P-100 - Process Systems Ed3, 2010
P-100 - Process Systems Ed3, 2010
P-100 - Process Systems Ed3, 2010
This NORSOK standard is developed with broad petroleum industry participation by interested parties in the
Norwegian petroleum industry and is owned by the Norwegian petroleum industry represented by The Norwegian
Oil Industry Association (OLF) and The Federation of Norwegian Industry. Please note that whilst every effort has
been made to ensure the accuracy of this NORSOK standard, neither OLF nor The Federation of Norwegian
Industry or any of their members will assume liability for any use thereof. Standards Norway is responsible for the
administration and publication of this NORSOK standard.
Standards Norway Telephone: + 47 67 83 86 00
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Provided by Standard Online AS for Universitetsbiblioteket i Stavanger 2014-05-16
NORSOK standard P-100 Edition 3, February 2010
Foreword 6
Introduction 6
1 Scope 7
2 Normative and informative references 7
2.1 Normative references 7
2.2 Informative references 7
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 7
3.1 Terms and definitions 8
3.2 Abbreviations 8
4 General requirements 8
4.1 General system design 8
4.2 Safety requirements 9
4.3 Maintenance and isolation 10
5 General process equipment design 10
12.1 General 23
12.2 Filtration 23
12.3 Disinfection 23
12.4 Deoxygenation 23
12.5 Pumps 24
12.6 Chemical injection 24
12.7 Monitoring 24
13 Cooling medium (system 40) 24
13.1 General 24
13.2 Filtration 24
13.3 System operating pressure 24
13.4 Expansion tank 25
13.5 Layout 25
14 Heating medium (system 41) 25
14.1 General 25
14.2 Pumps 25
14.3 Waste heat recovery units 25
21.5 Layout 33
22 Fresh water (system 53) 33
22.1 General 33
22.2 Fresh water treatment 33
22.3 Maintenance 33
23 Open drain (system 56) 34
23.1 General 34
23.2 System capacity 34
23.3 Drain tanks 34
23.4 Drilling drain 34
23.5 Maintenance 34
23.6 Layout 34
23.7 Safety 34
24 Closed drain (system 57) 35
24.1 General 35
24.2 Closed drain flash drum 35
The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety,
value adding and cost effectiveness for petroleum industry developments and operations. Furthermore,
NORSOK standards are, as far as possible, intended to replace oil company specifications and serve as
references in the authorities regulations.
The NORSOK standards are normally based on recognised international standards, adding the provisions
deemed necessary to fill the broad needs of the Norwegian petroleum industry. Where relevant, NORSOK
standards will be used to provide the Norwegian industry input to the international standardisation process.
Subject to development and publication of international standards, the relevant NORSOK standard will be
The NORSOK standards are developed according to the consensus principle generally applicable for most
standards work and according to established procedures defined in NORSOK A-001.
The development of this NORSOK standard is primarily based on proven technology, but it does not preclude
the use of new technology.
The following changes have been made to edition 3 of this NORSOK standard:
content has been simplified and some superfluous text has been deleted;
the document has been updated to reflect current industry practice and relevant international standards.
In many cases, text has been replaced with references to such standards;
a new clause covering sewage outside living quarter has been introduced;
the sub-clause regarding HAZOP studies has been expanded to emphasize the importance and to
approach international methodology;
clause 4 has been expanded to include several requirements previously found in the system clauses;
in clause 16, the sizing of knock out drum with respect to liquid accumulation, has been made more
consistent with international standards. The use of instrumented protection functions to allow for reduced
liquid accumulation capacity requires more stringent documentation.
The system numbers used in this NORSOK standard are those defined in NORSOK Z-DP-002.
1 Scope
This NORSOK standard defines the minimum functional requirements for process systems on an offshore
installation. In addition the standard includes a number of recommendations to give additional guidance for
the system design.
verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of this NORSOK standard
verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to this NORSOK standard
and from which no deviation is permitted, unless accepted by all involved parties
verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable,
3.2 Abbreviations
CCR central control room
ESD emergency shutdown
GOR gas oil ratio
HAZOP hazard and operability
LAHH level alarm high high (trip level)
LALL level alarm low low (trip level)
NPSH net pressure suction head
PCHE printed circuit heat exchanger
PSD process shutdown
PSV pressure safety valve
4 General requirements
For pumps with internal pressure relief capability, a dedicated external relief device shall be installed if the
internal relief device is not designed and located such that maintenance and testing is possible.
In some cases flame arrestors are recommended for use on atmospheric tanks containing petroleum
products. Reference is made to ISO 28300 for more specific requirements and guidance. The use of a flame
arrestor within the tanks relief path introduces the risk of overpressure due to the flame arrestor
clogging/fouling. Flame arrestors shall be located for easy access and included in a rigorous maintenance
program. Continuous monitoring of differential pressure across the flame arrestor is advised if the process
fluid is known to contain particulates or substances which may block the flame arrestor. The materials in the
vent pipe should be non corrosive to reduce the risk of plugging the flame arrestor. Further recommendations
for inspections and maintenance are given in API RP 576 and API Publ. 2210.
all hydrocarbon containing systems in wellhead and main process (system 13, 20 to 39, except 29 and
flare (system 43);
oily water treatment (system 44) including injection (system 29) of produced water;
fuel gas (system 45);
methanol injection (system 46);
hazardous open drain (system 56);
Design in accordance with API RP 14C/ISO 10418 shall also be considered for other systems that involves
hazards due to
flammability/flash point,
fluid content/volume.
HAZOP shall as a minimum include the systems covered by API RP 14C/ISO 10418 as defined in 4.2.1
including equipment packages and non hazardous open drain (system 56). Additional systems and
equipment packages may require a HAZOP analysis.
The team shall be as small as possible consistent with the relevant technical and operating skills and
experience being available. The number of participants shall be limited to ensure an efficient HAZOP
process. For description of roles and responsibilities, including the requirement for an independent study
leader, see IEC 61882, 6.3.
The documentation shall be in accordance with requirement in IEC 61882, 6.6, and the full recording method
as described in 6.6.2 should be applied.
The low pressure side of a shell and tube heat exchanger shall be protected against overpressure in case of
a sudden tube rupture. For further guidance, see ISO 23251.
Pressure protection of expansion tanks may require careful consideration, as all relief scenarios for the
serviced system may also be relevant for the expansion tank. This includes scenarios such as heat
exchanger internal failure, tube rupture with subsequent liquid displacement and gas blow-by. These potential
causes of overpressure shall be taken into account when determining the design pressure of the expansion
tank and when sizing the relief devices or vessel vent.
Water hammer can typically not be controlled by use of pressure relief devices due to the fast dynamics of
the pressure fluctuations. Water hammer is often avoided by ensuring that block valves in the liquid line has a
closure time that is sufficiently long. A detailed analysis may be required to determine an acceptable closure
time. Such valves shall be included in the preventive maintenance program and be tested regularly, including
testing of the criterion for required closure time to prevent water hammer. The system should be designed
such that the pressure relief devices, including rupture discs, are not activated as a result of pressure
Joints in glass fiber reinforced plastic piping systems are typically susceptible to the effects of water hammer
and the design of such systems may require careful consideration.
If credit is taken for check valves in determining required relief flow, the check valves shall be tagged, defined
as safety critical and included in a maintenance program.
4.2.6 Piping
Hydrocarbon lines through non-hazardous area should be avoided; if not, the pipes shall be welded.
It shall be possible to remove pumps and clean the suction strainer without draining upstream tank/vessels.
Provision shall be made for withdrawal of sump pumps during operation of the system without loss of blanket
or purge gas and minimizing liquid flashing to atmosphere, e.g. by use of a well inside the tank.
Bypass piping should be considered installed across heaters, coolers, filters and coalescers.
Nozzles on pressure vessels and atmospheric tanks shall be provided with spectacle blinds. For general
isolation requirements, reference is made to NORSOK P-001.
Utility stations shall be located to enable flushing of all drip trays and mechanical equipment.
5.1.1 General
Separator inlet and outlet process nozzles (gas, oil, water) should be sized a minimum of one standard
dimension larger than the connected piping, to give possibility for future capacity increase.
Gas nozzles with connection to flare shall be located at top of tank to avoid liquid carry-over. The instrument
nozzles shall be located to minimize potential for blockage.
The maximum slug volume shall be accounted for between normal and alarm liquid level. General
For certain types of separator internals (e.g. inlet cyclones and gas demisters), the turndown of the
equipment is important for its performance. In such cases, both minimum and maximum liquid, crude oil,
Increased internal pressure drop caused by fouling shall be considered for all relevant scenarios, including
pressure drop in drain pipes (from gas outlet internals).
The separator design shall ensure that undesired channelling, non-plug flow or short circuit flows do not
occur in liquid or gas phase.
The internals shall be designed to withstand all forces during normal operation and upset conditions,
including relevant slug flow cases. Reactions on the vessel and nozzles shall be included. These forces shall
be included in the vessel specifications. Determination of forces caused by slug flow may require detailed
engineering analysis. For guidance, reference is made to GPSA, section 17.
Flow induced vibration and fatigue, including fluttering or resonance, shall be considered. However, due to
the complexity of these phenomena, a detailed analysis may not be possible. Simple conservative
assumptions for robust design will typically be more appropriate.
A flow straightening device should be located downstream the inlet device and should cover the full cross-
sectional area. Care should be taken to avoid plugging due to fouling, e.g. scale, solids, asphaltenes, etc.
Sufficient drainage head shall be assured, so that liquid carry-over through the drain pipe does not occur. The
total differential pressure over the demisting section, measured in liquid height, shall not be more than 50 %
of the available drainage height related to LAHH. The drainage is normally internal, into the vessel bottom,
but should be routed externally in case of insufficient drainage height.
When solid production is expected, all production separators shall have facilities for sand removal. The
system shall provide efficient sand removal along the entire length of the separator.
5.2.1 General
Vertical scrubbers are used for separation of liquid from streams with high gas-to-liquid ratios to protect
downstream equipment from liquid carry-over. For elimination of very fine mist (droplet size < 3 microns) filter
separators are required. Filter separators are not covered in this NORSOK standard.
5.2.2 Definitions
K-value = Vs [(g / (l - g)] (m/s), design factor for demisting internals
Vs = flow rate/available cross-sectional area, superficial gas velocity (m/s)
g = gas density (kg/m )
Instrument nozzles in the gas phase shall be protected against liquid and high velocity gas flow to avoid
erroneous readings.
The residence time between normal operating and alarm level and between alarm level and trip level shall not
be less than 30 s. However, the distance between each of these levels should not be less than 100 mm. The
motion of floating installations shall be considered and may increase the required distance between levels.
An inlet device shall be installed. The inlet device shall reduce the inlet momentum, separate bulk liquid with
minimum creation or break-up of droplets, and create good vapour distribution. The operating envelope is
limited for some types of inlet devices, and the full operating envelope shall be considered in the selection.
For inlet vane the maximum inlet momentum should typically be limited to 6 000 kg/ms . The scrubber inlet
piping should be designed with pipe diameter corresponding to this inlet momentum for sufficient length to
ensure homogenous flow at inlet nozzle.
When designing the inlet device, conservative liquid carry-over from upstream equipment (e.g. separators)
shall be assumed. In addition, condensation +10 % margin from upstream coolers should be used.
At elevated pressures and in critical service, the K-value shall be multiplied by an adjustment factor. The
adjustment factor is typically in the range 0,75 to 1,00 and decreasing with increasing pressure. Further
guidance is given in GPSA, section 7, fig. 7-9.
The liquid collected by the vanes shall be collected and drained by a drain pipe to the sump of the scrubber.
The pipe outlet shall be submerged below the LALL. Sufficient drainage head shall be assured, so that liquid
carry-over through the drain pipe is avoided, see
A cyclone based scrubber should have a mesh upstream the cyclones. The mesh will act as a demister at
low gas rates, and as an agglomerator at high gas rates. The performance curves of the mesh and cyclones
shall overlap to assure good demisting in the whole operating range.
Scrubbers with cyclones have been successfully implemented in both high and low pressure applications.
Scrubber with inlet vane and mesh and cyclones should typically be sized for a maximum vessel K-factor of
0,15 m/s.
5.3.1 General Definitions
Primary side: Main process fluid or main utility fluid
Secondary side: Utility fluid
The requirements given in to 5.3.4 are formulated for process heaters and coolers, and some
requirements may therefore not be applicable for process/process exchangers.
If not otherwise specified, the term design temperature as used in 5.3, is the temperature used to design the
heat exchanger area.
all realistic flow rates and temperatures determined by the compressor curves;
recycle flow rate and temperature along the whole anti-surge control line of the compressor.
Temperature drop over anti-surge valve should be included. For a heat exchanger in an oil train the heat
exchanger shall be designed for all realistic flow rates and temperatures.
Design margin
Fouling or extra heat exchanger area should be added as a design margin. Recommendations and
requirements are given in TEMA. Beware that such design margins easily can bring the wall temperature to
fouling conditions (e.g. hydrate, wax, scale, decomposed glycol/degenerated glycol, coking) during turndown.
a heat exchanger which has its feed from gas compressors should have its inlet gas temperature
increased by 10 C;
a heat exchanger which has its feed from production separators should have its inlet fluid temperature
increased (coolers) /decreased (heaters) by 5 C;
a heat exchanger which has its feed from both gas compressors and production separators, should have
its inlet fluid temperature increased based on +10 C from the compressor and +5 C from the separator.
An alternative is to increase the secondary side design flow rate to handle the same temperature margins
without increasing the heat exchanger area.
with its first pass as counter-current flow may have internal temperatures which are below the bulk outlet
temperature at turndown conditions.
A requirement for minimum temperature change of secondary fluid should be established to reduce the
required flow.
Primary side of shell and tube heat exchangers and plate heat exchangers
The skin temperature shall be kept above the hydrate formation temperature or wax appearance point and
below any temperature that will cause other fouling, e.g. coking. Temporary deposit may be acceptable if
these deposits will disappear when the heat exchanger is brought back to normal operation.
Secondary side of shell and tube heat exchangers and plate heat exchangers
Skin temperature for sea water shall be kept below 60 C to avoid scale deposition on the heat exchanger
wall. Exception can be taken if parallel 100 % equipment is installed so that regeneration or cleaning of the
For an exchanger, which is designed with extra heat exchanger area as design margin, the following apply:
skin temperatures above 60 C shall not occur in the area of the exchanger which is equal in size to the
area before extra design margin was added;
skin temperatures above 60 C can be accepted, but should be avoided, in the area of the exchanger
which is equal in size to the extra design margin added to the heat exchanger.
Skin temperature for coolant with anti-freeze (e.g. glycol mixtures) shall be kept below the decomposition
temperature of the anti-freeze.
The maximum/minimum skin temperature is normally calculated from one of the operating cases listed in
Table 2 and Table 3. The heat exchanger skin temperature shall as a minimum be simulated for these
operating cases (performance simulation with total heat exchanger area, i.e. for an exchanger designed with
extra heat exchanger area as design margin, the extra area shall be included).
Table 2 Off-design cases to be checked for skin temperatures where its primary side
flow rate is determined by a compressor
1. Gas flow rate defined by the compressor in the same recycle loop as the cooler
operating at surge flow and minimum speed.
2. Gas flow rate defined by the compressor in the same recycle loop as the cooler
operating at surge flow and maximum speed.
3. Gas temperature defined by the heat exchanger feed equipment(s) with a margin on
the gas temperature from compressor(s) of +10 C or 10 % in C, whichever is the
larger, due to compressor wear and tear (and variation in compressor inlet
4. Minimum operating temperature of the cooling medium (cooler) or maximum operating
temperature of the heating medium (heater).
Table 3 Off-design cases to be checked for skin temperatures for a liquid heat exchanger where its
primary side flow rate is determined by a separator control system (pump or valve)
particles: A permanent strainer shall be fitted on the inlet of both sides of a PCHE according to
manufacturers recommendation. Typically 300 microns is used;
the temperature control shall be designed to limit thermal cycling to avoid fatigue. A travel stop for
20 % minimum flow through the control valve is recommended.
Pressure drop over strainers and heat exchanger core shall be monitored. PCHEs are not recommended
when sea water is used as coolant.
Wall temperatures along the heat transfer area shall be calculated and documented for both the hot and cold
side for the two outer channels of the plate and the mid channel of the plate.
Local pressure monitoring shall be provided for pig launchers and pig receivers. When frequent pigging is
necessary, pressure monitoring and pig detector alarm may also be required. Pig receivers/launchers shall
be connected to flare, vent and drain system with hard piping. Pig receivers and launchers shall be provided
with nozzle/valve to allow purging and to verify that the system is completely depressurised prior to opening
the door.
5.5 Filters
A correct design of filters may require a thorough evaluation of the degree of contamination of the flow into
the filter. The filters shall be designed so that maintenance work on the filter (i.e. cleaning/exchange of
filtration units) can be performed with an acceptable frequency.
The collapse pressure of a dirty filter shall be identified and evaluated as part of system design.
6.1 General
The topside flow lines and manifolds system shall gather and transfer well stream from individual wells to
downstream systems.
Where scale formation is expected, provision for removal of scale shall be installed.
Individual well flowlines should be accessible for maintenance and hook-up without shut-down of manifolds.
Drainage of flowlines and manifolds to the closed drain system shall be provided.
6.3 Monitoring
Pressure and temperature transmitters should be included upstream and downstream of the choke valve.
The choke valve should have position feedback. The chokes should be remotely operated from the CCR with
local manual override.
6.4 Safety
Choke valve failure and valve maloperation may result in flow rates that are higher than the maximum flow
given by the production profiles. For detailed description of such scenarios and associated relief rates, see
7.1 General
The separation and stabilisation system shall separate and stabilise the hydrocarbon liquid.
The test separator should have monitoring of pressure, temperature(s) and outlet flows. Slug flow may
require additional control.
Sampling of oil and water from the test separator shall be possible. The sampling stations shall be
permanently piped to flare/vent and drain.
7.4 Layout
The following layout recommendations and requirements apply:
level control valves should be located to avoid flashing upstream the valves, and to minimise slugging in
the lines downstream such valves. Pressure variations and corresponding effect on boiling point should
be considered;
the layout should allow for gravity draining of the separators (without pockets in the drain lines) to the
closed drain system;
jet water disposal lines should have no pockets to avoid sand accumulation and blockage;
for plate heat exchangers used for oil cooling, the layout should be such that flashing will not occur in the
8.1 General
The crude handling and metering system shall meter the oil flow and provide the oil export pressure as
required for export. The system may include facilities for pigging.
Export cooler spare unit should be considered when de-waxing operations are required The selection of fixed
speed vs. variable speed should be based on operating energy and utility consumption and the power
considerations during start up and tail end production. Normally, booster pumps are supplied with fixed
speed, while the export pumps are supplied with variable speed drive.
If pump motors cannot tolerate free flow, a control valve to establish back pressure or other means of
controlling pump motor load shall be included.
8.3 Safety
An emergency shutdown valve shall be installed downstream export pump and as close to riser or offloading
hose (for shuttle tanker) as possible.
Before and after shuttle tanker loading, the hose shall be purged with inert gas. Permanent connection should
be provided.
Systems and components between oil export/off-loading and storage facilities are often characterized by
different areas of responsibility, various pressure ratings and design codes. The set pressure of the devices
for overpressure protection shall be determined by the pressure rating required overpressure protection for all
components in the downstream system. The setting of the functions for overpressure protection may be
determined by downstream components (e.g. hoses, piping and valves at the receiving end), unless these
are adequately protected by dedicated relief devices in the low-pressure system.
Pressure effect of unexpected slam-shut of valves shall be considered. For further information, see 4.2.4.
Further requirements are given in FOR 1994-02-10 nr 123, 35, and DNV-OS-E201, chapter 2, section 4.
9.1 General
The gas compression systems shall collect the gas from the different stages of separation, cool it, remove
condensed liquids and compress the gas to a pressure suitable for export and or re-injection.
Where a significant reduction in molecular weight can occur during start-up or recycling, a line to flare shall
be provided to allow light gas to be discharged to enable the compressor to produce sufficient discharge
pressure to establish forward flow.
The conditions downstream the liquid control valve shall be checked for hydrate formation, and suitable
precautions taken.
Pump system design and location shall ensure that sufficient NPSH is maintained during fast pressure
transients which may cause liquid flashing.
Bypass valves or control valves shall be installed to enable pressurization of the system during start-up.
