Articol Excelent Zer
Articol Excelent Zer
Articol Excelent Zer
DOI 10.1007/s11157-016-9402-1
Abstract Whey is a highly polluting by-product of riboflavin (Vitamin B2) in the whey (De Wit 2001).
cheese and casein powder manufacture with worldwide The type of whey depends upon the processing
production of whey estimated at around 190 9 106 ton/ technique used to remove casein from the milk, with
year and growing. Historically whey was considered a the two main types being sweet whey and acid whey.
burdensome, environmentally damaging by-product. In The first type is sweet whey. Sweet whey has a pH of
the last decades however, much research has gone into approximately 5.6 and comes from the production of
finding viable alternatives for whey rather than just most types of cheese or certain casein products. The
disposing of it. Multiple biotechnological avenues have first step in making cheese (and sweet whey) is the
been explored and in some cases exploited to turn this addition of rennet, a mixture of enzymes containing
waste product into a valuable commodity. Avenues the protease chymosin, to milk. The rennet works by
explored include traditional uses of whey as both an curdling the casein protein in the milk leading to the
animal and human food to the more advanced uses such as formation of curds. The curds are then strained from
the use of whey protein as health promoters and the the remaining liquid. This is called whey. The rennet
potential of whey to be used as a feed stock to manufacture induced coagulation of casein occurs at pH 6.5
a whole range of useful substances e.g. ethanol. (Panesar et al. 2007; Fig. 1). The other type of whey
is acid whey, which has a pH of approximately 4.5.
Keywords Whey Biotechnology Ethanol This type of whey is created by either the activity of
Bioconversion lactobacilli or the addition of organic (lactic acid) or
mineral acids (hydrochloric or sulphuric acid) to
coagulate the casein for the manufacture of most types
1 What is whey?
of industrial caseins (Jelen 2003; Fig. 1).
Whey represents 8595 % of the milk volume and
Whey is a yellow-green liquid by-product from the
retains about 55 % of the milk nutrients (Siso 1996).
manufacture of cheese or casein from milk. The
Approximately 20 % of the total protein content of the
yellowish colour of whey is due to the presence of
milk is retained in the whey (Walsh 2014). The main
constituents of both sweet and acid whey are water
M. P. Ryan (&) G. Walsh (*93 % of the total whey volume), lactose
Industrial Biochemistry Program, Chemical and (C12H22O11, 7072 % of the total solids), whey
Environmental Science Department, Materials and
proteins (810 % of the total solids, these will be
Surface Sciences Institute, University of Limerick,
Limerick City, Ireland discussed below) and minerals (1215 % of the total
e-mail: solids). Calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium
480 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
salts make up the bulk of these minerals (of [50 % component causing these high values for BOD and
NaCl and KCI, calcium salts) with trace amounts of COD (Jelen 2003; Patel and Murthy 2011).
metals such as zinc and copper (Venetsaneas et al. Whey is created in near equal volumes to the
2009). The two whey types differ in mineral content, processed milk used during cheese manufacture.
the pH and in the composition of the whey protein Worldwide production of whey is estimated at around
fraction (Jelen 2003). Whey also contains small 190 9 106 ton/year (Baldasso et al. 2011). It has been
quantities of other components like lactic and citric shown that, for every 1 kg of cheese made approxi-
acids, non-protein nitrogen compounds (urea and uric mately 9 L of whey is produced (Kosikowski 1979).
acid) and B group vitamins (Kosikowski 1979; On average across the world, volumes of whey are
Marwaha and Kennedy 1988). The chemical make- growing at about the same rate as milk volumes ([2 %
up of whey can vary depending on which species the per year; Smithers 2008).
milk came from. The composition of whey proteins From the 1960s and 1970s onwards, community
can be seen in Table 1. action groups, environmental regulatory agencies and
dairy processors alike came to recognise and highlight
the environmental damage being triggered by the
2 Environmental issues associated with whey disposal of untreated whey (Smithers 2015). Disposal
of whey by dumping in water bodies is now prohibited
The main problem associated with whey comes from in most dairy producing nations by strict environmen-
its potential to damage the environment. It has a very tal legislation. Whey can have highly deleterious
high Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) that can effects on aquatic life [in 2008 a spillage of acid whey
vary from 40,000 to 60,000 mg/L and a very high in a waterbody in Ohio in the US killed more than 5400
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of between 50,000 wild animals, mostly fish (Hirsch 2015)] within the
and 80,000 mg/L (Chatzipaschali and Stamatis 2012). water body due to the depletion of the dissolved
The waste load of whey is equivalent to that of oxygen leading to eutrophication. This can also cause
100175 times that of a similar volume of domestic bad odours.
