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Norriseal - A Dover Company

Valves and Controls Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Liquid Level Controllers Liquid Level Switches Chambers and Domes Control Valves Pressure Controllers
Temperature Controllers Regulators Check Valves Butterfly Valves

Norris Butterfly Valve Overview 12/11/2004

Check this informative guide for a summary of Norris butterfly valve solutions.
It's available for display or you can download a PDF file for future reference. More


Terry Davis Joins Technical Sales 1/3/2005

Norriseal veteran now serves as Technical Sales Representative for the Houston region. More

http://www.norriseal.com/ (1 of 2)10/11/2005 8:43:30 AM

Norriseal - A Dover Company

Phone: (713) 466-3552

Series EVS Controllers Achieve Widespread Popularity 4/28/2005
Feature easy-access design and zero-leak Envirosave snap (on/off) pilot. More

Norriseal is an ISO 9001-certified manufacturer of Level, Pressure and Temperature Control Products, Control Valves, Butterfly Valves,
Check Valves and Regulators. For more than four decades, Norriseal products have set performance standards in oil and gas production,
gas transmission, refining, chemical processing, marine, power generation and other industrial applications.
2003 Norriseal. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Statement

Norriseal Adds To Customer Service Team 5/11/2005

Industry veteran Mike Miller augments Norriseal's customer service. More

LAGCOE Postponed 9/7/2005

Due to the tragic events of Hurricane Katrina, LAGCOE has been postponed. More

http://www.norriseal.com/ (2 of 2)10/11/2005 8:43:30 AM

Norriseal - A Dover Company

Phone: (713) 466-3552

Brochures Installation & Maintenance Guides Certifications


"How To" Guide for Norris Series 200 and Series 285 Butterfly Valves - Brochure
Manual Handles, Gear Operators and Accessories - Brochure
New Series EVS Pneumatic Liquid Level Controller - Brochure
Series 1001/1001A/1001XL Pneumatic Liquid Level Controller - Brochure
Series 1002A Electric Liquid Level Switch - Brochure
Series 1005E Electric Liquid Level Switch - Brochure
Series 1005P1 Pneumatic Liquid Level Switch - Brochure
Series 1100A/1100AE Pneumatic High/Low Liquid Level Switch - Brochure
Series 1400, Type 72-15 Pneumatic Liquid Level Controller - Brochure
Series 1406 - Brochure
Series 200 Butterfly Valve - Brochure
Series 2023A "No Freeze" Control Valve - Brochure
Series 2026 "No Freeze" Motor Valve - Brochure
Series 2220/2200 High Pressure Control Valve - Brochure
Series 2220/2200 High Pressure Control Valve - Folleto en Espanol
Series 2275A Economy Control Valve - Brochure
Series 2700A General-Purpose Control Valve - Brochure
Series 2700A General-Purpose Control Valve - Folleto en Espanol
Series 2720 Space Saving Control Valve - Brochure
Series 285 Butterfly Valve - Brochure
Series 2G Diaphragm Actuators - Brochure
Series 3023 Three-Way Control Valve - Brochure
Series 4300 Pneumatic Pressure Controller - Brochure
Series 4400, Type 72-44 Indicating Pneumatic Pressure Controller - Brochure
Series 4400, Type 72-46 Temperature Controller/Transmitter - Brochure
Series 4700A Pneumatic Pressure Controller - Brochure
Series 7100 Flow Lift - Brochure
Series 73 - Brochure
Series 8760P and 8760E Valve Controllers (Valve Positioners) - Brochure

http://www.norriseal.com/n_library/library_main.asp (1 of 2)10/11/2005 8:47:29 AM

Norriseal - A Dover Company

Installation & Maintenance Guides

New Series EVS Pneumatic Liquid Level Controller - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 1001/1001A/1001XL Pneumatic Liquid Level Controller - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 1005E Electric Liquid Level Switch - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 1005P1 Pneumatic Liquid Level Switch - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 1406 - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 1631 - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 200 Butterfly Valve - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 2023A "No Freeze" Control Valve - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 2220/2200 High Pressure Control Valve - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 2700A General-Purpose Control Valve - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 285 Butterfly Valve - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 3023 Three-Way Control Valve - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 4400, Type 72-46 Temperature Controller/Transmitter - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 4700A Pneumatic Pressure Controller - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 7100 Flow Lift - Installation & Maintenance Guide
Series 73 - Installation & Maintenance Guide


- American Petroleum Institute (API) Monogram

- ABS Certificate of Manufacturing Assessment
- Pressure Equipment Directive Quality System Certificate of Compliance
- ISO 9001:2000 Certificate of Compliance
- ABS Design Certificate: Series R200 and Series M200 Butterfly Valves
- ABS Design Certificate: Series D200 Butterfly Damper Valves
- ABS Design Certificate: Series R285 and Series M285 Butterfly Valves

http://www.norriseal.com/n_library/library_main.asp (2 of 2)10/11/2005 8:47:29 AM

Series EVS Liquid Level Control

INTRODUCTION brochure for specific information on

CONTENTS the controller nomenclature.
A nameplate attached to the inside
INTRODUCTION 1 The instructions provided herein should of the case includes the controller
Scope 1 be completely reviewed and understood model and serial number. Also
Description 1 prior to installing, operating, or repairing included is information pertinent to
Controller Identification 1 this equipment. All CAUTION and the controller assembly, i.e., supply
Principle of Operation 2 WARNING notes (displayed in boxes)
and output pressures, displacer mate-
must be strictly observed to prevent seri-
Pilot Operation 2 ous injury or equipment malfunction.
rial and rating, body size and mate-
rial, ANSI class and pressure, and
1.0 LEVEL CONTROLLER temperature limits.
START-UP 3 Scope
1.1 LEVEL ADJUSTMENT 4 This instruction manual includes
installation, operation and mainte- Before disassembly or maintenance, all
1.2 LIQUID LEVEL INTERFACE 4 nance information for Norriseal EVS pressures in this device must be relieved.
Liquid Level Controllers. Failure to relieve pressures may result in
2.0 LEVEL CONTROLLER personal injury or device damage. The
MAINTENANCE 4 This product is covered by U. S. resulting uncontrolled venting or spilling
2.1 LEVEL CONTROLLER Patents 4,700,738 and 6,497,246 B1. of process fluids may cause personal
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 4 injury, loss of process control or environ-
Description mental contamination.
DISASSEMBLY 5 The EVS Liquid Level Controller (LLC)
is designed for general-purpose use WARNING!
in liquid level and interface control
RE-ASSEMBLY 5 applications. It uses the patented
Maximum allowable pressures for the
level controller body and the maximum
2.4 LEVEL PILOT REMOVAL/ Norriseal Envirosave direct-acting, allowable pressure at the maximum tem-
REPLACEMENT 5 on/off (snap) pneumatic pilot. The LLC perature for the level controller are shown
2.5 LEVEL CONTROLLER body is back-mounted on the case. on the nameplate mounted in the case. If
PILOT ACTION CONVERSION 5 Pilot action can be reversed and mod- pressure to the level controller is capa-
ulating (throttle) service is optionally ble of exceeding these limits, install relief
2.6 LEVEL CONTROLLER valves or other over-pressure protection
BODY DISASSEMBLY 6 devices in the pressure lines.
2.7 LEVEL CONTROLLER The standard EVS Liquid Level
BODY RE-ASSEMBLY 6 Controller is equipped with a 1.88- x
12-in. PVC displacer that can be CAUTION!
3.0 REPAIR KITS 6 attached for either horizontal or verti- When ordered, the displacer material and
cal service. Optional displacer materi- configuration were selected to meet par-
TABLE als, lengths and diameters can be ticular pressure, temperature, and fluid
Table 1 Trouble Diagnosis 7 supplied by Norriseal to accommodate conditions. Bodies and displacers are lim-
a wide range of control applications. ited in their operating pressure and tem-
perature ranges as well as their ability to
Controller Identification resist corrosion. Do not apply any other
conditions to the controller without first
Controller model numbers are typi-
contacting your Norriseal sales office or
cally 12 positions long (example: your sales representative.
2SM36-BBDB-N). Refer to the product

ISO 9001
Cert. #30080
P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525
Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 1 of 8
Series EVS Liquid Level Control

Principle of Operation Pilot Level Adjustment

Torque The spring is used to balance the
Force Balance Principle Bar weight of the displacer. As level
The operation of the EVS Liquid Level increases, the apparent weight of the
Controller is based on the Force displacer decreases. The spring ten-
Balance Principle. A spring balances sion increases and is transmitted to
the weight of a displacement-type the pilot thrust pin through the lever
sensor. As liquid rises around the dis- and fulcrum.
placer, the amount of force available Fulcrum Pivot Pin Increasing tension on the spring low-
to the pilot is proportional to the ers the sensed level. Decreasing ten-
weight of the displaced liquid. The Figure 2 Reverse-Acting Controller sion on the spring raises the level
available force is transmitted to the required to produce the toggle force.
pilot thrust pin through a lever and Dump Span
fulcrum. The higher the level, the A snap pilot provides on/off action of Interface
greater the available force to the pilot. output pressure that can be set any-
Spring compression can be suffi-
where within the displacer length. The
The control is direct-acting (rising ciently reduced so that a hydrocar-
differential between on and off (dump
level increases pilot output) when the bon liquid can rise above the displacer
span) is set by positioning the fulcrum
fulcrum is on the right of the pivot pin without transmitting enough force to
along the torque bar (Figure 3).
as shown in Figure 1. the pilot to produce an output. If prop-
erly adjusted, water (with a higher
Fulcrum Proportional Band
specific gravity) can then rise on the
Pilot Torque The term Proportional Band is most displacer, changing its weight, and
Bar commonly associated with throttling produce an output. This wide range
pilots. It is the ratio of used displacer of control makes liquid interface sens-
length to total length of the displacer. ing possible.
For example, if 6 in. of level change
will develop a 3 to 15 psi output sig- Pilot Operation
nal with a 12-in. long vertical dis-
As described in Principle of
placer, the level controller is said to
Operation, force from the balance
Pivot Pin
have a 50% proportional band.
spring is transmitted via the lever and
Figure 1 Direct-Acting Controller fulcrum to the thrust pin of the pilot.

The control can be made reverse- Envirosave (Snap) Pilot (Figure 4)

acting (rising level decreases pilot out- This patented* pilot has two (2) elas-
put) by moving the fulcrum to the left tomer seats that ensure zero leakage.
Figure 3 Adjusting Dump Span The upper seat (D) is sealed by a ball
of the pivot pin as shown in Figure 2. and Proportional Band
(A). The upper seat controls supply
air and holds the ball in the closed

*Patent No. 6,497,246 B1

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
Page 2 of 8 www.norriseal.com 0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004
Series EVS Liquid Level Control

position. Upward mechanical force to maintain equilibrium by either de- required. Insert the displacer arm
on the thrust pin (B) overcomes the creasing (exhausting) output loading into the opening in the controller
supply air pressure holding the ball pressure or increasing output loading body. Carefully align and screw
to the seat. The ball snaps upward pressure. Supply air does not flow the arm into the body shaft. For
and supply air flows out the output when the loading pressures of the vertical installation, screw the
port (H). The lower port is sealed by pilot are balanced. swivel onto the free end of the dis-
the spherical end of the thrust pin pre- placer arm. Screw the displacer
venting supply air from escaping. onto the free end of the swivel.
1.0 LEVEL CONTROLLER For horizontal applications, screw
As the upward force INSTALLATION AND the displacer (no swivel used)
on the thrust pin de- START-UP
A directly onto the free end of the
creases, supply air pres-
displacer arm.
D H sure overcomes the CAUTION!
upward force. The ball 4. Install the controller using good
B When making connection to the vessel,
once again seals the piping practice. Use TFE tape or
observe all safety requirements of the
supply air and simulta- area where the work is being done. Be pipe thread sealant.
neously opens the especially careful of pressure vessels.

lower exhaust port, CAUTION!

venting gas from the The bodies are rated ANSI 1500 class. Do
Figure 4 1. After unpacking the controller,
control-valve actuator. not install in a system where the work-
Snap Pilot visually inspect the unit for any
ing pressures can exceed those marked
evidence of shipping damage. on the nameplate.
Throttle Pilot (Figure 5) Shipping damage claims must be
The throttle pilot also has two seats filed with the carrier who handled
to admit supply gas and exhaust the the package(s). Remove any for- 5. Connect instrument air to the sup-
actuator gas. A diaphragm (E) is used eign material that may have col- ply connection on the controller.
to sense pressure/force lected during crating and Connect the control valve signal
feedback and a spring shipment. Remove the thread line to the output connection. The
assists closing pressure protectors from the body end supply and output connections
on the thrust pin. The connection. are clearly marked.
throttle pilot is opera- 6. Open the case and rock the
C 2. Insure that screwed surfaces on
tionally similar to the torque bar by hand to verify the
both the controller and the vessel
snap pilot, except that displacer arm moves freely and
are free of foreign materials.
the output pressure is is NOT resting against the vessel
proportional to the me- 3. The controller normally ships in nozzle or other obstruction. The

chanical force applied four (4) pieces: the controller arm must be reasonably centered
to the thrust pin (C). As body/case assembly, the displacer, in the connection opening, paral-
Figure 5
the thrust pin force the displacer arm, and the swivel. lel to the ground.
Throttle Pilot
changes, the pilot seeks Therefore, some assembly is

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 3 of 8
Series EVS Liquid Level Control

