Judicial Affidavit of Maxinne Medina
Judicial Affidavit of Maxinne Medina
Judicial Affidavit of Maxinne Medina
Pia A. Wurtzback
3. Q: For the record, please state the name and address of the lawyer
who is now conducting or supervising your examination and the place
where the examination is being held now?
9. Q: Have you and Ms. Pia Wurtzback executed a lease contract for the
said rent?
A: Yes.
11.Q: What was your agreement with the defendant under the lease
A: We agreed that the contract shall be for a period of two (2) years
from November 3, 2015 and the monthly rental is P15,000.00. A copy
of the Lease Contract is Exhibit B.
12.Q: What happened to the contract between you and the defendant?
13.Q: In what way did the defendant violate your agreement?
A: She failed and refused to pay the agreed monthly rent starting
October 3. 2016 to present despite repeated demands.
14.Q: How many months did the defendant failed to pay before you filed
this case and by how much?
15.Q: So she defaulted for four months, can you please narrate what
happened when she defaulted in the first month?
16.Q: When was that Ms. Witness, if you can still recall?
A: That was on October 5, 2016, two days after the due date for
payment of rent.
17.Q: Did the defendant make good her promise to pay on the following
A: No, she asked for extension because she has no funds yet.
A: I visited her again and demanded for the two (2) months delay in
rental payments but she still refused.
A: I got mad and told her to make good the amount due within five (5)
days from November 4, 2016 otherwise I will no longer personally
talk to her and she will deal with my lawyer.
A: She did not pay within the period, until another monthly rental
became due on December 3, 2016 and so I sent a demand letter to
vacate on January 3, 2017 to the defendant asking her to vacate the
house and posted it in conspicuous places within the leased premises.
A copy of the Demand Letter to Vacate is Exhibit C.
24.Q: What was the action of defendants after posting the notice to
25.Q: What step did you take after the refusal of the defendants to vacate
the subject property despite demands?
A: I filed this action against the defendant in this case for Unlawful
Detainer before the MTC Tagum.
26.Q: In your complaint you are asking for rental for the use and
occupation of the defendants in this case, how much is your claim for
said rentals?
A: The agreed rental per month which is P15,000.00 for the use and
occupation of my property starting from October 3, 2016 until the
possession of the subject property is turned over by the defendants.
27.Q: Finally, do you know why you are executing the foregoing sworn
statement in this case?
Nothing follows.
I hereby attest that on this 20th day of March 2017, I have personally
examined the plaintiff MAXINNE M. MEDINA; and that I have faithfully
recorded or caused to be recorded the questions asked and the corresponding
answers thereto made by her. I further attest that neither I nor any other
person herein present, or assisting me, never coached MAXINNE M.
MEDINA regarding her answers.
SUBSCRIBED and SWORN TO this 20th day of March 2017,
Tagum City, Davao del Norte, Philippines. Affiant exhibited to me their
identification cards bearing their photograph and signature, as follows:
Name Issued by/ID No.:
MAXINNE M. MEDINA SSS ID No. 091234989-1
known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and at the place first
above written.
Copy Furnished: