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Equipment Modules
Entry-ID: 53843373, V2.2, 04/2014 2
Table of contents
Table of contents
Warranty and liability................................................................................................... 2
1 Task Description and Solution ......................................................................... 5
1.1 Task ...................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Solution................................................................................................. 5
1.2.1 Equipment Modules .............................................................................. 5
1.2.2 Overview of the general solution .......................................................... 6
1.2.3 Core functionality.................................................................................. 7
1.2.4 Used hardware and software components........................................... 8
2 Basics ............................................................................................................... 10
2.1 General ............................................................................................... 10
2.2 Standardized plant components ......................................................... 11
3 Design and Structure ...................................................................................... 13
3.1 Name convention of the CFC charts .................................................. 13
3.2 Plant view ........................................................................................... 14
4 Control Module ................................................................................................ 15
4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 15
4.2 “CTRL” controller ................................................................................ 16
4.2.1 Standard controller ............................................................................. 16
4.2.2 Standard controller with valve connection .......................................... 18
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Equipment Modules
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Table of contents
5.4.1 Overview............................................................................................. 85
5.4.2 Structure and configuration ................................................................ 88
5.4.3 Commissioning, operation and instance-specific adjustments .......... 95
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller ........................... 101
5.5.1 Overview........................................................................................... 101
5.5.2 Structure and configuration .............................................................. 103
5.5.3 Commissioning, operation and instance-specific adjustments ........ 106
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller .................... 111
5.6.1 Overview........................................................................................... 111
5.6.2 Structure and configuration .............................................................. 114
5.6.3 Commissioning, operation and instance-specific adjustments ........ 118
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade............................................................. 121
5.7.1 Overview........................................................................................... 122
5.7.2 Structure and configuration .............................................................. 124
5.7.3 Commissioning, operation and instance-specific adjustments ........ 128
6 Configuration and Settings........................................................................... 132
6.1 Integration of equipment modules .................................................... 132
6.2 Process connection .......................................................................... 137
6.3 Configuration of the PID controllers ................................................. 140
7 Starting the Equipment Modules ................................................................. 143
7.1 Preparation ....................................................................................... 143
7.2 Commissioning ................................................................................. 144
8 Links & Literature .......................................................................................... 146
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Equipment Modules
Entry-ID: 53843373, V2.2, 04/2014 4
1 Task Description and Solution
1.1 Task
1.2 Solution
1.2.1 Equipment Modules
Reducing the required know-how for application development
Reducing the configuration workload
Illustrating typical control strategies
Unified structures
Flexible structure of partial automation solutions
Equipment Modules
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1 Task Description and Solution
1.2 Solution
Schematic layout
The following figure shows an example of the equipment modules as part of the
automation solution.
Figure 1-1
Stirrer tank
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Temperature control
Discharge product
The concept of equipment modules offers pre-programmed and unified
components for creating an automation solution, such as dosing or tempering.
The equipment modules have been realized in the PCS 7 multiproject as follows:
the Component view contains one project for the automation system (AS) and
one project for the operator station (OS) respectively.
the Plant hierarchy contains a hierarchy folder for each equipment module.
In the AS project all control functions have been realized in form of CFC charts
(Continuous Function Chart). Furthermore, the AS-project contains a simulation
which simulates a process, e.g. filling level change, within an equipment module.
The OS project contains the visualization with one process image each per
equipment module and shows:
the schematic layout of the equipment module
a simulation
the relevant characteristic values (KPI = Key Performance Indicator)
a display of the control quality
The industrial process is not simulated within the equipment module.
Equipment Modules
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1 Task Description and Solution
1.2 Solution
Required knowledge
Basic knowledge of the following subject areas is required:
Configuration with SIMATIC PCS 7 and APL
Knowledge of control engineering
Basic knowledge of process engineering
The overview screen and the structure of a process image of an equipment module
are described below. A detailed description of the core functionality of an
equipment module is available in chapter 5.
Figure 1-2
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Overview screen
The overview screen contains a schematic display, in form of a material flow chart
of the industrial plant, which contains all equipment modules in the example
Via the button of an equipment module you go to the respective process image,
which contains the functionality and the specific information of an equipment
module. The process images depicted a respective section from the P&I diagram of
a plant.
Equipment Modules
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1 Task Description and Solution
1.2 Solution
Process display
The process image of the equipment module consists of the following main
Schematic layout of the equipment module
Faceplates for controlling the individual components (aggregates)
Trend display for visualizing the controller response
The process image gives the operator the overview of the respective equipment
module so he/she can track the response during runtime via the respective
equipment module by means of time intervals.
Hardware components
Table 1-1
Component Note
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
SIMATIC PCS 7 ES/OS 547C BCE Used for the PCS 7 V7.1.3 sample project
SIMATIC PCS 7 ES/OS IPC547D W7 Used for the PCS 7 V8.0 and PCS 7 V8.0 SP1
sample projects
NOTE If the hardware differs, please observe the minimum installation requirements of
the software components. The minimum requirements are available in the
readme file of PCS 7.
Table 1-2
Component Note
SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.1 SP 3 Component of SIMATIC PCS 7 ES/OS 547C BCE
S7-PLCSIM License is not part of SIMATIC PCS 7
APL Library V7.1 SP5 + Upd1 Component of SIMATIC PCS 7 V7.1 SP3
APL Library V8.0 Component of SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.0
APL Library V8.0 SP1 Component of SIMATIC PCS 7 V8.0 SP1
Equipment Modules
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1 Task Description and Solution
1.2 Solution
NOTE The PCS 7 example project is based on the PCS 7 Industry Library (IL) and the
PCS 7 Advanced Process Library (APL). Whereas the APL is covered by the
SIMATIC PCS 7 Engineering license, you must obtain a separate Engineering
license and Runtime licenses for IL.
The download contains the block "SimAn", which requires a license. The usage
of this block in your configuration environment or in the process mode obligates
you to purchase the PCS 7 Industry Library licenses.
Ordering information can found under the following Entry ID: 60982306.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
NOTE All procedures, descriptions and screenshots relevant for PCS 7 are based on
the PCS 7 V7.1 SP3 and are applicable to the PCS 7 V8.0 and PCS 7 V8.0 SP1
without restrictions. The innovated faceplates of the APL V8.0 do not affect the
way of operation of the equipment modules and are not described separately.
Equipment Modules
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2 Basics
2.1 General
2 Basics
2.1 General
Automation systems
Industrial processes, e.g. in the chemical or pharmaceutical industry, are controlled
using automation technology.
The degree of automation of the plants varies considerably and depends on the
plant type and the process.
An automation solution normally comprises the following aspects:
Measurement and control
Controlling including higher-level control strategies, if necessary
Transmission, processing and display of information
Meeting defined steps and procedures
Considering complex interactions
Ensuring constant product quality
Process control
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The primary task of the operator is the operative process management based on
process and plant information regarding production process and its logistics and
auxiliary processes.
Using process management guarantees the directed and reproducible adjustment
of operating conditions and ensures meeting defined tolerance ranges. In the case
of a failure, measures need to be taken in order to return the process to the desired
state. Additionally, the process sequence shall be optimized continuously regarding
costs, quality and safety.
Equipment Modules
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2 Basics
2.2 Standardized plant components
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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Automation solution
The term “unit” stands for a unit in industrial process plants (e.g. stirrer tank
reactor, fermenter) including the device, sensors, actuators and automation
software (hardware and software).
Structured units exist for continuous as well as discontinuous processes.
A unit variant is the so-called “package unit”. Examples for “package units” are
refrigeration plants, vacuum systems and packaging machines. Here the
manufacturer of the mechanical process engineering device provides an
automation software specifically designed for this device, which is located on a
separate hardware. The “package unit” is integrated as a whole into a higher-level
process control system.
Equipment Module
An equipment module is a component of a unit and contains sensors, actuators
and the automation hardware and software. Equipment modules are designed and
configured to be used in specific applications, e.g. in process technology (doser,
filling level or temperature control).
The automation solution of an equipment module is structured as follows:
Interconnected and configured process tags
Simulation for illustrating the principle of operation
Each equipment module is summarized in a hierarchy folder and can be integrated
into existing projects.
Equipment Modules
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2 Basics
2.2 Standardized plant components
Control Module
The control module (aldo control unit) consists of actuators and sensors. In PCS 7,
the control module is realized with software typicals (process tag types), e.g. for a
valve, motor or a controller.
The realization in the CFC chart contains all relevant blocks, interconnections and
basic parameters. A process tag type is generated from the CFC and is stored in
the PCS 7 master data library. Any number of instances can be created with this
process type, e.g. using the Import/Export wizard (IEA).
Each individual controller designation (process tag designation) is based on a
uniform name convention. This means the designation states the function and task
of the control module.
Unit Template
A unit template is composed of several equipment modules.
In a unit template, equipment modules are combined into a partial automation
function. Additionally a unit template contains a CFC chart with economic or
process engineering characteristic numbers (KPI characteristics), a CFC chart for
monitoring the operating time and CFC charts for simulation.
A unit template is summarized in a hierarchy folder and can be easily integrated
into and adjusted to existing projects.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
As opposed to the “package units”, the Unit concept does not set up any local
“insular control” with proprietary hardware, but creates prefabricated software
solutions for frequently occurring units in a central process control system. Partial
automation solutions for industrial plants are supplied in a standardized,
prefabricated and user editable format. The templates only need to be adjusted to
the existing process technology as well as the automation hardware. This clearly
reduces the engineering expenses for further similar automation tasks.
Equipment Modules
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3 Design and Structure
3.1 Name convention of the CFC charts
Function Name
F = Flowrate (first letter)
I = Display (second letter)
C = Control (third letter)
The following table contains all letters used in the application and their meaning:
Table 3-1
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Table 3-2
Subsequent letter Meaning
C Control
F Ratio („Fraction“)
I Indication
S Binary control function or switching function (not safety-
Equipment Modules
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3 Design and Structure
3.2 Plant view
EquipmentModules OS Project
EquipmentModule 1
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EquipmentModule 1
EquipmentModule 2
EquipmentModule 2
EquipmentModules AS Project
EquipmentModule 1
EquipmentModule 2
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.1 Introduction
4 Control Module
4.1 Introduction
A control module is used for controlling individual devices such as motors, valves
and controllers. The blocks required for this task, e.g. for controlling a valve are
combined in a process tag. If the same process tag is used several times in the
project, a process tag type is created from this process tag in PCS 7 and filed in
the master data library. This process tag type can be used flexibly in the project as
an instance.
This chapter gives you detailed information on the structure and functioning of the
process tag type which form the basis of the process tags of the equipment
modules. All process tag types are filed in the “EquipmentModules_Lib” master
data library of the PCS 7 project.
Figure 4-1
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Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Process tag type “CTRL__Std” is used for fixed value and cascade control.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Figure 4-2
Subchart „A“ Subchart „B“
Sheet 1 Sheet 1
Sheet 2 Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
C (“PIDConL”): PID controller
CPM (“ConPerMon”): block for permanent monitoring of the control quality
The operating mode, setpoint, actual and manipulated value outputs of the
controller are interconnected with the CPM block.
Sheet 2 contains the following blocks.
Connector (“ConnPID”): block for SFC connection (no component of the APL
or the standard library)
Logic blocks for selecting the operating mode and for interlocking
– SP_LiOp (“Or04”): setpoint source internal / external
– SP_IntLi (“Or04”): internal setpoint value via interconnection
– MV_Forced (“SelA02In”): forced manipulated value with selection (“In1”
undefined, “In2” SFC connection)
– MV_ForOn (“Or04“): activates forced manipulated value “In2” (MV_Forced)
at the PID controller
– ManModOpLi (“Or04”): formation of an OR output signal from field device
in maintenance mode (channel blocks PV and MV) and invalid process
value (channel block PV in subchart “B”, sheet 1).
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
With the SFC connection operation-relevant data are transferred to the PID
controller via the logic blocks. Additionally, channel blocks and the interlock block
(subchart “A”, sheet 3) influence the output signals of the logic blocks.
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimAn”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
PV (“Pcs7AnIn”): channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
Sqrt (“SwSqrt”): linearization block (block description in the appendix)
Simulation block “SimAn” is interconnected with “Pcs7AnIn” a channel block. The
simulated process value is “0”. A linearization of the process value is not performed
(Mode = 0 in the Sqrt block).
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block PV (“Pcs7AnIn”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value (e.g. positioner) must be
interconnected at output “PV_Out” of channel block MV (“Pcs7AnOu”). The
simulation is deactivated by entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at
input “Sim2Act0p.
Similar to "CTRL__Std", the process tag type "CTRL_Std4Valve" is used for fixed
value and cascade control. In contrast to "CTRL__Std", however, the process tag
does not include a channel block for the control valve (MV), but is interconnected
with a valve process tag type ("Val_An").
The following section describes the changes as compared with the process tag
type "CTRL_Std" and which are highlighted in green in the figure below.
Figure 4-3
Subchart „A“ Subchart „B“
Sheet 3
Subchart A
Sheet 3 contains the interlock block which uses the following signals of the valve
process tag for a standardized interlock with optional display in the OS:
signaling of an invalid process value ("Bad" signal) at the MV and Rbk channel
signaling of field device maintenance (OosAct signal) at the MV and Rbk
channel block
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
NOTE The following two connections between the process tags "CTRL_Std4MPC" and
"CTRL_MPC" are to be configured:
the blocks "ComStruOu" of the MPC controller and "ComStruIn" of the PID controller
the associated MV output parameter of the MPC controller and the SP_Ext input
parameter of the block "ConnPID" of the PID controller
The following section describes the changes as compared with the process tag
type "CTRL_Std4Valve" which are highlighted in green in the figure below.
Figure 4-4
Sheet 3
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Subchart A
Sheet 5 additionally contains the following block:
to_MPC ("ComStruIn"): Transmits control commands from the PID controller
("SP_InHiOut", "SP_InLoOut", "PV_Out", "CascaCut", "PV_UnitOut") to the
MPC controller.
Figure 4-5
Subchart „A“ Subchart „B“
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Sheet 2 Sheet 5
Sheet 3
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
C (“PIDConL”): PID controller with continuous output signal
CPM (“ConPerMon”): block for permanent monitoring of the control quality
The outputs operating mode, setpoint, actual and manipulated value of the
controller are interconnected with the CPM block.
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
The interlock becomes active for an invalid process value (channel blocks from
valve process tags).
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimAn”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
PV (“Pcs7AnIn”): channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
Sqrt (“SwSqrt”): linearization block (block description in the appendix)
CSF (“Or04”): formation of an OR output signal from output “Bad” (process
value invalid) of channel blocks PV and the channel blocks of the valve
process tags.
OosAct (“Or04”): formation of an OR output signal from output “OosAct” (field
device in maintenance mode) of channel block PV and the channel blocks of
the valve process tags.
Simulation block “SimAn” is interconnected with “Pcs7AnIn” a channel block. The
simulated process value is “0”. A linearization of the process value is not performed
(Mode = 0 in the Sqrt block).
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block PV (“Pcs7AnIn”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
The ratio controller is composed of a flow rate controller for the main components
and another flow rate controller for each added component.
Examples for ratio controllers are:
Mixing control of liquids or gases with defined mixing ratios
Fuel feed in a defined ratio with air supply for gas burners
Main component
Process tag type “CTRL_RatioMain” is used for the main component of ratio
control, where the setpoint value is default. The flow rate for a further mixing
component is automatically controlled with the controller process tag
“CTRL_RatioComp” via a defined ratio.
The figure below shows the structure of the controller process tag.
Figure 4-6
Subchart “ A“ Subchart “ B“
Sheet 2 Sheet 5
Sheet 3 Sheet 6
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
C (“PIDConL”): PID controller with continuous output signal
CPM (“ConPerMon”): block for permanent monitoring of the control quality
The outputs operating mode, setpoint, actual and manipulated value of the
controller are interconnected with the CPM block.
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Sheet 5 contains the following communication blocks for transfer and receiving of
control commands (valve process tag for the main component):
to_Valve (“ComStruIn”): the communication block forms a structure from the
manipulated value (MV) of the PID controller and the interlock output (Out) for
the transfer to a valve process tag.
from_Valve (“ComStruOu”): the communication block contains the signals,
relevant for the interlock (Intlock block), from the channel block (Rbk) of the
valve process tag.
Sheet 6 contains the following communication blocks for transfer and receiving of
control commands (controller process tag for the further components):
to_Slave (“ComStruIn”): the communication block forms a structure from the
outputs (setpoint value, manipulated value, message for cascade connection,
process value) of the PID controller and the outputs (invalid process value,
scaling of the process value) of the channel block (PV) for a transfer to the
controller process tag for further components.
from_Slave_1 (“ComStruOu”): the communication block contains the signals,
relevant for the interlocking and scaling, of the PID controller and the channel
block of the controller process tag for further components.
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimAn”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
PV (“Pcs7AnIn”): channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
Sqrt (“SwSqrt”): linearization block (block description in the appendix)
CSF (“Or04”): formation of an OR output signal from output “Bad” (process
value invalid) of channel blocks PV (subchart “B”, sheet 1) and the channel
blocks of the controller process tags for further components.
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block PV (“Pcs7AnIn”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
Sheet 3 Sheet 6
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
C (“PIDConL”): PID controller with continuous output signal
CPM (“ConPerMon”): block for permanent monitoring of the control quality
The outputs operating mode, setpoint, actual and manipulated value of the
controller are interconnected with the CPM block.
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Sheet 5 contains the following communication blocks for transfer and receiving of
control commands (valve process tag):
to_Valve (“ComStruIn”): the communication block forms a structure from the
manipulated value (MV) of the PID controller and the interlock output (Out) for
the transfer to a valve process tag.
from_Valve (“ComStruOu”): the communication block contains the signals,
relevant for the interlock (Intlock block), from the channel block (Rbk) of the
valve process tag.
Sheet 6 contains the following communication blocks for transfer and receiving of
control commands (controller process tag of the main component):
to_Master (“ComStruIn”): the communication block forms a structure from the
outputs (setpoint value, block “Out of order” message , message for cascade
connection, process value) of the PID controller, of the SCF block (invalid
process value, scaling of the process value) of the channel block (PV) for the
transfer to controller process tag for further components.
from_Master (“ComStruOu”): from the controller process tag of the main
component, the communication block contains the signals, relevant for the
interlocking, of the CSF block as well as the setpoint value of the PID
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimAn”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
PV (“Pcs7AnIn”): channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
Sqrt (“SwSqrt”): linearization block (block description in the appendix)
Simulation block “SimAn” is interconnected with channel block “Pcs7AnIn”. The
default process value is “0”. A linearization of the process value is not performed
(Mode = 0 in the Sqrt block).
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block PV (“Pcs7AnIn”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value (e.g. positioner) must be
interconnected at output “PV_Out” of channel block MV (“Pcs7AnOu”). The
simulation is deactivated by entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at
input “Sim2Act0p”.
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
The process tag type "CTRL_MPC4Valve" is used for fixed value control
operations, whereby the controlled variable is influenced by one or several
disturbance variables.
An example for multi-variable control with one control variable is the regulation of
the pH value.
The figure below shows the structure of the controller process tag.
Figure 4-8
Subchart „A“ Subchart „B“
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
MPC ("ModPreCon"): Model-based predictive controller (multi-variable
CV_Bad ("Or04"): Creates an OR output signal of the channel blocks’
hardware errors in the display and valve process tag at the MPC input.
CV_Oos ("Or04"): Creates an OR output signal from the channel blocks'
"OosAct" message (field device in maintenance mode) in the display and valve
process tag at the MPC input.
MV1_TrkOn ("Or04"): Forced manipulated variable (MV1) for the MPC
controller after hardware error (CV_Bad).
MV1_Scale ("StruScIn"): Allocates the manipulated variable scaling to
MV1HiLim, MV1LoLim, MV1ManHiLim and MV1ManLoLim.
AutoExcitation ("AutoExci"): Process excitation signals for the predictive MPC
controller (only during commissioning of the controller).
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim ("SimAn"): Simulation block (see block description in the appendix)
PV ("Pcs7AnIn"): Channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
Sqrt ("SwSqrt"): Linearization block (see block description in the appendix)
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Note If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at the
input "PV_In" of the PV channel block ("Pcs7AnIn"). The simulation is
deactivated by entering the value "0" at the input "Sim1Act0p" of the simulation
block "SimAn".
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
The process tag type "CTRL_MPC" is used, among others, for fixed value and
cascade control. In contrast to "CTRL__Std", however, the multi-variable controller
manages up to four interlinked manipulated and controlled variables. The process
tag type in the example below is laid out for up to 3 control variables and, if
required, one further measurable disturbance variable can be acquired.
Note For further information and notes on the model-based predictive controller for
more than one measurable disturbance variable, please refer to the document
"SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 PCS 7 Advanced Process Library
V8.0" under the entry ID: 57265842.
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
MPC ("ModPreCon"): Multi-variable controller
CV_Bad ("Or04"): Creates an OR output signal of the channel blocks’
hardware errors in the display process tags "CV" at the MPC input.
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Note When applying the operating point optimization function, the control variable is
not assigned to an exact setpoint (e. g. SP1) but to a tolerance range. The
associated actual value (CV1) may vary within this tolerance. This definition of a
tolerance range makes the controller more flexible and effective, since the
process needs not be continuously adjusted to a fixed value.
Connector ("ConnMPC"): Block for SFC connection (not included in the APL or
standard library), disturbance variable detection "DV1" and transmission of the
manipulated value to the controller process tags "MV1" to "MV3".
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
from_CTRL_2 ("ComStruOu"): Receipt of control commands from the
subordinate PID controller process tags for the MPC controller parameters
("MV2ManHiLim", "MV2ManLoLim" and "MV2Trk") and the block
from_CTRL_3 ("ComStruOu"): Receipt of control commands from the
subordinate PID controller process tags for the MPC controller parameters
("MV3ManHiLim", "MV3ManLoLim" and "MV3Trk") and the block
Note The "ComStruOu" blocks help to reduce the amount of configuration work to be
carried out, i.e. only the following connections are to be configured for each PID
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.2 “CTRL” controller
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim ("SimAn"): Simulation block (see block description in the appendix)
PV1 ("Pcs7AnIn"): Channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
PV1_Scale (“StruScIn“): Scale of the process value for scaling the MPC
Sqrt1 ("SwSqrt"): Linearization block (see block description in the appendix)
The simulation block "SimAn" is interconnected with the "Pcs7AnIn" channel blocks
PV1 to PV3. No linearization of the process value in the "SwSqrt" block (Mode = 0).
Note If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at the
input "PV_In" of the relevant PV channel block ("Pcs7AnIn"). Simulation can be
deactivated by entering the value "0" at the input "Sim1Act0p" of the simulation
block "SimAn".
PV2 ("Pcs7AnIn"): Channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
PV2_Scale (“StruScIn“): Scale of the process value for scaling the MPC
Sqrt2 ("SwSqrt"): Linearization block (see block description in the appendix)
Sheet 3 contains the following blocks:
PV3 ("Pcs7AnIn"): Channel block for the signal processing of an analog input
value (CV1)
PV3_Scale (“StruScIn“): Scale of the process value for scaling the MPC
Sqrt3 ("SwSqrt"): Linearization block (see block description in the appendix)
Equipment Modules
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4 Control Module
4.3 “AMON” measured value display
Process tag type “AMON__Std” is used for monitoring and measured value display
of linear signals.
Examples for measured value display are:
Display of a filling level
Display of a pressure
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
The figure below shows the structure of the process tag for measured value
Figure 4-10
Subchart „A“ Subchart „B“
Sheet 1 Sheet 1
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following block:
I (“MonAnL”): block for operator control and monitoring of an analog measured
The MonAnL block is used for operator control and monitoring of the analog
process tag (PV channel block in subchart “B”, sheet 1). Monitoring the tolerance,
warning and alarm limits is switched visible in the properties of the block. The limit
values are entered at the block inputs. In the case of limit violations, or if the
inclination of the signal does not correspond to the requirements, messages are
generated and output.
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimAn”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
PV (“Pcs7AnIn”): channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
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4 Control Module
4.3 “AMON” measured value display
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block PV (“Pcs7AnIn”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
Process tag type “AMON__Flow” is used for monitoring and measured value
display of signals, which require linearization, e.g. flow measurement (restrictor
measurement). For non-linear signals, a square root correction can be performed.
Examples for measured value display are:
Display of a flow rate
The figure below shows the structure of the process tag for measured value
Figure 4-11
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Sheet 1 Sheet 1
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following block:
I (“MonAnL”): block for operator control and monitoring of an analog measured
The MonAnL block is used for operator control and monitoring of the analog
process tag (PV channel block in subchart “B”, sheet 1). Monitoring the tolerance,
warning and alarm limits is switched visible in the properties of the block. The limit
values are entered at the block inputs. In the case of limit violations or if the
inclination of the signal does not correspond to the requirements, messages are
generated and output.
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimAn”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
PV (“Pcs7AnIn”): channel block for signal processing of an analog input value
Sqrt (“SwSqrt”): linearization block (block description in the appendix)
Simulation block “SimAn” is interconnected with channel block “Pcs7AnIn”. The
default process value is “0”. A linearization of the process value is not performed
(Mode = 0 in the Sqrt block).
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4 Control Module
4.3 “AMON” measured value display
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block PV (“Pcs7AnIn”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
Process tag type “AMON__Connect” is used for monitoring and measured value
display of linear signals. The process tag contains no channel blocks and is used
for measured value display of the multi-variable controller.
The figure below shows the structure of the process tag for measured value
Figure 4-12
Subchart „A“
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Sheet 1 Sheet 4
Sheet 2 Sheet 5
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following block:
I (“MonAnL”): block for operator control and monitoring of an analog measured
Monitoring the tolerance, warning and alarm limits is switched visible in the
properties of the block. The limit values are entered at the block inputs. In the case
of limit violations or if the inclination of the signal does not correspond to the
requirements, messages are generated and output.
NOTE For using the maintenance release, the output “MS_Release” of the display block
must be interconnected additionally at input “MS_Release” of the channel block.
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4 Control Module
4.4 “Val_An” valve
The process tag type is used for controlling an analog valve with feedback signal.
The control signal can be formed via a ramp function.
The block forms the manipulated value difference from the difference between the
control signal and the recorded manipulated value feedback. In this way, it is able
to monitor the compliance with an upper and lower limit value.
Examples for the valve process tag are:
Controlling and monitoring a flow volume (solids, liquids and gases)
Controlling and monitoring a flow volume with adjustable rest position
The figure below shows the structure of a valve process tag.
Figure 4-13
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Figure 4-14
Sheet 3 Sheet 6
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4 Control Module
4.4 “Val_An” valve
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following block:
V (“VlvAnL”): valve block for controlling an analog control valve and positioner
The valve block contains the external manipulated value from a controller process
tag via a communication block (from_CTRL in subchart “A”, sheet 6) and controls
the MV channel block (subchart “B”, sheet 2). The feedback from the control signal
is given by channel block Rbk (subchart “B”, sheet 1).
NOTE The lower (MV_LoLim = “0”) and upper (MV_HiLim= “100”) limit value for limited
output of the manipulated value is preconfigured. If a limited manipulated value is
required, you interconnect the MV_ExtOut output.
Protect (“Intlk08”): protective interlock, which after the active signal is going
(“0”) requires a reset of the valve block
BypassAct (“Or04”): forming an OR output signal of the BypAct outputs of the
interlock blocks (Permit, Intlock and Protect). When bypass is active (“1”) the
valve block outputs a configurable message (“bypass active”).
The interlock becomes active for an invalid process value of channel blocks Rbk
and MV.
Sheet 6 contains the following communication blocks for receiving and transfer of
control commands (controller process tag):
from_CTRL (“ComStruOu”): the communication block contains a structure
which transfers an external manipulated value and the operating mode
(automatic mode with external manipulated value) to the valve block.
to_CTRL (“ComStruIn”): the communication block forms a structure from
outputs of the channel blocks (“Process value invalid” message, “Field device
in maintenance mode”, unit and scaling of the process value and readback
process value).
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4 Control Module
4.4 “Val_An” valve
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimAn”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
Rbk (“Pcs7AnIn”): channel block for feedback of an analog input value
Simulation block “SimAn” is interconnected with channel block “Pcs7AnIn”. The
default process value is “0”. The standard value (PV_Out) of the channel block is
interconnected with the valve block for the manipulated value feedback.
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block PV (“Pcs7AnIn”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value (e.g. positioner) must be
interconnected at output “PV_Out” of channel block MV (“Pcs7AnOu”). The
simulation is deactivated by entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimAn” at
input “Sim2Act0p”.
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4 Control Module
4.5 “MOT” motor
The process tag type is used for controlling a motor with feedback signals (motor
on, maintenance, motor error, local starting and stopping).
Examples for the motor process tag are:
Controlling an agitator
Controlling a centrifugal pump with electric motor
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Figure 4-15
Subchart „A“ Subchart „B“
Sheet 1
Sheet 1 Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 2 Sheet 2
Sheet 3 Sheet 3
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4 Control Module
4.5 “MOT” motor
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
U (“MotL”): motor block for controlling a motor via control signals
Q (“CountOh”): operating time of the motor since the last reset
The motor block is configured for different application options. An operating mode
(local mode, automatic mode, manual mode and out of order) is selected via
interconnections (CFC, SFC). For controlling the motor, the “Start” reconnection of
the motor block is interconnected with the Start channel block (subchart “B”, sheet
3). The feedback for starting the motor is interconnected with the “CountOh” count
block and the FbkRunOut channel block (subchart “B”, sheet 3).
Subchart B
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
Sim (“SimDi”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
FbkRun (“Pcs7DiIn”): channel block for recording a feedback signal during
motor start
LowacFbkRun (“SwLowact”): configurable inversion of the signal (block
description in the appendix)
Simulation block “SimDi” is interconnected with all channel blocks in subchart “B”.
The LowacFbkRun block is interconnected with motor block U. LowacFbkRun
transfers the feedback for motor start from the FbkRun channel block.
For activating the simulation at the respective block inputs of the simulation block
(e.g. “Sim1Act0” and “Sim1Value” for channel driver FbkRun) value “1” is default.
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process value must be interconnected at input
“PV_In” of channel block FbkRun (“Pcs7Diln”). The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimDi” at input “Sim1Act0p”.
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4 Control Module
4.5 “MOT” motor
NOTE If no simulation is used, the real process values must be interconnected at the
“PV_In” inputs of the “Pcs7DiIn” channel blocks. The simulation is deactivated by
entering the value “0” at simulation block “SimDi” at the appropriate input, for
example, “Sim1Act0p” (for channel block Maint).
The “PV_In” input of the Start channel block is interconnected with output “Start” of
the motor block (subchart “A”, sheet 1). Additionally, the “PV_In” input of the
FbkRunOut channel block is interconnected with output “FbkRunOut” of the motor
block (subchart “A”, sheet 1).
NOTE If no simulation is used, the “PV_Out” outputs must be interconnected with the
real connections (e.g. motor starter) at the Start and FbkRunOut channel blocks.
The simulation is deactivated by entering the value “0” at simulation block
“SimDi” at inputs “Sim6Act0p” and “Sim7Act0p”.
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4 Control Module
4.5 “MOT” motor
The process tag type is used for controlling a frequency-controlled drive which
supports standard telegram types. The process tag type is based on the application
example “Configuration of Frequency Converters with the APL Channel Block
„FbDrive” under the following entry-ID: 64181993 and was expanded by additional
Sheet 3 Sheet 6
Subchart A
Sheet 1 contains the following blocks:
S (“MotSpdCL”): controllable reversible drive
On_Fbk (“Or04”): control of motor (forward/reverse)
S_ Fbk (“Or04”): feedback of active operation
Q (“CountOh”): operating time of the motor since the last reset
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4 Control Module
4.5 “MOT” motor
The outputs of the interlock blocks are interconnected with the drive block in sheet
Sheet 6 contains the following communication blocks for receiving and transfer of
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Subchart B
Sheet 2 contains the following block:
Sim (“SimDi”): simulation block (block description in the appendix)
Simulation block “SimDi” is interconnected with the technological block (drive
block) in subchart “A”.
NOTE If no simulation is used, the “Sim1ActOp” input of the simulation block must be
deactivated and the required inputs of the “FbDrive” channel block to be
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
5 Equipment Modules
This chapter contains all relevant information on each equipment module including
its specific properties. Structure and basic functionality of the used process tag
types is described in chapter 4 “Control Module”.
The following equipment modules are described below:
“Level-Control” filling level
“Split-Range-Pressure” control
“Split-Range-Temperature” control
Control of the pH value with a standard controller „pH-Control-Std“
Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller „pH-Control-MPC“
and controls these either via reducing or increasing the inflow or drainage.
The example below solves the filling level control via the drainage (drain outlet).
5.1.1 Overview
The structure is displayed in a P&I diagram below and all process tags and the
simulation of the equipment module are described.
P&I diagram
The following P&I diagram represents all components relevant for the operation,
such as aggregates, containers, etc. as symbols.
Figure 5-1
Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
Process tags
The equipment module “Level-Control” consists of 3 interconnected process tags
and one simulation chart. In the simulation chart the filling level of a container is
The following table provides an overview of the process tags of the equipment
module including the respective process tag types.
Table 5-1
Process tag Process tag type Description
LIC_Level “CTRL_Std” Filling level control of a container
LI_Level “AMON__Std“ Measured value display for the filling level of a container
YC_OutletValve “Val_An_Afb1” Control valve for the drain outlet
In the following figure the entire structure, including all interconnections across all
CFC charts, are represented in a simplified format.
Figure 5-2
LIC_Level LI_Level
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Bad PV_InUnit
OosAct Scale
to_Valve YC_OutletValve
In from_CTRL
Controller process tag “LIC_Level” detects the filling level of the container
(simulation chart “Sim_Level”) and controls it using the “YC_OutletValve” control
valve. Process tag “LI_Level” shows the process value (filling level). Additionally,
faults in the valve process tag set the controller process tag to manual mode and
are displayed at both process tags.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
Simulation “Sim_Level”
The filling level of the container is simulated in CFC chart “Sim_Level”. The graphic
representation below shows the sequence of the simulation.
Figure 5-3
1 2 3 4
4. Forming an integral value through integrating the flow rate change (each
In the “LIC_Level” process tag the filling level of the container is recorded and
transferred to the “LI_Level” process tag for measured value display. The setpoint
is specified in this process tag. In order to control the filling level, control signals
are transferred to the “YC_OutletValve” valve process tag via a communication
The “LIC_Level” controller process tag was created from the “CTRL__Std” process
tag type and expanded by two communication blocks (“to_Valve” and
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “CTRL__Std”.
Table 5-2
Block Connection Value Usage
C NegGain.Value 1 Activating the negative gain, since the
control is used for the drain outlet
C Gain.Value 2.0 Controller gain
C TI.Value 300.0 Controller delay
C SP_InHiLim 10000.0 Maximal value of the internal setpoint
Intlock InvIn02 1 Inverting the hardware error signal of
the valve process tag
Intlock InvIn03 1 Inverting the “Out of service” signal of
the valve process tag
ComStruIn Inserted as “to_Valve”, for transfer of
control signals to the valve process tag
to_Valve Out Interconnecting to the valve (control)
to_Valve ReStru1 Interconnecting the manipulated value
to the valve
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
In the “LI_Level” process tag, the measured value of the channel block of the
“LIC_Level” process tag is displayed. Limit values (alarm, warning) are not set in
the operator control and monitoring block (MonAnL), since these are defined
specifically for each process.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “AMON__Std”.
Table 5-3
Block Connection Value Usage
I PV New interconnection to the process
value of the controller process tag
I OosLi New interconnection to the “Out of
Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
The “YC_OutletValve” process tag controls the flow volume (opens the drain outlet
of the container). The process tag contains communication blocks for data
exchange (control signals and control commands) with the controller process tag.
Valve block “V” receives an external manipulated value (via a communication
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
block) from the controller process tag. Both channel blocks in subchart “B” (Rbk
and MV) receive the same value in a simulation environment (manipulated value of
the valve block (subchart “A”, sheet 1)) via the preceding simulation block.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “Val_An_Afb1”.
Table 5-4
Block Connection Value Usage
V MV Interconnecting to the simulation
V ER_AH_En 0 Switching off the alarm message for maximal
valve opening
V (invisible) 0 Switching off the alarm message for minimal
valve opening
from_CTRL In Interconnection to the controller
to_CTRL Out Interconnection to the controller
Sim Sim1ActOp.Value 1 Activating the simulation of the readback value
Sim Sim1ValueOp Interconnecting with the simulation of the
readback value from the valve
Sim Sim2ActOp.Value 1 Activating the simulation of the manipulated
Sim Sim2ValueOp Interconnecting with the simulation of the
manipulated value from the valve
Rbk PV_OutUnit Interconnecting the unit of the manipulated
value of the valve
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
Please wait 3 minutes after the start of the CPU (in the initial state) until the
container reaches the maximum filling level.
For commissioning, please follow the instructions below:
Table 5-5
No. Action
1. Click on the block icon of the “LIC_Level” controller. The respective faceplate is
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
2. Change the operating mode of the controller. In the faceplate you click on the
“…” button next to the mode switch (“Mode”) and in the faceplate extension you
click on the “Automatic” button and adopt the settings with “OK”.
3. For changing the setpoint value you click on the “Setpoint” input field and enter
the setpoint value in the faceplate expansion. Acknowledge the input with
“ENTER” and adopt the new value with “OK”.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
The following instruction describes the operation of the equipment module “Level
In the following scenario, the filling level is reduced from 10000 L auf 2000 L.
Table 5-6
No. Action
1. Click on the block icon of the “LIC_Level” controller and click into the “Setpoint”
input field.
2. In the faceplate expansion you enter the new setpoint of 2000. Then
acknowledge the input with the “Enter” key and click on the “OK” button.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Instead of the internal setpoint you can also set using an external setpoint value
in this step.
In order to illustrate the principle of operation of the filling level control, the
controller was configured so the setpoint value is reached quicker. Due to this
configuration, the filling level slightly overshoots during controlling.
Figure 5-4
Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
Instance-specific adjustments
The following tables contain the relevant parameters which must either be set or
interconnected. Chapter 6.2 “Process connection” describes the procedure for
connecting process devices.
The following table contains the parameters to be set specifically for each process.
Table 5-7
Process tag Block Connection Usage
LI_Level I PV_AH_En Alarm for exceeded limit value,
Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_AH_Lim
LI_Level I PV_WH_En Warning for exceeded limit value,
Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_WH_Lim
LI_Level I PV_WL_En Warning for falling below the limit value,
Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_WL_Lim
LI_Level I PV_AL_En Alarm for falling below the limit value,
Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_AL_Lim
LIC_Level C Gain Proportional gain
Subchart “A”
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Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
NOTE In the object properties of the message-capable blocks you can configure
instance-specific messages. An instruction for the procedure is available in the
configuration manuals “Process Control System PCS 7 Operator Station (V7.1)”
under the following entry ID: 36194551 and “SIMATIC Process Control System
PCS 7 Operator Station (V8.0)” under the entry ID: 57270173.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
setpoint, but shall remain within the permissible limits. This type of task is
referred to as "buffered level control".
For the first type of task we recommend the use of a standard structure with a PID
tuner, whereby most filling level control operations are integral action processes
(using a manipulated value). In some cases a P-controller (without I-action) is
sufficient, as it harmonizes better with the dynamics of the integrated process,
although it shows persistent control deviations in case of feed disturbances. If the
valve curve does not show a linear profile, we recommend the use of a cascade
structure with a master controller for the filling level and a slave controller for the
outlet (precondition: flow rate measurement at the outlet).
The second type of task (buffered level control) requires a different behavior which
applies to the majority of applications in practice. In this case, variations in the
inflow (feed) are compensated by means of the tank volume.
This can be realized in two different ways: Instead of continuously measuring the
filling level and adjusting it to a defined setpoint, the minimum and maximum limits
are monitored with the help of binary (e.g. capacitive) level switches. This solution
is not based on a continuous control system, but uses an event-discrete control
system, i.e. the inflow or outflow are shut-off via a binary signal from a level switch.
The second solution is based on a controller which is purposely set to a slower
speed. In the course of configuration, the maximum admissible deviation Δhmax of
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
the filling level from the setpoint (most often 50% of the tank height) and the
maximum erratic inflow disturbances dmax to be expected are defined. With regard
to persistent control errors, the gain of the P controller must be set to a value larger
than Gain=dmax/Δhmax . A PI controller can also be configured, so that the maximum
filling level adjustment in case of erratic disturbances is smaller than dmax. The
Dachema seminar on "Process control systems – from the basics to advanced
control applications" (see /2/ in section 8.1 “Further literature”) recommends to use
the following formulas:
Ti= 5.4366/Ki *Δhmax/ dmax
The integration constant Ki of the control loop in the unit [PV_Unit/s] can be
determined with the PID tuner. The integration constant is available under "Gain" in
the "Process parameter" area.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.1 “Level-Control” filling level
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
5.2 Ratio-Control
With ratio control, feedstock components or various gases are fed into a container
in a fixed mixing ratio via inlet pipes.
Ratio control consists of a controller for the main component (master controller)
and one each controller for each further additional component (slave controller).
The example below describes the control for an inflow consisting of two
5.2.1 Overview
The structure is displayed in a P&I diagram below and all process tags and the
simulation of the equipment module are described.
P&I diagram
The following P&I diagram represents all components relevant for the operation,
such as aggregates, containers, etc. as symbols.
Figure 5-6
FIC Legende
MV = Manipulated variable
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
1st inlet
Comp_1 Comp_1
2nd inlet
Process tags
The equipment module “Ratio-Control” consists of 6 interconnected process tags
and one simulation chart. The inflow total (of the components) is formed and
displayed in the simulation chart.
The following table provides an overview of the process tags of the equipment
module including the respective process tag types.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
Table 5-9
Process tag Process tag type Description
FIC_MainComp “CTRL_RatioMain” Flow control of the main component
FFIC_Comp_1 “CTRL_RatioComp” Flow control of the main additional component
FI_MainComp “AMON_Flow” Flow rate display of the main component
FI_Comp_1 “AMON_Flow” Flow rate display of the additional component
YC_MainComp “Val_An_Afb” Control valve for the main component
YC_Comp_1 “Val_An_Afb1” Control valve for the additional component
In the following figure the entire structure, including all interconnections across all
CFC charts, are represented in a simplified format.
Figure 5-7
FIC_MainComp FI_MainComp
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from_Slave V
to_Valve from_CTRL
Out In
from_Valve to_CTRL
In Out
Scale_MainComp I
In1 PV
Lag_MainComp OosLi
Bad PV_InUnit
OosAct Scale
from_Master V
to_Valve from_CTRL
Out In
from_Valve to_CTRL
In Out
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
Controller process tag “FIC_MainComp” detects the flow rate of the main
component and controls it using the “YC_MainComp” control valve. The
“FI_MainComp” process tag indicates the process value (flow rate) and the status
values of the “FIC_MainComp” process tag.
Additionally, “FIC_MainComp” transfers the own setpoint value to process tag
“FFIC_Comp_1”. “FIC_MainComp” is subsequently the master controller for
Controller process tag “FFIC_Comp_1” detects the flow rate of the additional
component and controls it using the “YC_Comp_1” control valve. The “FI_Comp_1”
process tag uses the process value (flow rate) and the status values of the
“FIC_Comp_1” process tag.
The setpoint value contains “FFIC_Comp_1” from the “FIC_MainComp” process
tag, so “FFIC_Comp_1” is the slave controller.
Master controller “FIC_MainComp” receives information about hardware state and
operating state (“Out of service”) from the respective process tag “YC_MainComp”
and slave controller “FFIC_Comp_1”. Furthermore, the slave controller transfers
additional information, whether the cascade was separated or whether the slave
controller follows the master controller as intended. As soon as a hardware error or
the operating state “Out of service” occurs, or the cascade was separated for other
reasons, the “Interlock“ is triggered and master and slave controller go to tracking
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Simulation „Sim_CompFlow“
In CFC chart “Sim_CompFlow” the flow rate of the main component and the
additional components are simulated and the entire flow volume is calculated.
Additionally, the flow volume is indicated on the basis of process tag type
The graphic representation below shows the sequence of the simulation.
Figure 5-8
1 2 5
3 4
1. Calculating the flow rate for the main component (100 % opened valve
corresponds to an inflow of 2000 l/h)
2. Delaying the flow rate change (PT1 behavior with 5 seconds delay)
3. Calculating the flow rate for the additional component (100 % opened valve
corresponds to an inflow of 500 l/h)
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
4. Delaying the flow rate change (PT1 behavior with 2 seconds delay)
5. Determining the entire flow volume (addition)
Inputs “In1” of the selected blocks 1 and 3 receive their manipulated values from
the “I” valve blocks of the “YC_MainComp” and “YC_Comp_1” process tags.
Outputs “Out” of the selected blocks 2 and 4 are interconnected with the process
tag for process value display and the controller process tags of the respective
Process tag “FIC_MainComp” records the flow rate of the main component and
transfers it to the “FI_MainComp” process tag for measured value display. In order
to control the flow rate, control signals are transferred to the “YC_MainComp”
process tag via a communication block.
The setpoint value is transferred to the controller process tag(s) of the additional
component(s). Due to using the setpoint value instead of the manipulated value,
the controller structure does not correspond to a typical cascade control.
NOTE In communication block “to_Slave” the process value and the manipulated value
are transferred in addition to the setpoint value. The control result depends on
the reaction times of the main component and the additional component. In the
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Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
Process tag “FIC_Comp_1” records the flow rate of the additional component and
transfers it to the “FI_Comp_1” process tag for measured value display. In order to
control the flow rate, control signals are transferred to the “YC_Comp_1” process
tag via a communication block.
In automatic mode, the “FFIC_Comp_1” process tag uses the setpoint value from
master controller “FIC_MainComp”, which is converted, i.e. multiplied with a
defined ratio factor, to a setpoint value for the added component using a ratio
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from
Table 5-11
Block Connection Value Usage
C Gain.Value 0.25 Controller gain
C TI.Value 2.2 Controller delay
C SP_InHiLim 500.0 Maximal value of the internal setpoint
to_Valve Out Interconnection to the valve (controlling)
from_Valve In Interconnecting to the valve (status)
to_Master Out Interconnection to the master
from_Master In Interconnection to the master (controlling)
Sim Sim1ValueOp Interconnecting to the simulated process value
PV PV_OutUnit Interconnecting the unit from the process
value to the process tag for the process value
PV ScaleOut Interconnecting the scaling from the process
value to the process tag for the process value
PV OosAct Interconnecting the “Out of service” signal
from the process tag for the process value
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
In the “LI_MainComp” process tag the measured value of the channel block of the
“LIC_MainComp” process tag is displayed. Limit values (alarm, warning) are not
set in the operator control and monitoring block (MonAnL), since these are defined
specifically for each process.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “AMON__Flow”.
Table 5-12
Block Connection Value Usage
I PV New interconnection to the process value of the controller
process tag
New interconnection to the “Out of service” signal of the
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
I OosLi
channel block of the controller process tag
(FIC_MainComp \PV.OosAct)
I CSF New interconnection to the “Bad” signal of the channel
block of the controller process tag
PV Scale Interconnection to the scaling of the process value
PV PV_InUnit Interconnection to the unit of the process value
In the “LI_Comp_1” process tag the measured value of the channel block of the
“LIC_Comp_1” process tag is displayed. Limit values (alarm, warning) are not set
in the operator control and monitoring block (MonAnL), since these are defined
specifically for each process.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “AMON__Flow”.
Table 5-13
Block Connection Value Usage
I PV New interconnection to the process value of the
controller process tag
I OosLi New interconnection to the “Out of service” signal of the
channel block of the controller process tag
I CSF New interconnection to the “Bad” signal of the channel
block of the controller process tag
PV Scale Interconnection to the scaling of the process value
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
Valve process tag “YC_MainComp” controls the flow rate of the main component.
The process tag contains communication blocks for data exchange (control signals
and control commands) with the controller process tag.
Valve block “V” receives an external manipulated value (via a communication
block) from the controller process tag. Both channel blocks in subchart “B” (Rbk
and MV) receive the same value as the process value (manipulated value of the
valve block (subchart “A”, sheet 1)) via the preceding simulation block.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “Val_An_Afb1”.
Table 5-14
Block Connection Value Usage
V MV Interconnecting to the simulation
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Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
Valve process tag “YC_Comp_1” controls the flow rate of the additional
component. The process tag contains communication blocks for data exchange
(control signals and control commands) with the controller process tag.
Valve block “V” receives an external manipulated value (via a communication
block) from the controller process tag. Both channel blocks in subchart “B” (Rbk
and MV) receive the same value (manipulated value of the valve block (subchart
“A”, sheet 1)) via the preceding simulation block.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “Val_An_Afb1”.
Table 5-15
Block Connection Value Usage
V MV Interconnecting to the simulation
from_CTRL In Interconnection to the controller
to_CTRL Int1 Interconnection deleted
to_CTRL Scale1 Interconnection deleted
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
After starting the CPU (in the initial state) both controllers and the valve for the
main component are in manual mode. The valve for the additional component is in
automatic mode.
Due to the manual controller mode for additional component “FFIC_Comp_1” the
controller for main component “FIC_MainComp” is locked (Interlock function).
Therefore, the automatic mode of the main controller and the external setpoint
value cannot be activated.
For commissioning, please follow the instructions below:
Table 5-16
No. Action
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1. Click on the block icon for ratio block “FFIC_Comp_1/Ratio” to set the ratio
between additional and main component.
2. Click on the “Ratio” input field and enter the ratio 0.25 in the faceplate extension.
Acknowledge the input with the “ENTER” key and click on the “OK” button.
3. Click on the block icon of the “FFIC_Comp_1/C” controller. The respective
faceplate is opened.
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5.2 Ratio-Control
No. Action
4. Change the operating mode of the controller. In the faceplate you click on the
“…” button next to the “Mode” switch, and in the faceplate extension you click on
the “Automatic” button and adopt the settings with “OK”. The setpoint is
automatically specified from external.
Fur further additional components repeat steps 1 4 for each component.
5. Click on the block icon of the controller for main component “FIC_MainComp”.
The respective faceplate is opened.
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6. Change the operating mode of the controller. In the faceplate you click on the
“…” button next to the mode switch (“Mode”) and in the faceplate extension you
click on the “Automatic” button and adopt the settings with “OK”.
7. For changing the setpoint value you click on the “Setpoint” input field and enter a
setpoint value of 1000 l/h in the faceplate expansion. Acknowledge the input with
the “ENTER” key and click on the “OK” button.
Instead of the internal setpoint you can also set using an external setpoint value
in this step.
NOTE At the “Ratio” block the most current actual value of the ratio is displayed, which
is used for controlling the slave controllers.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
The following instruction describes the operation of the equipment module “Ratio
Control”. After the startup and the adjustment of values, the flow rate of the main
component is 1000 l/h and the additional component 250 l/h (the ratio between
additional and main component is 0.25).
In the scenario below, the flow rate of the main component is increased from 1000
l/h to 1500 l/h.
Table 5-17
No. Action
1. Click on the block icon of the “FIC_MainComp” controller and click into the
“Setpoint” input field.
2. In the faceplate expansion you enter the new setpoint of 1500 l/h. Then
acknowledge the input with the “Enter” key and click on the “OK” button.
3. Wait approximately 50 seconds and then click on the “Start/Stop” symbol of the
4. In the toolbar of the OnlineTrendControl you click on the “ruler” icon and reduce
the ruler to the smallest value with the largest deviation, as displayed in the
evaluation below.
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The “OnlineTrendControl” embedded in the process image is set to maximum
value range. After a ratio change the value range of the additional component
automatically adjusts.
Figure 5-9
Due to the different reaction times of the controller, the ratio is temporarily 29%
(0.29). In comparison to the set ratio value of 25% (0.25) a short-term deviation of
4% occurs before the correct ratio is reached in the steady-state.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
The controller design for slave controller “FFIC_Comp_1” can in this case not be
improved by means of PID controller optimization, since the objective of the
controller design is optimal tracking of the additional component.
NOTE The online help offers further information and configuration notes on process tag
type “RatioControl”. The process tag type is available in the “PCS 7 Advanced
Process Library”.
The reaction time from OnlineTrendControl leads to the following considerations for
the controller design, in order to adjust the transient response of master and slave
control loop as much as possible:
The relatively large deviation at the start of the control indicates an exceedingly
high gain of the slave controller, i.e. the actual value of the slave controller
increases faster than the actual value of the master controller.
The relatively slow reaching of the final value of the setpoint step-change
indicates an exceedingly large integral time of the master controller, i.e. the
master controller settles slower than the slave controller.
A change in controller gain of slave controller “FFIC_Comp_1” from 0.25 to 0.1
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
and, at the same time, a change in the integral time of master controller
“FIC_MainComp” from 4.1 to 2 yields the following result for the same setpoint
Figure 5-10
Due to the different reaction times of the controller, the ratio is 26.7% (0.29) after
optimization. In comparison to the set ratio value of 25% (0.25) a short-term
deviation of 1.7% occurs.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
Process adjustment
The following tables contain the relevant parameters which must either be set or
interconnected. Chapter 6.2 “Process connection” describes the procedure for
connecting process devices.
The following table contains the parameters to be set specifically for each process.
Table 5-18
Process tag Block Connection Usage
FI_MainComp / I PV_AH_En Alarm for exceeded limit value,
FI_Comp_1 Subchart if PV ≥ PV_AH_Lim
FI_MainComp / I PV_WH_En Warning for exceeded limit value,
FI_Comp_1 Subchart if PV ≥ PV_WH_Lim
FI_MainComp / I PV_WL_En Warning for falling below the limit
FI_Comp_1 Subchart value, if PV ≥ PV_WL_Lim
FI_MainComp / I PV_AL_En Alarm for falling below the limit value,
FI_Comp_1 Subchart if PV ≥ PV_AL_Lim
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5.2 Ratio-Control
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
NOTE In the object properties of the message-capable blocks you can configure
instance-specific messages. An instruction for the procedure is available in the
configuration manuals “Process Control System PCS 7 Operator Station (V7.1)”
under the following entry ID: 36194551 and “SIMATIC Process Control System
PCS 7 Operator Station (V8.0)” under the entry ID: 57270173.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
General information
The “Ratio-Control” equipment module is designed for usage of one main
component and 2 additional components. The number of additional components is
limited by the interlock block or its number of interlock inputs respectively.
NOTE You can expand the “Ratio-Control” equipment module by more than 2 additional
substances using the following options.
1. Combine the signals of the communication blocks (from_Slave) with OR blocks. This
interconnects 1 valve and 7 additional components with an interlock block.
inaccurate error display, i.e. no differentiation between errors in cascade control, “Out
of service” signal of the controller block, and “Bad” status of the controller channel
2. Duplicate the existing interlock block and combine both outputs of the interlock blocks
(“Out”) with an OR block. For interconnecting (“Out” output) the OR blockyou use the
interconnection (“Out” output) of the existing interlock block. You can call up the
faceplate of the first interlock block from the faceplate of the controller. The faceplate
of the second interlock block is opened via its block symbol in the process image.
Replace the existing interlock block containing 8 input signals (“Intlk08”) by an
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
interlock block containing 16 input signals (“Intlk16”). Adopt all interconnections of the
previous interlock block.
If various additional components are measured in different units, the conversion
factor in the ratio block also handles the unit conversion.
NOTE For different units the further unit of measure must be configured at the
additional component and the setpoint value converted, e.g. with a multiplier
Additionally, clear labeling is recommended for a joint display of the trend curve.
If different manipulated ranges are required for sub-control loops of a ratio control,
the respective interconnections must be deleted and configured for the respective
sub-control loop.
NOTE Instructions on configuration and parameter settings are available in the function
manuals “SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7, PCS 7 Advanced Process
Library V7.1 SP5” at entry ID: 48034370 and “SIMATIC Process Control System
PCS 7 PCS 7 Advanced Process Library V8.0” at entry ID: 57265842.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
To expand the equipment module by one further additional component, please
proceed according to the following instruction:
1. Copy process tags “FI_Comp_1”, “FFIC_Comp_1” and “YC_Comp_1” all at the
same time. Paste the copied process tags back into the same hierarchy folder.
Rename the process tags accordingly (the process tags are referred to as
“FI_Comp_2”, “FFIC_Comp_2” and “YC_Comp_2” below).
NOTE When copying the process tags at the same time (select process tag and then
clock on “Edit > Copy” in the menu bar) the connections between the selected
process tags remain.
NOTE The “to_Slave” block is not duplicated, since all slave controllers receive the
same data from the master controller.
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Table 5-20
Block Connection Usage
to_Master Out Interconnection to the master
from_Master In Interconnection to the master (controlling)
Table 5-21
Block Connection Usage
from_Slave_2 BoStruct1 Interconnection to the interlock block
from_Slave_2 BoStruct2 Interconnection to the interlock block
from_Slave_2 BoStruct3 Interconnection to the interlock block
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5 Equipment Modules
5.2 Ratio-Control
Table 5-22
Block Connection Usage
Sim Sim1ValueOp Interconnecting to the simulation chart
Table 5-23
Block Connection Usage
V MV Interconnecting to the simulation chart
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
5.3.1 Overview
The structure is displayed in a P&I diagram below and all process tags and the
simulation of the equipment module are described.
P&I diagram
The following P&I diagram represents all components relevant for the operation,
such as aggregates, containers, etc. as symbols.
Figure 5-11
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Split In
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
Process tags
The equipment module “Split-Range-Pressure” consists of 4 interconnected
process tags and one simulation chart. In the simulation chart a container pressure
and the impact of feeding inert gas as well as venting are simulated.
The following table provides an overview of the process tags of the equipment
module including the respective process tag types.
Table 5-24
Process Process tag type Description
PIC_Split “CTRL_Splitrange” Controller for split-range control with a manipulated
variable and two actuators
PI_Tank “AMON__Std“ Measured value display of the container pressure
YC_In “Val_An_Afb1” Manipulated variable for feeding inert gasses
YC_Out “Val_An_Afb1” Control valve for venting
In the following figure the entire structure, including all interconnections across all
CFC charts, are represented in a simplified format.
Figure 5-12
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PIC_Split PI_Tank
Bad Scale
Sim_PresLevel to_Val_An1 MV
In Out
from_Val_An1 In
Out In
In1 Out
PresLevel Out
from_Val_An2 V
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
The “PIC_Split” process tag uses the simulated container pressure from simulation
chart “Sim_PresLevel” and generates the setpoint specification for the split-range
controller. The PID controller transfers the control commands via communication
blocks “to_Val_An1” and “to_Val_An2” to the “YC_In” and “YC_Out” control valves.
Additionally, the controller process tag receives status information from the channel
drivers of the valve process tag via the “from_Val_An1” and “from_Val_An2”
communication blocks.
