

Administrator: So, what kind of student housing are you interested in?
Woman: I think I want to live in a dormitory.
Administrator: Would you like your own room, or do you want to share?
Woman: I never shared a room before.
Administrator: Why not give it a try?
Woman: OK, I guess it’ll be a good experience.
Administrator: I agree! Let’s find you a roommate.

Tiny Homes

What can do you do with a small piece of land? You can build a tiny home on it!

Some tiny homes are just 300 square feet (28 square meters). That’s the size of two parking spaces.

People live in tiny homes for many reasons. Some people want to save money. A tiny house costs less to
build and look after than a large home. It also costs less to heat and cool. Some people live in tiny
homes to help the environment. They build their homes from recycled materials. They get their
electricity from the sun.

Other people want to live in big cities. But big cities are crowded, and homes cost a lot of money. A tiny
home takes up very little space. And it costs less to rent or buy.

Still others live in tiny homes because they want to make their lives simpler. They want only the basics
in life — shelter, food, and running water. These people own very few things.

Some architects are experts in tiny homes. They help make the homes look larger. They build high
ceilings, and large windows. They build furniture that folds up into the wall. They hide a refrigerator
inside a cabinet.

Not everyone wants to move from a large living space to a small one. But today, more and more people
are living in tiny homes. Tiny homes are becoming quite popular. Could you live in one?

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Unusual Homes

Narrator: Listen to part of a lecture on unusual homes.

Lecturer: Today’s talk is about unusual homes. All around the world are different kinds of
homes. Some of them may surprise you. Coober Pedy, Australia, is a mining town. All
the mining created a lot of caves. Many people actually live in these caves under the
ground. They live in the caves because it’s very hot in Coober Pedy. But underground,
it’s nice and cool. The cave homes are just like regular homes. The people have
furniture and appliances, just like we do.

How about living inside a volcano? Aogashima is an island near Tokyo, Japan. It’s also
a volcano. It’s not dangerous to live on the island. About 200 people live on
Aogashima. The hot gases from the volcano give the residents free heating, hot water,
and steam for cooking.

Not everyone in the world lives on or under the ground. The Korowai people live high
up above the ground. They live in tree houses, in the West Papuan rain forest of
Indonesia. The Korowai build tree houses 8 to 12 meters high (and sometimes higher).
Whole families and their pets live together in one tree house. High in their tree house
they don’t have to worry about mosquitoes or floods. And they have a great view!

So, which of these unusual homes would you like to live in?


Word Definition Example Sentence

something that makes it easier The building has many

amenity, n. or more comfortable to live or amenities such as a gym and a
work somewhere laundry room.
room or set of rooms inside a
I’m looking for someone to
building where people live;
apartment, n. share a great two-bedroom
usually has a living room,
bedroom, and bathroom
electric machine that people The apartment comes with a
appliance, n. use in their homes to do a dishwasher and other all-new
specific job appliances.
building with a number of
My sister is a student. She lives
college dorm, n. rooms for students to live in
in a college dorm.
(short for “college dormitory”)

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The apartment has a table,

comes with major furniture,
furnished, adj. couch, bed, desk, and chairs.
such as a couch or bed
It's a furnished apartment.
money you pay (usually every
month) to live in or use The rent for this apartment is
rent, n.
someone else’s house, room, $800 a month.
office, etc.
person who shares a room,
I’m looking for a roommate to
roommate, n. apartment, or house with
share an apartment with me.
someone else
person who pays to live in or You’re in luck! The tenant is
tenant, n. use someone else’s house, moving out of the apartment
room, office, etc. today.
important service that a home You have to pay for utilities,
utility, n. or building needs, such as which include gas, water, and
water and electricity electricity.
the things you can see from a You have a great view of the
view, n.
particular place city from this apartment.

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Unit 10 Hobbies

A Great Hobby: Scrapbooking

A scrapbook is an album of photos, souvenirs, and other small objects. People make scrapbooks to
remember special times in their lives.

To make a scrapbook, think of an event you want to remember. Then find pictures of the event. Find
objects from the event, too. These can be tickets, menus, or other flat objects.

Glue the photos and objects neatly and carefully into the album. Next, write in the album. Tell what is
happening in the pictures. Write your memories of the event. Add stickers, ribbons, and any other
decorations you can think of.

U-Do Hobby Shop

5523 N. Lawndale
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tel: 212-555-6555/ U-DoHobby.com

U-Do Hobby Shop

Everything you need for your hobby!
We have all the supplies you need for:
• Jewelry making
• Model building
• Baking
• Arts and crafts projects
• Sewing

We also carry..
• Remote control (RC) vehicles like cars, boats, and airplanes!
• Train sets
• Board games

Our helpful staff can help you find everything you need for your hobby. Our workers are here to help

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Check out our in-store events! This month we have sewing classes, and a workshop on how to fly
remote control airplanes.

Opening Hours:
Monday - Friday 10:00 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Saturday and Sunday 11:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Greg: So Maria, what do you like to do in your free time?

Maria: Oh, I like to do things outdoors.
Greg: Like what?
Maria: Well, on the weekend I love to go hiking and rock climbing. There’s a beautiful park near my
Greg: Sounds like fun!
Maria: How about you? What do you do in your free time?
Greg: I enjoy biking. But I usually prefer to stay indoors. After work I like to spend time building
model cars.
Maria: Don’t you also have a remote-controlled airplane?
Greg: I do! It’s incredibly fun to fly it outside on a nice sunny day.