If compact heat exchangers are used, temporary spools bypassing the exchangers should be provided to
allow full flow flushing of the cold side piping. Temporary inlet strainers/filters shall be installed upstream
compact heat exchangers on both sides. Filters should be located as close to the heat exchangers as
possible. Vendor shall be consulted to determine required filtration grade.
9.3 Compressors
Temporary strainers shall be installed upstream each compressor.
If dry gas seals are used, the hydrocarbon seal gas shall be dehydrated, dew point controlled or superheated
to prevent condensation or hydrate formation. For start-up purpose, use of nitrogen should be evaluated as a
mean to avoid liquid drop out.
Arrangement for direct filtering and filling of seal oil, plus drainage of seal and lube oil to closed drain should
be installed.
Overpressure protection of the scrubber shall take into account leakage from a centrifugal compressor
discharge side if the discharge check valve fails to close on compressor shutdown. If, in case of check valve
failure, the common settle out pressure exceeds the design pressure of the suction side, two check valves
shall be installed in series.
Further guidance for determination of the relief rate is given in ISO 23251.
Automatic depressurisation due to seal oil/seal gas failure shall be included. Maximum depressurisation rate
(dP/dt) shall be specified by compressor vendor to ensure seal integrity.
9.5 Layout
Coolers and compressors should be elevated above scrubbers. Lines shall slope towards scrubber.
Anti-surge line shall be sloped with the anti-surge valve at the highest point. When hydrate inhibitor injection
is required upstream the cooler, the piping shall slope from injection point towards the cooler.
To reduce the settle out pressure, the discharge side volume of centrifugal compressors shall be minimised,
e.g. pre-cooling is preferable as opposed to discharge cooling. The check valve(s) should be located as close
to the compressor as possible, but downstream of the anti-surge recycle line and any discharge PSV.
The volume of the bottom section of the glycol contactor shall be designed to handle liquid draining from the
packing/trays without initiating high level.
Structured packing should be used rather than trays. Packing selection should emphasise capacity and low
pressure drop in preference to high efficiency and low glycol circulation rate.
A distribution device shall be installed to provide an even distribution across the packing. Some types of
distribution devices are susceptible to blocking from sludge, scale, or corrosion products accumulating in the
glycol. To prevent this, a filter may be installed upstream the contactor.
The contactor internals shall be able to withstand the maximum gas velocity that may occur under any
operating condition, including backflow, without sustaining mechanical damage.
To minimise glycol losses, a demisting device shall be located at the gas outlet of the vessel. Sufficient height
should be allowed above the demister to assure that gas coning will not occur.
The chimney tray hats shall be designed to avoid liquid entrainment from hats.
A scrubber shall be provided upstream the contactor, either as a separate vessel, or integrated in the same
vessel as the contacting section. Care should be taken to prevent condensation due to pressure or
temperature drop in the line between the upstream scrubber and the glycol contactor. Alternatively
superheating of gas might be required to avoid condensation in the contactor.
Facilities for skimming of condensate from the glycol should be provided. The skimming line shall be fitted
with a valve to close on PSD and high level in the contactor to avoid loss of glycol during shutdowns.
The glycol inlet temperature shall be maintained 5 C above the feed gas temperature to prevent
condensation where the glycol enters the contactor.
Isolation shall be provided to allow maintenance on all parts of the regeneration system without having to
depressurise the contactor column.
A flow meter shall be installed in the glycol line upstream the contactor. The differential pressure across the
glycol filters should be monitored. Local indication of glycol flow to the stripping column should be provided.
Where recirculation of a stripping gas or stripping agent is selected, the system shall be designed to avoid
build up of CO2, H2S and methanol. Note that methanol lowers the boiling point of the glycol.
Glycol drainage
Drainage of all equipment shall be collected in a dedicated glycol sump. Both the sump and storage tank
Provision shall be made to inject antifoam, although this should only be used as a last resort as it can cause
some fouling in the contactor tower. Provision shall be made to inject antifoam, although this should only be
used as a last resort as it can cause some fouling in the contactor tower. The need for further injection points
shall be considered.
When electric heating elements are used for re-boiling, it shall be possible to remove individual elements
without draining the unit. The heater skin temperature shall not cause thermal decomposition of the glycol
during normal operation and fluctuations. The re-boiler shall be designed for full vacuum.
Glycol filtration
Glycol filters shall be provided to remove particulate degradation and corrosion products from the lean glycol.
If differential pressure is used as an indicator for filter replacement on a slip stream filter, a flow meter shall
be installed.
Still column
Dissolved hydrocarbons, mainly aromatics, may be present in the feed to the glycol re-boiler. These will be
vaporised in the reboiler and may cause flooding in the still column. This shall be evaluated in the design of
the still column, notably the increased vapour flow rate and the extra duty in the re-boiler.
Structured packing is recommended in the still column. The upper section of the still column will have low
liquid load, while the lower section will have a higher load. This shall be reflected in the selection of packing
To minimise glycol losses while maintaining sufficient glycol purity, the temperature in the top of the still
column shall be monitored.
There may be potential for CO2 corrosion in the upper section of the still column, and this shall be considered
in the material selection.
10.6 Layout
It is recommended to locate the contactor in a location not exposed to weather and wind to avoid insulating
the vessel due to condensation.
The distance from the scrubber to the contactor should be minimized to avoid condensation.
The temperature transmitter controlling the glycol feed temperature to the contactor shall be located close to
the contactor. This will ensure correct glycol temperature independent of ambient temperature and wind
Outlet piping from glycol re-boiler should be designed to minimise backpressure on the re-boiler.
It shall be possible to regulate the glycol circulation rate to the contactor to match the gas production rate.
This will also reduce overall energy consumption.
Direct fired reboiler shall only be considered after a rigorous evaluation of all relevant safety and
environmental aspects.
11.1 General
The objective of the gas conditioning system is to process the feed gas stream to meet the downstream
requirement and/or optimise the economic value of the products.
The gas conditioning system shall lower the hydrocarbon dew point to a level suitable for transport, injection
or sales gas requirements.
The system shall be capable of handling the variations in capacity and gas compositions during the lifetime of
the field.
Differential pressure protection of the heat exchanger shall be considered if the heat exchanger is installed
inside a pressure vessel (e.g. scrubber) and the heat exchanger design pressure is based on elevated
surrounding pressure.
The liquid removal efficiency of the scrubber shall match the requirements of the turboexpander to protect the
downstream equipment and maintain product specifications.
Where two trains are running in parallel, the transient conditions when one train trips, shall be considered.
The coolers and scrubbers shall be able to withstand the maximum flow through the expander at minimum
discharge pressure without incurring mechanical damage.
The heat exchanger should have temperature monitoring on both hot and cold side stream(s).
A Joule-Thomson (JT) valve system should be installed in parallel with the turbo expander. The Joule-
Thomson (JT) valve is used during start-up to ensure a smooth start-up of the turbo expander and as back-
up when the turbo expander is out of service.
Vendor shall verify the requirements for start-up, turndown and anti surge control.
Consideration shall be given to the formation of solids in the gas stream, e.g. freezing of CO2.