waste water (Mockaitis et al. 2006; Smithers 2008). Land spreading for the disposal of whey can lead to
This high polluting potential makes disposal of surplus the build-up of compounds (salts) in the soil that can
whey expensive. Lactose, the largest constituent of damage the soil and effect the growth of plant life
whey (7072 % of the total solids), is the main (Kosikowski 1979). Crop kills have been reported due
Table 1 Major protein constituents of whey and their (or their peptide derivatives) functions
Protein % of whey proteina Peptide derivatives Potential functions that are beneficial to human References
b-Lactoglobulin 5055 b-Lactophorin Angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) Welderufael et al. (2012)
b-Lactotensin inhibition to lower blood pressure
Appetite enhancer
Appetite suppressant
a-Lactalbumin 2025 a-Lactophorin Used in infant formula Sandstrom et al. (2008)
Opioid agonist Antila et al. (1991)
Increase serum levels of tryptophan to improve Markus et al. (2000, 2002, 2005)
sleep quality cognitive performance under Nurminen et al. (2000)
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to the high application of cheese whey leading to rapid with drinking water) provides high-quality proteins
consumption of oxygen in the soil from the breakdown and lactose as energy sources and also provides
of milk sugars and proteins present in whey. Appli- calcium, phosphorus, sulphur and water-soluble vita-
cation of whey can also reduce soil redox potential. mins. Excessive lactose and minerals however can
This can lead to the solubilisation of Fe and Mn cause issues for farm animals that necessitate a limit in
present in the soil potentially contaminating ground untreated whey use as an animal feed (Sienkiewicz
water supplies. It has also been reported that for each and Riedel 1990). There are also issues with land
mm (103/ha) of whey applied to the soil, about spreading as the application of large quantities of
400600 kg of total salt per hectare was added which whey leaves high saline deposits in the soil, damaging
resulted in high soil salinity and reduced crop yield fertility (Kosikowski 1979). Both uses have difficul-
(Ghaly et al. 2007). Acid whey is polluting not only the ties concerning volumes and high transportation costs
whey itself but also due to the low pH (*4.5) levels that make these solutions impractical for the amounts
which can damage the soil. of whey being created today.
Biological wastewater treatment technologies both
aerobic (including trickling filters, aerobic lagoons, 3.2 Whey as a human food?
activated sludge systems, membrane bioreactors and
jet loop membrane bioreactor) and anaerobic can Whey can be used to make human food products such
assist in safe disposal of whey within the environ- as whey cheese and beverages. The most common
mental specifications, but these treatments can be whey beverages are fruit juices that have been mixed
expensive. Older aerobic systems have difficulty with whey (the brands Djoez and Taksi from the
dealing with the high polluting load of the whey Netherlands and Natures Wander from Sweden)
[requiring high dilution ratios and long retention times (Kosikowski 1968; Holsinger et al. 1974; Jelen
(Rivas et al. 2010)] and large amounts of waste sludge 2009). An example of a carbonated soft drink is
are created which must also be disposed of (Prazeres Rivella which has been manufactured and sold in
et al. 2012). Anaerobic systems have the benefit of Switzerland since the early 1950s. This is made from
being able to take very high COD loads and of carbonated whey permeate (discussed below) fla-
producing biogas that can be used for heating or voured with the extract of various herbs (Pesta et al.
powering plant process (Chatzipaschali and Stamatis 2007). These products however have so far failed to
2012). However these systems are not suitable for all spread outside their home markets (Jelen 2009).
climates, can be difficult to run and maintain and may Whey can also be used to create alcoholic drinks
need the addition of other feed stocks. such as a low alcoholic beverage (\1 % alcohol
content) (Sienkiewicz and Riedel 1990), whey beer
(Sienkiewicz and Riedel 1990), whey wine (Jelicic
3 Whey as biotechnological resource et al. 2008) and whey champagne (Sienkiewicz and
Riedel 1990). Creation of these products involves
Whey is an excellent source of functional proteins and addition of certain additives including sucrose and
peptides, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and lactose that malt and the fermentation of the mixture with yeasts
could be exploited by the agri-food, biotechnology, such as Kluyveromyces fragilis or Saccharomyces
medical, and related industries and in the last several lactis (Holsinger et al. 1974).
decades major research efforts have seen whey and Whey can also be used to create whey cheeses with
whey proteins transformed from gutter-to-gold there being two main types: Ricotta or Mysost. To
(Smithers 2008). make Ricotta cheese the whey is heated to[80 C and
the whey protein is denatured. This denatured protein
3.1 Traditional uses of whey then clumps (often aided by citric acid addition)
forming whey protein curds that are then processed
Traditionally whey (in an unmodified form) was used into cheese (Pintado et al. 2001). Mysost type cheeses
as an animal feed (pigs, sheep, cattle) or was land are based on the condensation of the whey under
spread as a fertiliser (Schingoethe 1976, Watson et al. controlled conditions. The collected whey condensate
1977). As a direct animal feed whey (usually diluted is then heated to 95 C and processed into cheese
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498 483
(Jelen and Buchheim 1976). Whey butter is another used for animal feeding (mixed with molasses or soya
potential food product that can be created from whey. flour) in the form of dairy nuts. Smaller quantities are
Whey cream is removed from whey after cheese used in human foods like ice-creams, baked goods,
making and before it is processed for spray drying or cakes, sauces, etc. (Siso 1996).
