La Perouse - Contested Spaces-2
La Perouse - Contested Spaces-2
La Perouse - Contested Spaces-2
Site Description:
La Perouse is a beautiful suburb situated on the pristine coast of Sydneys southeast region. It is a popular attraction for locals and
visitors alike where people come to behold the scenery, take photos, enjoy an ice cream or have a little swim with their loved ones.
However, what is often overlooked by many is that this particular site marks many years of resistance by the La Perouse Aboriginal
community against dispossession and the resilience of their cultures and connections to land.
Group member Lesson plan Outline Curriculum area covered and link to your site
Targeted outcomes
English: EN5-1A Responds to and composes increasingly sophisticated and sustained texts for understanding, interpretation,
critical analysis, imaginative expression and pleasure
History: HT5-7 Explains different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the modern world and Australia
ESL: EN5-4B A student effectively transfers knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts into new and different
contexts (ESL scales and lessons are mapped to this outcome in the English syllabus)
PDHPE: 5.5 A student composes, performs and appraises movement in a variety of challenging contexts
Lesson 1 History HT5-1 Explains and This lesson will introduce the unit Contested spaces: La
(pre-site visit)- assesses the Perouse and provide students with an explicit outline of
History historical forces and the units purpose and the significance of La Perouse as
factors that shaped a site study.
European the modern world
invasion and and Australia Prior to the commencement of learning activities, each
settlement in student is given the Appropriate Indigenous Australian
La Perouse, HT5-7 Explains peoples terminology worksheet.
Sydney. different contexts,
(1770-1901) perspectives and To begin thinking about the overarching concept of the
interpretations of the unit- contested spaces- this lesson will use the Story
modern world and Sharing component of the 8 ways of learning pedagogy
Australia to scaffold student learning throughout the unit. To do
this, the teacher will begin by sharing a story of what
contested spaces means to them and/or describe their
personal experience of existing/ feeling like they were in a
contested space. After this, students are given the
opportunity to share their stories. Students participate in
the activity by sharing their stories, listening and/or taking
Collaborative activity
Key guided inquiry questions:
Is there a difference between colonisation and
invasion? Use evidence from the sources to justify
your response.
How do these sources provide competing historical
What historical forces and factors may have shaped
the perspective of each author?
Lesson 2 History HT5-2 Sequences This lesson will focus on the resilience and survival of the
(pre-site visit)- and explains the La Perouse Aboriginal communitys culture and continued
History significant patterns of connections to the land and past by investigating primary
continuity and and secondary sources in relation to the La Perouse
Socio-cultural change in the Aboriginal womens shellwork. Students will learn that
and economic development of the shellwork is one specifically geographically located
impact of the modern world and historical narrative of how the La Perouse Aboriginal
La Perouse Australia. community resisted European expansion and
Aboriginal dispossession by creating means in which they could
womens adapt to changing economic and socio-cultural policies
shellwork on and practices of early modern Australia.
the La Perouse
community The lesson will begin with Non-linear 8 ways pedagogy
from early in the form of a whole-class inductive source analysis
dispossession activity. Students will be shown images of shellwork on
to present day smartboard and given photocopies of the images.
Australia Students asked to hypothesise what these items are and
their purpose.
Lesson 3- Geography GE5-2: Explains The following lesson will investigate and identify key
Geography processes and patterns that have occurred in the area of La Perouse
influences that form over the years. Students will work collaboratively to
Changing and transform places analyse similarities and differences in population,
Places: and environments individual ethnicities and migration patterns that have
Investigating evolved over time.
the geography GE5-3:Analyses the
of the area and effect of interactions This lesson will begin with students brainstorming the
how it has and connections push and pull factors of migration as a class.
changed between people, Using their background knowledge as well as content
overtime places and learnt from the previous two lesson, Students will then
environments work with a partner to discuss the reasons why
individuals may migrate to or away from the area of La
Lesson 4- EN 5 - Students will be able This lesson will build on the previous history specific
English thinks to deconstruct, lessons on contested spaces with an English KLA
imaginative interpret and critically approach.
Article ly, analyse an article
Analysis about La Perouse The lesson will begin with a quick, whole class
and the resettlement brainstorm, creating a concept map about the concept of
of Indigenous home and it what it means to us. This will ease students
ly and inhabitants. into the focus of the lesson which involves landlinks
critically approach, requiring students to understand the
about Students will be able significance of connection to land and how it creates a
information to exercise empathy sense of home for each of us.
and skills and
increasingl understanding of the Using the deconstruct/reconstruct component of the 8
y complex context of the Ways pedagogy, students will be put into groups of 4 and
ideas and Indigenous are given the task of reconstructing information cards.
population of La These cards will contain background information about
Perouse the contention around La Perouse and the long standing
to respond
resistance of the Aboriginal community on the reserve.
to and Assuming this information was once sequenced as an
compose essay, students are to reconstruct the information in
texts in a sequential order so as to give it logical flow. This will give
range of students the opportunity to gain contextual knowledge
contexts surrounding the La Perouse as a contested space.
The vocab list and emotive word exercise will ensure that
students are able to understand the language devices
used in the article, specific to the context and hence
derive/make meaning from it.
The teacher will spend some time listing ideas that might
be included and some guiding questions to answer before
Land Links
Students will be able to connect with the significance of
the land and express their connection through writing the
letter to the editor. This is also an empathy task which
gives students the opportunity to express their empathy
for the Aboriginal peoples of La Perouse during the time
of 1928.
Junga Craft
Providing students with the resources, they
will create their own Junga and retell the
story in 8 sentences, using a leg of the
octopus for each sentence. Have the
scaffolding for the task in the presentation
Lesson 10- GENERAL syllabus EN5-5C Thinks The final lesson of La Perouse: Contested
outcomes imaginatively, creatively, spaces has been allocated as a project of
GENERAL interpretively and critically learning presentation day.
about information and
Project of increasingly complex
Groups will:
learning ideas and arguments to
respond to and compose
presentatio present their projects to the class and
texts in a range of
ns contexts provide a reflection statement that
provides clear links between learning
HT5-10 Selects and uses and their project to demonstrate
appropriate oral, written understanding of concepts, content and
and digital forms to skills acquired.
communicate effectively
Complete presentation within 3-5 mins
about the past for
Incorporate their reflection statement in
different audiences
their presentation.
PDHPE-5.11 Adapts and
evaluates communication Story Sharing is utilised as students share
skills and strategies to their journey of learning through the oral
justify opinions, ideas and presentation of their reflection statement
feelings in increasingly throughout the presentation.
complex situations
Non-Linear learning is produced as students
share diverse interpretations of their learning
journey, culminating is new ways of
understanding and knowing.