Carbohydrate Polymers: Hassan Namazi, Mohsen Mosadegh, Abbas Dadkhah
Carbohydrate Polymers: Hassan Namazi, Mohsen Mosadegh, Abbas Dadkhah
Carbohydrate Polymers: Hassan Namazi, Mohsen Mosadegh, Abbas Dadkhah
Carbohydrate Polymers
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Article history: Starch-g-polycaprolacton (Starch-g-PCL) nanocomposites have been prepared with graft polymerization
Received 25 June 2008 through in situ ring-opening polymerization of e-caprolacton in the presence of starch and Sn(Oct)2
Received in revised form 5 September 2008 (Tin(II) 2-ethyl hexanoate) as an initiator/catalyst. A surface-modied montmorillonite by dimethyl
Accepted 8 September 2008
(hydrogenated tallow alkyl) ammonium cation, was used. In fact, the related nanocomposites prepared
Available online 18 September 2008
via two methods in solution and in situ with introducing different amount of loading clay. The effect
of swelling time on d-spacing of silicate layers was investigated and the obtained nanocomposites were
analyzed using X-ray diffraction technique. The morphology of the synthesized nanocomposites exam-
Organo clay
ined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and also the thermal degradation behavior of the pre-
Starch-graft polymerization pared nanocomposites accomplished with using TGA.
In situ polymerization 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction sorbitol (Gaudin, Lourdin, Forssell, & Colonna, 2000) and glycerol,
considerably improves mechanical properties. Even though,
In order to develop an environmentally friendly material, starch lms have poor mechanical properties when compared to
many efforts have been made to solve problems generated by those of synthetic polymers. This is due to their hydrophilic nat-
plastic wastes, particularly by one-time-use disposable commod- ure and thus their sensitivity to moisture content, a factor that is
ity materials. Most of the research attention was focused on the difcult to control. In order to improve mechanical properties and
replacement of Petro-based commodity plastics in a cost-effective water resistance, starch has been modied (Morikawa &
manner by biodegradable material with competitive mechanical Nishinari, 2000; Curvelo, de Carvalho, & Agnelli, 2001; Mani,
properties. Biopolymers have been considered as most promising Tang, & Bhattacharya, 1998; Rutot, Degee, Nayaran, & Dubois,
materials for this purpose. Among natural polymers, starch has 2000; Matzinos, Tserki, Kontoyiannis, & Panayiotou, 2002; Mani
been considered as one of the most promising candidates for & Bhattacharya, 2001; Dufresne, 2006) by blending with synthetic
the future, primarily because of an attractive combination of or natural polymers and modied with aliphatic polyesters, such
availability, price and performance. Starch consists of the linear as PCL, poly (hydroxyl butyrate), poly lactic acid and poly (gly-
a-glucan amylose and highly branched amylopectin. Starches in colic acid) (Namazi & Dadkhah 2008; Wang & Gross, 1998).
their native forms, are organized into semi crystalline granules Among them poly (e-caprolacton) is a particularly promising
(Hizukuri, Takeda, Yasuda, & Suzuki, 1981; Thompson, 2000; polymer. It is a plastic with high exibility and also is biodegrad-
Hoover, 2001; Grard, Planchot, Colonna, & Bertoft, 2000). Several able. Recently a new class of hybrid materials of polymers and
studies have been carried out on starch-based lms obtained by layered silicates has emerged (Dietsche & Mulhaupt, 1999; Lim
melt processing or casting lm of a solution or gel with addition & Park, 2001). This class of materials have improved the material
of a plasticizer (Garca, Martino, & Zaritzky, 2000; Kalambur & properties due to the high aspect ratio and easy phase-to-phase
Rizvi, 2006). The addition of water or other plasticizers such as energy transfer, even at very low ller concentration, if the ller
is uniformly and completely dispersed in the host matrix (LeBar-
on et al.,1999; Lee, Hur, Yang, Lim, & Kim, 2006; McGlashan &
Halley, 2003; Ray & Okamoto, 2003). The introduction of inor-
ganic llers that commonly used nanoclays includes montmoril-
* Corresponding author. Address: Research Laboratory of Dendrimers and
Nanopolymers, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, P.O. Box 51666, Tabriz
lonite, a 2:1 phylosilicate. Nanoclays have a stacked platelet
EA, Iran. Tel.: +98 411 3393121; fax: +98 411 3340191. structure with each platelet having a thickness of approximately
E-mail addresses:, (H. Namazi). 1 nm and lateral dimensions on the order of micrometers.
0144-8617/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
666 H. Namazi et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 75 (2009) 665669
exchange process involving alkylammoniums. Starch has been Samples Loading clay (wt%) Starch-g-PCL (g) Reaction time (h)
lled with layered silicates and an improvement in mechanical C15A 100 0 0
and barrier properties was observed (Park et al., 2002; Pandey NC1 2.5 1 5
& Singh, 2005; Kalambur & Rizvi, 2004; Avella et al., 2005; Pandey NC2 2.5 1 20
et al., 2005). In the present work we investigated the preparation NC3 5 1 5
NC4 5 1 20
of starch-g-PCL nanocomposites with Closite 15A (montmorillon- NC5 7.5 1 5
ite surface-modied by dimethyl hydrogenated tallow alkyl NC6 7.5 1 20
ammonium cation) and in fact related nanocomposites were pre- NC7 10 1 5
pared through two methods in solution intercalation and in situ NC8 10 1 20
polymerization with different amount of loading clay. The disper-
sion of clay into starch-g-PCL matrix examined using XRD and
morphology of some samples investigated through SEM.
Table 3
2. Experimental Preparation of starch-g-PCL nanocomposites by in situ polymerization method
(starch/clay: 50/50)
2.1. Materials Samples Loading clay (wt%) Swelling time (h) T(C) Reaction time (h)
NC9 5 1.5 150 5
Potato starch was obtained from Merck. (Germany) Organo clay NC10 5 18 150 5
(Closite 15A) was from Southern Clay Product (USA), having CEC of NC11 5 18 100 20
NC12 5 48 100 20
125 meq/100 g clay. Stannous 2-ethylhexanoate Sn(Oct)2 and e-
caprolacton were purchased from Fluka.
H St
St O Sn(Oct)2
St OH + Sn(Oct)2 HO Sn(Oct)2
Table 4
Results of X-ray diffraction
Fig. 1. Comparison of XRD patterns for different samples. Fig. 3. Starch-g-PCL/5 h reaction time.
668 H. Namazi et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 75 (2009) 665669
TGA values and the data of related TGA is shown in Table 5 for
the samples. The curves show that the decomposition of the
samples takes place at different temperature. For starch alone
the weight lost starts at 260 C however, with rising grafting
PCL chains on starch it happens at 360 C. Also the thermal
decomposition curves related to CN4 and CN11 nanocomposite
samples shift towards the higher temperature in comparison to
starch. The thermo gram shows that degradation of CN11and
CN4 samples have been started in order at 282 C and 323 C.
This shift to higher temperature might be explained by a lower
permeability/diffusivity of oxygen and volatile degradation prod-
Fig. 4. Starch-g-PCL / 20 h reaction time.
uct through the sample as the result of barrier properties. At
about 600 C, all the curves merge together and became at
which indicates the presence of inorganic residue (i.e., AL2O3,
MgO and SiO2) (Yu, Lin, Yeh, & Lin, 2003). Therefore, as seen
the decomposition product is mainly due to the polymer matrix
and not from the clay particles.
4. Conclusions
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