protein concentration. Whey butter has been found to For the manufacture of higher grade whey protein
be slightly softer than normal butter but has a saltier powders, the whey undergoes membrane separation
flavour (Jinjarak et al. 2006). These products however by ultrafiltration or diafiltration. Whey can be
all have limited commercial appeal and do not present treated to give three different whey protein powder
a way to treat large qualities of whey waste. types: whey protein concentrate, whey protein
Whey proteins also have uses in the food industry as isolate, and the third type whey hydrolysate
their physical properties allow them to act as emul- (Fig. 2). Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) contains
sifiers, gelling agents/water binders and foaming/ levels of protein of approximately 3580 % with
whipping agents in food systems. They are in used in low, medium and high protein powders being
many different foods including soups, salad dressings, available. Whey Protein isolate (which can also be
processed meat, dairy and bakery products (Walsh created by ion-exchange) has a high level of protein
2014). ([90 % protein) and is almost totally devoid of
lactose and fats. Whey hydrolysate is created by the
3.3 Creation of whey powders and whey permeate enzymatic hydrolysis of WPC or WPI. The creation
of WPC/WPI leaves a secondary liquid stream,
To create whey powders, the whey is spray dried whey permeate, as a residue (Mollea et al. 2013).
(Kosikowski 1979; Yang and Silva 1995). This allows Whey permeate has nearly as high a BOD as whole
the quality of the whey to be preserved for a longer raw whey fluid, and therefore poses a troublesome
period of time for transportation or further manipula- disposal problem. A generalised overview of this
tion (Siso 1996). This type of whey powder is mostly process can be seen in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Overview of the fractionation of whey and possible uses of the products formed
484 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
3.4 Whey as health promoter with sugar moieties attached) and are heat labile in the
presence of other whey proteins (Walstra et al. 2005).
Whey and whey derived bioactive compounds (Whey Miscellaneous whey proteins include lactoferrin and
Protein Concentrate/isolate, peptides, etc.) have several different enzymes including lysozyme, oxidore-
undergone research for their ability to enhance general ductases, phosphatases, lactoperoxidase, lipolytic
health and well-being (Shah 2000; Cross and Gill enzymes and proteinases. (Table 1; Walstra et al. 2005).
2000; Beaulieu et al. 2006; Krissansen 2007). The Creation of casein curds using rennet produces a
potential health benefits of whey have long been fragment k-casein molecule that is called glyco-
recognised. Whey has been used since at least the macropeptide (GMP) and this peptide ends up in the
seventeenth century to treat a variety of conditions whey. The GMP constitutes approximately 15 % of
such as sepsis, wound healing, and stomach disease the whey protein fraction of sweet, rennet-based
(Hoffmann 1961). Whey proteins have shown a wheys, but is not present in the acid whey (Lim et al.
variety of positive effects both nutritional and phys- 2007; Neelima et al. 2013).
iological. These include (A) improvements in physical Bioactive peptides are derived from whey proteins
performance, better recovery following exercise, and by enzymatic hydrolysis using pancreatic enzymes
to aid in the prevention of muscular atrophy (Ha and such as trypsin and chymotrypsin or the stomach
Zemel 2003; Ohr 2004; Tipton et al. 2004), (B) im- enzyme pepsin these enzymes usually come from
proved weight management and appetite control (Ohr bovine or porcine sources (Madureira et al. 2010) or
2004; Zemel 2004; Schaafsma 2006a, b), (C) improve- from bacterial, fungal or yeast proteases (Morais et al.
ments in cardiovascular health (Murray and FitzGer- 2014). Some bioactive peptides can also be created
ald 2007), (D) anti-cancer effects (Bounous et al. through microbial fermentation of whey protein. For
1991; Bounous 2000), (E) help with the management example Lactobacillus helveticus fermentation of
of infections (Bounous et al. 1993; Playford et al. whey proteins creates an angiotensin I-converting
1999; Regester and Belford 1999), (F) improve infant enzyme inhibitory (ACE) peptide (Yamamoto et al.
nutrition (Jost et al. 1999), and (G) healthy aging 1999). Different whey derived peptides are listed in
(Yang et al. 2012). Some of these effects are reputed Table 1.
but a number have undergone substantial scientific Whey has also been found to contain several growth
examination and they have been corroborated in factors including insulin-like growth factor, platelet-
numerous laboratories globally. derived growth factor, transforming growth factor, and,
fibroblast growth factor (Pouliot, and Gauthier 2006).
3.4.1 Whey proteins/peptides These growth factors could be potentially used as a
reliable replacement for, or as a supplement to fetal
Whey protein is considered a high quality protein bovine serum (Smithers et al. 1996). Fetal bovine serum
sources as it contains high levels of all essential amino is used in mammalian cell culture, used in the manu-
acids, and has a biological value (measure of the facture of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals. The use of a
proportion of absorbed protein from a food which whey derived growth factor media would provide a
becomes incorporated into the proteins of the organ- cheaper and safer alternative to fetal bovine serum that
isms body) that is 15 % greater than the former would not be at risk of contamination from mycoplasma,
benchmark egg protein (Ismaila and Gub 2010). viruses and Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
Whey proteins are heat labile (Fox and McSweeney (Keenan et al. 2006).
