Fargo Man 8025m User
Fargo Man 8025m User
Fargo Man 8025m User
Version 7.1 (July 1996)
When using this feature, the way the CNC handles the [CYCLE START] key depends on the status of PLCI output O25
O25 = 0 The CNC ignores both the [CYCLE-START] key and the external [CYCLE-START] signal.
O25 = 1 The CNC takes into account both the [CYCLE-START] key and the external [CYCLE-START] signal.
To set the travel limits for each axis, use the following outputs:
When the PLCI activates one of this outputs while the axis is moving in the same direction, the CNC stops the axes and
the spindle and it displays an axis-travel-limit-overrun error.
Machine parameter "P627(7)" indicates whether this feature is available or not.
When using this feature, access to the editor mode at the CNC depends on the status of PLCI output O26, as well as
on the current conditions (protected memory, number of the program to be locked).
O26 = 0 Free access to the editor mode (it is protected by current conditions).
O26 = 1 Denied access to the editor mode.
Operating mode selected at the CNC (B8-11 REG121 at the PLCI, Not available at the PLC64)
B8 B9 B10 B11
0 0 0 0 Automatic
0 0 0 1 Single block
0 0 1 0 Play-Back
0 0 1 1 Teach-in
0 1 0 0 Dry-Run
0 1 0 1 JOG
0 1 1 0 Editor
0 1 1 1 Peripherals
1 0 0 0 Tool Table and G functions
1 0 0 1 Special modes
Status of the miscellaneous "M" functions (REG122 at the PLCI, Not available at the PLC64)
The status of each one of these functions is given by a bit and will appear as a "1" when active and "0" when inactive.
This feature is available on the following models:
As the CNC executes motion blocks, it always stores the last 10 blocks already executed
Whenever it executes a block containing an M,S,T type function, the machining conditions change and the CNC
deletes those previously stored motion blocks.
When the retrace function is activated, the block currently in execution is interrupted and the retrace process
First to the starting point of the current block and, then, to that of the previously stored program blocks.
If all the stored blocks are executed, the CNC stops the machine until the retrace function is canceled.
When this function is canceled, the CNC interrupts the current movement (if any) and it executes all the retraced
blocks again. Once the interruption point is reached, the CNC resumes the execution of the program.
The CNC permits using 2 motors to move 3 axes with the following conditions:
One of the axes shared by a motor must be the Z axis and the other one must be either the X or the Y axis.
Only interpolations between the X and Y axes are possible. The Z axis cannot be interpolated with any other axis.
It must be moved alone.
Example: To move the tool from "X0 Y0 Z0" to "X20 Y20 Z20", The CNC will make this move in two steps.
First, it will move the X and Y axes to X20 Y20 and, then, the Z axis to Z20.
From this version on, when operating with spindle orient (M19), the CNC also shows the spindle following error on the
screen corresponding to the following error in Automatic and Single block modes.
The Following Error screen shows, in large characters, the amount of axis lag and, under it, the following information
The last value of this line"S 0000.000" shows the amount of following error (lag) of the spindle when it operates in
spindle orient mode (M19).
To enable it, set machine parameter "P626(7)=1". The CNC enables functions M98 and M99 to control the X axis
positioning loop.
Function M98 opens the X axis loop and M99 closes it.
When the CNC executes an M30, it also closes the X axis positioning loop.
When operating in jog mode, the CNC enables he following keys to control the X axis positioning loop:
After 5 minutes without pressing a key or without the CNC refreshing the screen, the screen goes blank. Press any
key to restore the display.
If while in JOG mode, the conditional input (block skip), pin 18 of connector I/O1, the CNC does not allow entering a
new F value. Only the feedrate override (%) may be varied by means of the MFO switch.
Function F34 returns the number of the tool being dealt with.
P27=F34 Parameter P27 takes the value of the new tool being dealt with.
This function must be used when working with a subroutine associated with the tool change.
When using it outside that subroutine, function F34 returns the value of "100".
Only the tool offset may be canceled (T.0) or modified (T.xx). The tool cannot be changed (Txx.xx) inside the subroutine
associated with the tool.
Indicate whether the feedback signals are divided (=1) or not (=0).
P631(8)=0, P631(7)=0, P631(6)=0, P631(5)=0 and P631(4)=0 They are not divided
P631(8)=1, P631(7)=1, P631(6)=1, P631(5)=1 and P631(4)=1 They are divided by two.
We wish to obtain a resolution of 0.01 mm with a squarewave encoders mounted on the X axis with 5mm pitch ballscrew
Nr of pulses = ballscrew pitch / (Multiplying factor x Resolution)
With P604(8)=0 & P631(8)=0 x4 multiplying factor Nr of pulses = 125
With P604(8)=1 & P631(8)=0 x2 multiplying factor Nr of pulses = 250
With P604(8)=0 & P631(8)=1 x2 multiplying factor Nr of pulses = 250
With P604(8)=1 & P631(8)=1 x1 multiplying factor Nr of pulses = 500
Version 7.6 (July 2001)
From this version on, there is a new machine parameter indicating whether G75 is affected by the feedrate override or
P631(1) = 0Not affected. It is always at 100%, like in previous versions.
P631(1) = 1It is affected by the Feedrate override.
From this version on, there is a new machine parameter to set the resolution of an axis having an encoder and a leadscrew.
P819 Feedback factor for the X axis P820 Feedback factor for the Y axis P821 Feedback factor for the Z axis
P822 Feedback factor for the W axis P823 Feedback factor for the V axis
Values between 0 and 65534. The “0” value indicates that this feature is not being used.
Use the following formula to calculate the “Feedback Factor” :
Feedback factor = (Gear Ratio x Leadscrew pitch / Number of Encoder pulses) x 8.192
Examples: Gear Ratio 1 1 2 1
Leadscrew pitch 5000 6000 6000 8000 (microns)
Encoder 2500 2500 2500 2500 (pulses/turn)
Feedback factor 16384 19660.8 39321.6 26214.4
The machine parameters only admit integer values and sometimes the “Feedback Factor” has decimals. In those cases,
assign the integer part to the machine parameter and use the leadscrew compensation table to make up for the decimal
The values to be entered in the table are calculated with the following formula:
Leadscrew position = Leadscrew Error (microns) x Integer of feedback factor / decimals of the feedback factor
From this version on, the new model MLI is now available.
It offers the same features as the MGI model and it is sold together with the motors and ACS drives..
FAGOR 8025/8030 CNC
Models: M, MG, MS, GP
This manual is addressed to the machine operator. It describes how to operate with this 8025
It includes the necessary information for new users as well as advanced subjects for those who
are already familiar with this CNC product.
It may not be necessary to read this whole manual. Consult the list of "New Features and
Modifications" which will indicate to you the chapters and sections describing them.
Consult the Comparison Table in order to find the specific features offered by your particular
CNC model.
There is also an appendix on error codes which indicates some of the probable reasons which
could cause each one of them.
Notes: The information described in this manual may be subject to variations due to
technical modifications.
FAGOR AUTOMATION, S.Coop. Ltda. reserves the right to modify the contents
of the manual without prior notice.
Section Page
Safety Conditions ........................................................................................................... Intr. 3
Material Returning Terms ............................................................................................. Intr. 5
Fagor Documentation for the 8025/30 M CNC .......................................................... Intr. 6
Manual Contents ............................................................................................................ Intr. 7
1. Overview.......................................................................................................................... 1 Save a program being edited (only on models with 512 Kb of memory) ....................... 49 Copying a program .......................................................................................................... 49
3.7. Mode 7: PERIPHERALS ................................................................................................ 50
3.7.1. Selection of the operating mode PERIPHERALS (7) ..................................................... 50
3.7.2. Entering a program from the FAGOR cassette/recorder (0) ........................................... 51 Transmission errors ......................................................................................................... 53
3.7.3. Transferring a program to the FAGOR cassette recorder (1) ........................................... 53 Transmission errors ......................................................................................................... 54
3.7.4. Entering a program from a peripheral other than the FAGOR cassette/recorder (2) ..... 55
3.7.5. Transferring a program to a peripheral other than the FAGOR cassette/recorder (3) .... 55
3.7.6. FAGOR cassette’s directory (4) ...................................................................................... 56
3.7.7. Deletion of a FAGOR cassette program (5) .................................................................... 56
3.7.8. Interruption of the transmission process ......................................................................... 57
3.7.9. DNC. Communication with a computer .......................................................................... 57
3.8. Mode 8: TOOL OFFSETS AND ZERO OFFSETS G53/G59 ........................................ 58
3.8.1. Selection of the operating mode TOOL OFFSET (8) ..................................................... 58
3.8.2. Read-out of tool table ...................................................................................................... 58
3.8.3. Entering the dimensions of the tools ............................................................................... 59
3.8.4. Modification of tool dimensions ..................................................................................... 59
3.8.5. Change of measurement units ......................................................................................... 60
3.8.6. Zero offsets ...................................................................................................................... 61 Displaying the zero offset table ....................................................................................... 61 Entering zero offset values .............................................................................................. 61 Modification of zero offset values .................................................................................. 62 Change of measuring units .............................................................................................. 62
3.8.7. Return to the tool offset table .......................................................................................... 62
3.8.8. Complete deletion of tool offsets or zero table ............................................................... 62
3.9. Mode 9: SPECIAL MODES ........................................................................................... 62
3.10. Graphics ........................................................................................................................... 63
3.10.1. Display area definition .................................................................................................... 64
3.10.2. Zooming (windowing) .................................................................................................... 65
3.10.3. Redefinition of the display area by the Zoom function .................................................. 66
3.10.4. Deletion of graphics ........................................................................................................ 66
3.10.5. Graphic representation in color ...................................................................................... 66
FAGOR 8025/8030 CNCs
Both types operate the same way and offer similar characteristics. Their basic difference is that
the former is compact and the latter is modular.
Both CNC types offer basic models. Although the differences between the basic models are
detailed later on, each model may be defined as follows:
When the CNC has an Integrated Programmable Logic Controller (PLCI), the letter "I" is added
to the CNC model denomination: GPI, MI, MGI, MSI.
Also, When the CNC has 512Kb of part-program memory, the letter "K" is added to the CNC
model denomination: GPK, MK, MGK, MSK, GPIK, MIK, MGIK, MSIK.
Feedback inputs. ........................................................................................ 6 6 6 6
Linear axes ........................................................................... 4 4 4 5
Rotary axes ........................................................................... 2 2 2 2
Spindle encoder .................................................................... 1 1 1 1
Electronic handwheels ......................................................... 1 1 1 1
Probe input ............................................................................................. x x x x
Square-wave feedback signal multiplying factor, x2/x4 ........................... x x x x
Sine-wave feedback signal multiplying factor, x2/x4/10/x20 ................... x x x x
Maximum counting resolution 0.001mm/0.001°/0.0001inch.................... x x x x
Analog outputs (±10V) for axis servo drives ............................................ 4 4 4 5
Spindle analog output (±10V) ................................................................... 1 1 1 1
Axes involved in linear interpolations ....................................................... 3 3 3 3
Axes involved in circular interpolations .................................................... 2 2 2 2
Helical interpolation .................................................................................. x x x x
Electronic threading .................................................................................. x x x
Spindle control .......................................................................................... x x x x
Software travel limits ................................................................................ x x x x
Spindle orientation .................................................................................... x x x x
Management of non-servo-controlled Open-Loop motor ......................... x
Part Zero preset by user ............................................................................. x x x x
Absolute/incremental programming .......................................................... x x x x
Programming in cartesian coordinates ...................................................... x x x x
Programming in polar coordinates ............................................................ x x x x
Programming in cylindrical coordinates (radius, angle, axis) ................... x x x x
Programming by angle and cartesian coordinate ....................................... x x x x
Tool radius compensation ......................................................................... x x x
Tool length compensation ......................................................................... x x x x
Leadscrew backlash compensation ............................................................ x x x x
Leadscrew error compensation .................................................................. x x x x
Cross compensation (beam sag) ................................................................ x x x x
CNC text in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian ...................... x x x x
Display of execution time .......................................................................... x x x x
Piece counter ............................................................................................. x x x x
Graphic movement display and part simulation ........................................ x x
Tool base position display ......................................................................... x x x x
Tool tip position display ............................................................................ x x x x
Geometric programming aide .................................................................... x x x x
Parametric programming ........................................................................... x x x x
Model digitizing ........................................................................................ x x x x
Possibility of an integrated PLC ................................................................ x x x x
Sheetmetal tracing on LASER machines ................................................... x
Jig Grinder ............................................................................................. x
XY (G17) plane selection ........................................................................... x x x x
XZ and YZ plane selection (G18,G19) ...................................................... x x x x
Part measuring units. Millimeters or inches (G70,G71) ............................. x x x x
Absolute/incremental programming (G90,G91) ........................................ x x x x
Independent axis (G65) .............................................................................. x x x x
Machine reference (home) search (G74) .................................................... x x x x
Coordinate preset (G92) ............................................................................. x x x x
Zero offsets (G53...G59) ............................................................................ x x x x
Polar origin preset (G93) ............................................................................ x x x x
Store current part zero (G31) ...................................................................... x x x x
Recover stored part zero (G32) ................................................................. x x x x
Feedrate F .............................................................................................. x x x x
Feedrate in mm/min. or inches/minute (G94) ............................................ x x x x
Feedrate in mm/revolution or inches/revolution (G95) .............................. x x x x
Constant surface speed (G96) ..................................................................... x x x x
Constant tool center speed (G97) ............................................................... x x x x
Programmable feedrate override (G49) ...................................................... x x x x
Spindle speed (S) ........................................................................................ x x x x
S value limit (G92) ..................................................................................... x x x x
Tool and tool offset selection (T) ............................................................... x x x x
Program stop (M00) ................................................................................... x x x x
Conditional program stop (M01) ................................................................ x x x x
End of program (M02) ............................................................................... x x x x
End of program with return to first block (M30) ....................................... x x x x
Clockwise spindle start (M03) .................................................................... x x x x
Counter-clockwise spindle start (M04) ...................................................... x x x x
Spindle stop (M05) ..................................................................................... x x x x
Tool change in machining centers (M06) ................................................... x x x x
Spindle orientation (M19) .......................................................................... x x x x
Spindle speed range change (M41, M42, M43, M44) ................................ x x x x
Functions associated with pallets (M22, M23, M24, M25) ........................ x x x
Rapid traverse (G00) ................................................................................ x x x x
Linear interpolation (G01) ........................................................................ x x x x
Circular interpolation (G02,G03) ............................................................. x x x x
Circular interpolation with absolute center coordinates (G06) ................. x x x x
Circular path tangent to previous path (G08) ........................................... x x x x
Arc defined by three points (G09) ............................................................ x x x x
Tangential entry at beginning of a machining operation (G37) .............. x x x x
Tangential exit at the end of a machining operation (G38) ...................... x x x x
Controlled radius blend (G36) .................................................................. x x x x
Chamfer (G39) ......................................................................................... x x x x
Electronic threading (G33) ......................................................................... x x x
Multiple arc-pattern machining (G64) ...................................................... x x x
User defined canned cycle (G79) ............................................................. x x x x
Drilling cycle (G81) ................................................................................. x x x
Drilling cycle with dwell (G82) ................................................................ x x x
Deep hole drilling cycle (G83) ................................................................. x x x
Tapping cycle (G84) ................................................................................. x x x
Rigid tapping cycle (G84R) ...................................................................... x x x
Reaming cycle (G85) ................................................................................ x x x
Boring cycle with withdrawal in G00 (G86) ............................................ x x x
Rectangular pocket milling cycle (G87) ................................................... x x x
Circular pocket milling cycle (G88) ......................................................... x x x
Boring cycle with withdrawal in G01 (G89) ............................................ x x x
Canned cycle cancellation (G80) .............................................................. x x x x
Return to starting point (G98) .................................................................. x x x
Return to reference plane (G99) ............................................................... x x x
Probing (G75) ........................................................................................... x x x x
Tool length calibration canned cycle (G75N0) ........................................ x
Probe calibration canned cycle (G75N1) .................................................. x
Surface measuring canned cycle (G75N2) ............................................... x
Surface measuring canned cycle with tool offset (G75N3) ...................... x
Outside edge measuring canned cycle (G75N4) ...................................... x
Inside edge measuring canned cycle (G75N5) ......................................... x
Angle measuring canned cycle (G75N6) .................................................. x
Outside edge and angle measuring canned cycle (G75N7) ...................... x
Hole centering canned cycle (G75N8) ..................................................... x
Boss centering canned cycle (G75N9) ..................................................... x
Hole measuring canned cycle (G75N10) .................................................. x
Boss measuring canned cycle (G75N11) .................................................. x
Number of standard subroutines ............................................................... 99 99 99 99
Definition of standard subroutine (G22) .................................................. x x x x
Call to a standard subroutine (G20) .......................................................... x x x x
Number of parametric subroutines ........................................................... 99 99 99 99
Definition of parametric subroutine (G23) ............................................... x x x x
Call to a parametric subroutine (G21) ..................................................... x x x x
End of standard or parametric subroutine (G24) ...................................... x x x x
Error 65 is not issued while probing (G75) Installation Manual Section 3.3.4
New function F29. It takes the value of the Programming Manual Chapter 13
selected tool
Function M06 does not execute M19 Installation Manual Section 3.3.5
Possibility to enter the sign of the leadscrew Installation Manual Section 4.9
backlash for each axis
Management of feedback with coded Io Installation Manual Section 4.6 & 6.5
Introduction - 1
Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any physical or material
damage derived from the violation of these basic safety regulations.
Before powering the unit up, make sure that it is connected to ground
In order to avoid electrical discharges, make sure that all the grounding connections
are properly made.
Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any damage suffered or caused
when installed in other environments (residential or homes).
Ambient conditions
The working temperature must be between +5° C and +45° C (41ºF and 113º F)
The storage temperature must be between -25° C and 70° C. (-13º F and 158º F)
Introduction - 3
Protections of the unit itself
Central Unit
It carries two fast fuses of 3.15 Amp./ 250V. to protect the mains AC input.
All the digital inputs and outputs are protected by an external fast fuse (F) of 3.15
Amp./ 250V. against over voltage and reverse connection of the power supply.
The type of fuse depends on the type of monitor. See the identification label of the
Safety symbols
Symbols which may appear on the manual
WARNING. symbol
It has an associated text indicating those actions or operations may hurt
people or damage products.
WARNING. symbol
It has an associated text indicating those actions or operations may hurt
people or damage products.
Introduction - 4
When returning the CNC, pack it in its original package and with its original packaging
material. If not available, pack it as follows:
1.- Get a cardboard box whose three inside dimensions are at least 15 cm (6 inches) larger
than those of the unit. The cardboard being used to make the box must have a
resistance of 170 Kg (375 lb.).
2.- When sending it to a Fagor Automation office for repair, attach a label indicating the
owner of the unit, person to contact, type of unit, serial number, symptom and a brief
description of the problem.
3.- Wrap the unit in a polyethylene roll or similar material to protect it.
4.- Pad the unit inside the cardboard box with poly-utherane foam on all sides.
5.- Seal the cardboard box with packing tape or industrial staples.
Introduction - 5
FOR THE 8025/30 M CNC
8025M CNC OEM Manual Is directed to the machine builder or person in charge of installing and starting
up the CNC.
It contains 2 manuals:
Installation Manual describing how to isntall and set-up the CNC.
LAN Manual describing how to instal the CNC in the Local
Area Network.
8025M CNC USER Manual Is directed to the end user or CNC operator.
It contains 3 manuals:
Operating Manual describing how to operate the CNC.
Programming Manual describing how to program the CNC.
Applications Manual describing other applications for this CNC
non-specific of Milling machines
DNC 25/30 Software Manual Is directed to people using the optional DNC communications software.
DNC 25/30 Protocol Manual Is directed to people wishing to design their own DNC communications
software to communicate with the 800 without using the DNC25/30 software..
DNC-PLC Manual Is directed to people using the optional communications software: DNC-PLC.
FLOPPY DISK Manual Is directed to people using the Fagor Floppy Disk Unit and it shows how to use
Introduction - 6
The operating manual consists of the following chapters:
Operating modes
0- Automatic
1- Single block
2- Play-back
3- Teach-in
4- Dry-run
5- Jog
6- Editor
7- Peripheral
8- Tool table and zero offset table
9- Special modes
Error codes
Introduction - 7
This manual contains the information required for the proper operation of the CNC.
It describes the controls fitted on both the keyboard and the front panel.
Also the CNC operating modes and the information displayed on the screen are explained.
8. CL. To delete characters one by one during the editing process, etc.
9. INS. Key which allows characters to be inserted during the edition of a program block.
4. Switch (M.F.O.), which allows a % variation of the programmed feedrate and to choose
the different ways of working in the JOG MODE (continuous, incremental, electronic
5. Spindle operating keys. Allow the spindle to be put into OPERATION and to STOP
it, in the JOG operating mode. The and keys allow a % variation of the
programmed turning speed of the spindle during operation.
7. RESET. To revert the CNC to the initial conditions and recognise new machine parameter
values, decoded M functions, etc.
9. INS. Key which allows characters to be inserted during the edition of a program block.
15. Switch (M.F.O.), which allows a % variation of the programmed feed and to choose the
different ways of working in the JOG MODE (continuous, incremental, electronic
16. Spindle operating keys. Allow the spindle to be put into OPERATION and to STOP it,
in the JOG operating mode. The and keys allow a % variation of the programmed
turning speed of the spindle during operation.
Whenever the CNC is fitted with a COLOR MONITOR, it is possible to choose the set of colors
one wishes to appear on the screen.
Colors are selected by means of the designation of values to the Machine Parameter P619 bits
(2) and (1).
0 0 Monitor
0 1 Combination 1
1 0 Combination 2
Each of the combinations, 1 and 2, are a group of 3 different colors to distinguish the characters
First of all, it is necessary to press the key and then the key .
In this case, the STOP key , in addition to recovering the last display, stops the possible
running of the CNC.
The display is also recovered when a message is received from the PLC64 or from the PLCI.
The CNC has 7 function keys (F1/F7), placed under the screen, which allow the user to operate
with the CNC comfortably and quickly.
Their meaning will be displayed on the screen just above the corresponding function keys and
will be different in each of the situations and modes of operation.
Throughout the manual the meaning of the F1/F7 keys which must be pressed in each case, will
be indicated in square brackets [].
- Creation, execution and entering of a block into memory; thus a program is created
while being executed block by block.
4. DRY RUN : To check programs before actual execution of the first part.
- Handwheel operation.
- Setting of machine-parameters.
By means of these operating modes it is possible to program the CNC, produce parts in a
continuous run, work block by block and work manually.
The only difference between these two modes is that in single block mode (1), each time a block
is executed the CYCLE START button has to be pressed to continue exe-
cuting the program, whereas in automatic mode (0) the cycle is continuous.
- Press 0/1 key : The standard display corresponding to this operating mode appears; i.e. in
the upper left-hand section of the screen the message AUTOMAT/SINGLE BLOCK
followed by the number of the program P —— and the number of the first block to be
executed N ——.
Whenever a program number is wanted other than that appearing on the screen, the following
sequence should be followed:
The new program selected will appear on the screen, if it exists. If not, the screen will display:
Once a program has been selected, the number of the first block to be executed appears to the
right of the program number.
If you wish to begin with a different block, the following procedure should be followed:
The new number is displayed on the screen together with the contents of this block and those
of the subsequent blocks.
To display the contents of the blocks prior or subsequent to those appearing on the screen:
The program always starts with the block whose number appears to the right
of the program number, regardless of which ones are displayed on the screen.
- Press
. Once the program and block number have been selected, just press this key to execute the
program in AUTOMATIC or the block in SINGLE BLOCK.
. If the program contains any conditional block it will be executed when the relevant input
is activated (see INSTALLATION AND START-UP MANUAL). If it is not activated, the
CNC will disregard such block.
. During the time that the fast travel button is pressed carrying out a movement
in G01, G02, or G03, the percentage of the feedrate will be 200% of the programmed
feedrate, whenever the machine parameter P606(2) has a value equal to zero. This will
happen when the external input START is activated, if parameter P609(7) = 1.
. In the SINGLE BLOCK mode all those blocks which are programmed with parameters
will be executed by the FAGOR CNC as if they were a single BLOCK, whenever these are
in canned cycles.
- Press
The CNC stops the execution of the block in progress. To resume the cycle just press .
- The external signal FEED HOLD (the cycle continues when the signal disappears)
- The external signal EMERGENCY STOP (in this case the program must be restarted,
since the CNC is reset to initial state).
If machine parameter P727 has a value between 1 and 99, when the external STOP input is
activated while running a program, the CNC will interrupt the program and jump to execute
the standard subroutine corresponding to the number assigned to P727.
It is possible, at any time during the execution of a cycle in AUTOMATIC mode, to switch
to SINGLE BLOCK mode or vice versa. To do so:
- Press OP MODE. The listing of operating modes will appear on the screen.
If any number other than 1/0 is pressed, the CNC returns to the previous position.
By pressing the function keys (F1/F7), placed under the screen, the user can select the desired
mode which appears displayed just above the corresponding function key.
By means of the [ETC] key, other function keys which are not displayed can be accessed.
. Upper part. The message AUTOMATIC or SINGLE BLOCK and then the number of the
program, of the first block to run or the one which is being run. Underneath, the contents
of the first block of the programme or of the block being run and the following (2 or 3).
. Central part. Under the titles COMMAND, ACTUAL and TO GO appear the axis arrival
dimensions, the current position and those still to travel, respectively.
. Lower part. The programmed values of F and S appear and their %, as well as the list of
activated G, T and M functions.
This part of the screen also displays messages sent to the CNC from the PLC, programmed
comments, as well as the meaning of the function keys.
The position of the axes is displayed with large characters. The number of the programme, the
block, the status of the G, M, T, S and F functions, as well as PLC messages, if any, comments
and the meaning of the function keys, are also displayed.
The axis following error is displayed, as well as the programme number, the block number, the
status of the G, M, T, S and F functions, as well as PLC messages, if any, comments and the
meaning of the function keys, are also displayed.
If the [PARAMETERS] function key is pressed, on the upper part of the screen a list of
parameters will appear with their corresponding value at that moment. By pressing either
of the keys and the remaining parameters will appear with their values.
For example:
P46 = -1724.9281
P47 = -.10842021 E2
Identical to the STANDARD display mode, except that instead of the following blocks to be
run, the subroutines which are active at that moment appear with the following format:
Should there be any active canned cycle it is also displayed with the following format:
The CLOCK which indicates in hours, minutes and seconds the operation time of the CNC
When the running of a program is interrupted or finished, the counting of the clock is also
On the right, the clock appears with 4 digits THE PARTS NO. COUNTER.
This counter increments one unit every time the CNC runs the M30 function or the M02
To reset the parts no. counter the DELETE key must be pressed and then the function key
[PART COUNT], this counter being displayed on the screen.
This mode is used for the graphic representation of the program and an explanation of it appears
in paragraph 3.10 of this MANUAL.
The CNC allows the edition of a new program while it is running a cycle in AUTOMATIC
mode or in SINGLE BLOCK mode. For this:
The P ----- program number which appears corresponds to the number of the last program
which was edited.
It is not possible to work (edit, correct, etc.) with the program which is being
run. It is recommended to give programs numbers which have not been
previously stored in the memory, as if the programme which is being run
contains calls to subroutines of other programs, there could be problems.
Specifically the 001 error may be generated. During an editing operation, the
AUTOMATIC mode controls and keys or those of the SINGLE BLOCK
mode remain active.
When the [PLC] function key is pressed, access is gained to the main menu of the PLC and
the LOCAL AREA NETWORK without any need for stopping the execution of the program.
The values of the offset which has been called will appear on the screen.
If it is wished to modify the value of the I on the table, the amount which it is wished to add
or subtract is keyed in.
- Press K
- Key in the value to be added or subtracted
- Press ENTER
Once the values of the tool offset table have been introduced, press the key [END] to return
to the standard display.
If during the running of a program it is wished to inspect or change a tool, the procedure to
follow is indicated below:
a) Press
The programme being run will be interrupted and on the upper right-hand side of the screen
the message INTERRUPTED shall appear.
