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Guidelines On The Short Circuit Current Rating For Industrial Control Panels

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The key takeaways are that the SCCR is the short circuit current rating of an industrial control panel, which indicates the maximum fault current it can withstand without damage. Determining the SCCR is important for installation and safety purposes.

The SCCR is the short circuit current rating, which indicates the maximum fault current an industrial control panel can withstand without damage. It is important because the panel should not be installed where the available fault current exceeds its rating for safety reasons.

The two methods for determining the SCCR are: 1) Using the SCCR of a listed and labeled assembly after testing, or 2) Establishing it using an approved calculation method per UL508A Supplement SB.



Guidelines on the Short

Circuit Current Rating for
Industrial Control Panels
Technical Paper for Practical Applications

White Paper I October 2014

As per NEC Edition 2014, and UL508A Second Edition, Dec. 2013, and with references
to the changes in the calculation method of the SCCR in the latest edition of the UL508A
Second Edition Dec. 2013.
By Gerhard Flierl, Siemens Industry Inc., Application Engineer

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This technical paper provides the following:

I. General background and Introduction

of the SCCR for Industrial Control Panels .............3
II. Overview on UL508A Supplement SB for the
Calculation of the SCCR for Industrial Control Panels
including all the latest changes and updates ......4-10
III. Figures Referenced in the Calculation Steps
Figure 1: Graphic Explanation of Feeder
and Branch Circuit ...............................................11
Figure 2: Determining the SCCR for individual
power circuit components ....................................12
Figure 3.1: Use of current limiting transformers
in the Feeder Circuit .............................................13
Figure 3.2: Use of current limiting Fuses in
the Feeder Circuit .................................................14
Figure 3.3: Use of current limiting Circuit
Breakers in the Feeder Circuit ...............................15
IV. Flow Charts for the Determination of
the SCCR ........................................................16-18
V. Glossary: Relevant Definitions for SCCR for
Industrial Control Panels .......................................19

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I. General Background and Introduction

of the SCCR for Industrial Control Panels
Since the 2005 edition, the NFPA70: National Electrical Thus, the two options for panel designers and
Code (NEC) requires that industrial control panels have to builders are:
be marked with an appropriate short circuit current rating
1. Using the SCCR of a listed and labeled assembly, which
(SCCR). This became effective and mandatory in April 2006.
requires testing the individual panel design and then
The SCCR value in kA, at a defined voltage, is an indication recording the test result for each panel design.
of what fault current the industrial control panel can
Note: The variety of possible combinations is usually very
withstand (without unacceptable damage) in the event of a
high, and this option therefore requires a lengthy test
fault. Thus, the maximum fault current and the panels
procedure. In addition, testing is a time-consuming and
short circuit current rating should not be confused.
costly undertaking, since it is destructive (testing is
Furthermore, an industrial control panel shall not be
conducted until the product fails). After testing, the results
installed where the available fault current exceeds its short
must be recorded in the panel builders file.
circuit current rating.
2. Utilizing an approved method. This translates to applying
The available fault current at the input terminals of an
the method described in UL 508A Second Ed., Dec. 2013,
industrial control panel must be known in order to
Supplement SB.
determine if the short circuit current ratings marked on the
nameplate of the control panel are adequate to interrupt Note: The latest edition of the NEC (NEC Ed. 2014) refers to
such levels of fault current without damage to equipment an Informational Note in Article 409, Industrial Control
or causing hazard to personnel. Panels, which addresses the short circuit current ratings of
the standard UL508A Supplement SB, as an example for an
As follows, the NEC defines two acceptable methods
approved calculation method.
for labeling an industrial control panels short circuit
current rating: For many years, the UL508A Supplement SB has been the
approved method for the calculation and determination of
1. Short-circuit current rating of the listed and
the short circuit current rating for industrial control panels,
labeled assembly
and one could proceed without further tests. It is important
2. Short-circuit current rating established utilizing an to note that the calculation method and the rules in the
approved method UL508A were changed in the latest edition, which was
reissued in December 2013.
The calculation method and all the latest changes will be
explained step-by-step below.

NEC 2014 Section 409.110 Marking

An industrial control panel shall be marked with the following information that is plainly visible after installation:
(4) Short-circuit current rating of the industrial control panel based on one of the following:
a. Short-circuit current rating of a listed and labeled assembly
b. Short-circuit current rating established utilizing an approved method
Informational Note: UL 508A, Standard for Industrial Control Panels, Supplement SB, is an example of an
approved method.
Exception to (4): Short-circuit current rating markings are not required for industrial control panels containing only
control circuit components

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II. Overview of the UL508A Supplement SB for

Calculating the SCCR for Industrial Control Panels
Calculating the overall SCCR of an industrial control panel Note: The primary short circuit protective device for the
involves three essential steps: control circuit is also included in the calculation of the SCCR
for the power circuit. Therefore, the SCCR of the
1. Establishing the short circuit current ratings of the overcurrent protective device (i.e., a supplementary
individual, relevant power circuit components protector or set of fuses) used on the primary side of a
2. Applying current limiting components to modify the control power transformer is included in the determination
SCCR within a portion of a circuit in the panel of the SCCR for the control panel. Control circuit
components downstream from these devices would not be
3. Determining the overall SCCR of the industrial included in the calculation of the SCCR.
control panel
Where can the SCCR ratings of the individual power
circuit components be found?
Step 1: Establishing the short circuit current ratings of
the individual, relevant power circuit components Option 1: Capture this information from the device
markings or component instruction sheets.
Which components are relevant?
Most Siemens power control and circuit protection
All power circuit components, including the disconnect components include a standard short circuit rating on the
switches, branch circuit protective devices, branch circuit front or side label.
fuse holders, load controllers, motor overload relays,
terminal blocks, and bus bars
Exempt from this rule are the following components:
Power transformers
Current transformers
Dry-type capacitors
S contactor of a wye-delta motor controller
Example of an SCCR marking on a 3RT Siemens contactor:
Enclosed air conditioners, multi-motor, and combination
load equipment are also exempt from having a SCCR rating,
as long as one of the following conditions is met:
The equipment is cord-and-attachment-plug connected.
The equipment is protected by a branch circuit protective
device with a rated current of no more than 60 A.

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Option 2: For unmarked components, use the assumed maximum short circuit current ratings listed in Table SB 4.1 of
the UL508A.

Assummed Maximum Short Circuit Rating for Unmarked Components

Component Short Circuit Current
Rating, kA
Bus bars 10
Circuit breaker (including GFCI type) 5
Current meters a
Current shunt 10
Fuse holder 10
Industrial control equipment:
a. Auxiliary devices (overload relay) 5
b. Switches (other than mercury tube type) 5
c. Mercury tube switches 5
Rated over 60 amperes or over 250 volts 3.5
Rated 250 volts or less, 60 amperes or less, and over 2 kVA Rated 250 volts or less 1
and 2 kVA or less
Motor controller (including combination motor controllers, float and pressure-operated 2
motor controllers, power conversion equipment, and solid-state motor controllers)rated a
in horsepower (kW)d a
a. 050 (037.3) 5c
b. 51200 (38149) 10c
c. 201400 (150298) 18c
d. 401600 (299447) 30c
e. 601900 (448671) 42c
f. 9011600 (6721193) 85c
Meter socket base 10
Miniature or miscellaneous fuse 10b
Receptacle (GFCI type) 2
Receptacle (other than GFCI type) 10
Supplementary protector 0.2
Switch unit 5
Terminal block or power distribution block 10
Multi-point interconnection power cable assembly 5
A short circuit current rating is not required when meter connected via a current transformer or current shunt.
A directly connected current meter shall have a marked short circuit current rating.
The use of a miniature fuse is limited to 125-volt circuits.
Standard fault current rating for motor controller rated within specified horsepower range.
Highest rated horsepower of motor controller.
Source: UL508A, Second Edition, Dec. 2013