1998; Walstra et al. 2005). The main types of whey
proteins are b-lactoglobulin (b-Lg), a-lactalbumin (a- 3.5 Lactose
La), bovine serum albumin (BSA) and immunoglob-
ulins (IGs) (Table 1). BSA is found in low levels in Milk sugar lactose (4-O-b-D-galactopyranosyl-D-glu-
bovine milk and this is thought that the protein leak cose) can be recovered from cheese whey or more
through from blood serum. IGs are antibodies that are likely from whey permeate by crystallization (Pater-
created in response to specific antigens and their son 2009).
purpose is to provide immunological protection to the Lactose is used widely within the food and
young mammal. IGs are large glycoproteins (proteins confectionery industries due to its low sweetness
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498 485
[16 % that of sucrose (Joesten et al. 2006)]. It is used as due to the slow breakdown of the product no toxic
in the baking industry to promote crust browning ammonia level is reached (Yang and Silva 1995). No
through the Maillard reaction. It is also added to cows product of yet is commercially available.
milk (4.45.2 % in bovine milk compared to 7 % in Another potential use of the lactose present in whey
human milk) in the preparation of infant formula. permeate is to hydrolyse the lactose into glucose and
Lactose is also used in the pharmaceutical industry as galactose. This can be achieved by immobilised b-
an excipient (Paterson 2009). The amounts of lactose Galactosidase. Hydrolysed lactose solutions have
produced from whey have increased greatly since the greater sweetening power than lactose [glucose has
1940s (Sienkiewicz and Riedel 1990). 80 % and galactose 60 % of the relative sweetness of
Lactose can also be used for the direct production of sucrose (Joesten et al. 2006)] and have applications in
various other compounds. Lactulose (4-O-b-D-galac- the confectionery, ice-cream and soft drink industries,
topyranosyl-D-fructose) is a lactose derivative that has potentially replacing saccharose or corn starch syrup
several potential uses. It can also be used as a sweeter. (Ganzle et al. 2008). The sweetness of the hydrolysed
Lactulose has an advantage in this use as it is more lactose solution can be increased by the conversion of
soluble than lactose which makes it easier to use in food the glucose present after hydrolysation of the lactose
applications and it also has a greater sweetness value to fructose (110 % of the relative sweetness of
[4862 % of sucrose (Parrish et al. 1979; Mizota et al. sucrose) with glucose isomerase (Moulin and Galzy
1987)]. It can be used as a sweetener for diabetics, as a 1984; Kosaric and Asher 1985).
substitute for sucrose in confectionery products, as an Lactose from whey can also be used in the creation
additive in milk/dairy applications, and in various foods of Galactooligosaccharides (GOS). These are prebi-
(liquid or dry) that are made for the elderly (Mayer et al. otics that can have a positive effect on human health
2004). It can also be used as a laxative in the treatment by encouraging the growth of probiotic bacteria in the
of acute and chronic constipation (Tramonte et al. gut. They are frequently produced from lactose in a
1997), and also in the treatment of hyperammonemia reaction catalysed by b-galactosidase, termed transg-
(excess of ammonia in the blood) and chronic hepatic lycosylation or they can be produced chemically
encephalopathy (impairment of brain function due to (Torres et al. 2010). GOSs are made from a variable
liver issues) (Blanc et al. 1992). More recently, it has number (28) of galactose units linked to a terminal
been considered for use as a prebiotic (De Souza glucose. They can be created from the lactose present
Oliveira et al. 2011). It is created via an alkaline in whey (Jovanovic-Malinovska et al. 2012; Golowc-
isomerization of lactose however research has been zyc et al. 2013).
undertaken on enzymatic synthesis of the compound
(Aider and Halleux 2007; Tang et al. 2011). 3.6 Bioconversion of whey into useful products
Lactitol (4-O-(b-galactopyranosyl)-D-sorbitol) is a
sugar alcohol used as a replacement bulk sweetener for Significant efforts are being undertaken worldwide to
low calorie foods, slimming products and in foods find ways to upgrade surplus whey to a feed stock for
specially formulated for diabetics with *40 % of the bioconversion towards various value-added products.
sweetness of sucrose. It has been investigated as a Lactose (present in whey permeate), as the major
potential prebiotic due to the fact that it can be carbohydrate component of whey, can act as a carbon
metabolised to short chain fatty acids by the colonic source for growth and product formation in numerous
microbiota (Dills 1989). Lactitol, like lactulose, can biotechnological processes. In the literature, the
also be used to treat constipation and chronic hepatic production of bioethanol (Ghaly and El-Taweel
encephalopathy (Patil et al. 1987; Faruqui and Joshi 1997; Zafar and Owais 2006), vinegar (Parrondo
2012). Lactitol is created by the chemical hydrogena- et al. 2009), antibiotics, such as the bacteriocin nisin,
tion of lactose (Zacharis 2012). (Liu et al. 2005), yeasts for yeast extract production
Lactosylurea ([4-O-b-D-galactopyranosyl-1-N-b- (de Palma Revillion et al. 2003) and bakers yeast
o-glucopyranosyl] urea) is another potential lactose (Champagne and Goulet 1988), surface active com-
derivative. This can be used as a non-protein nitrogen pounds (surfactants) like sophorolipids (Daniel et al.