Plans for the Weekend

Alex: Kara… Ummm… do you want to maybe go out this weekend?

Kara: Oh… sure, I’d love to. What do you want to do?
Alex: Well, what about horse riding?
Kara: That does sound like fun…but I’m allergic to horses. How about rollerblading?
I love rollerblading!
Alex: I don’t know how to rollerblade…Do you like jazz? The Daily Blues are
playing down the concert hall.
Kara: I do like jazz, and I love that band. But I just saw them in concert last night.
Alex: I know! Let’s go bike riding in the park! You have a bike…right?
Kara: Yes, yes…I do have a bike. That sounds like a great idea.
Alex: Wonderful! And maybe next weekend…you can teach me how to rollerblade!
Kara: OK, sure...

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What Do You Do in Your Spare Time?

Molly: What do you like to do in your spare time?

Nate: I like outdoor activities.
Molly: What kind of outdoor activities?
Nate: Well, I enjoy hiking.
Molly: Me, too! Do you ever go rock climbing?
Nate: Sure. I love rock climbing!
Molly: Let’s go together some time!

Six Reasons Why It’s Important to Have a Hobby

Hobbies are something we do in our free time for fun. Examples of hobbies are sports, arts and crafts,
collecting things, playing a musical instrument, and singing. But hobbies aren’t only fun. They’re good
for you, too.

Here are some reasons why it’s important to have a hobby.

1. Hobbies are good for your mood. Hobbies make you more relaxed. When you do
something you enjoy, you stop thinking about your worries.
2. Hobbies can help you make new friends. Hobbies are a great way to meet people
with the same interests as you.
3. Hobbies keep your mind active. They help you learn new activities. Hobbies are a
great way to exercise your brain.
4. People with hobbies don’t get bored. With a hobby, you always have something
to do.
5. Hobbies create new opportunities. When you have a hobby, you never know where it can take
you. Some people turn their hobbies into new careers.
6. Hobbies help you feel confident. When you learn to do new things and meet new people, you
feel good about yourself.
So, what are you waiting for? Go out and get a new hobby. Find an activity that interests you, and have

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Interesting Hobbies

Narrator: Listen to part of a podcast on hobbies.

Tony: I’m Tony Delio, and today we’re talking to people about their hobbies. Let’s start with my
own hobby. It’s a type of craft, called furniture flipping. I really enjoy it. I buy old furniture
and fix it up. Then I give the furniture to my friends or sell it. Now, let’s hear about
another interesting hobby. Charlotte Reeves is in the band, Three Reeves. Charlotte, can
you tell us about it?
Charlotte: Sure, Tony. It’s a family band. My sister, Jenna, plays piano, my brother Dave, plays the
guitar, and I sing. We perform at parties and events.
Tony: What’s it like playing music with your family?
Charlotte: It’s great! We know each other so well and really enjoy making music together.
Tony: Now, we’re going to hear from Angel Vega. Angel’s hobby is horseback riding.
Angel: It sure is, Tony. I go horseback riding every Sunday. I love it. Horseback riding is exciting. It
makes you feel free.
Tony: Was it hard to learn to ride?
Angel: No. Like anything else, you need a good teacher, and a lot of practice.
Tony: That sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll try horseback riding! Thank you, Angel and
Charlotte for talking with us today.


Word Definition Example Sentence

drawings, paintings, or objects I do a lot of arts and crafts, like

arts and crafts, n.
you make by hand making my own paper.
sport or activity of riding Sam enjoys biking 25 kilometers
biking, n. a bike every Sunday.
finding and keep certain things,
Sam's hobby is collecting toys
collecting, n. like stamps and toys, for fun
from the 1970s.
and enjoyment
Do you want to come hiking
taking long walks outdoors
hiking, n. with me by the beach
especially in nature
riding on the back of a horse for Horseback riding is his favorite
horseback riding, n. fun (British English - horse weekend activity. The horse he
riding) likes to ride is named Thunder.

making necklaces, bracelets, Do you want to learn how to

jewelry making, n. and rings, etc. from different make your own necklace?
materials Come to our new jewelry
making classes.

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making a model, a small copy of I enjoy model building,

model building, n.
something (also model making) especially model airplanes.
the sport or activity of climbing
Let's go rock climbing on Mt.
rock climbing, n. the steep sides of a mountain
Harris this weekend.
or cliff
skating with boots that have
one row of wheels underneath I’d like to try rollerblading, but
rollerblading, n.
(Rollerblade is a trademark I’m afraid of falling down!
term for an inline skate.)
making or repairing clothing I learned sewing in school, and
sewing, n.
with a needle and thread now I make my own clothes.

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Basic 3
Unit 1 Getting A Job

Voice Mail

Hi Robert. This is Melissa Sanchez calling from Core-Tech. We spoke last week about the computer
engineering job. I would like to schedule an interview with you next Wednesday, May 5th, at 10:00
A.M. Please call me back at 914-321-4231. Or, you can send me an e-mail at
Melissa.Sanchez@coretech.com. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

My Education Plans

Recently, I began taking a special training course. In the course, I'll learn what to say during a job
interview. When the course ends next month, I'm going to apply for a full-time job at a department
store. If they hire me, I'll be able to earn a good salary and make extra money working overtime, too. I
plan to save money and study at a university in a couple of years.

I plan to save money and study at a university in a couple of years. Some of my friends aren't planning
to study, but I think it's important to go. It's not enough just to have a high-school education.