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Option 3: High-capacity SCCR is based on testing a Step 2: Applying current limiting components to modify
combination of components per UL508 Supplement SB, the SCCR within a portion of a circuit in the panel
so follow those guidelines.
Which components are considered to be
Within the UL508A Supplement SB, the application of current limiting?
previously investigated and tested assemblies from a UL508A allows the use of one of the following components
supplier of equipment can be utilized as described in the to limit the available fault current to components
manufacturers procedures to determine the SCCR. downstream of the current limiting device:
Manufacturers of low-voltage protection, distribution, and 1. Power transformers with an isolated
control equipment may perform tests according to UL508 secondary winding
Standard for Industrial Equipment, which allows obtaining
high-capacity short circuit current ratings. These high- 2. Circuit breakers that are marked as current limiting
capacity short circuit current ratings exceed the standard 3. Fuses of Class CC, G, J, L, RK1, RK5, CF or T
short circuit current ratings, in most cases.
Note: The current limiting component shall be installed in
Note: The High Capacity Short Circuit Current Ratings the Feeder Circuit!
for Siemens components can be found at:
www.usa.siemens.com/sccr A graphic explanation of the feeder circuit and the branch
circuit can be seen in Figure 1.
All the ratings for Siemens components are conveniently
summarized in Excel spreadsheets. The following information details how to effectively
apply the current limiting components in the feeder
Important note for tested combinations: circuit. Three scenarios are detailed.

If the specified protective device is a Class CC, G, J, L, RK1, Option 1: Use of power transformer with an isolated
RK5, or T fuse, a fuse of a different class may be used, secondary winding, installed in the feeder circuit
provided that the peak let-through current (Ip) and the In general, the SCCR on the line side of the transformer
peak let-through energy (I2t) is equal to or lower than the shall be the interrupting rating of the overcurrent
specified fuse. The peak let-through currents and peak protection device on the primary side of the power
let-through energy shall be taken from Table SB4.2 in transformer, provided that the short circuit current of
the UL508A standard. all the components and overcurrent protective devices
If the specified protective device is a current limiting is equal to or higher than the available short circuit current
circuit breaker, a different current limiting circuit breaker on the secondary side of the transformer.
may be used, provided that the peak let-through current How can the available secondary short circuit current of
and the peak let-through energy is equal to or lower than a transformer be determined?
the specified circuit breaker. The values shall be taken from
the data sheets that are provided by the manufacturer of Method A: Calculation with Formulas
the circuit breaker (see example).
Single-phase Transformers
If the specified protective device is a non-current limiting Transformer Full-Load Current (IFL) = (Transformer kVA
overcurrent protective device, a current limiting device is 1000) / Voltage*
able to be used at the same high fault rating, as long as
Short Circuit Current (ISC line-to-line) = ((Transformer Full
the interrupting rating of the current limiting overcurrent
Load Current (IFL )) / Transformer Impedance (Z)
device is equal to or greater than the specified
overcurrent device. Three-phase Transformers
A graphic explanation of Step 1 for the determination Transformer Full-Load Current (IFL) = (Transformer kVA
of the SCCR for individual power circuit components is 1000) / (Voltage** 1.732)
available in Figure 2. Short Circuit Current (ISC line-to-line-to-line) =
((Transformer Full Load Current (IFL )) / Transformer
Impedance (Z)

*Line-to-line secondary voltage

**Line-to-line-to-line secondary voltage

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Method B: Use of default ratings for transformers

If the transformer impedance Z is not available, either a default impedance Z = 2.1% or the values in the tables SB 4.3 for
single-phase transformers or SB 4.4 for three-phase transformers can be applied.

Table SB 4.3 (Source: UL508A Second Edition)

Single-Phase Transformer Secondary Available Short Circuit Current (Amps)a

Column 1 Column 2
120 120/240b 208 240 277 347 480 600
Max kVA
1 400 A 300 A 230 A 200 A 180 A 140 A 100 A 80 A
3 1,200 A 900 A 690 A 600 A 520 A 420 A 300 A 240 A
5 1,990 A 1,490 A 1,150 A 1,000 A 860 A 690 A 500 A 400 A
10 3,970 A 2,980 A 2,290 A 1,990 A 1,720 A 1,380 A 1,000 A 800 A
15 5,960 A 4,470 A 3,440 A 2,980 A 2,580 A 2,060 A 1,490 A 1,200 A
25 9,930 A 7,450 A 5,730 A 4,970 A 4,300 A 3,440 A 2,490 A 1,990 A
37.5 14,890 A 11,170 A 8,590 A 7,450 A 6,450 A 5,150 A 3,730 A 2,980 A
50 19,850 A 14,890 A 11,450 A 9,930 A 8,600 A 6,870 A 4,970 A 3,970 A
75 29,770 A 22,330 A 17,180 A 14,890 A 12,900 A 10,300 A 7,450 A 5,960 A
Z assumed to be 2.1%.
Short circuit current shown is line-to-neutral.

