Wells Iep
Wells Iep
Wells Iep
The LEA and parent have agreed to make the following changes to the IEP without convening an IEP meeting, as documented by:
Not applicable
months, just slightly below where he should be scoring. In terms of eating, he is able to feed himself, use a utensil
correctly and only spills minimally. He also scored well at dressing/undressing, toileting, and bathing. In terms of personal
information, Michael confidently said his first and last name and his age. He was unable to answer questions regarding his
birthday, phone number, or address.
How the Student’s Disability Affects Involvement and Progress in the General Education Curriculum
o Michael’s communicative disability sometimes limits his engagement with same aged peers in the general education setting. He
leaves the classroom for speech therapy once a week for around 30 minutes. Otherwise, Michael receives all of his instruction in
the general education inclusive classroom.
o Cognitively, Michael is behind his peers in terms of literacy and mathematics. In particular, this shows that he may not be on
track to enter into Kindergarten in the fall semester.
3. Academic/Cognitive Literacy. Results from the literacy portion of the Brigance indicate that Michael scored the equivalent of a
student who is four years and six months old. This puts him in the 16 th percentile. Michael scored well on the sections related to
experience with books and text, phonological awareness, and auditory discrimination. Some areas for improvement for Michael
include sections related to phoneme manipulation, reading words from common signs, and word recognition. However, the
greatest point of concern is that Michael was only able to recite the first three letters of the alphabet. This puts him
academically behind his peers, and does not set him up to be able to read and write.
1. When presented with verbal concepts, Michael The teacher will engage in Quarterly reports will be
will demonstrate his understanding by completing direct observation of emailed home to parents
the required response with 90% accuracy, in four student practicing verbal containing a graph of
consecutive trials, by the end of this IEP. concepts. The teacher Michael’s progress.
will quiz the student
weekly to monitor
2. When prompted to count numbers, Michael will The teacher will ask Quarterly reports will be
count by rote memorization up to the number 30 Michael to count by rote emailed home to parents,
with 90% accuracy in 3 out of 4 consecutive trials weekly and will track his which will include a chart of
by the end of this IEP. counting using progress Michael’s progress in
monitoring. counting numbers.
3. When prompted to recite the letters of the The teacher will use Quarterly reports will be
alphabet, Michael will recite twenty-six out of direct observation of the emailed home to parents,
twenty-six letters of the alphabet in 3 out of 5 student and chart the which will include a chart of
consecutive trials, by the end of this IEP. student’s progress on Michael’s progress in
recitation of the letters of reciting letters of the
Page 4 of 6 April 2014
Student’s Name: Michael Gill
and extracurricular services and activities.
Projected Beginning
Modifications and SDI Location Frequency Anticipated Duration
SDI for Goal 1:
1. General Education
1. General education teacher will provide explicit, 1. Weekly
direct, small group instruction on verbal concepts.
Students will practice opposite verbal concepts using
bodily movements.
1. The general education teacher will provide direct 1. General Education 1. 2x per Week
5/21/2018 5/20/2019
instruction on counting numbers 1-30. Teacher will Classroom
use manipulatives to model for small groups fluent,
proper counting.
Page 5 of 6 April 2014
Student’s Name: Michael Gill
2. The paraeducator will explicitly teach Michael 2. Resource Room 2. 2x per Week
counting numbers 1-30. Paraeducator will meet with
Michael individually using modeling, repeated
practice, corrective feedback, and positive
1. The general education teacher will provide direct 1. General Education 1. 2x per Week
instruction on the twenty-six letters of the alphabet Classroom
including their letter name and order. Students will
practice reciting the alphabet verbally and pointing to
an alphabet line while reading the letters.
5/21/2018 5/20/2019
2. The general education teacher will provide explicit 2. General Education 2. 2x per Week
instruction in small groups of students to model and Classroom
practice reciting the twenty-six letters of the
alphabet. Students will listen to recordings of fluent
reciting of the alphabet and practice along with them.