Simulation “Sim_PresLevel”
In CFC chart “Sim_PresLevel” the pressure change in the container is simulated
by inerting or venting.
The graphic representation below shows the sequence of the simulation.
Figure 5-13
1 2 3
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In the “PIC_Split” process tag the container pressure is recorded and transferred to
the “PI_Tank” process tag for measured value display. The setpoint is specified in
this process tag (“PIC_Split”). In order to control the container pressure, control
signals are transferred to the “YC_In” and “YC_Out” control valves via
communication blocks.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from
Table 5-25
Block Connection Value Usage
C NegGain.Value 1 Reversing the response behavior for the
valve (valve 1 opens for negative instead
of positive error signal)
C Gain.Value 8.0 Controller gain
C TI.Value 75.0 Controller delay
C SP_InHiLim 10.0 Maximal value of the internal setpoint
C ManLoLim -100.0 Limit value (low) of the manual value
C CPI_In Interconnection for opening the
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5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
In the “PI_Tank” process tag the measured value of the channel block of the
“PIC_Split” process tag is displayed. Limit values (alarm, warning) are not set in the
operator control and monitoring block (MonAnL), since these are defined
specifically for each process.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “AMON__Std”.
Table 5-26
Block Connection Value Usage
I PV New interconnection to the process value
of the controller process tag
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
I OosLi New interconnection to the “Out of service”
signal of the channel block of the controller
process tag
I CSF New interconnection to the “Bad” signal of
the channel block of the controller process
PV Scale Interconnecting the scaling of the
manipulated value
PV PV_InUnit Interconnecting the unit of the process
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5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
Table 5-27
Block Connection Value Usage
V MV Interconnection for the
(YC_In) simulation
(YC_Out) (Sim_SplitLevel\In.In1)
V NoFbkOpen 1 Feedback “Valve open”
V NoFbkClose 1 Feedback “Valve closed”
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
from_CTRL In Interconnection to the
(YC_In) controller
(YC_Out) (PIC_Split\to_Val_An1.Out)
to_CTRL Out Interconnection to the
(YC_In) controller
(YC_Out) (PIC_Split\from_Val_An1.In)
Sim Sim1ActOp.Value 1 Activating the simulation of
the readback value
Sim Sim2ActOp.Value 1 Activating the simulation of
the manipulated value
Sim Sim1ValueOp Simulation of the readback
value from the valve
Sim Sim2ValueOp (Interconnected with V.MV)
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
For commissioning, please follow the instructions below:
Table 5-28
No. Action
1. Click on the block icon of the “PIC_Split” controller. The respective faceplate is
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
2. Click on the “Setpoint” input field and enter value “1” into the input field of the
faceplate expansion. Then acknowledge the input with the “Enter” key and click
on the “OK” button.
Instead of the internal setpoint you can also set using an external setpoint value
in this step.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
The following instruction describes the operation of the equipment module “Split-
Range-Pressure”. After startup the setpoint value is 1 bar. To balance the pressure
loss of the container, the valve for venting must be 10 % open.
In the following scenario the setpoint value is increased from 1°bar to 3°bar.
Table 5-29
No. Action
1. Click on the block icon of the “PIC_Split” controller. The respective faceplate is
2. Click on the “Setpoint” input field and enter value “3” into the input field of the
faceplate expansion. Then acknowledge the input with the “Enter” key and click
on the “OK” button.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
3. Then close the faceplate and observe the curve plotter for approx. 2 minutes,
until the setpoint has been reached.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
Figure 5-14
1 2
1. After the setpoint jump the manipulated value is set to 100 which opens the
pressure feed valve
2. After the process value exceeds the setpoint, the pressure feed valve is closed
and the venting valve is opened
3. After reaching the setpoint, the pressure feed valve is approx. 10% open,
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Instance-specific adjustments
The following tables contain the relevant parameters which must either be set or
interconnected. Chapter 6.2 “Process connection” describes the procedure for
connecting process devices.
The following table contains the parameters to be set specifically for each process.
Table 5-30
Process Block Connection Usage
PI_Tank I PV_AH_En Alarm for exceeded limit value,
Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_AH_Lim
PI_Tank I PV_WH_En Warning for exceeded limit value,
Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_WH_Lim
PI_Tank I PV_WL_En Warning for falling below the limit value, if
Subchart “A” PV ≥ PV_WL_Lim
PI_Tank I PV_AL_En Alarm for falling below the limit value,
Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_AL_Lim
PIC_Split C Gain Proportional gain
Subchart “A”
PIC_Split C TD Derivative time (rate time) in [s]
Subchart “A”
PIC_Split C TI Integral time (reset time) in [s]
Subchart “A”
PIC_Split C SP_InHiLim Limit value (high) of the internal
Subchart “A” setpoint value
PIC_Split C SP_InLoLim Limit value (low) of the internal
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5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
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5 Equipment Modules
5.3 “Split-Range-Pressure” control
NOTE In the object properties of the message-capable blocks you can configure
instance-specific messages. An instruction for the procedure is available in the
configuration manuals “Process Control System PCS 7 Operator Station (V7.1)”
under the following entry ID: 36194551 and “SIMATIC Process Control System
PCS 7 Operator Station (V8.0)” under the entry ID: 57270173.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
5.4.1 Overview
The structure is displayed in a P&I diagram below and all process tags and the
simulation of the equipment module are described.
P&I diagram
The following P&I diagram represents all components relevant for the operation,
such as aggregates, containers, etc. as symbols. This is a cascade control with
split-range function at the slave controller.
Figure 5-15
Split Heat
1st inlet
2nd inlet
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
Process tags
The equipment module “Split-Range-Temperature” consists of 7 interconnected
process tags and one simulation chart. In the simulation chart an internal container
temperature (component mixture), temperature of a heat exchanger and the impact
through temperature changes (heating steam and cooling water) is simulated.
The following table provides an overview of the process tags of the equipment
module including the respective process tag types.
Table 5-32
Process tag Process tag type Description
TIC_Split “CTRL_Splitrange” Slave controller for split-range control
with a manipulated variable and two
TIC_Temp “CTRL_Std” Master controller for controlling the
TI_Tank “AMON__Std” Measured value display of the internal
container temperature (product)
TI_HeatExchanger “AMON__Flow” Measured value display of the
temperature of the heat exchanger
YC_Heat “Val_An_Afb1” Control valve for the first manipulated
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
YC_Cool “Val_An_Afb1” Control valve for the second
manipulated variable
NS_PumpMixture “MOT_1sp_1fb_1cm__Std” Pump (e.g. stream pump) for
continuous circulation of the container
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
In the following figure the entire structure, including all interconnections across all
CFC charts, are represented in a simplified format.
Figure 5-16
TIC_Temp TI_Tank
Bad PV_InUnit NS_PumpMixture
OosAct Scale
TIC_Split TI_HeatExchanger
Sim I
Sim1ValueOp PV
PV OosLi
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Bad PV_InUnit
OosAct Scale
to_Val_An1 from_CTRL
Out In
Out YC_Cool
from_Val_An2 In
to_Master Out
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
The “TIC_Temp” process tag uses the simulated container temperature from
simulation chart “Sim_TempLevel” and generates the setpoint specification for the
split-range controller. This configures the desired temperature curve in the
“TIC_Temp” process tag. The “TI_Tank” process tag indicates the process value
and the status values of the “TIC_Temp” process tag.
The “TIC_Split” process tag receives the specified setpoint from the master
controller and controls the simulated temperature of a heat exchanger, which
transfers heat to the inside of the container. The “TI_HeatExchanger” process tag
indicates the process value and the status values of the “TIC_Split” process tag.
The split-range control is handled via the “TIC_Split” controller process tag. The
PID controller transfers the control commands via communication blocks
“to_Val_An1” and “to_Val_An2” to the “YC_Heat” and “YC_Cool” control valves.
Additionally, the controller process tag receives status information from the channel
drivers of the valve process tag via the “from_Val_An1” and “from_Val_An2”
communication blocks.
“Sim_TempLevel” simulation
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Figure 5-17
1 2
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
NOTE The simulation behavior does not correspond to a real process and is used for
displaying the functionality and principle of operation of the equipment module
“Split Range Temperature”. The “SIMU_AI” shows integrated behavior with an
equally strong heating and cooling effect. For real heat exchangers a
temperature loss and different behavior during heating (e.g. steam) and cooling
(e.g. river water) must be expected.
In the “TIC_Temp” process tag the inside container pressure (product temperature)
is recorded and transferred to the “TI_Temp” process tag for measured value
display. The setpoint is specified in the “TIC_Temp” process tag, which transfers
the setpoint value to the slave controller (“TIC_Split” process tag) as external
setpoint value. This makes the “TIC_Temp” process tag the master controller of the
cascade control.
The “TIC_Temp” process tag is an instance of process tag type “CTRL__Std” and
contains two additional communication blocks (“to_Slave” and “from_Slave_1”).
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “CTRL__Std”.
Table 5-33
Block Connection Value Usage
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
Sim Sim2ActOp.Value 1
PV PV_Out Interconnecting the process value to the
measured value display
PV ScaleOut Interconnecting the process value scaling
to the measured value display
PV Bad Interconnecting the “Bad” status for the
measured value display
PV OosAct Interconnection from the “Out of service”
signal to the process value display
PV PV_InUnit 1001 Unit of the process value in degree
In the “TIC_Split” process tag the temperature of the heat exchanger is recorded
and transferred to the “TI_HeatExchanger” process tag for measured value display.
The “TIC_Split” process tag controls both control values “YC_Heat” and “YC_Cool”
via communication blocks. The setpoint specification receives the “TIC_Split”
process tag from the “TIC_Temp” process tag. “TIC_Split” is the slave controller of
the cascade control. The manipulated value is transferred by the “TIC_Temp”
process tag as external setpoint value and is used as simulation value.
“TIC_Split” is an instance from process tag type “CTRL__Splitrange” and contains
two additional communication blocks (“to_Master” and “from_Master”). In order for
the controller and the valves to use the same manipulated valuable unit (%), the
interconnection from_Master.Int1 and C.MV_Unit was deleted.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from CTRL_Splitrange”.
Table 5-34
Block Connection Value Usage
C Gain.Value 3.5 Controller gain
C NormMV.High 100 Manipulated value area
NormMV.Low -100
C DeadBand 0.2 Width of the dead band
C ManLoLim -100.0 Lower limit for manual operation
C CPI_In Interconnection for opening the
ConPerMon faceplate from the faceplate
C RefStdDevIn Interconnection for opening the
ConPerMon faceplate from the faceplate
C MV_OpScale.Hig 100 (TIC_Split\CPM.RefStdDev)
h -100
CPM RefVariance 0.0
Connector SP_LiOp.Value 1 Setpoint value via interconnection as start
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Connector SP_ExtLi.Value 1 Using the external setpoint as start value
Connector SP_Ext.Value (TIC_Split\from_Master.ReStru1)
Connector AutModLi.Value 1 Activating the automatic mode
Splitrange Out1 Interconnection for the cooling simulation
Splitrange Out2 Interconnection for the heating simulation
Splitrange Out1Act Interconnection for the cooling simulation
Splitrange Out2Act Interconnection for the heating simulation
from_Val_An1 In Status of the valve for heating steam
from_Val_An2 In Status of the valve for cooling water
to_Val_An1 Out Control commands of the valve for heating
to_Val_An2 Out Control commands of the valve for cooling
ComStruIn Reinserted as “to_Master”, for transferring
control signals
to_Master BoStru1 (TIC_Split\C.CascaCut)
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
In the “TI_Tank” process tag the measured value of the channel block of the
“TIC_Temp” process tag is displayed. Limit values (alarm, warning) are not set in
the operator control and monitoring block (MonAnL), since these are defined
specifically for each process.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “AMON__Std”.
Table 5-35
Block Connection Value Usage
I PV New interconnection to the channel block of the
controller process tag
I OosLi New interconnection to the “Out of service”
signal of the channel block of the controller
process tag
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
In the “TI_HeatExchanger” process tag the measured value of the channel block of
the “TIC_Split” process tag is displayed. Limit values (alarm, warning) are not set in
the operator control and monitoring block (MonAnL), since these are defined
specifically for each process.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from “AMON__Flow”.
Table 5-36
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
The Motor process tag has been designed for universal application and is
controlled via an SFC interconnection or by an operator. In the equipment module
the operator starts the pump during startup.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from
Table 5-38
Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
For commissioning, please follow the instructions below:
Table 5-39
No. Action
1. Click on the block icon of the “TIC_Split” controller. The respective faceplate is
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
2. Change the operating mode of the controller. In the faceplate you click on the
“…” button next to the mode switch (“Mode”) and in the faceplate extension you
click on the “Automatic” button and adopt the settings with “OK”.
The interlock of master controller “TIC_Temp” is cancelled.
3. Perform steps 1 to 2 for master controller “TIC_Temp”.
4. For changing the setpoint value you click on the “Setpoint” input field and enter
the setpoint value “30” in the faceplate expansion. Acknowledge the input with
“ENTER” and adopt the new value with “OK”.
The input of a setpoint value is only performed in the faceplate of the
“TIC_Temp” controller.
5. Click on the block icon of the “NS_PumpMixture” pump. The respective faceplate
is opened.
6. For starting the motor in the faceplate you click on the “…” button next to
Command and in the faceplate extension you click on the “Start” button and
adopt the settings with “OK”.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
The following instruction describes the operation of the equipment module “Split-
Range-Temperature”. After the CPU start (in the initial state) and commissioning
the setpoint value is 30°C and the temperature remains on 30°C with little
In the following scenario the setpoint value is increased from 30°C to 3°C.
Table 5-40
No. Action
1. Click on the block icon of the “TIC_Temp” controller. The respective faceplate is
2. Click on the “Setpoint” input field and enter value “40” into the input field of the
faceplate expansion. Then acknowledge the input with the “Enter” key and click
on the “OK” button.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
3. Close the faceplate and observe the curve plotter for approx. 1 minute, until the
setpoint has been reached.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
Figure 5-18
TIC_Temp TIC_Split
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The slave controller calculates the manipulated variable MV 2 from the setpoint
value trend SP 2. MV 2 affects the heating and cooling valves and yields the
temperature trend PV 2 of the heat exchanger.
Temperature PV 1 in the container follows the temperature of the heat exchanger
PV 2 with some delay.
Legend The setpoint value (SP 1) causes noise in the MV 2 manipulated variable. The
oscillation of the MV 2 manipulated variable around the neutral position is due to
the simulation. At the real process this alternating behavior of heating and
1 cooling needs to be avoided.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
Instance-specific adjustments
The following tables contain the relevant parameters which must either be set or
interconnected. Chapter 6.2 “Process connection” describes the procedure for
connecting process devices.
The following table contains the parameters to be set specifically for each process.