When I was in high school, I had to learn many subjects I didn't like. But when I go to study at the
university, I'll be able to choose the courses I want. I'm interested in learning business. Maybe one day
I'll have my own company. Then, I can interview people and give them jobs!

Phone Call

- Good morning. Susan Blake's office.

- Hello. I'd like to speak to Ms. Blake, please.
- I'm sorry. Ms. Blake is in Washington today. Can I help you?
- Well, I'd really prefer to speak to Ms. Blake.
- Certainly. She'll be back next Monday.
- Fine. I'll call her then.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

college, n. a place where learners go to I'm studying history at college.

study specific subjects
course, n. a series of lessons in a subject She's taking a course in
examination, n. a written or practical test of I'm studying for my
your knowledge (also known as examination in mathematics
"exam") tomorrow.
fail, v. to not be successful in doing I failed the exam so I have to
something take it again.

high school, n. a school that children go to After my son finishes high

between the ages 14 and 18 school, he will go to college.
learn, v. to get knowledge or experience He speaks Spanish but is
learning English.

pass, v. to be successful in an exam or I passed the exam with an 80%.

subject, n. something you learn or teach School learners learn many
at school subjects like history, science,
and art.

test, n. a set of written or spoken We had a test in Spanish today

questions to examine your and I think I did well.
knowledge of a subject, or a
practical exam - less formal
than an examination
training, n. process of learning how to do The training for the job is six
something specific months.

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Unit 2 Business Matters


Hello, Mr. James? This is Don Barnes, the president of Greater Electric. I'm calling about your plans for
the new factory. I'm interested in discussing the matter with you. Can we make an appointment for
lunch instead of meeting at my office? Do you mind if I invite my bank manager, too? It's impossible for
me to make any decision about the project unless I have his approval. Please call me this afternoon. I'll
be in meetings all morning. I'll talk to you later. Goodbye.

From: Arlene Ericson
To: Yvonne Billingsly
Subject: Waiting for your answer

Dear Yvonne,
I'm in London on business. I plan to choose a location for another T-shirt factory near the city. I have
some offers, and I'm going to see two places this afternoon. Please think about our discussion. I must
have an answer as soon as possible.
I disagree with your opinion that you can't manage the business. I think you'll be great for the job.

Fax It

- Could you give this to Mr. Block? It's very important.

- I'm sorry. Mr. Block's at the New York office today.
- Oh, I see. Well, will he be here this afternoon?
- No. He's going to be in New York all week.
- Then could you fax it to him?
- Sure. I'll send it right away.

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Work 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

apply, v. to request a job He applied for a job in a

department store.
appointment, n. arrangement to see someone I want to make an appointment
at a certain time to see Mr. Jones.
approval, n. agreement given by someone I can't do anything without my
wife's approval.
bank manager, n. a person who is in charge of He needs to speak to the bank
running a bank manager about the money he
wants to take out.
career, n. a job or jobs that you do in His career is in education.
your working life
company, n. an organization that buys and That company makes furniture.
sells products or gives services
full-time, adj. employed for a standard She has a full-time job so she
number of hours (in general gets home late every day.
35-40 hours a week)
interview, n. a meeting where someone asks I have an interview for a job
questions to find out if another today.
person is good for a job
location, n. the place or position of This is a good location for a
something factory.
overtime, n. extra hours that someone He worked 20 hours overtime
works in a job last month.

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Unit 3 Planning A Vacation

Flight to Mumbai

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is delayed. We apologize for the
inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.
Daniel: You're going to India too?
Rebecca: Yes, my company has a factory in Mumbai.
Daniel: So you fly there a lot?
Rebecca: Yes, I do.
Daniel: This is my first trip abroad.
Rebecca: Oh, you'll love Mumbai. It's a wonderful city. There's so much to do and see there.
Daniel: I'm really excited about going.
Rebecca: I hope we board the plane soon.
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Flight 441 to Mumbai is now ready to board. Please have your
passport and boarding pass ready for the agent at the gate. Thank you for flying Indian
Skies Airlines.
Rebecca: Wait! You forgot your passport!
Daniel: Thanks.

Village Tours

Do you dislike taking boring vacations? Does having a good time mean sightseeing in interesting towns
and villages?
Then you should come see us today! It's not smart to delay. Village Tours has daily nonstop flights to
twenty-seven foreign capitals. We sell one-way and round-trip tickets. If you decide to cancel, we'll
return all your money.
Village Tours: We'll send you where the fun is!

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Vacation at Last

- Vacation at last. I'm going to the beach every day.

- Me, too. But…
- But what? What's the matter?
- First I'm going to go shopping.
- Shopping?
- Yeah. I forgot to bring my swimsuit.


Word Definition Example Sentence

cancel, v. to say that something arranged We canceled our vacation

will not now happen because I was sick.
connecting flight, n. a flight in which you have to You have a connecting flight to
take more than one plane to New York.
get to your destination
non-stop flight, n. a flight from one place to There is a non-stop flight from
another, which doesn't stop on Los Angeles to New York.
the way
rent a car, exp. to pay for using a car for a When we are on vacation we
short time always rent a car so we can
drive to different places.
reserve a hotel room, exp. to arrange for a room in a hotel The travel agent reserved a
hotel room.

round-trip, adj. describes a trip which takes We have round-trip tickets to

you to a place and back again Hawaii.
(also a noun)
sightseeing, n. traveling around a place to see I love sightseeing vacations and
the interesting things in it (also I take lots of pictures.
an adjective)
tour, n. a trip or journey around a place We're going on a tour of the
(also a verb) old city.
travel agency, n. an organization that makes Best Tours is a great travel
arrangements for people to go agency if you want to go to
on trips Europe.
travel arrangements, n. the things you need to do to The agency made our travel
organize a trip: book tickets, arrangements.
hotel rooms, tours, etc.

