Production Estimating Techniques For Underground Mining Using Roadheaders
Production Estimating Techniques For Underground Mining Using Roadheaders
Production Estimating Techniques For Underground Mining Using Roadheaders
Force Estimation
where: Nc = Cutters in contact per head (multiply Step 4: Evaluate the available forces on the
by 2 when sumping) cutter head. During sumping, the tractive effort
N = Total number of cutters (thrust) of the machine is combined with the torque
R = Cutting head radius needed by the drag forces to break the rock. The
Dsump = Sumping depth sum of the two would be:
Fts = (Th + Tr /R)m
(9) Where: Thr = Thrust or sumping force required
Where: Fts = Total sumping force (max.) Far = Arcing force requirement
Th = Thrust or tractive effort Tq = Torque
Tr = Torque Fn = Normal force
R = Radius Fd = Drag force = Fn.Cd
m = Mechanical efficiency Cd = Drag coefficient.
Th is a function of cutting head design and Ravg= Average radius of active cutting area
is usually in the range of 20-60 tons. When cutting Ravg = R - Dsump/2
in arcing mode, the machine is held in a fixed Ri = Individual bit position radius
position by its mass (and is often aided by stelling Cp = Conversion factor for power (i.e.
jacks to improve system stiffness) and a lateral force 1.9x10-4 for ft-lbs/min to hp)
is applied to push the head into the rock. The total
available lateral forces can be estimated as: For a transverse roadheader, the calculated
value of Th must be multiplied by two to account
Fl = Fa.m for both heads. The drag coefficient for medium
(10) rock is within the range of 0.5-1.0 (average 0.7) for
point attack bits depending on tip shape and bit
Where: Fl = Maximum lateral force available penetration angle. Estimated torque must be lower
Fa = Available arcing force than the installed torque on the machine. Overall,
the estimated total force and power requirement of
The machine efficiency can be influenced the head, must be below the available capacities of
by cutting on a decline or incline, slick or wet the proposed machine .
floors, and other factors that may influence machine Step 6: Calculate the tons per foot of
stiffness or cutting efficiency, including dull or advance in the drift as:
inefficient bits. A A.
Vpl = or Wpl =
Cv Cw
Step 5: Estimate the cutterhead force, (15)
torque, and power requirements by multiplication of Where: Vpl = Volume of rock per unit length.
the number of cutters in contact times the estimated Wpl = Weight in tons per unit length.
forces for the given penetration: A = Cross Sectional area of the tunnel
Thr = 1 Fni Nc. Fn
Nc = Rock Density (lbs/ft3 or gr/cm3)
Cv = Conversion factor for volume
(11) Cw = Conversion factor for weight
and Far 0.5Thr
(12) Step 7: When the general specification of
Tqi = 1 Fni. C d . R i the machine and specific energy of cutting for a
Nc Nc
and Tq = 1
particular rock type are known, the theoretical
(13a) maximum advance rate for given opening size can
or for a gross estimate: be estimated using the following formulas:
HP. Vph .
Tq = Nc.Fd.Ravg = Thr.Ravg.Cd Vph = and Wph =
(13b) SE Cw
and (16)
Power = Tq.RPM.Cp
(14) Where: Vph = Production rate in m3/hr, yd3/hr
HP = Cutting head power (kW/hp) Ar*. D Sump .Wsump . f 2
SE = Specific Energy (hp-r/yd3) Ar = (20)
= Efficiency of the system (as a whole) Where: Ar = Advance rate (i.e. m/hr or ft/hr)
Wph = Production rate in tons per hour Wsump= Width of sump, determined from
= Rock density (i.e. gr/cc, lbs/ft3) head diameter and depth of sump as:
Cw = Conversion factor for weight, Wsump = D 2 ( D 2. Dsump ) 2
Hence, the maximum achievable advance rate Dsump = Depth of sump (mm or in)
"Ar"(in ft/hr or m/hr etc.) would be:
Step 9: Utilization can be calculated as a
Vph Wph
Ar = = percentage of the available cutting time per shift
Vpl Wpl using a machine mechanical availability and normal
(17) and mandatory delays (such as maintenance, support
Step 8: Estimation of the advance rate can installation, etc.) as:
be done in various ways. On a full face machine, Tt - Td
U =
when the penetration rate is known, the advance rate Tt
can simply be calculated by: (21)
Where: Tt = Total time per shift (minutes)
Ar* = Cs.p.RPM
Td = Total delay time (minutes)
Td =(Dn+Dm+Du)
Where: Ar* = Advance rate (of full face machines,
or cutterhead speed) in m/hr, ft/hr Dn = Normal delays
p = Penetration (mm/rev, in/rev) Dm = Mandatory delays
Cs = Conversion factor (0.06 for metric and Du = Delays to install utilities or
5 for English system) support.
RPM = Rotational speed in "rev/min".