Temporary strainers should be installed upstream the expander and the re-compressor.
If dry compressor seals are used, the seal gas should be dehydrated and dew point controlled or superheated
to prevent condensation and hydrate formation.
The expander is normally equipped with guide vanes. Capacity control should not only rely on guide vanes
throttling since leak rate through closed guide vanes can be very high. To ensure soft shut down and
sufficient turn down capability a control valve upstream the expander may be required.
11.5 Layout
The feed line to the expander and the compressor shall be sloped to ensure that liquid condensed in the
piping is drained back to the inlet scrubber/separator.
The anti-surge line should be sloped with the anti-surge valve at the highest point.
12.1 General
The water injection system shall deliver water at high pressure to maintain reservoir pressure or for disposal.
Some of the requirements in this clause may not be valid for a particular project due to reservoir conditions
and/or material selection. Such requirements can be omitted. Typical examples are filtration, disinfection and
Sampling points shall be provided for monitoring of water quality and process performance.
12.2 Filtration
Filters or other means for particle removal should be installed on the suction side of the injection pumps to
protect the pumps and reservoir from sand and other residues. The maximum particle size shall be verified
for each project based on reservoir and pump.
12.3 Disinfection
Disinfection, if required, shall be achieved with a minimum use of chemicals. Seawater supply shall be
chlorinated, unless already chlorinated at the seawater intake. Disinfection can be achieved by use of ultra
violet sterilising units as an alternative to injection of organic biocides.
12.4 Deoxygenation
If carbon steel piping and vessels are used, the seawater shall be deoxygenated.
Other processes for oxygen removal may also be used, e.g. stripping gas.
12.5 Pumps
Start up return/dump line shall be installed downstream the booster pump.
The injection pumps should be of variable speed type. Adequate buffer volume shall be provided upstream
the injection pumps to ensure safe run-down in shutdown scenarios.
The use of ferric chloride or equivalent coagulants to enhance filtration efficiency should be avoided due to
negative experience with iron oxide precipitation in seawater injection systems.
12.7 Monitoring
The differential pressure across the filters, the oxygen concentration downstream the deoxygenation unit,
pressure in the buffer tank, the discharge of the booster and injection pumps, and system flow should be
13.1 General
The cooling medium system shall remove heat from process and utility systems where direct seawater
cooling and air cooling is not applicable.
If the cooling medium has a freezing point above minimum ambient conditions, measures shall be
implemented to prevent freezing.
Injection of corrosion inhibitor/pH stabiliser upstream of pumps should be provided for carbon steel systems.
The system shall be sized for the sum of all normal continuous operating loads plus an appropriate margin.
A permanent filling line shall be installed. Facilities shall be available for drainage by gravity to tank or boat.
13.2 Filtration
If the piping in the cooling medium system is made of carbon steel, a slip stream filter shall be installed. This
filter is typically designed to remove particles larger than 80 microns. The slip stream rate should be
approximately 10 % of the total flow rate. For cooling medium systems with PCHEs, the heat exchanger
vendor shall be consulted regarding filtration grade.
system should be sufficiently high to avoid boiling during turndown or stagnant conditions. The required
pressure shall be calculated at the maximum operating hot side temperature in the heat exchanger.
In determining the design pressure of the expansion tank, the back pressure during flaring (typically during
heat exchanger rupture conditions) shall be considered. Thus, the effect of the flow from the point of rupture,
through the tank to the flare shall be designed for.
The tank should typically be sized to cater for the volumetric expansion of the cooling medium within the 25 %
and 75 % of the total tank volume (for temperatures between minimum ambient and maximum operating).
The expansion tank should have pressure and level monitoring. The tank shall also be equipped with a
hydrocarbon detector to detect hydrocarbon leakages into the cooling medium system where the consumers
contain hydrocarbons.
cooling medium coolers should be located at low elevation to reduce seawater pump head;
expansion tank shall be located at the highest point in the circulation loop;
pipes and headers shall be arranged to reduce number of high points, to ease system priming and prevent
local accumulation of gas;
pipes and headers should be arranged to ease drainage, especially for systems subject to freezing.
14.1 General
The heating medium systems shall provide heat to process and utility equipment. The heat may be supplied
through a waste heat recovery system or other heat sources.
The need for a separate heating medium drain system shall be considered. The volume of heating medium
storage should, as a minimum, be equal to the volume of the largest equipment.
The system shall be sized for the sum of all normal continuous operating loads plus an appropriate margin.
Filling and drain lines should be hard-piped.
For severe hazards related to water entering a hot oil system, reference is made to ISO 23251.
14.2 Pumps
Pumps and motor should be sized for maximum viscosity of heating medium for start up at reduced rate. To
ensure sufficient available NPSH it shall be assumed that the heating medium is at boiling point in the
expansion tank.
Minimum operating temperature for the exhaust gas should be sufficiently high to avoid condensation of
water. A minimum temperature of 120 C is commonly used. A sufficient minimum flow through heating coils
in standby units should be secured to maintain system temperature, thereby allowing quick start and avoiding
condensation on the heating tubes.
14.4 Filter
If the piping in the system is made of carbon steel, a slip stream filter shall be installed around the pumps to
filtrate the flow with 80 microns filtration grade. The slip stream rate should be approximately 10 % of the total
flow rate. For systems with PCHEs, the heat exchanger vendor shall be consulted regarding filtration grade.
In determining the design pressure of the expansion tank, the back pressure during flaring (typically during
heat exchanger rupture conditions) shall be considered. Thus, the effect of the flow from the point of rupture,
through the tank to the flare shall be designed for.
The tank should typically be sized to cater for the volumetric expansion of the heating medium within the
25 % and 75 % of the total tank volume (for temperatures between minimum ambient and maximum
Low liquid level in the expansion tank shall open the bypass of the exhaust gas around the waste heat
recovery unit tube bundle and stop the pump.
14.6 Layout
The heating medium expansion tank shall be located at the highest point in the heating medium system.
The system shall be designed such that accumulation of gas from leakages in local high points is minimised
and the gas flows to the expansion tank
Low point drains should be installed to ensure easy drainage of the system,
Connections to route the hot oil through the expansion tank to dewater the system at start up should be
15.1 General
The chemical injection system shall store, distribute and inject chemicals into the process and utility systems.
This system does not cover injection of hypoclorite or methanol as these are covered by system 46 (methanol
injection) and 47 (chlorination).
Facilities for chemical injection shall have fixed arrangements for storage tanks and piping.
Each chemical shall have separate piping from tote tank laydown area to storage tank. If there are chemicals
that can react with each other, these chemicals shall have unique identification on the fill hoses to avoid
System capacity shall be calculated as design load of continuous consumers plus peak load from intermittent
Tote tanks should be located above storage tanks to ensure drainage of transfer lines/hoses and avoid the
need for transfer pumps.
The storage tank should as a minimum have capacity corresponding to the volume of one tote tank.
The level in the storage tank should be monitored. For system where loss of injection is critical, the flow
should also be monitored.
The liquid overflow system and drip tray drains from the various tanks may be routed to a common manifold.
The system shall have continuous slope, no dead legs and sufficient capacity to prevent back flow through
the overflow line. The loading location shall be designed to handle the leakage of one tote tank without
spillage to the open drain system or sea.
Chemicals that react with other fluids may require separate drain facilities. For environmental reasons, a
dedicated drain tank for chemical polluted drain shall be evaluated. Drag reducers may react with water or
A check valve and shut off valve shall be fitted as close to the injection point as possible.
Antifoam should be injected to prevent foaming in the deoxygenator. Scale inhibitor may be required to
prevent scaling in the reservoir. Polyelectrolyte may be injected to enhance filtration efficiency in fine filters.
Filtration of chemicals for use upstream of topside and subsea valves may be necessary and the valve
vendor should be consulted for detailed requirements. Strainer on fill line to storage tank and pump suction is
15.5 Safety
Shutdown of the chemical injection system shall be considered when the system it injects into shuts down,
unless injection is required in a shutdown situation.
15.6 Maintenance
The system shall be designed such that normal maintenance work can be performed on the injection system
for one chemical without interfering with the operation of the injection system for other chemicals.
16.1 General
The flare system shall provide safe disposal of fluids from pressure relief, depressurisation and control
valves. This clause also covers common vent systems.
The capacity, relief loads and system design shall be in accordance with the principles of ISO 23251.
Mechanical details and utility systems, shall be in accordance with requirements in ISO 25457
Caution should be exercised to avoid mixing of water with other sources if there is a potential for solids
formation in the flare system. For more detail requirements for design of disposal systems, see ISO 23251,
clause 6.
opening of flow line isolation valves with 100 % open choke valve (highest realistic GOR in import flow
line/riser shall be used in design);
the shut-in pressure of the source shall be used, unless the potential pressure buildup is thoroughly
analysed and an automated shutdown system is implemented to reduce the normal upstream pressure
after a shutdown. A risk based approach may be used to determine the normal initial condition prior to
valve mal-operation.
The topside chokes shall be confirmed in closed position to allow opening of shutdown valves. The
The relieving rate and the resulting pressure build-up in case of choke collapse shall be determined. The
relieving capacity shall be sufficient to prevent overpressure. In determining the required relieving rate, the
highest realistic GOR and pressure in flow-line/riser shall be used. A dynamic analysis may be required to
determine these effects.
Measures to consider for mitigating the consequences of a choke failure should include the following:
replacing a large valve with multiple smaller valves, as it is necessary to consider only one choke valve
failure at a time;
the user may define choke failure as not credible based on selection of high integrity choke designs.
Such a conclusion should be substantiated by a careful analysis of the nature and characteristics of
mechanical loads and/or a program for testing and qualification;
use of dedicated choke valves or change of choke trim for special operations in which solids are
expected, e.g. well cleanup;
means for limiting the maximum mechanical load caused by impacts, e.g. perforated plate.
A program for regular inspection and maintenance for the choke valves shall be established.
Production shutdown shall be initiated by two independent LAHH trip transmitters linked to the PSD and ESD
system respectively. The quality of these two trip functions shall be documented to allow for a reduction in
relief load as mentioned above.
The effective response time of the instrumented function shall not be considered to be less than 90 s.
The liquid level in the drum just prior to relief, shall be assumed to be PSD LAHH.
The liquid accumulation will reduce the volume available for vapour/liquid disengagement. The flare tip
manufacturer shall be consulted regarding the maximum allowable droplet size. For further information, see
ISO 23251. If sizing of the drum is based on an assumption of evenly distributed flow across the vapour
space, inlet internals may be required.
The liquid volume between control level and PSD trip level should be sufficient to accommodate the
maximum liquid condensation rate during spill-off or pipeline/flow line depressurization for a typical period of
20 min. The liquid return system from knock out drums shall as a minimum have sufficient capacity to allow
continuous production flaring without build up of liquids in the drums.
The knockout drum liquid outlet piping may be subject to freezing at no-flow and/or cold ambient conditions,
and requirement for winterisation/heat tracing shall be evaluated. If a heater is installed in the flare knock-out
drum, a low level trip shall ensure that the element is completely immersed during operation. Electrical
heaters shall be equipped with protection against overheating.
Pilot operated relief valves shall not be used in dirty service (typically well-stream and hydrate forming fluids)
due to the risk of clogging impulse lines and/or the pilot.
17.1 General
The system shall collect and treat produced water from the production separators and coalescer, such that
the water can be discharged to sea or re-injected into the reservoir, and the oil can be recovered and
returned to the production system.
Produced water shall not be mixed with seawater before discharged to sea, as a mixture of seawater and
produced water may cause scaling problems in piping and equipment, dependent on composition of the
produced water.
A mixing unit for flocculation chemicals, or other coalescing means upstream of the treatment system, should
be considered.
Pumps and valves upstream of the treatment system should be of low shear type to avoid shearing and
break-up of oil droplets.
The treatment system shall be designed to give a flexible system with respect to turndown rate, future
capacity and maintenance requirements.
Produced water should not be recycled into the separation train, as this may impair oil/water separation.
If there is a potential for scaling, scale inhibitor injection points shall be provided. Flanged pipe connections or
rod out points should be considered.
The flash drum should be designed with a system for disposal of solid particles. If jet water is required for the
flash drum, produced water should be used.
17.4 Layout
All equipment shall be located in hazardous areas. Jet water disposal lines should have no pockets to avoid
sand accumulation and blockage.
18.1 General
The fuel gas system shall provide superheated fuel gas to the consumers.
Dry and dew-point controlled hydrocarbon gas should preferably be used to prevent hydrate formation or
condensation. If fuel gas supply is wet gas, injection of hydrate inhibitor at start-up should be provided.
Filtration requirements for the fuel gas supply should be specified by turbine vendor.
Block valves and flare connection should be provided for fuel gas line to each turbine, to enable
depressurisation prior to maintenance.
System should be designed or facilities provided (e.g. heat tracing) such that liquid accumulation in piping
and the gas turbine(s) is prevented after a shutdown.
For purge and flare pilot gas, the temperature should be 10 C above the water or hydrocarbon dew-point.
"Warm-up" lines routing the fuel gas at start-up to flare, should be provided upstream each of the gas
turbines. When continuous heating is covered by a heating medium, an electric heater should be installed in
parallel for start-up purpose.
A sampling point downstream the fuel gas heater should be provided. Heat tracing of supply lines to critical
consumers (e.g. gas turbines) should be included.
19.1 General
The methanol system shall receive, store and inject methanol. Injection shall prevent and dissolve hydrates,
when required.
The piping for the supply of methanol to the storage tank shall be self draining.
Loading hoses from supply boats shall be equipped with unique identification, and couplings shall be
Drainage facilities shall be designed such that human exposure to methanol is minimized during
maintenance. All equipment shall be provided with permanent connection to closed drain and valves should
be provided at low points in the piping system.