1.1 LEVEL ADJUSTMENT fulcrum bar away from the pivot 2.0 LEVEL CONTROLLER
pin to DECREASE proportional MAINTENANCE
NOTE: All controllers are factory set band and INCREASE SENSITIV-
for average level and sensitivity. Use only Norriseal replacement parts
ITY. Tighten the thumbscrew on when servicing level controllers.
1. To decrease level (increase com- the sensitivity fulcrum when the Please refer to the model and serial
pression on the balance spring), proper span is selected. numbers when ordering replacement
turn the adjusting knob on top of parts.
To increase level (decrease com- WARNING!
pression on the balance spring), NOTE: All controllers are factory set
Before attempting any repairs, isolate the
turn the knob on top of the balance for average level and sensitivity.
controller from the system and make sure
spring COUNTER-CLOCKWISE. 1. Set the sensitivity fulcrum 12-in. that all pressure is released from the con-
from the pivot pin. Reduce the troller body. Shut off and vent supply and
spring tension slowly by turning output (signal air) lines to the controller.
the adjusting knob COUNTER-
CLOCKWISE, and let the UPPER 1. Isolate the controller from the
fluid rise to submerge the dis- process.
placer. Fine tune after the dis-
2. Shut off and vent supply and out-
placer is fully submerged in the
Adjusting put (signal air) lines to the controller.
Knob UPPER fluid by slowly increasing
Balance spring tension (turning adjusting 3. Release the process pressure.
Spring knob CLOCKWISE) until an out-
Controller parts are built to withstand
Pivot Pin put signal is obtained. Then back
a great deal of wear under normal
the tension off slowly (turning
operating conditions and will rarely
adjusting knob COUNTER-
need to be repaired. Should repair be
CLOCKWISE) until the output sig-
Bar necessary, the following sections
nal pressure returns to zero.
describe the procedures for disas-
2. Let the lower fluid rise until the sembling and re-assembling the con-
desired interface level is reached. troller.
Fine tune by slowly increasing
spring tension (turning adjusting
Sensitivity 2.1 LEVEL CONTROLLER
Fulcrum knob CLOCKWISE) until an out-
put signal is obtained. Then back
Figure 6 How to Make Level Adjustments
the tension off the balance spring 1. O-rings and main-shaft bearings
slowly (turning adjusting knob last for many years. If a leak
2. Adjust the proportional band COUNTER-CLOCKWISE) until the occurs, Norriseal has O-ring Seal
(dump span) by first loosening the output signal pressure returns to Kits (LSK) available.
thumbscrew on the sensitivity ful- zero.
crum. Slide the fulcrum along the 2. Controllers used in high-paraffin
fulcrum bar toward the pivot pin 3. If a shorter dump span is desired, service or interface control with a
to INCREASE proportional band move the fulcrum farther away horizontal displacer should be
and DECREASE SENSITIVITY. from the pivot pin and repeat the removed and inspected after their
Slide the fulcrum along the above procedure. initial three (3) months of service.

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
Page 4 of 8 www.norriseal.com 0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004
Series EVS Liquid Level Control

Check for debris buildup inside 2.3 LEVEL CONTROLLER 2.4 LEVEL PILOT REMOVAL /
the controller body that might RE-ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT
interfere with displacer arm move-
ment. Future inspections can be 1. Slide the level-adjusting bar with WARNING!
gauged by how much buildup spring onto the left end of the
shaft and snug the two (2) cap Before attempting any repairs, isolate the
occurred in the initial three (3) controller from the system and make sure
months of service. screws. Do not completely tighten
that all pressure is released from the con-
at this time. troller body. Shut-off and vent supply and
2. Install spring retainer stud. output (signal air) lines to the controller.
DISASSEMBLY 3. Replace the sensitivity fulcrum
1. The pilot is held in place by four
NOTE: These instructions do not and fulcrum bar together by push-
(4) cap screws in the pilot clamp.
apply to the pilot or body. See para- ing the assembly into the level-
Remove these four (4) cap screws
graph 2.4 for instructions for remov- adjusting bar with spring. Slide
and lift the pilot from the case.
ing and/or replacing the pilot. See the level-adjusting bar onto the
paragraph 2.6 for removing body. right end of the shaft and onto the 2. If necessary, replace pilot. Use
fulcrum bar. Snug, but do not only genuine Norriseal pilots.
1. Remove the balance spring, tighten, the two (2) cap screws
spring retainer and the spring- 3. Re-install the pilot by reversing
that secure the bar to the shaft.
adjustment cap screw. instructions 1 through 3 above. It
4. Center the displacer arm in the may appear that the pilot gasket
2. Remove the retaining ring from body opening. It may be helpful does not need replacing, but
the torque bar. Slide the torque to put a temporary spacer under replacement is recommended.
bar off of the pivot pin. Remove the displacer arm to hold it in
and discard Teflon back-up ring. place.
remove the pivot pin. It is press-fit 5. Temporarily slide the sensitivity PILOT ACTION CONVERSION
into the body and is not meant to fulcrum fully to the right. Position
EVS Controllers are normally shipped
be removed. the fulcrum bar so that it is paral-
from the factory set for Direct Action.
lel with the bottom edge of the
3. Remove spring retainer stud. The following procedure converts the
case. Tighten the two (2) cap
unit from Direct to Reverse Action.
4. Loosen the two (2) cap screws screws on the level-adjusting bar
NOTE: When the sensitivity fulcrum
holding the level-adjusting bar with spring and the two (2) cap
is to the right of the pivot pin, the unit
and slide it off the right end of the screws on the level-adjusting bar.
is set for Direct Action (figure 1).
fulcrum bar and shaft end. 6. Replace the Teflon back-up ring, when the sensitivity fulcrum is to the
5. Remove the sensitivity fulcrum torque bar and then replace the left of the pivot pin, the unit is set for
and fulcrum bar together by retaining ring that secures them Reverse Action (Figure 7). It may be
pulling the assembly from the to the pivot pin. NOTE: The
level-adjusting bar with spring. torque bar must move freely.
6. Loosen the two (2) cap screws 7. Install the spring adjustment cap Bar
holding the level-adjusting bar screw, balance spring and spring
with spring and slide it off the left retainer.
end of the shaft.

Fulcrum Pivot Pin

Figure 7 Reverse-Acting Controller

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 5 of 8
Series EVS Liquid Level Control

necessary to relax the tension from 3. Remove the four (4) cap screws 6. Reassemble the controller per
the balance spring to freely move the holding the case to the body. The paragraph 2.3.
fulcrum. gasket should be discarded. Do
Bearing Block
not attempt to reuse the gasket.
1. Remove the thumbscrew from O-ring
the front of the sensitivity fulcrum.
2. Grasp the top of the sensitivity ful-
crum and pull out and downward
to completely rotate the fulcrum 1. Install the case/body gasket and
on the fulcrum bar. Slide the sen- mount the case to the Body with Figure 8 End-on Cutaway of Controller Body
sitivity fulcrum to the left side of four (4) cap screws. Tighten the
the fulcrum bar and replace the screws to 6 ft-lbs.
thumbscrew to lock the fulcrum
2. Using new O-rings, install the Norriseal provides repair kits for use
in its new inverted position.
large O-ring over the threads of in controller maintenance. Contact
3. If necessary, re-adjust the tension the bearing block. Install the new your Norriseal sales office or your
on the balance spring to establish Teflon back-up rings in each bear- sales representative for more infor-
the desired switch point. ing block, pressing them into mation.
place with a 516-in. diameter rod.
Install the new O-rings in each CAUTION!
2.6 LEVEL CONTROLLER bearing block, pressing them into If the bearing blocks are removed from
BODY DISASSEMBLY place with a 516-in. diameter rod. the body for any reason, the back-up rings
1. Disassemble the controller by fol- and O-rings must be re-packed (pressed
3. Replace one (1) bearing block on into place). It is recommended that new
lowing the disassembly instruc-
the either side of the body. NOTE: back-up rings and new O-rings be used.
tions in paragraph 2.2 above.
Light oil applied to the O-rings will
2. Remove the two (2) bearing assist in the assembly.
blocks (114-in. wrench) and the
4. Insert the shaft into the body and
shaft. Remove and discard the
firmly seat in the bearing.
O-rings and Teflon back-up rings
in the body, on the shaft, and in 5. Replace the remaining bearing
the bearing blocks. block on the body and tighten.

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
Page 6 of 8 www.norriseal.com 0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004
Series EVS Liquid Level Control

TA B L E 1 T R O U B L E D I A G N O S I S


Pilot output pressure gauge indicates output 1. Balance spring is too compressed and puts 1. Back-off the spring retainer until the out-
pressure signal when fluid level is below dis- too much pressure on the torque bar. put pressure signal goes off. Re-check when
placer on a direct-acting controller OR when the fluid level rises (direct-acting) or falls
fluid level is above displacer on a reverse- (reverse-acting).
acting controller.
2. The displacer arm is set too low or the dis- 2. Check the displacer arm by moving the lev-
placer is hitting something inside the vessel. eling adjusting bar up and down. If the
adjusting bar will move in only one direction,
this indicates the displacer arm is riding at
either the top or bottom of the vessel con-
nection. If it moves too freely, the displacer
has become disconnected from the dis-
placer arm. Re-center the displacer arm in
the vessel connection.

Pilot output pressure gauge indicates no out- 1. Balance spring is insufficiently compressed 1. Compress the spring retainer until an out-
put pressure signal when fluid level is above and doesnt put enough pressure on the put pressure signal is indicated on the out-
displacer on a direct-acting controller OR when torque bar. put pressure gauge. Re-check when the
fluid level is below displacer on a reverse- fluid level falls (direct-acting) or rises
acting controller. (reverse-acting).
2. The displacer arm is set too high or the dis- 2. Check the displacer arm by moving the lev-
placer is hitting something inside the vessel. eling adjusting bar up and down. If the
adjusting bar will move in only one direction,
this indicates the displacer arm is riding at
either the top or bottom of the vessel con-
nection. If it moves too freely, the displacer
has become disconnected from the dis-
placer arm. Re-center the displacer arm in
the vessel connection.
Controller does not repeat at the same fluid Paraffin or debris has built up inside the level Remove controller from service and clean out
level after each dump and sometimes fails to control body. the body with a solvent.
either dump or shut-off. (The torque bar does
not bounce back fast when depressed and
appears to be hard to move.)

A pneumatic pilot bleeds air continuously. Foreign matter under the ball on a snap con- Remove the pilot following the instructions in
trol pilot or under the peanut on a throttle paragraph 2.4. Remove the two cap screws
control pilot. from the bottom of the pilot. Clean the pilot
OR thoroughly. If a snap pilot, make sure the
dimension between the tru-arc ring and the
The tru-arc ring on the snap pilot thrust pin bottom of the pin is 34 in. If not, gently tap the
may have been dislocated. tru-arc ring into the proper location.
Reassemble the pilot.

On interface control, the vessel occasionally The displacer is not big enough to handle the Provide exact specific or API gravities of both
loses all fluid or the vessel overflows, espe- interface differential. Close specific gravity of fluids to Norriseal Engineering for exact siz-
cially with temperature change. The displacer two fluids and a temperature change can ing of the displacer that should be used.
arm is free and the displacer is not hitting cause this problem.
inside the vessel.

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 7 of 8
Series EVS Liquid Level Control


ISO 9001
Cert. #30080

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

11122 West Little York Houston, Texas USA 77041-5016
Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386

Due to the continuous improvement at Norriseal,

specifications and/or prices are subject to change
without notice or obligation.

Series EVS controllers are protected by U.S. Patents 4,700,738 and 6,497,246 B1.
2004 Norriseal. All rights reserved.
Norriseal and Envirosave are marks of Dover Corporation.
Teflon is a mark of DuPont.

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
Page 8 of 8 www.norriseal.com 0EVS-1004O 2004, October 2004
Norris Butterfly Valves

CONTENTS Installation of Norris butterfly valves Although life expectancy is difficult to
PAGE is a simple procedure that requires determine, approximately 5 to 10 years
INTRODUCTION 1 no special tools. Special care should of life can be expected in general service
Installation Compatibility 1 be taken, however, in unpacking and with proper maintenance (no warranty is
installing the valve to avoid damage implied by this statement). The user shall
Required Tools and Materials 1 to the sealing surfaces (O-ring flange determine suitability for corrosive or abra-
Preparing Valve and Flanges 1 seals, seat and disc edge or disc sive applications. The user shall deter-
O-ring). mine suitability of material for application.
1.0 INSTALLATION 2 Valves for hydrogen sulfide and chloride
containing applications should be checked
1.1 INSTALLATION OF ALL Installation Compatibility
by the user for the application of appli-
2- TO 12-IN. SPAN-TYPE VALVES 2 Norris wafer span and lug type valves cable recognized standards. The user is
1.2 INSTALLATION OF 14- TO 36-IN. 2- through 36-in. are designed for use responsible for insulating the valve as
SEMI-LUG AND 2- TO 36-IN. with ANSl 150 flanges with an inside necessary to prevent hot/cold surface
FULL-LUG VALVES 2 diameter equivalent to Schedule 40 contact. These valves are not for opera-
pipe ID. Check disc clearance charts tion in an external fire environment. The
on individual Valve Data Sheets to be system shall provide protection from
2.0 MAINTENANCE exceeding the allowable limits of pres-
AND REPAIR 2 sure the inside diameter of compan-
ion flanges and piping does not inter- sure and temperature.

3.0 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY fere with disc movement when the

OF 2- TO 12-IN.
valve is cycled to the open position.
Required Tools and Materials
200 PSI VALVES 3 Back beveling of heavy wall, plastic
or cement pipe may be required for The only tool required to install Norris
disc clearance. butterfly valves is a wrench suitable
4.0 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY for tightening flange bolts and nuts
OF 212 - TO 12-IN. Weldneck, socket weld or slip-on or cap screws. A hoist may be
285 PSI VALVES 4 flanges can be used with Norris required for 10-in. and larger valves.
metal-lined M-Series and D-Series Smaller sizes can usually be handled
5.0 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY valves with no special preparation. by one man. Temporary pipe sup-
OF 14- TO 36-IN. ports may be used to keep the flange
200 AND 285 PSI VALVES 6 Weldneck or socket weld flanges
are recommended for use with faces parallel and aid in installing the
elastomer-lined R-Series valves. Slip valve.
ON M-SERIES VALVES 7 on type flanges are not recom- Flange gaskets are not required since
mended for use with R-Series valves. O-ring flange-face seals are a built-in
7.0 REPAIR KITS 9 Slip-on type flanges should only be feature of the Norris valve design.
used with R-Series valves when the
flanges have been installed with sin- Flange bolts and nuts or cap screws
8.0 VALVE STORAGE are not included with valve shipment
PROCEDURES 11 gle beveled, fillet-reinforced weld, per
Mil-Std-22A, P43. unless ordered as a separate item.
The individual Valve Data Sheets will
lity Evaluatio
Norris automated valves and those indicate the required number and size
ua n
with gear operators should be of bolts or cap screws which are avail-


installed between flanges with the able from most supply stores or
t io n
Ma n a

ic a

operator in place. Lever-operated
ti f

t Sys te m C
e r
valves are shipped with the handle
removed. Attach handle to operator Preparation of Valve and Flanges
shaft and check disc to be sure it If the valve and flanges are properly
seats on raised sealing surface before prepared for installation, problems
installing between flanges. can be avoided later. Flange faces

