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Behavior Intervention Plan

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The key takeaways are that a behavior intervention plan is proposed for a student to help them complete assignments in class without disrupting others. The plan involves identifying the function of the problematic behavior, selecting a replacement behavior, designing a teaching plan, arranging the environment to support success, and developing consequences.

The function of the behavior is to avoid completing work by distracting and communicating with peers. The behavior meets the student's need for peer attention.

The replacement behavior suggested is for the student to work directly with a paraprofessional or teacher to complete assignments.

Behavior Intervention Plan Form

Student: _______Marcos_______ Teacher: ______Alan King_______

School: ___Desert View High School ___ Date: _____04/20/2016______

Step Action Outcomes

1 Identify the function of the behavior: The function of the behavior is to avoid completing work by distracting and
Describe the behavior in communicating with his peers:
measurable terms. Marcos will constantly play games or music on his phone or computer
How does the behavior meet the instead of completing any work during the class period.
students needs? This behavior usually results in him receiving peer attention. This in turn
reinforces the inappropriate behavior.

2 Select a replacement behavior: Student would greatly benefit from working with a paraprofessional or the
What should the student do instead? teacher on a 1:1 basis to complete more required assignments.
What do successful students do? Successful students are able to complete assignments independently in a
Will the behavior help the student timely manner.
meet his or her needs? The new behavior will assist the student in being able to complete
assignments in the classroom independently.

3 Design a teaching plan:

The expected behavior includes: Expected Behavior: Student will complete assignments in timely manner and without disrupting
Conditions help from a paraprofessional.
Behavior Conditions: Given an assignment in class student will be able to complete it with the hel
Teaching examples should: Behavior: Student will complete in class assignments by working with a paraprofessiona
Describe when to use the behavior. complete.
Be realistic.
Non-examples: Teaching Examples: The paraprofessional will work directly with the student to ensure he knows
Describe when not to use the assignments in the classroom setting.
behavior. Student will use the behavior in all of his classes throughout the day. Student will engage
Be realistic. an assignment is given to him.
Non-Examples: Explicitly teach student how to start and finish assignments his is given indepen
Student will be taught that it is not appropriate to engage in the intended behavior for exa
and the teacher is giving a lecture, or when other students are working independently.
Realistically the student will need to engage in the intended behavior several times throu

Teaching Strategies:
Peer Modeling: In using peer modeling in the classroom the student will be able t
him and how to effectively work on assignments independently.
Create a system of verbal and nonverbal cues: I will create a system of verbal and
student and myself. This will allow for the student to know what is expected at th
what he needs to be doing during this time.

4 Arrange the environment to facilitate

success: Problem Situations:
Physical environment: Problems in teaching the student the intended behavior will arise i
Consider Changes to: reason for this being that the student to be able to walk in the classroom, hear instruction
Physical environment. on his own. It would be beneficial to this student if he had an assigned seat in the classro
Classroom procedures. on the task at hand.
Task requirements. Classroom Procedures: As explained above we want the student to be able to complete cl
Teacher-student interactions. independently. It would greatly benefit this student if he had a classroom procedure he co
when he is working on assignments.
Task requirements: The task requirements for this student is that he either have his compu
he can use to complete any assignments he may need to work on for that day.
Teacher-student interactions: Teacher-student interactions should have the same requirem
However, since the teacher is the one who will be assigning the assignments to the studen
slightly vary. The teacher needs to ensure that the paraprofessional working with the stud
interaction from the student as the teacher would.

Facilitate Success: In order to facilitate success with the student, it is important that the assignme
his grade level and have been correctly modified to fit the students individual needs. Another w
this student is to input the grades as quickly as I can so that the student is able to see their succes
5 Develop consequences for desired and
undesired behavior (Artificial Natural positive consequences: In trying to teach Marcos the importance of
consequences should be used only when completing assignments in class, he will gain the skills to work on various
natural consequences are not sufficient). assignments independently which in return will raise his grade and give him a
If the replacement behavior is not sense of accomplishment.
exhibited despite natural positive Withhold access to natural consequences: The student has failing grades in
consequences and prompts. many subjects in school due to missing or incomplete assignments.
If the problem behavior continues Prompts: The student will receive verbal and nonverbal cues from the teacher
despite natural positive during the class period.
consequences and prompts. Artificial positive consequences: An artificial positive consequence I would
provide for Marcos would be to listen to music or play a game on his phone or
computer after he has completed the assignment for the day. If the assignment
is lengthy he will only need to complete a certain part of it during that class
period in order to receive his time on his phone or computer.
Negative consequences: Marcos will have a website block put on his computer
as well as the loss of points of extra credit activity opportunities.
6 Write behavioral objectives: Learner: Marcos will be able to complete daily class assignments by
Learner: Who will demonstrate the receiving help from the paraprofessional in the classroom.
behavior. Conditions: Marcos will complete daily class assignments in all of his
Conditions: When, where, and classes throughout the day. He will have the opportunity to work with the
under what circumstances. paraprofessional during both of his English classes.
Behavior: A physical description of Behavior: The student will be able to get out his computer or paper and
what the learner is to do. pencil from his backpack. He will be able to login the classroom website
Criteria: How much of the behavior and find the assignment. If he does not have his computer he will be able
is necessary for the objective to be to copy the website from the board onto his paper. He will then be able to
complete. get started on the assignment with the help of a paraprofessional until he
is able to do this independently.
Criteria: Marcos will complete assignments in the classroom without
disrupting his peers four out of five days of the school week. To meet the
objective the student will be able to do this successfully four days out of
the five day school week.

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