Week 2 - 3 Night High 1
Week 2 - 3 Night High 1
Week 2 - 3 Night High 1
(10 min.)
*online games
(refer to HOOK and FIRM UP)
Title of the site: coolmath.com
Address of the site: http://www.coolmath.com/algebra/19-
Description of the site: This is a brain-training site, for
everyone, where logic & thinking meets fun & games. These
games have no violence, no empty action, just a lot of
challenges that will make you forget you're getting a mental
Wrap Up:
(10 min.)
3-2-1 Activity: 3 things they learned, 2 things they have a
question about, 1 thing they want the instructor to know.
Essential Understanding:
Patterns allow someone to make educated guesses.
How can pattern lead someone to make educated
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017
At the end of the CHAPTER 1: SEQUENCES AND Hook: Evaluation: (10 min)
lesson, the learners SERIES (15 min.) Notebook
should have acquired * presentation Answer Our World of Math
the following Topic Content: Patterns in Numbers and Shapes 10 , p. 6 Lets Try B
competencies: Basic Concept on Sequences Watch this video: #s 13-17
(enrichment) Address of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Differentiate a v=0HzXapUeL5Y
Finite Sequence Process Questions:
from an Infinite 1 How are the designs from around the world formed?
References: 2 How are patterns formed?
Find the missing
Our World of Math 10 pp. 2-7 3 Where can we see patterns?
term on a
E-MATH 10 p. 2-5 4 How will you complete a shape or a number pattern?
Supply the
h?v=0HzXapUeL5Y Firm Up:
missing term https://www.youtube.com/watc
term/ number on (20 min.)
h?v=p-rc5mTDt9E *technology
a given sequence http://online.brothergames.com Defining a Sequence
/flash-games/ben-10- ` Watch this video:
sequence.html Address of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-
Process Questions:
1 When is a list of numbers called a sequence?
2 When is a sequence a finite or infinite?
Instructional Materials: 3 In what ways can you express a sequence?
PPT , Show me board and 4 When is a sequence arithmetic? Explain.
(10 min.)
*online game/activity
Title of the site: brother games
Address of the site: http://online.brothergames.com/flash-
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017
Value Integration:
Structural integration
Connects of the 3
objectives of the lesson
cognitive, affective,
Source Integration
Sources of information
Prepared by:. Mrs. Jennifer C. Caagbay Reviewed by: _________________________ Validated by: __________________________
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017
(10 min.)
*online games *mapping
Value Integration: 1 Title of the site: coolmath.com
Structural Integration: Address of the site: http://www.coolmath.com/algebra/19-
Connects of the 3 objectives sequences-series/02-sequences-formulas-01
of the lesson cognitive, Description of the site: Coolmath.com offers "math for ages
affective, psychomotor 13-100" -- explanations that are easy to grasp on topics like
(know, feeling/value, action) algebra, pre-calculus and more.
Wrap Up:
(5 min.)
Essential Understanding:
Life isn't just a sequence of waiting for things to be done.
How do we develop equations to describe sequences and
series, then use them to solve other problems?
What tips/suggestions would you suggest to easily find the
pattern of a sequence?
Malate Catholic School
NIGHT HIGH School Department
School Year 2016- 2017
Prepared by: Ms. Jennifer C. Caagbay Reviewed by: _________________________ Validated by: