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Yusef Mohammed Rem D

End of Year Revision

Verb Timeline-doing
Pluperfect Perfect Imperfect Present
More than Finished Un finished Now
Laboraveram Laboravi Laborabam Laboro I
Laboraveras Laboravisti Laborabas Laboras You
Laboraverat Laboravit laborabat Laborat He/she
Laboraveramus Laboravimus Laborabamus Laboramus We
Laboraveratis Laboravistis Laborabatis Laboratis You (pl)
Laboraverant laboraverunt laborabant laborant They

I had worked I worked I was working I work

I have worked I used to work I am working
I began to
I kept working
I would work

Verb timeline Being

Imperfect Present
Eram Sum I am
Eras Es You are
Erat Est He is/she is
Eramus Sumus We are
Eratis Estis You (pl) are
Erant Sunt They are

There is no -ba in this The stem keeps changing

Think of an era ago Still have the usual
personal endings

Verb Timeline Being able

Imperfect Present
Poteram Possum I am able
Poteras Potes You are able
Poterat Potest He is able
Poteramus Possumus We are able
Poteratis Potestis You lot are able
Poterant Possunt They are able
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Verb Timeline I want

Imperfect Present
Volebam Volo I want
Volebas Vis You want
Volebat Vult He wants
Volebamus Volumus We want
Volebatis Vultis You lot want
volebant Volunt They want

Verb Timeline I do not want

Imperfect Present
Nolebam Nolo I dont want
Nolebas Non vis You dont want
Nolebat Non vult He doesnt wants
Nolebamus Nolumus We dont want
Nolebatis Non vultis You lot dont want
Nolebant Nolunt They dont want

The infinitive means to do something, to, and regular infinitives in Latin end in
Laborare nolo
I do not want to work
But regular verbs have irregular infinitives, too:
-esse-to be
-posse-to be able
-velle-to want
-nolle-to not want

Infinitives can sometimes up to form a string of verbs.

Celeriter currere posse vole

I want to be able to run quickly

Imperatives give orders and use first the bare verb to do so:
This has no ending because it needs to be brief and to the point. But, to give orders
to several people you need a plural ending.

Little words and little endings

Yusef Mohammed Rem D

pos/pot=be able/can

Declensions for nouns and adjectives

A declension is a group of nouns
Within declensions, there are CASES to show how the noun is being used
Noun-does an action
Accusative-has the action done to them
Genitive-to or for

Singular Masc Fem Neut
2 1 2
Nom Us A Um
Acc Um Am Um
Gen i ae i
Dat O Ae O
Abl O O

Plural Masc Fem Neut

Nom I Ae A
Acc Os As A
Gen Orum Arum Orum
Dat Is Is Is
Abl Is Is Is

Singular Masc/fem Neut
3 3
Nom ? ?
Acc Em ?
Gen Is Is
Dat I I
Abl E e

Plural Masc/fem Neut

3 3
Nom Es A
Acc Es A
Gen Um Um
Dat Ibus Ibus
Abl Ibus Ibus

How to read a dictionary part 1

Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Verb are lined in 3 forms, together with their meaning, this are called the principal
parts of verbs.
We use Principal parts to get the verbs stems:
Laboro laborare laboravi
Present infinitive perfect
tense tense
I work To work I worked
Take off the re to get the present stem from infinitives
Take off the I to get the perfect stem from the perfect tense

Present Perfect Imperfect

Laborat Laboravit Laborabat
Habet Habuit Habebat
Surgit Surrexit Surge
Audit Audivit


How to read a dictionary part 2

Nouns are listed in the following way:

Leo, leonis (m) -lion

Nom Stem gen, sing

You get the stem of a noun from the genitive by taking off the gen ending. This is
only particularly important in the 3rd declension.


How to read a dictionary part 3

Cerberus 2m-1f-2n
e.g. bonus, bona, bonum

Janus 3m/f-3n
Difficilis, difficile

Cerberus adjectives have 3 heads

Janus adjectives have 2 heads
Remember that adjectives need all 3 genders to agree with any noun.