Table 5-41
Process tag Block Connection Usage
TI_Tank / I PV_AH_En Alarm for exceeded limit value,
TI_HeatExchanger Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_AH_Lim
TI_Tank/ I PV_WH_En Warning for exceeded limit value,
TI_HeatExchanger Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_WH_Lim
TI_Tank/ I PV_WL_En Warning for falling below the limit
TI_HeatExchanger Subchart “A” value,
if PV ≥ PV_AL_Lim
TI_Tank/ I PV_AL_En Alarm for falling below the limit value,
TI_HeatExchanger Subchart “A” if PV ≥ PV_AL_Lim
TIC_Temp /’ C Gain Proportional gain
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
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5 Equipment Modules
5.4 “Split-Range-Temperature” control
NOTE In the object properties of the message-capable blocks you can configure
instance-specific messages. An instruction for the procedure is available in the
configuration manuals “Process Control System PCS 7 Operator Station (V7.1)”
under the following entry ID: 36194551 and “SIMATIC Process Control System
PCS 7 Operator Station (V8.0)” under the entry ID: 57270173
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
5.5.1 Overview
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The following section describes the structure in the P&I scheme including all
process tags and simulation of the equipment module.
P&I diagram
The following P&I diagram represents all components relevant for the operation,
such as aggregates, containers, etc. as symbols.
Figure 5-19
Neutralizing agent
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
Process tags
The equipment module "pH-Control-Std" consists of 3 interconnected process tags
and a simulation chart. The simulation chart is used to calculate the pH setpoint on
the basis of the concentration difference between component and neutralizer.
The setpoint (pH value) is defined in an OpAnL block. The controller receives the
converted pH values (setpoint and actual value) in the form of a concentration
difference for regulation.
The table below provides an overview of the process tags for the equipment
module including the associated process tag types.
Table 5-43
Process tag Process tag type Description
QIC_pH_Control_Std "CTRL_Std4Valve" Standard PID controller with one manipulated variable
QI_pH_Tank "AMON__Std" Display of the measured pH value of the product
YC_NeutrSubst "Val_An_Afb1" Control valve for the neutralizer
In the following figure the entire structure, including all interconnections across all
CFC charts, are represented in a simplified format.
Figure 5-20
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
QIC_pH_Control_Std QI_pH_Tank
Out PV
PV Scale
Sim_pH MV
ph_Std Out from_CTRL
Neutr_MV In
ph_Std In to_CTRL
pH Out
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
Simulation "Sim_pH"
The CFC chart "pH_Std" is used for calculation of the pH value. The figure below
shows how the simulation block is configured.
Figure 5-21
The block inputs include notional parameters for the buffer parameter "Alfa" and
the amplitude range "Ampl_pH" to be covered. In addition, fixed values for the pH
value and the feed rate are defined.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
There is no dead time defined for the pH simulation value (simulation process).
Note For further information please refer to the block description in chapter 10.6
"Block description "SimpHTitr.
This process tag is used to pick up the product’s pH value in the tank during a
continuous production process and to transfer this value to the process tag
"QI_pH_Tank" in the measured value display. In this process tag, the setpoint is
defined in an OpAnl block. Setpoint and actual value are converted into
concentration differences and then transmitted to the controller.
Note The titration curve for a specific chemical process must be configured with the
help of the PID tuner before the PID controller is set. For further information on
how to convert the pH value into a concentration difference please refer to the
block description in chapter 10.5 "Block description "pHTitrBlock.
The pH value is regulated by transmitting control signals to the valve process tag
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5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
The "QI_pH_Tank"process tag is used to display the channel block measuring
value of the controller process tag "QIC_pH_Control_Std". No limit values (alarm,
warning) are set in the operator control and monitoring block, since these are
defined specifically for each process.
The table below shows the configuration of the instance of "AMON__Std".
Table 5-45
Block Connection Value Usage
Sim Sim1ActOp 1 Active simulation value
New interconnection to the process
value of the controller process tag
Sim Sim1ValueOp (QIC_pH_Control_Std\Sqrt.Out)
Interconnection to the scaling of the
process value
PV Scale (QIC_pH_Control_Std \PV.ScaleOut)
Interconnection to the unit of the process
PV PV_InUnit (QIC_pH_Control_Std \PV.PV_OutUnit)
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
Note The messages for hardware error and device in maintenance mode (CSF)
(OosLi) of the controller process tag are not displayed separately. If these
messages are required, interconnect them additionally with the interlock block of
the controller process tag.
The valve process tag "YC_NeutrSubst" is used to control the flow rate of the
neutralizing agent. This process tag contains the communication blocks for data
exchange (control signals and control commands) with the controller process tag.
The valve block "V" receives an external manipulated value from the controller
process tag (via a communication block). In a simulation environment, both
channel blocks in subchart "B" (Rbk and MV) receive the same value (manipulated
value of the valve block (subchart "A", sheet 1)) via the preceding simulation block.
The table below shows the configuration of the instance from "Val_An_Afb1".
Table 5-46
Block Connection Value Usage
Interconnection to the simulation
V MV (Sim_pH\phSimu.FV_IN_2)
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
For commissioning, proceed as follows:
Table 5-47
No. Action
1. Click the block icon of the controller "QIC_pH_Control_Std" to open the
associated faceplate.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
2. Change the operating mode of the controller. In the faceplate, click the "…"
button next to the "Mode" switch and in the expanded faceplate, click the
"Automatic" button. Then confirm your settings with "OK".
3. The controller uses the pH value predefined in the OpAnL block icon as external
setpoint. The default value of this setpoint (neutral zone) is set to "7" pH which is
taken as a basis for the quantity of neutralizer to be added (for regulation).
The following instruction describes how the equipment module "pH-Control-Std" is
operated. After start-up of the CPU (in initial status) and commissioning, the
setpoint is set to 7 pH.
In the following scenario, the pH value (setpoint) shall be reduced from 7 pH to
6.5 pH.
Table 5-48
No. Action
1. Click the block icon of the OpAnL block (right to the controller block) to open the
associated faceplate.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
No. Action
2. Click the input field "Setpoint" and enter the value "6.5" in the input field of the
expanded faceplate. Then press the "ENTER" key to confirm settings and click
the "OK" button.
3. Close the faceplate and watch the curve plotter for approx. 1 minute until the
setpoint is reached.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Figure 5-22
The controller has been optimized so as to reach the setpoint without overshoots.
After the setpoint change, the controller adds the neutralizer with a slight delay.
Note The controller is set to an operating point of ± 0.5 pH around the neutral zone of
7 pH. If the operating point deviates from this value, the controller may need to
be optimized anew.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
Instance-specific adjustments
The following tables contain the relevant parameters which must either be set or
interconnected. Chapter 6.2 “Process connection” describes the procedure for
connecting process devices.
The table below lists all parameters to be set specifically for the relevant process.
Table 5-49
Process tag Block Connection Usage
I Upper limit violation alarm,
QI_pH_Tank Subchart "A" PV_AH_En if PV ≥ PV_AH_Lim
I Upper limit violation warning,
QI_pH_Tank Subchart "A" PV_WH_En if PV ≥ PV_WH_Lim
I Lower limit violation warning,
QI_pH_Tank Subchart "A" PV_WL_En if PV ≤ PV_WL_Lim
I Lower limit violation alarm,
QI_pH_Tank Subchart "A" PV_AL_En if PV ≤ PV_AL_Lim
QIC_pH_Control_Std Subchart "A" Gain Proportional gain
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5 Equipment Modules
5.5 Control of the pH value with a standard controller
Note In the object properties of the message-capable blocks you can configure
instance-specific messages. Instructions on how to proceed are available in the
configuration manuals "Process Control System PCS 7 Operator Station (V7.1)"
under the entry ID: 36194551 and "SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7
Operator Station (V8.0)" under the entry ID: 57270173.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
5.6.1 Overview
The P&I diagram below shows the structure and describes all process tags and the
simulation of equipment modules.
P&I diagram
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The following P&I diagram includes symbols for all components relevant to
operation, such as aggregates, tanks, etc., using a multi-variable control system.
Figure 5-23
Neutralizing agent
pH_Control_MPC Neutralizer
pH_Feed Feed
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
Process tags
The equipment module "pH-Control-MPC" consists of 4 interconnected process
tags and one simulation chart. In the simulation chart, the pH value and the inflow
volume of component and neutralizer (manipulated value of the valve) are used to
determine the product’s pH value.
The pH values of the component and the pH setpoint, as well as the inflow volume
(feed) can be adjusted by the operator in the OS with the help of the OpAnL blocks
added to the simulation chart and the controller process tag.
The controller uses pH values (setpoint and actual value of the product and actual
value of the component) which have been converted into concentration differences.
Furthermore, the feed rate of component influences the amount of neutralizer to be
added, since the maximum manipulated value changes in relation to the factor of
actual and maximum inflow volume of the component.
Note For further information on the calculation of manipulated values and scaling,
please refer to the description of blocks in chapter 10.5 "Block description
The following values are specified in the OpAnL blocks and can be adjusted in the
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
visualization display:
pH setpoint (product)
pH value of the component
inflow volume (feed) of the component
For easier handling, not all specified values have been allocated to a display
process tag.
The table below provides an overview of the process tags and equipment modules
including the associated process tag types.
Table 5-51
Process tag Process tag type Description
QIC_pH_Control_MPC "CTRL_MPC4Valve" Multi-variable controller with one manipulated value
and acquisition of the pH value of the product
QI_pH_Product "AMON__Std" Measured value display of the product’s pH value
FI_Feed "AMON_Flow" Display of the component’s flow rate
YC_Neutralizer "Val_An_Afb1" Control valve for the neutralizer
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
The following P&I diagram represents all components relevant for the operation,
such as aggregates, containers, etc. as symbols.
Figure 5-24
pH_SP Sim
PV_In Sim1ValueOp
PV_Unit ConnMPC
PV Scale
PV_OutUnit PV
pH_Feed ScaleOut PV_Out
SP_Out PV_OutUnit
pH Sim
Sim1ValueOp from_CTRL
Feed_Flow In
SP_Out TitrConverting
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Feed_Scale V
pH_MPC Feed_PV_Out MV
from_Valve to_CTRL
In Out
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
Simulation "Sim_pH_MPC"
The CFC chart "Sim_pH_MPC" is used to calculate the pH value. Sheet "1"
additionally includes OpAnL blocks to specify the feed rate and the pH value of the
component which are interconnected with the simulation block.
The figure below shows the parameter configuration of the simulation block.
Figure 5-25
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
The block inputs include notional parameters for the buffer parameter "Alfa"
and the amplitude range "Ampl_pH" to be passed. In addition, fixed values for
the pH value and the feed rate of the component as used in the OpAnL blocks
are used for calculation.
For the pH simulation value (simulation process) a dead time of 10 seconds, a
neutralizer infeed delay of 10 seconds and a gain factor of 3 are set by default.
Note For further information please refer to the block description in chapter 10.6
"Block description "SimpHTitr.
This process tag is used to pick up the product’s pH value in the tank during a
continuous production process and to transfer this value to the process tag
"QI_pH_Product" in the measured value display. In this process tag, the setpoint is
defined in an OpAnl block. Setpoint and actual value are converted into
concentration differences and then transmitted to the controller.
Note The titration curve for a specific chemical process must be configured before
setting the MPC with the help of the MPC configurator.
For further information on the conversion of the pH value into a concentration
difference, please refer to the block description in chapter 10.5 "Block description
The multi-variable controller (MPC) transmits control signals to the valve process
tags "YC_Neutralizer".
The table below shows how the instance of "CTRL_MPC4Valve" is configured.
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5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
Table 5-52
Block Connection Value Usage
Time constant [s] of the setpoint filter for the
MPC PreFilt1 0.0 setpoint SP1 (settling time of CV channel).
Previous interconnection deleted. New
interconnection to the conversion block
MPC CV1 (TitrConverting.CV_Out)
Previous interconnection deleted. New
interconnection to the conversion block
MPC DV1 (TitrConverting.DV_Out)
Previous interconnection deleted. New
interconnection to the conversion block
MPC SP1 (TitrConverting.SP_Out)
SP1HiLim Upper limit for the setpoint of the
MPC (hidden) 500 concentration difference
SP1LoLim Lower limit for the setpoint of the
MPC (hidden) -500 concentration difference
New interconnection to the conversion block
MPC MV1HiLim (TitrConverting.MVHiLim)
MPC CV1_Unit 1399 Unit of control variable 1 (process value)
MPC DB_No 53 Data block with controller data
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
NOTE With the help of the MPC configurator, the multi-variable controller was optimized
for an operating point between 7.5 and 6.5 pH and saved in the data block DB
53. The relevant influencing variables were a component feed rate of 3000 L/s
with pH4 and the neutralizer with pH12.
For trend recording, the manipulated value was excited by using the block
"AutoExci" and, additionally, a disturbance variable change (±10%) was
The process tag "FI_Feed" is used to pick up and display the flow rate of the
component and to monitor its limit values. The channel block of the display process
tag receives its measured value from the OpAnL block of the simulation chart.
The table below shows how the instance of "AMON_Flow" is configured.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
Table 5-53
Block Connection Value Usage
Sim Sim1Act0p 1 Simulation of the process value
Interconnection to the pH simulation value
Sim Sim1ValueOp (Sim_pH_MPC\Feed_Flow.SP_Out)
PV Scale 0.0 Scaling of the process value
PV PV_InUnit 1038 Unit of the process value in liters
Interconnection to the simulation chart
PV PV_OutUnit (Sim_pH_MPC\Feed_Flow.PV_Unit)
Interconnection to the controller process tag
PV ScaleOut (QIC_pH_Control_MPC\TitrConverting.Feed_Scale)
Interconnection to the controller process tag
Sqrt Out TitrConverting.Feed_PV_Out)
The process tag "QI_pH_Product" is used to display the pH value of the product.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
The pH value is picked up in the controller process tag but displayed in the form of
a concentration difference in this process tag. The channel block of the display
process tag includes the process value, the unit of the measured value and the
scaling of the channel block of the multi-variable controller.
The table below shows how the instance of "AMON__Std" is configured.
Table 5-54
Block Connection Value Usage
Sim Sim1Act0p 1 Simulation of the process value
Interconnection to the pH value in the
controller process tag
Sim Sim1ValueOp (QIC_pH_Control_MPC\PV.PV_Out )
Interconnection to the simulation chart
PV PV_OutUnit (Sim_pH_MPC\pH_Feed.PV_Unit)
The process tag "YC_Neutralizer" is used to pick up and to determine the flow rate
of the neutralizing agent (readback). The manipulated value is transmitted from the
multi-variable process tag via communication blocks.
The table below shows how the instance of "Val_An_Afb1" is configured.
