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Lesson Sequence Science

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Eliza Smith 21972148 Science Lesson Sequence

Your Name: Eliza Smith Your Partners Name: Hope Woods

Stage and year of the children you are working with: Stage 2, Year 3/4

Write the Scientific Conceptual Idea(s) that you are moving towards in the five phases. This will not be directly taught as such but it contains
scientific understanding that will be the base for all the phases to provide the opportunity for your students to move towards these scientific
ideas (most important): Earth and Space
Content (BIG IDEA): Demonstrate that the rotation of the earth on its axis is the cause of night and day and understand the relationships
between the earth, moon and sun.

Ref. to Science Syllabus or Curriculum Material (or EYLF if you are working with pre-school)
Including Numeracy and Literacy outcomes
NSW Outcome: Describe how relationships between the sun and earth cause regular changes (ST2-9ES)
Cross-curricula outcomes:
checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used (MA2-3WM)
recognise and use patterns and relationships
visualise 2D shapes and 3D objects (Explore phase)
communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and community
contexts (EN2-1A) - interact effectively in groups or pairs, adopting a range of roles.
plans, composes and reviews a range of texts that are more demanding in terms of topic, audience and language (EN2-2A)

Phase of 5E Brief Description of Lesson Classroom Management Assessment Strategies

Constructivis Strategies and Equipment and (state form of assessment
t Model IT resources (eg ipads/digital at each phase
cameras) diagnostic, formative or
summative - and outline

1. Engage 1. Introduce topic we are going to be learning Resources This phase incorporates
Date: 7/3/17 about night and day TWLH chart Diagnostic assessment as
cardboard part of the elicitation give
2. Hand out science journals write names on the an overview of your
front Science journals
Lead pencils elicitation tasks.
3. We added a discussion about what happens Colour pencils
during the day and night. What do we notice about Diagnostic assessment:
Agree/disagree/not Finding out what students
each, what activities do we during each etc.
sure think they know through
4. Agree/disagree/not sure make claim have open ended questioning
The sun goes around the earth and exploration of night
Ensure that no corrections of and day.
The earth goes around the sun student ideas are made. its
The sun is the largest object in our about what they think they Evidence/Strategies:
solar system know. TWLH chart and student
The earth spins around once every day journals What they think
5. Discussion How do you think night and day they know and how they
happens (partner talk) can show their reasoning.
6. Use TWLH chart to collect ideas of what students
Current misconceptions:
think they know and what they want to learn.
Sun moves
7. How do you think we could find out about night around the
and day? watch a video, ask the teachers, earth
google some information about night and day, talk Moon is a
about it, make models source of light
8. Draw a diagram demonstrating how they think during the night
night and day occurs draw in science journals
and write a small sentence explaining their All students agreed that
diagram earth spins around once
every day.
- A diagram needs: a heading, labels, drawn
in pencil. Hayden and Isabella were
not sure if the sun was the
If time to spare students can colour in their journal title page.
largest object in the solar
Eliza Smith 21972148 Science Lesson Sequence

system but everyone else

agreed it was.