Q-Words are who words; they also mean which.
e.g. Quintus, qui in horto ambulabat, leatus erat
Quintus, who was walking the garden, was happy.
They simply ADD MORE INFORMATION to a sentence
Common Q-words are:
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

M -qui F Quae N Quod

quem Quam Quod

Qui Quae Quae

quos quos Quae

How to deal with Q-phrases

1. Put the q-phrase in brackets
2. Draw an arrow from the word before the brackets, and only translate the q-
phrase when you have translated the word before

Salvius Quinto, (qui familicam visitabant), donum dedit.

Salvius gave a present to Quintus who was visiting the family.

If the q-words in ACCUSATIVE, start a separating set of numbers inside the


The 4 Qs

You can make adverbs form adjectives
Adjectives describe (pro)nouns
Adverbs describe verbs

Adjectives Adverbs
Fortis (brave) Fortiter (bravely)
Facilis (easy) Facile (easily)

You can simply translate adjectives as adverbs, where the tense requires it
Quintus laetus vinum bibit

You can modify adjectives to compare one thing with another, as follows
Positive Comparative Superlative
Stultus Stultior Stultissimus

Stupid More stupid Most stupid

Very stupid

Translation by numbers
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

You translate a Latin sentence by


Simple sentences
1. N-V-A-R
Pueri canem in templo custodiverunt.
The boys guarded the dig in the temple
2. Rest-Adverb
Miles comites semper terrebat
The soldier used to scare his companions all the time
3. Rest-dative
Nuntius epistulam nautae dabat
The messenger was giving a letter to the sailor.
4. No nom
Donum domino dedi
I gave a present to my master

Adding more information by jumping the queue

5. Non
Uxor maritum (non amat)
6. H and I words
(haec dea) deum timebat illum
This goddess is afraid of that god
7. Adjectives
(copiae fideles) (milites miseros) (in novibus) inverunt.
The faithful troops found the miserable soldiers in the ships.
8. String of verbs
Iuvenes dormire posse volunt
The young men wanted to be able to sleep.
9. Q-phrases
Mercator leonem, (qui in horto sedebat), conspexit.
The merchant caught sight of the lion who was sitting in the garden.

Simple Sentence
Amicus laudabat salvium
The friend was praising the slaves.

Mercator ancillam salutavit, if you want the rest:

Mercator ancillam in horto salutavit.

Jumping the queue

Mercator bonus ancillam in horto salutavit
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

This jumps the queue because it is an adjective

Mercator bonus ancillam pulchram in horto magno salutavit

The good merchant greeted the beautiful slave girl in the big garden

Mercator ancillam in horto salutare volebat

The merchant wanted to greet the slave girl in the garden.

Hic Mercator illam ancillam in horto salutavit

This merchant greeted that slave girl in the garden

Mercator ancillam in horto ferociter salutavit

The merchant greeted the slave girl fiercely.

Mercator ancillam (quae pulchra erat) in horto salutavit

The merchant greeted the slave girl, who was beautiful, in the garden.

Personal Pronouns
A pronoun does the job of a full known instead of, I saw my father, I saw him.
The personal pronoun refer to people

I You He/She
Nom Ego Tu
Acc Me Te Eum/eam
Dat mihi tibi ei

We You (pl) They

Nom Nos Vos
Acc Nos Vos Eos/eas
Dat nobis Vobis eis

The dative is after used in impersonal phrases:

Facile est mihi
Difficile est eis
Necesse est tibi

The genitive means of or, s

Cerberus Janus
S i ae I is Is
Pl Orum Arum orum um um

Importantly, genitives jump the queue of N-V-A-R, the because they qualify as a
noun in the sentence. The Gen usually comes after its noun. E.g.
Imperator hostem patris necavit
The general killed the fathers enemy
Yusef Mohammed Rem D