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
0BFV01040 2004, February 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 1 of 12
Norris Butterfly Valves

should be free of dirt, grit, dents or sure there is full metal-to-metal con- surfaces have been factory lubricated.
surface irregularities which might tact between flange and valve face. O-ring seat and shaft seals are per-
damage the body O-ring flange seals The O-ring seal makes excessive bolt manently locked in lubricant to pre-
and cause leakage at the flange. Also loading unnecessary. vent flow medium from penetrating
inspect the valve and wipe away any major bearing surfaces.
grit or dirt which might be around the
1.2 INSTALLATION OF Under normal conditions, operating
seat seals or disc. The valve must be
14- TO 36-IN. SEMI-LUG torques will not exceed a comfort-
in the closed position to protect the
AND 2- TO 36-IN. able range for manual operation of
sealing edge of the disc.
FULL-LUG VALVES the valve although valve torques may
Attach valve to one flange and then increase somewhat with age.
1.0 INSTALLATION the other using the tapped flange
holes. Loosely install all cap screws Repairs which may be required:
CAUTION! in tapped holes on one flange.
Tighten evenly, working with alter- 1. O-ring flange seal replacement if
Flange bolting should not be used to posi-
nate cap screws 180 apart. Keep a leak develops between flange
tion flanges. Flanges should be in proper
flange and valve faces parallel. and valve body. Flange seal can
installation position prior to torquing bolt-
ing to prevent external loads from trans- be replaced without disassem-
Tighten cap screws evenly in the bling the valve and replacing the
ferring to the valve. Ensure that piping is
properly supported to prevent piping same manner, alternating between seat. See Step 6 of assembly pro-
loads from being transferred to the valve. screws that are 180 apart. Make sure cedure on following pages. Flange
there is full metal-to-metal contact face should be inspected for dirt,
between flange and valve face. Do grit or irregularities which could
not over-tighten cap screws. The prevent sealing, or damage
1.1 INSTALLATION OF O-ring flange seal makes excessive
ALL 2- TO 12-IN. replacement seal.
bolt loading unnecessary.
SPAN-TYPE VALVES 2. Seat, disc or disc O-ring replace-
Loosely bolt lower half of flanges Repeat procedure for second flange. ment if the valve develops a leak
together. Make sure the flanges are through the valve bore.
In the case of semi-lug 14- through
separated enough to allow the valve
36-in. valves, install remaining bolts 3. Replacement of O-ring shaft seals
to be inserted without damaging
after valve is attached to both flanges. if valve develops a leak at top
flange seals and the face of the elas-
tomer seat. or bottom shaft or operating
torque increases beyond com-
Insert valve between flange faces with 2.0 MAINTENANCE fortable limits.
care and lower into bolt cradle. AND REPAIR
Special care should be taken, espe- Norris butterfly valves are designed 4. Shaft replacement if shaft
cially when raised-face flanges are and manufactured to exacting stan- becomes corroded or operating
used, to prevent damage to face of dards to help avoid operating prob- torque increases appreciably.
seat and O-ring flange seals during lems. However, trouble with valves
5. Disc or shaft replacement if drive
installation. can occur if they are improperly han- slot or shaft is damaged by pres-
dled, if they are used beyond the rec-
Loosely install remaining flange bolts sure surges or flow velocity
ommended working pressure and
and nuts. exceeding recommended limits.
flow rates, or if the wetted parts are
Snug all flange bolts. Tighten first one not compatible with the flow medium.
bolt and then the opposite, 180 apart, Operating maintenance and lubri-
keeping flange faces parallel. Make cation is not required. Shaft bearing

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
Page 2 of 12 www.norriseal.com 0BFV01040 2004, February 2004
Norris Butterfly Valves

3.0 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY 6. Push disc (#2) from seat carefully raised sealing surface of seat, all
OF 2- TO 12-IN. so as not to damage sealing edge. O-rings, and disc edge with a
silicon-based lubricant such as
200 PSI VALVES 7. Tap seat (#5) from body with plas-
Dow Corning Valve-Seal or
(See Figure #1) tic or rubber mallet. O-ring flange
seals (#6) will come free as seat is
WARNING! removed. Seat O-rings (#7) will WARNING!
It is not safe to make any valve repairs be in counterbore of seat.
Valve must not be put under pressure/
while the valve is under pressure/
vacuum until topworks, operator and bot-
vacuum. Do not loosen cap screws or FOR M-SERIES VALVES ONLY:
tom plate have been installed.
attempt to remove topworks, operator or Inspect disc O-ring for damage or
bottom plate until all pressure/vacuum compression set. If replacement is
has been eliminated and valve removed necessary, carefully cut the O-ring CAUTION!
from line.
(#16) and remove from disc edge Petroleum-based lubricants can cause
groove. Do not pry the O-ring loose damage to some elastomers and should
Removal of Valve from Line with sharp tools which could dam- not be used on rubber parts.
age the disc or groove. See special
Remove all pressure from line. Close
instructions for replacing disc O-ring 2. Place shaft O-rings (#7) in seat
valve and remove flange bolts or cap
(page 7). counterbores, slip seat (#5) into
screws. Spread flanges so valve can
be removed without damaging face body (#1), accurately aligning
Assembly of shaft holes in seat with shaft bores
of elastomer seat.
2- to 12-in. Valves in body. A soft plastic or rubber
Disassembly of 1. Thoroughly clean all parts, then mallet may be used to tap seat
2- to 12-in. Valves grease outside diameter and into place if necessary.

1. Open disc (Ref. #2) enough to

clear raised seating surface. 11 Thrust washer upper

10 Thrust washer lower

2. Remove topworks, gear operator
or other actuator. 7 Shaft O-ring

3 Shaft operator
3. Remove cap screws (#13) and
bottom plate (#12).
4. Remove top and bottom shaft
retention screw (#14) and washer 1 Body
15 Retention screw washer
(#15). 14 Shaft retention screw
6 Body face O-ring
5. Pull top and bottom shaft (#3 and
7 Shaft/seat O-ring
#4) from body with pliers or vise 5 Seat
grips. O-ring shaft seal (#7) and Body face O-ring 6 2 Disc
thrust washers (#10 and #11) will Shaft/body O-ring 7
come out with top shaft. Bottom Shaft/bottom shaft 4
O-ring shaft seal (#7) will come
Bottom plate 12
out with bottom shaft.
Thrust cap screw 13 15
Disc O-ring
M-Series only

Figure #1

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

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0BFV01040 2004, February 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 3 of 12
Norris Butterfly Valves