The TOOL INSPECTION sequence allows the spindle to start and stop during the
removal of the tool, by means of the spindle operating keys situated on the Control
Press [CONTINUE] (According to the situation when [TOOL INSPEC] is pressed, M03
or M04 are executed).
By means of the JOG keys the axes are taken to the position in which the cycle was
interrupted. The CNC will not allow this position to be passed.
When the axes are in position, on the screen there will appear:
e) Press
In AUTOMATIC and SINGLE BLOCK operating modes, when the RESET key is pressed
twice, the CNC is reset to switch-on conditions.
When the RESET key is pressed the first time, the blinking message RESET? will appear on
the screen. If RESET is not desired, press CL to cancel it.
The CNC operates with the FAGOR PLC and the latter sends messages for display on the
CNC, it is possible to access to a table of messages which are active at that moment.
The CNC always displays the message with most priority, if there is more than one active
message, the + sign will be highlighted (displayed in reverse video).
To display the table, it is necessary to press the [PLC MESSAGES] function key.
If there is such a number of messages that they occupy more than one screen, by pressing
keys and it is possible to display these.
One of the messages will appear highlighted indicating that it can be deleted from the table by
pressing the DELETE key.
When a deletion is made in this way, the CNC will deactivate the MARK corresponding to the
PLC which sent the message.
This method of programming is basically the same as the EDITOR mode, except with regard
to programming the values of the coordinates.
It allows the machine to be operated manually and the coordinate values reached to be entered
as program coordinates. The execution of a program requires the following steps:
- Press OP MODE
- Press key 2
The meaning of the function keys to operate in this mode will appear on the screen.
The creation of a program in PLAY BACK mode is the same as in EDITING mode except
that the axes can be moved by means of the JOG keys. The axis coordinate values are displayed
at the bottom of the screen.
In a block which only contains the coordinates of one point, after using the JOG keys to move
the axes, press ENTER and the coordinates of the point will be stored in the memory. Every
time the ENTER key is pressed, the coordinates of the point according to the 3 active axes at
that moment will be stored in memory.
In order to activate an axis which is not active at that time, the key of the corresponding axis
(X,Y,Z,W,V) must be pressed.
If in addition to the coordinates of a point it is desired to write into the block further information
such as G,S,M,T functions etc., each time the key of the corresponding axis is pressed the CNC
will take as the value of the axis the coordinate at which the machine is at that moment.This
method of editing is highly practical when creating a program for copying a part using functions
G08 and G09.
When G08 has been written into a block requiring it, use the JOG keys to move the machine
to the end point of the tangent arc to the previous path, then press ENTER and the block will
be stored in the memory.
When G09 has been written into a block which requires it, use the JOG keys to move the
machine to an intermediate point on the arc and press the ENTER key. The CNC will take the
coordinates as those of the intermediate point on the arc. Then move the machine to the end
point of the arc and once the ENTER key has been pressed the block will be stored in the
If the value 1 is entered in the machine-parameter P610(3), the START input
is equivalent to ENTER key in PLAY-BACK operating mode.
This method of programming is basically the same as the EDITING mode, except that the
blocks which are written may be executed before being entered into memory. This enables a
part to be produced block by block while it is being programmed.
- Press OP MODE
- Press key 3
The meaning of the function keys to operate in this mode will appear on the screen.
Same as section 3.6.7. in EDITING mode except that the block may be executed before
pressing ENTER. To do this:
On pressing , the CNC executes the block and the display mode
changes to AUTOMATIC mode.
When the blocks are executed, the CNC retains the sequence of the completed
In machining centers, when M06 is programmed, the CNC will execute all
the movements associated with tool change.
3.3.9.Copy a program.
This operating mode is used for testing a program in a dry run before producing the first part.
- Press OP MODE
- Press key 4. The screen will display:
The CNC will execute the G,S,T,M functions plus the movements on the main plane.
XY plane (G17)
XZ plane (G18)
YZ plane (G19)
XY plane (G17)
XZ or XW (XV) plane (G18)
YZ or YW (YV) plane (G19)
- The movements are carried out to maximum programmable feedrate (F0), whatever the
programmed F’s may be.
- The % Feedrate may be varied with the Feedrate Override (M.F.O.) switch.
The CNC will execute the program completely. The movements are executed at max.
programmable Feedrate (F0) regardless of the F’s programmed. The Feedrate Override allows
the % feed to be varied.
It should be borne in mind that if machine parameters P721, P722, P723, P728 are activated the
Acceleration/Deceleration control will also be applied in F0, avoiding the generation of
following errors.
The CNC will execute the program without moving the axes and without taking tool
compensation into account.
- Press ENTER
- Press ENTER
- Enter the number of the program where the final block is located and then press
ENTER. If the number of the program is the one already selected, just press ENTER.
- After this symbol, enter the number of times that the previous block must be repeated.
(Maximum value 9999.)
In both cases, a) and b), the screen will display the same information as in AUTOMATIC and
At any time during the execution of a cycle in the DRY RUN operating mode, it can be switched
to the operating modes AUTOMATIC or SINGLE BLOCK. To do this:
If any number other than 0 or 1 is pressed, the CNC will return to the DRY RUN mode.
Regardless of the form of execution selected, the CNC will always examine the program as it
executes it and will indicate possible programming errors.
In DRY RUN operating mode, by pressing the RESET key twice, the CNC is reset to power-
on conditions. The first time RESET is pressed, the message RESET? flashes at the top
righthand side of the screen; if it is not desired to carry out RESET, press the CL key.
- Operating as a readout
- Handwheel operation.
- Measure and load the length of tools in the tool offset table, using a touch probe.
- Press OP MODE
- Press key 5
The coordinates of the axes will appear on the screen in large characters.
In 5 axis machines, to display the axis which is not active, the corresponding key, i.e., W or V,
must be pressed.
- Once the JOG operating mode is displayed, press the key corresponding to the axis to be
referenced. In the lower lefthand side of the screen X,Y,Z,W, or V will appear according to
the key pressed.
- Press [HOME] (ZERO). To the right of the axis letter will appear HOME SEARCH?.
- Press The axis will move at a feedrate selected by means of machine-parameter toward
the machine-reference point. On pressing the reference microswitch, it will change to a
feedrate of 100 mm/min. On receiving the machine-reference pulse from the feedback system,
it will stop, setting the counter to the value set as machine-parameter (P119, P219, P319, P419,
If the reference microswitch was pressed when pressing Cycle Start , the axis will
withdraw until the microswitch is released. Then the search will be carried out normally.
To cancel the machine reference search before pressing Cycle Start the CL key
must be pressed.
To cancel the search after pressing Cycle Start , Cycle Stop must be pres-
- Once displayed, press the key of the axis on which the preset is required.
To cancel the preset, before pressing ENTER, operate CL as many times as characters to be
- According to the axis and the direction in which it is desired to move, the JOG key
corresponding to this axis must be pressed:
On selecting the JOG operating mode the feedrate F0 (defined by
parameter P830) remains selected. If this parameter is 0, then
P110,P210,P310,P410 and P510, corresponding to axes
X,Y,Z,(W),(V), respectively, will determine the max. feedrate for
each axis in the JOG mode.
Rapid feed of an axis in JOG mode can be obtained while pressing the
The axis will move in the direction chosen, a distance equal to that indicated on the knob
a) On selecting the JOG operating mode the feedrate F0 (defined by
parameter P830) remains selected. If this parameter is 0, then
P110,P210,P310,P410 and P510, corresponding to axes
X,Y,Z,(W),(V), respectively, will determine the max. feedrate for
each axis in the JOG mode.
Rapid feed of an axis in JOG mode can be obtained while pressing the
b) The positions of the knob are 1,10,100,1000 and 10000, and indicate the
value of the movement in microns or in 0.0001 inches. This value can be
limited to 1000 microns or 10000 (of 0.1 or 1 inches) by P609(6).
The required values of F,S and M may be entered in this operating mode.
Except for M41,M42,M43 and M44 which are automatically generated by the
CNC when an S value requiring range change is programmed.
Once the JOG operating mode is selected, if the external MANUAL input is activated, the CNC
acts as a readout.
In this case, the machine has to be moved by means of external controls and the analog signals
must be generated outside the CNC.The S and M functions may be entered in this form of
If when operating in this mode, the software travel limits (set via machine-parameters) are
overrun, the CNC will send the relevant error code and will only allow the machine to be moved
to bring it back to the permitted zone.
Every time the key I is pressed the measurement units change from mm to inches and vice-
When an electronic handwheel is fitted, with this option the axes can, one at a time, be moved
manually. For this:
- Press any of the two JOG keys which correspond to the axis to be moved by the
Handwheel. If a FAGOR Handwheel (mod 100 P) is used, the axis can also be selected
by means of the built-in selector button; the relevant axis will be displayed in reverse
video on the CRT.
- Turn the Handwheel, the axis will move according to the setting of the relevant machine-
parameter multiplied by the factor selected with the switch (X1,X10,X100). It should be
borne in mind that if we wish to move an axis at a speed of over G00 corresponding to this
axis, the CNC will assume this as maximum, ignoring additional pulses. In this way the
generation of following errors is avoided.
- Press any of the two JOG keys of the new axis or the axis selector button if a FAGOR
Handwheel (mod 100 P) is used.
- Turn the M.F.O. switch to any other position or press the STOP key or keep the axis
selector button pressed until the CRT stops blinking the selected axis, if a FAGOR
Handwheel (mod 100 P) is used.
It is possible to display at any time the situation of the tool in the magazine. To do so, first select
the JOG operating mode and then:
- Press RECALL. Pxx will appear to the right of the tool number keyed in. The xx(00-99)
indicates the position which the tool occupies in the magazine.
- Once a tool has been displayed, the keys can be used to display those prece-
ding or following it.
If P00 appears, it means that the tool is actually in the spindle.
If P99 appears, it means that the tool is in the tool changer or M06 has not been
executed yet.
If T00 is keyed in, the CNC seeks out the free position in the magazine.
- Press P. Key in the store position number which is to be assigned to the preselected tool.
- Press ENTER.
When it is a NON-RANDOM magazine, the only changes allowed on the
table are:
. If P00 is keyed in, it means that the tool goes to the spindle.
. If P99 is keyed in, it indicates that the tool is in the tool changer. When it is confirmed that a
tool is in the spindle (P00), the indication that the tool is in the tool changer (P99) is cancelled.
Therefore, if we wish to confirm both positions to the CNC, it must be told which tool occupies
the spindle position before “telling” which tool occupies the tool changer.
. If once the replacing tool has been selected by means of Txx.xx and before executing M06
the EMERGENCY error or power failure occurs, it is possible to indicate which tool is in
the tool changer by carrying out the following sequence:
- Key in P99.
- Press ENTER.
Also, In machines with automatic tool changer some tools may occupy more than one
position in the magazine. Follow this sequence in order to indicate the CNC which tools
are special:
a) Initialize the tool magazine by executing the following sequence in TEACH-IN mode.
b) Go into JOG mode and enter the special tools by keying in:
This way, when the position of a special tool is displayed, it will appear:
Txx Pxx S
If an improper programming of tool change originates error code 053 the
process to resume the operation is the following:
This way, the number of the tool presently engaged in the spindle has been
confirmed to the CNC.
In JOG operating mode, pressing the RESET key returns the CNC to power-
on conditions.
With this CNC, in the JOG mode the tool dimensions can be quickly measured and loaded with
a probe. To do this, a tool measuring probe must be installed with its sides parallel to the axes
and in an established position on the machine.
The values on the sides of the probe on each axis and with respect to the machine reference zero
must be entered in the following parameters:
3- Move the tool with the JOG keys up to a position close to the probe side to be touched.
5- Press the JOG key that indicates in which direction the axis must be moved to carry out
the probing movement. The feedrate is established by P804.
6- Once the probing is done, the machine stops and the CNC loads in the corresponding
position of the tool offset table the L value measured; setting to zero the K value.
7- Once the measured tool has been removed, repeat from step 2 to load the rest of the
The FEEDRATE override knob has no effect during the probing movements and is set to
By means of these keys on the front panel, the spindle can be started in both directions as
well as stopping the spindle from turning, as long as the corresponding S has been
programmed, without need for executing M3,M4 or M5.
By means of the and keys it is possible to vary the S turning speed % program-
This is the fundamental operating mode for programming the CNC. In this mode programs,
subroutines as well as separate blocks may be written, amended and deleted.
- Press OP MODE
- Press key 6
The meaning of the function keys to operate in the MODE will appear on the screen.
- Press ENTER.
a) In the event of keying in any code other than those indicated, when pressing
ENTER, the said code will be erased, with the CNC waiting for the correct
b) Locking the memory implies not being able to alter the programs, but they
can be displayed.
- Press [PROGram DIRectory]. The CNC shows a list of up to 7 part-programs with their
sizes (in characters) as well as the total free memory available.
Also, if the first block of each program has a comment, it will appear next to the program size.
- Key in the number of the program to be deleted. Check the number. If the number is
correct, press ENTER.
- Press ENTER.
If the [CONTINUE] key is pressed during this sequence, access is
obtained to the original display of this MODE.
If all the programs in the memory must be deleted, key-in 99999 when DELETE PROGRAM
is displayed, and then press ENTER; if the key Y is pressed immediately afterwards, all the
programs except the one identified by parameter P802 will be deleted.
- Key in the existing number of the program whose number is to be modified. It will be
displayed to the right of P.
- Key in the new number allocated to this program. It will be displayed to the right of P.
If there is no program recorded under the old number, the screen will display:
- If there is a program already with that number, the screen will display:
During this sequence if the [CONTINUE] key is pressed, access is obtained
to the original display of this MODE.
- To find out which programs contain the subroutines displayed on the screen, key in the
subroutine number and press RECALL.
The number of the program where this subroutine is found will appear on screen.
To repeat the process for another subroutine, press DELETE or the [SUBRTS] key and
repeat the previous sequence.
During this sequence, if the [CONTINUE] key is pressed, the access is gained
to the original display of this MODE.
- If the number of the required program is the one which appears on the screen when the EDIT
operating mode is selected, to obtain it just press [CONTINUE].
If there is a program in the CNC’s memory with the same number as the one to be recorded, there
are two methods for recording the new program:
- Not to erase it and write it block by block (as described further on) over the existing program,
taking care to assign the same numbering as the previously recorded blocks to the blocks being
written.If there is no other program in memory with the same number, proceed as follows:
On models with 512 Kb of part-program memory (models: MK, MGK, MSK, GPK, MIK,
MGIK, MSIK, GPIK), the following keys and softkeys are also available:
Format of a block
(dimensions in millimeters)
(dimensions in inches)
Programming in the same block of the fourth axis W, of the fifth axis V and the one associated
to both which is indicated in the machine parameter P11, are incompatible.
- Key in the block number. It will appear on the lower left-hand side of the screen. The
blocks may not be correlative.
- If a normal conditional block is desired, after keying in the block number, press (decimal
point) and if a special conditional block is required press again.
Write the G functions and coordinate values respecting the programming format.
- Press the M key and key in the number of the auxiliary function wanted. Up to a maximum
or 7 may be programmed.
- If the block is correct, press ENTER. The CNC accepts the block as a program block.
a) Modification of characters
- Use the keys to place the cursor on the character to be modified or deleted.
- To modify, simply key in the new character. To delete, press the CL key.
- If DELETE is pressed, the characters to the right of the cursor will be deleted.
b) Insertion of characters
If during the writing of a block a character has to be inserted within that block:
- Use the keys to place the cursor at the point where the new character is to be
- Press INS. The portion of the block that follows the cursor starts blinking.
- Press DELETE
. If during the programming of a block the CNC fails to respond to any key pressed, it
means that there is something incorrect in what is being entered.
Access to assisted programming is available in any of the program editing modes, i.e. PLAY
BACK (2), TEACH-IN (3) or EDITING (6). For this, if, during the writing of a block the
[HELP] key is pressed, the cursor which is found in the block to be written will disappear and
the screen will display:
Pressing the desired number will display pages which explain the various functions available to
the CNC and how they are programmed. Once the appropriate page is accessed, press the
[HELP] key to continue writing the block. The cursor will reappear and the information required
will stay on the screen.
Supposing, for example, that when editing a program it is desired to program in a block the
canned cycle for rectangular pocket milling, the sequence will be:
Press [HELP]
Press 2
Press 4
If the [HELP] key is then pressed, the cursor will appear and it becomes possible to write the
block, observing on the screen the meaning of the various parameters of the selected function.
When the writing of the block is completed, pressing ENTER stores the block in the memory
and the standard display of editing modes will appear on the screen.
If, while any page of the assisted programming is on the screen, it is desired to return to the
standard display mode, there are two possibilities:
a) When nothing is written in the block, press RECALL if the cursor is displayed (if it is not,
press [HELP]).
b) When some information is already written in the block, if the cursor is displayed, press
During the edition of a canned cycle, whenever the corresponding preparatory function key has
been pressed, when the [HELP] key is pushed, the information corresponding to this canned
cycle will appear directly on the screen highlighting the parameter to be introduced.
Once the value has been introduced and in order to be able to continue with the edition of new
parameters, it is necessary to press the ENTER key.
If it is not required to program any parameter, as long as it is not obligatory to do so, the DELETE
key must be pressed.
As in the case of normal programming, the CL key deletes one character at a time and the
DELETE key deletes the whole value given to the current parameter.
At any time during this type of programming, if the [HELP] function key is pressed, the control
changes over to the normal assisted programming. Save a program being edited (only on models with 512 Kb of memory).
Models having 512 Kb of part-program memory (MK, MGK, MSK, GPK, MIK, MGIK,
MSIK, GPIK) have an additional RAM memory for program editing and modification.
The program, or portion of it, being edited is entered again in memory when exiting the editing
If, for any reason, the CNC loses power while editing a program, all the data stored in the RAM
memory will be lost. In other words, all the changes made to the program will be lost but not the
program itself.
To avoid this problem, press [SAVE] once in a while so the CNC stores the current changes in
the user memory.
This feature allows an existing program to be copied in the CNC memory, by designating it a
number which is different from the original.
To do this, press first [PROGram DIRectory] and then the [COPY] key.
The CNC will ask which number is that of the source program and which is the one for the new
program. After keying in each of them the ENTER key must be pressed.
Should there be no number keyed in as the original program, as there is another program with
the same number in the memory and the one keyed in as being new, or if there is not sufficient
memory in the CNC, a message will be displayed indicating the cause.
This is used for transferring part programs or machine- parameters from/to peripherals. The
method of working in this operating mode is as follows:
- Press OP MODE
- Press key 7. The screen will display:
To enable any of the operations 0,1,2,3,4 and 5, which are displayed in the
PERIPHERALS mode, to be carried out, point 6 (DNC ON/OFF) must be
OFF (the highlighted message OFF will be displayed). If the highlighted
message displayed is ON, press key 6.
When using the FAGOR cassette recorder, parameter P607(4) must be set to
- Key in the number of the program to be read in. If 99999 is entered, the CNC gets ready
to accept machine-parameters, the decoded M’s functions table and the table of
leadscrew compensation parameters.
Should a PLC I be fitted, the PLC user program will be kept together with the above.
a) A program exists in the control’s memory with the same number. The screen will
- Press any key other than Y. Return to the state in section 3.7.1.
If deletion is wanted:
From this moment the program starts to be transferred from the cassette, taking place
as described in possibility c).
On starting to transfer from the cassette, if the program does not exist on the tape:
c) The program selected exists on the tape and not in the CNC memory.
The transfer is carried out normally. During this process the screen will display:
- If in the program being read there is any erroneous block number (example, Nxxxxx)
the screen will display:
In this case, only the part of the program up to the erroneous block is memorized. It
is recommended to delete the whole program.
That means that the CNC carries out a syntactic test of the program. If there is any
programming error the relevant error code and the affected block are displayed and the
program is loaded completely.
d) If the part program memory is locked, or the machine- parameters memory in case of
(P99999), the status in section 3.7.1. is re-established.
This indicates that there is an incorrect character on the tape, or a non permitted block
number has been written.
The lid of the cassette recorder should be open when turning the unit ON/
OFF to prevent tape damage.
If P99999 is entered, the CNC gets ready to transmit machine- parameters, M functions
decoded table and the leadscrew error compensation table.
- Press ENTER.
b) There is a program with the same number on the tape. When pressing ENTER the screen
will display:
- Press any key other than Y. This returns to the status of section 3.7.1.
If deletion is wanted:
From this moment, the program starts to be transferred to the cassette, taking place
as described in possibility c).
c) The selected program exists at the CNC but not on the tape.
The transfer takes place normally. During this process the screen display:
Same as section 3.7.2. (by means of an FAGOR cassette) except that the 2 key must be
pressed and a new error message may appear: MEMORY OVERFLOW
This indicates that CNC memory is full. The part of the program for which there was
capacity will have been recorded in the CNC.
To enter a program from a peripheral other than the FAGOR cassette, the
following points must be taken into account:
The first thing that must be read after a series of NULL is a % followed
by the program number (99999 indicates machine- parameters). Followed
by LF.
The blocks are identified by an N located at the beginning of the line, i.e.
immediately after a LINEFEED. If anything is written between the
LINEFEED and the N, this will not be taken as the indicator of the block
number, but as an extra character.
Spaces, the RETURN key and the + sign are not taken into account.
The program ends with a series of more than 20 NULL, or with the
character ESCAPE or EOT.
Same as section 3.7.3. (by means of an FAGOR cassette) except that the 3 key is pressed.
The CNC ends the program with the character ESC (ESCAPE).
- Press ENTER.
Once the program has been deleted, the screen will display:
The CNC incorporates a DNC feature which allows two-way communication with a host
computer to perform the following functions:
To activate the DNC feature, P607(3) must be 1. Also, PERIPHERALS (DNC ON/OFF)
mode 6 must show the highlighted message ON. Otherwise, press 6. See DNC manual for
more detailed information.
In PERIPHERALS operating mode (7), every time RESET is pressed, the CNC returns
to power-on conditions.
This is used to enter into the memory the dimensions (length and radius) of up to 100 tools
and the values of up to 7 zero offsets (G53-G59).
- Press OP MODE
- Press the 8 key. The screen will display:
If a read-out is wanted of the dimensions of a tool which does not appear on the screen,
there are two methods:
b) . Press or (located to the right of the screen) to move the tools displayed
back and forth, until the required tool is reached.
- Key in the number of the tool. This will appear on the lower left of the screen.
- Press R.
- Press L.
- Press ENTER. (If what is written is correct). The values are entered into memory.
a) Modification of characters
If during the writing of the dimensions of a tool already written has to be modified
(R,L,I,K or any number):
- To modify, simply key in the new character. To delete it, press the CL key.
- If DELETE is pressed, the characters to the right of the cursor will be deleted.
If during the writing of the dimensions of a tool a character has to be inserted within
that block:
- Use the keys to place the cursor at the point where the new character
is to be inserted.
- Press INS. The portion of the block that follows the cursor starts blinking.
- Press RECALL.
- Press ENTER. The modified dimensions are entered into the memory.
- If during the programming of a block the CNC fails to respond to any key pressed,
it means that there is something incorrect in what is being entered.
- A block that has been written can be completely erased by pressing DELETE, if the
cursor is situated at the beginning of the block.
Every time the I key is pressed the measuring units change from mm to inches and vice-
In the same operation mode (8) if the key G is pressed the screen will display:
If a readout is wanted of the values of a zero offset which does not appear on the screen,
there are two methods:
b) Press or to move the zero offset displayed back and forth until the
required one is reached.
The values of W,X,Y,Z are referred to the machine reference zero
Same as 3.8.4.
Same as 3.8.5.
When the zero offset table is being displayed, the tool table can be recovered by pressing
- Key in K,J,I.
- Press ENTER.
In mode 8 (G53/G59 tool table), press RESET to revert the CNC to initial conditions.
This feature can be applied in one of the following modes: AUTOMATIC, SINGLE
In DRY RUN mode, if THEORETICAL PATH (4) is selected, the system checks the
program and displays the theoretical tool- center’s path in solid lines, ignoring its
Nevertheless, if mode 0 or 1 is selected in the same operating mode (DRY RUN), the tool
center’s path will be displayed in dotted lines.
If, when executing a program in DRY RUN operation in modes 0,1 or 4, there is a block
involving movement plus the function (Tx.x) the relevant path will not be displayed unless
the machine is a machining center.
In the remaining modes, the tool’s real path is displayed in dotted lines. The distance
between dots varies according to the value of F.
Prior to the representation of graphics on the CRT, the display area must be defined before
the program is run. To do this, after selecting the desired operation mode.
At this time the CNC asks which are the views required for viewing. Press Y/N to identify
desired/not desired views. The CNC displays then the four possible views:
- XY plane
- XZ plane
- YZ plane
- Three-dimensional
Key in the coordinate values (X,Y and Z) of the point desired to be at the center of the
screen, and the width of the image. Press ENTER after every value.
The display area definition is lost when the CNC is turned OFF.
Then, execute the program; the position and size of the graphic will depend on the values
given to the center point and width.
The coordinate values of the point being displayed are shown at the top of the CRT. The
value of the width is displayed at the bottom.
When a program is being run in the DRY RUN operating mode, it is possible to vary the
speed the diagram is drawn on the screen, by means of the FEED RATE switch.
The CNC has a ZOOM function by which entire graphics or parts of them can be enlarged
or reduced by this feature. To use this ZOOM function the program must be either
interrupted or completed.
Press the key which corresponds to the view in which the zooming is desired. Then press
[ZOOM] and a rectangle identifying the window will be displayed over the existing
Its dimensions can be altered pressing or on the front panel and its position by
using cursor moving keys.
The coordinate values of the window’s center and the width and the percentage are
displayed on the CRT. The display of values can be useful to check the coordinate values
of a particular point (by placing the center of the window over it) and also to measure
distances between two points.
Using the FEEDRATE override knob, the graphic drawing speed can be altered.
With the ZOOM function active after pressing [ZOOM], if ENTER is pressed
[EXECUTE] the position and width of the rectangle override the previous values given
to the display area when it has been defined.
The position and the size of the graphic can thus be altered.
It is recommended that a sufficiently large width be assigned to the
display area the first time it is defined to guarantee that the complete
graphic will be displayed on the screen and then ZOOM in to center it
and enlarge it.
When the ZOOM function is used, it is necessary to bear in mind that the
CNC will keep information on approximately the last 500 blocks with
movement which have been executed, therefore, if the programme has
more blocks with movement, only those retained will appear in the new
Press DELETE to erase the graphic displayed, once the program has been executed or
Whenever only one of the 4 views possible have been selected, every time the Tool (T2)
is changed, the path will be drawn in a different color (3 colors).
> When the first character of the block to be executed is not an "N".
> When while BACKGROUND editing, the program in execution calls a subroutine located in the program
being edited or in a later program.
The order in which the part-programs are stored in memory are shown in the part-program directory. If during
the execution of a program, a new one is edited, this new one will be placed at the end of the list.
003 A negative value has been assigned to a function which does not accept the (-) sign or an incorrect value has
been given to a canned cycle parameter.
004 A canned cycle has been defined while function G02, G03 or G33 was active.
014 A block has been programmed which is incorrect either by itself or in relation with the program history up to
that instant.
015 Functions G20, G21, G22, G23, G24, G25, G26, G27, G28, G29, G30, G31, G32, G50, G52, G53, G54, G55,
G56, G57, G58, G59, G72, G73, G74, G92 and G93 must be programmed alone in a block.
016 The called subroutine or block does not exist or the block searched by means of special function F17 does not
> Function G95 or M19 has been used with machine parameter "P800=0".
018 Error in blocks where the points are defined by means of angle-angle or angle-coordinate.
> After defining G20, G21, G22 or G23, the number of the subroutine it refers to is missing.
> The "N" character has not been programmed after function G25, G26, G27, G28 or G29.
020 The axes of the circular interpolation are not programmed correctly.
021 There is no block at the address defined by the parameter assigned to F18, F19, F20, F21, F22.
025 Error in a definition block or subroutine call, or when defining either conditional or unconditional jumps.
> Not enough free tape or CNC memory to store the part-program.
027 I/J/K has not been defined for a circular interpolation or thread.
028 An attempt has been made to select a tool offset at the tool table or a non-existent external tool (the number of
tools is set by machine parameter).
This error is often issued when programming an F value in mm/min (inch/min) and, then, switching to work in
mm/rev (inch/rev) without changing the F value.
Example: Being the X axis position X-5000, if we want to move it to point X5000, the CNC will issue error
33 when programming the block N10 X5000 since the programmed move will be:
5000 - (-5000) = 10000 mm.
In order to make this move without issuing this error, it must be carried out in two stages as indicated
It must be borne in mind that if G72 is applied only to one axis, this axis must be positioned at part zero (0 value)
at the time the scaling factor is applied.
> A block has been programmed which contains a jump to itself. Example: N120 G25 N120.
040 The programmed arc does not go through the defined end point (tolerance 0.01mm) or there is no arc that goes
through the points defined by G08 or G09.
041 This error is issued when programming a tangential entry as in the following cases:
> There is no room to perform the tangential entry. A clearance of twice the rounding radius or greater is
> If the tangential entry is to be applied to an arc (G02, G03), The tangential entry must be defined in a linear
042 This error is issued when programming a tangential exit as in the following cases:
> There is no room to perform the tangential exit. A clearance of twice the rounding radius or greater is required.
> If the tangential exit is to be applied to an arc (G02, G03), The tangential exit must be defined in a linear block.
047 A zero movement has been programmed during radius compensation or corner rounding.
050 Functions M06, M22, M23, M24, M25 must be programmed alone in a block.
051 * A tool or pallet change cannot be performed without being in the change position.
053 * This error occurs when having a machining center and 2 different external Ts have been programmed in a row
without programming an M06 in between.
054 There is no disk in the FAGOR Floppy Disk Unit, there is no tape in the cassette reader or the reader head cover
is open.
> When the memory is locked and an attempt is made to generate a CNC program by means of function G76.
> When trying to generate program P99999 or a protected program by means of function G76.
> If function G76 (block content) has been programmed without having programmed G76 P5 or G76 N5 before.
> If in a G76 P5 or G76 N5 type function does not contain the 5 digits of the program number.
> If while a program is being generated (G76 P5 or G76 N5), its program number is changed without cancelling
the previous one.
> If while executing a G76 P5 type block, the program referred to is not the one edited. In other words, that
another one has been edited later or that a G76 P5 type block is executed while a program is being edited in
059 Communication error between the CNC and the FAGOR Floppy Disk Unit or between the CNC and the cassette
060 Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
The memory contents will be kept for 10 more days (with the CNC off) from the moment this error occurs. The
whole battery module located on the back must be replaced. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
Due to danger of explosion or combustion: do not try to recharge the battery, do not expose
it to temperatures higher than 100°C (232°F) and do not short the battery leads.
> If while probing (G75) the programmed position is reached without receiving the probe signal.
> If while executing a probing canned cycle, the CNC receives the probe signal without actually carrying out
the probing move itself (collision).
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
082 ** Parity error in general parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
083 ** Parity error in V axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
087 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
088 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
This error comes up when it is mandatory to search home on all axes after power-up. This requirement is set
by machine parameter.
090 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
091 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
092 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
093 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
094 Parity error in tool table or zero offset table G53-G59. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
095 ** Parity error in W axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
096 ** Parity error in Z axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
097 ** Parity error in Y axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
098 ** Parity error in X axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
099 ** Parity error in M table. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0",
"P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
100 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
101 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
105 This error comes up in the following cases:
> A comment has more than 43 characters.
> A program has been defined with more than 5 characters.
> A block number has more than 4 characters.
> Strange characters in memory.
107 ** Error in W axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
108 ** Error in Z axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
109 ** Error in Y axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
110 ** Error in X axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
When this error occurs, access the LAN mode, editing or monitoring, before executing a program block.
113 * FAGOR LAN error. A node is not ready to work in the LAN. For example:
114 * FAGOR LAN error. An incorrect command has been sent out to a node.
This error occurs when the periodic module takes longer than 5 milliseconds.
This error occurs when the main module takes longer than half the time indicated in machine parameter "P741".
117 * The internal CNC information requested by activating marks M1901 thru M1949 is not available.
118 * An attempt has been made to modify an unavailable internal CNC variable by means of marks M1950 thru
119 Error when writing machine parameters, the decoded M function table and the leadscrew error compensation
tables into the EEPROM memory.
This error may occur when after locking the machine parameters, the decoded M function table and the
leadscrew error compensation tables, one tries to save this information into the EEPROM memory.
120 Checksum error when recovering (restoring) the machine parameters, the decoded M function table and
leadscrew error compensation tables from the EEPROM memory.
When this error occurs, save as many programs as you can into the Floppy Disk Unit, peripheral or PC.
Then, proceed as follows to format the 512 Kb memory (when doing this, all part-programs stored in this
memory will be lost).
Once the 512 Kb memory is formatted, recover (restore) the programs you saved into the Floppy Disk Unit,
peripheral or PC.
151 Defective 512 Kb memory. Consult with the Technical Service department.
The ERRORS indicated with "*" behave as follows:
They stop the axis feed and the spindle rotation by cancelling the Enable
signals and the analog outputs of the CNC.
The ERRORS indicated with "**" besides behaving as those with an "*", they
FAGOR 8025/8030 CNC
Models: M, MG, MS, GP
This manual is addressed to the machine operator. It describes how to operate with this 8025
It includes the necessary information for new users as well as advanced subjects for those who
are already familiar with this CNC product.
It may not be necessary to read this whole manual. Consult the list of "New Features and
Modifications" which will indicate to you the chapters and sections describing them.
Consult the Comparison Table in order to find the specific features offered by your particular
CNC model.
There is also an appendix on error codes which indicates some of the probable reasons which
could cause each one of them.
Notes: The information described in this manual may be subject to variations due to
technical modifications.
FAGOR AUTOMATION, S.Coop. Ltda. reserves the right to modify the contents
of the manual without prior notice.
Section Page
Safety Conditions ........................................................................................................... Intr. 3
Material Returning Terms ............................................................................................. Intr. 5
Fagor Documentation for the 8025/30 M CNC .......................................................... Intr. 6
Manual Contents ............................................................................................................ Intr. 7
1. Overview.......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. External programming ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Text programming ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3. DNC connection .............................................................................................................. 2
1.4. The FAGORDNC ............................................................................................................. 3
FAGOR 8025/8030 CNCs
Both types operate the same way and offer similar characteristics. Their basic difference is that
the former is compact and the latter is modular.
Both CNC types offer basic models. Although the differences between the basic models are
detailed later on, each model may be defined as follows:
When the CNC has an Integrated Programmable Logic Controller (PLCI), the letter "I" is added
to the CNC model denomination: GPI, MI, MGI, MSI.
Also, When the CNC has 512Kb of part-program memory, the letter "K" is added to the CNC
model denomination: GPK, MK, MGK, MSK, GPIK, MIK, MGIK, MSIK.
Feedback inputs. ........................................................................................ 6 6 6 6
Linear axes ........................................................................... 4 4 4 5
Rotary axes ........................................................................... 2 2 2 2
Spindle encoder .................................................................... 1 1 1 1
Electronic handwheels ......................................................... 1 1 1 1
Probe input ............................................................................................. x x x x
Square-wave feedback signal multiplying factor, x2/x4 ........................... x x x x
Sine-wave feedback signal multiplying factor, x2/x4/10/x20 ................... x x x x
Maximum counting resolution 0.001mm/0.001°/0.0001inch.................... x x x x
Analog outputs (±10V) for axis servo drives ............................................ 4 4 4 5
Spindle analog output (±10V) ................................................................... 1 1 1 1
Axes involved in linear interpolations ....................................................... 3 3 3 3
Axes involved in circular interpolations .................................................... 2 2 2 2
Helical interpolation .................................................................................. x x x x
Electronic threading .................................................................................. x x x
Spindle control .......................................................................................... x x x x
Software travel limits ................................................................................ x x x x
Spindle orientation .................................................................................... x x x x
Management of non-servo-controlled Open-Loop motor ......................... x
Part Zero preset by user ............................................................................. x x x x
Absolute/incremental programming .......................................................... x x x x
Programming in cartesian coordinates ...................................................... x x x x
Programming in polar coordinates ............................................................ x x x x
Programming in cylindrical coordinates (radius, angle, axis) ................... x x x x
Programming by angle and cartesian coordinate ....................................... x x x x
Tool radius compensation ......................................................................... x x x
Tool length compensation ......................................................................... x x x x
Leadscrew backlash compensation ............................................................ x x x x
Leadscrew error compensation .................................................................. x x x x
Cross compensation (beam sag) ................................................................ x x x x
CNC text in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian ...................... x x x x
Display of execution time .......................................................................... x x x x
Piece counter ............................................................................................. x x x x
Graphic movement display and part simulation ........................................ x x
Tool base position display ......................................................................... x x x x
Tool tip position display ............................................................................ x x x x
Geometric programming aide .................................................................... x x x x
Parametric programming ........................................................................... x x x x
Model digitizing ........................................................................................ x x x x
Possibility of an integrated PLC ................................................................ x x x x
Sheetmetal tracing on LASER machines ................................................... x
Jig Grinder ............................................................................................. x
XY (G17) plane selection ........................................................................... x x x x
XZ and YZ plane selection (G18,G19) ...................................................... x x x x
Part measuring units. Millimeters or inches (G70,G71) ............................. x x x x
Absolute/incremental programming (G90,G91) ........................................ x x x x
Independent axis (G65) .............................................................................. x x x x
Machine reference (home) search (G74) .................................................... x x x x
Coordinate preset (G92) ............................................................................. x x x x
Zero offsets (G53...G59) ............................................................................ x x x x
Polar origin preset (G93) ............................................................................ x x x x
Store current part zero (G31) ...................................................................... x x x x
Recover stored part zero (G32) ................................................................. x x x x
Feedrate F .............................................................................................. x x x x
Feedrate in mm/min. or inches/minute (G94) ............................................ x x x x
Feedrate in mm/revolution or inches/revolution (G95) .............................. x x x x
Constant surface speed (G96) ..................................................................... x x x x
Constant tool center speed (G97) ............................................................... x x x x
Programmable feedrate override (G49) ...................................................... x x x x
Spindle speed (S) ........................................................................................ x x x x
S value limit (G92) ..................................................................................... x x x x
Tool and tool offset selection (T) ............................................................... x x x x
Program stop (M00) ................................................................................... x x x x
Conditional program stop (M01) ................................................................ x x x x
End of program (M02) ............................................................................... x x x x
End of program with return to first block (M30) ....................................... x x x x
Clockwise spindle start (M03) .................................................................... x x x x
Counter-clockwise spindle start (M04) ...................................................... x x x x
Spindle stop (M05) ..................................................................................... x x x x
Tool change in machining centers (M06) ................................................... x x x x
Spindle orientation (M19) .......................................................................... x x x x
Spindle speed range change (M41, M42, M43, M44) ................................ x x x x
Functions associated with pallets (M22, M23, M24, M25) ........................ x x x
Rapid traverse (G00) ................................................................................ x x x x
Linear interpolation (G01) ........................................................................ x x x x
Circular interpolation (G02,G03) ............................................................. x x x x
Circular interpolation with absolute center coordinates (G06) ................. x x x x
Circular path tangent to previous path (G08) ........................................... x x x x
Arc defined by three points (G09) ............................................................ x x x x
Tangential entry at beginning of a machining operation (G37) .............. x x x x
Tangential exit at the end of a machining operation (G38) ...................... x x x x
Controlled radius blend (G36) .................................................................. x x x x
Chamfer (G39) ......................................................................................... x x x x
Electronic threading (G33) ......................................................................... x x x
Multiple arc-pattern machining (G64) ...................................................... x x x
User defined canned cycle (G79) ............................................................. x x x x
Drilling cycle (G81) ................................................................................. x x x
Drilling cycle with dwell (G82) ................................................................ x x x
Deep hole drilling cycle (G83) ................................................................. x x x
Tapping cycle (G84) ................................................................................. x x x
Rigid tapping cycle (G84R) ...................................................................... x x x
Reaming cycle (G85) ................................................................................ x x x
Boring cycle with withdrawal in G00 (G86) ............................................ x x x
Rectangular pocket milling cycle (G87) ................................................... x x x
Circular pocket milling cycle (G88) ......................................................... x x x
Boring cycle with withdrawal in G01 (G89) ............................................ x x x
Canned cycle cancellation (G80) .............................................................. x x x x
Return to starting point (G98) .................................................................. x x x
Return to reference plane (G99) ............................................................... x x x
Probing (G75) ........................................................................................... x x x x
Tool length calibration canned cycle (G75N0) ........................................ x
Probe calibration canned cycle (G75N1) .................................................. x
Surface measuring canned cycle (G75N2) ............................................... x
Surface measuring canned cycle with tool offset (G75N3) ...................... x
Outside edge measuring canned cycle (G75N4) ...................................... x
Inside edge measuring canned cycle (G75N5) ......................................... x
Angle measuring canned cycle (G75N6) .................................................. x
Outside edge and angle measuring canned cycle (G75N7) ...................... x
Hole centering canned cycle (G75N8) ..................................................... x
Boss centering canned cycle (G75N9) ..................................................... x
Hole measuring canned cycle (G75N10) .................................................. x
Boss measuring canned cycle (G75N11) .................................................. x
Number of standard subroutines ............................................................... 99 99 99 99
Definition of standard subroutine (G22) .................................................. x x x x
Call to a standard subroutine (G20) .......................................................... x x x x
Number of parametric subroutines ........................................................... 99 99 99 99
Definition of parametric subroutine (G23) ............................................... x x x x
Call to a parametric subroutine (G21) ..................................................... x x x x
End of standard or parametric subroutine (G24) ...................................... x x x x
Error 65 is not issued while probing (G75) Installation Manual Section 3.3.4
New function F29. It takes the value of the Programming Manual Chapter 13
selected tool
Function M06 does not execute M19 Installation Manual Section 3.3.5
Possibility to enter the sign of the leadscrew Installation Manual Section 4.9
backlash for each axis
Management of feedback with coded Io Installation Manual Section 4.6 & 6.5
Introduction - 1
Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any physical or material
damage derived from the violation of these basic safety regulations.
Before powering the unit up, make sure that it is connected to ground
In order to avoid electrical discharges, make sure that all the grounding connections
are properly made.
Fagor Automation shall not be held responsible for any damage suffered or caused
when installed in other environments (residential or homes).
Ambient conditions
The working temperature must be between +5° C and +45° C (41ºF and 113º F)
The storage temperature must be between -25° C and 70° C. (-13º F and 158º F)
Introduction - 3
Protections of the unit itself
Central Unit
It carries two fast fuses of 3.15 Amp./ 250V. to protect the mains AC input.
All the digital inputs and outputs are protected by an external fast fuse (F) of 3.15
Amp./ 250V. against over voltage and reverse connection of the power supply.
The type of fuse depends on the type of monitor. See the identification label of the
Safety symbols
Symbols which may appear on the manual
WARNING. symbol
It has an associated text indicating those actions or operations may hurt
people or damage products.
WARNING. symbol
It has an associated text indicating those actions or operations may hurt
people or damage products.
Introduction - 4
When returning the CNC, pack it in its original package and with its original packaging
material. If not available, pack it as follows:
1.- Get a cardboard box whose three inside dimensions are at least 15 cm (6 inches) larger
than those of the unit. The cardboard being used to make the box must have a
resistance of 170 Kg (375 lb.).
2.- When sending it to a Fagor Automation office for repair, attach a label indicating the
owner of the unit, person to contact, type of unit, serial number, symptom and a brief
description of the problem.
3.- Wrap the unit in a polyethylene roll or similar material to protect it.
4.- Pad the unit inside the cardboard box with poly-utherane foam on all sides.
5.- Seal the cardboard box with packing tape or industrial staples.
Introduction - 5
FOR THE 8025/30 M CNC
8025M CNC OEM Manual Is directed to the machine builder or person in charge of installing and starting
up the CNC.
It contains 2 manuals:
Installation Manual describing how to isntall and set-up the CNC.
LAN Manual describing how to instal the CNC in the Local
Area Network.
8025M CNC USER Manual Is directed to the end user or CNC operator.
It contains 3 manuals:
Operating Manual describing how to operate the CNC.
Programming Manual describing how to program the CNC.
Applications Manual describing other applications for this CNC
non-specific of Milling machines
DNC 25/30 Software Manual Is directed to people using the optional DNC communications software.
DNC 25/30 Protocol Manual Is directed to people wishing to design their own DNC communications
software to communicate with the 800 without using the DNC25/30 software..
DNC-PLC Manual Is directed to people using the optional communications software: DNC-PLC.
FLOPPY DISK Manual Is directed to people using the Fagor Floppy Disk Unit and it shows how to use
Introduction - 6
Writing a program
Program format
Program blocks
Preparatory functions
Coordinate programming
Feedrate programming
Tool programming
Auxiliary functions
Parametric programming
Error codes
Introduction - 7
The CNC can be programmed both from its front panel and from external peripherals (tape
reader, cassette reader/recorder, computer etc.). The memory capacity for part programming
is 32K characters In this CNC the part programs can be entered in four different operating
In mode 7, the programs are transferred to the CNC from any external peripheral (RS 232
C). In the other modes, the programs are entered directly from the front panel of the CNC.
This means that the programming can be carried out both at the machine and at a remote
location, e.g. in a programming office.
In the PLAY BACK mode, the axes are shifted manually (Jog) and the coordinates
reached are then entered as the program coordinates.
In the TEACH IN mode, a block is written and executed and then entered as part of the
In the EDITING mode, the complete program is recorded and then executed.
If the programming is to be carried out by means of an external peripheral, ISO code must
be used. % will initiate the program, followed by the program number (five digits,
followed by the characters, RT or LF and the N of the first block). ReTurn or LineFeed
must be used after each block prior to the N of the beginning of the following block.
To end the program the characters ESCape (ESC) or End Of Tape (EOT) or a series of
20 nul characters (ASCII 00) must be used.
The comment must be written at the end of the block, that is:
If the first character in parenthesis is an asterisk (* Comment) the comment will blink on
the screen.
Every CNC offers as a standard feature, the possibility of working with DNC (Distributed
numerical control), enabling the communication between the CNC and a computer to carry
out the following functions:
Several CNC can be connected to the DNC through the RS 232 lines of these computers.
The operation mode is interactive, with MENUS which guide the user and simplify the use
of this program.
The manual of DNC connection and the FAGORDNC communication can be requested
at this address.
The machining program must be entered in a form acceptable to the CNC. It must include
all the geometrical and technological data required for the machine-tool to perform the
required functions and movements.
N Block No.
G Preparatory functions
V,W,X,Y,Z Coordinate values
F Feedrate
S Spindle speed
T Tool No.
M Miscellaneous functions
This order has to be maintained within each block, although each block does not
necessarily contain all of these items.
Format in inches:
+/- 4.3 Means that a positive or negative figure with up to four digits to the left of
the decimal point and three to the right may be programmed.
+/- 3.4 Means that a positive or negative figure with up to four digits to the left of
the decimal point and three to the right may be programmed.
4 Means that only a positive integer (no decimals) of up to four digits may be
2.2 Means that only a positive value of up to two digits to the left and two to the
right of the decimal point may be programmed.
The CNC can control up to 5 axes (V,W,X,Y,Z) depending on the type of machine used.
Programming in the same block of the 5th axis V, of the 4th axis W and the one associated
with both, which is indicated in the machine parameter P11, is incompatible.
The 4th axis W can be replaced with the 5th axis V in the different programming formats
which are indicated in the manual.
Throughout this manual the format corresponding to each function will be enumerated,
as well as the meaning of the different parameters used.
It is also possible to program in a block any function by parameters, except the program
number, the block number, G functions, in the same block of another piece of data, such
as: G4K..;G22N..;G25N.. etc in such a way that , when executing the block, the function
takes the current value of the parameter.
Combinations of fixed values and parameters can be programmed in the same block, e.g.:
The CNC has 255 arithmetic parameters (P00/P254). (See chapter 13 of this manual,
Parametric Programming,).
This number must be entered at the beginning of the program, before the first block.
If the program is entered from an external peripheral, the symbol % is used, followed by
the number required and the pressing of LF or RT or both followed by the N of the first
The block number is used to identify each of the blocks that make up a program.
The block number consists of the letter N followed by a figure between 0 and 9999.
Blocks may be given any number between 0 and 9999 except that no block may be given
a lower number than the blocks preceding it in the program.
It is advisable to avoid giving blocks consecutive numbers, so that new blocks can be
interposed where required.
If the CNC is programmed from its front panel, blocks are automatically numbered in steps
of 10. The automatic numbering can be manually altered.
If next to the block number N4 (0-9999), a decimal point (.) is written, the block is
characterized as a normal conditional block. That means that the CNC will execute it, only
if the relevant external signal (enabling input for conditional blocks) is activated.
During many program execution, the CNC reads four blocks ahead the one being executed,
so the external signal is to be activated, at least during the execution of the fifth block
previous to the conditional block, for its execution to be carried out.
If next to the block number N4, two decimal points (..) are written, the block is
characterized as a special conditional block, in other words, the CNC will execute it, only
if the relevant external signal (enabling input for conditional blocks) is activated.
In this case, it is enough to activate the external signal (conditional input), during the
execution of the block previous to the special conditional block, for its execution to be
carried out.
The N4.. special conditional block, cancels G41 or G42 tool radius compensation.
The preparatory functions are programmed by means of the letter G followed by two digits
They are always programmed at the start of the block and are used to determine the
geometry and operating state of the CNC.
Modal means that once the G functions have been programmed they remain active until
cancelled by another G which is incompatible or by M02,M30,EMERGENCY or
The G functions marked * are those which the CNC assumes on being turned on or after
executing M02 or M30 or after an EMERGENCY or RESET. Whether G05 or G07 is
assumed will depend on the value assigned to P613(5).
All the G’s required may be programmed in any order in the same block, except
and G92 which have to be alone in a block.
If incompatible G functions are programmed in the same block, the CNC assumes the one
programmed last.
The movements programmed following G00 are executed at rapid feedrate set during the
final adjustment of the machine by means of the machine-parameters.
There are two different ways of movement in G00, depending on the value applied to
P610(2) machine- parameter.
The rapid feedrate value is independent for each axis, thus, the path is not controlled when
more than one axis move at the same time.
In this case the resultant path is always a straight line between the initial and the final point,
no matter the number of axes that are moving.
a) P610(2)=0 b) P610(2)=1
When the CNC is turned on, after executing M02/M30 or after an EMERGENCY or
RESET, the CNC takes the code G00 on. The code G00 is modal and incompatible with
G01,G02,G03 and G33.
When programming G00 function, the last F programmed is not cancelled, that means that
when G01,G02 or G03 is programmed again, the mentioned F is recovered.
The movements programmed after G01 are performed in a straight line at the feedrate F
When two or three axes move simultaneously, the resulting path is a straight line between
the initial point and the final point.
The machine moves along that path at the programmed feedrate F. The CNC calculates the
feedrates of each axis so that the feedrate of the resulting path is the programmed F.
If, during a G01 movement, the RAPID FEED key is pressed, the movement will
be performed at twice the programmed feedrate if P606(2) is zero. The same thing will
happen when the external START input is activated if P609(7) is one. Function G01 is
modal and incompatible with G00,G02,G03 and G33. Function G01 can be programmed
as G1.
The movements programmed following G02/G03 are performed in a circular path at the
programmed feedrate F.
The definitions of clockwise (G02) and counter-clockwise (G03) have been fixed according
to the system of coordinates depicted below (right-hand or dextrogyratory system).
This system of coordinates is referred to the movement of the tool over the part.
Circular interpolation can only be carried out in the plane. The method of defining circular
interpolation is as follows:
Cartesian coordinates
XY plane
G17 G02 (G03) X+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 F5.4
XZ plane
G18 G02 (G03) X+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 F5.4
YZ plane
G19 G02 (G03) Y+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 F5.4
In the case of four-axis machines:
a) If the fourth axis (W) is incompatible with the X axis.
WY plane
G17 G02 (G03) W+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 F5.4
WZ plane
G18 G02 (G03) W+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 F5.4
b) If the fourth axis (W) is incompatible with the Y axis.
WX plane
G17 G02 (G03) W+/-4.3 X+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 F5.4
WZ plane
G19 G02 (G03) W+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 F5.4
c) If the fourth axis is incompatible with the Z axis.
WX plane
G18 G02 (G03) W+/-4.3 X+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 F5.4
WY plane
G19 G02 (G03) W+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 F5.4
Polar coordinates
XY plane
XZ plane
YZ plane
WY plane
WZ plane
WX plane
WZ plane
WX plane
WY plane
In 5-axis machines, programming of the 5th axis V is equivalent to that
described for the 4th axis W.
These functions are modal and incompatible with one another, i.e. once programmed they
remain active until another one is programmed.
I: distance from the starting point to the arc’s center, along X(W)(V) axis.
J: distance from the starting point to the arc’s center, along Y(W)(V) axis.
K: distance from the starting point to the arc’s center, along Z(W)(V) axis.
I,J,K must be programmed with sign. They must always be programmed, even when their
value is zero.
The CNC takes the arc’s center as the new polar origin when carrying out a G02,G03
circular interpolation.
The knob on the front panel of the CNC (M.F.O.) can be used to vary the programmed
feedrate F between 0% and 120% or between 0% and 100%, according to parameter
If during a G02/G03 movement a Rapid Feed key is pressed, the movement will
be performed at twice the programmed feedrate if P606(2) is zero. The same thing will
happen when the external START input is activated if P609(7) is one.
G17 G02 G91 X26 Y26 I18 J8 G17 G02 G91 X26 Y-26 I8 J-18
G17 G02 G91 A-138 I18 J8 G17 G02 G91 A- 138 I8 J-18
Functions G02/G03 are modal and incompatible both with one another and with G00,G01
and G33.
For the XY
This means that an arc can be programmed with its final point plus the radius (Center
coordinates I,J are not required).
If P0 is the initial point and P1 the final point of the arc, there are four different arcs for
a given value of R.
By combining the direction (G02/G03) and the sign of R(+/-). The required arc is
By adding function G06 in a block with circular interpolation, the coordinate values for
the center of the arc (I, J, K) can be given in absolute; that is, the distance from the center
to the datum point and not to the starting point of the arc.
The G06 function is not modal, therefore it must be programmed whenever it is wished
to indicate coordinates within the arc, in absolute coordinates.
XY plane
G02 (G03) X+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 K4.3 F5.4
XZ plane
G02 (G03) X+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 J4.3 F5.4
YZ plane
G02 (G03) Y+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 X+/-4.3 I4.3 F5.4
Polar coordinates
XY Plane
G02 (G03) A+/-3.3 I+/-4.3 J+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 K4.3 F5.4
XZ plane
G02 (G03) A+/-3.3 I+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 J4.3 5.4
YZ Plane
G02 (G03) A+/-3.3 J+/-4.3 K+/-4.3 X+/-4.3 I4.3 F5.4
Helical interpolations can also be programmed with the 4th axis (W) as well as the 5th axis
(V) as long as they are linear.
Cartesian coordinates
Polar coordinates
When the program is executed in DRY RUN operation mode (4), with no
real machine movement, the path of the tool in a helical interpolation,
will be displayed neither on the graphic simulation nor when a ZOOM
function is used.
In helical movements where the final position on the axis perpendicular to the main plane
is reached before the circular interpolation on the main plane (Z on the XY plane) is
finished, the arc will end at the programmed coordinate value. From there to the
programmed final point, the CNC will move the axes describing a straight line on a plane
parallel to the main plane.
When a circular (helical) interpolation is programmed with G02,G03, the
CNC takes the arc’s center as the new polar origin.
Function G04 can be used to program a period of time between 0,01 and 99,99 seconds.
The dwell value is programmed by means of the letter K.