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Unit 4 Eating Out


Hello, listeners! This is Gore May with another restaurant review!

I made a reservation at Prima Vera Restaurant as soon as I heard about it. I was expecting Prima Vera to
be a very special place, and I was looking forward to eating there. I came on time for my 1 p.m.
reservation, but I had to wait 45 minutes! The manager didn't even apologize. While I was waiting, I
looked at Prima Vera's menu. What prices! Strawberries and cream cost $15! Finally, my table was ready,
but it was dirty. The rolls weren't fresh, and the grilled fish was cold. “Perhaps the desserts are better,” I
thought. I ordered a slice of chocolate nut cake. While I was eating it, I broke a tooth! I found a small
stone in the cake! I complained to the waiter, and phoned my insurance company.
Listeners, don't go to Prima Vera Restaurant! Eat at home. I promise you that you'll enjoy it a lot more!

Pearl's Party Service

Are you expecting guests for an important dinner party? Are you worried that you won't be able to plan
the party successfully? We at Pearl's Party Service will prepare the perfect party for you.
Here is a sample menu.
We usually start with salad and freshly baked rolls. Then, we give you a choice of grilled fish or chicken.
And make sure you have room left for dessert. Our desserts are delicious! Your guests will love our fresh
strawberries with whipped cream and homemade chocolate nut cake.
We think of everything- our waiters will even tell a few jokes!
So, if you're planning a party, call Pearl's Party Service today for a party we promise that you'll never

Japanese Restaurant

- Where do you want to have dinner?

- Let's go to that new Japanese restaurant on Park Avenue.
- Do you want to walk or take a taxi?
- Oh, if it's not far, let's walk.
- Would you like to see a movie after we eat?
- Sounds good to me.

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Talking About Food

Word Definition Example Sentence

dirty, adj. not clean I got food on my shirt and now

it's dirty.
freshly baked, adj. recently cooked in the oven I have freshly baked rolls for
frozen, adj. kept very cold I took the meat out of the
freezer an hour ago so it's still
grilled, adj. cooked over a grill or fire We had grilled steaks at the
homemade, adj. food prepared in your home Here is some homemade jam
with fruit from our tree.
prepare, v. to get food ready to cook or eat I prepared some vegetables for
the soup.
ready, adj. prepared for use or to be eaten The food is ready; come and
salty, adj. having lots of salt These chips are very salty.

sweet, adj. tasting like sugar This cake is very sweet because
it has a lot of sugar.
whipped cream, n. cream which has air mixed into Would you like whipped cream
it with your pie?

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Unit 5 Traveling Abroad

Airport Arrivals

Alan: John!
John: Alan! Were you waiting long?
Alan: No, just a few minutes. How was your flight?
John: Too long. From Sydney to London was twenty-three hours. We had one stopover in
Bangkok for about an hour.
Alan: Where's your luggage?
John: This is it.
Alan: That's it? No luggage. Where are your clothes?
John: The airline lost my suitcase and all of my clothes with it.
Alan: Oh no. Well we'd better get you some clothes today. We have a very important meeting
tomorrow morning.
John: I know. Where can I get a new suit?
Alan: I think I know a couple of shops nearby. Don't you want to get some breakfast first?
John: No, thanks. I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the plane. Twice, I think.
Alan: Oh.
John: Alan, let's just see about the suit.

Rita’s Trip Abroad

“Ladies and gentlemen, our flight is arriving shortly in Washington, D.C.” Rita was looking out the
window. Around her people were talking excitedly. Rita was nervous. It was not only her first time
abroad, but it was also her first time outside her small village in Mexico. She was visiting her aunt and
uncle for the summer. She couldn't wait to go sightseeing. But she was a little worried about her English.
She knew some English from school, and she hoped it was good enough.
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the capital of the United States.”
Rita checked to make sure she had everything: her passport, the immigration form, and her round-trip
ticket. She followed the people out of the plane. She waited with the other foreigners while the
immigration officials asked each person many questions. Rita was nervous, but the immigration officer
patiently repeated each question slowly and clearly.
Rita found her suitcase, and started walking toward the exit. Many people were waiting outside. She was
looking around, when she suddenly heard someone shout her name.
“Rita! Rita!” It was her aunt and uncle!
“We're so happy you're here!”
Rita smiled. She knew that she was going to have a good time that summer in America.

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- Excuse me. How can I get to the Tower Hotel?

- The easiest way is by taxi, but there's a bus, too.
- Where's the bus stop?
- It's in front of this building.
- How often does the bus stop here?
- Every 30 minutes.

Travel 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

abroad, adv. in or to a foreign country They're flying abroad for their

board, v. to get on a plane, train, boat, or The flight is boarding at gate
bus 12.
foreigner, n. a person from a different He's not from this country, he's
country a foreigner.
immigration form, n. a printed document you fill out Everybody got an immigration
when you enter a foreign form on the plane.
official, n. a person who works for an A lot of officials work at the
institution such as a airport.
government agency
passenger, n. a person traveling on a train, All the passengers are getting
plane, boat, or bus off the plane now.
passport, n. an official document with a She arrived in the country and
photograph saying which showed her passport.
country you are from and other
personal details like your name
and date of birth
reach, v. to get in contact with someone I called many times before I
reached her.
suitcase, n. a bag to put clothes in when He couldn't find his suitcase
you travel when he got off the plane.
vacation, n. time that you spend away from They are on vacation and are
home or work having fun and having a good time.

