Stereolithography 1993: Quickcast
Stereolithography 1993: Quickcast
Stereolithography 1993: Quickcast
QuickCast TM
Previously, StereoLithography (SL) generated solid patterns had limited success highly
accurate shell investment casting applications. The majority of the failures involved the cracking of
the ceramic investment casting shell. However, the recent invention of the QuickCast 'l'M build-style
and the development of a new epoxy resin, XB 5170, led to an unprecedented level of success
the burnout process of SL patterns from investment casting shells. Unlike conventional
building techniques, QuickCast involves the building of SL patterns with essentially hollow
structures. When the low viscosity liquid epoxy resin is drained from the interior of the pattern,
voids are formed, allowing the cured resin to collapse inwards during the autoclave and burn-out
stages. This effectively prevents the shells from cracking as the result of outward thermal
expansion. 3D Systems formed QuickCast teams with three respected foundries to test shell
investment casting using SL patterns. A test part having relatively complex geometries a
Boeing 737 cargo door bracket) was selected. To date, this SL part has been successfully cast
aluminum, titanium, beryllium-copper, and stainless steel, with RMS surface finish as low as 1
micrometer, without any subsequent finishing operations.
Recently, one of the authors visited a large foundry that has specialized investment
casting for decades. Until just a few years ago, typical projects involved highly complex
geometries in hundred to multi-thousand lot quantities for various aerospace applications. On such
projects, the development of the tooling typically cost from $ 30,000 to as much as $ 200,000.
Obviously, this was a lot of money. However, considering the critical characteristics final
components, investment casting was often the least expensive production method "'~'I"\~nl~
satisfying the specifications and was commonly the preferred approach.
amortized cost of the tooling, on a per part basis, was quite reasonable.
As a consequence of the profound changes in the aerospace business within two
years, the situation has altered significantly. This foundry is now receiving hundreds of reaues1S
for quotation (RFQs) on projects involving one, two, or three prototype parts. Obviously, if
traditional methods were used, the amortized cost of the tooling could tens to of
thousands of dollars per component. This is clearly not very economical. It is also not especially
competitive. As a result, the company has been forced to no-bid hundreds of RFQs. Under the best
of conditions this would not be desirable, but in a serious recession, sustained non-responsiveness
could be critical to their future viability.
An economical means to produce accurate patterns with a smooth surface finish was clearly
needed. Further, these patterns must be sufficiently robust to allow handling, assembly, and
ceramic shell investing without breakage. Also, the pattern material must have characteristics that
allow for excellent burnout without damage to the shell. And finally, prototype quantities should
require minimal initial pattern generation expense. Stereolithography can be a solution if a process
can be developed to address all these elements. While definitely ambitious, 3D Systems has
advanced considerably towards this goal. Much of the progress has been led by improved
photopolymers working in concert with still newer part building methods discussed below.
It is clear that XB 5170 possesses many of the key stereolithography characteristics needed
for the generation of substantially more accurate parts. The combined properties make this epoxy
resin, XB 5170, the resin of choice, especially for the new QuickCast build style.
Previously, stereolithography generated patterns were successfully used for so-called flask
investment casting, as shown by the results of Texas Instruments working with two foundries:
Cercast Group and Shellcast Foundries, Inc., both of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 2 In this method
the stresses generated as a result of the thermal expansion of the resin duringbumout are resisted
by the solid metal flask as well as the considerable thickness of the ceramic material. However,
this technique can only be used efficiently for a limited range of part geometries.
Unfortunately, attempts to use solid SL parts as patterns for the more general shell
investment casting technique had achieved only modest success.s In numerous cases the heating of
the pattern during burnout would cause significant thermal expansion of the resin, in excess of that
the ceramic material. This would lead to the development of substantial internal stresses and
possible cracking of the shell. Special purpose Investment Casting Resins were also only
marginally successful. The concept involved the addition to the resin formulation of a non-reactive
volatile diluent. In principle, subsequent to polymer crosslinking, the volatile diluent would escape
from pattern upon heating, resulting in a loss of mass and a corresponding shrinkage that would
hopefully offset the thermal expansion of the polymer.
