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PURPOSE: The IEP is designed to clearly communicate to the parents, the student, and providers the type and
d amount of special education and any necessary related services or
supports that will be made available to the student. The most recent evaluation report is used to develop the IEP. The IEP is individualized to reflect the unique needs of the student and how these needs will be addressed to permit the student to be included and progress in the general education curriculum. INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM Student name Student I! "o. !ate of IEP meeting #$%$&' (irthdate )&$&)$*))# +ge , -rade . IEP annual review date #$%$&/ Eligibility category +utism !ate of most recent eval 0ace$Ethnicity White Primary language English 0eevaluation due date !istrict Seattle 0esident School Thornton 1ree2 Ele Serving School 3if different4 Parent3s4 name3s4 f Primary language at home English Parent interpreter needed5 6es "o Surrogate parent: Yes No If yes, name Primary staff contact name Title PRESENT LEVELS OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE POINTS THAT MUST BE CONSIDERED IN Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 1 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) DEVELOPING THE IEP (refer to WAC 392!"2A #3!!#$% 0esults of the most current evaluation, and the academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student. Positive behavioral supports and interventions, if the student7s behavior impedes the student7s learning or that of others. 8anguage needs of students with limited English proficiency as they relate to the child7s IEP. Supports for blind$visually impaired students, include (raille instruction. 1ommunication needs of the student, including the needs for deaf and hard of hearing students. +ssistive technology devices and services. Supplementary aids$services, program modifications, and support for school personnel. General Background, Updated 8/7/14 Communcaton Student7s communication s2ills were assessed using classroom observations. "o standardized testing was completed at this time. Student is a verbal communicator. 9e uses single words, phrases 3':/ words4 and occasionally longer sentences to communicate : as2 questions, ma2e comments, answer questions and protest. 9is length of utterance is highly dependent on his motivation and interest in the tas2$activity. +t times Student does not respond or comply with questions and$or requests. 9e can remain silent or wal2$run away. Student needs to have questions$requests repeated *:; times to gain his attention if he is focused on something else. Student occasionally 3& < * times per morning4 verbalizes using techno =argon 3specifically cellular phone and computer language4 when by himself and during conversations with adults. >hen requested to use standard$conventional words his compliance varied and was dependent on his motivation$interest in his present activity. To more effectively communicate, verbally and physically, with adults and individuals in the classroom, Student needs instruction, activities and requests to be presented in multiple formats, orally, written format and technological 3iPad, computer4 and limited to an average of /:&) minutes. +dditionally, requests and instructions need to be limited to ? ' steps and time provided to allow Student to act on them with adult supervision and minimal delay. !at" Student has written numbers 3with up to ; digits4 upon request. 9e demonstrates ability to identify, write and add addends with up to ; digit numbers using both the standard algorithm as well as horizontal number sentences with no borrowing or carrying over. Student7s subtraction s2ills are continuing to develop, however, he does not complete subtraction problems 3word and algorithm4 as quic2ly as he does addition. 9e has memorized some multiplication facts. Student adds and subtracts quic2ly 3using the standard algorithm and interpreting word problems4 but does not share his thin2ing 3verbally or in writing4 or respond to direct questions as he completes this wor2. Student needs to continue using Touch@ath curriculum. Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 2 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) !otor Student has demonstrated fine motor control by pic2ing up small ob=ects, e.g. marshmallows and to2ens 3paper tic2ets4 and can successfully balance himself on the edge of the playgroup wall. "o additional updates. Readng Student confidently reads teAts at ':, th grade levels. In isolation he correctly identifies word meanings and is able to spell most words on demand. Student is ma2ing progress on retelling and identifying the beginning and ending events of recently read short stories, but struggled to retell the middle event. To improve his comprehension s2ills and ability to retell events, he needs to continue wor2ing on eAtracting meaning from passages or paragraphs by ordering$sequencing events 3beginning, middle and end4. Socal Be"a#or Student chooses to wor2 independently but will engage with adult individuals using electronic devices and$or which he has established familiarity. 