Table SB 4.4 (Source: UL508A Second Edition)

Three phase transformer secondary available short circuit currents (Amps)a

Column 1 Column 2
120 120/240b 208 240 277 347 480 600
Max kVA
5 1,160 A 930 A 810 A 510 A 410 A 410 A 330 A 80 A
10 2,320 A 1,860 A 1,610 A 1,010 A 810 A 810 A 650 A 240 A
15 3,470 A 2,780 A 2,410 A 1, 510 A 1,210 A 1,210 A 970 A 400 A
20 4,630 A 3,710 A 3,210 A 2,010 A 1,610 A 1,610 A 1,290 A 800 A
25 5,790 A 4,630 A 4,010 A 2,510 A 2,010 A 2,010 A 1,610 A 1,200 A
30 6,940 A 5,560 A 4,820 A 3,010 A 2,410 A 2,410 A 1,930 A 1,990 A
45 10,410 A 8,330 A 7,220 A 4,520 A 3,610 A 3,610 A 2,890 A 2,980 A
75 17,350 A 13,880 A 12,030 A 7,520 A 6,020 A 6,020 A 4,820 A 3,970 A
100 23,140 A 18,510 A 16,040 A 10,030 A 8,020 A 8,020 A 6,420 A 5,960 A
Z assumed to be 2.1%.
Short circuit current shown is line-to-neutral.

A graphic explanation of Step 2 for using power transformers in the feeder circuit as a current limiting device is available
in Figure 3.1.

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Option 2: Use of circuit breaker marked as current limiting Example: Siemens ED Circuit Breaker, CED 6
installed in the feeder circuit

In General:

The SCCR on the line side of feeder circuit breaker shall be

the interrupting rating of the breaker if the following two
conditions are fulfilled:

1. The components on the load side of the circuit breaker

have a SCCR equal to or higher than the peak let-through
current of the feeder circuit breaker.

2. The branch protection devices have an interrupting

rating equal or higher than the interrupting rating of the
circuit breaker in the feeder circuit.

If condition 1. is not fulfilled, the lowest SCCR any

component on the load side of the circuit breaker shall be
the SCCR for the entire circuit on the line side of the feeder
circuit breaker.

If condition 2. is not fulfilled, the interrupting rating of

the branch circuit protective device shall be the SCCR of the
Available Fault Current: 65kA @ 480V, 3
entire circuit on the line side of the feeder circuit breaker.
Peak let-through current : 23kA
Note: The peak let-through values of the Circuit Breaker
need to be provided by the Circuit Breaker manufacturer.

A graphic explanation of Step 2 for using circuit breakers

in the feeder circuit as a current limiting device is available
in Figure 3.3.

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Option 3: Use of current limiting fuses installed in the

feeder circuit

Fuses of the Class CC, G, J, L, RK1, RK5, or T are

current limiting.

The SCCR on the line side of fuse in the feeder circuit shall
be the interrupting rating of the fuse if the following two
conditions are fulfilled:

1. The components on the load side of the fuse have a

SCCR equal to or higher than the peak let-through
current of the fuse in the feeder circuit.

2. The branch protection devices have an interrupting

rating equal to or higher than the interrupting rating of
the fuse in the feeder circuit.

If condition 1. is not fulfilled, the lowest SCCR of any

component on the load side of the circuit breaker shall be
the SCCR for the entire circuit on the line side of the feeder
circuit breaker.

If condition 2. is not fulfilled, the interrupting rating of

the branch circuit protective device shall be the SCCR of the
entire circuit on the line side of the feeder circuit fuse.

Note: The peak let-through values of the Fuse shall be

taken of the table SB 4.2 in the UL508A Standard for
Industrial Control Panels!

Extract of the table SB 4.2 UL508A , Second Edition

Peak let-through current, Ip, and clearing, I2t, for fuses

Fuse Types Fuse Rating Between Threshold and 50 kA 100 kA 200 kA

I t 10
2 3
Ip 10 3
I t 10
2 3
Ip 10 3
I t 103
Ip 103
15 2 3 2 3 3 4
Class CC 20 2 3 3 4 3 5
30 7 6 7 7.5 7 12
15 3.8 4
20 5 5
Class G
30 7 7
60 25 10.5
Source UL508A, Second Edition

A graphic explanation of Step 2 for using fuses in the feeder circuit as a current limiting device is available in Figure 3.2.

