P-ISSN: 2964-7231, E-ISSN: 2614-3658
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24815/jimps.v8i2.25060
Article history
Abstract: This study aimed to determine whether the personal learning model
Received : 2023-01-13
had a significant effect on student self-confidence and the learning outcomes of
Accepted : 2023-03-11
students playing soccer in the men's soccer extracurricular at SMK Jeiljaka Dobo
Published : 2023-04-30
Kec. Aru Islands, Aru Islands Regency, Maluku. The method used in this study was
an experiment using the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. This design
measures changes that occur in one group of research subjects before and after
being given a particular treatment or intervention. The population in this study
Keywords: was 25 male students at SMK Jeiljaka Dobo Aru Islands. In contrast, the sample in
Personal Learning this study was 25 people using a sampling technique, namely a saturated sample,
Model, Self Confidence, which means that the entire population was sampled. The self-confidence
Learning Outcomes instrument uses a questionnaire, while the results of learning to play used GPAI
(Game Performance Assessment Instrument). Based on the processing and
analysis of the data obtained, it can be seen that the significance value is 2.037,
with the results of the self-confidence questionnaire testing at 2.610 and the
results of learning to play results testing at 3.832. Because the significance value
is more significant than 2.037, then, Ho is rejected. It can be concluded that
personal models significantly affect self-confidence and student learning
outcomes in playing soccer.
864 m
INTRODUCTION students in activities outside the classroom
National Education has a central that support the development of positive
function in the progress of the nation. As a attitudes, values , and ethics (Shilviana &
country, the progress and sustainability of Hamami, 2020). These three programs
economic, social, and cultural growth highly complement each other in providing
depend on a solid and effective education students with a holistic and comprehensive
system (Marliyani & Iskandar, 2022). learning experience. The intracurricular
National education plays an essential role in program provides a basis for knowledge and
forming an educated, skilled, and highly skills, the extracurricular program enriches
competitive young generation, who are the experience and special interests, while the
backbone of the development and progress co-curricular program forms good attitudes
of a nation. and character (Lubis et al., n.d.). Thus, the
Education is an essential aspect of national education curriculum in Indonesia
the formation of quality individuals and recognizes the importance of a
communities. In Indonesia, the national comprehensive approach to forming
education system is designed to optimally qualified and prepared individuals. Face the
develop students' potential so they can face real world.
life's challenges in the future (Susiani et al., Extracurricular education is
2022). essential to building individual character
In the national education and abilities at school (Meria, 2018). One of
curriculum, three programs play an the popular extracurriculars is soccer, which
essential role in the learning process: provides physical benefits and contributes
intracurricular, extracurricular, and co- to students' social and psychological
curricular (Nur, 2013). These three development. To maximize students'
programs complement each other and have potential in soccer extracurricular activities,
different roles in achieving national it is essential to consider using personal
education goals. learning models that can affect their self-
The intracurricular program is a confidence and learning outcomes.
core part of the curriculum that must be Physical Education is an important
followed by all students (Astuti & Wahed, part that cannot be separated from the
2020). This program covers subjects such as general education program. Physical
mathematics, Indonesian, science, social Education is an educational process through
studies, and various other subjects set by the selected physical activities, games, or sports
government (Lestari & Sukanti, 2016). The to achieve educational goals (Wibowo et al.,
purpose of the intracurricular program is to 2022). Within the scope of Education,
provide students with essential knowledge Physical Education is an essential part of the
and skills so they have a comprehensive school curriculum, which aims to develop
understanding of various disciplines. In students' motor skills, physical fitness, and
addition to intracurricular programs, there social-emotional aspects. In addition,
are also extracurricular programs which are physical Education also has a significant role
educational activities outside school hours in shaping students' self-confidence and
held at school (Inriyani et al., 2020). This self-esteem.
program has a wide selection of activities In physical education, self-
students can participate in, such as sports confidence refers to a person's belief in his
clubs, choirs, theater, foreign languages, etc. ability to carry out physical and athletic
The extracurricular program aims to activities. When students succeed in
develop students' particular interests, mastering playing skills and basic
talents, and skills beyond formal learning in techniques in physical education, they will
the classroom (Novianty Djafri, 2008). feel more confident in living their daily lives.
Meanwhile, co-curricular programs Physical education in schools provides
are integrated with intra-curricular and opportunities for students to develop their
extracurricular programs. This program self-confidence through various physical
usually involves the participation of activities and games (Ginanjar et al., 2019).