For continuously operated systems, the storage tank shall be sized based on the maximum average daily
demand, delivery frequency plus the volume required during one shutdown.
The storage tank shall be provided with purging or blanketing. Inert gas is preferred, but fuel gas can
alternatively be used for this purpose.
For systems with recycle flow back to the storage tank, the methanol temperature in the storage tank may
increase. The system design shall ensure that the temperature rise does not lead to excessive vapour losses
or unacceptable reduction in net pressure suction head available.
19.4 Injection
Injection pumps shall be sized based on the peak injection demand.
The methanol injection rate shall be adjustable at all injection points. For continuous consumers flow should
also be monitored. For intermittent consumers total flow shall be monitored.
A check valve and shut off valve shall be fitted as close to the injection point as possible.
20.1 General
The chlorination system shall generate or receive, store and inject hypochlorite into systems containing
seawater. The concentrations specified below shall be used to prevent fouling of equipment and piping:
In addition, capacity shall be provided for batch treatment with higher dosage for shorter periods.
Feed to the hypochlorite generator shall be from downstream of the seawater filters. The system shall
operate continuously and produce hypochlorite at a stable rate at the required concentration.
The hypochlorite injection point should be as close as possible to the seawater intake.
The use of a combined hypochlorite-copper ion system may be considered to reduce the total consumption of
The system shall be controlled via a local panel with CCR interface, shutdown input signals and supplier
package common alarm.
The flow from the electrolysis cell should be monitored. In addition, local flow monitoring at the injection
points shall be provided.
The hydrogen generated in the cells shall be diluted by means of the air blower to a maximum of 25 % of the
lower explosive limit (LEL), in air (LEL=4 % vol/vol). The diluted hydrogen stream shall be vented to a safe
If the system is equipped with a hypochlorite head tank, the tank overflow shall contain a liquid seal to prevent
hydrogen leakage.
Facilities shall be provided to enable maintenance of parts of or entire system while the seawater system is in
operation. Facilities to drain the electrolysis cells shall be provided.
Isolation facilities shall be installed around each electrolysis cell. It shall be possible to isolate all consumers
Spool pieces for electrical isolation shall be provided to prevent galvanic corrosion around the electrolysis
The hypochlorite storage tank, if any, should be located at a higher elevation than sea level to enable gravity
flow to the lift pump suction.
The electrolysis cells transformer/rectifier shall have the facility to manually adjust the current in order to
adjust the hypochlorite concentration.
Provision for sampling from the electrolysis cell inlet and outlet lines shall be installed.
21.1 General
The system shall lift and filter seawater for distribution to the various users.
System capacity shall be based on the simultaneous design load of continuous consumers plus the load from
the largest intermittent consumer.
The seawater system shall be designed to prevent or control the effects of water hammer. See description of
water hammer in 4.2.4.
21.2 Pumps
Fixed speed pumps shall have minimum flow protection. The minimum flow should be controlled on flow, and
not on pressure.
The discharge pipe from the pump minimum flow valve should be arranged such that backpressure is
provided to prevent cavitation.
Vacuum breaker /air release system shall be provided to prevent vacuum in the riser during shutdown and
prevent pressure surge during start-up. The air release valve will then ensure a slow filling of the riser and
release of the compressed air.
21.3 Filters
A coarse filter shall be located downstream of the pumps. Typical filtration requirement is 2 mm. The filters
should be equipped with an automatic backwash facility.
Injection points for chlorine shall be provided. The concentrated chlorine injection shall be stopped when the
pump is stopped.
21.5 Layout
Where seawater is used for process cooling it is recommended to dump seawater to a caisson at a higher
elevation than the high point in the seawater system. By applying this solution the use of a dump valve is
avoided and the potential for vacuum is reduced. For design of caissons, see NORSOK P-001. The caisson
termination depth shall consider safety and environmental aspects.
22.1 General
The system shall produce and/or receive, store and distribute fresh water to all users on the facility.
Requirements and references for system design and potable water quality are given in Water Report No.111.
The system shall be designed to eliminate the risk of contamination. Facilities shall be provided at each user
to prevent backflow to the distribution system.
22.3 Maintenance
It shall be possible to carry out maintenance on fresh water production equipment without affecting storage
and distribution.
It shall be possible to completely drain all equipment and sections of piping. All piping shall be designed such
that there are no dead legs or stagnant sections.
Facilities shall be provided to enable all equipment and piping in the potable water system to be cleaned and
sterilised by flushing.
23.1 General
The open drain system shall handle rainwater, firewater, wash down water including spillage of liquids
containing solids from deck areas, equipment drip trays and bounded areas. For floating installations
seawater drainage may need consideration.
The open drain system is a safety system and shall prevent spreading of flammable liquids and maintain the
separation of fire areas. The system shall not be modified in a way that reduces system capacity.
Hydrocarbon liquid spill shall be recovered, and only clean water shall be dumped to sea.
Drains from non-polluted areas should be routed directly to sea. Compatibility of the various fluids shall be
considered to prevent chemical reaction and solidification in the open drain system.
The system shall be designed in accordance with ISO 13702, clause 8, and B.4.
For drip tray capacity and design, see DNV-OS-E201, chapter 2, section 2H.
The hazardous and non-hazardous open drain tanks shall be designed for easy disposal of solid particles.
The tanks should have sloped tank bottom to ease the tank cleaning. Strategy for handling solids built up in
the drain tank shall be implemented in the design.
23.5 Maintenance
The fire seal pots shall be included in the maintenance program and should be accessible for maintenance
without scaffolding.
Preferred location for pumps is outside the tanks. Where the location of the tanks makes this impractical,
provision shall be made for safe withdrawal of a pump from the hazardous open drain tank during operation.
23.6 Layout
The hazardous open drain tank, pump and the treatment unit shall be located in hazardous area.
The collection tanks shall be located such that gravity draining is possible from all sources.
Piping system shall be designed with rod-out/flushing facilities. Minimum header size shall be 76,3 mm (3 in).
Drain headers should be located above high levels in collection tanks.
23.7 Safety
The inlet lines to the collection tanks shall be submerged below liquid low level to prevent back flow of
hydrocarbon gas.
Drains from hazardous areas shall be provided with a fire-seal for every fire area. The fire-seal shall prevent
gas migration from one fire area to another.
Tundishes and gullies shall be designed for easy plugging to prevent hydrocarbon gas migration during hot
24.1 General
The closed drain system shall collect hydrocarbon liquid drains from equipment and piping, and safely
dispose and degas the liquid.
The design flow to the closed drain flash drum shall be based on credible coincident flows.
The maximum flow rate from manual draining of vessels should cater for drainage from low alarm level of the
largest vessel inventory in 1 h.
Depressurisation of sources may result in temperatures below minimum operational temperature for the
source. Unless operational procedures are established, the closed drain system shall have the same
minimum design temperature as the source. If the closed drain system is combined with a flare system, the
minimum design temperature may be determined by the flare sources.