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II. Overview of the UL508A Supplement SB for

Calculating the SCCR for Industrial Control Panels
Step 3: Determining the overall SCCR of the industrial
control panel

To do so, establish the overall rating for the industrial

control panel, which cannot exceed the rating of the lowest
rated component or circuit, including

the modified rating determined in Step 2 (applying

current limiting components to modify the SCCR within a
portion of a circuit in the panel) above, and

the overcurrent protection device on the primary side of

the control circuit.

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III. Figures Referenced in the Calculation Steps

Figure 1: Graphic explanation of branch circuit and feeder circuit

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Figure 2: Graphic explanation of Step 1: Determination of the SCCR for individual power circuit components

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Figure 3.1: Graphic explanation / example of Step 2: Use of current limiting transformers in the feeder circuit

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Figure 3.2: Graphic explanation / example of Step 2: Use of current limiting fuses in the feeder circuit

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Figure 3.3: Graphic explanation / example of Step 2: Use of circuit breaker marked as current limiting in the
feeder circuit

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IV. Flow Charts for the Determination of the SCCR

Step 1: Establishing the SCCR of individual power circuit components


Proceed to UL508A Appendix B

Is the component UL listed or recognized? no

Is the component part of the power circuit? no Component is not required to have a SCCR


Is the component a transformer, reactor,
current transformer, dry-type capacitor,
resistor, varistor, voltmeter, S-contractor of a
wye delta starter, enclosure air conditioner
or multi-motor equipment which is cord
connected or protected with a Branch Circuit
Use the tested high fault SCCR for this
Protective Device less than 60 Amps
component / assembly

no yes

Is it tested for high fault short circuit

current ratings and is the specified
Is the component marked with a SCCR? yes Overcurrent Protective Device installed
ahead of the component?


Is the component marked with a SCCR? Use the marked SCCR for this component

Use the SCCR ratings of the lowest SCCR rating

Are there any other components in the and/or the High fault SCCR current rating and
no proceed to Step 2: Use of current limiting
control panel?
devices in the feeder circuit

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Step 2: Use of current limiting components in the feeder circuit

Proceed to Step 3: Is there a current limiting component

Determining of the overall SCCR no installed in the feeder circuit, either Circuit Start
for the Industrial Control Panel Breaker, Fuse or a transformer?


Is it a secondary isolated Is it a Fuss, Class CC, J, G, T, Is it Circuit Breaker, marked

transformer? no CF, RK1 or RK5? no as current limiting

yes yes yes

Use the Is the peak-let Is the peak-let through

Is the secondary SCCRs at through current
no current acc. to the
available fault current the end of acc. to table SB 4.2 datasheet of the C.B.
of the transformer, Step 1. in the UL508A less manufacturer less
based on calculation than the SCCR of than the SCCR of the
acc. UL508A or based the components in components in the
on the default values in the Branch Circuits? Branch
Table SB 4.3 or SB4.4
of the UL508A smaller
than the SCCR ratings no yes no yes
of all components and
overcurrent protective
devices in the branch
yes Use the Are the Use the Are the
SCCRs at SCCRs of the SCCRs at SCCRs of the
the end of components the end of components
yes Step 1. based on a Step 1. based on a
High Fault High Fault
Are the high fault SCCR test? SCCR test?
SCCRs higher
no yes
than the A.I.C. of
Are the SCCRs of the overcurrent
the components protective device
Is the Is the
based on a High on the primary yes yes
High Failt High Failt
Fault SCCR test? side of the
SCCR Use the lesser of SCCR
higher the A.I.C. of the higher no
than the C.B. in the Feeder than the
A.I.C. Circuit of the A.I.C. A.I.C.
of the of the Branch Circuit of the
Use the A.I.C. of the no Feeder yes Protective Device for Feeder no
overcurrent protective C.B.? the SCCR on the line C.B.?
devize on the primary side side of the C.B. in
of the transformer for the the Feeder
SCCR on the primary side Use the lesser of the
of the transformer A.I.C. of the C.B. in the
Proceed to Step 3: Feeder Circuit of the
Determining of the overall A.I.C. of the Branch
SCCR for the Industrial Circuit Protective
Control Panel Device for the SCCR on
the line side of the C.B.
in the Feeder