If K is programmed directly, its value must be within 0.00 and 99.99. However, if a
parameter (K P3) is used, the limits are 0.00 and 655.35.
When operating on G05, the CNC starts to execute the next block of the program as soon
as the deceleration of the axes programmed in the previous block begins (it does not wait
for in-position).
In other words, the movements programmed in the next block are executed before the
machine has reached the exact position programmed in the previous block.
As can be seen in the example, the edges would remain rounded in the case of two mutually
perpendicular movements.
The difference between the theoretical and actual profiles is a function of the feedrate
The faster the feedrate, the greater the difference between theoretical and actual profiles.
Function G05 is modal and incompatible with G07. Function G05 can be programmed as
When operating on G07, the CNC does not execute the next block of the program until the
exact position presently programmed has been reached.
An arc tangent to the previous path can be programmed by means of G08. Center
coordinates (I,J,K) are not required.
N4 : Block number
Polar coordinates:
N4 : Block number.
The starting point being X0 Y40 the programming of the following path is described:
- Straight line
- Arc tangent to the previous line
- Arc tangent to the previous arc
The function G08 is not modal. It replaces G00,G01,G02 or G03 only in the block in which
it is written.
G08 replaces G02 and G03 only in the block in which it is written.
A circle cannot be executed with G08 function, as there are infinite
solutions. The CNC will display the error code 47.
Two points (the final plus one intermediate point) are sufficient to program an arc provided
that the actual position is the starting point. In other words, an intermediate point is
programmed instead of the center.
This feature can be useful when a part is programmed in PLAY BACK and after writing
G09 in the block the machine can be manually shifted to the intermediate point of the arc
and press ENTER. Then to the final point and press ENTER. In this way, the block will
be stored in the memory.
N4 : Block number.
N4 : Block number.
R+/-4.3 : Radius (referred to polar origin) of the final point of the arc.
A+/-4.3 : Angle (referred to polar origin) of the final point of the arc.
It is not necessary to program the direction of the arc (G02,G03) when G09 is programmed.
Function G09 replaces G02 and G03 only in the block in which it is written.
A complete circle cannot be performed via G09 since three different
points must be programmed (the starting and final points must be
different). Otherwise error code 40 will be generated.
Functions G11,G12,G13 are modal; i.e. once programmed they persist until G10 is
Functions G11,G12,G13 can all be programmed in the same block, since they are not
b) N35 G11
N40 G25 N5.30
If mirror imaging is programmed while G73 (pattern rotation) is active the CNC will apply
mirror image first and then the rotation.
In 4 (5) axis machines, mirror image cannot be applied to the 4th (5th) axis.
The CNC assumes G10 on being turned ON, after executing M02,M30 or after an
N10 X— Y—
N20 ' '
N30 ' '
N40 ' '
N50 ' '
N60 G11 G12
N70 G25 N10.50
N80 M30
In continuous figures, the mirror image will only be used after having programmed half
the part.
The main plane must be correctly selected in order to perform: Circular interpolation,
controlled corner rounding, tangential approach, tangential exit, chamfering, canned
cycles, pattern rotation, tool compensation.
The CNC applies radius compensation to the two axes of the plane selected and length
compensation to the axis perpendicular to that plane.
As previously explained (G02/G03), in the case of four (five) axis machines the same
codes (G17,G18,G19) are used for working with the fourth (fifth) axis.
The function G25 can be used to jump to another block of the current program. In the same
block in which the G25 function is programmed it is not possible to program more
information. There are two possibilities:
Format a) N4 G25 N4
N4 - Block number
G25 - Code for unconditional jump
N4 - Number of the block the jump is aimed at
When the CNC reads this block, it jumps to the targeted block and the program continues.
N0 G00 X100
N5 Z50
N10 G25 N50
N15 X50
N20 Z70
N50 G01 X20
b) N4 G25 N4.4.2
When the CNC reads such a block, it jumps to the block identified between the N and the
first decimal point. It then executes the section of the program between this block and the
one identified between the two decimal points as many times as set by the last digit. This
lastdigit can take a value within 0 and 99, unless it is programmed using a parameter in
which case the limits are 0 and 255. If only N4.4 is written, the CNC will assume N4.4.1.
When the execution of this section is finished the CNC goes to the block next to the one
in which G25 N4.4.2 was programmed.
N0 G00 X10
N5 Z20
N10 G01 X50 M3
N15 G00 Z0
N20 X0
N25 G25 N0.20.8
N30 M30
When block 25 is reached, the CNC will jump to block 0 and will execute 8 times the
section N0-N20. On completion of this, it will go to block 30.
By means of the G31 function, it is possible at any time to store the zero point which we
are working with and recover it later by means of the G32 function.
This feature is intended to simplify the operation with multi-zero part programs. A datum
point can be stored any time with G31, change the zero point with G92 or G53-G59,
dimension the continuation of the program with respect to the new zero point and later
retrieve the original zero point by G32.
No other function can be programmed in a block in which G31 or G32 is programmed. The
format is:
N4 G31
N4 G32
N4 : Block number
G31 : Store current zero point
G32 : Recover the stored zero point with G31.
N10 G00 G90 X-50 Y50 (Tool over the center of fig. 1)
N ---
N ---
N ---
N ---
N ---
N200 G0 Z5 (Return the tool to starting point)
If the milling machine’s spindle does have an encoder, threadcutting can be carried out
with function G33.
N4 - Block number
G33 - Threadcutting code
Z+/-4.3 (+/-3.4) - Coordinate value of the final point of the thread.
It will be absolute or incremental depending on G90 or G91.
K3.4 (2.4) - Pitch Operating in G05 mode threads of different pitch can be cut
without losing synchronism
While G33 is active, The FEEDRATE OVERRIDE knob on the front panel has no effect
and the feedrate is set for 100%. Also, the spindle speed cannot be altered from the front
panel keys.
Example: Cut a thread using a boring tool placed 10 mm higher than the surface of the part.
The surface is considered Z=0 and the thread is to be cut around the point X=0 Y=0.
This thread, 5 mm lead and 100 mm deep, must be cut in one pass.
Block N5
When reading M19 the CNC commands a very slow rotation of the spindle until it reaches
the correct withdrawal position.
Block N10
The example has assumed that the tool is pointing in the X axis direction when stopped.
(This position is determined when setting up the machine). The tool withdraws 3 mm in
rapid to clear the return.
Block N15
Block N20
The spindle is started again and goes in rapid to the starting point X0,Y0,Z10. From then
on, the threadcutting can be repeated.
This function, G36, rounds the corners with a programmed radius, without the need to
calculate the coordinates of the center and the initial and final points of the arc.
G36 is not modal; i.e. it must be programmed every time a corner rounding is needed.
It must be programmed in the same block as the movement whose end must be rounded.
The rounding radius must be always positive (R 4.3 in mm) (R 3.4 in inch).
The preparatory function G37 can be used to link two paths tangentially without having
to calculate the intersection points. Function G37 is not modal, so it has to be programmed
every time a machining operation with tangential entry is to be started.
Let us suppose that the starting point is X0,Y30 and that an arc of circle is to be machined
and the approach path is to be rectilinear. We shall program as follows:
As can be seen in the diagram, the CNC modifies the path of block N0 so that the tool starts
machining with a tangential entry to the part.
Function G37 and the value of R have to be programmed in the block which incorporates
the path that is to be modified.
The value of R has in all cases to be a continuation of G37 and indicates the radius of the
arc of circle which the CNC introduces in order to achieve a tangential entry to the part.
This value of R must always be positive.
Function G38 enables a machining operation to be completed with a tangential exit of the
tool without involving cumbersome calculations.
Function G38 is not modal, so it has to be programmed every time a tangential tool exit
is required.
The radius (R 4.3 in mm)(R 3.4 in inch) of the exit arc must be programmed to follow G38.
Let us suppose that the starting point is X0,Y30. The initial straight section is an approach
movement involving no machining, the circular section performs a machining operation
and the final straight involves no machining.
Milling tool
The movement programmed in the block following the one including G38, must necessa-
rily be rectilinear (G00 or G01).
In the subsequent path is circular (G02 or G03), the CNC will show a type 42 error.
This function chamfers the corner between two straight lines without the need to calculate
the coordinates of the two intersections.
G39 is not modal, i.e. it must be programmed every time a chamfering is needed.
It must be programmed in the same block as the movement whose end must be chamfered.
Use the code R4.3 in mm (R3.4 in inch), always positive, to program the distance between
the final point programmed and the point in which the chamfer is to start.
In normal milling work the path of the tool has to be calculated and defined taking its radius
into account so as to obtain the required dimensions of the part produced.
Tool radius compensation enables the contour of the part to be programmed directly
without taking the dimensions of the tool into account.
The CNC automatically calculates the path to be followed by the tool, based on the contour
of the part and the tool radius value stored in the tool table.
G41. The tool is on the left of the part as seen from the direction of movement.
G42. The tool is on the right of the part as seen from the direction of movement.
The compensation values must be stored in the tool table (operating mode 8) before
starting the machining or else at the beginning of a part program by means of G50.
The values of I,K can also be checked and modified without stopping the cycle’s execution
(See Operation Manual).
Once the plane in which the compensation is to be applied has been determined by codes
G17,G18,G19 the compensation is made effective by means of G41 or G42 and acquires
the table value selected by code Txx.xx (Txx.00-Txx.99).
Functions G41 and G42 are modal (persistent) and are cancelled by G40, G74, G81, G82,
G83,G84,G85,G86,G87,G88,G89,M02 and M30 and by EMERGENCY or RESET.
Once G17,G18 or G19 has been used to select the plane in which tool radius compensation
is to be applied, the code G41 or G42 must be used to initiate compensation.
G41: The tool remains to the left of the part in the machining direction.
G42: The tool remains to the right of the part in the machining direction.
Either the block in which G41/G42 is programmed or a previous block must include
programming of function Txx.xx (Txx.00-Txx.99) to select from the tool table the
correction value to be applied. If no tool is selected, the CNC assumes the value T00.00.
Tool radius compensation selection (G41/G42) can only be carried out when G00 or G01
(rectilinear movements) is active. If the first call for compensation is made when G02 or
G03 are active, the CNC will display error code 40. The next pages illustrate various cases
of initiation of tool radius compensation.
P.P. (Path programmed in 2 blocks)
The graphs below illustrate the various paths followed by a tool controlled by a CNC
programmed with radius compensation.
P.P. C.P.
C.P. P.P.
For instance:
Three or more blocks which do not include movement in the compensation plane, between
blocks which do.
Error 35 will be displayed at point (1). Only blocks containing G20, G21, G22, G23, G24,
G25,G26,G27,G28 or G29 can be programmed and they will not originate error 35 as they
will not have a block without movement.
It should be borne in mind that tool radius compensation cancellation (G40) can only be
carried out in a block in which a rectilinear movement is programmed (G00,G01).
If G40 is programmed in a block containing G02 or G03, the CNC will give alarm 40.
C.P. P.P.
C.P. P.P.
C.P. P.P.
C.P. P.P.
C.P. P.P.
C.P. P.P.
Compensated radius
Programmed path
(part profile)
N0 G92 X0 Y0 Z0
N5 G90 G17 S100 T1.1 M03
N10 G41 G01 X40 Y30 F125
N15 Y70
N20 X90
N25 Y30
N30 X40
N35 G40 G00 X0 Y0 M30
Compensated radius
Programmed path
(part profile)
N0 G92 X0 Y0 Z0
N5 G90 G17 G01 F150 S100 T1.1 M03
N10 G42 X30 Y30
N15 X50
N20 Y60
N25 X80
N30 X100 Y40
N35 X140
N40 X120 Y70
N45 X30
N50 Y30
N55 G40 G00 X0 Y0 M30
Compensated radius
Programmed path
(part profile)
N0 G92 X0 Y0 Z0
N5 G90 G01 G17 F150 S100 T1.1 M03
N10 G42 X20 Y20
N15 X50 Y30
N20 X70
N25 G03 X85 Y45 I0 J15
N30 G02 X100 Y60 I15 J0
N35 G01 Y70
N40 X55
N45 G02 X25 Y70 I-15 J0
N50 G01 X20 Y20
N55 G40 G00 X0 Y0 M05 M30
This function makes it possible to compensate for possible differences in length between
the tool programmed and the tool to be used.
As previously indicated in the section on tool radius compensation, the CNC has storage
capacity for dimensions, radius and length of 100 tools (Txx.oo- Txx.99).
L identifies the tool length and K the tool wear. The CNC will add (or subtract) the value
of K to the value of L.
When G43 is programmed, the CNC compensates the length according to the value
selected from the tool table (Txx.00-Txx.99).
The tool length compensation will be applied on the 4th axis (W) or to the 5th axis (V)
when appropriate, i.e. when appropriate, i.e. when the axis linked to it is not on the main
Function G43 is modal (persistent) and is cancelled by G44, G74, M02, M30,
Length compensation can be used in conjunction with canned cycles, although in that case
the precaution has to be taken of applying the compensation before the cycle starts.
It is supposed that the tool used is 4 mm shorter than the tool programmed.
The tool number is T1.1 (the value recorded in the tool table is L-4).
N0 G92 X0 Y0 Z0
N5 G91 G00 G05 X50 Y35 S500 M03
N10 G43 Z-25 T1.1
N15 G01 G07 Z-12 F100
N20 G00 Z12
N25 X40
N30 G01 Z-17
N35 G00 G05 G44 Z42 M05
N40 G90 G07 X0 Y0
N45 M30
As of the execution of function G47, the CNC executes all the blocks which come next as
if it were a single block. This single block treatment is carried out until it is cancelled by
means of the G48 function. In this way, with the G47 function active in the SINGLE
BLOCK operation, these will be executed in continuous cycle until the G48 function is
executed, i.e., the execution will not stop when a block is finished but will continue by
executing the following one.
In any operating mode, if execution is interrupted when the G47 function is active, the
CNC stops axis feed as well as the spindle. It will also stop axis feed when the FEED
HOLD input is activated, as long as machineparameter P610(1)=1.
With the G47 function active, the M.F.O. switch and the spindle speed variation keys will
be disenabled, the program being executed at 100% of the programmed F and S.
The G47 and G48 functions are MODAL. When the CNC is switched on, after executing
MO2, M30, Reset or Emergency, the CNC assumes the G48 function.
The feedrate override Knob on the front panel will have no effect.
1/120 meaning the percentage value between 1% and 120% of the previously programmed
F value.
Function G49 is modal, so it will remain active until another value is programmed or is
cancelled by programming: G49 K0 or simply: G49.
G49 will also be cancelled when M02, M30, RESET or EMERGENCY are executed.
The different tool values can be entered in the table by using G50. There are two
By means of the block N4 G50 T2 R+/-4.3 L+/-4.3 I+/-2.3 K+/-2.3 (mm) R+/-2.4 L+/
-2.4 I+/-1.4 K+/-1.4 (inches). The values defined by R,L,I,K are loaded in the tool offset
table direction identified by T2.
N4 - Block number
G50 - Tool offsets loading code
T2(T00-T99) - Tool offset table direction
R+/-4.3 (R+/-2.4) - Tool radius
I+/-2.3 (I+/-1.4) - Tool wear offset (radius)
L+/-4.3 (L+/-2.4) - Tool length
K+/-2.3 (K+/-1.4) - Tool wear offset (length)
The values of R,L,I,K replace the values previously existing in the T2 direction. If R and
L are programmed and I, K are not, they are replaced in the table with the values of R and
L by the new programmed values and the correction values I, K are zeroed.
By means of the block: N4 G50 T2 I+/-2.3 K+/-2.3 (mm) or N4 G50 T2 I+/-1.4 K+/- 1.4
(inches) the I,K values of the T2 address are modified.
N4 - Block number
T2(T01-T99 - Tool offset table address
I+/-2.3 (I+/-1.4) - Value to be added to or subtracted from the I value previously
K+/-2.3 (K+/-1.4) - Value to be added to or subtracted from the K value previously
In mode a) the tool offset table may be loaded without having to enter the values manually
in operation mode 8. Mode b) allows the compensation of tool wear. The radius
compensation value will be R+I.
The communication between the CNC and the rest of the LAN NODES is carried out thru
registers in complement to two.
These registers may be double (D) or single (R). Next, the different command formats are
G52 N2 R3 K5
G52 N2 D3 H8
G52 N2 R3 P3
G52 N2 D3 P3
To access a PLCI register, indicate the number of the node occupied by
G52 N2 P3 R3
G52 N2 P3 D3
To access a PLCI register, indicate the number of the node occupied
by the CNC+PLCI
G52 N2 = (TEXT)
Let us suppose that the NODE 7 of the LAN is a FAGOR CNC 82 connected as slave
and its X and Y axes are to be positioned at the X100, Y50 point. The block to be
executed by the CNC will be:
G52 N2
This block will be completed when the LAN NODE N2 has ended the execution of the
current operation. By using this type of blocks, the different operations of several LAN
nodes can be synchronized.
Any error at the FAGOR LAN occurring during the execution, the CNC
will display error 111.
Using a block like N4 G5? V+/-4.3 W+/-4.3) X+/-4.3 Y+/- 4.3 Z+/-4.3 (metric) or N4 G5?
V+/-3.4 W+/-3.4) X+/-3.4 Y+/-3.4 Z+/-3.4 (inches) the values identified by (W),X,Y,Z
are loaded in the table address defined by G5? (G53-G59).
N4 : Block number
G5? : Offset code (G53,G54,G55,G56,G57,G58,G59).
N4 : Block number
According to the value assigned to the machine parameter P619(7) there are two cases:
Case 1: P619(7) = 0
A block like N4 G5? is used to carry out a zero offset on the current program, according
to the values stored in the G5? position of the zero offset table (G53-G59).
N4 : Block number
G5? (G53,G54,G55,G56,G57,G58,G59): Direction of the table in which the two zero
setting values are stored.
Case 2: P619(7) = 1
When a function of the G54 .... G58 type is executed, the zero setting applied to each axis
will be the value indicated in the table (G54 .... G58) plus the value indicated in position
G59 of the table. G53 is not affected.
The values:
G53 X0 Y0
G54 X-40 Y-40
G55 X-30 Y10
If P619(7)=1 When any function of the G54... G59 type is executed, the zero offset
applied to each axis will be the value indicated on the table (G54 ... G59)
plus the value indicated in position G59 of the table. It does no affect G53.
If P619(7)=0 In this case, the zero offset which is applied to each axis will be the value
indicated on the table.
This way, if a canned cycle is active when defining this function, the CNC will carry
out the programmed movements and it will execute the canned cycle at each new
G64 X Y B I C F Q U
The CNC takes as starting point, the one used to define the multiple machining cycle.
The center of the arc may be defined in cartesian (XY) or polar coordinates (RA)
X Defines the distance from the starting point to the center along the abscissa axis.
Y Defines the distance from the starting point to the center along the ordinate axis.
With parameters X and Y the center of the circle is defined in the same way that
I and J do it in circular interpolations (G02, G03).
A Defines the angle of the line joining the starting point and the center with respect
to the X axis.
The machining positions are set by combining 2 of the parameters "B, I and K".
K Defines the total number of machining operations along the arc including the
cycle defining point.
It must be borne in mind that the cycle defining point has already been machined.
When setting C=0 or C=1, the sign of parameters "B, I and K" indicate the
direction of the movement: "+" counter-clockwise, "-" clockwise.
When defining "B I" the moving direction is set by the sign of "I".
When defining "B K" the moving direction is set by the sign of "B".
When defining "K I" the moving direction is set by the sign of "I".
F Defines the moving feedrate from point to point. Obviously, it will only be
relevant for "C" values other than "0". If not programmed, a value of F0 will be
assumed which is set by machine parameters "P110" and "P210".
Q, U These parameters are optional and are used to indicate which points or between
which points the machining operation is not to be performed.
Thus, when programming Q7, it indicates that point 7 is not to be machined and
when programming Q10.013, it indicates that points 10 thru 13 are not be
machined (that is, points 10, 11, 12 and 13).
When defining a group of points (Q10.013) it must be borne in mind that the
last point has to be indicated with three digits since programming "Q10.13"
will be interpreted as points 10 thru 130. (Q10.130).
The programming order for these parameters is Q U and the numbering order
assigned to them must also be kept. That is, the numbering of the points assigned
to Q must be smaller that the ones assigned to U.
If these parameters are not programmed, the CNC interprets that the machining
operations must take place on all points of the programmed path.
Basic operation:
2.- Movement to that point at the feedrate programmed by "C" (G00, G01, G02 or
3.- Once at this new point, it will execute the selected canned cycle.
4.- The CNC will repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 until the end of the programmed path. Once
the multiple machining cycle is completed, the tool will be positioned at the last
machined point of the programmed path.
G81 G98 G01 G91 X280 Y130 Z-8 I-22 F100 ; Positioning and canned cycle definition
G64 X200 Y200 B225 I22.5 C3 F200 Q2 U4.005; Multiple machining cycle definition
G80 ; Canned cycle cancellation
G90 X0 Y0 ; Positioning
M30 ; End of program
It is also possible to write the multiple machining cycle defining block as follows
N0 G65 W100 F1
N10 G01 X10 Y10 Z5 F1000
N20 G01 X20
When executing block "N0", the W axis starts moving at a feedrate of F1. Then, block
"N10" starts executing the XYZ interpolation at F1000 while the W axis keeps moving at
If "P621(4)=0", the CNC executes block "N20" once "N10" is completed regardless of
whether "N0" is completed or not (W axis has reached position or not).
If "P621(4)=1", the CNC waits until blocks "N0" and "N10" are completed (all axes have
reached position) before executing block "N20".
Depending on whether G70 or G71 is programmed, the CNC takes the subsequent
coordinates as being in inches or millimeters respectively.
The CNC assumes the units set by parameter P13 when being turned on, after M02,M30,
G72 allows the machining of parts of similar shape but different size using the same
G72 must be programmed alone in a block. There are two different methods of program-
ming G72.
Format :
N4 G72 K2.4
N4 - Block number
G72 - Scaling code
K2.4 - Value of the scaling factor
Tool radius and length compensation are compatible with this scaling mode.
All coordinate values programmed after G72 will be multiplied by K until the scaling is
cancelled by K=1, or after M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET.
N4 : Block number
G72 : Function which defines the scale factor
V,W,X,Y,Z : Axis to which the scale factor is applied.
2.4 : Scaling factor value
In this case the axis to which the scale factor is applied must be at the zero point (value 0)
when the factor is applied or cancelled.
The coordinate value of the axis affected must be zero when G72 is applied. When the
scaling factor affects only one axis, the coordinate values of the datum point cannot be
altered by functions such as G32, G92 or G53 thru G59.
Tool radius compensation can only be used when the scaling factor is applied to a rotary
axis. If the axis is linear the radius compensation will be affected by the scaling factor
applied to the axis.
der’s radius) is applied to a rotary axis, it can be handled as a linear axis. Thus any path
can be programmed on the cylinder’s surface, with tool radius compensation.
If, within the same program, both scaling methods are used, the CNC will apply to the axis
affected by method b) a factor equal to the multiplication of both values.
When checking a program in DRY RUN execution modes 0,1 or 4 the coordinates values
and the graphic displayed are not affected by any method b) scaling factor i.e. when the
scaling factor is applied to one axis only the values and graphics displayed will represent
the programmed values.
This feature allows the rotation of the coordinate axes around the part program’s datum
point on the main plane.
N4 G73 A+/-3.3
N4 - Block number
G73 - Pattern rotation code
A+/-3.3 - Rotation angle
G73 is incremental, i.e., if more than one G73 is programmed. Their respective A values
will be added together.
Pattern rotation is cancelled with: G17, G18, G19, G73 (without A value). An M02, M30,
When the part is programmed in absolute (G90) and cartesian coordinates all the points
have to be identified by both coordinate values on the main plane, even when this requires
repeating some values, and moreover a point cannot be defined by one angle plus a
cartesian coordinate.
Starting point is X0 Y0 and the path of the tool is programmed in the XY plane without
taking its dimensions into consideration.
In four-axis machines the rotation can also be applied to a plane including the fourth axis
(W) if it is linear and active when G73 is programmed.
If the axis linked to the fourth (W) is programmed afterwards the rotation function will
be cancelled.
This same treatment is given in 5 axis machines when the 5th axis V is one of the axes
which make up the main plane.
When G74 is programmed in a block, the CNC moves the axes to the machine-reference
* If machine parameter P725 = 0 and G74 is programmed alone in the block. The CNC
moves first the axis which is perpendicular to the plane programmed.
In four-axis machines, if the active axis when programming G74, is the one
associated to the fourth (W), the axes will be moved as described, (W) being the last.
However, if the active axis is the fourth (W) when G74 is programmed, it will
replace its associated axis in the prescribed order and the associated axis will be the
last on moving.
In 5 axis machines the movement of the 5th axis V, when G74 only G74 is
programmed, this is always done after the movement of the 4th axis W.
* If P725 has a value between 1 and 99 and G74 is programmed alone in the block, the
CNC will automatically execute the subroutine whose number is in P725.
N0 G22 N74
N10 G74 X Y W V (this might be the order required by the user)
N20 G74
In both cases, a) and b), when the axes reach the machine-reference, the distances
between this point and the last part’s datum point programmed are displayed.
6.29.1. Definition
Probes are basically simple switches provided with a high level of sensitivity.
When the probe touches a surface, a signal is sent to the CNC of the machine, and the
position of the axes are automatically recorded. In the case of machine tool applications,
this same signal acts on the control of the machine until an adequate, precise and rapid
positioning of the tool or part is obtained.
Probes do not measure, they simply send positioning signals to be treated in the CNC of
the machine and according to specific tolerances.
6.29.2. Characteristics
Probes are of modular construction for better adaptation to the needs of the user. This
system consists of a stylus, probe, transmission system and interface. The stylus is the part
which enters into contact with the surface.
They are provided with a system to absorb impact with the surface.
The tip of the probe includes the stylus.They are of solid and compact construction in order
to protect the stylus. Different extension modules can be fitted in order to obtain the right
geometrical configuration for each application.
- Cabling
- Inductive
- Optical
Cabling: The signal is transmitted through the cable. Its most important disadvantage is
its rigidness in moment. It is used in lathes and machining centers for final adjustments of
tools where the probe has a fixed measuring position and the tools are brought close to the
probes. It is also used in digitizing systems.
Inductive: It allows greater ease of movement. The signal is transmitted without physical
contact, by means of two opposing plates, across the work area.
Optical: Communication is made by means of infrared rays. One of its advantages is the
freedom to position the signal receiver outside the work area. Its applications are the same
as those of the inductive probe.
Fine adjustment of the tool: These check the cutting point of each tool and compensate,
if necessary, the distance to the work place or stop production should a tool break.
Fine adjustment of the part: by means of canned probecycles which will be seen below.
Digitizing system. For copying parts by means of the collection of information point by
point. The probe is given the job of sending positional data by means of a series of
predetermined movements along the surface of the part.
In the case of the FAGOR 8025/30 MS CNC the system generates CNC programs
automatically enabling the machining of complex parts with a great deal of reliability.
It is recommendable to use an interface which is an electronic link between the probe and
the control of the machine.
This controls the status of the probe continuously, provides energy to the induction
modules and transmits a signal to the control of the machine when the probe has tripped.
G75 prepares the CNC to receive the signals coming from a measuring probe.
The axes will move until the probe signal is received. The CNC will then consider the block
to be completed and the real position of the axes will be stored as theoretical position.
Neither the feedrate will be changed by turning the FEEDRATE knob (frozen at 100%) nor
the movement of the axes will be displayed until the probe signal is received.
If the axes arrive in position before the probe signal is received, the CNC will act as follows:
If machine parameter "P621(6)=0", the CNC interrupts the program execution and it issues
error 65. But, if "P621(6)=1", the CNC will consider the block completed and it will go on
to execute the next block.
After executing this block, the values of the different axes can be allocated to the desired
parameters. The combination of this feature with mathematical operations with parameters
permits creating special subroutines to measure parts or tools.
G75 implies G01 i.e. the CNC assumes function G01 and G40 after a G75 block.
This CNC allows manually measuring the length of the tools with a probe.
The MS model CNC offers various probing canned cycles to accomplish the following:
. Measure the tool dimensions. Position the tool at a specific point on the part before
machining it.
After the figures defined in the cycle (N**), the calling parameters (P?=K?) necessary for each
cycle must be programmed. The calling parameters used in the cycles are the following?
P0 : Theoretical X value.
P1 : Theoretical Y value.
P2 : Theoretical Z value.
P3 : Safety distance.
P5 : Tolerance.
P7=0 X Axis,
P7=1 Y Axis,
P7=2 Z Axis.
P9 : Initial probing feedrate for cycles: N01, N08, N09, N10, N11.
P10: Withdrawal distance after cycles: N01, N08, N09, N10, N11.
. If any parameter that corresponds to a cycle is not programmed, the CNC will assume the
latest value assigned to that parameter. The cycles do not modified the calling parameters
(which can be used in later cycles) but do alter the contents of parameters P70 thru P99.
Error 3 will be issued if one of the last four conditions are not met.
Once the probe is positioned near the surface to be probed, the movements of the axes during
a probing cycle are:
It is executed in rapid mode G00 from the starting point of the cycle to a safety distance P3 away
from the theoretical value.
It is executed at a feedrate determined by P4 until the CNC receives the probe signal.
If before moving a maximum distance, which depends on the type of cycle selected, the CNC
has not received the probe signal, the CNC will act as follows:
If machine parameter "P621(6)=0", the CNC interrupts the program execution and it issues
error 65. But, if "P621(6)=1", the CNC will consider the block completed and it will go on
to execute the next block.
In order to simplify the explanation of the canned cycles, machine parameter "P621(6) is
assumed to be set to "0".
While probing, the Feedrate override knob will have no effect on the feedrate which will be
fixed at 100%
Once the probing corresponding to selected cycle is finished, the axes will withdraw, in rapid
move G00, back to the starting point.
Depending on the selected cycle, the CNC will update, if necessary, the tool table; by the same
token, the values of the arithmetic parameters will have a specific meaning which will be
described in the sections for each cycle.
The type of probe used in this cycles may be either one located in a fixed position on the
machine (used to calibrate the tools) or one placed in the tool magazine (used to measure parts).
The latter probe will act as if it were a tool and must be calibrated prior to the execution of the
cycle and the values entered in the appropriate tool table position.
The different values of the probe will be entered in the tool table in the following way:
. The radius R of the probe’s ball will be entered manually in operating mode 8.
. Next, the tool calibration cycle (N00) will be performed, after which the CNC will load the
L value of the probe and will set the K value to zero.
. Then, the probe calibration cycle (N01) will performed. The CNC will load automatically
the probe offset values (I,K) which will be the possible errors due to an improper setting of
the probe in the tool holder.
While executing a probing canned cycle, if the CNC receives the probe signal without the
probing movement itself being executed, it will issue an error 65 stopping all axes(collision).
When the probe uses an infrared system to send the signal, it is necessary to indicate, with
machine- parameter, which M function must the CNC send to activate the probe.
This M function will be activated by the CNC at the beginning of the probing cycle and must
be cancelled by programming another M function.
This cycle will be used to measure the tool’s length on the axis perpendicular to the main
working plane. To do this, a probe must be placed in a fixed position on the machine and with
its sides parallel to the axes.
The CNC must know this position on each axis and with respect to the machine-reference-zero.
These values must be entered in the following parameters: P910 Minimum (X1) value
according to X axis.
The tool’s approximate L value must be previously entered in the tool table. Once the tool
has been selected, it can be calibrated by executing this cycle.
Depending on the value of P11, the probing will be done with the tool’s center (P11 =K0) or
with one end (P11=K1).
The tool will be positioned next to the probe’s surface by first moving the axis of the main plane
at rapid move G00 and then the axis perpendicular to this plane up to a distance P3 from the
probe’s surface also at rapid move G00.
If after reaching a distance of 2P3 the CNC has not received the probe’s signal, error 65 will
be displayed.
Once the probe’s signal is received, the CNC will stop the movement, load the real
measurement value and return to the starting point of the cycle; as shown by the diagram below
The measured tool length value is automatically loaded by the CNC in the pertinent tool table
position as L value, setting the K value to zero. This cycle does not modify the R and I values
which must be entered manually either in the operating mode 8 or by programming function
At the end of this cycle, the parameter table will show the following values:
P93 = Real length minus the tool length L, that was in the tool table prior the execution of this
cycle, on the X axis (YZ working plane).
P94 = Real length minus the tool length L, that was in the tool table prior the execution of this
cycle, on the Y axis (XZ working plane).
P95 = Real length minus the tool length L, that was in the tool table prior the execution of this
cycle, on the Z axis (XY working plane).
This cycle is used to determine the offset values of the probe. This values will be introduced
in the relevant tool-offset number of the table in the I and K positions.
The offset values will be the error, in the axis of the main plane, between the center line of the
tool holder and the center of the probe’s ball. To execute this cycle, a hole must be previously
drilled and its inside dimensions taken.
Hole probe
At the end of the cycle, the probe returns to the starting point and the I and K values of the tool
table are updated.
The probing movements of this cycle are similar to those explained for the hole centering cycle
(N08) in a later section.
Once executed calibrating cycles N00 and N01, the probe’s values (except its radius) will be
entered in the relevant tool table. These values are:
L = Probe’s length.
This probe, mounted in the tool holder, will be used to execute the rest of the cycles.
Programming format:
P7 = 0 X Axis
P7 = 1 Y Axis
P7 = 2 Z Axis
The probing movement will be performed only on the axis selected with P7.
If the CNC does not receive the probe’s signal before reaching 2P3, error 65 will be displayed.
Once the probing is done, the CNC will stop the movement, load the real values measured and
will return to the cycle’s starting point as shown in the diagram below.
Feed G00
Feed P4
Parameters P93, P94 and P95 will indicate the offset value to be added to the part’s datum so
the part’s theoretical values will be the same as the real ones. To do so, a function of the
following type may be used:
Programming format:
G75 N03 P0=K— P1=K— P2=K— P3=K— P4=K— P5=K— P6=K- - P7=K—
P7 = 0 X Axis
P7 = 1 Y Axis
P7 = 2 Z Axis
With this cycle, besides executing everything described for the surface measuring cycle (N02),
the CNC willmodify the tool table values according to the tool offset number indicated by P6.
This modification will be carried out if the measuring error is not within the tolerance indicated
by P5.
The CNC will modify in the tool table the I (radius) and the K (length) values according to the
working plane and the axis selected by P7.
Modifies K
Modifies I P7=0
Modifies I
Main plane XY
Programming format:
In this cycle two probings will be performed. The first one on the abscissa of the main plane,
that is:
The second probing will be performed on the ordinate ofthe main plane, that is:
This cycle’s starting point must be located in a specific area depending on the edge that is to
be measured. The diagram below shows the striped areas where the probe must be located when
the cycle is being called for to measure the pertinent edge.
1. The probe will be positioned in rapid at a distance P3 of the first side to be measured.
2. The axis perpendicular to the main plane, in this case Z, will move in rapid to a
coordinate value defined by P2.
3. The first probing will be performed by moving the X axis a maximum distance of 2P3
at a feedrate defined by P4 until the probe’s signal is received. If, after reaching the
maximum distance 2P3, the CNC has not received the probe’s signal, error 65 will be
4. Once the first probing is done, the measured value will be loaded and then the X axis
will return in rapid.
5 and 6. Next the probe will be positioned in rapid at a distance P3 of the other side to be
measured as shown by the diagram.
7. The second probing will be performed by moving the Y axis a maximum distance of
2P3 at a feedrate defined by P4 until the probe’s signal is received. If, after moving
the maximum distance, the CNC has not received the probe’s signal, error 65 will be
8. Once the second probing is done, the measured value will be loaded and then the Y
axis will return in rapid.
9. The Z axis will move in rapid up to the Z value of the cycle’s starting point.
10. X and Y axes will return in rapid to the cycle’s starting point.
Parameters P93, P94 and P95 will indicate the offset value to be added to the part’s datum point
so the theoretical values will be the same as the part’s realvalues. To do so, a function of the
following type may be used:
Programming format:
In this cycle two probings will be performed. The first one on the abscissa of the main plane,
that is:
The second probing will be performed on the ordinate of the main plane, that is:
The probe must be located inside the pocket before calling for the cycle.
Let us suppose that the main plain is XY and the edge to be measured is the upper righthand
edge of the part (see fig.).
1. The probe will be positioned in rapid at a distance P3 of the first side to be measured.
2. The axis perpendicular to the main plane, in this case Z, will move in rapid to a coordinate
value defined by P2.
3. The first probing will be performed by moving the X axis a maximum distance of 2P3 at
a feedrate defined by P4 until the probe’s signal is received. If, afterreaching the maximum
distance 2P3, the CNC has not received the probe’s signal, error 65 will be displayed.
4. Once the first probing is done, the measured value will be loaded and then the X axis will
return in rapid. Next, the probe will be positioned in rapid at a distance P3 of the other side
to be measured as shown by the diagram.
5. The second probing will be performed by moving the Y axis a maximum distance of 2P3
at a feedrate defined by P4 until the probe’s signal is received. If, after moving the
maximum distance, the CNC has not received the probe’s signal, error 65 will be displayed.
6. Once the second probing is done, the measured value will be loaded and then the Y axis will
return in rapid.
7. The Z axis will move in rapid up to the Z value of the cycle’s starting point.
Starting point
Once the cycle is finished, the parameter table will show:
Parameters P93, P94 and P95 will indicate the offset value to be added to the part’s datum point
so the theoretical values will be the same as the part’s real values. To do so, a function of the
following type may be used:
Programming format:
In this cycle two probings will be performed on the ordinate of the main plane, that is:
Let us suppose that the main plane is XY and we want to measure the inclination angle of the
part with respect to the axes of the machine (see fig.).
1. The probe will be positioned in rapid at a distance 2P3 of the side to be measured.
2. The axis perpendicular to the main plane, in this case the Z axis, will move in rapid to a
position indicated by P2.
3. The first probing will be performed moving the Y axis (ordinate of the XY plane) a distance
3P3 at a feedrate defined by P4 until the probe’s signal is received. If after reaching a
distance of 3P3, the CNC has not received this signal, error 65 will be displayed.
4. Once the first probing is finished, the measured value will be loaded and the Y axis will
return in rapid.
8. The Z axis will return in rapid to the Z value of the starting point.
If the angle is +45 degrees or larger, error 65 will be displayed during the first probing
If the angle is -45 degrees or larger, the probe will collide with the part when executing a rapid
move (G00), in that case, the CNC will stop the movement and display error 65.
Theoretical Theoretical
Starting Starting
point point
When the cycle is finished, the CNC will have the value of the angle in the parameter P96
If the measured point of the part is the part’s datum point, by means of the function to rotate
the coordinate system:
G73 A P96
the axes of the machine will be the same as the sides of the part; thus, to execute the program,
there will be no need to take into account the angle of the part.
Programming format:
In this cycle three probings will be performed. The first one on the abscissa of the main plane,
that is:
The other two probings will be performed on the ordinate of the main plane, that is:
It must be borne in mind that the probe’s starting pointmust be in specific area as explained
before for the outside-edge-measuring cycle.
The maximum angle must be within +/-45 degrees for the same reason as the angle-measuring
Let us suppose that the main plain is XY and the outside edge to be measured is the lower
lefthand edge of the part and the inclination angle of the part with respect to the axes of the
machine (see fig.).
1. The probe will be positioned in rapid at a distance 2P3 of the first side to be measured.
2. The axis perpendicular to the main plane, in this case Z, will move in rapid to a
position defined by P2.
3. The first probing will be performed by moving the X axis a maximum distance of
3P3 at a feedrate defined by P4 until the probe’s signal is received.
4. Once the first probing is done, the measured value will be loaded and then the X axis
will return in rapid.
5 and 6. Next, the probe will be positioned in rapid at a distance 2P3 of the other side to be
measured, as shown by the diagram.
7. The second probing will be performed by moving the Y axis a maximum distance
of 3P3 at a feedrate defined by P4 until the probe’s signal is received.
8. Once the second probing is done, the measured valuewill be loaded and then the Y
axis will return in rapid.
10. The third probing will be performed at a feedrate defined by P4 and to a maximum
distance of 4P3.
12. The Z axis will return in rapid to the Z value of the starting point.
13. The X and Y axis will return in rapid to the starting point.
In any of the rapid probing movements (3), (7), (10), if after reaching the
maximum distance (3P3), (3P3), (4P3) the CNC has not received the probe’s
signal, error 65 will be displayed.
Parameters P93, P94 and P95 indicate the offset amount to be added to the part’s datum point
so the theoretical values of the part are the same as the real values. To do so, the following
function may be used:
But, if it is desired to make the part’s datum point coincide with the probed point, the datum
point may be moved by the following function:
G73 A P96
The axes of the machine may be made to coincide with the sides of the part (as long as the
measured edge coincides with the part’s datum point) so the program can be executed without
taking into account the angle.
Programming format:
G75 N08 P0=K— P1=K— P2=K— P3=K— P4=K— P8=K— P9=K- - P10=K—
In this cycle, four probing movements will be performed on the sides of the hole; the first two
on the ordinate of the main plane (Y axis of the XY plane) and the other two on the abscissa
of such plane (X axis on the XY plane). Once the probing movements are completed, the CNC
will finish the cycle by positioning the probe at the real center of the hole calculated by the
The probe will be positioned at the theoretical center of the hole (XP0, YP1, ZP2). Next, the
main plane axes will be probed (movement 1) and then, the axis perpendicular to the main plane
(movement 2).
10. The X axis returns to the real center calculated on that axis, thus positioning the probe in
the real center of the hole and ending this cycle.
If the real diameter of the hole is larger than P8+P3, the CNC will display error
65 when executing a probing movement.
Parameters P93, P94, P95 indicate the offset value to be added to the part’s datum point so the
theoretical values will be the same as the real ones. To do this, the following function type may
be used:
Programming format:
G75 N09 P0=K— P1=K— P2=K— P3=K— P4=K— P8=K— P9=K- - P10=K—
In this cycle, four probing movements will be performed on the sides of the boss; the first two
on the ordinate of the main plane (Y axis of the XY plane) and the other two on the abscissa
of such plane (X axis on the XY plane).
The diagram illustrates the movements of the axes during this cycle. Movements 5, 10, 15 and
20 are the probing movements and each one of them is divided into the following:
. Probing at a feedrate determined by P9 until the signal from the probe is received.
. Probing at a feedrate determined by P4 until the signal from the probe is received.
The rest of the movements will be performed at G00 (rapid mode). The cycle will end with the
main plane axes positioned at the real center of the boss and the axis perpendicular to the main
plane at a distance P3 from this center.
If the real diameter of the boss is larger than P8+P3, the CNC will display
error 65 when executing a probing movement.
Once the boss centering cycle is ended, the parameter table will show:
Parameters P93,P94,P95 indicate the offset value to be added to the part’s datum point so
the theoretical values will be the same as the real ones. To do this, the following function
type may be used:
Programming format:
G75 N09 P0=K— P1=K— P2=K— P3=K— P4=K— P8=K— P9=K- - P10=K—
This cycle is identical to the hole-centering cycle N08 described before except that at the end
of the cycle, the probe returns to the cycle’s starting point. To do this, first the axis
perpendicular to the main plane moves and then the two axes of the main plain move. Both
movements are performed at G00 rapid mode.
Programming format:
G75 N09 P0=K— P1=K— P2=K— P3=K— P4=K— P8=K— P9=K- - P10=K—
This cycle is identical to the boss-centering cycle N09 described before except that at the end
of the cycle, the probe returns to the cycle’s starting point. To do this, first the axis
perpendicular to the main plane moves and then the two axes of the main plain move. Both
movements are performed at G00 rapid mode.
6.30.1. Digitizing
Digitizing consists of memorizing the coordinates from a guided sweep of the probe on the
model. This is done at the speed allowed by the probe. The data which is obtained is used
later during the milling stage. This method has the following advantages:
* Machining can be done at the maximum speed allowed by the machine tool.
* There are no vibrations during the copying stage, and for this reason reproduction is
much more exact and the need for manual finishing is avoided in the majority of cases.
* Probing speed can be adjusted between 0 and 1000 mm/min. The best results are
obtained with speeds of from 200 and 500 mm/min. Probing feed rate can be adjusted
between 0 and 1500 mm/min.
The digitizing stage consumes about a quarter of the total processing time. The time during
which the machine tool is being used should not be thought of as being unproductive, as
in the long run, less time is consumed than in direct copying. Furthermore, no manual
operations are required so this can be done at night or during a weekend.
If it is wished to get maximum performance from machine tools, a measuring machine can
be used exclusively for digitizing models. The programs generated will feed the different
milling machines used solely for machining work. The measuring machine can also be
used for dimensional control of parts from machining operations.
During the digitizing phase, a simple program moves the probe on the pattern. The exploration
can have the form of a rectangular grid, concentric circumferences, spiral, diametric, etc.,
so that it adapts as well as possible to the geometry of the model to be reproduced. It is also
possible to define various areas and use a different exploration method in each of these.
One very important difference of the FAGOR digitizing method with respect to other systems
which also use digital probes is that this one moves practically on the surface of the pattern.
It can be used in large machines, even though the axis which moves the probe is very heavy,
as it is not submitted to continuous rocking movements which could damage its mechanism.
After the data has been collected a program is generated which can be stored in the memory
of the MS 8025/30 CNC or in the disc of a computer, by using the FAGORDNC communication
system. This second option is the one used normally, as the programs which are generated by
digitizing are usually of a large size than the memory capacity of the control (32 Kb).
If the pattern has any type of symmetry, only one part can be digitized and then, by applying
mirror images 9G11, G12, G13), transfers (G92, G53 .... G59) and axis turns (G73), the
complete pattern can be reproduced. This allows a reduction both in the digitizing time and the
length of the program.
Reproduction can be obtained with smoothed paths if, instead of going from one point to
another in a straight line (G1), G8 functions are used (Tangent circumference to the previous
path) and G9 (circumference defined by three points).
The application of scale factors (G72) allows a complete family of parts to be made from a
single pattern.
Should it be necessary to make modifications the control reserves 100 blocks before the first
block (N100) generated by the digitizing process.
The program can occupy up to several Mb of memory. During the machining stage, it is
necessary to transmit it as an infinite program using FAGORDNC. DNC software guarantees
safe transmission of data by means of an RS 232C lines. For this reason, it has a communications
protocol which automatically retransmits the data should there be an error in transmission or
Finally, it is also possible to send the program generated from digitizing to a CAD/CAM
system capable of reconstructing the geometry of the pattern. Once there, the original design
could be modified and the process is completed by machining the definitive design.
The probe can be fastened to the toolholder of the milling machine or machining center, as if
it were a tool, converting the machine tool into an automatic digitizing system.
The tip (interchangeable) of the needle of the probe isprovided with a ball which is threaded
to the probe and follows the surface of the pattern during digitizing. Each probe involves a
family of tips with different ball radii for multiple applications.
The diameter of the ball of the needle or tip should be the same as the tool used in subsequent
The corrections of radii for other tools are also possible but another treatment of the
digitized program is required (G41, G42, G43).
The different probe needles have variable weights. In fact, in the probe system, needles must
have a maximum weight of 200 gm approximately to avoid possible errors of interpretation
of contact.
For this, we use the N01 cycle with which we determine the offset values for the probe, which
will be entered by the CNC in the corresponding corrector, which we have chosen previously.
(T00 by default.) The offset values are the error which may exist in the axes of the main plane
between the axis of the toolholder and the center of the measurement probe ball.
In order to execute this cycle it is necessary to machine a hole beforehand, inside which we will
carry out the probings.
Once the hole has been made, the diameter and X,Y,Z coordinates of which we know (this is
due to that fact that we have chosen the place previously and moved to it with the CNC jog
controls) we change the tool for the probe and move in Z until we are inside the hole.
Next, we execute the N01 probe calibration cycle. Previously the programming format is
completed and the tool corrector is chosen where we want offset I,K to appear. T00 corrector
is taken by default. All these operations can be done in TEACH-IN.
On exiting from the cycle the control automatically updates the I,K offset of the table and the
probe goes back to the starting point. Next we complete the rest of the information on the table:
R : Radius of the ball
L : Length of the probe (depends on the zero part).
If zero part is on the surface of part, L will be zero also.
This type of probe placed on the toolholder of the spindle will be used to carry out the remaining
probingcycles. If we change the probe for another, we must repeat the entire process. Once the
probe has been calibrated we can proceed with the probing of the surface chosen.
Points are read with the combination of the preparatory functions of the CNC:
- Function G75 allows the reading and acceptance of the points by the CNC.
- The G76 function allows these to be stored in the CNC itself, if the contents are less than
32 Kb, or in a computer.
The program obtained in this way allows the reproduction of the points and the generation of
the surface which has been digitized previously in two ways:
- From the CNC itself, if the contents are less than 32 Kb.
- Of from a computer by means of the FAGORDNC application using the option: EXECUTION
1-Sampling program
This is a CNC program which guides the probe along the surface to be digitized in a succession
of points which is as extensive and dense as the computer systems available permit.
The probe travels over the surface of the model at defined intervals of space, defined in the
sample program. The coordinates of these points will be read and the different blocks of the
machining program will be generated.
By observing the model to be digitized and depending on its geometry we can choose different
types of sampling:
a) The probe will go to a specific point above the surface of the pattern.
b) Next, with the aid of function G75 the reading of the different coordinates (W), (V), X,
Y, Z.
After G75 the probe will lower as far as the programmed coordinate until it receives the
external signal of the probe. Once this has been received, the block will be considered
complete, the real position of the point of contact of the probe being accepted as the
theoretical position.
If the axes arrive at a programmed position before receiving the probe signal, the CNC will
indicate error 65.
c) With the aid of a block which contains the G76 function a block can be generated
which will be sent automatically, either to the CNC memory or to a computer via DNC.
This entire process will be repeated for one of the points until the chosen sampling program
is complete.
3- Final considerations.
Digitizing is always carried out within a defined volume. The planes which delimit this volume
are parallel to the machine axes. Thanks to the appropriate distribution of the planes parts of
the contour can be digitized.
It is possible to divide the surface of the pattern into several parts and define a different
sampling network for each area, all this by means of the combination of different sampling
sweeps which Fagor offers as an example.
The sequence of points must have a logical form for later machining, where the tool, with
the same shape as the probe ball, will travel over the line of points stored in the program. If it
is necessary to machine in several runs the program must be executed several times by applying
successive origin displacements or changes in the tool length compensation.
In a previous block, the control automatically reserves 100 blocks in which preparatory
functions can be defined which affect all the program: rounded edges, scale factor, axis
turn, etc.
One of the multiple applications of the G76 function is the creation of a program known as the
mathematical function. The path followed is calculated by means of a parametric program and
executing it in DRY RUN. These programs have a special sense when the mathematical
function is very complex and the control cannot process all the calculation in real time
simultaneously with machining. The path breaks down previously into successive points, with
the possibility of rounding off, for example, being stored as a new program.
Once executed, FAGORDNC selects the DIGITIZING option. Once this has been done, the
computer waits to receive data from the CNC. Now we execute the probing program which has
been chosen previously for the pattern. When the CNC stops digitizing the whole surface
of the pattern, the computer will indicate the PROGRAM RECEIVED message.
The programs stored in the computer can be modified with any text editor which generates
ASCII characters, as if they were texts. In this way we can modify the depth of the run, work
rate, etc., or program machining conditions in the first 100 blocks reserved for this.
In order to execute the program store in the computer and after executing this, the FAGORDNC
communicationsprogram, we will choose the INFINITE PROGRAM EXECUTION option.
The computer will ask for the program number, and afterwards, the number of times that it will
repeat the program, and finally, we will choose between executing the program in
sequence of keystrokes, the computer starts sending the program generated to the numerical
control, following the path of the previously digitized surface. Once the program has been
completely executed, the computer will show the PROGRAM EXECUTED message.
The 9-pin A6 connector is used for receiving the signals from a measurement probe.
(Specifications in the Installation and Start-up Manual).
This function (G76) is used to generate blocks that are automatically loaded into the CNC or
to a computer (via DNC).
If the new program is going to be loaded into the CNC, a block of the type G76 P5 must be
previously written.
But if the new program is to be sent directly to a computer, a block of the type G76 N5 must
be previously written.
Once G76 P5 or G76 N5 executed; each time that the CNC executes any block containing G76,
it will load whatever is after G76 into the new program.
The contents of the block to be created are similar to the normal programming except that the
preparatory functions G22 and G23 cannot be programmed.
b) (V)(W) X Y Z
Loads the axes with the theoretical values that they show at this time.
Loads the axes with the values of the parameter at this time.
In the same way, if FP2 or SP2 are programmed after G76, the CNC will load the F or
S in the new program with the values of the parameter in that moment.
and if in block 40 the parameter values are: P2=14.853 and P5=154.37, the CNC will
generate the following program P00345.
It is necessary to program all five digits of the program number in blocks of type G76 P5 or
G76 N5.
The CNC must be in DNC ON (operating mode 7) in order to load the new program into a
computer (see DNC manual).
If the number of the program to be generated exists already in memory (e.g. P12345) it must
be in the last position of the program map; but if G76 P12345 is executed, the old program is
erased and the new one can be generated.
When the program number exists in memory but is not the last one in the memory map, the CNC
will issue error 56.
When a program is edited it goes to the last position in the memory map and
when it is executed it goes to the first position.
Some of the applications of the G76 function are, for example, the creation
of a program after the calculation of a path by means of a parametric program,
or the DIGITIZING of a model with a measuring probe (G75) generating a
point-to-point program as large as desired.
Creation of a program by copying the points of a part with a measuring probe (G75).
Calling parameters:
Pitch in X
% 00075
After the execution of this program, the CNC will have generated and loaded into the computer
the following P12345 program: N100 G1 F500
N101 G0 G90 X— Y—
N102 Z—
N103 G1 G5
N— Y— Z—
N— Y— Z— Etc.
The sequence of the points must be logical so the tool can follow them while machining the
same way as the probe did.
In the described example a grid sweeping pattern has been followed on the main plane XY with
the probe touching along the Z axis.
If this sweeping pattern is not suitable for the model to be copied, other patterns can be used
like concentric circles, etc. on any plane XY, XZ, YZ and even with the auxiliary axis V, W.
It is also possible to divide the surface in separate areas and define a different sweeping pattern
for each area.
If the machining must be done in various passes, the program will have to be executed applying
successive zero-offsets or changes in tool length compensation.
All preparatory functions (square corner, scaling factor) that will affect the whole program can
be defined in a previous block.
The CNC reserves automatically 100 blocks. Geometrical functions can also be included in a
G76 type block:
Creation of a program by copying the points of a part with a measuring probe (G75).
Calling parameters:
Pitch in Y
Creation of a program by copying the points of a part with a measuring probe (G75).
Calling parameters:
P0 = Radius value.
P1 = Pi value.
P2 = Increment value of the radius to sweep.
P4 = Increment value of the arc to sweep.
P6 = Descent value in Z.
P8 = Regular movement feedrate.
P9 = Probing movement feedrate.
N1 (circular digitizing)
N5 (P=Memory N = Computer)
N6 G76 N90000 (Program to be stored in the computer)
N8 G76 XYZ
N9 G76 G91 Z-0.1 (Successive runs)
N10 G76 G92 Z0
N11 G76 G90
N12 P13=K0P31=K0 P22 = K0.4 (Radius)
N13 P1= K3.14159 (¶)
N14 P2=K0.05(Radius increment)
N15 P4=K0.05 (Arc increment)
N16 P22=P2 (Accumulated radius value)
N17 P6=K2.25 (Z axis descent)
N18 P8=K200 (Displacement feed)
N19 P9=K40 (Probing feed)
N20 G20 N1
N21 G90 G1 RP22
N30 G21 N1
N40 G20 N1
N50 G1 G5 G91 AP31 FP8
N55 G76 XY
N60 G28 N40
N70 P22=F11P0
N80 G28 N20
N82 G90 G Z
N84 G76 Z
N86 G90 G X Y
N87 G76 X Y
N88 G76 M30
N90 M30
N95 (Subroutines)
N100 G22 N1
N110 G1 G5 G90 G75 Z-P6 FP9 (Digitizing)
N120 G76 G90 Z
N125 P3=P3F1P31P3=F11K360
N130 G24
N140 G23 N1
N145 P99=K-0.040 (Z successive runs)
N150 P31=K2F3P1 P31=P31F3P22P31=P31F4P4
P13=F12P31 P31=K360F4P31 P3=K0(Calculation of rotation angle)
N160 P22=P22F1P2 (Calculation of the radius by successive increments)
N170 G24
Creation of a program by copying the points of a part with a measuring probe (G75).
Calling parameters:
Creation of a program by copying the points of a part with a measuring probe (G75).
Calling parameters:
N0 G76 N98765
N10 (Digitizing of profile)
N20 (Machining conditions)
N30 G76 F500 S200 M3
N40 P2=K60 (Minimum X)
N50 P3=K0 (Minimum Y)
N60 P8=K-20(Probing Z)
N70 P4=K360 (Initial angle)
N80 P5=K1 (Angle pitch)
N90 P6=K600 (Regular movement feed rate)
N100 P11=P4F4P5 P12=F12P11 P11=F11P12
N110 G26 N130
N120 P11=P12F1K1 P5=P4F4P11
N130 G G90 X Y
N140 G93 I J
N150 G90 XP2 YP3
N160 G76 G G90 X Y
N170 G1 ZP8 F500
N180 G76 G1 Z FP6
N190 G5 G75 X Y (Digitizing)
N200 G76 X Y
N204 P4=P4F1P5
N210 G90 AP4
N220 P10=P4F1P4=P10 P10=F11K270
N230 G29 N250
N240 G25 N190
N250 G Z0
N260 G76 G Z0 M30
N270 M30
This is a parametric program which, when executed, will calculate the different points of an
ellipse and load them into a new program by means of G76 for later machining.
The XY coordinates of the various points that compose the ellipse are calculated according to
the formula:
X = P0 SIN P3
Y = P1 COS P3
When executing this program in DRY RUN program P00098 is generated and loaded into the
CNC memory for later machining:
In 4 axis machines, after the execution of the G77 function, the 4th axis (W) is electronically
coupled (slaved) with its associated axis (the axis which is indicated in machine parameter
P11), until it is uncoupled (unslaved) by means of the execution of the G78 function. I.e., when
the G77 function is active, the 4th axis (W) will carry out the same movements that have been
programmed for its associated axis.
While the G77 function is active, movements of the 4th axis (W) cannot be programmed. This
application is useful in machines which have two spindles mounted on independent shafts.
In 5 axis machines, G77 couples the 5th axis V with the one indicated in machine parameter
P11, equivalent to the indications for the 4th axis W. The G77 and G78 functions are
MODAL. Under starting conditions, after executing M02, M30, Reset or Emergency, the CNC
assumes the G78 function.
The canned cycles can be performed in any plane; so, when programming a canned cycle, it
will be performed in the plane selected, the penetration being carried out on the axis
perpendicular to that plane.
The fourth axis (W), as well as the 5th axis (V), can be a part of the main plane or, if they are
linear axes, they can be the perpendicular axis to this plane.
Once a canned cycle has been defined as described in the previous section, all the subsequent
blocks programmed will be under the influence of that canned cycle until it is cancelled. In
other words, each time a block is executed in which any movement of the axes is programmed,
the machining corresponding to the canned cycle defined will be carried out automatically.
The structure of the blocks which are within the zone of influence of the canned cycle is normal
except that N2 can be programmed at the end of the block (number of times the block is
repeated). If N0 is programmed, the canned cycle will not be performed after the movement
is carried out.
If there as a motionless block within the zone of influence of a canned cycle, the machining of
that canned cycle will not be carried out, except in the calling block. If continued performance
of the same canned cycle is desired with a change of any of the parameters (Z,I,J,K), the cycle
has to be redefined.
Programming the code G80 in a block cancels any canned cycle that is active.
. When a canned cycle is defined, it cancels and replaces any others that are active.
. Canned cycles are also cancelled by means of MO2, M30, RESET or EMERGENCY.
. All canned cycles except G79 are also cancelled by G32, G53/G59, G74, G92, M02, M30,
RESET or EMERGENCY or when a new main plane has been selected with G17, G18 or
. Calling of standard or parametric subroutines can be performed from a block of the zone of
influence of a canned cycle without involving cancellation of the canned cycle.
. The performance of the canned cycle does not affect the sequence of the preceding G
functions or the direction of rotation of the spindle. A canned cycle may begin with either
direction of rotation (M03,M04) and end with the same direction (this is not affected by the
stops and reversal involved in the cycle).
. If the canned cycle begins with the spindle not running, the latter starts clockwise (M03) and
continues rotating clockwise on completing the cycle.
. The execution of a canned cycle alters the value of the Arithmetic parameters P70 to P99.
. In the block of definition of a canned cycle, the cycle relevant G will be cancelled if after
it, G02,G03,G08,G09 or G33 (one of them) is programmed.
. When defining a canned cycle, except G79, either while functions G02,G03 or G33 are
active or programming functions G08 or G09 in the same block, the CNC will display error
. Once a canned cycle has been defined, the functions G02,G03,G08 or G09 can be
programmed in the subsequent blocks.
By means of the function G79, the rank of canned cycle can be given to any parametric
subprogram defined by the user (G23 N2); that means the blocks following the calling block
(G79 N2 ...) are under the influence of the canned cycle until the function G79 is cancelled. The
calling block format is:
When reading a block programmed this way, the CNC will execute the N2 parametric
subprogram which will be identified by G23 N2 either in any part of the program or in another
program. In a calling block values may be assigned to the parameters (P2=K— P2=K—). If
after this block, any other movement of axes is programmed, N2 subprogram will be executed.
In the definition of a parametric subroutine (G23 N2) which is going to be called by the function
G79, no other canned cycle can be programmed. Otherwise the CNC will display error 13.
Nevertheless, G80 (end of canned cycle) can be programmed (must be by itself) in a block
indicating the end of the subroutine. If the subroutine has more than one nesting level, G80 can
only be programmed on the first level.
The basic structure of the block in which one of these canned cycles is defined, is as follows:
N4 G8? G(98 or 99) (V+/-4.3) (W+/-4.3) X+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 K2.2 N2
G98 : Withdrawal of the axis perpendicular to the main plane to the starting plane, after
completing the machining of the hole.
G99 : Withdrawal of the axis perpendicular to the main plane up to the reference plane
(approach), after completing the machining of the hole. Reference plane identifies
a plane that is close to the part’s surface.
X+/-4.3 :Their values have different meaning depending on the plane in which we are
Y+6-4.3 :operating.
Z+/-4.3 :
*(V+/-4.3) :
X/Y X+/-4.3
G17 Y+/-4.3 They define the movement of the axes of the main plane necessary to
position the tool in the center of the first machining. The values will be
either absolute or incremental depending on the function on which we
X/Z X+/-4.3 are operating (G90 or G91).
G18 Z+/-4.3 The movements will be carried out either in rapid or in F operation
feedrate, depending on the function on which we are operating (G00 or
Y+/-4.3 G01).
Z+/-4.3 That point can be also programmed in polar coordinates.
X/Y Z+/-4.3 It identifies the movement of the axis perpendicular to the main plane,
G17 from the starting plane up to the reference plane (approach). This
X/Z movement will be executed in rapid (G00). The values will be either
G18 absolute or incremental, depending on the function on which we are
operating (G90 or G91). This value must necessarily be programmed.
Y/Z X+/-4.3
* If the 4th W axis or the 5th V axis is perpendicular to the main plane, it must be a linear axis.
But if it is one of the axis of the main plane, it may also be a rotary axis.
K2.2. : It defines the dwell from reaming the full machining depth until starting its withdrawal.
A value may be programmed either within K0.00 (0.00 sec.) and K99.99 (99.99) or
within 0.00 and 655.35, if it is programmed with a parameter (K P3).
The programming of this parameter is obligatory only in drilling cycle with dwell
G82, if it is not programmed, the CNC will display error 44. In the other, canned
cycles, if K parameter is not programmed, the CNC assumes the value of K0.
Any value between N0 and N99 can be programmed, but, if the value is programmed
with a parameter (N P3), the latter can have a value between 0 and 255. If parameter
N is not programmed, the CNC assumes the value N1. Obviously, the programming
of values of N higher than 1 makes sense when operating on G91, in other words, if
the axis movement values are incremental, since otherwise the machinings will be
repeated at the same point. When programming the same canned cycle a number of
times, only F, S and M functions will be executed in the cycle calling block.
. If the spindle was previously running, it continues rotating in the same direction. If it
was not running, it starts clockwise (M03).
. Rapid movement of the Z axis from the starting plane to the reference (approach) plane.
. Movement at the working feedrate of the Z axis to the full machining depth. . Dwell, if
K has been programmed.
. Rapid withdrawal of the tool (Z axis) to the reference (approach) plane if G99 is
P=Starting plane
dwell R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
. The distance between the reference plane and the surface of the part is 2 mm.
N0 G81 G98 G00 G91 X250 Y350 Z-98 I-22 F100 S500 N1
N5 G93 I250 J250
N10 A-45 N3
N15 G80 G90 X0 Y0
N20 M30
Z( ) : Tool movement in millimeters (Z axis) from the starting plane to the reference
I( ) : Movement in millimeters from the reference plane to the full machining depth.
1. The X moves in rapid to point X250, and the Y axis to point Y350.
4. The Z axis moves a further 22 mm at the working feedrate (F100) to point Z-120 (full
drilling depth).
6. The X,Y axes move in rapid to a point located at 45º from the previous position, along
a circle centered on X250 Y250 and radius 100 (distance from the first hole to the polar
8. Operations 6 is repeated.
A different program for this example could be the following: Polar origin X0 Y0.
N0 G81 G98 G00 G91 R430.116 A54.462 Z-98 I-22 F100 S500 N1
N5 G93 I250 J250
N10 A-45 N3
N15 G80 G90 X0 Y0
N20 M30
. If the spindle was previously running, it continues rotating in the same direction. If it
was not running, it starts clockwise (M03).
. Rapid movement of the Z axis from the starting plane to the reference (approach) plane.
. Movement at the working feedrate of the Z axis to the full machining depth.
. Dwell. Any time between 0.00 and 99.99 seconds may be programmed, unless it is
programmed using a parameter (KP3) in which case the limits are 0.00 and 255. In this
cycle the programming of K dwell is obligatory.
P=Starting plane
R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
. The distance between the reference plane and the part’s surface is 2 mm.
. The starting point is X0, Y0, Z0 and the spindle is not running.
N0 G82 G99 G00 G91 X50 Y50 Z-98 I-22 K1.5 F100 S500 N3
N5 G98 G90 G00 X500 Y500 N1
N10 G80 G00 X0 Y0
N15 M30
G99 : Defines the withdrawal of the tool (Z axis) to the reference plane.
Z( ) : Movement in millimeters of the tool (Z axis) from the starting plane to the reference
I( ) : Movement in millimeters from the reference plane to the full machining depth.
G98 : Defines the withdrawal of the tool (Z axis) to the starting plane.
4. The Z axis moves a further 22 mm in working feedrate (F100) to point Z-120 (full
drilling depth).
13. The Z axis withdraws 120 mm in rapid to the starting plane (Z0).
. If the spindle was previously running, it continues to rotate in the same direction. If it
was not running, it starts clockwise (M03).
. Rapid movement of the Z axis from the starting plane to the reference (approach) plane.
. Movement at the working feedrate of the Z axis to the full machining depth.
. Whether the spindle stops running or not (M05), depends on the value given to the
machine-parameter P607(2).
. Dwell. Any time between 0.00 and 99.99 seconds may be programmed unless it is
programmed using e parameter (KP3) in which case the limits are 0.00 and 655.35
. The spindle stops running or not (M05), depending on the value given to the machine
parameter P607(2).
P=Starting plane
R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
. The distance between the reference plane and the surface of the part is 2 mm.
N0 G84 G99 G00 G91 X50 Y50 Z-98 I-22 K1.5 F350 S500 N3
N5 G98 G90 G00 X500 Y500 N1
N10 G80 G00 X0 Y0
N15 M30
4. The Z axis moves at the working feedrate (F350) to point Z-120 (full machining depth).
8. The Z axis withdraws 22 mm at the working feedrate to the reference plane (Z-98).
Also, the regular tapping cycle (G84) requires a special tap holder (with a clutching
system) while the rigid tapping cycle can be performed with any regular tap.
When programming a rigid tapping cycle (G84 R), the F value must be in mm/minute or
inches /minute and the spindle speed in rpm.
P=Starting plane
R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
We would like to make two taps 90 mm deep with a pitch of 2 mm at positions X10 Y10
and X20 Y20 the reference plane being at Z-10mm.
Sequence of operation:
2. The spindle slows down to 500 rpm still in open loop. If this involves a range change,
the CNC executes the corresponding M function.
If it is the first tap (that is, the spindle goes from open to closed loop) and if parameter
"P625(1)=1" for the start of the thread to be synchronized with the spindle marker
pulse (Io), the CNC will home the spindle.
On the rest of the taps, as long as neither G80, M02, M03, M4 nor M30 functions are
executed, the CNC will not reference (home) the spindle.
4. Tap-in movement along the Z axis down to Z-110. The spindle is interpolated (G01)
with the Z axis at F1000.
The CNC executes an M4 and the spindle starts turning in the opposite direction.
6. Tap-out movement. The Z axis returns to the reference plane Z-10. The spindle is
interpolated (G01) with the Z axis at F1000.
7. The CNC executes an M03 and the spindle recovers its turning direction.
8. The X and Y axes move in G00 up to the next tapping position X20 Y20.
When executing function G80, the spindle goes into open loop turning at 500 rpm.
Also, the spindle goes into open loop whenever an M02, M03, M04 or M30 is executed
or when a RESET is pressed or an error situation occurs.
Same as G81 except that the withdrawal of the axis perpendicular to the main plane, from
the full machining depth to the reference plane, is carried out at the working feedrate.
Same as G81 except that after reaching the full machining depth the spindle stops running
before the axis perpendicular to the main plane withdraws. On completion of the G00
withdrawal, the spindle starts running again in the same direction as before.
Same as G82 except that after reaching the full machining depth the withdrawal to the
reference plane is carried out at the working feedrate.
P=Starting plane
R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
P=Starting plane
R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
P=Starting plane
R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
Format b) N4 G83 G98/G99 (W+/-4.3) X+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 Z+/- 4.3 I+/-4.3 B+/-4.3
C+/-4.3 D+/-4.3 H4.3 J2 K2.2 L4.3 R(0.000/500) N2
X/Y X+/-4.3 They define the movement of the axes of the main plane necessary
G17 Y+/-4.3 to position the tool in the center of the first machining. The values
will be either absolute or incremental depending on the function on
X/Z X+/-4.3 which we are operating (G90 or G91).
G18 Z+/-4.3 The movements will be carried out either in rapid or in F operation
feedrate, depending on the function on which we are operating (G00
or G01).
Y/Z Y+/-4.3 That point can be also programmed in polar coordina tes.
G19 Z+/-4.3
X/Y It identifies the movement of the axis perpendicular to the main
G17 plane, from the starting plane up to the reference plane (approach).
This movement will be executed in rapid (G00). The values will be
X/Z Y+/-4.3 either absolute or incremental, depending on the function on which
we are operating (G90 or G91).
Y/Z X+/-4.3 This value must necessarily be programmed.
* If the 4th W axis or the 5th V axis are perpendicular to the main plane, it must be a
linear axis. But if it is one of the axis of the main plane, it may also be a rotary axis.
J2 :Identifies the number of steps required to perform the machining. A value within
J00 and J99 is programmed.
1. If the spindle was previously running, it keeps on running in the same direction. If it
was not running, it starts clockwise (M03).
2. Movement in rapid of Z axis from the starting plane to the reference one.
5. Movement in rapid of the Z axis to a point 1 mm higher than the previous incremental
depth reached (I).
8. Operations 4),5),6) and 7) are repeated as many times as is programmed by J2. The
maximum possible is 99 times, reaching the successive depths 3I, 4I ..., up to the total
P=Starting plane
R=Reference plane
G01 Feed
G00 Feed
Let us suppose:
. The distance between the reference plane and the part’s surface is 2 mm.
. The starting point of the tool is X0,Y0,Z0 and the spindle rotation direction is c.c.w
N0 G83 G99 G00 G90 X50 Y50 Z-98 I-22 J3 F100 S500 N1
N5 G98 G00 G91 X500 Y500 N1
N10 G00 G80 G90 X0 Y0
N15 M30
2. The spindle keeps on rotating ccw (M04) and its speed from now on is 500 rev/min.
4. The Z axis moves a further 22 mm at the working feedrate to the point Z-120.
11. The Z axis moves in rapid to the reference plane (Z- 98).
12. The X and Y axes move 500 mm at the rapid feedrate (F100) to point X550, Y550.
Reference plane
b) N4 G83 G98/G99 (V+/-4.3) (W+/-4.3) X+/-4.3 Y+/-4.3 Z+/-4.3 I+/-4.3 B4.3 C4.3
D+/-4.3 H4.3 J2 K2.2 L4.3 R(0.000/500) N2.
X/Y X+/-4.3
Y+/-4.3 They define the movement of the axes of the main planenecessary
to position the tool in the center of the first machining. The values
will be either absolute or incremental depending on the function on
X/Z X+/-4.3 which we are operating (G90 or G91).
G18 Z+/-4.3 The movements will be carried out either in rapid or in F operation
feedrate, depending on the function on which we are operating (G00
or G01).
Y/Z Y+/-4.3
That point can be also programmed in polar coordinates.
G19 Z+/-4.3
X/Y Z+/-4.3 It identifies the movement of the axis perpendicular to the main
G17 plane, from the starting plane up to the reference plane (approach).
X/Z This movement will be executed in rapid (G00).The values will be
Y+/-4.3 either absolute or incremental, depending on the function on which
we are operating (G90 or G91). This value must necessarily be
Y/Z X+/-4.3 programmed.
* If the 4th W axis or the 5th V axis are perpendicular to the main plane, it must be a linear
axis. But if it is one of the axis of the main plane, it may also be a rotary axis.
B4.3 : Incremental penetration. If identifies the value of each step of machining related
to the axis perpendicular to the main plane. Only positive numbers are allowed.
C4.3 : It identifies how close to the previous penetration must the move in rapid G00
be performed for the next penetration. If this parameter either is not programmed,
or is programmed with value zero, the CNC will consider it as value 1 mm. If a
zero value is programmed, the CNC will issue error 44.
D+/-4.3:Identifies the distance between the referenceplane and the part’s surface, in other
words, it is the value which is added or deducted, depending on the sign, to the
incremental penetration B of the first penetration.
H4.3 : Distance that the axis perpendicular to the main plane withdraws after each
penetration. If this parameter either is not programmed or is set to 0, the axis
perpendicular to the main plane withdraws to the reference plane after each
penetration. If zero is programmed, the CNC will issue error 44.
J2 : Value which identifies how often (in number of penetrations) the tool withdraws
to the reference plane in G00. It is possible to program either a value within 00
and 99 or, if it is programmed with a parameter (J P2), the latter can have a value
within 00 and 225. If this parameter either is not programmed or is set to 0, the
CNC will consider it as value 1, in other words, it will withdraw to the reference
plane after each penetration.
K2.2 : Dwell in seconds after every penetration. It is possible either to program a time
within 0.00 and 99.99 sec. or, if it is programmed with a parameter (K P3), within
0.00 and 655.35 sec.
L4.3 : Identifies the minimum value of the incremental penetration. If this parameter
either is not programmed or is set to 0, the CNC will consider it as value 1 mm.
Starting plane
Reference plane
Part surface
1. If the spindle was previously running, it keeps on rotating in the same direction. If it
was not running, it start clockwise (M03).
2. Movement from the starting plane to the reference plane in rapid G00.
10. Depending on the function programmed G98 or G99, the tool withdraws either to the
starting plane or the reference plane in rapid.
If the value given to parameter R is equal to 1, all the incremental
penetrations B are equal (B1=B2=B3=B4).
When operation on cartesian coordinates, the basic structure of the block in which a
cycle is defined is:
G98 : Withdrawal of the axis perpendicular to the main plane to the starting
plane after completing the machining of the pocket.
G99 : Withdrawal of the axis perpendicular to the main plane to the reference
(approach) plane after completing the machining of the pocket.
X+/-4.3 :These values have different meaning depending on the plane in whic
Y+/-4.3 we are operating (main plane).
*(V+/-4.3) :
X/Y X+/-4.3
Y+/-4.3 They define the movement of the axes of the main plane necessary
to position the tool in the center of the first machining. The values
will be either absolute or incremental depending on the function on
X/Z X+/-4.3 which we are operating (G90 or G91).
G18 Z+/-4.3 The movements will be carried out either in rapid or in F operation
feedrate, depending on the function on which we are operating (G00
or G01).
Y/Z Y+/-4.3
That point can be also programmed in polar coordinates.
G19 Z+/-4.3
X/Y Z+/-4.3 It identifies the movement of the axis perpendicular to the main
G17 plane, from the starting plane upto the reference plane (approach).
X/Z This movement will be executed in rapid (G00).The values will be
Y+/-4.3 either absolute or incremental, depending on the function on which
we are operating (G90 or G91). This value must necessarily be
Y/Z X+/-4.3 programmed.
* When machining a pocket, if the 4th W axis or the 5th V axis are perpendicular to the
main plane, it must be a linear axis. But if it is one of the axis of the main plane, it may
also be a rotary axis.
J+/-4.3: In the case of G87 (rectangular pocket), this defines the distance from the center
to the edge along the relevant axis.
In the case of G88 (circular pocket), it defines the radius of the pocket. The direction of
machining depends on whether it isgiven a positive or negative sign.
B4.3: Defines the value of each machining step along the Z axis. Only positive values
are allowed.
Movement in G01
Movement in G00
Movement in H
D+/-4.3: Defines the distance between the reference (approach) plane and the surface of
the part.
Reference plane
Reference plane D is used to make the axis perpendicular to the main plane
travel in rapid to the reference plane and then continue at the machining feedrate
for a distance equal to D+B. The other steps of the Z axis will be equal in value
to B. If a negative value is given to D, the first penetration will be smaller than
B, i.e. will be equal to (-D+B).
L4.3: Defines the value of the finishing pass, referred to the main plane. Only positive
values are allowed.
. If the sign is positive the finish run will be made in G7 (square edge).
. If the sign is negative, the finish run will be made in G5 (rounded edge).
Movement in G01
Movement in G00
Movement in H
The CNC moves the machine in successive passes, according to B and C
programmed values, except in the finishing pass when the values are set
according to the pocket dimensions.
N2: Defines the number of times the execution of a block defined in the cycle is to
be repeated. Any value between N1 and N99 may be programmed. Unless it is
programmed using a parameter (N P3) in which case the limits are 0 and 255.
If the N parameter is not programmed, the CNC assumes the value N1. The
programming of values of N greater than 1 obviously makes sense when
operating on G91; i.e. when the values of the pocket’s center are incremental,
since otherwise the machining operations will be repeated at the same point.
A more detailed explanation of G87 and G88 canned cycles is given next, supposing that
the main plane is the one formed by X and Y axes and the tool’s axis is Z.
- If the spindle was previously running, it continues to rotate in the same direction. If it
was not running it starts clockwise (M03).
- Rapid movement of the Z axis from the starting plane to the reference (approach) plane.
- Movement a 50% of the working feedrate (F) of the Z axis for a distance equal to (D+B).
D: Distance between the reference plane and the surface of the part.
B: Depth value of each machining pass.
- Milling at working feedrate (F) of the pocket surface by steps defined by C, to a distance
L (finishing pass), of the pocket wall.
- After completing the finishing pass, the tool withdraws in rapid move to the pocket
center, positioning the Z axis 1 mm higher. In this way, the first penetration is finished.
- Movement at 50% of the working feedrate (F) of the Z axis for a distance equal to B+1.
- The above steps are repeated until the full depth of the pocket is reached.
- Once the pocket is completed, the tool withdraws in rapid (Z axis) to the reference plane
(if G99 has been programmed) or to the starting plane (if G98 has been programmed).
To enable a good finish to be achieved in the machining of pockets the
CNC performs a tangential approach and tangential exit in the last pass
of each of thepenetrations. For this purpose, the tool has to withdraw to
the center of the pocket before beginning the milling of the wall. To avoid
problems and possible machining malfunctions, it is mandatory to
program the tool code (T2.2) and to enter in the tool table the value of the
radius of the tool that is to be used. If the radius value entered in the tool
table is RO, the final wall pass is performed like all the others; i.e. with
neither tangential entry nor tangential exit. The value or R must never
be negative. If T2.2 is not programmed, the CNC takes as tool radius the
value of R of the last corrector.
Starting plane
Reference plane
Movements in G00
Movements in G01 to F/2
. The distance between the reference plane and the surface of the part is 2 mm.
N0 G87 G98 G00 G90 X90 Y60 Z-48 I-90 J52.5 K37.5 B12 C10 D2 H100 L5 F300 S1000
T1.1 M03
N5 G80 X0 Y0
N10 M30
First block N0
G98 : Defines the withdrawal of the tool (Z axis) to the starting plane, after completing the
machining of the pocket.
Z : Movement of the tool (Z axis) from the starting plane to the reference plane (always
in rapid).
J : Defines the value of 1/2 the pocket’s length; i.e. the distance between the center and
the wall, following X axis. The direction of the milling will depend on the sign
(positive or negative) programmed.
C : Defines the value of each machining step in the XY plane. Only positive values are
allowed. If C either is not programmed, or is set to 0 , the CNC assumes that the value
of the step is 3/4 D of the active tool.
D : Defines the distance between the reference (approach) plane and the surface of the
part. The depth of the first machining step is : (D+B).
T : Tool number.
G80 X0 Y0 : Cancellation of canned cycle and return in rapid feedrate to the starting point.
1) The X and Y axes move in rapid from point X0,Y0,Z0 to point X90 Y60 Z0.
4) The Z axis moves a further 14 mm (D+B) at F/2 (half the programmed F value) to Z-
5) The X and Y axes move until completing the pocket’s final dimensions, as it is shown
in the drawing, at the working feedrate F, except in the last pass (machining of the
pocket wall), which is carried out at the finishing feedrate H, and with a tangential
entry and tangential exit. The mentioned for the finishing pass, is always carried out
even when the finishing pass L has not been programmed.
6) The tool will withdraw in rapid feedrate to the pocket center and position the Z axis
at a point 1 mm higher (X90 Y60 Z-61).
7) The Z axis will move 13 mm (B+1), at F/2 (half the working feedrate F) to Z-74.
This service enables a rapid pocket programming in any point of any plane.
Example: The initial point is X0,Y0,Z0 and the pocket is performed in (X Z) plane.
N5 G18
N10 G87 G98 G00 G90 X200 Y-48 Z0 I-90 J52.5 K37.5 B12 C10 D2 H100 L5 F300
N20 G73 A45 N30 G25 N10.20.7
N40 M30
- If the spindle was previously running, it continues to rotate in the same direction. If it
was not running, it starts clockwise (M03).
- Rapid movement of the Z axis from the starting plane to the reference (approach) plane.
As mentioned earlier,reference plane means a plane which must be situated close to the
surface of the part to be machined.
- Movement at 50% of the working feedrate (F) of the Z axis for a distance equal to (D+B).
D: Distance between the reference plane and the surface of the part.
- Milling at working feedrate (F) of the surface of the pocket by steps defined by C, to a
distance L (finishing pass), of the pocket wall.
- After completing the finishing pass, the tool withdraws in G00 to the pocket center,
positioning the Z axis at a point 1 mm higher, in this way the first penetration finishes.
- Movement at 50% of the working feedrate (F) of the Z axis for a distance equal to B+1.
