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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-10, December 2013

Simulation of Current Harmonic Compensation

Using Series Active Filter in Distribution System

asymmetrical transformer winding impedances, open wye and

Abstract Electric power becomes one of the most essential open delta transformer banks, and asymmetrical transmission
things in todays world. Maintaining a quality power supply is impedances.
an important potential problems to the power Engineers. All the Voltage distortion causes a lot of ill effects on induction
primary and secondary distribution systems use three-phase motors. The adverse effects of voltage distortion in induction
four-wire systems (3P4W) to provide the electric supply to the
motors are overheating, line-current unbalance, derating,
consumer. Many single phase loads are connected to the
three-phase four-wire system which leads to the system
torque pulsation, and inefficiency. The overheating leads to
unbalance. Since all the loads connected the 3P4W system is not winding insulation degradation.
same. Due to improvement in power electronic technology, a lot Under normal operating conditions with reasonably
of power devices are used in the industrial and commercial unbalanced load, the current in the neutral is expected to be
applications. These types of converters have non-linear 20% of the normal phase currents. These neutral currents are
characteristics and create a flow of harmonic component in fundamentally third harmonics and odd multiples of 3rd due to
lines. Due to this effect, load voltages, load currents and the non-linearity of loads.
neutral current waveform due to unbalance gets distorted. If Due to the presence of non-linear loads, Harmonics are
this component is not mitigated, then it affects the performance
injected to a line and the other loads connected to a Point of
of the overall system. In this project, the above effects are
mitigated by Fuzzy Hysteresis Controller based series active Common Coupling (PCC) also affected by harmonics. The
filter in the phase conductor. By single installation of the filter, poor power quality can degrade or damage the electrical
load voltage becomes nearly sinusoidal and the distortion in the equipment connected to the system.
load and neutral current is reduced significantly. In this project, These harmonics can be eliminated by using Passive filters
MATLAB/Simulink model is used to verify the proposed (Combination of L and C). These types of filters have
method. disadvantages of series resonance, parallel resonance, tuning
Index Terms Coupling Transformer, Fuzzy Logic, of passive elements is difficult, etc. Recently, harmonics
Hysteresis Controller, Phase Locked Loop, Series Active Filter, suppression facilities based on Power Electronics techniques
Synchronous Reference Frame have proved to be important. This harmonics suppression can
be done with the help of new emerging ACTIVE POWER
Active filters have the more advantages than the passive
filters. It uses the amplifying elements such as op amp,
Electric power becomes a most basic need in our day-to-day transistors, etc. And also it gains power during processing.
life. Electric utilities aim is to provide a consumer with The design of passive filter is easier when compared to the
uninterrupted sinusoidal voltage of constant magnitude. passive filter. It eliminates the inductor and the problem
However this is becoming increasingly difficult to do, related to the inductor is also eliminated the cost gets reduced
because the size and number of non-linear and poor power than passive filter. Active filters are of two types series active
factor loads such as adjustable speed drives, computer power and shunt active filter.
supplies, Furnaces and traction drives are increasing rapidly. In this paper Series Active Filters (SAF) is connected in
Due to their non-linear nature these solid state converters series with the phases to reduce the load voltage harmonics
generates harmonics in current and voltage waveforms and it and load current harmonics in the phase and the current
also cause excessive neutral currents in three phase four wire harmonics in the neutral. Load current distortion can also be
distribution systems. reduced by placing Series Active Filter (SAF) in series with
Power quality in ac three-phase systems could be analyzed the phase conductor.
by; Voltage distortion, Voltage sags, Voltage swells, partial
or total loss of one or more phases.
A major cause of voltage unbalances is the uneven II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
distribution of single-phase loads, which may be continuously
Fig 1 shows the block diagram of series active filter system,
changing across a three phase power system. Additional
it consists of a three-phase source, which is connected to a
causes of power system voltage unbalances can be
non-linear load.
The Series Active Power Filter is connected in series with
Manuscript received December 19, 2013.
the phases. It consists of the voltage source inverter (VSI) and
K.G.Anu Rekha, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kongu the dc charging capacitor is used as source for voltage source
Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, India inverter and it is coupled with the transmission line with the
T.Gunasekar, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kongu coupling transformer. The series active filter acts as a
Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, India
DR.R.Anita, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, IRTT Erode, India harmonic isolator between the supply and the load. The

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Simulation of Current Harmonic Compensation Using Series Active Filter in Distribution System

triggering for the inverter circuit is given through the control

circuit. The inverter can be implemented by IGBTs operating The 3-Phase load currents of system i.e. VLA, VLB, VLC of
with the fuzzy hysteresis controller for the filtering function. stationary reference system in a-b-c coordinates are
transformed to two phase system with - coordinates, this
Fig 1: Block Diagram can be done by algebraic transformation, known as Clarks
Fig 2: Block diagram of SRF

transformation, which also produces a stationary reference

system, again these Voltages are transformed to
synchronously rotating reference frame by Parks
transformation. The voltage templates (sine and cosine) are
generated using phase locked loop (PLL). The sine and cose
function is to maintain the synchronization with the supply
voltage and current and then we calculate Vd, Vq the which are
passed through LPF which filter out the harmonics in voltage
signals and again these two phase voltages in rotating
reference frame are transformed to two phase stationary
reference frame using reverse parks transformation and then
transformed to three phase coordinates which are called as the
reference voltage signals.

Fig 1: Block Diagram


The three phase source voltage is given to non-linear loads

which consists of three phase diode rectifier with parallel RC SRF isolator extracts the dc component by low pass filters
loads in order to make the system as load unbalance, an excess (LPF) for each Vd and Vq realized by moving averager at
non-linear load of single phase rectifier with parallel RC load 100Hz. The extracted DC components Vddc and Vqdc are
is connected in phase B. Due to the non-linear characteristics transformed back into - frame as shown below:
of load, the load voltage and load current get distorted. Since
the loads are non-linear and unbalanced an excess current
flows in the neutral conductor.
In order to overcome the above effects, series active filter is = (2)
connected in series with the phase conductor through the
coupling transformer. The series active filter consists of IGBT
based inverter with dc charging capacitor. The three phase
load voltage and load currents are sensed and given to the From here the transformation can be made to obtain three
controller circuit. phase reference Voltages in a-b-c coordinates using Reverse
In order to extract the fundamental component of voltage Parks transformation and Clarks transformation. The
and current synchronous reference frame theory is used. The transformation angle is generated by using the PLL. The
extracted value is compared with actual value to get the error output of the PLL is given to the SRF and the reference signal
signal, which is given as input to the fuzzy hysteresis is generated.
controller. Fuzzy hysteresis controller produces the gating
signal to the IGBT inverter, which in turn inject the harmonic
content into phase in anti-direction. Thus the harmonic
content of load voltage and load current gets reduced. Due to
this effect the harmonic content in the neutral current is also
reduced significantly.


The synchronous reference frame theory is used to extract

the fundamental component in the supply voltage or current.
It is based on the transformation of the currents or voltages in
synchronously rotating d-q frame. Fig. explains the basic
building blocks of the theory. If is the transformation angle, Fig 3: Block diagram of PLL
then the currents transformation from - to d-q is defined as
in the Fig 2.

73 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-10, December 2013
The generated reference signal is compared with the actual
signal and the error signal is generated. The error signal is
given as the input to the fuzzy controller.

Fig 6: Input Mamdani In Matlab

Fig 4: Reference Signal


The fuzzy control algorithm is implemented to control the

load phase voltage based on processing of the voltage error
e(t) and its variation e (t) in order to improve the dynamic of
The main advantages of fuzzy control are its linguistic
description, independence of mathematical model,
robustness, and its universal approximation. A fuzzy logic
controller is consisting of four stages: fuzzification,
knowledge base, inference mechanism and defuzzification.
Fig 7(a): Input Membership Function

Fig. 5: Fuzzy Logic Controller Structure Block Diagram

Fig 7(b): Input Membership Function
The knowledge base is composed of a data base and rule
base and is designed to obtain good dynamic response under
uncertainty in process parameters and external disturbances
.The data base consisting of input and output membership
functions, provides information for the appropriate
fuzzification operations, the inference mechanism and
defuzzification. The inference mechanism uses a collection of
linguistic rules to convert the input conditions into a fuzzified
Output. Finally, defuzzification is used to convert the fuzzy
outputs into control signals. In designing of a fuzzy control
system, the formulation of its rule set plays a key role in
improvement of the system performance
The mamdani type fuzzy logic controller is used;the
max-min inference method is applied in this study.
Fig 8: Output Membership Function

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Simulation of Current Harmonic Compensation Using Series Active Filter in Distribution System

value of resistance and capacitance in three phase load is

Table 1 Fuzzy Rule Table R=15, C=1500uF .The unbalanced condition is achieved by
connecting the single phase load to the phase B and the
Neutral. Because of this condition there will be a flow of
current in the neutral conductor consisting of both harmonic
and fundamental component.
Due to variation in the values of load, the magnitude in
each phase will vary and the neutral current harmonics will be
high. The simulation output for load voltage in unbalanced
condition is shown in Fig 10 and load current and neutral
current in Fig 11. .


The gating signals of the inverter are generated by

hysteresis controller. The output of the fuzzy controller is
given as the input to the hysteresis controller and the
switching pulses are generated and given to the inverter.

Fig 11: Load current and Neutral current Waveform without


The series active filter is installed in the phases and the

results are obtained and shown below in Fig 12 and Fig 13.
From the figure given below we can observe that the
harmonic distortion in all three phases is reduced and neutral
FIG 9: GATING SIGNAL GENERATION conductor current is also reduced while fundamental
component remains unaffected. The harmonic content has
been suppressed to a great value.
The three phase voltage source is given as input to the
distribution transformer. Single phase RC load and three
phase RC load is considered as the system load. The value of
resistance and capacitance in single phase load is R=5, C

Fig 12: Voltage waveform with filter

Fig 10: Voltage waveform without filter

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-1, Issue-10, December 2013
It has been observed that the system has a fast dynamic
response with the proposed control scheme and is able to keep
the THD of the voltage and current within the limits of IEEE
519 standard.

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