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Unit 6 Emotions


Narrator: Here we are with another episode of “Hospital Adventures.” You'll remember that last
time, Chad was in an accident. He was walking home from work. He wasn't looking
where he was going, and he fell down and hit his head. Now, he's in the hospital and
doesn't remember who he is.
Friend: Oh, Morgan, I came as soon as I heard! How is he?
Morgan: He's still sleeping. The nurse just took his temperature. He has a fever.
Friend: Look! He's getting up!
Chad: What a headache! Where am I? Who am I? Who are you?
Morgan: Chad, it's me, Morgan, your wife. Don't you remember?
Friend: Here comes the doctor.
Morgan: Doctor, I'm so worried. What are we going to do?
Doctor: You must relax. It is important to stay calm. It seems that we'll have to operate.
Morgan: Oh, no!
Friend: Oh, no!
Chad: Oh, no!
Morgan: Oh, no!
Narrator: Will Chad get well? Will he get back his memory? Does he have health insurance? Tune
in tomorrow for the next episode of "Hospital Adventures."

Malcolm’s Special Day

Malcolm was lying in bed at 7 a.m. on a sunny morning. He was excited because it was his birthday. His
wife was still asleep. Malcolm woke her up.
“Debbie, do you know what day it is?”
“May 15th.”
“And you have a 9 a.m. appointment with the dentist today. You have to get up!”
Malcolm was upset. “Debbie forgot my birthday,” he thought while he was brushing his teeth.
“Bye, Debbie,” said Malcolm. He was trying to seem calm and relaxed. “Maybe we'll go to a restaurant
for lunch.”
“Why? What's special about today?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing.”
Malcolm wasn't nervous at the dentist's office. The pain didn't even bother him. He was thinking about
his birthday, and was feeling lonely.
“Even my mother forgot to phone!” he thought.

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When Malcolm came home, he slowly opened the door. “Surprise!” All his friends and relatives were
smiling and laughing.
"Happy birthday, Malcolm," said Debbie. "Do you forgive me?"

There’s Tom

- Look. There's Tom.

- Why don't you go over and talk to him?
- Do you think I should?
- If you like him, you really ought to.
- But what if he doesn't want to talk to me?
- Well, you shouldn't worry about that.

Adjectives 3

Word Definition Example Sentence

bored, adj. feeling unhappy because you I'm bored with this game; let's
don't find something play something else.
interesting or you have nothing
to do
calm, adj. not feeling excited, shocked, He was scared before, but now
angry, or afraid he's calm.
excited, adj. happy because something good I'm excited about my birthday
is going to happen party.
lonely, adj. unhappy because nobody is He's lonely because he has no
with you friends.
nervous, adj. feeling worried He's always nervous at the
dentist's office.
patient, adj. staying calm and not getting The patient teacher answered
angry for a long time all his questions.
relaxed, adj. staying calm and resting I'm relaxed on the weekends
because I don't have to work.
smart, adj. intelligent, knowing a lot She is very smart and always
gets good grades in school.
surprised, adj. the feeling when something not He was surprised by the phone
expected happens call so late at night.
tired, adj. wanting to rest or sleep He's always tired in the
mornings because he goes to
sleep very late.

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Unit 7 Making Excuses


Hi, Mom! It's Susan. I might not come to Aunt Carol's party tonight. I have a cold and a terrible
headache. I'm taking a pill for the pain right now, and I'm going to lie down and relax. Don't worry! I'll
call when I get up, and tell you if I'll be able to come to the party.

The Party

After a long, busy day at work, Jason was finally going home. He was tired. He wasn't thinking about
anything special.
“Perhaps I should go into the supermarket in our neighborhood, and pick up a couple of pounds of
strawberries,” Jason thought.
While Jason was driving to the store, his car phone rang. It was his wife, Jenny.
“Jason, where are you? Last night you promised to come home early to help me prepare the food and
decorate the house. You know that we're having a party tonight.”
“Oh, no!” Jason said.
“I had so much work today that I forgot about the party.”
“I know it's always a good idea to remind you to come home early, even when you promise,” said Jenny.
“However, this time I expected you to remember.”
At first, Jason didn't understand what Jenny was talking about, but then he remembered: Jenny was
having a party for him that night. It was his fiftieth birthday!


- Is the food good here?

- How about having lunch with me, Carol?
- I'm afraid I can't today, Ted. I'm too busy.
- But you have to eat.
- No. Really, Ted, I have to work.
- Well, maybe tomorrow, then?
- Maybe.

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Word Definition Example Sentence

brush your teeth, exp. to clean your teeth with a He brushes his teeth in the
toothbrush morning and at night.
dentist, n. a person who takes care of I go to the dentist every six
teeth as a job months to keep my teeth
fever, n. when the temperature of your He has a fever so he can't go
body is higher than normal and out.
you feel sick
have a cold, exp. to be sick with a runny nose He has a cold so he is staying at
and sneezing home.
headache, n. when your head hurts Please be quiet because my
mother has a headache.

operate, v. to cut into the body for medical The doctor is operating on a
reasons man to fix his knee.
pain, n. a feeling that something in your I have a pain in my leg and I
body hurts need to sit down.
pill, n. medication that makes you feel My doctor says I need to take
better this pill every morning.
temperature, n. how hot the body is The nurse took the man's
temperature and it was very
tooth, n. a hard white object in your I bit into an apple and broke my
mouth for biting and chewing tooth!