9e will sit or visit certain students but does not engaged with them, but does engage with their lesson$activity, which is typically s2ills he has mastered. $rtten %anguage 9e is a very fast writer so his writing can be difficult to read. 9e does not often follow standard writing conventions. 9e often forgets to put spaces between his words, miAes capital and lower case letters and does not use punctuation. >hen he was as2ed to write dictated sentences, he wrote two 'th grade level sentences, two /th grade sentences and missed one word and he correctly spelled a ,th grade level sentence. Student can receptively and eApressively identify coins names and can receptively identify coin values. 9e is currently wor2ing on eApressive identification of coin values and is averaging *)B. Student can receptively and eApressively identify time to the hour and is wor2ing on time to the half hour. 9e is currently averaging ,&B. Pre&ent le#el& o' 'unctonal per'ormance (i.e. communication, motor, social, behavior, life/adaptive skills, etc.) E''ect o' t"e d&a(lt) on t"e &tudent*& n#ol#ement and progre&& n t"e general educaton currculum +or 'or pre&c"ool c"ldren, a& approprate, "o, t"e d&a(lt) a''ect& t"e c"ld*& partcpaton n approprate act#te&-: Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 3 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) CO.S/0ER12/O. O3 SPEC/1% 31C2ORS: 1. Does this student require special transportation? Yes No If yes, describe (if not addressed on the service matrix): 3. Does this student require Extended School Year (ESY) services? Yes No Will be determined by the IEP team by: If ESY is determined by the IEP team to be necessary, complete and attach the ESY addendum. Date: 4. Does the students behavior negatively impact his/her learning or the learning of others? Yes No If yes, consider the students need for positive behavioral supports/ interventions, a Functional Behavioral Assessment, and/or a Behavioral Intervention Plan. 5. Does this student require the use of aversive interventions? Yes No If yes, complete and attach the Aversive Intervention Plan addendum. 6. Are there any other factors not already addressed (such as medical concerns or other issues), or other adaptations needed? Yes No If yes, describe: Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 4 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) PURPOSE: IEPs must include a statement of measurable annual goals, including academic and functional goals, designed to meet each of the student7s educational needs that result from the student7s disability to enable the student to be involved and ma2e progress in the general education curriculum. In order to be measurable, the goal should include a (a&elne, a target, and a unt o' mea&ure4 Cor students who will be assessed through the >++S Portfolio this year, the IEP team should use the D@easurable +nnual -oal3s4 with Short:term Eb=ectives$(enchmar2sF page 3see neAt page4. MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL(S$ Goal # !ea&ura(le 1nnual Goal !et"od/Crtera 'or E#aluatng Progre&& ire!t(if not addressed in a separate document) Progre&& .ote& (if not maintained separatel") POINTS TO CONSIDER% Date Date Date Date @easurable annual goals stem from the recommendations for specially designed instruction in the evaluation report. @easurable annual goals must relate to the general education curriculum or, for preschool students, participation in appropriate activities. @easurable annual goals must also address other educational needs that result from the student7s disability. The IEP must include a description of how the district will measure the student7s progress and when progress will be reported to parents 3concurrent with the issuance of report cards4. 11/30/14 2/28/15 5/30/15 1. COMMUNICATION - attention/listening By 08/14/2015, when given the cue "listen" student will stop activity and/or speaking and look at teacher, improving social communication skills from 1/5 opportunities to 4/5 opportunities as measured by systematic observation How will progress toward this goal be reported? (check all that apply) X Written in Progress Report How often will progress be reported? Monthly Quarterly X Trimester Semester Other: 2. READING !irect observation of Student7s responses and immediate behavior , recorded per tally mar2s Gse of graphic organizer to record Student7s reponses to questions about the Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 5 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) By 08/14/2015, when given a reading passage at his level student will read the passage and answer 3 comprehension questions about the passage improving his reading comprehension skills from 0/3 trials to 3/3 trials as measured bysystematic observation How will progress toward this goal be reported? (check all that apply) X Written in Progress Report How often will progress be reported? Monthly Quarterly X Trimester events in the story. Systematic observation$notes. 3. SOCIAL/BEHAVIOR By 08/14/2015, when given a 2 step routine group instruction student will follow the direction without additional prompting improving his classroom behavior from 1/5 opportunities per day to 4/5 opportunities per day as measured by teacher created data collection system How will progress toward this goal be reported? (check all that apply) X Written in Progress Report and Tracking Sheets How often will progress be reported? Monthly Quarterly X Trimester Semester Other: Student successfull y completed a two step direction, &$/ opportunitit es. Copy additional pages as necessary Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 6 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) PURPOSE: IEPs must include a statement of measurable annual goals, including academic and functional goals, designed to meet each of the student7s educational needs that result from the student7s disability to enable the student to be involved and ma2e progress in the general education curriculum. Cor students who ta2e alternate assessments aligned to alternate achievement standards 3>++S Portfolio4, benchmar2s or short:term ob=ectives in the areas being assessed must also be included. In order to be measurable, the goal should include a (a&elne, a target, and a unt o' mea&ure4 MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL(S$ WITH SHORTTERM OB&ECTIVES'BENCHMAR(S Goal # !ea&ura(le 1nnual Goal !et"od/Crtera 'or E#aluatng Progre&& (if not addressed in a separate document) Progre&& .ote& (if not maintained separatel") POINTS TO CONSIDER% Date Date Date Date @easurable annual goals stem from the 8/31/14 Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 7 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) recommendations for specially designed instruction in the evaluation report. @easurable annual goals must relate to the general education curriculum or, for preschool students, participation in appropriate activities. @easurable annual goals must also address other educational needs that result from the student7s disability. The IEP must include a description of how the district will measure the student7s progress and when progress will be reported to parents 3concurrent with the issuance of report cards4. 1. READING When given a reading passage at his level Student will read the passage and answer 3 comprehension questions about the story and/or order of events in the passage (first, middle and last) improving his comprehension and retelling skills from 0/3 trials to 2/3 trials as measured by systematic observation. 3. SOCIAL/BEHAVIOR When given a 2 step routing group instruction student will follow the direction without additional prompting from 1/5 opportunities to 3/5 opportunities per day as measured by teacher created data collection system (tally notes/graphic organizer). Gse of graphic organizer to record Student7s reponses to questions about the events in the story. Systematic observation$notes. Trac2ing sheet attached. Student is ma2ing progress retelling and identifying the beginning and ending events of recently read short stories, but struggled to retell the middle event. Student provided response to Dwhat is the main character doing5 Student successfully completed a * step direction *$/ attempts 3per day4. Student7s achievement is impacted by his present attention$interest in an ob=ect$activity. Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 8 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) Benc"mark& or S"ort52erm O(6ect#e& 1ommunication < 1hec2 in &&$;)$&' student will refocus his attention to the spea2er &$/ opportunities. 1hec2 in *$*#$&/, student will refocus his attention to the spea2er *$/ opportunities. 1hec2 in /$;)$&/, student will refocus his attention to the spea2er ;$/ opportunities. 0eading < 1hec2 in &&$;)$&' student will read and answer ; comprehension questions &$; trials. 1hec2 in *$*#$&/, student will read and answer ; comprehension questions *$; trials. 1hec2 in /$;)$&/, read and answer ; comprehension questions ;$; trials. Social$(ehavior : 1hec2 in &&$;)$&' student follow directions from a * step routine *$/ opportunities. 1hec2 in *.*#.&/ student follow directions from a * step routine ;$/ opportunities. 1hec2 in /$;)$&/ student follow directions from a * step routine '$/ opportunities. Copy additional pages as necessary Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 9 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) PURPOSE: The purpose of the report of student progress is to inform the parents and the student of the student7s progress toward meeting the measurable annual goal3s4 and to specify how and when parents will be informed. REPOR2 O3 S2U0E.2 PROGRESS: POINTS TO CONSIDER% Parents should be provided periodic reports on the student7s progress 3such as through the use of quarterly or other periodic reports, concurrent with the issuance of report cards4. State how the student7s progress toward meeting the annual goal3s4 will be measured (if not alread" addressed on measurable annual #oal pa#e(s)) Progre&& ,ll (e mea&ured t"roug" teac"er o(&er#aton& and 'ormal and n'ormal a&&e&&ment&4 State how the parents will be periodically informed of the student7s progress toward meeting the annual goal3s4 Parent& ,ll rece#e a mnmum o' t,o "and,rtten pra&e report&/,eek +&ent "ome ,t" t"e &tudent-4 B5mont"l) progre&& report& +"ard cop) and emal-, t,o per mont" and 7uarterl) progre&& report&4 P1R2/C/P12/O. /. S212E 1.0 0/S2R/C2$/0E 1SSESS!E.2S O3 S2U0E.2 1C8/E9E!E.2 State 1&&e&&ment : The student will participate in the following state assessment3s4 during this IEP year POINTS TO CONSIDER% The IEP team ma2es the determination of what type of assessment the student will ta2e and what administrative modifications and individual accommodations are necessary. +ccommodations provided on state and districtwide assessments should be those that are provided as part of the regular instructional program. Parents and students should be informed that any assessment other than the regular state assessment 3with or without accommodations4 leads to a 1ertificate of Individual +chievement 31I+4, rather than a 1ertificate of +cademic +chievement 31++4. Cor further information regarding the state assessment system, allowable accommodations, and graduation requirements, please refer to ESPI7s website Readng !at" $rtng Scence Regular State Assessment Regular State Assessment with Accommodations Alternate Assessment (WAAS Portfolio - requires benchmarks/objs.) Other: 0&trct,de 1&&e&&ment : The student will participate in the following districtwide assessment3s4 this school year The student will participate in the @easurement of +cademic Progress 3@+P4 assessment three times over the course of the school year. 1ccommodaton& : 8ist any individual accommodations in the administration of the state or districtwide assessments that are necessary for the student to participate 8isted accommodations not applicable to state or districtwide assessments. Individual small group testing EAtended time for testing @ultiple$frequent brea2s during testing @aterial bro2en into manageable parts 0ead materials$test to the student +dult proAimity 0ead directions as needed Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 10 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) ($$$.k12.$
If the student 3a4 will not participate in the regular state assessment 3with or without accommodations4 or 3b4 is unable to participate in a regular districtwide assessment, eAplain why the student cannot participate in the regular assessment and why the selected assessment option is appropriate Statewide testing is not completed for the student7s grade level. Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 11 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) PURPOSE: The purpose of this page is to document the modifications and$or accommodations that the student requires, based on the student7s assessed needs, in order to advance appropriately toward attaining the identified annual goals, to be involved and ma2e progress in the general education curriculum, and to be educated with non:disabled peers to the maAimum eAtent appropriate. 1CCO!!O012/O.S, !O0/3/C12/O.S, 1.0 1SS/S2/9E 2EC8.O%OG; Su(6ect (codes belo$) 1ccommodaton&/!od'caton& .eeded Su(6ect (codes belo$) 1ccommodaton&/!od'caton& .eeded POINTS TO CONSIDE R% The IEP team ma2es the determination of what modifications and individual accommodations are necessary for the student. 1opies of this page should be provided to the general education teacher3s4 or other staff who will be responsible for ma2ing these accommodations. +ccommodations provided on state and districtwide assessments 3as noted on the previous page4 should be those that are provided as part of the regular instructional program. Pre&entaton Settng Gse large print$(raille$recorded boo2s a4 Provide individualized$small group instruction +lter format of materials (hi#hli#ht, t"pe, spacin#, color%code etc.) a 0ead class materials orally 8ow:vision devices (ma#nifiers, &losed &ircuit '(, etc.) Provide study outlines$guides$graphic organizers Sign 8anguage < +S8 or SEE a @odify$repeat$model directions a Shortened assignments Ta2e test in separate location Preview test procedures a Preferential seating 8imited multiple choice Ether a 0ephrase test questions and$or directions Re&pon&e Provide