3. Grease bearing surface (nub) of at points between until the entire 4.0 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY
bottom shaft (#4) and full length O-ring is smooth and evenly OF 212- TO 12-IN.
of operator shaft (#3) with a secured.
general-purpose lubricant. Insert
7. Insert shaft O-ring (#7), stainless (See Figure #2)
operator shaft and bottom shaft
steel washer (#10) and Teflon
to check alignment of shaft bore in
washer (#11) in counterbore of WARNING!
seat and body. Carefully rotate
mounting pad. Install topworks or It is not safe to make any valve repairs
and push shaft past the seat and
operator. Again, check to be sure while the valve is under pressure/
seat O-rings to prevent damage
disc seats on raised sealing vacuum. Do not loosen cap screws or
to these sealing surfaces. Do not
surface. attempt to remove topworks, operator or
force shaft past seat O-ring and
bottom plate until all pressure/vacuum
seat. If necessary, realign seat with 8. Install valve between flanges. has been eliminated and valve removed
shaft bores. Withdraw the shafts from line.
enough to allow clearance for WARNING!
disc. Valve must not be put under pressure/
vacuum until topworks or operator is Removal of Valve from Line
4. Insert disc (#2) perpendicular to
installed. Remove all pressure from line. Close
shaft holes and raised sealing sur-
face, then rotate 90 to align disc valve and remove flange bolts or cap
bosses with shaft bores. Engage screws. Spread flanges so valve can
bottom shaft (#4) with bottom be removed without damaging O-ring
disc boss. Insert shaft O-ring (#7) flange seals or face of elastomer seat.
in counterbore of body, attach
bottom plate (#12) with two cap
screws (#13). Align flats of oper-
10 Thrust washer upper
ator shaft (#3) with milled slot in
disc boss and insert as far as it 7 Shaft/body O-ring
will go. Do not hammer shaft into 3 Shaft
5. Install top and bottom retention
17 Shaft/disc O-ring
washers (#15) and shaft retention
screws (#14) in valve. Rotate top
shaft (#3) to be sure retention Body
screw (#14) does not interfere 15 Retention screw washer
with shaft movement. Check to 14 Shaft retention screw
be sure disc seats on raised seat- 6 Body face O-ring
ing surface. If it does not, rotate 7 Shaft/seat O-ring
5 Seat
disc 180. Disc can be rotated 360 Body face O-ring 6 8 Disc pin screw
without damaging valve. Shaft/body O-ring 7 9 Disc pin
6. Insert O-ring flange seal (#6) in Shim set 11
groove between body and seat. Thrust washer lower 12
Avoid stretching O-ring by first Thrust cap 4 14
pressing it into place at four points Thrust cap screw 13 15
12, 3, 6 and 9 oclock then Disc 2
pressing it into place alternately Disc O-ring 16
M-Series only

Figure #2

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

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Norris Butterfly Valves

Disassembly of FOR M-SERIES VALVE ONLY: to align disc bosses with shaft
212- to 12-in Valves Inspect disc O-ring for damage or bores.
Lay valve body flat between two compression set. If replacement is 5. Grease shaft (#3) thoroughly with
blocks or secure rim of body in vise to necessary, carefully cut the O-ring general-purpose lubricant. Insert
simplify disassembly and assembly. (#19) and remove from disc edge shaft, carefully revolving it past
groove. Do not pry the O-ring loose O-rings and seat to prevent dam-
1. Open disc, then remove gear
with sharp tools which could dam- age to these sealing surfaces. Do
operator or other actuator and
age the disc or groove. See special not force shaft past seat O-rings
instructions for replacing disc O-ring and seat. Do not hammer into
2. Remove shaft retention screws (page 7). place.
(#14) and washers (#15).
Assembly of 6. Rotate disc to align disc pin hole
3. Remove cap screws (#16) and with hole in shaft, insert disc pin
212- to 12-in Valves
thrust cap (#13). Remove split (#9) and attach cap screws (#8).
thrust washer (#12), shim set 1. Thoroughly clean all parts, then A soft hammer may be used to
(#11) and O-ring shaft seal (#7) grease outside diameter and tap the disc pin into place. Close
from shaft bore, taking care not raised sealing surface of seat, all the disc.
to damage the shaft. O-rings, and disc edge with a
silicon-based lubricant such as 7. Install shaft retention screws (#14)
4. Remove cap screws (#13) from and washers (#15).
disc pin and tap pin (#9) out with Dow Corning Valve-Seal or
a soft hammer. Magnalube. 8. Insert bottom shaft O-ring (#7) in
counterbore of body. A set of
5. Support the disc to prevent dam- WARNING! shims (#11) is provided to bal-
age to the seal edge as the shaft is Valve must not be put under pressure/ ance the self-centering disc. A
removed from body. vacuum until topworks, operator and bot- split thrust washer (#12) and
6. Remove shaft (#3) through bot- tom plate have been installed. thrust cap (#13) hold them in
tom bore of body. Tap top of shaft place. The number of shims nec-
with a soft plastic or rubber ham- essary for each valve may vary
mer to loosen, then pull from the because of manufacturing toler-
Petroleum-based lubricants can cause ances. Insert the thrust washer
opposite end. Disc (#2) will come
damage to some elastomers and should (#12), determine the correct num-
free when shaft has been removed.
not be used on rubber parts. ber of shims required for a tight
7. Tap seat (#5) from body with rub- fit. Remove shims and thrust
ber mallet. O-ring flange seals 2. Place O-ring seat seals (#7) in seat washer. Install the required shims,
(#6) will come free as seat is counterbores. Slip seat (#5) into thrust washer and close with
removed. Seat O-rings (#7) will body (#1), accurately aligning thrust cap (#13) and cap screws
be in counterbores of seat. shaft holes in seat with shaft bores (#16).
8. Remove shaft O-rings (#17) from in body. A soft plastic or rubber
mallet may be used to tap seat 9. Insert O-ring flange seals (#6) in
grooves in shaft. groove between body and seat.
into place if necessary.
9. Remove O-ring shaft seal (#7) and Avoid stretching O-ring by first
TFE washer (#10) from top shaft 3. Carefully roll shaft O-rings (#7) pressing it into place at four points
bore. into shaft grooves. 12, 3, 6 and 9 oclock then
4. Carefully lower disc (#2) into seat pressing it into place alternately
perpendicular to shaft bores and at points between until the entire
raised sealing surface. Rotate disc O-ring is smooth and evenly

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

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0BFV01040 2004, February 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 5 of 12
Norris Butterfly Valves

10. Insert O-ring (#7) and TFE washer Disassembly of 5. Remove shaft (#3) through bot-
(#1O) in counterbore of mount- 14- to 36-in. Valves tom bore of body. Tap top of shaft
ing pad. Lay valve body flat between two with a soft plastic or rubber ham-
blocks or sawhorses to simplify dis- mer to loosen, then pull from the
11. Insert key and install gear opera-
assembly and assembly. opposite end. Disc (#2) will come
tor or other actuator. Close valve
free when shaft has been
to be sure disc seats on raised 1. Open disc, then remove gear removed.
sealing surface. If it does not, operator or other actuator and key
rotate disc 180. Disc can be (#11). 6. Tap seat (#6) from body with plas-
rotated a full 360 without dam- tic or rubber mallet. O-ring flange
aging valve. 2. Remove cap screws (#18) and seals (#15) will come free as seat
thrust washer (#10), shim set (#8) is removed. Seat O-rings (#16)
12. Use hoist to install valve between and O-ring shaft seal (#16) from will be in counterbores of seat.
flanges. Temporary pipe supports shaft bore, taking care not to dam-
should be used to keep flanges age the shaft. 7. Remove shaft O-rings (#17) from
parallel during installation and grooves in shaft.
prevent damage to disc edge, 3. Remove cap screws (#22) from
disc pin and tap pin (#7) out with 8. Remove O-ring shaft seal (#16)
O-ring flange seals and face of
a soft hammer. and Teflon washer (#27) from top
elastomer seat.
shaft bore.
4. Attach a sling to support disc and
5.0 DISASSEMBLY/ASSEMBLY prevent damage to the sealing FOR M-SERIES VALVE ONLY:
edge as the shaft is removed from
OF 14- TO 36-IN. body.
Inspect disc O-ring for damage or
200 AND 285 PSI VALVES compression set. If replacement is
(See Figure #3)

27 Thrust washer upper
It is not safe to make any valve repairs
16 Shaft/body O-ring
while the valve is under pressure/
vacuum. Do not loosen cap screws or Key 11 3 Shaft
attempt to remove topworks, operator or
bottom plate until all pressure/vacuum
has been eliminated and valve removed 17 Shaft/disc O-ring
from line.

