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A Review On Unified Power Quality Conditioner For 3P4W System - IRJET 2017 PDF

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

A Review on Unified Power Quality Conditioner for 3P4W System

Abhishek Singh1, A K Jhala2, Manish Prajapati3
1PG Scholar, RKDF College of Engineering, Bhopal, M.P., India
2Associate Professor, RKDF College of Engineering, Bhopal, M.P., India
3Assistant Professor, RKDF College of Engineering, Bhopal, M.P., India

like maintaining a fixed voltage at the Point of Common
Abstract – Power Quality is the hot issue in the power Coupling (PCC) for various distribution voltage levels
world. Due to continuous use of the non-linear loads irrespective of voltage fluctuations, maintaining near unity
the voltage and current waveform shows the power factor power drawn from the supply, blocking of
voltage and current unbalance from passing upwards from
distortions. This distorted waveform produces quality
various distribution levels, reduction of voltage and current
issues in the distribution system. Power quality (PQ) harmonics in the system and suppression of excessive
mainly deals with issues like maintain a fixed voltage at supply neutral current.
the point of common coupling (PCC) for various
distributed voltage levels irrespectively of voltage Conventionally, passive LC filters and fixed compensating
fluctuation, blocking of voltage and current unbalance devices with some degree of variation like thyristor switched
from various distribution levels. In this paper discuss capacitors, thyristor switched reactors were employed to
the various type of harmonics generated due to improve the power factor of ac loads. Such devices have the
presence of the non linear loads. Also discuss the demerits of fixed compensation, large size, ageing and
literature behind the Unified Quality Conditioner resonance. Nowadays equipments using power
semiconductor devices, generally known as active power
(UPQC) for three phase four wire system (3P4W).
filters (APF's), Active Power Line Conditioners (APLC's) etc.
are used for the power quality issues due to their dynamic
Key Words: Power Quality, PCC, PCC, UPQC, 3P4W, etc,…
and adjustable solutions. Flexible AC Transmission Systems
(FACTS) and Custom Power products like STATCOM (Static
1. INTRODUCTION synchronous Compensator), DVR (Dynamic Voltage
Restorer), etc. deal with the issues related to power quality
With the advent of power semiconductor switching devices, using similar control strategies and concepts. Basically, they
like thyristors, GTO's (Gate Turn off thyristors), IGBT's are different only in the location in a power system where
(Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and many more devices, they are deployed and the objectives for which they are
control of electric power has become a reality. Such power deployed. Active Power Filters can be classified, based on
electronic controllers are widely used to feed electric power converter type, topology and the number of phases.
to electrical loads, such as adjustable speed drives (ASD's), Converter types are Current Source Inverter (CSI) with
furnaces, computer power supplies, HVDC systems etc. The inductive energy storage or Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)
power electronic devices due to their inherent non-linearity with capacitive energy storage. The topology can be shunt,
draw harmonic and reactive power from the supply. In three series or combination of both. The third classification is
phase systems, they could also cause unbalance and draw based on the number of phases, such as single phase
excessive neutral currents. The injected harmonics, reactive systems, three phase systems or three phase four wire
power burden, unbalance, and excessive neutral currents systems.
cause low system efficiency and poor power factor. In
addition to this, the power system is subjected to various The UPQC is now a day’s more popular for reduction in
transients like voltage sags, swells, flickers etc. These voltage and current issue in power quality. In this paper
transients would affect the voltage at distribution levels. discuss the literature regarding to the different approach
Excessive reactive power of loads would increase the utilize in reduction of harmonics in the UPQC
generating capacity of generating stations and increase the
transmission losses in lines. Hence supply of reactive power
at the load ends becomes essential. Power Quality (PQ) has
become an important issue since many loads at various
Many of researchers are work together for reducing the
distribution ends like adjustable speed drives, process
harmonics in the power grid. Due to growing use of non-
industries, printers; domestic utilities, computers,
linear loads and devices harmonics are generated. This
microprocessor based equipments etc. have become
harmonic produce distorted voltage in the supply system. So
intolerant to voltage fluctuations, harmonic content and
it reduces power quality. AhChoy Liew [1] analyzed
interruptions. Power Quality (PQ) mainly deals with issues
excessive neutral currents in 3P4W fluorescent lighting due