test$quiz study guide Gtilize oral responses to assignments$tests Provide eAtra credit options TeAt:to:Speech ()ur*$eil, +,--, 'e!t .elp, etc.) Simplify test wording +llow dictation to a scribe a 0ead class materials orally a +llow use of a calculator +ssign peer tutor$note ta2er +llow use of tape recorder Ether a Spelling and grammar devices 2mng/Sc"edulng Speech:to:teAt software Prior notice of tests$quizzes 9ands:on assignments EAtra time to complete assignments Ether @odify student7s schedule 3describe belo$4 Ot"er a Provide des2top list of tas2s a Provide homewor2 lists a (ehavior plan$contract a EAtra time on tests$quizzes a Provide daily assignment list a +llow brea2s (durin# $ork, bet$een tasks, durin# testin#, etc.) @odified grading Ether Ether 1&&&t#e 2ec"nolog) !escribe !escribe !escribe a. +ll sub=ects b. 0eading c. English d. Spelling e. @ath f. Science g. Social Studies h. 9istory i. 9ealth =. Economics 2. Physical Education l. @usic$+rt m. Hocational n. 8unch$0ecess o. 8ibrary p. EAtracurricular +ctivities q. Ether r. Ether Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 12 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) PURPOSE: The information on this page is a summary of the student7s program$services, including when services will begin, where they will be provided, who will be responsible for providing them, and when they will end. SUMMAR) OF SERVICES MATRI* Ser#ce /ntaton 0ate 3re7uenc) (i.e. minutes per $eek) %ocaton o' Ser#ce (settin#) 0uraton Sta'' Re&pon&(le 'or 0el#erng Ser#ce PO/.2S 2O CO.S/0E R: If the position responsible for delivering the specially designed instruction is anyone other than a certificated special education teacher or related service provider, then the certificated special education teacher$related service provider must design and supervise the instruction, and monitor and evaluate the student7s progress. Cor definitions of special education, related services, and supplementary aids and services, refer to >+1 ;I*: &%*+:)&)*) through :)&*)). Specal Educaton (speciall" desi#ned instruction)/ SE1I+8$(E9+HIE0 #$&/$*)&' ;) @inutes $ ; Times >ee2ly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher 0E+!I"- #$&/$*)&' ;) @inutes $ & Times>ee2ly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher @+T9 #$&/$*)&' %% @inutes $ / Times >ee2ly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher 0E+!I"- #$&/$*)&' ,% @inutes $ / Times>ee2ly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher >0ITTE" 8+"-G+-E #$&/$*)&' ,% @inutes $ / Times>ee2ly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher SE1I+8 (E9+HIE0 #$&/$*)&' #) @inutes $ / Times>ee2ly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher 1E@@G"I1+TIE" #$&/$*)&' ;) @inutes $ , Times @onthly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ S8P Related Ser#ce& (i.e. speech, motor, counselin#, vision/hearin#, transportation, interpretin# services, orientation/mobilit", parent trainin#, etc.)/ Eccupational Therapy #$&/$*)&' ;) @inutes $ & Times >ee2ly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ ET Physical Therapy #$&/$*)&' ;) @inutes $ * Times @onthly Spec Ed 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ PT Supplementar) 1d& and Ser#ce& (allo$s student to be educated $ith non%disabled peers to the ma!imum e!tent in #eneral education or other educational settin#)/ Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 13 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) SE1I+8$(E9+HIE0 ;) @inutes $ ; Times >ee2ly -eneral Education 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher 0E+!I"- ;) @inutes $ & Times >ee2ly -eneral Education 1lassroom #$&/$&' < #$&/$&/ Spec Ed Teacher Program !od'caton& or Support& 'or Sc"ool Per&onnel (i.e. staff development/trainin#, technical assistance, etc.)/ Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 14 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) Supplementary +ids and Services high staff to student ratio Supports for School Personnel 3 training, professional, development etc4 1lassroom staff will be trained in best practices for wor2ing with children with special needs includingJ applied behavior analysis, strategies for wor2ing on challenging behavior, sensory integration strategies and strategies for increasing communication. #$&'$&' &,/) min$ wee2 special education and general Education classroom #$&'$&' < #$&'$&/ Special Ed and -en Ed Teachers Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 15 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) Total minutes per week student spends in school: 1650 minutes per week Total minutes per week student is served in a special education setting: 1530 minutes per week Total minutes per week student is served in a general education setting: 120 minutes per week Total minutes of SDI and Related Services: 1650 minutes per week Percent of time in general