Checklist 1
canis Dog
coquus Cook
est Is
filius Son
hortus Garden
in In
laborat Works, is working
mater Mother
pater Father
sedet Sits, is sitting
servus Slave
via Street

Checklist 2

amicus Friend
ancilla Slave-girl, maid
cena Dinner
cibus Food
dominus Master
dormit Sleeps
intrat Enters
laetus Happy
laudat Praises
mercator Merchant
quoque Also
salutat Greets

Checklist 3
ad To
bibit Drinks
circumspectat Looks around
clamat Shouts
ecce Look
et And
exit Goes out
exspectat Waits for
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

ianua Door
iratus Angry
leo Lion
magnus Big
navis Ship
non Not
portat Carries
respondet Replies
ridet Laughs, smiles
salve Hello
surgit Gets up, stands up
taberna Shop, inn
videt Sees
vinum Wine

Checklist 4
agit Does
anulus Ring
coquit Cooks
cur? Why?
e From, out of
ego I
eheu! Oh dear
habet Has
inquit Says
iudex Judge
mendax Liar
pecunia Money
perterritus Terrified
poeta Poet
quaerit Looks for, searches for
quis? Who?
reddit Gives back
satis Enough
sed But
signum Sign
tu You
vocat Calls

Checklist 5
adest Is here
adsunt Are here
agricola Farmer
ambulat Walks
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

audit Hears
clamor Shout, uproar
condendit Hurries
currit Runs
fabula Play, story
femina Woman
hodie Today
iuvenis Young man
meus My, mine
multus A lot of
multi Many
optimus Very good, excellent
petit To look for
plaudit Applauds
puella Girl
senex Old man
spectat Looks at, watches
stat Stands
turba Crowd
ubi? Where?
urbs City
venit Comes

Checklist 6
abest Is out, absent
aberat Was out, was absent
cubiculum Bedroom
emit Buys
ferociter Fiercely
festinat Hurries
fortis Brave
fur Thief
intente Intently
libertus Freedman
olim Once, some time ago
parvus Small
per Through
postquam After
pulsat Hits, punches
quod Because
res Thing
scribit Writes
subito Suddenly
superat Overcomes, overpowers
tum Then
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

tuus Your, yours

vendit Sells
vituperat Blames, curses

Checklist 7

cenat Dines
conspicit Catches sight of
cum With
facit Makes, does
heri Yesterday
ingens Huge
intellegit Understands
lacrimat Weeps, cries
mortuus Dead
narrat Tells
necat Kills
nihil Nothing
omnis All
parat Prepares
prope Near
rogat Asks
tacite Quietly
tamen However
terret Frightens
valde Very much, very

Checklist 8
agitat Chases
consumit Eats
ducit Leads, takes
eum Him
facile Easily
ferox Fierce
gladius Sword
hic This
ignavus Cowardly
nuntius Messenger
pes Foot, paw
porta Gate
postulat Demands
puer Boy
pugnat Fights
saepe Often
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

sanguis Blood
silva Wood
spectaculum Show, spectacle
statim At once
totus Whole

Checklist 9
agnoscit Recognizes
celeriter Quickly
cupit Wants
dat Gives
dies Day
emittit Throws, sends out
fert Bring, carries
homo Human being, man
hospes Guests
ille That
inspicit Looks at, inspects, examines
iterum Again
manet Remains, stays
medius Middle
mox Soon
offert Offers
ostendit Shows
post After
procedit Advances, proceeds
pulcher Beautiful
revenit Comes back, returns
tradit Hands over

Checklist 10
abit Goes away
accipit Accepts
callidus Clever, cunning
cententus Satisfied
exclamat Exclaims, shouts
frater Brother
habitat Lives
imperium Empire
invenit Finds
liber Book
nos We, us
nuntiat Announces
pax Peace
portus Harbour
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

quam Than, how

semper Always
servat Saves, looks after, preserves
solus Alone, lonely
suus His, her
tacet Is quiet
uxor Wife
vehementer Violently, loudly
vos You (plural)

