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Week 2 - 3 Night High 1

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Malate Catholic School

NIGHT HIGH School Department

School Year 2016- 2017


Date: June 29, 2016

Topic Content/ Materials/

Competencies References/ Values Learning Experiences Evaluation/Assignment Remarks

At the end of the CHAPTER 1: SEQUENCES AND Hook: Evaluation: DAY 1

lesson, the learners SERIES (10 min.) (10 min) WEEK 1
should have acquired * presentation (Show Me Board) June 22, 2015
the following Topic Content: Whats NEXT? Answer Our World of Math ORIENTATION
competencies: Basic Concept on Sequences a Triangular numbers 10 , p. 6 Lets Try A
? #s 1-12 June 24, 2016
Identify and Even numbers will be MANILA DAY
Generate answered by the
Patterns References: b Square numbers teacher
Find the nth term Our World of Math 10
of a Sequence pp. 2-7 (Seatwork)
Define Sequence E-MATH 10 p. 2-5 ? Answer Our World of Math
and give example http://www.coolmath.com/al 10 , p. 6 Class Work
of Sequences gebra/19-sequences- #s 1-12 Notebook
Firm Up:
(20 min.)
*lecture and example
(refer to HOOK)
The Greek Mathematician Pythagoras who lived during the
Instructional Materials:
sixth century BC was the founder of the Pythagorean
PPT , Show me board and
brotherhood. The groups studied members of geometric
marker arrangements of points, such as triangular numbers, square
numbers, and pentagonal numbers.
1. Use patterns to complete the table below.
Malatean Core Value/s:
MCS CV: FAITH Figurative 1s 2n 3r 4t 5t 6t 7t
( OPTIMISM ) number t d d h h h h

In life, you experience a Triangular 1 3 6 1 1

sequence of ups and downs. 0 5
What should ones attitude be Square 1 4 9 1 2
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017

towards ups and downs in life? 6 5

Pentagonal 1 5 1 2
2 2
Hexagonal 1 6 1
Value Integration:
Life Integration- Disposition 5
in life (where am I right now). Heptagonal 1 7
Connects in some personal Octagonal 1
issues or peoples issues. 2. Add two consecutive triangular numbers. What kind of
figurative numbers do you get?
3. Multiply each triangular number by 8. Then add 1.
What kind of figurate numbers do you get?
Triangular number 1 3 6 1 1
(x) 0 5
8x + 1

(10 min.)
*online games
(refer to HOOK and FIRM UP)
Title of the site: coolmath.com
Address of the site: http://www.coolmath.com/algebra/19-
Description of the site: This is a brain-training site, for
everyone, where logic & thinking meets fun & games. These
games have no violence, no empty action, just a lot of
challenges that will make you forget you're getting a mental
Wrap Up:
(10 min.)
3-2-1 Activity: 3 things they learned, 2 things they have a
question about, 1 thing they want the instructor to know.
Essential Understanding:
Patterns allow someone to make educated guesses.
How can pattern lead someone to make educated
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017

In life, you experience a sequence of ups and downs. What

should ones attitude be towards ups and downs in life?

Prepared by: Mrs. Jennifer C. Caagbay Reviewed by: _________________________

Validated by: __________________________
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017


Date: July 1, 2016
Topic Content/ Materials/
Competencies References/ Values Learning Experiences Evaluation/Assignment Remarks

At the end of the CHAPTER 1: SEQUENCES AND Hook: Evaluation: (10 min)
lesson, the learners SERIES (15 min.) Notebook
should have acquired * presentation Answer Our World of Math
the following Topic Content: Patterns in Numbers and Shapes 10 , p. 6 Lets Try B
competencies: Basic Concept on Sequences Watch this video: #s 13-17
(enrichment) Address of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Differentiate a v=0HzXapUeL5Y
Finite Sequence Process Questions:
from an Infinite 1 How are the designs from around the world formed?
References: 2 How are patterns formed?
Find the missing
Our World of Math 10 pp. 2-7 3 Where can we see patterns?
term on a
E-MATH 10 p. 2-5 4 How will you complete a shape or a number pattern?
Supply the
h?v=0HzXapUeL5Y Firm Up:
missing term https://www.youtube.com/watc
term/ number on (20 min.)
h?v=p-rc5mTDt9E *technology
a given sequence http://online.brothergames.com Defining a Sequence
/flash-games/ben-10- ` Watch this video:
sequence.html Address of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-
Process Questions:
1 When is a list of numbers called a sequence?
2 When is a sequence a finite or infinite?
Instructional Materials: 3 In what ways can you express a sequence?
PPT , Show me board and 4 When is a sequence arithmetic? Explain.
(10 min.)
*online game/activity
Title of the site: brother games
Address of the site: http://online.brothergames.com/flash-
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017

Malatean Core Value/s:

( CONFIDENCE ) (5 min.)
When you have confidence, Essential Understanding:
you can have a lot of fun. And Sequences and series are a direct result of finding patterns.
when you have fun, you can do How does knowing how to sequence make me a better
amazing things. Malatean?
- Joe Namath

Value Integration:
Structural integration
Connects of the 3
objectives of the lesson
cognitive, affective,
Source Integration
Sources of information

Prepared by:. Mrs. Jennifer C. Caagbay Reviewed by: _________________________ Validated by: __________________________
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017


Date: _July 6, 2016

Topic Content/ Materials/

Competencies References/ Values Learning Experiences Evaluation/Assignment Remarks

At the end of the CHAPTER 1: SEQUENCES AND Hook: Evaluation:

lesson, the learners SERIES (5 min.) (10 min)
should have * Show me board Notebook
acquired the Topic Content: Supply the missing terms: Answer Our World of Math
following General terms of Sequences 1 1, 2, 3, 4, __, 5, 6, 10 , p. 6 Lets Try B
competencies: 2 4, 8, 12, __, 20, 24 #s 18-22
3 __, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36
Find the General 1 2 3 4
term of a References: 4
, , , ,
Our World of Math 10
2 3 4 5 .. find the next 3 terms
Find the terms pp. 4-7 5 2, 4, 8, 16 find the next 2 terms
of a sequence E-MATH 10 p. 6-7 6 4, 7, 10, 13 find the next 4 terms
given its Math Ideas and Life Applications
General term pp. 4-6 Firm Up:
http://www.coolmath.com/algebr Assignment:
Determine the (20 min.)
a/19-sequences-series/02- *lecture and examples Not scheduled
nth term of a
sequences-formulas-01 (refer to hook)
Sequence given
the rule for it 1 Discover the explicit formula for the sequence by
1 2 3 4
looking at the pattern:
, , , ,
Instructional Materials: 2 3 4 5 ..
PPT , Show me board and marker
an = )
n+ 1
Malatean Core Value/s: 2 Find an explicit formula for 2, 4, 8, 16 and find the 9th
( COMPETENCE ) 3 In the sequence 4, 7, 10, 13 can you look for the
The greatest pleasure in life is pattern to obtain the next terms?
to do what others say we cant.
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017

(10 min.)
*online games *mapping
Value Integration: 1 Title of the site: coolmath.com
Structural Integration: Address of the site: http://www.coolmath.com/algebra/19-
Connects of the 3 objectives sequences-series/02-sequences-formulas-01
of the lesson cognitive, Description of the site: Coolmath.com offers "math for ages
affective, psychomotor 13-100" -- explanations that are easy to grasp on topics like
(know, feeling/value, action) algebra, pre-calculus and more.

2 Simple Map for the SEQUENCES and SERIES

Wrap Up:
(5 min.)
Essential Understanding:
Life isn't just a sequence of waiting for things to be done.
How do we develop equations to describe sequences and
series, then use them to solve other problems?
What tips/suggestions would you suggest to easily find the
pattern of a sequence?
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017

Prepared by: Ms. Jennifer C. Caagbay Reviewed by: _________________________ Validated by:


Date: July 8, 2016
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017

Topic Content/ Materials/

Competencies References/ Values Learning Experiences Evaluation/Assignment Remarks

At the end of the Topic Content: Hook: Evaluation:

lesson, the learners Basic Concept on (10 min.) (15 min)
should have Sequences * Review:
acquired the General terms of sequences I Write the next three terms of the sequence. Checking of worksheets
following 1 1. 3, 7, 11, 15
competencies: 2 0.3, 0.6, 0.9
II Write the first five terms of the sequence whose nth term
Identify and References: formula is given.
Generate Compilation of worksheets 1 an = 4n
Find the nth III Give a rule or pattern for each sequence, and write
term of a the next three terms of the sequence.
Sequence 1 0, -4, -8, -12
Find the missing Instructional Materials: 2 28, 24, 20, 16
term on a PPT , Worksheet # 1, 2, and 3
sequence Firm Up:
Supply the (35 min.)
missing term Answer the worksheets :
term/ number on Malatean Core Value/s: 1. ..\FIRST QUARTER WORKSHEETS\ws # 1 - number
a given MCS CV: FAITH sequence worksheet.pdf
sequence ( COMPETENCE ) 2. ..\FIRST QUARTER WORKSHEETS\ws# 2 - general
Find the terms of sequence.pdf
a sequence Value Integration: 3. ..\FIRST QUARTER WORKSHEETS\ws# 3 - introduction
given its General DIMENSION INTEGRATION to sequences.pdf
term Within itself/own discipline Deepen:
Determine the Connects to other N/A
nth term of a discipline Wrap Up:
Sequence given N/A
the rule for it
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017

Prepared by: Ms.JenniferC. Caagbay Reviewed by: _________________________ Validated by:


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