education setting: 7.27% in General Education Setting Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 16 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) PURPOSE: The purpose of this page is to document the extent to which the student will be involved and progress in the general curriculum, participate in eAtracurricular and nonacademic activities and be educated and participate with other special education students and non:disabled students. %E1S2 RES2R/C2/9E E.9/RO.!E.2: Students ages 3 to 5 Choose one: POINTS TO CONSIDER: 1hildren should be educated with non: disabled peers to the maAimum eAtent appropriate. The IEP Team, including the parent3s4, is responsible for determining the educational placement of the child. Kob placements and community:based instruction are considered to be general education settings, unless only disabled individuals are present 3such as in a sheltered wor2shop4. Cor additional information on 80E for students ages ; to / and ages , and above, refer to the 80E 1alculator. A Regular Early Childhood (REC) program means a program outside the childs home that includes at least 50% children without disabilities. If the child attends a REC program, check the appropriate box from the first four choices. If the child does not attend a REC program, check the appropriate box from the five remaining options. In a REC program: REC Program 10 hours per week &: Special education services with non- disabled peers Special education services elsewhere REC Program <10 hours per week &: Special education services with non- disabled peers Special education services elsewhere Not in a REC program: Separate class In separate day school (public or private) Residential facility (public or private) Home Service provider location Students ages 6 and above Choose one: A. 1650 = Total minutes per week of building instructional time available for this student (excluding lunch) In general ed. setting 80 to 100% of the time In general ed. setting 40 to 79% of the time In general ed. setting 0 to 39% of the time In separate day school (public or private) Residential facility (public or private) Correctional facility Homebound/hospital Home-school/parentally-placed private school B. 1530 = Total of those minutes in A. above in which this student is in a special education setting (excluding lunch) 7.27% = Percent of time spent in a general education setting (A minus B divided by A) +n eAplanation of the eAtent, if any, to which the student will not participate with nondisabled students in the general education class, and in nonacademic and eAtracurricular activities, including a description of any adaptations needed for participation in physical education Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 17 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) P1R2/C/P1.2S /. /EP !EE2/.G (0i#natures are used to document participation in the meetin# and do not constitute a#reement or disa#reement)/ Parent Student$@other
POINTS TO CONSIDER% IEP team membership is described in >+1 ;I*:&%*+:);)I/. School district must give prior written notice when proposing or refusing to initiate or change the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or provision of C+PE. + required team member may be eAcused from attending an IEP meeting with the agreement$ consent of the parent3s4 and the district, depending upon whether that member7s area is being discussed or modified at the meeting. See >+1 ;I*:&%*+: );)I/ 3/4 for additional related requirements. The IEP must include the district7s procedures for notifying parents regarding the use of restraint or isolation. !istricts must also provide parents with a copy of the district7s policy on the use of isolation and restraint. 1arent/2uardian -ame/'itle 1arent/2uardian -ame/'itle 0tudent -ame/'itle S.0utledge$Spec Ed Teacher 0pecial 3ducation 'eacher -ame/'itle +riana >estbroo2$-en Ed Teacher 2eneral 3ducation 'eacher -ame/'itle 8. 0otherneberger$ istrict Representative -ame/'itle Ether individuals who should be informed of his$her responsibilities in implementing the IEP 3bus driver, librarian, etc.4 "eighborhood School EAplanation appropriate program is not available at neighborhood school Ether 1onsiderations &. Transportation 0egular L Special a. 1entral Staff 1onsulted L 6es "o b. Transportation !etails Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 18 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013) !oor to door transportation (us driver to updated of above special considerations. The district has procedures for notifying parents regarding the use of restraint or isolation. + copy of those procedures is attached to this IEP. *Note: Before providing initial special education services to a student, the district must obtain informed written parental consent. (See model form 3) Form 6c - IEP (without Transition) Page 19 +ugust *))# (Rev. 10/2013)