Advenio, advenire, adveni Arrive
Aedificium Building
Aeger Sick, ill
Alter The other, the second
Canto, cantare, cantavi Sing
Ceteri The others, the rest
Custos, custodis Guard
Dico, dicere, dixi Say
Excite, excitare, excitavi Wake up
Fessus Tired
Interficio, interficere, interfeci Kill
Ita vero Yes
Nolo I do not want
Novus New
Nullus Not any, no
Possum I am able
Ruo, ruere, rui Rush
Se Himself
Traho, trahere, traxi Drag
Vita Life
Volo I want
Vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi Wound

Aliquid Something
Apud Among, at the house of
Attonitus Astonished
Aula Palace
Cotidie Today
Decorus Right, proper
Deleo, delere, delevi Destroy
Deus God
Difficlis Difficult
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Diligenter Carefully
Domina Mistress
Donum Gift, present
Fidelis Faithful, loyal
Ipse, ipsa Himself, herself
Iste That
Maritus Husband
Necesse Necessary
Num? Surely not?
Quam How
Quamquam Although
-que And
Rex King
Ubi When

Agmen, agminis Column (of men)
Alius Other, another
Aqua Water
Claudo, cluadere, clausi Shut, block 9
Commodus Convenient
Debeo, debere, debui Owe, ought 9
Equus Horse
Etiam Even
Impedio, impedire, impedivi Delay, hinder
Lectus Couch
Lente Slowly
Litus, litoris Sea-shore
Mare, maris Sea
Miser Miserable, wretched
Nauta Sailor
Princeps, principis Chief, chieftain
Qui Who
Redeo, redire, redii Return, go back 9
Sacerdos, sacerdotis Priest
Teneo, tenere, tenui Hold 9
Unda Wave
Vinco, vincere, vici Win 9

Aedificio, aedificare, aedificavi Build
Auxilium Help
Bonus Good
Constentio, consentire, consensi Agree
Consilium Plan, idea
Deinde Then
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Delecto, delectare, delectavi Delight

Effugio, effugere, effugi Escape
Flos, floris Flower
Imperator Emperor
Inter Among
Ita In this way
Melior Better
Navigo, navigare, navigavi Sail
Nonne? Surely
Pereo, perire, perii Die, perish
Pono, ponere, posui Place, put
Postridie On the next day
Punio, punier, punivi Punish
Simulate, simulatque As soon as
Summus, a, um Highest, greatest, top
Tollo, tollere, Sustuli Raise, lift up
Verto, vertere, verti turn

A, ab From
Animus, animi Spirit, soul, mind
Appropinquo, appropinquare, Approach, come near to
Ara, area Altar
Bene Well
Benignus Kind
Diu For a long time
Faber, fabri Crafsman
Facilis Easy
Graviter Seriously
huc Here, to this place
Insula, insulae Island
Invitus, invita, invitum Unwilling
Itaque And so
Maximus Very big
Negotium, negotii Business
Numquam Never
Pauci Few, a few
Pervenio, pervenire, perveni Reach, arrive at
Quondam One day, once
Recipio, recipere, recepi Recover, take back
Resisto, resistere, restiti Resist

Audio, audere Dare
Caput, capitis Head
Yusef Mohammed Rem D

Coepi I began
Cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi Get to know, find out
Dea, deae Goddess
Demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi Point out, show
Descedo, discedere, discessi Depart, leave
Fortasse Perhaps
Ibi There
Libenter Gladly
Manus, manus Hand
Miles, militis Soldier
Nam For
Nemo No one
Obstro, obstare, obstiti Obstruct, block the way
Pars, partis Part
Peto, petere, petivi Beg for, ask for
Postea Afterwards
Pro In front of
Quo? Where? Where to?
Recuso, recusare, recusavi Refuse
Soleo, solere Be accustomed

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