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Unit 8 Tickets, Please!

The Audition

Barry: ...so Michael, I think I got a part for you. Franklin Theater is doing 'Cat on a Hot Tin
Roof.' I know you'd like to do this one. Am I right?
Michael: Yes! You're right! I love that play! When are they doing the auditions?
Barry: Actually, the auditions are today. Can you make it?
Michael: Oh, today is bad. How about tomorrow? I'm free tomorrow.
Barry: Let me check. You're in luck.
Michael: Great!
Barry: They're having auditions tomorrow as well. Is it ok to be the last audition of the day?
Michael: Yes, it's OK. I was the last one before, and it was fine.
Barry: There's an opening at 5:30 p.m. Does that work for you? Five-thirty is fine. Six-thirty is
fine too. Morning, noon or night, is OK. Just please make the phone call and get me the
Barry: OK, OK, relax. I'll call them right now.
Michael: Great! Thank you. I'm really excited about this audition!
Barry: Me too. Hey, Ed? This is Barry...

Tickets, Please!
by Lily Macbeth

Ushers in theaters and concert halls around the world see performances and plays for free, and never
have to wait in line for tickets. What is it like to be an usher?
“People often think that being an usher is an easy job, but it isn't,” says Peter Sullivan, an usher at the
Palladium Theater. “It's difficult to stand so much! When I'm tired, I sit in an aisle seat during
intermission, but my boss could fire me for that.”
Ushers usually stand at the entrance to the auditorium. They give people programs, look at their tickets,
and show them their seats. Ushers must keep the audience quiet, especially after the curtain goes up. It
isn't always easy.
“Last night one man was talking in a loud voice while the orchestra was playing,” says Xavier Marcos. “I
told him to be quiet, but he didn't stop talking. Some people were very angry, but there was nothing I
could do.”
Actors and musicians sometimes work as ushers, too. Samantha Page studies acting and is also an usher.
“I won't be an usher forever,” she explains. “I'm going to be famous one day. But I'll always remember
beginning my career as an usher!”

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Excuse Me

- May I see your ticket and passport, please?

- Ah ... Excuse me?
- I need your ticket and your passport, please.
- Oh, sorry. I didn't understand you. Here they are.

Entertainment 2

Word Definition Example Sentence

aisle seat, n. seat at the end of a row in the He likes the aisle seat because
theater he has long legs.
audition, n. a short performance to see if He had an audition yesterday to
you are good enough to be in a be in the new play.
play or movie
auditorium, n. the part of the theater where The concert will be in the new
the audience sits auditorium.
curtain, n. piece of cloth which covers the The curtain goes up in ten
stage in a theater, we use the minutes.
expression "the curtain goes
up" to say that a performance is
famous, adj. well-known Her father is a famous actor.
musician, n. someone who performs or The musician gave a great
writes music concert last night.
orchestra, n. a large group of musicians He plays the violin in the
playing different instruments national orchestra.
part, n. a role in a play or a movie The actor got a part in the play.
program, n. a document that tells you about The names of the actors are in
a play the theater program.
usher, n. a person who checks tickets The usher is taking us to our
and shows you to your seat in a seats.

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Unit 9 Saving Energy

How to Save Energy at Home

• When an electronic device is plugged in, it uses energy. This is true even when it’s off. Unplug
electronic devices when you’re not using them. Don’t leave your cell phone charging all night.

• Don’t keep the refrigerator door open long. A full refrigerator (or freezer) uses less energy than an
empty refrigerator. To help fill it up, you can put bottles of water inside.

• Don’t keep the water running when you're wash dishes. If you soap the dishes first and then run
the water to rinse them off, you’ll save water and energy.

• Lighting makes up about 10% of home energy costs. If you replace regular lightbulbs with LED
lightbulbs, you can save up to 75% of that energy.

• Use a thermostat to change the temperature on a heater or air conditioner. Adjust the
temperature, especially when you leave home or go to sleep.

• Washing machines use about 90% of their energy to heat the water. If you wash your clothes at 40
degrees instead of 60 degrees, you use less energy. Then use the Sun to dry them, instead of an
electric dryer.

• Take showers instead of baths. Showers use 50% less energy than baths and they also save water.


Sue: Len, what are some ways you try to save energy?
Len: Well, my computer still uses energy when I turn it off. So, I always unplug it when I'm not using
it. I've also been trying to turn the lights off when I leave a room...sometimes I forget...but I try!
How about you?
Sue: I usually dry my clothes outside, rather than use the dryer. I also try to turn off the water when
I am soaping dishes. When I need to rinse them off, I turn the water back on. I also just started
using LED light bulbs in my home. I heard they save a lot of energy.
Len: Oh yeah? I should start using them as well.

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The Electricity Bill

Mother: Jake, our electricity bill is really high this month!

Jake: Really? Why’s that?
Mother: Maybe because you leave the lights on all over the house?
Jake: I’m home studying.... I need the lights on.
Mother: You don’t need all the lights on in the kitchen and living room. Are you washing your
favorite T-shirt on its own again?
Jake: I’m going out tonight.
Mother: And why is the heating on so high?
Jake: I was cold!
Mother: Did you try putting on a sweater?
Jake: Sorry.
Mother: Jake, how many times do I have to tell you how important it is to save energy?
Jake: You’re right. I am really sorry. Look, why don’t you go and relax and I’ll get dinner ready.
Mother: OK, thanks. That sounds good. I think I’ll take a long bath.
Jake: Mum, don’t baths waste water?