In a supportive environment, students can providing clear directions, or providing
face challenges and overcome obstacles adequate feedback. As a result, students
when participating in physical activities cannot get the maximum benefit from
(Ihwanto & Mashud, 2021). Students feel a physical learning.
sense of accomplishment by successfully The impact of the teacher's
overcoming these challenges, increasing understanding and lack of accuracy in
their self-confidence. However, there is a applying learning models in physical
fact that students' self-confidence in education can vary. Students may lose
learning physical education still needs to interest in physical activities, lack motor
improve. One of the causes is the inactivity skills, or need help interacting socially with
of students in carrying out the given physical classmates. In addition, the lack of variety in
education movements; another thing can learning models can also cause boredom or
also be seen from the inactivity of students boredom in students, which can hinder their
in carrying out a physical education motivation and learning achievement.
movement and solving an existing problem Learning success is inseparable from
so that monotonous teaching activities arise. the teacher's ability to develop effective
Football is one of the most popular sports learning models, so each teacher must have
among Aru Islands Vocational High School knowledge based on the concepts and ways
students today. The desire of students to to use these models in the learning process.
take part in this sport is very diverse, Sopacua said that the not-yet-optimal level
starting from students who want to explore of student success in mastering a subject
the sport until these students want to be could be caused by several factors, one of
popular in their schools. It is not uncommon which is the use of the learning model used
for Physical Education teachers to use it as a by the teacher needs to be more appropriate
tool for physical education learning. Still, it and facilitate the diversity of material
is miserable when in physical education (Wijayasari et al., 2020). Mattitaputty and
learning, they use learning models such as Sopacua also stated that choosing a suitable
training in a sport that only emphasizes learning model can help students become
technical skills. Because basic technique is active and able to work together in history
considered very important in playing soccer, learning activities (Matitaputty & Sopacua,
basic technical skills alone are not enough to 2023). The learning model is a conceptual
create a beautiful and exciting game but framework and a systematic procedure for
must be accompanied by solid teamwork, classifying learning experiences to achieve
growing confidence when playing, and the objectives of a particular lesson. It guides
having good playing skills. teaching designers and teachers in carrying
But in reality, many obstacles are out teaching and learning activities
faced to achieve these goals, including (Pattiasina & Sopacua, 2022). Maryadi La
heterogeneous students. Another problem is also said that. The learning model is a plan
the understanding and inaccuracy of the or pattern that can be used to shape the
teacher in applying the learning model when curriculum (long-term learning plans),
physical education activities take place design learning materials, and guide
(Rusman, 2010). teachers only rely on one learning in the classroom or others
or two learning models without paying (Maryadi, 2019). Learning models are
attention to the needs and characteristics of essential to create an effective learning
students. This can hinder the development environment and enable students to
of students' potential optimally. In addition, participate in their learning process actively
the need for more accuracy in applying (Suryani, 2010). Each learning model has
learning models is also a severe problem in different principles and approaches and
physical education. For example, teachers emphasizes certain aspects of learning
may need help to organize physical (Nurfurqon et al., 2022). Physical education
education activities effectively, such as learning has various models that can
selecting activities that match learning develop self-concept, including personal
objectives, organizing work groups, learning.
The personal learning model refers development of students in this
to an approach that adapts the learning extracurricular.
process to the individual characteristics of Through this research, it is hoped
each learner. In the context of that it will be known more clearly how
extracurricular football, personal learning applying personalized learning models in
models involve adjusting instructional men's soccer extracurriculars can affect
programs and methods according to each their self-confidence and learning outcomes.
student's needs, interests, and abilities. This With a better understanding of the positive
allows students to develop their soccer skills impact of personalized learning models,
effectively, increase self-confidence, and schools and soccer instructors can design
achieve optimal learning outcomes. effective and targeted learning strategies
One of the positive impacts of and create an environment that supports the
applying the personal learning model is development of soccer and student
increasing the level of self-confidence of confidence.
students. By taking into account each Based on the background of the
learner's interests, skills, and preferences, problems above, the authors are interested
the personalized learning model helps in further researching the influence of
create an environment that supports the personal learning models on the level of self-
development of their self-confidence. In confidence and learning outcomes to play
soccer extracurricular activities, high self- soccer.