The penetration "p" must be adjusted for the Step 10: The face advance per shift and
cutting condition and used in above mentioned tons produced per shift can be calculated by:
formula as follows:
As = Ar.Tt.U and Wps = As x Wpl
padj = p.f (22)
(19) Where: As = Advance rate per shift (m or ft/shift)
Wps = Production rate (tons/shift)
Where: p = Nominal penetration
f = Cutting Efficiency Factor Example
For a partial face machine such as a road-
In this section, an example of performance
header cutterhead speed can be revised to estimate
prediction using the suggested method will be
the advance rate by using the distance a head must
presented. Assume a project including excavation
travel per unit length of tunnel. This figure, in turn
of a 3 by 5 m (10x15 ft) tunnel using a medium size
is calculated from the sumping width which is
roadheader with 200 kW (260 hp) installed cutting
influenced by the RQD, UCS:T, factor f, and the
head power. The machine has 35 ton sumping force
sumping depth of the cutting head. Consequently,
with 17 ton lowering and lifting, and 7 ton arcing
the advance rate is determined from the following
force capacity. The machine is a transverse type
equation which is adjusted for the "f " factor: with head diameter of 1000 mm (40 in), laced with
44 point attack picks (tip angle 100, =50), and
the rotational speed of 58 RPM. The compressive follows. For the nominal sumping depth of 400 mm
strength of the rock is 100 MPa with a tensile (16 in) in intact rock (Eqn. 4):
strength of 10 MPa (14000 and 1400 psi respec- Nc = 20.6 ( or 21)
tively), density of 2.25 gr/cm3, and 70% RQD. The Or for rock mass with discontinuities (Eqn. 6,7):
maximum line spacing between the bits is 30 mm
(1.2 in). f = 0.893
Nc = 20
The optimum spacing to penetration is The estimated total sumping and arcing force
selected to be 3, which is within the range of 2-4 requirements are (Eqn.10,11) :
S/P ratio. Thus, the nominal penetration is selected
to be 10 mm (0.4 in). Cutting forces grow with Thr = 2x21x6.75 = 283.4 kN ~ 28 ton
penetration as follows (the cutting forces are (sumping)
measured and a curve is fitted to the resulting Far = 21x6.75x0.5 = 70 kN ~ 7.2 ton
forces): Note that "Thr" or sumping force is
Fn = a.pb multiplied by 2 to account for both cutting heads
while sumping, however, since operators use
Where "a" and "b" are constants, 2000, and 0.3 subsequent sumping when machine runs out of
respectively. This would estimate the normal force sumping force, this limit is often automatic-ally by
in terms of pounds, given that penetration rate is passed. However, if the difference between the
provided in inches. The estimated forces can then required and available sumping forces is an order of
be converted to the appropriate units (i.e. metric magnitude, it means that an efficient cutting may
etc.) The drag force can be estimated using a drag not be achieved.
coefficient of 0.5. Hence the forces for the nominal
penetration will be: Using a 90% mechanical efficiency factor
the available machine capacities are (Eqn. 8,9):
Fn = 1520 lbs = 6.75 kN
Fts = 31.9 kN
and using Cd=0.5; Fl = 5.6 kN
Fc = 760 lbs = 3.4 kN This means that the sumping force
requirement is met but the machine is likely to run
If the cutting force measurement was not arcing force limited and must be checked in more
available, then Evans formula (Eqn. 2) could be detail. The torque requirement of the cutting head
used, which yields: is (Eqn. 12):
Tq = 21x3.4x(0.5-0.225)=20 kN-m=15000
Fc = 570 lbs = 2.5 kN
and using Cd=0.5, the normal force would be;
This figure, combined with 58 rpm head speed,
Fn = 1150 lbs = 5.0 kN gives (Eqn.13):
Head Power requirement 166 hp = 125 kW
The specific energy of cutting was measured
at 9 kW-hr/m3 (~hp-hr/Cyd). With the rock cutting This is within the range of installed power of the
charac-teristics defined, the next step is to evaluate cutting head even if the installed power were to be
the machine capabilities. Since the prospective reduced by 10% to account for the mechanical
roadheader is already designed, there is no need to efficiency of the system. Production and advance
estimate the number of bits on the head and RPM. rate can be estimated as follows (Eqn. 14):
The number of bits in contact can be found as Vpl = 15 m3/m = 5.56 Cyd/ft
Wpl = 33.7 ton/m = 10.3 ton/ft water jets through the head sprays, to clean the
crushed zone while lubricating and cooling the bits,
Production rate from specific energy and
has been used to show a marked improvement in
machines power can be estimated at (Eqn. 15):
cutting ability. The next logical step in this
Vph = 15.5 m3/hr = 20.6 Cyd/hr progression is to combine the cutting technology of
Wph = 34.8 ton/hr hard rock TBM's to the flexibility of the modern
Advance rate from specific energy method (Eqn. roadheader design with the use of minidisc cutters
16): recently developed at the Colorado School of
Mines. At present, design of a roadheader cutting
Ar = 1.0 m/hr = 3.4 ft/hr head utilizing minidisc cutters for hard rock
The boom speed could be estimated at (Eqn. 17,18): application is underway at CSM. Plans call for
laboratory testing of the disc cutterhead in near
Ar*= 34.8 m /hr = 116 ft/hr
and advance rate from boom speed (Eqn. 19):
Ar = 1. m/hr = 3.3 ft/hr References
Using a 55% utilization factor over an 8 Evans, I., 1984, " A Theory Of The Cutting Force
hour shift the advance rate per shift (of excavation) For Point Attack Picks", Internl. J. of
would be (Eqn. 21): Mining Engineering, 1984. 2. ,pp 63-71.
As = 4.4 m/shift = 14.42 ft/shift Friant, J., 1989, "Principals of TBM Operation"
Ws = 148 ton/shift ISDT short course CSM.