- Milling at working feedrate (F) of the surface of the pocket (second penetration).
- The above steps are repeated until the full depth of the pocket is reached.
- Once the pocket is completed, the tool withdraws in rapid (Z axis) to the reference plane
(if G99 has been programmed) or to the starting plane (if G98 has been programmed).
To enable a good finish to be achieved in the machining of pockets the
CNC performs a tangential approach and tangential exit in the last pass
of each of the penetrations. For this purpose, the tool has to withdraw to
the center of the pocket before beginning the milling of the wall. To avoid
problems and possible machining malfunctions, it is mandatory to program
the tool code (T2.2) and to enter in the tool table the value of the radius
of the tool that is to be used. If the radius value entered in the tool table
is R0, the final wall pass is performed like all the others; i.e. with
neithertangential entry nor tangential exit. The value or R must never be
negative. If T2.2 is not programmed, the CNC takes as tool radius the
value of R of the last corrector used.
Reference plane
Movements in G00
Movements in G01 to F/2
. The distance between the reference plane and the part’s surface is 2 mm.
N0 G88 G98 G00 G90 X90 Y80 Z-48 I-90 J70 B12 C10 D2 H100 L5 F300 S1000 T.1
N5 G80 X0 Y0
N10 M30
Block N0
G98 : Identifies the withdrawal of the tool (Z axis) to the starting plane after completing
the pocket machining.
G90 : Identifies the X,Y,Z and I dimensions as being absolute coordinate values.
Z : Movement of the tool (Z axis), from the starting plane to the reference one (always
in rapid move).
J : Identifies the pocket radius. The milling direction will depend on the sign (positive
or negative) programmed.
D : Distance between the reference plane and the part’s surface. The depth of the first
machining step is D+B.
Block N5
G80 X0 Y0 : Cancellation of the canned cycle and return in the rapid move to the starting
Block N10
Ref. plane
1) The X and Y axes will move in rapid from point X0 Y0 Z0 to point X90 Y80 Z0.
4) The Z axis will move a further 14 mm (D+B) at F/2 (half the working feedrate F) to
5) The X and Y axes will move until completing the pocket final dimensions, as it is
shown in the drawing, at the feedrate F, except in the final pass (machining of the
pocket wall), that will be performed at the feedrate H and with a tangential exit. The
mentioned for the final pass is always performed, even if the finishing pass L has not
been programmed.
6) The tool will withdraws in rapid feedrate to the pocket center and position the Z axis
at a point 1 mm higher (X90 Y60 Z-61).
The programming of the coordinates of a point, may be carried out, either in absolute
coordinates G90 or in incremental coordinates G91.
When operating on G90, the coordinates of a point programmed, are referred to the point
of the coordinate origin.
When operating on G91, the coordinates of the point programmed, are referred to the
path’s previous point; i.e. the programmed values identify the distance to go along the
relevant axis.
When turning on and after executing M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET, the CNC
assumes the function G90.
The functions G90 and G91 are incompatible with each other when being in the same
Function G92 can be used to preset any value on the axes of the CNC, which involves being
able to shift the coordinate origin.
When function G92 is programmed, there is no movement of the axes, and the CNC
accepts the values of the axes programmed after G92 as the new coordinate values of those
Function G93 can be used to preselect any point in a plane (XY,XZ,YZ) as the origin of
polar coordinates.
I+/-4.3: Indicates the value of the abscissa of the polar coordinate origin; i.e. the value
I+/-3.4: of X in the XY plane, the value of X in the XZ plane and the Y in the YZ plane.
J+/-4.3:Indicates the value of the ordinate of the polar coordinate origin; i.e. the value
J+/-3.4:of Y in the XY plane, the value of Z in the XZ plane and the value of Z in the
YZ plane.
In four-axis machines, if the fourth axis (W) is linear and is a part of the main plane,
the values of I,J will define the value either of the fourth axis or of its associated one.
This will also happen with the 5th axisV in five axis machines. No more information
can be programmed in this block.
b) The programming of G93 in a block determines that, prior to the movement program-
med, the actual position of the tool becomes the polar origin.
When a circular (helical) interpolation is programmed with G02 or G03,
the CNC takes the arc’s center as the new polar origin.
1) Let us suppose that the tool is situated at the cartesian coordinate origin.
N0 G93 I200 J0
N5 G01 R150 A90 F500
In block N0, the point X200 Y0 has been defined as polar origin.
In block N5 a linear interpolation (G01) up to point R150 A90 (X200 Y150) has been
Polar origin
On reading block N0, the CNC takes the point where the tool is located at that moment
(X0,Y0) as the polar origin in order to continue by executing a linear interpolation
movement (G01) to the point defined by R200 A135.
When turned on or after M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET, the CNC
takes the point (X0,Y0) as the polar origin.
When changing of main plane, it takes the cartesian coordinate origin of that plane as the
polar origin.
When the code G94 is programmed the CNC assumes that the values entered by F are in
mm/min.(0.1 inches/min) or 0.1mm/min (0.01 inch/min) depending on the value of
machine parameter P611(5).
G94 is modal, i.e. it remains active until G95, is programmed when turning on or after
M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET the CNC assumes G94.
When the code G95 is programmed the CNC assumes that the values entered by F3.4 are
in mm/rev. the maximum value in mm is F500 (500mm/rev). In inches the format is F2.4
(F1=1inch/rev) and the maximum value is 19.6850 inch/rev. G95 is modal, i.e. it remains
active until G94,M02 or M30 are programmed. This feature requires an encoder on the
The meaning of F (feed programming) differs, according to whether we
are working in G94 or G95, from the value of machine parameter P611
(5) when we are working in G94 and from the system used in programming
either in mm or inches. All this will be dealt with later in the section
When G96 is programmed, the CNC assumes that values F refer to the feed at the tool’s
cutting edge. The feed at the center of the tool will vary when machining around corners
so that the feed at the cutting edge remains constant.
This feature enables a better finishing of the part especially on inside corners. G96 is
modal and is cancelled by G97,M02 or M30.
When operating in G96 the tool center’s speed will varyaround corners, so that the cutting
edge’s speed remains constant.
When G97 is programmed the values F4 and F3.4 are assumed as being the feed at the
tool’s center. The feed at the cutting edge will vary when machining around corners so that
the feed at the center of the tool remains constant.
Function G97 is modal and incompatible with G96. The CNC assumes G97 when turning
ON and after M02,M30, EMERGENCY or RESET.
. Cartesian coordinates
. Polar coordinates
. Cylindrical coordinates
. Two angles
. One angle and one cartesian value
In other words, the axis coordinate values are programmed by the letters (V), (W), X,Y,Z
followed by the coordinate value.
The V, W axes and the axis associated to both cannot be programmed in the same block.
There is no need to write the + sign in the case of positive coordinate values. The leading
and trailing zeros of coordinate values may be omitted.
If the 4th axis (W) or the 5th axis (V) are rotary, the format will be:
W +/-4.3
V +/-4.3
When working in circular interpolation the coordinates of center I,J must be programmed.
The values of I and J represent the distance from the starting point of the arc to the center
of the circumference, according to axes X, Y.
The values of I,J are programmed with their sign. It is always necessary to program them,
even though their value is zero.
By means of machine parameters it is possible to determine whether the 4th axis W or the
5th axis V or both, are Rotary or Linear.
P 606(1) = 1 Always
4th axis W
If the 4th axis (W) is rotary P600(1)=1 and parameter P606(1) is set to 0 a max. value of
+/-8388.607 degrees can be programmed both in absolute coordinates G90 and relative
coordinates G91. Lower limits can be set by P407 and P408.
When operating in G90 the sign identifies the direction of the rotation i.e. if the same value
is programmed with different signs, the axis will rotate to the same point in both cases but
following opposite directions.
point W0
5th axis V
Similar to the indications for the 4th axis W, except that if it is ROTARY [P616(1) = 1]
this implies that the axis is ROLLOVER.
If P620(6) = 1 the V axis will travel along the shortest path even though it is not HIRTH.
Only movements in a plane (2 axes simultaneously) can be carried out when operating with
polar coordinates.
If 3D movements (in the space) are desired, they must be programmed in cartesian or
cylindrical coordinates.
The format to identify a particular point of the plane with polar coordinates is:
In mm R+/-4.3 A+/-3.3
R being the radius value and A the value of the angle (A in degrees), referred to the polar
When turning on and after M02,M30 ,EMERGENCY or RESET, the CNC takes the
point X0,Y0 as polar origin.
Every time there is a change of main plane during a program execution, the polar origin
assumes the point of the coordinate origin of that plane.
When G18 Is programmed, the polar origin assumes the point X0 Z0.
When G19 is programmed, the polar origin assumes the point Y0 Z0.
When a circular interpolation is programmed with G02,G03 the CNC takes the arc’s center
as the new polar origin.
With the function G93, any point of the plane can be preset as polar origin.
When a circular interpolation (G02,G03) is programmed the values of the angle A+/-3.3
and the values of the center referred to the arc’s starting point must be entered.
There is no need to write the I,J,K coordinates of the center referred to
the starting point, if the arc’s center is the polar origin point. Only the
angle must be programmed.
XY Plane
XZ Plane
YZ Plane
After the definition of the center of the circle (I,J) or the polar origin (G93 I,J) the angles
counter-clockwise will be considered positive and the angles clockwise negative, except in the
XZ plane when P605(4)=1
Where R,A define the projection of the point on the main plane in polar coordinates and
Z is the value of the coordinate Z at that point.
The format for G18 (plane XZ) is: N10 G01 R... A...Y
One point on the main plane whose coordinate values are not known can be identified by
means of two angles if the coordinate values of the previous and next points along the path
are known by using: A1, A2 XY (YZ) (XZ).
Where A1 is the angle of the exit path from the starting point (P0). A2 is the angle of the
exit path from the intermediate point (P1). XY (YZ) (XZ) are the coordinates of the final
point P2 according to the working plane.
Starting point is X0 Y0
A point on the main plane can also be defined by the exit angle of the path in the previous
point and one cartesian coordinate of the point which is to be defined.
Compensated path
Programmed path
N100 T1.1
N110 G37 R10 G41 X20 Y20
N120 G39 R5 A90 A0
N130 X50 Y60
N140 G36 R7 A-45 X70
N150 G39 R10 A45 A-90
N160 G36 R10 X100 Y20
N170 G38 R10 X20
N180 G40 X0 Y0 N190 M30
The axis feedrate is programmed with the letter "F" and its value depends on the
currently selected work units, millimeters or inches, and type of feedrate, G94 or
Metric programming:
Format Minimum value Maximum value
F0.0001 F65535.000
G94 F 5.4 F1= 1mm/min
(0.0001 mm/min) (63535 mm/min)
F0.0001 F500.000
G95 F3.4 F1= 1mm/rev.
(0.0001 mm/rev.) (500 mm/rev.)
P615(6) Format Minimum value Maximum value
F0.001 F25801.1810
P615(6)=0 F 5.4 F1= 0.1inch/min
(0.0001 inch/min) (2580.1181 inch/min)
F0.0001 F25801.1810
P615(6)=1 F 5.4 F1= 1 inch/min
(0.0001 inch/min) (25801.1810 inch/min)
F0.0001 F19.6849
G95 ------ F2.4 F1= 1 inch/rev.
(0.0001inch/rev.) (19.6849 inch/rev.)
By the same token, when operating in inches and with rotary axes, we recommend
setting machine parameter P615(7) to "1" so the programming units in G94 are
in degrees/minute.
P615(6)=1 Programming units: Inches/min
The machine’s maximum working feedrate can be programmed directly or by using code
Example :
The rapid speed is set for each axis during the final adjustment of the machine, the
maximum possible value being 65.535 m/min. (See instruction book of the machine).
The programmed feedrate can be varied between 0% and 120% or between 0% and 100%
according to P606(2) by means of the knob on the front panel of the CNC. When carrying
out the tapping canned cycle G84 or when G33, G47 are activated or during probing
movements (G75), this knob is cancelled and operation is at 100% of the programmed F.
a) Spindle speed.
Any value may be programmed between S0 and S9999; i.e. between 0 and 9999 rev/
min. This value is limited by the max. speed permitted by the machine; this limit is
set by a machine parameter.
The instruction book of the machine must be consulted in each particular case. The
controls on the front panel of the CNC may be used to achieve between
These controls do not operate when carrying out the tapping canned cycle G84 or
when function G33 is activated the speed being fixed at 100% of the programmed
b) Spindle orientation
If S4.3 is programmed after M19, it identifies the spindle’s stopping point in degrees,
referred to the encoder zero marker. The spindle will rotate according to parameters
P601(7) and P700 until the point identified by S4.3 is reached.
The CNC permits a special function applicable for example for controlling the
BEAM in LASER machines, for which a value of 1 should be introduced into the
machine parameter P619(3).
The function consists of sending an order proportional to the real speed of the
machine axes through the analogue S output.
When there is no movement or when it is in G00, the CNC sends the minimum S,
when the movement is the programmed F, it sends the maximum S and between these
the CNC will send an S command proportional to the speed of the Real Feed.
The CNC has a table of 100 tools (00-99) for tool radius and length compensation.
- Tool number.The two digits of code T2. or the two digits to the left of the decimal point
of code T2.2 may have any value between 00 and 99. This value is used for selecting the
required tool in the case of a machine with automatic tool changer, and may be limited
to a value lower than 99 according to parameter P701.
- Tool compensation (table). The two digits to the right of the decimal point in codes T.2
and T2.2 may have any value between 00 and 99.
When G41 or G42 is programmed, the CNC applies the addition of R and I stored at the
programmed T address (00-99) as radius compensation value.
If G43 is programmed, the CNC applies the addition of L and K stored, at the
programmed T address (00-99) as length compensation value.
The tool’s radius and length values are recorded in operation mode 8, TOOL TABLE.
The values of I,K can also be checked and modified without stopping the execution of
a cycle (see Operation Manual).
In the case of machines with manual tool change, the two digits of code T2. or the two
digits to the left of the decimal point of code T2.2 (00-98) have no significance and any
value between 0 and the value given to parameter P701 may be programmed. It is
recommended to assign the max. possible value (99) to this parameter.
The two digits to the right of the decimal point of codes T.2 or T2.2 (00-99) are used for
selecting the required compensation value.
As soon as the CNC reads a code T.2 or T2.2, it applies the new compensation values.
The CNC assumes that the machine does not have automatic tool changer if parameters
P601(1) and P601(5) are set to 0.
The two digits of the code T2. or the two digits to the left of the decimal point of code T2.2
(00-98) are used for selecting the required tool.
When the CNC reads a T value (00-98) which is different from that previously program-
med, it sends it to the interface, in BCD code. If the T value is the same as that
programmed, it is ignored. If two different tools are programmed in succession without
code M06 between them, the CNC will show error code 53, unless the second tool
programmed is the one engaged in the spindle. In this case, the CNC will apply the new
Error code 53 will also be generated if two M06 are programmed without a T code between
them, unless P139 is set to 0. To resume the operation:
This way the tool located in the spindle has been confirmed to the CNC.
The two digits to the right of the decimal point are used for selecting the required
compensation value in the tool table.
If the figure to the left of the decimal point (external selection of tool) is the same as the
last figure programmed, as soon as the CNC reads code T2.2, it applies the compensation
values corresponding to the new code (00-99). If it is only desired to change the
compensation value without changing the working tool, the same external tool number as
that programmed previously to the left of the decimal point plus the new compensation
value to the right must be programmed. Only T.2 can also be programmed. This way there
is no external output of any code but the CNC assumes the newcompensation value for the
previous tool.
If T2.2 is programmed and the external tool selection code (figure to the left of the decimal
point) is different from that previously programmed, the CNC does not assume the new
compensation values until the actual tool change takes place; i.e. until M06 is executed.
To set the RANDOM tool magazine in initial conditions, the following has to be done in
TEACH-IN mode:
- T99.xx
This way, tool 1 is in position 1, tool 2 in position 2, etc. Even if the CNC is turned off,
when being turned on again it remembers the actual position of the tools in the magazine.
The miscellaneous functions are output in BCD code (M00/M99) or in binary code (M00/
M254) depending on the value assigned to the machine parameter P617(8).
Miscellaneous functions M41, M42, M43, M44 implicit with S cannot be programmed.
The CNC also has 15 decoded outputs for miscellaneous functions.
These outputs will be assigned to the required functions during the final adjustment of the
CNC to the machine.
The miscellaneous functions that are not assigned a decoded output are always performed
at the beginning of the block in which they are programmed.
When more than one miscellaneous function is programmed in a block, the CNC performs
them consecutively in the order in which they are programmed.
Some of the miscellaneous functions have an internal meaning assigned to them in the
When the CNC reads code M00 in a block, it halts the program. The CYCLE START key
must be pressed for it to resume.
It is recommended that this function be set in the table of decoded M functions so that it
is performed at the end of the block in which it is programmed (see Installation and Start-
up Manual).
Same as M00 except that the CNC only takes it into account if the “Optional stop” input
is activated.
This code indicates end of program and performs a general reset function of the CNC
(reversion to initial state). It also acts as an M05. As in the case of M00, it is recommended
that this function be set so that it is executed at the end of the block in which it is
Same as M02 except that the CNC goes back to the first block at the beginning of the
program. It also acts as an M05. If parameter P609(3)=0, when a CNC RESET is carried
out, the CNC will send out code M30.
This code means that the spindle starts running clockwise. As explained in the correspon-
ding section, the CNC executes this code automatically in the machining canned cycles.
It is recommended that this function be set so that it is executed at the beginning of the
block in which it is programmed.
Same as M03 except that the spindle rotates in the opposite direction.
It is recommended that this be set so that the CNC executes it at the end of the block in
which it is programmed.
According to the value assigned to P601(8), it will stop or not the program (like M00).
- If P601(1) or P601(5) are set to 1, the code M06 has to be programmed alone in a block.
When reading this code the CNC, in modes: AUTOMATIC, SINGLE BLOCK,
TEACH- IN, will execute the following sequence:
- It will send out the code M19 and will apply a residual S analog output (defined by
P601(7) and P700) to the spindle.
- It will move the axes X,Y,Z,(W) to the positions fixed by P900, P901, P902 and P903,
according to the order defined by P702, P703, P704 and P705.
- It will send out the code M06, cancelling the residual S analog output afterwards.
- If parameter P709 has a value between 1 and 99, the CNC will automatically jump to
a subroutine identified by P709. If P709 is zero, there is no jump.
In SINGLE BLOCK mode, the CYCLE START key must be pressed as many times
as different functions are involved with M06. In JOG mode, the CNC will send the
code M19, will apply to the spindle the residual analog output and will send M06,
previously cancelling the residual analog output if the axes have been correctly
positioned for the tool change. If any axis is out of position, the CNC will give error
code 51.
- Same as in the previous section, it will stop the program or not, according to status of
parameter P601(8).
It is recommended that M06 be set so that the CNC executes it at the end
of the block in which it is programmed.
a) If M19 is not followed by S4.3, when this function is executed the CNC will send out
code M19 and will apply to the spindle an analog output defined by P601(7) and P700.
The remaining analog output is deleted when execution any other M or programmed
b) If S4.3 is programmed right after M19 the CNC will send out code M19 and will apply
to the spindle an analog output defined by P601(7) and P700 until the spindle reaches
the position identified in degrees by S4.3, referred to the zero marker. In this case, no
other information is allowed in the same block.
c) If the machine parameter P615(8)=1, on executing function M19, the CNC will search
for machine reference in the spindle at the same time as the movement of the axes.
d) The machine parameter P916 determines the position of the spindle stop when the
functions M06 are executed (tool change) or M19 without programming S, in both
cases, whenever the machine is fitted with an encoder on the spindle, and due to this,
parameter P800 must have a different value from 0. If a value of 0 is given to it, the CNC
ignores all positions. The remaining assignable values go from 0.001 to 360.
e) Machine parameters P917 and P918 determine the lower and upper limits of the range
of travel of the spindle, respectively, with M19. When a movement is executed into the
forbidden area, the CNC will indicate error 74, this being the area which exists between
both limits.
More information on the use of M19 is to be found in the 8025/30 CNC START UP
MANUAL.The application of this feature involves the installation of rotary encoder on to
the spindle.
If parameter P603(3) is set to 1, the CNC can manage the operation of pallets in the
machine. This means that M22,M23,M24 and M25 acquire a precise meaning.
M22 - Code to load the part in one end of the table (X axis)
M23 - Code to unload the part in the same point as M22
M24 - Code to load the part in the other end of the table
M25 - Code to unload the part in the same point as M24
When the CNC reads any of these four codes, it executes the following sequence:
2. Shifts the fourth axis (W) to the position identified by parameter P904 if P605(1) is 0.
3. Shifts the X axis to the position identified by P905 for M22 and M23 or P906 for M24
and M25, as long as P611(7)=0.
5. When all the axes are in position, the CNC sends out the relevant code (M22,M23,M24
or M25). This codes are used by the cabinet to load and unload the part. During this
process the FEED-HOLD signal must be applied to the CNC.
N5 M23
N10 M24
Block N5. The CNC sends out M21 if P605(3) and will place the just machined part in
unloading position by moving the axes W,X and Z to the positions set by P904, P905 and
P906. Then it will send out the code M23 so that the interface executes the unloading
If parameter P711, corresponding to M23, has a value of 5, the CNC will execute
subroutine number 5.
Block N10. The CNC will place the machine ready to load the new part by moving the axis
W,X and Z to the position set by P904,P906 and P907. Then it will send out the code M24
so that the interface executes the loading sequence.
If parameter P712, corresponding to M24, has a value 0, the sequence is now finished.
In JOG mode, the CNC will move the last axis X, or Z and then it will send the relevant
code (M22,M23,M24,M25) if the axis W, or W and X were previously positioned.
Otherwise if will give error code 51.
A subroutine is a part of a program which is suitably identified and can be called in for
execution from any position in a program.
A subroutine may be called in several times from different positions in the program or from
different programs.
A single call can be used to repeat the execution of a subroutine up to 255 times.
A subroutine may be stored in the memory of the CNC as an independent program or as part
of a program. Standard and parametric subroutines are basically identical. The difference
between them is that up to 10 arithmetic parameters can be defined in the call block (G21
N2.2) of parametric subroutines.
In standard subroutines the parameters cannot be defined in the call block (G20 N2.2).
A standard (non-parametric) subroutine always begins with a block which contains function
G22. The structure of the subroutine opening block is: N4 G22 N2
N4 : Block number
G22: Defines the beginning of a subroutine
N2 : Identifies the subroutine (may be any number between N0 and N99)
Two standard subroutines having the same identification number but
belonging to different programs cannot be present at the same time in the
memory of the CNC, although a standard subroutine and a parametric
subroutine may be identified by the same number.
N0 G22 N25
N10 X20
N15 P0=P0 F1 P1
N20 G24
N4 : Block number
G24: End of subroutine
A standard subroutine may be called in from any program or other subroutine (standard or
parametric). Calling in a standard subroutine is achieved by function G20.
N4 : Block number
N2.2 : The two figures to the left of the decimal point identify the number of the subroutine
called in (00-99).The two figures on the right of the decimal point indicate the
number of times the subroutine is to be repeated (00- 99). Unless it is programmed
by a parameter, in which case the limits are 0 and 255.
However, when no number is indicated, the subroutine will be executed only once.
N4 : Block number
G23 : Defines the beginning of a parametric subroutine.
N2 : Identifies the parametric subroutine (may be any number between N00 and N99).
Two parametric subroutines having the same number but belonging to
different programs cannot be present at the same time in the memory of the
CNC, although it is possible for a normal subroutine and a parametric
subroutine to be identified by the same number.
The above block is followed by programming the blocks required. A parametric subroutine
must always end with a block of the form N4 G24.
N4 : Block number
G24 : Defines the end of a subroutine (standard or parametric).
A parametric subroutine may be called in from a main program or from another subroutine
(standard or parametric).
The calling of a parametric subroutine is achieved by function G21. The structure of the call
block is:
N4 : Block number
N2.2 : The two figures to the left of the decimal point identify the number of the
parametric subroutine called in (00-99).
The two figures to the right of the decimal point indicate the number of times the
parametric subroutine is to be repeated (00-99).
If a parameter is programmed instead of the two figures on the right of the decimal
point,the former can have a value between 0 and 255.
K+/-5.5 :Value assigned to the arithmetic parameter. Write K after the sign = when a
constant must be assigned to a parameter. In this block values can be assigned to
a maximum of 10 parameters.
When the same parametric subroutine is executed several times in succession, for example:
Once each repetition has been completed, except the last one, the values of the arithmetic
parameters assigned in the call block are recovered, even though they have been assigned
different values throughout the subroutine.
This same example can be programmed so that subroutine N1 is not part of the main
N100 G22 N1
N105 Z-32
N110 G01 Z-50 F100
N115 G04 K1.0
N120 G00 Z0
N125 G24
This example involves carrying out the two machining tasks illustrated, using the same
parametric subroutine. The tool is supposed to be 100 mm above the surface of the part and
the machining depth to be 10 mm.
N100 G23 N1
N105 G01 G91 YP0 F100
N110 XP6
N115 YP30
N120 XP13
N125 YP14
N130 XP15
N135 YP50
N140 XP99
N145 G24
Starting point X0 Y0
When Block 120 is read, the CNC will execute once subprogram N8 which is defined
between blocks 30 and 80.
If machine parameter P727 has a value between 1 and 99 and the external STOP input is
activated while running a program, the CNC will interrupt the program and jump to execute
the subroutine whose number has been assigned to P727.
The CNC has 255 parameters (P0-P254) with which the following operation can be
The parametric blocks can be written in any part of the program. By means of machine
parameters, it is possible to determine if the range of arithmetic parameters, included
between P150 and P254 are only for READING or not.
F1 : Addition
F2 : Subtraction
F3 : Multiplication
F4 : Division
F5 : Square root
F6 : Square root of the addition of the squares
F7 : Sine
F8 : Cosine
F9 : Tangent
F10 : Arc tangent
F11 : Comparison
F12 : Entire part
F13 : Entire part plus one
F14 : Entire part minus one
F15 : Absolute value
F16 : Complementation
F17 : Special functions
F18 : Special functions
F19 : Special functions
F20 : Special functions
F21 : Special functions
F22 : Special functions
F23 : Special functions
F24 : Special functions
F25 : Special functions
F26 : Special functions
F27 : Special functions
F28 : Special functions
F30 : AND
F31 : OR
F32 : XOR
F33 : NOR
There are parameters whose value depends on the status of the CNC.
This parameter takes the value of 0, every time a program is run for the first time.
The value of this parameter, is defined by operating mode active in the CNC.
Automatic 0
Single block 1
Teach in 3
0 4
Dry run
1 5
2 6
3 7
4 8
a) N4 P1 = P2
The indicates that P1 takes the value of P2, while P2 keeps the value it had.
b) N4 P1 = K1.5
P1 takes the value 1.5 K identifies a constant. Constants can have values comprised
between +/-99999.999.
c) N4 P1 = X
d) N4 P1 = Y
e) N4 P1 = Z
f) N4 P1 =W
g) N4 P1 = T
P1 takes the actual value of the clock (execution time) in hundredths of a second. This
assignation entails the cancellation of the radius compensation (G41 or G42).
h) N4 P1 - 0X
P1 takes the theoretical coordinate of the X axis, with respect to the machine zero where
the CNC is situated.
P1 takes the theoretical coordinate of the Y axis, with respect to the machine zero where
the CNC is situated.
j) N4P1 = 0Z
P1 takes the theoretical coordinate of the Z axis, with respect to the machine zero where
the CNC is situated.
k) N4P1 = 0W
P1 takes the theoretical coordinate of the 4th W axis, with respect to the machine zero
where the CNC is situated.
l) N4P1 = 0V
P1 takes the theoretical coordinate of the 5th V axis,with respect to the machine zero
where the CNC is situated.
In these last assignments, the measuring units taken by arithmetic parameter, depend
upon the value assigned to the machine parameter P618(8).
If we assign the value 1 to this machine parameter, when the assignment parameter block
is executed, of the P1 = 0X type: P1 takes the value of the X coordinate, with respect to
the machine zero point, either in millimeters or inches, depending on the units of measure
Nevertheless, if we assign the value 0, when P1=0X is executed, P1 takes the value of
the X coordinate with respect to the machine zero, always in millimeters, without taking
into consideration the units of measure which are being used (mm or inches).
If any of the axes are ROTARY, the value taken by the parameter will always be in
F1 Addition
Example: N4 P1 = P2 F1 P3
P1 takes the value of the addition of P2 and P3, i.e. P1= P2 + P3. N4 P1 = P2 F1 K2 can
also be programmed, i.e. P1 takes the value of P2 + 2. The letter K identifies a constant for
K1 means value 1
K1000 means value 1000
The same parameter can be as an addend and as the result i.e., N4 P1 = P1 F1 K2. This means
that P1 = P1 + 2
F2 Subtraction
F3 Multiplication
F4 Division
F5 Square root
N4 P1 = P1 F6 K4 —> P1 = P1 2 + 4 2
F7 Sinus
N4 P1 = F7 P2 —> P1 = Sen P2
F8 Cosinus
N4 P1 = F8 P2 —> P1 = Cos P2
N4 P1 = F8 K75 —> P1 = Cos 75 degrees
F9 Tangent
N4 P1 = F9 P2 —> P1 = tg P2
N5 P1 = F9 K30 —> P1 = tg 30 degrees
F11 Comparison
It compares different parameters, or a parameter and aconstant, and activates the conditional
jumps flags. Its application will be described in the conditional jumps section.
N4 P1 = F11 P2
If P1 = P2 the if zero jump flag is activated. If P1 => P2 the if => jump flag is activated. If
P1 < P2 the if < jump flag is activated N4 P1 = F11 K6 can also be programmed.
N4 P1 = F13 P2 —> P1 takes the entire part of P2 plus one as its value
N4 P1 = F13 K5,4 —> P1 = 5 + 1 = 6
N4 P1 = F14 P27 —> P1 takes the entire part of P2 minus one as its value
N4 P5 = F14 K5,4 —> P5 = 5 - 1 = 4
F16 Complementation
N4 P7 = F16 P20 —> P7 takes the complemented value of P20, i.e. P7 =-P20
N4 P7 = F16 K10 —> P7 = -10
N4 P1 = F17 P2
P1 takes the value of the memory address in which the P2 block is located
P1 takes the value of the memory address in which the block N12 is located.
N4 P1 = F18 P2
P1 takes the value of the X coordinate value in the block located at P2.
N4 P1 = F19 P2
P1 takes the value of the Y coordinate value in the block located at P2.
N4 P1 = F20 P2
N4 P1 = F21 P2
N4 P1 = F22 P2
P1 takes the value of the memory address in the block previous to the one defined by P2.
N4 P1 = F23
P1 takes the value of the tool table number being used at this moment.
Example a) N4 P9 = F24 K2
Parameter P8 takes the R value of the tool table in the position indicated by parameter P12.
Parameter P15 takes the L value of the tool table in the position 16.
Parameter P13 takes the L value of the tool table in the position indicated by parameter P34.
Parameter P17 takes the I value of the tool table in the position 10.
Parameter P19 takes the I value of the tool table in the position indicated by parameter P63.
Parameter P15 takes the K value of the tool table in the position 27.
Parameter P13 takes the K value of the tool table in the position indicated by parameter P25.
N4 P27 = F29
Six holes equally spaced, 2.5 inch radius, first hole 30° from zero.
* If P154 = K0, the holes will be equally spaced around 360°. A positive angle for P154
moves counter-clockwise around the circle. A negative angle moves clockwise.
. When calling a drilling canned cycle (lines 20 and 60) N0 (repeat zero times) must be
. It is possible to move directly from the end of one circle to the beginning of the next by
omitting lines 40 thru 60. If direct movement by the shortest path is not possible due to
the interference with the part or fixture, then the above procedure to cancel the drilling
canned cycle, position to a safe zone, and re-calling the canned cycle must be used.
. The first time parametric subroutine N97 is called in the program, all six parameters must
be specified.
Thereafter, only the parameters which are different from subsequent bolt hole circle
patterns need be specified.
However, safe programming practice dictates including all six parameters each time the
routine is called.
F30 — AND
F31 — OR
F32 — XOR
F33 — NOT
These BINARY operations, also activate the internal indicators (FLAGS) depending on the
value of their result, to use later in the programming of CONDITIONAL JUMPS,CALLS
(G26,G27,G28,G29). The binary operations can be made between:
- Parameters : P1 = P2F30P3
- Parameters and constants : P11=P25F31H(8)
- Constants : P19=K2F32K5
The value of constant H must be given in hexadecimal code, integer, positive and with 8
characters maximum, i.e., from 0 to FFFFFFFF and cannot form part of the first operand.
F30 - AND
Example: N4 P1 = P2 F30 P3
Value of P2 Value P3 Value of P1
F31 - OR
Example: N4 P11 = P25 F31 H35AF9D01
F32 - XOR
Example: N4 P19 = P72 F32 H91C6EF
F33 - NOT
Example: N4 P154 = F33 P88
P154 takes the value of P88 complementary to 1.
4A52D63F B5AD29C0
Functions G25,G26,G27,G28 and G29 can be used to jump to another block of the current
No more information can be programmed into the same block in which some of the functions
G25,G26,G27,G28 or G29 are programmed.
Format a) JUMP
N4 (G25,G26,G27,G28,G29) N4
N4 : Block number
When the CNC reads this block it jumps to the targeted block and the program continues.
N0 G00 X100
N5 Y50
N10 G25 N50
N15 X50
N20 Y70
N50 G01 X20
When the block 10 is reached, the CNC jumps to block 50 and then the program continues
until it is finished.
N4 (G25,G26,G27,G28,G29) N4.4.2.
N4 : Block number
G25,G26,G27,G28,G29 : Codes for different jumps
When the CNC reads such a block it jumps to the block identified between the N and the
first decimal point. It then executes the section of the program between this block and the
one identified between the two decimal points as many times as set by the last number. This
last number can take a value within 0 and 99, unless it is programmed using a parameter in
which case the limits are 0 and 255.
When the execution of this section is finished the CNC goes to the block next to the one in
which G25 N4.4.2. was programmed.
N0 G00 X10
N5 Y20
N10 G01 X50 M3
N15 G00 Y0
N20 X0
N25 G25 N0.20.8
N30 M30
When block 25 is reached the CNC will jump to block 0 and will execute 8 times the section
N0-N20. On completion of this, it will go to block 30.
As soon as the CNC reads code G25, it jumps to the block identified by N4 or N4.4.2.
If the result of an operation is greater than or equal to zero, flag 2 is not activated.
If, in a comparison, the first operand is smaller than the second, flag 2 is activated.
If, in a comparison, the first operand is greater than or equal to the second flag 2 is not
The conditions for the program to jump to the targeted block, after reading G26,G27,G28
or G29 are:
When the CNC reads a block with the code G26, if the condition = 0 is met, it jumps to the
block indicated by N4 or N4.4.2; if the condition = 0 is not met the CNC will disregard this
a) N0 G00 X10
N5 P2 = K3
N10 P1 = P2 F1 K5
N15 G01 Z5
N20 G26 N50
N50 G1 Z10
The last operation with parameters being P1 = P2+K5=3+5=8 (result = 0) the = 0 flag
will not be activated and the CNC will disregard block N20.
b) N0 G00 X10
N5 P2 = K3
N10 P1 = P2 F1 K5
N15 G01 Z5
N20 P3 = K7
N25 P4 = P3 F2 K7
N30 G26 N50
N50 M30
The last operation with parameters being P4 = P3+K2 K7= 7-7=0, the =0 flag will be
activated and the CNC will jump to block 50 when reading block 30.
When the CNC reads a block with G27, if the condition = 0 is met, it jumps to the block
identified by N4 or N4.4.2, if the condition = 0 is not met the CNC will disregard this block.
When the CNC reads a block with the code G28, if the condition < is met, it jumps to the
block identified by N4 or N4.4.2. If the condition < is not met, the CNC will disregard this
When the CNC reads a block with G29, if the condition => is met, it jumps to the block
identified by N4 or N4.4.2. If the condition => is not met, the CNC will disregard this
When the CNC reads a block with G30, it stops the program and displays the contents of
this block.
Programming: N4 G30 K2
N4 : Block number
G30 : Code identifying programming of an error
K2(0-99) : Programmed error code
Any code between 0 and 99 can be programmed unless the error code K is defined by a
parameter (N4 G30 K P2) because then the possible values are 0-255.
This code, combined with G26,G27,G28,G29 enables the stopping of the program and the
detection of possible measuring error, for instance.
If it is not required for the CNC error code comment to be displayed, the
number of the code after G30 must be greater than those used by the CNC.
Remember also that the user can write comments in the program which will
be displayed when the corresponding block is executed.
If starting point is X3000 Y2000 and the following arc is programmed: G03 X1000
Y3774.964 I-8000 J-7000 The CNC will generate error 33 because the radius is greater than
8388 mm. Parametric programming can be used to overcome this limitation.
Call parameters
If tool offset is to be used the following programming order must be strictly
> When the first character of the block to be executed is not an "N".
> When while BACKGROUND editing, the program in execution calls a subroutine located in the program
being edited or in a later program.
The order in which the part-programs are stored in memory are shown in the part-program directory. If during
the execution of a program, a new one is edited, this new one will be placed at the end of the list.
003 A negative value has been assigned to a function which does not accept the (-) sign or an incorrect value has
been given to a canned cycle parameter.
004 A canned cycle has been defined while function G02, G03 or G33 was active.
014 A block has been programmed which is incorrect either by itself or in relation with the program history up to
that instant.
015 Functions G20, G21, G22, G23, G24, G25, G26, G27, G28, G29, G30, G31, G32, G50, G52, G53, G54, G55,
G56, G57, G58, G59, G72, G73, G74, G92 and G93 must be programmed alone in a block.
016 The called subroutine or block does not exist or the block searched by means of special function F17 does not
> Function G95 or M19 has been used with machine parameter "P800=0".
018 Error in blocks where the points are defined by means of angle-angle or angle-coordinate.
> After defining G20, G21, G22 or G23, the number of the subroutine it refers to is missing.
> The "N" character has not been programmed after function G25, G26, G27, G28 or G29.
020 The axes of the circular interpolation are not programmed correctly.
021 There is no block at the address defined by the parameter assigned to F18, F19, F20, F21, F22.
025 Error in a definition block or subroutine call, or when defining either conditional or unconditional jumps.
> Not enough free tape or CNC memory to store the part-program.
027 I/J/K has not been defined for a circular interpolation or thread.
028 An attempt has been made to select a tool offset at the tool table or a non-existent external tool (the number of
tools is set by machine parameter).
This error is often issued when programming an F value in mm/min (inch/min) and, then, switching to work in
mm/rev (inch/rev) without changing the F value.
Example: Being the X axis position X-5000, if we want to move it to point X5000, the CNC will issue error
33 when programming the block N10 X5000 since the programmed move will be:
5000 - (-5000) = 10000 mm.
In order to make this move without issuing this error, it must be carried out in two stages as indicated
It must be borne in mind that if G72 is applied only to one axis, this axis must be positioned at part zero (0 value)
at the time the scaling factor is applied.
> A block has been programmed which contains a jump to itself. Example: N120 G25 N120.
040 The programmed arc does not go through the defined end point (tolerance 0.01mm) or there is no arc that goes
through the points defined by G08 or G09.
041 This error is issued when programming a tangential entry as in the following cases:
> There is no room to perform the tangential entry. A clearance of twice the rounding radius or greater is
> If the tangential entry is to be applied to an arc (G02, G03), The tangential entry must be defined in a linear
042 This error is issued when programming a tangential exit as in the following cases:
> There is no room to perform the tangential exit. A clearance of twice the rounding radius or greater is required.
> If the tangential exit is to be applied to an arc (G02, G03), The tangential exit must be defined in a linear block.
047 A zero movement has been programmed during radius compensation or corner rounding.
050 Functions M06, M22, M23, M24, M25 must be programmed alone in a block.
051 * A tool or pallet change cannot be performed without being in the change position.
053 * This error occurs when having a machining center and 2 different external Ts have been programmed in a row
without programming an M06 in between.
054 There is no disk in the FAGOR Floppy Disk Unit, there is no tape in the cassette reader or the reader head cover
is open.
> When the memory is locked and an attempt is made to generate a CNC program by means of function G76.
> When trying to generate program P99999 or a protected program by means of function G76.
> If function G76 (block content) has been programmed without having programmed G76 P5 or G76 N5 before.
> If in a G76 P5 or G76 N5 type function does not contain the 5 digits of the program number.
> If while a program is being generated (G76 P5 or G76 N5), its program number is changed without cancelling
the previous one.
> If while executing a G76 P5 type block, the program referred to is not the one edited. In other words, that
another one has been edited later or that a G76 P5 type block is executed while a program is being edited in
059 Communication error between the CNC and the FAGOR Floppy Disk Unit or between the CNC and the cassette
060 Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
The memory contents will be kept for 10 more days (with the CNC off) from the moment this error occurs. The
whole battery module located on the back must be replaced. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
Due to danger of explosion or combustion: do not try to recharge the battery, do not expose
it to temperatures higher than 100°C (232°F) and do not short the battery leads.
> If while probing (G75) the programmed position is reached without receiving the probe signal.
> If while executing a probing canned cycle, the CNC receives the probe signal without actually carrying out
the probing move itself (collision).
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
It is generated either because the machine is beyond limit or because a block has been programmed which would
force the machine to go beyond limits.
082 ** Parity error in general parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
083 ** Parity error in V axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
087 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
088 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
This error comes up when it is mandatory to search home on all axes after power-up. This requirement is set
by machine parameter.
090 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
091 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
092 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
093 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
094 Parity error in tool table or zero offset table G53-G59. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
095 ** Parity error in W axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
096 ** Parity error in Z axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
097 ** Parity error in Y axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
098 ** Parity error in X axis parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600",
"P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
099 ** Parity error in M table. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0",
"P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
100 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
101 ** Internal CNC hardware error. Consult with the Technical Service Department.
105 This error comes up in the following cases:
> A comment has more than 43 characters.
> A program has been defined with more than 5 characters.
> A block number has more than 4 characters.
> Strange characters in memory.
107 ** Error in W axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
108 ** Error in Z axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
109 ** Error in Y axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
110 ** Error in X axis leadscrew error compensation parameters. The CNC resets the serial line RS232C machine
parameters: "P0= 9600", "P1=8", P2=0", "P3=1", "P607(3)=1", "P607(4)=1", "P607(5)=1".
When this error occurs, access the LAN mode, editing or monitoring, before executing a program block.
113 * FAGOR LAN error. A node is not ready to work in the LAN. For example:
114 * FAGOR LAN error. An incorrect command has been sent out to a node.
This error occurs when the periodic module takes longer than 5 milliseconds.
This error occurs when the main module takes longer than half the time indicated in machine parameter "P741".
117 * The internal CNC information requested by activating marks M1901 thru M1949 is not available.
118 * An attempt has been made to modify an unavailable internal CNC variable by means of marks M1950 thru
119 Error when writing machine parameters, the decoded M function table and the leadscrew error compensation
tables into the EEPROM memory.
This error may occur when after locking the machine parameters, the decoded M function table and the
leadscrew error compensation tables, one tries to save this information into the EEPROM memory.
120 Checksum error when recovering (restoring) the machine parameters, the decoded M function table and
leadscrew error compensation tables from the EEPROM memory.
When this error occurs, save as many programs as you can into the Floppy Disk Unit, peripheral or PC.
Then, proceed as follows to format the 512 Kb memory (when doing this, all part-programs stored in this
memory will be lost).
Once the 512 Kb memory is formatted, recover (restore) the programs you saved into the Floppy Disk Unit,
peripheral or PC.
151 Defective 512 Kb memory. Consult with the Technical Service department.
The ERRORS indicated with "*" behave as follows:
They stop the axis feed and the spindle rotation by cancelling the Enable
signals and the analog outputs of the CNC.
The ERRORS indicated with "**" besides behaving as those with an "*", they
FAGOR 8025/8030 CNC
This manual describes applications which, while not being specific of milling machines, are
also possible with this CNC.
This manual must be read together with the rest of the manuals for this CNC.
Notes: The information described in this manual may be subject to variations due to
technical modifications.
FAGOR AUTOMATION, S. Coop. Ltda. reserves the right to modify the contents
of this manual without prior notice.
Section Page
By setting this parameter, it is possible to control the intensity of the laser BEAM.
The CNC outputs an analog S voltage proportional to the actual feedrate of the
When using this feature, functions M97 and M98 acquire a special meaning as
described in the section on "Laser Machines" in the chapter on "Concepts" of
this manual.
In order to trace the profile of the sheetmetal, a device is used attached to the
axis of the laser beam indicating, at all times, the deviations of the sheetmetal
To do this, this device has a cylinder moving in and out of it and whose tip is
constantly touching the sheetmetal surface.
This parameter indicates the distance this cylinder must penetrate into the device
once its tip touches the sheetmetal. This way, it sets the distance between the
beam and the sheetmetal surface.
This parameter is used when the sheetmetal tracing feature is active. It prevents
abrupt laser movements when detecting holes, objects, etc. while machining the
If the value assigned to this parameter is exceeded, the CNC will deactivate the
"sheetmetal tracing" feature and depending, on the operating mode, it will act as
* In the JOG mode, the CNC will display the following error of the Z axis.
* In the rest of the operating modes, the CNC will generate an external CYCLE
STOP executing the emergency subroutine if it has been programmed.
It sets the analog voltage corresponding to the maximum Z axis feedrate when
executing special functions: M97 or M98 (sheetmetal tracing).
If set to "0", the maximum analog voltage value for the Z axis will be:
Analog (mV.) = P806 x K1 x ————
If set to a value other than "0", the maximum analog voltage for the Z axis will
Analog (mV.) = P808 x K1 x ————
The proportional gain K1 of the Z axis is determined by machine parameter P314.
1000 mV. = P808 x 32 x ———— ===> P808 = 800
It is also necessary to adjust the axis servo drives so their maximum desired feedrates
(G00) are obtained with ±9.5 V.
When this feature is selected, the CNC will provide an analog "S" voltage (pins 36
and 37 connector I/O1) proportional to the actual (real) feedrate of the axes.
The CNC uses the "S analog" output to control the intensity of the laser beam;
therefore, the spindle parameters must be set accordingly.
Spindle machine parameters “P601(3)” and “P601(2)” must be set to "0" for the
analog output range to be ±10 V.
To get a unipolar analog voltage, set spindle machine parameter “P610(4)” to "1".
The sign of this unipolar analog output will be determined by spindle machine
parameter “P601(4)”.
The machine parameters related to spindle speed range (P7, P8, P9, P10) are set in
rpm. Therefore, whenever an "S" value is programmed, it will be indicated in rpm
and the CNC will provide the corresponding analog voltage depending on the speed
range it corresponds to the programmed "S" value.
The programming format used by the CNC for using this feature is as follows:
The figure located between the "S" and the "." indicates the minimum analog value
(rpm) provided by the CNC and the figure after the "." indicates the analog (rpm)
corresponding to the programmed feedrate F5.5.
If there is no axis movement, the CNC will provide the programmed minimum S.
Otherwise, the CNC will supply the analog voltage corresponding to the actual (real)
axis feedrate.
In rapid positioning moves (G00), the CNC will output the programmed minimum S.
If we have one single spindle range with 1000 rpm for 10V of analog voltage
and we program F10000 S100.500
For an actual feedrate of the axes of 12000 mm/min., the CNC will provide
When the actual axis feedrate is 5000 mm/min., the CNC will output 3V.
To temporarily cancel the laser beam, program M05. To recover it, program M03 or
M04. To select a new "laser beam"-"feedrate" ratio, program a new block as follows
When the axis feedrate for arcs depends on the arc radius, (machine parameter "P729")
the corresponding laser analog (S) will also depend on it.
With this feature it is possible to keep the focusing distance of the laser beam constant,
thus achieving an optimum machining quality even on very wavy sheetmetal surfaces.
To do this, a sensor must be used attached to the axis of the laser beam. This sensor
will provide, at all times, the feedback signals indicating to the CNC the deviations
of the actual sheetmetal surface with respect to its theoretical value.
The axis supporting the focus of the laser beam must be set as the "Z" axis and the
feedback signals of the sensor must be connected through the "V" axis feedback
input. Also, the "V" axis must be set as a DRO axis by means of machine parameter
The CNC offers miscellaneous (auxiliary) functions M97, M98 and M99 which have
the following meaning when working with this feature (sheetmetal tracing):
M97 to activate the "sheetmetal tracing" feature. This function is used when
the counting directions of the Z and V axes are the same.
M98 to activate the "sheetmetal tracing" feature. This function is used when
the counting directions of the Z and V axes are not the same.
Whenever the "sheetmetal tracing" feature is used, the CNC behaves as follows:
1.- When M97 or M98 is executed, the CNC will activate this feature.
2.- The laser beam (Z axis) will move towards the sheetmetal until the sensor attached
to it makes contact with the sheetmetal surface.
As a safety measure, the Z axis must be moved before executing M97 or M98.
Otherwise, the CNC will issue error 102.
This distance will be maintained between the laser beam and the sheetmetal surface
during the whole machining process.
4.- From then on, the CNC will start making the programmed cut.
The Z axis position display will not correspond to its real position since this axis
is affected by the variations of the sensor.
In order to avoid abrupt movements of the laser while cutting the sheetmetal (as
when detecting holes, objects, etc.), machine parameter "P807" indicates the
maximum sheetmetal deflection allowed.
To control the laser beam so the analog S output is proportional to the feedrate
of the axes, set machine parameter “P619(3)” to “1”.
When using this feature, the CNC controls the C axis so it always stays
perpendicular to the XY path. This is further described in the section on "Jig
Grinder" in the chapter on "concepts" of this manual.
C Rotary axis. When this feature is active, the CNC will maintain this axis
perpendicular to the XY path.
Also, the following indications must be considered when reading the CNC manuals:
Machine parameters “P600(1)” and “P606(1)” must be set to "1" since the "C" axis
must be rotary and "ROLLOVER".
When using this feature, the CNC offers functions M97, M98 and M99 which acquire
the following meaning:
M97 Activates this feature keeping the C axis to the right of the programmed XY
M98 Activates this feature keeping the C axis to the left of the programmed XY
1.- When executing M97 or M98, the CNC will activate this feature.
2.- If a linear interpolation has been programmed for the XY axes, the CNC positions
the C axis perpendicular to the programmed path and on the desired side.
3.- If a circular interpolation has been programmed for the XY axes, the CNC positions
the C axis in a radial position (and on the desired side) with respect to the first
point of the arc.
The XY interpolation will begin once the C axis is positioned radial to the first
point of the arc.
The CNC will keep the C axis radial to the programmed path during the whole
When the motor does not have a servo drive, it is called: non-servo controlled.
Therefore, Non-servo controlled Open Loop means that the CNC only controls the
position of the axis during the programmed movement. Once the axis reaches position, the
CNC no longer controls it.
This feature may only be used at the GP model. Up to a maximum of 4 axes may be
controlled (X, Y, Z, W).
Axes in Closed Loop may not be combined with other axes in Open Loop. Therefore, all
the axes must operate in non-servo controlled open loop.
- Fast.
- Slow.
- Moving direction (+/-)
- Brake.
- In-Position.
The CNC outputs these signals via connectors IO1/IO2, as described next.
It is recommended NOT to use the decoded "M" function table because the
CNC utilizes the same outputs to activate the table bits and the "Fast", "Slow",
"Direction" and "In-Position" signals for each axis.
When the machine has a "W" axis, the CNC uses pin 21 for the "In-Position"
signal of the "W" axis. It does not output the "JOG" signal.
It indicates whether or not the machine uses non-servo controlled open loop motors.
0 = No
1 = Yes
When using this feature "P626(8)=1" the axes must not be continuously controlled:
"P105=N", "P205=N", "P305=N", "P405=N".
P807, P811, P816, P820 Delay between "Brake" and "Fast" signals for X,Y,Z,W
It indicates the delay, in milliseconds, to be applied from the moment the brake is
deactivated until the axes start moving ("Fast" signal).
P808, P812, P817, P821 Delay between "Slow" and "Brake" signals for X,Y,Z,W
It indicates the delay, in milliseconds, to be applied from the moment the "Slow"
signal is deactivated until the "Brake" is activated for the corresponding axis.
P809, P813, P818, P822 Delay between "Brake" and "In-Position" signals:
It indicates the delay, in milliseconds, to be applied from the moment the "Brake"
signal is activated until the "In-Position" signal is activated for that axis.
It indicates the number of milliseconds that the "In-Position" signal remains active for
the corresponding axis.
It indicates how far ahead of the target point the "Slow" signal is to be activated.
It must be assigned a value greater than the stopping distance: "P904, P905, P906, P907"
It indicates how far ahead of the target point the "Slow" signal is to be deactivated.
This parameter indicates the delay applied from the moment the "Slow" output is
deactivated until the "Brake" output is set low.
6.- After setting the "Brake" output low, the CNC waits a "T3" time period, set by P809,
P813, P818, P822, before activating the "In-Position" signal for the axis.
This "In-Position" output is kept high during "T4" which as established by machine
parameters P810, P814, P819, P823
All the movements are carried out as described earlier. Therefore, it is the same to program
G00 or G01.
The CNC considers the execution of a block concluded when all the axes involved have
reached position. In other words, when all their "In-Position" outputs are high.
Usually, the movements of all the axes involved do not end at the same time (different
distances, different T1, T2, T3, T4 delays, etc.).
When operating in G07, the CNC considers the block execution concluded when all the
axes involved have reached position. That is, when all their "In-Position" outputs are high.
When the axis enters the stopping zone (at a P904, P905, P906, P907 distance from
the target point), the CNC deactivates the "Slow" output and it does not issue the
"Brake" signal or the "In-Position" signal.
The CNC considers the block execution concluded when all the axes involved have
entered the stopping zone. In other words, when all their "Slow" outputs are set low
The CNC considers the execution of the block concluded when all the involved axes have
reached position. In other words, when all their "In-Position" outputs are high.
If while executing a G05 in Automatic mode, you switch to Single Block mode, the CNC
will execute this block in G07 and it will generate the "Brake" and "In-Position" signals
at the end of the block.
When selecting the 0% position of the %Feed area, any JOG position or any Handwheel
position ( ), the CNC will stop the axes cancelling the "Fast" and "Slow" outputs. It
does not change the status of the "Brake" and "In-Position" outputs.
If the Feedhold input was set low, when setting it back high, the "Fast" and "Slow" signals
will recover their previous status.
Next, a description of the CNC's behavior in each of the MFO switch position:
If while jogging the axes, the key is pressed, the CNC deactivates the "Slow"
output and activates the "Fast" output. When releasing the key, the "Fast" output is
set low and the "Slow" output is set back high.
Depending on the selected distance and feedrate, the movement will be carried out at "Fast
and Slow" or just at "Slow" feed.
The CNC also takes into account the "T1" and "T2" delays for treating the "Brake" signal.
From this moment on, the CNC will move the axis depending on the feedback pulses
provided by the handwheel and applying the x1, x10 or x100 multiplying factor currently
selected at the MFO switch.
Depending on the pulses received, on the selected MFO position and feedrate, the
movement will be carried out at "Fast and Slow" feed or just at "Slow" feed.
The CNC also takes into account the "T1" and "T2" delays for treating the "Brake" signal.
The axis moves at "Fast" feed until the home switch is pressed. Once the home switch
is pressed, the axis changes to "Slow" feed until the home pulse (marker pulse Io) of
the feedback system is detected.
If, when initiating the homing process, the home switch is being pressed, the
axis will reverse until the switch is released before resuming the home
When homing in JOG mode, the CNC does not activate the "In-Position"
The axis moves at "Slow" feed until the marker pulse (Io) from the feedback device
is detected.
When homing in JOG mode, the CNC does not activate the "In-Position"