confidence can influence students' attitudes
towards themselves, confidence in soccer METHODS
abilities, and readiness to face challenges in The method used in this study is
the game. A high level of self-confidence can experimental, using a one-group pretest-
motivate students to actively develop their posttest research design. The experimental
skills, overcome anxiety or fear that may method with the one-group pretest-posttest
arise, and dare to take risks to achieve better research design is one of the methods used
results. to test the effectiveness of an intervention or
In addition, the personal learning treatment in producing changes in an
model also impacts student learning observed variable. In this method, one group
outcomes in playing soccer. By paying of subjects or participants is given a pretest
attention to individual preferences and before receiving treatment and a posttest
needs, personal learning models can identify after the treatment is complete. The
the most effective instructional strategies to population in this study were male students
improve soccer students' technical, tactical, who participated in extracurricular football
and cognitive abilities. Individualized at SMK Jeiljaka Dobo Kec. Aru Islands, Aru
approaches can also help overcome specific Islands Regency, Maluku. The research
learning difficulties and maximize their sampling technique that will be used is Total
potential. Thus, students will experience Sampling. The sample in this study was male
increased soccer skills, a better students who participated in soccer
understanding of the game, and the ability to extracurriculars at Jelakaka Dobo Vocational
adapt to situations on the field. School, totaling 25 people. The research
In the context of men's soccer design chosen by the author was one
extracurriculars, it is essential to explore experimental group with an initial test or
personal learning models' influence on self- pretest, then continued with the treatment
confidence and learning outcomes. process, then a final test or posttest using an
Recognizing the critical role of self- assessment instrument that had been
confidence in achieving good achievement selected, which was appropriate and
and performance, as well as optimal learning suitable for this study. The instrument used
outcomes in soccer, research on the was a questionnaire in the form of a
influence of personal learning models will questionnaire to measure students' self-
provide valuable insights into the confidence. Whereas to measure student
playing performance or learning outcomes
in playing soccer, the instrument used is
observation referring to Griffin, Mitchell, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and Oslin (1997) in (22) Metzler (2000). The The steps taken in data processing
assessment instrument is named the Game and analysis are as follows: Prerequisite
Performance Assessment Instrument Test Based on the results of the analysis it is
(GPAI). which has been translated into known that the distribution of data for
Indonesian into the Playing Appearance groups A and B is normally distributed and
Assessment Instrument (IPPB). The goal is homogeneous. As presented in the table
to assist teachers and coaches in observing below:
and recording player behavior during the
Table 1. Results of the Normality Test of Confidence and Learning Outcomes to Play Soccer
Variable Lcount Ltabel Conclusion
Pretest Posttest
Confidence 0.129 0.144 0.194 Normal
Learning 0.138 0.171
Outcomes to
Play Futsal
Pretest Posttest
Learning Outcomes to Play Futsal
Figure 1. Results of the Normality Test (Lcount Value of Confidence Variable and Learning
Outcomes to Play Futsal)
Based on the figure 1 above, this Ltable, which means the data is usually
normality test uses the Liliefors test with a distributed. For Lcount, the results of learning
significant level (α) = 0.05 with a L table of to play futsal pretest students by 0.138, and
0.194. Meanwhile, the pretest confidence for Lcount, the results of learning to play futsal
Lcount score was 0.129, and the posttest posttest by 0.171. Thus Lcount < Ltable = 0.138
confidence Lcount score was 0.144. Thus Lcount < 0.194 for pretest and Lcount < Ltable 0.171 <
< Ltable = 0.129 < 0.194 for the pretest and 0.194 for posttest, It can be concluded that
Lcount < Ltable 0.144 < 0.194 for the posttest, it Lcount is smaller than Ltable, meaning the data
can be concluded that Lcount is smaller than is usually distributed.
Table 2. Results of the Homogeneity Test of Confidence and Learning Outcomes to Play Soccer
Variable Fcount Ftable Conclusion
Confidence Learning
Outcomes to
Play Futsal
Vmax 188.93 6.50 1.15 2.18 Homogen
Vmin 167.45 12.10 1.44
Figure 2. Results of the Homogeneity Test (Fcount Value of Confidence Variable and Learning
Outcomes to Play Futsal)
Confidence Learning
Outcomes to
Play Futsal
Hypothesis testing
Based on the analysis performed, the following results were obtained:
Based on the table above, it can be seen and H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that the
that Ttable on both student tests with a significant personal learning model influences the learning
level of 0.05 with dk n1+n2-2 obtained Ttable = outcomes of students playing soccer.
2.037 and Tcount = 2.610 for the variable self- The data processing and analysis results
confidence. Thus Tcount > Ttable = 2.610 > 2.037, significantly influence students' abilities, namely
then Ho is rejected, and H1 is accepted, so it can self-confidence and learning outcomes in playing
be concluded that the personal learning model soccer after using the personalized learning
influences student self-confidence. As for the model. Students' self-confidence and learning
outcome variable learning to play soccer outcomes in playing soccer have increased after
obtained Ttable = 2.037 and Tcount = 3.832. Thus using a personal learning model, which is shown
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