An FBA is an analytical process based on observations, review of records, interviews, and data analysis to determine the
function the behavior serves for the student, how that function can be met more appropriately and how the environment can
be altered to better support general positive behaviors.
Date of Report: 1/29/17
Date(s) of FBA Data Collection: 1/23/17-2/3/17
Looking at the scatterplot data, there were no days where the student did not display this behavior. From January 23-
February 3 the student missed 3 days of school on the 26th, 31st, and 2nd. The behavior was most prevalent during science
and alegbra, with civics coming in a close third.
The student's behavior does not seem to be affecting the other students work at the time. It is causing the teachers to
become frustrated. Transition from instruction to independent worktime
Diana Browning Wright, M.S., L.E.P. with contributions from Sioux City Iowa Schools Page 1 of 4
Student observation(s) on event recording at 10:00-10:50 and 11:30-12:25 from 1/23 to 2/3 using a scatterplot dara
sheet, duration recording, and ABC data collection sheet.
Review of records, consisting of: health discipline other:
Environmental analysis for supportive and unsupportive variables on
Summary of Interview, Observation, Record Review, and Environmental Analysis:
5. Have Tier II Strategies or other Interventions been tried? (e.g., school/home notes, behavior contracts, self-monitoring)
Yes No
Describe previously selected intervention:
Tatiana has a self-monitoring strategy in place to help her stay alert and on task.
7. Is a behavior intervention plan recommended? Yes No Rationale: The student is believed to need a
behavior intervention plan. Tatiana is having troubles keeping on task and learning due to her inapproriate behaviors. The
student makes inappropriate comments, puts her head down, and complains about the work which is lead to believer this
is affecting her learning.
8. Environmental Factors:
What are the reported and observed predictors for the current behavior(s)? (Antecedent events that trigger
problem behavior)
Some predictors that were observed are the need to escape and avoid the work that the student finds underdisable.
When the student is asked to work independently she shuts down as well.
What supports the student using the current problem behavior(s): summary based on the environmental
assessment portion of this assessment: (e.g., what is in the environment that should be eliminated or reduced?
What is not in the environment that should be added?)
One factor that could be altered would be for the students teachers to build better rapport with Tatiana. The self-
monitoring strategy that is in Ms. Mason's classroom should be implemented in all of her other classes. There will
also be a check-in and check-out system with Ms. Mason to hold her accountable for her acting appropriately in the
classroom. This will act as positive reinforcement. There will be more group work implemented in the classroom to
take the place of some of the independent work time.
9. Functional Factors:
Hypothesis of function (purpose) of this behavior for this student based on data collected in Section 3. above
Looking at the data collected, it is believed that the student is behaving in an inappropriate behavior to escape the
work load. This is a form of avoidance so the student does not have to participate in undesired work.
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develop a reinforcement place with her teachers to reward the student for consistent appropriate behavior and
efficient use of classtime.
SECTION 4: Conclusion/Recommendation
1. Conclusions: (Recommendations for IEP, 504, or school team consideration)
4. This team has determined that if a behavior plan is NOT to be developed as a result of this assessment, a
functional behavioaral assessment will be considered again if:
data demonstrates the problem behavior intensity, duration or frequency escalates or continues at current rate or
data demonstrates non-responsiveness to selected other approaches
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Mr. Gerard Science Teacher
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