The sump shall be designed with continuous purging, and be provided with chemical injection points for batch
dosing of biocide. Inert gas is preferred for purging, but fuel gas can alternatively be used for this purpose.
The pump system should be designed to avoid unstable conditions in the downstream system.
24.6 Safety
The non-continuous sources shall be provided with a closed spectacle blind during normal operation. Before
manual draining to the closed drain system, the sources shall be depressurised. Opening to closed drain
from small volumes (e.g. level glass drainage, cavity drain) without prior depressurisation may be acceptable.
The relief devices on the closed drain system shall be sized for the maximum incoming flow, including flow
from continuous sources, if any.
LAHH on the closed drain vessel should shut down liquid flow from continuous sources.
Piping from open drain and closed drain may be terminated in the reclaimed oil sump, and these pipes shall
be submerged to prevent gas from migrating into the open drain system.
25.1 General
The diesel system shall provide storage and treatment of raw diesel and supply diesel to users.
Facilities to remove particles and water in treated diesel shall be based on specific consumer requirements,
e.g. diesel engines, turbines etc.
Hose loading stations shall as a minimum have one check valve and one block valve. The hoses shall be of
anti-static type.
25.5 Maintenance
Drip trays shall be installed under equipment where leakages may occur.
If the system is required to operate during a maintenance shutdown of the facility, it shall be possible to
maintain the system during normal operation. Adequate provision of equipment bypass shall be made to
enable such activities.
26.1 General
The compressed air system shall provide compressed air at a defined quality and pressure to instrument air
consumers and to plant air consumers.
Topping up compressor and black-start compressor may be required. The topping up compressor shall
maintain the pressure in the start air vessels/bottles during normal operation. The black start air compressor
shall charge the start air vessel/bottles for the emergency generators and fire water pumps.
26.2 Dehydration
The air should be cooled as much as possible to minimise requirement for dehydration. In design it shall be
assumed air with 100 % humidity at maximum ambient temperature. Air should be treated to a dew point to
either -25 C or to 15 C below minimum ambient temperature, whichever is lower, at maximum operating
26.3 Filtration
Filters should be installed between dryer and receiver if required by consumers. If oil lubricated compressors
are used, facilities to remove oil impurities should be installed upstream dryers.
A by-pass line should be installed to route the instrument and plant air directly to the instrument air header
and the plant air header during maintenance of air receiver(s).
26.5 Sparing
Two air compressors are sufficient on the condition that each compressor can provide the total instrument air
requirement and both together cover the total compressed air requirement.
Minimum two air compressors for supply of instrument air should be connected to emergency power. When
determining the emergency generator capacity, only load from one air compressor should be included.
Bleed air from gas turbines should be considered as additional supply source, if needed.
26.6 Safety
In case of low system pressure, low priority users (e.g. plant air) shall shut down first. This will give priority to
high priority users, e.g. instrument air.
On loss of air pressure, an automated production shutdown should be initiated, to ensure a controlled plant
shutdown before the pressure is too low for operation of critical components.
Gas detection shall be provided on air intake unless air is supplied from an area that already has gas
26.7 Layout
The discharge dump line from compressor control valve should be routed away from areas where personnel
will require frequent access.
Low point drains should be provided to remove any moisture accumulating in the distribution headers and air
Valves shall be installed on distribution system to enable modifications/extensions to the system during
27.1 General
The following requirements are valid for nitrogen gas system for general topside use. Special requirements
may apply for exhaust gas.
The inert gas generator shall deliver inert gas with low oxygen content at a specified pressure and
Typical continuous inert gas users are atmospheric tank purging, see 4.1.3 for capacities.
Peak loads during maintenance periods may be supplied by liquid nitrogen. The distribution system shall
allow connection from vaporiser package.
Where a feed air heater is required a by-pass line should be installed to allow maintenance without plant
The inert gas plant should, because of the risk of a non-breathable/suffocating atmosphere, be located in a
naturally ventilated area. Oxygen rich gas shall be ventilated to a location where personnel have no access.
27.3 Sparing
Critical consumers (e.g. compressor gas seals) should have separate back-up and prioritised supply.
The nitrogen generator module should be configured such that full capacity can be maintained with one unit
Requirement for a nitrogen receiver should be evaluated as a buffer in order to dampen nitrogen pressure
and purity variations and as a storage device in case of limited supply of nitrogen after nitrogen generator
The oxygen content shall be monitored and high oxygen concentration shall initiate opening of a dump valve
and route product to location where personnel have no access.
28.1 General
The hydraulic power package shall provide hydraulic power to all topside users at specified pressures and
cleanliness levels.
For subsea hydraulic power packages, requirements can be found in ISO 13628-6.
The system shall have a back-up facility in case the main power source fails.
28.2 Reservoir
The hydraulic reservoir shall be sized such that when all actuators are driven, the tank shall not be less than
25 % full, and when total actuator capacity is returned, the level shall not be greater than 75 %.
The system shall be designed to avoid the accumulation of water/solids and shall be provided with the
following means for their removal:
The hydraulic reservoir vent should be designed to prevent ingress of moisture and particles. The reservoir
shall be designed for easy draining of particles collected at tank bottom.
It shall be possible to drain the hydraulic oil into the closed drain system or transportation pod.
28.3 Pumps
The pumps shall be sized, allowing for simultaneous use of standby pumps, to have sufficient capacity to
move all valves and equipment away from their shutdown positions within a period of 10 min and all
accumulators empty.
The pumps shall have an auto start and stop function initiated by the system header pressure transmitters.
28.4 Filters
The hydraulic oil shall have a cleanliness level according to the hydraulic components requirements.
28.6 Safety
The return header shall not impose any restrictions on safety-related valves and equipment returning to their
fail positions within their specified stroke times.
If there is a possibility of process hydrocarbons being returned to the reservoir with the hydraulic fluid, the
system shall be classified as hazardous. This will typically be the case for the return from the downhole safety
28.7 Maintenance
Oil sample points shall be included on the reservoir, supply and return lines.
Maintenance of any part of the hydraulic power package, with the exception of the reservoir, shall be possible
during operation. The hydraulic unit shall have a drip tray for collection of hydraulic oil spills during
29.1 General
This specification covers design of sewage system outside the living quarter.
Requirements and recommendations for design of the collection system inside the living quarter are given in
The sewage system should not have any piping interfaces towards any systems on the installation.
The slope and sizing of the sewage collection headers and caissons shall be as stated in NORSOK P-001 for
liquids flowing by gravity unless the requirements in Normalreglementet for sanitranlegg are more
If a vent line is installed at the top of the sewage caisson, then the vent line capacity calculations should take
into account the effect of wave motions inside the caissons.
29.4 Layout
Number of caissons should be evaluated/selected based on practical interfaces towards the living quarter
and required system capacity.
The system shall be provided with sufficient number of rodding points and flushing for maintenance purposes
of the system.
Sewage caissons outlets shall be terminated sufficiently below mean sea level (MSL) and far from the main
seawater intake. The effect of ocean currents should also be taken into consideration.