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1147
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

to harmonics. These effects cause the neutral current to & Akagi [8] presented a method with the integration of
exceed 75% to 157% of the phase currents. These high series active filter with double series diode rectifier. This
neutral currents are accounted by three main components, method opened up a new harmonic current-free AC/DC
namely fundamental phase current unbalance, third- power conversion system characterized by the integration of
harmonic current caused by saturation of ballasts and more small rated series active filter with a large-rated double
third-harmonic current caused by third harmonic voltage series diode rectifier. The DC terminals of the active filter are
waveform distortion in the supply. Gruzs [2] proposed directly connected in parallel with those of the diode
survey results across computer sites in U.S. which indicates a rectifier, thereby forming a common DC bus. The active filter
22.6% of the sites showing neutral current exceeding the enables the diode rectifier to draw threephase sinusoidal
full-load phase currents due to the effect of non linear currents from the utility. In addition, it can provide the
properties of the load. Such effects lead to the malfunction of supplementary value-added function by regulating the
other sensitive loads which are connected to the PCC. Po-Tai common DC bus voltage to a limited extent of 5%. It slightly
Cheng et al [3] proposed a method of new harmonics increases the rms voltage rating, while the peak voltage
suppression scheme for the neutral current in 3P4W rating does not show any increase. Kim & Kim [9] performed
distribution system. In this method, a series active filter was a study on the control method of series active power filter
connected in series with the neutral conductor which for compensation of harmonics and reactive power. This
reduced the effect of harmonics on the neutral conductor method presents a control algorithm for a 3-phase 3-wire
without over loading the distribution transformer. Peng et al series active power filter. The control algorithm
[4] published an article about the characteristics of the compensates the harmonics and reactive power which are
harmonics due to non-linear loads. The non-linear loads are generated by nonlinear loads, such as a diode or a thyristor
characterized into two types of harmonic sources, namely rectifier. These control methods implements the generalized
current source non linear loads and voltage source non p-q theory. It is applied to both harmonic voltage source and
linear loads. These two types of harmonic sources are harmonic current source. The advantage of this control
completely distinctive and exhibit dual properties and method is the direct extraction of compensation voltage
characteristics. Based on their properties and references. Po-Tai Cheng et al [10] proffered a design of a
characteristics, the current-source nonlinear loads and neutral harmonic mitigator for 3P4W distribution systems.
voltage-source nonlinear loads have their own suitable filter The single-phase rectifier front-ends draw significant zero
configurations. The personal computers draw non-sinusoidal sequence triplen harmonics current from the line. These
current with odd harmonics more significantly. Power harmonic components accumulate in the neutral conductor
quality of distribution networks is severely affected due to due to their zero sequence nature and result in overloading
the flow of these generated harmonics during the operation of the conductor and the distribution transformer. In this
of electronic loads. Ming -Yin Chan et al [5] conducted method, an active filter inverter is placed in series
another case study in an office building with a large number connection with the neutral conductor to suppress the
of computers which are analyzed as a major source of excessive current harmonics. They prevent the overloading
harmonics. The study focused on the characteristics and problem of the neutral conductor and the distribution
effects of harmonic distortion of load current and voltages transformer. Han et al [11] introduced a series active filter
on distribution systems. It also suggested that proper for voltage drop compensation and voltage unbalance. It
planning and designing could minimize the harmonic-related contributed to the study of a three phase series active power
problems in electrical systems. Venkatesh et al [6] suggested filter for compensate harmonic currents, voltage drop and
a method for optimal location of filters for harmonic analysis unbalanced voltage in the power distribution system. The
in the distribution system. The nonlinear loads used in main circuit of the APF consists of voltage source inverter
domestic and small scale industrial distribution systems are with a space vector modulation and high pass filter
also modeled and simulated. Jabbar Khan & Akmal [7] connected in parallel to the power system. APF is connected
discussed the mathematical modeling of odd order in series to the transmission line through a single phase
harmonics in current like 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th which transformer with turn ratio of 1:1.
influence the power quality.
Escobar et al [12] designed a controller to compensate
3. BACKGROUND OF UPQC CONTROLLERS voltage sags, unbalance and harmonic distortion using a
series active filter. This method presented an adaptive
In the three phase four wire system, many loads are controller for the series active filter to guarantee a sinusoidal
connected in single phase and neutral. Due to this it balanced voltage on the load side despite of the presence of
produces system unbalance which leads to flow of current in perturbations in the source voltage such as unbalance,
the neutral conductor. The harmonics component of current harmonic distortion, sags and swells, as well as disturbances
will transfer along the fundamental current in the phase and in the load current such as step changes, unbalance and
neutral. The following survey discusses the elimination distortion by higher order harmonics. To accomplish the
technique of the harmonics and compensation of neutral objective, the series active filter is forced to inject the
current in the power system with the help of UPQC. Hideaki appropriate voltage to the line through a series connected