Since this process hinges upon the diffusion of the volatile component to the surface, its
effectiveness clearly depends upon the local surface to volume ratio. While thin sections might
work well, thick sections could become diffusion limited, with the effects of thermal expansion
occurring before those of mass loss. This was indeed what was observed. Parts having section
thicknesses less than 2.5 mm worked well, with little or no tendency to generate shell cracks.
parts with section thicknesses between 2.5 and 4 mm, the method was marginal, showing
occasional shell cracking. However, for parts with section thicknesses in excess of 4 mm, major
shell cracking was observed. 4 Thus, despite some initial positive results, it became clear that solid
patterns would not work in all cases.
Recognizing that the problem involved the thermal expansion of thick, solid sections of
cured resin, it was reasoned that quasi-hollow patterns generated from a resin with good burnout
characteristics might well allow the shell to survive. The key idea was that if the pattern was
mostly hollow and made from a resin that softened at a relatively low temperature, it might collapse
inward upon itself before sufficient stress had been developed to crack the ceramic shell. However,
in order to generate quasi-hollow patterns, it became essential to devise a means by which the
residual uncured liquid resin could be drained from within.
The heart of the QuickCast TM method depends upon a novel interior part structure capable
providing effective resin drainage. Mathematically, QuickCast TM involves building patterns in a
topologically simply connected manner. Subject only to the limitations of viscous and surface
tension forces, principle no matter how complicated the pattern geometry, the resin should be
able to flow from any location within the part to any other location within the part.
Clearly, if the second location is an opening, then the pattern could be drained of uncured
liquid resin. In addition to the small openings for resin drainage, known appropriately as drains,
other small openings known as vents are also required. The vents enable air to enter the evacuated
volumes, thereby avoiding any flow retardation due to the creation of reduced pressure regions.
The vents and drains are later sealed with investment casting wax, at the foundry, to insure that the
ceramic slurry will not invade the interior of the pattern. Experience with QuickCast TM has shown
that the time required to thoroughly drain a part is a function of:
Extremely convoluted parts will take longer to drain than simple cubes. Resins with lower
viscosity drain faster. Smaller resin surface tension reduces capillary effects. Finally, larger
interior triangles greatly speed drainage. However, if the triangles are made too large, upfacing and
downfacing surfaces may sag, leading to reduced pattern accuracy. Clearly, optimum parameters
must be established for each resin. Figure 1 is a photomicrograph of an interior portion from a
QuickCast part, showing the quasi-hollow, triangular hatch structure characteristic of this build
Figure 1. The interior hatch pattern used in the QuickCast build style.
A model of the pattern is initially developed in the usual manner. Next, the part is
sliced using the new QuickCast software proprietary to 3D Systems. This software provides
instructions for the SLA system to generate the appropriate interior topology that is fundamental to
the QuickCast method.
Upon completion of the SLA building process, the pattern is allowed to drain under the
influence of gravity. With the new epoxy resin, XB 5170, simple parts drainwithin 30 minutes,
while even the extremely complicated geometries require only a few hours. Subsequent to
drainage, the part is simply wiped clean. XB5170 leaves little residualphotopolymer on exterior
surfaces after about 45 minutes. The part is then postcured in a standard PCA for 1 hour.
Next, the pattern is wrapped in bubble-pack, boxed and shipped to an appropriate foundry
that is thoroughly familiar with QuickCast. The foundry will then seal the vents and drains with a
thin coating of investing casting wax, add their usual wax gating, etc., and apply pretested ceramic
shell coatings that have proven to be fully compatible with the resin used to fabricate the
QuickCast pattern. This is one of the reasons that prior testing and approval of the foundry is
essential for success.
At this point the wax gating is removed in an autoclave. During the early testing of
QuickCast this step was problematic. However, over the past six months we have learned that
successful autoclaving (Le. removing the wax gating without pattern expansion causing damage to
the ceramic shell) depends upon:
All three of these items affect the so-called void ratio, or Rv ' defined by the relation
where Mq is the mass of the QuickCast pattern, and Ms is the mass of a solid STAR-WEAVETM
part of identical size. Obviously, when the parts have not been drained at all, and Mq=Ms' then
Rv=O. Conversely, the smaller the value of Mq the higher the value of Rv. Observations from
numerous foundry autoclaving tests have shown that the greater the value of Rv ' the higher the
probability of successful autoclaving. Recently, using XB 5170, void ratios as high as 0.67 have
been achieved. As a result, successful autoclaving is now occurring for about 80 % of the patterns
tested. Further improvements in this ratio are anticipated as experience with QuickCast increases.
Subsequent to autoclaving, the shell is cured and the QuickCast pattern is burned out all in
one step. Here the shell is elevated from room temperature to roughly 1,000C within about 2
hours in a fully aspirated furnace. The shell is then maintained at this temperature for another 1 - 2
hours and finally allowed to cool. Since the resin is almost entirely hydrocarbon based, if the
burnout is done in a sufficiently oxygen rich environment, the vast majority of the pattern material
will be converted to carbon dioxide and water vapor. Any residual ash should be removed with
compressed air or fluid rinsing and drying.
Next, the appropriate metal is poured into the ceramic shell mold and allowed to cool. In
the case of either titanium or magnesium this must be done under vacuum to avoid oxygen
contamination and subsequent damage to the surface of the casting. For aluminum, ferrous metal
and beryllium-copper alloys conventional methods apply.
Finally, the shell is broken away, the gates removed and the usual finishing steps taken such
as grinding, sandblasting, milling, etc. The end result is then a precision shell investment cast
metal part produced directly from a stereolithography generated pattern; bypassing the traditional
requirements for expensive and time consuming hard tooling.
Results to Date
QuickCast TN patterns were generated in five different resins: three for the SLA-250 and
two for the SLA-500. These patterns involved a variety of different hatch spacings, drainage
intervals, and post processing methods.
Early in the testing phase it was found that the most critical step involved the removal of
wax gating during the autoclave process. A resin that softens at elevated temperature is definitely
beneficial. Further, a very high correlation was found between successful autoclaving and the
extent to which the pattern had been drained of excess resin. In all cases those patterns with the
highest void ratios, always produced the best results.
After some initial trial and error, all three foundries have now achieved successful results
using QuickCast TN patterns for shell investment casting. To date, a Boeing 737 cargo door bracket
has been successfully cast in the following metals:
Figure 2 shows a QuickCast TN pattern of the cargo door bracket, and examples of the final
metal parts in stainless steel, beryllium-copper and aluminum.
2. QuickCast pattern of the Boeing 737 cargo door bracket and final metal parts in stainless
steel, beryllium-copper, and aluminum.
a complex, six-bladed, centrifugal impeller has been successfully shell investment cast in A-
aluminum directly from an QuickCast pattern, shown Figure The actual A-357
impeller casting is shown in 4. of the three foundries is currently testing larger, more
"""'v castings.
Figure 3. QuickCast SL pattern for the six-bladed centrifugal impeller.
Figure 4. The six-bladed centrifugal impeller cast in A-357 aluminum from the QuickCast
SL pattern.
To date, the amount of residual ash has been measured in the range of about 10-30
micrograms per gram of initial pattern weight. The lower value corresponds to resin XB 5170.
Three additional benefits of QuickCast in XB 5170 are:
Thinner Layers.
With XB 5170, 0.1 mm layer thickness is optimum for both speed and surface
In 1993, current and future stereolithography users can anticipate the following key
It Further continued and significant improvements in part accuracy, to the point where
90% of all measurements of an SLA generated object will be within 120 microns of
the intended CAD dimensions.
The release of an epoxy resin for the SLA-500. With its greatly reduced curl,
shrinkage, creep and slab distortion, this new photopolymer will result a further
quantum jump in overall stereolithography part quality.
The ability to generate accurate patterns for rapid, low cost, small lot, shell
investment casting applications using the new QuickCast technique. This will
enable customers to fabricate functional metal parts in prototype quantities much
more economically than with traditional methods requiring hard tooling.