Looking for a Washing Machine

Salesclerk: Hello. How can I help you?

Customer: I need a new washing machine.
Salesclerk: We have a great range of energy-efficient washing machines.
Customer: Oh good, that’s very important to me.
Salesclerk: This machine, for instance, is very affordable and has an excellent
Customer: Great. Does it have the option to do a quick wash?
Salesclerk: Yes. You can do a 15-minute short wash, to save electricity and water.

People Power

Imagine charging your cell phone by walking. This is actually already possible! Companies are finding
ways to convert human movement into power. Objects in motion have a certain kind of energy. This
energy is called kinetic energy. We can use kinetic energy to make power.

One place where there is a lot of kinetic energy is the gym. At the gym, everyone is in motion. Some
gyms decided to use this energy to create power. These gyms have special stationary bikes, treadmills,
or other exercise machines. When people use these special machines, they turn a turbine. The turbine

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creates electricity. This electricity then helps power the gym. Right now, these gyms only get a small
amount of their power from human movement. But as technology improves, this amount will grow.

Other places that use kinetic energy for power are train stations, airports and schools. There is a
company that puts special tiles in the floor. The movement of people walking on these tiles makes
energy. We can use this energy to power lights and to charge laptops and smartphones.

Dancing also creates kinetic energy. Some dance clubs have special dance floors. When people dance,
their energy lights up the floor; colorful lights flash on and off. Dance clubs hope that these special
floors will soon make enough electricity to run the whole club.

You never know where your energy can be used. So get up and get moving – all the power you need is
right there in your feet!

Renewable Energy

Lecturer: Today's lecture is about renewable energy. Most of our energy comes from fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas. The earth only has so much of these fossil
fuels. One day they will run out if we continue to use them. When we make energy from
fossil fuels this also causes a lot of pollution. So we need to find other sources of energy
which won't run out and will cause less pollution. These sources are called 'renewable
energy.' Let's take a look at two kinds of renewable energy – wind energy, and solar
energy. To make energy from the wind, we use wind turbines. A wind turbine has blades
that spin when the wind blows. The turbine is connected to a generator which produces
electricity. Wind energy is becoming very popular. One wind turbine can produce enough
electricity to power 300 homes. But wind turbines don't work when there is no wind, so
we need other resources – like solar energy, energy from the Sun. We can take the Sun's
energy and turn it into electricity. One way to do this is with solar panels. Solar panels
absorb the Sun's heat and turn it into electricity. The Sun is a powerful source of energy,
but unfortunately, the Sun doesn't shine at night. And it's difficult to produce solar
energy when there are a lot of clouds in the sky. Fortunately, there are other sources of
renewable energy. But before I go on to talk about these sources – are there any

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Saving Energy

Word Definition Example Sentence

machine in the home that uses The store sells many electrical
electrical appliance, n. electricity (form of energy) to appliances such as washing
do a certain job machines and dryers.
statement showing how much
money you need to pay for the Jake, turn off the heat. Our
electricity bill, n. electricity you used (electricity electricity bill is really high this
— form of energy that powers month!
Our energy efficient
using less energy to complete a
energy efficient, adj. dishwashers use less water and
fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural
gas) that is created in the earth
We use fossil fuels to power our
fossil fuel, n. from dead plants or animals,
cars and heat our homes.
and produces heat or power
when it burns
glass object that creates light You’ll save energy and money
lightbulb, n. when electricity flows through on lightbulbs if you turn them
it off when you leave the room.
natural source of power, such Renewable energy, like solar
renewable energy, n. as the sun, wind, or water power, will not run out or cause
which does not run out pollution.
If you keep stovetop burners
save energy, exp. to use less energy clean, they work better and
save energy.
device that controls the
At night, the thermostat in the
thermostat, n. temperature in a building or
room was set at 19°C.
remove an electrical appliance
Please turn off the computer
from its power supply by taking
unplug, v. and unplug it from the socket in
the plug out of an electric
the wall.
use more of something than When you leave the lights on all
waste, v.
you need to day, you waste energy.

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Unit 10 Knowing A Second Language

Six Benefits of Learning a Second Language

There are many good reasons to learn a second language. Here are just a few.
1. Knowing a second language teaches you to multitask (do more than one thing at the same
time). This is because your brain becomes more flexible when you switch from one language to
2. Your memory will improve, too. For instance, studies show that it’s easier for bilinguals to
remember directions, names, and shopping lists.
3. Learning a second language is good for your health! For instance, new studies found that brain
diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s showed up later in bilinguals than they did in
4. Learning a second (or third, or fourth) language is also good for your résumé! Knowing more
than one language can help you get a better job, no matter which career you choose.
5. Another good reason for learning a second language is it can help you make friends with
people from different countries. You’ll also be able to understand different cultures better and
enjoy different kinds of literature, music, and films.
6. Your first language may also improve after learning a second. After you spend time learning
grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure in another language, you’ll start to think more
about your first language, too!

It's never too late to start learning a second language! So why not start now?

Being Bilingual

Michelle: Wow! You can read Chinese!