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Step 3: Determination of the overall short circuit current rating of the panel

All SCCRs of individual components
and/or high fault SCCR (Step 1)
and/or the SCCR on the line side
of the current

Does the industrial control panel consist Use the smallest SCCR of any components in the branch
of a single branch circuit and the branch circuit including the SCCR of a possible control circuit
circuit protective device is not installed
yes overcurrent protective device and assign it as the overall
within the panel? SCCR on the panel


Does the individual control panel consist Is the SCCR based on a Use the smallest SCCR of any
yes no
of a single branch circuit and the branch high fault current test? components in the branch circuit
circuit protective devise is installed inside including the SCCR of a possible
of the panel? yes control circuit overcurrent
protective device and compare
it with the A.I.C. rating of the
no branch circuit protection
Use the High Fault device. The smaller rating shall
Current and assign this be assigned as the overall SCCR
value as the overall on the panel
Does the industrial control panel consist SCCR on the panel
of several branch circuits and feeder
circuit components within the industrial
control panel?
Use the smaller of the high
Have the components in the fault SCCR compared with
feeder circuit been tested for yes the SCCR of a possible control
high fault SCCR? circuit overcurrent protective
Use the smallest SCCR of any branch circuits
based on SCCR of individual power circuit device in the feeder circuit
components and/or high fault SCCRs (Step 1) no
or the SCCR on the line side of the current
limiting device in the feeder circuit (Step 2)
including the SCCR of a possible control
circuit overcurrent protective device Use the smallest SCCR of any feeder circuit component
connected to the branch circuit including a possible control circuit overcurrent protective
device in the feeder circuit

Compare the smallest SCCR of all branch circuits with the

smallest SCCR of the components in the feeder circuit and
assign the smaller one as the overall SCCR for the Industrial End
Control Panel

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V. Glossary

Available Fault Current Interrupting Rating

R.M.S. value of the current that would flow if the supply (aka Available Interrupting Capacity A.I.C.)
conductors to the circuit are short-circuited by a conductor The highest current at rated voltage that a device is
of negligible impedance located as near as practicable to identified to interrupt under standard test conditions.
the supply terminals of the industrial control panel. The
available fault current at the point of the supply to the
machine shall not be greater than the short circuit current Overcurrent Protection
rating marked on the industrial control panel nameplate. A device designed to open a circuit when the current
through it exceeds a predetermined value. The ampere
Branch Circuit rating of the device is selected for a circuit to terminate a
The conductors and components following the last condition where the current exceeds the rating of
overcurrent protective device protecting a load. conductors and equipment due to overloads, short circuits,
and faults to ground.
Current-Limiting Overcurrent Protective Device
A device that, when interrupting currents in its current- Peak Let-Through Current - IP
limiting range, reduces the current flowing in the faulted The highest instantaneous current passed by the
circuit to a magnitude substantially less than that over-current protection device during the interruption
obtainable in the same circuit if the device were replaced of the current.
with a solid conductor having comparable impedance.
SCCR - Short Circuit Current Rating
Feeder Circuit A prospective symmetrical fault current at a nominal
The conductors and circuitry on the supply side of the voltage to which an apparatus or system is able to be
branch circuit overcurrent protective device. connected without sustaining damage exceeding
defined acceptance criteria.
High Fault / Capacity Short Circuit Current Rating
A marked short circuit current rating of a motor Standard Fault Short Circuit Current Rating
controller that is greater than the standard fault short Short circuit current rating of a motor controller as
circuit current rating. specified in Table SB4.1. UL508A, Second Edition.

Industrial Control Panel

An assembly of two or more components
In the power circuit, such as motor controllers, overload
relays, fused disconnect switches, and circuit breakers
In the control circuit, such as pushbuttons, signal lamps,
selector switches, time-delay switches/relays, switches,
control relays
In a combination of two circuits
These components are mounted in an enclosure or panel
with the associated wiring and terminals. The industrial
control panel does not include the controlled equipment.

Standard References:
i. UL508A Second Edition, Standard for Industrial Control Panels
ii. UL508, Standard for Industrial Control Equipment
iii. National Electrical Code NEC, Edition 2014

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