source in ruminant feeding. It has major advantages 1999), single-cell protein (Schultz et al. 2006), green
over other non-protein nitrogen sources such as urea, bioplastics like Polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHAs, (Ahn
486 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
et al. 2000, 2001; Kim 2000; Povolo and Casella 2003; cerevisiae involved the fermentation of pre-hydrol-
Koller et al. 2007), and lactic acid as both a green ysed (enzymatically) lactose solutions (mixtures of
bioplastic in the form of polylactic acid (PLA) and as glucose and galactose). However since of the advent of
an important as food additive (E270) and in pharma- advance genetic manipulation techniques attempts
ceutical use (Wee et al. 2006) are all due to the have been made to create lactose-consuming S. cere-
bioconversion of lactose/whey. visiae strains. These include protoplast fusion, expres-
sion of heterologous -galactosidases that are then
3.6.1 Single cell protein/yeast secreted to the extracellular medium or the simultane-
ous expression of the permease and -galactosidase of
Single-cell protein (SCP) refers to sources of mixed K. marxianus. This system operating under continuous
protein that are extracted from either pure or mixed bioreactor resulted in ethanol productivity of *10 g/
cultures of algae, yeasts, fungi or bacteria. These are L/h (Domingues et al. 2001). However to date none of
grown on agricultural wastes. They are used as a these S. cerevisiae systems have been used on an
substitute for protein-rich foods, in human and animal industrial basis. An excellent review covering this
feeds (Anupama 2000). The production of SCP can be subject can be found in Guimaraes et al. (2010).
carried out by the fermentation of whole whey or whey A few commercial scale processes to manufacture
permeate via direct use of lactose by microorganisms ethanol using whey as a fermentation feed stock have
or of hydrolysed lactose (hydrolysed by enzymatic or been established, with plants in Ireland, the United
chemical means) (Boze et al. 1995). Lactose can be States, New Zealand, Denmark and Germany (Lyons
converted directly into biomass by numerous microor- and Cunningham 1980; Pesta et al. 2007; Siso 1996;
ganisms. Much of these studies have been done with Muller 2015).
lactose utilizing yeasts, mostly K. fragilis or Kluyver- Carbery Group (Cork, Ireland) was the first com-
omyces marxianus strains, which offer advantages of pany in the world to operate a whey to ethanol process
good growth yields and are GRAS (Generally on an industrial scale. This plant first opened in 1978.
Regarded As Safe) microorganisms (Mahmoud and Until 2005 the plant produced potable ethanol (the
Kosikowski 1982; Willetts and Ugalde 1987; Ghaly main uses of this was for beverages, pharmaceuticals
et al. 2005; Anvari and Khayati 2011). and industrial products (printing inks, etc.) but since
2005 it has supplied fuel ethanol to the Maxol oil
3.6.2 Ethanol company for E85 [85 % ethanol] (since withdrawn
from the market [
Whey permate is an attractive as a feed source for the 1210/295386-maxol/]) and E5 [5 % ethanol] blends
creation of ethanol as it is a polluting by-product that (Doyle 2005; Ling 2008). As of 2008, the plant
can be used instead of food resources (such as corn) operates with eleven fermentation vessels that use
and does not require the extensive preprocessing (high compressed air for mixing and aeration. The whey
temperature acid treatments to break apart the differ- permeate is fermented in batches in these fermentation
ent tyupes of cellulose) that is required for the vessels for 1220 h, depending on the initial concen-
production of ethanol from cellulose. tration and yeast (thought to be K. marxianus) activity.
Over the last three decades, many authors have The whey permeate is concentrated by reverse osmo-
researched the production of ethanol from lactose sis (from 4 to 8 %) to attain higher lactose content.
carried out using fermentations with yeasts such as K. This is done in order to ensure a more efficient fer-
fragilis, K. marxianus and Candida kefyr [formally mentation. The yeast is recovered at the end of the
Candida pseudotropicalis] (Rogosa et al. 1947). fermentation process. The yeast can be potentially
Gabardo et al. (2014) reported that cells of K. reused a number of times before it is discarded.
marxianus immobilised in Ca-alginate improved Ethanol levels at the end of fermentation range from
ethanol yield in continuous culture fermentations. 2.5 to 4.2 % (v/v). After the fermentation is completed
The maximum value achieved was a productivity of a continuous distillation process is used to extract the
6.97 g/L/h; one of the highest values reported to date. ethanol and create a product that is usable (Pesta et al.
The use of S. cerevisiae for lactose fermentation has 2007; Ling 2008). Once completed, the yeast is sep-
also attracted much research. Intially use of S. arated from the fermented substrate, and the remaining
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498 487
liquid (which is called beer) is sent to a distillation gallon for ethanol from sugar cane [all currency U.S
process to extract ethanol. This ethanol is dehydrated dollar] (Budny and Sotero 2007; Ling 2008).
by use of a rectifier. Petrol is added to the ethanol if it Biobutanol production from whey has also been
is going to be used for fuel (to prevent any misuse). investigated. Biobutanol has advantages over ethanol
The effluent (the remaining liquid after ethanol has such as the fact that it can be used directly in petrol
been removed from the beer) is sent to a waste treat- engines whereas the use of ethanol requires engine
ment system. The yeast can be reused in the process, modifications. Limited research using Clostridia
directly sold as animal feed, or undergo further pro- species to transform whey into butanol has been
cessing to create a higher quality animal feed (Ling carried out (Raganati et al. 2013; Qureshi et al. 2014).
