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Manual of Minor Oral Surgery For The General Dentist: Reviews

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Books, videos, CD-ROMs, DVDs and any other

relavent items submitted for a review in the
BDJ should be addressed to: Kate Maynard,
Assistant Editor, British Dental Journal, NPG,
4-6 Crinan Street, London, N1 9XW

Manual of minor oral However, some techniques are not covered backgrounds. The first section separates
in enough detail to allow the reader to drugs by pharmacological action. This
surgery for the general carry out the clinical procedure and is a very useful feature especially when
dentist surgical periodontal treatment has been
completely omitted.
faced with a patient who can recall
the condition they suffer with but not
K. R. Koerner Supportive topics included are patient their medication. This provides a quick
UK: Blackwell Munksgaard evaluation and case selection, management reference and allows the clinician to
price 49.50, pp 336 of post-operative complications and the search further information effectively.
ISBN 0813805597 use of anxiolysis for oral surgery. The Drugs are listed alphabetically and
This is an American text with the stated book also touches upon medico-legal each is described in a set format. This
aim of providing the general dental recommendations and safety requirements consists of the generic name and its
practitioner with a practical guide to oral needed in todays increasingly litigious pronunciation, trade names, drug
surgery procedures that are performed society. The final chapter focuses on classification, whether it is a controlled
daily in general dental practice. The editor organising and conducting trips to Third drug, mode of action and uses, doses
is a general dental practitioner working in World countries where the skills developed and routes of administration, side-
private practice limited to oral surgery. He can be used. It aims to encourage more effects, contraindications, precautions,
is an international lecturer and has been altruistic humanitarian service. pharmacokinetics, and drug interactions/
teaching clinical courses on oral surgery In summary, this is an excellent book considerations related to dentistry. This
to other dentists in the United States since supported by high-quality illustrations is really the main selling point of this
1981. He has brought together nine other and appropriate text layout containing book. It is an excellent feature which
contributors of varying seniority and much sensible and practical advice. It is easy to follow and provides relevant
backgrounds from the United States, all would prove a valuable reference to all information which could affect dental
sharing many pearls of wisdom gleaned general dental practitioners who have an treatment planning. The enclosed
from years of experience and training, interest in oral surgery. CD-ROM contains a total of 30 useful
to increase readers confidence and V. Gohel intraoral/extraoral colour photographs of
competence. common oral manifestations of specific
The ability to carry out minor oral drugs. Each figure has an accompanying
surgery procedures can be a daunting task Mosbys dental drug legend and is cross-referenced to the
for the busy general dental practitioner reference corresponding page in the textbook. In
and is something which is under taught at total 950 patient information sheets on
undergraduate level. This often results in T. W. Gage, F. A. Pickett specific medications which can be printed
referrals to secondary or specialist centres. UK: Elsevier and given to patients is also included on
This book provides a good starting point price 23.99, pp 1,008 the CD-ROM. This feature can be used in
for someone with an interest in oral ISBN 0323040810 any clinical environment and provides the
surgery trying to increase the amount With an ageing population dentists patient with relevant information such as
of surgical work they carry out. It also will be called upon more frequently to side-effects, dosages etc. The appendices
presents more advanced procedures for treat medically compromised patients. cover a range of topics which include
those experienced dentists wishing to These patients could be taking several drugs that cause xerostomia and herbal
develop professionally. medications at any given time. This so- drugs. Bacterial endocarditis prophylactic
The book is divided into 11 chapters, called polypharmacy can affect treatment regimens for dental procedures are
each of which is very clear, concise planning and it is essential clinicians are described but are cited from the American
and well-referenced throughout. aware of the possible dental implications. Heart Association guidelines (1997).
They cover a wide range of clinical Currently the British National Formulary Generally this textbook satisfies its
techniques from surgical extractions, (BNF) and the Dental Practitioners aims and will appeal to GDPs, hospital
the removal of impacted wisdom teeth, Formulary (DPF) are available to both clinicians and DCPs. UK clinicians
pre-prosthetic surgery, endodontic peri- dentists and dental care professionals should use this textbook as an adjunctive
radicular microsurgery, surgical crown (DCPs) as an aid and reference of to the current BNF and DPF rather
lengthening and biopsy. Each clinical prescription medications. This book aims than a primary source and follow the
procedure described is richly illustrated to be an easy to use, quick and concise endocarditis guidelines as recommended
with clinical photographs, diagrams source which can be used at the chairside. by the British Society for Antimicrobial
and radiographs which help the reader This book has a range of contributors Chemotherapy (2006).
to visualise the treatment described. from dental, medical and surgical J. Seehra


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