Shaylee knows that the

earth rotates, however still
hold the idea that the sun
moves around the earth
and this is what causes
night and day.
2. Explore 1. Review previous lesson what did we talk about Styrofoam balls
Date 14/2/17 last week? Science Journals Can students use
Torches reasoning to explain their
2. Discuss the shape of the earth What shape do claim.
you think the earth is? How do you know? Ask TWLH chart to
Evidence: Science
students to name the shape Sphere How is it review last week
Journals and
different to a circle? Add Sphere to world chart. Word chart demonstration can they
Discuss the shapes of the sun and moon Paper demonstrate and show
3. Discuss what students know about the sizes of Skewers reasoning behind their
the earth/sun/moon scientific claim about how
Ensure again that no day and night happens
4. Introduce three spherical objects to represent the corrections are made
sun/moon/earth what would be the Formative:
sun/earth/moon (ask for reasons for their Questioning
answers) Why do you
5. Discuss common observation Moon appears to think that? Can
be similar in size to the Sun why do you think you show me
this is? Why do they seem the same size when what you
we know they are not? talk about distances mean?
the sun is much further away from the earth than Observation
the moon. Anecdotal notes
on students
6. Students write down claim of how night and day
happens on paper. Night and day occurs when
Student read out their claim
7. Ask questions why do you think that? Giving feedback
that extends
8. Provide students with materials to explore the way
student learning
day and night occurs. Students are to be split into
two groups to work together.
Math Assessment
9. Each group will state what their claim is and to Knows the
use their model to explain to everyone. different
between 2D
10. Bring in the moon and ask students to think how
and 3D shapes
the moon fits into the picture.
11. Give students time to work with materials relative sizes of
including the moon. earth, moon
and sun
12. Ask students to show the group how the moon fits
Can identify
into the picture using the materials
that the earth,
13. Students are the reflect on todays activities in moon and sun
their journals. Writing things such as: are spheres
- Something they have learnt Students knew that the
- Something they found interesting earth/sun and moon were
not flat, they used the
- Something they are confused about words round/circle but
- Something they enjoyed Isabella was the one who
used the word sphere. The
rest of the group agreed
with her.

Students had different

views about the sizes
relative sizes of the earth
moon and sun but in the
end after discussion all
Eliza Smith 21972148 Science Lesson Sequence

agreed that the sun was

the biggest, then the earth
and then the moon.
3. Explain KEY IDEAS Torch By the end of the lesson:
21/3/17 1. Review activities from last week what did we Globe Can students
find out? Computer to accurately
watch video explain how
2. Explain to students that we are going to do a role
In a spin worksheets night and day
play activity Ask them to come up with some
ideas of how they could use roleplay to explain
how night and day occurs Provide students with scientific Give reasoning
language for their explanation: behind their
3. Move into a darkened area of the room. Ask four claims
students to make a circle facing outwards, one Formative assessment
student to be the sun. Rotates
4. Student who is the sun points a torch at the group Anecdotal notes
of students. Ask students to move slowly in an From this point on encourage on individual
anti-clockwise direction. The Earth spins in an students to use scientific students
anti-clockwise direction language when they are assessment
explaining their ideas. Are students
5. Call out stop at any time and ask what students able to
are experiencing daylight/night time. Discuss that collectively
as they approach the light source it becomes come up with a
brighter how is this the same as what happens definition of
to the earth? night and day
6. Continue the role play, this time asking students to without much
call out stop when they experience prompting.
sunrise/sunset/middle of the day/middle of the
7. Ask students to explain their decisions. How do
you know you are experiencing sunrise/sunset
8. Watch Day and night video on Museum Victoria
9. Use globe and torch to explain that the earth spins
or rotates on it axis. Mark a spot on the globe
where students live and spins globe to show how
night and day happens for them.
Earth rotates on its axis in an anti-clockwise
direction. The side of the earth that is facing the
sun is experiencing day and the side that is facing
away from the sun, covered in shadow is
experiencing night.
10. Complete in a spin worksheet model how to
complete it with students: first part only. (appendix
11. Collectively write a definition of night and day. The
earth spins/rotates on its axis to cause night and
12. Discuss that people from different cultures may
have some different ideas about night and day
discuss some indigenous perspectives through
stories We read the indigenous dreamtime story
How the Sun Was Made and used this to start a
discussion about students ideas about the suns,
what it is made of, how did it get there. It also
served as a purpose to explain to students that
people from different cultures around the world
may have different ideas about the universe and
that it is ok to think something different.
Eliza Smith 21972148 Science Lesson Sequence