2008). Carbery produces about 10.5 million litres of
ethanol per year (Irish Bioenergy Association 2012). 3.6.3 Bio-plastics
In New Zealand, Anchor Ethanol, a subsidiary of the
dairy processor the Fonterra Cooperative Group (New Using whey as a raw material to create bioplastics has
Zealands largest company), operates 3 plants that also become an area of investigation. Compounds such
convert whey to ethanol (at Reporoa, Edgecumbe and as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) and Polylactic
Tirau). These produce around 15 million litres of Acid (PLA) can be made into bioplastics through the
ethanol per year (Anchor Ethanol 2009). These plants bioconversion of the lactose present in whey permeate.
use two different processes with the Reporoa plant These materials have many advantages when com-
using the Carbery process and the Tirau plant uses a pared to traditional plastics in that they come from
continuous fermentation process (Wongso 1993). The renewable biomass sources instead of finite petroleum
type of plant operated at Edgecumbe is not publically oil and most, but not all, are designed to biodegrade.
disclosed. These plants produce different ethanol Common uses of bioplastics are packaging materials
grades, from potable ethanol for beverages to anhydrous for food and other materials, disposable cutlery and as
alcohol for fuels (Thiele 2005). The main markets for insulation (Chen and Patel 2012).
the whey derived ethanol has been pharmaceutical, PHAs are polyesters (polymers that contain ester
cosmetics, industrial solvents (including inks) as well as functional groups in their main chain) of various
the food and beverage industry (Hamilton 1998; Thiele hydroxyalkanoates which are created by numerous
2005). Since 2007, fuel ethanol has also been supplied microorganisms (Solaiman et al. 2006) where they act
to a petrol company in New Zealand for an E10 [10 % as a carbon and energy reserve material. PHAs are
ethanol] blend (Ling 2008). synthesised when an essential nutrient such as nitrogen
The process of ethanol production varies between or phosphorus is limited but when there is an excess
plants, but they all share common basic principles and carbon source (Lee 1996). Further reading about
steps. After whey protein has been harvested from PHAs can be found in Sudesh et al. (2000). PHAs
whey by ultrafiltration, yeast can be added the whey have many potential applications in medicine such as
permeate. Lactose in whey permeate is fermented by the material for sutures, rivets, tacks, staples, screws
specially adapted strains of yeast (thought to be K. and surgical mesh (Chen and Wu 2005).
marxianus in the Carbery process, Streptococcus The microbial conversion of whey lactose to PHAs
fragilis in the Dansk Gaerings process, K. fragilis in can follow three possible strategies. The easiest way is
the Milbrew process) that are efficient in fermenting through the direct conversion of lactose to PHA
lactose. The yeast is added to the fermenting substrate however only a limited number of microorganisms,
and pumped to the fermentation vessels. such as Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava and recombi-
The fermentation of whey permeate to create nant Escherichia coli can carry out this task (both have
ethanol is a highly attractive prospect but as things b-galactosidase activity). Another possible way is the
stand it is not economically competitive when com- fermentation of the monomers glucose and galactose
pared to ethanol production from other sources such as after the enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis of lactose.
sugarcane, corn or lignocellulose biomass. Whey The resulting monomers, glucose and galactose, will
permeate to ethanol production is estimated to cost be used by microorganisms (such as Pseudomonas
between $1.60 and 1.85 per gallon compared with hydrogenovora or Haloferax mediterranei) to produce
$1.14 per gallon for ethanol from corn and $0.83 per PHAs (for strains that do not have b-galactosidase
488 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
activity). The third way involves the conversion of a plasticizer such as glycerol or sorbitol are added to
lactose to lactic acid (via Lactobacilli) and the latter reduce brittleness and improve the moisture resistance
used for PHAs production (by all common PHA of the film/coating (Walsh 2014).
producers such as Alcaligenes latus) (Koller et al.
2007). 3.6.4 Bacteriocins
Lactic Acid is created as the major metabolic end-
product of carbohydrate fermentation of the Lactic Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides that are cre-
Acid Bacteria (LAB) (Todar 2014). This lactic acid ated by both Gram positive and Gram negative
can be converted through condensation reactions to bacteria that inhibit bacterial growth. They are con-
PLA (Sodergard and Stolt 2010). Further reading sidered to be narrow spectrum antibiotics with the
about PLAs can be found in Chen and Patel (2012). spectrum of activity of the bacteriocin depending on
The conversion of whey lactose to lactic acid is carried the producing species (Chen and Hoover 2003; Cotter
out by lactic acid bacteria. et al. 2013). The positive effect of bacteriocins in
In May 2014 Cellulac became the first company different types of food including dairy, meat and fish
worldwide to carry out a continuous industrial level products, fruit and vegetables has been well defined
production of lactic acid from deproteinised lactose (OSullivan et al. 2002). Further applications are
whey. A 10 days production run delivered pure D- possible in the medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary
lactic acid that was suitable for conversion to fields (Jones et al. 2005). LABs (Lactic Acid Bacte-
bioplastics and other industrial chemicals. The system ria) are prolific in bacteriocins and are able to
uses a whole cell non-GMO (Genetically Modified synthesize different classes of bacteriocins (Beshkova
Organism) lactobacilli to transform the lactose present and Frengova 2012). The LAB Lactococcus lactis
in the deproteinised lactose whey in D-lactic acid that produces nisin which is the only bacteriocin that is
was used to create polylactic acid (Cellulac 2014). industrially synthesised and that has been authorised
PLA (as with PHA) can be used in medical for used in food by the US Food and Drug Adminis-
materials such as in the form of screws, plates, pins, tration FDA (Jones et al. 2005).
