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Basic English Conversation

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9/9/2018 I am a cook. We are cooks.

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I am a cook. We are cooks.

SVC: Subject Pronouns + 'Be'
Beginner 2

With pronouns and the verb 'be,' you will be able to provide basic
information about a subject.

Exercise 1
Sentence Practice

I am a cook.

Sally and I are cooks.

We are cooks.

You are a cook.

You are cooks.

John is a cook.
He is a cook.

Susan is a cook.
She is a cook.

Susan and John are cooks.

They are cooks.

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9/9/2018 I am a cook. We are cooks. | Engoo

Grammar Focus

'I am a cook' is an example of a very basic sentence pattern in English:

Subject + Verb + Complement (SVC). 'I' is the subject. 'Am' is the verb. 'A
cook' is a subject complement. This lesson will focus on the subject and


The subject is the first part of the SVC sentence "I am a cook". The
subject is the focus of the sentence. The most basic kind of subject is a
noun, i.e. a person (Sally), place (the park), or thing (a movie). Instead of
nouns, we can also use personal subject pronouns.

These are the 1st person personal subject pronouns:

we (plural of 'I', can replace 'Sally and I')

This is the 2nd person personal subject pronoun:

you (singular and plural)

These are the 3rd person personal subject pronouns:

he (male person, can replace 'John')

she (female person, can replace 'Sally')
it (objects or animals)
they (plural of 'he'/'she'/'it', can replace 'Sally and John')

Linking Verb 'be'

The linking verb is the second part of the sentence "I am a cook". It links
(connects) the subject 'I' to information about the subject, 'a cook'. The
most basic linking verb is 'be'.
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9/9/2018 I am a cook. We are cooks. | Engoo

In English, the subject is the most important part of the sentence. Verbs,
such as 'be', change form to 'agree with' the subject. The forms of 'be'
are: am, are, and is.

I am a cook.

You are a cook.

We are cooks.
They are cooks.

He / she is a cook.
It is a movie.


Just remember that most subjects use 'are'. Only 'I' and 'he/she/it' use a
different form.


When speaking, we often abbreviate (i.e. shorten) a word or phrase.

Many phrases with linking verbs are abbreviated using an apostrophe

I am a cook → I'm a cook.

We are cooks → We're cooks.
You are a cook → You're a cook.
They are cooks → They're cooks.
He is a cook → He's a cook.
She is a cook → She's a cook.
It is a movie → It's a movie.

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9/9/2018 I am a cook. We are cooks. | Engoo

Exercise 2
Sentence Practice
First person

I am a student.
We are students.

Second person

You are a singer.

You are singers.

Third person

He is a doctor.
She is a doctor.
They are doctors.
It is a pen.
They are pens.

Exercise 3
Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with is, are, or am to complete the sentences.

1. I am a soldier.

2. You are a painter.

3. She is a cashier.

4. We are barbers.

5. They are waiters.

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9/9/2018 I am a cook. We are cooks. | Engoo

Exercise 4
Sentence Building

Provide information about yourself, a friend, and a family member. Use the
correct form of the verb 'be'.

Introduce yourself

My name, [name]. → "My name is Chika."

My name, [name]. My name is Olivia

I, [job]. I am a student.

Introduce a friend.

He/she, [job] → "He is an engineer."

My friend's name, [name]. My friend's name is Yu Jin

He/she, [job]. She is a student.

Introduce a family member.

My brother’s name, [name] → "My brother's name is Steven."

My mother/father/brother/sister's name, [name]. My mother's name is Jeong

He/she, a [job]. She is a homemaker.

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9/9/2018 I am a cook. We are cooks. | Engoo

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My father's name is Nam Ho.

He is an office worker.

My sister's name is Yessa.

She is student.

My friend and I are teachers.

We are teachers.
My friend and I are students.
We are students.

I am _______ I am a teacher
She is ______ She is a cook.
He is ______ He is barber.
It is ________ It is my cat.
They are _____ They are my students.
We are _______ We are friends.

I am student. You are my teacher Olivia

She is a teacher. I am your student.
He is a doctor.
It is a puppy. You are my student.
They are teachers. I am your teacher.
We are friends.

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