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1148
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

transformer. Myoung Lee et al [13] employed a control of modulated with the system parameters to maintain the
series active power filter that compensated for source modulation frequency nearly constant. Bhim Singh &
voltage unbalance and current harmonics. In this method, a Venkateswaralu [20] presented a simplified control
digital all pass filters and conventional space vector methods algorithm for a 3P4W UPQC to compensate load voltage
are used to generate the reference voltage and current distortions and unbalance, load current harmonics, neutral
compensation. Shafiee & Machmoum [14] advanced a current, reactive power and the load unbalance as well as to
simplified analogical control of a UPQC. This method deals maintain Zero Voltage Regulation (ZVR) at the point of
with a UPQC consisting of a series and parallel active power common coupling. The UPQC is realized by the integration of
filtering. An analogical method of perturbation detection for series and shunt active filters sharing a common DC bus
current and voltage parts is presented. To make them totally capacitor. The shunt AF is realized using a three-phase, four
analogous, the regulators used for different parts of the leg voltage source inverter and the series AF is realized using
system were also designed with analogue PID controllers. a three-phase, three leg VSI. The reference current and
Carlos et al [15] explored the optimization of a series active voltage are generated using Synchronous Reference Frame
filter under unbalanced condition acting in the neutral (SRF) controllers. A dynamic model of the UPQC is developed
current. This method considered the limitations of the series for different supply and loading conditions. Othmane et al
active power filter operating in unbalanced 3P4W systems [21] chose to use Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
and recommended the insertion of series active impedance (ANFIS) and Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) methods to
to neutral wire. The control of this active impedance uses a improve UPQC performance. This method introduces the
modified synchronous reference frame controller in order to preliminary results when compared to other methods. The
mitigate the flow of zero sequence harmonic components. theoretical foundations are laid down and the details of the
Inoue et al [16] postulated control methods and adaptive fuzzy system are presented. The results of
compensation characteristics of a series active filter for a application of DC-bus voltage control are included during the
neutral conductor. The distinct functions of the proposed compensation of several perturbations.
active filter are the mitigation of the third harmonic voltage
and the neutral current in a 3P4W distribution system in a Teke et al [22] introduced a novel reference signal
building. The required power of the active filter is less than generation method for an UPQC which is adopted to
10% of that of the harmonic-producing loads. A control compensate current and voltage quality problems on
method of the DC capacitor voltage on the active filter circuit sensitive loads. The UPQC consists of a shunt and series
was also described. Khadkikar & Chandra [17] discussed a converter having a common DC link. The shunt converter
method based on the p-q theory. This method presents a eliminates current harmonics originating from nonlinear
direct control strategy of UPQC used in the nonlinear and load side and the series converter mitigates voltage
unbalance 3P4W system. An algorithm of calculating the sag/swell originating from the load and supply side. The
series compensation current and shunt compensation controllers developed for shunt and series converters are
voltage is introduced. An analysis of the proposed control based on an enhanced PLL and nonlinear adaptive
strategy and its schematic diagram is described in particular. techniques. Paduchuri et al [23] presented a design of a
The results show that, the harmonic current, reactive power UPQC connected to 3P4W system. The neutral of series
of load as well as neutral current are compensated well transformer is used as the fourth wire of the 3P4W system.
when unbalance and nonlinear occurs in load current and The neutral current that may flow towards transformer
also power factor of the system maintains about unity. neutral point is compensated by using a four leg voltage
source inverter topology of shunt part. The series
Bingruo Xie et al [18] conducted a research on a new three transformer neutral will be at virtual zero potential during
phase series hybrid active power filter. This method is all the operating conditions. Kalyanasundaram et al [24]
proposed to reduce inverter capacity and enhance system implemented a new concept of UPQC for mitigating power
reliability in the distribution system. This method uses quality problems in the distribution system. The new
synchronous reference frame theory. It consists of a three concept is also known as UPQC-S, in which the series
phase series hybrid active power filter with a small self- inverter of UPQC is controlled to perform reactive power
inductance series transformer. Fatiha Mekri et al [19] sharing. The reference voltage signal for controlling the
pondered over the performance of UPQC for the series inverter is generated using the UPQC controller based
improvement of power quality. This method presents a new on Power Angle Control (PAC) approach. The active power
control design of UPQC for current harmonics and voltage control approach is integrated with the theory of PAC
compensation in a power distribution system. The topology approach to perform the two functions simultaneously.
of the UPQC is based on a combination of two three-phase
series and parallel active power filter. The determination of Despandey et. al [25] proposed d-q-0 theory for referencing
voltage references for series active power filter is based on a fundamental voltage in series active filter. The UPQC is
robust three phase digital PLL system using fuzzy regulator. realized by the integration of series and shunt active power
The control strategies related to fuzzy hysteresis band filters (APF) sharing a common dc bus capacitor. The
voltage and current control methods, where the band is realization of shunt APF is carried out using a three-phase,

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1149
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

four-leg Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), and the series APF is  Excessive neutral to ground voltage due to voltage
realized using a three phase, three-leg VSI. To extract the drop caused by the neutral conductor results in
fundamental source voltages as reference signals for series malfunction of sensitive electronic components.
APF, d-q-0 theory is used. For the control of shunt APF, Clark
transformation concept is applied. The performance of the  Due to these harmonic currents, other loads
applied control algorithm is evaluated in terms of source connected to the PCC also get affected.
neutral current mitigation, mitigation of voltage and current
harmonics in a three-phase, four-wire distribution system  De-rating of the distribution transformer which
for different combinations of linear and non-linear loads. The affects the three-phase sources and the phase
reference signals and sensed signals are used in a hysteresis conductors too.
controller to generate switching signals for shunt and series
APFs. The neutral current is predominant in the zero sequence
components i.e. third order harmonics. This effect of
4. PROBLEM FORMULATION harmonics on the neutral conductor should be eliminated in
order to enhance the power quality in the distribution
Power industry shapes and contributes to the welfare, system.
progress, and technological advances of every nation and
humanity. The growth of electric energy consumption in the The second problem is concerned with the influence of
world has been phenomenal. Electric energy sales have been harmonics on the load current, load voltage and unbalance
grown well in the period between the turn of the century and system. The non linear loads such as arc furnaces, power
the early 2020s. This growth rate was several hundred times converters and diode rectifiers are commonly used in power
as much as the growth rate in all other energy forms used systems. These switching devices have the properties of
during the same period. At the same time, it is very crucial to injecting harmonics which lead to the distortions in the load
provide quality and reliable power supply to the consumers. current and load voltage waveform. The following problems
But due to this development, maintaining the power quality are identified in the 3P4W system due to non ideal relation
within its standard becomes a very difficult task. With the between the voltage and current.
development in the computer products, a lot of sensitive
components are connected to the 3P4W systems which lead  Load current harmonics- impact of non linear loads
to the injection of harmonics in the distribution system. The causes this distortion which affects the phase
harmonic current flowing through lines distorts the bus conductor waveforms.
voltage and creates problem on sensitive loads operating on
the same bus. So this harmful harmonics should be  Load voltage harmonics- due to load current
completely reduced or it can be limited within some safe distortion, the voltage across the load is affected and
guard limit to protect the loads connected in the line. The distorted. Consequently, other linear and sensitive
thesis deals with two important problems which occur due to load connected to PCC also gets distorted.
 Unbalance load currents- if the loads connected to
The first problem relates to the effect of harmonics on the distribution are not equal i.e. the loads connected to
neutral conductor of 3P4W distribution system. Most of the all the three phase are not same, and then the
loads connected to the distribution systems are connected problem of unbalance on the load side occurs.
between any one of the phase conductor and the neutral. It
leads to an unbalance condition and the flow of current in the 5. CONCLUSIONS
neutral conductor. The commercial buildings which have
thousands of computers are connected in such a manner, Literature review is the key feature to know the basic
which injects the harmonic components in the neutral concept behind the research. Here in this paper discuss the
conductor along with the fundamental due to unbalance all aspect of the power quality issues in the power grid. The
loads. The survey shows that current in the neutral is more basic research is concentrated on three phase four wire
than 160% of the phase conductor due to harmonics. Its system because it connects many household appliances
results in the following harmful effects on the neutral easily. These appliances fed the harmonics in the grid. To
conductor: reduce the effect of harmonics UPQC play major role. So
enhancing the performance of the UPQC is necessity for
 Wiring failure due to improper sizing of neutral power quality issues. Lastly discuss the problem facing in the
conductor. present scenario.

 Over heating of transformer due to harmonic

currents and insulation damage and failure.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1150
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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