Table 5-55
Block Connection Value Usage
Interconnection to the pH simulation
V MV (Sim_pH_MPC\pH_MPC.Neutr_MV)
ER_AH_En Deactivation of the alarm message for
V (hidden) 0 maximum valve opening
ER_AL_En Deactivation of the alarm message for
V (hidden) 0 minimum valve opening
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
For commissioning, proceed as follows:
Table 5-56
No. Action
1. Click the block icon of the controller "QIC_pH_Control_MPC" to open the
associated faceplate.
2. Change the operating mode of the first controller. In the faceplate, click the "…"
button next to the mode switch ("Mode"), click the "Automatic" button in the
expanded faceplate and then confirm your settings with "OK".
3. The controller uses the predefined pH value of the OpAnL block icon as an
external setpoint. The default value of this setpoint (neutral zone) is set to "7" pH
which is the basis for the quantity of neutralizing agent to be added (for
The following instruction describes the operation of the equipment module "pH-
Control-MPC". After start-up of the CPU (in initial status) and commissioning, the
actual value shows pH7. The whole adjustment process takes approx. 14 minutes.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
In the following scenario, the disturbance variable shall be changed. The pH value
of the component shall be increased from pH 4 to pH 4.5.
Table 5-57
No. Action
1. Click the block icon for the operator control block "pH_Feed"to open the
associated faceplate.
2. Click the "Setpoint" input field and enter the value "5.2" in the input field of the
expanded faceplate. Then press the "ENTER" key to confirm settings and click
the "OK" button.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
3. Close the faceplate and watch the curve plotter for approx. 10 minutes until the
setpoint is reached.
Figure 5-26
1 2
1. The controller has been optimized so that the setpoint will slowly and precisely
be reached. The controller recognizes the change in the disturbance variable
and changes the manipulated value accordingly before the process reacts to
the disturbing influence (specified dead time in the simulation block). The
Equipment Modules
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5 Equipment Modules
5.6 Control of the pH value with a multi-variable controller
disturbance variable takes effect on the actual value without delay (time delay
4. In this example, the pH value of the component was changed by pH 0.5 with
an effect on the product of approx. pH 1.
Despite the early recognition of the disturbance variable, the controller takes
approx. 8 minutes for compensation and control. This period will also be required
for regulation, if the pH value of the component changes more significantly.
Instance-specific adjustments
The following tables contain the relevant parameters which must either be set or
interconnected. Chapter 6.2 “Process connection” describes the procedure for
connecting process devices.
The table below lists all parameters to be set specifically for the relevant process.
Table 5-58
Process tag Block Connection Usage
QI_pH_Product I Upper limit violation alarm,
Subchart "A" PV_AH_En if PV ≥ PV_AH_Lim
QI_pH_Product I Upper limit violation warning,
Subchart "A" PV_WH_En if PV ≥ PV_WH_Lim
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
QIC_pH_Control_Std "B" PV_In pH value of the product
YC_Neutralizer "B" PV_In Manipulated variable feedback
MV Output of the manipulated
Subchart PV_Out or value with or without signal
YC_Neutralizer "B" PV_ChnST status
Subchart Inflow volume (feed)
FI_Feed "B" PV_In of the product
Note In the object properties of the message-capable blocks you can configure
instance-specific messages. Instructions on how to proceed are available in the
configuration manuals "Process Control System PCS 7 Operator Station (V7.1)"
under the entry ID: 36194551 and "SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7
Operator Station (V8.0)" under the entry ID: 57270173.
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
Temperature control with a cascade on a flow controller for a service medium (e. g.
heating steam, cooling water or fuel) is used for applications where variations
within the auxiliary control loop (of the flow controller) have to be balanced, or other
inconvenient features of the manipulated variable (e. g. non-linear valve curve) of
the slave controller have to be compensated and therefore do not become visible
to the master controller. Temperature-Flow-Cascade controls are used e.g. for heat
excahngers, reactors, or burners.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
For the heat exchanger, the container contents or a component are continuously
pumped through the exchange heater via a pipe. In the process, the component is
heated or cooled to a defined temperature by the heat transfer of the service
The same regulative concept is applied for the bruner, i.e. the tempertaure is
controlled via the flow volume of the fuel.
5.7.1 Overview
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
The P&I diagram below shows the structure and describes all process tags and the
simulation of equipment modules.
P&I diagramm
The following P&I diagram includes symbols for all components relevant to
operation, such as aggregates, tanks, etc., using a multi-variable control system.
Figure 5-27
ServMedium ServMedium
Heating medium
Process tag
The equipment module "Temperature-Flow-Cascade" consists of 3 interconnected
process tags and one simulation chart. In the simulation chart the feed temperature
is simulated.
The table below provides an overview of the process tags and equipment modules
including the associated process tag types.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
Table 5-60
Process tag Process tag type Description
Master controller for
TIC_Temperature „CTRL_Std4Valve“ controlling the temperature
Slave controller for
FIC_ServMedium „CTRL_Std4Valve“ controlling the flow
Control valve for the heating
YC_ServMedium „Val_An_Afb1“ medium
The following P&I diagram represents all components relevant for the operation as
Figure 5-28
Gain_Slave from_Slave_1
Out In
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Noise_Master Sim
Out Sim1ValueOp
YC_ServMedium In
The “TIC_Temperature” process tag uses the simulated feed temperature from
simulation chart “Sim_Temperature” and generates the setpoint specification for
the slave controller. This configures the desired temperature curve in the
“TIC_Temperature” process tag.
The “FIC_ServMedium” process tag receives the specified setpoint from the master
controller and controls the flow volume to the heat exchanger. The PID controller
transfers the control commands via communication blocks “to_Val_An1” to the
“YC_ServMedium” control valve. Additionally, the controller process tag receives
status information from the channel drivers of the valve process tag via the
“from_Val_An1” communication blocks.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
Simulation "Sim_Temperature"
A temperature change through heating steam on the heat exchanger is simulated
in the “Sim_Temperature” CFC chart.
The figure below shows the parameter configuration of the simulation block.
2 4
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
1. If the valve is opened 100%, 5 t/h (factor 0.05) are output to the slave controller
as actual flow value with a delay of 3 seconds.
2. With a delay of 10 seconds (to simulate the heating of the heating capacity of
the heat exchanger) a value 10 times as high as the value of the heating steam
flow is transferred to the reference junction as actual value of the hot air
3. Changing feed temperature which alteres between 20 °C and 21 °C every 90
seconds to simulate a disturbance.
4. Feed temperature for the master controller which alters depending on the heat
exchanger. The output signal can be complemented with a slight signal noise.
5. Substance temperature before being heated by the heat exchanger.
Note The simulation behavior does not correspond to a real process and is used for
displaying the functionality and principle of operation of the equipment module
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
In the “TIC-Temperature” process tag the feed temperature is recorded. The
setpoint is specified in this process tag. The "TIC_Temperature" measurement
point transfers the control variable as an external setpoint to the
"FIC_ServMedium" slave controller. Thus, the "TIC_Temperature" measurement
point is the master controller for cascading control. The "TIC_Temperature"
measurement point is an instance from the measurement point type
"CTRL_Std4Valve" and contains two additional communications modules
("to_Slave" and "from_Slave").The valve connection blocks were deleted.
Table 5-61
Block Connection Value Usage
C Gain.Value 1.0 Controller gain
C TI.Value 7.3 Controller lag
Inserted as “to_Slave”, for transfer of control
ComStruIn signals to the slave controller
Interconnecting to the slave controller
to_Slave Out (FIC_ServMedium \from_Master.In)
Interconnecting of the actual setpoint value
to_Slave ReStru1 (TIC_Temperature\C.SP)
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
The flow rate of the heating steam is recorded at the "FIC_ServMedium"
measurement point. The setpoint value specification for the flow rate is
implemented through the master controller. The "FIC_ServMedium" measurement
point transfers the control variable to the valve measurement point
"YC_ServMedium". "FIC_ServMedium" is the slave controller for the cascading
control. "FIC_ServMedium" is an instance of the measurement point type
“CTRL_Std4Valve” and contains two communications modules ("to_Master" and
Table 5-62
Block Connection Value Usage
C Gain.Value 2.8 Controller gain
C TI.Value 1.7 Controller lag
Intlock InvIn03 1
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Intlock Invln05 1
Intlock Invln06 1
Entered as "to_Master" for transmitting control
ComStruIn signals to the master controller
Interconnecting tot he master controller
to_Master Out (TIC_Temperature\from_Slave.In)
Interconnecting oft he actual setpoint value
to_Master ReStru1 (FIC_ServMedium\C.SP)
Interconnecting oft he process value
to_Master ReStru2 (FIC_ServMedium\C.PV_Out)
Intervonnecting from CascaCut oft he slave
to_Master BoStru1 (FIC_ServMedium\Intlock.In02)
Interconnecting the „Bad“-Signals des channel
blocks of „FIC_Inflow” for the master controller
to_Master BoStru2 (FIC_ServMedium\CSF.Out)
Interconnecting the „Out of Service“-Signals to
the master controller
to_Master BoStru3 (FIC_ServMedium\C.OosAct)
Scalling the manipulated value
to_Master Int1 (FIC_ServMedium\PV.PV_OutUnit)
Scalling the process value
to_Master Int2 (FIC_ServMedium\C.MVUnitOut)
Maximum vavuel oft he process value
to_Master Scale1 (FIC_ServMedium\PV.ScaleOut)
Entered as "from_Master" to receive status
ComStruOut information of the master controller
Interconnecting tot he master controller
from_Master In (TIC_Temperature\to_Slave.Out)
from_Master ReStru3 Interconnecting from CascaCut of the slave
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
The valve measurement point "YC_ServMedium" controls the flow volume
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
(opening of the feed input) of the heating steam to the heat exchanger. The
measurement point contains communications modules for data exchange (control
signals and control commands) with the controller measurement point.
The valve module "V" contains an external control variable (through a
communications module) from the controller measurement point. In a simulation
environment, both channel modules in chart partition "B" (Rbk and MV) receive
the same value (control variable of the valve module (chart partition "A", sheet 1))
through the primary simulation module, i.e. a lag between valve actuation and
valve movement is not simulated.
The following table shows the configuration of the instance from "Val_An_Afb1".
Table 5-63
Block Connection Value Usage
Interconnecting to the simulation
V MV (Sim_Temperature\Lag_Heat_Slave.In)
ER_AH_En Switching off the alarm message for maximal
V (unsichtbar) 0 valve opening
ER_AL_En Switching off the alarm message for minimal
V (unsichtbar) 0 valve opening
Interconnection to the controller
from_CTRL In (FIC_ServMedium\to_Valve.Out)
Interconnection to the controller
to_CTRL Out (FIC_ServMedium\from_Valve.In)
Activating the simulation of the readback
Sim Sim1ActOp.Value 1 value
Interconnecting with the simulation of the
readback value from the valve
Sim Sim1ValueOp (YC_ServMedium\V.MV)
Sim Sim2ActOp.Value 1 Activating the simulation of the manipulated
Sim Sim2ValueOp Interconnecting with the simulation of the
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
For commissioning, proceed as follows:
Table 5-64
No. Action
1. Click the block icon of the controller "FIC_ServMedium/C" to open the associated
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
2. Change the operating mode of the first controller. In the faceplate, click the "…"
button next to the mode switch ("Mode"), click the "Automatic" button in the
expanded faceplate and then confirm your settings with "OK". The setpoint is
automatically specified from external.
The interlock of master controller is cancelled.
3. Click the block icon of the master controller "FIC_ServMedium/C" to open the
associated faceplate.
4. In the faceplate you click on the “…” button next to the mode switch (“Mode”) and
in the faceplate extension you click on the “Automatic” button and adopt the
settings with “OK”.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
The following instruction describes the operation of the equipment module
"Temperature-Flow-Cascade“. After start-up of the CPU (in initial status) and
commissioning, the feed temperature stays unchanged.
In the following scenario, the temperature will be raised about 4°C.
Table 5-65
No. Action
1. Click the block icon for the operator control block " TIC_Temperature "to open the
associated faceplate.
2. Click the "Setpoint" input field and enter the value "24" in the input field of the
expanded faceplate. Then press the "ENTER" key to confirm settings and click
the "OK" button.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
3. Close the faceplate and watch the curve plotter for approx. 2 minutes until the
setpoint is reached.
Figure 5-29
1. The temperature of the added medium changes every 90 seconds causing the
master controller to react to this change continually and regulate the
temperature to its setpoint value of 21°C.
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
The slave controller (flow of the heating medium in t/h) has been configurated so
as to regulate exactly without overshoots.
Instance-specific adjustments
The following tables contain the relevant parameters which must either be set or
interconnected. Chapter 6.2 “Process connection” describes the procedure for
connecting process devices.
The table below lists all parameters to be set specifically for the relevant process.
Table 5-66
Process tag Block Connection Usage
TIC_Temperature / C Proportional gain
FIC_ServMedium Subchart „A“ Gain
TIC_Temperature / C Derivative time (rate time) in [s]
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5 Equipment Modules
5.7 Temperature-Flow-Cascade
Note Commissioning of the controller can be performed using the program " PID-
Tuner ". A description on how to proceed is available in chapter 6.3
“Configuration of the PID controllers. Please observe the sequence of the
optimization, first the flow controller and second the temperature controller.
Note In the object properties of the message-capable blocks you can configure
instance-specific messages. Instructions on how to proceed are available in the
configuration manuals "Process Control System PCS 7 Operator Station (V7.1)"
under the entry ID: 36194551 and "SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7
Operator Station (V8.0)" under the entry ID: 57270173.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Integration of equipment modules
Table 6-1
No. Action
1. Copy the “” file onto the
configuration computer and then open the SIMATIC Manager.
2. Click “File > Retrieve” in the menu bar and select the
“” file. Then confirm by clicking
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
3. Select the folder in which the project is saved and acknowledge with “OK”.
The project is extracted.
4. In the “Retrieve” dialog you click the “OK” button and then click “Yes” in the
dialog to open the project.
5. Go to “Plant View”.
6. Parallel you open the project in which the template is to be integrated.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Integration of equipment modules
All charts of the equipment module and the simulation are copied.
3. In the Plant view of the equipment module in the AS project you select the
hierarchy folder “EquipmentModules > Level-Control” and click on “Edit> Copy”.
4. Go to the target project.
In the AS project you select the hierarchy folder to which the equipment module
is added and then click “Edit > Paste” in the menu bar.
All charts of the equipment module and the simulation are copied.
5. In the target project you select the AS project and in the menu bar you click on
“Options > Plant View > Update in the Multiproject”.
The dialog for exporting the Plant hierarchy appears.
6. Acknowledge the dialog with “OK” and also confirm the following dialog with
“OK”. The plant hierarchy is adjusted in the OS project of the target project.
7. Compile and download the AS project and then compile the OS project.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Integration of equipment modules
Table 6-3
No. Action
1. Go to the process object view and click on the “Parameters” tab.
2. In the dropdown menu you select the “Filter by column” entry and enter the chart
name, for example LIC_Level, into the “Display” input field.
The button with the double arrow pointing down, next to the deactivated input
field “Filter general” opens a second filter. With this filter you can, for example,
filter for a “Block” named “PV” in the column and make adjustments.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
3. Click into the “Value” column of the block connection you wish to change, and
enter the new value. Acknowledge the entry with “ENTER”.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Integration of equipment modules
The interconnected signals can be viewed in this column.
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3. In the dialog you open the folder structure and subsequently click on “Inputs” or
4. In the Details view you select the signal you wish to interconnect and click on the
“Apply” button.
If you wish to interconnect several signals, then click on a further signal in the
process object view and repeat step 2 to 4.
5. Click on the “Close” button to close the dialog.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.1 Integration of equipment modules
5. In the Color selection dialog you click on the “Import palette” icon.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Process connection
NOTE Commissioning requires a Loop check including written proof. Loop checks are
used to check the trends for controller or control signals.
One option of Loop checks is:
A signal is specified on the hardware side and the signal value is checked on the
software side (channel driver in the ES or faceplate in the OS). Checking and
documentation verifies the interconnection in the software and the wiring up to
the process device.
Table 6-6
No. Action
1. Open the CFC chart “LIC_Level” In subchart “B” you make the following
In channel block “PV” at input parameter “PV_In” you perform an interconnection
with a process device (e.g. filling level measuring transmitter).
Channel block “MV” in the second sheet is not interconnected, since the control
of the manipulated variable occurs through the valve process tag. Deactivation of
the simulation causes an error at the “Bad” output of channel block “MV” and
subsequently the interlocking of the controller.
2. Open the CFC chart “LIC_Level”. In subchart “B” you make the following
In channel block “PV” at input parameter “PV_In” you perform an interconnection
with a process device (e.g. filling level measuring transmitter).
The additional interconnection is used for comparing the process value (filling
level measuring transmitter) with the simulation value.
3. Open the CFC chart “YC_OutletValve”. In subchart “B” you make the following
In channel block “Rbk” at input parameter “PV_In” you perform an
interconnection with a process device (e.g. feedback signal from manipulated
4. Compile and download the blocks and charts.
NOTE At channel blocks “Pcs7AnIn” and “Pcs7AnOu” it is specified via the “Mode” input
parameter in which form the process value (raw value) is present and to be
Equipment Modules
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Process connection
The following procedure illustrates an option for the startup process. Compare the
local process behavior with the process behavior of the equipment module and
adjust, if necessary, the simulation and the configuration of the equipment module.
CAUTION Move the simulation into a process-oriented and stable state in order to
prevent unexpected process jumps when changing from simulation to the
real process connection. Typically, all controllers should be in manual
mode when switching from simulation to real measured values. Due to the
adjustment of the setpoint to the actual value during manual mode a
subsequent bumpless switchover from manual to automatic mode can be
Table 6-7
No. Action
1. Open CFC chart “LIC_Level” and “LI_Level”. Activate the test mode for the “PV”
channel blocks (subchart “B”, sheet 1) so the connections become visible.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
2. Adopt the configuration of the “Mode” input parameter from the “PV” channel
driver of the “LIC_Level” controller process tag to channel driver “PV” of the
“LI_Level” measured value display for the process tag.
The process value of the process device is output correctly at the channel driver
output (equal mode for processing the process value (raw value), as configured
in the controller process tag).
3. Adjust the simulation value to the process value by specifying a new setpoint
value in the OS. Wait until the specified setpoint value has been reached.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.2 Process connection
No. Action
4. Deactivate the simulation by specifying the value “0” at simulation block “Sim” at
input “Sim1Act0p”.
If the simulation value deviates from the process value, the controller tries to
compensate, which leads to an undesired change of the manipulated value.
5. Open the CFC chart “YC_OutletValve” and activate the test mode.
6. Deactivate the simulation by specifying the value “0” at simulation block “Sim”
(subchart “B”, sheet 1) at input “Sim1Act0p”.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Using an operator control block in the controller process tag and interconnecting
with the simulation blocks of controller process tag and valve process tag
enables deactivating the simulation in one step.
NOTE The universal tool SIMATIC PDM (Process Device Manager) for configuration,
settings, commissioning, diagnosis and maintenance can be used for monitoring
the process value of a process device.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.3 Configuration of the PID controllers
NOTE A practical example for the operation is shown in the document “PID Control with
Gain Scheduling and PID Tuning”
The controller is connected to the process or the simulation.
The automation program is compiled and downloaded.
NOTICE An intervention in the plant process occurs through optimization. You have
to be aware of the consequences this might have.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
NOTE Coordinate all planned attempts (controller optimization) with the member of staff
responsible for operation.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.3 Configuration of the PID controllers
No. Action
1. In the menu bar of the CFC editors you click on “Edit > Optimize PID
The PID tuner opens.
2. In the curve plotter you click “Stop” to stop the recording and then clock the
“Settings” button.
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6 Configuration and Settings
6.3 Configuration of the PID controllers
No. Action
3. For the 3 curves (setpoint, actual value, manipulated value) you specify suitable
limits for the Y axis.
4. Adjust the “Recording cycle” and the “Length of the time axis” to the expected
process behavior and acknowledge the input with “OK”.
The online help offers detailed information on controller optimization. In the
bottom part of the PID tuner you click the “Help” button to open the online help.
5. In the bottom part of the PID tuner you click the “Start Controller Optimization”.
6. In step 1 for a filling level control you click the radio button “With integral action in
the process” and then click on “Next”. For controlled sections for temperature
please select "Without integral action in the process".
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
7. In the “Operating mode” group you select the “Automatic” checkbox if you
already have an approximately stable controller. As a start point you enter the
typical operating point of the controlled variable. Please note the warning in the
bottom part of the dialog and then click on “Next”.
8. As “Step trigger, new setpoint:” you specify a setpoint value clearly above the
typical operating point. Please note the warning in the bottom part of the dialog
and then click on “Next”.
The controller optimization is now started.
9. After completing the optimization in the “Process trigger” group you select the
checkbox “Reset”. Please note the warning in the bottom part of the dialog and
then click on “Next”.
10. In the “Controller design for” group you select the “Optimal control response” box
and click “Next”.
An additional window with the result of the identification is opened.
11. In the “Controller parameter” group you select the checkbox of the PI controller
and click on “Next”.
12. In step 8 you click: “Simulate a control loop with the optimized parameters” and
on “Next”.
13. Click the “New” button to accept the determined values.
Please note the warning in the bottom part of the dialog and then click on “Finish”
to complete the optimization.
Equipment Modules
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7 Starting the Equipment Modules
7.1 Preparation
Table 7-1
No. Action
1. Copy the “” file to any folder on the
configuration computer and then open the SIMATIC Manager.
2. Click “File > Retrieve” in the menu bar and select the
“” file. Then confirm by clicking
3. Select the folder in which the project is saved and acknowledge with “OK”.
The project is retrieved.
4. Acknowledge the “Retrieve” dialog with “OK” and then click “Yes” in the dialog to
open the project.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
8. In the WinCC Explorer you click on “File > Exit” and in the following dialog you
select “Close project and exit WinCC Explorer”.
Acknowledge with "OK".
9. Open the WinCC Explorer again as described in step 5.
10. In the WinCC Explorer you right-click on “OS > Tag Management > SIMATIC S7
PRO… > Industrial Ethernet” and select the menu command “System
The dialog can be opened in the background and must then be clicked in the
Windows toolbar.
11. In the “Unit” tab you check the set “Logical device name”. When using the “S7-
PLCSIM” the device name PLCSIM (ISO) is selected. Changing the device name
requires a restart of the program. Open the WinCC Explorer again as described
in step 5.
Equipment Modules
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7 Starting the Equipment Modules
7.2 Commissioning
7.2 Commissioning
The following instruction describes how the equipment module is set to initialization
Commissioning requires that the SIMATIC Manager has already been opened and
the equipment module is selected in the components view.
Table 7-2
No. Action
1. Select “Options > Simulate Modules” from the menu.
The dialog window of “S7-PLCSIM” opens.
2. In the “Open project” dialog you select the “Open project from a file” option.
3. Select the “EquipmentModules.plc” file from the path <project
4. Select “Execute > Key position switch > RUN-P” from the menu.
5. Go to the components view of the SIMATIC Manager and select
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Equipment Modules
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7 Starting the Equipment Modules
7.2 Commissioning
2. To activate the OS (WinCC Runtime), select “File > Activate” in the WinCC
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Explorer menu.
3. In the “System Login” dialog you log in with the user “Equipment” and the
password “Modules” and acknowledge with “OK”.
4. In the picture section you select an equipment module (e.g. “Level-Control”),
whose principle of operation you wish to know about.
Equipment Modules
Entry-ID: 53843373, V2.2, 04/2014 145
8 Links & Literature
Table 8-1
Topic Title
/1/ Practice book for controlling with Regeln mit SIMATC (Controlling with
for process automation Müller, Jürgen / Pfeiffer, Bernd-Markus /
Wieser, Roland
Publicis Kommunikationsag
ISBN 978-3895783401
/2/ Design of standard controller Krämer, S.
Auslegung von Standreglern in der
verfahrenstechnischen Praxis. (Design of
standard controller in process practice.)
Dechema- Seminar „Prozessregelungen – von
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Table 8-2
Topic Title / Link
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Download page of this entry
Equipment Modules
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8 Links & Literature
Equipment Modules
Entry-ID: 53843373, V2.2, 04/2014 147
9 History
9 History
Table 9-1
Version Date Changes
V1.0 07.12.2011 First issue
V1.1 22.04.2012 Valid for PCS 7 V7.1.3 and PCS 7 V8.0
V1.2 04.06.2012 Corrections and notes in response to suggestions
V2.0 12.06.2013 Expansion of the Val process tag type, new CTRL process
tag types, additional equipment modules for pH value
V2.1 25.10.2013 New process tag types (CTRL,AMON and MOT) for multi-
variable controls and drives integrated. Additional links
V2.2 17.04.2014 New equipment module “Temperature-Flow-Cascade”
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
10 Appendix
10.1 Block description “SwSqrt”
Function description
The square root function does not correct the non-linear signal band of a squared
signal. The block has one operating mode without (mode 1) and one with low value
suppression (mode 2). Simulation and substitution values are performed without
The square root function is activated by changing the MODE input to 1 or 2. For 2
the signals are suppressed under the LSUPLEVL (=LRANGE).
Operating modes
During the simulation (SimMode = 1) the status of the input signal is ignored.
Table 10-1
<1 all all all OUT = IN
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Scale.High Scale.Low
SUP* IN Scale.High Scale.Low LoSupLvl
SQRT *1 1 1 IN Scale.High
SQRT *2 IN Scale.High Scale.Low Scale.Low
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
Table 10-2
Input Data type Default value Description
Mode BOOL 0 MODE selection
IN STRUCT Input value
->Value ->INT 0
->ST ->Byte 16#0
Scale STRUCT Measuring range of
->High ->REAL 100.0 “IN“
->Low ->REAL 0.0
LoSupLvl REAL 0.0 Degree of
suppression for low
SimMode Bool 0 1=Ignore Sim/Subs,
0=Pass IN value
through, Value if
IN.ST=48 or 60
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Table 10-3
Output Data type Default value Description
OUT STRUCT Output value
->Value ->INT 0
->ST ->Byte 16#0
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
Operating modes
During the simulation (SimMode = 1) the status of the input signal is ignored. Set
the MODE-Input to 1 for using this option.
Table 10-4
Mode Input IN Default value OUT
0 any any OUT=IN
1 any 16#48 OUT=IN
1 any 16#60 OUT=IN
1 any Not 16#48, not 16#48 OUT=not(IN)
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
Table 10-6
Input Data type Default Description
(X = 1 … 8=) value (X = 1 … 8=)
SimXActOp- STRUCT Simulation ON/OFF
>Value ->BOOL 0 for simulation value X
->ST ->Byte 16#0
SimXValueOp STRUCT Simulation value X
->Value ->REAL 0.0
->ST ->Byte 16#0
ScaleX STRUCT Measuring range of simulation value X
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Table 10-7
Output Data type Default Description
(X = 1 … 8=) value (X = 1…8)
SimXActOut->Value STRUCT Simulation ON/OFF
->ST ->BOOL 0 for simulation value X
->Byte 16#0
SimXValueOut STRUCT Simulation value X
->Value ->REAL 0.0
->ST ->Byte 16#0
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10 Appendix
Table 10-8
Input Data type Default Descritpion
(X = 1…8) value (X = 1…8)
SimXActOp- STRUCT Simulation ON/OFF
>Value ->BOOL 0 for simulation value X
->ST ->Byte 16#0
SimXValueOp STRUCT Simulation value X
->Value ->BOOL 0.0
->ST ->Byte 16#0
OpEnSiOff BOOL 1 1=operator can switch off the simulation.
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Table 10-9
Output Data type Default Description
(X = 1 …8) value (X = 1 …8)
SimXActOut->Value STRUCT Simulation ON/OFF
->ST ->BOOL 0 for simulation value X
->Byte 16#0
SimXValueOut STRUCT Simulation value X
->Value ->REAL 0.0
->ST ->Byte 16#0
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
Note Conversion is performed in the following two blocks which are part of
"pHTitrBlock" included in the master data library:
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
11 alfa=3500
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
delta c 4
x 10
In this titration curve diagram, the neutral zone is given at pH 7 with a maximum
deflection (amplitude) of 5. The slope of the characteristic curve in the neutral point
(parameter α) shows typical values between 3500 and 12000.
the buffer parameter α (alfa) as a measure for the slope of the curve
in the neutral point
Table 10-10
Input Data type Description
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
The inputs "CV", "DV" and "SP" are converted into concentration differences by
means of the parameters "Alfa" and "Ampl_pH".
Table 10-11
Output Data type Description
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
Table 10-12
Input Data Description
Feed_pH STRUCT pH value of the component
Alfa STRUCT Measure for the slope of the characteristic curve in the
->Real neutral point
Ampl_pH STRUCT The amplitude range to be processed
Copyright Siemens AG 2014 All rights reserved
Neutr_MV STRUCT Manipulated value of the controller for the neutralizer
Neutr_Lag Real Delay of the manipulated value (neutralizer)
Neutr_Factor Real Factor value for neutralizer inflow
Feed_PV STRUCT Component inflow volume (feed)
pH_DeadTime Real Delayed signal output in seconds (dead time)
NOTICE When using the dead time function (pH_DeadTime > 0), a multi-variable
controller (ModPreCon block) for dead time compensation and disturbance
variable compensation must be used.
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
Table 10-13
Output Data Description
pH STRUCT pH simulation value
Equipment Modules
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10 Appendix
NOTE An overview of the units of measure you will find in the manuals „SIMATIC
Process Control System PCS7 PCS 7 Advanced Process Library V7.1 SP5“ and
“SIMATIC Process Control System PCS 7 PCS 7 Advanced Process Library
Equipment Modules
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