rods, and meshes for surgery. It has also been used for Nicin can be produced using (supplemented) whey
producing loose-fill packaging, compost bags, com- as a growth media. Other bacteriocins such as pediocin
postable food packaging, and compostable, disposable (form Pediococcus acidilactici), enterocin (from En-
tableware (cups, plates, etc.). In fibers and non-woven terococcus faecalis) and a bacteriocin created by
textiles, PLA can be used for disposable garments, Bacillus licheniformis have also been created using a
awnings, feminine hygiene products, and disposable whey media (Flores and Alegre 2001; Perez et al.
diapers (Auras et al. 2011). 2010; Goulhen et al. 1999; Ananou et al. 2008;
Other potential types of bioplastics from whey are Cladera-Olivera et al. 2004). With the increasing
binary bioplastics created using whey protein. Whey prevalence of antibiotic resistance, bacteriocins could
protein has been explored for packaging applications be a viable alternative in combatting microbial
due to its strong oxygen barrier properties (Markus infections and whey meida could be a cheap and
Schmid et al. 2012). However, whey protein based effective means to create these (Cotter et al. 2013).
bioplastics have inherent stiffness/brittleness that
makes them difficult to use. To overcome this problem 3.6.5 Enzymes
binary based bioplastics have been investigated. These
are created by blending the whey protein with other Several different bacteria and yeast species have been
plentiful biopolymers such as natural latex and egg grown on whey/whey permeate for the purpose of
white albumin (Sharma and Luzinov 2013). This type harvesting enzymes for possible use in industrial
of bioplastic can be used as recyclable food packaging processes or in detergents. Enzymes include proteases,
(Wheylayer Project 2014). They can also be used to amylases, polygalacturonases (plant enzymes that are
form edible films or coatings to improve food appear- involved in the ripening process and bacterial and
ance or for preservation. They have better mechanical fungal enzymes that are involved in the rotting
and barrier properties when compared with most other process) (Table 2); however most research has been
protein/carbohydrate based products especially when directed at b-Galactosidase production. In order to
Table 2 Industrially useful products that can be created use whey
Products Use Production Commercially Organism/process used for bioconversion References
from whey available
Bioethanol Fuel, alcoholic Fermentation of whey Yes Klyveromyces lactis, Klyveromyces marxianus, Guimaraes et al. (2010)
beverages, chemical permeate recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae (direct Zafar and Owais (2006)
industry conversion of lactose to ethanol)
Lactococcus lactis (direct conversion of lactose to Liu et al. (2016)
S. cerevisiae (conversion of hydrolysed lactose to Silva et al. (2010)
Biobutanol Fuel, chemical industry Fermentation of whey Clostridium acetobutylicum DSM 792, Clostridium Raganati et al. (2013)
saccharobutylicum (conversion of whey to butanol) Qureshi et al. (2014)
Antibiotics Food industry, health Fermentation of whey Lactococcus lactis [conversion of lactose Amiali et al. (1998)
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
(bacteriocins) industry permeate (supplemented with Yeast extract and casein Flores and Alegre (2001)
hydrolysate) to bacteriocin- nisin]
Liu et al. (2005)
Gonzalez-Toledo et al.
Pediococcus acidilactici (conversion of lactose Perez Guerra et al. (2005)
[supplemented with Yeast extract] to bacteriocin - Goulhen et al. 1999
Ananou et al. (2008)
Enterococcus faecalis (conversion of lactose to
Bacillus licheniformis (conversion of whey to Cladera-Olivera et al.
bacteriocin) (2004)
Single cell Animal feed, food Fermentation of whey Yes K. marxianus, K. fragilis (conversion of lactose/ Schultz et al. (2006)
protein industry permeate hydrolysed lactose to biomass) Mansour et al. (1993)
Kefir (conversion of lactose to biomass) Paraskevopoulou et al.
PHA Bioplastics Fermentation (can be direct Hydrgenophaga pseudoflava, recombinant Escherichia Koller et al. (2007)
or 2 step) of whey coli and Cupriavidus nector (direct conversion of Ahn et al. (2000, 2001)
permeate lactose to PHA)
Povolo et al. (2010)
Lactobacilli (conversion of lactose to Lactic acid)
followed by C. nector (conversion of Lactic acid to
Pseudomonas hydrogenovora, Haloferax mediterranei
(conversion of hydrolysed lactose to PHA)
Table 2 continued
Lactic acid/PLA Bioplastics, food industry Fermentation (and chemical Pilot plant is Lactobacilli (conversion of lactose to Lactic acid) Panesar et al.
polymerisation of PLA) of operational (2007, 2010)
whey permeate Lactic acid then converted to polylactic acid by Cellulac (2014)
chemical polymerisation
Glycerol Fuel, chemical industry Fermentation of whey K. fragilis [direct conversion of lactose (supplemented Jenq et al. (1989)
permeate with sodium sulfite) to glycerol]
K. marxianus (direct conversion of lactose to glycerol) Rapin et al. (1994)
Aspergillus melleus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus Zohri (2000)
sclerotiorum (direct conversion of lactose to
Sophorolipids Pharmaceutical, 2 step fermentation Cryptococcus curvatus (conversion of lactose to single Daniel et al. (1999)
cosmetic, food, cell oil) Candida bombicola (conversion of single Otto et al. (1999)
petrochemical cell oil to sophorolipids)
Single Cell Oil Food and pharmaceutical Fermentation of whey Mortierella isabellina, Thamnidium elegans, Mucor Vamvakaki et al. (2010)
industries sp(conversion of lactose to single cell oil)
Fusarium spp. (conversion of lactose to single cell oil) Akpinar-Bayizit et al.
Citric Acid Chemical industry Fermentation of whey Candida lipolytica (conversion of whey [supplemented Abou-Zeid et al. (1983)
with date seed hydrolysate] to citric acid)
Aspergillus niger (conversion of whey [supplemented Hossain (1983)
with sucrose] to citric acid) El-Holi and Al-Delaimy
Propionic Acid Chemical, food, Fermentation of whey Propionibacterium sp. conversion of lactose to Colomban et al. (1993)
pharmaceutical Propionic Acid) Kosmider et al. (2010)
Propionibacterium freudenreichii ssp. Shermanii
(conversion of whey [supplemented with crude
glycerol] to propionic acid)
Propionibacterium acidipropionici (conversion of Morales et al. (2006)
lactose to propionic acid)
Gibberellic acid Agricultural uses Fermentation of whey Fusarium moniliforme (conversion of lactose to Maddox and Richert
permeate Gibberellic acid) (1977)
Aspergillus niger (conversion of lactose to Gibberellic Gohlwar et al. (1984)
acid) Cihangir and Aksoza
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
Table 2 continued
Products Use Production Commercially Organism/process used for bioconversion References
from whey available
Gluconic acid Food, pharmaceutical Fermentation of whey/whey Gluconobacter oxydans (conversion of Kluyveromyces Van Huynh et al. 1989
industry permeate bulgaricus hydrolysed lactose to ethanol)
Aspergillus niger (conversion of lactose to gluconic Chaturvedi et al. (1999)
acid) Mukhopadhyay et al.
2,3-butanediol Manufacture of synthetic Fermentation of whey/whey Bacillus polymyxa (conversion of whey to 2,3- Speckman and Collins
rubber and solvents permeate butanediol) (1982)
Klebsiella pneumoniae (conversion of lactose to 2,3- Lee and Maddox
butanediol) (1984, 1986)
Enterobacter aerogenes (conversion of whey to 2,3- Perego et al. (2000)
Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
Succinic acid Chemical industry Fermentation of whey Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens (conversion of Lee et al. (2000)
whey to Succinic acid)
Actinobacillus succinogenes (conversion of whey to Wan et al. (2008)
Succinic acid)
Lactobionic acid Cosmetics, Fermentation of whey Pseudomonas taetrolens (conversion of whey to Alonso et al. (2013)
pharmaceutical Lactobionic acid)
industry, medical
Vinegar (acetic Food industry 2 step fermentation of whey K. marxianus (conversion of lactose to ethanol) Parrondo et al. (2009)
acid) permeate Acetobacter pasteurans/Gluconoacetobacter
liquefaciens (conversion of ethanol to acetic acid)
Enzymes Washing detergents, Fermentation of whey K. marxianus, Candida pseudotropicalis, Lactobacillus Rao and Dutta (1977)
industrial processes delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus, Streptococcus de Bales and Castillo
thermophiles, Aureobasidium pullulans (b- (1979)
Vasiljevic and Jelen
Kaur et al. (2015)
Bacillus sp. (a-amylase) Bansal et al. (2008)
Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, Serratia Bajpai et al. (1991, 1992)
marcescens (proteases) El-Shora, and Metwally
K. fragilis (endo-polygalacturonase) Romero et al. (2001)
Gomez-Ruiz et al. (1988)
Donaghy and McKay
Kaur et al. (2015)
492 Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol (2016) 15:479498
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Ahn WS, Park SJ, Lee SY (2000) Production of poly(3-hy-
use of various carbohydrate-rich wastewaters such as
droxybutyrate) by fed-batch culture of recombinant
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(Kapdan and Kargi 2006; Yang et al. 2007). Whey Ahn W, Park S, Lee S (2001) Production of poly (3-hydroxy-
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could be particularly useful as the fermentation of
recombinant Escherichia coli. Biotechnol Lett 23:235240
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