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S. N o .

3 2 1 1
H. No. 4531

Congress of pijtitppm^s

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-seventh

day of July, two thousand fifteen.

( REPUBLIC A C T No. 1,0913 ^


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the

Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as

the "Anti-Distracted Driving Act".

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the

policy of the State to safeguard its citizenry from the ruinous
and extremely injurious eiiects of vehicular accidents.

While the State recognizes the vital roles of information

and communications technology in nation-biAiiding, the State
also takes cognizance of the inimical consequences of the
unrestrained use of electronic mobile devices on road safety
as to cause its regulation.
performance by a
SEC. 3. - As used in this Act: motor vehicle in mo
whether diplomatic,
(a) - any motor vehicle leased imlawfxd:
or owned by a foreign mission and its staff for their official use;
(a) Using a m
(b) arid - any or read a text-based
handheld electronic device capable of digital information and other similar a
processing, recording, capturing or displaying and computing
operations such as, but not limited to, Laptop, computers, (]b) Using an el
tablets, video game consoles and calculators; to play games, w
messages, read e-
(c) any motor vehicle owned acts.
by the national government or any of its agencies,
instrumentalities or political subdivisions, including S E C . 5. (a)
government-owned or -controlled corporations or their mobile communicati
subsidiaries for official use; driving if done us
similar device suc
(d) the Department of earphones and mi
Transportation and Communications-Land Transportation allow a person to
Office (DOTC-LTO); hold the mobile c
placement of the
, (e) electronic hands-free device
/' ' communications equipment such as, but not limited to, the driver.
cellular phones, wireless telephones, two-way radio transceivers,
pagers and other similar devices capable of transmitting, (b) Wheeled a
receiving, or both, of encrypted data and/or signals tln-ough construction equip
wireless electronic or any other similar means; pajdoaders, cranes
like, and other form
(f) engine-di'iven vehicles such as, but "habal-habal", trolle
not limited to, automobiles, trucks, vans, buses, jeeps, sledges, chariots o
motorcycles and tricycles; are covered by the
are operated or dr
(g) a person driving a motor vehicle; streets or under c
(h) any motor vehicle owned by
individuals and juridical persons for private use; and (c) The provisi
of motor vehicles
(i) a motor vehicle with a vaUd are stopped mom
franchise issued by the appropriate government agency to the side of the ro
operate as a pubhc utility vehicle or any vehicle for hire.
SEC. 6. -
SEC. 4. - Subject to the qualifications apply to the follow
in Sections 5 and 6 of this Act, distracted driving refers to the
(a) A motorist using a mobile phone for emergency premises shall be
purposes, including, but not limited to, an emergency call to a (P30,000.00) and
law enforcement agency, health care provider, fire department, (3) months.
or other emergency services, agency or entity; and
The foregoing
(b) A motorist using a mobile phone wliile operating an to other liabilities u
emergency vehicle such as an ambulance, a iire truclc, and other law, arising out or
vehicles providing emergency' assistance, in the course and scope
of his or her duties. SEC. 9.
The owner and/o
SEC. 7. The vehicle driven by t
DOTC-LTO, in coordination with the Philippine Information held liable togethe
Agency (PIA), the Department of Education (DepEd), the she is able to con
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the extraordinary dilige
PhiUppine National PoUce (PNP) and private agencies and or her drivers in ge
organizations shall undertalce a nationwide information, education
and communication (lEC) campaign for a period of six (6) months This section
from the effectivity of this Act. operators of pubUc
as delivery vans,
SEC. is. Any person who shall violate any company buses,
provision of this Act shall be penahzed with: cabs, and the lilce

(a) A fine of five thousand pesos (PS.OOO.OO) for the first SEC. 10.
offense; - The Metro Manil
and other (picerne
(b) A fine of ten thousand pesos (PIO.OOO.OO) for the second shall be responsi
offense; provisions and sha
by the DOTC-LT
(c) A fine of fifteen thousand pesos (P15,000.00) and provisions of this
suspension of driver's hcense for (3) months for the third
offense; and SEC. 11. Th
(d) A fine of twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) and and regulations
revocation of driver's Ucense; That the implementing this Act.
agency may increase the amount of fine herein imposed once
every five (5) years in the amount not exceeding ten percent SEC. 12. Any
(10%) of the existing rates sought to be increased which shall or issuance, execu
talce effect only upon pubUcation in at least two (2) newspapers order, rule or regu
of general circulation: That a driver of a provisions of this
public utility vehicle, a school bus, a school service vehicle, accordingly.
a common carrier hauling volatile, flammable or toxic material,
or a driver who commits an act classified herein as distracted
driving within a fifty (50)-meter radius from the school

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