1 Body
Removal of Valve from Line
Remove all pressure from line. Close
15 Body face O-ring
valve. Attach hoist to support valve 16 Shaft/seat O-ring
and aid in removing valve from line. 6 Seat
Use of temporary pipe supports will Body face O-ring 15 22 Disc pin screw
help prevent damage to the valve. Shaft/body O-ring 16 7 Disc pin
Shim set 8
Remove flange bolts. All cap screws
should be removed from one flange Thrust washer lower 10
and then the other. Spread flanges Thrust cap 9
so valve can be lifted from the line Thrust cap screw 18 Disc 2
without damaging disc edge, O-ring
flange seats or face of elastomer seat. Disc O-ring 25
M-Series only

Figure #3

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

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Page 6 of 12 www.norriseal.com 0BFV01040 2004, February 2004
Norris Butterfly Valves

necessary, carefully cut the O-ring shaft, carefully revolving it past rotated full 360 without damag-
(#25) and remove from disc edge O-rings and seat to prevent dam- ing valve.
groove. age to these sealing surfaces. Do
11. Use hoist to install valve between
not force shaft past seat O-rings
Do not pry the O-ring loose with sharp flanges. Temporary pipe supports
and seat. Do not hammer into
tools which could damage the disc or should be used to keep flanges
groove. See special instruction for parallel during installation and
replacing disc O-ring (page 7). 6. Rotate disc to align disc pin hole prevent damage to disc edge,
with hole in shaft. Insert disc pin O-ring flange seals and face of
Assembly of (#7) and attach cap screws (#22). elastomer seat.
14- to 36-in. Valves A soft hammer may be used to
tap the disc pin into place. Close
1. Thoroughly clean all parts, then the disc. 6.0 INSTALLATION OF DISC
grease outside diameter and O-RING ON 2- TO 36-IN.
raised sealing surface of seat, all 7. Insert bottom shaft O-ring (#16) M-SERIES VALVES
O-rings and disc edge with a in counterbore of body. A set of
shims (#6) is provided to balance
(200 AND 285 PSI
silicon-based lubricant such as
Dow Corning Valve-Seal or the self-centering disc. A split RATED VALVES)
thrust washer (#10) and thrust Inspect disc edge for damage.
cap (#9) hold them in place. The Thoroughly clean the groove lips of
WARNING! number of shims necessary for dirt and grit which might damage
each valve may vary because of O-ring. Use an emery cloth to smooth
Valve must not be put under pressure/ edges if necessary. Use a generous
vacuum until topworks, operator and bot- manufacturing tolerances. Insert
the thrust washer (#10), deter- amount of silicon-based grease such
tom plate have been installed.
mine the correct number of shims as Dow Corning Valve-Seal or
required for a tight fit. Remove Magnalube on the O-ring. The groove
CAUTION! shim and thrust washer. Install the may be lightly greased but excessive
required shims, thrust washer and amounts of grease in the groove may
Petroleum-based lubricants can cause
damage to some elastomers and should close with thrust cap (#9) and cap prevent O-ring from seating properly.
not be used on rubber parts. screws.
8. Insert O-ring flange seals (#15) in Petroleum-based lubricants can cause
2. Place shaft O-rings (#16) in seat groove between body and seat. damage to some elastomers and should
counterbores, slip seat (#6) into Avoid stretching O-ring by first not be used on rubber parts.
body (#1), accurately aligning pressing it into place at four points
shaft holes in seat with shaft bores 12, 3, 6 and 9 oclock then
in body. A soft plastic or rubber 1. Place O-ring about halfway
pressing it into place alternately around disc groove. Holding it in
mallet may be used to tap seat at points between until the entire
into place if necessary. place with one hand, pull O-ring
O-ring is smooth and evenly to position on edge of disc with
3. Carefully roll shaft O-rings (#17) secured. index finger of other hand.
into shaft grooves. 9. Insert O-ring (#16) and Teflon 2. With finger still under O-ring,
4. Attach a sling to disc (#2). With washer (#27) in counterbore of rotate disc completely to equal-
the hoist, carefully lower disc into mounting pad. ize rubber tension.
seat perpendicular to shaft bores 10. Insert key (#11) and install gear
and raised sealing surface. Rotate 3. To ensure equal distribution of the
operator or other actuator. Close O-ring around the disc, press it
disc to align bosses with shaft valve to be sure disc seats on
bores. into place at four equally spaced
raised sealing surface. If it does points 12, 3, 6 and 9 oclock.
5. Grease shaft (#3) thoroughly with not, rotate disc 180. Disc can be Six-inch and larger valve discs are
general-purpose lubricant. Insert more easily handled if placed in

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
0BFV01040 2004, February 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 7 of 12
Norris Butterfly Valves

a vise or laid flat on a clean sur- Disc O-rings on large valves can be NOTE
face. A smooth bar or hammer installed most efficiently with spe-
A little practice will enable you to deter-
handle can be used to press the cially prepared sheet metal vise-grips.
mine the exact adjustment for installing
O-ring into place at the four The grips are heated, flattened and
the O-ring. Adjustments will vary for dif-
points. finished so the lips are flush and ferent sizes of valves.
smooth. They are available from
4. Continue pressing the O-ring into
Norriseal at a nominal charge (Part
place at points between the orig- Do not install O-ring by rolling it up
inal four, alternately on one side the side of disc into groove. This will
and then the other until the entire Follow Step #1 and Step #2 above. cause the O-ring to twist and early
O-ring is smooth and evenly Then adjust end screw of vise-grip to failure will result. Do not stretch
secured. Large discs are easily close flat plates. Open the grips and O-ring so cross section is reduced.
handled by putting the edge of turn the end screw one half-turn. This will cause it to become large in
the disc against the chest and Taking care not to cut through it, diameter and even distribution of the
working the opposite side. Hold squeeze the O-ring with the grips to O-ring around the disc edge will be
the bar at a slight angle and roll a flatten. The O-ring should slip into the more difficult. Never pound the
small section of the O-ring into groove easily. Proceed in the same O-ring into the groove with a ham-
place. Rotate the disc 180 to work way at 3, 6 and 9 oclock, then at mer! This will result in damage to the
the opposite area. points between until the O-ring is groove lips and prevent the valve
smoothly secured in the groove. from closing properly.