4. Elaborate
Review last weeks activities and our collective Scissors A summative assessment
explanation of how night and day occurs. Glue table will be completed
Worksheets upon completion of the
Compare this explanation to students initial next two lessons to assess
explanations ask: Is our explanation different to Computer to
student achievement
what you originally thought? How is it different? watch video
against the outcomes
Coloured pencils listed.
Sun dial activity use a sundial with students to
observe and understand that the earth is What we will use from this
continually spinning: take photo at the beginning lesson to complete the
and end of lesson and discuss the differences table:
Say: So, we know that the earth rotates on its axis Students
to cause night and day, do you know of any other demonstrate
ways they earth moves? What about the moon? their ability to
reflect on their
In groups of three (teacher may need to assist own learning
one group) students will then create a roleplay to Can use
show what they know about the earths and the scientific
moons revolutions. (at this point it does not matter language to
if it is not correct). support their
Students perform their roleplay for each other. understandings

Use interactive tool to explain the Earths and Evidence/Strategies

moons orbit around the sun Can students
use the model
While using the interactive tool ask: Was your of the earth and
roleplay the same? What was different about your moons orbits to
roleplay? How do the earth and moon move? explain the
So now we know: earths and
- The earth spins on its axis to cause night revolution and
and day the earths
- The earth also orbits around the sun once a
Can they use
the model to
- The moon orbits the earth once a month or demonstrate
28 days night and day?
Use A model of the earth and moons orbit of the
sun activity to help student solidify these ideas during sun dial
- Ask: can you show me how the earth/moon activity
orbits the sun? Can you show me how night Interactive quiz
and day occurs? of night and day
5. Elaborate/ Talk about activities participated in last week. Paddle pop sticks What we will use from this
Evaluate - What did we find out? String lesson to complete the
- As we had some extra students in our group Scissors assessment table:
we discussed what they had been doing in Sticky notes Can students
their groups. accurately
Hand out worksheet that accompanied earth explain how
moon and sun model activity last week and ask night and day
students to complete it (Appendix 2) occurs
Bring an already made model to use allow Can students
students to manipulate If they need to jog their reflect on what
memories they have learnt
Use TWLH chart to help students reflect of their and how they
learning: learnt it
- What is something that you learnt?
- How did you learn it? Evidence/Strategies
- Do you think you know more now? TWLH Chart
- Has your thinking changed? Worksheet
Eliza Smith 21972148 Science Lesson Sequence

- What did you find hard? (appendix 2)

Give students sticky notes to write on and stick on Effective
chart summative
Reflective writing in journal: Write a couple of questioning
sentence about what you have learnt, what you Reflective
found tricky, how your thinking has change. writing in
Hand out summative quiz (appendix 4) journal
What were some of the questions you still found Summative quiz
tricky? (appendix 4)
Where could we go from here? What could we
learn about next?
To end the lesson in a fun way, give students the
mobile craft activity to complete (appendix 3)

Drama: Make sure you incorporate an aspect of drama into the sequence and outline it here and state which phase it will take place in:
When will in occur: during the explain phase and elaborate
What will it be:
Explain phase: Students will partake in a role play activates to represent their understanding of how night and day occurs. They
will be able to demonstrate that the spinning of the Earth on is axis is the cause of night and day.
Elaborate phase: Students will come up with their own roleplay to demonstrate how they think the earth and moon move in
relation to each other and the sun.

Summative Assessment (Based on Outcomes)

Willingness to
use of Uses
Can accurately work with
reasoning to scientific Takes pride in written
explain how other and
Name support their language in work/diagrams/worksh
night and day contribute to
explanation their eets
occurs group
and reflects explanations
on their own
Shayle Approaching Approaching Approaching Highly
Approaching Competent
e Competent Competent Competent competent
Aden Competent Not yet Competent Competent
Isabell Highly Highly Highly
Competent Highly Competent
a Competent Competent Competent
Georgi Highly Approaching
Competent Competent Highly Competent
na Competent Competent
Hayde Approaching
Competent Competent Competent Highly Competent
n Competent
Keith Not yet Not yet Competent Competent

Not yet
Approaching Competent
Highly Competent

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