Sidney: Yes. My parents are from China. They sent me to Chinese school at the weekend.
Michelle: Do your parents speak any English?
Sidney: They do, but not so much.
Michelle: Was it strange speaking one language in school and a different language at home?
Sidney: Well, I didn’t like it when they spoke to me in Chinese in front of my friends! But most
of the time it was OK.
Michelle: What language do you speak with your brothers and sisters?
Sidney: I have two sisters. They’re bilingual like me. I guess we speak a mixture of English and
Michelle: Are you glad you know two languages?
Sidney: Yes. I’m very glad. It’s fun and it helps with my studies.
Michelle: I’m gonna raise my kids bilingual! I just need to find a partner who knows another

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Sidney: That would help!

Tips for Learning English

Lucy: Do you have any good tips for learning English?

Ron: Well, what do you find most difficult?
Lucy: I still find speaking hard. I’m afraid of making mistakes.
Ron: Don’t worry about that. Language learning is all about making mistakes.
Lucy: I guess. Do you have any other advice?
Ron: Try and listen as much as you can to native speakers on the TV or the radio.
Lucy: Oh, yeah I see, that’s a good idea.

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The Bilingual Circle

Connecting Bilingual Parents

Do you speak more than one language at home? Are you raising bilingual or multilingual children? Then
The Bilingual Circle may be the place for you. The Bilingual Circle offers support, workshops,
information, and social experiences for bilingual or multilingual families. Karina and Diego Jones,
themselves parents of bilingual children, founded The Bilingual Circle five years ago - so that parents can
have a place to come to help them make decisions and share ideas.
Let us come to you! The Bilingual Circle offers private workshops for small groups (up to 10 people) in
the comfort of your home. Our workshops help parents raise bilingual children.
For larger groups, The Bilingual Circle offers public workshops at schools, libraries, and community
centers at least two times a month. Our public workshops are a good place to meet other parents of
bilingual children in your area!
The Bilingual Circle now offers monthly webinars that discuss different topics each month. For example,
Raising Bilingual Children: The Do’s and Don’ts, and Introducing a Third Language – When and How? To
get updates and reminders about upcoming webinars, please sign up for our newsletter.

“As parents who live in an English speaking country but speak Spanish at home, we needed guidance.
The Bilingual Circle really gave us the tools we needed to raise our son as both a Spanish and English
speaker. We weren’t able to participate in a home or public workshop, so the monthly webinars were a
great option for us! We just participated in one last night! Thank you!”-Eddy

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“We live in France. My husband speaks Russian; I speak English. We wanted our children to be able to
speak both languages but we didn’t want their third language to suffer. Thanks to The Bilingual Circle,
we now have a wonderful support group!“-Jennifer

Language Channel Podcast

Narrator: Listen to part of a podcast on languages.

Miguel: Welcome to 'The Language Channel'. I’m you’re host Miguel Pardo. Today we’re talking
about how, or if, your personality changes when you speak a different language. Nadia
Timmerman is here to tell us about her new book, called Different Languages, Different
Personalities? Nadia, I grew up speaking Portuguese and English. My friends tell me I’m
funnier in Portuguese than I am in English. When I’m around Portuguese speakers, I’m
just more outgoing. Is that possible?
Nadia: Yes, it is! I conducted many surveys with people who spoke two or more languages and it
is possible. It’s interesting how differently people act when speaking different languages.
Miguel: So can my personality really be completely different in Portuguese than it is in English?
Nadia: Well, you can be more outgoing in one language. But, according to my research, your
basic personality doesn’t change. What seems like a change in your personality is just a
change in the way you act based on the situation. What happens more often is how
people use languages in different contexts.
Miguel: Can you give us an example?
Nadia: Sure. For instance, I use English at work but I speak Russian with my family and friends.
So when I speak Russian, I use a lot more ‘slang’ or more informal words. I guess you
could say I feel more relaxed when I speak Russian, and more formal when I speak
Miguel: Oh, so you mean my personality doesn’t really change – it’s more a matter of how I use
the different languages?
Nadia: Exactly!
Miguel: And what about the culture of a language. Can it affect personality?
Nadia: Well that’s a very long and complicated answer.
Miguel: I guess I’ll just need to read your book to find out! Thanks for speaking with us today,
Nadia. Our listeners and I sure learned a lot.

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Knowing a Second Language

Word Definition Example Sentence

able to speak and understand Sam is bilingual. He speaks both

bilingual, adj.
two languages very well English and Korean.
In class today, we discussed
ideas, behaviors, customs, and Japanese culture and learned
culture, n. arts of a particular society about Japanese literature,
music, and film.
I use more formal language
formal, adj. official, proper
when I am at work.
When you use slang words, you
informal, adj. casual, relaxed, not so proper are speaking in an informal
I used to be monolingual, but
able to speak and understand after I spent a year in Spain, I
monolingual, adj.
only one language came back speaking both
English and Spanish.

able to speak and understand My teacher is multilingual; he

multilingual, adj. speaks English, Italian, Spanish,
several languages
and Portuguese.
someone who grew up
I speak English well, but I’m not
native speaker, n. speaking the language of where
a native speaker.
they were born
emotions, ways of behaving, I'm much funnier when I speak
personality, n. etc., that make a person Spanish. My personality
different from other people completely changes!
The workshop gave us the tools
to bring up or look after a child we needed to raise our son as
raise, v.
as they grow up both a Spanish and English
You know so many words in
vocabulary, n. words that make up a language Italian now; your vocabulary
has really improved!

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