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
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Norris Butterfly Valves


Kits include installation instructions
and all rubber goods, washers, shims
and lubrication required to rebuild

TA B L E 1 S E AT / O - R I N G R E P L A C E M E N T K I T S F O R 2 0 0 P S I R U B B E R S E AT E D B U T T E R F LY VA LV E S, R - S E R I E S

Use 54000 as a prefix when ordering replacement kits. Example: Order 54000-A001 for 2-in. Type A Buna N Replacement Kit.
ELASTOMER 2 in. 2.5 in. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12 in.
Type A
Buna N A001 A004 A007 A010 A013 A016 A019 A021 A024
Type B
Viton B001 B004 B007 B010 B013 B016 B019 B021 B024
Type S
EPDM S001 S004 S007 S010 S013 S016 S019 S021 S024

TA B L E 2 O - R I N G R E P L A C E M E N T K I T S F O R 2 0 0 P S I M E TA L - S E AT E D B U T T E R F LY VA LV E S, M - S E R I E S

Use 54000 as a prefix when ordering replacement kits. Example: Order 54000-A003 for 2-in. Type A Buna N Replacement Kit.
ELASTOMER 2 in. 2.5 in. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12 in.
Type A
Buna N A003 A005 A008 A011 A014 A017 A027 A022 A025
Type B
Viton B003 B005 B008 B011 B014 B017 B027 B022 B025
Type S
EPDM S003 S005 S008 S011 S014 S017 S027 S022 S025

TA B L E 3 S E AT / O - R I N G R E P L A C E M E N T K I T S F O R R U B B E R - S E AT E D 2 8 5 P S I B U T T E R F LY VA LV E S, R - S E R I E S

Use 54000 as a prefix when ordering replacement kits. Example: Order 54000-A127 for 2-in. Type A Buna N Replacement Kit.
ELASTOMER 2 in. 2.5 in. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12 in.
Type A
Buna N NA A127 A128 A129 A130 A131 A132 A133 A134
Type B
Viton NA B127 B128 B129 B130 B131 C132 B133 B134
Type S
EPDM NA S127 S128 S129 S130 S131 S132 S133 S134

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

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0BFV01040 2004, February 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 9 of 12
Norris Butterfly Valves

TA B L E 4 O - R I N G R E P L A C E M E N T K I T S F O R M E TA L - S E AT E D 2 8 5 P S I B U T T E R F LY VA LV E S, M - S E R I E S

Use 54000 as a prefix when ordering replacement kits. Example: Order 54000-A119 for 2.5-in. Type A Buna N Replacement Kit.
ELASTOMER 2 in. 2.5 in. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 8 in. 10 in. 12 in.
Type A
Buna N NA A119 A121 A120 A122 A123 A124 A125 A126
Type B
Viton NA B119 B121 B120 B122 B123 B124 B125 B126
Type S
EPDM NA S119 S121 S120 S122 S123 S124 S125 S126

TA B L E 5 S E AT / O - R I N G R E P L A C E M E N T K I T S F O R R U B B E R - S E AT E D 2 0 0 & 2 8 5 P S I B U T T E R F LY VA LV E S, R - S E R I E S

Use 54000 as a prefix when ordering replacement kits. Example: Order 54000-A034 for 14-in. Type A Buna N Replacement Kit.
ELASTOMER 14 in. 16 in. 18 in. 20 in. 24 in. 26 in. 28 in. 30 in. 32 in. 36 in.
Type A
Buna N A034 A035 A036 A037 A039 A231 A041 A042 A043 A333
Type B
Viton B034 B035 B036 B037 B039 B040 B041 B042 B043 B044
Type S
EPDM S034 S035 S036 S037 S039 S040 S041 S042 S043 S044

TA B L E 6 O - R I N G R E P L A C E M E N T K I T S F O R M E TA L - S E AT E D 2 0 0 & 2 8 5 P S I B U T T E R F LY VA LV E S, M - S E R I E S

Use 54000 as a prefix when ordering replacement kits. Example: Order 54000-A045 for 14-in. Type A Buna N Replacement Kit.
ELASTOMER 14 in. 16 in. 18 in. 20 in. 24 in. 26 in. 28 in. 30 in. 32 in. 36 in.
Type A
Buna N A045 A046 A253 A048 A050 NA A052 A053 A054 C.F.
Type B
Viton B045 B046 B047 B048 B213 NA B052 B053 B054 C.F.
Type S
EPDM S045 S046 S047 S048 S050 NA S052 S053 S054 C.F.

TA B L E 7 O - R I N G R E P L A C E M E N T K I T S, N O R R I S B O DY S T Y L E VA LV E

Use 54000 as a prefix when ordering replacement kits. Example: Order 54000-A103 for 1.5-in. Type A Buna N Replacement Kit.
ELASTOMER 1.5 in. 2 in. 2.5 in. 3 in. 4 in. 2 in. 2.5 in. 3 in. 4 in.
Type A
Buna N A103 A104 A105 A106 A107 A108 A109 A110 A111
Type B
Viton B103 B104 B105 B106 B107 B108 B109 B110 B111
Type S
EPDM S103 S104 S105 S106 S107 S108 S109 S110 S111

Other Available Elastomers:

Type E Black Neoprene Type J Abrasion-Resistant Buna Type L ECO
Type G White Neoprene Type K Hypalon Type 4 HSN

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
Page 10 of 12 www.norriseal.com 0BFV01040 2004, February 2004
Norris Butterfly Valves

8.0 VALVE STORAGE be covered with black flame- C. Flange faces should be free
PROCEDURES retardant visqueen or fire- from dirt, grit or other irreg-
The proper storage of Norris valves retardant canvas cloth. This is to ularities which might dam-
should consist of: keep as much light as possible age the flange seals.
1. A clean, weathertight, well- from the valves to protect and D. Inspect valve and clean off
ventilated, fire-resistant storage prolong the life of the elastomers. any dirt or grit that might
area. This storage area must pro- After completion of storage and have accumulated around
vide protection from the weather, upon installation of the valves, the seat, seals or disc.
plus flooring that seals against following steps and precautions E. Install valves per Norriseals
dust and dirt and will not be sub- should be taken: standard installation instruc-
ject to flooding. A. Valves should not be taken tions.
2. Valves should be protected out of storage until ready for F. Before operating or cycling
against rodent and insect installation. If valves must be the valves, flush pipe thor-
damage. taken to the installation site oughly (with valves open).
3. The valves must be protected before piping is ready, the After flushing pipe, slowly
from mechanical damage. The same storage requirements cycle valves from full open
proper use of racks, pallets, and as above should be followed. to full closed approximately
handling equipment shall be used. Care should be taken to pro- 10 times. Leave in the par-
The valves should be arranged so tect the valves from dirt, for- tially open position until shut-
as to prevent damage to the eign particles and weather. off is required.
stored valves during handling. B. Care should be taken in G. If valves have not been
4. The valves should be stored off unpacking and installing the cycled for an extended period,
the floor on suitable skids, pallets valve so damage to the seal- cycle them 5 to 10 times
or racks. They must be protected ing surfaces (face of seat, before operation start-up.
from excessive dust and dirt. O-ring flange seals, and disc
5. Valves should not be stored in edge) does not occur.
direct sunlight. They should also

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
0BFV01040 2004, February 2004 www.norriseal.com Page 11 of 12
Norris Butterfly Valves


lity Evaluatio
ua ns

, In

c. at io n
Ma n a

i f ic
m rt
en e
t Sys te m C

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

11122 West Little York, Houston, Texas USA 77041-5016
Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386

Due to the continuous improvement at Norriseal,

specifications and/or prices are subject to change
without notice or obligation.

Norriseal is a trademark of Dover Corporation.

Magnalube is a registered trademark of General Magnaplate Corporation.

P.O. Box 40525 Houston, Texas USA 77240-0525

Tel: 7134663552 Fax: 7138967386
Page 12 of 12 www.norriseal.com 0BFV01040 2004, February 2004

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